You know, when I sing for Ron as I have, 00:01:00.40\00:01:02.14 as I have in his churches, in his crusades around 00:01:02.15\00:01:06.10 the country, its always easy to know what to sing 00:01:06.11\00:01:09.27 about because he always preaches about Jesus. 00:01:09.28\00:01:13.64 A couple of months ago, I was singing for 00:01:15.18\00:01:16.74 Mark Finley in Melbourne, Australia and I asked him 00:01:16.75\00:01:19.78 what's your subject tonight, he goes 666. 00:01:19.79\00:01:22.20 Yes, that's a little hard one to match but 00:01:25.00\00:01:26.94 you know I want to tell you something I don't care 00:01:26.95\00:01:29.67 what Ron is preaching about 666, stay the dead 00:01:29.68\00:01:34.11 whatever, he always is preaching about Jesus. 00:01:34.12\00:01:38.87 And so folks I hope that this will be an emphasis 00:01:40.20\00:01:42.69 in a message to us tonight that everything that 00:01:42.98\00:01:46.38 we should do in life, whether its plumbing 00:01:46.39\00:01:49.38 or driving a truck or farming, people should 00:01:49.39\00:01:53.85 look at us and always be able to tell that 00:01:53.86\00:01:56.96 we are about Jesus, our theme of, in life is Jesus. 00:01:56.97\00:02:04.21 A little boy is crying for affection. 00:02:20.50\00:02:26.64 A little girl needs a hand to hold. 00:02:27.80\00:02:33.56 And oh, how he loves those little children 00:02:35.67\00:02:40.76 How he longs to be a friend to young and old. 00:02:42.12\00:02:50.61 His tender spirit welcomes all who seek Him. 00:02:51.55\00:02:57.04 His giving heart asks little in return. 00:02:57.60\00:03:04.26 And I have found his promises faithful. 00:03:05.45\00:03:11.33 I seek to live my life that I may learn 00:03:12.09\00:03:19.12 To be like Jesus, To be like Jesus. 00:03:19.13\00:03:34.18 To be the one I was created to be. 00:03:34.84\00:03:47.29 To be like Jesus, To be like Jesus. 00:03:47.30\00:04:00.31 May all who see my life find Him in me. 00:04:00.73\00:04:15.95 When I received His supreme salvation 00:04:20.21\00:04:25.38 His perfect love filled my earthly soul. 00:04:26.08\00:04:32.46 And I became a new creation. 00:04:34.31\00:04:39.36 My brokenness He made completely whole. 00:04:39.95\00:04:46.21 And through the darkness of this 00:04:46.22\00:04:48.44 world I've been commissioned 00:04:48.45\00:04:51.80 To be a light that shines for Him alone. 00:04:51.81\00:04:58.74 Surrounded by His infinite mercy, 00:04:59.45\00:05:04.92 May my life always be known 00:05:06.02\00:05:12.81 To be like Jesus, To be like Jesus. 00:05:12.82\00:05:28.42 To be the one I was created to be. 00:05:29.07\00:05:42.08 To be like Jesus, To be like Jesus. 00:05:42.27\00:05:57.42 My only earthly goals fulfilled 00:05:58.09\00:06:03.84 When I'm centered in His will. 00:06:05.06\00:06:11.04 May all who see my heart find Him in me. 00:06:12.09\00:06:29.84 Amen. Amen. 00:06:47.20\00:06:48.17 Behind every great son is a great mother 00:07:04.29\00:07:07.06 I know his mother and, a beautiful woman, 00:07:08.31\00:07:13.03 lovely son, he was one of our students at 00:07:13.71\00:07:16.87 South Western while I was Pastor at that church 00:07:16.88\00:07:19.51 and he blessed my life but when God moves 00:07:20.21\00:07:23.43 in spontaneously when it just comes that's 00:07:23.44\00:07:26.82 when you hear great music and that's when you hear 00:07:26.83\00:07:29.74 great sermons when it comes from the heart, 00:07:29.75\00:07:32.34 Jesus unique son of God. Let's bow our heads 00:07:34.25\00:07:38.59 in a word of prayer as we seek his presence. 00:07:38.60\00:07:40.39 Gracious Father, who art in Heaven, 00:07:40.86\00:07:42.85 I thank you for the possibilities of what 00:07:42.86\00:07:45.77 you want to do for us here tonight. 00:07:45.78\00:07:47.18 People have come expectantly hoping, 00:07:49.92\00:07:52.59 but you will move in someway in their own 00:07:53.37\00:07:55.32 personal lives, that you'll move in in someway 00:07:55.33\00:07:57.34 in their own personal needs, that you'll touch 00:07:57.89\00:08:00.61 them in the area they need to be touched, 00:08:00.62\00:08:02.35 that you'll heal them in the ill area they need 00:08:02.36\00:08:04.57 to be healed that you'll save them for the 00:08:04.58\00:08:09.42 kingdom of God. And so tonight, 00:08:09.43\00:08:12.45 we wanna focus on you, we wanna be brought 00:08:12.46\00:08:14.24 again into your presence, we want a snapshot 00:08:14.25\00:08:16.48 of Jesus Christ, in his name, Amen. 00:08:17.64\00:08:21.49 Have you ever wished that you had a 00:08:22.58\00:08:23.98 snapshot of Jesus, to be carried your wallet. 00:08:23.99\00:08:26.46 I mean someone com up and say well Jesus, 00:08:28.01\00:08:31.72 I never and he say oh, oh let me introduce you, 00:08:31.73\00:08:33.97 pull it out and it's like me with my grand kids. 00:08:33.98\00:08:36.60 I will have it on the cell phone my four 00:08:37.35\00:08:39.48 grand kids looking at me. But, wouldn't it be nice 00:08:39.49\00:08:42.28 just to take a snapshot of Jesus and be able 00:08:42.29\00:08:44.64 to show someone what he was like and to see 00:08:44.65\00:08:48.02 his features, to see who he really was 00:08:48.03\00:08:50.64 and I got stirred in that direction some months ago 00:08:50.65\00:08:54.28 and I wrote a series on that snapshots of the 00:08:54.29\00:08:56.86 Savior and we did a Hope Channel special of eight 00:08:56.87\00:09:02.03 meetings on the snapshots. 00:09:02.63\00:09:04.38 I wanna incorporate some of those into what 00:09:04.39\00:09:06.66 we were talking about this camp meeting. 00:09:06.67\00:09:08.03 Especially, about the uniqueness of 00:09:08.36\00:09:09.86 Jesus Christ, you know today we find a 00:09:09.87\00:09:12.73 culture in crises. We find a culture in 00:09:12.74\00:09:18.70 search of meaning, a culture tottering on the 00:09:18.71\00:09:22.26 brink of disaster, I mean like a great ship 00:09:22.27\00:09:24.92 adrift in a stormy sea without a rudder. 00:09:24.93\00:09:27.06 Post modern man, all kids of questions, 00:09:27.81\00:09:32.18 few answers. Post modern man all kids of needs, 00:09:33.36\00:09:39.44 no solutions, a culture in need of a destiny, 00:09:39.91\00:09:44.73 a culture in need of purpose. 00:09:44.74\00:09:45.85 A culture in need of Christ. 00:09:45.86\00:09:48.19 It's like the prophetic word of God said because 00:09:50.52\00:09:52.40 that when they knew God that glorified him 00:09:52.41\00:09:54.79 not as God. Neither gave thanks, 00:09:54.80\00:09:57.12 but became vain in their reasoning 00:09:57.13\00:09:58.93 and in their foolish hearts was dark in professing 00:09:58.94\00:10:02.22 themselves wise, they became foolish. 00:10:02.23\00:10:04.22 Romans 1:21 through 23 that's our culture. 00:10:04.89\00:10:09.11 Post modern man is trying desperately to 00:10:09.84\00:10:12.60 avoid an encounter with Jesus Christ of history. 00:10:12.61\00:10:15.08 But, it's amazing isn't it? I mean millions upon 00:10:16.09\00:10:19.25 millions upon millions of people everywhere 00:10:19.26\00:10:21.72 around the world they're still talking about 00:10:21.73\00:10:23.63 Jesus Christ even in post modern Christian era. 00:10:23.64\00:10:27.04 In spite of secularism, humanism, modernism, 00:10:28.32\00:10:31.34 determinism, atheism, agnosticism 00:10:31.35\00:10:34.67 and other isms we're still taking 00:10:34.68\00:10:36.41 about Jesus Christ. There are still many 00:10:36.42\00:10:38.43 who respect him and honor him and 00:10:38.44\00:10:41.02 who love him, amazing isn't it? Jesus Christ 00:10:41.03\00:10:43.79 is still the center of this world. 00:10:43.80\00:10:45.97 The center of our universe, bookstores 00:10:45.98\00:10:50.51 are libraries auditoriums are galleries 00:10:50.52\00:10:53.20 and rims of music are all written about 00:10:53.21\00:10:55.69 Jesus Christ to give honor, to give glory 00:10:55.70\00:10:58.29 to Jesus Christ. We talk about him, 00:10:58.30\00:11:00.55 we sing about him, we honor him. 00:11:00.56\00:11:02.69 Television programs, whole stations, 00:11:02.70\00:11:05.34 like our own 3ABN, about Jesus Christ 00:11:05.67\00:11:10.26 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 00:11:10.27\00:11:12.87 I mean at this very moment somewhere in this world, 00:11:12.88\00:11:15.94 someone is talking about Jesus besides 00:11:15.95\00:11:18.34 Ron Halvorsen at the Oklahoma Camp Meeting. 00:11:18.35\00:11:20.82 Now, what other figure in history has been 00:11:22.09\00:11:24.48 so honored as Jesus Christ the Savior? 00:11:24.49\00:11:27.81 I mean what figure in history has been 00:11:27.82\00:11:30.07 so revered, philosophies, political schemes, 00:11:30.08\00:11:33.24 religious movements have been arrayed against him. 00:11:33.25\00:11:36.35 Have tried to defeat him, enemies have tried 00:11:36.36\00:11:38.77 to defeat him. But, Jesus still remains 00:11:38.78\00:11:40.85 unvanquished, undefeated, 00:11:40.86\00:11:42.76 he is unconquerable, amen. There is no one 00:11:42.77\00:11:47.68 anywhere that's foolish enough to say that 00:11:47.69\00:11:50.60 he does not impact our culture even today. 00:11:50.61\00:11:53.36 He is real Jesus Christ, he is the 00:11:53.83\00:11:56.13 Messiah Jesus Christ, and in spite of all this, 00:11:56.14\00:11:59.06 there is still a misconception 00:11:59.07\00:12:00.62 about Jesus. There are still myths being written 00:12:00.63\00:12:04.22 about him, surrounding him. I mean he's been 00:12:04.23\00:12:06.59 attacked on every hand, in every possible way, 00:12:06.60\00:12:09.25 the skeptic says Jesus Christ is 00:12:09.26\00:12:11.79 wishful thinking, he is a myth. Some try to say 00:12:11.80\00:12:16.71 that he is an iconoclastic Jew. 00:12:16.72\00:12:18.46 Who lived in time pass, some have even said 00:12:18.47\00:12:21.77 that he's a revolutionary, I mean even to say 00:12:21.78\00:12:25.17 he was just a human being, an attack not only 00:12:25.18\00:12:28.74 on the person of Christ but on the supernatural, 00:12:28.75\00:12:32.10 on the power of this Jesus that he 00:12:32.11\00:12:34.50 become incarnate, that, that was a miracle 00:12:34.51\00:12:36.92 that Mary received the seed of God, 00:12:36.93\00:12:39.91 when she bore forth this son Jesus Christ. 00:12:39.92\00:12:43.18 So, we need to look at him, we need to get 00:12:44.49\00:12:47.32 a snapshot of him, of the real Jesus Christ. 00:12:47.33\00:12:50.76 Jesus Christ is the unique son of God. 00:12:50.77\00:12:52.97 There is the historical Jesus and there is 00:12:52.98\00:12:55.47 the biblical Jesus. And if ever a culture needed 00:12:55.48\00:12:58.28 Christ it's this culture now, can you say amen? 00:12:58.29\00:13:01.00 Amen, no question Jesus was real, not like 00:13:01.01\00:13:05.70 the artists try to portray him, not like 00:13:05.71\00:13:07.88 the sculpture, I mean has tried to portray him, 00:13:07.89\00:13:11.24 like that particular sculpture, there on that 00:13:11.25\00:13:13.65 mountain a mile and half above the city of 00:13:13.66\00:13:16.04 Rio de Janeiro, Christ Redeemer statue. 00:13:16.05\00:13:18.90 One thousand three hundred tones, 00:13:21.15\00:13:23.23 its positioned on a mountain, a mile 00:13:23.93\00:13:26.12 and half above the city. 00:13:26.13\00:13:27.29 The famous Christ Redeemer statue it's not 00:13:27.30\00:13:30.02 like that though. Looking closer, 00:13:30.03\00:13:34.06 see this statue with Jesus with blind eyes. 00:13:34.07\00:13:37.40 But, you say Ron Halvorsen, 00:13:39.05\00:13:40.14 all sculptures, all art has blind eyes. 00:13:40.15\00:13:44.86 But, you see the artist intended them 00:13:46.66\00:13:48.26 to be blind. He didn't even put pupils 00:13:48.27\00:13:50.65 there to suggest this statue, 00:13:50.66\00:13:52.62 that this Jesus Christ had eyes to see, 00:13:52.63\00:13:55.10 blind eyes, a Savior with blind eyes who never 00:13:55.11\00:13:58.81 sees this falling, hurting people at his feet. 00:13:58.82\00:14:02.80 Sinning, hurting, dying human beings. 00:14:02.81\00:14:05.36 But, secondly if you notice that great statue, 00:14:06.86\00:14:08.98 there's a Valentine's heart on the outside 00:14:10.52\00:14:12.65 of the cloak, a stony heart trying to portray 00:14:12.66\00:14:17.87 Jesus with blind eyes, trying to portray 00:14:17.88\00:14:20.41 Jesus Christ with a stony heart, 00:14:20.42\00:14:22.86 a Valentine's stony heart on the outside 00:14:22.87\00:14:26.18 of the cloak. What kind of redeemer, 00:14:26.19\00:14:29.12 what kind of Jesus is this? Heart made of stone, 00:14:30.24\00:14:35.29 held together not with passion and compassion, 00:14:35.30\00:14:38.07 but held together with concrete and mortar, 00:14:38.08\00:14:40.27 what kind of redeemer is this, with blind eyes 00:14:40.28\00:14:43.10 and a stony heart that's not the Christ 00:14:43.11\00:14:45.30 of the scripture. That's not the Christ 00:14:45.31\00:14:47.69 of the Bible. Listen to me this bronze Galilean 00:14:47.70\00:14:50.30 who had been officiated or authenticated 00:14:50.31\00:14:53.08 by the eyewitnesses, Peter the fisherman, 00:14:53.09\00:14:55.39 Matthew the tax collector, 00:14:55.40\00:14:57.06 Luke the doctor, Mark the teenager. 00:14:57.07\00:14:59.64 In fact they write with pens dipped in the red 00:14:59.65\00:15:02.86 blood ink of Calvary. The pens of inspiration 00:15:02.87\00:15:05.72 and write the words of the life of Jesus Christ. 00:15:05.73\00:15:08.47 Biographies about Jesus written a few years 00:15:10.13\00:15:12.41 after the resurrection confirm the fact that 00:15:12.42\00:15:15.22 historically he lived, historically he walked 00:15:15.23\00:15:17.91 the face of the earth, historically he died 00:15:17.92\00:15:20.42 on the Roman cross and rose from Joseph 00:15:20.43\00:15:23.91 of Arimathea's grave. Three send out the gospels 00:15:23.92\00:15:27.95 and the gospel of John, Paul writing his letters 00:15:28.30\00:15:31.21 proceed the gospels with eyewitnesses 00:15:31.22\00:15:33.67 to Damascus and the road encounter. 00:15:33.68\00:15:36.40 At least seven secular sources substantiate 00:15:36.41\00:15:41.53 that Jesus was real, that he lived 00:15:41.54\00:15:44.08 and he walked the hills of Galilee. 00:15:44.09\00:15:45.84 That he was real, he touched lame legs 00:15:45.85\00:15:47.82 and men walked. That he was real, 00:15:47.83\00:15:49.35 he touched blind eyes and men saw. 00:15:49.36\00:15:51.11 That this Jesus had power as no one else 00:15:51.12\00:15:54.01 in history. That Jesus Christ was unique 00:15:54.02\00:15:56.20 in history. Amen. But, he was also unique 00:15:56.21\00:16:03.00 in his duty, he was Jesus the unique son of God. 00:16:03.01\00:16:07.54 If you have your Bibles I want you to turn 00:16:07.55\00:16:09.74 with me to Second Corinthians and let's read 00:16:09.75\00:16:12.55 the word of God together tonight 00:16:12.56\00:16:14.00 and see the uniqueness of this Jesus. 00:16:14.01\00:16:16.35 That's Second Corinthians and I want you to notice 00:16:16.36\00:16:19.34 here in the 4th chapter and verses 4 through 6. 00:16:19.35\00:16:28.45 That's the 4th chapter and verses 4 through 6, 00:16:29.34\00:16:34.13 whose minds that God of this age has blinded, 00:16:35.37\00:16:38.29 who do not believe, lest the light of the Gospel 00:16:39.85\00:16:42.83 of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, 00:16:42.84\00:16:45.25 should shine unto them. For we do not preach 00:16:45.26\00:16:48.34 ourselves, but Jesus Christ, the Lord, 00:16:48.35\00:16:50.55 and ourselves your bondservants for 00:16:50.56\00:16:53.64 Jesus sake. For it is the God who commanded light 00:16:53.65\00:16:57.92 to shine out of darkness, who has shone 00:16:57.93\00:17:00.21 in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge 00:17:00.22\00:17:02.63 of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 00:17:02.64\00:17:04.84 And then we read later on we read in the book 00:17:06.54\00:17:10.57 of Philippians I want you to notice here 00:17:10.58\00:17:12.88 in the book of Philippians the word of God notice 00:17:12.89\00:17:16.18 what the Bible says in the book of Philippians 00:17:16.19\00:17:19.67 chapter 2 and verses and 9 and 10, 00:17:19.68\00:17:22.09 it's substantiates this unique Jesus, 00:17:22.10\00:17:25.08 it substantiates the unique Christ. 00:17:25.09\00:17:27.32 Notice here in verse 9 and 10 of the 2nd chapter 00:17:27.33\00:17:30.60 of the epistle to Philippians, 00:17:30.61\00:17:32.86 notice what he says. Therefore God also has 00:17:32.87\00:17:36.30 highly exalted Him and given Him a name 00:17:36.31\00:17:38.70 which is above every name, that at the name 00:17:38.71\00:17:41.07 of Jesus every knee should bow, 00:17:41.08\00:17:42.94 of those in heaven, and of those on earth, 00:17:42.95\00:17:45.38 and of those under the earth, 00:17:45.62\00:17:47.12 and that every tongue should confess 00:17:47.13\00:17:49.26 Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of 00:17:49.27\00:17:52.34 God the Father." Amen. Bible tells us Jesus Christ 00:17:52.35\00:17:56.02 is unique son of God. He was more than just 00:17:56.03\00:17:58.71 a good man, he was more than just a 00:17:58.72\00:18:00.82 religious leader, he was more than just a 00:18:00.83\00:18:03.02 historical person, he was more than just 00:18:03.03\00:18:05.39 a son of Mary. He was more than just a 00:18:05.40\00:18:07.66 Jewish leader, he was the son of God, 00:18:07.67\00:18:09.97 now this unique, there's four ways in which 00:18:09.98\00:18:12.51 he was unique, he was unique in his origin Jesus. 00:18:12.52\00:18:15.43 He was unique in his name Jesus, 00:18:15.44\00:18:17.81 he was unique in his salvation Jesus, 00:18:17.82\00:18:20.28 and he was unique in his promise. 00:18:20.29\00:18:22.11 First of all, he is unique in his origin, 00:18:22.47\00:18:25.61 there never was another in history. 00:18:25.62\00:18:27.40 Then never was another was a human child 00:18:27.90\00:18:30.18 but at the same time a divine son never. 00:18:30.19\00:18:33.71 Then there was another who was wounded 00:18:34.08\00:18:36.33 by Satan yet at the same time crushed 00:18:36.34\00:18:39.33 Satan under his heal never, there never 00:18:39.34\00:18:42.36 was another who walked the earth before 00:18:42.37\00:18:44.22 he was born, never. There never was another 00:18:44.23\00:18:46.78 who wrote the law with his own finger 00:18:47.54\00:18:49.21 and yet 2000 years later would come under 00:18:49.22\00:18:52.02 the dictates of that holy law never. 00:18:52.03\00:18:54.03 There never was another who saved himself, 00:18:54.04\00:18:56.47 who could not save but could not save others 00:18:57.22\00:19:00.37 but could not save himself, never. 00:19:00.38\00:19:02.40 There never was another who was King of glory 00:19:03.05\00:19:05.56 and yet wore no earthly crown, but a crown 00:19:05.57\00:19:07.98 of thorns never. Then never was another 00:19:07.99\00:19:10.49 who was the Lord of the Sabbath yet at the 00:19:10.50\00:19:12.43 same time was called and accused as being 00:19:12.44\00:19:15.09 a Sabbath breaker, never. There never was another 00:19:15.10\00:19:17.92 who was called the truth and yet at the same 00:19:17.93\00:19:20.54 time called the liar, a hypocrite, an imposter, 00:19:20.55\00:19:24.08 never. Jesus is unique, who was as old as 00:19:24.09\00:19:27.13 his heavenly Father, ages older then his 00:19:27.14\00:19:29.97 earthly mother, never. Then never was another 00:19:29.98\00:19:32.33 for he was the Creator, he was the creature 00:19:32.34\00:19:35.18 and the servant and the Savior, 00:19:35.19\00:19:37.32 there was never one like Jesus Christ. 00:19:37.33\00:19:40.12 Amen. He is unique in his origin Jesus. 00:19:40.13\00:19:44.11 Colossians tells us, for by him are all things 00:19:45.52\00:19:48.13 created that were created. Ephesians 3:9 00:19:48.14\00:19:51.67 speaking of this Jesus says, that he created 00:19:51.68\00:19:54.40 all things, or all things, excuse me, 00:19:54.41\00:19:57.38 were created by Jesus Christ. 00:19:57.39\00:19:59.90 It is from him Jesus who poured forth 00:20:01.69\00:20:05.70 all the seas and the lakes and the rivers out 00:20:05.71\00:20:09.24 of the crystal chalice of eternity and yet 00:20:09.25\00:20:11.55 on a cross he tries I thirst. Jesus uniquely 00:20:11.56\00:20:17.71 the living water. Cries out I thirst, 00:20:17.72\00:20:21.15 it was Jesus who spoke and the green grass 00:20:21.16\00:20:23.77 sprout and the little flowers blossomed 00:20:23.78\00:20:25.40 and the pine tree pointed finger to the sky 00:20:25.41\00:20:27.55 and the oaks spread out his arms 00:20:27.56\00:20:29.16 and lakes curdled down in the hurdles 00:20:29.17\00:20:30.88 of the ground and rivers ran down to the sea. 00:20:30.89\00:20:33.59 It was Jesus Christ the unique Creator. 00:20:35.35\00:20:37.57 That we have all things that we enjoy, 00:20:38.31\00:20:41.34 he is inclusive, inclusive in his origin. 00:20:41.35\00:20:44.37 And because of the unique origin 00:20:44.73\00:20:46.60 brother and sister, he is the sum and solution 00:20:46.61\00:20:49.01 of all man kind's paradoxes, because 00:20:49.02\00:20:51.74 of his unique origin. He is the end of all 00:20:51.75\00:20:53.97 mystery Jesus Christ, because of His 00:20:53.98\00:20:56.38 unique origin, he is the reason and the 00:20:56.39\00:20:58.75 explanation of all man's uniqueness. 00:20:58.76\00:21:01.69 He is the only one from eternity 00:21:04.15\00:21:05.99 who was incarnated, born of a virgin. 00:21:08.60\00:21:13.06 His birth place with dictated by 00:21:14.75\00:21:16.52 imperial senses. His birth place was predicted 00:21:16.53\00:21:20.59 by the divine prophecy. Jesus, He is truly unique, 00:21:20.60\00:21:24.00 He is unique in His origin, Jesus. 00:21:24.01\00:21:26.13 His origin is different then anyone else. 00:21:26.14\00:21:28.81 You can talk all you want about being like 00:21:30.58\00:21:32.52 Christ but you'll never be like Christ. 00:21:32.53\00:21:35.02 You will always have an earthly daddy. 00:21:35.03\00:21:36.98 He is unique in his origin. But secondly, 00:21:40.27\00:21:43.83 this Jesus Christ is unique in his name. 00:21:45.82\00:21:49.29 Jesus name hold forever beauty, the name of Jesus. 00:21:50.92\00:21:54.31 I mean it holds variety, it holds proportion, 00:21:54.32\00:21:56.65 it holds perfection, it holds power. 00:21:56.66\00:21:58.75 Emmanuel, God with us. 00:21:58.76\00:22:00.84 From the incarnation when Christ came through 00:22:05.33\00:22:07.83 the back door of eternity and came down 00:22:07.84\00:22:10.13 into this world and was born in Bethlehem's 00:22:10.14\00:22:12.62 manger and lay in Bethlehem's manger. 00:22:12.63\00:22:14.75 For that moment on, the poor could never say 00:22:14.76\00:22:16.75 God you don't understand poverty, 00:22:16.76\00:22:18.57 from that moment on the sick could never say 00:22:18.58\00:22:20.62 to God you don't understand sickness. 00:22:20.63\00:22:23.01 From that day on the dying could never say 00:22:23.02\00:22:24.84 to God you don't understand dying, 00:22:24.85\00:22:26.78 because he suffered for us, he became poor 00:22:26.79\00:22:30.01 for us and he died for us, hallelujah. Amen. 00:22:30.02\00:22:33.99 Jesus is unique, he is the Emmanuel, 00:22:35.46\00:22:39.07 God is no longer distant, he is not a God confined 00:22:40.24\00:22:44.35 with temple or to a church. He is here with us, 00:22:44.36\00:22:49.00 and wherever we walk he is there with us. 00:22:50.47\00:22:52.21 Jesus is unique by the way he's with you 00:22:53.99\00:22:57.39 when you walk and he's with you when you fall. 00:22:57.40\00:22:59.20 Never forgot that, heard someone reprimanding 00:23:00.87\00:23:05.85 her son, told him you better not go there son 00:23:05.86\00:23:08.32 because Jesus won't go with you. 00:23:08.33\00:23:10.09 Why don't you teach them to love Jesus so much 00:23:11.70\00:23:13.58 he's not gonna wanna go there. 00:23:13.59\00:23:14.83 But, my Bible says if I, if I make my bed in hell 00:23:16.27\00:23:18.97 thou art there, if I ascend to heaven 00:23:18.98\00:23:21.49 thou art there. You can never hide from him. 00:23:21.50\00:23:26.08 He is the omnipresent you know as a teenager 00:23:27.59\00:23:31.11 when I came to Christ people didn't have 00:23:31.12\00:23:33.48 to preach to me about this what you wear, 00:23:33.49\00:23:35.94 what you do, I mean it was natural because 00:23:35.95\00:23:38.68 you see I wanted, I didn't wanna bring Jesus 00:23:38.69\00:23:41.16 there. But, he would have followed me 00:23:41.17\00:23:44.28 into the gates of hell. A girl came to my office 00:23:44.29\00:23:47.92 when I was a pastor at a college church, 00:23:47.93\00:23:49.37 I knew she was having a tough time, 00:23:49.38\00:23:50.91 she must have broke up with her boyfriend, 00:23:51.25\00:23:52.73 I figured that out. And she was trying 00:23:52.74\00:23:54.54 and telling how terrible it was and I was 00:23:54.55\00:23:56.01 thanking God because I knew the boy. 00:23:56.02\00:23:57.46 And she said, my prayers don't go beyond 00:24:03.93\00:24:05.79 the ceiling. And so what do you think God's 00:24:05.80\00:24:09.21 confined above the ceiling. 00:24:09.22\00:24:10.41 Crawl under your bed, he will crawl under 00:24:11.70\00:24:13.68 with you. If I make my bed in hell, 00:24:13.69\00:24:16.28 thou, he is unique with us, he is omnipresent 00:24:16.66\00:24:19.60 with us. He is everywhere with us, 00:24:19.61\00:24:21.48 when I go out boating, my fishing, 00:24:21.49\00:24:23.55 he is there with me. I took my boy when 00:24:23.56\00:24:26.73 he was little, fishing. And if you have a son, 00:24:26.74\00:24:29.25 you got to do that father listen to me. 00:24:29.26\00:24:31.06 I have two children they're both preachers, 00:24:32.29\00:24:33.94 my boy Ronnie and my girl Diane, 00:24:35.41\00:24:38.19 I know how that will set with some of you, 00:24:38.20\00:24:39.56 but that's alright. 00:24:39.57\00:24:40.54 Take them fishing and I took my grandson fishing 00:24:44.57\00:24:46.52 we weren't catching anything, 00:24:46.89\00:24:47.97 my son he is a pastor of a large church, 00:24:47.98\00:24:51.46 one of the largest churches in America 00:24:51.47\00:24:52.87 and kind of you know very spiritual person, 00:24:53.09\00:24:55.51 very deep theologian, very deep thinking 00:24:55.52\00:24:58.23 person, was sitting in a boat and my little 00:24:58.24\00:25:00.65 grandson his little lips quivering, he wants to 00:25:00.66\00:25:02.85 catch a fishy, he is not catching, he has this 00:25:02.86\00:25:04.56 bobber out there and pappies is the number 00:25:04.57\00:25:06.90 one fisherman one that river, now I'm saying 00:25:06.91\00:25:08.88 that humbly. It's true when I go out my boat 00:25:08.89\00:25:12.75 they follow me, but anyway I say well lets 00:25:12.76\00:25:16.74 pray about it. My son looked at me with 00:25:16.75\00:25:19.83 that theological look dad, like God must have more 00:25:19.84\00:25:26.30 important things to do, I said I don't think so, 00:25:26.31\00:25:28.86 I think this is important to God 00:25:29.43\00:25:31.16 for this little boy, and I said lets pray, 00:25:31.17\00:25:33.25 so my grandson he always listens his 00:25:33.26\00:25:35.06 pappies and so he bows his head and 00:25:35.07\00:25:37.41 we're praying, I said Lord, help Ronnie to catch 00:25:37.42\00:25:40.98 his fish and we opened our eyes just 00:25:40.99\00:25:43.10 then a bobble went down, a big fish jumped 00:25:43.11\00:25:45.71 out of the water and I looked at my son. 00:25:45.72\00:25:47.35 I got more pleasure from that fish looking 00:25:49.61\00:25:52.71 at my son. Omnipresent in the boat, 00:25:52.72\00:25:54.58 omnipresent at work, omnipresent when 00:25:55.97\00:25:59.36 you're hurting at home all alone, 00:25:59.37\00:26:00.59 omnipresent when you've gone through that 00:26:01.74\00:26:03.24 terrible divorce and you're hurting deep. 00:26:03.79\00:26:05.52 God's omnipresent, Emmanuel, God with us. 00:26:07.12\00:26:13.12 He is unique in his name, I mean he is God's 00:26:13.64\00:26:17.10 eternal purpose consummated, 00:26:17.11\00:26:19.49 he is love's eternal dream dramatized. 00:26:19.50\00:26:22.65 He is justice married to mercy. 00:26:22.66\00:26:25.01 He is creator wedded to his creation. 00:26:25.02\00:26:27.19 Then is none, he is always the unlike 00:26:27.20\00:26:29.69 Jesus Christ. Even the name Emmanuel describes 00:26:29.70\00:26:34.73 it the unlikeness and so I went to the 00:26:34.74\00:26:37.08 alphabet to try to find his name. 00:26:37.09\00:26:38.57 I look for his name in his office it was 00:26:38.58\00:26:40.73 everywhere, he is the Alpha and the Adam 00:26:40.74\00:26:43.30 and the advocate and the anointed 00:26:43.31\00:26:45.48 and the author of faith and he is the A man 00:26:45.49\00:26:48.36 of salvation and he is the ancient of days. 00:26:48.37\00:26:50.92 I went to the alphabet to find his name, 00:26:52.07\00:26:53.72 because it's his name he says, 00:26:53.73\00:26:55.57 and I went to alphabet and I found the beginning 00:26:55.58\00:26:57.89 and the begotten and beloved and the branch 00:26:57.90\00:27:00.03 and the bridegroom, the brighten morning star 00:27:00.04\00:27:02.63 and the bread of life. I went to the alphabet 00:27:02.64\00:27:06.29 to find his name Jesus, he was everywhere, 00:27:06.30\00:27:08.24 for he is the creator, the counselor, 00:27:08.25\00:27:10.86 the comforter, the child, he is the cornerstone, 00:27:10.87\00:27:14.07 he is the deliverer and the day star 00:27:14.08\00:27:16.52 and the desire of nations and he is the 00:27:16.53\00:27:18.64 divine son of God, can you say amen 00:27:18.65\00:27:21.21 in Oklahoma? Amen. 00:27:21.22\00:27:22.69 I went to alphabet to find his name Jesus, 00:27:22.97\00:27:25.28 he was everywhere this Jesus. 00:27:25.29\00:27:26.74 He is the faithful, he is the Emmanuel the elect, 00:27:27.67\00:27:31.64 the eternal, the everlasting one. 00:27:31.65\00:27:33.85 He is the faithful and the father 00:27:33.86\00:27:35.81 and the friend and he is the faithful witness. 00:27:35.82\00:27:38.17 I went to the alphabet to find his name, 00:27:38.18\00:27:40.13 he is the good shepherd and governor 00:27:40.14\00:27:41.74 and the guide and the glorious Lord. 00:27:41.75\00:27:43.26 He is the husband man and the help 00:27:43.27\00:27:45.60 and the holy one, home of salvation, 00:27:45.61\00:27:48.22 end of all things. He is our heavenly 00:27:48.23\00:27:51.23 high priest, amen. I went to the alphabet 00:27:51.24\00:27:54.08 to find his name Jesus He is everywhere, 00:27:54.09\00:27:56.05 for He is the immortal one, the invincible one, 00:27:56.06\00:27:58.56 the invisible one. He is the judge and the just 00:27:58.57\00:28:01.15 and the Jesus and Jehovah. 00:28:01.16\00:28:02.72 He is the King of glory and the King of Israel. 00:28:02.73\00:28:05.16 He is the King of kings and he is. 00:28:05.17\00:28:07.67 I went to the alphabet to find his name 00:28:07.68\00:28:09.32 He is everywhere Jesus, He is the light 00:28:09.33\00:28:11.87 and the life and love and the lion and the lamb. 00:28:11.88\00:28:14.26 And the law giver, amen. 00:28:14.27\00:28:16.58 He is the mediator and the master, 00:28:20.24\00:28:24.03 and the mighty God and he is our Messiah. Amen. 00:28:25.81\00:28:31.70 I went to the alphabet to find his name, 00:28:31.71\00:28:33.50 he is everywhere, he is the omega, 00:28:33.51\00:28:36.11 the only begotten, the offering, the offerer, 00:28:36.12\00:28:39.09 the Passover, the potentate, the prophet, 00:28:39.10\00:28:41.43 the propitiation. He is the priest and 00:28:41.44\00:28:43.85 he is the physician, he is to all people 00:28:43.86\00:28:46.26 all things Jesus. He is the righteousness 00:28:46.27\00:28:48.48 and the Rabbi and the ransom and the rest 00:28:48.49\00:28:50.32 and root of Jesse and the rose of Sharon 00:28:50.33\00:28:52.94 and the resurrection in a life. Amen. 00:28:52.95\00:28:55.70 I went to the alphabet to find his name, 00:28:56.08\00:28:58.12 he is the ruler and redeemer and he is the 00:28:58.98\00:29:02.71 rock of ages. He is the stone and the shepherd 00:29:02.72\00:29:06.18 and the son of God and the savior. 00:29:06.19\00:29:07.57 He is the truth in the tabernacle 00:29:07.58\00:29:09.49 and the testator. He is the witness 00:29:09.50\00:29:11.59 and the word and the way, 00:29:11.60\00:29:12.88 he is the wisdom of God and he is the wonderful. 00:29:13.14\00:29:15.81 He is all the way forever, amen. 00:29:15.82\00:29:18.85 Oh! You people here, I have at least five days 00:29:19.91\00:29:23.22 this week to stir your heart. 00:29:23.23\00:29:25.03 Get you moving saying amen once in a while, 00:29:25.90\00:29:29.82 get excited. Someone came to me, 00:29:30.85\00:29:34.48 he said I knew you 30 years ago, you still seen 00:29:34.49\00:29:37.38 to have that enthusiasm, I say I'm still saved. 00:29:37.39\00:29:39.62 Hasn't changed, and by the way let me set 00:29:42.22\00:29:45.18 you in with a clue. I'm not more saved now, 00:29:45.19\00:29:48.08 then I was as a gang banger at 17 years old 00:29:50.12\00:29:52.62 when I first gave my life to Christ. Amen. 00:29:52.63\00:29:55.01 Now I'm living a little better, but I'm not 00:29:55.08\00:29:58.82 more saved. Friend, don't you see that, 00:29:58.83\00:30:02.55 salvation is a free gift. And by the way you don't 00:30:04.43\00:30:07.66 have to pay the payments, just enjoy the house. 00:30:07.73\00:30:11.58 And I've enjoyed it for these 50 some years. 00:30:13.02\00:30:15.79 And listen to me I told to my wife the other day 00:30:16.84\00:30:19.09 I said honey if I die before the Lord come, 00:30:19.10\00:30:20.94 I want you to put a pulpit in the casket 00:30:20.95\00:30:22.91 because I'm coming up preaching, I'm coming up 00:30:22.92\00:30:27.36 preaching. The name above every name, 00:30:27.37\00:30:33.01 he was the perfect son of God. 00:30:34.69\00:30:36.10 We humans born in sin so much bad in the best 00:30:38.06\00:30:41.09 of us and so much good in the worst of us. 00:30:41.10\00:30:43.25 It behoves any of us to judge the rest of us. 00:30:43.26\00:30:45.80 History show us how short we've fallen, 00:30:48.28\00:30:49.95 for 1000 of years man has tried perfect, 00:30:51.38\00:30:53.61 being perfectible, we tried to go con God 00:30:55.42\00:30:58.59 with our with, and our charm, and our culture, 00:30:59.38\00:31:01.58 and our religion, and our rules, and our standards 00:31:01.59\00:31:03.45 and by the way it's whoever you're talking to. 00:31:03.46\00:31:05.60 Some think if the dress isn't long enough 00:31:06.75\00:31:08.56 you're not going to heaven, some think well 00:31:08.57\00:31:09.96 if it's short enough you're not what. 00:31:09.97\00:31:11.39 We play a religious game, we pray and 00:31:15.85\00:31:19.02 we promised him. We pleaded with him, 00:31:19.03\00:31:20.97 we prostrate ourselves before him but 00:31:20.98\00:31:23.43 we failed him. History has shown our failure, 00:31:23.44\00:31:28.33 even the holiest of our heroes, 00:31:28.73\00:31:30.45 I mean the prophets, and the priests, 00:31:30.46\00:31:32.19 and the patriarchs and the apostles, 00:31:32.20\00:31:33.54 they have failed us. Some of the stories 00:31:33.55\00:31:37.95 from the Holy Scriptures are more like adventures 00:31:39.33\00:31:41.54 from Sinbad the sailor come on now, 00:31:41.55\00:31:43.36 be honest. In fact I wanna talk about the 00:31:44.89\00:31:47.61 somethings the prophets called out and 00:31:47.62\00:31:49.51 cried out to God. Their doubts, and our God 00:31:49.52\00:31:53.30 handled it. But, they failed us, 00:31:53.31\00:31:58.03 Adam look at him, adorned in fig leaves, 00:31:59.47\00:32:03.67 stained lips, hiding behind the tree. 00:32:05.06\00:32:08.49 Not so perfect, I mean there's Noah, 00:32:08.85\00:32:12.13 master boat builder but not a master of his 00:32:12.14\00:32:14.90 own habits, lies drunken naked before his son. 00:32:14.91\00:32:17.63 As it was in the days of Noah, 00:32:17.64\00:32:18.88 so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man. 00:32:18.89\00:32:21.29 If you're looking for perfect people 00:32:21.30\00:32:23.46 when he comes wake up and smell the roses. 00:32:23.47\00:32:25.79 Work in the inner cities where I work, 00:32:25.80\00:32:28.14 take yourself out of your little comfortable, 00:32:28.15\00:32:30.28 comfort zones come down into the cities 00:32:30.57\00:32:33.07 and work where I work and given myself 00:32:33.08\00:32:34.97 as a missionary for these 50 years to Christ 00:32:34.98\00:32:38.05 in the cities of America. Let's so poke in our 00:32:38.06\00:32:42.33 heroes Moses, hey when the Jews talk about 00:32:42.34\00:32:44.98 perfection they pointed to Moses. Moses? 00:32:44.99\00:32:46.89 Throwing down his staff in a temper tantrum, 00:32:47.23\00:32:49.55 receiver of the law, breaker of the law. 00:32:50.37\00:32:54.07 Saw God's back and by the way he did a few 00:32:55.42\00:32:58.14 things behind God's back, come on now 00:32:58.15\00:33:00.08 that's Moses. And there was Aaron, 00:33:00.09\00:33:06.63 he was the right hand man of Moses 00:33:07.34\00:33:09.25 remember Aaron? If he's so perfect what 00:33:09.26\00:33:13.62 he is doing, aerobics before the golden calf 00:33:13.63\00:33:17.30 at the foot of Mount Sinai, not so holy, 00:33:17.31\00:33:20.56 not so perfect. In need of a Savior, 00:33:20.57\00:33:24.32 in need of a God, in need of salvation. 00:33:25.66\00:33:29.47 Look around you, look at these pages of scripture, 00:33:30.97\00:33:33.66 David, a man after God's own heart, 00:33:33.67\00:33:36.47 giant slayer, songwriter, poet. 00:33:37.00\00:33:40.81 But, there's disgrace, he did a few things 00:33:44.01\00:33:46.90 behind God's back. Listen to me, 00:33:50.29\00:33:53.93 we talk about these things and sweet little 00:33:56.81\00:33:59.05 air conditioned churches where little people 00:33:59.06\00:34:02.40 talk about big theology. Suddenly your Sally 00:34:02.41\00:34:06.68 theologians who sit around blowing bubbles 00:34:06.69\00:34:09.24 about nothing. Hey, when it comes right down 00:34:09.25\00:34:12.16 to it I'm gonna tell you what it's all about. 00:34:12.17\00:34:13.87 Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells 00:34:13.88\00:34:18.22 me so. That's what it's about, making mountains 00:34:18.23\00:34:23.37 out of mold hills. Samson, swooning on 00:34:23.38\00:34:26.90 Delilah's couch, drunk with wine perfume 00:34:26.91\00:34:29.41 so he's thinking if she leaves the room. 00:34:29.42\00:34:31.36 Oh she's getting into something more 00:34:31.37\00:34:33.32 comfortable, she is saying where did I put 00:34:33.33\00:34:35.10 those scissors. He was a judge in Israel, 00:34:35.11\00:34:40.00 not so perfect. You see this book is not for 00:34:42.07\00:34:45.76 perfect people, this book is about hurting people. 00:34:45.77\00:34:48.30 This book is for people who are hurting inside, 00:34:48.31\00:34:50.62 people who are falling, people who are making 00:34:50.63\00:34:53.22 a mess, people who need to be covered 00:34:53.23\00:34:55.78 and loved and cared for and. 00:34:55.79\00:34:58.29 You see they were to their generation 00:35:05.39\00:35:06.69 what you and I are to our generation. 00:35:06.70\00:35:08.54 The Old Testament ends in failure, 00:35:10.28\00:35:11.75 prophets can't save the people, 00:35:13.01\00:35:14.39 Moses can't for sure. 00:35:15.20\00:35:16.73 A priest cannot minister the sacrifice to save 00:35:21.48\00:35:24.17 the people. The patriarchs can get out of bondage 00:35:24.18\00:35:26.80 of slavery, but they cannot get us out of 00:35:26.81\00:35:28.39 bondage of sin, you see then he enters Jesus, 00:35:28.40\00:35:31.28 he comes, there's uniqueness in his origin. 00:35:31.29\00:35:33.74 There's uniqueness in his name, 00:35:33.75\00:35:34.87 there's uniqueness in his salvation. 00:35:34.88\00:35:36.82 They must be a crib before there's a cross, 00:35:40.68\00:35:44.58 the only way he could save us, 00:35:46.71\00:35:48.49 was to come close to us. He could not save us 00:35:49.95\00:35:53.94 from the far reaches of heaven. 00:35:53.95\00:35:55.35 He could not relate to that, he had to come 00:35:55.36\00:35:58.00 into the world as we came into this world. 00:35:58.01\00:36:00.74 He had to be tempted as we're tempted. 00:36:00.75\00:36:02.76 He had to feel pain as we feel pain, 00:36:02.77\00:36:05.18 he has to suffer and be killed. 00:36:05.19\00:36:07.15 As we the sons of Adam have, for generation. 00:36:10.48\00:36:14.22 He comes not because we are worthy of his love 00:36:16.29\00:36:19.87 or his care. But, because we need it, 00:36:19.88\00:36:22.94 that's why he comes not because I deserve it. 00:36:24.54\00:36:28.02 But Lord I've done all these things and make 00:36:30.01\00:36:31.72 you a list, check it twice like he's Santa Claus. 00:36:31.73\00:36:35.52 God is not Santa Claus. 00:36:38.11\00:36:39.67 Comes to planet rebellion, he comes to 00:36:43.92\00:36:46.86 wicked hearts, he comes to cool minds wherever 00:36:46.87\00:36:49.47 you are in your life he comes to you, 00:36:49.48\00:36:51.10 whether you're on the hills of East Texas 00:36:51.11\00:36:54.44 or whether you're here in Oklahoma, 00:36:54.45\00:36:57.77 Oklahoma is just a suburb of Texas isn't 00:36:57.78\00:37:00.06 or is it the other way around, 00:37:00.07\00:37:01.04 I've been trying to get that straight. 00:37:01.05\00:37:02.67 It's the other way around okay. 00:37:05.84\00:37:07.13 He enters into our rebellion, 00:37:10.82\00:37:12.32 I mean even after a generation stripped 00:37:12.33\00:37:14.20 him naked, he enters to save us to die, 00:37:14.21\00:37:16.64 he enters and what are we do? We strip him 00:37:16.65\00:37:19.02 naked and then we lacerated the 00:37:19.03\00:37:20.64 incarnated flesh. And we place a crown of 00:37:20.65\00:37:22.97 thorns on his, you say I didn't do that, 00:37:22.98\00:37:25.21 you did every sin present on the hill that 00:37:25.22\00:37:27.43 day is present here in Oklahoma camp meeting. 00:37:27.44\00:37:30.84 It's my sin that put him there, 00:37:42.34\00:37:43.58 It was my sin that he died for. 00:37:45.23\00:37:47.01 And your sin he died for. 00:37:49.30\00:37:50.66 And when ever I think of that, 00:37:51.87\00:37:52.84 if I was the only sin in the world or I had 00:37:53.47\00:37:55.21 committed the only sin in the world he would 00:37:55.22\00:37:56.87 have come and died, I can't fathom that, 00:37:56.88\00:37:58.69 I've spent all my life trying to 00:37:58.70\00:38:00.16 understand that for me. 00:38:00.29\00:38:01.47 I tried to understand that for, 00:38:08.53\00:38:10.25 he places his live around us, 00:38:11.03\00:38:13.01 he places his heart around us, to protect us, 00:38:14.20\00:38:16.73 even in the judgment. J.C. Massee I don't know 00:38:17.30\00:38:21.09 if you've ever heard about him but he was one 00:38:21.10\00:38:22.67 of those great southern preachers, 00:38:22.68\00:38:24.30 you know in the old days they used to preach. 00:38:24.31\00:38:25.71 Come on in, may I make a suggestion, 00:38:26.02\00:38:28.36 come on nowadays. Sounds like a pop 00:38:28.37\00:38:31.43 psychology class, come on. You're good, 00:38:31.44\00:38:34.81 I'm good, you know we like bubbling 00:38:34.82\00:38:36.22 brooks happy little, but some of the days 00:38:36.23\00:38:40.64 they scorched the earth when they preached. 00:38:40.65\00:38:42.33 Put up the big tents and preach in the big tents 00:38:43.84\00:38:46.66 I used to do that, shows how old I am. 00:38:46.67\00:38:49.13 I had saw dust in my veins. I'm going back 00:38:49.79\00:38:54.21 to Brooklyn, this sermon preaching in a big 00:38:54.29\00:38:56.27 tent in Brooklyn. I made the full circle from 00:38:56.28\00:39:00.84 Brooklyn to Brooklyn. Anyway he used to preach 00:39:00.85\00:39:05.38 in those big tents and they come out 00:39:05.39\00:39:08.52 and hear him preach and they used to love 00:39:08.53\00:39:10.01 to hear him preach and J.C. Massee. 00:39:10.02\00:39:12.40 His mother used to come and she was so proud 00:39:12.41\00:39:14.34 of her preacher son. By the way, 00:39:14.35\00:39:15.98 I remember the first time I heard my boy preach, 00:39:16.35\00:39:18.11 that was in Lincoln, Nebraska, I was up in the 00:39:18.46\00:39:20.06 balcony of church and he was preaching my boy. 00:39:20.07\00:39:22.35 And I almost fell out of the balcony. 00:39:22.98\00:39:25.09 Come on, I mean there is a holy pride I mean 00:39:25.78\00:39:29.14 you know that's my sin I'm sorry but. 00:39:29.15\00:39:31.52 Then I would hear my daughter preach, 00:39:34.41\00:39:36.06 that's quite another thing too, 00:39:36.07\00:39:37.60 she has a little fire of her daddy in her. 00:39:38.27\00:39:40.27 But, I was so proud, Sister Massee is so proud 00:39:41.89\00:39:44.44 of her son he is preaching caught up 00:39:44.45\00:39:45.89 in the spirit one day and he says my mother 00:39:45.90\00:39:47.91 has a sin, oh and everybody looks 00:39:47.92\00:39:50.10 and isn't it amazing? I mean if you talk about 00:39:50.11\00:39:56.04 something good about someone known, 00:39:56.05\00:39:57.72 the moment you find something bad 00:39:58.45\00:40:00.27 you think something bad, you stop 00:40:00.28\00:40:01.88 and they're all looking at her and 00:40:03.38\00:40:04.43 she's flipped out in her seat and she looks up 00:40:04.44\00:40:06.33 at the son and she says yeah, my mother 00:40:06.34\00:40:07.70 had a sin, pride, pride that time she's under 00:40:07.71\00:40:11.44 the chair. And everybody's Sister 00:40:11.45\00:40:14.90 Massee sweet little southern belle, pride. 00:40:14.91\00:40:19.58 And then he laughed, he said my momma had pride 00:40:20.54\00:40:24.12 that she had the whitest sheets in South Georgia. 00:40:24.45\00:40:27.55 And said in fact there was law in our house 00:40:29.44\00:40:31.66 that said you never went to the feather bed 00:40:31.67\00:40:34.35 with the whitest sheets in South Georgia 00:40:34.36\00:40:36.56 till you had a bath and wearing clean pajamas 00:40:36.57\00:40:39.01 that was the law of the Medes and Persians 00:40:39.02\00:40:40.36 in that house. One day JC was playing out 00:40:40.37\00:40:44.91 by the barn you know where the eves 00:40:44.92\00:40:46.45 of barn and it was raining and water 00:40:46.46\00:40:49.12 and mother was milking the cow, I don't know 00:40:49.13\00:40:51.76 how they do it, but I get mine in the 00:40:51.77\00:40:54.35 grocery store. I thought chocolate 00:40:54.36\00:40:57.40 milk for years came from chocolate cows, 00:40:57.41\00:40:59.24 I mean I didn't know the difference. 00:40:59.25\00:41:00.99 First time I saw a cow in the rough was 00:41:01.00\00:41:03.32 I was 17 years old. So, you know what 00:41:03.33\00:41:06.08 I know about it, and so JC said he was playing 00:41:06.09\00:41:09.95 in a mud puddle, isn't it that what kids 00:41:09.96\00:41:11.72 come on now, especially with that new sneakers. 00:41:12.26\00:41:15.24 I mean they find every mud puddle in the 00:41:16.78\00:41:18.16 neighborhood. These playing in a mud 00:41:18.17\00:41:21.21 and splashing over and he goes in the barn 00:41:21.22\00:41:23.86 and he says mom I have to go to house to do 00:41:23.87\00:41:25.25 what little boys have to do when they go 00:41:25.26\00:41:26.37 to house and she said, you go JC but you remember 00:41:26.38\00:41:29.03 you come right back. And he knew what that meant, 00:41:29.04\00:41:34.65 no such thing as a time out, I give you a break. 00:41:35.82\00:41:38.68 Time out son as he rips a wall off 00:41:39.60\00:41:42.29 or calls 911 on you. 00:41:42.30\00:41:43.78 So, JC took care of what he had to take care 00:41:49.48\00:41:53.01 in the house and he's walking by 00:41:53.02\00:41:54.10 and there in the bedroom was the big 00:41:54.11\00:41:56.50 feathered bed, the white sheets in 00:41:56.51\00:41:59.61 South Georgia. A voice comes says JC, 00:41:59.62\00:42:03.22 wouldn't it be nice to climb up on the bed 00:42:04.46\00:42:07.36 and take a dive into the feather bed. 00:42:07.37\00:42:09.19 You know what voice that is, come on now. 00:42:09.79\00:42:11.57 come on, you don't have to a theologian 00:42:12.02\00:42:14.67 or a rocket scientist. Then the other voice came 00:42:14.68\00:42:18.03 back said naughty, naughty JC remember 00:42:18.04\00:42:20.03 what mama said. And so we went by 00:42:20.04\00:42:22.40 and got as far as the back door and reached 00:42:22.61\00:42:25.24 for the door knob and the voice kept just 00:42:25.25\00:42:26.48 one little dive, boy ran back as fast 00:42:26.49\00:42:29.75 and he could got, got up on the bed stead, 00:42:29.76\00:42:31.99 he took a dive, mud flying everywhere. 00:42:32.00\00:42:36.31 Isn't it the way it happens, 00:42:38.45\00:42:39.54 come on remember before you knew Jesus, 00:42:40.07\00:42:42.27 you went from one dive to another dive, 00:42:42.89\00:42:44.90 to another dive come on. 00:42:44.91\00:42:45.88 Just one dive so comes back, 00:42:47.24\00:42:48.35 he does a back dive. And he's having fun man, 00:42:48.36\00:42:51.29 don't let anybody tell you sin is not fun 00:42:51.30\00:42:53.80 for a while. Come on, it's true even the 00:42:53.81\00:42:57.30 Bible tells you that. And he's splashing 00:42:57.31\00:43:01.91 and he's diving and he's tumbling 00:43:01.92\00:43:03.82 and just then he looks and momma's standing 00:43:03.83\00:43:06.94 in the door way. The fun is over, 00:43:06.95\00:43:11.94 she has the look in the eye, did your mother 00:43:13.48\00:43:15.24 have that look in the eye? 00:43:15.25\00:43:16.22 My momma had the look. And she had a switch 00:43:16.97\00:43:23.38 in her hand and judgment in her eye. 00:43:23.39\00:43:26.89 White sheets dirty, muddy, whitest sheets 00:43:28.04\00:43:31.06 in South Georgia and so he does the first thing 00:43:31.07\00:43:34.72 he tries to cover it. 00:43:34.73\00:43:35.84 No way, can't cover it, 00:43:38.92\00:43:42.30 so he does the second best thing he builds up 00:43:43.84\00:43:46.32 the tears, did you do that when you were a kid? 00:43:46.33\00:43:48.18 My boy was great at it. When he was a little boy 00:43:48.60\00:43:52.00 he would cry harder before he got it. 00:43:52.73\00:43:55.99 Don't hit me, everybody in the neighborhood 00:43:57.02\00:43:59.03 thought I was a child abuser, 00:43:59.04\00:44:00.51 don't hit me daddy, don't, please dad, 00:44:00.87\00:44:03.12 you know come on, tears burst like a dam. 00:44:04.40\00:44:10.09 So, he's having the tears flowing just then 00:44:13.13\00:44:15.06 he hears the noise at the window, 00:44:15.07\00:44:16.62 he looks and his big brother is sitting 00:44:16.63\00:44:18.76 on a horse looking in the window. 00:44:18.77\00:44:20.45 And the big brother sees mom with the switch 00:44:22.41\00:44:24.02 and she sees and he sees the muddy sheets 00:44:24.03\00:44:26.85 he throws open with window 00:44:29.49\00:44:30.46 and he says wait mom, stop, don't do it. 00:44:30.47\00:44:32.29 He crawls off wet and coming back 00:44:32.91\00:44:35.51 from the irritation, he's sopping wet, 00:44:35.52\00:44:38.78 he crawls through the window into the bedroom. 00:44:38.79\00:44:40.76 He runs over to JC and he lays over JC. 00:44:43.13\00:44:46.07 JC scrunch now, there is no word scrunch 00:44:48.26\00:44:51.06 there should be. He's scrunch under 00:44:51.07\00:44:55.29 his big brother, he waited for the switch. 00:44:55.95\00:44:59.95 Nothing happened, he then looked out from 00:45:04.12\00:45:08.35 under his big brother he notice momma 00:45:08.36\00:45:10.13 was standing there with the switch at her side 00:45:10.14\00:45:13.56 and the tear in her eye. She said to him, 00:45:13.57\00:45:16.94 you big lug, get him and get out of here. 00:45:16.95\00:45:19.30 He said he, my big bother picked me up, 00:45:19.85\00:45:22.10 he didn't run for the door, he ran for the 00:45:22.11\00:45:23.94 window, on the horse, boom to the barn. 00:45:23.95\00:45:29.89 We all dirtied the sheets in one way or another. 00:45:30.83\00:45:35.12 For all have sinned and come short of 00:45:36.38\00:45:39.44 the glory of God. Amen. But, God so loved 00:45:39.45\00:45:43.97 the world that he gave his son that 00:45:43.98\00:45:48.02 whosoever believes in Him should not perish 00:45:48.03\00:45:50.82 but have everlasting, He gave himself fully 00:45:50.83\00:45:54.14 and the value of the gift is always in the love 00:45:56.47\00:46:00.00 of the giver. No one cares for us like Jesus, 00:46:00.01\00:46:05.34 no one else cared quite like Him 00:46:07.96\00:46:11.52 and so he's unique in His salvation. 00:46:14.01\00:46:15.66 But, also Jesus Christ is unique in His promise, 00:46:18.60\00:46:23.18 He is unique in His promise. I'm with you, 00:46:25.42\00:46:30.00 I'm with you as long as you do right. 00:46:32.43\00:46:34.28 Come on I'm with you, I'm with you only 00:46:36.52\00:46:40.29 when you dress like you should do, 00:46:40.30\00:46:42.79 no I'm with you always, always. 00:46:42.80\00:46:45.55 When Moses said, here I am, send Aaron. 00:46:48.77\00:46:53.23 When Samson whispered to Delilah, 00:46:57.87\00:46:59.69 when Saul rode against David, when David schemed 00:46:59.70\00:47:03.10 against Uriah, God didn't give up. 00:47:03.11\00:47:05.40 When Peter denied him, and John and James 00:47:05.41\00:47:07.69 fought for a position, when Judas kissed 00:47:07.70\00:47:09.85 the kiss of death, when Pilate washed it, 00:47:09.86\00:47:11.80 God did not give up. You see listen carefully, 00:47:11.81\00:47:14.38 forget everything, listen now. 00:47:14.39\00:47:15.90 He would give up on his own son before 00:47:16.33\00:47:19.05 he'd give up on you. Amen. 00:47:19.06\00:47:21.39 For God so loved the world, 00:47:23.12\00:47:24.50 he gave and the value of the gift is in the love 00:47:29.15\00:47:36.33 of the giver. When I was living at Keene, 00:47:36.34\00:47:39.87 well before Keene, I was pastoring a church 00:47:41.45\00:47:46.60 and my little girl she was just, 00:47:46.61\00:47:48.30 she's 6 foot now she was, my boy is 6' 7" now 00:47:49.54\00:47:53.05 so you know, but anyway they were just 00:47:53.11\00:47:55.44 little ones, we have the law in our house, 00:47:55.45\00:47:57.03 it was for our Medes and Persians, 00:47:57.04\00:47:58.39 when daddy is in his office studying the word 00:47:58.61\00:48:00.44 of God you're not to come there, 00:48:00.45\00:48:01.57 you're not to disturb him as to law. 00:48:01.58\00:48:03.75 He will play with you when he comes out, 00:48:05.13\00:48:06.45 he will spend all the time you need. 00:48:06.77\00:48:08.07 But, when he is in his office, 00:48:09.71\00:48:11.32 writing, studying, praying. One day I left the 00:48:12.27\00:48:15.86 door open just a crack and I heard a noise 00:48:15.87\00:48:18.02 of door and I looke and there was my little 00:48:18.03\00:48:19.29 Diane looking in through the crack in the door. 00:48:19.30\00:48:21.52 Beautiful blue eyes sparkling and beautiful 00:48:21.97\00:48:24.99 blonde hair freckled in the sunlight 00:48:25.00\00:48:28.95 and these little things have such a look 00:48:28.96\00:48:33.07 on a face. I said Diane, and she remembered 00:48:33.08\00:48:38.66 the law, so she started to run, 00:48:38.67\00:48:41.05 I said stop and she stop and in those days 00:48:41.75\00:48:43.83 they stopped. Now you read books on it, 00:48:43.84\00:48:49.56 you can't stop them, even throw a book at them 00:48:49.57\00:48:51.81 they don't stop. I mean the book you're 00:48:51.82\00:48:54.31 reading about it, I said honey, come here, 00:48:54.32\00:48:57.32 she came as far as the door. 00:48:57.33\00:48:58.49 She remembered the law, law said, 00:48:58.50\00:49:00.21 she pushed opened the door. 00:49:02.22\00:49:03.20 And there was that invisible line, 00:49:03.78\00:49:05.27 I said honey, come in, you see what sin had bond, 00:49:06.60\00:49:08.56 grace did much more to bond, 00:49:08.57\00:49:10.15 she bonded in, amen. And she stood before me 00:49:10.16\00:49:13.60 she says daddy, I have gift for you, a gift, 00:49:13.61\00:49:16.00 hey now the law went out of the window 00:49:16.31\00:49:18.11 come on now. I said a gift honey? She says, 00:49:18.12\00:49:21.69 yeah daddy, I have a gift for you, 00:49:21.70\00:49:23.84 I said, oh tell me what is it. 00:49:23.85\00:49:25.53 And she said guess, guess. 00:49:26.32\00:49:31.37 So, she wanted to play the game, 00:49:31.92\00:49:33.50 I could play the game. I said honey, 00:49:33.51\00:49:35.01 is it a new boat and she laughed and giggled 00:49:35.02\00:49:36.88 and her eyes sparkled, no daddy. 00:49:36.89\00:49:38.95 So, I guessed the normal things I would like 00:49:38.96\00:49:40.81 to have and I couldn't have. 00:49:40.82\00:49:41.79 And she laughed and played the game, 00:49:42.49\00:49:44.07 but I was getting impatient and finally 00:49:44.08\00:49:45.52 I said, no, I can't stand, give me the gift. 00:49:45.53\00:49:47.75 You know how you talk to kids, 00:49:48.07\00:49:49.34 you have another language. 00:49:49.35\00:49:50.32 Come on, you don't speak in tongues to your kids, 00:49:54.13\00:49:57.96 it's another language. And she said, 00:50:00.70\00:50:04.60 and she took it out and it was a lamp made 00:50:07.41\00:50:12.06 of noodles, a noodle lamp. I took my best 00:50:12.07\00:50:17.90 Kmart painting off the wall and I put up a 00:50:17.91\00:50:22.57 noodle lamp. People come in my office 00:50:24.53\00:50:27.95 and look at the noodle lamp. 00:50:27.96\00:50:29.02 The value of the gift is in the love of the giver. 00:50:32.70\00:50:40.53 God so loved the world, 00:50:42.24\00:50:48.47 God would give up on his only Son, 00:50:50.68\00:50:52.28 I have good news for you tonight. 00:50:54.92\00:50:56.38 God would give up on His only Son before 00:50:58.02\00:51:02.36 He would give up on you, or me. 00:51:02.37\00:51:05.80 And he made a promise, He made a promise, 00:51:08.73\00:51:12.46 think of the majesty of that miracle. 00:51:14.35\00:51:16.01 The first Adam was wounded in the side 00:51:18.56\00:51:20.26 and there came forth eve His bride, 00:51:21.58\00:51:24.38 the second Adam was wounded in his sided 00:51:26.01\00:51:27.96 at Calvary and there come forth a new Eve, 00:51:27.97\00:51:30.39 the church of Jesus Christ. Amen. 00:51:30.40\00:51:33.82 I'm with you always, I'm with you always. 00:51:37.57\00:51:43.86 It turns his embryo in a womb of a woman. 00:51:48.72\00:51:52.23 He is dead now, but he's alive, he's alive, alive. 00:51:54.69\00:52:05.03 I was holding a meeting in San Bernardino, 00:52:06.75\00:52:08.69 California just a few years ago. Lord poured 00:52:08.70\00:52:11.67 out his spirit there in San Bernardino. 00:52:11.68\00:52:13.30 San Bernardino is one of the toughest 00:52:13.64\00:52:14.98 cites in America. Crime rate per capita 00:52:14.99\00:52:17.25 is the worst in that city. The worst gangs ever 00:52:17.26\00:52:19.92 came out of there, hells angels came out of there, 00:52:19.93\00:52:22.04 it was born in San Bernardino and 00:52:22.05\00:52:23.86 and Satan worship by the way. 00:52:23.87\00:52:26.73 Center of Satan worship started there in 00:52:26.74\00:52:28.56 San Bernardino, California. So, God sent me there 00:52:28.57\00:52:31.59 in San Bernardino just a few years ago, 00:52:31.60\00:52:34.71 of course all the ministers were skeptical, 00:52:36.80\00:52:38.73 I had to go almost a year trying to prove 00:52:38.74\00:52:40.19 to the Adventist ministers you could hold 00:52:40.20\00:52:41.58 evangelism still, that's amazing isn't it? 00:52:41.59\00:52:43.62 You can't do that here brother Ron Halvorsen 00:52:45.67\00:52:47.41 we're in post modern age. You know we're trying 00:52:48.84\00:52:51.53 to figure out the post modernism. 00:52:51.54\00:52:52.84 We're trying to figure out the problem 00:52:53.17\00:52:54.79 when Jesus has the solution. 00:52:54.80\00:52:56.52 They spent more time on trying to find 00:52:58.42\00:53:00.16 a program to reach them by that time 00:53:00.17\00:53:02.11 they're lost. They go to their graves 00:53:02.12\00:53:05.02 without Christ, I'm amazed at that stupidity. 00:53:05.03\00:53:08.54 So I, we went to orange, the orange center 00:53:09.43\00:53:15.13 there in San Bernardino and the Lord blessed 00:53:15.14\00:53:19.22 the opening night, we had over 3900 people. 00:53:19.23\00:53:21.28 We baptized in that meeting over 300 people, 00:53:22.66\00:53:25.74 but anyway I was preaching one night, 00:53:28.02\00:53:30.33 I shared the conversion from the gangs to Jesus 00:53:30.34\00:53:32.73 and there were two gangs there that night 00:53:32.74\00:53:34.99 and it was amazing what God did, 00:53:35.00\00:53:36.83 we baptized lawyers and doctors and we baptized 00:53:36.84\00:53:39.70 gang bangers and the homeless and they all come 00:53:39.74\00:53:41.97 to the same pool, I baptized them in the 00:53:41.98\00:53:44.03 Loma Linda swimming pool on Saturday afternoon, 00:53:44.04\00:53:46.28 that was a new day. And this gang banger 00:53:46.29\00:53:51.30 came down, he was 27 years old he spend 00:53:51.31\00:53:55.13 14 years incarcerated of his 27 years. 00:53:55.14\00:53:59.25 He had all the gang tattoos you know 00:54:00.45\00:54:02.19 and you see what's happening today the 00:54:02.20\00:54:04.42 music is trying to ghettoize our children. 00:54:04.43\00:54:06.28 I thankful to God when he got me out 00:54:07.60\00:54:09.36 of the ghetto, they're trying to bring them back 00:54:09.37\00:54:11.12 to the ghetto. All this tattooing, 00:54:11.13\00:54:14.22 all this stuff to try to imprison their mind 00:54:14.23\00:54:16.88 and their soul, anyway this kid come down, 00:54:16.89\00:54:20.82 not a kid he's 27 years old and 00:54:20.83\00:54:22.93 he cried on my shoulder, people are leaving 00:54:24.64\00:54:27.79 the auditorium, they didn't know what God 00:54:27.80\00:54:29.12 was doing that night you never know what 00:54:29.13\00:54:30.86 God is doing. If you only knew what God 00:54:30.87\00:54:34.69 was doing some times in those meetings, 00:54:34.70\00:54:37.27 he's weeping on my shoulder. 00:54:37.96\00:54:39.49 I led him to Christ there by that platform 00:54:40.27\00:54:43.48 that night. Came back every night, every night. 00:54:43.49\00:54:47.13 Scars, tattoos, every night. I was sure glad 00:54:49.10\00:54:54.97 some saint didn't sit next to him there at 00:54:54.98\00:54:57.12 that meeting. I will tell you. It's amazing 00:54:57.68\00:55:02.29 what they say and what they do in the 00:55:04.95\00:55:07.46 name of Christ, a gang banger came. 00:55:07.47\00:55:11.79 So, he came to my Bible class, my baptism class, 00:55:12.37\00:55:15.43 we were planning on baptizing them in the pool 00:55:15.44\00:55:17.39 with the others on Saturday. 00:55:17.40\00:55:20.01 On Thursday night he was standing on the porch, 00:55:21.96\00:55:26.09 by the way I was gonna have a wedding 00:55:26.10\00:55:27.87 on Friday night and a baptism on Saturday night. 00:55:27.88\00:55:30.67 You have to do that a lot nowadays, 00:55:30.68\00:55:32.57 have the wedding and then the baptism. 00:55:33.24\00:55:35.20 We had the wedding all planned, he had the little 00:55:35.78\00:55:37.77 18-month-old baby. She was standing on one 00:55:37.78\00:55:41.62 side of porch, he was on the other and car came 00:55:41.63\00:55:43.99 around the corner boom, blew him away, 00:55:44.00\00:55:45.83 killed him right there. I got word that 00:55:46.16\00:55:50.34 Friday night and I stood up and told the people 00:55:50.35\00:55:53.80 about this young gang banger and his plans 00:55:53.81\00:55:56.64 to be baptized and now he's dead. 00:55:56.65\00:55:58.63 I took up an offering that night to bury 00:56:00.41\00:56:02.09 the young man and got $ 5000 to bury him 00:56:02.10\00:56:06.21 that night. I buried him in the sweetest, prettiest 00:56:06.22\00:56:10.64 cemetery in Loma Linda. Because when 00:56:11.14\00:56:14.01 he comes up in a resurrection I want the 00:56:14.02\00:56:16.05 saints to see what a sinner looks like 00:56:16.06\00:56:18.12 transformed by the grace of God. Amen. 00:56:18.46\00:56:20.75 You people I don't know, I hope I didn't 00:56:22.29\00:56:24.39 waste my time. 00:56:24.40\00:56:25.38 You know what a miraculous thing that is? 00:56:29.02\00:56:30.71 Do you know what a changed life is? 00:56:31.48\00:56:33.44 Do you know what that is for that boy, 00:56:35.00\00:56:36.68 the only hope he ever had, I am with you. 00:56:37.71\00:56:42.99 I shed tears for him. I let him know before 00:56:47.53\00:56:52.23 he died, before that night he was killed, 00:56:52.24\00:56:55.55 I let him know that God lived in the hood, 00:56:55.56\00:56:57.99 that God roams the street of the hood. 00:56:59.43\00:57:01.11 That God died for gang bangers, 00:57:02.55\00:57:04.19 and he received Christ and he'll be received again. 00:57:06.78\00:57:11.58 I'm with you always. Listen to me carefully 00:57:14.93\00:57:18.59 when times get hard and they will, look to Jesus. 00:57:18.60\00:57:23.39 He'd listen to me, when people don't listen 00:57:25.50\00:57:28.70 to you and don't really care, look to Jesus. 00:57:28.71\00:57:34.62 When tears come and won't stop, look to Jesus. 00:57:36.61\00:57:41.71 When you fall down and you fail and you mess up, 00:57:45.03\00:57:50.10 look to Jesus. 'Cause He does not have 00:57:52.66\00:57:56.01 blind eyes, but does he have a stony heart. 00:57:56.02\00:58:00.74 Father, which art in heaven, I thank you 00:58:02.30\00:58:03.82 for that truth tonight. 00:58:03.83\00:58:04.82 Oh! God, be real to everyone here, 00:58:10.69\00:58:12.17 may they feel your softness. 00:58:14.79\00:58:16.53 May they see your smile, may they know 00:58:18.82\00:58:22.72 your tenderness and your forgiveness. 00:58:22.73\00:58:26.42 And may they love you more, 00:58:29.25\00:58:30.43 now then they ever did before, 00:58:31.56\00:58:33.42 everyday you get sweeter, amen. 00:58:35.95\00:58:42.48 Remember you leave this place but 00:58:44.27\00:58:46.98 you never leave the presence of God. 00:58:46.99\00:58:48.26