3ABN On the Road

Living In The Day Of The Lord

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jenny Tillay & Wilbur Atwood


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000750S

01:00 God is love,
01:02 and He loves to give good gifts to His children.
01:07 Equally He loves to give good gifts to parents.
01:11 Our first speaker today
01:13 is a wonderful gift
01:15 to each of us in the ASI family and that's Jenny Tillay.
01:19 Several years ago,
01:20 the ASI family gave me the undeserved privilege
01:23 of serving and falling in love with their children.
01:26 One of them was Jenny
01:28 and other was her brother, little John John.
01:31 We met little John John last night.
01:34 Today, we're gonna be blessed as Jenny shares with us
01:39 the thoughts
01:42 and the desires that God has put on her heart.
01:45 And we want to thank Mike and Colleen
01:48 for sharing their children with the ASI family.
01:52 They made the gift she brings today,
01:54 be for each of us.
01:57 About 28 years ago, a young man visited
02:00 a small fledgling supporting ministry
02:05 in a Sabbath morning.
02:07 And when it was time for Sabbath School,
02:10 a group left a little chapel
02:13 and gathered around the bed of the leader of that ministry.
02:17 And this man taught Sabbath School
02:19 from his bed.
02:21 And that young man was so drawn and so impressed
02:24 by what was shared from God's word that day
02:29 that he joined that ministry,
02:31 and for the next 28 years served supporting ministries
02:35 around the world.
02:38 It was put in his heart
02:39 through the leader of that ministry to enter in
02:42 to sacrificial service for Jesus.
02:45 Well, that young man was myself
02:47 and that leader was Wilbur Atwood.
02:50 And the Lord has used Brother Atwood
02:52 to inspire young people by the hundreds into ministry,
02:57 into service for Him.
02:59 And around the world today,
03:01 there's memorials
03:04 to the sacrifice and the commitment
03:07 made by Brother Atwood.
03:09 And I'm sure the gift that awaits is great
03:14 that our hearts will be warmed
03:17 as God speaks through these two today.
03:33 Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
03:37 To shine for Him each day
03:41 In every way try to please Him
03:44 At home, at school, at play
03:47 A sunbeam, a sunbeam
03:51 Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
03:55 A sunbeam, a sunbeam
03:58 I'll be a sunbeam for Him
04:02 Jesus wants you for a sunbeam
04:06 To shine for Him each day
04:09 In every way try to please Him
04:13 At home, at work, at play
04:16 A sunbeam, a sunbeam
04:20 Jesus wants you for a sunbeam
04:23 A sunbeam, a sunbeam
04:27 Will you be a sunbeam for Him?
04:31 I'll be a sunbeam for Him
04:34 Let's all be a sunbeam for Him
04:39 This Little Light Of Mine
04:45 I'm gonna let it shine
04:50 This Little Light Of Mine
04:54 I'm gonna let it shine
04:59 This Little Light Of Mine
05:03 I'm gonna let it shine
05:07 Let it shine, let it shine
05:12 Let it shine
05:16 Let it shine, let it shine,
05:21 Let it shine
05:29 Light of the world,
05:33 Living in me
05:36 Shine through the darkness
05:40 For all to see
05:43 Light of the world,
05:47 Lighting the way
05:50 Shine on, Jesus, I pray
05:58 Shine on, Jesus,
06:01 Shine through me I pray
06:05 Shine on, Jesus,
06:08 Shine through me each day
06:12 In all that I do,
06:15 In all that I say
06:19 Shine on, Jesus, I pray
06:26 Shine on, Jesus,
06:30 Shine through me I pray
06:34 Shine on, Jesus,
06:37 Shine through me each day
06:40 In all that I do,
06:44 In all that I say
06:48 Shine on, Jesus
06:51 I pray
06:56 I'll be
06:57 A sunbeam for You
07:06 Amen.
07:13 What a blessing this week has been.
07:16 Every year I come to ASI excited to see
07:18 what God is doing in our lives.
07:21 I begin to think
07:22 what makes for a successful ASI convention.
07:26 Is that getting to connect with friends?
07:28 I know for some that's important.
07:30 For others, making our offering goal
07:32 really makes this a success.
07:35 But I begin to wonder
07:37 what makes for a successful convention
07:39 for God.
07:41 Is it the testimonies we've heard?
07:43 The youth who have had a summer to remember,
07:46 the vegan food, all wonderful.
07:49 And yet, I think if we ask God today,
07:52 He would say having each one of us
07:54 make a commitment to take it back,
07:57 to take the joy we saw
07:59 reflected on everyone's faces last night,
08:02 to have our own faces reflecting that joy
08:05 throughout this year as we share Jesus.
08:08 To take the termination,
08:10 the stubborn persistence of the testimonies
08:13 and the outreach to take that
08:16 and in our own lives and witness
08:19 to have that same determination to share Jesus.
08:23 You and your ministry have the opportunity
08:25 to make this the most successful ASI
08:29 in history.
08:30 Our theme text this year has been Joel 2:28-29.
08:35 It's in your programs as well as in your Bibles.
08:38 Joel's a little book.
08:39 Two books pass Daniel if you'd like to turn there.
08:43 Joel was the messenger
08:44 that God sent to the people of Judah.
08:47 We know very little about him,
08:48 but we do know his name means in Hebrew,
08:52 the Lord is God.
08:54 How like God to use even the name of his messenger
08:59 to be a witness.
09:01 So God sends Joel,
09:03 the Lord is God to the people of Judah.
09:06 The people who'd become so complacent,
09:09 they'd become so self-satisfied and self-focused.
09:13 Sounds familiar to any of us.
09:16 And at this point,
09:18 the book opens with a huge plague of locusts
09:21 who've come and ravaged their land.
09:24 And Joel comes to them.
09:25 He says, "Listen, we need to have a revival.
09:30 We need to fast and pray.
09:32 We need to return our spiritual focus
09:35 to that of Jesus."
09:37 The people had had their entire lives
09:40 stripped away by the locust.
09:43 In chapter 1, verse 12, we read,
09:45 surely the joy of people is withered away.
09:49 Their joy was gone
09:50 because they weren't looking to Jesus,
09:53 to God for their joy.
09:55 Their joy was found in their material things.
09:58 As people often live paycheck to paycheck today
10:02 or stipend to stipend for some,
10:04 they lived harvest to harvest.
10:07 One harvest being gone meant devastation.
10:11 The people were desolate.
10:13 Have you ever had locusts ravage your life?
10:17 Have you ever had your faith hanging in shreds?
10:22 Here we find what we need to do
10:25 when the locusts come to our lives.
10:27 You know, every time I turn on the news these days,
10:30 I see people whose lives have been eaten by locusts.
10:34 Every time we see the news in Iraq
10:37 and now in Lebanon and Israel,
10:38 the bombs assailing the people, it's reminded me.
10:43 Well, I don't live in Beirut today.
10:45 I'm still living in a war zone.
10:47 I'm still living
10:49 where bombs gonna assail my life.
10:51 Well, they're not after my house.
10:54 The bombs of the enemy come to our souls,
10:57 to kill our souls, to take away the joy of Jesus.
11:02 Friends, today, there is a battle ground.
11:06 The Holy Spirit is wanting to help us fight
11:10 the great controversy raging
11:13 on the battleground of our lives.
11:15 Now is the time for us
11:17 to stand up in that war zone.
11:21 Our theme this year has been Tell Them Now.
11:24 We see that up here, tell the world, tell them.
11:27 Not only tell them the good news of Jesus,
11:30 but to tell them now
11:33 for what are we really waiting for.
11:37 In the second half of the Joel 2,
11:40 we see Jesus.
11:42 We see God speaking through Joel.
11:46 In verse 12, he says,
11:47 even now return to me with all of your hearts.
11:52 Verse 13,
11:54 "Rend your hearts, and not your garments."
11:58 God is saying enough with the outward shows
12:01 of humility,
12:02 enough with your outward shows of worship.
12:05 I want you, I want your hearts.
12:10 God is saying enough with your offerings,
12:13 I want you to be the offering.
12:16 I want you to make a commitment for me.
12:20 He goes on to say, return to the Lord your God.
12:25 Throughout Joel,
12:26 we see this common theme of urgency.
12:29 Do you hear the immediacy?
12:31 God is wanting you to make a decision
12:35 to stand up,
12:36 to live intentionally in the day of the Lord.
12:39 For really the day of the Lord
12:41 is when God fills all of our space.
12:44 It's when he is at the greatest priority
12:47 when working and serving Him
12:49 is the most important thing on my agenda for today.
12:54 Living in the day of the Lord,
12:56 our lives have to change in light of that fact.
13:00 At Pentecost, we see another great day of the Lord.
13:03 We see with Peter who quotes this text from Joel,
13:07 Joel 28 and 29, He says,
13:10 Now God's Spirit is being poured out on everyone.
13:15 If you read that milestone of all verses,
13:18 it says, "I will pour out my Spirit on all people,
13:22 your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
13:25 Your old men will dream dreams
13:26 and your young men will see visions.
13:29 Even on my servants both men and women,
13:32 I will pour out my spirit in those days.
13:36 This is an all inclusive text.
13:39 None of us are off the hook.
13:41 Everyone has a chance to have God's Spirit poured out
13:46 on their lives.
13:48 The question is if we are willing
13:50 to stand up to the challenge
13:53 for really we're waiting for that final day of the Lord,
13:56 that final great judgment.
13:58 That day if Joel says
14:00 where everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
14:03 will be saved.
14:05 That is the day that we're waiting for.
14:06 We're waiting as Paul writes,
14:08 the day that comes as a thief in the night,
14:11 our lives have to change in light of that day.
14:15 There will come that day when we will be repaid
14:18 from what the locusts have eaten.
14:20 Verse 27, actually 25 gives us that hope.
14:24 It says I will repay you for the years
14:26 the locusts have eaten.
14:27 We don't have to worry about it now, friends,
14:30 we will be repaid for those years.
14:35 Our job now is as the Desire of Ages puts it,
14:38 I love the story of how Ellen White writes it
14:41 at the feeding of the 5,000
14:43 or Jesus takes a little boy's lunch
14:45 and makes it a feast.
14:47 She writes,
14:49 know that when you are surrounded
14:51 by souls in need,
14:53 Jesus is there.
14:55 Commune with Him.
14:56 And I love this last line.
14:58 It says bring your barley loaves
15:00 to Jesus.
15:02 It's not our job to feed the 5,000.
15:05 It's mine and your job to bring our loaves to Jesus,
15:10 to bring the tools and the gifts
15:12 to bring his spirit back to him,
15:15 and say, "Lord, here I am.
15:17 This is what I have, use me today."
15:20 He will take our loaves,
15:22 and He will help you feed whatever multitude
15:24 you are facing that day.
15:27 Our decision has to be though to bring them to Him.
15:32 This year, I've been privileged to work as a hospital chaplain
15:36 at Florida hospital.
15:38 And I've seen the immediacy of life
15:39 of how important it is to take every opportunity
15:43 to minister for God.
15:46 This lesson was brought quite forcibly to my life.
15:49 When I visited with a patient named Ray.
15:52 As I was visiting with Ray and his two daughters,
15:55 I realized that Ray would not long be with us
15:58 here on Earth.
15:59 His breathing was beginning to get very heavy.
16:02 The cancer was eating away at his body,
16:05 and he wasn't strong enough to fight it anymore.
16:08 And I knew as I talk to him, I felt the spirit impressed me,
16:11 now is the time to invite him
16:14 to participate with Jesus, to pray,
16:17 to enter into a season of time with God.
16:20 Invite God, the God of all comfort,
16:22 the father of compassion.
16:25 As I'm getting ready to invite them
16:26 to have this time of prayer,
16:29 there was a knock at the door
16:31 and the technicians rushed in to do a test.
16:35 And I began to think, well, I could come back to pray.
16:38 I mean, I can pray on my own.
16:40 I don't need to be in the room to pray for Ray.
16:42 And I started to talk myself out
16:44 of standing up
16:46 to inviting him into a relationship with Jesus.
16:49 But then I heard that still small voice.
16:53 You know that voice.
16:54 That voice with all its smallness
16:56 speaks with such great power.
16:59 Jenny, what are you doing?
17:01 Why aren't you inviting me into this room?
17:05 They need my presence.
17:09 Stand up for me.
17:11 I realized, I couldn't say no to that voice.
17:15 And so I said, "Wait a minute."
17:17 With my best chaplaincy authority,
17:20 we were just gonna have prayer.
17:22 To my great surprise, the technician said,
17:25 "Well, sure, that would be great."
17:27 And so as we grab hands around Ray's bed,
17:30 we entered into that spiritual time of prayer,
17:34 where you could just feel God's Spirit.
17:36 It's one of those holy moments that take your shoes off
17:40 kind of holy ground times where you knew
17:43 that God was working on behalf of His people.
17:46 As I left that room,
17:47 I plan to come back in the afternoon
17:49 to commune more with Ray to help him see the God,
17:54 even in these last moments was still with him.
17:57 As I'm planning to come back, I receive a page on my beeper.
18:01 And Ray,
18:03 it said Ray is in cardiac arrest.
18:06 And so I'm running to his floor,
18:07 trying to reach his unit.
18:09 And as I come up to his room,
18:11 the nurse comes out and says, "Jenny, it's over.
18:14 Ray just died."
18:17 And I was so stunned. I couldn't believe it.
18:20 And I'm ministering to the family
18:21 and there was crying, and there's denial,
18:23 and we just can't believe that Ray is gone.
18:27 But then I began to hear something else,
18:28 I begin to hear the family telling
18:31 the other family members who were just coming.
18:33 We got to pray with dad.
18:35 Jenny was here
18:36 and he was still coherent enough,
18:38 and we were able to pray with dad.
18:41 And the comfort and the joy that they got
18:44 from having that last spiritual moment
18:47 was such a blessing.
18:49 They knew that Jesus had been with him.
18:52 And as I now stood at Ray's empty bed,
18:56 I realized what if I hadn't listened
18:58 to that still small voice,
19:01 what if I had done what was more comfortable,
19:04 which I wanted to do, which was easier.
19:07 What if I listened to the voice of inclination
19:09 as opposed to the voice of duty?
19:12 What if I had squelch that voice?
19:16 Friends, we don't always get a second chance
19:19 to minister with people.
19:21 We don't always get another time
19:23 to hear God's voice.
19:25 Now I could tell you other stories
19:27 of times that I shushed that voice.
19:29 I did what was easier.
19:32 Have you been hearing that voice lately?
19:34 You see, living in the day of the Lord
19:36 means not only hearing God's voice,
19:39 it means acting upon it.
19:42 It means standing up and saying,
19:44 I'm going to take it to a higher level.
19:46 There's something more that Jesus wants to do with me.
19:50 For as I've learned in the hospital,
19:52 today is the day I might be the only Jesus
19:55 someone gets to meet.
19:57 The same is true in your work.
20:00 We see this throughout scripture.
20:03 Jesus wants us to stand up for him.
20:09 In closing,
20:10 there is one story
20:11 that I think many of you probably haven't heard.
20:14 It's an Uncle Arthur story.
20:16 You remember Uncle Arthur, don't you?
20:18 Those big blue books with the Bible stories,
20:21 Billy and the Bees.
20:23 The story of the two Carolyns.
20:26 That is when my mother love to use on me.
20:29 It would become the story of the two Jennys.
20:32 But there is one story that Uncle Arthur,
20:36 his son actually was able to relate to me,
20:39 that Uncle Arthur in the back of his closet
20:41 had a large locked box.
20:43 It was a cash box. It was over 100 years old.
20:47 It was locked.
20:49 But after Uncle Arthur's death,
20:51 the sons are going through his belongings,
20:54 and they find the key to that locked box.
20:57 Now their father was notorious for treasure hunts.
21:01 So they begin to get excited
21:02 what could be inside the locked box.
21:06 And as they open the box,
21:07 they lift the lid expectedly excited to know
21:11 what it's going to be.
21:13 Inside the box was a simple phrase.
21:17 A little piece of paper with three words.
21:20 The three words Uncle Arthur thought
21:22 were the most important ones he could leave for his sons.
21:27 Those words were, "Do it now."
21:30 Do it now.
21:33 They knew what that meant.
21:35 They knew it was time to stand up
21:38 to do whatever God was impressing
21:40 upon their lives.
21:42 That same message is for us today,
21:46 to do it now.
21:48 To do whatever you've been feeling
21:50 God impressing upon your hearts
21:53 because we don't know if we'll get another chance.
21:57 There is nothing worse than hearing God's voice
22:00 and not acting upon it.
22:03 Today, you and I
22:05 are being brought together for a reason.
22:07 Young and old, experienced and novice,
22:09 each one of us have a work
22:12 and a need to follow God.
22:14 We have a need to bring God's Spirit,
22:18 to bring our tools, to bring our loaves to Jesus.
22:22 In this day of the Lord,
22:24 we need to start acting
22:26 like we're living in the end times.
22:28 We need to come back
22:31 to what is important and essential
22:33 in the Gospel message, the simplicity of Jesus.
22:37 It's time for you to stand up
22:40 wherever you are to reach someone this year.
22:44 You and your ministry will help make this ASI
22:48 the most successful ASI convention in history.
22:52 God will long remember what's happened this week.
22:55 But he's a lot more excited on what happens now.
23:00 It is my challenge
23:01 and then my encouragement to each one of us
23:04 to take it back.
23:06 As in the words of Jesus,
23:09 "My sheep hear My voice
23:11 and they follow it."
23:14 In our daily lives,
23:16 this year when we hear that still small voice,
23:20 let's do it now.
23:21 Amen.
23:34 Let us go back to the upper room.
23:38 Jesus had just left our home,
23:41 and He had given certain instructions
23:44 to His disciples.
23:47 One of them was tell them now,
23:52 but another instruction
23:55 gave them the privilege
24:00 of having power.
24:02 He said I want you to, Tarry, in Jerusalem
24:07 until you receive power.
24:10 In other words, don't try to tell them now
24:14 if you don't have the power.
24:18 The disciples were also instructed
24:22 that they should pray for that power.
24:26 They entered the upper room,
24:29 and they spent 10 days pleading with God
24:33 to give them the power to do the work
24:36 that Jesus had asked him to do.
24:40 We know that it was successful
24:43 because in Colossians 1:23,
24:48 Paul penned these words,
24:51 "The gospel, which ye have heard,
24:55 and which was preached to every creature,
25:00 which is under heaven."
25:02 And if you check the date
25:04 of when that epistle was written,
25:07 it was only about 30 years.
25:11 Within 30 years,
25:13 following the commission to tell them now,
25:18 but to tell them now under the power of Pentecost,
25:23 they were completely successful
25:27 in taking the gospel to the world.
25:31 Now we go down to the Millerite movement.
25:36 Some people would like to distance themselves
25:39 from the Millerite movement
25:41 because some are saying
25:44 that we were false prophets
25:47 because of predicting a coming of Christ.
25:51 But we do not need to distance ourselves
25:55 from the Millerites
25:57 because they received
25:59 the same power of Pentecost.
26:04 Let me just read an account
26:06 from Great Controversy 369, and 70.
26:12 "Rich and poor,
26:15 high and low,
26:17 were from various causes,
26:19 anxious to hear for themselves,
26:22 the doctrine of the Second Advent.
26:25 The Lord held the spirit of opposition in check,
26:31 while His servants
26:32 explained the reasons of their faith.
26:36 Sometimes the instrument was feeble,
26:39 but the Spirit of God gave power
26:42 to His truth.
26:44 The presence of Holy Angels
26:47 was felt in these assemblies,
26:50 and many were daily added to the believers.
26:54 As the evidences of Christ's soon coming were repeated,
26:59 vast crowds listened in breathless silence
27:03 to the solemn words.
27:06 Heaven and earth seem to approach each other.
27:11 The power of God was felt upon old and young
27:16 and middle-aged.
27:18 Men sought their homes with praises upon their lips,
27:23 and the glad sound rang out upon the still night air.
27:28 None who attended those meetings
27:32 can ever forget those scenes of deepest interest."
27:37 And so from about the year 1833,
27:41 until the year 1844,
27:44 Pentecost was falling again upon the Millerite movement.
27:49 As a result, the gospel went
27:52 to every mission station in the world.
27:56 Now not every heathen heard about it,
27:59 but every Christian on planet earth
28:02 heard about this message
28:04 within just a few years.
28:08 As we begin to look at this bit of history,
28:12 we realize that it's a fulfillment
28:15 of Joel 2:23.
28:20 Joel said, "Be glad then, ye children of Zion,
28:24 and rejoice in the Lord your God
28:27 for he hath given you
28:29 the former rain moderately,
28:32 and he will cause to come down for you the rain,
28:37 the former rain,
28:39 and the latter rain in the first month."
28:43 Yes, the disciples receive the early rain.
28:48 But now as God came to the time for the final message
28:53 to go to the world,
28:55 He poured out the early rain upon the Millerites,
29:00 and He promised that the latter rain was to follow
29:05 after that early rain.
29:07 But unfortunately there,
29:09 we see the change.
29:13 As we come to the year 1856,
29:18 we find that instead of the latter rain falling
29:22 upon the majority, I'm sure there was some,
29:25 there were receiving still the early rain power.
29:28 But in general,
29:30 we had to be called the latter sea in church.
29:35 By 1868,
29:38 a very sad statement
29:41 had to be made from the testimony of Jesus.
29:45 And here's the testimony.
29:48 God's willingness to have His people perish
29:53 has been the reason
29:56 for so long delay.
30:00 There is no reason
30:03 why we had to be called a false prophet
30:07 for predicting a coming of Christ in 1844.
30:12 Yes, it's true.
30:13 He couldn't come on that day,
30:15 but it was His plan to come shortly after.
30:20 If the early rain had continued to fall,
30:24 and if the latter rain had been added
30:28 to that early rain power,
30:32 we see in 1868,
30:36 there had already been a long delay.
30:41 But that's not all.
30:43 Again, we find from the testimony of Jesus,
30:48 a statement in 1901.
30:51 We may have to remain here in this world
30:56 because of insubordination many more years,
31:02 as did the children of Israel.
31:07 We cannot say anything against that statement today
31:11 because we have been here
31:12 more than 100 years since that time.
31:16 We have been here 162 years
31:22 since the time.
31:24 When the early rain
31:26 was beginning to fall upon God's people
31:30 and God had a plan,
31:32 they went in a very short time
31:35 it could have all been finished up.
31:37 You see, when God's people are full of the Holy Spirit,
31:42 it doesn't take very long.
31:45 The work is able to go rapidly.
31:49 We as human beings have a tendency
31:52 to work on the plan of addition,
31:55 but God is able to work on a plan of multiplication
32:01 and things can go quickly
32:03 if the gospel could go to every creature
32:05 on planet earth
32:07 within 30 years with 120 people.
32:11 And if God through a few Millerites,
32:14 the maximum numbers they got to was about 300,000,
32:18 the midnight cry about 50,000.
32:22 If God could take the message
32:24 to every single Christian on planet Earth
32:28 through these people,
32:30 then we know that it wouldn't take very long
32:35 for the work to be done.
32:37 In fact, as we look at this statement
32:42 from the book Acts of the Apostles,
32:44 page 50,
32:46 we see something important for us
32:49 at this moment.
32:52 "The lapse of time has wrought no change
32:57 in Christ's parting promise
32:59 to send the Holy Spirit as His representative."
33:03 You see, Jesus has the same plan
33:07 that he had for His disciples.
33:09 And the plan is
33:11 to share with the world now,
33:16 but not to try to share without the power.
33:21 "It is not because of any restriction
33:24 on the part of God
33:26 that the riches of His grace
33:29 do not flow earthward to men.
33:31 If the fulfillment of the promise
33:34 is not seen as it might be,
33:38 it is because the promise is not appreciated
33:43 as it should be.
33:45 If all were willing,
33:49 all would be filled with the Spirit."
33:54 Now and some of these experiences
33:56 we've heard,
33:57 it seems for sure
33:59 that there are people that are willing to be filled
34:03 and God is blessing.
34:06 But when we look at the whole picture,
34:09 there is a lot more to be done.
34:13 In fact, I think of that song
34:16 that we sing showers of blessing.
34:20 And in there, there's a phrase that says this.
34:25 Around us, mercy drops are falling.
34:30 But for the showers, we plead,
34:35 this is a time
34:36 for all of God's people
34:40 to accept the opportunity and the privilege
34:43 that they have,
34:45 to reach out for the early rain.
34:49 We don't have to wait for the latter rain.
34:53 There is an early rain that has to happen now.
34:57 If all we're willing,
34:59 all would be filled with the Spirit.
35:04 Wherever, the need of the Holy Spirit
35:07 is the matter little thought of,
35:09 there is scenes spiritual drought,
35:12 spiritual darkness, spiritual declension,
35:16 and death.
35:18 Whenever minor matters, occupy the attention,
35:22 the divine power which is necessary
35:25 for the growth and prosperity of the church,
35:28 and which would bring all other blessings
35:30 in His stream is lacking,
35:33 though offered in infinite plenitude.
35:37 Yes, God never made a decision to turn up the power.
35:41 The early disciples lost it after a while.
35:45 Those who came after the Millerite movement,
35:48 they lost it after a while.
35:50 At least in general,
35:52 but God never intended to turn it off.
35:55 It was His plan to have that power
35:58 showered upon His people
36:00 from the time it started in 1833
36:03 until it finished.
36:05 And there would have been no long delay.
36:10 So we look at what God has for the future,
36:14 which no doubt,
36:16 if we are the ones who will seek God
36:20 for the outpouring of His Holy Spirit
36:22 as He desires us to,
36:24 we are going to be the ones to see it.
36:28 From Spalding and Magan collections,
36:30 page four, it says,
36:32 "I saw the latter rain was coming,
36:35 as the midnight cry
36:37 and with 10 times the power."
36:41 It doesn't take long for God to finish the work,
36:45 but it requires the power.
36:48 A decision to go forward with telling them now
36:53 and a decision to say, Lord,
36:56 there's no way, I can tell them now
36:59 if you do not give me the power that you have promised.
37:04 There's one other dimension in the verse
37:08 of Joel 2:28.
37:10 It's implied.
37:12 And it says that the older and the younger
37:17 are both going to be used of God
37:20 in a special way in these last days,
37:23 old men, dreaming dreams,
37:25 young men seeing visions.
37:28 Yes, God is looking for us to work together.
37:32 It is time to abolish the generation gap
37:36 and to press together.
37:38 There is a reason why we need to press together.
37:42 God has given experience to those of older years.
37:47 The things that they have gone through,
37:49 the experience that they have had
37:53 requires many, many trials,
37:57 many, many struggles,
37:58 and they are prepared to help others.
38:01 But I have to say to many of us that are older here,
38:06 we have not been as faithful as we should have been
38:11 to the training of the young people.
38:14 You know, many times, it's easier to work alone,
38:18 but God has called us to get some young people
38:22 and to help them learn.
38:24 Not only
38:25 will they be able to do what we are doing
38:28 in some other place,
38:29 but someday,
38:31 they will have to take our place.
38:33 And therefore, God is calling
38:37 under the special outpouring of His Holy Spirit
38:40 for the older folks
38:42 to become interested in the training of the youth.
38:46 Second, He's calling for the youth
38:49 to get rid of their attitude,
38:51 which often exists toward those that are older,
38:55 their view of those that are older
38:59 and to begin, to recognize that there is wisdom,
39:03 there is understanding,
39:04 there is a benefit to press close to those
39:08 that are of experience.
39:11 There is a danger
39:13 when we advance too rapidly as a youth
39:19 that we become lifted up and proud.
39:22 In fact, I was reading one day,
39:24 and this sentence caught my eye.
39:26 It was in regard to Dr. Kellogg.
39:29 And it said,
39:31 when God gives success to anyone,
39:35 9 times out of 10,
39:38 they lose their way.
39:42 In order for us to really be able
39:46 to not lose our way,
39:48 it is important to grow together
39:51 and to work together,
39:53 the old and the young.
39:55 This morning,
39:56 I would like to ask for a decision
39:59 on the part of some of you here in the audience.
40:03 First, I would like to ask for those that are older.
40:08 Would you be willing to take your time,
40:12 some of your time this next year
40:15 to give training to some young people,
40:18 to find a way,
40:21 to help them to learn what you know how to do.
40:25 If you would be willing,
40:26 we just invite you to bow on your knees
40:29 there by your seat.
40:31 And if you're not able to bow on your knees,
40:34 you can sit with your bowed head.
40:37 But we would like to ask
40:39 that you make a commitment to the Lord
40:42 that you're gonna train,
40:43 you're gonna find somebody to train.
40:46 And I like to pray as the young people as well.
40:49 If God is impressing your heart
40:52 that you would like to help,
40:56 we would pray that you to kneel,
40:59 and that you would be willing to work
41:01 with someone that's older.
41:03 May God bless each of you.
41:05 Let us pray.
41:11 Our Father in heaven,
41:14 You have called some of us that are older
41:17 to do some training this next year.
41:20 We pray that Your blessing will rest upon everyone
41:24 that has made that decision.
41:26 We also want to pray for those young people
41:31 that are willing to work with the older folks
41:35 and do overcome
41:37 the natural tendencies to pull away.
41:40 We pray that You'll bless them
41:43 that they will gain an experience
41:44 that will make them mighty workers in your cause.
41:48 In Jesus name, amen.
42:09 Wherever Ye may lead me
42:16 I want to follow You
42:22 Through the valley Of the shadow
42:27 Or through the mountain's Breathless view
42:34 If the crowds applaud My progress
42:40 Or if they never know my name
42:47 I will follow You
42:53 Just the same
42:58 If you lead me Through the desert
43:05 Where Your voice seems far away
43:11 I will still believe You love me
43:16 I will listen and I will pray
43:22 For if the thousands Throng around me
43:27 Or if I am the critics' toys
43:35 I will need to know
43:42 Your still small voice
43:47 Lord, I want to be Your servant
43:53 Though I don't always know how
43:59 But You promised to be with me
44:03 Lord, I need You near me now
44:09 So let me see You In each moment
44:16 Day by day
44:18 And week by week
44:24 And I will follow You
44:31 Wherever
44:32 Ye may lead
44:45 Lord, I will follow You
44:51 Wherever
44:53 Ye may
45:00 Lead


Revised 2020-01-15