3ABN On the Road

Members In Action Pt 1. (Sabbath Afternoon)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000751

01:00 Good afternoon,
01:01 and welcome to the ASI National Convention
01:04 in Dallas, Texas.
01:06 I hope you've enjoyed the program so far.
01:09 And we have a very special program this afternoon,
01:12 entitled "Compelled to Tell."
01:16 We're gonna hear a lot of great stories
01:19 of sharing Christ in the marketplace.
01:21 Please bow your heads for prayer.
01:25 Dear Heavenly Father,
01:27 we want to thank you for the opportunity
01:29 of being here today
01:30 or listening on 3ABN.
01:37 We're in the world's final hours.
01:41 And we're gonna hear
01:43 some awesome testimonies this afternoon
01:45 of how Your people are sharing Christ
01:47 in their marketplace.
01:49 Please guide their words, Lord,
01:51 and help us to gain a blessing from what they have to say.
01:54 And help us to find something
01:55 that we can take home to our ministry.
01:59 We ask this in Jesus name, amen.
02:08 Good afternoon.
02:10 Good afternoon.
02:11 ASI has chosen for its convention
02:14 for its term theme Tell Them Now.
02:17 To be in harmony with the Tell The World initiative
02:20 sponsored by the General Conference
02:21 of Seventh-day Adventist.
02:23 I have two distinguished gentlemen
02:24 here with me.
02:26 And we'd like them to just give us some information
02:27 about this Tell The World initiative.
02:30 So I'd like to start with Pastor Finley
02:32 and ask first, why Tell The World?
02:35 You know, when the General Conference
02:38 began to think and pray
02:39 about what goals it would like to achieve
02:42 for the coming quinquennium, what initiatives.
02:45 We sought God earnestly.
02:48 In 1818, William Miller began to study the Bible.
02:53 And by 1831,
02:56 he had become convinced that Christ was coming,
02:59 and He was coming soon.
03:01 As he prayed about his personal responsibility,
03:05 the Lord impressed him with three words,
03:09 Tell The World.
03:11 He tried to shake it.
03:12 But this prophetic conviction of destiny moved his heart,
03:17 and the spirit convicted him Tell The World.
03:21 It is out of the context of early Adventist history.
03:25 It's out of the context
03:26 of communicating God's last day message
03:29 to the world,
03:31 that the Seventh-day Adventist Church
03:33 has a message to proclaim.
03:36 And a job that was not fully done
03:39 over 160 years ago
03:41 is to be finished in this generation.
03:44 So Tell The World, Debbie, is not man's idea.
03:47 It's not something dreamed up by a group of administrators.
03:50 It is a divinely inspired idea
03:53 planted in the heart of William Miller years ago
03:57 that it's to be completed in this generation.
04:00 Well, now ASI has really tried to capture the emphasis
04:04 that it seems is right there with that Tell The World.
04:06 But, Mike, let me ask you what's the urgency contained
04:10 in this particular initiative?
04:12 Well, you know, Tell The World,
04:14 as Mark has said is not really a man's idea
04:17 nor is it a new idea.
04:19 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
04:21 has always been about mission.
04:24 It's not a new thing.
04:25 It's part of our culture. It's what we were.
04:28 When you look at that little group
04:29 that started this, to proclaim this message
04:32 in the northeastern part of the United States,
04:35 and it was just a small group.
04:39 And you watch and look
04:40 how that message spread across America.
04:44 And as you would look in the archives
04:46 of the General Conference,
04:48 and see the letters written
04:49 to Ellen and James White, that said, "Come to Iowa.
04:52 Come to Montana.
04:54 Come to Oregon. Come to California.
04:55 We have started a group,
04:57 come and help us organize the church."
04:58 It's that drive permission
05:00 and the urgency of the time that drove them.
05:03 And then, of course, in the 1880s,
05:05 it came to the attention of the church at that time
05:08 that it wasn't just a message to go to the United States,
05:11 but it was a message
05:12 that was to go around the world.
05:14 And then began the missionary movement.
05:16 And we know that as we look at the world,
05:18 and we see how the beginnings, it was a miracle.
05:22 You know, we're organized into 13 divisions
05:25 around the world.
05:26 North America is one of them.
05:28 And in those 13 divisions,
05:29 it's interesting to note
05:30 that in 12 of them, it was lay people
05:33 who took the message their first.
05:35 It was not paid workers, lay people.
05:37 And today, you find that there are people
05:40 like George Ripple in South America
05:43 still buried on the continent there,
05:45 waiting for Jesus to come.
05:46 He's a lay person from Kansas.
05:48 In 1894, they went to South America.
05:51 The people that lie in St. Lucie College cemetery,
05:54 the original people that went to Africa, lay people.
05:57 You look at Abraham Luruli
05:58 that lies in Hong Kong today, a lay person,
06:01 that he's lying there waiting for Jesus to come.
06:03 And so as we come to this today,
06:05 this is a history of mission that we have in this church.
06:08 Why I understand it.
06:10 Now I understand why we have the Tell The World
06:12 as the name of the initiative.
06:14 And I got a picture of the urgency
06:16 that it's buried somehow in our history.
06:19 But please forgive me if I ask Pastor Finley,
06:22 isn't this the same old
06:23 with just a new title pasted in front of it?
06:26 Well, Debbie, Tell The World
06:29 is the broadest initiative ever launched
06:31 by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
06:33 The first principle of Tell The World is this,
06:37 that by the year 2010,
06:40 we believe that a praying church,
06:43 a witnessing church filled with the Holy Spirit,
06:46 a church that's actively involved in the world,
06:49 a church that's reaching out
06:50 to its community with personal and public evangelism,
06:53 and that's planting churches,
06:55 we believe that the entire world
06:58 and every person in it
07:00 can know the three angels' messages.
07:03 So for the first time in Adventist history,
07:05 we have said that we are a generation
07:08 of leaders, pastors, and church members
07:11 who believe specifically that we can accomplish the task
07:16 through the Spirit of God in this generation.
07:18 That is not the status quo.
07:20 That is unique.
07:23 Well, now I've got it.
07:24 You know, Debbie, that was a little weak
07:26 on the amen there.
07:27 You know, we're in Texas and things happen big in Texas.
07:32 So, you know, I'd like to...
07:33 We're reaching every person in the world with the gospel.
07:36 What can you say about that?
07:37 Amen.
07:39 Every continent, every province,
07:42 every city, every village,
07:44 every street, every person, Debbie,
07:46 that is not the status quo.
07:48 Well, now this is interesting to me
07:50 because, especially as ASI as you know,
07:53 we have our unique ways of doing things,
07:55 our different approaches.
07:57 Is there a way that everyone can be involved
07:59 in this Tell The World, tell them now piece?
08:01 Absolutely.
08:03 I think that there will be going
08:04 through the various aspects of Tell The World.
08:06 There are actually seven goals.
08:08 We'll talk about them individually.
08:09 And when you look at those seven goals,
08:12 it's not just one method.
08:15 You know, we're advised through the writings of Ellen White
08:17 and also through scripture
08:18 that we should have a multitude of methods.
08:21 And so that's what we're gonna be talking about.
08:23 But the very first one that we want to focus on
08:26 is actually the most important one.
08:28 And it is the one where we talk about
08:30 studying the Bible and praying.
08:32 I don't know how else to describe it.
08:34 I looked at some information not long ago
08:36 that indicated that about half of the Seventh-day Adventist
08:39 in the world have a consistent Bible study program
08:41 and prayer program.
08:43 I want to talk to you as a pastor right now.
08:46 We need to be concerned about that percentage.
08:49 It needs to increase.
08:50 And so our first objective is to take a look
08:53 at that particular goal on the spiritual aspect.
08:57 But as an introduction to this,
08:59 we want to take a little time here
09:01 and show you a video that introduces Tell The World.
09:05 So, please enjoy that with us if you would,
09:07 and then we'll come back and look at it piece by piece.
09:11 The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church...
09:14 Is to communicate to all peoples,
09:17 the everlasting gospel...
09:19 Of God's love.
09:21 In the context of the three angels' messages
09:25 of Revelation 14:6-12.
09:29 And as revealed in the life, death, resurrection,
09:32 and high priestly ministry of Jesus Christ...
09:35 Leading them to accept Jesus as personal Savior and Lord.
09:39 And to unite with His remnant church.
09:42 And to nurture believers as disciples.
09:45 In preparation for His soon return.
09:48 We have a mission to reach the world.
09:50 But do we have a plan to reach the world?
09:54 Tell The World is a bold new plan
09:56 to give every person in the world
09:57 the opportunity to know Jesus by the year 2010.
10:02 It has seven key parts.
10:05 Tell The World has always...
10:07 Mission has always been the agenda of the church.
10:10 And we are constantly looking for the most attractive,
10:13 the most effective way of doing it and saying it.
10:18 Tell The World expands the mission of the church.
10:21 It is an expression of a large vision
10:25 of what we might be able to do.
10:26 Imagine a church that is involved
10:28 in Bible study and prayer, and planting churches
10:31 involved in 400,000 evangelism meetings,
10:35 going to large cities, involved in their community,
10:39 being conscious as a corporate body
10:42 that we have to go to every person in the world.
10:45 To challenge at least 65 percent
10:47 of church members to commit themselves
10:49 to daily devotion and prayer.
10:51 With this daily Bible study,
10:53 you have to do with telling others about Jesus.
10:57 It takes energy from the Lord
10:59 to have courage to witness to somebody.
11:03 You only derive the image to go out
11:06 from your daily devotions with the Lord.
11:10 That's how critical the daily devotions are.
11:14 To inspire at least 40 percent of church members
11:16 to become actively involved in their community.
11:20 How does community outreach make a difference?
11:23 Somebody has said once that one of the reasons
11:27 the church doesn't reach the community
11:29 is because the church doesn't reach out
11:30 into the community.
11:32 You don't reach unless you reach out into it.
11:34 You know, many people say,
11:35 "Well, the community is not interested."
11:37 How do you know it's interested or not
11:38 unless you're giving it an opportunity to respond?
11:41 Challenging at least five million members
11:43 to win one person for Jesus in the next five years.
11:47 I would just be delighted
11:49 to see five million of our church members
11:52 taking the trouble and feeling compelled by Christ
11:57 and sensing the presence
11:59 of the equipping of the Holy Spirit to do it
12:01 so that they actually would try.
12:04 Let the spirit work on the end
12:07 probably just become involved and try.
12:10 To start new congregations in at least 27
12:13 of the world's largest cities.
12:16 How does hope for big cities fit into this plan?
12:20 Christ wants us to go into the cities precisely
12:24 because people in need of His salvation
12:27 are there in large numbers.
12:29 And cities are growing every day.
12:30 Half the world lives there right now.
12:32 In just a few years,
12:33 it's gonna be many times more than that.
12:35 And so if we're going to reach the world,
12:38 we have to address these environments.
12:41 To plant 20,000 new congregations
12:44 around the world.
12:46 Well, will 20,000 new congregations
12:48 provide the church?
12:50 Twenty thousand congregations
12:52 planted then in the next five years
12:54 is not an easy task.
12:57 Many of those congregations will be planted in places
13:00 where we have never gone before.
13:02 And we ask,
13:04 "Well, how's it going to be done?"
13:05 Well, some of it will be done
13:06 by our missionary force that's out,
13:09 more than 800 missionaries serving around the world.
13:12 They're working on the front line.
13:14 But we also know that they're going
13:15 to be working hand in hand with the large cadre
13:18 of global mission pioneers.
13:20 To involve every church and outreach,
13:23 leading to 400,000 evangelist outreach
13:25 and discipleship programs,
13:27 including 100,000 youth programs.
13:31 Four hundred thousand evangelistic campaigns
13:33 sounds like a lot.
13:35 Is this really possible?
13:37 That's a big goal, 400,000.
13:39 But it's achievable.
13:40 If we have 57,000 churches,
13:43 and if each church has one evangelistic event
13:45 each year, just one,
13:47 and you do that for 5 years, that's 280,000.
13:50 If you challenge your young people
13:52 to hold 20,000 evangelistic events a year,
13:54 you've got 380,000-390,000.
13:57 Every year if a church is reaching out
13:58 with some evangelistic event,
14:00 it can be for one week, it can be for two weeks,
14:01 it can be for three weeks, four weeks,
14:03 whatever that church defines,
14:05 but some evangelistic event
14:07 where people are being introduced
14:08 to the gospel each week,
14:10 the spirit will stir up the people,
14:11 bring them to that particular church.
14:14 To creatively use communication channels
14:16 to reach every person of the world
14:18 with the good news.
14:20 The media can reach the masses, can plant seeds,
14:24 that must be watered by the touch
14:27 of the individual one on one.
14:30 We have to remember that with the technology we have today,
14:34 by a variety of media, there is almost no limit
14:39 to which parts of the world you can reach.
14:43 We may not be able to send a minister in,
14:46 but by radio, by television, satellite,
14:49 by the printed page,
14:51 yes, I think it is possible to do this.
14:54 Your involvement is vital.
14:56 Your prayers are needed and your mission offerings
14:59 will help make Tell The World a reality.
15:03 In reality, mission giving has declined
15:06 over the last 25 to 30 years,
15:09 be a very small portion of our tithe.
15:12 If we were to return to even half
15:14 of what the historical levels would it were,
15:17 and we're to give even two percent of our income
15:20 towards entering new areas,
15:23 which would make opportunities available
15:26 that we have never even thought of
15:27 in being able to reach.
15:29 The technology is there,
15:31 the membership around the world is there,
15:33 we've never had an opportunity like this
15:35 to be able to reach the world.
15:37 Tell The World, the gospel message
15:40 to every person on planet earth.
15:43 What a mission, what an opportunity,
15:47 what would you give to make it happen?
16:00 We believe as a church without studying God's Word
16:04 and without having a prayer life,
16:06 could we possibly be a church about its mission?
16:09 I don't think so.
16:10 We went on wrap these goals just as quickly as we can
16:13 and give you a little highlight and what's taking place.
16:16 Dan Houghton, Shelly Quinn,
16:18 you're going to help us a little bit.
16:20 Take us through some experiences here.
16:22 Thank you, Mike. Good afternoon everyone.
16:25 Now Tell The World and Tell it Now is something
16:28 that we've been hearing a lot about.
16:29 But I want you to know
16:30 we're gonna talk a little bit more
16:32 about how it actually
16:33 where the rubber hits the road works.
16:35 And Shelley, I just want to talk to you for a minute.
16:38 People know you because they see you
16:40 on Three Angels Broadcasting Network,
16:41 you have some regular programming.
16:43 But many of these people may not know
16:44 that you have another ministry.
16:45 Yes, I do.
16:47 Would you talk about that ministry
16:48 just a little bit?
16:49 Well, before we came to 3ABN,
16:51 my husband and I had a full time ministry
16:52 called Word Warrior Ministries,
16:55 and you may have heard of Prayer Warriors.
16:56 Word Warrior is all about learning
16:59 to use the Word of God to confess it over your life,
17:03 to pray it back to the Lord
17:05 because Isaiah 55:11 says,
17:07 His word does not return void,
17:08 but it accomplishes every purpose
17:10 for which He sent it.
17:12 And Jeremiah 1:12 says,
17:13 He watches over His word to perform it.
17:16 This was a speaking and writing ministry,
17:19 and we were doing this full time
17:20 before we came to 3ABN.
17:22 And I praise the Lord that Danny Shelton and 3ABN
17:25 gives us the opportunity to continue in this ministry.
17:28 Okay.
17:29 Now, Shelley, you do this ministry
17:31 at Three Angels Broadcasting Network, 3ABN,
17:34 during the week.
17:35 But what happens on weekends?
17:37 What do you and your husband doing on weekends?
17:38 Well, we travel three weekends out of every month.
17:41 We do camp meetings, revivals,
17:43 and prayer retreats, women's retreats,
17:47 and we go out and teach people.
17:49 It's all about teaching people
17:51 how to exalt the Word of God in their lives.
17:55 You know, the banner over our ministry
17:57 is Psalm 138:2,
17:59 and in that scripture,
18:00 the Bible says that God exalts
18:02 His name and His Word above all things,
18:05 and that He magnifies His word even above His name.
18:09 And why do you suppose that is
18:11 because in the beginning was the Word
18:13 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,
18:15 and He became flesh and tabernacles amongst us.
18:18 So what we do is we go out, and we teach people
18:23 how to overcome their identity crisis.
18:27 Our theme this year is Tell The World
18:29 and Tell Them Now,
18:30 but people don't just want to hear the gospel,
18:33 they want to see it in action.
18:36 And we've got to understand who we are in Christ.
18:39 So many Christians suffer an identity crisis.
18:43 They really don't know who they are in Christ.
18:46 They don't know the power,
18:47 the transforming power of the Word of God.
18:49 And they don't know that they can call
18:51 on the power of the Holy Spirit
18:52 and the power of the Word and go out.
18:55 And God promises,
18:56 He'll give us the tongue of uninstructed disciple.
18:59 So what we try to do
19:00 is teach people the power of the word.
19:03 And the more the word that you hide in your heart,
19:06 the more of the word
19:08 that you confess over your life,
19:09 the more you understand who you are in Christ,
19:11 then you become a powerful witness,
19:13 and you can go out
19:15 and not only tell them with words,
19:16 but tell them in actions
19:18 because 2 Corinthians 3:3 says that we are a letter
19:22 written on the heart from Jesus Christ.
19:24 So the world isn't as interested
19:26 in our words as they are in our actions.
19:29 And so we're trying to have people
19:30 learn how to do this.
19:32 Okay.
19:33 Now, Shelley, Tell The World, Tell Them Now, obviously,
19:36 the Word of God getting into the word
19:38 and being a Word Warrior has impact.
19:39 Amen.
19:41 What kind of impact can you share
19:42 with our audience that your ministry has had,
19:44 where you've actually seen miracles happen
19:46 and impact from Word Warriors?
19:49 Oh, boy.
19:50 Long story short, God changed my life.
19:53 He taught me how to totally rely on Him.
19:56 He changed my husband's life through this practice.
19:59 And God gave me a book called "Exalting His Word."
20:02 That book between what 3ABN published,
20:05 and now it's being published by Pacific Press,
20:07 has sold over 12,000 copies.
20:10 And we have 12,000 Word Warriors out there
20:12 who are beginning Word Warrior Squadron,
20:15 so they teach people in their church.
20:18 I get letters every day, and I get emails every day.
20:21 I've had people call and write to me
20:24 who said that they were really suicidal,
20:27 and they did not understand the joy of Christianity
20:30 until they started this practice.
20:33 We have, the book has been translated into Afrikaans.
20:37 I had one young lady from Africa,
20:39 who was visiting the United States.
20:41 She got a copy of this book.
20:43 And when she went back to Africa,
20:44 she emailed me and said,
20:45 "May I have your permission to translate this?"
20:48 And this one woman has gone all over Africa
20:51 doing Word Warrior seminars,
20:54 and she has sprung up Word Warrior Squadrons.
20:56 And she said they're being changed.
20:59 I had a woman come up to me at the Soquel Camp Meeting
21:01 just a couple of weeks ago.
21:03 And she said,
21:04 "My daughter attended one of your prayer retreats,"
21:06 or it was a woman's retreat, actually.
21:08 And she said,
21:10 "It changed her life because listening to you,
21:12 she got a real hunger and thirst
21:15 for the Word of God."
21:16 And she said, "I watched her over a period of three months,
21:19 grow in power and grow in knowing
21:21 who she was in Christ."
21:23 And she said, I sent her off on a missionary trip.
21:25 She was pregnant, she and her husband left.
21:28 And you know what this precious soul told me?
21:30 She said, just a few hundred miles from home,
21:33 a car hit this daughter's car
21:35 killed the baby and the daughter.
21:37 But she came up to me and she said,
21:39 "I'm so glad that yours is the last ministry
21:41 that she attended because God changed her life."
21:44 We hear this over and over again.
21:46 Shelley, if everybody out here wants to become a prayer
21:49 or a Word Warrior...
21:50 Yes.
21:51 They can see you
21:53 at the 3ABN booth tonight I would guess.
21:54 And if they want to know a little bit more
21:55 about that they can stop by and see you,
21:57 and find out how Word Warrior can change your life as well.
21:59 Amen. Thank you very much.
22:01 Thank you, Dan.
22:03 Okay, I'm looking for Dan Vis.
22:07 Dan's coming right now. Come right over here, Dan.
22:10 How are you doing? Doing fine.
22:11 You know, Dan's a pretty good name, isn't it?
22:13 I like the name. Yeah.
22:15 All right.
22:16 Dan, I like the name of your ministry,
22:18 anything that says fast, you know, FAST Ministry.
22:22 That's the name of your ministry.
22:23 So tell us a little bit about that.
22:24 Well, actually, we didn't name the ministry fast
22:26 because we're trying to do things quickly, though,
22:28 that's our ultimate goal.
22:30 But really, our goal is to help people learn
22:31 how to hold fast to the Word of God.
22:34 You may know the verse in Revelation 3:11,
22:36 where it says, "Behold, I come quickly,
22:38 hold that fast, which thou hast,
22:40 that no man take thy crown."
22:41 And so what we're wanting to do is
22:43 help equip people to hold fast to God's Word.
22:45 Okay.
22:46 Holding fast to God's Word,
22:48 what does that have to do
22:49 with Tell The World, Tell it Now?
22:53 Well, we all know that we want to share the message
22:55 with those that are in the world around us.
22:57 And there are so many people
22:58 that need the truth of God's Word.
23:00 But unless we have the Word of God
23:01 first in our own minds and in our own hearts
23:03 where we have a living knowledge
23:05 in the Word of God, living experience,
23:07 how can we really share the message?
23:09 And so we're trying to equip people
23:11 to share the Word of God with others
23:12 by filling it first in their minds.
23:14 Okay.
23:16 Now there are several ways
23:17 that your ministry FAST is doing that.
23:19 One of them, I understand is memorization.
23:21 Describe what memorization is,
23:23 and what kind of impact this having?
23:24 That's correct.
23:26 One of the things that we do
23:27 is we provide Bible training materials
23:29 for people all around the country.
23:30 Actually, we send them around the world,
23:32 help people learn how to memorize scripture.
23:34 We teach people how to remember references,
23:36 memorize verses, WordPerfect,
23:38 learn how to meditate and apply on the word,
23:40 be consistent in memorization, those kind of things.
23:43 Few years back, I went up to Alberta,
23:45 just to give an example.
23:46 I was in Alberta conference,
23:48 and I did a weekend seminar
23:49 on the importance of memorization
23:51 and gave some of these keys.
23:52 They were so excited about
23:54 the power of God's Word in their life.
23:55 They invited me come back about five months later.
23:57 Okay.
23:58 And on my second trip is a different part
24:00 of the province.
24:01 I had a chance to meet some of the people
24:03 that were at the first seminar.
24:04 And one of them came up to me said,
24:06 "You see the little lady over there,
24:07 she was about in her late 70s."
24:08 And I said, "Yeah."
24:10 And she said, "Do you remember her said?"
24:11 I said, "Yeah, I think she was at the last time
24:13 I was up here, right?"
24:14 And she said, "Yes.
24:15 Well, since you left, she was so excited
24:17 about what you taught.
24:19 She got really serious about memorizing scripture."
24:21 And in those five months,
24:23 she had memorized about 400 verses.
24:24 Wow, 400 verses!
24:27 How many of you could claim
24:28 that you would even memorize 100 verses?
24:31 Okay, we need some more memorization.
24:32 And memorization is only part of what you do, discipleship.
24:35 Talk about discipleship a little bit, Dan.
24:36 That's right.
24:38 We also provide not only memorization training,
24:39 but training in all aspects of discipleship,
24:41 everything from how to study the Bible,
24:43 how to set up a prayer journal,
24:45 how to manage your time,
24:46 how to share your testimony, give a Bible study,
24:48 and many other aspects of discipleship.
24:50 We actually have a 12-month church training curriculum
24:53 that we put together named Project Call.
24:55 We have that going in probably 40 or 50 churches
24:57 around the country including a couple of churches
24:59 in Canada and some in Australia.
25:01 And we're really excited about seeing changes
25:03 in churches as they go through this curriculum.
25:05 Okay.
25:06 And in that result
25:08 when people get into memorizing scripture,
25:09 when they get into discipleship
25:11 and start reaching out and touching,
25:12 they're telling the world and telling them now.
25:14 Absolutely. Isn't that, right?
25:16 When we first did our church training program,
25:17 we did it as a pilot project up in Michigan.
25:20 At the end of our first year,
25:21 we had seven churches went through the program,
25:23 we did an assessment, we sent out evaluation forms,
25:26 want to find out how did it impacted their life.
25:29 When we got all the information back,
25:30 we compile them, went through with the conference,
25:32 we had over 93 percent I think
25:34 were actively involved in ministry
25:36 as a result of that training.
25:37 Okay.
25:39 Now someone here wants to get a little bit more acquainted
25:41 with your ministry, how are they gonna do that?
25:43 Well, you're welcome to come by our booth.
25:44 Our booth is number 530.
25:46 We also have a website www.fast.st, like FAST Street.
25:52 So you can go by our website,
25:53 or you can call us on our 800 number,
25:55 1(800) 501- 4024.
25:57 Okay.
25:59 Now in the few minutes we have left, Dan,
26:00 what is the greatest benefit
26:02 that you have personally experienced
26:04 from Bible memorization?
26:06 You know, there's a great verse in Jeremiah 15:16, which says,
26:10 "Thy words were found, and I did eat them.
26:12 And thy word was unto me
26:13 the joy and rejoicing of my heart."
26:15 And I particularly like that verse.
26:17 There's all kinds of benefits, whether overcoming temptation,
26:19 more faith in prayer,
26:21 being able to have an answer for someone
26:22 when they ask us a question.
26:24 But to me, the greatest joy is just being able
26:25 to take some juicy verses scripture
26:27 and be able to meditate on it, and it just throws our heart.
26:30 Okay.
26:31 Well, I tell you, I like what you're all about.
26:34 And I like the idea of holding fast
26:36 to the Word of God.
26:37 I also like the idea of doing it fast.
26:39 Amen.
26:40 Tell The World, Tell Them Now
26:43 has an implication doing it fast.
26:44 If we can learn how to hold fast
26:46 to the Word of God,
26:47 we're gonna be equipped to be able to work fast
26:49 and share it with others.
26:50 Amen. Thank you very much.
26:51 Thank you so much.
26:53 And let me just share a quick thought.
26:54 I just want to thank ASI so much.
26:55 In the last six, seven years of our ministry,
26:57 there have been several critical points,
26:59 where ASI really came through and was a huge blessing to us.
27:02 And I'm very thankful to all of you.
27:03 Amen. Thank you.
27:05 Thank you, Dan.
27:21 These are periled times we live in
27:26 Trouble everywhere
27:30 Weary hearts will often give in
27:34 To this world's despair
27:39 But high and overall
27:42 Our Father knows our every care
27:47 So in His Book if you will look
27:52 You'll find His promise there
27:59 He who trusts in the Lord
28:03 Mercy shall surround him
28:07 He who trusts in the Lord
28:12 Mercy shall surround him
28:16 Be glad in the Lord and rejoice
28:20 You upright in heart lift up your voice
28:25 For great is His mercy
28:27 Toward all who trust in the Lord
28:41 Soon will be the time
28:44 When we will see the Holy One
28:49 Oh how sweet to know that He'll complete
28:54 What He's begun
28:57 And blessed is the man
29:01 Who stands forgiven in God's son
29:06 And blessed are they who in that day
29:11 Will hear Him say, well done
29:18 He who trusts in the Lord
29:22 Mercy shall surround him
29:26 He who trusts in the Lord
29:31 Mercy shall surround him
29:35 Be glad in the Lord and rejoice
29:39 You upright in heart lift up your voice
29:43 For great is His mercy
29:46 toward all who trust in the Lord
29:55 Gracious is He and slow to anger
30:03 His loving kindness
30:07 Has no end
30:12 With love to embrace both friend and stranger
30:19 He's reaching out to one and all
30:24 who upon His name will call
30:30 For he who trusts in the Lord
30:36 Mercy shall surround him
30:40 He who trusts in the Lord
30:44 Mercy shall surround him
30:48 Be glad in the Lord and rejoice
30:52 You upright in heart lift up your voice
30:57 For great is His mercy
30:59 toward all who trust in the Lord
31:08 Mercy is His reward
31:12 For all who trust for the pure and just
31:16 Who put their trust in the Lord
31:25 Mercy is His reward
31:33 Great is His mercy
31:36 toward all who put their trust
31:42 In the Lord
32:06 Man, can you say amen to that?
32:07 Amen.
32:09 He who you trust, the power behind our religion.
32:14 You know, we're gonna be talking a little bit
32:15 about these seven goals.
32:17 They came to my attention,
32:19 that as I looked
32:20 at certain pieces of information
32:22 that the Seventh-day Adventist Church
32:24 was not real good at getting involved
32:27 in their community.
32:29 Do you realize that worldwide we average
32:31 about 29 percent of people
32:33 who actually have a touch to their community?
32:37 Also another part of Tell It Now,
32:41 Tell The World
32:42 is that we are wanting to have five million lay people
32:46 bring one person to Jesus.
32:48 Now that's not the entire goal for Tell The World,
32:50 that's just one little aspect of it.
32:52 There's public evangelism, reaching out into the city,
32:54 the ongoing program.
32:56 And so this is one little part of Personal Ministries.
33:01 You know, not too long ago,
33:02 I was standing in a city that I choose not to name
33:05 because it's dominated by a world religion
33:07 that is creating quite a bit of interest
33:10 in the world today.
33:12 But as I stood there,
33:13 I was on my way into a massive slum,
33:17 to go and to observe a ministry
33:21 that was touching the lives of people.
33:23 And I remember opening the door
33:25 and stepping out into kind of a muddy old road,
33:29 slamming the door and then looking out
33:31 and as far as I could see, it was slums.
33:34 And then I noticed on the right hand side,
33:37 that there was a little girl about this tall
33:41 and she had two younger brothers,
33:45 and they were sick.
33:47 And they stood there in the mud
33:48 just having crawled out of a cardboard box.
33:51 And I remember kind of watching them.
33:55 And then I watched as they picked up
33:56 their begging bowls and walked off to the road
34:00 to make their living for the day.
34:02 I asked myself the question, "Who is going to tell them?
34:08 Who's going to tell them?"
34:10 Debbie Young, please come and join me here.
34:13 We want to unwrap this personal witness
34:15 and evolvement in the community.
34:18 Share with us what's happening.
34:21 Well, when we look at community service,
34:22 there are a whole host of things that can happen.
34:25 And I have standing beside me representatives
34:27 from NAPS,
34:28 the National Association for the Prevention of Starvation.
34:31 They are based on the campus
34:33 of Oakwood College in Huntsville, Alabama.
34:35 And I just want to ask, Taurus,
34:38 tell me a little bit about NAPS.
34:41 And why have you chosen...
34:42 Why has this organization chosen community service
34:46 as your opportunity to connect with the community?
34:49 And tell them about Jesus Christ.
34:51 Well, one reason that we've chosen community service
34:54 as an avenue to reach out to people's
34:56 because we realized that Jesus met people's needs first.
34:59 And once they had confidence in Him and trusted Him,
35:03 then He was able to share the gospel with them.
35:06 So tell me, can you give me some examples
35:07 of how you've done this?
35:09 Do you go and paint people's houses?
35:12 Exactly what is it that you do?
35:14 And I understand you might have some pictures
35:15 to help bring some life to this answer.
35:17 Yes, ma'am.
35:19 We do have some pictures that we brought
35:20 to show the work that we do.
35:22 While we were in the Dallas area,
35:24 working along with ASI Youth For Jesus,
35:26 which is a wonderful organization,
35:27 providing opportunities for young people
35:29 to use their gifts and talents for the Lord.
35:31 We were able to go out into the community
35:33 and help to renovate a lady's driveway,
35:37 the rain would flood her driveway,
35:39 so she wouldn't be able to get into her home.
35:41 So we were able to use as a finished product
35:43 that you see right here.
35:44 And the lady was just so happy, so thankful.
35:46 And one thing that I realized
35:48 is that in doing work for others
35:50 and helping other people in turn,
35:51 you are blessing yourself.
35:53 And so that's just one of the examples.
35:55 We're also able to paint a house
35:56 in the community.
35:58 And again, once you are meeting the needs of the people,
36:01 when it's time to go out
36:02 and pass out invitations to invite people
36:04 to come out to your meetings is much easier
36:07 because they have that confidence in you
36:08 and they trust in you,
36:09 and they're willing now to come out
36:11 and hear the Word of God.
36:12 Well, now tell me
36:14 what kind of responses you may have received
36:16 or how you've been maybe able to introduce Jesus
36:18 as a result of winning this confidence?
36:21 Well, one recent situation took place
36:23 when we went down to Louisiana, Lake Charles, Louisiana,
36:26 right after Hurricane Rita.
36:28 It devastated the place
36:29 and because of our quick response,
36:31 we were able to go inside and work in the community,
36:35 cutting down trees, removing debris,
36:37 and we promised the people that we will come back to them
36:39 during our spring break.
36:41 So we went back again during spring break,
36:43 we went to the schools and visit the young people,
36:45 just trying to encourage them during that time of trouble.
36:48 And at the spring break, we promised them
36:50 that we will come back during the summertime.
36:51 So we came back again during the summer.
36:54 And we were able to hold in advance,
36:55 enlist the campaign
36:57 that resulted in 13 people being baptized,
36:59 given their life to the Lord.
37:01 Amen. Amen. Praise God.
37:02 Yes.
37:03 Well, Tommy, who makes up this NAPS organization?
37:07 Well, it's mainly comprised of Oakwood College students.
37:11 But we also go out and evangelize
37:12 and even the picture that's on the screen
37:14 with the young man being baptized,
37:15 we met him while we were down in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
37:19 After his baptism, he wanted to pursue higher education.
37:22 And he decided to come to Oakwood college,
37:25 he and along with one of his other friends,
37:27 as a matter of fact, they should be
37:28 in the audience right now,
37:29 coming along with us.
37:31 And so that's one of the ways that we recruit people
37:33 as they give their lives to the Lord.
37:35 We enlist them in God's army,
37:37 as well as get providing educational opportunities.
37:39 Excellent.
37:40 Now tell me who are these gentlemen
37:42 standing beside you and why are they up here,
37:43 just kind of holding your hand?
37:45 Well, this is Jane Lubin, and Brian,
37:48 these two young man,
37:50 theology students at Oakwood college.
37:52 And this year,
37:53 they're gonna be postponing their academic pursuits
37:55 to take a year of dedication,
37:57 dedicating their services to the Lord because...
37:59 And they're gonna be working
38:01 the Louisville area this coming fall
38:03 because we're looking forward to working along
38:05 with ASI Youth For Jesus again next summer.
38:08 Again, ASI Youth For Jesus
38:09 is a wonderful, wonderful organization,
38:12 and God is using them.
38:14 And we just are thankful that they have decided
38:16 to include NAPS into this effort.
38:18 And we just look forward to what God is gonna do.
38:20 Well, Taurus,
38:22 I want to thank you and your team and all of those
38:24 who are represented in the NAPS organization
38:26 for using community service, choosing that way,
38:29 that approach to be able to touch people
38:32 and share the life, the love of Jesus Christ.
38:34 You know, if I could just make one of the appeal,
38:35 we just want to, first of all,
38:39 appeal to any of the young person,
38:40 all the young people who are watching
38:42 around the world
38:43 to let you know that God has given us gifts.
38:44 He's given us talents, He's given us abilities.
38:47 And one of my favorite writers said
38:48 that young people can reach an audience
38:50 that no other age can reach.
38:52 And so I want to encourage us to use all the blessings
38:56 and all the gifts that God has given us,
38:58 and we invite you to come along
38:59 if anyone's interested, any university students
39:02 or college students or high school age students
39:04 to come and join us in Louisville.
39:06 You can contact us, website is N-A-P-S,
39:08 NAPSoc.org.
39:10 And we look forward to seeing wonderful things
39:12 that God is gonna do in Louisville.
39:14 Thank you very much, Taurus.
39:15 Thank you.
39:23 Joining me at the podium now is Dale Bass.
39:25 He's the director for the ACTS Disaster Relief.
39:27 First tell us, what does ACTS stand for?
39:30 ACTS is Active Christian Team Services.
39:34 And so what does that mean?
39:36 It means getting out there and doing things
39:38 that has always had a need where people are needing water,
39:41 donating food in the midst of a disaster.
39:43 When everything's wiped out,
39:45 you need to get in there with food and water and things
39:48 that they're gonna have to have
39:49 to make them get through the day.
39:51 Now ACTS has also chosen the focus
39:54 or the area of community service
39:56 in order to provide that outreach
39:57 to touch people's lives for Jesus.
39:59 Give us some examples, some story,
40:01 and maybe a couple of stories about how that has happened
40:04 and what the impact has been.
40:06 Okay, Debbie, the one of the exciting things
40:07 that's happened with ACTS Disaster Response
40:10 is we've energized the young people
40:11 from our academies and our colleges.
40:13 When we first responded to Hurricane Katrina
40:15 and went into Bass Memorial Academy,
40:17 we had called on the academies and the colleges
40:20 to send us volunteers to help us
40:22 and in serving the community and rebuilding.
40:24 Well, the colleges and the education department
40:27 responded with 3,000 young people
40:30 in volunteers.
40:32 When we first got in there,
40:33 they're only 26 of us in the team.
40:35 We brought in about 11 semis of supplies,
40:37 and on Wednesday,
40:39 when we were serving the community,
40:40 we saw it wasn't gonna last long.
40:42 When the college students arrived on Friday,
40:45 we had run out of virtually everything,
40:47 35,000 people in the community,
40:49 and they had taken literally everything
40:51 that we had to survive.
40:53 So we asked the young people, we said,
40:55 "Do you believe that God will supply your needs?"
40:58 They said, "Absolutely."
40:59 We said, "All right. That's perfect."
41:01 Because today we're gonna take the last of the water,
41:03 the last of the food, the last of the supplies,
41:06 we're gonna load it in advance,
41:07 and we're taking it out under the community.
41:09 The young people loaded it up, took it out in the community.
41:11 And as they went door to door,
41:13 they went from house to house
41:15 and the people that opened the doors,
41:17 looked at them and they said,
41:18 "Thank you, Lord, for sending us these angels
41:22 to deliver the supplies."
41:23 When the young people came back to campus,
41:25 and they started telling us the stories
41:26 of their experiences for the day,
41:28 it was the most exciting Saturday night program
41:31 I've ever been to.
41:32 Because as these young people came back and begin to tell
41:35 how God had revealed to them the importance
41:39 of their being there,
41:41 it was a miraculous transformation
41:43 within their hearts.
41:44 We were told that as these young people
41:47 went back to the academies and the colleges
41:49 with the stories of their experiences,
41:52 that they energize their campuses,
41:54 and their week of prayer
41:55 and their various other spiritual programs.
41:59 With reports from administration
42:00 of the academies and colleges tell us
42:02 that of the 3,000 young people that responded,
42:06 655 recommitted their lives to Christ.
42:09 Amen. Amen.
42:11 So there was a ripple effect from being involved
42:13 in community service and the people
42:15 who are providing those services.
42:16 Absolutely.
42:17 The young people got a chance to see with their own eyes,
42:20 miracles that were performed that very day.
42:23 And as they saw those miracles performed,
42:25 it changed their lives to realize
42:27 that all the information that they had in their head
42:30 had become a reality
42:31 when they put their hands and feet to work.
42:34 So as they did is they were told in Matthew 25,
42:37 "To feed the hungry,
42:38 to clothe the naked, to give water to the thirsty."
42:41 As they experienced those things,
42:43 Christ changed their hearts.
42:46 And when they went back, they were different people.
42:48 The schools told us, "As the young people came back,
42:52 the students were totally transformed
42:55 from the time when they sent them to us."
42:57 So now they'd become more effective witnesses.
43:00 Absolutely.
43:02 Tell me, Dale, why community service?
43:04 Why is that your heart cry
43:05 to be involved in that particular focus area?
43:08 Debbie, having been a victim of the hurricanes myself
43:12 in the summer of 2004,
43:14 we're wiped out our business completely,
43:17 $15 million citrus business gone in a single day.
43:21 And I began to realize that there's a huge vacuum
43:24 of having someone there immediately to touch you,
43:27 to give you supplies, to give you confirmation.
43:32 And the young people are willing to do that.
43:35 And that we will let them do that,
43:37 then, they can lift up a community higher
43:40 than ever before.
43:41 And as I go through these experiences,
43:43 and I see these young people respond,
43:46 the Holy Spirit fills my heart
43:48 and compels me to continue on with what I'm doing.
43:52 Dale, thank you so much for your work through ACTS.
43:55 Thank you.
44:03 And now we have with me Jean-Guy Tremblay,
44:06 who is with Est Ecrit.
44:09 Did I say that right? Est Ecrit.
44:11 Okay, close.
44:13 It is written in French.
44:14 And we also have Gordon Gray,
44:16 who's the president of the Quebec Conference.
44:19 And it's interesting that...
44:20 Actually what we're gonna be talking now
44:21 is personal witness.
44:23 Do you know that sometimes
44:24 there is only one way to approach people
44:26 and that's heart to heart with through personal witness.
44:30 So we're gonna learn a little bit about that.
44:32 First, I want to ask you, Pastor Gray,
44:35 I understand that ASI was instrumental
44:38 in providing support so that an outreach
44:41 could happen to an important part
44:43 in the Quebec Conference.
44:46 That's right.
44:47 In 1998, excuse me,
44:50 the Quebec Conference had a project
44:52 to revive the Est Ecrit program.
44:55 It had been before but had died out.
44:57 And so with that project, of course,
45:00 there was a lot of expense.
45:03 And we are so thankful
45:04 that ASI gave us a grant of $50,000
45:08 which made it possible to start this program.
45:10 It's been broadcasting continually
45:12 since October 1998.
45:15 And now, we've had over 13,500 responses
45:19 from various individuals.
45:22 As a result, we have a church in Montreal,
45:26 composed of Quebec law, and about 130 people,
45:31 as well as another group.
45:33 You know, the Quebecois people group
45:34 is a very unique group in North America.
45:37 So we're talking about the French Canadians,
45:39 that particular culture and language group,
45:41 that's important to reach.
45:42 It's a unique culture and a unique language.
45:46 And it is a major challenge.
45:48 Excellent. Excellent.
45:50 We're happy to provide you that support.
45:52 Let me ask you, Jean-Guy,
45:53 if you could share a story with us
45:55 as to how your personal witness engaged someone
45:57 and brought them to Jesus Christ.
45:59 So I'd like to have the first picture
46:02 and show you a nun, a Catholic nun.
46:05 She has been teaching the Bible
46:07 in the Catholic school for 30 years.
46:10 As she was listening the program,
46:12 she became interested.
46:13 And she has four Bible studies.
46:16 And I was correcting the Bible and the course.
46:22 And at the 12 lesson, she had so many questions.
46:26 When I call her, she says,
46:28 "Yes, I'd like to talk with you."
46:30 And we had many Bible studies.
46:33 After a while, she says,
46:35 I'd like to read "The Great Controversy."
46:38 When she read it, she says,
46:39 "This is too much.
46:41 I cannot stand it."
46:42 And she says,
46:44 "Lord, if this man is from you, is a man of God,
46:49 I want him to call me today and this morning,
46:52 otherwise, it's finished."
46:54 You know, how is the Holy Spirit,
46:56 this little voice.
46:58 So I call, and she says, "Why do you call?"
47:00 I said, "I don't know."
47:02 She says, "I do know.
47:04 I'm gonna explain to you later."
47:06 So to make a long story short,
47:09 I like to have the other picture
47:11 that shows what happened.
47:14 She is a Seventh-day Adventist now.
47:16 She has been baptized,
47:17 she's in the church.
47:21 And she has been married.
47:23 She has been baptized.
47:24 Of course, she has been baptized
47:26 and she married a man.
47:29 When I met him, he's Knight Columbus,
47:32 the fourth degree, the highest degree
47:34 you can find in the Catholic Church.
47:37 And he says, "There is only one church,
47:39 this is the Catholic Church.
47:41 I never change. Be sure of that."
47:43 And this man, you can see
47:44 with all these dressing how proud he is.
47:47 He says, "I'm very involved in that church."
47:50 And today, he is the Seventh-day Adventist,
47:53 he is in the church.
47:54 He married that nun.
47:57 And even from Rome,
48:00 she received a letter to say,
48:02 "You don't know what you're doing.
48:03 This is terrible."
48:04 And she says, "Well, I know what I'm doing."
48:07 So he has been baptized,
48:10 both are involved in the church.
48:12 And they were 75 at that time.
48:14 So that means that anybody can change.
48:17 And more than that we have another pictures,
48:20 a girl that I met many years before.
48:23 And when she learned
48:24 that her father was a Seventh-day Adventist,
48:27 she became interested.
48:28 She's baptized. She's in the church also.
48:31 So this is all with you kind of sharing in heart to heart...
48:34 That's right.
48:35 To bring others into the church.
48:37 I've been an evangelist for 18 years,
48:38 knocking at the door.
48:40 So I really enjoyed it.
48:42 Jean-Guy and Pastor Grey,
48:44 thank you so much for sharing with us.
48:46 And thank you. Thank you, Debbie.
48:47 Thank you.
49:04 A mother in North Africa
49:10 Struggles day by day
49:16 Her children labor in the field
49:20 They seldom laugh they seldom play
49:27 A father's heart is heavy
49:33 And his hands are soiled
49:39 The burden that he carries
49:42 Is not the lack of bread
49:47 He wishes for his family something more
49:54 Someone needs to tell them,
49:58 Someone needs to share
50:02 Show them life eternal
50:05 And Jesus' loving care
50:10 Someone needs to sacrifice
50:13 And let the children know
50:18 Someone needs to tell them
50:24 Someone needs to go
50:33 There's a man in Georgia
50:38 His pushing 80 years
50:44 His friends down at the coffee shop
50:48 Don't see his pain or lonely tears
50:56 He has his children somewhere
51:01 So he lingers by the phone
51:07 He's afraid of dying
51:10 But his more afraid of life
51:15 Who will tell him he is not alone?
51:22 Someone needs to tell them
51:26 Someone needs to share
51:29 Show them life eternal
51:33 And Jesus' loving care
51:37 Someone needs to sacrifice
51:40 And let the children know
51:44 Someone needs to tell them
51:50 Someone needs to go
51:59 When Jesus rose victorious
52:03 He spoke His battle plan
52:06 Go down every nation,
52:10 Every woman, every man
52:13 The great commission challenge
52:17 Teach the old and the young
52:20 To the friends at hand to the foreign land
52:24 Every nation, every tongue
52:34 Someone needs to tell them
52:38 Someone needs to share
52:41 Show them life eternal
52:44 And Jesus' loving care
52:49 Someone needs to sacrifice
52:52 And let the children know
52:57 Someone needs to tell them
53:03 Someone needs to go
53:09 Someone needs to tell them
53:16 Someone needs to go
53:29 Amen.


Revised 2020-02-10