Hello and welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp 00:01:01.29\00:01:04.09 Meeting, this is the theme for our year and 00:01:04.10\00:01:08.10 that is the year of victory, so what is our 00:01:08.11\00:01:10.34 theme song, "Victory in Jesus" 00:01:10.35\00:01:13.37 and what we're gonna be talking about this 00:01:13.76\00:01:15.37 morning as I prayed yesterday is when the 00:01:15.38\00:01:17.87 Lord gave me the topic for this morning. 00:01:17.88\00:01:19.67 And it's all about the beginning place for 00:01:20.02\00:01:22.72 victory and that's what we're gonna be talking 00:01:22.73\00:01:24.58 about, being born again. And the eight ways to 00:01:24.59\00:01:28.23 know that you're born again. 00:01:28.24\00:01:29.71 But first what I would like to do is introduce a 00:01:30.17\00:01:32.43 friend of mine, Tammy, why don't you come 00:01:32.57\00:01:34.08 on out here? Tammy, I came from 00:01:34.09\00:01:36.30 this way, there you are aha, 00:01:36.31\00:01:38.10 you'll know this lovely lady don't you? 00:01:39.56\00:01:41.17 This is Tammy Chance and she's Danny's sister, 00:01:41.64\00:01:44.83 she's the prettiest one in the family. 00:01:44.84\00:01:46.42 I don't know if that say much you know. 00:01:47.16\00:01:48.78 But what I want you say is she's got a beautiful 00:01:50.59\00:01:52.99 new album and you know when you 00:01:53.00\00:01:55.08 recorded your album ET told me. 00:01:55.33\00:01:57.37 She said Tammy has such a special quality 00:01:57.65\00:02:00.10 in her voice, because it's coming from her 00:02:00.11\00:02:01.72 heart and it really does come across in your music. 00:02:01.73\00:02:05.40 Well, thank you, and it's got some wonderful 00:02:05.41\00:02:07.36 selections on it, but this morning she is gonna 00:02:07.37\00:02:09.43 sing one of my favorites because this 00:02:09.44\00:02:12.32 is a lively song and it's called 00:02:12.33\00:02:14.38 " Drinking At The Springs Of 00:02:14.77\00:02:17.15 Living Water", yeah, okay Tammy. 00:02:17.16\00:02:19.28 It has to make it happy or see smile. 00:02:27.50\00:02:29.80 I thirsted in the barren land of sin and shame, 00:02:31.76\00:02:35.89 Nothing satisfying there I found; 00:02:36.27\00:02:39.73 But to the blessed cross of Christ one day I came, 00:02:40.27\00:02:44.18 Where springs of living water did abound. 00:02:44.52\00:02:48.59 Drinking at the springs of living water, 00:02:49.08\00:02:52.88 Happy now am I, my soul they satisfy; 00:02:53.20\00:02:57.10 I am drinking at the springs of living water, 00:02:57.21\00:03:01.35 What a wonderful and bountiful supply. 00:03:01.36\00:03:05.48 Oh sinner, won't you come today to Calvary? 00:03:07.88\00:03:11.93 A fountain there is flowing deep and wide; 00:03:11.94\00:03:16.05 The Savior now invites you to the waters free, 00:03:16.42\00:03:20.54 Where thirsting spirits can be satisfied. 00:03:20.55\00:03:24.62 Drinking at the springs of living water, 00:03:25.01\00:03:29.16 Happy now am I, my soul they satisfy; 00:03:29.34\00:03:33.11 I am drinking at the springs of living water, 00:03:33.25\00:03:37.44 What a wonderful and bountiful supply. 00:03:37.58\00:03:41.42 Drinking at the springs of living water, 00:03:42.19\00:03:46.16 Happy now am I, my soul they satisfy; 00:03:46.17\00:03:50.15 I am drinking at the springs of living water, 00:03:50.16\00:03:54.43 What a wonderful and bountiful supply. 00:03:54.44\00:03:58.56 Drinking at the springs of living water, 00:03:59.15\00:04:02.94 What a wonderful and bountiful supply. 00:04:02.95\00:04:07.04 What a wonderful and bountiful supply. 00:04:07.41\00:04:11.31 What a wonderful and bountiful supply. 00:04:11.32\00:04:18.93 Amen, thank you Tammy. 00:04:18.94\00:04:22.43 That's something to, that song because of the 00:04:24.05\00:04:26.94 message and because of the upbeat tempo that's 00:04:26.95\00:04:30.57 the song that can really get you going huh. 00:04:30.58\00:04:32.48 You know what we're gonna be talking about 00:04:33.15\00:04:35.80 this morning, now first of all let me explain 00:04:35.81\00:04:37.74 something I'm not somebody who writes 00:04:37.75\00:04:40.67 out a sermon, that just doesn't work for me. 00:04:40.68\00:04:43.43 Because then I'd have to get up here 00:04:43.75\00:04:45.08 and practically read it and that doesn't work 00:04:45.09\00:04:46.88 for me, because I feel like I'd get in the 00:04:46.89\00:04:49.69 way of the Holy Spirit. And so what I do when 00:04:49.70\00:04:53.30 I'm asking the Lord you know what would you 00:04:53.31\00:04:55.07 like me to teach on. He just starts, he gives a 00:04:55.08\00:04:57.50 topic and then as I look up a scripture or two, 00:04:57.51\00:04:59.97 it's amazing how God just starts 00:05:00.31\00:05:02.04 connecting all of the dots. And then that's what 00:05:02.05\00:05:04.69 I have to present to you, so I teach I'm not a 00:05:04.70\00:05:07.40 preacher, I'm not a prophet. 00:05:07.41\00:05:08.99 I am a teacher and I use a lot of scripture when 00:05:09.00\00:05:11.63 I teach, the one thing that I have to say about 00:05:11.64\00:05:14.93 this morning though is because the Lord gave 00:05:14.94\00:05:16.97 me this yesterday. And I thought what 00:05:16.98\00:05:19.57 a simple topic, I had 22 pages of scripture and 00:05:19.58\00:05:24.11 then I had to condense this down and see what 00:05:24.12\00:05:26.57 was important, I mean most important to get 00:05:26.58\00:05:28.51 across in an hour. I don't have, I haven't 00:05:28.52\00:05:30.98 timed any of this out, I wouldn't know how to 00:05:30.99\00:05:32.85 time it up. So, we're going to go rather 00:05:32.86\00:05:35.21 rapidly over the first part of this teaching so 00:05:35.22\00:05:38.77 that we can spend the emphasis on the later 00:05:38.78\00:05:42.11 part of the teaching okay. Let's go before the 00:05:42.12\00:05:44.81 Lord, Father God, in the name of Jesus, 00:05:44.82\00:05:47.80 we come this morning with thanksgiving in 00:05:47.81\00:05:50.83 our hearts, and Lord we want to thank you 00:05:50.84\00:05:54.35 for this live audience, I thank you Father God 00:05:54.81\00:05:57.50 for our international audience. 00:05:57.51\00:05:59.62 I thank you Lord for everyone who is tuning 00:05:59.63\00:06:02.09 into 3ABN to hear this message and Father, 00:06:02.10\00:06:05.17 I pray in the name of Jesus that you will do a 00:06:05.18\00:06:10.02 work this morning, send your Holy Spirit to be 00:06:10.03\00:06:13.16 our teacher. I ask that you will get me out of 00:06:13.17\00:06:16.18 the way Lord, empty me of me and fill me 00:06:16.19\00:06:18.34 with your spirit. Father, this is your 00:06:18.35\00:06:21.02 living word, so I just lift this teaching before you 00:06:21.03\00:06:24.39 and ask in the name of Jesus that you will. 00:06:24.40\00:06:27.62 Father, do something miraculous and help us 00:06:28.65\00:06:31.48 all through recognize how we can know that 00:06:31.49\00:06:34.91 we are born again and living in true union 00:06:34.92\00:06:37.34 with the living by in Jesus Christ, in His 00:06:37.74\00:06:40.33 Holy name we pray Amen, amen, amen. 00:06:40.34\00:06:43.20 I remember and maybe you all can remember, 00:06:43.56\00:06:46.18 I think the term born again Christian became 00:06:46.79\00:06:50.92 popular in the late 60's or early 70's. 00:06:50.93\00:06:54.76 And I remember the first time I heard it 00:06:55.40\00:06:57.56 and it was from a Baptist friend of mine 00:06:58.07\00:06:59.83 who was saying are you a born again Christian. 00:07:00.24\00:07:02.79 And I said I don't know, what does that mean? 00:07:03.52\00:07:06.58 And so I went to the Bible and I've looked it 00:07:07.52\00:07:09.90 up and it was an interesting thing as 00:07:09.91\00:07:13.33 I studied this out I went and I talk to my 00:07:13.34\00:07:15.65 grandmother who watched a lot of television. 00:07:15.66\00:07:17.81 And she said oh yeah everybody is using that 00:07:17.82\00:07:20.46 slang term now born again, born again and 00:07:20.47\00:07:23.40 she said, I don't even wanna hear it. 00:07:23.41\00:07:24.70 And I said but Mimi, that's what we called 00:07:25.11\00:07:27.00 her Mimi, I said, it's in the Bible. 00:07:27.01\00:07:28.85 So, this is something I mean we need to be 00:07:29.19\00:07:31.19 born again to enter the kingdom of heaven, 00:07:31.20\00:07:33.18 and she says I don't wanna hear it. 00:07:33.65\00:07:35.14 Well, you know something it's 00:07:35.50\00:07:36.47 interesting when the Lord, when I first 00:07:36.48\00:07:38.25 started hearing born again to do this 00:07:38.26\00:07:40.07 teaching for this weekend. I thought Lord is this 00:07:40.08\00:07:43.29 really you and why would I need to teach on this? 00:07:43.30\00:07:45.64 And I went yesterday morning and I asked 00:07:46.36\00:07:48.80 several people at 3ABN what does, do you think 00:07:48.81\00:07:53.43 it means to be born again? I got several really 00:07:53.44\00:07:57.03 different answers and I realized that's why God 00:07:57.04\00:08:00.20 want us me to teach on this and us to look at 00:08:00.21\00:08:03.20 the scripture today. Because number one, 00:08:03.29\00:08:05.27 we need to know that we know that we know 00:08:05.60\00:08:08.33 we are born again. But number two, 00:08:08.34\00:08:10.79 we need to understand this so that we can teach 00:08:11.18\00:08:13.71 it to others and we have to be careful that we 00:08:13.72\00:08:17.16 don't resist something just because it has 00:08:17.17\00:08:19.99 become a slang term. And I use that because 00:08:20.00\00:08:23.38 I mean there are a lot of Christian you'll hear 00:08:23.39\00:08:25.25 people who will say oh I'm a born again Christian. 00:08:25.55\00:08:27.70 And you look at their life and you wonder are 00:08:28.00\00:08:29.68 they really. So, here's how we're gonna learn 00:08:29.69\00:08:32.07 today eight ways to know that you're born 00:08:32.08\00:08:34.45 again, but first, let turn in our Bibles to John 00:08:34.46\00:08:37.73 chapter 3, John chapter 3 and 00:08:37.88\00:08:41.70 we'll begin with verse 3. And you know this 00:08:41.71\00:08:44.92 story, this is when under the cover of night 00:08:44.93\00:08:47.35 Nicodemus comes to Jesus because he 00:08:47.36\00:08:50.33 recognizes that he is more than just a great 00:08:50.34\00:08:53.22 teacher, there is something going on. 00:08:53.23\00:08:54.93 So, he comes and he asks Jesus what he has 00:08:55.30\00:08:58.56 to do to be saved and Jesus says to him in 00:08:58.57\00:09:01.31 verse, chapter John 3:3: Jesus answered and said 00:09:01.32\00:09:04.95 to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, 00:09:04.96\00:09:08.92 unless one is what? Born again, he cannot 00:09:09.28\00:09:14.01 see the kingdom of God." And Nicodemus said to 00:09:14.02\00:09:17.50 Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? 00:09:17.51\00:09:20.12 Can he enter a second time into his mother's 00:09:20.13\00:09:22.03 womb and be born?" And Jesus answered, 00:09:22.04\00:09:24.66 "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is 00:09:27.74\00:09:28.71 born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter 00:09:28.72\00:09:31.85 the kingdom of God." Now, first of all notice 00:09:31.86\00:09:34.38 you got to be born again to see the kingdom, 00:09:34.69\00:09:37.74 to understand kingdom truths, you have to be 00:09:37.87\00:09:41.14 born again and you have to be born again 00:09:41.15\00:09:43.98 to enter into these kingdom truths. 00:09:43.99\00:09:46.38 So, he says: "Do not marvel that I said to 00:09:46.82\00:09:50.67 you, You must be born again. 00:09:50.68\00:09:52.97 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear 00:09:53.46\00:09:56.51 the sound of it, but cannot tell where it 00:09:56.52\00:09:58.36 comes from and where it goes. 00:09:58.37\00:09:59.94 So is everyone who is born of the Spirit." 00:10:00.27\00:10:03.69 What does it mean to be born of the water, 00:10:04.41\00:10:07.20 born of the Spirit, we're gonna look at that, 00:10:07.65\00:10:09.62 but first let me ask you why do we 00:10:10.00\00:10:12.19 need to be born again? Nicodemus is saying 00:10:12.20\00:10:15.66 you know what are you talking about, 00:10:15.67\00:10:17.13 how can I get in back into my mother's womb. 00:10:17.14\00:10:19.51 What Jesus is talking about here is that our 00:10:20.04\00:10:23.63 carnal nature is spiritually dead, 00:10:23.64\00:10:26.71 is that not true? When we, before we've 00:10:27.03\00:10:29.78 accepted Him as Savior our carnal nature is 00:10:29.79\00:10:32.61 spiritually dead and you know what the Bible 00:10:32.62\00:10:35.43 says that the carnal nature cannot receive 00:10:35.44\00:10:38.09 the things of God. So, let's look quickly at 00:10:38.10\00:10:40.81 some scriptures there Romans 5:14, 00:10:40.82\00:10:44.71 in Romans 5:14, Paul writes and he says: 00:10:45.61\00:10:49.90 Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, 00:10:50.53\00:10:56.01 what kind of death is he talking about here? 00:10:56.58\00:10:58.71 A spiritual death, even over those who did not 00:10:59.53\00:11:02.59 sinned according to the likeness of 00:11:02.60\00:11:04.37 transgression of Adam, who was a type of Him 00:11:04.38\00:11:08.17 to come. He is saying from the time that 00:11:08.18\00:11:11.49 Adam sinned death reigned, the spiritual 00:11:11.63\00:11:15.07 death, why is that? Isn't it a biblical 00:11:15.08\00:11:18.48 principle in Genesis we find it and when he's 00:11:18.49\00:11:21.90 talking about the creation that God 00:11:21.91\00:11:24.34 creates everything after its kind. 00:11:24.50\00:11:28.66 So, you can't have an elephant giving birth to 00:11:29.43\00:11:33.17 porpoise, everything is created after its kind, 00:11:34.73\00:11:38.70 well when mankinds nature change when 00:11:39.17\00:11:41.73 he became spiritually dead than everything is 00:11:41.74\00:11:45.15 born with this deadness in it 00:11:45.16\00:11:48.13 and needs a rebirth spiritually. 00:11:48.14\00:11:50.65 So, when we look at being born again we 00:11:51.38\00:11:54.29 know that the reason Adam died Roman 00:11:54.30\00:11:57.44 6:23, is because the wages of sin are death 00:11:57.45\00:12:02.24 but the gift of God is eternal 00:12:02.70\00:12:04.73 life in Christ Jesus. You know I was 00:12:04.74\00:12:07.71 thinking and considering, there's an interesting 00:12:07.72\00:12:10.56 scripture that I like in is Habakkuk 2:4 and he 00:12:10.57\00:12:13.83 says Habakkuk write and says: 00:12:13.84\00:12:15.90 Behold the proud, his soul is not upright. 00:12:16.28\00:12:21.16 I get this picture a proud man who is all 00:12:21.66\00:12:24.19 bent over in his soul: Behold the proud, 00:12:24.20\00:12:28.04 his soul is not upright, but then he goes to say, 00:12:28.05\00:12:31.95 but the just shall live by his faith, 00:12:31.96\00:12:34.43 what does he mean? The one who is proud, 00:12:35.00\00:12:38.81 too proud to acknowledge that he 00:12:38.82\00:12:40.60 needs a savior, is all bent over 00:12:40.61\00:12:43.60 from this burden of sin. He's got this big burden 00:12:43.61\00:12:47.43 on him and he's walking down this path and he's 00:12:47.44\00:12:50.34 walking in the wrong way, he's taking that 00:12:50.35\00:12:52.80 broad path that leads to destruction. 00:12:52.81\00:12:55.73 And he meets up with Jesus and Jesus says to 00:12:56.05\00:12:59.59 him because Jesus is taking them, walking in 00:12:59.60\00:13:02.00 the opposite direction in the narrow path. 00:13:02.01\00:13:04.14 And Jesus is saying to him, I have a gift for 00:13:04.36\00:13:08.32 you, it is the gift of salvation, it is the gift 00:13:08.33\00:13:11.73 of eternal life. If you will roll your 00:13:11.74\00:13:14.46 burden over on to me and take my yoke, 00:13:14.47\00:13:16.83 you know my, my burden is light and, 00:13:17.19\00:13:20.43 and this proud man is saying. 00:13:20.84\00:13:23.02 Because his soul's all bent over and he's 00:13:23.03\00:13:25.22 saying I don't need a savior, maybe he goes 00:13:25.23\00:13:27.61 to church every Sabbath, but he's gonna 00:13:27.62\00:13:29.17 try to work his way into heaven. 00:13:29.18\00:13:31.85 He won't accept this gift of salvation, and part of 00:13:32.20\00:13:37.05 the reason that we refuse to accept gifts 00:13:37.06\00:13:42.72 of grace that God gives to us or offers to us 00:13:42.73\00:13:46.25 is because the carnal mind cannot understand 00:13:46.72\00:13:50.60 the things of God. In 1st Corinthians 2:14 it says, 00:13:50.61\00:13:54.98 that the natural man, the unregenerate man, 00:13:54.99\00:13:58.58 the man that has not been born again does 00:13:58.59\00:14:02.06 not receive the things of the spirit of God for 00:14:02.07\00:14:05.26 their foolishness to Him. And it says, nor 00:14:05.27\00:14:08.23 can he know them because they are 00:14:08.24\00:14:10.77 spiritually discerned. Now, wait a minute, 00:14:10.92\00:14:13.56 God is saying here that you cannot receive the 00:14:14.68\00:14:18.38 things of the spirit in the natural man, 00:14:18.39\00:14:20.71 there's only one exception to this rule, 00:14:20.83\00:14:23.09 you know what it is? The plan of salvation, 00:14:23.22\00:14:26.12 God makes it clear through nature, 00:14:27.45\00:14:32.45 through the scriptures, through changed lives, 00:14:32.97\00:14:35.80 through history. God makes it clear that 00:14:36.31\00:14:39.67 is a sovereign creator of this universe that he 00:14:39.68\00:14:45.81 does have a plan of salvation. 00:14:45.82\00:14:47.76 And he can, the Holy Spirit comes to convict 00:14:48.10\00:14:50.79 and he can get people's attention and once they 00:14:51.12\00:14:53.96 accept Jesus, then if they're being filled 00:14:53.97\00:14:57.36 with the Holy Spirit they can understand 00:14:57.37\00:14:59.74 His word, is this making sense, amen. 00:15:00.13\00:15:02.57 So, now what does it mean to be born again? 00:15:02.81\00:15:07.68 Now we know why we need to be born again, 00:15:07.90\00:15:09.73 because we're spiritually dead before we do. 00:15:09.79\00:15:12.63 And we can't even understand, 00:15:12.64\00:15:15.02 have you ever talked with someone who says 00:15:15.17\00:15:16.78 I read the Bible all the time and I don't 00:15:17.26\00:15:19.10 understand a thing, you know why? 00:15:19.11\00:15:21.48 If they're reading and they're not 00:15:22.18\00:15:23.24 understanding, they're trying to read it with a 00:15:23.25\00:15:25.20 carnal mind and understand it with 00:15:25.21\00:15:27.64 human wisdom. Instead of going before 00:15:27.65\00:15:31.97 the Lord and praying John 17:17: 00:15:31.98\00:15:35.22 O Lord, sanctify me by these truths, change me 00:15:35.54\00:15:39.10 by your word, and let me realize your word is 00:15:39.11\00:15:41.79 my spiritual nutrition. Lord, speak to me 00:15:41.80\00:15:45.08 through your word; send your Holy Spirit 00:15:45.09\00:15:48.37 to give me understanding. I started out on this 00:15:49.05\00:15:52.12 teaching and within 30 minutes I realized 00:15:52.13\00:15:55.02 something's wrong and I thought oh! 00:15:55.51\00:15:57.70 I'm trying to do this on my own. 00:15:57.96\00:16:00.25 And I said Lord, I need you to help me put this 00:16:00.78\00:16:03.49 teaching together, so what does 00:16:03.50\00:16:05.25 it mean to be born again? 00:16:05.26\00:16:07.91 This experience is your initial, and notice I said 00:16:09.66\00:16:14.19 initial, your initial conversion experience, 00:16:14.20\00:16:18.67 this is do you know what the word 00:16:19.34\00:16:21.12 conversion means. See we don't even 00:16:21.13\00:16:23.04 understand that word, that's right, 00:16:23.05\00:16:25.26 it means to be turned around, to change. 00:16:25.49\00:16:28.14 Here's this proud man who's walking down the 00:16:28.48\00:16:31.39 broad path to destruction. And he's got this burden 00:16:31.40\00:16:34.44 of sin on him and he meets Jesus who's 00:16:34.45\00:16:37.42 going in the opposite direction and if he's not 00:16:37.43\00:16:40.75 a fool, if he will listen to the evidence that 00:16:40.76\00:16:44.25 Jesus is the loving Savior. 00:16:44.26\00:16:46.76 When Jesus meets up with him and says give me 00:16:47.14\00:16:50.49 your sin and I'll give you the gift of salvation. 00:16:50.50\00:16:53.45 And you know what happens when he gives 00:16:53.91\00:16:55.31 us that gift of salvation by His grace we are 00:16:55.32\00:16:59.13 saved through faith in Him. 00:16:59.14\00:17:01.05 He yokes us to Him, because grace is found, 00:17:01.50\00:17:05.26 salvation is found when you're in Jesus. 00:17:05.27\00:17:08.38 So, He yokes us to Him and then he turns us 00:17:08.70\00:17:11.83 around and did you know that we cannot 00:17:11.84\00:17:13.78 even repent except by the power of God. 00:17:13.79\00:17:17.00 The Bible says that God grand us repentance, 00:17:17.69\00:17:20.59 it's out of His kindness that he lead us to 00:17:20.91\00:17:23.19 repentance and he gives us repentance. 00:17:23.20\00:17:26.08 And I'm gonna start giving you different 00:17:26.75\00:17:28.62 message if I don't go on here, but what happens 00:17:28.63\00:17:31.53 this conversion experience let me you an 00:17:31.91\00:17:33.97 interesting story. My mother had total 00:17:33.98\00:17:37.29 cardiac and respiratory arrest, she was literally 00:17:37.30\00:17:41.43 dead for 15 minutes and they revived her. 00:17:41.44\00:17:43.99 And we're praying for it, but when did revive 00:17:44.60\00:17:47.44 her you know what happened? 00:17:47.45\00:17:48.47 She was paralyzed from the waist down. 00:17:49.26\00:17:50.83 So, she is now in intensive care and her 00:17:51.23\00:17:53.88 heart stopped and they brought in the crash cart 00:17:53.89\00:17:57.22 and they bring in the paddles and they sent 00:17:57.23\00:17:59.85 me out of the room. I've been in intensive 00:17:59.86\00:18:02.36 care with her for five days when this 00:18:02.37\00:18:03.88 happened, they sent me out the room and you 00:18:03.89\00:18:06.29 could hear them going charge, you know and 00:18:06.30\00:18:08.36 you hear this and they did it several times. 00:18:08.37\00:18:10.54 The doctor walked out 00:18:10.55\00:18:11.59 and he said, we converted her, 00:18:11.60\00:18:14.01 now isn't that an interest, 00:18:16.39\00:18:17.48 that's what they call it. When they put those 00:18:17.49\00:18:19.63 paddles to a heart that's stop beating and they 00:18:20.44\00:18:23.47 get it beating again or even a heart that's 00:18:23.48\00:18:25.88 skipping beats, they put those paddles on it. 00:18:25.89\00:18:28.47 And they convert it, they change it, they turn 00:18:28.77\00:18:30.79 it around to get it into a normal rhythm of life. 00:18:30.80\00:18:34.46 This is what God does to us, he reaches down 00:18:35.12\00:18:38.26 with loving hands like the paddles, he touches 00:18:38.27\00:18:41.57 our heart and when he touches the heart and 00:18:41.58\00:18:45.08 helps us to circumcise the heart. 00:18:45.09\00:18:47.13 He gets that heart going again and that's the 00:18:47.14\00:18:50.35 experience of being born again when you 00:18:50.36\00:18:52.55 start, you're converted the initial time. 00:18:52.56\00:18:56.32 Now, since conversion is actually a 00:18:56.69\00:19:01.08 synonymous term with repentance, 00:19:01.09\00:19:03.23 is conversion something we need 00:19:03.60\00:19:05.30 more than one experience with? 00:19:05.31\00:19:07.02 How often do you think we ought to be converted? 00:19:07.03\00:19:10.34 Daily, we've got to, and we've got to repent daily. 00:19:11.34\00:19:15.23 Some people think of conversion, 00:19:15.41\00:19:17.10 they confuse it with the born again experience. 00:19:17.83\00:19:20.63 It's part of the born again experience, 00:19:21.41\00:19:23.06 but it's not all, when you're born again you 00:19:23.07\00:19:25.97 become a new creation in Christ. 00:19:25.98\00:19:28.70 You're born from above, you become a 00:19:29.01\00:19:31.11 child of God, a child of light, your position in 00:19:31.12\00:19:34.74 Christ, you're grafted in and we find our new 00:19:34.75\00:19:38.12 life in Christ. Let me read a passage 00:19:38.13\00:19:41.91 if you wanna turn there it's Ephesians chapter 2, 00:19:41.92\00:19:44.39 we are made spiritually alive when you're born 00:19:45.34\00:19:49.11 again, listen to Ephesians chapter 2 00:19:49.12\00:19:52.58 verse 1: You He made alive, you who were 00:19:53.18\00:19:58.20 dead in trespasses and sins. 00:19:58.38\00:20:00.94 He made your life through the born again 00:20:01.68\00:20:03.42 experience, you were dead in trespasses and 00:20:03.43\00:20:06.47 sins, in which you once walked according to the 00:20:06.48\00:20:09.29 course of this world, according to the prince 00:20:09.30\00:20:11.58 of the power of the air, the spirit who now 00:20:11.59\00:20:14.45 works in the sons of disobedience. 00:20:14.46\00:20:17.77 So, those who are being disobedient to God 00:20:19.05\00:20:21.64 what spirit is working in them? 00:20:21.65\00:20:23.05 The spirit of the prince of the 00:20:23.79\00:20:24.83 power of the air, the devil. 00:20:24.84\00:20:27.13 Among whom also we all once conducted 00:20:27.95\00:20:30.76 ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the 00:20:30.77\00:20:32.94 desires of the flesh and of the mind, 00:20:32.95\00:20:34.69 and we're by nature children of wrath, 00:20:34.88\00:20:37.54 just as the others. But God, who is rich 00:20:37.89\00:20:40.76 in mercy, because of His great love with 00:20:40.77\00:20:43.80 which He loved us, even when we were 00:20:43.81\00:20:45.52 dead in trespasses, he made us alive together 00:20:45.53\00:20:49.38 with Christ, by grace you have been saved, 00:20:49.39\00:20:53.65 there's only one thing that you need to do 00:20:54.10\00:20:56.56 to be born again that is to welcome it and to 00:20:56.77\00:20:59.69 receive it and to just surrender it to God. 00:20:59.70\00:21:02.27 He says even when we were dead in trespasses, 00:21:03.13\00:21:07.74 he made us alive together with Christ, 00:21:07.75\00:21:11.40 therefore the Bible says, Paul goes on in 2nd 00:21:12.27\00:21:14.66 Corinthians 5:17 and says that anyone who is 00:21:14.67\00:21:17.88 in Christ is a new creation, the old is gone 00:21:18.04\00:21:22.70 and the new has come. Now, I can tell I'm 00:21:23.00\00:21:27.62 watching the clock and thinking O Lord, 00:21:27.63\00:21:29.35 I need three hours to do this teaching. 00:21:29.36\00:21:31.27 In John chapter 1, this is what John wrote: 00:21:32.91\00:21:37.64 to as many as did receive and welcome 00:21:37.93\00:21:41.87 Him, welcome Jesus, He gave the authority, 00:21:41.88\00:21:46.81 is this gift? He gave the authority and that word 00:21:46.82\00:21:51.70 authority is 'exusia' which means power or 00:21:51.71\00:21:56.15 privilege or the right. He gave us the power, 00:21:56.16\00:21:59.18 the privilege and right to become the children 00:21:59.19\00:22:02.22 of God that is to those who believe in His 00:22:02.23\00:22:06.03 name, who owe their birth neither to bloods 00:22:06.04\00:22:09.46 nor to the will of the flesh nor to the will of 00:22:09.67\00:22:12.61 man but to God, we are born by God. 00:22:12.62\00:22:17.51 Now, I'm gonna have to skip a lot of this, 00:22:18.16\00:22:20.55 let me get over here, how are we born again? 00:22:20.94\00:22:24.64 Do you know the answer to that? 00:22:25.83\00:22:27.17 How are we born again? We're born by the spirit 00:22:27.59\00:22:31.13 and by the word. In First Peter, let's 00:22:32.08\00:22:35.39 look at First Peter chapter 1, I do want you 00:22:35.40\00:22:38.19 to turn there, because it is so important for us to 00:22:38.20\00:22:41.67 understand the transforming 00:22:41.68\00:22:44.30 power of the word of God. 00:22:44.31\00:22:46.02 I use a little illustration and I'll tell people if 00:22:46.42\00:22:49.88 I've got a handful of corn over here and a 00:22:49.89\00:22:52.60 handful of wheat here and I plant to my right, 00:22:52.61\00:22:56.72 your left if I'm planting corn on this field and 00:22:56.73\00:23:00.06 I'm planting wheat over in this field. 00:23:00.14\00:23:02.14 Once the harvest comes what am I gonna get 00:23:02.49\00:23:04.55 over here, corn why? You planted it, what am 00:23:04.56\00:23:09.04 I gonna get over here? Wheat, why? 00:23:09.05\00:23:11.82 Because you planted it. The potential of any 00:23:12.88\00:23:16.38 harvest is in the seed. In the Bible Jesus says 00:23:16.54\00:23:22.72 that the seed when he's talking about parable of 00:23:22.73\00:23:25.52 the seed, he says the seed is what? 00:23:25.53\00:23:28.37 The word of God, and you are born again 00:23:28.99\00:23:33.53 by the word of God, look at this all of your 00:23:33.97\00:23:37.40 potential, listen to what I'm saying, all of your 00:23:37.41\00:23:40.58 potential is wrapped up in His seed. 00:23:40.59\00:23:44.45 Every promise of God that you speak over 00:23:45.47\00:23:48.37 your life that you put into practice in your life 00:23:48.38\00:23:50.60 that's how God is going to change you, and he is 00:23:50.92\00:23:55.30 going to get His power in you. 00:23:55.31\00:23:57.08 First Peter 1:22 and 23, First Peter 1:22 is 00:23:57.49\00:24:03.96 where we're gonna begin. He says: Since you 00:24:03.97\00:24:06.30 have purified your souls, that's interesting, 00:24:06.31\00:24:09.47 you have purified your souls, you know when 00:24:09.87\00:24:12.12 you study through the Bible, the Bible tells us 00:24:12.13\00:24:15.39 the word sanctifies us, the Holy Spirit 00:24:15.40\00:24:17.51 sanctifies us, Jesus sanctifies us, the God 00:24:17.52\00:24:20.77 Father sanctifies us, it is His job to sanctify us, 00:24:20.78\00:24:25.57 to set us apart, to change us. 00:24:25.58\00:24:27.44 But we've got a part in it, because it says since 00:24:27.80\00:24:30.14 you have purified your souls, how? 00:24:30.15\00:24:32.38 In obeying the truth through 00:24:33.21\00:24:35.30 the spirit in sincere love. 00:24:35.31\00:24:37.86 Jesus said, if you love me you will obey my 00:24:38.66\00:24:42.43 commandments, but notice here the only 00:24:42.44\00:24:45.48 way that you can obey is through the spirit, 00:24:45.49\00:24:49.90 obedience is by grace as well. 00:24:51.06\00:24:54.03 It is something that you have to come and 00:24:54.91\00:24:56.70 surrender to God and ask for the will and ask 00:24:56.71\00:25:00.03 for the power to walk in obedience. 00:25:00.04\00:25:02.56 So, he says in verse 23: Having been born 00:25:03.17\00:25:06.61 again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, 00:25:06.62\00:25:11.31 what is this incorruptible seed? 00:25:11.72\00:25:13.81 Through the word of God which lives and 00:25:14.60\00:25:18.27 abides forever, you know James says in 00:25:18.28\00:25:22.04 James 1:18 that it was out of His will that God 00:25:22.05\00:25:26.32 brought us forth by His word of truth. 00:25:26.33\00:25:30.78 How did God create the world? 00:25:31.68\00:25:33.34 He spoke it, there is such power in the word 00:25:34.41\00:25:37.97 of God there is transforming power 00:25:37.98\00:25:40.42 in the word of God. And after James says in 00:25:40.66\00:25:43.73 1:18 that God brought us forth by His will and 00:25:43.74\00:25:48.65 by the word of truth, he says in verse 21, 00:25:48.66\00:25:51.83 get rid of all uncleanness and the 00:25:52.25\00:25:55.22 rampant outgrowth of wickedness, 00:25:55.23\00:25:57.02 and in a humble spirit receive and welcome 00:25:57.03\00:25:59.92 the word which implanted and rooted in your 00:25:59.93\00:26:02.68 hearts contains the power to save your souls. 00:26:02.69\00:26:08.30 Did you hear that, the word of God planted 00:26:08.74\00:26:12.42 and rooted in your heart contains power, 00:26:13.08\00:26:17.06 now this is dunamis, this is not just the 00:26:17.28\00:26:20.10 'exusia' power alright, but this is dunamis 00:26:20.11\00:26:23.35 power of the Holy Spirit, that's why it's so 00:26:23.36\00:26:26.18 important for us to get into the word, 00:26:26.19\00:26:28.21 faith comes by hearing and hearing 00:26:28.22\00:26:30.93 by the word of God. So, we need to get 00:26:30.94\00:26:33.89 into the word and speak this word over our life 00:26:33.90\00:26:36.94 claim it, pray it back to the Lord in, in prayer 00:26:36.95\00:26:40.34 and recognize that there is divine, divine power. 00:26:41.09\00:26:45.63 Now, turn to Second Peter, because I want 00:26:45.95\00:26:48.59 just to spend one more minute on this being 00:26:48.60\00:26:50.77 born of the word, I've really like this been 00:26:50.78\00:26:54.62 about ten more minutes but. 00:26:54.63\00:26:55.83 Second Peter chapter 1 and verse 2, the Bible 00:26:57.51\00:27:03.35 tells us that we partake of the divine nature of 00:27:03.36\00:27:07.09 God through the word, through His promises, 00:27:07.10\00:27:12.11 lets look at verse 2, Second Peter chapter 1 00:27:12.46\00:27:15.71 and verse 2, actually let's start with verse 3: 00:27:15.72\00:27:17.77 As His divine power, this is God's divine 00:27:18.85\00:27:22.22 power has given to us how many things? 00:27:22.23\00:27:25.70 All things, God has given us all things that 00:27:26.58\00:27:29.50 pertain to life and godliness, through the 00:27:29.51\00:27:32.26 knowledge of Him who called us by his glory 00:27:32.27\00:27:35.37 and virtue, you cannot murmur and complain 00:27:35.38\00:27:39.59 that God hasn't given you everything that 00:27:40.27\00:27:42.92 you need to live a powerful Christian life. 00:27:42.93\00:27:46.54 If you're not living a powerful Christian life, 00:27:47.73\00:27:50.02 I can tell you right now because you're trying to 00:27:50.03\00:27:51.79 do it under your own power. And I would say to you 00:27:51.80\00:27:55.37 the same thing the Lord reminds me Galatians 3:3: 00:27:55.38\00:27:57.90 You foolish thing. Having begun in the 00:27:57.91\00:27:59.91 Spirit, are you now trying to perfect it in the flesh? 00:27:59.92\00:28:02.93 Don't we do that? But look at this, he says: 00:28:03.74\00:28:07.80 By which, by His glory and virtue have been 00:28:08.63\00:28:11.90 given to us exceedingly great and precious 00:28:11.91\00:28:16.32 promises, that through these, through what? 00:28:16.33\00:28:19.99 Through these promises you may be partakers of 00:28:21.06\00:28:26.04 the divine nature, and having escaped the 00:28:26.05\00:28:30.73 corruption that is in the world through lust. 00:28:30.74\00:28:32.81 Do you see the direct correlation here 00:28:33.65\00:28:36.41 between receiving? How many promises are 00:28:37.44\00:28:40.36 ours in Christ Jesus? All, all, Second 00:28:40.37\00:28:42.94 Corinthians 1:20, all of God's promises are ours 00:28:42.95\00:28:46.07 in Christ, but there is a direct correlation to the 00:28:46.72\00:28:49.77 number of promises that you are receiving, 00:28:49.78\00:28:53.87 planting in your heart that you're speaking 00:28:53.88\00:28:56.33 over your life, that you're praying back to 00:28:56.34\00:28:58.30 God there is a direct correlation to how 00:28:58.31\00:29:01.98 much of the divine nature you are a 00:29:01.99\00:29:06.50 partaker of that now, is that I'm not sure 00:29:06.51\00:29:09.58 I said that right. The more promises 00:29:09.59\00:29:12.30 that you have in your heart, the word I had 00:29:12.31\00:29:15.87 hidden in my heart that I might not sin against 00:29:15.88\00:29:18.41 you, the more you will escape the corruption 00:29:18.42\00:29:22.08 of the world. The more of the promises 00:29:22.31\00:29:25.02 of God that you have in your heart, that you're 00:29:25.03\00:29:27.01 praying back to Him, that you're accepting as 00:29:27.02\00:29:30.44 being the identification of who you 00:29:30.45\00:29:33.00 are in Christ Jesus. If you look at this is my 00:29:33.01\00:29:36.39 identity I'm not who I think I am, I'm not who 00:29:36.40\00:29:39.76 you think I am. I'm who God says I am in His 00:29:39.77\00:29:42.87 word and he says in Romans 4:17 that he is 00:29:42.88\00:29:45.56 a God that gives life to the dead born again and 00:29:45.57\00:29:48.57 calls thing that are not as though they already 00:29:48.58\00:29:50.70 were because He knows the end from the beginning. 00:29:50.71\00:29:53.37 He knows exactly what you're destiny is and 00:29:53.75\00:29:56.01 you know what you're destiny is? 00:29:56.02\00:29:57.25 To be conformed to the image of Jesus, amen, 00:29:57.52\00:29:59.74 hallelujah, that's what He tells us in Romans 8:29. 00:29:59.87\00:30:03.00 So, what we want to do then is let's look at born 00:30:03.65\00:30:07.07 of the water, to be born of the water 00:30:07.08\00:30:10.28 Titus chapter 3 verse 4 through 7, Titus chapter 00:30:11.03\00:30:15.57 3 beginning with verse 4: When the kindness and 00:30:15.58\00:30:19.87 the love of God our Savior appeared toward 00:30:19.88\00:30:22.38 man, not by works of righteousness which we 00:30:22.39\00:30:25.60 have done, did you catch that? 00:30:25.61\00:30:27.06 God's kindness and his mercy and the love of, 00:30:27.66\00:30:30.40 and His love, he didn't send the Jesus down to 00:30:30.41\00:30:34.13 save us by works of righteousness which we 00:30:34.14\00:30:36.16 have done, but according to His mercy 00:30:36.17\00:30:38.49 He saved us, through the washing of 00:30:38.50\00:30:41.14 regeneration and renewing of the Holy 00:30:41.15\00:30:43.96 Spirit, regeneration that's that born again 00:30:43.97\00:30:47.28 experience it's the new birth. 00:30:47.29\00:30:49.29 And this washing in the Greek that word is 00:30:50.00\00:30:52.47 "lutron" it's a laver or bath. 00:30:52.62\00:30:55.96 Now, I wanna show you where that word is used 00:30:56.44\00:30:59.65 in different tense, but where that word is used 00:30:59.82\00:31:03.61 also, listen to this, stay there in Titus, 00:31:03.62\00:31:06.81 because we're gonna come back but in 00:31:06.82\00:31:08.40 Ephesians 5 verse 25: Christ also loved the 00:31:08.41\00:31:12.80 church and gave Himself to her, 00:31:12.81\00:31:15.18 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with 00:31:15.45\00:31:18.07 the washing, we just read in Titus that He 00:31:18.08\00:31:21.48 saved us through the washing of 00:31:21.49\00:31:23.29 regeneration, how are we born again by the 00:31:23.30\00:31:26.11 word of God through His spirit and it says, 00:31:26.12\00:31:28.86 the washing of the water by the word, 00:31:29.39\00:31:33.17 that He might present her to Himself a 00:31:33.88\00:31:37.04 glorious church, not having a spot or wrinkle 00:31:37.05\00:31:39.64 or any such thing, but that she should be holy 00:31:39.78\00:31:42.87 and without blemish. The washing of the 00:31:42.88\00:31:46.21 water of the word, it's the same verb different 00:31:46.22\00:31:50.36 tense of the washing of regeneration, 00:31:50.37\00:31:53.75 we are born again and you know I believe that 00:31:54.21\00:31:56.77 there is a duel illusion here. 00:31:56.78\00:31:58.41 I believe that when he says, that he saved us 00:31:58.63\00:32:01.28 through the washing of the water that there is, 00:32:01.29\00:32:04.05 first the application is to the word of God, 00:32:04.53\00:32:06.87 because that's how we're born 00:32:06.88\00:32:07.89 again into regeneration. But there's also the 00:32:07.90\00:32:10.93 application of baptism which is, what is 00:32:10.94\00:32:14.85 baptism it simply symbolic, it is an 00:32:14.86\00:32:19.04 outward public proclamation of 00:32:19.05\00:32:21.71 something that God has done inside of us. 00:32:21.72\00:32:23.93 So, now, I'm gonna return to Titus, he says 00:32:24.50\00:32:27.18 he washed us according to His mercy He saved 00:32:27.36\00:32:29.82 us through the washing of regeneration and 00:32:29.83\00:32:32.79 renewing of the Holy Spirit, 00:32:32.80\00:32:35.22 who does the renewing? 00:32:35.74\00:32:37.10 The Holy Spirit is the one who's 00:32:38.83\00:32:40.36 doing the renewing in us. Whom He poured 00:32:40.37\00:32:43.26 out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our 00:32:43.27\00:32:47.70 Savior, that having been justified by His grace, 00:32:47.71\00:32:52.30 how are we justified? By grace, we should 00:32:52.74\00:32:56.04 become heirs according to the 00:32:56.05\00:32:57.86 hope of eternal life. Now, when we're 00:32:57.87\00:33:03.00 baptized and in Romans chapter 6 is the perfect, 00:33:03.01\00:33:07.52 we don't have time to turn there but in 00:33:08.45\00:33:09.68 Romans chapter 6 it says that baptism is a 00:33:09.69\00:33:13.77 burial, it's a symbolic thing that we are being 00:33:13.93\00:33:17.06 buried, being baptized into the death of Jesus 00:33:17.07\00:33:20.40 Christ and then being raised again to new life. 00:33:20.41\00:33:24.24 So, that's why I believe baptism 00:33:24.65\00:33:26.35 by immersion is critical. Because it is symbolic 00:33:26.36\00:33:29.74 that you're dying to self and being raised again 00:33:30.11\00:33:33.55 to new life, a resurrected life. 00:33:33.87\00:33:36.10 So, now how can we, skipping over much of 00:33:36.50\00:33:39.39 this teaching, how can we know 00:33:39.40\00:33:41.91 that we are born again? How many of you know 00:33:41.92\00:33:45.11 that you know that you know you're born again? 00:33:45.12\00:33:46.98 Let me see your hands, if you know that you 00:33:47.29\00:33:48.83 know you have no doubt, alright it's a good 00:33:48.84\00:33:51.73 portion of you, but there's some of you in 00:33:51.74\00:33:53.22 here that are not sure. So, here's how you can 00:33:53.23\00:33:55.66 know, I'm gonna give you eight reasons then 00:33:55.67\00:33:58.43 we're gonna look at the scriptures. 00:33:58.44\00:33:59.70 If we are born again there is going to be 00:34:00.65\00:34:03.25 evidence, amen, and the evidence is number one 00:34:03.26\00:34:06.30 we will demonstrate God's love, 00:34:06.31\00:34:08.12 number two, we will cooperate with the 00:34:09.31\00:34:11.32 Holy Spirit, number three we will crucify 00:34:11.33\00:34:14.82 our flesh, number four sin will not be our 00:34:14.83\00:34:18.80 habit, amen, number five, we will practice 00:34:18.81\00:34:21.71 righteousness, number six we will have 00:34:21.72\00:34:24.79 overcoming faith, number seven we will 00:34:25.07\00:34:28.08 be trained by God's discipline and number 00:34:28.09\00:34:30.93 eight, we will be kept by the power of God. 00:34:30.94\00:34:34.57 This is the meat of the teaching so lets turn to 00:34:35.36\00:34:37.89 First John chapter 4, if you want to know what 00:34:37.90\00:34:42.59 it means to be born again, we've got to 00:34:42.60\00:34:45.80 understand what the Bible says. 00:34:46.16\00:34:48.19 First John chapter 4 and verse 7, 00:34:48.58\00:34:50.92 First John chapter 4 and verse 7: 00:34:52.04\00:34:54.08 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of 00:34:54.55\00:34:59.40 God; and everyone who loves is born of God 00:34:59.41\00:35:05.43 and knows God. So, if you're born again 00:35:05.44\00:35:08.41 the outward manifestation is you 00:35:09.44\00:35:11.16 will, gonna be a loving person, 00:35:11.17\00:35:12.83 He who does not love does not know God, 00:35:13.16\00:35:15.11 for God is love. In this the love of God 00:35:15.12\00:35:18.66 was manifested toward us that God has sent His 00:35:18.67\00:35:20.99 only begotten son into the world, that we 00:35:21.00\00:35:23.33 might live through Him. In this is love not that 00:35:23.34\00:35:26.77 we loved God, but that he loved us and sent 00:35:26.78\00:35:29.65 His son to be the propitiation for our sins. 00:35:29.66\00:35:32.51 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought 00:35:33.16\00:35:37.19 to love one another. No one has seen God 00:35:37.20\00:35:40.28 at any time; if we love one another, 00:35:40.29\00:35:43.37 God abides in us, and His love has been 00:35:43.38\00:35:46.99 perfected in us. By this we know that 00:35:47.00\00:35:49.90 we abide in Him and He in us, because He has 00:35:49.91\00:35:53.77 given us of His Spirit. The Holy Spirit is more 00:35:53.78\00:35:57.52 than just the Spirit of Holiness, God is love, 00:35:57.53\00:36:00.71 the Holy Spirit is the spirit of love. 00:36:00.72\00:36:04.37 And listen very carefully to what I'm 00:36:04.92\00:36:06.51 about to say, because if you don't hear anything 00:36:06.52\00:36:08.37 else today, hear this anything that you do 00:36:08.38\00:36:11.33 that is not motivated by love is not of God. 00:36:11.81\00:36:15.38 Let me repeat that, anything that you do 00:36:16.35\00:36:19.87 that is not motivated by love is not of God, 00:36:20.58\00:36:24.78 you maybe the biggest donor in the 00:36:25.40\00:36:27.60 Seventh-day Adventist church. 00:36:27.61\00:36:29.11 But if you're doing it to draw attention to 00:36:29.84\00:36:31.92 yourself, to gain power or to gain recognition 00:36:31.93\00:36:34.48 you know what? You've got your full 00:36:35.06\00:36:36.74 reward right here, amen, then the Bible 00:36:36.75\00:36:39.34 say don't let your left hand know what your 00:36:39.35\00:36:41.02 right hand is doing. And if you're doing 00:36:41.03\00:36:43.21 this because it's not out of the love for the saints 00:36:43.22\00:36:46.30 and love for God, it has, it's not of God. 00:36:46.31\00:36:49.69 It may sound like a good work, but it's not 00:36:50.26\00:36:52.35 of God, so what we need is to know that 00:36:52.36\00:36:57.45 when we're born again we will demonstrate 00:36:57.46\00:37:00.39 God's love. Number 2, turn to Romans chapter 00:37:00.40\00:37:04.94 8, Romans chapter 8 and verse 13, 00:37:04.95\00:37:10.07 I should have timed this teaching, I'm skipping 00:37:11.97\00:37:14.92 more than half of it and I had already 00:37:15.43\00:37:16.96 reduced it to half. But Romans chapter 8 00:37:16.97\00:37:20.53 and verse 13, you know that's what I like about 00:37:20.54\00:37:23.72 teaching live you can get on a roll and just 00:37:23.73\00:37:25.80 keep going, yeah. But I meant live not 00:37:25.81\00:37:29.33 on television live, Romans 8:13, if you 00:37:29.34\00:37:33.56 have been born again you are going to 00:37:33.57\00:37:35.31 cooperate with the Holy Spirit, let's look at this, 00:37:35.32\00:37:39.03 Romans 8:13 says: If you live according 00:37:39.76\00:37:42.32 to the flesh what's going to happen? 00:37:42.33\00:37:43.94 You will die; but if by whom? The Spirit, 00:37:44.56\00:37:48.36 if by the spirit you put to death the misdeeds 00:37:48.37\00:37:51.61 of the flesh, you will live, who's working 00:37:51.62\00:37:55.88 together there. If by the spirit you put 00:37:55.89\00:38:00.27 to death, it's got be you and the Holy Spirit 00:38:00.28\00:38:03.16 working together, amen, you will live. 00:38:03.17\00:38:06.59 Verse 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of 00:38:07.67\00:38:11.72 God, these are the children of God. 00:38:11.73\00:38:15.53 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage 00:38:16.92\00:38:19.14 again to fear, but you received the spirit of 00:38:19.15\00:38:22.31 adoption by whom we cry out "Abba, Father." 00:38:22.32\00:38:27.79 Every day we've talked about the born again 00:38:29.13\00:38:32.66 experience is not something that is 00:38:32.67\00:38:34.59 repeated daily, let me explain why. 00:38:34.60\00:38:36.82 Paul said in First Corinthians 15:31: 00:38:37.22\00:38:39.02 I die daily, brothers I mean it, does that 00:38:39.50\00:38:42.44 mean you have to be born again daily. 00:38:42.45\00:38:43.71 No, because you need to be born again as if 00:38:43.97\00:38:47.25 you are spiritually dead, amen. 00:38:47.26\00:38:50.48 So, you could be born, can you be born again 00:38:50.61\00:38:53.72 more than once I believe you could if 00:38:53.73\00:38:55.40 you total, if you'd been born again. 00:38:55.41\00:38:56.97 And for some reason you apostatized and 00:38:56.98\00:38:59.37 walked away from the Lord or denouced the Lord. 00:38:59.38\00:39:01.58 If you're coming back to him, you need to be 00:39:01.92\00:39:03.72 born again again, but it is not a daily experience 00:39:03.73\00:39:08.51 of rebirth. The daily experience 00:39:08.52\00:39:11.01 is conversion, it's the repentance and when 00:39:11.02\00:39:13.84 Paul says I die daily brothers I mean it, 00:39:13.85\00:39:16.24 he is saying you know what? 00:39:16.53\00:39:17.89 Even though I'm now spiritually alive, 00:39:18.36\00:39:20.66 my carnal nature pops up its ugly little head; 00:39:20.99\00:39:23.48 it rears its ugly head, every now and then daily. 00:39:23.49\00:39:26.92 And so I've got to die daily and pick up my 00:39:27.23\00:39:29.55 cross and die to self every day, so we have 00:39:29.56\00:39:34.15 crucified the flesh. Number three if you're 00:39:34.33\00:39:36.92 born again you've got to crucify the flesh that's 00:39:36.93\00:39:40.89 what it's all about that burial and resurrection 00:39:40.90\00:39:44.54 that's what baptism is about. 00:39:44.55\00:39:46.26 It's symbolic that you've buried that old way of 00:39:46.52\00:39:49.04 life and you're raising up to walk in 00:39:49.05\00:39:52.06 resurrection power. Galatians 5:24 says: 00:39:52.07\00:39:56.36 Those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh 00:39:56.90\00:40:00.48 with its passions and desires. 00:40:00.49\00:40:02.53 Do you belong to Jesus? Then by the power of 00:40:03.39\00:40:07.11 the Holy Spirit you have to crucify that 00:40:07.12\00:40:10.36 flesh, pick up that cross daily and ask to be 00:40:10.37\00:40:14.38 filled with the Holy Spirit. 00:40:14.39\00:40:16.18 And he says in verse 25: If we live in the 00:40:16.75\00:40:20.26 Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 00:40:20.41\00:40:23.58 What does it mean, we looked at Romans 8:14 00:40:24.30\00:40:26.94 says: If you're led by the Holy Spirit you are 00:40:26.95\00:40:30.44 a child of God, I would say that if you are not 00:40:30.45\00:40:33.74 led by the Holy Spirit then you're not a child 00:40:33.75\00:40:36.01 of God, isn't that correct? Amen. 00:40:36.02\00:40:38.66 What does that mean to walk in the spirit? 00:40:38.80\00:40:41.36 If the spirit, and we know the spirit is going 00:40:42.68\00:40:46.58 along the narrow path and few there are who 00:40:46.59\00:40:49.88 find it, but as he is going in this direction. 00:40:49.89\00:40:52.79 If you start even once you're born again you 00:40:53.10\00:40:55.22 might actually turn around for a moment 00:40:55.23\00:40:57.19 and God says oops. You know you got that 00:40:57.20\00:40:59.78 word hidden in your heart and you're saying 00:40:59.79\00:41:01.28 oh man this is not right. Lord, grand me 00:41:01.29\00:41:03.71 repentance, you're converted, now you're 00:41:03.72\00:41:06.24 supposed to be walking with the spirit, 00:41:06.25\00:41:08.05 in the spirit that means you don't run ahead of Him. 00:41:08.57\00:41:11.29 And you don't led behind him, you've got 00:41:11.66\00:41:14.40 to let Him be leading all the way. 00:41:14.41\00:41:17.49 Now number four, sin is not our habit turned 00:41:18.38\00:41:21.97 to First John chapter 5 and verse 18, First John 00:41:21.98\00:41:27.23 chapter 5 and verse 18. If we are born 00:41:27.24\00:41:30.42 again sin is not our habit, 00:41:30.43\00:41:33.12 First John 5:18: We know that whoever is 00:41:35.02\00:41:41.15 born of God does not sin; man you read that 00:41:41.49\00:41:45.95 and you can come under some 00:41:45.96\00:41:46.93 condemnation and say have I been born 00:41:46.94\00:41:49.42 of God, amen, I don't know about you but 00:41:49.43\00:41:52.52 I fell short of God's glory every single day. 00:41:52.53\00:41:56.09 God's glory is his character I've not 00:41:57.93\00:41:59.65 attained it yet, I fall short in some 00:41:59.66\00:42:01.96 area everyday I can find a reason to 00:42:01.97\00:42:04.21 repent every single day. So, you read this and 00:42:05.30\00:42:08.32 you say well how can the Bible isn't that 00:42:08.33\00:42:11.17 contradictory, if it says that you know if we say 00:42:11.18\00:42:13.65 that we're without sin we're layers and yet it 00:42:13.66\00:42:15.79 says whoever born of God does not sin, 00:42:15.80\00:42:18.16 the verb text is what is all important here. 00:42:18.64\00:42:21.56 Because when it says it does not, he does not 00:42:21.57\00:42:23.79 sin it means in the verb text it's a linear verb 00:42:23.80\00:42:28.79 and it means it keeps on going and going and 00:42:29.34\00:42:31.56 going, so what it's really saying here is 00:42:31.57\00:42:33.94 you're not in if you're born 00:42:33.95\00:42:35.87 you're not walking in habitual sin. 00:42:36.67\00:42:39.35 It is not your habit to sin; it doesn't mean that 00:42:39.72\00:42:43.58 you won't sin occasionally. It says he who is born 00:42:43.59\00:42:47.57 of God keeps himself and the wicked one 00:42:47.58\00:42:51.63 does not touch him. So, we've got to keep 00:42:51.64\00:42:56.54 ourselves, what does that mean? 00:42:56.55\00:42:58.28 We've got to keep ourselves under the 00:42:58.98\00:43:00.53 wings of the Lord and know that if we are not 00:43:00.54\00:43:05.20 totally depended upon him we are going to fall 00:43:05.21\00:43:08.53 flat on our face, yes. Turn back a couple of 00:43:08.54\00:43:11.46 chapters in First John chapter 3, because 00:43:11.47\00:43:13.38 I wanna show you one more. In First John chapter 3 00:43:13.39\00:43:16.60 and verse 7: "Little children, let no one 00:43:17.76\00:43:22.41 deceive you. He who practices righteousness 00:43:22.42\00:43:26.62 is righteous, just as He is righteous." 00:43:26.77\00:43:29.30 Now wait a minute did you know there is no 00:43:29.58\00:43:33.37 righteous, somebody asked me, do you 00:43:33.38\00:43:34.70 believe in righteousness by faith? 00:43:34.71\00:43:36.10 I say yes it's the only righteousness that there 00:43:36.70\00:43:39.00 is, so God imputes His righteousness to us, 00:43:39.01\00:43:44.98 Christ righteousness. First Corinthians 1:30: 00:43:46.19\00:43:49.51 He becomes our wisdom from God, 00:43:50.33\00:43:53.18 our sanctification, our righteousness and our 00:43:53.33\00:43:55.78 redemption, that's imputed. 00:43:55.79\00:43:57.21 But He imparts righteousness 00:43:58.52\00:44:00.05 to us on a day by day basis, we get all the 00:44:00.06\00:44:03.34 grace that we need, the power of God, 00:44:03.35\00:44:05.39 the divine assistance, the power 00:44:05.91\00:44:08.05 of God unto salvation. And it says here he who 00:44:08.06\00:44:12.06 practices righteousness is righteous, if we have 00:44:12.23\00:44:16.18 accepted by faith, the gift of salvation, 00:44:16.19\00:44:19.62 it is only in Jesus that we are saved, amen. 00:44:20.61\00:44:24.35 So, that means when you accept this gift you 00:44:24.36\00:44:26.64 cannot disconnect the gift of salvation 00:44:26.65\00:44:29.16 from Jesus Christ. He yokes you to 00:44:29.17\00:44:32.06 Himself, so you're headed in this direction 00:44:32.07\00:44:34.71 the wrong way, when Jesus gives you that gift 00:44:34.72\00:44:38.03 as he's passing by and he says will you receive 00:44:38.04\00:44:40.09 that gift and you say yes. That gift is connected to 00:44:40.10\00:44:42.84 Him and he's gonna turn you around and get 00:44:42.85\00:44:45.22 you going in this direction, it doesn't 00:44:45.23\00:44:47.47 mean you're gonna backslide occasionally, 00:44:47.48\00:44:49.47 it doesn't mean that you're gonna misstep 00:44:49.48\00:44:51.39 but by grace he keeps you connected to Him. 00:44:51.85\00:44:55.95 No one can snatch you from his hand, look, 00:44:56.27\00:44:59.20 jump down to verse 9: Whoever has been born 00:44:59.21\00:45:02.88 of God does not sin, for His seed remains in 00:45:02.89\00:45:06.86 him; and he cannot sin, because he has been 00:45:06.87\00:45:10.21 born of God. This means you did 00:45:10.22\00:45:12.81 not sin on habitual basis, you can't. 00:45:12.82\00:45:16.70 Because you're connected to Jesus 00:45:17.34\00:45:19.28 Christ and he says: In this the children of God 00:45:19.29\00:45:23.43 and the children of the devil are manifest: 00:45:23.44\00:45:25.48 Whoever does not practice righteousness 00:45:25.79\00:45:28.28 is not of God, nor is he who does 00:45:28.29\00:45:31.05 not love his brother. So, that's the number 5 00:45:31.06\00:45:35.32 if you're born again you're gonna practice 00:45:35.33\00:45:37.06 righteousness, lets look at First John chapter 2 00:45:37.07\00:45:40.24 and verse 27, I know we're rushing through 00:45:40.25\00:45:43.38 this and I hope you're taking notes and it's 00:45:43.39\00:45:45.16 sinking in a little, because you probably 00:45:45.17\00:45:47.44 have friends who run around say I'm born 00:45:47.45\00:45:49.87 again and they don't keep any of the 00:45:49.88\00:45:51.27 commandments of God, amen. And they, they think 00:45:51.28\00:45:54.21 that this is an experience that gives 00:45:54.22\00:45:55.94 them all the spiritual freedom; you only find 00:45:55.95\00:45:58.62 spiritual freedom in Christ Jesus. 00:45:58.63\00:46:00.97 You got to be a connected to Him, 00:46:01.30\00:46:03.24 depending on Him. So, First John chapter 5 00:46:03.25\00:46:06.44 we practice righteousness if we've been born 00:46:07.21\00:46:09.77 again verse 27, our First John chapter 2 excuse 00:46:09.78\00:46:13.48 me and verse 27, First John chapter 2 and 27: 00:46:13.49\00:46:18.68 "The anointing which you have received from 00:46:20.14\00:46:22.01 Him abides in you, and you do not need that 00:46:22.02\00:46:24.69 anyone teach you; but as the same anointing 00:46:24.70\00:46:26.89 teaches you concerning all things, and is true, 00:46:26.90\00:46:29.05 and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you 00:46:29.06\00:46:31.53 will abide in Him." "And now, little 00:46:31.54\00:46:34.16 children, abide in Him, that when He appears 00:46:34.17\00:46:36.92 we may have confidence and not be 00:46:36.93\00:46:39.10 ashamed before Him at His coming." 00:46:39.11\00:46:40.99 Don't you want confidence at His coming? 00:46:41.43\00:46:43.79 Look at verse 29: "If you know that He is 00:46:44.58\00:46:48.66 righteous, you know that everyone who 00:46:48.67\00:46:52.55 practices righteousness is what? Born of Him." 00:46:52.56\00:46:58.00 If you are born again, you will practice 00:46:58.95\00:47:02.34 righteousness what does that mean, what does 00:47:02.35\00:47:04.90 righteousness mean? It means God's right 00:47:04.91\00:47:08.20 way of doing all things, amen. 00:47:08.21\00:47:10.89 God has, there is a right way and a wrong way. 00:47:11.35\00:47:13.82 God's way is the right way, and if you're going 00:47:14.38\00:47:17.15 to practice righteousness you're 00:47:17.16\00:47:18.52 gonna be practicing God's way, amen. 00:47:18.53\00:47:22.28 Now number 6, the Bible says in First John 00:47:22.41\00:47:27.30 chapter 5, First John chapter 5 verse 1: 00:47:27.31\00:47:35.29 Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ 00:47:37.98\00:47:41.27 is born of God. You have to have that oath, 00:47:42.16\00:47:47.08 that faith that believes in Jesus Christ and what 00:47:47.09\00:47:50.40 he can accomplish. Because let me tell you 00:47:50.41\00:47:52.89 something to be born again means to be 00:47:52.90\00:47:54.82 connected to Jesus, you're yoked with 00:47:54.83\00:47:57.37 Jesus, you're positioned in Christ Jesus who has 00:47:57.38\00:48:00.55 become your wisdom, your sanctification, 00:48:00.56\00:48:02.67 your redemption and your righteousness and 00:48:03.11\00:48:06.20 to be in Christ means that apart from Him you 00:48:06.21\00:48:10.28 are grafted in branch did you know that? 00:48:10.29\00:48:12.48 That's what Paul writes, we're grafted into the 00:48:12.49\00:48:15.39 vine and what is Jesus say in John 15:5, 00:48:15.40\00:48:18.75 Apart, I'm the vine you're the branches, 00:48:19.47\00:48:22.21 apart from me you can do nothing, nothing, 00:48:22.22\00:48:25.27 nothing we've got be grafted into Jesus, 00:48:26.52\00:48:29.83 be part of Jesus in the body of Jesus, 00:48:29.84\00:48:32.95 connected to him. And when you're born again, 00:48:32.96\00:48:35.37 you can't keep walking down this road in the 00:48:35.38\00:48:38.23 wrong way, because he by grace, he saves you, 00:48:38.24\00:48:42.62 he picks you up, he's carrying you 00:48:42.92\00:48:44.78 underneath the everlasting arms. 00:48:44.79\00:48:46.86 Deuteronomy 33:27: And he will thrust out 00:48:46.87\00:48:49.81 the enemy from before you said destroy. 00:48:49.82\00:48:52.16 You got to learn to be totally depended upon 00:48:52.58\00:48:54.72 God, but you got to learn to walk in 00:48:54.73\00:48:57.31 cooperation, because it does take an effort on 00:48:57.32\00:48:59.44 our part as well. Now, I'm come back to 00:48:59.45\00:49:01.68 that I hope before we close here so that 00:49:01.69\00:49:03.61 people I wanna make it as a balance message. 00:49:03.62\00:49:06.77 First John 5: Whoever believes that Jesus is 00:49:07.70\00:49:11.55 the Christ is born of God: and every one who 00:49:11.56\00:49:14.84 loves Him who begot, that's God, also loves 00:49:14.85\00:49:18.37 Him who is begotten of Him. If you love the Father 00:49:18.38\00:49:20.79 you're gonna love the son. By this we know that 00:49:20.80\00:49:23.83 we love the children of God. 00:49:23.84\00:49:25.71 When we love God and keep His 00:49:26.42\00:49:28.48 commandments, that's an interesting statement. 00:49:28.49\00:49:30.85 Even to love the children of God, 00:49:32.34\00:49:34.62 I've got a keep the commandments of God why? 00:49:34.63\00:49:36.87 Now there are six of those commandments 00:49:37.96\00:49:39.38 that are directly related to how you and 00:49:39.71\00:49:41.74 I interact with one another, amen. 00:49:41.89\00:49:44.09 That I'm not gonna steal or kill, that I'm not 00:49:44.10\00:49:46.86 gonna to covet, these things are directly 00:49:46.87\00:49:50.33 related, for this is the love of God that we 00:49:50.34\00:49:53.56 keep His commandments and His commandments 00:49:53.74\00:49:56.38 are not burdensome, amen. For whatever is born of 00:49:56.39\00:50:00.14 God, if you've been born again, whatever is 00:50:00.15\00:50:04.08 born of God overcomes the world and this is the 00:50:04.09\00:50:09.75 victory that has overcome the world, 00:50:09.76\00:50:12.24 amen, our faith. This is the year of victory, 00:50:12.94\00:50:15.84 the beginning place of victory in your life is if 00:50:16.52\00:50:19.49 you are born again. And if you're born again, 00:50:19.50\00:50:22.95 you're gonna have this faith. 00:50:22.96\00:50:24.81 Who is he who overcomes the world, 00:50:25.83\00:50:27.96 but he, that believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 00:50:28.29\00:50:32.02 Number seven, if you're born again you are 00:50:32.71\00:50:36.79 going to be trained by God's discipline, amen. 00:50:36.80\00:50:40.88 Turn to Hebrews chapter 12, this is the 00:50:41.56\00:50:44.98 one that we don't like, I often ask people, 00:50:44.99\00:50:49.73 I travel about 2 and 3 weekends out of every 00:50:49.74\00:50:52.86 month and we do revivals and we do 00:50:52.87\00:50:54.59 camp meetings and retreats and I often tell 00:50:54.60\00:50:59.10 people or ask how many of you and I'm 00:50:59.11\00:51:01.81 asking this question now how many of you 00:51:01.82\00:51:03.71 pray every day that god will discipline you, 00:51:03.72\00:51:05.93 let me see your hands. Oh! I heard some 00:51:05.94\00:51:08.34 nervous giggles, you know what? 00:51:08.35\00:51:11.30 They were about six hands that went up here, 00:51:11.64\00:51:13.57 if, you know sometimes when I ask this 00:51:14.75\00:51:16.45 I remember SoCal camp meeting I said there's 00:51:16.46\00:51:18.97 c12,000 people and I said I ask God every 00:51:18.98\00:51:21.94 day, I pray and say, Lord discipline me and 00:51:21.95\00:51:23.60 they all go ugh. This collective gasp, 00:51:23.61\00:51:26.65 if you're afraid to pray for the discipline of 00:51:26.91\00:51:28.50 God, you don't understand how loving 00:51:28.51\00:51:30.27 your heavenly father is. Now, let me show you 00:51:30.28\00:51:32.99 something he's gonna discipline you whether 00:51:33.00\00:51:34.63 you like it or not so let's look at verse Hebrews 00:51:34.64\00:51:37.11 chapter 12. A good parent always 00:51:37.12\00:51:41.49 disciplines their child for their benefit and 00:51:41.50\00:51:44.87 God disciplines us for our eternal benefit, 00:51:44.88\00:51:47.54 Hebrews 12 verse 7: Endure hardship as 00:51:47.97\00:51:51.72 discipline; how many times when we have 00:51:51.73\00:51:55.13 hardship are we murmuring and 00:51:55.14\00:51:56.67 complaining and whining, he said God is 00:51:56.68\00:51:59.71 treating you as sons. For what son is not 00:51:59.72\00:52:02.64 disciplined by his father. I was working with a 00:52:02.65\00:52:06.22 young lady recently and she told me, 00:52:06.23\00:52:09.15 these words came out of her mouth, my father 00:52:10.12\00:52:12.71 doesn't love me enough to discipline me, 00:52:12.72\00:52:14.92 he lets me get away with murder 00:52:16.44\00:52:18.26 because he doesn't care. She did not feel loved 00:52:18.49\00:52:21.18 because her father did not discipline her, 00:52:21.19\00:52:23.09 isn't that interesting. You be surprised how 00:52:23.73\00:52:26.11 many teenagers feel that way, verse 8: 00:52:26.12\00:52:28.49 If you are not disciplined and 00:52:28.81\00:52:31.33 everyone undergoes discipline, then you are 00:52:31.34\00:52:34.03 illegitimate children and not true sons. 00:52:34.04\00:52:37.64 You know sometimes we think of everything 00:52:39.08\00:52:40.58 is just going peachy for somebody that they've 00:52:40.59\00:52:43.12 got a special relationship with the Lord and if 00:52:43.13\00:52:45.40 things get bad we think oh! What have they 00:52:45.41\00:52:48.00 done that things are so bad. 00:52:48.01\00:52:49.42 Let me tell you something, 00:52:49.57\00:52:50.55 you ought to work here at 3ABN, it is so 00:52:50.56\00:52:53.72 interesting what happens here, 00:52:53.73\00:52:56.53 especially like before a great event, before the 00:52:57.29\00:52:59.18 Ten Commandments weekend, before camp 00:52:59.19\00:53:01.62 meeting, you know this is one of the first camp 00:53:01.63\00:53:03.61 meeting that I've actually been healthy 00:53:03.62\00:53:05.24 in a long time because the devils always attacking. 00:53:05.40\00:53:07.96 We had someone fall and break their arm, 00:53:08.28\00:53:10.05 break the wrist, break their elbow, we have 00:53:10.48\00:53:12.16 someone that came down with pneumonia and fell. 00:53:12.17\00:53:15.18 Another person, we get attacked like you 00:53:15.69\00:53:17.55 wouldn't believe before camp meeting and it 00:53:17.56\00:53:19.92 doesn't mean that you're not doing the right 00:53:19.93\00:53:21.61 thing; the devil is just trying to discourage you 00:53:21.62\00:53:23.88 from going on to do the right thing. 00:53:23.89\00:53:25.93 He says: Moreover we, this is verse 9, Hebrews 00:53:26.42\00:53:29.46 12:9: Moreover, we have all had human 00:53:29.47\00:53:32.68 fathers who disciplined us and we respected 00:53:32.69\00:53:35.45 them for it. How much more should we 00:53:35.46\00:53:37.91 submit to the Father of our spirits, the one by 00:53:37.92\00:53:41.61 whom we are born again and live. 00:53:41.62\00:53:44.28 Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as 00:53:44.90\00:53:47.65 they thought best; but God disciplines us 00:53:47.66\00:53:50.93 for our good, that we may share in his holiness. 00:53:51.12\00:53:56.12 God is disciplining you for your eternal benefit. 00:53:56.69\00:54:00.42 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, 00:54:01.33\00:54:03.05 but painful. Later on, however, it produces what? 00:54:03.06\00:54:05.96 A harvest of righteousness for those 00:54:06.73\00:54:10.08 who have been trained by it. 00:54:10.09\00:54:12.41 If God is your Father, if you are 00:54:12.96\00:54:14.98 born again of above. He will discipline you, 00:54:14.99\00:54:18.84 you might as well say Lord discipline me, 00:54:19.07\00:54:21.16 because then you're gonna be ready for it 00:54:21.65\00:54:23.33 and all he has to do is correct you, 00:54:23.34\00:54:25.57 if you've got a child that's easy to discipline. 00:54:25.58\00:54:27.54 It's just a correction by a word, don't do that 00:54:27.83\00:54:30.56 okay, but if you've got a child that won't listen, 00:54:30.71\00:54:33.60 that puts their little fingers in their ears and 00:54:33.61\00:54:35.40 they go, I'm gonna get my way. 00:54:35.41\00:54:36.90 What do you have to do sometimes? 00:54:38.08\00:54:39.53 Get a little rougher, that's what God has to 00:54:39.54\00:54:41.50 do with us. Okay, the eighth reason 00:54:41.51\00:54:44.52 or eighth evidence of being born again, 00:54:44.78\00:54:46.55 First Peter 1, First Peter 1 verse 3, 00:54:46.56\00:54:49.77 Peter is writing to the elect according to the 00:54:51.73\00:54:53.64 foreknowledge of God the Father, 00:54:53.65\00:54:55.43 in sanctification of the Spirit for obedience, 00:54:55.95\00:54:59.46 in sanctification of the Holy Spirit for 00:55:00.98\00:55:02.70 obedience, that's the purpose for sanctifying 00:55:02.71\00:55:04.70 us, and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: 00:55:04.88\00:55:07.87 Grace to you, and peace be multiplied. 00:55:08.18\00:55:11.06 Verse 3: Blessed be the God and Father of our 00:55:11.53\00:55:14.83 Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his 00:55:14.84\00:55:17.76 abundant mercy hath begotten us again, 00:55:17.99\00:55:21.73 he has give us a new birth, a way to start 00:55:22.40\00:55:26.08 over to a living hope, through the resurrection 00:55:26.09\00:55:29.07 of Jesus Christ from the dead, we are born anew 00:55:29.08\00:55:32.26 he is saying: To an inheritance 00:55:32.27\00:55:34.02 incorruptible, and undefined that does not 00:55:34.35\00:55:37.63 fade away, reserved in heaven for you. 00:55:37.77\00:55:41.66 For you, who are what? Kept how? 00:55:42.51\00:55:47.42 By the power of God through faith for 00:55:48.28\00:55:51.55 salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 00:55:51.56\00:55:55.80 We have to know that God is the one who is 00:55:56.75\00:56:01.51 going to complete the good work in us, 00:56:01.52\00:56:04.04 he is working in us to will and to do according 00:56:04.05\00:56:06.77 to His good pleasure. It is our dependence 00:56:06.78\00:56:09.32 upon God that knows that we have the power 00:56:09.33\00:56:15.21 from Him, His grace is sufficient, His powers 00:56:15.22\00:56:17.82 made perfect in our weakness. 00:56:17.83\00:56:19.31 Let's look at these eight reasons just to recap, 00:56:19.77\00:56:22.44 eight evidences that we are born again. 00:56:22.80\00:56:24.82 We will demonstrate God's love, we will 00:56:25.62\00:56:28.20 cooperate with the Holy Spirit, we will have a 00:56:28.21\00:56:31.64 crucified flesh, sin will not be our habit, 00:56:31.65\00:56:35.41 we will practice righteousness, 00:56:35.95\00:56:37.43 we will have overcoming faith, 00:56:37.79\00:56:39.66 we'll be trained by God's discipline and 00:56:40.02\00:56:42.59 and kept by the power of God. 00:56:42.60\00:56:44.99 Are you born again? This is something that 00:56:46.27\00:56:48.86 you've got to ask yourself and I want to 00:56:48.87\00:56:51.19 talk to those at home right now. 00:56:51.20\00:56:52.90 If you have not yet experienced this born 00:56:53.44\00:56:56.79 again, love of God then I want to ask you today 00:56:56.80\00:57:02.42 to go to the Lord and say, I welcome your gift 00:57:02.69\00:57:06.22 of Salvation, I welcome your son Jesus Christ as 00:57:06.23\00:57:11.05 my savior and Lord, let me receive all that you 00:57:11.06\00:57:14.41 have to give me. May God bless 00:57:14.42\00:57:16.71 you in everything that you do. 00:57:16.72\00:57:18.66