How many of you like things that are great? 00:01:00.75\00:01:04.10 How about this, how many of you 00:01:04.11\00:01:05.18 would like to be considered great? 00:01:05.19\00:01:07.20 Wouldn't be great get at the end of your life 00:01:07.21\00:01:08.65 and wow, they were such a great person? 00:01:08.66\00:01:11.84 Did you know great has an enemy? 00:01:13.48\00:01:16.32 That's right and the topic, our topic today is 00:01:16.33\00:01:20.25 "The Enemy of Great," "The Enemy of Great." 00:01:20.26\00:01:25.02 I'm gonna ask if you will bow your heads with me, 00:01:25.03\00:01:26.93 I'm gonna kneel and ask God 00:01:26.94\00:01:27.94 to bless this time we have together. 00:01:27.95\00:01:29.66 Heavenly Father, Father, we know that all greatness, 00:01:33.37\00:01:38.71 true greatness comes from You. 00:01:38.72\00:01:41.76 And as we discuss the enemy of great today, 00:01:41.77\00:01:45.12 we're pray Father, Your Holy Spirit would give us 00:01:45.13\00:01:46.90 understanding as to how this applies to our Christian life, 00:01:46.91\00:01:50.32 how we can became great in Jesus Christ? 00:01:50.33\00:01:55.25 Father, this is my prayer in His name 00:01:55.26\00:01:56.61 and for His sake, amen. 00:01:56.62\00:01:59.65 "The Enemy of Great." I was reading a book recently 00:02:02.92\00:02:10.59 by a man named Jim Collins, 00:02:10.60\00:02:12.10 now Jim Collins is a former professor 00:02:12.11\00:02:16.10 of the Stanford Graduate School of Business. 00:02:16.11\00:02:18.90 The book is actually called "Good to Great" 00:02:18.91\00:02:22.48 and it's a book that's written on the subject of business. 00:02:22.49\00:02:26.34 But Jim Collins brings something very interesting 00:02:26.35\00:02:30.10 in this book and I want to share with you 00:02:30.11\00:02:32.45 a paragraph from the book "Good to Great." 00:02:32.46\00:02:35.52 Here's what he says, "Good is the enemy of great. 00:02:35.53\00:02:42.17 And that is one of the key reasons 00:02:43.77\00:02:45.59 that we have so little that becomes great. 00:02:45.60\00:02:50.09 We don't have great schools, 00:02:50.10\00:02:51.90 principally because we have good schools. 00:02:51.91\00:02:54.25 We don't have great government, 00:02:55.94\00:02:56.93 primarily because we have good government 00:02:56.94\00:02:59.40 that works pretty well. 00:02:59.41\00:03:01.67 And truth be told, the vast majority of people 00:03:01.68\00:03:05.52 will look back from the end of their lives and realize 00:03:05.53\00:03:08.89 that they did not have a great life in large part 00:03:08.90\00:03:12.78 because it was just so easy to settle for a good one!" 00:03:12.79\00:03:16.67 Now I think that's profound coming from a secular mindset, 00:03:20.50\00:03:26.65 it could be discouraging impossibly even devastating 00:03:28.62\00:03:33.55 to look back on one's good life 00:03:33.56\00:03:37.39 only to say it could have been great. 00:03:37.40\00:03:40.02 But from a Christian prospective 00:03:44.47\00:03:48.58 we must understand that anything 00:03:48.59\00:03:52.00 less than a great life will fail at eternity. 00:03:52.01\00:03:58.46 And a great life can only be ours 00:03:58.47\00:04:02.53 through a complete surrender to Jesus Christ, 00:04:02.54\00:04:06.41 because it's Him who makes our life great. 00:04:06.42\00:04:10.25 Good, Jim Collin says, is the enemy of great. 00:04:10.26\00:04:14.56 Now I want to share with you a passage in the scripture 00:04:17.98\00:04:21.59 and I think it's right along these lines. 00:04:21.60\00:04:24.30 It's in the book of Second Corinthians Chapter 10, 00:04:24.31\00:04:26.95 Second Corinthians Chapter 10, 00:04:29.47\00:04:31.00 if you go to the New Testament start out 00:04:31.01\00:04:33.10 with the book of Matthew then Mark, Luke, John, Acts 00:04:33.11\00:04:36.28 Romans, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians Chapter 10. 00:04:36.29\00:04:42.54 And we're going to go to verse 12, 00:04:42.55\00:04:45.49 Second Corinthians Chapter 10 and verse 12. 00:04:45.50\00:04:48.60 Okay, are we there? 00:04:52.07\00:04:53.95 Let's read Second Corinthians 10 and verse 12, 00:04:53.96\00:04:57.08 the Apostle Paul says, "For we dare not class ourselves 00:04:57.09\00:05:01.05 or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves 00:05:01.06\00:05:06.12 but they measuring themselves by themselves, 00:05:06.13\00:05:10.66 and comparing themselves among themselves, 00:05:10.67\00:05:13.41 are not wise." The Apostle talks about those 00:05:13.42\00:05:18.04 who measure themselves by themselves 00:05:18.05\00:05:19.87 and compare themselves among themselves, 00:05:19.88\00:05:21.75 he says, this is not wise, this is a foolish thing to do. 00:05:21.76\00:05:24.41 You know, I think that goes right along 00:05:26.65\00:05:28.01 with the idea of good being the enemy of great. 00:05:28.02\00:05:31.48 So often we determine what our life should be 00:05:31.49\00:05:34.92 by what everybody else is doing, 00:05:34.93\00:05:37.24 we want to live good lives, where is our standard, 00:05:37.25\00:05:39.67 well, we look to the people around us. 00:05:39.68\00:05:41.92 Maybe it's my wife, maybe it's your husband, 00:05:41.93\00:05:45.40 maybe it's a friend, or a coworker, 00:05:45.41\00:05:48.55 or a boss, or a pastor. 00:05:48.56\00:05:53.18 But Apostle Paul says, here it's dangerous 00:05:56.31\00:05:59.07 to compare ourselves among ourselves 00:05:59.08\00:06:01.36 because we are not the standard 00:06:01.37\00:06:03.39 we are to be reaching for. 00:06:03.40\00:06:06.49 No human being is the standard 00:06:06.50\00:06:09.44 and I think that we fall into this bad habit 00:06:09.45\00:06:13.57 of comparing ourselves among ourselves 00:06:13.58\00:06:15.64 and settling for subpar. 00:06:15.65\00:06:18.15 Let me give you another Bible example, 00:06:20.22\00:06:21.52 let's go in our Bibles to the book of Luke. 00:06:21.53\00:06:24.60 Matthew, Mark, Luke Chapter 18. 00:06:28.89\00:06:32.78 Luke Chapter 18, now Jesus tells a parable here 00:06:37.09\00:06:43.70 that's known as the parable of the tax, 00:06:43.71\00:06:49.71 the Pharisees and the public, 00:06:49.72\00:06:51.27 you know, the Pharisees and the tax collector. 00:06:51.28\00:06:54.49 Luke Chapter 18 and starting in verse 9, 00:06:54.50\00:06:59.14 Luke Chapter 18 and starting in verse 9, 00:06:59.15\00:07:04.10 the Bible says, "Also He spoke this parable 00:07:04.11\00:07:09.64 to some who trust in themselves 00:07:09.65\00:07:11.39 that they were righteous, and despised others. 00:07:11.40\00:07:16.55 Two men went up to the temple to pray, 00:07:16.56\00:07:19.68 one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 00:07:19.69\00:07:26.47 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, 00:07:26.48\00:07:29.97 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men, 00:07:29.98\00:07:34.50 extortioners, unjust, adulterers, 00:07:34.51\00:07:38.12 or even as this tax collector here. 00:07:38.13\00:07:42.07 I fast twice a week, I give tithes of all I possess.' 00:07:42.08\00:07:47.08 And the tax collector, standing afar off, 00:07:50.81\00:07:54.53 would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, 00:07:54.54\00:07:57.17 but he beat his breast, saying, 00:07:57.18\00:07:59.82 'God be merciful to me, a sinner.' 00:07:59.83\00:08:03.10 I tell you this man went down to his house 00:08:05.48\00:08:09.08 justified rather than the other. 00:08:09.09\00:08:12.76 For everyone who exalts himself will be abased, 00:08:12.77\00:08:15.36 and he who humbles himself will be exalted." 00:08:15.37\00:08:17.71 Now you have to understand something 00:08:19.82\00:08:20.97 about the tax collectors, the Jews viewed tax collectors 00:08:20.98\00:08:28.21 as traders to their country. 00:08:28.22\00:08:31.25 In fact they were two marks 00:08:31.26\00:08:33.27 against the tax collector in the Jewish mind, 00:08:33.28\00:08:35.01 first and foremost the Jewish nation 00:08:35.02\00:08:37.69 at the time of Christ was under tribute to Rome. 00:08:37.70\00:08:40.55 The Government of Rome ruled the Jewish nation 00:08:40.56\00:08:44.42 and their desire was at that their Messiah would come 00:08:44.43\00:08:47.71 and free them from Roman oppression. 00:08:47.72\00:08:51.42 They felt that the Romans were their enemies 00:08:51.43\00:08:53.56 and any Jew that would league with the Romans, 00:08:53.57\00:08:55.64 i.e., becamea tax collector work for the government 00:08:55.65\00:08:59.40 was an enemy to the Jewish race. 00:08:59.41\00:09:01.74 And so they look down on the tax collector. 00:09:04.81\00:09:07.34 Second of all, the tax collectors 00:09:07.35\00:09:08.94 because of they said, 00:09:08.95\00:09:09.92 hey, they're already looking down on us, 00:09:09.93\00:09:11.37 it doesn't matter that I'm honest or not. 00:09:11.38\00:09:13.13 And so the tax collectors would regularly 00:09:13.14\00:09:15.48 overcharge people for their taxes 00:09:15.49\00:09:18.60 and skim that money off for themselves. 00:09:18.61\00:09:22.09 And so the tax collector was despised above all people. 00:09:22.10\00:09:26.89 And here we see a parable, 00:09:26.90\00:09:29.48 incidentally this parable does not related 00:09:29.49\00:09:31.37 to a made up story but a real situation 00:09:31.38\00:09:33.63 that Jesus had observed right there in the temple 00:09:33.64\00:09:36.85 where two men came in, 00:09:36.86\00:09:37.90 one a Pharisee, one a tax collector. 00:09:37.91\00:09:41.19 And the Pharisee comes in and he says, 00:09:41.20\00:09:44.87 'I thank you, God, 00:09:44.88\00:09:45.85 that I'm not as bad as other men.' 00:09:45.86\00:09:48.28 In other words, God, I thank you that I'm good. 00:09:51.09\00:09:55.88 Notice something, the Pharisee does not claim 00:09:55.89\00:09:59.26 greatness just goodness, he doesn't claim greatness, 00:09:59.27\00:10:03.46 he just thanks God that at least 00:10:03.47\00:10:05.02 he's not as bad as this guy. 00:10:05.03\00:10:07.14 Good is the enemy of great. 00:10:11.01\00:10:13.98 The Pharisee was complacent and self satisfied 00:10:13.99\00:10:17.64 that at least he wasn't as bad as the tax collector, 00:10:17.65\00:10:20.74 you know, we do the same thing. 00:10:20.75\00:10:23.68 We look at people, we run into people in situations 00:10:23.69\00:10:25.98 and we look at people and we say, 00:10:25.99\00:10:27.02 I can't believe a person could live like that, 00:10:27.03\00:10:29.31 I don't believe a person could act like that. 00:10:29.32\00:10:31.34 Sometimes we get err about ourselves 00:10:31.35\00:10:33.92 that I may not be perfect 00:10:33.93\00:10:35.78 but at least I'm not as bad as that guy. 00:10:35.79\00:10:38.36 You know what, that guy is not your example or that girl, 00:10:44.59\00:10:49.25 that person is not your example. 00:10:49.26\00:10:52.14 Sometimes we settle with good 00:10:52.15\00:10:56.95 instead of striving for great, 00:10:56.96\00:10:58.97 because we compare ourselves among ourselves, 00:10:58.98\00:11:00.94 this is what's going on here, this is what's going on 00:11:00.95\00:11:03.78 with the Pharisee and the publican, 00:11:03.79\00:11:05.99 the Pharisee does not consider himself great 00:11:06.00\00:11:08.05 but good enough. 00:11:08.06\00:11:09.03 You know, sometimes it's easy for us to point out 00:11:15.33\00:11:18.65 people who are not doing maybe 00:11:18.66\00:11:19.93 as well as we think we're doing. 00:11:19.94\00:11:21.19 I hear from people a lot, I hear from Christians a lot. 00:11:25.91\00:11:28.89 We see something going on in society, 00:11:28.90\00:11:30.70 we see something going on, 00:11:30.71\00:11:31.68 I had a person recently who was-- 00:11:31.69\00:11:34.89 who was in a situation where, with another person, 00:11:34.90\00:11:41.28 a church member who ran into some situation 00:11:41.29\00:11:43.54 with a person who is not a Christian 00:11:43.55\00:11:49.16 where they felt that the person treated them wrong, 00:11:49.17\00:11:51.51 said something mean to them, said something rude to them. 00:11:51.52\00:11:56.92 Sometimes it is the person at the check out, 00:11:56.93\00:11:58.37 and we say, I can't believe that person's so rude. 00:11:58.38\00:12:00.34 This person they felt was rude to them 00:12:04.55\00:12:07.78 and began to build up in their minds, 00:12:07.79\00:12:10.08 the idea you know that, well, at least I'm not that bad. 00:12:10.09\00:12:13.57 We do that, we have this bad habit of doing that. 00:12:13.58\00:12:15.50 It reminds of a story, a story of the evangelist, 00:12:15.51\00:12:19.22 the minister, John Wesley, one of the founders 00:12:19.23\00:12:21.83 of the Methodist Churches, he was walking 00:12:21.84\00:12:23.16 through the streets of London with a friend of his. 00:12:23.17\00:12:26.53 And he saw a man, who was a slave to alcohol, 00:12:26.54\00:12:32.99 the man was drunk and sick, 00:12:33.00\00:12:36.83 face down in the gutter of the street there in London. 00:12:36.84\00:12:43.98 And Wesley's friend points to the man 00:12:43.99\00:12:45.64 and he says to him, what a-- he says to John Wesley, 00:12:45.65\00:12:49.62 "What a wretch of a man, look at that filth? 00:12:49.63\00:12:52.73 Why don't they get this filth off the streets?" 00:12:52.74\00:12:56.60 And John Wesley commented on it as he thought, 00:12:56.61\00:12:58.89 as he reflected for a moment, he says, "you know, what? 00:12:58.90\00:13:01.45 He says, if it weren't for the grace of God, 00:13:01.46\00:13:05.54 I would be that man." 00:13:05.55\00:13:10.44 You know, the Pharisee said, 00:13:10.45\00:13:11.42 at least I'm not as bad as that guy, 00:13:11.43\00:13:14.14 if you're not it's because of the grace of God. 00:13:14.15\00:13:16.34 We too often compare ourselves among ourselves. 00:13:16.35\00:13:20.30 And keep this in mind, just because somebody else 00:13:20.31\00:13:22.43 maybe struggling or doing poorly 00:13:22.44\00:13:24.96 doesn't change the standard, 00:13:24.97\00:13:26.40 the high standard of Christianity. 00:13:26.41\00:13:30.38 I want to share with you a statement 00:13:30.39\00:13:31.49 that I read from the Review and Herald 00:13:31.50\00:13:34.42 of August 31, 1886. 00:13:34.43\00:13:36.67 I want you to listen to what this says in this article, 00:13:36.68\00:13:40.67 "The people of God should not measure themselves 00:13:40.68\00:13:43.65 by the world, nor by the opinions of men, 00:13:43.66\00:13:48.75 nor by what they once were before embracing the truth." 00:13:48.76\00:13:55.75 Now, you know, you might be able to say with myself, 00:13:55.76\00:13:59.91 praise God I'm not what I used to be before I came to Jesus. 00:13:59.92\00:14:05.58 But even then it says here, 00:14:05.59\00:14:07.32 we are not to compare ourselves 00:14:07.33\00:14:09.46 even with what we once were before embracing the truth. 00:14:09.47\00:14:12.50 Well, I was bad then, and I'm better now. 00:14:12.51\00:14:16.19 Listen to what it goes on to say. 00:14:16.20\00:14:19.12 "But their faith and position in the world, 00:14:19.13\00:14:22.00 as they now are, must be compared 00:14:22.01\00:14:26.39 with what they would have been if their course 00:14:26.40\00:14:30.38 had continually been onward and upward 00:14:30.39\00:14:33.77 since they professed to be followers of Christ." 00:14:33.78\00:14:38.27 What are we to compare ourselves with, 00:14:38.28\00:14:40.56 brother here or sister here 00:14:40.57\00:14:42.77 or the pastor or somebody else, no. 00:14:42.78\00:14:46.99 my own life before I became a Christian, no. 00:14:47.00\00:14:50.62 The only safe comparison to be made is, 00:14:50.63\00:14:52.25 what would you be now had you the first time 00:14:52.26\00:14:54.70 you accepted, Jesus, continually followed Him 00:14:54.71\00:14:56.96 step by step onward and upward. 00:14:56.97\00:14:58.75 "This is the only safe comparison that can be made." 00:15:03.78\00:15:06.46 You know, friends, we have to admit, 00:15:09.75\00:15:12.70 we have to admit our badness before Christ 00:15:12.71\00:15:15.76 can take us not only to goodness but to greatness. 00:15:15.77\00:15:18.58 We have to be willing to admit that badness. 00:15:21.48\00:15:24.08 You know, they say, it takes a big man 00:15:24.09\00:15:26.57 to admit that he's a small man. 00:15:26.58\00:15:28.04 It takes a big man to admit that he's nothing. 00:15:31.12\00:15:34.14 I like what Martin Luther says, 00:15:34.15\00:15:35.27 he says, the great reformer, the Protestant reformer, 00:15:35.28\00:15:38.78 he said, "God makes something out of nothing." 00:15:38.79\00:15:43.10 God creates out of nothing and until a man becomes nothing 00:15:43.11\00:15:48.71 God can't make anything out of him. 00:15:48.72\00:15:51.95 So it takes a big man to admit that he's a small man, 00:15:51.96\00:15:53.93 but in reality the person who could admit 00:15:53.94\00:15:55.43 he's nothing without Christ has potential 00:15:55.44\00:15:57.10 to became a great man. 00:15:57.11\00:15:59.12 So often we admit whether we are-- 00:15:59.13\00:16:04.38 we're sinners but we make the habit 00:16:04.39\00:16:06.56 of comparing ourselves among ourselves. 00:16:06.57\00:16:09.91 We say, yes, I need a savior 00:16:09.92\00:16:11.18 but then we, we start to grow 00:16:11.19\00:16:12.31 in our Christian life and we stop. 00:16:12.32\00:16:14.65 Well, this is good enough, just like the Pharisee, 00:16:14.66\00:16:17.81 at least I'm not as bad as that guy. 00:16:17.82\00:16:23.23 We settle for good when we could have been great. 00:16:23.24\00:16:28.03 Why do we settle for mediocrity? 00:16:28.04\00:16:30.39 Why do we do it, why do we settle for mediocrity 00:16:30.40\00:16:33.61 when God has placed before us the opportunity 00:16:33.62\00:16:36.14 of something so much greater? 00:16:36.15\00:16:38.31 You know sometimes we say, 00:16:42.36\00:16:43.33 why are you asking me to be a better Christian 00:16:43.34\00:16:44.80 when brother so and so isn't a better Christian. 00:16:44.81\00:16:48.09 I'm not gonna strive in my Christianity to be great, 00:16:48.10\00:16:51.18 I'm not gonna strive at being a great Christian 00:16:51.19\00:16:52.90 when brother so and so isn't going to. 00:16:52.91\00:16:56.11 Let me ask you a question, 00:16:56.12\00:16:57.09 who's losing and who's gaining there? 00:16:57.10\00:17:00.96 You're losing out, you're losing out 00:17:00.97\00:17:03.84 because God has given us a high calling, 00:17:03.85\00:17:05.97 the highest privilege we have 00:17:05.98\00:17:07.45 as Christians is Christ likeness. 00:17:07.46\00:17:10.86 Godliness, Godlikeness this is the standard 00:17:12.96\00:17:15.30 that God has for us to reach. 00:17:15.31\00:17:17.55 This is what God wants to do for you. 00:17:17.56\00:17:21.64 God wants to take you and He wants to take me 00:17:21.65\00:17:23.71 and He wants make us great for His name's sake. 00:17:23.72\00:17:30.82 The price of Christianity is to fulfill the purpose 00:17:30.83\00:17:34.16 that God has created us for. 00:17:34.17\00:17:36.97 And when we settle for mediocrity, 00:17:36.98\00:17:39.88 good enough, when we settle for good 00:17:39.89\00:17:44.09 instead of marching onward to great, 00:17:44.10\00:17:47.69 we lose out on the privilege 00:17:47.70\00:17:50.03 that God has put before us. 00:17:50.04\00:17:53.49 Friends, the sacrifice of Calvary was not given 00:17:53.50\00:17:57.59 so that we could enter heaven as a culprits barely pardoned, 00:17:57.60\00:18:02.73 but as a conquerors. 00:18:02.74\00:18:05.17 God doesn't want us to just be good in this life, 00:18:05.18\00:18:07.55 He says, "I can make you great 00:18:07.56\00:18:09.07 if you'll submit all to me." 00:18:09.08\00:18:10.70 You know, I think back to high school. 00:18:15.84\00:18:17.70 When I went to high school, 00:18:20.18\00:18:21.94 In fact, I moved from living with my mother 00:18:21.95\00:18:26.16 in the Midwest in Missouri 00:18:26.17\00:18:29.59 to moving with my father 00:18:29.60\00:18:31.86 before what was going to be my junior year of high school. 00:18:31.87\00:18:35.89 Only as I got there and I began to dialogue 00:18:35.90\00:18:38.84 with the school they were on a different credit system 00:18:38.85\00:18:42.11 and they were able to move me from my-- 00:18:42.12\00:18:44.08 I skipped my junior year 00:18:44.09\00:18:45.45 and went right into my senior year. 00:18:45.46\00:18:47.70 Oh, hotdog I was gonna be on a high school it was, 00:18:47.71\00:18:49.83 it was great, I can get out quick. 00:18:49.84\00:18:52.88 And one of things I did for high school, 00:18:52.89\00:18:54.64 in high school when I scheduled my classes 00:18:54.65\00:18:56.47 was I made sure I scheduled a study hall 00:18:56.48\00:18:59.00 for the last class of the day, 00:18:59.01\00:19:01.31 you know what that means? That means you don't go 00:19:01.32\00:19:03.38 to the last class of the day, you leave. 00:19:03.39\00:19:05.09 I wanted to escape by, 00:19:07.55\00:19:09.16 do what I had to do get out and get out of high school. 00:19:09.17\00:19:12.95 I remember sitting up and working on papers 00:19:12.96\00:19:15.75 that were assigned in my English class, 00:19:15.76\00:19:18.38 I was able to do fairly well with English. 00:19:18.39\00:19:20.82 Teacher would assign book reports or essays, 00:19:20.83\00:19:22.70 I'd wait until the night before they were due 00:19:22.71\00:19:26.17 and I'd stay up and I turn them in 00:19:26.18\00:19:27.62 and I could get a B on those papers. 00:19:27.63\00:19:29.87 I felt satisfied with that, I was a good student, 00:19:29.88\00:19:34.66 I looked back and realized 00:19:34.67\00:19:35.67 I could have been a great student. 00:19:35.68\00:19:38.22 You know, there are things in high school 00:19:38.23\00:19:39.36 that you do, there's classes that you take and you think, 00:19:39.37\00:19:41.55 well, I'm never gonna use this for anything. 00:19:41.56\00:19:44.75 Sometimes it's not even the class 00:19:44.76\00:19:46.09 as much as learning to discipline your mind. 00:19:46.10\00:19:48.85 I look back and I regret not striving for greatness. 00:19:48.86\00:19:54.84 Always settle for goodness, 00:19:54.85\00:19:55.97 I was a good student and for that reason 00:19:55.98\00:19:57.90 I didn't become a great student, 00:19:57.91\00:19:59.59 I wish I'd applied myself 00:19:59.60\00:20:01.34 but I settled for good. 00:20:04.64\00:20:06.01 How many of us as Christians settle for good, 00:20:07.51\00:20:10.42 we settle for good experience 00:20:10.43\00:20:11.50 when we could have a great experience. 00:20:11.51\00:20:14.19 We settle for good witness 00:20:14.20\00:20:15.34 when we could have a great witness. 00:20:15.35\00:20:18.49 Good is the enemy of great, 00:20:18.50\00:20:23.16 but God has a higher calling for His people, 00:20:23.17\00:20:26.80 God has a higher calling, I want you to-- 00:20:26.81\00:20:28.57 I want you to see it in the Book of Revelation with me, 00:20:28.58\00:20:30.39 Revelation Chapter 14. 00:20:30.40\00:20:31.91 Revelation Chapter 14 and verse 6, 00:20:33.09\00:20:36.08 Revelation 14 and verse 6, the last book of the Bible. 00:20:38.22\00:20:41.86 Chapter 14 and verse 6, this is what the Bible says, 00:20:44.33\00:20:47.53 "Then I saw another angel flying in midst of heaven, 00:20:49.51\00:20:53.56 having the everlasting gospel to preach to those 00:20:53.57\00:20:56.67 who dwell on the earth." 00:20:56.68\00:20:58.39 Just a point here, the gospel commission 00:20:58.40\00:21:02.79 has not been given to angels, 00:21:02.80\00:21:04.24 it's been given to men. 00:21:04.25\00:21:06.37 We find it in Matthew 24, Jesus said, 00:21:06.38\00:21:07.98 "This gospel must be preached in all the world 00:21:07.99\00:21:09.46 for a witness and then the end will come." 00:21:09.47\00:21:10.73 We find it in Matthew 28 where Jesus gives 00:21:10.74\00:21:12.70 the last commission to His disciples, 00:21:12.71\00:21:14.09 "Go ye therefore and teach all the nations, 00:21:14.10\00:21:17.38 baptizing them in the name of the Father, 00:21:17.39\00:21:18.75 the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them 00:21:18.76\00:21:20.28 to observe all things that I've commanded you." 00:21:20.29\00:21:22.44 Jesus gave men the gospel commission and yet, 00:21:22.45\00:21:24.78 when we come to the book of Revelation, 00:21:24.79\00:21:26.31 God uses an angel to picture the power of the message 00:21:26.32\00:21:29.43 that He's gonna give through people. 00:21:29.44\00:21:32.86 That is a great calling and there is no higher calling 00:21:32.87\00:21:37.69 than what we find here in the pages of scripture 00:21:37.70\00:21:40.34 for God's people. 00:21:40.35\00:21:42.66 "I saw this angel flying in the midst of heaven 00:21:42.67\00:21:44.45 with the everlasting gospel to preach to everyone." 00:21:44.46\00:21:49.29 Verse 7, Saying with a loud voice, 00:21:49.30\00:21:52.23 Fear God, and give what? 00:21:52.24\00:21:55.60 "Give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment is come." 00:21:55.61\00:22:00.99 Fear God, and give glory to him, 00:22:01.00\00:22:02.55 what does that mean, give glory to him? 00:22:02.56\00:22:05.15 How do we give God glory, 00:22:05.16\00:22:06.66 how we are supposed to give God, 00:22:06.67\00:22:07.64 what is this mean? 00:22:07.65\00:22:09.65 I want you turning your Bibles to Matthew 5, 00:22:09.66\00:22:13.78 Matthew Chapter 5 and verse 16, 00:22:13.79\00:22:17.44 what does it mean to give glory to God? 00:22:17.45\00:22:21.03 Matthew 5 and verse 16. 00:22:21.04\00:22:25.19 Notice what Jesus says here, 00:22:28.88\00:22:31.51 Matthew 5 verse 16, notice what he says, 00:22:31.52\00:22:34.39 Let your light so shine before men, 00:22:34.40\00:22:39.08 that they may see," your what? 00:22:39.09\00:22:42.06 Your good works, and glorify you for them. 00:22:42.07\00:22:46.35 Is that what it says? No. 00:22:46.36\00:22:49.57 It says, "Let your light so shine before men, 00:22:49.58\00:22:51.18 that they may see your good works, 00:22:51.19\00:22:52.72 and glorify your Father who is in heaven." 00:22:52.73\00:22:59.36 We don't have any good works. 00:22:59.37\00:23:01.27 What are our good works? 00:23:01.28\00:23:03.08 He says, "let them see your good works." 00:23:03.09\00:23:05.41 Listen folks, when people see our good works 00:23:05.42\00:23:09.32 people who know me and who knew me now, 00:23:09.33\00:23:12.76 know me and knew me then, 00:23:12.77\00:23:15.22 will look in my life and if they see good works 00:23:15.23\00:23:17.13 they'll see I know couldn't be that guy, 00:23:17.14\00:23:18.51 I knew him before. 00:23:18.52\00:23:20.01 It must be a greater power at work within him. 00:23:20.02\00:23:24.70 Jesus says, he wants his works 00:23:24.71\00:23:26.25 to be seeing his people why so that can give us glory? No. 00:23:26.26\00:23:29.28 So they can glorify our Father in heaven. 00:23:29.29\00:23:31.30 I want you to see that again, 00:23:33.23\00:23:35.45 I want you to see that again in First Peter Chapter 2. 00:23:35.46\00:23:38.99 Go to the New Testament toward the end of the book 00:23:39.00\00:23:41.32 after all the T's, 00:23:41.33\00:23:43.09 the T's are conveniently group together, 00:23:43.10\00:23:44.58 they're in the New Testament, 00:23:44.59\00:23:45.56 you get the book of Hebrews and then the book of James 00:23:45.57\00:23:47.64 and the book of First Peter, First Peter 2 and verse 11. 00:23:47.65\00:23:51.97 First Peter 2 and verse 11, let's read this text here. 00:23:54.33\00:23:58.32 "Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, 00:24:02.27\00:24:05.13 to abstain from fleshly lust, which war against the soul, 00:24:05.14\00:24:10.19 having your conduct," what? 00:24:10.20\00:24:12.99 "Your conduct honorable among the Gentiles," 00:24:13.00\00:24:16.68 that is the unbelievers, 00:24:16.69\00:24:18.98 "that when they speak against you as evildoers, 00:24:18.99\00:24:22.46 they may, by your," what? 00:24:22.47\00:24:25.98 "Your good works which they observe, 00:24:25.99\00:24:30.61 glorify God in the day of visitation." 00:24:30.62\00:24:33.09 Peter says, the Gentiles, 00:24:33.10\00:24:34.62 when they observe your good works 00:24:34.63\00:24:36.26 they can glorify God. 00:24:36.27\00:24:39.32 God has a high calling for His people, 00:24:39.33\00:24:42.74 and preaching the everlasting gospel to every nation, 00:24:42.75\00:24:45.84 and kindred, and tongue, and people, 00:24:45.85\00:24:47.08 it's not just a preaching with words, friends. 00:24:47.09\00:24:50.22 It's a preaching with our very lives. 00:24:50.23\00:24:53.38 As people see something in us as they see the works 00:24:53.39\00:24:56.61 that are shown that Christ abides in our hearts, 00:24:56.62\00:24:59.21 the works that show that we've been transform by Christ 00:24:59.22\00:25:02.18 then God is glorified. 00:25:02.19\00:25:03.65 God is called us to greatness not just goodness. 00:25:05.32\00:25:08.83 God is called us the greatness 00:25:08.84\00:25:10.10 because the greatness is from Him, 00:25:10.11\00:25:12.72 when we submit to God's making us great. 00:25:12.73\00:25:18.33 People will glorify His name for what he is able to do 00:25:18.34\00:25:21.07 with fallen humanity and praise His name for that. 00:25:21.08\00:25:24.47 What a high calling for God's people? 00:25:24.48\00:25:28.71 What a high calling God has given His people. 00:25:32.06\00:25:38.17 He wants a people ready for the day of His coming 00:25:38.18\00:25:43.71 so that when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory 00:25:43.72\00:25:46.37 we will be able to behold Him as He is. 00:25:46.38\00:25:49.39 Friends, good will not cut it in the day of Christ's coming, 00:25:54.96\00:25:58.50 only great will do. And good is the enemy of great, 00:25:58.51\00:26:05.01 settling for mediocrity inhibits us 00:26:05.02\00:26:11.19 from being all we could be in Christ Jesus. 00:26:11.20\00:26:14.80 You know, some people, some people are happy 00:26:14.81\00:26:21.73 to settle for mediocrity, they say, 00:26:21.74\00:26:22.89 if I can make it with mediocrity I'm gonna do it. 00:26:22.90\00:26:26.31 You know, I tell you that I don't think mediocrity 00:26:26.32\00:26:27.98 is gonna cut it in the day of Jesus coming, 00:26:27.99\00:26:29.29 I don't think good is gonna cut it. 00:26:29.30\00:26:31.16 There are some of you who say, 00:26:31.17\00:26:32.14 hey, if good can't cut it I'm gonna be there 00:26:32.15\00:26:33.73 I'd rather be good, 00:26:33.74\00:26:35.02 I don't want to have to strive for great, 00:26:35.03\00:26:36.26 I don't want to go to that trouble. 00:26:36.27\00:26:39.76 But you're thinking about it all wrong. 00:26:39.77\00:26:42.08 The greatness that God promises us 00:26:42.09\00:26:43.77 number one, it is a promise. 00:26:43.78\00:26:44.88 Number two, there is no greater honor 00:26:44.89\00:26:48.68 that God could bestow upon us. 00:26:48.69\00:26:50.58 Then to prepare us to stand in the day of Christ coming. 00:26:54.81\00:27:00.03 There is no greater honor that God could bestow upon us 00:27:00.04\00:27:04.34 to give us the gift of His righteousness 00:27:04.35\00:27:06.06 and make us great through His omnipotent power. 00:27:06.07\00:27:14.38 And yet, some of us still will settle for mediocrity, why? 00:27:16.86\00:27:20.30 Why do we do that? You know, I remember growing up 00:27:20.31\00:27:22.81 and I remember Christmas time. 00:27:22.82\00:27:25.28 When I was young, I remember Christmas time, 00:27:25.29\00:27:28.82 we'd have all these packages, all these presents, 00:27:28.83\00:27:30.99 presents and kids would come up 00:27:31.00\00:27:32.99 and they gather around and look at the presents 00:27:33.00\00:27:34.78 and you know, our eyes were always drawn 00:27:34.79\00:27:36.67 not to the little tiny box 00:27:36.68\00:27:38.76 but to that one huge box, whose is that? 00:27:38.77\00:27:41.88 We go and look at it and everybody would, 00:27:41.89\00:27:43.52 oh, ah, what's in the box? 00:27:43.53\00:27:45.97 Oh, we wish that box was ours. 00:27:45.98\00:27:48.75 Generally one name on it, we wanted the big present, 00:27:48.76\00:27:53.62 how many people take the small present 00:27:53.63\00:27:55.29 when you can have the big present. 00:27:55.30\00:27:57.89 And, yet, we settle for mediocrity, 00:27:57.90\00:27:59.39 we say, no, no thanks, I know that God wants to do 00:27:59.40\00:28:01.29 greater things for me, but I'll settle for good, 00:28:01.30\00:28:04.10 why would we do such a thing? 00:28:04.11\00:28:06.00 Especially knowing that submitting to that greatness 00:28:06.01\00:28:09.32 only exemplifies God's greatness 00:28:09.33\00:28:12.12 and brings glory to His name. 00:28:12.13\00:28:14.13 Fear God and give glory to Him, the Bible says. 00:28:14.14\00:28:17.63 Turn with me in your Bibles 00:28:22.72\00:28:23.77 to the book of Philippians Chapter 3. 00:28:23.78\00:28:25.85 Philippians Chapter 3, 00:28:28.22\00:28:31.97 if we go in the New Testament past the gospels, 00:28:31.98\00:28:35.62 Acts, Romans, First amd Second Corinthians, 00:28:35.63\00:28:37.60 Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians. 00:28:37.61\00:28:41.96 Philippians Chapter 3, we're gonna start in verse 12. 00:28:41.97\00:28:45.45 Philippians 3 and starting in verse 12, 00:28:47.65\00:28:50.04 notice the words of the Apostle Paul. 00:28:50.05\00:28:53.14 If there was anybody in the Christian walk 00:28:55.18\00:28:58.99 who strive for greatness it was the Apostle Paul. 00:28:59.00\00:29:02.46 Listen to how he describes it, Philippians 3 and verse 12, 00:29:03.55\00:29:08.00 he says, "Not that I have already attained, 00:29:08.01\00:29:10.39 or I'm already perfected." 00:29:10.40\00:29:12.41 No I'm not great yet, he says, 00:29:12.42\00:29:13.91 "I'm not attained to greatness but he says, 00:29:13.92\00:29:15.91 I press on that I may lay hold of that 00:29:15.92\00:29:20.42 for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me." 00:29:20.43\00:29:25.40 Paul says here, Jesus Christ, Jesus has laid 00:29:25.41\00:29:27.71 hold of us to give us greatness and he says, 00:29:27.72\00:29:31.44 I'm not there yet but that's my goal, 00:29:31.45\00:29:34.43 I'm pressing on to be all that He intended that I should be. 00:29:34.44\00:29:38.97 Verse 13, "Brethren, he says, 00:29:43.59\00:29:45.01 I do not count myself to have apprehended," 00:29:45.02\00:29:47.68 I'm not there yet, you know, we can all say that, 00:29:47.69\00:29:51.01 we can look at our lives and say, 00:29:51.02\00:29:52.15 I'm not there yet but let's not settle for less. 00:29:52.16\00:29:57.48 Let's aim for that goal, 00:29:57.49\00:29:58.46 let's press on like the Apostle Paul. 00:29:58.47\00:30:01.19 Brethren, he says, I'm not attained, 00:30:01.20\00:30:03.19 I've not apprehended, but one thing I do, 00:30:08.11\00:30:12.09 forgetting those things which are behind 00:30:12.10\00:30:13.91 and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 00:30:13.92\00:30:15.96 I press toward the goal for the price 00:30:15.97\00:30:19.27 of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." 00:30:19.28\00:30:23.10 Paul says, "I press toward the goal." 00:30:23.11\00:30:24.86 I'm aiming for the goal, no I'm not there yet, 00:30:24.87\00:30:27.87 but Christ Jesus laid hold of me 00:30:27.88\00:30:30.69 so He could make me great, 00:30:30.70\00:30:31.95 and I'm not gonna let Him down. 00:30:31.96\00:30:35.19 You see, friends, Jesus wants to demonstrate 00:30:35.20\00:30:37.40 His own greatness by what He's doing in His followers. 00:30:37.41\00:30:44.21 He points to His followers and He says, 00:30:44.22\00:30:45.90 "Here, here's what they were and here's My grace, 00:30:45.91\00:30:50.19 here's what My grace can do in them. 00:30:50.20\00:30:54.03 Here are my followers." 00:30:54.04\00:30:55.27 And what do we see? 00:30:55.28\00:30:59.10 A group of lackadaisical, lukewarm, 00:30:59.11\00:31:01.34 mediocre settled for good, professed followers of Christ. 00:31:01.35\00:31:04.62 Where are those who are striving 00:31:04.63\00:31:05.92 to press on for greatness? 00:31:05.93\00:31:08.79 Not greatness that we obtain, 00:31:08.80\00:31:10.43 but greatness that Christ has already obtained for us. 00:31:10.44\00:31:13.09 Forgetting what's behind, He says, 00:31:20.20\00:31:21.70 "I press on." You know, sometimes we look behind us. 00:31:21.71\00:31:28.03 We look at our hindrances, we look at the discouragements 00:31:28.04\00:31:30.13 maybe a job that didn't pan out, 00:31:30.14\00:31:32.05 maybe some future plans that didn't go 00:31:32.06\00:31:33.75 just the way we thought, maybe at one time 00:31:33.76\00:31:35.77 we were looking for greatness and then we just, 00:31:35.78\00:31:37.96 oh, it didn't workout, 00:31:37.97\00:31:38.94 a relationship that didn't workout, 00:31:38.95\00:31:40.46 a spiritual struggle that we've had 00:31:40.47\00:31:42.07 and we've not gained the victory yet, 00:31:42.08\00:31:43.49 and we look behind and we say, 00:31:43.50\00:31:44.63 "Oh, I'm just--I'm not gonna ever make it to great, 00:31:44.64\00:31:47.46 I'll settle for good." 00:31:47.47\00:31:50.29 Heed the words of the Apostle Paul, nobody says, 00:31:50.30\00:31:52.82 "I'm not yet attained." But I press on. 00:31:52.83\00:31:56.82 This one thing I do, this one goal I have. 00:31:56.83\00:31:59.84 Sometimes it's because we're looking behind, 00:32:05.35\00:32:07.25 that we just settle for mediocrity. 00:32:07.26\00:32:08.66 Sometimes it's because we have conflicts 00:32:08.67\00:32:10.27 with church members. 00:32:10.28\00:32:12.06 You know, it's funny as we compare ourselves 00:32:12.07\00:32:14.01 among ourselves, sometimes we get so caught up 00:32:14.02\00:32:16.13 and who in the church isn't just right. 00:32:16.14\00:32:19.91 And it amazes me when I hear church members say 00:32:19.92\00:32:21.86 "I don't understand why some of these other people." 00:32:21.87\00:32:23.88 You know what? 00:32:23.89\00:32:25.51 The devil brings people into the church, 00:32:25.52\00:32:26.91 did you know that? The devil runs-- 00:32:26.92\00:32:30.14 The devil is always running his own evangelistic campaign. 00:32:30.15\00:32:33.94 The same time God' bringing in the church, 00:32:33.95\00:32:35.37 the devil wants to bring people in the church 00:32:35.38\00:32:36.86 just to get you stirred up. 00:32:36.87\00:32:39.39 Don't let him do it, brother. 00:32:39.40\00:32:40.87 Don't let him do it, sister. Don't let him do it. 00:32:40.88\00:32:45.97 Press on for greatness. 00:32:45.98\00:32:50.34 And if there's that brother or sister, 00:32:50.35\00:32:51.51 that's stirring you up, pray for them, 00:32:51.52\00:32:54.79 minister to them just as Jesus would do. 00:32:54.80\00:33:02.58 You know, sometimes we just, 00:33:02.59\00:33:03.83 it's as if-- When we're fighting 00:33:03.84\00:33:05.83 the good fight of faith, we run up against struggles, 00:33:05.84\00:33:09.73 and sometimes as Christians, we act so surprised. 00:33:09.74\00:33:11.67 I don't understand why I'm, why I'm running into this, 00:33:11.68\00:33:13.92 I don't understand why I'm having such a difficult time. 00:33:13.93\00:33:19.26 Friends the devil is not gonna let you go out of his service, 00:33:19.27\00:33:21.78 let me go out of his service without a fight. 00:33:21.79\00:33:25.10 It reminds me of a story of a, of a lady who, 00:33:25.11\00:33:31.10 who was always so positive about everything. 00:33:31.11\00:33:34.38 You know, and some people just, 00:33:34.39\00:33:35.58 they can't deal with that well, 00:33:35.59\00:33:37.10 her boss couldn't deal with that well. 00:33:37.11\00:33:39.69 She just always came into work so chipper. 00:33:39.70\00:33:41.31 Oh, how are you doing? Everything's so great, 00:33:41.32\00:33:42.91 everything so lovely just like 00:33:42.92\00:33:44.00 she always has something good to say about everything, 00:33:44.01\00:33:46.38 it makes me sick. 00:33:46.39\00:33:47.55 He said, you know what, I've got an idea, 00:33:47.56\00:33:49.22 I've got it, I know something 00:33:49.23\00:33:50.41 she can't say anything good about. 00:33:50.42\00:33:52.70 So he came into her one morning and he says, 00:33:52.71\00:33:54.33 "Sister, he says, I've got something to, 00:33:54.34\00:33:57.79 what do you have to say about the devil?" 00:33:57.80\00:34:00.24 She said, "Boy, he sure is a hard worker, 00:34:00.25\00:34:02.69 he sure is a hard worker." 00:34:02.70\00:34:04.85 The devil is always at work, friends. 00:34:04.86\00:34:07.09 We've got understand that, 00:34:07.10\00:34:08.35 but don't be hindered by it. 00:34:08.36\00:34:10.16 Press on as the Apostle Paul pressed on. 00:34:10.17\00:34:14.02 Jesus Christ wants us to become great for Him. 00:34:14.03\00:34:22.36 When we give up the struggle, 00:34:22.37\00:34:25.84 when we cease to press on, 00:34:25.85\00:34:30.77 when we give into the devil's discouragements 00:34:30.78\00:34:32.73 and set backs, we rob Jesus Christ of the very thing 00:34:32.74\00:34:37.45 He's been longing to do for us, 00:34:37.46\00:34:40.34 to make us great in Him. 00:34:40.35\00:34:41.72 We rob Him of the thing that He deserves. 00:34:41.73\00:34:47.08 In the book Christ Object lessons page 331, it says, 00:34:47.09\00:34:50.69 "Many whom God has qualified to do excellent work 00:34:50.70\00:34:55.43 accomplish very little, because they attempt little." 00:34:55.44\00:34:59.42 They can do a great work but they settle for good. 00:34:59.43\00:35:04.53 God wants greatness for us. 00:35:04.54\00:35:09.41 The Apostle Paul says, 00:35:09.42\00:35:10.60 "Here I press on toward the goal." 00:35:10.61\00:35:12.62 It's interesting the Apostle Paul 00:35:12.63\00:35:13.69 uses his imagery of a race not just in this place. 00:35:13.70\00:35:17.96 Let's turn to another text where he uses it, 00:35:17.97\00:35:20.50 in regard to the Christian life. 00:35:20.51\00:35:22.27 Let's go back from Philippians 00:35:22.28\00:35:24.14 to the book of First Corinthians Chapter 9, 00:35:24.15\00:35:27.77 First Corinthians Chapter 9 and we're going to verse 25, 00:35:27.78\00:35:31.87 in fact 24 is where we'll start. 00:35:31.88\00:35:37.62 First Corinthians Chapter 9 and verse 24, 00:35:37.63\00:35:43.58 notice what the Apostle says here, 00:35:43.59\00:35:47.56 "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, 00:35:47.57\00:35:53.74 but one receives the prize? 00:35:53.75\00:35:56.48 Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 00:35:56.49\00:36:01.95 And everyone who competes for the prize 00:36:01.96\00:36:05.03 is temperate in what? In all things. 00:36:05.04\00:36:09.57 Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, 00:36:09.58\00:36:13.28 but we for an imperishable crown. 00:36:13.29\00:36:17.79 Paul's using an illustration here that was well known 00:36:17.80\00:36:20.01 in his days in that Greco-Roman Culture 00:36:20.02\00:36:22.18 something that we know today as the Olympics. 00:36:22.19\00:36:25.72 They get together for these big Greek races and he says, 00:36:25.73\00:36:30.11 don't you know that when all those people train 00:36:30.12\00:36:31.90 and they work and they get out there 00:36:31.91\00:36:33.10 and they run in the race, only one person wins. 00:36:33.11\00:36:36.60 And what are they winning? 00:36:36.61\00:36:37.58 He says, they win a perishable crown, 00:36:37.59\00:36:40.75 today we give medals, gold, silver, bronze. 00:36:40.76\00:36:45.21 But you know what they got in Paul's day? 00:36:45.22\00:36:47.32 They got a crown of laurel leaves on their head, 00:36:47.33\00:36:49.95 like you see with the FTD flowers, 00:36:49.96\00:36:51.39 there's little leaves that was the prize. 00:36:51.40\00:36:54.79 And there would be people that would strain themselves 00:36:54.80\00:36:57.71 and some would even die through overexertion 00:36:57.72\00:37:02.08 in some of those races. 00:37:02.09\00:37:03.62 Intense competition just to gain the crown, 00:37:03.63\00:37:08.85 only one could win. 00:37:08.86\00:37:13.04 What are we looking for? 00:37:13.05\00:37:14.02 What are we pressing on for? 00:37:14.03\00:37:15.34 Do we have a goal, do we have a prize 00:37:15.35\00:37:17.00 worth more than a crown of laurel leaves? 00:37:17.01\00:37:19.37 The Apostle says, we do, he says, 00:37:19.38\00:37:22.95 everyone who competes for the prize is temperate 00:37:22.96\00:37:25.05 in all things, they do it for a perishable crown 00:37:25.06\00:37:27.89 but we for an imperishable crown. 00:37:27.90\00:37:30.09 How much more should we run diligently, 00:37:30.10\00:37:36.21 perseveringly to win the Christian race, 00:37:36.22\00:37:42.32 to strive for the greatness that Christ is calling us to. 00:37:42.33\00:37:46.84 Again in verse 25, he says, 00:37:51.16\00:37:52.64 "Everyone who competes is temperate in all things." 00:37:52.65\00:37:55.25 Now I have known people who have competed in, 00:37:55.26\00:37:57.34 in things before whether they be races, 00:37:57.35\00:37:59.54 whether they be other type of sporting events body builders. 00:37:59.55\00:38:05.85 And you know, when they got, 00:38:05.86\00:38:06.93 when they've got one of their meets coming up, 00:38:06.94\00:38:09.25 whether it would be the race, whether it'd be the-- 00:38:09.26\00:38:11.98 and I know a guy who was a body builder 00:38:11.99\00:38:14.29 and when that thing was around the corner. 00:38:14.30\00:38:16.96 He would be very careful in everything that he ate 00:38:16.97\00:38:19.52 and didn't eat, he wouldn't go out drinking, 00:38:19.53\00:38:22.38 even though he normally would, 00:38:22.39\00:38:23.37 he's not going to the bar at all, 00:38:23.38\00:38:25.52 he's not gonna eat out, he didn't eat any fast food. 00:38:25.53\00:38:30.00 Temperate in all things, he wouldn't go to bed late. 00:38:30.01\00:38:32.59 He went to bed very early, 00:38:32.60\00:38:33.57 he make sure he got all the sleep, 00:38:33.58\00:38:34.79 because he wanted to be top notch 00:38:34.80\00:38:37.14 when that competition came around. 00:38:37.15\00:38:39.55 Temperate in all things, now I mentioned to you 00:38:39.56\00:38:41.82 as we opened up this book by Jim Collins "Good to Great." 00:38:41.83\00:38:46.13 Jim Collins shared something in this book that 00:38:46.14\00:38:49.29 I have to share with you, 00:38:49.30\00:38:51.10 he talks about a friend of his 00:38:51.11\00:38:53.05 who was competing for what's called the iron man. 00:38:53.06\00:38:59.02 Where he wanted to go, this man was training 00:38:59.03\00:39:00.70 and he wanted to win this event. 00:39:00.71\00:39:03.89 And he says in his book that this friend of his 00:39:03.90\00:39:06.97 as he was training for this meet 00:39:06.98\00:39:09.21 was so temperate, he was so serious 00:39:09.22\00:39:11.67 about not taking in any extra fat or calories 00:39:11.68\00:39:15.07 that he actually would take his cottage cheese 00:39:15.08\00:39:17.75 and rinse it to make sure there wasn't 00:39:17.76\00:39:19.86 any excess fat in it. 00:39:19.87\00:39:24.08 He rinsed his cottage cheese for crying out loud, 00:39:24.09\00:39:27.93 to win the iron man. 00:39:27.94\00:39:31.90 How much more should a Christian be willing 00:39:31.91\00:39:35.53 to be temperate in all things for Christ Jesus? 00:39:35.54\00:39:39.54 How much more should we be willing to give all 00:39:39.55\00:39:42.42 to attain to the greatness that God's called us to? 00:39:42.43\00:39:47.83 Sometimes we think of our Christian experience 00:39:47.84\00:39:50.93 and we talk about striving for greatness 00:39:50.94\00:39:53.35 and I think that's gone a little bit overboard. 00:39:53.36\00:40:00.46 Rinsing your cottage cheese, but you know what, 00:40:00.47\00:40:04.90 the Apostle Paul says, I press on, 00:40:04.91\00:40:07.56 the man who runs in the race is temperate in all things. 00:40:07.57\00:40:10.02 Look what he goes on to say, 00:40:10.03\00:40:13.10 First Corinthians 9 and verse 26, 00:40:13.11\00:40:17.70 let's back up to 25 again, 00:40:17.71\00:40:19.32 "Everyone who competes for the prize 00:40:19.33\00:40:20.99 is temperate in all things. 00:40:21.00\00:40:22.28 Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, 00:40:22.29\00:40:25.02 but we for an imperishable crown, 00:40:25.03\00:40:29.22 crown of eternal life." 00:40:29.23\00:40:31.81 Verse 26, "Therefore this is the way I run, 00:40:31.82\00:40:35.31 not with uncertainty. 00:40:35.32\00:40:39.22 This is the way I fight, 00:40:39.23\00:40:40.52 not as one who beats the air. 00:40:40.53\00:40:42.39 He says I don't run to no purpose, 00:40:42.40\00:40:44.38 I don't run like those people in the Olympics 00:40:44.39\00:40:46.20 where only one person wins because in this Christian race 00:40:46.21\00:40:49.53 everyone who stays in the race wins the race, 00:40:49.54\00:40:53.64 but too many of us are dropping out, 00:40:53.65\00:40:55.21 we say I've gone far enough. 00:40:55.22\00:40:57.66 Friends, we've got to press on, he says, 00:40:57.67\00:41:00.43 I'm running but I don't run with the uncertainty 00:41:00.44\00:41:02.72 that the people who run in this Olympic races run. 00:41:02.73\00:41:05.39 Only one of them is gonna win but I know 00:41:05.40\00:41:07.75 that if I press on by the grace of God 00:41:07.76\00:41:09.70 I will win the race, 00:41:09.71\00:41:11.24 you can win the race, we can all win that race. 00:41:11.25\00:41:13.88 It's not an uncertain race 00:41:13.89\00:41:15.41 and the crown is not perishable, 00:41:15.42\00:41:16.95 it's a crown of eternal life. 00:41:16.96\00:41:20.65 So he says, "Thus I run, not with uncertainty. 00:41:20.66\00:41:23.33 Thus I fight, not as one who beats the air." 00:41:23.34\00:41:25.04 Verse 27, "But I discipline my body 00:41:25.05\00:41:28.11 and bring it into subjection, 00:41:28.12\00:41:31.62 lest, when I have preached to others, 00:41:31.63\00:41:33.67 I myself should become disqualified." 00:41:33.68\00:41:37.64 Now it's interesting the New Testament 00:41:37.65\00:41:39.27 was written in the Greek Language 00:41:39.28\00:41:42.48 and the Greek phrase that's translated, 00:41:42.49\00:41:45.90 I discipline my body means literally 00:41:45.91\00:41:49.92 to blacken under the eyes, to give a black eye. 00:41:49.93\00:41:53.38 Paul says, I discipline my body when my body, 00:41:53.39\00:41:56.19 when my carnal, when my carnal nature 00:41:56.20\00:41:59.95 wants to get me to, to sit back and relax 00:41:59.96\00:42:02.40 and quit striving. 00:42:02.41\00:42:04.46 Well my carnal nature tries to pull me aside 00:42:04.47\00:42:06.66 and get me to quit running in the race, 00:42:06.67\00:42:08.13 he says, I blacken the eye, I beat it back 00:42:08.14\00:42:11.75 and I press forward. 00:42:11.76\00:42:14.08 He uses the strongest language he can here 00:42:14.09\00:42:16.19 about a vivid struggle 00:42:16.20\00:42:17.98 and a perseverance that will not fail. 00:42:17.99\00:42:25.82 If those who train for worldly events 00:42:25.83\00:42:29.14 are gonna be temperate in all things, 00:42:29.15\00:42:30.62 how much more, he says, should we as Christians? 00:42:30.63\00:42:34.29 Who Christ has promised in eternal crown 00:42:34.30\00:42:36.34 how much more should we press on toward greatness, 00:42:36.35\00:42:39.64 greatness that will bring joy to the heart of Jesus 00:42:39.65\00:42:44.86 who gave his life for us. 00:42:44.87\00:42:47.27 Temperate in all things. 00:42:47.28\00:42:51.37 Sharing with you again from the book Christ Object Lessons 00:42:58.08\00:43:02.91 on page 332, the book says this, 00:43:02.92\00:43:05.32 "The heavenly intelligences will work with the human agent 00:43:05.33\00:43:08.52 who seeks with the determined faith 00:43:08.53\00:43:10.95 that perfection of character which will reach out 00:43:10.96\00:43:13.65 to perfection in action. 00:43:13.66\00:43:16.66 It says, the heavenly angels will work with the person 00:43:16.67\00:43:19.21 who is striving for that greatness. 00:43:19.22\00:43:23.45 To everyone, it goes on to say this, 00:43:23.46\00:43:25.25 "To everyone engaged in this work," 00:43:25.26\00:43:27.21 are you running this race, 00:43:27.22\00:43:28.30 is it your desire to attain to that greatness. 00:43:28.31\00:43:30.67 It says, "To everyone who is engaged in this work, 00:43:30.68\00:43:34.55 Christ says, I am at your right hand to help you." 00:43:34.56\00:43:39.53 We're not running the race alone, 00:43:39.54\00:43:41.48 Christ is at our right hand to help us, 00:43:41.49\00:43:44.78 to give us that victory, to make us great in Him. 00:43:44.79\00:43:50.89 Also from the same book, one page later, 00:43:50.90\00:43:53.02 333, Christ Object Lessons, 00:43:53.03\00:43:55.02 "As the will of man co-operates 00:43:55.03\00:43:56.42 with the will of God, 00:43:56.43\00:43:57.51 it becomes omnipotent, all powerful. 00:43:57.52\00:44:02.68 Whatever is to be done at God's command 00:44:02.69\00:44:05.25 may be accomplished in His strength. 00:44:05.26\00:44:07.18 All His biddings are enablings." 00:44:07.19\00:44:09.22 God will give us strength 00:44:09.23\00:44:12.96 that we maybe become great in Him. 00:44:12.97\00:44:20.00 God will give us the strength to make us great in Him 00:44:20.01\00:44:23.74 and I want to share one more statement 00:44:23.75\00:44:25.10 with you along these same lines, 00:44:25.11\00:44:29.05 it's from Testimonies for the Church Volume 7, 00:44:29.06\00:44:31.96 it's on page 17 and in this book 00:44:31.97\00:44:33.63 I want you to note what it says, 00:44:33.64\00:44:36.80 "Nothing is apparently more helpless, 00:44:36.81\00:44:41.91 yet really more invincible than the soul 00:44:41.92\00:44:45.41 that feels its nothingness 00:44:45.42\00:44:48.17 and relies wholly on the merits of our Savior." 00:44:48.18\00:44:51.18 You know sometimes when we talk about resting 00:44:51.19\00:44:52.69 wholly on the merits of our Savior, 00:44:52.70\00:44:54.23 we said it in kind of a passive, weak way. 00:44:54.24\00:44:56.93 Well, you know, I'm resting on the savior 00:44:56.94\00:44:58.21 and I'm just, I'm so weak and we almost use it 00:44:58.22\00:45:00.57 as an excuse to settle for goodness. 00:45:00.58\00:45:04.60 But listen again to what it says, 00:45:04.61\00:45:05.91 "Nothing is apparently more helpless, 00:45:05.92\00:45:08.04 outwardly it looks helpless. 00:45:08.05\00:45:10.73 But in reality more invincible than the soul 00:45:10.74\00:45:14.17 that feels its nothingness and relies upon Jesus Christ, 00:45:14.18\00:45:17.52 on His merits, invincible." 00:45:17.53\00:45:23.19 God--listen to the next sentence, 00:45:23.20\00:45:27.08 this is the punch line here, 00:45:27.09\00:45:28.26 "God would send every angel in heaven 00:45:28.27\00:45:33.17 to the aid of such a one, 00:45:33.18\00:45:35.90 rather than allow him to be overcome." 00:45:35.91\00:45:39.23 You're not in this fight alone, 00:45:39.24\00:45:41.28 God would send every angel in heaven 00:45:41.29\00:45:43.54 to give you victory, 00:45:43.55\00:45:45.55 God will send every angel in heaven 00:45:45.56\00:45:47.55 to help you win that race and become great for Jesus. 00:45:47.56\00:45:51.84 Oh, friends, let's not settle for mediocrity, 00:45:51.85\00:45:55.25 why would we settle for less than the best 00:45:55.26\00:45:57.80 that God has offered us. 00:45:57.81\00:45:59.64 You know, the Apostle says, in Philippians that we, 00:46:04.20\00:46:07.96 where we already read, 00:46:07.97\00:46:11.38 "I press on to obtain that which Christ, 00:46:11.39\00:46:16.19 for which Christ took hold of me." 00:46:16.20\00:46:19.10 Christ has a purpose for my life, 00:46:19.11\00:46:21.69 for your life and that purpose is greatness. 00:46:21.70\00:46:24.98 He wants us to be great in Him, 00:46:24.99\00:46:27.82 not settling for good 00:46:27.83\00:46:30.61 but reaching forward to greatness. 00:46:30.62\00:46:35.74 You know, in my church one thing that we've done 00:46:35.75\00:46:37.53 and I've had added to, to the bulletins 00:46:37.54\00:46:40.13 that we hand out the programs. 00:46:40.14\00:46:42.54 I've had three questions added there, 00:46:42.86\00:46:44.40 sometimes I watch people and as people sit 00:46:44.41\00:46:46.56 and they come and they listen to the word being preached. 00:46:46.57\00:46:48.49 Often times, I mean, just to sit and listen, 00:46:48.50\00:46:51.42 I'll be honest with you, 00:46:51.43\00:46:52.40 just to sit and listen to a long presentation 00:46:52.41\00:46:55.09 can be wearing if that's all you're doing. 00:46:55.10\00:46:57.02 I always encourage people, take down some notes. 00:46:57.03\00:46:59.75 Listen, when you come out to hear the word preached, 00:46:59.76\00:47:02.14 don't just come out and say, oh, that was interesting. 00:47:02.15\00:47:04.00 The Bible talks about those in the prophet, 00:47:04.01\00:47:06.72 in the book of Ezekiel, 00:47:06.73\00:47:07.70 the prophet Ezekiel in Chapter 33, 00:47:07.71\00:47:09.61 talks about those who come and hear 00:47:09.62\00:47:10.85 the sayings of the prophet of the Lord 00:47:10.86\00:47:13.00 but they don't put them into practice, 00:47:13.01\00:47:14.69 they don't do them. 00:47:14.70\00:47:17.16 Sometimes people come out to hear the word preach, 00:47:17.17\00:47:19.03 but they have no intent to put them 00:47:19.04\00:47:20.26 into practice in their life, 00:47:20.27\00:47:21.31 they're not striving for greatness, 00:47:21.32\00:47:22.51 they've settled for goodness. 00:47:22.52\00:47:24.71 They say, you know, I'm satisfied with where I am, 00:47:24.72\00:47:26.96 I used to be pretty bad, 00:47:26.97\00:47:28.12 I'm better now and this is good enough. 00:47:28.13\00:47:31.05 Friends, we ought to come and hear the preach word 00:47:31.06\00:47:32.78 with an intent to learn something new 00:47:32.79\00:47:34.70 and practice something new. 00:47:34.71\00:47:35.84 And so I have this added in the, 00:47:35.85\00:47:37.32 in the programs that we use in my church. 00:47:37.33\00:47:40.18 Three questions, question number one, 00:47:40.19\00:47:42.06 what new thing did you learn, I'm gonna ask you that today, 00:47:42.07\00:47:45.28 what new thing did you learn, 00:47:45.29\00:47:46.63 as you're thinking about this, 00:47:46.64\00:47:47.64 as you're listening. 00:47:47.65\00:47:49.83 And not just in this presentation 00:47:49.84\00:47:51.50 but in anything you hear from the word 00:47:51.51\00:47:54.16 could be in a study class as well. 00:47:54.17\00:47:55.84 What new thing did you learn today? 00:47:55.85\00:47:57.96 You know, a lot of times 00:47:57.97\00:47:58.94 if you've been a Christian for awhile, 00:47:58.95\00:47:59.98 oh, I've heard that before, 00:47:59.99\00:48:01.41 I've heard that before, that's fine. 00:48:01.42\00:48:04.20 What new thing did you learn? 00:48:04.21\00:48:06.31 What new thing did you learn, jot it down. 00:48:06.32\00:48:12.73 You know, a pastor friend of mine 00:48:12.74\00:48:14.69 made an interesting point, and you probably noticed this 00:48:14.70\00:48:18.66 before that every time you come to the Bible, 00:48:18.67\00:48:21.34 you can read a passage you've read a hundred times, 00:48:21.35\00:48:23.08 when you come and read it again 00:48:23.09\00:48:24.31 you may get something brand-new out of it. 00:48:24.32\00:48:28.49 He said, you know, why? 00:48:28.50\00:48:30.52 Because every time you read it again, 00:48:30.53\00:48:32.09 you're a new person, you're a different person 00:48:32.10\00:48:33.61 than the person you were the last time 00:48:33.62\00:48:34.72 you read it, why? 00:48:34.73\00:48:35.70 Because the word of God is living and powerful. 00:48:35.71\00:48:38.27 Did you know when you read the word of God 00:48:38.28\00:48:40.57 with an intent to practice it in your life 00:48:40.58\00:48:42.34 and strive for that greatness Christ has called you to. 00:48:42.35\00:48:44.99 Did you know that, that word of God 00:48:45.00\00:48:47.08 is transforming in His power, living and powerful? 00:48:47.09\00:48:51.69 So that the next time you come to that passage 00:48:51.70\00:48:53.33 you're a new person and that new person 00:48:53.34\00:48:55.52 that you've become get something new out of it. 00:48:55.53\00:48:58.44 What new thing did you learn? 00:48:58.45\00:49:01.19 Number two, I ask them 00:49:01.20\00:49:02.17 what old thing were you reminded of, 00:49:02.18\00:49:05.24 what old thing were you reminded of, 00:49:05.25\00:49:06.33 maybe there was something that you knew 00:49:06.34\00:49:07.55 but you forget it and it struck you, 00:49:07.56\00:49:08.78 so that's interesting 00:49:08.79\00:49:10.15 and then the most important part, 00:49:10.16\00:49:12.27 the most important part 00:49:12.28\00:49:13.43 what do you're going to do about it? 00:49:13.44\00:49:15.70 What do you're going to do about these things 00:49:15.71\00:49:17.16 that you heard and learned today? 00:49:17.17\00:49:18.71 I'd ask you that today, what are you going to do? 00:49:18.72\00:49:20.45 Are you thinking about what you're going to do 00:49:20.46\00:49:21.94 about the message you're hearing today of the passages? 00:49:21.95\00:49:24.54 Are you gonna, are you determining 00:49:24.55\00:49:25.97 in your mind even now, 00:49:25.98\00:49:27.15 I want to strive for greatness, 00:49:27.16\00:49:30.72 I want to become all that Christ 00:49:30.73\00:49:32.41 has intended for me to be. 00:49:32.42\00:49:36.48 That's your privilege today. 00:49:36.49\00:49:39.40 I challenge you to put, to make personal application 00:49:39.41\00:49:44.96 to the things that you're learning. 00:49:44.97\00:49:48.20 The goal of coming to hear the word is 00:49:48.21\00:49:50.11 to put it into practice, 00:49:50.12\00:49:51.37 let it transform your lives by making application. 00:49:51.38\00:49:55.94 And never forget, 00:49:55.95\00:49:57.36 it's the word of the living God, 00:49:57.37\00:50:00.07 Jesus spoke and it was. 00:50:00.08\00:50:02.49 He said, let there be light and it was, 00:50:02.50\00:50:04.14 and when you read something in His word, 00:50:04.15\00:50:05.51 that power is in the word now as much it was then. 00:50:05.52\00:50:10.18 Let it change your life, friend. 00:50:10.19\00:50:13.82 Jesus has called us to greatness 00:50:13.83\00:50:19.52 not just to goodness, 00:50:19.53\00:50:21.87 our lives are to bear witness to Jesus Christ. 00:50:21.88\00:50:27.90 Let me rephrase that. 00:50:27.91\00:50:31.60 Our lives bear witness to Jesus, 00:50:31.61\00:50:34.64 I didn't say what kind of witness, 00:50:34.65\00:50:36.93 you've got to answer that question. 00:50:36.94\00:50:39.24 What kind of witness is your life bringing to Jesus. 00:50:39.25\00:50:41.56 You know, when you're settling for great, 00:50:41.57\00:50:42.66 I'm sorry, when you're settling for good 00:50:42.67\00:50:44.83 and I'm settling for good what is my, 00:50:44.84\00:50:47.37 what is my life saying. 00:50:47.38\00:50:49.66 What kind of witness am I giving to Jesus, 00:50:49.67\00:50:52.88 when I settle for less than what he wants for me? 00:50:52.89\00:50:56.91 My witness is not to the fullness of his power 00:50:56.92\00:50:59.27 that it could and should be. 00:50:59.28\00:51:02.40 Your life is a witness, what kind of witness is it? 00:51:02.41\00:51:05.50 You claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, 00:51:05.51\00:51:07.32 what kind of follower are you? 00:51:07.33\00:51:08.54 What kind of message are people getting? 00:51:08.55\00:51:13.37 Did you know that when we call ourselves Christians, 00:51:13.38\00:51:17.44 we're advertising by the very name 00:51:17.45\00:51:20.10 that we're the followers of Christ? 00:51:20.11\00:51:23.06 What is your advertisement saying? 00:51:23.07\00:51:25.98 We advertise by the very, I'm a Christian, 00:51:25.99\00:51:28.38 you're advertising you are a follower of Jesus Christ. 00:51:28.39\00:51:30.72 Well, how does the ad read in your life? 00:51:30.73\00:51:35.86 How does that ad read in your life? 00:51:35.87\00:51:40.93 God doesn't want us to settle for good, 00:51:40.94\00:51:44.08 for mediocre, he's calling us to greatness 00:51:44.09\00:51:46.83 all that we can be in Him. 00:51:46.84\00:51:48.25 It reminds me of a story, 00:51:48.26\00:51:51.15 there's a man by the name of John Piper. 00:51:51.16\00:51:55.38 John Piper is a minister, he's a son of an evangelist 00:51:55.39\00:51:58.00 and his father, he says, I still remember 00:51:58.01\00:52:00.75 the stories that my father used to tell. 00:52:00.76\00:52:04.01 My father would be preaching 00:52:04.02\00:52:05.49 to congregations to multitudes of people, 00:52:05.50\00:52:07.52 inviting them to accept Jesus. 00:52:07.53\00:52:09.21 He says, I remember the stories 00:52:09.22\00:52:10.42 that you would tell about people 00:52:10.43\00:52:11.68 who would go out of his meetings 00:52:11.69\00:52:12.89 and meet with some tragedy. 00:52:12.90\00:52:15.50 They wouldn't make their decision for Jesus 00:52:15.51\00:52:17.33 and then they go and some accident would happen 00:52:17.34\00:52:19.70 and they'd never have that decision, 00:52:19.71\00:52:20.90 they never have that opportunity 00:52:20.91\00:52:22.87 to make the decision for Jesus. 00:52:22.88\00:52:24.07 He says, I remember those stories, 00:52:24.08\00:52:28.27 but he said, there's one story 00:52:28.28\00:52:29.49 that stuck out in my mind more than any other. 00:52:29.50\00:52:34.44 It's a story of a man, 00:52:34.45\00:52:36.78 an elderly man in a church that my father frequented, 00:52:36.79\00:52:44.19 this elderly gentleman was a man from the community, 00:52:44.20\00:52:47.34 and year after year after year the church worked 00:52:47.35\00:52:50.40 to try to reach this man. 00:52:50.41\00:52:52.49 They would invite him to meetings, 00:52:52.50\00:52:53.81 they would invite him here, they would invite him, 00:52:53.82\00:52:55.39 come on out, they wanted to him to come, 00:52:55.40\00:52:57.69 they wanted him to accept Jesus as his Savior. 00:52:57.70\00:52:59.52 But he wouldn't come, he wouldn't come, 00:52:59.53\00:53:00.71 he wouldn't decide. 00:53:00.72\00:53:02.25 Years and years passed by and his old age, 00:53:06.57\00:53:10.96 this gentleman, this old man comes into a meeting. 00:53:10.97\00:53:14.45 John Piper says, he came into a meeting 00:53:14.46\00:53:15.93 that my father was preaching. 00:53:15.94\00:53:17.82 He says, at the end of that meeting, 00:53:19.79\00:53:22.82 my father made a call 00:53:22.83\00:53:25.32 to accept Jesus Christ as Savior. 00:53:25.33\00:53:28.25 And he says, that old man got up 00:53:30.30\00:53:33.29 and came forward to the front of the church, 00:53:33.30\00:53:36.39 he came forward for the call to accept Jesus 00:53:36.40\00:53:38.79 and he sat down on the front row, 00:53:38.80\00:53:44.42 and began to weep, 00:53:44.43\00:53:45.51 and as he wept, he said, "I've wasted it, 00:53:49.21\00:53:55.92 I've wasted it, I've wasted it." 00:53:55.93\00:54:01.08 He lift his whole life for the devil, 00:54:04.22\00:54:08.54 he lived his whole life apart from Christ 00:54:08.55\00:54:10.56 and now in his old age, he'd accepted Christ. 00:54:10.57\00:54:14.86 And he was glad that he did, 00:54:14.87\00:54:17.88 but remorseful that he wasted the bulk of his life 00:54:17.89\00:54:24.19 when he could have been serving Jesus. 00:54:24.20\00:54:28.02 As much as he was glad to know 00:54:28.03\00:54:29.85 that he had a Savior, his heart broke 00:54:29.86\00:54:33.71 because he realized that he let his Savior down, 00:54:33.72\00:54:38.87 he'd wasted his life. 00:54:38.88\00:54:41.51 His life could have been great 00:54:41.52\00:54:45.36 and he'd settled for good. 00:54:45.37\00:54:46.60 What about you, friend? 00:54:50.38\00:54:53.33 Are you settling for goodness? 00:54:53.34\00:54:56.07 Are you settling for mediocrity? 00:54:56.08\00:54:59.10 Do you want to come to the end of your life, 00:54:59.11\00:55:03.28 like that old man, and have to say I wasted, 00:55:03.29\00:55:07.44 I wasted, I could have been great, 00:55:07.45\00:55:10.37 I could have reached the standard 00:55:10.38\00:55:11.87 that God has called me to. 00:55:11.88\00:55:13.73 I could have had all that God is calling me to be, 00:55:13.74\00:55:17.97 but I settled for good, I settled for mediocre, 00:55:17.98\00:55:23.31 I settled for status quo. 00:55:23.32\00:55:27.54 I accepted the standard of good 00:55:27.55\00:55:29.17 that everybody else is set out, 00:55:29.18\00:55:31.88 instead of the standard that God has put before me 00:55:31.89\00:55:35.85 and the heights to which I could attain through Him. 00:55:35.86\00:55:39.90 Friend, don't settle for mediocrity, 00:55:41.46\00:55:43.02 for Jesus sake don't do it. 00:55:43.03\00:55:44.90 When the devil tries to bring in something to hinder you 00:55:46.96\00:55:48.99 and discourage you from reaching the prize, 00:55:49.00\00:55:51.47 don't let him do that. 00:55:51.48\00:55:52.84 When we allow the devil to side track us. 00:55:52.85\00:55:56.67 We also allow him to bring discouragement 00:55:58.06\00:55:59.78 to Jesus Christ and to take away the prize 00:55:59.79\00:56:02.12 that is rightfully His. 00:56:02.13\00:56:03.33 Again in that same book, Christ Object Lessons, 00:56:08.34\00:56:10.50 page 331, it says, 00:56:10.51\00:56:13.99 "Remember that you will never reach a higher standard 00:56:14.00\00:56:16.81 than you yourself set. 00:56:16.82\00:56:19.70 Then set your mark high, and step by step, 00:56:19.71\00:56:24.48 ascend the whole ladder of progress 00:56:24.49\00:56:27.36 let nothing hinder you." 00:56:27.37\00:56:28.68 Friend, may be your goal today 00:56:31.20\00:56:34.02 to glorify Jesus in all that you do, 00:56:34.03\00:56:36.49 to strive, to press on as the Apostle Paul says, 00:56:38.69\00:56:42.50 for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 00:56:42.51\00:56:45.13 Don't settle for good, don't waste your life. 00:56:45.14\00:56:48.55 God has a plan for you, 00:56:48.56\00:56:50.03 even now God has a plan for your life. 00:56:50.04\00:56:53.83 And it's not a mediocre plan, 00:56:53.84\00:56:56.46 it's greater than anything that you could imagine. 00:56:56.47\00:56:59.18 God has a plan fit for you 00:56:59.19\00:57:01.25 greater than anything 00:57:01.26\00:57:02.51 that you could ever know apart from him. 00:57:02.52\00:57:04.96 It's yours now if you press on. 00:57:04.97\00:57:07.98 Don't let great be compromised by good, 00:57:09.67\00:57:13.50 strive to be one in Christ Jesus. 00:57:13.51\00:57:15.86