3ABN On the Road

Friday Morning

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Edwin & Maria Nebbletts


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000953

03:36 Good morning ASI.
03:39 Welcome to the worship this morning.
03:42 Let us begin by closing our eyes
03:44 and lifting our thoughts to Lord asking for His help here.
03:48 Precious Heavenly Father, we want to hear from your throne
03:54 as You call to each of our hearts.
03:57 What we can do to be more like You
03:59 and to rightly represent You
04:02 as individuals and as families here on earth.
04:06 So we invite your presence here now, Lord,
04:08 as we share from our hearts and share in song.
04:14 Let those who hear and if convicted
04:18 by the Holy Sprit will turn to You to achieve the strength
04:24 to do the things that you've called us to do
04:26 in Jesus name, amen.
04:31 We were excited when we heard that the theme
04:36 for the early morning devotionals
04:38 this year would be "Knowing Him as a Family."
04:43 Because for the past 15 years, we've been on a journey
04:47 that has led us to the discovery of
04:50 God's special beautiful design and purpose for each family
04:55 which is to experience intimacy with Him as a family.
05:03 There is incredible joy and blessing for us
05:06 and all others when we catch a vision of God's design
05:10 and seek to fulfill His glorious plan.
05:13 We find ourselves connected, happy, secure, fulfilled,
05:20 and empowered, and equipped with the most powerful
05:23 evangelistic tool in our hands.
05:27 What is that evangelistic tool?
05:30 There's a passage that is found
05:32 in "Adventist Home," page 32 that clearly defines
05:36 how we can be the most effective witnesses
05:40 for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
05:41 It states, the greatest evidence
05:45 of the power of Christianity that can be presented
05:48 to the world is a well-ordered, well disciplined family.
05:54 This will recommend the truth as nothing else can
06:00 for it is a living witness of its practical power
06:03 upon the heart.
06:05 So we wanna share with you about a time in our lives
06:09 when we came unto the conviction that
06:12 while we were professed Christians
06:15 engaged in God's work, we were not connected to God
06:20 and to one another in the way
06:22 that God designed families to be.
06:24 And thus we were unable to witness of the effectiveness
06:29 of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our own lives,
06:32 in our own hearts and how by God's grace
06:35 this has changed and continues changing.
06:39 I graduated from the family practice residency
06:42 at Hinsdale Hospital in the suburbs of Chicago in 1981.
06:46 I completed a teaching fellowship.
06:49 I joined the faculty,
06:50 and I began teaching in the residency program.
06:52 I was practicing obstetrics as a family physician.
06:56 I was administering the residency practice.
06:59 We were newly weds. Maria is a nurse.
07:01 She was working on the 3:00 to 11:00 shift.
07:04 So you can imagine how our lives crossed on different paths.
07:08 On the weekends, I was busy with
07:11 my responsibilities as a church elder
07:13 and engaged in starting a new church.
07:16 I loved my wife but I was not tuned in to her needs.
07:22 Well, as time went on we started a family.
07:26 I became more involved in service to others.
07:30 Maria learned to live with my busyness.
07:33 I was now involved in media ministry
07:37 with the focus of reaching the secular world
07:39 and then I added a children's series.
07:43 I was conducting health lectures at churches.
07:46 I had a part time medical practice
07:48 while now being the director of the residency program.
07:52 When I was at home I was often on the phone.
07:55 I was so busy doing God's work
07:59 that I had little or no time for God.
08:04 We live in an age, in a society where it seems
08:08 that nearly everyone is pressed for time, hurried and hassled.
08:14 Technology has provided us with more so called
08:18 time saving devices than ever before in the history
08:22 of mankind and yet we have less time
08:27 for meaningful communication and relatedness
08:32 than we have ever had before.
08:35 God says be still and know that I am God.
08:40 It takes time with Him first of all.
08:43 It takes silence in the soul to be able
08:47 to search out the deep things of God.
08:51 We cannot experience real intimacy
08:55 with our Father unless we take time
09:01 to have those periods of stillness
09:03 before Him on a regular basis.
09:06 Likewise we cannot experience intimacy with our spouses.
09:11 We cannot experience closeness as a family
09:14 unless we take time, once again
09:17 for that meaningful association,
09:21 deep communication, and relatedness.
09:25 This is why cohesive families tend to be a thing of the past.
09:31 One pastor speaking of the people of God
09:34 in the context of modern life has said,
09:38 "We have become a body of people
09:41 that look more like a herd of cattle in a stampede
09:47 than a flock of God beside green pastures
09:51 and still waters."
09:53 And this is the way that I remember our lives
09:56 being in those early years of our marriage.
09:59 I remember always longing for more time
10:03 with my husband and never feeling like I had enough.
10:08 As the months and years passed
10:11 we began having children.
10:13 And I grew up hearing stories from my mother
10:16 of her very happy family life in a large family
10:19 so I wanted to have a large family.
10:21 But by the time we had three and then four
10:24 I was overwhelmed and I felt alone in the day-to-day
10:30 coping with the challenges
10:32 of raising and mothering several young children.
10:38 I often ended the day with tremendous fatigue,
10:43 with tears and regret desiring with all my heart
10:47 to be a happy, a nurturing godly mother
10:53 but often losing my temper with them.
10:57 You see I was ignorant because I wasn't taking
11:00 that time to be still and to learn of the Father.
11:04 I was ignorant of the principles that could make
11:09 our home that could bring peace and order into our home.
11:14 One evening, I was especially fatigued
11:17 and disappointed having learned that he was not coming home.
11:20 He had just admitted a woman in labor
11:24 to the hospital and he would not be home that evening.
11:28 I lost my temper once again with our children
11:32 as I was trying to get them to bed early
11:34 and they were not quickly cooperating.
11:37 I yelled at our oldest, our seven year old.
11:40 I said, "When will you ever learn to listen
11:44 and to be considerate of your mother?"
11:49 Now while it was not infrequent
11:51 for me to lose my temper with them.
11:55 It was different this time in that instead of bringing
12:00 all activity to a halt as they usually did
12:03 when I lost my temper and just watching me
12:07 in silent dread, this time she spoke up and it shocked me.
12:13 She said, "I can never please you,"
12:17 with big tears in her eyes.
12:19 "I'll never be able to please you."
12:24 I was silenced by her words and I put them to bed quietly
12:29 and filled with shame and regret
12:32 I lay in bed wondering how can I be so hurtful
12:38 to children that I wanted so much
12:40 and that I love so dearly?
12:45 For the first time, I was struck
12:46 by the ugliness of the sin of angry words
12:49 and the devastating effect upon the heart.
12:53 I cried to God in despair that evening.
12:57 How could I learn to manage my children
13:00 in a loving God-honoring way?
13:03 How could I teach them to love Jesus
13:06 and to love, honor, and obey their parents
13:10 without losing my temper frequently
13:13 and speaking words of condemnation to them?
13:18 In a passage from Ellen White,
13:20 that is found in the S.D.A. Bible Commentary
13:23 among other places.
13:24 It says, "The greatest insult
13:27 that we can inflict upon Him, upon Christ,
13:31 is to pretend to be His disciples,
13:34 while manifesting the spirit of Satan in our words,
13:38 our dispositions, and our actions."
13:42 The same principle is stated in James 1:26 where it states,
13:48 "If any man among you seem to be religious,
13:52 and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart,
13:57 this man's religion is in vain."
14:01 My religion friends was in vain during that period of my life.
14:06 I was as Romans 1:18 puts it,
14:10 "Holding the truth in unrighteousness."
14:14 As I cried to God that evening, I desperately wanted victory
14:21 but I lacked elements that are necessary for victory
14:26 like the habit of consistent daily earnest study
14:30 of the word of God specifically searching
14:33 for the solutions to the problems
14:35 that challenged me in my daily experience.
14:38 I lacked the power of the Holy Spirit.
14:41 I longed for my husband to be spiritual leader
14:46 and priest of our home to conduct family worship
14:49 on a daily basis to lead us to Jesus
14:51 and to the answers that we needed
14:54 so that we could become the happy godly family
14:57 that I knew God wanted us to be.
15:01 But he only conducted worship
15:04 on a hit-or-miss basis because he was too busy,
15:07 too busy with work, ministry activities,
15:11 and commitments outside of our home.
15:17 So Lord calling to your heart?
15:19 Well, conviction came to me on Shante's seventh birthday.
15:25 As I sat around in the boisterous children's voices
15:30 and I'm looking at this seven-year-old child,
15:32 it dawned on me, I did not know her.
15:37 I did not know what her favorite color was.
15:39 I did not know what the name was of that thing
15:43 she drags around that looks like a teddy bear once in a while.
15:47 I didn't know what its name was.
15:50 I realized with sadness that I had lived
15:53 for seven years with this child and in my heart
15:57 while I longed to be a godly father,
16:01 where was I to find the time?
16:05 Every moment was consumed in the practice of medicine
16:08 at the hospital, teaching the art
16:10 to up and coming physicians.
16:12 At the hospital, I was Mr. Wonderful.
16:14 There I was a success.
16:17 Work consumed me and I did not resist.
16:21 How many of you can relate to this?
16:24 I also managed to make time for an outreach
16:27 and for service to others but at home I was failing.
16:31 Well, God brought me to conviction that day
16:35 that something needed to change
16:37 if I was to hear the words one day
16:39 well done thou good and faithful service.
16:43 When the Lord asked me where is the beautiful flock
16:48 that I gave you?
16:50 Well, during the rest of our time this morning
16:52 we want to share with you the simple steps
16:54 that God led us to take as we sought answers from His word.
17:00 There were two things that we as parents were missing
17:03 in our lives that we came to understand
17:06 were necessary absolutely necessary
17:09 for us to become the happy, cohesive, vibrant,
17:14 fully functional, full of purpose,
17:17 mission driven minded family that God designed
17:21 ever family to become.
17:22 The first, Maria, has already spoken of
17:25 and brothers and sisters if you've not already done this
17:29 we just plead with you to experience the joy.
17:32 There's joy to be found in a personal intimate real
17:38 living connection with Jesus Christ.
17:40 It is that connection that gives us the strength
17:45 to overcome the areas in our lives
17:47 where we're having difficulty.
17:48 That we can experience victory over our flesh
17:52 and continual growth in grace
17:55 which transforms our marriage, our parenting,
17:59 and every aspect of our lives.
18:01 The second is a strong heart-to-heart connection
18:07 amongst all members of our family.
18:09 First with Maria and myself and with each of our children.
18:13 So that we become partakers together of all the blessings
18:17 that God wants to bestow
18:18 on families and through families.
18:23 Well, let's look at the first element that we are missing.
18:28 You know, the challenge that we're faced
18:29 with is that often times we look for our own solutions
18:32 but the solutions to any issues that we face
18:36 are to be found in God's word.
18:38 In John 6:63 it says, "It is the spirit that quickeneth,
18:42 the flesh profiteth nothing:
18:44 the words that I speak unto you,
18:47 they are spirit and they are life."
18:49 Spiritual life can only be kindled,
18:51 revived and maintained by the Holy Spirit
18:54 through the word of God.
18:56 So coming on to this conviction,
18:58 I made the commitment 14 years ago that I would spend
19:01 the first hour of every day in God's word.
19:06 Since then I have sought to follow the admonition
19:09 that I read one day in my devotions
19:11 in "Steps to Christ," page 70, where it says,
19:14 "Consecrate yourself to God."
19:17 In the morning make this your very first work.
19:22 You know, we are promised
19:24 that as we do this our lives will be molded more and more
19:30 after the life of Christ.
19:32 You know, I've sought to make my study of God's word
19:35 very practical dealing with my personal needs
19:39 like how to be a godly husband?
19:41 And how to be the father that God would have me to be?
19:44 And how to overcome the areas of weakness
19:47 that the Holy Spirit opens my eyes to see?
19:49 I believed that making my study practical
19:53 has made the most dramatic difference in my life.
19:56 It's not always been easy to keep this commitment.
19:59 There are obstacles like spending long evenings
20:04 engaged in projects or programs
20:07 that make for a late day and make it very hard
20:10 to get up in the morning
20:11 to spend that time in God's word.
20:15 Referring back to the text that Edwin quoted.
20:17 John 6:63, "It is the spirit
20:20 that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing."
20:23 Friends, it was my flesh
20:24 that was in charge of my life in the illustration
20:27 that I gave you of my parenting in those
20:30 early years and indeed it profited nothing.
20:35 Both my husband's hectic lifestyle
20:39 and the resulting lack of spiritual leadership
20:42 in our home and my own lack
20:45 of a deep growing personal experience
20:49 with God were leading us away from the blessings
20:53 that God has in store and that He wants
20:55 to bestow on every family.
20:58 The blessing of nurturing a cohesive,
21:00 happy, vibrant Christian family
21:03 that is a powerful testimony to the world.
21:07 But as Edwin and I began to establish
21:10 that living connection through the word of God
21:15 with him on a daily basis through communion with Him
21:18 over the months and years that followed it made
21:21 a dramatic difference in our family life.
21:24 Friends, we are here to tell you that there is saving power,
21:28 life changing power in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
21:32 Amen. And as I began to make--
21:35 to sit at the feet of Jesus to make that the first priority
21:41 of my day on a daily basis I began
21:46 to experience that life changing power in my own life.
21:50 As a mother I needed to have self-subdued
21:54 to gain victory over my temper.
21:57 As I spent time in His word
21:59 not as a hasty or careless reader would
22:04 but diligently searching for the solutions
22:08 to my challenges the Lord began to teach me
22:14 the way that He is willing and eager to teach anyone
22:18 of us who lack wisdom, who lack knowledge.
22:21 He began to teach me how to consistently speak
22:26 to our children and to my husband
22:29 with the law of kindness on my lips.
22:33 Now I don't have time to share
22:35 with you that particular journey,
22:36 I share that in a different message
22:38 but suffice it to say that as we re-ordered
22:42 our priorities in our home, in our lives,
22:45 the Lord began to give us an experience
22:47 that has not only blessed our family to this day,
22:51 making our home as a little piece of heaven
22:54 to us but it has given us a testimony to share
22:58 with others of what Christ
23:01 can do when we learn to surrender,
23:04 when we learn to die to self on a daily basis.
23:07 I wonder how many of you were here yesterday
23:10 as the misters were sharing, very powerful,
23:14 the principles that they were sharing
23:16 were the things that the Lord began to teach us
23:19 as we started taking that time with Him.
23:22 When self is on the throne there can be no happiness,
23:26 no real happiness in a marriage, in a parenting relationship.
23:30 Self must die. Christ must live in us.
23:37 That we can have all that we can become the inheritors
23:41 of all the blessings that He wants to bestow on us.
23:45 The Bible says, "Taste and see."
23:48 Taste and see" that it is good.
23:51 The second element that I mentioned
23:53 earlier that we were missing in the ability
23:56 to keep the hearts up was the ability for us
23:58 to be able to win and keep the hearts of our children.
24:01 In the book "Child Guidance," page 148, it says, listen,
24:04 listen carefully, "You must,
24:09 you must win their affection if you would impress
24:15 religious truth upon their hearts."
24:19 We've heard the heart cry of many parents
24:22 that have lost the hearts of their children.
24:27 And they see their children making decisions
24:30 that just bring their hearts to grief.
24:33 If you want to impress religious truths
24:36 on your children's hearts you must have their heart first.
24:42 This requires time. It requires your presence.
24:50 I tell my brothers that our wives and our children
24:54 need more than a paycheck.
24:56 They need us to be present, not distracted, present.
25:04 We need to give ourselves to our wives and our children
25:08 as the priest of the home, as the one appointed
25:12 to lead them to the kingdom of heaven.
25:15 The bible requires us to lead it's not an option.
25:20 Ephesians 5:23 says, "For the husband is the head
25:23 of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church
25:27 and He is the Savior of the body."
25:31 Have you ever thought of yourself brothers
25:33 as being the savior for your family's salvation?
25:38 I know Christ is the one that
25:39 gives us the strength to do this
25:41 but you are to act your part.
25:43 So as I sought to learn
25:45 how to do this in my devotional time,
25:47 one day I read in two favorite volumes that I love
25:50 to recall "Mind Character and Personality,"
25:53 volume I, page 162, "All our powers
25:57 are to be used for Christ,
26:00 this is the debt we each owe to God.
26:05 Informing a relationship with Christ the renewed man
26:08 is but coming back
26:10 to his appointed relationship with God.
26:14 He is a representative of Christ
26:16 and He is ever to watch
26:18 and pray and watch unto prayer.
26:21 His duties lie around him, nigh and a far off.
26:29 His first duty--his first duty is to his children
26:34 and his earnest relatives nothing can excuse him
26:38 from neglecting the inner circle
26:41 for the larger circle outside.
26:43 Oh, was this a call to my heart?
26:45 In the day of final reckoning fathers and mothers
26:48 will be required to answer in regard to their children.
26:52 Parents will be asked what they did?
26:55 and said to secure the salvation of the souls
26:58 they took upon themselves
26:59 the responsibility of bringing into the world.
27:03 Did they neglect their lambs leaving them
27:06 to the care of strangers? Fathers and mothers
27:11 are you allowing your children
27:13 to grow up in impurity and sin?
27:17 A great--this was the one that really hit me.
27:20 A great good done for others will not cancel
27:26 the debt you owe to God to care for your children.
27:31 The spiritual welfare of your family comes first.
27:35 Take them with you to the cross
27:37 of Calvary laboring for them
27:39 as those that must give an account.
27:42 Oh, this called to my heart that I needed
27:46 to reprioritize my life and do it in the way
27:53 that God would have me to do it.
27:56 The great deal good done for others will not cancel
28:00 the debt you owe to God to care for your children.
28:06 The Old Testament ends with a prophecy of a voice
28:11 of one that would cry in the wilderness calling people
28:16 to repentance and reformation preparing people
28:19 for the First Coming of the Lord.
28:21 It is found in Malachi 4 verse 4 through 6.
28:25 And it says, "Behold I will send you Elijah the Prophet
28:31 before the coming of that great and dreadful day
28:34 of the Lord and he shall turn the hearts
28:38 of the fathers to the children and the hearts
28:42 of the children to their fathers."
28:45 We are told that this message is also applicable
28:49 at the end of time in order to prepare people
28:52 to be ready for the Second Coming of the Lord.
28:55 And we believe that it is very appropriate
28:58 that this end time message would include turning
29:04 the hearts of the fathers to their children
29:07 and of the children to their fathers
29:09 because friends Satan has
29:12 so arranged modern life that parents,
29:17 most parents don't have time for their children
29:21 the amount of time that they should devote.
29:25 They have no time for communicating
29:27 spiritual values as we are admonished to do
29:31 in Deuteronomy Chapter 6 verses 6 and 7.
29:35 We are admonished to do this to share with them
29:38 every thing that God has said
29:40 as we sit in our houses as we walk by the way
29:45 when we lie down and when we rise up.
29:48 Parents don't have time
29:51 to simply talk or listen to their children,
29:56 to play with the children to befriend them,
29:59 to win their hearts,
30:01 no time to put into place the elements
30:04 that make for a happy home.
30:07 It is no wonder that in their teens the hearts
30:11 of their children are more bound to the hearts
30:14 of their peers than to the hearts of their parents.
30:17 That is not the way that God meant for it to be.
30:22 Do you have time for this in your life?
30:24 Are you finding time to follow
30:27 this Deuteronomy 6:6-7 lifestyle?
30:31 Is that the way you live your life
30:34 or are you finding that you have no time for this
30:38 because the important always gets sacrificed
30:43 on the altar of the urgent?
30:47 Friends, if that is the way that is in your life
30:49 then it is time, we would invite you
30:53 to right now without any-- with out delaying any longer
30:59 reorder the priorities
31:01 in your life after heavens order.
31:04 You see we need to give ourselves first
31:07 to God then to our spouses and to our children,
31:11 not only to our children, not only for this moment
31:14 by moment instruction in Godliness, guidance,
31:18 and correction but also in pleasant
31:24 refreshing association in recreation,
31:29 recreation that binds the hearts of parents
31:33 and children in a bond that cannot be easily broken.
31:36 Indeed we're told that we must prepare
31:40 the soil of our children's hearts with love
31:44 and affection thus preparing it to receive
31:48 the seed of truth that's found
31:50 in "Adventist Home," home page 18.
31:52 Well, we are here to tell you
31:54 that in taking time over the past 15 years
31:58 first of all to give ourselves to each other
32:01 and to our children, taking time to take
32:04 interest in their interest, we have found
32:07 that their hearts have not only been bound
32:10 to ours in a deeper love than we ever dreamed possible
32:15 but it has made them more willing to hear
32:20 what we have sort to teach them about God
32:24 over the years more willing to adopt for themselves
32:28 to embrace the values
32:31 that we have purposed to pass on to them.
32:35 Now at this point some of you
32:38 may be sitting here saying, I blew it.
32:41 Now what do I do? My children are grown.
32:44 We're estranged, what can I do?
32:47 Brothers and sisters as long
32:49 as there is life there is hope.
32:52 Jesus is the answer, go to your Savior
32:55 and say Lord I blew it.
32:57 What would you have me to do?
32:59 You can still reach the hardened heart of a child.
33:04 God will show you the way,
33:06 I believe it-- we've seen it happen,
33:09 where you say Lord, I don't know what to do.
33:11 Where do I start? First place you start is on your knees.
33:15 I am willing to do whatever you would have me to do.
33:17 Second thing you do,
33:19 you find where you can connect with them.
33:22 The Lord will show you a way, a common ground
33:25 and then you can build the bridges.
33:29 It is even an adult child with grandchildren,
33:33 great grandchildren you can still
33:35 connect with them for the Kingdom of Heaven.
33:37 Brothers and sisters we've seen
33:38 it happen over and over again.
33:40 Do not give up, where there is life there is hope.
33:45 Practically speaking taking time to give ourselves
33:49 to our children requires some hard decisions
33:54 and I want to share with you what some of those
33:56 were for us and the fruit of those decisions.
34:00 I knew from God's word that there is a season
34:04 for everything under the sun
34:07 and that this was the season for me
34:10 to stop doing so many good things,
34:13 good things outside of the home
34:15 that were keeping me from having a proper focus
34:18 on my home mission field, that's what I called it.
34:22 So I made some tough choices.
34:24 You have to understand that for me
34:26 saying no was very hard and disappointing others
34:31 was like having razors in my flesh,
34:36 but I resigned from media work for a time,
34:40 I resigned from my membership on boards
34:45 and other service opportunities that required
34:48 that I be out of the home
34:50 taking time away from my family.
34:52 And I focused rather on service and outreach
34:56 that we could do as a family.
34:59 So we moved to the country which we believed
35:01 to be the setting most conducive
35:03 to the accomplishment of our goals.
35:06 Our primary purpose became the spiritual nurture
35:10 of our family and binding our hearts
35:12 to Jesus Christ and to one to another.
35:14 So we took advantage of opportunities for service
35:17 and outreach as a family
35:19 and we use the two small churches in our county
35:23 as training ground for our children
35:26 to develop their talents for service and leadership.
35:29 We spend many seasons in communion with God
35:32 and with one another in nature.
35:34 We took the time to study God's word
35:37 and we made the memorization of scripture
35:39 a priority in our lives
35:41 seeking to make it, the rule of our lives.
35:46 We also took time to do things
35:48 with our children that were enjoyable for them.
35:50 Ellen White says, in "Adventist Home," page 110,"
35:54 Make the evening a pleasant social season
35:58 a family reunion after the days duties."
36:02 So we took an hour in the evening
36:06 right before family worship for family time.
36:10 So we read books together or played games
36:13 or did engaged in other activities
36:17 that were enjoyable for them that were exciting to them
36:19 such as riding bikes in the moonlight
36:24 and long winter evenings
36:26 or playing hide and seek in the snow.
36:28 Over the months and the years that followed
36:31 we began to see the fruit of that time investment.
36:38 We began to see it in our marriage first of all.
36:40 We saw it in our relationship with our Father
36:44 because that was our first priority
36:46 and we began to see that in the heart binding
36:50 that was taking place not just between us
36:54 and the children but between--
36:55 among the siblings themselves.
36:58 And friends, the fruit was sweet.
37:02 When we thus cooperate with God talking the time
37:06 to follow His instructions, taking the time to be still
37:10 before Him to learn of Him, to learn how to die to self
37:15 and taking the time to bond with one another,
37:19 our families can become all that
37:23 God design them to be and we're told that His peace
37:27 and grace and love will pervade
37:30 the family circle like a precious perfume.
37:34 "Adventist Home," page 17, "That home then becomes"
37:40 An Eden of bliss, " the family,
37:44 a beautiful symbol of the family of heaven."
37:48 A light in the community then we find ourselves
37:52 equipped with the most powerful
37:55 evangelistic tool in our hands because we have
37:58 something that the world is starving for.
38:02 Because we have something
38:03 that people think is no longer possible.
38:07 Today our four young people love the Lord.
38:11 They are fully committed to Him,
38:14 fully committed to our family,
38:15 they are each others best friends.
38:18 They have said to us that they would rather spend time
38:22 with our family than with anyone else on earth.
38:26 The heart to heart connection that is there is sweet.
38:31 They are fully engaged in service to their Savior.
38:37 In our ministry as a family
38:38 with Restoration International sharing
38:41 the practical gospel with individuals and families.
38:45 They have been very busy pursuing their studies,
38:49 three of them already engaged in their college studies,
38:55 and yet they're devoted to God first
38:59 and to His service and they are willing
39:03 to sacrifice for Christ sake
39:05 because that is their passion.
39:07 We invested in them and now they're willing
39:11 and eager to invest their life
39:15 in the service of their Master.
39:17 Honey, I want to give people a sense of hope.
39:20 They'll be listening and saying my teenagers,
39:22 forget it, it will never happen.
39:25 When we first made these hard choices,
39:28 did our children say, yes! this is great,
39:31 what was their response
39:32 when they-- when we first started?
39:34 Actually they did not, we one of the first things
39:37 that we instituted was this having family time.
39:41 And the truth is that up until this time
39:43 we had some close friends in our lives
39:45 with whom our children were bonded
39:48 more than they were with their own siblings.
39:51 And so as we started having family time
39:54 and we said okay from now on we're gonna take this hour
39:57 and we are just gonna do special things together.
40:00 And they looked at us and said what about--
40:03 when are we gonna to go to our friends house?
40:06 You see they were not--
40:08 it didn't show up as fun, but we persevered.
40:11 Ah-aah. Persevere.
40:16 Persevere brothers and sisters,
40:17 don't give up, persevere.
40:19 Just say, Lord, I'm willing to do
40:20 whatever you would have me to do,
40:22 but don't give up, don't give up.
40:25 We persevered and the day came after months.
40:31 When one evening we said to them, you know,
40:34 tonight we're gonna do something different.
40:39 We're going to go over to our friends house
40:41 a particular friends whose, whose company
40:44 they had coveted more than anything else
40:47 and our oldest said to us, well, what's gonna happen
40:51 to our family time? And I said,
40:54 well, that is our family time,
40:55 that's what we're doing tonight for our family time.
40:57 Well, you see we were engaged in reading
40:59 a particularly gripping story and interesting--
41:04 Always end on a cliffhanger.
41:06 Character building story and they wanted
41:09 to be together to learn what was happening next.
41:12 So she said, well, can we,
41:15 can we go to their house another day.
41:19 And we knew that God was blessing.
41:21 Just brings tears to your eyes.
41:23 In another passage from Adventist home,
41:24 you'll be going, why are they picking
41:26 all of these things from Adventist Home,
41:27 Child Guidance? Brothers and sisters,
41:29 we have a wealth of information
41:31 at our hands use them.
41:34 They have the answers to the questions
41:36 that you need, but you can't get it
41:37 unless you take time to read it.
41:39 In another passage in Adventist Home,
41:42 we read where we, how we can accomplish
41:45 setting getting the home setting and the work
41:47 that the Lord would have us to do.
41:49 And it says, "Our sphere of influence may seem narrow
41:54 our ability small, our opportunities few,
41:59 our acquirements limited, yet wonderful possibilities
42:04 are ours through a faithful use
42:07 of the opportunities of our own homes.
42:10 If we will open our hearts and homes
42:14 to the divine principles of life,
42:16 we shall become channels
42:18 for currents of life-giving power.
42:22 From our homes will flow streams of healing,
42:26 bringing life, and beauty, and fruitfulness
42:29 where now are barrenness and dearth."
42:32 This is found in page 32.
42:34 We have been experiencing the fulfillment
42:36 of that promise in a very tangible way in our home
42:39 for the past year and a half.
42:41 As we opened our home in a ministry
42:44 of hospitality in our community,
42:46 we've invited our neighbors and people that I encountered
42:50 in my medical practice to an evening of food,
42:53 fellowship, music, and Bible study
42:56 which we now do on a regular basis as time permits.
43:00 We have been amazed by the results.
43:03 They confirmed that the world is hungering
43:06 and thirsting to see the power
43:09 of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a very practical way
43:13 doing its amazing work to change lives of our family
43:18 at a time when families are falling apart.
43:22 We pray, that our testimony will be encouragement
43:24 to you to reestablish your priorities
43:28 if they are not ordered a right to seek
43:31 to place the proper emphasis on the first work
43:35 that the Kingdom of God and His righteousness
43:39 will be made manifest in the lives of your family
43:43 and mine and the fruit of the spirit
43:45 may abound in all our lives.
43:49 One of our sons has written a song
43:51 that we want to close with this morning.
43:54 And its a song that portrays what happens
43:59 when Jesus is really at the centre
44:01 of our hearts and our homes.
44:03 What happens in our homes,
44:05 become not only that extremely happy place,
44:10 but a light our home becomes as a "Beacon of Light"
44:14 in the land to illuminate the darkness
44:19 that we find as we see families falling apart.
44:23 "Home in Jesus Hands"
44:36 There is a place upon this earth
44:42 That stands unrivaled in its worth
44:48 It is a home where Jesus reigns,
44:53 And angels love to dwell
44:59 Where father, mother, girl and boy
45:05 Are satellites of Heaven's joy
45:10 And servants of the King of Kings
45:15 While on the earth they dwell.
45:19 When Christ is the life of the family,
45:25 That home is a light in the land
45:30 A beacon so bright, it shines through the night,
45:36 As proof that a family can stand,
45:41 When their home is in Jesus hands
45:48 There are times when the world looks dark
45:53 When wind and storm have left their mark,
45:58 When clouds have covered up the sun
46:03 And all is cold and gray
46:09 But in our hearts there shines a light,
46:14 The Word of God, the ways of right
46:19 When it its ways we walk and stay
46:24 The darkness turns to day
46:29 When Christ is the life of the family,
46:34 That home is a light in the land
46:40 A beacon so bright, it shines through the night,
46:45 As proof that a family can stand,
46:50 When their home is in Jesus hands
46:56 There is a call for every soul,
47:01 Each father, mother, boy and girl,
47:07 To live a life that speaks of love
47:12 In service here below
47:17 And all throughout the ages blessed
47:22 When we have found eternal rest,
47:28 We'll be at home with Heaven's Best
47:33 Our Savior, God, and King
47:37 When Christ is the life of the family,
47:43 That home is a light in the land
47:48 A beacon so bright, it shines through the night,
47:53 As proof that a family can stand,
47:58 When Christ is the life of the family,
48:03 That home is a light in the land
48:08 A beacon so bright, it shines through the night,
48:14 As proof that a family can stand,
48:18 When their home is in Jesus hands
48:35 Let us pray, heavenly Father I believe
48:39 that every family here desires to be in a family
48:44 that You will have us to be.
48:48 We want to be demonstration projects Lord
48:50 of what the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
48:55 can do in a family.
49:00 Father, we know that as the Holy Spirit
49:04 calls to our hearts we want to respond not in despair
49:09 but leaning upon the strength of Jesus Christ to do
49:13 what You have called us to do.
49:16 So we pray for every family here
49:18 that if they've come into the conviction
49:19 that they will go to You for the answers
49:22 that they will hear not just be hearers
49:26 but doers of the word.
49:28 To this end we give You the glory
49:29 and the honor and praise for any good thing
49:31 that we do, that shows, what a family in Jesus can do,
49:38 in this world, in Jesus name.


Revised 2014-12-17