3ABN On the Road

Missions In This Generation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Laurence Burn


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000700

01:01 Good morning.
01:03 Are you happy to be here this morning?
01:05 Isn't it a good Sabbath?
01:06 I'm so glad to be here with you this morning.
01:10 Now I want to tell you a story, a mission story
01:13 from the island of Papua New Guinea.
01:15 How many of you have ever heard of Papua New Guinea?
01:18 Now that's an island down in the South Pacific.
01:21 And for eight years, my family
01:23 and I lived among a primitive tribal group
01:27 that lived deep in the jungles of that country.
01:31 I want to tell you this morning about a girl,
01:33 she was probably about eight years old.
01:35 How many people,
01:37 kids are eight years old this morning?
01:38 She was about your age if you're around eight.
01:41 And I'm gonna call her name Jenny.
01:43 Jenny lived with her mommy and her daddy
01:46 along the May River,
01:49 and Jenny was from the Iwan tribe.
01:52 The Iwan people are people that they have a few of the things
01:56 that you have here.
01:58 They live in the jungle in bush houses
02:01 and they don't have many clothes.
02:03 And she and her family lived there along the river
02:06 in the village of mommy.
02:08 They needed to go plant a garden
02:10 and planting a garden in New Guinea
02:12 is a very hard task
02:13 because the Iwan people get in their canoe
02:16 and they paddle up or down the river to the place
02:18 where their garden spot is going to be
02:20 and then they cut down big trees
02:22 and they fall over and then they let them dry
02:25 and then they burn it all up and clean it up.
02:28 And so one day, Jenny and her mommy
02:30 and her daddy and her friends
02:32 and uncles and brothers and sisters,
02:34 they went up to their garden spot.
02:36 And they were working very hard with their bush knives,
02:39 cleaning and burning.
02:41 They worked all morning and it was getting later
02:43 and later into the afternoon and finally,
02:46 Jenny's mommy said to her,
02:48 "Why don't you and your friends get together,
02:51 build a fire and cook our sweet potatoes for us?"
02:56 And so that's just what they did.
02:58 Here in the United States,
03:01 we usually don't let children play
03:02 with fire very much, do we?
03:05 And there's a good reason for that.
03:06 But in New Guinea, children are often,
03:08 they're responsible for building the fires
03:10 and cooking the food often.
03:11 So Jenny and her friends, they gathered up some sticks
03:14 and they built a nice big fire there in the jungle.
03:18 And they got it going,
03:20 and they were beginning to cook their food
03:22 when somebody said this.
03:24 They said, "Hey, why don't we see
03:28 if we can jump over the fire?"
03:32 And they said, "Oh, yeah, that would be a good idea.
03:35 Let's see if we can do that."
03:37 And so, somebody got back and they,
03:41 they ran and they jumped over the fire
03:43 and then somebody else ran and they jumped over the fire.
03:46 And then Jenny got ready to jump over the fire.
03:48 But you know what the problem was?
03:51 All Jenny had for clothes was a grass skirt.
03:56 And Jenny, she came running up and she jumped
03:58 and she went right over the fire.
04:00 And then she got to the other side
04:02 and they all stopped and they turned around
04:03 and they said, "Oh that was such fun.
04:04 Let's do it again."
04:06 And so that's just what they did.
04:08 One person ran and they jumped.
04:10 The next little boy ran and he jumped.
04:12 And then Jenny got ready
04:14 and she came running up to the fire.
04:16 And just as she got there, Jenny tripped
04:19 and fell right into the fire.
04:22 And do you know, that instantly her grass skirt
04:25 just caught fire and she was enveloped
04:28 in fright flames and she fell out of the fire
04:30 was rolling on the ground,
04:32 and they were trying to get the flames out
04:34 and she was crying and screaming
04:35 and Jenny was burned very, very badly.
04:38 It was terrible.
04:40 Well, her mommy and daddy, they didn't know Jesus.
04:42 Nobody on the May River knew Jesus
04:44 when we move there.
04:46 But her mommy and daddy looked at Jenny
04:49 and they knew she was burned so badly.
04:51 They didn't know what to do.
04:53 And they said, "You know,
04:54 we've heard there's a missionary,
04:56 somebody that lives many hours down river.
04:59 Why don't we take Jenny to see that family?"
05:02 And so Jenny and her mommy and daddy
05:05 put Jenny into a log canoe,
05:08 and they paddled for about six hours.
05:11 They paddled and paddled and paddled
05:13 until they got to the little place
05:16 where we lived along the May River.
05:18 And when they carried Jenny up the hill, I was just so sad.
05:22 I can tell you, it was terrible,
05:23 because the fire had just burned her skin
05:26 just so terribly,
05:28 and by the time they got her to us,
05:29 her skin was just falling off of her body,
05:32 from the middle of her back all the way to her ankles.
05:35 And I looked at Jenny and I said this to myself,
05:38 I said, "There's just no way Jenny is ever going to live
05:41 because we were not a hospital."
05:43 And I'm not a doctor.
05:45 And we just didn't know what to do
05:48 but we just took Jenny in
05:50 and we began to try and treat her.
05:51 We had a little clinic there where we did our best
05:53 to help people.
05:55 And so, every day we got Jenny, we tried to bathe her,
05:59 and we put bandages on her
06:01 and we got some medicine to try and help her skin
06:04 but in New Guinea, you see,
06:05 it's so hot and it's so humid that
06:08 sometimes even a little tiny cut
06:11 will become a big tropical ulcer.
06:13 And here Jenny was without any skin
06:16 all the way from the middle of her back to her ankles.
06:20 And I knew that the only way Jenny would ever live
06:23 would be if Jesus helped her.
06:26 And so every day as we would gather around her
06:29 and we would give her treatments
06:31 and take off her bandages, and it would hurt her so bad.
06:33 And we would kneel beside Jenny with her family
06:37 and we would pray and we would pray
06:39 and we would pray.
06:40 And even we would ask Jesus, "Please Jesus.
06:42 Won't you help Jenny?"
06:44 And do you know what happened?
06:47 Jenny was healed.
06:50 Jesus saved her life. It was amazing.
06:54 Today, Jenny's still alive and she has a crooked leg,
06:57 her leg never was able to straighten back out,
06:59 but the most amazing thing was this,
07:02 was that every day as we prayed by Jenny,
07:05 her mommy and her daddy were watching us.
07:08 And they knew that their spirits
07:11 just could have never helped
07:14 someone injured as badly as Jenny.
07:16 And so after two months of our praying
07:18 and in treating and working with Jenny,
07:21 as we were getting ready to send her home,
07:23 her mommy and her daddy came to me,
07:25 and this is what they said.
07:26 They said, "John, your God is very powerful.
07:31 Your God has saved our Jenny's life.
07:34 Please won't you come to our village
07:37 and teach us about Jesus too?"
07:40 And so that's just what we did.
07:41 And today, if you go to Papua New Guinea,
07:44 and you go up the Sepik River,
07:46 and then you go up the May River,
07:47 all the way up deep into the jungle
07:50 to the little village of Mami.
07:53 You'll find right there
07:54 in that little village that Jenny,
07:56 and her mommy and daddy, and brothers and uncles,
07:58 and many of her friends worship Jesus every Sabbath,
08:00 just like we do.
08:02 You can go back to your seats.
08:07 As everyone finds their seats and sits down,
08:11 I want to ask a very, very serious question.
08:14 It's not a trick question.
08:18 I'm not trying to play any games.
08:19 It's an honest, serious question that
08:22 I want to ask if it's a serious subject.
08:24 And if you think that you can point me
08:27 in the right direction, or you can point me
08:29 to the right person and point me to the right place
08:31 where I can get the answer to this question,
08:33 I just want you to raise your hand
08:35 if you think you can help me out in any way.
08:37 And that question is this. Who is Jesus?
08:45 I'll be honest, the first hand that
08:47 I saw raised was a little girl in the middle.
08:51 It was a first hand that I saw.
08:52 Can anybody tell me who Jesus is?
08:57 I'm seeing more hands.
08:59 Can anybody point me
09:00 in the right direction, at least?
09:02 I'm seeing more hands.
09:06 I represent the world.
09:10 I represent people of all different nationalities,
09:13 all different languages.
09:15 I represent people of all different cultures,
09:18 of all different beliefs
09:19 and all different walks of life.
09:21 People who have gone through much,
09:22 people who have gone through very little.
09:25 You represent God's Church.
09:28 You represent His people, you represent His servants,
09:33 His reapers.
09:35 I am the fruit.
09:37 And if anybody asks you, who is Jesus?
09:41 You should have an answer for them.
09:43 And it should be a clear answer.
09:45 It's something I've thought about because for a long time,
09:47 I didn't have an answer ready.
09:49 And by the grace of God I do now
09:52 and not everybody's going to come up to you
09:54 and ask you who is Jesus?
09:56 Some people are too embarrassed to ask,
10:00 some people think they know, but they're wrong.
10:04 Because they have this very, very mean spirited idea
10:06 of who God is.
10:08 So when somebody asks you who is Jesus?
10:10 As you listen to the song, please think about
10:12 what your answer will be to them.
10:25 It's the name
10:27 Above all names
10:32 And who will declare it
10:36 Who will declare it
10:39 It's the name
10:41 Above all names
10:46 And who will shout it
10:49 To a dying world
10:58 Who will declare My name?
11:04 And who will shout My name
11:07 In the midst of the nations
11:11 And who will take The shield of faith
11:14 and the sword of My word
11:18 And declare My name
11:20 To a dying world?
11:25 He who has declared me
11:28 Thus far
11:31 Will walk in even greater power
11:38 Though the sands of time Are running out
11:44 But my name will be declared
11:47 In this final hour
11:52 I am Jehovah!
11:54 I Am that I Am!
11:58 And my trumpet Shall soon call out
12:06 I formed the worlds With a whisper
12:12 But I'm getting ready
12:15 I'm getting ready I'm getting ready
12:21 To shout!
12:28 It's the name
12:30 Above all names
12:35 And we will declare it
12:39 We will declare it
12:41 It's the name
12:43 Above all names
12:48 And we will shout it
12:52 To a dying world
13:01 It's my will to possess
13:03 All of your life
13:08 I'll take it all
13:10 so surrender to Me
13:13 For I'm building an army
13:17 To go in My Name
13:20 And My words in your mouth
13:23 Shall set the captives free
13:28 I am Jehovah!
13:30 I Am that I Am!
13:33 And My trumpets
13:35 Shall soon call out
13:41 I formed the worlds
13:44 With a whisper
13:47 But I'm getting ready
13:51 I'm getting ready I'm getting ready
13:57 To shout!
14:03 It's the name
14:06 Above all names
14:11 And we must shout it
14:14 To a dying world
14:29 It's the name above all names
14:36 And we must declare it
14:40 We must declare it
14:42 It's the name
14:44 Above all names
14:49 And we must shout it
14:52 To a dying world
15:10 Well, I must say, the Lord has blessed
15:14 Brother Bennett with a beautiful voice.
15:17 And it's good to see that
15:18 he's praising the Lord with that ability.
15:22 I invite you to open up your Bibles
15:24 and read along with me,
15:27 Matthew 10:37-39.
15:33 I'll be reading out of the New King James.
15:43 "He who loves father or mother more than Me,
15:47 is not worthy of Me.
15:49 And he who loves son or daughter more than Me,
15:52 is not worthy of Me.
15:53 And he who does not take his cross
15:56 and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.
16:00 He who finds his life will lose it.
16:03 And he, who loses his life for My sake, will find it."
16:26 Morning church. Morning.
16:31 It's a privilege to have a few moments to talk about
16:35 one of my favorite subjects,
16:37 subject of a mission.
16:41 I'm also delighted to be here with my family.
16:45 You know, the longer that I live,
16:46 the more that I realized how important our families are.
16:51 That when all is said and done,
16:55 the greatest treasure that we will take with us
16:58 is the legacy that we've left behind
17:00 in the lives of our family.
17:03 And I just had the privilege of spending two days
17:05 with my children in Chicago,
17:08 my wife had to go to a conference.
17:09 And so, we spent two days
17:11 just playing father children together.
17:13 And I want to tell you,
17:15 that's some of the richest moments,
17:17 isn't it?
17:18 To be able to be a dad with your children,
17:21 and to delight in them and to enjoy them
17:23 and to know that,
17:24 that God created us for this,
17:27 to be one, to be a family together.
17:30 But as I think about that picture,
17:31 I want to remind each of you today that
17:33 that you have a heavenly Father,
17:36 who delights in you,
17:38 who wants to journey life together with you.
17:42 And I want to ask you to just take a moment with me
17:46 as we begin our journey in this 11 o'clock hour,
17:51 to ask that God,
17:53 our Father, to reveal Himself to us through His Word.
17:57 That's my prayer. Let's pray.
17:59 Dear Heavenly Father, I know that,
18:01 that my father heart is just a shadow of yours.
18:06 That my desire to be with my children
18:08 and to love them and to know them.
18:11 And for them to know me
18:13 is but a faint reflection of Your desire
18:17 that we know You and love you
18:21 and that You love us.
18:23 Father, I ask that You would draw back
18:24 the curtain through my feeble lips,
18:27 that You would open our hearts
18:28 and shine the light of Your truth into us that
18:31 as we worship together, we would discover your face
18:35 and know that we have indeed a Father,
18:38 in Jesus' name, amen.
18:41 It is one thing to talk about missions.
18:44 It's easy actually, actually it's easy
18:46 to talk about missions, isn't it?
18:48 It's fun to hear mission stories
18:51 and to watch mission movies.
18:55 But to actually live a life of mission
18:57 is a little more challenging.
19:00 Adventist Frontier Missions, as you may know
19:02 has a almost a preposterous mission.
19:06 The reason that Adventist Frontier Missions
19:08 exist is to reach the unreached.
19:13 And we add this little caveat that
19:14 it comes out of the book Education from the chapter,
19:16 The Life Work, not only to just reach
19:19 the unreached in the world,
19:20 but to reach them in this generation.
19:24 And I grew up with that picture in mind,
19:28 I grew up thinking how important it is for us
19:31 to take the gospel to the whole world
19:33 and our generation because I wanted to see Jesus
19:35 to come in my time.
19:38 And I still do, don't you?
19:41 I want to be alive when Jesus comes.
19:45 Well, one day I was listening to John Kent,
19:48 and he helped me
19:50 to see another dimension to that
19:51 and that's this simple statement,
19:53 "The reason that
19:54 we have to reach this generation
19:56 in this generation is because this generation
19:57 is the only generation
19:59 that can reach this generation."
20:02 Let me run that by you again.
20:04 "The reason that we've got to reach this generation
20:06 in this generation
20:07 is because this generation is the only generation
20:10 that can reach this generation."
20:13 The serious implications of that, friends,
20:15 is that if we don't do it,
20:18 those who die in this generation
20:20 have lost their chance.
20:22 And they depend wholly on the mercy of God,
20:25 and the life that they've lived that they have.
20:28 And so the mission challenge to take the gospel
20:32 to the whole world and in our generation
20:34 is definitely a compelling mission
20:37 and a mission worth living for.
20:39 I enjoy my work at Adventist Frontier Missions.
20:42 There's no two days that are alike.
20:46 But behind all the challenges and all the wonderful problems
20:49 that we work through
20:50 when you work in an organization
20:52 is the compelling call to take the gospel
20:56 to the world in this generation.
20:58 Now we work with a church,
20:59 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
21:01 and we're fiercely loyal to cooperating
21:05 and partnering with the mission
21:06 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
21:08 And you know, the Seventh-day Adventist Church
21:10 was established on the premise of mission.
21:13 We're just listening to the lives...
21:15 There's a set of CDs that
21:17 the Ellen White Estate has put out,
21:19 or the church had put out
21:20 that described the lives of our founders.
21:22 And I want to tell you, these people lived
21:24 with a passion for mission.
21:26 Our organizational denomination was born
21:29 out of this passion for mission.
21:34 And if I had to ask you today, do we value missions?
21:37 You would raise your hands. Anyone here not value missions?
21:40 Let me put it that way.
21:41 Because it's kind of like
21:43 motherhood and apple pie, right?
21:44 We believe in missions.
21:46 Here's a question that I have for you.
21:48 If there's so much passion and support for missions
21:50 within the church, I'd like to ask you a question.
21:53 Why is it that Adventist Frontier Mission
21:56 is only sending about five missionaries
21:59 to reach on people,
22:00 unreached people groups every year.
22:02 Only five.
22:03 That's about how many we've been doing.
22:06 And we spend hours recruiting,
22:07 we go to places, invite people we go to...
22:09 There's this great need
22:11 and we talk about that almost 6,000 unreached language
22:15 groups that we have yet to be penetrated, 6,000.
22:18 Do you realize that if Adventist Frontier Mission
22:20 sends five missionaries every year,
22:22 it's gonna take us 1,500 years to get
22:25 6,000 unreached language groups.
22:28 We're not going to do it in this generation.
22:29 So something's got to change.
22:33 Something's got to change.
22:37 And as I've tried to wrestle with this phenomenon,
22:40 and I'm looking, not pointing the finger at you,
22:42 the church because we are the church, right?
22:44 I am a member of this body that's called to this mission
22:47 as I've tried to wrestle with the question why,
22:50 why is it so difficult?
22:51 Why does it take so long for people to make a decision?
22:54 My heart and mind is gravitated back to this text
22:57 that we read for our scripture reading time
22:59 and time again.
23:02 I'd like to invite you to look at it with me
23:03 one more time.
23:05 Matthew Chapter 10.
23:07 It just so happens that this passage that we read,
23:12 comes from a missions rally that Jesus Himself is holding.
23:17 He's just called His disciples
23:19 and He's sending them out on their first mission trip.
23:21 And these are His instructions.
23:23 And He ends with this very difficult passage.
23:28 Matthew 10:37,
23:30 "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than Me
23:31 is not worthy of Me.
23:33 Anyone who loves his son or daughter more than Me
23:35 is not worthy of Me.
23:36 And anyone who does not take up his cross,
23:39 and follow Me is not worthy of Me."
23:41 And then that final verse,
23:42 "Whoever finds his life will lose it.
23:46 But whoever loses his life
23:49 for My sake, will find it."
23:53 Now, I don't know about you,
23:54 but when I first came across this passage,
23:58 I felt like there was an intensity
24:00 here that may be inappropriate.
24:03 I mean, here Jesus is asking us to love our parents
24:05 and our children less than Him.
24:07 And I don't know, and this may be an illustration
24:10 that some might appreciate, some may not.
24:12 But it almost felt like, I don't know
24:14 if you've ever sat next to somebody
24:15 who just consumed a whole clove of garlic.
24:18 You know, you eat and you sit next to them
24:19 and they talk to you and it's like,
24:21 it's just overpowering,
24:22 you know, unless you've done the same.
24:23 And I remember reading
24:25 this passage and saying, "Jesus,
24:26 it's just a little too pungent.
24:28 What are you saying to me?
24:30 How can I understand this passage?
24:33 Could it be that you just need a backhoe
24:35 from the garlic a little bit, you know,
24:36 step, step back, Jesus."
24:40 But you see, Jesus says this without apology.
24:42 "Anyone who loves his father more than Me
24:44 is not worthy of Me.
24:46 And anyone who loves his son or daughter more than Me
24:48 is not worthy of Me."
24:50 Jesus, what is it that
24:51 You are saying and then, and then,
24:53 as I was reflecting on this one day,
24:54 the Holy Spirit led my mind to contemplate what it means,
25:01 what this commitment means,
25:02 what Jesus calling us to our commitment,
25:04 He's calling us to make
25:06 what it means in the context of marriage.
25:10 In other words, how many of you would
25:12 like to be married to somebody
25:13 who loves their mother or father more than you?
25:18 Wouldn't that be amazing experience?
25:19 You come back from the honeymoon.
25:22 And your spouse says, you know,
25:23 "I've really enjoyed our time together,
25:24 but I'm gonna go spend
25:26 the next week with Mom and Dad,
25:27 I'm just missing them a little bit."
25:29 There's something wrong with that picture, right?
25:30 Because when you get married, you cut the apron strings
25:33 and you let your parents become a separate entity
25:37 and you are now ushered into a new reality.
25:41 Husband and wife becoming one flesh.
25:44 How many of you would like to be married to
25:48 someone who loves your children more than you?
25:52 "Honey, if you want to come home, that's fine.
25:55 Food's in the refrigerator.
25:56 But I just love the kids and we're fulfilled right here,
26:00 just the four of us or the three of us together,
26:03 and you know, when you come, that's fine.
26:05 If not, we were happy.
26:07 Month and years, you just come
26:09 when you feel like it, you can sleep in the attic."
26:15 Something wrong with that picture, right?
26:17 That's not marriage.
26:18 Marriage is where the primary relationship
26:20 is husband and wife, right?
26:24 So my question is, could it be that Jesus
26:27 is looking for a marriage relationship
26:29 with us?
26:31 Is that what He's looking for?
26:33 Anyone who loves his son or daughter more,
26:35 anyone who loves his father or mother
26:37 more is not worthy of Me.
26:40 I remember reflecting on this.
26:42 My wife and I did our premarital counseling
26:44 with Nancy Van Pelt,
26:47 who is a marriage and family counselor.
26:50 We wanted the best.
26:51 We wanted to have the best preparation
26:53 and so we spent a weekend with her
26:55 and I remember in one of her books,
26:57 she talked about seven stages that you go through
26:59 when you're going through the dating phases.
27:02 First phase, she says is called the "Friendship Stage,"
27:05 and when you start the college years,
27:07 as I worked as a college chaplain
27:09 you'd see this happening is where groups of people
27:12 would kind of gather together around interests.
27:13 You know, the pre med students
27:15 would sit on this side of the cafeteria.
27:17 And the kids who like outdoor activities
27:19 would arrange Sabbath
27:20 and Sunday afternoons to the beach,
27:23 kind of gather around in affinity groups.
27:25 That's the friendship stage in dating.
27:28 Get together because you're like one another.
27:31 Well, after you spend time mingling with each other
27:33 and these affinity groups for a while, something happens.
27:36 And we move to the next step,
27:39 which is just called "Casual Dating."
27:42 So we go from friendship stage to casual dating,
27:44 and this is where it becomes a little more intentional.
27:46 It's not just a free flow,
27:47 it's would you like to join this group
27:50 to go in this event and do this activity together?
27:53 So you can see that so from just being friends,
27:56 to moving to intentionally doing things together, okay.
28:00 Then the next stage, stage number three
28:01 in the process of moving towards marriage,
28:07 as Nancy Van Pelt suggested,
28:09 is she calls "Special Dating."
28:14 And when you're in a college environment
28:15 and you're working with singles,
28:16 what often happens is, that there's these events
28:19 that this student association prepares and they,
28:21 you know, maybe the spring banquet
28:23 or the Valentine's banquet,
28:25 and what will happen is one person
28:26 or the other will invite the other
28:28 to the banquet to come to a special event together.
28:33 And you understand that, that there's a higher level
28:35 of commitment to the relationship.
28:36 And this couple is looking at each other
28:39 and considering whether there's a possibility here,
28:41 whether or not this relationship
28:43 could be terminal,
28:44 whether it's the final relationship,
28:45 you know what I'm saying?
28:47 And so they're checking each other out,
28:48 and they go to the banquet, but we understand that
28:51 when you take somebody to a banquet, if that's,
28:53 if you're at this stage at the special dating stage,
28:56 when you take somebody to a banquet,
28:57 you understand that you can go
29:00 with somebody else to a banquet next week.
29:03 Now the person that you took
29:04 maybe just a little bit bent out of shape,
29:06 they may have had hopes that that this would be
29:09 more than just that event.
29:10 But what we understand that it's still appropriate
29:12 to be dating around, to have other friends
29:16 when you have the special dating.
29:19 Well, there's the next step when it becomes inappropriate.
29:20 That's what we call "Steady Dating."
29:26 This is where you say to the other person,
29:30 "Could we do this exclusively?"
29:32 And there's all kinds of ways to do it, you know,
29:34 little hints, notes, whatever.
29:36 But the understanding in the relationship is that
29:38 we have now passed from doing this
29:41 kind of on a temporary basis
29:42 or basis of going to different events,
29:44 to actually we like each other enough to think about
29:47 doing this for the rest of our lives.
29:49 And let's try that on for size.
29:51 And so we've come exclusive,
29:52 and you understand that there's no engagement,
29:54 there's no talk of marriage yet.
29:56 But the understanding is that
29:58 they are moving in that direction
29:59 and often in American culture,
30:01 couples will start walking hand in hand in public.
30:03 And the reason for that
30:05 is that when we walk hand in hand in public,
30:06 we're sending a public message, "We're connected look,
30:10 don't touch the other person.
30:11 They belong to me. I'm holding their hand."
30:16 By the way, that's why I hold my son's hands too
30:18 because I want no one to, he's mine, don't take him.
30:22 Well, you walk this journey for a little while
30:26 and something happens.
30:28 We move to the next phase, which is the fifth phase.
30:31 And what Nancy calls this phase is the "Engaged"
30:34 to be engaged phase.
30:37 And this is where you ask the big questions, you know,
30:39 the important questions, you take her to meet.
30:43 He takes her to meet his family,
30:45 just to make sure that the family
30:46 because you understand when you get married,
30:47 you marry the entire family, right?
30:49 You're not just marrying a person,
30:51 you marry the whole history and all the family dynamics
30:53 they will become yours.
30:54 So you want to check it out.
30:56 Make sure that you fit in and she fits in
30:57 and the family likes it.
30:58 And then she does the same
31:00 and you have this backward and forth,
31:01 and you ask the questions like, you know,
31:03 you're having a casual conversation of,
31:05 you know, a quick lunch
31:07 and the thoughts been on your mind,
31:08 you know if you ever had children, you know,
31:12 I was just wondering
31:14 how many children you'd have, you know,
31:15 that's one of the questions, right?
31:17 Got to make sure that you're not a five child person
31:20 marrying a one child person you know,
31:21 that would be a bit of a family problem there.
31:24 Or a no child person marrying a 15 child person
31:26 and just keep going until the Lord stops, you know,
31:29 that's just, you got to make sure
31:30 you're compatible.
31:33 The next important decision,
31:35 one of the elements that I love is
31:37 which way you hang the toilet paper, you know?
31:40 And you can save yourself a lot of trouble
31:42 if you make sure you ask these important questions
31:44 because the only right way is out, right?
31:48 Half the congregation shaking their head
31:49 because they like you to run down the wall
31:51 and when you, you know, you just can't find them.
31:57 Got to ask the important questions.
31:58 Well, after you settle
31:59 the important questions in your mind,
32:01 you move to the next stage.
32:02 And at this stage we call "Engagement."
32:06 And generally in American culture,
32:10 there has to be three things
32:11 in order for engagement to be official.
32:12 Number one, first step in the engagement process
32:15 is going to make
32:20 a public announcement.
32:22 There's no such a thing, friends,
32:25 as a secret engagement.
32:28 By the way, young ladies, if a man comes to you and says,
32:31 if you're single, and he says,
32:32 "Can we be engaged, but let's not tell anybody,
32:34 you go tell him to get psychological counseling
32:36 and to come back to you when he's ready."
32:39 Because he's just messing with your mind.
32:40 He's not ready to make the commitment.
32:42 He just doesn't want anybody else
32:43 to have your commitment.
32:45 The next step, after public announcement
32:47 everybody we're getting married
32:49 after you've asked the question,
32:51 the next thing is a significant gift.
32:54 And what is the gift about?
32:55 In some circles, it's a diamond ring
32:57 and other circles my brother in law
32:59 gave his girlfriend,
33:02 soon to become fiance at that time, a piano.
33:05 What does it simply say?
33:06 It's simply saying, I am committed to you.
33:08 I'm moving in, I'm making an investment in you.
33:11 I was a little tickled.
33:13 The other day, I was flying back
33:14 from speaking engagement.
33:16 And I sat across from a Norwegian lady airhostess,
33:22 just a precious encounter that God gave us.
33:27 And we were busy talking,
33:28 just had a wonderful conversation.
33:30 She said, you know, in Norway,
33:31 people don't get married anymore.
33:36 And the reason is that,
33:37 that so many people are getting divorced,
33:39 that they just live together.
33:41 And I suspect that you know,
33:43 they actually have a special name for this.
33:44 And as I was reflecting on it,
33:46 I was thinking how ironic it is because she was saying that
33:49 when you don't have the marriage commitment,
33:51 your relationship lasts longer.
33:53 So when you're not committed, you're more committed.
33:55 I was wrestling with that.
33:56 But she said this and this just shows
33:59 the misunderstanding within culture,
34:00 she says, "I really don't like the whole engagement process.
34:03 It's kind of like a guy buys a girl a ring,
34:04 puts it on a finger and puts on layaway
34:06 until they get married."
34:09 Isn't that interesting? Different way of looking at it.
34:12 So we're not putting the other person on layaway,
34:14 we're actually expressing
34:15 the magnitude of our commitment on the person.
34:18 I mean, that's what a Judeo-Christian
34:20 from a Judeo-Christian perspective,
34:21 that's what we're doing.
34:25 Well, of course, the next phase
34:28 is where you get married, right?
34:29 So you're engaged now and you get married.
34:31 And here's the deal.
34:33 You have two people
34:34 who are two separate individuals,
34:35 and we understand they're separate
34:37 until you reach a certain point,
34:39 and then we consider them one.
34:40 And I want to ask you today, what is that point?
34:43 You've been to many weddings, you've seen people
34:46 join their lives together in marriage.
34:49 And I want to ask you the question,
34:51 as a pastor I've done this.
34:52 You have a wedding ceremony.
34:53 Everyone's seated in the audience.
34:55 Dressed up nicely, bride and groom come down
34:57 and there's a ceremony
34:59 and then there's a certain point
35:00 in the wedding when we make the transition
35:02 from being engaged to be married,
35:04 what is that point?
35:06 Anybody like to help me out?
35:10 When you make, when you say the vows, right?
35:12 You say the vows, you're making a pledge
35:15 to one another before these witnesses
35:17 and before God,
35:18 and we understand that that is the transition
35:20 from being a couple to being a unit,
35:24 to being one.
35:25 And if I was conducting a wedding,
35:28 and we got to the point
35:30 just before the vows were said, and the groom said to me,
35:34 "Pastor, I'm not ready."
35:39 I would say to him, "Are you sure?"
35:43 And if he said to me, "I'm sure."
35:44 Then I would say, ladies and gentlemen,
35:48 one of the two has just told me that they're not ready.
35:51 I'm sorry.
35:52 We're going to postpone the wedding
35:54 until we've sorted out what's going on here.
35:56 I want to thank you for coming today.
35:58 What do you want to do with the cake?
36:00 We're going to go and eat the cake
36:02 just to celebrate being together
36:03 but we understand, friends,
36:05 you know, eat the reception dinner
36:07 or whatever, we understand that it's okay
36:09 until the moment, right?
36:11 And everyone goes wow what a waste,
36:12 but then we shake our heads and say
36:14 rather before than after, right?
36:16 We understand and we have that understanding
36:17 but what's the after?
36:19 Well, the after is that you say your vows,
36:21 you say something like this, "I, Laurence George Burn,
36:24 take you Lowes Greta Lolo
36:27 to be my wife, for better or for worse,
36:29 for richer or for poorer, for fatter or for thinner,
36:33 in sickness and in health until when?
36:36 Until when? Until death do us part.
36:40 Friends, do you understand that when you get married,
36:42 you make a death commitment to the other person.
36:45 Have you ever thought of it like that?
36:48 That is the death covenant. You're saying?
36:50 You're saying, "Honey,
36:51 I love you more than life itself.
36:53 As a matter of fact,
36:54 I can't think of myself apart from you, even death.
36:58 The only thing that could separate me
37:00 from you would be death."
37:03 Now as I was thinking about this one time,
37:05 I was doing a week of prayer,
37:06 and I was talking about how Jesus calls us
37:08 to make this commitment.
37:10 I was reminded of the Old Testament,
37:12 what was the consequence for adultery?
37:16 Death, and I was thinking, oh, that's incredible.
37:18 When I commit adultery,
37:19 I'm basically saying bring it on.
37:22 I made this death commitment to you.
37:26 The only other commitment that I've made
37:27 that's larger is buying a house.
37:29 You know, we have this huge debt
37:31 to some bank that owns a house
37:33 and we're paying them every month.
37:34 But you know, the wonderful thing
37:36 about a house even though it's such a large commitment
37:37 is that you can sell the house, right?
37:40 With marriage, it's final. There's no selling.
37:42 It's just it, that's it,
37:43 there is it, that's done, marriage.
37:46 It's a death commitment.
37:53 One of the questions that I have wrestled
37:55 with as I've thought about this is could it be
37:56 that part of the reason that there's so
38:00 little power in the church?
38:03 Could one of the reasons be that
38:05 that we're still dating around with God.
38:08 You know, some of us want to come on the weekends
38:09 and see Him
38:11 and dress up nicely to be with Him
38:12 and then we want other friends through the week.
38:16 That's called the dating stage, right?
38:18 Or the friendship stage or the casual dating stage
38:20 or maybe some of us have said, you know,
38:21 it's about time I get my life in line with Jesus.
38:23 And you start making
38:25 those little steps and you start saying,
38:26 you know, could we hold hands in public
38:28 and you come out and you say,
38:29 but you haven't stepped across the line.
38:30 And here's the thing, God is too much of a gentleman
38:36 to have children with people out of wedlock.
38:40 And could that be the reason
38:41 why there's so few spiritual children
38:43 in our churches?
38:46 Do you understand?
38:47 And this confronts me every time.
38:49 We have a group of missionaries coming through.
38:50 We just sent three student missionaries
38:53 over to Africa.
38:54 Do you understand that becoming a missionary
38:56 is a dangerous thing?
38:59 I'm thinking, we're kneeling, Adventist Frontier Mission,
39:02 here's this young girl Nicole Van Allen,
39:04 parents are kneeling around and we're kneeling
39:06 and I'm thinking one day I may have to do this.
39:08 I may have to send my daughter
39:10 to another country and entrust her to God.
39:13 You know, and it's, you feel vulnerable,
39:15 I was feeling vulnerable for the parents, I was saying,
39:17 "Why do we do this, this is a dangerous thing.
39:19 Why do we put people's lives at stake like this?"
39:21 We're in the business
39:23 of putting people's lives at stake?
39:24 And I was reminded of this passage
39:26 that comes from the book,
39:29 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,
39:30 I don't know if some of you may not appreciate
39:32 C.S. Lewis's Narnia series,
39:37 but there's one passage in there that
39:39 that just resonates with me.
39:41 And here's the story.
39:42 There's a group of children
39:44 who go through a cupboard into another country,
39:46 and there's talking animals in this country
39:48 and it's a long story but very simple
39:50 to come down to the point where I want to quote
39:54 C.S. Lewis, there's a group of children
39:56 and they've met a talking beaver.
39:58 Okay, and they're living in this country
40:00 where it's always winter and never Christmas,
40:03 because there's a spell that's been cast over the land.
40:07 And the beavers tell the children that Aslan,
40:10 who represents Christ is on the move,
40:12 that he's coming to restore things,
40:13 that he's coming back.
40:15 He's gonna set things right.
40:17 And the fact is, that prophecy is being fulfilled in the myth
40:20 that there's four children,
40:22 and there's an ancient prophecy.
40:23 And the children start talking about this Aslan,
40:24 who is he, what does he do?
40:26 And they discover that he's a lion.
40:29 And the children say, "He's a lion.
40:32 Is he safe?"
40:34 And the beaver wrinkles up his nose
40:36 and he says, "Safe?
40:38 Friend, he's a lion. Of course, he's not safe."
40:42 And then he smiles and says,
40:45 "He's not safe, but he's good."
40:49 And I want to suggest to you friends today
40:50 that as we look into the face of Jesus Christ,
40:53 as we look into the face of a heavenly Father,
40:55 we see a wildness there that sometimes terrifies us.
40:58 You see, our God is not a safe God,
41:00 but a good God.
41:03 If that was not true, then He would have chosen
41:07 another way to save us, wouldn't He?
41:09 But you understand that
41:11 when Jesus went through Gethsemane,
41:12 He wasn't doing the safe thing,
41:13 he was doing the good thing for us.
41:16 Friends, I want to suggest to you
41:18 that there's so little power in the church
41:19 because we haven't come to the point of loving more
41:21 than life itself.
41:24 As a matter of fact,
41:25 within our culture, within our society,
41:27 the desire to live, the desire to survive
41:30 is something that has held as a core value.
41:32 And I would like to suggest,
41:34 if we haven't thought about this carefully,
41:35 I want to suggest that the core value to survive
41:38 supersedes our value of mission.
41:44 We'll spend hours watching movies on people
41:48 who are in dangerous places and watch how they make it
41:50 because we want to know
41:52 how we can make it in everyday life.
41:54 That's what television is all about, right?
41:55 Teaching people to survive.
41:58 If you'll just take this Advil, you will survive the day.
42:02 You just drink this cup up, you just eat our product
42:05 and you'll be able to survive,
42:06 you'll be able to make it another day.
42:08 You buy this car and you'll be
42:11 pushed to the head of the survival pack.
42:13 Survivor.
42:15 We take our student missionaries
42:17 on a weekend retreat.
42:19 And we wanna simulate what it's going to be like
42:21 out in the mission field
42:22 and it's basically a survival weekend.
42:24 Can they make it? Can they make it together?
42:26 Can they make it without cracking,
42:28 without getting angry or without losing it?
42:31 And so we put them through a number of very,
42:33 very difficult situations.
42:35 And one of the young ladies said,
42:36 it's all about threes.
42:39 If you've got three seconds to live,
42:41 then what you got to think about
42:43 is all you need is a will to live.
42:45 If you've got, if you've got three minutes
42:48 the most the top priority is air.
42:50 If you've got three hours
42:51 and she goes on three days that the top priority is water,
42:55 three weeks, the top priority is food.
42:56 And three months, if you can make it three months
42:58 you can probably survive.
43:00 But there's a profound paradox in Scripture, friends,
43:02 and that is that the people who fully embrace
43:07 the kingdom of God are non survivors,
43:11 people who give up the right to survive.
43:14 And here's the paradox, friends.
43:16 And that is that anyone in Scripture if you studied up,
43:19 those who hold on to their lives,
43:22 end up losing everything, and those who release it
43:25 and give it up change the world.
43:29 Let me give you a few examples.
43:31 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, right?
43:33 Oh, King Nebuchadnezzar,
43:35 our God is able to save us but what do they say?
43:38 If he doesn't?
43:40 We will not bow down to your image nor worship him.
43:45 What happened as a result of those non survivors,
43:47 those people who love God more than life itself
43:50 what happened as a result?
43:51 They were thrown into the fire, friends.
43:56 They went right into the fire.
43:59 Could they have died in the fire?
44:01 Absolutely yes.
44:02 As a matter of fact,
44:04 that was the purpose of the fire,
44:05 to kill them.
44:08 Why could they go into the fire, why?
44:10 But I'm going to suggest to you that Shadrach,
44:11 Meshach and Abednego had found a love
44:15 that was better than life itself.
44:20 Another example.
44:23 What about Stephen?
44:25 What happens to Stephen?
44:27 Steven goes before the Sanhedrin.
44:28 And he says some very foolish things, you know,
44:30 these are people who could kill him.
44:32 But he witnesses and he testifies, and he says,
44:34 "You, you need to repent because Jesus has come to...
44:38 Jesus came to save you and you crucified Him,
44:40 and they end up killing Stephen.
44:42 And what does he do?
44:43 He looks up and there's this glow around his face.
44:45 And Stephen, the first martyr becomes a world changer.
44:49 The other side of the story,
44:50 what about Ananias and Sapphira?
44:52 They try to hold on to a little bit of their life
44:53 and they end up losing everything.
44:55 What about King Saul
44:56 who try to hold on to his kingdom
44:57 and end up losing his whole kingdom?
44:59 Friends, I want to present to you a choice,
45:01 I don't think it's more important
45:03 to be a foreign missionary,
45:04 or a stay at home mission, okay?
45:06 Because if you, you're one of two things,
45:07 you're either a missionary or a mission field.
45:09 That's pretty common language in missions.
45:12 They either are missionary or mission field.
45:15 So I'm not saying that going over is some greatest,
45:18 greater challenge than staying here.
45:20 But I want to tell you this, if you decide to go over,
45:23 you're going to have to confront
45:24 the reality of dying,
45:26 that you're going to have to confront
45:27 if you're going to be effective missionaries here.
45:29 The benefit of going to another country
45:31 is that you've got to say, am I this crazy
45:33 to go to another place and to live on another land
45:35 and sell everything and go learn another language
45:37 and try and reach, reach this unreached people group
45:40 because they may not like me, they may be hostile to me.
45:42 You know, the benefit that we have
45:44 when we stay here is that
45:45 we can bury ourselves under a facade of missions
45:48 and think we're doing it.
45:50 We can be survivors better here than when we go overseas.
45:55 You know, if you go overseas, you might get malaria
45:59 or you might be killed with the gunshots
46:02 or there might be unrest in the country.
46:05 You understand what I'm saying. You might lose a child.
46:07 Dangerous things could happen to you
46:08 if you go overseas.
46:10 Don't go as a missionary, just stay right here.
46:11 Well guess what?
46:13 The advantages you can stay right here
46:14 and you can build your picket fence
46:16 and you can blare for retirement and you can,
46:18 you can have your three and a half children
46:20 and have a wonderful life and no ruffles and no...
46:23 You understand what I'm saying?
46:25 Could it be that Jesus is calling us today
46:29 just like He did the first disciples
46:31 in Matthew 4:18-20.
46:34 When he says, "Come follow Me
46:36 and I will make you fishers of men."
46:38 And you realize that out of those four
46:39 only one of them died a natural death
46:41 and that was after being thrown into a pot of boiling water.
46:45 Oil. Oil, thank you.
46:49 So when Jesus calls us when he bids us,
46:51 come follow and he says, "Come follow Me."
46:55 When He calls disciples, He says, "Come and die."
47:01 Now how do we do this?
47:02 How do we make this transition from being people
47:04 who are holding on to life?
47:05 Who are survivors,
47:07 who are saying how can I make it the next day
47:08 to living with abandon?
47:11 I think I found this love that is better than life.
47:15 Here's the key, friends.
47:16 Jesus never asks us to do anything that
47:19 He does not first offer to us.
47:23 Do you understand that Jesus today loves you
47:25 more than life itself?
47:27 Do you understand that
47:28 when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane,
47:30 it was a choice between His Father and you,
47:31 and He chose you.
47:33 He says, Father's any other way that we can do this
47:35 so that I don't I'm gonna be separated from you.
47:36 Is there any other way, can you take this cup from me?
47:39 What was that cup? It was you, it was me.
47:43 So the marriage license,
47:44 friends is already signed half in blood.
47:47 I love you more than life itself.
47:50 When you read eschatology, you come back to this line
47:52 over and over again when God looks forward to the day
47:54 and He longs and yearns for the day,
47:56 when He can say,"
47:57 I am their God and they are My people."
48:02 That's marriage language.
48:03 God wants to have
48:04 a marriage relationship with us, friends.
48:09 Do you realize that the final fear that
48:11 we all have to face is the fear of ourselves?
48:14 Why? Why are we afraid?
48:16 When you think about going door to door,
48:17 we get this little nervous feeling like,
48:20 why are we afraid?
48:21 I'll tell you why? We're afraid of ourselves.
48:24 I just learned this recently. I think it's fascinating.
48:26 You see there's certain this times
48:28 when we feel an emotion of fear.
48:32 And when we feel that,
48:33 we feel this certain emotion of fear,
48:35 we are afraid that
48:37 we will stop acting like ourselves.
48:38 We'll freak out, our voice will squeak,
48:41 we'll do something stupid.
48:42 And so we avoid that place. Whatever that place is for us.
48:47 How do you overcome that fear? Very simple.
48:51 And it's very difficult.
48:55 We overcome that kind of a fear when we realize that
48:57 there's somebody who wants to be with us,
48:59 no matter what.
49:01 Somebody who loves us more than life itself,
49:03 somebody who cherishes us
49:04 whether our voice squeaks or not?
49:08 Just this past week,
49:09 I was invited to go door to door in Wenatchee.
49:13 And I've always been afraid of going out
49:15 and finding strangers.
49:16 And the Holy Spirit just washed over me
49:18 and I was going in as I've been flying in,
49:20 I've been looking at cities,
49:22 and I'm saying there's the farmlands,
49:23 and there's the people, and they're supporting them.
49:25 And there's the city
49:26 where everyone tells everyone what to do.
49:28 You know, they sit in the offices,
49:29 sending emails, you do this and send that cone over there
49:31 and grind it over there.
49:32 And so that's how a city works.
49:33 And then I was thinking,
49:35 what's this gonna look like when Jesus comes?
49:37 And I said, you know, it's gonna be incredible
49:38 when Jesus comes,
49:39 I'm going to be looking back on my day
49:41 in Wenatchee knocking on doors,
49:42 and I'm going to think about it differently, aren't I?
49:45 Because you see, once we're looking back on it,
49:47 it's not going to be, am I afraid?
49:49 Could I die? Could I lose something?
49:50 Could somebody think I'm an idiot?
49:52 No, that's not the question.
49:53 The question is, did I knock on enough doors?
49:56 Because then, by then the chances are passed.
50:00 So I want to invite you today to be become missionaries,
50:03 to hear the invitation of Jesus Christ who loves you,
50:06 by the way more than life itself.
50:08 And as a church,
50:10 as a people to rise up and to say,
50:13 "I'm done with living as a survivor.
50:16 I want to embrace the God
50:18 who loves me more than life itself.
50:21 I want to rise up and be a missionary,
50:23 whether it's here or overseas.
50:26 I want to face the fears that I have before the living God.
50:30 I'm gonna let Him teach me about His loving compassion
50:33 and kindness to me.
50:35 And you see, friends, by when that happens,
50:37 when we begin to love more than life itself,
50:41 we will become world changers. Why?
50:43 Because you see
50:44 the most powerful people in the world
50:45 are those who are not afraid to die.
50:49 You disagree with me, okay.
50:51 Terrorists, what do you do to a terrorist?
50:54 Listen, friend,
50:55 if you don't stop this nonsense,
50:57 we're going to put you in prison,
50:58 you may be there for the rest of life
51:00 and we also have this thing called capital punishment.
51:01 You could be killed.
51:03 You know what the terrorist says,
51:04 "Thank you.
51:06 I was planning to do that myself."
51:08 Why have terrorists changed the world
51:11 because terrorists are not afraid to die.
51:14 There was someone in the Old, in the New Testament
51:16 that had the spirit of a terrorist,
51:19 but it become that for Christ.
51:20 Turn with me to Acts, Acts Chapter 20.
51:30 Acts Chapter 20.
51:32 And I'd like to invite you to begin reading verse 19.
51:36 This is in the context of Paul,
51:38 the Holy Spirit's been calling him to go to Jerusalem,
51:40 people have been warning him don't go,
51:41 you're going to get into trouble,
51:43 you may even lose your life is what it says.
51:45 So then Acts Chapter 20 would help
51:49 if I was in the right place, it was 22, sorry.
51:52 20:22, "And now compel by the Spirit,
51:54 I am going to Jerusalem not knowing
51:56 what will happen to me there."
51:58 So the Holy Spirit is telling Paul
51:59 to go to Jerusalem
52:01 and he has no idea what's going to happen.
52:03 "I only know that in every city,
52:07 the Holy Spirit warns me that prison
52:08 and hardships are facing me."
52:10 Now, if you heard a voice telling you
52:12 to go to Baghdad, and this voice told you,
52:16 I don't know how the voice worked
52:17 or how the Holy Spirit work.
52:19 But if you had, if you had that experience,
52:21 wouldn't you question it?
52:22 Wouldn't you say, "Wait a minute, this is insane.
52:25 You know, I haven't got my life insurance plan in place yet."
52:27 But listen to Paul.
52:29 And of course, you understand Paul
52:31 has a relationship with Jesus, so that he knows I mean,
52:33 he's heard the voice of Jesus in everyday life.
52:36 Okay, verse 23,
52:37 "I only know that in every city,
52:39 the Holy Spirit warns me that
52:41 prison and hardships are facing me.
52:42 And then he has this verse
52:44 where Paul demonstrates that he's come to this place.
52:46 Verse 24.
52:48 "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me.
52:53 If only I may finish the race and complete the task
52:56 that Lord Jesus has given me,
52:58 that the task of testifying
53:01 to the gospel of God's grace."
53:04 Friends, it's time as a church
53:06 and we come to the place that Brother Paul led us to.
53:10 It's time that we come to the place that Paul led us to
53:12 because he had seen that place in Jesus Christ.
53:16 Are we at a place where we can say honestly
53:17 before God, that we,
53:19 my life counts nothing in the light of the privilege
53:23 of being called to share the good news of the gospel?
53:27 And so today, I present a challenge to you
53:28 the call, invitation.
53:31 Will you be a survivor or a non survivor?
53:35 Will you fit into the category of
53:36 or the camp of the Shadrachs,
53:38 Meshachs and Abednegos of history
53:40 or the Ananias and Sapphiras, we can just give this much.
53:44 Can only afford that much because we got to hold on.
53:49 It's time, friends, the hour has come
53:51 for the people of God to begin living with
53:53 reckless abandon for the cause of God.
53:56 Because one day everything else is not going to count.
53:59 Everything else is not going to count.
54:02 What does Jesus say anyone who loves his father or mother
54:04 more than Me is not worthy of Me.
54:06 What does He mean? Worthy of His love for us!
54:11 That He has loved that way.
54:13 So friends, the opposite is true.
54:16 If you love Him more than your mother and father,
54:19 if you want to love Jesus more than your children,
54:21 if you want to love Him more than your fear
54:23 of carrying the cross,
54:24 if you want to love Him more than life itself,
54:27 His invitation today is come on in.
54:30 Come and experience life that is so good that death,
54:34 even death can't take it away.
54:38 That's my prayer for you. Let's pray.
54:39 Dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank you today
54:42 and that in Jesus name,
54:47 You are calling us to discover something
54:52 that is so foreign to the ordinary capitalists
54:56 living in North America.
55:00 And as people we want to confess to You that
55:01 we've been holding on, we've been trying to survive.
55:06 Today, we want to love You more than life itself.
55:11 And we thank You that we can do that
55:12 because You have first loved us that way.
55:15 In Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2020-03-21