3ABN On the Road

Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Smith


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000745S

01:00 What you're about to hear
01:03 will change your life.
01:05 It'll inspire and strengthen your faith in God.
01:09 Some of you have heard sirens
01:11 and have seen flashing lights on your way
01:14 to the emergency room like I have.
01:18 Many of you have been confronted with
01:20 or will be confronted with serious challenges
01:23 to your very existence.
01:27 Kathy Smith was born
01:29 in a remote logging and lumber camp
01:31 in Northern British Columbia,
01:33 of her Auld Jacobson family.
01:37 She grew up with two older brothers,
01:39 and a hard working yet loving parents.
01:43 God abundantly blessed that family
01:46 and her mother and dad heard the call of God
01:50 and they chose to move from financial success
01:53 into real significance.
01:56 The family went on to Eden Valley Institute
02:00 where they took six months of training,
02:03 and then began establishing
02:05 medical and educational institutions
02:08 in Northern British Columbia.
02:11 Kathy studied and then graduated
02:14 from Fairhaven Academy,
02:16 and then went on to Weimar College.
02:19 After marrying Stan Smith,
02:23 their family was blessed with two lovely daughters,
02:25 one of whom you saw a little earlier this morning.
02:28 It appeared that their lives were ideal almost storybook
02:34 until a tragic, tragic event took place
02:37 just four years ago.
02:40 Kathy, come and tell us this morning
02:43 how God hears and answers prayers.
02:47 Thank you.
02:57 Toward the end of King Nebuchadnezzar's life.
03:01 He wrote to all the people in his kingdom.
03:04 And he said, "It's my pleasure to tell you
03:07 about the miraculous signs and wonders
03:09 that the Most High God has performed for me."
03:13 And this morning that is what I want to do.
03:15 I want to share with you a special answer to prayer
03:18 that happened to me four years ago,
03:21 and the ASI family played an integral part.
03:25 In the book, the Patriarchs and Prophets,
03:27 we are told that,
03:29 "The Christian should often review his past life
03:32 and recall with gratitude the precious deliverances
03:36 that God has wrought for him,
03:38 supporting him in trial,
03:40 opening ways before him
03:42 when all seemed dark and forbidding,
03:44 refreshing him when ready to faint.
03:47 And he should recognize them
03:48 as evidences of the watchcare of heavenly angels."
03:53 July 8, 2002, was a lovely summer day
03:58 and I awoke with a headache, which is unusual for me.
04:01 It was Sabbath,
04:03 and I have responsibilities at church.
04:05 So before getting ready for church,
04:07 I went for a walk to help clear my head.
04:10 I had just recovered from one of the worst coughs
04:13 that I've ever had.
04:15 And I was actually acting very tired at church.
04:18 And my husband suggested
04:19 that I should drive home and have a rest.
04:22 And as I was having trouble concentrating anyways,
04:25 I followed his advice and drove home and had a sleep.
04:30 After church when we were preparing lunch,
04:32 I started to mix up my words
04:34 and lose some of the coordination
04:36 of my right side.
04:37 This alarmed Stan,
04:39 and he had once drove me to a hospital,
04:41 which was about 20 minutes away.
04:44 By the time I arrived there,
04:46 I had lost my ability to basically talk
04:50 and some of my mobility on my right side,
04:53 and was mentally confused.
04:56 After preliminary testing,
04:58 they decided to transfer me by ambulance
05:00 to a larger hospital that's about two hours away.
05:04 And by the time I got there,
05:06 I could no longer speech and was basically,
05:09 on my right side was not working very well at all.
05:12 And then Roland just said,
05:14 he said, "You are having a severe stroke."
05:17 And they said that an MRI scan
05:19 would probably tell us the reason why,
05:21 but that none would be available
05:23 for several days.
05:25 I continue to worsen throughout the evening.
05:28 And by midnight,
05:29 I was completely paralyzed on the right side
05:31 and unable to speak.
05:34 The following day, I continue to deteriorate,
05:36 and the right side of my face drooped
05:38 and I continue to not be able to speak and was hemiplegic.
05:43 Previously, my father had had several small strokes.
05:46 So I was familiar with strokes,
05:48 and I knew that the one I was having was severe.
05:52 And I was scared.
05:53 What was happening? Why was it happening to me?
05:55 And I always been so careful with my diet and exercise
05:58 and I was committed to a healthy lifestyle.
06:02 And what would have caused it?
06:04 And how bad was it gonna be?
06:06 Was there gonna be more?
06:09 Was I going to be an invalid?
06:12 Three weeks before I had had my 40th birthday,
06:15 and although I felt old, I wasn't ready for this.
06:22 I wasn't afraid of dying.
06:24 But I did have a lot to live for.
06:26 So I really wanted to live.
06:28 And after evaluating me on the day after the stroke,
06:31 the neurologist stated
06:33 that I would have permanent damage
06:34 and although only time could tell how much,
06:37 the outlook was very discouraging,
06:40 difficulty walking and talking would probably be permanent.
06:44 And I should expect permanent effects
06:45 on my appearance such as drooping
06:47 on the right side of my face.
06:48 Now you're all trying to think which is the right side, right?
06:53 Stroke statistics in the North America indicate
06:57 that strokes are the third leading cause of death.
07:01 And that every 45 seconds
07:03 somebody in the US has a stroke.
07:07 However, my case didn't fit the profile
07:09 of a typical stroke victim.
07:11 And the doctors were limited with the speed
07:14 which were taken or the tests
07:15 that would actually tell us what was really happening.
07:18 And our inability to have answers
07:23 started my husband Stan,
07:25 looking to the hospitals in the United States.
07:29 At this point, I need to tell you
07:31 about our experience with ASI.
07:34 We joined ASI when the National Convention
07:37 was held in Toronto, Ontario, and that was 1993.
07:43 And Tony Montes Dear actually traveled to Lillooet,
07:46 trying to recruit us as members and to encourage us
07:50 to attend the convention especially as it was in Canada.
07:54 We attended that year and haven't missed one since.
07:58 When we attended, Sondra was our daughter
08:01 and she was about six years old and Alana was eight.
08:04 And they loved ASI.
08:06 And they look forward to it every year.
08:09 In fact, at the time of my stroke,
08:11 Alana was in Columbus, Ohio
08:14 for the ASI Youth for Jesus event
08:15 that was happening there.
08:18 And news travels fast
08:19 and within only a few hours of my stroke,
08:23 Dwight Hildebrandt, the Secretary Treasurer of ASI
08:26 at that time called to the hospital
08:28 to encourage us and to tell us
08:30 that the ASI family was praying.
08:33 And as any of you
08:35 who attend the convention regularly know
08:38 that ASI family is like extended family.
08:42 And it was that extended family network
08:45 that made the difference.
08:46 Beginning in 2000,
08:48 Stan had served as an ASI officer
08:50 when the ASI evangelism event
08:54 was happening in the Philippines.
08:55 You've heard them talk about that.
08:57 And we went and we actually met Dr. Peters Mars,
09:01 a friend of Denzel and Donna McNeilus.
09:04 And he was from Rochester, Minnesota
09:07 and head of cardiology for the Mayo Clinic.
09:11 On the day after my stroke,
09:13 Denzel McNeilus the ASI President at the time
09:16 called to encourage us
09:18 and suggested to Stan that I go to the Mayo Clinic,
09:21 and he reminded us that Dr. Smars was there
09:24 and he offered to talk to him.
09:26 It was Sunday
09:28 and Dr. Smars was horseback riding
09:30 in a very rural location.
09:33 And Denzel called him just a short time
09:37 when he was in self-service.
09:39 And he was also riding with the individual
09:42 who is responsible for transportation
09:44 from the Mayo Clinic.
09:47 So within a very short time, there was an air ambulance
09:50 that was on his way to Canada to pick me up.
09:53 And the timing was more than coincidence.
09:56 I don't remember arriving at the Mayo Clinic,
09:59 but I was given a care
10:01 that is synonymous with the Mayo Clinic.
10:05 And within hours of testing was completed
10:08 that showed that my stroke was caused from the tear
10:11 on the carotid artery, a very rare occurrence.
10:15 And while it was a relief to have the facts,
10:18 it didn't change the damage that had been done
10:21 and I was still paralyzed and I still couldn't speak,
10:24 and visions of being permanently
10:26 in a wheelchair loomed in my mind.
10:28 And it was so hard to see
10:30 my husband's concern look on his face
10:32 and I couldn't communicate with him.
10:35 And you have to know that for me
10:37 losing my speech is very important.
10:40 I love to talk, not up here, but I love to talk.
10:45 And I rightly earned the endearing name of yip yap
10:49 when I was a little kid.
10:50 And even though I have observed people
10:54 who have had a stroke, and I understood
10:56 the physical limitations of paralysis
11:00 and speech impediment so and so forth.
11:03 I always thought it was simply the inability
11:05 to make the sounds of talking.
11:07 What I never knew was
11:09 really that the damage can actually be at the point
11:11 where the thought and speech is actually formulated,
11:14 not just the ability to make the right sound.
11:18 In my case, even though I had the use of my left hand,
11:22 I could still not communicate even by writing
11:24 or drawing through pictures.
11:26 When trying to get a point across
11:28 to stand making gestures,
11:30 he gave me a pad of paper and a pen.
11:32 And I fully expected to be able to communicate that way.
11:36 But nothing I wrote made any sense.
11:39 And I was also incapable of solving
11:42 even the simplest mathematical equations
11:44 such as five minus three.
11:46 You should have seen his face on that one.
11:50 And I knew that I knew the answers,
11:53 but I just couldn't open the door
11:55 in my mind where that was,
11:56 and it was so frustrating.
12:00 A few days after arriving in Minnesota,
12:03 Pastor Louis Torres came to the hospital.
12:05 And he was on his way to Columbus
12:07 to the ASI Youth for Jesus event.
12:10 And he had prayer with me and I was anointed.
12:12 And he was so encouraging.
12:15 And I will never forget what he said
12:16 when he left the room.
12:18 He says, "We'll see you at the National Convention."
12:21 Just blew me away, I thought, "That's impossible."
12:24 That's only a few weeks away.
12:26 And I remember thinking,
12:28 wouldn't it be awesome to be like in Bible times,
12:31 where you just walk out the hospital door
12:33 and be healed.
12:35 But, you know, recovery is still a miracle
12:37 even if it isn't instant.
12:40 And in the book Counsels on Health, it says,
12:42 "God is working, day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment,
12:46 to keep us alive, to build us up and restore us.
12:50 When any part of the body sustains injury,
12:54 a healing process is at once begun.
12:57 Nature's agencies are set at work to restore soundness.
13:01 But the power working through these agencies
13:04 is the power of God.
13:06 All life-giving powers from Him.
13:09 Sickness, suffering, and death
13:11 are the work of an antagonistic power.
13:14 Satan is a destroyer.
13:15 And God is the restorer."
13:19 The Mayo Clinic started me on rehabilitation right away.
13:22 And I had great therapists that kept encouraging me.
13:25 And even though it was hard work,
13:27 and their progress seems so small,
13:29 my hope of recovery began to soar.
13:32 I remember how excited I was
13:33 just to see my thumb move just a little.
13:36 And I be able to make sounds that were sort of speech
13:39 she couldn't really understand them,
13:41 but the peace and quiet was over my speech
13:43 was coming back.
13:46 And my husband Stan
13:47 was such an encouragement to me.
13:49 Every single day he would read to me
13:51 from the well-known book, The Desire of Ages,
13:55 especially the stories of Christ's healing.
13:58 And one evening when I was rather down,
14:01 he showed me a small stone.
14:04 And right away I knew where it was from.
14:06 The previous summer we had taken a trip
14:08 to the Waldensian Valleys in Italy.
14:11 And while there he picked up a small stone
14:13 from the floor of the cave
14:15 where the Waldensians had met to worship.
14:18 And where many of them had died
14:19 when they were betrayed and discovered.
14:22 And that stone reminded me how we are to remain faithful,
14:26 even though times are hard,
14:28 and you don't understand
14:29 why things are happening the way they are.
14:33 I remember the day that Stan took me out to eat,
14:36 I was able to leave the hospital
14:37 for just a few hours.
14:39 And my therapist had showed me
14:41 how to do the car wheelchair transfers and so forth.
14:43 So I was all set.
14:46 But I burst into tears
14:47 as we drove out of the parking lot.
14:49 It was just too much to handle.
14:52 Life was gonna go on
14:53 and I was gonna be able to be a part of it.
14:56 We take so much for granted until it's taken from us.
15:01 It's a huge blessing, you know, to have a supportive family
15:05 and my husband was so amazing.
15:07 He was always there beside me encouraging me
15:10 and making me feel like his princess
15:12 and my girls are the best speech pathologists
15:15 in the world.
15:16 And that we've had so many good laughs
15:18 of the words that I can mess up on
15:20 and believe me there are many.
15:22 And they always find new words
15:24 that I can't say and keeping at me
15:26 until I say it right.
15:28 But, you know, you have no idea
15:31 how encouraging it was to know that you,
15:33 all of my ASI family was praying for me.
15:37 I got so many encouraging letters,
15:39 and cards, and flowers from so many of you
15:42 and it meant the world to me.
15:44 And then McNeilus family
15:46 went the extra mile in visiting me
15:47 and making me feel at home in Minnesota,
15:50 and their friendship and hospitality
15:52 was a huge encouragement.
15:56 Our home is on the campus
15:57 of Fountainview Academy in British Columbia.
16:00 And after my stroke, the school family there
16:02 met together every morning and evening
16:05 to pray for my recovery.
16:07 And to know that your church family
16:09 is praying for you is awesome.
16:12 And when someone calls me now,
16:14 and tells me about something that I need to pray for someone
16:17 has whole new meaning
16:19 because I know the power of prayer.
16:21 And I know what it means
16:23 to have someone praying for you.
16:26 As I was preparing my thoughts to share with you,
16:29 I went through all the cards and letters
16:31 that were so encouraging to me.
16:34 And there was one in particular that was significant.
16:37 It was from Jeffrey.
16:39 He was a student
16:40 at Ouachita Hills Academy at the time.
16:42 And he wrote to tell me how nine months previously,
16:46 he had been paralyzed on one side
16:48 and had been unable to talk as well.
16:51 And while he was in the hospital,
16:53 he had received a letter from someone
16:55 who he had never met that really encouraged him.
16:58 As she had been in the same situation
17:00 and it had a miraculous recovery.
17:03 The night after he heard about me, he could not sleep.
17:07 And he got up in the night
17:09 to write to me and encouraged me
17:11 by telling how God had healed him,
17:14 and that God is not limited by a doctor's prognosis
17:17 and to have faith in God's promises.
17:20 And his letter meant the world and I hope to meet him someday.
17:26 After one week in the neurology department,
17:28 I was scheduled to go to rehabilitation.
17:32 And at the neurology department at the Mayo Clinic,
17:35 there's a group of doctors that are caring for you,
17:38 and they would come together to discuss my case and with me.
17:42 And on my final day, in neurology,
17:45 the group of doctors came to my bedside,
17:48 and after completing their work,
17:50 they said goodbye and wished me well
17:51 in the rehabilitation.
17:53 And after they left,
17:55 one doctor came back into my room and she said,
17:59 "We know that you have lots of people praying for you.
18:02 And we want you to know
18:03 that we have never seen someone recover
18:05 as quickly as you have.
18:06 And we doubt we'll ever see it again.
18:09 We believe this is a miracle.
18:11 And from our opinion,
18:12 your prayers have been answered.
18:14 We know you don't get
18:15 to see things like this like we do.
18:17 And so we feel this is pretty amazing.
18:19 And we feel that you will have a very good recovery.
18:22 We won't be working with you now.
18:24 And so I just wanted to tell you this."
18:27 That meant the world to me
18:28 because at this time, I was still in a wheelchair
18:30 and I couldn't even eat with my right hand.
18:33 And I was only aware of how much I wanted to recover
18:37 and here the doctor had seen a miracle already
18:39 and I was unaware of it.
18:42 I was so encouraged.
18:44 After one week in rehabilitation
18:47 at the Mayo Clinic,
18:48 I returned to Canada and returned,
18:50 I mean, I went back
18:51 to the physical and occupational
18:53 and speech therapies and massage.
18:57 Unfortunately for me, my brain was affected
18:59 not where you forget people at least.
19:02 And as I said before,
19:04 I was having trouble with the math sheets.
19:05 And so I had to do grade one math sheets
19:08 and learn to read out loud again.
19:11 But I have continued to improve steadily.
19:14 And I'm still seeing improvements.
19:16 And I was able to master the math
19:18 and continue working as a church treasurer
19:20 for the church.
19:21 Now that's pretty scary, isn't it?
19:26 A very special highlight for me that summer
19:29 was being able to attend the ASI National Convention.
19:32 And it was only after a month after my stroke.
19:35 And although I had a cane and a wheelchair,
19:38 three weeks earlier,
19:39 such a trip was a total impossibility.
19:42 And the prayer and friendships that I've had
19:44 with so many of you ASI people,
19:47 has continued to be
19:48 a wonderful encouragement to me.
19:51 I've always been committed to serving the Lord,
19:54 but my heart was overflowing with gratitude to God
19:57 for life and for His care for me.
20:00 And I realized as never before,
20:02 that all I am and all I do is His,
20:05 and I'm willing to do whatever He asks
20:07 because of what He has done for me.
20:09 And every morning when I wake up, I think,
20:11 "Wow, He's given me another day."
20:14 And life is never really viewed ever the same again.
20:19 My right side is still not what it used to be yet.
20:22 And as for me, this is what I call a bookmark
20:25 to remind me every day what God's done for me
20:27 and not to take it for granted.
20:30 And I don't know why I had a stroke.
20:32 And sometimes I'm afraid that I may have another one,
20:34 I mean, to be honest,
20:37 but every day I hear of pain and heartache
20:40 that somebody is going through.
20:43 And if by some stroke of luck you haven't had any,
20:46 yours is coming because that's just life
20:47 in this whole world.
20:49 That is our common denominator as people on this world.
20:54 Some people think that Christianity is protection
20:57 from hard times,
20:58 but hard times and difficulties are designed
21:01 and intended by God for two purposes,
21:04 to develop our faith, and to display our faith.
21:08 When I was in rehabilitation,
21:09 my husband brought to me my attention to the verse
21:13 in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
21:18 It's a great verse and it says,
21:20 "Therefore we do not lose heart.
21:23 Though outwardly we are wasting away,
21:26 yet inwardly we're being renewed day by day.
21:30 For our light and momentary troubles
21:32 are achieving for us an eternal glory
21:34 that far outweighs them all.
21:36 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen,
21:39 but what is unseen.
21:40 For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
21:46 And in the book Ministry of Healing, it says that,
21:49 "All experiences and circumstances
21:51 are God's workmen whereby good is brought to us."
21:55 It's hard to believe sometimes,
21:57 but tough times get our attention
21:59 and our focus like nothing else can.
22:03 And that's what's really important.
22:05 God's more interested in inward qualities
22:07 than an outward circumstances.
22:10 And in addition to what hard times
22:12 can do for us, often we forget like Job
22:16 that we are on the stage of the universe.
22:19 And God is looking for people that will trust them
22:21 even when times are hard and unexplainable.
22:26 The morning devotional book, My Life Today says,
22:29 "Life is not all made up with pleasant pastures
22:32 and cooling streams.
22:34 Trial and disappointment overtake us, privation comes,
22:38 and we are brought into trying places.
22:41 Conscience-stricken, we reason
22:43 that we must have walked far from God,
22:46 and that if we had walked with Him,
22:47 we would not have suffered so.
22:50 God does not always bring us to pleasant places.
22:53 He permits trial and disappointment to come
22:56 that we may realize our helplessness,
22:58 and learn to call upon Him for aid."
23:01 And faith can be distinguished best
23:04 when things are difficult.
23:06 When our actions are consistent with our faith,
23:09 even when we experience loss and pain,
23:12 God can use us as an exhibit of true Christianity.
23:16 God allows hard times so that our faith
23:19 can be recognized by the world and by the universe.
23:22 So when we experience a trial, when you just think of it
23:25 as God's vote of confidence in us.
23:28 He's trying to use us to show the power of faith.
23:32 Ellen White says it this way,
23:34 "God leads His children by a way they know not.
23:38 He permits trials to assail His people,
23:41 that by their constancy and obedience
23:44 they themselves may be spiritually enriched,
23:46 and that their example may be a source of strength to others.
23:51 We are to show to the heavenly universe
23:53 and to the world that we are willing
23:55 to make any sacrifice for Christ."
23:59 It's been easy for me in the past to assume
24:02 that serving God protects you from crises like this.
24:06 But one of my favorite chapters is Psalms 121:7, it says,
24:12 "The Lord will keep you from all harm."
24:15 But I've learned that harm and God...
24:17 My definition and God's are two different things.
24:21 The book the Mount of Blessing says,
24:24 "That which you look upon as disaster
24:26 is the door to highest benefit."
24:30 When something disastrous happens to us
24:32 or to someone we know, it's usually so hard
24:35 to see where there can possibly be any good.
24:38 And we find it difficult to believe
24:39 that we have a heavenly father who's caring for us,
24:43 but about the Christianity is promised
24:45 that nothing can touch them
24:47 except by the Lord's permission.
24:49 And that all things are permitted
24:50 to work together for good to them that love God.
24:54 That means that God wade the stroke
24:57 before it came to me.
24:59 He meant for it to bring good to me,
25:01 and faith in God's love and overruling provenance
25:04 makes difficulties easier.
25:08 Some of you may be in the middle
25:09 of something very painful right now.
25:13 But every time that we have an experience
25:15 where we can recognize God's care for us,
25:19 individually, it gives us more faith.
25:23 And someday we will know the complete story.
25:27 We need to encourage each other
25:30 because we have nothing to fear for the future,
25:32 except that we forget
25:34 the way the Lord has led us in the past.
25:37 In Nahum 1:7 it says,
25:40 "The Lord is good,
25:41 a stronghold in times of trouble."
25:53 Good morning.
25:56 I'm Walter Wright, President of the Lake Union.
25:58 And I brought with me some friends today
26:00 that I'd like to introduce to you.
26:03 This is Sandy Miller, and she's President
26:04 of the Lake Union Chapter of ASI.
26:07 This is Fred Miller of Miller Construction.
26:10 You might guess there Ken.
26:12 This is their spouses, of course.
26:15 This is Ken Denslow,
26:16 President of the Illinois Conference.
26:18 And this is Viorel Catarama,
26:20 who is the ASI National Vice President for Evangelism.
26:25 These are good buddies of mine.
26:27 And we've got something to tell you today.
26:30 I get very excited when I hear about a mission trip
26:33 that's going somewhere to build a church or a school.
26:36 But I become ecstatic when it comes home
26:38 to the Lake Union.
26:40 And that's what we wanna talk about
26:41 for the next few moments.
26:42 The Princeton Illinois Project.
26:46 Ken, I can imagine when you heard these people
26:47 were coming in your territory to work on building a church.
26:52 You send some negative messages, right?
26:54 Right.
26:56 No, this church in Princeton,
26:58 they've been meeting in the sanctuary
27:00 that wasn't a third of the size of this platform.
27:04 And they had purchased the building used in 1908
27:08 and moved it to the site that it was at...
27:10 It was just not functioning well for them.
27:12 And yet this little congregation
27:15 was never going to be able on their,
27:17 just on their own to be able to build a new sanctuary.
27:21 I think what I hear you saying is,
27:23 it would have been just as needed,
27:26 and just as unlikely
27:28 that they would have been able to accomplish this project
27:31 as any of those places we go in the mission field.
27:33 Absolutely.
27:35 This is exciting.
27:36 Viorel, you got involved
27:39 with some young people as well in this project.
27:42 Is that right?
27:44 Could you tell us a little bit about it?
27:45 Yes, Elder Wright, we've been blessed last night
27:48 to see this beautiful young people Youth for Jesus
27:52 giving us a report of what they do
27:54 right here in Dallas.
27:56 We have Youth for Jesus at the ASI
27:59 at the national level for the past eight years.
28:03 And I cannot think of another project
28:05 more important to that.
28:07 Probably 'cause I'm biased,
28:08 I have two children in that division.
28:12 So a suggestion has been made
28:14 that we might implement the Youth for Jesus
28:17 at every chapter.
28:19 So Lake Union Chapter
28:21 has been the first one to start this.
28:24 So we took this opportunity to build a church,
28:29 and to have an evangelist series in Princeton,
28:31 held on by young people.
28:34 So you're telling me,
28:35 this was not just about a building?
28:37 This was about also building souls
28:40 for the kingdom of heaven?
28:42 What good would be to have a building
28:43 without people to fill them?
28:45 Amen.
28:47 You know, I think that anyone that has ever done evangelism
28:50 recognizes that it is absolutely critical,
28:54 essential that we have good Bible workers
28:57 and you did a little search,
28:59 and how many Bible workers did you come up with
29:02 for the Princeton Project?
29:04 Well, we intended to have four Bible workers,
29:06 but we ended up only with one Bible worker,
29:09 a young lady full of energy.
29:13 I've seen this young lady, she's unbelievable.
29:15 And also, you might say, in this day in time,
29:19 a rather unusual situation.
29:23 If we were doing the choosing,
29:25 we may not have picked Katrina Lubinski.
29:29 But what an awesome young woman she turned out to be for God.
29:33 He made her something special in this area.
29:36 Absolutely.
29:38 I think people may have been just taken aback.
29:39 Now I got to tell you, you could never guess
29:43 from the name Katrina Lubinski that she's African-American.
29:48 And this little lady, this little young woman,
29:51 so slight of built,
29:53 went into the homes in this territory
29:57 and was received with great joy.
30:02 Tell me about that one instance when she showed up
30:04 and it looked like they were having a big party?
30:07 I was visiting with Katrina regularly.
30:09 So she was in my car driving and praying
30:12 into the streets for the people of Princeton.
30:14 And she told me, "Mr. Catarama, do you see that building?
30:17 I had a Bible study there.
30:19 And at the appointed time, I just ring the doorbell,
30:23 the people of the house opened the door,
30:26 and the house was full of people."
30:29 And she said, "Oh, excuse me, do you have a party?
30:32 I might be back tomorrow, perhaps next week."
30:35 And they said, "No, no, no, we have a Bible study."
30:38 Why so many people here?
30:40 They said, "Well, it was so good
30:41 that I invited all my friends or 10 families were there
30:44 for a Bible study invited by them."
30:47 Amen.
30:49 I got to say, hallelujah to that.
30:53 Sandy, I came out there and to enjoy
30:57 this Princeton Project under construction.
31:01 And it was something to see.
31:03 Also there were a lot of volunteers, of course,
31:06 and we wanna talk a little bit about them.
31:08 But there was a portable kitchen
31:09 out there in the tent,
31:11 and I ate franks and beans.
31:13 And they were good.
31:15 But tell me something, Sandy,
31:17 something else happened in that kitchen beside cooking.
31:22 Could you talk about the day
31:23 we were gonna nail up the plywood on the roof?
31:26 Yes, it was.
31:29 We had as Elder Wright said, we had this make,
31:31 this kitchen which was really awesome
31:33 because we had two refrigerators
31:34 and two stoves and we had it all set up
31:36 and it was really nice.
31:37 We had a lot of help.
31:38 And we were feeding, you know,
31:40 sometimes as much as 80 people at a meal.
31:43 And this one time when we were cooking,
31:48 the wind, it was just so strong.
31:50 It was just very, very strong.
31:52 And as we looked over on the building site,
31:55 we've seen these men on the roof
31:56 that were just struggling with the plywood,
31:58 trying to hold the plywood with the wind.
32:01 And so we decided that we were going to pray,
32:03 we were gonna form a circle and pray,
32:05 so we did.
32:06 We did that.
32:08 And unbelievable, within 10 minutes,
32:11 the wind just calm down, just down to nothing.
32:15 It was just amazing
32:17 to actually see God answer a prayer so quickly
32:22 that the wind was so strong
32:24 and in 10 minutes, there was no wind at all.
32:26 I can imagine there was a lot more interest
32:28 in that kitchen after that for things besides cooking?
32:30 Yes, there was.
32:31 It really impressed a lot of the ladies there
32:33 that God really does answered prayer.
32:36 And there had been just a lady there
32:39 a couple that had been helping on the church,
32:43 and they had just become members
32:45 of the church just two months before that.
32:48 So this really impressed this lady and said,
32:50 "I had no idea that God could perform
32:53 this kind of miracle."
32:54 I love it.
32:56 Anytime you can turn the cooks into the prayer warriors,
32:58 that's got to be a good thing.
33:00 Everybody taking part, for the day I was out there,
33:02 you were up on the roof.
33:04 And you were building this...
33:06 Oh, what do you call it?
33:07 I guess it's the drive-through where you...
33:09 Now I don't mean a drive-through like McDonald's,
33:11 I mean, a drive-through
33:13 where you can drop off your passengers
33:15 if it's bad weather.
33:17 Yeah, it's a portico on front of the church.
33:18 Portico? Yeah.
33:20 See their portico, a builder would know that.
33:22 Fred, it was exciting to see you fellows working there.
33:25 How many people actually came to work?
33:29 We had roughly about 200 volunteers
33:32 that worked on this project for us.
33:34 I think the problem is
33:35 you probably didn't have 200 all at once
33:37 on any one given time?
33:38 No, we did not have 200 all at once.
33:41 But they came from various places.
33:44 Could you give us an idea about that?
33:45 We had young children from schools,
33:47 we had retired people.
33:49 We had everybody in the spectrum of life.
33:52 Wait a minute, you had retired people?
33:55 What was the oldest person that worked on this building?
33:57 Can you remember?
33:59 I think it was 80 some years old.
34:00 Eighty some years old.
34:02 And what would be the youngest?
34:04 Well, they were down pretty, you know,
34:05 just probably four or five years old.
34:07 Isn't that awesome?
34:09 God can use anybody in this work.
34:12 All we need to do is be willing to be used by Him.
34:16 And He will come and get it done.
34:17 Now I know that ASI is a marvelous organization.
34:23 And, you know, but I got to tell you what,
34:27 this was a miracle,
34:29 even though it's that normal thing that ASI does.
34:32 This was a miraculous thing.
34:36 It still takes some money.
34:39 Who can talk about money? Viorel can or the Denslow.
34:42 No, they wouldn't talk about it.
34:43 Would you talk about money?
34:45 Because they won't wanna brag on themselves,
34:46 but at the spring fellowship two years ago,
34:49 the Lake Union Chapter Board voted this project,
34:52 the next day an offering was taken
34:55 without a previous announcement.
34:56 An offering was taken, Sandy, maybe 200 people present?
35:00 Yes, 150.
35:01 Hundred and fifty people present.
35:03 And they took up an offering on the spot for $25,000
35:07 for the project.
35:08 Since then ASI both with Lake Union Chapter
35:11 and other people within the national
35:13 have contributed over 50,000 that's recorded.
35:17 There's a lot more that's gone into it
35:19 that never got turned in for receipt.
35:21 So not only they come out and work,
35:23 they help the church pay for it.
35:25 And in the end, the church was built
35:27 for about $50 a square foot
35:29 which is phenomenal in our state.
35:31 Hallelujah.
35:32 In the few seconds I have left,
35:33 I got to tell you there is a church in Princeton.
35:36 There is a beautiful church in Princeton.
35:38 And already the membership is beginning to grow.
35:42 Even the Sabbath School class
35:43 now we've got children where we had a couple of kids.
35:46 Now we've got two classes, how many people there, Viorel?
35:49 In the Sabbath School for the children
35:51 there are 13 children.
35:53 And they have two divisions now.
35:55 And for many years, they have only two children.
35:57 Last week when we visited them,
35:59 they were excited
36:01 and few families join with them.
36:02 They had two baptism
36:04 and they are clearing up two other more
36:05 for the baptism.
36:07 This is so exciting.
36:09 And on to Wisconsin, right?
36:11 ASI is moving on to Wisconsin.
36:14 Wisconsin...?
36:15 Wisconsin Rapids.
36:17 We're building a church in Wisconsin Rapids.
36:18 Building a brand new church there.
36:20 It's almost finished. Yes.
36:21 Hallelujah.
36:23 I wanna stay with ASI.
36:24 How about you? Amen.
36:25 Amen. Thank you very much.
36:43 Well, Shawn, it was just one year ago
36:46 here at the ASI Convention
36:47 that we stood in front of these people
36:49 and asked them to support
36:51 a very exciting project in India.
36:53 I can't believe what has happened
36:54 in the last year
36:56 and that year has gone by already
36:58 is unbelievable to me.
36:59 It was a very eventful 12 months.
37:01 It certainly was.
37:02 Let's go back 12 months very quickly,
37:06 and look at what we asked these people to support,
37:09 on the screen.
37:11 We can provide Bibles,
37:13 we can provide an evangelistic campaign,
37:14 we can provide a worker,
37:16 we can provide a building
37:17 for an entire village for how much?
37:19 Well, $14,000 per village
37:20 or for your whole campaign, about $700,000.
37:23 Seven hundred thousand?
37:25 But think about it.
37:26 You'll probably have 25,000 to 40,000 people
37:29 at the meetings
37:30 and if what's happened in the past holds true
37:33 you'll probably baptize 10,000 to 15,000 people.
37:36 For $700,000 and they have a church
37:38 and a pastor and the Bible again.
37:39 Long term. Long term.
37:41 It's fantastic. Only 700, only 700.
37:45 Could you hear that?
37:48 Could you hear what was on the screen?
37:52 What happened since that time is really exciting.
37:56 Shawn, when you got to India, what did you see?
37:59 Well, the first thing I saw was a lot of road.
38:03 A lot of very bumpy road.
38:04 We were in a little place called Ravulapalem,
38:06 just outside of Vishakhapatnam.
38:08 And by just outside,
38:09 I mean, four and half hours outside of Vishakhapatnam.
38:12 And we had a field
38:15 that was assigned to us for our meetings.
38:18 And on the first night, Don, it was very exciting.
38:21 We had all about 5,000 people come to the meeting
38:24 on opening night.
38:25 You know, it's a challenge you go over to India,
38:30 and you are hoping
38:32 that some people will come to this meeting,
38:34 you send out some trucks,
38:35 and you pray that God will send people
38:38 to hear about the message.
38:40 Sure, and 5,000 came on opening night.
38:42 And I thought,
38:43 "Well, hey, I'd be really happy with 5000 anywhere."
38:46 Don, the next night, there were 8,000.
38:48 And the night after that 10,000,
38:50 and the night after that 12,000,
38:51 the night after that 14,000,
38:53 the night after that about 17,000,
38:55 you know, where I lost count
38:57 was somewhere after 25,000 people.
38:59 Did you hear that? Twenty-five thousand people.
39:02 Now that's really exciting.
39:07 The other unique, very unique part
39:09 about this program
39:11 was that included a number of ministries.
39:13 Absolutely.
39:15 You know, God really can bless
39:17 when we're linking arms together,
39:18 It Is Written engaged in this project.
39:21 It was for our 50th anniversary.
39:23 This is why we went to 50 villages,
39:25 we linked arms with Maranatha,
39:26 we linked arms with ASI, with Gospel Outreach,
39:29 with the Southern Asian Division.
39:31 And when we do that, things go remarkably well.
39:35 Absolutely.
39:36 In fact, what we saw was something
39:39 that we did not even expect.
39:41 We'd like to show you,
39:43 we'd like to take you, do you wanna go to India?
39:45 It's a lot easier in getting on the airplane,
39:47 I can tell you that. It's a lot shorter too.
39:49 I think it was 54 hours on the way over there.
39:51 So... Fifty-four hours?
39:52 Yeah.
39:54 We wanna take you right into the middle of the crowd
39:56 about halfway through the program.
39:58 Watch the screens.
40:01 Tonight we want you to see with your own eyes
40:02 what your vision and your dream has done.
40:05 We're standing here together in this field in Ravulapalem,
40:08 where you can see thousands of people.
40:10 Don, we haven't even counted them all.
40:11 No, there's well over 10,000 here tonight, Shawn.
40:14 And we've just opened up the sidewalls,
40:18 and the back walls to make room for the people tonight.
40:20 It's unbelievable what God is doing.
40:22 Every night this crowd
40:23 gets bigger and bigger and bigger.
40:25 We don't even know where we're gonna house them all.
40:26 At this stage, man, we're only partway through.
40:28 That's right. We're only halfway through.
40:29 And God is doing an amazing thing here.
40:32 We just wanna thank everybody that participated in this ASI
40:35 that took up the major offering that's made this possible.
40:38 It's wonderful.
40:40 This is such a wonderful partnership
40:41 that made this possible.
40:42 ASI, It Is Written, Gospel Outreach, Maranatha,
40:47 all working together in harmony.
40:48 Thank you for your dream. Thank you for praying.
40:51 Thank you for making this possible.
40:52 These people are finding Jesus because of you.
40:54 Thousands of people coming to the kingdom of God
40:56 and that's what it's all about.
40:58 I can't wait till heaven,
40:59 the crowds gonna be a lot bigger than this area.
41:00 It's hard to imagine, but this is about
41:02 as big as it gets it seems.
41:03 These people,
41:04 you're gonna meet them in heaven.
41:06 Look at that.
41:07 Thousands of people, they're saying thank you.
41:09 Thank you for what you've done for them.
41:11 That's all they're thank you.
41:12 Thank you for leading them to Jesus in the kingdom of God.
41:17 Remarkable, look at that crowd, Don.
41:19 It still gives me goosebumps.
41:21 And they wear such nice colors.
41:22 It's a sea of color out there in front of you.
41:25 But more importantly, it's a sea of hungry souls.
41:27 These people, many of them have never heard
41:29 the name of Jesus Christ and they eat up every word.
41:33 Well, they certainly do.
41:34 What was it like for you, Shawn,
41:35 to stand up in front of that crowd?
41:37 You saw what the folks here saw in pictures,
41:41 to stand up in front of them and talk, how did you feel?
41:44 It's utterly amazing.
41:46 These people, many have never read a Bible,
41:48 many have never heard the name of Jesus Christ.
41:51 And as you open it and we begin to explain
41:54 that there is a one true Creator God
41:56 and that He sent His Son to die for them
41:59 and that their sins are forgiven.
42:01 They don't need to beat themselves
42:02 or punish themselves.
42:04 As the lights go on for them, it's remarkable.
42:07 As a matter of fact,
42:08 it nearly causes a riot every night.
42:10 Exactly.
42:11 Really what we're doing this morning
42:13 is saying thank you for your commitment
42:17 to help these projects take place
42:19 because if it wasn't for what you believe,
42:22 you believe that it's important
42:24 to reach out with the message of Jesus Christ
42:27 all the way over to India,
42:28 and their souls will be in the kingdom.
42:30 Now, just in case somebody wasn't here, Don.
42:32 Let me just review the project a little bit.
42:34 We did more than just preach... Yes.
42:35 In conjunction with Maranatha,
42:37 with Gospel Outreach, and so on.
42:38 This was in celebration of our 50th anniversary,
42:41 we wanted to touch 50 villages for Christ.
42:43 And so in addition to the meetings,
42:45 we built 50 churches.
42:47 Those churches, by the way, Shawn, are now done.
42:49 Yeah, 50 churches.
42:51 Can you imagine the last 12 months,
42:52 50 brand new churches,
42:53 50 brand new congregations? It's unbelievable.
43:00 We also supplied everybody with a Bible
43:02 if you can imagine all those people
43:04 with the Bible,
43:05 and we've supplied pastors for those churches.
43:08 Shawn, would this be a good time
43:10 to tell the people how many people joined?
43:13 Well, you know, a lot of people came to Jesus,
43:16 I think last year you told me, you know, Shawn,
43:17 you might have 10,000 who accept Christ.
43:21 And I hate to tell you, Don, we didn't have 10,000.
43:23 Well, if you didn't have 10,000, Shawn, will you close?
43:27 Well, you know,
43:28 it wasn't 8,000 or 5,000 either.
43:30 And I was really hoping for 10,000.
43:33 We didn't get 10,000, we didn't get 8,000,
43:34 we didn't get 5,000.
43:36 I think at last count, we got 15,882.
43:46 You know, those are big numbers.
43:48 And what's important for Shawn and myself
43:51 and I noticed for you that supported this project,
43:54 is it those are people that will be
43:56 in the kingdom of God.
43:57 Isn't that good news?
43:59 We're excited about it.
44:01 Now, Shawn, you went to villages.
44:03 And I watched you go into those little humble homes
44:07 and pray with those people.
44:08 It's a remarkable experience as you go into those villages,
44:11 and I know one or two here have been to India.
44:14 As you walk into those villages,
44:16 they don't stay in their homes, they flood the streets
44:18 because a representative of Jesus Christ
44:20 has come to their town.
44:21 And they're that excited.
44:23 They flood the streets,
44:24 they wait in line for you to pray for them.
44:26 And here's what's remarkable.
44:28 It really is like visiting the Book of Acts.
44:31 God honor simple faith,
44:32 and these people are seeing miracles
44:34 of biblical proportion in their villages.
44:36 We saw healings.
44:37 I remember one boy with a diseased eye.
44:40 It was a ruined eye.
44:41 And it was running and diseased.
44:43 And we prayed for him.
44:45 And the next night I was introduced to a boy
44:46 and I didn't recognize him.
44:48 And shame on me for not recognize him.
44:49 But the mother brought him to me,
44:51 the eye was completely healed.
44:52 It was absolutely healed.
44:54 And it happened for all of our team.
44:57 Almost every day we saw miracles like that,
44:59 people recovering from their deathbeds.
45:01 Well, God's doing something that isn't typical.
45:04 We don't see very much of that here in North America.
45:07 But you do see it over there.
45:09 Now after the meetings,
45:11 what happened that was a little unusual?
45:14 After the meetings? Yeah.
45:15 Oh, at night, you mean when the...
45:16 I'll tell you what?
45:18 When you get 20 some thousand people in a field
45:19 and they all want prayer, you better be ready for it.
45:22 They will, the crowd crushes you,
45:24 they run for the front and they nearly lift you off.
45:26 If you can imagine, lifting me off my feet.
45:29 They carried me up off my feet
45:30 and were moving me around the crowd.
45:32 They want a prayer.
45:33 They wanna prayer so desperately.
45:34 We actually had to build a corral.
45:36 It was a shame to do it,
45:38 but just so that nobody got trampled.
45:39 We had to build what kind of look like,
45:42 I hate to call it, a cattle chute.
45:44 But it was my prayer corral.
45:46 And the people would come through there,
45:47 and it would last for another hour and a half
45:49 after the meeting.
45:51 You just be praying over folks.
45:53 Have you ever had 25,000 people come to you
45:56 and ask you to pray for them?
45:59 Shawn experienced that.
46:00 And the rest of the team also had the opportunity
46:02 to stand out in the middle of those people.
46:05 What they do is they come over and they grab your hand,
46:09 and they put it on top of their head
46:10 and they say, pray, pray.
46:13 They know already the power that prayer has in the life.
46:18 And it's something that we can learn from them.
46:20 Absolutely.
46:21 I came home learning great lessons of faith.
46:24 The people there have nothing
46:25 but they seem to be so much happier then,
46:28 you know, the children in particular.
46:29 My wife gave a children's story every night,
46:31 and she was in the villages.
46:33 She said to me one night,
46:34 these kids have nothing
46:36 and they're so much happier than the kids back home.
46:38 So much happier than the kids back home,
46:41 but they have simple faith.
46:42 They're a kind, gentle, loving people,
46:44 and you add Jesus Christ to that mix
46:46 and explosive things begin to happen.
46:48 How did all these people get to the meetings, Shawn?
46:51 We had 127 lorries or trucks like a flatbed truck,
46:56 bringing them into the meeting every night.
46:58 And it's really something to watch,
46:59 127 trucks arrive one after the other.
47:02 You know, some of these people came
47:04 from as far as 50 miles away every night.
47:05 They had to work the fields all day
47:07 from six in the morning till six at night.
47:09 And then they would come 50 miles to the meeting,
47:11 stay and stay for prayer and then drive home those 50.
47:14 Now 50 miles doesn't take an hour in India.
47:16 It takes a long time.
47:17 It sure does.
47:19 Well, that's basically,
47:22 what we're doing is saying thank you.
47:25 And we want you to know that your offerings here at ASI
47:29 make a difference for the kingdom of God.
47:31 We have a gift for you.
47:32 This afternoon, you can come
47:33 to either the It Is Written booth
47:35 or the Maranatha booth.
47:37 And we have a DVD that has the pictures
47:40 that we showed you this morning
47:41 and some other things about India.
47:43 So you can remember what is happening in India
47:46 because this is still happening over there.
47:49 Please continue to pray for India.
47:51 Absolutely.
47:52 The moment is now,
47:53 this country has come wide open.
47:55 For some who might not know a generation ago
47:57 you could go to India and nothing would happen.
47:59 You know, you would work all your life
48:01 and find 5 or 10 people,
48:02 but now we go for two weeks
48:03 with this program of building churches
48:05 and teaching in the villages and supplying pastors,
48:07 16,000 people nearly out at this point in two weeks.
48:11 God's moving in a special way.
48:12 Now it's the time to go.
48:14 Praise the Lord.


Revised 2020-01-08