Participants: Mike Ryan
Series Code: OTR
Program Code: OTR000962
01:01 Otakar is the other director
01:02 of Country Life in Prague, 01:04 and he is going to tell us a little bit about, 01:06 exactly what Country Life is? 01:08 Hello, OCI friends. 01:12 Oh, ASI friends I am sorry, 01:14 but there are OCI friends too there. 01:15 So Country Life is a two body institution, 01:20 and first body is the business body 01:24 and it includes an organic farm 01:27 of 200 acres, a mill, a bakery, 01:30 a major wholesale, five stores downtown Prague, 01:35 three vegetarian restaurants 01:36 and we have food premises contacts 01:40 with thousand of customers a day. 01:42 And this is also the main income generator 01:46 for an institution and is also the opportunity 01:48 for work for hundred and twenty five workers. 01:51 Now Otakar, I understand that 01:53 Country Life is a lot more than just 01:54 about food. Are there other programs, 01:57 other initiatives that you direct through 02:00 Country Life? 02:01 Sure! This is just the upper part of Iceberg. 02:04 I think the bigger part is the outreach 02:06 which maybe not everybody sees like 02:10 they are not so visible but they are very 02:12 well pleasant. So the outreach 02:14 parts incorporates, around the outreach 02:18 parts on their own non-profit corporation 02:21 and it need corporate lectures, 02:23 publishing books and magazines. 02:26 We organize also health expos. 02:29 We have heath clubs. 02:31 This is a program we are also exporting 02:33 to other countries just most recently to Israel, 02:36 and we have the new staff health weeks 02:40 which we run several times in a year 02:43 and rented premises and we have 300 to 400 02:46 customers a year. We have also, 02:49 what we start a special restaurant church, 02:51 it's an alternative church 02:53 where this little different literature 02:57 that we are used in our churches. 02:58 We are also building a community center 03:02 up above the restaurant, 03:04 and we have also medical missionary school. 03:07 Last year we had about 108 students 03:10 on that school. A daily student 03:12 and distance students and this school is open 03:14 also for Non-Adventist so not the Christians. 03:18 The school has different teaching different topics. 03:22 We have six states recognize certificates; 03:26 one is lifestyle counselor, 03:28 natural remedies, massage, 03:31 vegan cook, organic farm 03:33 and humanitarian workers. 03:34 And we include always with those health topics, 03:38 we include also spiritual topics. 03:40 So, we had so far 420 graduates 03:45 and many of them are coming like atheists 03:49 and became believers during their studies. 03:52 Its sounds like a very comprehensive 03:54 and sophisticated operation. 03:55 I am tired just listening to you 03:57 because there is so much stuff is going on. 03:59 It sounds remarkable. 04:00 Can you show with us a little bit about 04:02 some of the challenges you may have faced. 04:04 Is it true that it's difficult 04:06 to real challenge to do outreach in Europe 04:09 and so and the area where you are working? 04:11 How receptive our individuals 04:13 to the message? Especially in our country 04:15 which is one of the most secularist country in, 04:17 not only in Europe, but in the world. 04:20 It's always difficult to touch people, 04:23 but we have a very good armory of tools 04:26 and I have told you about several of them 04:30 so this is a very interesting thing because 04:33 we have different steps where we can reach people. 04:36 Not only by one specialize topic 04:39 but we can, they can go from 04:42 one program to the other 04:43 and then increase or deepen their roots 04:46 and gradually they became Christian. 04:49 Do you have a story that you can share with us. 04:51 Oh, yeah, we have a story of a young lady 04:53 maybe you show her on the slides. 04:57 Her name is Dana. 04:58 She was involved with different schools 05:02 and religions in the past, 05:04 and she was a very sacrificial person 05:10 but was betrayed several times 05:12 in her life, lost her life savings, 05:15 her marriage broke 05:17 and she wanted to commit suicide. 05:19 But she felt that, 05:21 she does not have the right to do that 05:24 and nevertheless she hoped when she will seek 05:28 for justice through some knowledge 05:30 that she will find them. 05:31 She overcame her depression 05:35 and started ethical therapy 05:37 but again she was betrayed 05:41 and she was disappointed by different 05:44 kind of healers and suddenly 05:46 they noticed that there are health lectures 05:49 that come though life. 05:50 She felt that this is the right place 05:53 where she can find truth and love. 05:56 So she enrolled to our school 05:58 and she went through the whole studies 06:01 the different topics of course with the here 06:04 studies she also, I was reached by 06:07 the Christian message, and despite she was 06:11 Buddhist oriented person. 06:14 She admired the special sort 06:16 of Christians who are even vegetarian. 06:18 Through their studies a lot of questions 06:24 have been answered and the teaching 06:27 starts to create truth to God. 06:31 She filled her with new hope 06:34 and she was happy to find Christian 06:37 representatives which contrary 06:39 to other denominations are valuing health 06:44 and also that they are excepting 06:49 the full truth and the full commandments, 06:52 lot of commandments, 06:55 I mean the Decalogue. 06:56 Last summer she was baptized. Amen. 06:59 And one topic, she became very valuable 07:05 tool now in Lord's hands. 07:07 She started counseling, 07:10 at the counseling practice 07:14 and she is using the Christian methods, 07:17 she is using Christ methods, 07:19 she also has sent lot of students 07:21 to our new set, to our school 07:23 and also to our health clubs. 07:25 So, she found purpose on her life by serving Jesus. 07:30 Otakar that sounds wonderful. 07:32 Thank you so much for sharing 07:34 what's going on there at Country Life 07:36 and all of the things that are happening 07:38 and all the people there being touched. 07:39 Thank you very much for sharing with us 07:41 this afternoon. Yeah, we pray for the nine 07:42 new people who are getting ready 07:44 for baptism in September. Amen. 07:46 They are all our students. 07:47 Very good, thank you. 07:48 Thank you. Thank you for ASI too. 07:51 Isn't it marvelous to see 07:54 what God can do? 07:55 We put our minds of work if we really think 07:59 about how he can be created 08:00 the touch peoples lives? 08:02 Now standing with me is Charles Cleveland. 08:04 He is the director of HER resources 08:07 that's how he looks when I spell it 08:09 actually stands for health education and resources, 08:11 and tell us little bit about HER? 08:15 What it is all about? 08:17 Health Education Resources 08:19 seeks to provide educational, 08:22 health education materials 08:24 with the idea of trying to find something 08:26 that reasonable prices at any of our churches 08:28 or lay members could afford. 08:29 Now, I am really happy for health education 08:32 resources because our church has been 08:34 recipients of those materials 08:36 and it's been very useful. 08:38 Can you describe for us exactly 08:40 what they look like and what's involve, 08:42 what's included in these resources? 08:44 We based our health expos banners 08:47 on the eight laws of health and ministry 08:50 of healing, and so there are two representing 08:53 each concept to for exercise and nutrition 08:55 and so forth. And they are 08:57 professionally designed with certain 08:59 educational plans, so that is people 09:01 coming through the screen in program 09:03 they can also be learn at the same time. 09:06 And it gives a very professional look 09:08 to the health expo. Now Charles 09:10 I understand that these, 09:11 are these available in a variety of languages 09:14 or it just English available? 09:15 No, we are, in about 40 different languages 09:18 and the Lord has blessed ever since 09:20 we start to doing this that we've probably 09:23 have sent around the world over 500 09:25 different sets. Amen. 09:27 Tell us about some of the results you might have 09:30 heard as a result of the use of the materials 09:33 around the world? 09:34 Well, maybe Debbie I could tell you 09:35 about a local experience in my own hometown. 09:40 You know I have had privilege 09:41 of an institutional work for many years, 09:43 and so I have been traveling a lot 09:45 but in the last several years we've settled down 09:47 not too far from Collegedale, 09:49 Tennessee and Dunlap, 09:52 Tennessee and It's been privilege 09:53 to just try working in the local community 09:56 even though I still work a lot of overseas. 09:58 And so our community's 5000 people, 10:01 and we decided to train our church 10:04 and out of 100 members we have 60 of them 10:07 come out for training and they just been really 10:10 tremendous to work with. 10:11 We got the city hall training center to use it 10:14 in downtown Dunlap 10:16 where our one stoplight is, 10:17 but everybody in town knows 10:20 that and it's fun to work at a small community 10:22 because advertising is a lot easier to reach out, 10:25 so even the Sunday churches were cooperative 10:28 and we hope to get a 100 people in a small town 10:32 and God gave us 200. Oh, amen. 10:34 And the expo is a time where you get acquainted 10:38 with them enough where they can just walk 10:40 and sort of try it out. 10:41 Once they get their they think 10:43 what a tremendous program it is 10:45 and there we start sign them up 10:47 for follow our programs. 10:48 We singed up about a 11 people 10:51 for stop smoking, hard to find them today 10:54 they want to quit smoking 10:55 if they have been already. 10:56 And a week later we started and seven of them 10:59 came and stop smoking. 11:00 We signed up 50 of them for a cooking class 11:04 and three weeks later we have 54, 11:06 so it already does help to prepare the way. 11:09 That's sounds really fascinating. 11:12 I am curious to what some of the results 11:14 might be around the world since they are 11:16 available so many different languages. 11:18 Well, let me tell you about a recent experience 11:21 in Israel, my first time 11:22 to go to Israel in May, June. 11:24 I was invited by Dr. Nick Dan of our Herghelia 11:27 Health Center in Romania to come 11:30 and help him to run one of our light schools 11:32 that Linda Horner described 11:33 a few minutes ago. 11:34 And we have a few pictures we can show you. 11:37 They trained the 30 individuals in Israel, 11:41 Adventist individuals, 11:43 how to do the health expo as well as 11:45 to be a medical missionary 11:46 and then we rented a large auditorium 11:49 in Haifa on the Mediterranean sea, 11:51 and there we were able to have our health 11:54 expo over a six day period of time. 11:57 And that period of time we screened between 600 12:00 and 700 individuals and got to know them. 12:04 They came back several times many of them 12:06 and from there we offered them to sign up 12:10 also for future classes. 12:11 We wondered if they would, 12:13 if they would trust us. 12:14 Do you know that nearly one-half 12:17 of every one of them went to the health expo, 12:19 signed up and said they are interested 12:22 in follow our programs? 12:23 So, now we have thanks to Otakar 12:26 was just here. They collaborate 12:28 with all network together and OCI. 12:30 They sent a man from Czech Republic, 12:32 there was an expert in health clubs 12:34 and trained our mission field there, 12:36 how to do the follow a programs 12:38 on a weekly basis. And then our long term 12:41 range goal is we must have a permanent 12:45 health center and medical missionary 12:47 school in Israel. It was two weeks ago, 12:52 I was getting to ready to go back to Europe 12:54 to the Geneva for the general conference 12:57 lifestyle summit that they were having 12:59 with the World Health Organization. 13:01 I was privileged to present our 13:02 workshop there, and I was just going 13:05 through security in Atlanta and I, 13:07 you know, you are putting your 13:08 shoes back on, 13:10 put your computer back in your backpack 13:11 and an orthodox Jew sat down next to me 13:14 and he was getting his shoes on. 13:17 And I just normally don't try to agree 13:20 with them because we are not 13:21 always the most friendly it was gentiles. 13:23 But having just been there I kind a wanted to 13:27 but I still hesitated and my mouth did it anyway 13:31 I just found myself greeting him 13:32 and he warmly greeted me backed. 13:35 We got out shoes on and we started down 13:37 the elevator, escalator to the train 13:39 and ended upon the same concourse, 13:42 and I asked where he was from? 13:44 I assumed Israel and he said, 13:47 well, I was raised in Northern California. 13:50 So, already so was I, where you born? 13:51 He said, born in Berkeley. I said well, 13:53 I was born in Berkeley. 13:54 And we started comparing notes. 13:56 Can any good thing come out of Berkeley 13:58 and anyway we kind a hated up, 14:00 but he lives in North Israel, 14:03 not far from the Sea of Galilee. 14:05 I said, you are kidding we would love 14:07 to have a health center there. 14:08 He said, what do you mean by health center? 14:10 And so I described to him what we would love 14:14 to have kind of a, you know, 14:15 where we have 10 or 20 people there to time, 14:17 two weeks, three weeks and go through 14:20 the principles of health, 14:21 follow up on the health expo 14:22 and he became very interested, you know, 14:26 what his name is? Noah. I like it. 14:29 Anyway he said, well, look at I am traveling 14:31 for three weeks, you are traveling three weeks, 14:33 you email me and I will tell you my cousin 14:36 is in real estate. I said, but I heard it's hard 14:38 to get real estate property in Israel, 14:41 and he said, well, it's not if you are 14:43 persistent. I said, well, 14:45 I come from those kinds of people so I said, 14:47 I am interested. He said, okay, 14:49 my cousin has a property that sounds 14:51 just like what you are looking for. 14:53 He emailed me five times; 14:55 he showed me a property that looks perfect. 14:58 I can't believe it I never had so easy, 15:00 so we're gonna be taking up our OCI board 15:03 meeting tomorrow and we are just praying 15:05 that the Lord is going to let us follow through, 15:08 assist the mission we are hand in hand 15:10 and see if we could advance the work there, 15:13 there in Israel. Oh, well, 15:14 Charles we are looking forward to the 15:15 rest of the story, thank you very much 15:17 for sharing. God bless you. 15:18 This is the marvelous what happened again 15:20 when we extend ourselves and maybe go outside 15:23 of our comfort zone so little bit 15:24 to touch people. Now we have joining me 15:27 James Rafferty and Ty Gibson. 15:29 They are the co-directors of Light Bearers 15:32 Ministry, yeah, and I understand that Light 15:35 Bearers has something to do with paper. 15:36 Paper is what we are all about. 15:39 So tell me what you do with this paper 15:41 when it comes to you. 15:42 Well, Debbie as you know the print medium 15:46 was actually invented under inspiration 15:50 of the Holy Spirit by Hon. Gutenberg 15:53 for the publication of the word of God. 15:55 The kingdom of God owns the printing medium. 15:59 It was raised into existence to proclaim 16:02 the Gospel and Light Bearers Ministry 16:04 has everything to do with paper because 16:06 we publish the Gospel in multiple languages 16:10 and send it as a gift to the 16:13 world church to missions, conferences, 16:16 unions and divisions around the world 16:18 for missionary work and evangelism. 16:21 Now this is really quite a blessing one 16:23 of the earlier interviews mentioned 16:25 about networking and you guys seems 16:27 to be experts of that because every time 16:30 I hear something about someone doing something 16:32 around the world, somehow I hear about 16:34 Light Bearers and Light Bearers, 16:36 they are doing and what they are providing. 16:38 James how do you make those contacts 16:40 and how does someone get you to partner with them 16:45 so that you can send this wonderful paper. 16:47 Good question Debbie. 16:48 I am giving an example; a couple weeks ago 16:50 I was in Poland for there camp intend 16:52 a camp meeting and Ty and I have been doing 16:54 meetings by Bible says of evangelism for 25 years 16:58 and that's how I began. 16:59 So, I am in Poland, 17:00 doing a camp meeting and what I am there 17:01 I show them our 10 minute video, 17:02 the news one and the people, 17:05 they were so excited about that immediately 17:07 after that I met with the conference president 17:09 and union president, and after about 15 minutes 17:12 it's don on them what we were offering. 17:14 Two to three million pieces of literature 17:17 in a container, free of charge for them 17:19 to use for outreach in this country that's 17:21 90 percent Catholic. They got so excited 17:24 and immediately we began making plans for giving 17:28 literature in Poland next year, 17:30 hopefully at least one contain of literature 17:32 in Poland next year. 17:33 So a lot of it takes place as we travel 17:35 and we connect with people doing seminars 17:37 and evangelism and outreach. 17:38 But it also happens through our website, 17:40 the website publishing ministry 17:44 this form there the people can fill out 17:46 whether any people know goes out by word of mouth 17:48 and they can just fill out that form, 17:50 contact us and let us know 17:51 that they want literature. 17:52 Now, Ty tell us a little bit about what 17:54 might be avail in terms of languages and 17:57 scope of content or topics? 17:59 Well, what we've done so far about 35 different 18:03 languages and the spectrum would be from, 18:05 of course English Spanish, French, 18:08 all the way to Swahili which is a project 18:13 that we just did and few other dialogues 18:16 of African languages and this literature 18:20 as far as content is concern 18:22 and this is very vital, 18:24 this is important to understand. 18:25 Light Bearers Ministry's specifically 18:27 is interested in giving 18:31 the full message of the first, 18:33 second and third angels message in the context 18:36 of the Gospel and the incredibly beautiful 18:40 and powerful and empowering love of God. 18:44 So, our afford is not just to give the 18:47 barebones facts of the doctrines 18:50 but to wave the Gospel into all of these 18:55 precious doctrines that we hold as a people 18:58 so this literature will include Bible study sets. 19:01 It will include multiple tracks series. 19:03 It will include the whole book of Revelation 19:05 broken down verse by verse and explain 19:08 the whole book of Daniel verse 19:09 by verse and explain and multiple 19:12 spirit of prophecy tracks on different subjects 19:15 from the conflict of the ages series, 19:17 the book steps to Christ, 19:19 broken down into individual small bytes 19:22 tracks that are produced in mass by the millions 19:25 as James said and then send to the frontlines 19:27 for mission work as a gift. 19:28 James tell me and just left remaining 19:32 few seconds that we have, 19:33 what's in the future for Light Bearers Ministry? 19:35 Well right now we are reaping 19:37 in the consequences, 19:38 the cause of consequences move we made in 2006. 19:41 In 2001, we kind of topped out of about 19:44 22 containers in a year, 19:46 and we started going back down 19:47 from there because our resources 19:50 in personally available. 19:51 The setter was difficult where are living 19:53 so we moved Oregon, 19:54 New Jean, Oregon area right 19:55 across Laurelwood Academy 19:57 and in this new location we began 20:01 with the hopes that we will be able to 20:03 increase our production. 20:04 Well, the first year we got 10 containers 20:06 then a 11 containers. 20:07 This year we plan for 12 20:08 and we have sent our 15 containers 20:11 that's about two a month 20:13 and at the way we are going we are hoping 20:15 to get out 24 for the years so our future, 20:18 the potential we are looking for is to double 20:20 if not go beyond the production 20:24 of literature and get out to the fields like 20:26 India and China. Once those doors open, 20:28 well, we have not yet been able to 20:31 send tracks like leaves of autumn. 20:33 Well, we will continue to pray for Light Bearers 20:35 Ministry as you get the word out through 20:37 the leaves of autumn our literature. 20:39 Thank you. Thank you Debbie. Amen. 20:49 A few years ago I had the privilege of attending, 20:52 supporting ministry academy 20:54 and this next segment we are going to be 20:57 interviewing some people that are working 21:00 at different academies, 21:01 and I have with me Chester 21:03 and Harriett Clark from Ouachita Hills Academy, 21:05 and I would like to ask you a question, 21:08 I understand that Ouachita Hills Academy 21:11 was started about 22 years ago, 21:13 in fact, you are the founders of Ouachita 21:15 Hills Academy. Tell us why did you 21:17 desire to start Ouachita Hills Academy? 21:20 Well, as I recall there were several factors 21:23 that played a fact part of this. 21:25 One was that we saw a lot of our academy 21:29 and college classmates losing their joy 21:32 of the Lord and losing their way spiritually 21:35 and living for the world, 21:36 and in the mid 80s we read a book entitled 21:40 "Madison, God's Beautiful Farm" 21:41 and that was a real inspiration 21:43 as we saw how the influence of Madison 21:45 actually help to develop the work 21:49 not just in the Southern Union 21:51 but around the world as well as they train 21:52 and equip young people to go into 21:54 dark un-entered areas and that's why 21:56 we were involved with in Southwest Arkansas 21:59 at the time. So in short, 22:00 we were realizing that rightly training 22:04 an army of young people would help us 22:06 get office plan at the little sooner. 22:07 Amen, well, tell us how was Lord blessed 22:10 your ministry since you start it 22 years ago? 22:13 Well, there are so many things it's hard 22:15 to know just exactly what to say 22:17 but since we met with the ASI family 22:21 last year one of our prayers was answered. 22:24 We needed to as the colleges developing 22:27 we needed to have more room to develop 22:29 the college buildings and dormitories, 22:31 and we were able to purchase with the 22:34 generosity of several of our ASI family. 22:36 The forty acres had joined our campus 22:39 and we were on the process of developing 22:41 that for the college program, 22:44 but from a spiritual standpoint 22:47 we have done a research recently 22:50 and found that 93 percent of our graduates 22:54 are still active in the Adventist church. Amen. 22:57 And that gives us an offer lot of satisfaction 22:59 as we see our young people maturing 23:02 and taking responsibilities becoming leaders 23:05 and generation for youth for Christ 23:08 and many of our evangelist, pastors and teachers 23:11 and we were involved in several church plans 23:13 as well with the college students. Amen. 23:16 Well, why don't you share some of the other things 23:20 that you doing currently and I believe we have 23:22 some pictures as well that we can see to get 23:25 really an idea what's happened at Ouachita Hills 23:27 Academy currently. Certainly! 23:29 You know God's counsels are that our young people 23:33 and our teacher should walk closely together 23:34 and we find students and teachers work together 23:39 and we are just like a big family 23:41 and it's really delightful to see them participating 23:44 in church services and the areas around us. 23:47 We have an annual Christmas program 23:49 that for our community and there was just 23:53 many things that especially we well here it's 23:57 going to talk about the mission program 23:58 that our students were involved with as well. 24:00 Okay, tell us about that? 24:01 Since 98 we have been doing evangelistic 24:05 meetings around the world and it's just been 24:07 thrilling as we have seen young people 24:10 not only may cause for baptism that resulted 24:15 in over 5000 baptism so far but give their own 24:19 lives to Lord. This year, 24:21 I had a very excited father call me around 10:30 24:23 at night and he said he just gotten off the phone 24:26 with his son. He was over in the Philippines, 24:28 and his son had made the call for baptism. 24:31 He was a nice young man but he never given 24:33 his heart to Lord, not fully 24:35 and so he called his dad and he said, 24:38 dad when I get home I can't put this 24:41 up any longer, I have to be baptize, 24:43 make arrangements when I get home. Amen. 24:45 And I think evangelism is life changing 24:50 and it's just so exciting for us as we see our 24:54 young people making decisions for the Lord. 24:57 This summer we've had one of our young people 25:00 preaching in the meetings here in phoenix. 25:03 We've had another one who was conducting 25:06 an evangelist meeting in Texarkana 25:08 and was thrilled because his own dad responded 25:11 to the call for baptism. Amen. 25:13 And we had another young man who focus in our 25:16 missionaries in Nepal and he is just preached 25:19 two weeks series there, you know, 25:21 Nepal is not a really easy me place 25:23 to have meetings. 25:24 Why don't you give us just a little glimpse 25:26 of maybe one of your evangelist campaigns? 25:29 We have a video and will later audience see them. 25:31 You can tell us what you did over there? 25:33 Actually the, what you gonna be seen 25:36 is a few clips. We conducted 25:39 four simultaneous meetings in the Philippines. 25:41 Our young people preached the health meetings, 25:45 they preached the sermons. 25:46 We are so thankful for the ASI DVD program 25:49 and new beginnings. They conducted 25:54 the children's meetings and they just, 25:56 you know, reached out and touch the lives 25:59 of hundreds of people and it is indeed evangelism. 26:03 Not only for the country they go to go 26:07 for the young people. Amen. 26:08 Well, why don't you tell us in the few minutes 26:10 that remain what you do in order to network 26:14 with other ministries and how do you cooperate 26:15 with people that are doing similar things 26:17 or in ministry for the Lord. 26:19 In 30 seconds I'm gonna tell you about 26:20 two networking opportunities 26:22 that were so excited about. 26:23 One is with audio verse; 26:25 audio verse has is reaching people 26:28 in a hundred and forty countries with downloads 26:32 of truthful messages and they have asked us 26:34 help them by providing hard copies for people 26:37 who don't want to download, 26:39 but want to give CDs and DVDs 26:42 to their neighbors and friends or family. 26:45 But the most exciting is 3ABN Latino 26:49 and my time is now up but I want, 26:52 if you show just a video 26:54 I will speak for two seconds. 26:56 We have a college meeting program, 27:00 2 year program. We don't want to train people 27:02 for Hollywood, we want them to train from 27:05 ministry and it's just been really exciting 27:08 as our college people have had this opportunity. 27:10 Amen. We thank ASI for the opportunities 27:14 and networking and in fellowship. 27:17 Amen, thank you so much for share it's so 27:19 encouraging to see the way that the Lord 27:21 is blessing and the students lives 27:23 that are changed. We are going to be speaking 27:25 about another academy now. 27:27 This is one that I visited several times. 27:29 It's a beautiful one in Castle Valley, 27:33 Utah, DayStar Academy and I have Jerry 27:35 and Wendy here is with me today 27:37 and we are happy to be talking a little bit about 27:40 what's happened in there? 27:41 Tell us a little bit about DayStar, Jerry? 27:44 If you don't mind and show us a picture 27:45 to what DayStar looks like? 27:47 Okay, DayStar Academy is located in the 27:49 South East Corner of Utah. 27:51 We are located in the beautiful valley, 27:53 we are surrounded on 3 size by red rock masses, 27:57 the other side is the La Sal mountains. 28:00 We have numerous peaks of there above 12,000 feet. 28:03 We have a Christ centered academy program 28:07 and we also have a strong work program. 28:10 We emphasize the practical skills 28:12 for the students and our work program 28:17 kind of centers around our farm. 28:18 We have a very diverse farm. 28:20 We have green houses. 28:22 We have an orchard, 28:23 we got alfalfa weeds. 28:25 We have like 15 acre market garden. 28:28 So, they got quite experience for that. 28:30 We also do a weekly outreach program 28:34 and every year all the students are involved 28:37 in a mission program. Okay, well, 28:40 do you have anything that's new that just 28:42 started at DayStar some new programs perhaps. 28:44 Yeah, one thing that we are starting 28:47 this year is we are calling at DayStar 28:50 Outdoor Education Program, 28:51 and with environment we are in we kind of an 28:54 outdoor recreation heaven. 28:56 Our area is world wide known for especially 29:01 for the Mountain Biking and the rock climbing. 29:03 So, we are setting up our program where we gonna, 29:05 we have some local actually some of the 29:09 local experts in the areas that are gonna 29:10 do teaching in the rock climbing, 29:12 mountain biking. We're gonna do horsemanship, 29:16 we're gonna do river rafting, 29:17 we're gonna do some boarding classes 29:20 and a numerous things. We're gonna present 29:23 them so that any of the students regardless 29:26 of their skill level can be involved in them. 29:28 We gonna do it as an educational things 29:31 so they can learn how to do this stuff properly, 29:34 they can learn safety techniques 29:35 and also recreation. I feel it's important 29:41 that our kids have appropriate recreation 29:44 especially in these day and age 29:45 and lot of their recreation that the 29:47 world provides. And we also putting 29:52 an outreach and witnessing twist 29:54 to this program so each of this energy 29:57 will be involved when whether they are 29:59 rafting on the river or learning rock climbing. 30:02 There will be an outreach program 30:04 on that and one of them we've worked 30:07 with for a number of years there was 30:09 a horsemanship program, 30:10 so Wendy tells you a little bit about that. 30:12 Our horsemanship program 30:15 has been going for a many, 30:17 many years and that classifying 30:19 into the outdoor education even though 30:21 we have been doing it quite a while 30:22 and that's kind how we got to think about 30:24 these other things most of the exciting things 30:26 we were seen about our horse program, 30:27 you take a horse, you take a student 30:29 and they learn things, 30:31 they learn how to ride better, 30:33 they learn how to care, 30:34 they learn the responsibility 30:35 and it's really exciting because it's not long 30:38 and these two become a team 30:40 and there was just nothing like it. 30:42 The other thing that happens is the thing 30:44 learn to encourage one another, 30:46 yeah, we see a lot of that 30:48 and then that kind of third thing that happened 30:52 which we are really excited about 30:53 is our horse program that we designed for 30:56 the students has become a witnessing program 30:58 and that is just thrilling because 31:02 we started inviting some people 31:04 from the community, come and join us 31:05 and we go for ride or meet us 31:07 at the arena we were working on some 31:08 techniques and the fellowship 31:11 is just wonderful. 31:12 In fact, one of the couples came 31:14 and spent the entire graduation weekend 31:16 going to all of the meetings 31:19 and I visited with the girl and she just was, 31:21 she felt like our kids that are graduating 31:23 moving on and we are so proud of them. 31:25 Amen. That's what ASI is all about. 31:27 Witnessing in our marketplace 31:29 wherever the Lord, wherever we are, 31:31 we are there to witness for the Lord. 31:33 So why don't you tell us then 31:35 a little bit about how your network 31:37 with other ministries. How do you work 31:39 with others to be able to accomplish 31:41 to come and go? One of the things 31:43 we do in this year with networking is, 31:46 is our mission program and we are really 31:49 excited about it. Their star is uniting 31:53 with Maranatha with mission projects 31:55 incorporated in ASI, and what we are doing is, 31:58 we are doing the one day church project 32:01 down in Belize, so we gonna have a 32:03 container load of churches shipped down there, 32:06 Maranatha and ASI will take care of that 32:09 that part of the thing and then mission 32:13 projects is working on to determine the sites 32:17 and stuff down there. 32:18 Then we will bring our students down in January 32:20 and we split them up in four, five groups 32:23 and we will build the thirty churches 32:25 down there. So, we are really excited 32:26 about networking and being involved 32:29 in this project. Well I thank you so 32:31 much for sharing. We really appreciate it, 32:33 and Wendy maybe you could just tell us 32:35 a short story about maybe something 32:36 that happened to a student at DayStar? 32:38 This is maybe a touch different, 32:41 but I tell you what? Last summer I had 32:43 the opportunity to work protestant, 32:45 hadn't do much of that and I saw this 32:48 gentleman some produce and he was walking 32:50 to his car, he got about half ways there 32:52 and turned around he came back and he said, 32:53 I just see something in the faces of each 32:56 of one of you out there. Amen. 32:58 Because you have something, 32:59 you have this peace, there is a gentleness 33:01 and he goes, thank you so much for 33:04 what you have given to our community 33:05 and I just want to take a breath moments 33:08 I said, thank you ASI, thank you donors, 33:10 thank you parents who sacrifices 33:13 for Christian education, it is not wasted. 33:15 We see thanks in students every day. Amen. 33:19 We can witness even by just a smile sometimes. 33:22 Thank you so much for sharing 33:24 and may God richly bless your academy, 33:26 your ministry and may move forward as you continue 33:29 to network with others as well. 33:30 Thank you so much. And now we are going 33:34 to move to my neighbors that live all the way 33:36 across the country in British Colombia 33:39 and Fountainview Academy is here with us. 33:42 They are going to share a few things 33:44 that God is doing through their school and blessing 33:46 that He has given to them. 33:48 So, could you tell us a little bit about 33:50 Fountainview Academy, Scott? Well, 33:52 Fountainview Academy is a academy just like 33:54 Ouachita Hills and DayStar, 33:56 very similar many respects. 33:58 We have a little bit stronger emphasis 34:00 on music that's probably what you know people 34:03 would remember us for but you know 34:04 what somebody comes by the booth 34:05 and they ask me to tell them about 34:06 Fountainview Academy. 34:08 If there is a student or parent of a student 34:11 around I will just well, 34:13 why don't you ask them because I am a 34:14 little bit biased, so I'm gonna ask Caitlin 34:17 to tell us what you thinks about 34:19 Fountainview Academy. 34:20 You know the biggest blessing 34:22 to me in going to Fountainview 34:24 was that are really provided a 34:28 spiritual environment for me to grow. 34:30 As a young Christian, 34:31 I was surrounded by encouragement 34:33 and mentors that could help me as 34:36 I began my Christian walk. Amen. 34:39 Well, I understand that you have an exciting 34:41 new witnessing to all. 34:42 Why don't you tell us about it, Scott? 34:44 Well, we do have a strong emphasis on music 34:47 and over the years we've had concerts 34:50 all over the place and what we typically 34:52 do is we have the students do an introduction 34:55 to each song. Tells a little bit about what 34:57 the songs gonna be about? 34:58 But you know we thought let's do something 35:01 a little bit different. Let's let the message 35:04 drive the song instead of the song drive 35:06 the message. So, we have taken the book 35:08 "Steps to Christ" and we read through 35:11 the whole thing outlined every chapter 35:12 and there is 13 chapters in the book. 35:14 We took each chapter and we summarize 35:18 the main point into three main points per chapter, 35:21 then we took those summaries, 35:23 put them in a paragraph and let that be 35:25 the introduction to the song, 35:27 then we chose songs that would go along 35:29 with the chapter summary right. 35:32 So, we let the message drive the music. 35:34 We want to include music in presenting 35:38 this because music speaks to the emotions. 35:40 It gives an it's way to communicate emotionally. 35:42 Then what we did was we took that format 35:46 and we made it into thirteen-half 35:50 hour segments, half hour programs 35:52 where we have a group of one of our teachers 35:56 and four students will be in a natural environment. 35:59 They are out on our campus, 36:01 we've got a beautiful campus 36:02 where in British Colombia, Canada. 36:04 So, it's just a beautiful British Colombia. 36:06 And they are sitting out under the trees 36:08 and the orchard down by the river, 36:09 different locations and they talk about 36:13 this topic in Steps to Christ like they will take 36:16 each chapter whether it's God's love for man 36:18 or repentance or confession 36:19 and they sit around they talk about that chapter 36:22 and the young people will share their personal 36:25 experiences in regarding that particular topic. 36:30 And then what we do is as they start like 36:32 that and then a phase into the introduction 36:35 to the first song and then the song goes 36:37 and then it comes back to the group sitting 36:40 in the orchard and they will discuss 36:42 the song and they will discuss the chapter 36:44 that the subject again and then it will fade 36:46 into another song. It does have three 36:48 times so there is three songs per chapter 36:50 and at the end of the production 36:52 we will have a little DVD case 36:55 that will have three DVDs with almost six 36:57 and half hours of programming on 36:59 it as well as three CDs that have an audio version 37:04 of the book Steps to Christ and we will also have 37:07 a copy of Steps to Christ in that DVD package. 37:11 And what we want to do is we wants us to be 37:13 an evangelistic tool and what we found is that 37:16 we've done a couple of DVDs already 37:18 where our young people are out in nature, 37:21 singing their songs so we have their on beaches 37:23 there, in the mountains there, 37:25 in the forest and people really sing to like that 37:29 they are attracted to it. 37:30 It's visually attractive. 37:31 And so what we have done then 37:33 is we have got this package and this is something 37:36 that you can give to your neighbors. 37:37 And just say, hey, 37:38 you know there is this school and there is these 37:41 young people, they have this music program 37:43 and they sing out doors I think you would be 37:45 interested in watching this. 37:46 And they can watch the video and then if they 37:50 are interested they can go and read the book 37:51 and they can listen to it in their car with an audio 37:53 version of that. Woh! It sounds like 37:56 a really good project. I am interested in know 37:59 and what is like from a student prospective? 38:01 How are you involved in this project? 38:02 It was actually really rewarding 38:05 to do this project because as a student body 38:08 we were actively engaged in almost every single 38:12 aspect of it. Coming back from 38:14 Christmas break we were given opportunity 38:17 to read Steps to Christ and to suggest 38:19 songs that we felt what are in with the 38:22 different chapters. As soon as the songs 38:25 were chosen, students began orchestrating 38:28 and putting music to their friend songs 38:30 and within hours of song being finished it 38:33 will be printed up and giving the orchestra 38:34 so they could start learning it. 38:36 And it was really a blessing too because 38:38 we had thirty nine songs to learn that's like 38:42 at least double the amount of songs 38:44 that we would cover over the course of the year 38:46 and we only had two months to learn them 38:49 and to record them. 38:50 So as soon as orchestra learnt it 38:53 we started getting closure to our deadline 38:55 in March and the orchestra was recorded then 38:59 the quire recorded their music and then we left 39:02 for our film to an April. And while we were 39:06 on the tour students actually had the opportunity 39:10 to stand behind cameras and to do the actual 39:13 filming of the different songs. 39:14 Once we got back from the tour. 39:17 The students were able to use their different 39:22 interest to added the visual film 39:26 and to put it together with the audio 39:28 which they also were involved with the pre 39:30 and post added of the audio. 39:31 And then with the Bible studies 39:34 we as student forgiven the opportunity 39:36 to share different testimonies 39:37 that we had that combined with the 39:40 different points that we had in Steps to Christ. 39:43 So from start to finish we were really 39:46 involved and so it was really a lot of fun 39:48 to do this project. Well, it sounds like a 39:50 really good project to do and it sounds like it 39:52 really gave the students all kinds of opportunity 39:56 to learn new things and in fact, 39:58 we have just a sneak preview for you 40:00 this afternoon because we have a little video clip 40:03 of one they recorded and we would like to 40:06 present that to you right now so 40:08 that you can see this project. 40:10 It hasn't been released yet but it will be 40:12 and I think about twelve weeks, 40:13 says what? Scott said, 40:15 so in twelve weeks it will be released. 40:16 You can be looking forward to that 40:18 and let's watch the video clip right now 40:20 and see what they have done. 40:25 When I look at the incredible beauty 40:26 around me I am inclined to think that 40:29 whoever made these things was inspired. 40:31 Inspired with the sense of balance, 40:34 with the sense of color, 40:35 with the sense of texture. 40:38 The Bible says the God is love 40:41 that He made all of these things for us to enjoy, 40:44 just as a Father does good things 40:47 for His children. 41:27 O Lord my God! when I in awesome wonder 41:36 Consider all the works Thy hand hath made 41:58 I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder 42:09 Thy power throughout the universe displayed 42:17 When through the woods and forest glades I wander 42:25 And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees 42:33 When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur 42:41 And hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze 42:51 Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee 43:02 How great Thou art! How great Thou art! 43:13 Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee 43:20 How great Thou art! How great Thou art! 43:53 Throughout our Steps to Christ sing song 43:55 project we have the opportunity to share 43:57 many difference songs but if there is one message 44:00 that we wanted to be clearly communicated 44:02 through our music it's Jesus 44:04 and to bring people to a knowledge 44:07 of Jesus as their friend and savior. 44:09 This song poses a question that we hope 44:12 and pray that you not only asking your friends, 44:14 your neighbors, the people you come in contact 44:16 with but there you also asking yourself. 44:25 Have you a heart that's weary, 44:33 Tending a load of care? 44:39 Are you a soul that's seeking 44:46 Rest from the burden you bear? 44:52 Do you know (do you know) my Jesus? 44:59 Do you know (do you know) my friend? 45:05 Have you heard (have you heard) He loves you, 45:12 And that He will abide till the end? 45:18 Where is your heart, O pilgrim? 45:24 What does your light reveal? 45:30 Who hears your call for comfort 45:36 When naught but sorrows you feel? 45:42 Do you know (do you know) my Jesus? 45:49 Do you know (do you know) my friend? 45:54 Have you heard (have you heard) He loves you, 46:01 And that He will abide till the end? 46:07 Who understands your heartaches? 46:14 Who sees it when you cry? 46:21 Who knows your disappointments? 46:27 Who dries the tears from your eyes? 46:33 Do you know (do you know) my Jesus? 46:40 Do you know (do you know) my friend? 46:46 Have you heard (have you heard) He loves you, 46:52 And that He will abide till the end? 47:13 A visit in this auditorium 47:15 this afternoon, will lead you to the 47:18 conviction that God must be here because 47:22 lots of good things happen, 47:24 a visit to the exhibits would tell you 47:29 that God has been leading a group of people. 47:33 All of these would be impossible on its own. 47:39 God inspires people, 47:43 gives them the energy the ability 47:46 the ideas so that ASI can continue. 47:50 We elect officers for a two year term 47:54 and today we changed to a new group. 47:59 One of our past presidents is Debbie 48:05 she talks to us today. 48:07 This past presidents don't seem to quit 48:10 they just keep right on going 48:12 and she has been in charge here 48:14 of many things talk to us. 48:17 It's my pleasure to thank Donna 48:21 and Denzil. Donna McNeilus 48:23 is the current president. 48:24 Donna, you have done wonderers in listening 48:28 to God and leading the organization. 48:31 We are so grateful that we have chosen 48:34 to follow the Texas, 48:35 let you like so shine before men 48:39 that they make see you good works 48:41 and glorify your father which is in heaven. 48:43 And so this is just a token to let you know 48:46 that you should continue to let your light shine 48:48 as you continue to serve. 48:50 Thank you very much on behalf 48:51 of the ASI organization. 48:53 Thank you Debbie! 48:59 It's been my privilege to serve for the last 49:01 two years as the ASI president 49:04 and I have made new friends and friends 49:05 that I will have for life. 49:07 And I cant' wait to be you in heaven 49:10 and you know I got to thinking about before 49:14 I came I had made this decision with God 49:16 that I knew He was calling me in path 49:18 with my family and I really felt it 49:20 was important because I have two girlsv 49:22 that are seniors this year, 49:24 one in college and one in Academy. 49:26 I am not leaving ASI, you are still gonna see me. 49:29 I love this organization, 49:31 I love the mission of this organization, 49:33 but I am so thankful that you have included 49:37 us as a part of your family. 49:39 Please pray for us as we continue to serve Him. 49:42 And now at this time I get to introduce 49:46 your new president for ASI and he is coming now 49:51 right now and this is Norm Reitz 49:53 and his beautiful wife Gail and they will be 49:56 working as a team together I just know. 49:58 So thank you for being here. 50:01 It's a privilege to follow in the line 50:04 of leadership that has been here 50:06 and I am going to share in a minute 50:09 about how we absolutely must work together 50:12 as a team. Well, thank you for those kind words. 50:16 I do have to present you with something. 50:18 This is a tradition that one president passes 50:22 to another president and this is the gabble 50:24 and it says president, and I thank you 50:27 understand that but more important 50:29 we decided that we would start a new tradition. 50:33 In fact I wish I could say that, 50:34 we came up with this about ourselves, 50:37 but we didn't actually my son GYC president 50:40 told me mom you should pass the Bible. 50:43 So we are giving a Bible that says ASI 50:47 president and all the past living ASI presidents 50:51 have signed something in this, 50:53 either it's a quotation, 50:55 a Bible verse or something that means 50:58 a lot to us personally and so we want 51:01 to continue passing this down, 51:03 but this is for you. It's for you to use along 51:06 with God and everything you do Norm. 51:10 For us to have our two years 51:11 and we can put our inscription in it at the end. 51:13 That's right. What an awesome responsibility. 51:18 Yes, thank you. You know some of you, 51:23 many of you probably watch the Tour de France 51:26 here a few weeks ago and you know 51:28 that there is a dynamic to comparative cycling. 51:33 Lance Armstrong has won the Tour de France 51:35 seven-times, but he never would 51:38 have won at once without his team 51:41 because the team gets together. 51:43 They are best quality writers we can find 51:48 in the world and they are dedicated to supporting 51:51 the object of the team which is to win the 51:54 Tour de France and so they gathered behind 51:58 what they call the designated leader 52:01 and they protect him, they drove him behind 52:08 them you get have 7 percent advantage 52:09 when you are writing behind somebody 52:11 else so we don't have to be out fun all the time, 52:14 you got somebody there cutting the issues 52:19 ahead of you and they are there position you 52:24 for the top task of the final chart 52:27 for the goal lines. 52:28 So I believe that leadership within ASI 52:32 is very much the same that there is a 52:35 designated leader, there is Ben I who has been 52:38 from Harrow Lands all the way down to the 52:39 recent leaders and now we have a change 52:42 but a criteria of selection for our team 52:46 is that everyone of the people here if necessary 52:50 could assume the role of leadership. 52:53 And the Tour de France this time Lance 52:57 Armstrong faltered near the end. 52:59 So Alberto Contador won because in the third 53:03 of the last leg of the race they changed 53:07 who was a designated leader and they stood 53:09 behind him and he finished and the team won. 53:11 I would like to very quickly introduce our team 53:14 that you don't get to know them you already 53:17 know some of them. Start of the other end 53:19 then if you would somehow step forward 53:21 when I mention your names; 53:22 Stan and Kathy Smith. Stan is a business person, 53:27 a financial guy there in the agro business, 53:30 bakery business, supporters of the 53:31 Adventist education. He has a portfolio of finance. 53:35 We have Steve Dickman and his wife Brenda. 53:38 Steve is a principle of Harbert Hills Academy. 53:42 Brenda teaches there. 53:43 Steve has been a very affective leader 53:46 in the Southern chapter of ASI. 53:50 He will have a portfolio of recruitment 53:53 and membership. Terry Anderson 53:54 currently Mid America president, 53:57 he has a portfolio of the evangelism. 53:59 I will take over a very successful program. 54:02 His wife Colin and we are glad to have you on board. 54:05 All of these people could be president 54:07 if necessary. Danny Houghton and his wife Sondra; 54:10 Danny is with heart research. 54:14 His portfolio is communication. 54:16 Harold Lance is the president of Mission Inc. 54:21 I don't know when and how you gonna 54:23 do the offering that but I am not going to do it. 54:25 We are glad to have you as part of our team. 54:28 Ramon Chow is our secretary and employ of the 54:32 North American division and an accountant 54:34 and someone is very important to us. 54:37 And then in terms of this introduction we have 54:40 Donna McNeilus, who I have asked 54:42 and she has agreed to serve as the General 54:45 Vice-President. She has been president. 54:49 Her husband Denzil has been president. 54:51 They are repository wisdom. They are source of inspiration, 54:56 and it's a pleasure to have you on board 55:00 and to know that you are on this team 55:03 and if you have to go out for friends sometimes 55:07 that's a pleasure for me to know you are there. 55:10 Pray for us because you are part of the team as well 55:14 and in terms of financial support, 55:17 in terms of prayer, in terms of making the local chapter 55:21 successful, in terms of recruiting 55:23 we are nothing without you. 55:25 So let us work together for the success of ASI. 55:38 Amen! Norm has solicited the prayers of all of us. 55:43 I will pray aloud but I invite all of you 55:48 to pray for him. Not only today but as 55:53 his term continues and pray for each of our 55:56 officers that God will be in charge 56:00 of this organization. Father in Heaven, 56:03 we come to you asking, 56:09 begging of you to send your spirit here. 56:15 This organization works because you direct it 56:21 and we pray that you will continue, 56:24 continue to direct it through the leaders 56:27 that we've selected here. 56:29 Bless Norm and Gail as they lead out, 56:34 but each of the other leaders too, 56:37 every one of these officers. 56:41 We would want even in greater things done 56:46 through this organization because we believe that 56:51 Son Jesus will come and we must tell everybody. 56:57 Bless all of those who are exhibiting today. 57:02 Have a booth. All people who are involved 57:09 in this ministry, but we look for a double person 57:15 of yours spirit to fall upon our officers for we 57:19 prayed in the name of Jesus, amen. 57:35 Have you been blessed? Stand with me for 57:37 the closing prayer. Let's bow our heads. 57:42 Our loving Father in Heaven 57:44 we just thank you some much for this afternoon 57:47 that we've been able to worship together to fellowship 57:49 together to hear many of the exciting reports 57:51 of your work around the world. 57:53 We just ask father that your Holy Spirit 57:55 will continue to bless each and every person 57:57 and each and every project did every soul 57:59 that has been touched and will be touched. 58:01 God sees the truth that have been sown 58:03 and Lord may when we reach to heaven, 58:05 see a great harvest for the work that has been done. 58:07 I pray that your spirit will be continue to be 58:09 with each of us here to the closing hours 58:11 of the Sabbath and as we travel home tomorrow. |
Revised 2014-12-17