3ABN On the Road

Are You Telling Them Now?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chester Clark, III


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000753S

01:00 Have you had a good Sabbath today?
01:03 Yes.
01:04 Good.
01:05 We're going to sing for a few minutes.
01:09 And praise God and reminisce a little bit
01:13 about how good God is.
01:15 And I want to introduce to you,
01:18 Christine Harding and Del Jean Matthews
01:22 who are going to help me out
01:23 with my poor vocals tonight.
01:27 It seemed to be...
01:31 needing a little help and they are excellent help.
01:33 So thank you.
01:34 And also, Lily Diehl.
01:38 Have you enjoyed her piano playing?
01:42 What a blessing, Lily, and thank you for that.
01:46 We want to start out by singing
01:50 kind of an old timer hymn.
01:52 Some of you younger bucks may not know it too well,
01:57 but you'll learn it
01:59 because we're going to do all four stanzas.
02:02 A wonderful Sabbath evening hymn.
02:05 And it's a prayer, "Dear Lord and Father of mankind."
02:09 Let's sing.
02:19 Dear Lord And Father of mankind
02:24 Forgive our foolish ways
02:30 Reclothe us In our rightful mind
02:36 In purer lives Thy service find
02:43 In deeper reverence praise
02:50 In simple trust Like theirs who heard
02:57 Beside the Syrian sea
03:03 The gracious calling Of the Lord
03:10 Let us, Like them without a word
03:17 Rise up and follow Thee
03:24 Just a little bit faster.
03:26 Drop Thy Still dews of quietness
03:32 Till all our strivings cease
03:38 Take from our souls The strain and stress
03:45 And let our ordered Llives confess
03:52 The beauty
03:55 Of Thy peace
04:00 Breathe thro' the heats Of our desire
04:07 Thy coolness and Thy balm
04:14 Let sense be dumb, Let flesh retire
04:21 Speak thro' the earthquake, Wind and fire
04:29 O still small voice of calm
04:40 Did you enjoy singing that prayer?
04:45 Another prayer song.
04:48 Teach me Father,
04:51 what to say?
04:53 How to be like Jesus?
04:57 All together.
05:11 Teach, me, Father, what to say
05:18 Teach me, Father, how to pray
05:24 Teach me all along the way
05:31 How to be like Jesus
05:38 I would be like Jesus
05:45 I would be like Jesus!
05:53 Help me, Lord
05:56 To daily grow
06:01 More and more
06:05 Like Jesus!
06:20 We didn't have the second stanza,
06:21 so we sing another.
06:28 Man, in memory of a former ASI President
06:34 Keras Lada.
06:36 Anytime you talked about being like Jesus,
06:38 he wanted to...
06:40 In fact he would burst out,
06:41 if he were in the audience singing,
06:46 "Be like Jesus."
06:48 And the key is G. Here we go.
06:52 Be like Jesus, this my song
06:57 In the home and in the throng
07:03 Be like Jesus, all day long!
07:11 I would be
07:14 Like Jesus
07:19 I think we can do that again.
07:21 Be like Jesus, this my song
07:27 In the home and in the throng
07:33 Be like Jesus, all day long!
07:41 I would be
07:44 Like Jesus
07:53 Everyone knows the tune
07:55 of "What a friend we have in Jesus," right?
07:58 Almost everyone.
08:01 We want to sing the music
08:05 for "What a friend we have in Jesus,"
08:06 but a friend from Australia wrote some words.
08:11 They're not very many Sabbath hymns
08:14 to close out the Sabbath.
08:17 And so...
08:21 We have a friend Esther.
08:26 Was it Gross, Esther Gross?
08:30 Wrote these words,
08:32 and if we can find them on the overhead,
08:36 we will sing it.
08:38 Otherwise I don't think I can teach you all the words.
08:43 Here we go.
08:45 Sabbath hours Are swiftly passing
08:52 Sun is sinking in the west
08:58 On this sacred day of worship
09:05 We have been divinely blessed
09:11 Now, A brand new week is dawning
09:18 Untried hours before us lie
09:25 May we live this week For Thee, Lord
09:32 Under Thine approving eye
09:39 There are souls out there who need Thee
09:45 May we, Lord, Thy mouth piece be
09:52 Telling out the old, old story
09:59 Jesus died for you and me
10:05 May we seek To fill each day Lord
10:12 With some worthwhile task For Thee
10:19 And when Sabbath Comes again Lord
10:27 We will praise
10:29 And worship Thee
10:35 Do you like it?
10:36 Amen.
10:39 I heard two violins over here,
10:43 a few hours ago,
10:46 playing a song that I used to love as a child.
10:49 And I'd like to sing
10:51 just the first stanza and chorus.
10:55 Now a cappella.
10:58 You know what a cappella is?
11:01 There is...
11:03 Do we have some words?
11:05 There is a place
11:09 Of quiet rest
11:14 Near to the heart of God
11:20 A place
11:23 Where sin cannot molest
11:29 Near to the heart of God
11:36 O Jesus
11:39 Blest Redeemer
11:44 Sent from the heart of God
11:51 Hold us
11:54 Who wait before Thee
12:00 Near
12:01 To the heart of God
12:09 All right.
12:10 I think we're going to do
12:12 "Victory in Jesus," that we did this morning.
12:16 Just like to sense it
12:17 because I have two ladies
12:21 who can hit that last high note.
12:24 And, so,
12:26 just to refresh your memory
12:27 in case some of you weren't here,
12:29 let's just do the chorus one time, Lily.
12:37 I have victory in Jesus
12:42 Just one step at a time With Him
12:47 Take my heart, O Lord, And seal it
12:51 Make me holy, and wholly Thine
12:56 Through the grace And power of Jesus
13:01 With a new heart Your gift to me
13:05 I will go forth to win Over self and sin
13:11 I have victory in Him
13:19 The stanza now.
13:33 I long to be in His will With my whole heart
13:38 But still something within It keeps
13:42 Turning my heart from Him
13:45 How can I know Him my Father
13:49 My Lord and my God
13:55 I have victory in Jesus
14:00 Just one step at a time With Him
14:05 Take my heart, O Lord, And seal it
14:10 Make me holy, and wholly Thine
14:15 Through the grace And power of Jesus
14:20 With a new heart your gift To me
14:25 I will go forth to win Over self and sin
14:31 I have victory in Him
14:37 Next line.
14:43 Sometimes When struggling with self
14:46 I feel my heart is made of steel
14:50 Then I assures me that
14:53 His love is with me still
14:56 Now I can know Him my Father
14:59 My Lord and my God
15:05 I have victory in Jesus
15:11 Just one step at a time With Him
15:16 Take my heart, O Lord, And seal it
15:21 Make me holy, and wholly Thine
15:26 Through the grace And power of Jesus
15:31 With a new heart Your gift to me
15:36 I will go forth to win Over self and sin
15:41 I have victory in Him
15:52 Amen.
15:53 Now it's time for our theme song.
15:55 If you'll stand, we'll do "Lift up."
16:07 I cue you and here we go.
16:21 Lift up the trumpet
16:23 And loud let it ring
16:26 Jesus is coming again!
16:31 Cheer up, ye pilgrims Be joyful and sing
16:36 Jesus is coming again!
16:41 Coming again Coming again
16:46 Jesus is coming again!
16:52 Echo it, hilltops Proclaim it, ye plains
16:57 Jesus is coming again!
17:02 Coming in glory The Lamb that was slain
17:08 Jesus is coming again!
17:14 Coming again Coming again
17:19 Jesus is coming again!
17:26 Heavings of earth Tell the vast, wondering throng
17:31 Jesus is coming again!
17:37 Tempests and whirlwinds The anthem prolong
17:43 Jesus is coming again!
17:48 Coming again Coming again
17:55 Jesus is coming again!
18:02 Nations are angry By this we do know
18:07 Jesus is coming again!
18:13 Knowledge increases Men run to and fro
18:19 Jesus is coming again!
18:25 Coming again Coming again
18:31 Jesus
18:32 Is coming again!
18:39 Amen.
18:40 Thanks. Thanks a lot.
18:49 You may be seated.
18:56 Good evening.
18:58 I hope that all of you
18:59 have been as blessed as I have been
19:02 throughout this ASI Convention.
19:04 Amen.
19:05 And this afternoon,
19:06 I was once again challenged
19:08 with "Tell the World, Tell them Now" theme.
19:12 I believe that the greatest ambition
19:15 any human being can have
19:18 is to tell the gospel to the world
19:21 in this generation.
19:23 In fact, my students at Ouachita Hills
19:24 are very familiar with the passage in Education,
19:29 page 262.
19:31 We read this,
19:32 "Success in any line demands a definite aim.
19:37 He who would achieve true success in life
19:40 must keep steadily in view the aim worthy of his endeavor.
19:44 Such an aim
19:45 is set before the youth of today.
19:49 The heaven-appointed purpose
19:51 of giving the gospel to the world in this generation
19:55 is the noblest that can appeal
19:57 to any human being."
20:00 Oh, my friends, what a grand purpose
20:03 God has placed before us,
20:05 and what a privilege
20:07 to be alive in this hour of earth's history.
20:10 This evening,
20:11 I want us to ask ourselves the question,
20:14 are we telling them now?
20:16 The main thought that I want you to understand
20:19 as we look at the scriptures together
20:22 is that telling them now
20:24 is an essential part
20:27 of being ready for Jesus to come.
20:29 It's an essential part of reflecting His character,
20:32 because the God that we serve
20:34 is a God who believes in telling them now.
20:38 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
20:40 Father in heaven,
20:41 today we recognize
20:45 the monumental task that lies before us.
20:48 And yet we claim today the promise
20:53 that this gospel of the kingdom
20:54 will be preached in all the world
20:57 for a witness to all nations.
20:58 And then the end will come.
21:01 And, Father, tonight, we just wanna pray
21:03 in our last few minutes together
21:05 in this corporate body,
21:08 that You will still speak to our hearts,
21:10 that You will use my lips,
21:12 that You'll hide me behind the cross of Christ,
21:15 that Jesus might be seen
21:17 and that we might become more like Him.
21:19 And we thank you in Jesus' name.
21:21 Amen.
21:23 It was April 10, 1912.
21:27 And one of the most luxurious ships ever built
21:32 was leaving the harbor,
21:34 2228 passengers were on board,
21:38 including the rich and famous.
21:41 A parlor suite on the Titanic
21:44 would have cost $69,000 in today's money.
21:49 And that was a one way voyage.
21:52 As they were leaving the harbor,
21:55 they very narrowly missed disaster,
21:58 the passenger liner New Yorker
22:01 was tied up there
22:02 and the great weight caused by the Titanic's moving
22:07 broke the moorings
22:08 that tied the New Yorker to the dock.
22:11 And some quick thinking by the captain of the Titanic
22:14 as well as a very quick thinking
22:16 tugboat operator
22:19 managed to avert disaster.
22:21 The two ships missed each other by either one or two inches.
22:28 The captain of the Titanic,
22:31 Edward J. Smith,
22:33 had written this several years earlier.
22:36 When anyone asks me how I can best describe
22:39 my experience of nearly 40 years at sea.
22:41 I merely say an eventful.
22:44 Of course there have been winter gales
22:46 and storms and fog and the like.
22:49 But in all my experience,
22:50 I have never been in any accident
22:52 or any sort we're speaking about.
22:54 I've seen, but one vessel in distress
22:57 in all my years at sea.
23:00 I never saw a wreck and never have been wrecked
23:02 or nor was I in any predicament that threatened to end
23:05 in disaster of any sort.
23:07 You see, my friends,
23:08 the passengers on the Titanic were confident.
23:12 They would have a smooth and uneventful trip.
23:16 Little did they know that in just a few short days,
23:20 that great ship, the Titanic would meet its watery grave
23:25 1000 miles due east of Boston,
23:28 and 2 miles beneath the surface.
23:33 Friends, today our world
23:36 is on a collision course with disaster.
23:41 If you like me will turn on your television
23:44 or look on the internet or read your newspaper,
23:47 you will notice that something is happening.
23:49 Our world is fast headed towards the final events.
23:53 And many of the world's inhabitants
23:56 like the passengers on the Titanic
23:58 are completely unaware of the doom
24:02 that is soon to come upon this world.
24:04 We are a part, we are on a planet
24:06 that is destined and doomed
24:08 for destruction.
24:10 It all began in the Garden of Eden,
24:11 if you'll turn with me there in your Bibles
24:13 to Genesis Chapter 3.
24:15 Genesis Chapter 3, and we're going to be looking
24:17 at a number of passages together
24:19 here tonight.
24:20 Genesis Chapter 3, we know the story.
24:23 But I just want you to contemplate it
24:24 from a little different perspective.
24:27 Genesis Chapter 3,
24:29 God has informed Adam and Eve of the dangers,
24:33 of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
24:36 And in Genesis 3:6,
24:40 perhaps, what is the saddest verse
24:43 in the scriptures.
24:44 "When the woman saw
24:46 that the tree was good for food,
24:48 and that it was pleasant for the eyes,
24:50 and a tree to be desired to make one wise,
24:52 she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat,
24:55 and gave also unto her husband with her,
24:59 and he did eat."
25:02 In direct disobedience to the command of God,
25:06 our first parents
25:08 ate of the tree of the knowledge
25:09 of good and evil.
25:10 And thus sin entered this planet.
25:14 Since then we have been living in a fallen world.
25:18 But what is interesting in this chapter
25:20 as I thought of the Tell the World,
25:22 Tell them Now theme of ASI this year.
25:26 What I realized was that from this very first day
25:31 on which sin entered the human experience,
25:35 God has exhibited an urgency
25:40 in telling the world
25:42 the good news of the gospel.
25:44 You see, God did not wait for a day or two
25:47 to go by.
25:48 He didn't wait for a week or two.
25:50 He didn't wait for Adam and Eve
25:53 to sort of suffer in the shame of what they had done.
25:57 As they sewed together their fig leaves
25:59 and they hid in the garden.
26:00 No.
26:01 In fact, in the very day,
26:03 some perhaps only a few hours after sin came,
26:06 God came to the garden not to condemn mankind,
26:10 not to tell the first parents
26:11 how awful what they had done really was.
26:14 God came to the garden on that night,
26:16 the very day which sin entered this planet,
26:19 He came to tell them the good news of the gospel.
26:24 You see, my friends, my Bible tells me
26:27 that as soon as there was sin,
26:29 there was a savior.
26:31 Jesus Christ was the Lamb slain
26:32 from the foundation of the world.
26:34 And God would not sit by idly in heaven
26:38 to allow our first parents to go on in ignorance.
26:41 He would tell them.
26:43 And in Genesis 3:15,
26:45 we find the gospel presentation given for the first time.
26:49 He says, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,
26:52 between thy seed and her seed,
26:53 it shall bruise thy head,
26:55 and thou shalt bruise his heel."
26:57 Here we find the promise of a Savior to come.
27:01 What a wonderful promise this must have been
27:03 for Adam and Eve.
27:05 God would not allow them to go on in ignorance.
27:07 He had to tell them and He would tell them now.
27:09 You see, we must notice this one thing
27:12 about the character of God.
27:14 God is not a God
27:16 who enjoys keeping people in ignorance.
27:19 If God knows something good, He is going to tell them.
27:22 God is a God who has to share
27:25 what is beneficial, what is helpful,
27:27 what is saving salvific for mankind.
27:32 And here we find
27:33 that Jesus let our first parents know
27:37 that there would be a Savior.
27:39 The reason that God did not wait
27:42 to tell the gospel news
27:44 is because He is a God who tells them now.
27:47 It is a part of who He is.
27:50 It is a part of the character of God.
27:52 In Amos 3:7, we read,
27:55 "Surely the Lord God will do," how much?
27:58 "Nothing,
28:00 but He reveals His secret
28:01 unto His servants the prophets."
28:04 God is a God who loves to disseminate
28:06 and share information.
28:08 He doesn't keep it to Himself.
28:09 He tells the world.
28:12 And He wants to tell them now.
28:14 After the fall of man,
28:16 God could no longer walk and talk face to face
28:21 with the human family.
28:23 And so He depends upon human agents
28:27 to take His message.
28:28 They may have been prophets, they may have been laypeople,
28:31 they may have been the priests,
28:32 but they were all given a job to do.
28:35 God's people were placed in this world
28:37 to be light bearers,
28:39 to tell the world of the good news of salvation
28:42 and to tell them now.
28:44 And you see, my friends,
28:46 it was Nathan the Prophet,
28:47 who was sent to David,
28:49 not weeks or months later, but immediately.
28:52 God wanted to give David that message.
28:55 Isaiah, Jeremiah,
28:57 they were given messages for God's people
28:59 that were relevant for their day.
29:01 They were given those messages and expected to tell them now.
29:05 God loved even heathen Nineveh so much
29:08 that He gave the Prophet Jonah a message.
29:12 And Jonah, you know, rebelled.
29:14 He said, "I don't wanna go to Nineveh.
29:17 I'll run from the call of God to tell them now."
29:20 And so Jonah went on a ship, the opposite direction.
29:24 God loved Nineveh so much, my friends,
29:27 that He sent a storm,
29:29 and in the midst of that storm, Jonah was thrown overboard,
29:32 but God loved Nineveh so much
29:35 that He sent a fish, a great fish,
29:37 and He swallowed Jonah, preserved his life,
29:41 spewed him out on the shore by Nineveh
29:43 and said, "Go and tell them now."
29:46 You see, my friends, God loves the world.
29:49 And He has only us as human instruments to use
29:54 in order to tell them His message.
29:58 Oh, God is a God
30:00 who wants to tell them now,
30:02 it's who He is.
30:04 So many times
30:05 throughout the history of God's people,
30:07 they failed to tell them now.
30:09 And sometimes calamity had to come upon Israel.
30:13 They had to be scattered to the heathen nations in order
30:17 that they might tell them now
30:19 of the good news of a God in heaven.
30:22 Throughout the gospels,
30:23 we find the character of God represented.
30:26 Mark, the Book of Mark.
30:27 Turn with me there, Mark Chapter 1.
30:29 I love the Book of Mark,
30:31 because it encapsulates the urgency.
30:34 Everything in the Book of Mark
30:35 is straightway and forthwith and immediately.
30:38 And in Mark Chapter 1, we read a few verses here.
30:41 In verse 16,
30:43 "Now as he walked by the Sea of Galilee,
30:45 he saw Simon and Andrew his brother
30:47 casting a net into the sea:
30:48 for they were fishers."
30:50 Verse 17,
30:51 "Jesus said unto them, 'Come ye after me,
30:54 and I will make you to become fishers of men.'"
30:57 And the Bible says in verse 18,
30:59 "And straightway they forsook their nets,
31:02 and followed Him."
31:04 You see the time to follow Jesus is now.
31:07 It is when God calls upon your heart.
31:09 That is the time.
31:11 Don't wait until tomorrow.
31:12 Don't wait for a better day.
31:13 Don't wait until you're more prepared.
31:16 Follow Jesus now.
31:17 As we continue on,
31:19 "When he went a little farther,"
31:20 in verse 19,
31:22 "He saw James the son of Zebedee,
31:23 and John his brother,
31:25 who also were in the ship mending their nets.
31:26 And straightway,"
31:28 Jesus was not wasting time.
31:30 He would call them now. He would tell them now.
31:32 He would send them forth, straightway.
31:34 "He called them:
31:35 and they left their father Zebedee
31:37 in the ship with the hired servants,
31:38 and went after him."
31:39 Verse 21, again,
31:41 "And they went into Capernaum,
31:43 and straightway on the Sabbath day
31:46 he entered into the synagogue, and taught."
31:48 Oh, my friends, Jesus was on a mission.
31:51 And it wasn't about telling them
31:52 sometime in the future.
31:54 He would tell them now.
31:56 As we continue on in Mark,
31:58 we can look on and a few verses later,
32:03 a few chapters later.
32:04 Well, let's look first in verse 28.
32:06 "And immediately his fame spread abroad
32:10 throughout all the region round about Galilee."
32:12 Now turn with me to Mark Chapter 6, Mark 6:49.
32:19 Mark 6:49.
32:22 Here we find this story of the disciples
32:24 rowing rather disheartedly across the Sea of Galilee.
32:30 And in John 6:49,
32:32 we find that Jesus is walking along
32:35 on top of the water,
32:37 and He frightens His disciples.
32:39 Now the disciples had actually been
32:41 a little bit of...
32:43 They had been a little bit rebellious.
32:45 Jesus had sent them off
32:47 and they had just really resented
32:51 the fact that Jesus stopped them
32:53 from doing what they wanted to do
32:56 in crowning Him King.
32:58 So they were talking complaining,
32:59 and Jesus could have said it
33:01 would serve them right to be a little scared,
33:02 don't you think?
33:03 But in verse 49, we read this,
33:05 "When they saw him walking upon the sea,
33:07 they supposed it had been a spirit,
33:09 and cried out:
33:12 For they all saw him, and were troubled."
33:14 Verse 50 says.
33:15 "And immediately he talked with them,
33:18 and saith unto them,
33:20 'Be of good cheer:
33:21 it is I, be not afraid.'"
33:24 Oh, my friends, the very character of God
33:26 is to tell them now.
33:29 He doesn't hold it back.
33:31 He doesn't just enjoy the blessings of knowledge.
33:34 He shares it, and the early Christian church,
33:37 follow the teachings of Jesus.
33:39 Jesus said,
33:40 as one person was called to follow Him,
33:44 and they said to Him,
33:45 "Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.
33:48 Jesus said in Luke 9:60,
33:50 "Let the dead bury their dead:
33:52 but go thou and preach the kingdom of God."
33:55 Tell them now.
33:58 Another said to the Lord, "I will follow You.
34:00 But first let me go bid them farewell
34:02 which are at home at my house."
34:04 Jesus said, "No man having put his hand to the plow
34:06 and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God."
34:09 You see, my friends,
34:11 we must tell them now.
34:15 The Apostle Paul
34:17 adopted the urgency of the gospel message.
34:22 In Galatians 1:15, he said,
34:24 "But when it pleased God,
34:26 who separated me from my mother's womb,
34:28 and called me by his grace,
34:30 to reveal his Son in me,
34:33 that I may preach him among the heathen,
34:35 immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood."
34:38 You see, when Paul was called to preach,
34:40 he didn't waste time.
34:42 Immediately, he would tell them and he would tell them now.
34:45 In Acts 9:18, we read the story,
34:48 "And immediately there fell from his eyes,
34:49 that's Paul's eyes, as it had been scales:
34:51 and he received sight forthwith,
34:53 and arose, and was baptized."
34:55 Verse 19,
34:57 "And when he had received meat, he was strengthened.
34:59 Then was Paul certain days with the disciples
35:01 which were at Damascus."
35:03 And in Acts 9:20,
35:05 "And straightway he preached Christ
35:08 in the synagogues,
35:09 that he is the Son of God."
35:14 Oh, Philip in Acts Chapter 8.
35:16 Turn with me there.
35:17 In Acts Chapter 8,
35:20 the disciple Philip is having
35:22 a fantastically successful evangelistic campaign.
35:27 And the Spirit of God comes upon him.
35:29 Turn with me to Acts Chapter 8,
35:31 and let's read verses 26-28.
35:35 The Bible says, "The angel of the Lord
35:37 spake unto Philip, saying,
35:38 'Arise, and go toward the south
35:41 unto the way that goes down from Jerusalem unto Gaza,
35:44 which is desert.'"
35:45 Notice, there were no specific details about
35:49 who he was to meet or where he was to meet them.
35:53 There was simply a call, a command,
35:56 go and tell them, right?
35:58 Go and you will find.
36:01 As we know what happened,
36:03 Philip finds this Ethiopian eunuch.
36:06 We read about it in verse 27.
36:11 Acts Chapter 9.
36:13 I'm sorry in verse 17.
36:19 Acts Chapter 8, I'm sorry, verse 17.
36:22 I'm getting confused here.
36:23 "And he arose and went:
36:25 and, behold, a man of Ethiopia,
36:26 an eunuch of great authority
36:28 under Candace queen of the Ethiopians,
36:30 who had the charge of all her treasure,
36:32 and had come to Jerusalem for to worship, was returning,
36:35 and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet."
36:40 Now, get this picture in your minds.
36:43 This man is traveling.
36:45 God brings Philip from one direction
36:47 and the Ethiopian eunuch from the other direction.
36:50 And just as he is traveling and sitting in his chariot
36:53 and reading the Prophet Esaias,
36:55 there God brings Philip to talk to him.
36:59 Now that's what I call a divine appointment.
37:04 Let me ask you a question.
37:07 Is it possible that if Philip had not gone immediately
37:10 where God called him to go,
37:13 that he would have missed
37:15 that divine appointment?
37:17 What if Philip had simply said,
37:18 I think I'll go tomorrow?
37:21 I think I'll go get some better equipment
37:23 or better training or better materials.
37:25 I think I'll do something
37:27 I'll do it next month or next year.
37:29 He would have missed that divine appointment,
37:32 but Philip was one whom God could trust
37:36 with divine appointments.
37:37 When He told him to go, he went.
37:40 And he met the Ethiopian eunuch,
37:43 just where God knew that he would.
37:46 Oh, we could go through Peter.
37:48 We could see how,
37:49 when Peter had that vision of the sheet
37:52 coming down from heaven in Acts Chapter 10.
37:56 And this was repeated three times.
37:59 As soon as Peter understood the message from God,
38:03 that the Gentiles
38:05 were not to be called common or unclean,
38:07 immediately, it says in Acts Chapter 11,
38:09 there was a knock at Peter's door,
38:13 tell them now.
38:14 The urgency, the immediacy,
38:17 this is what God wants us to understand.
38:20 You see, God is not a God of future ambition.
38:24 He is a God of immediate action.
38:28 Tell them now
38:30 is verily a reflection of the character of God.
38:33 It reflects who He is.
38:35 God cannot sit on good news without sharing it.
38:39 He has to tell them now.
38:41 Like the four lepers of Elisha's day,
38:43 we do not do well,
38:46 if we don't tell the good news.
38:49 Those who reflect the character of God
38:51 must in fact live ASI's theme for this year,
38:56 Tell the World and Tell Them Now.
38:59 Sometime ago an 18-year-old girl
39:01 in Washington State
39:02 attended a worship service.
39:05 For the first time in her life
39:07 she heard the gospel message.
39:11 On Tuesday, the week following this Sunday,
39:15 when this girl had attended church
39:16 for the first time,
39:18 on Tuesday, the church received a letter.
39:20 And this is what it said,
39:22 "Dear church members,
39:23 last Sunday, I attended your church
39:26 and I heard the preacher.
39:27 In the sermon the preacher said that all men have sinned
39:30 and rebelled against God,
39:31 because of the rebellion and disobedience
39:33 they all face eternal damnation and separation from God.
39:37 But then, he also said,
39:40 that God loved men
39:42 and sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world
39:45 to redeem them from their sins,
39:46 and that all those who believe in Him
39:48 would go to heaven and live with God eternally.
39:51 My parents died recently in rapid succession.
39:56 I know they did not believe in Jesus Christ,
40:00 whom you call the Savior of the world.
40:03 If what you believe is true,
40:07 they are lost.
40:10 You compel me to believe
40:13 that if what you say is true,
40:17 either you yourself don't really believe it
40:21 or that you don't care.
40:24 You see, we live only three blocks
40:26 from your church,
40:27 and no one ever told us."
40:33 My friends, telling the world is a part
40:37 of being like Jesus.
40:40 The Bible says, in Isaiah 60:1,
40:43 "Arise and shine, for thy light is come,
40:47 and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee."
40:50 We understand this predicts the time
40:54 when God's people will rise with the character of God
40:56 reflected in their own characters.
41:00 And they will shed the light of truth around the world.
41:03 This, my friends,
41:06 is the work of the church.
41:07 And I believe tonight,
41:10 now is the time.
41:12 Now is the time for God's people
41:14 to set aside the bickering among themselves,
41:18 to set aside the non essentials in their lives,
41:21 and to become seriously committed
41:25 to becoming like Jesus.
41:27 Not becoming like Jesus,
41:28 so they can look around at their fellow church members
41:30 and criticize what they see.
41:32 But to get busy telling the world
41:35 the good news of Jesus' coming,
41:37 to get busy sharing the Three Angels Messages
41:40 with a world that is fast headed
41:42 towards eternal destruction.
41:44 Now is the time for us to be like Jesus.
41:47 Oh, my friends, sometimes I think we have a warped idea
41:50 of what it means to be like Jesus.
41:52 We think we must seclude ourselves
41:55 into an enclave
41:56 maybe far up in the mountains
41:57 where there we can perfect the character of Christ.
42:00 But Jesus was among people, my friends,
42:02 and telling them of the good news.
42:05 This is what it means.
42:07 This is an integral part
42:08 of what it means to be like Jesus.
42:12 John Harper
42:14 was born into a Christian family.
42:15 He became a Christian when he was 13 years old.
42:19 He started a church in London,
42:22 which started with 25 members and grew to 500 members.
42:25 He was called some 13 years later,
42:29 to pastor at the Moody Church in Chicago.
42:33 And so in 1912,
42:35 as the Titanic left its moorings, Liverpool,
42:39 John Harper and his daughter
42:41 were among those on the boat.
42:45 After the ship struck an iceberg
42:47 and began to sink.
42:49 John got his daughter, Nana, into a lifeboat,
42:54 but evidently made no effort to follow her.
42:58 Instead, he ran through the decks
43:01 of the Titanic,
43:02 shouting women, children,
43:05 and unsaved into the lifeboats first.
43:09 When the ship finally slipped beneath those dark waters,
43:14 John Harper jumped into the murky depths,
43:18 clinging to a bit of debris
43:21 because he had given his life jacket
43:23 to somebody else.
43:25 Four years later,
43:27 at a meeting in Hamilton, Ontario,
43:30 a man gave this testimony.
43:32 He said, I am a survivor of the Titanic.
43:36 When I was drifting alone on a spar that awful night,
43:39 the tide brought Mr. Harper of Glasgow
43:42 also on a piece of wreck near me,
43:44 man, he said, "Are you saved?"
43:47 "No," I said, "I am not."
43:50 He replied,
43:52 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
43:54 and you will be saved."
43:56 The waves carry John Harper away
43:58 but a few minutes later, for some reason,
44:00 they carried him back by this man.
44:02 And he said that, John Harper once again said,
44:05 "Man, are you saved now?"
44:08 And he replied,
44:09 "No, I cannot honestly say that I am."
44:13 Again John Harper said,
44:14 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
44:17 and thou shall be saved."
44:19 Shortly after that,
44:21 John Harper slipped beneath the water.
44:25 But there alone in the night,
44:28 with two miles of ocean beneath him,
44:31 this passenger gave his life to Jesus.
44:35 I, he said,
44:37 "I'm John Harper's last convert."
44:41 We may not feel as John Harper did,
44:44 the urgency of the hour,
44:46 but friends, we need to.
44:49 People are dying.
44:52 Jesus says to us today, "Whom shall I send?
44:57 And who will go for us?
44:59 Then said I,
45:01 here am I, send me.
45:41 I have chosen you
45:43 Chosen you for service
45:47 I have chosen you
45:49 To be children of the Lord
45:53 I have chosen you I have chosen you
45:56 Shall be my will
45:57 I have chosen you I have chosen you
46:01 You are precious in my sight
46:04 Chosen you for nation
46:08 Chosen you for glory
46:11 Chosen you for nation
46:13 I can't believe that died
46:17 You shall be my children
46:20 I shall be your shepherd
46:23 Forever and ever
46:29 For I have chosen you for love For I have chosen you for love
46:35 Before that universal glory Wasn't filled
46:41 Before us spoke the word
46:43 and made a brand new world
46:47 Before my hand reach out, It made a name
46:53 Before the dawn of time
46:55 I had you be my man
47:02 I have chosen you
47:05 Chosen you for service
47:08 I have chosen you
47:10 To be children of the Lord
47:14 I have chosen you I have chosen you
47:17 You shall be my will You shall be my will
47:20 I have chosen you I have chosen you
47:22 You shall be pick In morning pride
47:26 Chosen you for nation
47:29 Chosen you for glory
47:32 Chosen you for nation
47:34 I can't believe that died
47:38 You shall be my children
47:41 I shall be your shepherd
47:45 Forever and ever
47:50 For I have chosen you for love
47:56 For I have chosen you For love
47:59 Chosen you for love Chosen you for love
48:02 Chosen you for love Chosen you for love
48:09 I have chosen you for love
48:24 Amen.
48:34 Let us stand for the benediction.
48:39 And after I'm finished benediction,
48:41 I'll ask you to remain seated
48:42 for just a few brief announcements.
48:44 Let us pray.
48:45 Thank you, dear God, we have come to the end
48:47 of these sacred hours,
48:48 these past 24 hours of Your time.
48:51 And also the end
48:52 of this 59th International ASI Convention.
48:56 I want to thank You so much
48:58 for the time You have spent here.
48:59 Thank You for the blessings for Your Sabbath hours.
49:02 And like our spiritual forefathers
49:03 before us,
49:05 we cry out how long, how many more Sabbaths,
49:07 how and more conventions on this rebellious planet.
49:10 And yet Your Word speaks us clearly
49:13 as reflected on our theme during this convention.
49:16 Tell the World and Tell Them Now.
49:18 So as we've been equipped,
49:20 inspired and challenged this weekend,
49:23 please remind us every day of our commitment
49:25 so we may fulfill our part in this theme
49:28 is our prayer in Jesus' name.
49:30 Amen.


Revised 2020-01-08