Series Code: OTR
Program Code: OTR000752S
01:00 I have with me, Jeffrey Rosario,
01:03 and he's with Radiant Living located in 01:05 Vancouver, British Columbia. 01:07 What is Radiant Living? 01:09 Radiant Living is an outpost center 01:10 based outside of the city. 01:12 And the idea is to work the cities 01:14 while we live outside the cities. 01:17 And how does the ministry work? 01:18 You say the idea is to work the cities. 01:20 What does work mean? 01:21 We have a group of young people around 10 to 15 young people 01:25 who work in an evangelistic setting. 01:27 We have Bible workers, we have health coordinator, 01:29 we have evangelists, we have people 01:31 who work going door-to-door giving Bible studies. 01:35 One of our main focuses is church revival 01:39 and training the church and changing the concept 01:42 from evangelism being an event to being a lifestyle. 01:47 And so we try to, in essence, 01:49 clone the church members into being evangelistic minded 01:53 Seventh-day Adventist. 01:55 Now, I want you to tell me, Jeffrey, 01:56 why has the focus been on cities? 02:00 I mean, there are number of other things 02:01 that young people could do for outreach 02:04 and for evangelism. 02:05 But you have located yourself in 02:08 Vancouver, British Columbia, a huge city, 02:11 and are kind of working that area 02:13 and working with the churches. 02:14 Why the cities? 02:16 We found working in the cities that, 02:19 there are thousands of people that are just waiting, 02:22 just waiting for an invitation, 02:25 just waiting to have somebody minister to them. 02:30 And we're finding that in the city, 02:31 it's an opportunity to reach as many people as possible, 02:35 very quickly. 02:37 Everybody crunched up into a big city. 02:41 We could reach thousands of people 02:42 where it would take us years in the big cities. 02:46 I'm gonna ask you about a story that you can use 02:48 to kind of illustrate your point. 02:49 But let me ask you first, isn't it more difficult, 02:54 I understand with all the things, 02:55 the distractions, 02:57 materialism and everything that we have in the cities, 02:59 it's really difficult. 03:01 Are the youth up for that challenge 03:02 and church members? 03:03 I think we make it harder than it really is. 03:06 I think that we're providing opportunities for young people 03:11 to get involved. 03:12 And when young people are presented with a challenge, 03:15 and we're seeing that they strive, 03:17 and God really blesses them, and they have high aspirations. 03:21 And God is really moving 03:22 and we work in a very secular society, 03:25 Vancouver, British Columbia, 03:26 it was voted the most secular city 03:29 in North America. 03:31 And yet in that environment, 03:32 we're finding that there are still people 03:35 that are hungry and starving, 03:37 and people who we label as atheist 03:39 or secular or the unreached. 03:41 In reality, these people are just those people 03:44 who have not had an invitation. 03:46 People who have questions, 03:49 people who are waiting for answers 03:51 and we're just finding 03:52 the cities to be a ripe, ripe harvest. 03:56 Just waiting. Just waiting. 03:57 Do you have an experience with story 03:58 that you can share with us? 04:00 Sure. I have a powerful story. 04:01 We work the cities. 04:03 We go straight to the community, 04:04 straight to the homes, we're in the neighborhoods, 04:07 knocking on doors just searching, 04:09 just searching for those people 04:11 who are wistfully looking toward heaven. 04:12 We were knocking on doors 04:14 in Surrey, British Columbia. 04:17 We ran into a lady, a mother of three, 04:20 married to a Roman Catholic. 04:23 We started a Bible studies with this lady. 04:26 Our evangelistic crusade began 04:29 and we invited her to come to the evangelistic crusade. 04:33 She came out night after night after night, 04:35 and she brought along her daughter 04:36 with her and her son. 04:39 We made an appeal for baptism. 04:41 This lady signed the card, I desire to be baptized. 04:44 She got home and related her decision 04:46 to her husband. 04:47 And her husband said, "If you're thinking 04:50 to get baptized into this church, 04:52 you could forget about our marriage. 04:54 You could forget about your kids 04:56 and forget about this home. 04:57 I'm divorcing you and I'm taking the kids away." 05:00 And this lady called me on the phone. 05:02 I was the one preaching the crusade. 05:04 And she says, "Jeff, my husband said 05:05 he will leave me if I follow through." 05:07 What do I do? 05:10 And I said, "I have no idea 05:13 what's gonna happen with your kids. 05:15 I don't know what's gonna happen 05:16 with your marriage." 05:18 But if this is the truth, and if God is speaking to you, 05:21 God will not let you down. 05:23 She followed through with her decision 05:24 to be baptized. 05:26 Her daughter made a decision to be baptized. 05:27 She got home, related her decision 05:29 to her father. 05:30 Her father said, "If you get baptized, 05:32 I'm kicking you out of the house." 05:34 She called me on the phone. 05:36 She said, "Jeff, my dad's gonna kick me out of my house." 05:38 What do I do? 05:39 I said, "I have no idea what you're going to eat. 05:42 And I don't know 05:43 what's going to be of your future." 05:45 But if this is the truth, and if you believe 05:47 with all your heart, and if God is speaking to you, 05:50 you follow the truth and God will back you up. 05:52 She got baptized. They got home. 05:55 The marriage pictures were put away. 05:58 The husband got rid of all the pictures with, 06:01 of their marriage. 06:03 The very same husband who threatened a divorce, 06:06 taking the kids away, kicking them to the streets 06:08 is the very same man who drives them to church 06:12 every Sabbath morning, and he sits down 06:14 and he listens to the sermon. 06:16 And so now this man, 06:19 this man is now a baptized member 06:21 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 06:23 The husband is still not baptized. 06:24 Okay. 06:25 The wife is baptized, her daughter's baptized 06:27 and her other son ended up being baptized. 06:30 The husband comes along, 06:32 and he's attending the Adventist Church 06:33 and I give him about a year. 06:35 Thank you very much, Jeffrey, for sharing with us today. 06:43 And now coming to join me are Dr. Paul and Teresa Musson. 06:48 Dr. Paul is a physician and his wife Teresa 06:50 is a physician's assistant and they own 06:52 and operate a medical clinic in Flint, Michigan, 06:56 and they have chosen as their ministry focus church planting. 07:01 And I first like to start with Dr. Paul and ask you, 07:04 I know that you personally, 07:06 since we're kind of close and friends, 07:08 that you've always been involved in ministry. 07:10 But why church planting and why now? 07:14 It was just God's time. 07:16 We have always been willing and ready to serve 07:19 the Lord in medical ministry. 07:21 And He has been preparing us for 20 years 07:25 in church service as Health Temperance Director 07:28 for Lake Region Conference. 07:29 And when we saw the need and God had the time to call us 07:34 and send us, we were ready to go. 07:36 Now let me ask you, Teresa, how did this happen 07:39 because you actually made your clinic your office, 07:41 almost like a little evangelistic center. 07:43 Tell us about what was happening there 07:45 that got that started? 07:46 Well, in brief, we woke up one Sabbath morning 07:50 with a sense of urgency, 07:52 that there was something we needed to do 07:54 of a greater cause in this community 07:56 to share our talents 07:58 and the gifts that God had given us 07:59 and also to use what we had in our hands. 08:03 And that's what God said to us. 08:04 What do you have in your hands? 08:06 And we said, we have the practice, 08:09 why not start there. 08:10 So we decided to have Bible studies 08:13 on Sabbath morning, 08:15 one hour only open to the community. 08:17 Now why did you choose Sabbath morning? 08:19 Why not on Tuesday or Wednesday after office hours? 08:23 Well, I think it was a divine appointment. 08:25 And it also was in preparation for those who would be 08:28 willing to make that next move to become Sabbath keepers. 08:32 Strategist. 08:34 So was this your strategy, Dr. Paul? 08:37 Well, I can't take the credit for that. 08:39 God is the greatest strategist and He is the one 08:43 who designed that we should start 08:44 on the Sabbath morning, Saturday morning. 08:46 You don't have to tell everyone who comes to your Bible study. 08:49 Now this is the Sabbath, keep the Sabbath. 08:51 Saturday is sufficient. 08:52 And as they grow into an understanding, 08:55 they will learn what the truth is all about. 08:57 Okay, so Teresa, kind of unfold the story, 08:59 unpeel the onion a little bit more for us. 09:01 So as you have these Bible studies, 09:03 then what happened? 09:05 So what happened was, 09:06 we decided to go to the community. 09:09 And we had a very large meeting for the community 09:13 where we invited the local churches, 09:16 and we share at the podium with about 14 other pastors 09:20 who we knew well 09:21 and who were part of our practice 09:23 to just get our feet wet, and let people know that 09:26 we're here and we're gonna be doing Bible studies, 09:28 and we're involved in evangelism. 09:30 From there we started Revelation studies, 09:33 and then it was open to us 09:35 the opportunity to rent a church facility. 09:38 In fact, one of our patients said, "Listen, 09:40 you need a place, I have a place." 09:42 And he gave us that place for $200 a month, 09:46 so that we could start our programs 09:48 in a bigger facility. 09:49 So bring us current. 09:51 What's happening right now, 09:52 Dr. Paul, with this church plant? 09:54 Well, we received company status in October 2003. 09:58 We graduated to church status in December of 2004. 10:02 And we currently have approximately 110 members 10:07 who have joined 10:08 the Seventh-day Adventist World Church 10:10 as a result of medical evangelism. 10:12 May God be praised. 10:14 Amen. Amen. 10:15 And I remember visiting, visiting your church 10:19 and talking with one of those new members 10:20 and asking them because you grew up in a church 10:24 and knew about the love of God and knew about Jesus, 10:27 what was special about this. 10:28 And she said to me, "It was something 10:31 about the studies that revealed to her 10:33 how much God loved her." 10:36 Something as simple as that is what riveted her 10:39 and captured her mind and her heart. 10:41 So she wanted to follow the full truth 10:43 as it unfolded by the Mussons. 10:45 Thank you very much, Dr. and Teresa. 10:47 May I say? Yes. 10:48 For those of you who want more information, 10:50 if you are medical persons and you would like information, 10:55 just send an email to us at 10:59 This is the greatest message ever given to the world. 11:01 Let's take it right now. Thank you very much. 11:11 All right, we're still on the topic of church planting 11:13 from a very different vantage point now. 11:16 We're talking with Dan and Dene Sue Ross, 11:18 you've seen them before. 11:20 Dan is an architectural engineer designer, 11:23 and is also the President 11:25 of the North Pacific ASI chapter meeting. 11:28 And Dene Sue has her own business. 11:31 Write Way Inc. Thank you very much. 11:34 And so I wanted to find out from you as you started, 11:37 you embarked on this church planting, 11:39 what was your motivation? 11:40 I mean, you're doing your business 11:41 and you're doing things, then you just jump out 11:43 and decided to plant a church. 11:44 How did that happen? 11:46 Well, probably the most important thing 11:48 was the seed was planted in our minds 11:51 at an ASI Convention. 11:53 And as we look back on it, 11:56 we realized how much that really had to do. 11:59 Because that was our first introduction 12:01 to the idea that, as lay people, 12:03 that we could do something 12:05 in that particular area of ministry, 12:08 that people like us could actually plant a church. 12:12 And so we went to a convention in Grand Rapids, 12:17 and they had a seminar on church planting. 12:20 And we sat and we listened to that seminar 12:23 and really caught the inspiration. 12:27 And from there, we just had some doors open up, 12:30 some opportunities. 12:32 And so those opportunities happened 12:33 and you kind of jumped right in. 12:35 Dene Sue, unfold a little bit of that process? 12:37 Well, actually, Debbie, when we left here 12:40 we did not go home 12:42 with the idea of planting a church. 12:44 But like Dan said, 12:45 the seed had been planted with us, 12:47 ASI works. 12:49 It provided us with the inspiration, 12:52 it gave us the education 12:55 and then it gave us the materials 12:57 that we needed to do this. 12:58 Well, shortly after we arrived home 13:01 through God's providence, 13:02 we found out about the need. 13:05 Some friends of ours had attended 13:08 the seminar with us. 13:10 We had an opportunity 13:11 and we found out that Boise County, 13:14 it's not Boise City, 13:16 had no Seventh-day Adventist Church 13:19 and we thought we can do this. 13:21 And so we began. 13:23 Another couple that was at the same conference with us 13:25 also planted a church in Middleton, Idaho. 13:28 So now there were three families 13:30 all out of the same seminar 13:31 and two churches were planted. 13:34 So now you... 13:35 I don't know if everybody heard this. 13:37 There were three people that came to ASI were inspired 13:40 and educated and motivated and went home, 13:42 saw a need and planted a church. 13:44 Two churches. Now there's, there was... 13:46 One of the families was a part of your church plant 13:49 and saw a need in another part 13:52 and they went out and planted a church. 13:54 Yeah, that's correct. 13:55 They were with us at the same convention. 13:58 We came together. 13:59 We planted the church in Garden Valley. 14:01 And it was after a while our membership 14:04 grew fairly rapidly up to near 70 members. 14:07 And they saw a need in another area 14:09 and then they went and planted the third church 14:13 in our small area there. 14:14 Now something else very interesting 14:16 is happening in your church. 14:17 And you said, it's kind of like 14:18 they are coming in one door and going out the other. 14:20 But that's a little different 14:21 than what it sounds like, so don't panic. 14:23 So explain that for us, Dene Sue? 14:26 Well, I think like everyone, we had hoped that 14:29 we would have huge numbers of baptisms 14:32 and you get very attached to people, 14:34 you don't want them to leave 14:36 and we kind of cling to our church family. 14:38 But because of our involvement with ASI, 14:41 we are constantly talking about the mission field, 14:44 how God can use everyday people, 14:47 lay people like us, not only to plant churches 14:50 but to serve Him all around the world. 14:52 And so we have folks leaving for service to Christ 14:56 as fast as they are coming in the door. 14:58 I see. 14:59 So you're training and turning around, 15:02 turning out more evangelists? 15:03 Amen. 15:04 Dan and Dene Sue, God be praised 15:06 for your church plant and what you're doing for Jesus 15:07 through church planting. 15:09 Thank you. Thank you. Amen. 15:14 Is there any question about 15:15 what ASI is involved and tell them now? 15:20 The ministries that you've heard 15:22 from are just a small representation 15:24 of many ministries that have been 15:27 and are involved in the goals of tell them now. 15:30 And you can see that it has quite a wide range 15:33 of methodology. 15:34 So it's not just public evangelism, 15:36 but there's all kinds of things it can be done 15:38 to reach these objectives. 15:40 One of the primary sponsors of the "Tell The World Program" 15:44 is the common old ordinary mission offering 15:48 that has been 15:50 since the dawn of eternity almost. 15:53 And yet, there's also the much more important 15:57 aspect of support and that is 15:59 those that are willing to contribute their time. 16:03 And that's the secret really to tell the world. 16:05 If our church doesn't get behind it, 16:07 it's not going to happen. 16:09 You know, I remember not long ago, 16:12 watching a new little church, 16:14 where people were seated on the floor 16:16 and it was obviously kind of a poor environment. 16:18 And there was a little girl that got up 16:21 and she walked up and she put a little coin 16:24 that was worth about a nickel in the offering. 16:27 And it was actually the mission offering. 16:30 I got to thinking, you know, 16:31 I know that this new little church 16:33 is going to open their first public evangelism meeting 16:36 that they are sponsoring. 16:38 I just wondered how far that nickel went. 16:41 You know, I'm suspicious that it had something to do 16:43 with a little might. 16:45 Public evangelism, we hope to do 16:48 400,000 public evangelism events 16:51 during this quinquennium. 16:53 We have never done that before. 16:56 I think also it's important to know that 16:58 we put a challenge to our media ministries, TV, 17:02 including 3ABN, radio, different ones, 17:04 reach every person in the world. 17:07 Dan, share with us 17:09 how we're involved in these two goals? 17:12 Thank you, Mike. 17:14 I'm gonna be talking to Ben Kochenower. 17:16 Ben, now you are in full time ministry 17:20 doing evangelism, is that right? 17:22 Well, I do that. Can you hear me? 17:25 I do that full time, but part-time 17:27 I have an accounting practice 17:29 and that takes about 50-60 hours a week. 17:32 Okay, so you're a number cruncher? 17:33 Yes, I'm a number cruncher. All right. 17:35 Now at the same time, 17:36 you discovered a little while ago, 17:39 Ben, that actually lay people could do evangelism. 17:41 How'd you do that? 17:43 Well, Bob Falkenberg invited me 17:45 in 2000 to go with him to the Philippines and preach 17:47 my own evangelistic series. 17:48 Okay. 17:50 And I had no idea I could do that. 17:51 But I just said, yes, I'd go. 17:52 And from there, it has just taken off. 17:54 And I overcame my fear of being up front 17:58 and my guilt for not doing something 18:01 involved with soul winning. 18:03 And then once you feel the Holy Spirit 18:04 and you experiencing working in you 18:06 and through you and the people that are being 18:08 touched by the message, it's life changing. 18:10 It is just incredible. So you were a guy who... 18:13 April 15th, you were burning the midnight oil, 18:16 your eyes were popped up with toothpicks 18:17 because you're an accountant, CPA. 18:19 That's current. 18:20 And yet you're out there preaching the gospel. 18:22 Some people think accountants can't preach. 18:24 It is an unusual thing, isn't it? 18:26 Yeah. Yeah. 18:27 Okay. I may not... 18:28 I may not be a great accountant. 18:30 Okay. But you're a great preacher. 18:32 Well, I work at it real hard, and I put all my heart 18:34 and soul into it. 18:36 Okay. Now telling the world, telling them now, 18:38 what has been the greatest joy in your heart 18:41 in telling the world about Jesus? 18:43 Well, Dan, being... 18:46 When I got involved 18:47 with ShareHim Global Evangelism, 18:49 I also got involved very quickly with ASI. 18:51 I got acquainted and in touch with it. 18:54 And this is an organization 18:55 that believes in lay involvement, 18:57 personal involvement, not just money. 19:00 And so that's what ShareHim believes in, 19:04 is lay involvement. 19:05 It will take us directly out into the field, 19:08 directly in touch with personal ministry 19:11 for souls for Jesus Christ. 19:13 That is a life changing experience 19:16 working with Jesus in the field with the Holy Spirit. 19:19 Now, the greatest joy has been 19:21 to be able to disciple other people, 19:24 to bring them into this experience, 19:26 invite them to that and to show them how to do it. 19:29 I had the opportunity, Dan, 19:32 last year to take my mother on a mission trip. 19:36 And she was here last year in her wheelchair. 19:38 She's only 82 years old. 19:40 But she wheeled herself out and we took her to Venezuela. 19:44 I think being able to disciple people 19:47 into this experience with Jesus Christ, 19:49 into a saving experience with Him 19:51 is one of the greatest joys of my life. 19:54 Now do you think of all the people 19:55 that you see out there 19:56 and if you look right into that camera, 19:58 old people who might be watching us right now. 19:59 Do you think there's anyone went out there 20:00 who could benefit from going on 20:02 one of these public evangelism ShareHim projects? 20:05 Dan, there is nobody that couldn't benefit. 20:07 Everybody that goes just has the same story. 20:10 It's an incredible experience, their life has been changed. 20:13 They have been turned upside down, 20:14 and their priorities are all rearranged. 20:17 It's beautiful to see... 20:19 If you've ever seen somebody and experience it 20:22 and I know you have. 20:24 Going on one of these and living and breathing 20:27 with the Holy Spirit for three weekends 20:29 and for two weeks, 20:30 through these series of meetings, 20:32 it is life changing. 20:33 And I don't know of anybody that could not do it. 20:35 My mother says that you have to be dead 20:37 to not be able to do this 20:38 and have a positive experience from it. 20:41 Everybody that comes back has the same story. 20:43 Okay. 20:44 Now, if you were going to say 20:46 the one single thing that touched your heart 20:49 when you were actually there preaching, Ben, 20:52 if you can think of one thing that really 20:53 just changed you in a moment, what would that have been? 20:57 Well, the thing that changed me in a moment and it happens 21:02 every time I get up and preach one of these sermons, 21:05 is the Holy Spirit speaking to me. 21:08 I am reconverted every time I preach a sermon. 21:12 And, yes, the responses of the people 21:14 and to see the Holy Spirit draw them, it's incredible, 21:17 because you realize that 21:19 you are almost totally irrelevant. 21:21 The only thing I bring to the equation 21:22 is my willingness to stand up front 21:25 and to speak up. 21:27 But the Holy Spirit does everything. 21:29 And to realize that is just incredible 21:32 and for Him to allow me to be a part of that process. 21:37 Praise the Lord. I give Him all the credit. 21:39 I'll give Him all the glory. 21:41 Because it's just, it's just amazing that 21:44 He has asked me to be His witness. 21:46 He's asked me to know God and understand Him 21:49 and believe in Him, and I get to be a part of this. 21:53 I want each of you to be a part of this. 21:55 You're not gonna believe the experience you have. 21:57 But ShareHim has been a part of, 22:00 in enabling over 3,500 people like myself to go overseas 22:04 and have this experience, 90% of them 22:07 have never preached before in their lives, 22:09 over 1,000 students from our colleges 22:12 and universities, most of them theology majors, 22:15 but many of them are not. 22:17 And so this is a life changing experience. 22:20 Over 20 conferences are involved 22:22 with ShareHim Global Evangelism and sending people overseas. 22:26 But it is the Holy Spirit working in me. 22:29 That is just the incredible experience 22:32 that you just can't describe until you experience it. 22:35 You know, the one thing 22:36 that I think you need a little bit more of 22:38 and that's a little bit more enthusiasm. 22:39 I try to work up some enthusiasm 22:40 but I can't help it. 22:42 You know, I mean, I'm just kind of 22:43 out of control up here. 22:45 Well, you're not bad for an accountant, Dan, 22:46 and, you know, God bless you. 22:48 And if any of you want to know more about how to do this, 22:51 Ben with another group of people 22:53 will be at the ShareHim booth tonight after this meeting. 22:55 That's right. And please stop by. 22:57 You can have the same miracle happen in your life 23:00 that this man has had happened in his. 23:01 Thank you very much. God bless. God bless. Thank you. 23:13 Hello, Ron and Marta. 23:14 This is Ron and Marta Davis and you are from... 23:17 Grants Pass, Oregon. Grants Pass, Oregon. 23:20 Now I just heard an amen out there. 23:22 There's a special friend that's also from Grants Pass. 23:24 Henry Martin, that so many of us know. 23:26 And I know that Henry is excited about 23:28 your ministry too as well as many others. 23:30 Now you retired a little while ago 23:32 and you decided to take on another full time job. 23:36 What was that job? Well, we did retire. 23:39 We didn't know that we were gonna to take 23:41 on another full time job 23:42 but when we went to Grants Pass, 23:45 we were Sunday keepers. 23:47 We always been Seventh-day Adventists 23:48 when we started watching "Better Live Television," 23:50 didn't we, Martha? 23:51 Yes, we did. 23:52 Okay, now tell us about "Better Life Television." 23:54 What is "Better Life Television?" 23:55 "Better Life Television" 23:57 is a full power commercial station 23:58 that is located in Grants Pass, Oregon. 24:01 We serve about 40,000 square miles 24:04 with a UHF DirecTV Dish Network 24:07 and cable systems in that entire area. 24:10 Okay, now what runs on your television network? 24:14 We're 3ABN affiliate. 24:16 As a matter of fact what we did do, 24:18 to explain a lot of that, Dan, 24:19 is that we brought a short video 24:22 that we'd like to run and then... 24:23 Well, let's roll the tape. Okay. 24:25 Let's roll the tape. 24:28 Better Life Television bringing hope into your life. 24:33 I've been watching Better Life Television 24:35 for a long time 24:37 and getting so much in depth understanding. 24:39 I've started watching Better Life about a year ago, 24:42 gave me the desire to follow the Lord again. 24:45 It was so cool. 24:47 I was wondering what just Better Life channel was. 24:51 So we checked it out, liked what we saw. 24:55 Better Life Television is a viewer supported 24:58 independent corporation, 25:00 headquartered in Grants Pass, Oregon. 25:03 Better Life Television has been broadcasting 25:05 as a Three Angels Broadcasting Network 25:08 affiliate in the Southern Oregon 25:10 and Northern California for over 16 years. 25:14 As a full power station, we broadcast 24 hours a day, 25:18 seven days a week on multiple cable systems, 25:21 DirecTV and dish satellite providers 25:24 as well as a network of 15 UHF channels. 25:28 Our signal reaches over 40,000 square miles 25:31 with a potential viewing audience 25:34 in excess of half a million people. 25:37 As a 3ABN affiliate, we broadcast approximately 25:41 90% of their wonderful inspiring programming. 25:45 Complimenting this, Better Life Television produces 25:48 wholesome programming with a local flavor 25:50 which can also be 25:51 viewed on our website at 25:53 25:58 God has given Better Life Television 26:00 the vision to expand into all of Oregon 26:02 and further into Northern California. 26:05 We've caught the spirit of 3ABN 26:07 and their mission minded way 26:09 of reaching the lost for God 26:11 with the Three Angels Messages. 26:14 As a result, we continue to see many come into the kingdom. 26:20 Better Life Television bringing hope into your life. 26:25 Can you say amen to that? Amen. 26:28 Praise the Lord. 26:29 Now, Ron, this is my quick question, 26:31 because our time will be limited. 26:33 When you first began watching 26:35 Better Live Television yourselves... 26:37 Right. 26:38 You were not Seventh-day Adventist, 26:40 but now you're the managers of the station. 26:41 Miraculously, yeah. 26:42 That's so... Okay. 26:44 So you were one of those who, 26:45 the message came through that television 26:47 to let you know about 26:48 where God's people are being drawn. 26:50 That's right. 26:52 We know firsthand the impact 26:53 that Better Life Television can have on people, 26:55 and we are just so blessed 26:58 to be able to be a part of this ministry. 27:00 We're probably among the most blessed people 27:02 in the world to be associated with a ministry like this. 27:06 Marta, tell a little quick story. 27:07 Pull the mic up close to you. 27:09 What has been the impact 27:10 that you have seen happen out of this television network 27:14 and its ministry? 27:15 Well, we've seen so many people come into the church. 27:18 We see them every week walk into the churches there. 27:21 The pastors are saying, 27:22 "This is the first church I've ever pastored 27:24 where people call me and say, 27:25 I want a Bible study." 27:26 I've been watching Better Life Television 27:28 and I'm ready to be baptized 27:30 or I'm ready to take more studies. 27:33 It's very exciting and it just thrills 27:35 my soul to see people. 27:36 We even had a lady who was 100 years old, 27:39 got baptized at 100 years old. 27:40 Wow. She's now 103. 27:44 Just a young woman, right? Yes. Yes. 27:46 And that shows you're never too young 27:48 to make a decision for Jesus Christ. 27:50 That's right. That's right. 27:51 Something else. We were in Roseburg area. 27:54 Marta and I were speaking at the Roseburg Church 27:55 a couple of weeks ago and we're invited out 27:58 to lunch afterwards. 28:00 And a couple... 28:01 Actually a family was there of six, 28:04 a couple and their four boys. 28:06 And they had just the previous 28:08 Wednesday been baptized into the church as a result 28:11 of the broadcast of Better Life Television 28:13 with the 3ABN programming 28:15 and we were just blessed to see them. 28:18 And as a matter of fact, they were planning to go 28:21 to our Gladstone Oregon Conference camp meeting. 28:25 And we invited them to come up 28:28 on the platform with us and share what was going on 28:31 in their lives and they did that. 28:33 He's... owns a barbecue house. 28:37 And so he's struggling a little bit now. 28:40 But God's gonna give him the right moves on that. 28:43 Well, it's wonderful that you folks are telling the world 28:47 and telling them now through your ministry. 28:49 Thank you so very much. Yes. 28:50 Thank you. Amen. 28:59 This distinguished group that is joining me 29:01 out here on the stage right now are gonna talk about 29:05 something incredibly exciting. 29:06 You know, we've actually had a little teasing going on. 29:10 All of you remember Sebastian? 29:11 You remember Sebastian giving his report? 29:14 I believe it was yesterday morning. 29:16 Yesterday morning, talking about 29:17 reaching out into some unusual places. 29:20 And, Viorel, you know, 29:22 you are the Vice President of ASI for evangelism. 29:27 What kind of things are you thinking 29:30 about doing and what kind of partnering 29:31 are you thinking about doing to help tell the world 29:34 and tell them now? 29:36 From the opening night, we heard this, "Tell The World, 29:40 Tell Them Now Initiative" so many times. 29:43 That means that it's an urgency for us 29:46 to do something. 29:47 If we build a church in India or in Princeton, Illinois, 29:50 if we tell people in Spanish 29:52 or in English or in Romanian language, 29:55 just tell them now. 29:57 If you do it through the radio ministry 30:00 or through the media ministry or through DVD, 30:03 New Beginning DVDs, just tell them now. 30:06 If you do it through God's pods 30:08 in the Kalahari Desert, just tell them now. 30:12 Okay. Now you heard... 30:14 You saw him hold up that that little iPod like device 30:18 that some have called a God Pod. 30:21 Shawn, you've got that. 30:22 Hold that up there for us right now. 30:23 This little device, I believe at one time 30:26 didn't they say 99 Cassette Tapes? 30:28 That's right. 30:30 The Kalahari Bushmen speak the San language. 30:32 They don't have a written tradition, 30:33 so you can't bring them a Bible. 30:36 And we heard that Sebastian was bringing the Bible 30:39 on 99 Cassette Tapes, a cassette deck, batteries. 30:42 And as you can imagine, that's logistically difficult, 30:45 especially when batteries begin to run out. 30:47 So a little while ago, one of our staff members 30:49 at It Is Written said, 30:50 "Why don't you use these God Pods? 30:52 And we discovered that on a little player like this, 30:54 that is solar powered, doesn't need any batteries. 30:57 We can hold 160 hours, which is the entire Bible. 31:01 We're about to translate Steps to Christ 31:03 and put New Beginnings in the San language 31:06 all on one player. 31:07 Okay, wow. Can you say amen to that? 31:09 That's awesome. 31:10 Now, the Kalahari Desert is not known for its amenities. 31:16 Would that be a fair statement? I think so. 31:18 Okay, now there's a trip being planned that 31:21 these are gonna be delivered over into the Kalahari Desert. 31:24 And Royce Williams, Victor Perez, 31:26 both on the staff of It Is Written, 31:27 you're on the team. 31:29 Are you sure you know what you're getting into? 31:30 You know, Dan, I'm a son of Africa. 31:32 And 22 years of my life was spent in southern Africa. 31:36 I don't know quite what it will be like to be 31:40 with a bushman. 31:41 But I have a sneaky suspicion that it would be wonderful. 31:44 Okay, Royce. 31:46 Well, I understand there's lions and leopards, 31:48 and giraffes and elephants, 31:50 and we're gonna be out there in the bush living in tents. 31:53 And we're told that we may wake up at night 31:56 and we may hear the lions roaring in the distance. 31:58 So we hope it's in the distance. 31:59 You know, that's a real mission trip. 32:01 Okay, Shawn, what is actually gonna happen? 32:03 Describe how this is going to occur? 32:06 Well, the God Pod here, 32:08 let me just play a little bit 32:09 and here it is in the San language. 32:16 There are five of these targeted 32:17 for every Bushman village 32:20 out there in the Kalahari Desert, 32:22 so that in the evenings... 32:23 I mean this will play for six hours off 32:25 of a charge every evening. 32:26 They can sit in circles and hear the Word of God, 32:28 take Bible studies together 32:30 and hear God's last day message. 32:32 Okay, I want to hold this up for the camera 32:34 so that you all can get a little bit of look at it. 32:36 This looks very much like an iPod. 32:39 Any of you know what an iPod is? 32:41 Okay, except that this has a little speaker on it. 32:43 Now the question, batteries. 32:45 Batteries out there in the Kalahari Desert. 32:48 That may be a little problem, but I want to flip it around 32:49 that this will show you the back. 32:51 You see that little solar panel, 32:53 little solar panel, 32:54 all I gotta do is charged up with the sun. 32:57 Charged it up in the daytime, 32:58 sit around the campfire at night 33:00 and play the Word of God in their own language. 33:03 Does that sound like a great mission project? 33:05 Amen. 33:06 It Is Written, ASI, some partnering going on here 33:10 in making that happen. 33:11 Absolutely. 33:12 This is the Word of God 33:14 going to the last tribes on the face of the earth 33:15 just before Jesus comes. 33:17 And again it happens when people link arms. 33:19 Now I'm not gonna dare ask if any of you want to go 33:22 on this trip to the Kalahari because we might be mobbed 33:25 at the It Is Written booth tonight 33:26 or with the Viorel. 33:27 But how many of you be praying 33:29 for this project as they go to deliver the Word of God 33:34 using the God Pod to the Kalahari people? 33:37 That's a wonderful thing. Thank you all very much. 33:39 And they may be wondering how we're gonna take these. 33:41 We have... 33:42 Each one of us has a suitcase and in the suitcase, 33:45 174 of these God pods. 33:48 So between the four of us 33:50 we're going to be delivering 700 units. 33:52 Amen. Amen. 33:54 Thank you very much. 34:00 And tell the world now, 34:03 a very important, it's kind of thing. 34:04 Dan. Dan, wait, wait, wait, I can't believe this. 34:08 Everyone knows he's Mr. Internet 34:10 and you skipped out and completely forgot 34:12 about the internet. 34:14 Well, you know, I found these guys backstage, 34:15 so I just need to... 34:17 Can I? Okay. 34:18 Okay. I can't believe this. 34:20 Just come right up. 34:21 You know, internet is really a very wonderful opportunity. 34:24 And I just want to introduce you to Jesse Johnson, 34:26 who's the President of TAGnet. 34:28 And, Danny, help me. 34:29 That was your father, I can't believe this. 34:31 And he's the Vice President of TAGnet. 34:33 And I just want to ask you just a couple of questions. 34:36 First of all, explain to us 34:37 what's TAGnet and help us understand kind of 34:40 a new program NET Adventist that's available on internet. 34:44 Sure. 34:46 Three Angels Global Networking 34:47 started about 11 or 12 years ago. 34:51 NET Adventist is the latest product. 34:52 And that's actually when I got involved just 34:54 about two years ago now. 34:56 NET Adventist is a new framework. 34:58 It's not just the old island type 35:00 of website design. 35:01 Now there's this network 35:03 where everything goes in and is shared. 35:05 Evangelistic tools at the local sites, 35:07 shared news and resources. 35:09 It's a completely new design, 35:10 new to, not only new to our church 35:13 but new to the industry at large. 35:14 So you said this is something 35:16 that's not just like a single website. 35:17 So how does this operate? 35:18 Does it help to populate websites all over the place? 35:22 Or how does that work? 35:24 Yes, the idea is that automatically 35:26 whenever information goes in, 35:28 it's able to be used by any church, anywhere. 35:31 Now, not only churches, but schools, 35:33 church administration, our ministries 35:34 and even ASI member companies. 35:36 So information like what? 35:38 What might be useful for local churches 35:40 that they wouldn't have access to by themselves? 35:44 Wouldn't it be great to see 35:45 Mark Finley talking to you in a video 35:47 right at your home church site, 35:50 see the Bible study right there. 35:51 Watch Mark go through it 35:53 right within the framework of your local church site. 35:55 Bible info integrated in tons of resources, 35:59 integrated right into to your church sites. 36:01 So rather than linking 36:02 and sending people away from your site, 36:04 they're all right there within your church site. 36:06 We found out that's much more effective, 36:08 it's significantly, exponentially 36:09 more effective for outreach. 36:12 So, Danny, tell me how can a local church 36:14 then use this opportunity to actually engage 36:16 and personally touch the community in which they, 36:20 where they're located? 36:21 Well, there's really two parts, Debbie. 36:23 The first part is obviously 36:25 this amount of evangelist content that you have. 36:28 But the other part is actually reflecting 36:30 what you do as a local church. 36:31 And one of the many emails that we get, 36:34 came to us about two weeks ago, 36:36 that was very exciting. 36:37 It was actually a story that, 36:39 that was shared with us about two baptisms 36:40 that were a direct result of one of the websites 36:43 that we built. 36:45 And it was a family that had just moved into the area 36:48 where this church was, it's in Escondido, California. 36:51 And they were looking... 36:53 They wanted to find out a little bit more 36:54 about child baptism. 36:55 They just had their third child. 36:57 And so they began to look at websites 36:59 from different churches in their area 37:00 and found the Seventh-day 37:03 Adventist Church in Escondido, 37:05 began to ask some questions through the website, 37:07 listen to some of the sermons from the pastor 37:09 and kind of got acquainted with the church 37:11 without having to worry about going in 37:12 and meeting new people. 37:15 They decided they liked what they heard. 37:16 So they contacted the pastor, 37:19 the pastor was able to follow up. 37:20 And we just found out two weeks ago 37:22 that the whole family was baptized directly 37:24 as a result of the website. 37:25 So that's what gives us courage. 37:27 Amen. 37:28 So then you're providing opportunities 37:29 for local churches to meet their community 37:31 or their communities to meet them, 37:33 and then through that, 37:34 hopefully they'll meet Jesus, and then they'll become 37:36 part of the church. 37:38 Exactly. Excellent. Excellent. 37:39 You know, it sounds like the internet gives us 37:41 some great opportunities and thank you 37:43 for using TAGnet to provide those for us. 37:45 Thank you. 38:23 And I hear the savior say 38:28 Thy strength indeed is small 38:34 Child of weakness, 38:39 Watch and pray 38:42 Find in me thine all in all 38:52 'Cause Jesus paid it all 38:59 All to Him I owe 39:06 Sin had left a crimson stain 39:12 He washed it white as snow 39:43 For nothing good have I 39:50 Whereby thy grace to claim 39:57 I will wash my garments white 40:04 In the blood of Calvary's lamb 40:36 And when before the throne 40:43 I stand in Him complete 40:49 Jesus died my soul to save 40:56 My lips shall still repeat 41:07 Jesus paid it all 41:14 All to Him I owe 41:25 Sin had left a crimson stain 41:28 Sin had left a crimson stain 41:32 Sin had left a crimson stain 41:35 Sin had left a crimson stain 41:41 He washed it white as snow 41:59 He washed it 42:03 White as snow 42:26 Amen. Amen. 42:34 We go to tell the world because Jesus paid it all. 42:40 And it's true that all to him I owe. 42:45 Last Sabbath I was in Mexico City, 42:49 the largest city in the world, 42:52 28 million people preparing 42:56 for a massive evangelistic meeting there. 42:59 We have 30,000 Seventh-day Adventists in Mexico City, 43:02 34,000 plus to be exact, 43:05 80 churches, about 50 companies. 43:08 But when I think of 28 million people, 43:12 and as I walked the streets of that city, 43:15 I recognized that the vast majority 43:18 of those people have no idea 43:21 that Seventh-day Adventist even exist. 43:25 They have no idea of God's message of truth 43:28 for the final hour. 43:30 While I was there, training pastors 43:33 and inspiring lay people, 43:35 my wife Ernestine was in Melbourne, Australia, 43:39 training lay people 43:40 for an evangelistic series there. 43:43 Earlier in the year I joined her there 43:46 and when we walk the streets of Melbourne, 43:49 we looked at one another and we said, 43:52 the vast majority of these people have no idea 43:56 of God's last day message. 43:59 Late last year we were in China, 44:02 in the particular city we were in it was 27 degrees 44:06 below zero Fahrenheit. 44:08 We walked the streets of that city. 44:11 We thought of the 1.2 billion people in China. 44:15 And we said, with everything the church is doing, 44:18 all of our literature, all of our radio programs, 44:21 all of our TV programs, all of our ASI emphasis, 44:25 all of our church emphasis around the world, 44:29 very few people here know we exist. 44:33 I've spent much of my life 44:36 in the great cities of the world, 44:38 in Moscow, in London, 44:41 in Madras, in India, 44:44 in the great cities of Africa, throughout Europe, 44:48 and as I sense 44:50 the thronging streets of the city, 44:53 I recognized that unless God 44:56 does something dramatic, 44:58 we are gonna be here for a long, 45:01 long, long time. 45:04 But then echoing and reechoing down 45:06 the course of time, 45:07 over the centuries and millenniums, 45:10 there is a promise that Jesus gave, 45:13 not simply a command but a promise, 45:15 Matthew 24:14, "And this gospel of the kingdom 45:20 will be preached to all the world." 45:24 Not it may be preached, 45:25 not perhaps it will be preached, 45:26 not it's likely that it'll be preached, 45:28 this gospel of the kingdom 45:30 will be preached to all the world, 45:32 that is a promise. 45:38 And then the end shall come. 45:42 Do you want to participate 45:46 in that closing work of Jesus? 45:48 Has your heart been stirred as you have come 45:52 to this ASI meeting? 45:54 Is there a burning within your soul? 45:57 Do you want to be 45:59 one of the hundreds of thousands 46:02 of prayer warriors, 46:04 seeking the Holy Spirit so that God's Spirit 46:07 can be poured out to finish His work? 46:09 Is that your desire? 46:11 Is it your desire to use the gifts 46:13 that God has given you, 46:15 in loving service for Jesus in the closing work? 46:20 Is it your desire to give Bible studies, 46:23 pass out literature, 46:25 be involved in some form of community service? 46:28 Do you feel the stirring in your heart to get involved 46:31 in a church planning project? 46:33 Or maybe God is calling you 46:35 to hold the public evangelistic meeting? 46:38 Do you sense this afternoon, 46:42 that God has given you some gift for serving Him? 46:46 And do you desire to make a commitment to use that gift? 46:49 When you came in today, you were given a response card. 46:54 I'd like you to take that out just now. 46:57 If you don't have one, just raise your hand 46:59 and ushers please be sure that everybody has a response card. 47:03 Do you have your response card? 47:05 This is not something we're gonna collect. 47:08 It is something that I will lead you to fill out just now. 47:13 It is your personal commitment to Christ. 47:15 It's something you can keep in your Bible, 47:18 something that you can put on a mirror, 47:21 so that when you comb your hair, 47:23 or you shave in the bathroom, 47:25 you remember a response you made to Jesus. 47:28 Would it not be a shame if we simply came to ASI 47:32 and we said, "Oh, those were wonderful meetings. 47:35 Those were exciting meetings. Those were inspiring meetings." 47:38 But there was nothing to change our life. 47:40 Nothing to make us a different man, 47:42 a different woman. 47:44 Would you take this response device right now? 47:48 And I invite you to take it in your hand. 47:51 I'll read it through with you. 47:53 And then as Jennifer sings, I'd like you to fill it out. 47:57 My commitment... 47:59 Let's read the text together 48:00 and this gospel reading together. 48:03 "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached 48:06 in all the world as a witness to all nations, 48:11 and then the end shall come." 48:14 I choose to rearrange my personal priorities 48:19 to spend more time with Jesus in my devotional life. 48:22 Is that your commitment? 48:25 The only time to have more time 48:27 for devotions is to have less time 48:30 for something else. 48:32 So notice this is not status quo. 48:34 It says, I choose to rearrange my personal priorities. 48:38 Will you make that decision this afternoon? 48:41 If you will, check that box. 48:43 Secondly, I recognize my spiritual growth 48:47 is directly related to my personal witness 48:51 and choose to use the gifts that God has given me 48:54 in loving service. 48:56 If I do not share what Jesus has given me, 48:58 I cannot grow. 49:00 Would you like to say today, Jesus, 49:02 I want to find some way to serve You, 49:05 some way to reach out for You. 49:07 Check that. 49:09 Thirdly, I choose to unite with five million lay people 49:12 around the world in giving Bible studies, 49:15 conducting small group ministry, 49:17 distributing literature, 49:19 or some other form of personal witness. 49:21 If you want to be one of God's five million, 49:24 we are inviting five million lay people 49:27 around the world to get involved 49:30 in some form of Bible study 49:33 personal distribution of literature 49:35 or ministry for Jesus Christ. 49:37 Every Christian will be 49:40 serving Jesus in different ways, 49:42 but five million in specific service. 49:46 Next box, I believe God's calling me to be involved 49:48 in one of 20,000 church planting projects worldwide. 49:52 Maybe as an individual, maybe as a professional, 49:55 maybe as a physician, maybe as a dentist, 49:59 maybe as a business person, 50:02 you believe God's calling you 50:03 to get involved in a church planning project. 50:05 If you do, if God's calling your family 50:07 to do that, check that. 50:09 Lastly, the Holy Spirit is impressing me 50:11 to conduct one of 100,000 50:14 evangelistic meetings held this year. 50:16 Maybe you've never done it before. 50:18 You say how am I gonna get involved? 50:20 Let the Holy Spirit teach you and instruct you. 50:22 But today at ASI, would you like to make a commitment? 50:24 "Lord, this year, I'm a pastor, I'm an administrator, 50:29 I'm a church employee, I am a lay person, 50:32 never done it before, but I want to make 50:34 a commitment for Christ. 50:36 If you are determined to use the gifts 50:38 and skills that God has given you 50:40 to make a decision for Jesus, if that determination 50:43 burns in your heart to be 50:45 part of the closing work of Christ, 50:47 fill out your card. 50:50 Sign your name as Jennifer sings 50:53 "I Am Determined" just now. 51:22 Darkness around me, 51:28 sorrow surrounds me 51:33 Though there be trials, 51:37 Still I can sing 51:44 For I have this treasure, 51:49 My God reigns within me 51:54 And I am determined 51:59 To live for the King 52:06 I am determined 52:12 To be invincible 52:17 'Til He has finished 52:21 His purpose in me 52:28 And nothing shall shake me 52:33 For He'll never forsake me 52:38 And I am determined 52:42 To live for the King 52:58 Hell's gates are trembling 53:03 From our prayers ascending 53:08 Darkness is crumbling 53:13 From praises we sing 53:19 Our Sovereign, Victorious 53:24 Is marching before us 53:29 And we are determined 53:34 To live for the King 53:41 I am determined 53:46 To be invincible 53:51 'Til He has finished 53:55 His purpose in me 54:02 And nothing shall shake me 54:07 For He'll never forsake me 54:12 And I am determined 54:17 To live for the King 54:24 When I am weary 54:29 I'll look to His face 54:33 And when I am tempted, 54:38 I'll trust in His grace 54:44 Yes, I'll trust in His grace 54:52 I am determined 54:57 To be invincible 55:02 'Til He has finished 55:06 His purpose in me 55:14 And nothing shall shake me 55:19 For He'll never forsake me 55:23 And I am determined... 55:28 I am determined... 55:33 I am determined 55:38 To live for my 55:46 King 56:00 Is that the prayer of your heart today? 56:05 I'd like to speak to our television audience. 56:08 Many of you have been watching this on television 56:10 this afternoon. 56:11 You may be in the far flung corners of the earth, 56:15 but God is speaking to you. 56:18 You may be a Seventh-day Adventist, 56:20 you may not be a Seventh-day Adventist, 56:23 but you hear the call of God to your heart, 56:26 to give your life to Him fully. 56:28 I invite you right now, 56:30 wherever you are at that television screen to kneel, 56:32 to commit your life to Christ fully. 56:35 Ask Him if you don't know His truth to reveal it to you. 56:39 You can be part of something big for God. 56:41 You can be part of something grand for God. 56:45 Seventh-day Adventist are an end time movement 56:48 raised up by God to proclaim His message 56:52 to the ends of the earth. 56:54 And I invite you today watching by television 56:56 to make a decision to be part of God's 56:59 last day movement 57:01 and unite with God's last day people to finish His work. 57:05 Here in this auditorium in Texas, I invite you. 57:11 If you want to be part of the closing work, 57:14 if you want to use the gifts that God has given you, 57:17 I invite you with that card in your hand 57:19 to stand just now and say, Jesus, 57:21 this is my commitment, Jesus, this is my desire. 57:26 Very soon we will go off the air television audience. 57:30 But here you can see through the crowd shots, 57:33 those standing here Seventh-day Adventist 57:36 lay people committed to Jesus. 57:39 Now I have a special appeal for three groups of people. 57:43 The spirit may be appealing to you. 57:46 Leaders are called to lead. 57:50 Leaders are called to lead. 57:53 They are called to a higher commitment. 57:55 They are called to a higher standard. 57:58 I'm gonna invite ASI leaders, 58:02 you may be a past president of ASI, 58:06 you may be a current officer of ASI, 58:09 you may be a chapter leader of ASI. 58:11 But if you this afternoon, want to make 58:14 a deeper commitment of your life 58:16 and your spirit, 58:17 so that the Holy Spirit can work through you 58:20 to lead ASI into the future, so it will grow and expand 58:25 to tell the world for Christ, ASI leaders in the audience, 58:29 backstage, I'm gonna invite you to come forward 58:31 for a special prayer. |
Revised 2020-01-08