You know if you have come here to 00:01:02.14\00:01:03.92 Michigan Men of Faith. 00:01:04.27\00:01:05.52 You've come to be blessed for sure, 00:01:08.93\00:01:11.50 but I believe that you are probably here because 00:01:13.13\00:01:15.70 you have a determination in your heart that you're 00:01:16.55\00:01:20.65 not just going to be one of those kind of men, 00:01:20.66\00:01:23.67 who follows along behind whatever wind is driving 00:01:25.11\00:01:30.25 itself through the church or through the world. 00:01:30.26\00:01:32.87 You're here because you believe 00:01:33.92\00:01:36.49 God can lead through you. 00:01:36.50\00:01:38.82 You will be a soldier of Christ then in God's army. 00:01:39.81\00:01:44.54 Let's sing that song Soldiers of Christ Arise. 00:01:44.55\00:01:47.97 Soldiers of Christ, arise, And put your armor on, 00:01:58.52\00:02:07.35 Strong in the strength which God supplies, 00:02:07.36\00:02:12.27 Through His eternal Son; 00:02:12.28\00:02:16.85 Strong in the Lord of hosts, 00:02:16.86\00:02:21.73 And in His mighty pow'r, 00:02:21.74\00:02:26.35 Who in the strength of Jesus trusts 00:02:26.75\00:02:31.35 Is more than conqueror? 00:02:31.36\00:02:36.43 Stand then in His great might, 00:02:37.18\00:02:41.74 With all His strength endued; 00:02:41.75\00:02:47.08 But take, to arm you for the fight, 00:02:47.09\00:02:51.64 The panoply of God; 00:02:51.65\00:02:56.63 That, having all things done, 00:02:56.64\00:03:01.43 And all your conflicts passed, 00:03:01.44\00:03:06.21 You may o'ercome through Christ alone, 00:03:06.22\00:03:11.38 And stand entire at last. 00:03:11.39\00:03:17.15 From strength to strength go on; 00:03:17.49\00:03:21.87 Wrestle, and fight, and pray; 00:03:21.88\00:03:26.37 Tread all the power of darkness down, 00:03:27.13\00:03:32.20 And win the well-fought day: 00:03:32.21\00:03:36.31 Still let the Spirit cry 00:03:37.17\00:03:41.79 In all His soldiers, "Come!" 00:03:41.80\00:03:46.84 Till Christ the Lord who reigns on high, 00:03:46.85\00:03:52.07 Shall take the conquerors home. 00:03:52.08\00:03:58.39 Amen! Well if you're going to be a 00:04:00.12\00:04:03.05 Soldier of Christ, how many of you think 00:04:03.06\00:04:06.48 that you can just branch out on your own 00:04:06.49\00:04:09.45 and you can walk the path alone and you can fight 00:04:10.92\00:04:13.29 the battle alone. You think you need help, 00:04:13.30\00:04:16.52 amen. We can use help from each other, 00:04:17.45\00:04:19.93 but unless we have Jesus walking with us, 00:04:20.41\00:04:22.75 we won't accomplish much, will we, 00:04:23.55\00:04:25.24 we'll be overcome. And so let's sing the 00:04:25.67\00:04:28.79 next song I Want Jesus to Walk With Me. 00:04:28.80\00:04:32.12 I want Jesus to walk with me 00:04:41.49\00:04:50.34 I want Jesus to walk with me 00:04:51.97\00:05:02.15 All along my pilgrim journey, 00:05:02.16\00:05:12.60 I want Jesus to walk with me 00:05:12.61\00:05:22.16 In my trials, Lord, walk with me 00:05:23.39\00:05:32.26 In my trials, Lord, walk with me 00:05:33.52\00:05:43.02 When the shades of life are falling, 00:05:43.36\00:05:52.97 I want Jesus to walk with me. 00:05:53.62\00:06:03.46 In my sorrows, Lord, walk with me. 00:06:04.27\00:06:12.92 In my sorrows, Lord, walk with me. 00:06:14.51\00:06:24.39 When my heart within is aching, 00:06:24.57\00:06:33.35 I want Jesus to walk with me 00:06:35.32\00:06:45.94 Amen! Thank you. Amen, amen! 00:06:46.58\00:06:49.53 Good morning men, happy Sabbath. 00:09:35.57\00:09:37.36 Good morning. I want to thank Byron Graves, 00:09:37.70\00:09:40.46 our music teacher here our band and 00:09:40.88\00:09:44.13 bell choir teacher here at 00:09:44.52\00:09:45.83 Great Lakes Adventist Academy, 00:09:45.84\00:09:47.39 and I want to thank all of you students for 00:09:47.74\00:09:49.67 coming and be in willing and sharing your talents 00:09:49.68\00:09:52.01 with us this Sabbath day. You know it's just such a 00:09:52.02\00:09:56.59 privilege to be able to come together as men 00:09:56.73\00:10:00.62 and to be able to worship God. 00:10:00.63\00:10:02.98 This is the day that the Lord has made for us 00:10:04.35\00:10:09.29 to get to know Him, and for us to be reminded 00:10:09.30\00:10:13.38 that He created us, He loves us, 00:10:14.49\00:10:18.88 and He wants to spend time with us, 00:10:19.36\00:10:21.62 like never before the enemy of our souls, 00:10:23.35\00:10:26.55 the enemy of God is doing everything 00:10:26.56\00:10:29.42 he can do to try to ruin our experience. 00:10:29.43\00:10:33.24 As men, he wants to slam us, he wants 00:10:33.92\00:10:38.20 to degrade us, he wants to be little less, 00:10:38.21\00:10:41.64 he wants to weaken our faith. 00:10:42.03\00:10:43.81 If you turn on any television show 00:10:44.52\00:10:47.76 and you look at any family on there, 00:10:47.77\00:10:50.77 the man might have the nice house but 00:10:51.28\00:10:53.70 he is projected as an idiot. 00:10:53.71\00:10:55.51 We are under attack men, but we are called today 00:10:58.64\00:11:04.05 to come together as men to strengthen one another, 00:11:04.06\00:11:09.09 to build faith and to be reminded that 00:11:09.10\00:11:12.76 there is a God in heaven that loves us. 00:11:12.77\00:11:15.50 There is a God in heaven 00:11:16.17\00:11:17.72 that has paid for our sins. Amen! 00:11:17.73\00:11:22.58 That God became sin for us 00:11:23.03\00:11:28.84 and He took our penalty, He took our shame. 00:11:30.43\00:11:34.09 This morning I invite you to bow your heads 00:11:36.17\00:11:40.34 with me as we pray and as we ask the 00:11:40.35\00:11:45.16 presence of God to be here with us. 00:11:45.17\00:11:47.13 Father in Heaven, we want to thank you so much 00:11:47.70\00:11:51.03 for this day tha you've given us. 00:11:51.38\00:11:53.54 This isn't a day where we come to be entertained. 00:11:54.96\00:11:58.39 This is your Holy Sabbath day. 00:12:01.39\00:12:03.70 We have come to worship you amen men. Amen! 00:12:06.74\00:12:10.53 We have come to praise you and give you honor. 00:12:12.30\00:12:15.27 We have been under attack but you are a God 00:12:16.88\00:12:20.83 that can and will help us. 00:12:20.84\00:12:23.57 We know that you love us within everlasting love, 00:12:26.08\00:12:30.18 and so today Lord we pray that you would help us 00:12:30.29\00:12:35.44 to forget about everything else, 00:12:35.45\00:12:37.27 everything in this world is gonna burn anyway, 00:12:40.22\00:12:42.94 and help us to focus on what you have to say to us. 00:12:45.07\00:12:51.66 Lord we want to be the man you want us to be, 00:12:53.96\00:12:56.47 but it's impossible without your help. 00:12:56.80\00:12:59.20 So Lord we just want to invite you into our hearts 00:13:01.62\00:13:06.18 work through work that you need to do. 00:13:08.00\00:13:09.70 I ask your blessing on every speaker, 00:13:11.32\00:13:14.13 and everything that happens today may Jesus 00:13:16.20\00:13:19.78 receive the praise and the glory. Amen! 00:13:20.31\00:13:24.03 I want you to turn with me in your Bibles 00:13:26.24\00:13:28.58 to the Book of Acts. 00:13:28.59\00:13:29.99 In the Book of Acts, it's an amazing book of 00:13:42.13\00:13:46.54 stories of men that, had once been disappointed 00:13:47.79\00:13:52.92 and Jesus has strengthened them, 00:13:54.21\00:13:55.88 and they were on fire, they were filled with the 00:13:56.71\00:13:59.91 Holy Spirit in the 4th chapter of Acts. 00:13:59.92\00:14:02.43 I want you to look at verse 13; you see 00:14:03.34\00:14:08.38 Peter was called before they send Hedren. 00:14:08.39\00:14:10.97 You know Peter's story, he was zealous for God. 00:14:12.78\00:14:16.23 He wasn't ashamed of God at that garden, 00:14:17.66\00:14:21.31 and he took that sword and he cut off 00:14:22.11\00:14:25.18 Malchus' ear. God, I am with you 00:14:25.19\00:14:28.84 if everybody else leaves you, I am with you, 00:14:28.85\00:14:32.17 I've got your back and he had God's back. 00:14:32.18\00:14:34.64 In only a way a sinful man could have God's back, 00:14:37.86\00:14:41.71 he cut off the ear of Malchus and Jesus, 00:14:41.72\00:14:45.02 He put it back together and He said 00:14:45.03\00:14:46.92 that's not what I am all about Peter. 00:14:47.32\00:14:49.23 Not long after that we find Peter warming 00:14:50.70\00:14:53.99 himself up to a fire denying Christ, 00:14:54.00\00:14:56.62 I don't know him, I don't know him, 00:14:57.23\00:14:59.26 maybe a few swear words were appropriate 00:15:00.56\00:15:03.76 are in order, I don't want to be associated 00:15:03.77\00:15:07.48 with this. I was with God, 00:15:07.49\00:15:11.41 I had His back in the garden, but I don't know 00:15:11.42\00:15:14.59 how to deal with the cross, 00:15:14.60\00:15:16.52 I don't know how to deal with this. 00:15:18.30\00:15:20.01 And Jesus has been taken captive; 00:15:22.38\00:15:24.49 He is not doing His stuff. He is not performing 00:15:24.50\00:15:27.67 the miracles. I don't know how to deal with this. 00:15:27.68\00:15:31.57 In fact I don't understand the cross. 00:15:33.15\00:15:35.98 I am ashamed of the cross 00:15:35.99\00:15:38.98 and Peter is denying his Lord 00:15:40.16\00:15:44.64 and the rooster crowed. Peter remembers the 00:15:44.65\00:15:49.50 words of Christ, I can only imagine Peter going 00:15:49.51\00:15:53.05 and weeping what if I die, what if I die. 00:15:53.06\00:15:58.24 Jesus meets Peter after the resurrection, 00:16:03.08\00:16:05.76 and how they were fishing you know the story, 00:16:06.18\00:16:08.14 He meets Peter and He says Peter, 00:16:08.60\00:16:11.42 He says do you love me. Peter says you know 00:16:11.43\00:16:14.71 I do Lord. Feed my sheep, He asked him that 00:16:14.72\00:16:20.49 three times Peter, he is starting to get it, 00:16:20.50\00:16:24.34 he is starting to understand the cross, 00:16:26.61\00:16:29.16 sacrifice. He is starting to understand the 00:16:29.52\00:16:32.71 commitment that God ask for His people 00:16:32.72\00:16:36.08 that being a Christian is not about, 00:16:38.35\00:16:40.36 okay God I am on your side, now you've got to 00:16:40.37\00:16:42.68 help me pay my bills, you've got to help 00:16:42.69\00:16:44.28 me do this, you've got to help me do that, 00:16:44.29\00:16:46.06 if you take care of me I am with you. 00:16:46.07\00:16:48.07 But wait a minute the least inconvenience, 00:16:49.43\00:16:51.88 and I am not sure that I want to follow you. 00:16:51.89\00:16:53.76 Today, Jesus is telling us through Peter 00:16:56.11\00:17:01.26 and through all of those that have lived 00:17:01.27\00:17:03.41 and followed Him that the cross demanded sacrifice, 00:17:03.42\00:17:11.39 a commitment and I want to ask you men, 00:17:11.75\00:17:15.59 is Jesus Christ enough for you and I today. 00:17:15.60\00:17:20.14 The world is looking for miracles, 00:17:21.46\00:17:23.55 manifestations to be taken care of, 00:17:23.56\00:17:26.10 to be the least inconvenienced. 00:17:26.11\00:17:29.34 Is Calvary enough for you 00:17:31.11\00:17:34.78 or must you have a feeling, 00:17:35.58\00:17:38.03 must you always be on a high. 00:17:40.40\00:17:44.20 In the 13 verse of Acts chapter 4 something 00:17:50.19\00:17:55.28 happened to Peter, something happened 00:17:55.29\00:18:00.41 to Peter, and when they saw the boldness 00:18:00.42\00:18:05.67 of Peter and John and perceived that 00:18:05.68\00:18:10.00 they were uneducated and untrained men, 00:18:10.01\00:18:14.12 they marveled and they realized that 00:18:14.13\00:18:20.10 they had been with Jesus. Amen! 00:18:20.11\00:18:23.99 I want to ask you this men, 00:18:26.78\00:18:28.67 today when you leave this place of worship, 00:18:30.85\00:18:35.74 will your wives, will your the people that 00:18:37.39\00:18:40.23 you work with, or will your kids know 00:18:40.24\00:18:42.95 will those that you associate with. 00:18:42.96\00:18:45.76 Will they say wow! What has happened to you, 00:18:47.54\00:18:49.91 you've been with Jesus. Amen! 00:18:51.31\00:18:54.28 You see it's really up to you, because Jesus, 00:18:58.67\00:19:03.98 He has a message for us. I want to turn, 00:19:05.63\00:19:11.96 ask you to turn with me one more time just 00:19:11.97\00:19:15.97 a page over to chapter 5, 00:19:15.98\00:19:19.41 the apostles has been beaten, 00:19:21.58\00:19:23.22 they had been beaten in verse 40, 00:19:27.72\00:19:30.47 and they agreed with him and when they had called, 00:19:33.75\00:19:36.56 I am in Acts chapter 5 verse 40 00:19:36.90\00:19:39.49 are you with me say amen. Amen! 00:19:39.50\00:19:41.57 And they called for the apostles and beaten them, 00:19:42.06\00:19:44.96 they commanded that they should not speak 00:19:45.91\00:19:48.39 in the name of Jesus, and let them go. 00:19:48.40\00:19:51.89 Verse 41, so they departed from the 00:19:53.75\00:19:55.88 presence of the council, rejoicing 00:19:55.89\00:19:58.91 that they were counted worthy to suffer shame 00:20:00.43\00:20:03.77 for His name. And daily in the temple, 00:20:05.03\00:20:09.67 and in every house, they did not ceased teaching 00:20:10.08\00:20:14.26 and preaching Jesus as the Christ. Amen! 00:20:15.09\00:20:20.55 Something had happened, something had clicked. 00:20:23.18\00:20:30.03 They realized that they didn't have to live 00:20:32.48\00:20:37.57 their life by feeling that they could live 00:20:37.58\00:20:42.98 their life by faith in Christ and if that meant 00:20:42.99\00:20:47.07 suffering hardship, if that meant suffering 00:20:47.08\00:20:51.75 pain and humiliation who at one time 00:20:51.76\00:20:54.99 Peter was not willing to go through. 00:20:55.00\00:20:57.95 But something had taken place, 00:21:03.17\00:21:05.32 they began to understand Calvary. 00:21:07.71\00:21:10.26 I want to ask you men, 00:21:13.70\00:21:14.67 are you willing to spend that time with Jesus, 00:21:18.08\00:21:25.50 we beg for the times that you have denied 00:21:26.09\00:21:30.32 Christ we all have, we all have fallen short of 00:21:30.33\00:21:34.56 the glory of God. We've all denied 00:21:34.57\00:21:36.63 Him in someway. We've all, we all have 00:21:36.79\00:21:42.06 misunderstood His mission and His plan, 00:21:42.07\00:21:44.53 but it takes time, it takes time to be able to 00:21:45.79\00:21:50.76 come together to be able to take that quite time 00:21:50.77\00:21:55.99 as well and to be able to say Lord 00:21:56.00\00:21:59.67 would you deepen my understanding 00:22:00.31\00:22:02.64 of the Calvary? Would you deepen my 00:22:02.65\00:22:06.07 understanding of your love for me? 00:22:06.08\00:22:08.10 Would you help me, because I want to go 00:22:08.83\00:22:16.54 through the pain and the sorrow of what 00:22:16.55\00:22:21.85 the last day prophets have told 00:22:21.86\00:22:24.60 we would go through, with your presence 00:22:24.61\00:22:28.78 by me rejoicing, thinking that I am nothing, 00:22:28.79\00:22:34.12 I am worthless without you, 00:22:34.46\00:22:37.27 but I am everything with you? Amen! 00:22:39.04\00:22:42.15 This morning we have that opportunity 00:22:44.24\00:22:46.29 to pause and to pray. 00:22:47.15\00:22:49.05 I want to ask, if you men would ask for the 00:22:51.27\00:22:57.26 Holy Spirit to be with each of you, 00:22:57.27\00:23:00.60 that you would get in prayer of men's of two's 00:23:00.61\00:23:02.94 and three's here in just a minute, 00:23:02.95\00:23:04.73 three's four's put your arms around each other, 00:23:06.72\00:23:11.01 pray for one another, and pray that the 00:23:12.52\00:23:14.61 Holy Spirit would be here today. 00:23:14.62\00:23:16.43 And it's not just for the inconvenience 00:23:19.31\00:23:21.56 that you're gonna have to go through waiting 00:23:21.57\00:23:23.24 for the meal today because you will. 00:23:23.25\00:23:25.45 We've got to feed 500 plus, now it's gonna be 00:23:25.90\00:23:28.59 a thousand here today. 00:23:28.60\00:23:29.90 It's not the inconvenience as 00:23:31.69\00:23:34.38 you may find in your everyday life 00:23:34.39\00:23:36.65 whether or not you know you get the choice 00:23:36.66\00:23:41.82 or you have to wait so long for your meal 00:23:41.83\00:23:45.25 at a restaurant. Are you willing to die for Jesus? 00:23:45.26\00:23:51.27 Are you willing to say yes Jesus is my Lord. 00:23:55.00\00:23:58.64 I don't care what you think about me, 00:23:59.18\00:24:00.79 but I do care what you think about Him. Amen! 00:24:01.34\00:24:04.29 I ask for you to divide up now and pray for 00:24:06.00\00:24:09.33 one another and pray for the Holy Spirit because 00:24:09.34\00:24:11.97 I believe that we assembled here like 00:24:11.98\00:24:15.69 this can move the right arm of our 00:24:15.70\00:24:19.29 Father in Heaven, and Jesus who is in the 00:24:19.30\00:24:22.85 most holy place right now where judgment 00:24:22.86\00:24:25.99 is about to end. 00:24:26.00\00:24:27.16 Here is our prayer and will commission 00:24:28.99\00:24:31.59 angels to work for us, let's pray. 00:24:31.60\00:24:36.05 Turn your eyes upon Jesus, 00:25:15.08\00:25:23.27 Look full in His wonderful face, 00:25:23.59\00:25:31.33 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, 00:25:31.71\00:25:41.28 In the light of His glory and grace. 00:25:41.95\00:25:51.25 Good morning Michigan Men of Faith. 00:25:54.42\00:25:55.98 It's wonderful to see you here today. 00:25:55.99\00:25:58.08 And the Lord has given us a beautiful day. 00:25:58.68\00:26:00.50 I've Rodney MacCallum here and with me 00:26:01.42\00:26:05.44 he is a Bible teacher for the Michigan Conference, 00:26:05.45\00:26:08.76 and he is, his ministry is directed toward 00:26:09.26\00:26:14.61 reaching out to our Muslim friends you know 00:26:14.99\00:26:17.98 there are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world 00:26:17.99\00:26:22.31 somewhat like that and Jesus loves them 00:26:22.32\00:26:26.06 and we want them to hear God's last warning 00:26:26.75\00:26:29.68 message before Jesus comes. Amen! 00:26:29.69\00:26:31.99 And, so he has been, been doing this 00:26:32.29\00:26:36.17 and he has been very clear who he is, 00:26:36.18\00:26:39.47 he is the Seventh-day Adventist, a Bible teacher. 00:26:39.48\00:26:41.82 And, so we are going to share this morning 00:26:42.49\00:26:45.18 some of experiences that God has been giving 00:26:45.19\00:26:48.71 him and the doors that are been open. 00:26:48.72\00:26:50.39 So I would like to turn to you Brother Rodney 00:26:50.98\00:26:53.32 and let you began by maybe sharing 00:26:53.33\00:26:56.68 what happened recently in Australia. 00:26:56.69\00:26:59.56 Now when you hear him speak you know 00:26:59.57\00:27:00.94 he is not from Michigan, but he has got a 00:27:00.95\00:27:04.40 beautiful Australian accent that 00:27:04.41\00:27:06.17 we all enjoy hearing, but he was back home 00:27:06.18\00:27:08.71 getting his visas cleared away and what happened? 00:27:09.22\00:27:14.49 I, as Jay Gallimore has said I, I am a guest 00:27:16.36\00:27:21.56 in this country and my visa end, 00:27:21.57\00:27:24.11 periodically I have to, have a checked 00:27:25.31\00:27:27.11 and I sent to the consultant in Sydney, 00:27:27.12\00:27:30.92 Australia. And, the next person who followed 00:27:30.93\00:27:35.73 me in was, was a wonderful Muslim lady, 00:27:35.74\00:27:39.35 she was running late for her appointment, 00:27:39.88\00:27:41.64 I was early so I insist that she get before me. 00:27:41.65\00:27:44.21 We fell into a wonderful conversation 00:27:44.74\00:27:46.74 and this is a special lady. And about 45 minutes 00:27:48.54\00:27:52.68 afterwards when it came to a point 00:27:52.69\00:27:54.86 where this lady had to prove that she could 00:27:54.87\00:27:57.90 cover the cost of her visa, 00:27:58.45\00:28:00.48 she had a Debit Card and surprisingly the, 00:28:00.83\00:28:04.33 the US Consulate doesn't accept the debit card, 00:28:04.90\00:28:07.19 she didn't have cash or credit, 00:28:07.91\00:28:09.54 and I could see what was going to happen 00:28:10.61\00:28:12.28 because she needs to be in this country for the 00:28:12.29\00:28:17.02 birth of her grandchild, if she left the Consulate 00:28:17.03\00:28:21.87 to find an ATM machine she would lose her place, 00:28:22.44\00:28:25.60 and she would lose a month. 00:28:25.98\00:28:27.26 So, I just simply step forward and I covered 00:28:27.97\00:28:30.79 the cost of the visa for her. 00:28:30.80\00:28:34.28 Now that active kindness and there is a huge 00:28:35.31\00:28:39.74 lesson there for all of us as we, 00:28:39.75\00:28:41.53 as we share God's love with our Muslim friends, 00:28:41.54\00:28:45.48 a huge lesson that active kindness 00:28:45.49\00:28:47.87 what did that happened, you didn't do it for 00:28:47.88\00:28:50.82 anything except just to be a blessing to her 00:28:51.26\00:28:53.30 but God used it. 00:28:53.31\00:28:54.60 The result of that was the some of the Islamic 00:28:56.95\00:29:02.83 community in Sydney, they invited me to speak 00:29:02.84\00:29:07.59 in the mosque as a Seventh-day Adventist 00:29:07.60\00:29:10.38 to present whatever message I believed 00:29:10.39\00:29:13.13 that Islam need to hear from a 00:29:13.50\00:29:16.17 Seventh-day Adventist. Amen! 00:29:16.18\00:29:18.20 Now, so here you are invited and 00:29:19.56\00:29:22.17 you're gonna see a Michigan connection 00:29:22.18\00:29:24.26 here a little bit, God just keeps opening marvelous 00:29:24.27\00:29:27.60 doors so he went there and what did you say 00:29:27.61\00:29:31.76 what did you tell folk. 00:29:31.77\00:29:33.22 Well, when I, everything that I spoke 00:29:34.78\00:29:40.71 and I was hesitant, I was nervous, 00:29:40.72\00:29:45.04 but the Muslims very quickly made me 00:29:46.13\00:29:48.89 feel at ease, and when I did start to speak 00:29:48.90\00:29:51.70 sitting down up in a rest room, the hall 00:29:52.42\00:29:56.16 that I speaking in was packed, 00:29:56.17\00:29:58.11 people were standing around the walls. 00:29:59.12\00:30:00.49 So, so I spoke about, who we are a 00:30:01.60\00:30:05.03 Seventh-day Adventist. I used the 391 years 00:30:05.04\00:30:12.07 and 15 day prophecy as the tool. 00:30:12.08\00:30:14.42 The loss of autonomy of the Ottoman Empire 00:30:16.49\00:30:19.64 and on eleventh floor we sat in forty 00:30:20.02\00:30:23.22 and that day for Seventh-day Adventist 00:30:23.70\00:30:25.83 is very important because it is a linchpin 00:30:25.84\00:30:28.85 for the accuracy or our understanding 00:30:29.67\00:30:31.79 of the accuracy of that prophetic message 00:30:31.80\00:30:33.81 and prophetic understanding. 00:30:33.82\00:30:35.26 So, here you have the demise of Ottoman Empire 00:30:35.95\00:30:42.19 from that date you know the rise of this, 00:30:42.20\00:30:45.02 this wonderful understanding of prophecy 00:30:45.70\00:30:48.70 that we have, yes, and they saw that. 00:30:48.71\00:30:54.67 So I, I spoke actually I have some notes 00:30:56.33\00:31:00.19 here to make it simpler for me, 00:31:00.20\00:31:01.77 show us right now. Spoke about, Jesus in the Quran, 00:31:01.78\00:31:10.14 they use. Now that probably a surprise to 00:31:11.22\00:31:13.93 lot of people, people will don't, they often 00:31:13.94\00:31:16.01 think the Muslims don't really know much 00:31:16.02\00:31:18.88 about Jesus, but the truth is He is actually 00:31:18.89\00:31:21.88 in the Quran. Very much so, they up hold 00:31:21.89\00:31:26.21 Jesus Christ says certainly as a prophet 00:31:26.22\00:31:29.95 the word of God, the spirit of God, a sign, 00:31:30.57\00:31:36.83 the mercy of God. They look forward to the 00:31:37.99\00:31:42.44 second coming of Jesus Christ, the return of 00:31:42.45\00:31:44.81 Jesus Christ or Esa Al Masseh is the name 00:31:44.82\00:31:47.95 they used for Jesus the Messiah. 00:31:47.96\00:31:50.37 Esa being Arabic for Jesus 00:31:50.38\00:31:53.36 Al is the word for the, and Masseh with Messiah. 00:31:53.37\00:31:59.01 So, so here in the Quran, I mean the Quran 00:31:59.02\00:32:02.91 looking forward to the coming of Jesus, 00:32:03.49\00:32:07.16 yes, just as we are in a sense, 00:32:07.59\00:32:09.98 they are looking forward to the coming of Jesus. 00:32:09.99\00:32:12.32 So that gives you some common knowledge, 00:32:12.33\00:32:14.02 where did that, where did you go from there? 00:32:14.03\00:32:15.73 The bottom line for Muslims in ourselves is 00:32:20.16\00:32:22.54 of course you know the God their understanding 00:32:23.84\00:32:26.49 of God, the understanding of 00:32:26.50\00:32:27.97 Jesus Christ and so I went to the 00:32:27.98\00:32:31.82 Old Testaments sanctuary just 00:32:31.83\00:32:34.56 explain that. I spoke about the corruption 00:32:34.57\00:32:40.52 of the Bible, the Quran points to the Bible, 00:32:40.53\00:32:43.77 but Muslims believe that because we don't have 00:32:45.52\00:32:47.72 the original manuscripts then with in this 00:32:47.73\00:32:50.56 translations that has been corrupted 00:32:50.57\00:32:52.71 and I spoke in a manner I explained our 00:32:52.72\00:33:01.06 perspective and they were, they were happy 00:33:01.07\00:33:04.06 with that at the end of that, 00:33:04.07\00:33:05.56 and I just add when I started to speak 00:33:05.57\00:33:10.16 I was given the half-an-hour to speak 00:33:10.17\00:33:11.72 it was from 8.30 un till 9.00 pm in the evening, 00:33:11.73\00:33:14.69 was the Friday evening and Sabbath for us. 00:33:14.70\00:33:16.64 When it came to 9 pm I look down to the 00:33:17.53\00:33:22.50 gentleman who would have invited me, 00:33:22.51\00:33:24.06 he is the sheik, and I said I think my 00:33:25.59\00:33:28.01 half hour is up and he said keep going 00:33:28.02\00:33:31.89 take as long as you want this is important. 00:33:32.26\00:33:34.46 So, instead of stopping at 9 pm I stopped at 00:33:34.97\00:33:39.32 10 past 11, but I, I spoke about Israel 00:33:40.25\00:33:48.91 simply being a flag today, 00:33:49.63\00:33:51.49 Israel is a big issue for Muslims as 00:33:52.24\00:33:54.96 we are all aware. And, we believe that Israel 00:33:54.97\00:34:00.06 is on your flag also. I spoke about the 00:34:00.07\00:34:04.79 children of the East started in Genesis 00:34:04.80\00:34:06.93 went through all the way through to 00:34:06.94\00:34:08.31 The Book of Revelation following the children 00:34:08.32\00:34:11.26 of the East all the way, all the way through. 00:34:11.27\00:34:13.60 And at the end of it I spoke about ourselves 00:34:14.99\00:34:18.67 as Seventh-day Adventist and I said that 00:34:18.68\00:34:21.37 if we as Seventh-day Adventist have vines 00:34:22.29\00:34:24.83 growing over our doors even over the doors 00:34:24.84\00:34:27.94 of our churches, then our doors are close 00:34:27.95\00:34:32.84 to God. And, I also flipped it over to the 00:34:33.60\00:34:38.88 Muslims and I said if your doors are close 00:34:38.89\00:34:41.14 to us to the rest of humanity, 00:34:41.15\00:34:44.18 if your doors have wines growing over 00:34:44.19\00:34:46.65 you know the doors today mosque's then speaking 00:34:49.85\00:34:54.73 to the Muslims you know your doors 00:34:54.74\00:34:56.17 are closed too a lot. And, and they got instantly 00:34:56.18\00:35:01.20 and then I, I finished up really by, 00:35:02.56\00:35:06.76 by an invitation to them saying that if ask 00:35:06.77\00:35:10.00 them if I had found faith in their eyes that 00:35:10.01\00:35:14.21 I was willing to come back to explain our 00:35:14.96\00:35:19.18 prophetic message, the prophetic warning 00:35:19.19\00:35:21.19 for all of mankind which I had stress through 00:35:21.20\00:35:25.12 my lecture. And, it was unanimous that I return, 00:35:25.13\00:35:31.14 they were insistent that I return. Amen! 00:35:31.15\00:35:35.27 They actually voted it, they put it to vote, 00:35:35.28\00:35:37.15 am I correct. Yes and they made me stand up 00:35:37.16\00:35:39.04 and, and it's in a room like this and I had to 00:35:39.05\00:35:42.46 look all the hands and they, 00:35:42.47\00:35:44.70 I am not embarrassing anything they were 00:35:45.91\00:35:48.04 all smiling and I mean it was a special moment 00:35:50.36\00:35:53.82 it's one of the honestly it's one of the highlight 00:35:53.83\00:35:56.56 of my life. So you did go back, yes, 00:35:56.57\00:35:59.59 and what did you talk about when you went back? 00:35:59.60\00:36:00.83 When I went back my colleague Sam Bonello 00:36:02.36\00:36:06.51 is an other Australian, there is two of us 00:36:08.57\00:36:10.34 involved in this ministry here in Michigan and we, 00:36:10.35\00:36:14.17 we had to decide we'll had to re-approach 00:36:14.18\00:36:17.55 this and we chose to start with Daniel 2 00:36:17.56\00:36:22.62 in a conventional manner, because if our message 00:36:22.63\00:36:29.29 was accepted by Islam then everybody in this 00:36:29.30\00:36:34.08 room all you men already have the tools 00:36:34.09\00:36:37.67 available to you to share out our prophetic 00:36:37.68\00:36:42.60 warning with the Muslims. 00:36:42.61\00:36:43.58 So we started with Daniel 2 currently 00:36:44.28\00:36:46.53 we are up to Revelation 14. 00:36:46.54\00:36:50.79 We didn't understand initially but after a 00:36:53.66\00:36:56.79 few presentations we learned that it was being 00:36:56.80\00:36:59.06 live streamed to most of the world 00:36:59.07\00:37:02.60 and it's just phenomenal. This, here the teachings 00:37:04.91\00:37:12.24 of the, of this wonderful books of Daniel, 00:37:12.25\00:37:15.50 Revelation going to our Muslim friends 00:37:15.51\00:37:18.32 and you know here in the United States 00:37:18.33\00:37:21.45 because of what happened of course on 9/11 there, 00:37:21.46\00:37:24.71 there are lot of views of Muslims 00:37:25.10\00:37:27.01 that are incorrect. Much of the Muslim world 00:37:27.02\00:37:30.10 are very fine good people, absolutely, 00:37:30.55\00:37:34.12 and we want to do now this particular part 00:37:34.71\00:37:38.56 of the Muslim world that you are connected 00:37:38.57\00:37:40.41 with is one of the most spiritual parts 00:37:40.52\00:37:43.66 of the Muslim world they am I right. 00:37:43.67\00:37:46.18 That's correct yes. They are Sufi, 00:37:46.58\00:37:50.46 now Sufi's can be a Shia they can be Shia 00:37:51.05\00:37:55.39 and they can be Sunni, but there is no question 00:37:55.40\00:37:59.36 that it was, they represents the spiritual 00:37:59.37\00:38:02.19 side of Islam and they are truly spiritual people. 00:38:02.20\00:38:05.96 And, these people, the people I am proud 00:38:06.66\00:38:11.48 to call my dear friends. 00:38:11.49\00:38:13.35 Yes, now you left them a book, 00:38:13.36\00:38:16.76 do you tell us a little bit about that? 00:38:16.77\00:38:18.53 I did leave them a book. The book is called 00:38:19.18\00:38:24.01 The Great Controversy. Amen! 00:38:24.02\00:38:26.46 And, it was the hard copy possession that 00:38:26.47\00:38:29.85 happened to be just by not by designed, 00:38:29.86\00:38:32.91 it happened to be Illustrated Great 00:38:32.92\00:38:34.45 Controversy and it had immediate resonance 00:38:34.46\00:38:38.35 with them. The photographs when they ended up 00:38:38.72\00:38:42.38 they said there is a Muslim photographs, 00:38:42.39\00:38:45.27 photographs that they identified with. 00:38:46.59\00:38:48.15 In a five weeks period that book went 00:38:48.87\00:38:51.05 to Egypt and return. Now this is may shock you, 00:38:51.06\00:38:56.05 certainly shocked me, a girl in our office 00:38:56.79\00:39:01.25 photocopied it six times that's what 00:39:01.26\00:39:04.35 approximately 550 pages time six. 00:39:04.36\00:39:08.58 It was staple together two chapters at a time 00:39:09.35\00:39:12.74 and handed out through the mosque, 00:39:14.13\00:39:15.87 so all the mosque could read this book. 00:39:15.88\00:39:19.60 And when I return to the mosque to start 00:39:20.49\00:39:24.93 delivering out prophetic message we had 00:39:24.94\00:39:29.06 a greeting which I lasted say minute-and-half 00:39:29.07\00:39:32.56 and they immediately went into describing 00:39:33.10\00:39:36.61 this book and telling the story I just told you. 00:39:36.62\00:39:39.30 And, the summary of the book was this is the 00:39:39.82\00:39:44.97 most profound book. And we would agree, amen, 00:39:44.98\00:39:52.00 is a most profound book and has huge implications 00:39:52.01\00:39:56.31 here in the time at the end, oh absolutely. 00:39:56.32\00:39:58.44 And I am so grateful that they've seen the value 00:39:58.45\00:40:03.63 of this and as we've seen the value of this. 00:40:03.64\00:40:06.00 Now, as you've continued to visit with them 00:40:06.01\00:40:11.11 what is going on now? You are back here 00:40:11.58\00:40:13.43 in the United States, so is Rodney, 00:40:13.44\00:40:16.71 I mean not Rodney but Samuel caring this on? 00:40:16.72\00:40:19.39 Sam, Sam is, in the last two days just returned 00:40:19.98\00:40:23.78 from Australia, there was a meeting in Australia 00:40:24.17\00:40:27.47 between the leadership of at church 00:40:27.48\00:40:31.76 Seventh-day Adventist church and 00:40:31.77\00:40:33.49 the representatives of Islam down in Australia 00:40:35.07\00:40:39.35 just because they are in Australia doesn't mean 00:40:40.08\00:40:42.05 that it might be down at the bottom of the world 00:40:42.06\00:40:49.55 but it doesn't mean there this is no influence 00:40:49.56\00:40:51.32 from other parts of the world trust me. 00:40:51.33\00:40:53.39 And, this meeting we had represented this from 00:40:54.04\00:40:59.48 a great from the General Conference. 00:40:59.49\00:41:02.79 The meeting was a huge success and 00:41:04.47\00:41:08.33 where we go to from here we will, 00:41:08.79\00:41:10.89 we will hear in the future but it was positive, 00:41:10.90\00:41:16.04 it was huge success and we'll be moving 00:41:16.05\00:41:18.87 forward to, this is all unchartered territory. 00:41:18.88\00:41:22.75 Now what he is sharing is that out of this came 00:41:23.18\00:41:26.94 an invitation and opportunity for the 00:41:26.95\00:41:30.13 leadership of the General Conference of 00:41:30.14\00:41:32.19 Seventh-day Adventist to me with the leadership 00:41:32.20\00:41:35.01 of the Muslim world in Sydney there, 00:41:35.60\00:41:39.37 and they have met, they had a wonderful meeting 00:41:39.89\00:41:42.57 together, and these are all great bridges that 00:41:42.58\00:41:47.94 we are grateful for. Talk to us a little bit 00:41:47.95\00:41:51.54 about the visions that how Muslims view visions 00:41:51.55\00:41:55.86 are in dreams? Muslims put great importance 00:41:55.87\00:42:02.26 on dreams and you know certainly divine 00:42:02.27\00:42:08.45 dreams they respond to, and they are very, 00:42:08.46\00:42:11.45 very in tune, very sensitive to dreams. 00:42:11.46\00:42:14.17 And, the Quran the book of Quran which is the book 00:42:14.65\00:42:22.29 of course the Muslims use that is to say 00:42:22.30\00:42:24.15 their holy book which I think I've said 00:42:24.16\00:42:27.27 you know points to the Bible. It's speaks about 00:42:27.28\00:42:32.23 the people of the book, the people of the Bible 00:42:33.75\00:42:35.69 the Christians and the Jews and they, 00:42:36.10\00:42:40.11 I am just paraphrasing this, it basically it says 00:42:41.90\00:42:45.44 they are apostate, but within that group of 00:42:45.45\00:42:48.37 people it's a small group that do keep the 00:42:48.38\00:42:51.68 commandments of God and they counted as 00:42:51.69\00:42:53.23 righteous. Now, I mean that has to be us, 00:42:53.24\00:42:56.82 and they had, had to come to that conclusion 00:42:57.32\00:43:01.24 but it's interesting that the sheik had 00:43:01.25\00:43:05.52 a vision to that, to that affect, 00:43:05.53\00:43:08.87 he was very excited he contact to me said that 00:43:09.22\00:43:12.59 he had this vision that Seventh-day Adventist 00:43:12.60\00:43:14.82 the true people of the book. Amen! 00:43:14.83\00:43:16.44 And then there is, there is a whole list of 00:43:16.45\00:43:20.62 comments that have streamed out from that 00:43:21.99\00:43:24.11 which I would like to share if I may, 00:43:24.12\00:43:27.05 I was challenged in the most Christ like manner, 00:43:29.87\00:43:33.28 I might had but I was challenged. 00:43:33.29\00:43:35.28 I just put some old background, 00:43:39.27\00:43:40.43 Islam has been looking for this group of people 00:43:40.44\00:43:44.04 but they've never been able to find until 00:43:44.82\00:43:47.67 they've met us, and I was given a mild rebuke, 00:43:47.68\00:43:54.77 how is it possible that your people 00:43:55.34\00:43:57.89 are 150, 160 years of age, Seventh-day Adventist 00:43:57.90\00:44:02.06 church and Islam has never heard it. 00:44:02.07\00:44:04.95 How is it possible if you, who you claim to be 00:44:06.07\00:44:09.13 that we don't wh you are, now it was just 00:44:09.14\00:44:10.88 a mild rebuke, but quickly these people 00:44:10.89\00:44:17.17 went on to say that Seventh-day Adventist 00:44:17.60\00:44:22.61 have a responsibility before God to take our 00:44:22.62\00:44:26.37 message to the whole world if we don't 00:44:26.38\00:44:29.67 we will be, we'll be judge by God that we not 00:44:30.29\00:44:33.70 to compromise our boundaries, 00:44:33.71\00:44:35.39 our doctrines for anyone. We are not to step 00:44:35.85\00:44:39.82 over our borders not even for a Muslim. 00:44:39.83\00:44:43.40 That, we ought to be a Seventh-day Adventist, 00:44:46.09\00:44:54.16 we've to be like ants busy, busy, busy 00:44:54.17\00:44:57.56 and I mean do we see ants working, 00:44:57.57\00:45:00.15 do they make any noise no, I've never heard 00:45:00.16\00:45:03.66 an ant and they said that's how you need 00:45:03.67\00:45:06.92 to be busy, busy, busy like ants and make 00:45:06.93\00:45:10.54 no noise. We, just use my notes 00:45:10.55\00:45:18.40 to tell me here, that we, 00:45:18.41\00:45:24.53 if ever we have a problem we don't have an answer 00:45:28.47\00:45:30.61 to a problem pray to Jesus. 00:45:32.48\00:45:36.02 That's the advice tools, yeah and we will get out 00:45:37.55\00:45:40.45 our answer. We, there is a very profound comment 00:45:40.95\00:45:47.71 that was made to me that Islam is this huge 00:45:47.72\00:45:52.36 sleeping giant it's been waiting for a spiritual 00:45:52.37\00:45:55.63 trigger to acknowledge it. Now, to me that is a 00:45:55.64\00:46:02.57 profound mark and directed, directed to 00:46:02.89\00:46:07.47 to our denomination. The muslim world 00:46:07.48\00:46:13.86 is now quickly learning who we are. 00:46:13.87\00:46:15.59 The muslim world has been being told that 00:46:16.45\00:46:19.21 we are to be left alone we are not to be converted, 00:46:19.22\00:46:22.19 because we are countered as right just before God. 00:46:24.17\00:46:26.49 Its exciting things happening. 00:46:30.54\00:46:31.79 You know the Lord, the Lord loves 1.2 billion 00:46:33.63\00:46:37.51 people He loves all the people of the world 00:46:37.52\00:46:39.27 and he has you know they correctly identified 00:46:39.80\00:46:43.12 the fact that as Seventh-Day Adventist. 00:46:43.13\00:46:45.01 We have something for everybody, 00:46:45.52\00:46:47.34 we have something for a protestant 00:46:47.70\00:46:49.10 brothers and sisters, we have something 00:46:49.11\00:46:50.40 for a roman catholic brothers and sisters, 00:46:50.41\00:46:52.97 we have, we have something for Atheist 00:46:52.98\00:46:55.42 and agnostics we have something 00:46:55.43\00:46:56.83 for the Hindu world, we have something 00:46:56.84\00:47:00.26 for the muslim world because Jesus them all 00:47:00.27\00:47:02.77 and the whole world needs to hear this message 00:47:03.56\00:47:06.33 of the soon coming savior. You know I think 00:47:06.34\00:47:09.23 there is some real challenges here for us 00:47:09.24\00:47:11.87 to really be that was righteous people 00:47:12.56\00:47:15.40 of that book to actually make sure about 00:47:15.73\00:47:19.48 the grace of God that we can live up 00:47:19.49\00:47:22.00 to that calling. We, we share so much with 00:47:22.01\00:47:26.88 muslim in set at conduct how we live our lives 00:47:26.89\00:47:32.27 and yet I would have to say that many 00:47:32.84\00:47:35.15 of the things that we inspire to certainly 00:47:35.16\00:47:38.36 when it comes to modesty for example you know 00:47:38.37\00:47:41.90 we inspire to modesty and there is no question 00:47:41.91\00:47:44.23 of that, but if we were to you know go to a 00:47:44.24\00:47:49.86 mosque I mean you see an application of modesty 00:47:49.87\00:47:52.83 and there are challenges to us, 00:47:53.23\00:47:55.23 these people want to come they want to learn 00:47:56.03\00:48:00.39 who we are, they want to learn what we know 00:48:00.87\00:48:04.28 and reality is as standard that we are sparked 00:48:04.74\00:48:10.11 to we really have to step up to that standard, 00:48:10.12\00:48:12.32 if we are too really accommodate these people 00:48:12.87\00:48:16.60 where they will feel comfortable. 00:48:16.61\00:48:17.69 We, if I can just switch to America, yes, 00:48:20.65\00:48:24.33 Sam and I went to a conference we are invited 00:48:24.86\00:48:26.91 to get to a conference as Seventh-Day Adventist 00:48:26.92\00:48:28.99 this was the Muslim conference here 00:48:29.00\00:48:30.65 in North America. 40,000 Muslims, 00:48:30.66\00:48:34.27 very similar to our general conference 00:48:36.30\00:48:38.42 session but that happens of the year 00:48:38.43\00:48:39.98 and the main speaker who happened to be 00:48:40.69\00:48:47.23 North America's best popular Islamic Scholar. 00:48:48.82\00:48:53.15 He came seeking trying to find these two 00:48:53.86\00:48:57.26 Seventh-Day Adventists, he found us in amongst 00:48:57.27\00:49:00.07 the booth and he, we had a conversation 00:49:00.08\00:49:03.91 for 35 or 40 minutes he went to the auditorium 00:49:03.92\00:49:08.00 stepped up his speak and he spoke about two 00:49:08.63\00:49:11.81 Seventh-Day Adventist brothers to do had a 00:49:11.82\00:49:14.31 conversation with he spoke about the conversation 00:49:14.32\00:49:18.79 we had and then he and this is televised around 00:49:18.80\00:49:21.51 the whole Islamic world and he upheld the 00:49:21.52\00:49:24.49 Seventh-Day Adventist church. 00:49:24.50\00:49:25.72 Now, that hasn't been an isolated incident 00:49:26.22\00:49:30.81 not to move on such a grand scale but 00:49:31.73\00:49:34.44 it has happened also at else where, 00:49:34.45\00:49:38.48 you know here in North America. 00:49:38.49\00:49:39.89 And, if I can just some simple things that 00:49:40.65\00:49:47.31 you may not know about, about Islam about 00:49:47.32\00:49:51.14 the Quran they tend to keep Friday, 00:49:51.15\00:49:59.73 but the Quran rebukes the Jews they say 00:50:00.52\00:50:05.10 in the Quran it speaks about those who 00:50:05.11\00:50:07.78 don't kept the Sabbath as apes to me, 00:50:07.79\00:50:12.01 and to be and to be despise the men identifies 00:50:13.34\00:50:16.59 the true Sabbath which is important to an Adventist 00:50:16.60\00:50:20.42 you know that's one of our identifying 00:50:20.43\00:50:24.18 your marks. These people you know we've heard 00:50:24.19\00:50:31.01 lecturers in the mosque from Matthew chapter 24, 00:50:31.50\00:50:36.79 the sings of second coming, 00:50:36.80\00:50:41.56 the second coming, we've heard lecturers from 00:50:42.17\00:50:46.49 Ephesians chapter 6 putting on the Armor 00:50:47.77\00:50:49.98 of God to protect oneself to be prepared 00:50:49.99\00:50:54.74 for the principalities of darkness. 00:50:54.75\00:50:56.85 Matthew chapter 6: why do we worry in this world, 00:50:57.53\00:51:03.58 why do we worry when God looks after the birds, 00:51:04.28\00:51:07.70 and in our communities there are people that 00:51:08.07\00:51:11.90 are dying that have no eternal future because 00:51:11.91\00:51:17.10 they don't know their goal, and you know 00:51:17.11\00:51:21.11 we need to be, I think we need to be very careful 00:51:21.12\00:51:23.81 speaking about Islam and Muslims we need 00:51:24.23\00:51:29.59 to be mindful of the Ninth Commandment 00:51:29.60\00:51:31.40 not to be a false witness. And, you know 00:51:31.81\00:51:36.23 we've we are well aware that there is an element 00:51:36.24\00:51:39.27 within Islam that causes world of problem, 00:51:39.28\00:51:42.45 it causes Islam a problem. And, and that concern 00:51:42.46\00:51:47.79 we need to keep at in the context that even 00:51:49.36\00:51:54.35 within our own ranks and certainly within 00:51:54.36\00:51:57.76 Christianity there are some French people 00:51:57.77\00:52:01.28 that yeah it cause the world problems as well. 00:52:01.29\00:52:06.88 And, the bulk of Islam is like the bulk of 00:52:07.29\00:52:10.12 Christianity certainly the bulk of 00:52:10.13\00:52:12.42 Seventh-day Adventism. These are good people, 00:52:12.43\00:52:15.81 these are good people, you know they are 00:52:17.25\00:52:20.91 descendants of Abraham, sort of same as ourselves. 00:52:20.92\00:52:23.68 Yeah, so as you, as you have talk to these folks 00:52:23.69\00:52:29.95 and going back again to Australia they keep 00:52:29.96\00:52:34.57 reaching out to you they keep giving you this 00:52:34.58\00:52:36.97 advice you've got this wonderful message 00:52:36.98\00:52:39.53 be true to your own faith. 00:52:39.54\00:52:42.28 We like what we are hearing that demonstrates 00:52:43.37\00:52:46.59 that there is a longing in the heart of many 00:52:46.60\00:52:49.52 Muslim people and religious leaders of the 00:52:49.53\00:52:51.93 Muslim faith, a longing for the coming of the Lord 00:52:51.94\00:52:55.61 and for an end to this world and it's all of its 00:52:55.62\00:52:58.53 trials and sorrows? Absolutely, they, 00:52:58.54\00:53:01.66 they have an understanding of end time 00:53:03.48\00:53:05.26 events, there is, there is trouble, 00:53:05.27\00:53:06.67 there is calamity coming upon this world, 00:53:06.68\00:53:08.88 they believe that we right on the brink of it. 00:53:09.28\00:53:11.53 This world is not going to last very long, 00:53:12.87\00:53:14.82 we are on the same page. And, if I could just, 00:53:15.33\00:53:20.82 I receive e-mails from these people, 00:53:23.99\00:53:25.63 and I just want to want to share some words, 00:53:26.78\00:53:29.10 they suggest the end some words at the end 00:53:29.11\00:53:32.00 of two emails that was sent to me recently 00:53:32.01\00:53:35.25 and they really touched my heart. 00:53:35.26\00:53:37.29 The first one is and he is finishing up an email 00:53:39.47\00:53:42.82 to me and I ask him, I ask him who holds everything 00:53:43.13\00:53:47.63 in his hand to make this openings and journeys 00:53:47.64\00:53:51.16 to him smooth and fruitful. 00:53:51.17\00:53:54.22 Your friend did unimaginable travel 00:53:55.02\00:53:58.27 to the truth and then just now I didn't, amen, 00:53:58.28\00:54:03.13 just beautiful words, then one that only arrives 00:54:03.14\00:54:05.87 the other day the acceleration of 00:54:05.88\00:54:08.24 enlargement of our relationships with 00:54:08.25\00:54:11.74 Seventh-day Adventist is amazing. 00:54:11.75\00:54:14.54 Obviously God has the plan and pulls 00:54:14.55\00:54:18.01 the strings, we must do our best to understand 00:54:18.02\00:54:21.29 each other, exchange our knowledge 00:54:21.30\00:54:23.87 and start to collaborate. Amen! 00:54:24.69\00:54:28.84 Yours in truth. Here a part what you didn't 00:54:30.67\00:54:34.40 read here it this, please pray for us I love 00:54:34.41\00:54:38.20 and deeply respect you. I miss that I am sorry. 00:54:38.21\00:54:40.61 Yes, and now this was to be yet in a quite 00:54:41.43\00:54:50.18 two weeks ago just leading up the 00:54:51.36\00:54:52.69 meetings in Sydney. You know here in 00:54:52.70\00:54:57.30 North America we you know we've been asked 00:54:57.31\00:55:02.80 for our theological books which are now in a 00:55:03.31\00:55:07.57 Islamic library, some of those books 00:55:08.65\00:55:11.93 you've personally signed and they were almost 00:55:11.94\00:55:17.87 bashful when they asked you know would 00:55:17.88\00:55:19.96 it be possible to have a Seventh-day Adventist 00:55:19.97\00:55:23.88 books. The first book we gave them was of course 00:55:23.89\00:55:27.12 we gave them the Bible, but then we gave them 00:55:27.13\00:55:30.19 so many other books Great Controversy, 00:55:30.20\00:55:32.39 even down Bible Readings for the Home. 00:55:32.88\00:55:35.08 They have had Seventh-day Adventist 00:55:37.46\00:55:40.08 hand book of theology. These people are serious, 00:55:40.87\00:55:44.98 these people are serious they are messing around. 00:55:45.44\00:55:47.54 What can we do at to reach out to our 00:55:48.74\00:55:52.02 Muslim friends, who I am sure filled the weight 00:55:52.03\00:55:56.79 as you say of the tragedies in a society 00:55:56.80\00:56:02.21 that many times they probably feel the anger, 00:56:02.22\00:56:05.67 undeserved anger towards them first, 00:56:05.68\00:56:07.35 what can we do as Seventh-day Adventist 00:56:07.36\00:56:10.03 Christians to be God's love and to be able to 00:56:10.04\00:56:14.72 reach out to our friends as we, 00:56:14.73\00:56:16.29 they are all around us. If I may just use a very 00:56:16.30\00:56:20.54 simple answer for us to be Christ like, 00:56:21.00\00:56:24.00 it really is simple as that for us to be everything 00:56:24.63\00:56:28.87 that we claim to be and it was said to me 00:56:28.88\00:56:32.54 as I was leaving Australia in February one evening 00:56:34.11\00:56:38.50 at the Sydney airport, it was very late 00:56:38.51\00:56:41.05 and the Concord was nearly empty 00:56:41.63\00:56:45.89 and my Muslim friend came along the Concord 00:56:45.90\00:56:48.21 and he had come to say goodbye 00:56:48.22\00:56:51.66 and this is in a big city and where parking is 00:56:51.67\00:56:54.71 horrendous at Sydney airport. 00:56:54.72\00:56:56.23 We got it easier to the church trust me. 00:56:58.41\00:57:00.33 And, he just out of nowhere, 00:57:00.34\00:57:04.35 we spoke for an hour-and-half two hours 00:57:04.36\00:57:07.51 out of nowhere he said Rodney the way to a 00:57:07.52\00:57:10.95 Muslim is not theology, all of theology 00:57:10.96\00:57:14.28 in the world will not work, but if you love us 00:57:14.29\00:57:17.79 and we connect heart to heart, 00:57:19.25\00:57:21.04 heart to heart love we will ask you feel 00:57:21.05\00:57:25.24 theology and that's what happening. Amen! 00:57:25.25\00:57:27.98 You know my appeal to us as Seventh-day Adventist 00:57:28.34\00:57:31.44 Men of Faith. My appeal to us is let's really be 00:57:31.45\00:57:36.91 the real people of this book. 00:57:36.92\00:57:38.52 Let us have our hearts filled with the 00:57:39.80\00:57:42.61 love of Jesus. Amen! Let us not be detracted 00:57:42.62\00:57:46.02 by all the political things that roll around us, 00:57:46.09\00:57:48.92 we have a great and marvelous message 00:57:48.93\00:57:51.31 and Jesus his heart is filled with such love for 00:57:51.82\00:57:57.25 people all over the world and 00:57:57.26\00:57:58.84 for our Muslim friends, and we have something 00:57:58.85\00:58:01.68 we need to share, but let them feel and sense 00:58:01.69\00:58:05.87 our love for Jesus, our love for them, 00:58:06.23\00:58:09.92 and our loyalty and love for this book. 00:58:10.60\00:58:14.03