3ABN On the Road

Members In Action (Friday Morning)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000744S

01:21 He leadeth me
01:25 O blessed thought
01:28 O words with heavenly comfort fraught!
01:35 Whate'er I do, where'er I be
01:41 Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me
01:57 And when my task on earth is done
02:05 When by thy grace
02:08 The victory's won
02:14 Even death's cold wave
02:18 I will not flee
02:23 Since God through Jordan
02:28 Leadeth me
02:33 He leadeth me,
02:37 He leadeth me
02:41 By his own hand
02:45 he leadeth me
02:51 His faithful follower I would be
02:58 For by his hand
03:02 he leadeth me
03:09 O let me walk
03:14 With thee, my God
03:18 As Enoch walked
03:22 In days of old
03:26 Place thou my trembling hand
03:33 In thine
03:36 And sweet communion
03:41 with me hold
03:45 E'en tho' the path
03:49 I may not see
03:55 Yet Jesus,
03:59 let me walk
04:06 With thee
04:20 He leadeth me
04:24 He leadeth me
04:28 By his own hand
04:32 He leadeth me
04:37 His faithful follower
04:43 I would be
04:46 For by his hand
04:51 He leadeth me
04:58 For by his hand
05:04 He leadeth me
05:28 Amen.
05:35 Morning, everyone.
05:38 It's time for our first members in action segment of the day.
05:42 And this morning I have the Oft family with me
05:45 from Arizona, Daryl, Mary Jo, and their son Joby.
05:49 And I'm gonna ask them to tell you a little bit about
05:51 what they've been doing lately.
05:53 First of all, Daryl, tell us
05:54 what your ministry you're engaged in
05:56 and a little bit about that.
05:58 Good morning.
06:00 We're very happy to be here this morning.
06:01 Our ministry is Living Waters International.
06:04 We're based out of Payson, Arizona.
06:07 And currently we are working on a five-year project
06:10 in Rusinga, Kenya.
06:12 This is a little island in Lake Victoria.
06:15 We're working with five priorities over there,
06:18 bringing clean sustainable water
06:20 to the people of Rusinga there, who have no clean water.
06:23 We're working with providing medical supplies
06:26 and medical assistance,
06:27 we're putting in drip irrigation systems
06:29 so that they're able to grow their own gardens,
06:32 so that they won't be starving to death.
06:34 We are working with educational programs
06:36 and educational assistance with supplies.
06:39 And we're working with approximately
06:41 1,000 orphan children.
06:42 Okay, you said something
06:44 I want to target on here a little bit.
06:45 The name of your ministry is?
06:47 Living Waters. Living Waters.
06:49 And there's a reason for that. Now you said this is an island?
06:52 That is correct.
06:53 So there's no lack of water.
06:55 There's no lack of water.
06:56 Lake Victoria is approximately
06:58 the size of the state of Arizona.
06:59 There's plenty of water around,
07:01 the water looks very clean and fresh.
07:03 And yet if you drink the water, it will kill you.
07:06 It will kill you. Okay.
07:08 So one of your priorities
07:10 is getting clean water to the people.
07:12 Now I want to find a little bit out about
07:14 how you got involved with this work.
07:17 And if you could tell us a little bit about
07:20 how did you get into this particular ministry?
07:24 Well, it was all God.
07:26 Over a year ago,
07:27 Daryl and I have been praying about
07:29 what church we should even be going to
07:31 whether it was one in the valley,
07:33 or one in our hometown at Payson.
07:36 And finally, in frustration, Daryl just said,
07:38 "Lord, I'll just go wherever You want me to go."
07:41 And the next week was a Sabbath, June 4,
07:46 we were not expected to be in church in Payson that day,
07:50 but we finished the hike we were doing early.
07:53 And we thought,
07:54 "Well, we'll go ahead and try to make it
07:56 to church in Payson."
07:58 So we did. We got there in time.
08:00 There was a potluck that day.
08:02 And the guest speaker was our conference president,
08:04 Dwayne McKee.
08:06 I'm gonna interrupt you a little bit there.
08:07 Any of you know Dwayne McKee?
08:09 Yeah, a few of you out there know.
08:11 Go ahead. Tell us about the McKee.
08:12 Well, they were there as a guest speaker,
08:15 and they stayed for the potluck.
08:17 And we were helping with the potluck.
08:19 So when it was time to sit down,
08:21 there were only two seats left to sit.
08:24 And they were next to Dwayne and Kathy.
08:27 We didn't know them at the time.
08:29 And it wasn't in our nature
08:31 to choose to sit next to a conference president.
08:35 But nevertheless, we sat down next to them
08:37 and had a great conversation with them.
08:40 And when the afternoon was finished,
08:42 and we were all getting ready to leave,
08:44 Dwayne turned to Daryl and said,
08:46 "I would like to invite you to go to Africa
08:49 and preach for three weeks."
08:52 And we were just totally shocked.
08:55 Not anything we ever dreamed about.
08:57 And we had lots of objections.
08:59 The first thing Daryl said was,
09:01 "Well, I don't see how I could possibly
09:03 get all those sermons ready.
09:05 It's only four weeks away."
09:07 There were a lot of other roadblocks.
09:09 But Dwayne said, well...
09:11 He said, "It's okay, it's all on PowerPoint.
09:14 It's all ready for you."
09:15 So there was that objection.
09:17 We have a business,
09:18 we had to worry about taking care of that.
09:20 If we can even get airplane tickets in that short of time
09:24 was going to be very questionable.
09:26 So lots of things had to be done.
09:28 But God opened all the doors, and we ended up going.
09:32 Now you said that it was June 4 was the Sabbath
09:35 that you met the McKees and had this conversation.
09:38 Now you said you ended up going, when was that?
09:40 We actually went in July, 2005.
09:43 Just a few weeks later, and you said...
09:45 Yes.
09:46 Now I'm gonna back up a little bit.
09:47 You said that you had a business.
09:49 What is your business? Tell me a little about that.
09:50 Our business is occupational health.
09:52 We have an office in our hometown of Payson
09:54 and then another office 100 miles away.
09:57 Okay.
09:58 So again, lay people in ministry,
10:01 we love to see that.
10:02 And so the next step is
10:04 you went to this island in Kenya.
10:08 And tell me more.
10:10 Well, we went, we share Him
10:12 and did a campaign for the village of Kaswanga,
10:16 Daryl and I together.
10:17 And there were 67 people baptized.
10:20 As we shared all of the Bible truths
10:23 that we had basically known all of our lives,
10:26 it did something to us
10:28 because we began to learn
10:31 and understand the things in the Bible,
10:34 and to believe them really for ourselves.
10:37 Amen. Amen.
10:39 I know that many have had that experience, haven't you?
10:41 When you start teaching others, you'll learn a lot yourself.
10:45 So you had this experience in that.
10:47 Did I hear you say 67 baptisms? Yes.
10:50 But I don't think that's the most exciting part
10:52 of what happened on this trip.
10:53 That was just the beginning for us.
10:55 We were so changed by the experience,
10:58 and we talked before we left Kenya together,
11:02 and we said, "You know,
11:03 we don't want to lose this experience.
11:05 We do not want to go back home and ever be the same
11:08 as we were before this experience."
11:11 And we knew ourselves
11:12 that we needed to make definite plans
11:14 and hit the ground running when we got back home
11:17 so that we would continue with evangelism.
11:21 Okay, so you made definite plans.
11:22 But while you were there,
11:25 the specific need is what struck you,
11:26 is that correct?
11:28 That's correct.
11:29 We were there on a Sabbath morning
11:31 and our programs generally started about 8 o'clock
11:33 on Sabbath morning.
11:34 Now you have to remember, we are below the equator.
11:37 The temperatures there are very hot,
11:39 the sun is very bright.
11:40 And we had bottle of water with us
11:43 and on Sabbath morning
11:44 and there was approximately 2,500 people
11:46 that were sitting out in this field,
11:48 no shade, the sun was burning down on us.
11:51 And we realize that nobody was drinking any water.
11:55 We were there for 13 hours that Sabbath
11:58 and nobody had any water except for us.
12:01 And that started doing something to us going,
12:04 there's something very wrong with this picture.
12:07 Nobody is drinking any water.
12:09 And so then, your solution?
12:12 Our solution was to come back and pray to God and ask Him
12:15 how He could direct us to be able to go back
12:18 and help the people of Kaswanga and Wanyama
12:20 to be able to bring fresh water to them.
12:23 So what we did is we came back,
12:24 we started putting some presentations together.
12:27 We went to different churches to different organizations.
12:30 We went to a Rotary clubs, Lions clubs,
12:33 we went to California, to Washington, to Oregon
12:37 and started sharing our story
12:39 and doing our presentations and raising money
12:42 so that we would be able to go back
12:43 and take some fresh water to Kaswanga.
12:45 Take fresh water.
12:47 Now you didn't just take water, you actually took what?
12:51 Boy, this is really hard to do it,
12:52 two minutes left.
12:53 But we put together a water purification system.
12:56 It was providential
12:58 that God had had us meet two days
13:00 before I left in April to go back,
13:03 we were just gonna go back and assess
13:04 what the needs were
13:06 and how we can take care of those.
13:08 And a gentleman heard our story,
13:10 he provided us with a fresh water purification system
13:13 that requires no electricity,
13:15 because there's none on the island.
13:18 We were able to take that back and install it.
13:21 The one school where we installed it,
13:23 they had four young men
13:24 that were on their deathbed from typhoid,
13:27 75 percent of the school had dysentery.
13:30 And when we were back there
13:31 this last week to install our second system,
13:34 all of typhoid has been cleared up
13:36 and almost all the dysentery has disappeared.
13:38 Amen. Amen.
13:40 So you went there to evangelize,
13:43 but you saw a need.
13:45 Now something you told me,
13:46 there had been other missionaries
13:47 before you, correct?
13:49 Yes, the villagers told us this, "As you know,
13:51 we've seen a lot of other missionaries
13:53 come through from different churches,
13:55 but what is different is you have come back."
13:58 And we've had our third trip.
13:59 We just came back two days ago,
14:01 and this was our third trip in a year.
14:03 And this has made a lot of difference
14:05 because now
14:06 those that have given their life to Jesus
14:08 and those that are Adventists
14:09 are able to bring non-Adventists and say,
14:11 "Look at what is happening here for us.
14:15 Not only that they come and share the good news,
14:17 but they've come back to help meet our needs."
14:19 Excellent.
14:21 And that is the difference, isn't it?
14:22 I want to talk to Joby for just a little bit.
14:25 We'll come back for a little more.
14:27 But first, Joby,
14:28 this trip that your father mentioned
14:30 you just came back from was your first trip
14:32 over to the area, is that correct?
14:34 Yeah, that's correct.
14:35 And why did you go over?
14:36 Well, I'm a senior at Pacific Union College
14:38 studying public relations.
14:40 And for that particular degree, you have to have an internship.
14:44 So I figured I'd come along with these guys
14:47 and do photo journalism and document the project.
14:50 And so that's why I came along this summer.
14:52 But that wasn't all you ended up doing, was it?
14:54 No, I mean, you can only take so many pictures,
14:57 and I started to get bored.
14:58 So I started helping out with the project
15:00 and ended up
15:02 kind of taking charge of the drip irrigation units
15:04 and distributing those to the community.
15:06 The drip irrigation unit
15:08 so that they can raise their own food.
15:10 Yeah, hunger is a big issue there,
15:12 and it helps sustain a family throughout the whole year,
15:15 one drip irrigation system.
15:16 So brings on a bunch of those.
15:19 Excellent. Now that inspired you?
15:21 Oh, yeah, definitely.
15:22 It was really great to mingle with the people
15:25 and learn about the culture.
15:27 And through that experience,
15:28 I'm planning to come back to school this year
15:31 and gather a group of students
15:32 and then go back to install 100 of them
15:35 if we can get them sponsored.
15:36 Amen.
15:38 Get some of your friends together from PUC,
15:40 heading back over,
15:41 putting another 100 systems.
15:43 Now I would like you to address
15:45 a little bit of the impact this has had.
15:46 Because the only impact hasn't been over
15:48 on an island on Lake Victoria, has it?
15:51 Tell me about some of the other areas
15:53 that this has had an impact on?
15:55 Well, first and foremost,
15:57 it has impacted our lives incredibly
15:59 with the Holy Spirit just changing our lives,
16:01 and we can only praise God for that.
16:04 That has been an incredible impact.
16:06 The second impact is it has revitalized
16:08 our church in Payson, Arizona.
16:10 It's a very small church
16:11 with a few elderly people there.
16:14 And this is just really had a positive impact
16:17 with God working through us to help revitalize our church.
16:21 So later they become part of the missionary group there?
16:23 Absolutely.
16:25 Our church has become a mission-minded church.
16:27 We figured just before we left in the last year,
16:30 now we have had around 30 percent of our people
16:34 that are currently on are going on mission trips
16:37 out of our church.
16:38 Amen, amen.
16:40 Well, I want to thank you for sharing with us
16:41 this morning.
16:42 And God bless you and your ministry.
16:44 Dan, last thing I would like to say very quickly is
16:46 thank you so much.
16:47 You know, this is not about what we are doing
16:50 and the projects that we're doing,
16:53 this is all about Jesus Christ
16:55 and how we're able to share the good news to other people.
16:58 And we just praise God for that.
17:00 So thank you so much for your time.
17:01 Amen. Thank you.
17:10 Next we have Claus Nybo from LifestyleTV
17:13 with a couple friends of his.
17:15 And we'll just begin by asking a little bit about LifestyleTV.
17:20 Tell us what that is, where it is,
17:22 and what you're doing.
17:23 Well, LifestyleTV is a new TV ministry
17:27 that is based in Scandinavia.
17:29 And Scandinavia is over in Europe,
17:31 northern part of Europe,
17:33 covering Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.
17:36 And we are reaching out there through TV to one of the,
17:40 you could say most hardest areas to reach in the world.
17:44 The UN, I understand consider Sweden
17:47 as the most secular country in the world.
17:51 And less than two percent of people
17:54 they actually go to church.
17:55 So this is a very hard area to reach
17:57 that the Lord have given as a burden
17:59 to try and reach in to the homes of people
18:02 and reach their hearts.
18:04 I was surprised to hear that.
18:05 We think of countries like Africa and India,
18:07 but you're telling me
18:08 that Sweden is the most secular country.
18:10 That's what the UN has said. By the UN standards.
18:12 Very good.
18:14 Now, tell me a little bit about the station.
18:16 How long have you been on the air?
18:19 Well, we have been on air for almost seven months now.
18:23 So we're failing you, but the Lord have blessed,
18:26 and it's been an amazing trip to get there.
18:28 Maybe we should show.
18:30 I think we have a video clip here
18:31 if we can get them to show that
18:33 and that gives a little overview
18:35 to your ministry there at LifestyleTV.
20:41 Claus, I noticed quite a few young people
20:44 in the production photos,
20:45 and we're gonna come back to that in a little bit.
20:47 But first, I'd like you
20:48 to tell us a little bit about the vision for this.
20:51 You said it's a very new ministry,
20:53 what was your background
20:54 and what led you into LifestyleTV?
20:58 Well, you know, Dan, it's amazing that
21:00 when I think back about four years ago,
21:02 I was sitting in ASI convention like this.
21:06 That was my first ASI.
21:08 And working in the media, we had our own business,
21:11 my wife and I would design
21:13 and consulting in graphic design.
21:16 And I was sitting, and I was watching the cameras,
21:18 and being in media was very interested in that.
21:21 And I just never had any idea
21:24 that the Lord would call us into this kind of ministry.
21:26 But I remember being very intrigued
21:28 by what was happening.
21:29 A year after that,
21:31 I got an invitation from 3ABN
21:33 to come and work for a year as a producer.
21:35 And then from there,
21:37 the Lord just started opening doors
21:38 and laying a burden on our heart
21:40 that we should use the talents
21:42 we had to reach out to people
21:44 and to get right into their homes
21:46 and share the gospel that He has given us.
21:50 That took quite a process as I understand it
21:52 from just the vision to actually being on the air.
21:56 Tell us about that.
21:57 We decided to pick up the phone and call them.
21:59 And as I'm talking to the other company,
22:01 the first response they're giving is
22:02 "No, we're not interested.
22:04 We're commercial network.
22:06 We're not interested in anything
22:07 like a religious channel."
22:09 And I kept talking, kept praying.
22:11 And pretty soon the guy says,
22:13 "Well, if He had to consider anything like that,
22:15 you'd have to give us some really good agreements
22:17 for why I should go on a...
22:22 I mean, I should take in a network like that."
22:24 And then we kept talking.
22:27 And over later, he says, "Well, when can you meet?"
22:30 And I was quite surprised by that
22:32 'cause he just said he was not interested.
22:33 So I flew over to meet him.
22:35 And as we had a meeting within half an hour,
22:37 he turns to me, Dan, and he says,
22:38 "What do we need to do to get an agreement?"
22:40 And he was offering us both
22:42 to get on the satellite to get in the packets,
22:44 the base packets
22:46 that everybody's receiving together
22:47 with all the other big channels
22:49 and to be part of their promotional material.
22:53 And so here we tried
22:55 for half a year to work this out,
22:56 and in half an hour,
22:58 the Lord did what we could not do.
22:59 Amen.
23:01 And that was just amazing to just to see that.
23:03 And so essentially then you signed a contract with them
23:06 and LifestyleTV is on with CNN and BBC
23:11 and all the other main programs that this satellite provides.
23:14 We have right in the main packets
23:16 and the base tier of the satellite
23:19 that is the biggest in Scandinavia,
23:21 reaching over 5 million people,
23:23 which is over 20 percent of the population.
23:29 So that is a huge potential that the Lord has given us.
23:33 And we have to share with people about Jesus Christ.
23:38 And reaching a couple different areas,
23:40 first of all, how about the people
23:41 in your own staff, in your own studio?
23:43 Well, among the team that we have,
23:46 we like to work with young people.
23:48 And so we brought with us
23:49 a couple of the ones our student missionaries,
23:52 Janna and Christine.
23:53 They've been with us for one year,
23:55 working along with a TV team.
23:57 And Janna,
23:59 what is your experience been in Sweden?
24:00 Well, I can honestly say I had a lot of fun.
24:03 I mean, it was a lot different than I expected.
24:05 But I had a lot of fun.
24:06 And I think for me, the biggest thing was just
24:09 being able to work with a ministry
24:10 that's on the front lines of sharing the gospel.
24:13 And that was just really exciting for me to be there
24:15 and to use my skills in that.
24:18 And I do encourage any young person
24:20 who's thinking of doing mission service
24:22 to check it out and definitely go over there
24:25 and spend years would be year well worth your time.
24:29 What about you, Christine?
24:31 Well, during this year, I have really realized that
24:34 you don't have to go to the other side of the planet
24:37 to be a missionary.
24:38 I'm a Swede,
24:39 and I'm a missionary in Sweden, so...
24:41 Amen.
24:43 We have had them a year,
24:44 and we have really enjoyed having these two young people.
24:47 And what we see is education
24:50 as being one of the important things
24:51 alongside with our broadcasting,
24:53 so train young people to be involved in this.
24:55 And, you know, the couple of months ago,
24:57 we got an interesting request from somebody in Malaysia,
25:01 and they were wanting to start a Chinese network.
25:03 And they said, "Can we send two students
25:05 to you to train to do TV?"
25:07 At first we thought, "Well,
25:09 we can't handle to train anymore.
25:10 We're having enough as we are."
25:12 And then we thought, "Well, the Lord trained us,
25:16 the Lord helped give us a mission,
25:17 how can we turn somebody else down?"
25:19 And so this fall, we're getting two young men
25:22 that are gonna learn how to do TV
25:24 and then go start a Chinese network
25:27 from Malaysia.
25:28 Fantastic.
25:29 So you're impacting the young people
25:31 that are working there.
25:32 Do you know...
25:34 Are you reaching the people out in the community?
25:35 Do you have any evidence of that?
25:37 That's probably one of the biggest questions
25:39 we get when we travel around in the churches,
25:41 people come up and say
25:42 "What is the response that you've gotten?"
25:44 And I remember distinctly I was just in Norway,
25:46 sharing with a church of the ministry,
25:49 and they ask that question.
25:50 I said, "Well, you know,
25:52 we're just been on air for three months.
25:53 You got to just give the Lord a little time.
25:55 It's coming.
25:57 We are getting response from people,
25:58 but things takes time."
26:00 I came back from Norway.
26:02 And that same week,
26:03 Audrey Anderson that is here with us,
26:05 he came up to me and said, you know,
26:08 somebody called the union last week.
26:10 And that was a view of LifestyleTV.
26:13 They call up the union.
26:14 Don't know how they got the phone number.
26:16 And they said, "We've been watching LifestyleTV,
26:19 and I want to get Bible studies,
26:21 and I'll get baptized."
26:23 And just a month ago, the pastor came, says,
26:25 "I've been giving this man Bible studies,
26:28 and he's gonna get baptized now in a few weeks
26:30 when we get back home."
26:32 Amen.
26:33 And I was just confounded with what the Lord can do
26:36 and our faith sometime how little it is
26:38 that here we thought that it takes much longer time,
26:41 and then the Lord after three months of being on air,
26:44 reach to somebody that had never had contact
26:46 with Adventist before,
26:47 and he's ready to get baptized.
26:49 Amen.
26:50 Well, thank you for sharing this with us.
26:51 And God bless you and your work.
26:53 Thank you.
27:01 I have with me here Steve Peden from Project Steps to Christ.
27:05 Now, Steve, tell us
27:07 what is Project Steps to Christ all about?
27:10 Well, Project Steps to Christ is a layman's ministry
27:14 instituted and designed to take the gospel
27:17 to every home in the United States.
27:19 That's 125 million homes
27:21 through the mass mailing of truthful literatures,
27:23 that's a Steps to Christ.
27:25 Now Steps to Christ the only thing?
27:27 No, we do an abridged version of the Great Controversy called
27:31 On the Edge of Time.
27:32 Okay.
27:34 So this has been your project for how long?
27:37 I've been with the project for 10 years.
27:38 But if you're been around in the church for a while,
27:41 it's been around for about 33 years.
27:43 About 33 years you've been doing this?
27:44 Yes.
27:46 But there's a unique project
27:47 that you just have been working on over the past year.
27:49 I'd like you to tell us about that.
27:51 Yes, in April 2005,
27:54 I was invited to the San Francisco
27:56 Central Church to do a seminar about Project Steps to Christ.
28:00 And at the end of the seminar, I challenged the church
28:03 to consider to do a mailing to all of San Francisco,
28:06 which was about 400,000 homes.
28:09 And praise the Lord, they accepted the challenge.
28:12 And so as I left San Francisco that weekend,
28:16 flying over the city,
28:18 I claimed that city for the Lord.
28:19 And we went back to our home in New York,
28:22 and we began to plan this rate,
28:25 mass mailing to all of San Francisco.
28:27 Can you tell me why you chose San Francisco
28:29 and why now?
28:30 Well, I believe the Lord chose San Francisco
28:32 was all His timing.
28:34 And as we talked there at the church,
28:36 we recognize
28:38 that the churches of San Francisco had
28:40 the opportunity of a lifetime to reach that city
28:43 as the following year, April 2006.
28:46 This year, San Francisco
28:48 would be celebrating the 100th anniversary
28:50 of the Great San Francisco Earthquake.
28:53 So that anniversary was when?
28:56 April 18, 2006.
28:59 2006. Yes.
29:00 So when did you send out your mailing?
29:03 Well, beginning in January all the way through February,
29:07 we began to print and address these 400,000 books.
29:11 These were printed and mailed at the Review and Herald.
29:14 And then about the middle of March,
29:17 the Review and Herald loaded up
29:18 two tractor trailer loads of books.
29:21 Those were taken to a rail station
29:23 nearby in Hagerstown, Maryland,
29:25 loaded on flatbed rail cars
29:27 and trucked all the way across the country to San Francisco.
29:30 And then the books began delivery
29:32 or the post office began delivery
29:34 to the humps in San Francisco
29:35 beginning March 30 throughout the month of April.
29:39 Excellent.
29:40 Now you said that this particular version
29:42 of Steps to Christ was unique in its cover and...
29:45 Well, actually, we didn't mail Steps to Christ.
29:47 Oh, that's right.
29:49 We actually mailed an abridged version
29:50 of the Great Controversy.
29:53 I thought we would mail Steps to Christ.
29:54 But then as we began to pray
29:56 and study about what we might share,
29:59 the Lord spoke to my heart as well as the pastor there
30:03 from the Spirit of Prophecy.
30:05 And I'd like to just share one quote
30:06 from Review and Herald, May 24.
30:08 "The Lord is soon to come in fire
30:10 and flood and earthquake,
30:12 He is warning the inhabitants of this earth
30:14 of His soon approach.
30:16 O that the people might know
30:17 that the time of their visitation!
30:19 We have no time to lose.
30:20 We must make more determined efforts
30:22 to lead the people of the world
30:23 to see that the Day of Judgment is near at hand.
30:26 Carefully prepared literature
30:28 on the significance of the scenes
30:29 we are now witnessing is to be circulated everywhere."
30:33 And so we were impressed that we needed to share
30:35 with the people of San Francisco
30:37 a warning message,
30:38 urging them to prepare for the things
30:40 that are coming upon the earth.
30:42 And if you are a subscriber to the National Geographic,
30:46 in April of this year,
30:48 what was it all about earthquakes in California,
30:51 and so it was an appropriate time
30:52 to bring that message out.
30:55 So right over this anniversary time,
30:57 people are receiving this abridged version
30:59 of Great Controversy in their mailboxes.
31:01 Has it had any impact?
31:02 Can you tell us if there's been any results from this?
31:05 Yes, in the first month of April,
31:07 we received 500 responses.
31:10 And then since then
31:11 we've been getting about an average of 10 cards per week
31:13 from people in San Francisco who are reading the book.
31:16 Now keep in mind,
31:17 even as far back as the late 1800s,
31:20 Ellen White said that San Francisco
31:21 and Oakland were a literal Sodom and Gomorrah.
31:24 And we know that
31:26 out of the inhabitants of Sodom,
31:28 only Lot and his family were saved.
31:30 So we rejoice that even in San Francisco,
31:32 there were 800 people that responded so far.
31:34 Absolutely. I believe that significant.
31:36 San Francisco is not an easy city
31:38 to evangelize, is that?
31:39 No.
31:40 In fact, for years,
31:42 the Central California Conference
31:43 has scratched their heads wondering
31:44 what they could do for that city.
31:46 They had a hard time uniting the churches
31:47 in a unified effort.
31:50 And so this was historic for the conference
31:52 as well as they saw the whole city reached
31:55 and all the churches working together to make that happen.
31:57 Amen. Amen.
31:59 So you've had 800 responses up today there...
32:02 Today, yes. From San Francisco.
32:04 What's next?
32:05 What's next? Good question.
32:07 That's the name of our book, "What's Next?
32:08 Are You Prepared?"
32:10 Well, as people began to learn about our project,
32:14 the Northern California Conference learned
32:15 what we were doing in San Francisco.
32:18 And so by the end of April,
32:20 they had committed to doing a whole,
32:21 the entire city of Oakland, California, 163,000 city,
32:25 I'm sorry, 163,000 homes in Oakland,
32:27 which we just completed the end of July.
32:31 And like fire in the stubble, now the churches in Novato,
32:37 which is Marin County, just north of the city,
32:39 they're doing 119,000 homes there,
32:41 south of San Francisco,
32:43 about 195,000 in San Mateo County as well.
32:47 Amen. And is that all?
32:49 And that's not it.
32:51 Word got around the country, and right now in Santa Fe,
32:55 there's a small church in Santa Fe
32:56 that has a vision now to cover all of Northern New Mexico
32:59 from Albuquerque all the way to the Colorado border.
33:02 And so they are now mobilizing troops
33:05 to coordinate that mailing.
33:08 Rochester, New York, about 463,000 homes.
33:12 We're working with the Breath of Life church there
33:14 and mobilize the churches.
33:15 In Dallas,
33:16 the Dallas International Church has caught the vision.
33:20 And they have developed
33:21 a steering committee of five churches.
33:24 And we're gonna be having a big rally next month
33:26 to initiate a mass campaign
33:28 to reach all of Dallas-Fort Worth, 2,096,000 homes.
33:31 Praise the Lord in all of Dallas
33:33 for Great Controversy.
33:35 Amen. Amen.
33:36 Now just briefly tell us
33:38 how people can get in touch with you
33:39 and find out more about Project Steps to Christ?
33:42 Well, while you're here, I am located at the Review
33:45 and Herald booth just next door to them.
33:48 So we have samples of this free book.
33:49 We have literature, we have information
33:52 on how your local church can get involved
33:54 in either covering in your entire city
33:56 or just doing your neighborhood.
33:58 Amen.
34:00 Well, thank you, Steve.
34:01 I appreciate you telling us about your project here.
34:04 Anything else you'd like to share
34:05 before we stop this interview?
34:08 Yes, I'd like to just encourage you
34:10 to read page 612 in the "Great Controversy."
34:13 It's speaks about the results of our seed sowing now,
34:16 and I think you'll be blessed by that promise.
34:19 At times, we get discouraged
34:21 that we're not seeing any results from our labors.
34:22 But there's a beautiful promise there
34:24 that will greatly encourage you in your labors.
34:26 Amen. Thank you. Thank you.
34:35 Next person I'd like you all to meet is Sebastian Tirtirau.
34:40 And I hope I said that right.
34:41 He's from Pilgrim Society.
34:43 And, Sebastian, I'd like you to tell us briefly
34:46 what is Pilgrim Society all about?
34:49 Pilgrim Society is a nonprofit missionary society
34:51 established in Canada, US, and Australia,
34:55 designed to reach only the most remote tribes
34:58 on the planet.
34:59 The most remote tribes on the planet.
35:02 Can you give us an example of those...
35:05 Which types of people you're trying to reach?
35:07 Well, for the past 10 years,
35:08 I've been working with the Kalahari Bushmen
35:10 of the Kalahari Desert Southern Africa,
35:12 the Amazonian tribes in South America,
35:14 the Arctic in with
35:15 we just started a mission couple years ago there,
35:17 Congo pygmies, Papa New Guinea and so forth.
35:20 Okay.
35:22 So the Bushmen of the Kalahari,
35:24 you've been working with the longest,
35:25 is that correct?
35:26 That's right.
35:28 In 1996, I established that mission.
35:29 In 1996, you established that mission.
35:32 Now I want to talk a little bit about
35:35 how you got into this particular ministry.
35:38 Why the most remote?
35:40 What led you to this particular mission?
35:43 It has to do with my training before I became a Christian.
35:47 Before you became a Christian.
35:48 You haven't always been a Christian?
35:50 No, I became a Christian,
35:51 Seventh-day Adventist Christian at the age of 22 years old.
35:53 I was a rock and roll singer
35:55 and a professional dancer before that.
35:56 A singer and a dancer.
35:58 I think you have another profession as well.
36:00 Yes, I was a history teacher. A history teacher!
36:02 Now you had a remarkable student
36:03 that came into your life at that time.
36:05 That's right. I was an atheist.
36:07 My parents are professors of philosophy.
36:09 I grew up in an atheist environment.
36:11 But at the age of 22, besides my nightlife,
36:14 I was a history teacher.
36:16 I had a teaching history in grades five to eight.
36:19 And in one of my grade 5 classes,
36:20 I had a 10-year-old girl student
36:23 who gave me Bible studies.
36:24 A 10-year-old girl gave you Bible studies.
36:27 Why?
36:29 How did that come about?
36:30 Everybody around called me the beast.
36:31 That was my nickname in the school
36:33 because I had long hair, earrings,
36:35 cut jeans, and so forth.
36:37 And everybody, even in her own family,
36:39 people said that this man is lost.
36:42 But she said that even
36:44 this man by the grace of God can be saved.
36:46 So a 10-year-old girl thought she could save you?
36:49 A 10-year-old girl showed me what history is all about,
36:52 while I was a history teacher.
36:54 Amen. Amen.
36:56 Now also, you had some experiences
36:59 that you said prepared you
37:00 for the work you're doing now during that time in your life.
37:04 I was a professional soldier at the age of 14 to 17
37:07 when my brother fled the country
37:09 to Sweden illegally.
37:10 I was put in prison on behalf of him
37:13 to take the punishment for him.
37:15 For 18 months in prison, I was beaten, starved.
37:18 I was allowed to sleep two hours a night,
37:19 every night for nine months.
37:21 Four or five times a day they were beating us
37:22 with all sorts of tools to brainwash us.
37:27 That's why I met.
37:29 Actually, first time I asked God,
37:30 although I didn't know there is one.
37:32 I pointed out to heaven one night and I said,
37:34 "Why did you put me in here?"
37:36 So your brother's the one who committed the crime,
37:38 but you did the time.
37:40 I still don't consider that the crime.
37:42 Okay.
37:44 In their eyes, it was a crime.
37:45 In their eyes, it was a crime. Yes.
37:46 And I took the punishment for him.
37:49 But in this unit, in this prison,
37:51 God opened my heart to Him
37:53 to show me that He exists
37:55 and that there is nothing that can stop Him.
37:57 Later on when I became a Christian, 22 years old,
38:00 I left for Africa as a missionary.
38:02 I studied theology in Cape Town.
38:05 And I became a missionary to this very remote tribe,
38:08 to the Bushmen tribe of the Kalahari.
38:10 Only in the Kalahari, God showed me
38:12 why He allowed those experiences in my life
38:15 to train me silently for places
38:18 that nobody else wants to go.
38:20 So what you're saying is that after all these experiences,
38:22 you're talking about beating, starvation in prison
38:26 that God allowed that
38:28 to prepare you for what you're doing now?
38:30 That's right.
38:31 Nothing can be worse than I experienced,
38:33 maybe except the North Pole.
38:35 Okay. It comes close.
38:37 Now that brings us to a couple of the areas
38:39 that particularly you've been working in recently.
38:42 Can you tell us,
38:43 just highlight those two areas for us?
38:45 We have major work in the Kalahari Desert
38:47 with the Bushmen in Namibia and Botswana.
38:49 And we just started work with the Arctic
38:51 and with in Northern Canada, Northern Greenland,
38:53 where we distributed a few thousand Bibles
38:55 to the people of the Arctic.
38:57 I have some pictures to show you.
38:58 Okay.
39:00 Just before you do that,
39:01 I just want to call people's attention to something
39:02 because it caught my attention.
39:05 What are these two places have in common
39:07 The Kalahari Desert
39:09 and the Inuit tribes up in the Arctic Circle?
39:12 Seems about as different as night and day
39:14 until you told me
39:16 that God prepared you for the work
39:18 with those in the remote areas through this experience.
39:21 Tell us about now that works specifically,
39:23 as you said, you've got some pictures
39:24 to share with us.
39:26 I started the mission in Africa in 1996.
39:27 And we go from place to place in the jeep.
39:30 We sleep with the people in huts.
39:33 And in 1996,
39:34 I left there to the Kalahari knowing no language,
39:38 no translator, I didn't know what we're gonna do.
39:40 So what I did,
39:42 I prayed for one week for a mentor
39:43 that speaks English in Bushmen language
39:45 because they speak the Ju/'hoansi language,
39:47 which is a clicking language.
39:48 And the Lord gave me a man who speaks 14 languages,
39:53 not only English, but 14 languages.
39:55 A man that today is the pastor for five churches
39:57 in the Kalahari Desert.
39:59 And in the past 10 years, I've been there 16 times.
40:02 We go from place to place, and we build churches
40:05 as you see in the next picture here.
40:07 We build churches very remote in the bush,
40:09 either by with the straw roof or brick buildings.
40:14 Then we move from place to place
40:16 in very difficult conditions.
40:17 The next picture we'll show,
40:19 we go through deep swamps and mud
40:22 and sand and so forth.
40:24 It's a mission from scratch.
40:26 It's a mission that... You don't see a hotel.
40:29 As a matter of fact, tomorrow night,
40:30 it is written, it's gonna have few words about that
40:32 because Saturday night
40:34 I'm leaving for the Kalahari with them.
40:36 There are partners with me right now in doing this,
40:39 so I'm gonna make sure
40:41 they really experience the Kalahari
40:43 at the worst level.
40:47 The Bushmen are extremely poor.
40:48 They die in great numbers, 85 percent of the children die
40:52 before the age of 5
40:53 because of malaria and starvation.
40:56 There is no water surface.
40:58 While in the Kalahari, we installed water systems
41:00 powered by solar technology today.
41:01 We have over 25 water systems
41:03 that we installed till date powered by solar technology.
41:06 We have five churches.
41:07 We have an orphanage, a clinic in a place
41:09 where people didn't know who Christ is 10 years ago.
41:12 Over 2,000 members come to church today
41:15 but my translator Kambasi tells me
41:17 that at least half of the population of Bushmen
41:19 which is 65,000 know about the Adventist faith.
41:23 So it's moving extremely fast in this area.
41:27 Fantastic. We'll continue on with the...
41:30 The next project we started was two years ago,
41:33 where I left, you can see here.
41:36 This is not Kalahari, it's the Arctic.
41:39 I was bundled up.
41:41 And you can see the next picture here,
41:42 the Inuit dressed me as an Eskimo myself.
41:45 They gave me this polar bear and caribou fursuit.
41:49 I had six pairs of pants under those pants by the way.
41:53 Minus 60 degrees,
41:54 I traveled by dog sled from place to place
41:56 to deliver Bible to very remote villages
41:58 up to 84 degrees latitude north.
42:02 And I met with people
42:05 that all didn't know who God is,
42:07 like this man, Ian Natalino.
42:09 Natalino was my guide and the hunter in the Arctic.
42:13 And this man not only accepted me like a brother
42:16 and saved my life in a snowstorm,
42:18 where we were buried in an igloo
42:19 for three days and three nights.
42:21 He delivered Bibles to people around the villages.
42:25 He went to the village and to the places then he said,
42:28 "Please take this Bible"
42:29 although he didn't know what that is.
42:31 Now let me interrupt here a little bit.
42:33 That was essentially your motive to go there,
42:35 is that correct?
42:37 Was to take Bibles to the people?
42:38 That's right.
42:39 Did you have Bibles in their language?
42:41 Yes, Canadian Bible Society translated this Bible
42:43 into Inuktitut language,
42:46 but it was sitting in their warehouses
42:47 because nobody took it up there for them.
42:50 Sitting in their warehouses, not doing anyone any good.
42:53 And so your mission was...
42:54 So I called them and I said, "I'd like to buy some."
42:57 And I bought few hundred last year
42:59 and this year with the help of it is written I took up there.
43:02 We bought 5,000 Bibles to deliver to the people,
43:04 which the first 3,000 were already delivered.
43:06 I just came from there.
43:08 Amen.
43:10 Now...
43:12 to get them there,
43:14 you didn't just get on a plane
43:16 and fly them up there, right?
43:18 Well, I flew in a cargo plane with the...
43:20 Which was the most interesting experience
43:23 because the captain,
43:24 he was dressed in a normal overalls.
43:26 And when we got in...
43:28 The only safety information
43:30 we got is that the survival pack is in that cupboard,
43:32 when it crashes, you just take it and survive.
43:35 That's how it was.
43:37 So the captain was an interesting person.
43:39 We flew over the Arctic
43:41 and where you can see the curvature of the ground
43:43 on each side as the end of the world.
43:47 Actually the captain said,
43:48 "Welcome to the end of the world."
43:49 So we were at the end of the world.
43:51 And then from there, I put them on dog sled
43:53 because the villages are so far apart.
43:55 We can't go by ski doo.
43:56 We have to go by dog sled.
43:58 So your chartered a dog sled
43:59 to get the bibles to these people.
44:01 We charted the dog sled, there were 14 dogs,
44:02 and we slept in igloos in between the villages
44:04 because there's no other place to sleep in there.
44:06 Yeah, there are so many extreme sports out there.
44:08 Have you ever heard of extreme mission?
44:10 This man's an expert in the field.
44:12 Go ahead.
44:14 Then in the next picture we have,
44:15 let me show you a little bit here.
44:18 It's a mission school that we're building right now
44:20 because we open up so many remote places.
44:23 There is a great need for me to train young people
44:26 to go to remote places.
44:28 And we're establishing there now two mission stations,
44:30 one in northern Romania in the mountains
44:32 where we have a property that you can see here,
44:34 it's already almost finished.
44:36 And for six months,
44:38 we're gonna train young people to go to the remote places
44:41 where I've been, so I can open new ones.
44:43 And then we start a new one in the Kalahari,
44:45 where we're gonna have an orphanage
44:47 or hospital for the Bushmen
44:48 because the Bushmen have no medical care, no education.
44:51 And we're gonna have a boarding academy,
44:53 mission school, and a farm, and hospital, and orphanage.
44:57 Now you mentioned a little bit ago, specifically,
44:59 you're going with the "It Is Written" team
45:01 immediately following this convention.
45:03 That's right. Saturday night.
45:04 What is your purpose there?
45:06 What are your plans for this particular trip?
45:07 Right now, we're gonna deliver small iPods.
45:09 Actually, they call them God pods
45:11 in which we put the Bushmen Bible,
45:13 spoken Bible on these iPods
45:16 that are solar-powered,
45:18 and we give them to the Bushmen villages
45:19 to listen to the Word of God.
45:20 Now I want you to just imagine for a second,
45:23 the Bushmen in skins,
45:25 hunting with poison arrows with the headphones,
45:28 listening to the Bible from an iPod.
45:31 So only God can do this.
45:33 Amen. Amen.
45:39 One other thing that you mentioned to me,
45:40 it isn't only the Bible,
45:42 you have a project underway translating...
45:44 We're gonna translate...
45:46 My translator Kambasi that,
45:48 I told you, he speaks 14 languages.
45:50 He's coming with me to North America in August.
45:53 He's gonna translate the first book
45:56 ever translated in Bushmen language
45:58 of Ellen White which is "Steps to Christ."
46:00 So we're gonna put it on this iPod as well.
46:02 Amen.
46:03 You said that's not only the first,
46:06 it's the first ever book...
46:08 First ever book. In the Bushman language...
46:10 That's right.
46:11 Is "Steps to Christ."
46:13 And God chose Ellen White to do that.
46:14 Amen. Amen.
46:16 Well, I really appreciate you telling us about this.
46:18 Sebastian, now people might want to find out a little more.
46:20 How can they find out more about your project?
46:23 Easiest way is, "It Is Written" speaking tomorrow night
46:25 to get more information there
46:26 and also they can go to our website.
46:28 That's PilgrimSociety.com.
46:30 Did you catch that?
46:31 PilgrimSociety.com
46:33 if you want to learn more about
46:35 what Sebastian is doing in his mission.
46:37 Thank you for your attention this morning.
46:53 Abide in me and I in you
46:56 Father, please today
47:00 I'll not allow one trial to come
47:04 Except I shall go away
47:08 Just trust in me to do the things
47:11 I promise I will do
47:15 If you will just abide in me
47:20 And I abide in you
47:25 I will abide though darkness storm has threatened
47:33 Obscure the way in me
47:36 I praise the Lord for me
47:40 I'll ask for nail scarred hand stretch out to save me
47:47 My helpless soul cries out
47:51 I will abide
47:57 Abide in me and I in you
48:00 He's tend to me
48:04 The flowers grow not by their care or their anxiety
48:12 I am the everlasting light
48:15 For all the world to see
48:19 As flowers turn to sun for strength
48:24 Will just abide in me
48:30 I will abide
48:33 Though darkness storm has threatened
48:37 Obscure the way in me
48:40 I praise the Lord for me
48:43 I'll ask for nail scarred hand stretch out to save me
48:50 My helpless soul cries out
48:55 I will abide
49:01 For you I went to Calvary
49:05 For you into the test
49:08 Just come to me O troubled soul
49:12 And I will give you rest
49:16 The final peace I leave with you
49:20 No world can take away
49:24 Receive me and your life will change
49:28 Abide with me today
49:34 I will abide
49:38 Though darkness storm has threatened
49:42 Obscure the way in me
49:45 I praise the Lord for me
49:49 I'll ask for nail scarred hand stretch out to save me
49:56 My helpless soul cries out
50:02 I will abide
50:09 Amen.
50:32 Give me ears to hear Your Spirit
50:38 Give me feet to follow through
50:43 Give me hands to touch the hurting
50:49 And the faith to follow You
50:58 Give me grace to be a servant
51:04 Give me mercy for the lost
51:09 Give me passion for Your glory
51:15 Give me passion for the cross
51:21 And I will go where there are no easy roads
51:27 Leave the comforts that I know
51:32 I will go and let this journey be my home
51:38 I will go
51:41 I will go
51:43 I will go
51:59 I'll let go of my ambition
52:04 Cut the roots that run too deep
52:09 I will learn to give away
52:15 What I cannot really keep
52:20 What I cannot really keep
52:28 Help me see with eyes of faith
52:35 Give me strength to run this race
52:42 And I will go where there are no easy roads
52:48 Leave the comforts that I know
52:53 I will go and let this journey be my home
52:58 I will go
53:01 I will go
53:04 We will go
53:06 Lord where Your glory is unknown
53:10 We will live for You alone
53:16 We will go because our life is not our own
53:22 I will go
53:25 I will go
53:27 We will go


Revised 2020-01-08