Plant a Seed


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steve & Judy Evenson


Series Code: PAS

Program Code: PAS000003

00:03 Little Red Oak presents
00:06 Plant a Seed
00:10 with Steve and Judy Evenson.
00:21 Plant a seed, watch it grow
00:25 You will reap what you sow
00:29 Plant God's Word today It will watch your way
00:32 Plant a seed, watch it grow
00:36 Plant God's Word in your heart
00:40 Then the growing will start
00:43 If you plant a seed Growth is guaranteed
00:47 Plant God's Word in your heart
00:51 Plant a seed, watch it grow
00:54 You will reap what you sow
00:58 Plant God's Word today It will watch your way
01:02 Plant a seed, watch it grow
01:13 Wouldn't it have been great to be alive
01:15 when Jesus was on this earth?
01:17 I would like to have heard Him preach
01:19 and watched Him heal the sick.
01:21 I would like to have been standing by the road,
01:23 waving palm branches,
01:24 and singing Hosanna to The Son of David
01:26 when He entered Jerusalem on a donkey.
01:29 It would have been exciting
01:30 to think about having Him as a king.
01:33 Soon, Jesus will come to take us to heaven
01:35 where He will be our king forever.
01:38 His government will be based on love.
01:40 When we think about heaven and having Jesus as our king,
01:43 we can sing Hosanna to The Son of David.
01:48 "Hosanna to the Son of David!
01:51 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"
01:53 Matthew 21:9.
01:58 Hosanna to the Son of David
02:03 Hosanna, hosanna
02:08 Hosanna to the Son of David
02:13 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord
02:22 Hosanna to the Son of David
02:27 Hosanna, hosanna
02:32 Hosanna to the Son of David
02:37 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord
02:46 Hosanna to the Son of David
02:51 Hosanna, hosanna
02:56 Hosanna to the Son of David
03:01 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord
03:23 One day, Jesus was in a temple with His disciples
03:26 when a poor widow came in
03:28 and put two mites in the offering.
03:30 That was not much money at all.
03:32 But Jesus called His disciples to Him
03:35 and told them that she had given
03:36 more than all the other worshippers.
03:39 The disciples couldn't understand what Jesus meant.
03:42 He explained
03:44 that some of the wealthy people had given much
03:46 but they had much more that they could have given.
03:50 The widow gave all that she had because she loved God.
03:54 Listen to what the Bible says about giving.
03:58 "God loves a cheerful giver."
04:01 2 Corinthians 9:7.
04:07 God
04:09 loves a C-H-E-E-R-F-U-L C-H-E-E-R-F-U-L G-I-V-E-R
04:16 God
04:17 loves a C-H-E-E-R-F-U-L G-I-V-E-R
04:25 God loves a cheerful giver
04:29 A cheerful giver, a cheerful giver
04:34 God loves a cheerful giver
04:38 God loves a cheerful giver
04:43 God
04:44 loves a C-H-E-E-R-F-U-L C-H-E-E-R-F-U-L G-I-V-E-R
04:51 God
04:53 loves a C-H-E-E-R-F-U-L G-I-V-E-R
05:00 God loves a cheerful giver
05:05 A cheerful giver, a cheerful giver
05:09 God loves a cheerful giver
05:14 God loves a cheerful giver
05:18 God
05:20 loves a C-H-E-E-R-F-U-L C-H-E-E-R-F-U-L G-I-V-E-R
05:27 God loves a C-H-E-E-R-F-U-L G-I-V-E-R
05:43 Let's read Matthew 24:14.
05:47 "This gospel of the kingdom
05:48 will be preached in the whole world
05:50 as a testimony to all the nations,
05:52 and then the end will come."
05:55 What is the gospel?
05:56 The gospel is the good news.
05:58 The good news about what?
06:00 The good news that Jesus loves us
06:02 and died to save us from our sins.
06:04 That's right.
06:05 But how are we going to preach the gospel?
06:08 I can tell my friends that God loves them.
06:10 I can ask Jesus to give me more of loving heart
06:13 so that others can see the difference
06:14 His love is made in me.
06:16 I can also give money to help send missionaries
06:19 to foreign lands to tell others about the love of Jesus.
06:23 Those are all good ways to help preach the gospel.
06:26 And there's something that each one of us can do
06:28 to help tell others about Jesus
06:30 so that He can come soon
06:32 and take us to live with Him in heaven.
06:35 "This gospel of the kingdom
06:36 will be preached in the whole world
06:39 as a testimony to all the nations,
06:41 and then the end will come."
06:43 Matthew 24:14.
06:49 This gospel of the kingdom
06:51 Will be preached in the whole world
06:54 As a testimony to all nations
06:58 This gospel of the kingdom
07:00 Will be preached in the whole world
07:03 And then the end will come
07:07 This gospel of the kingdom
07:09 Will be preached in the whole world
07:12 As a testimony to all nations
07:16 This gospel of the kingdom
07:18 Will be preached in the whole world
07:21 And then the end will come
07:25 This gospel of the kingdom
07:27 Will be preached in the whole world
07:30 As a testimony to all nations
07:34 This gospel of the kingdom
07:36 Will be preached in the whole world
07:39 And then the end will come
07:55 David was in danger many times during his life.
07:59 He killed a lion and a bear
08:00 to keep them from harming his sheep.
08:03 He fought the giant Goliath and he hid from Saul in a cave
08:07 because he was afraid for his life.
08:09 One thing that David learned through all of these
08:12 was that God is able to protect us
08:14 no matter what happens.
08:16 In Psalm 91,
08:18 David tells us how God protects us.
08:22 "He will command His angels concerning you
08:25 to guard you in all your ways."
08:27 Psalm 91:11.
08:33 He will command His angels
08:37 Concerning you
08:42 To guard you, to guard you
08:46 In all your ways
08:52 He will command His angels
08:56 Concerning you
09:01 To guard you, to guard you
09:05 In all your ways
09:11 He will command His angels
09:15 Concerning you
09:20 To guard you, to guard you
09:24 In all your ways
09:30 He will command His angels
09:34 Concerning you
09:39 To guard you, to guard you
09:43 In all your ways
10:01 Do you ever have friends or grandparents
10:03 come to visit you from a long way away?
10:06 If they have a long way to drive,
10:07 they probably tell you
10:09 what time they expect to arrive.
10:10 But there is no way of knowing exactly
10:12 when they will get there.
10:14 When it gets close to the time that you are expecting them,
10:17 you probably keep running to your window
10:18 every time you hear a car to see if it's them.
10:22 The Bible tells us that there is no way we can know
10:24 when Jesus will come again either.
10:26 But it warns us to watch so that we can know
10:28 when the time is near and to pray
10:30 so that we can be prepared to meet Him when He comes.
10:35 "Keep watch
10:36 because you do not know the day or the hour."
10:39 Matthew 25:13.
10:45 Keep watch, keep watch
10:48 Because you do not know the day or the hour
10:54 Keep watch
10:55 because you do not know the day or the hour
11:02 Keep watch, keep watch
11:05 Because you do not know the day or the hour
11:11 Keep watch
11:12 because you do not know the day or the hour
11:19 Keep watch, keep watch
11:23 Because you do not know the day or the hour
11:28 Keep watch
11:29 because you do not know the day or the hour
11:34 Keep watch, keep watch
11:38 Because you do not know the day or the hour
11:51 If you've ever had someone say something bad
11:53 about your parents or brothers or sisters,
11:56 you should be able to understand this next verse.
11:59 When someone says something unkind
12:01 about someone in your family,
12:02 it probably hurts your feelings and makes you feel sad.
12:06 We are all God's children,
12:08 and Jesus said that if we are unkind to any of His children,
12:11 we are being unkind to Him.
12:14 But if we do something nice for someone,
12:16 we are doing it to Him.
12:18 Remember that anything you do to one of God's children,
12:21 you do to Him.
12:23 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth,
12:27 whatever you did
12:28 for one of the least of these brothers of mine,
12:31 you did for me.'"
12:32 Matthew 25:40.
12:37 The King will reply, I tell you the truth
12:41 Whatever you did
12:44 for one of the least
12:48 Of these brothers of mine,
12:51 you did for me
12:54 The King will reply, I tell you the truth
12:59 Whatever you did for one of the least
13:05 Of these brothers of mine,
13:08 you did for me
13:11 The King will reply, I tell you the truth
13:16 Whatever you did for one of the least
13:22 Of these brothers of mine,
13:25 you did for me
13:29 The King will reply, I tell you the truth
13:33 Whatever you did for one of the least
13:39 Of these brothers of mine,
13:43 you did for me
13:56 I'm sure you've played follow the leader, haven't you?
13:59 I have.
14:00 The fun thing about follow the leader
14:02 is trying to do everything exactly like the leader did it.
14:07 Jesus is our leader,
14:08 and He said that we should do as He has done.
14:12 He showed us how to be loving, and kind, and helpful.
14:16 The way to be really happy is to live everyday
14:19 as we think Jesus would if He were in our place.
14:23 "I have set you an example
14:25 that you should do as I have done for you."
14:28 John 13:15.
14:31 I have, I have
14:36 Set you an example, set you an example
14:41 I have, I have
14:46 Set you an example, set you an example
14:50 That you should do, that you should do
14:55 As I have done, as I have done
15:00 As I have done for you As I have done for you
15:05 I have, I have
15:10 Set you an example, set you an example
15:15 I have, I have
15:19 Set you an example, set you an example
15:24 That you should do, that you should do
15:29 As I have done, as I have done
15:33 As I have done for you
15:37 As I have done for you
15:53 On the same night
15:54 that Jesus washed the disciple's feet,
15:57 He told them to watch and pray
15:59 because He knew they'd be tempted
16:00 to turn away from Him.
16:02 Jesus led the disciples
16:04 to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray.
16:06 Before He prayed, the disciples fell asleep.
16:10 If Jesus who had never sinned needed to pray,
16:14 don't you think the disciples needed to?
16:17 Are you ever tempted
16:18 to do something you know is wrong?
16:20 How do you think you should prepare
16:22 to say no to temptation?
16:25 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation."
16:30 Matthew 26:41.
16:37 Watch and pray, watch and pray
16:44 So that you will not fall into temptation
16:48 Watch and pray
16:52 Watch and pray, watch and pray
17:00 So that you will not fall into temptation
17:04 Watch and pray
17:08 Watch and pray, watch and pray
17:16 So that you will not fall into temptation
17:20 Watch and pray
17:24 Watch and pray, watch and pray
17:31 So that you will not fall into temptation
17:35 Watch and pray
17:52 Have you ever said something
17:53 that you wished you hadn't said?
17:55 That's what Peter did
17:56 on the night before Jesus' crucifixion.
17:59 He was so afraid
18:00 that if people knew he was a friend of Jesus,
18:03 they would hurt him.
18:04 So he said he didn't know Jesus,
18:06 and then he saw a sad look in Jesus' eyes,
18:09 and he wished he'd never said that he didn't know Him.
18:12 Jesus knew that Peter was sorry and He forgave him.
18:16 He will forgive our sins too if we will just ask Him to.
18:20 "You are forgiving and good, O Lord."
18:23 Psalm 86:5.
18:28 You are forgiving, You are forgiving
18:33 You are forgiving and good, O Lord
18:38 You are forgiving, You are good
18:43 You are forgiving and good, O Lord
18:47 You are forgiving, You are forgiving
18:52 You are forgiving and good, O Lord
18:57 You are forgiving, You are good
19:02 You are forgiving and good, O Lord
19:07 You are forgiving, You are forgiving
19:11 You are forgiving and good, O Lord
19:16 You are forgiving, You are good
19:21 You are forgiving and good, O Lord
19:26 You are forgiving, You are forgiving
19:31 You are forgiving and good, O Lord
19:35 You are forgiving, You are good
19:40 You are forgiving and good, O Lord.
19:55 What is the most important thing in your life?
19:58 Think carefully.
20:00 Our families are important to us.
20:02 Our friends are important.
20:04 Our toys may be important to us.
20:06 Or you may think that money is pretty important.
20:09 But do you realize that any of these things
20:11 can be taken away from us at any time?
20:14 There is only one thing
20:15 that can't be taken away from us,
20:17 and that's Jesus.
20:19 That's why the Bible says
20:21 that we should seek His kingdom,
20:23 which means that we should get to know Him
20:26 and ask Him to make us like Him.
20:29 Listen.
20:30 "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,
20:35 and all these things will be given to you as well."
20:39 Matthew 6:33.
20:46 Seek first His kingdom
20:51 And His righteousness
20:55 And all these things will be given to you
21:01 As well
21:05 Seek first His kingdom
21:10 And His righteousness
21:14 And all these things will be given to you
21:20 As well
21:24 Seek first His kingdom
21:29 And His righteousness
21:33 And all these things will be given to you
21:39 As well
21:43 Seek first His kingdom
21:47 And His righteousness
21:52 And all these things will be given to you
21:58 As well
22:02 And all these things will be given to you
22:08 As well.
22:22 One night, on the evening news,
22:24 I saw a picture of a plane that had crashed into a river.
22:28 It was in the middle of the winter
22:29 and the water was icy cold.
22:32 I'll never forget seeing the picture of a young man
22:35 who kept jumping in to rescue other passengers
22:38 who were unable to get out of the water
22:39 by themselves.
22:41 He could easily have lost his life
22:43 while he was saving others.
22:44 But that was the risk that he was willing to take.
22:47 Jesus willing died to save all
22:50 who would accept the gift of salvation.
22:52 There is no greater love than that.
22:55 "Greater love has no one than this
22:59 that he lay down his life for his friends."
23:04 John 15:13.
23:08 Greater love has no one
23:13 no one, no one
23:18 Greater love has no one than this
23:22 That he lay down his life for his friends
23:30 Greater love has no one
23:35 no one, no one
23:39 Greater love has no one than this
23:44 That he lay down his life for his friends
24:01 Imagine that you had a friend
24:03 who had been really special to you,
24:06 someone who always knew
24:07 just what to say to make you feel better,
24:10 someone who encouraged you instead of scolding you
24:12 when you did something wrong.
24:14 Now imagine your special friend died,
24:18 you'd feel pretty sad, wouldn't you?
24:21 That's how the disciples and Mary
24:22 and the rest of Jesus' followers felt
24:24 on the Sunday morning after Jesus' death.
24:27 But Jesus didn't stay in the grave, did He?
24:30 If Jesus had stayed in the grave,
24:32 we wouldn't have any hope of eternal life.
24:35 I am glad He was raised from the dead.
24:37 How about you?
24:40 "Christ has indeed been raised from the dead."
24:43 1 Corinthians 15:20.
24:50 Christ has indeed been raised from the dead
24:53 Raised from the death, raised from the dead
24:57 Christ has indeed been raised from the dead
25:01 Christ has indeed been raised
25:04 Christ has indeed been raised from the dead
25:08 Raised from the death, raised from the dead
25:11 Christ has indeed been raised from the dead
25:15 Christ has indeed been raised
25:19 Christ has indeed been raised from the dead
25:22 Raised from the death, raised from the dead
25:26 Christ has indeed been raised from the dead
25:29 Christ has indeed been raised
25:33 Christ has indeed been raised from the dead
25:37 Raised from the death, raised from the dead
25:40 Christ has indeed been raised from the dead
25:44 Christ has indeed been raised
25:47 Christ has indeed been raised
25:51 Christ has indeed been raised
26:02 Have you ever wished you lived in a bigger house,
26:04 or have nicer clothes to wear, or more toys?
26:08 I bet some of you would like to have a new bicycle
26:11 or better if you had a four wheeler.
26:13 Most of us have wants.
26:16 There's nothing wrong with these things.
26:18 But the Bible encourages us to be content with what we have
26:22 because no matter what, God is always with us.
26:27 "Be content with what you have because God has said,
26:30 'Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.'"
26:34 Hebrews 13:5.
26:39 Be content with what you have
26:43 Be content with what you have
26:47 Because God has said
26:50 Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you
26:57 Be content with what you have
27:02 Be content with what you have
27:06 Because God has said
27:08 Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you
27:15 Be content with what you have
27:20 Be content with what you have
27:24 Because God has said
27:26 Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you
27:33 Be content with what you have
27:38 Be content with what you have
27:42 Because God has said
27:45 Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you
27:51 Never will I forsake you


Revised 2019-02-18