3ABN On the Road

Global Evangelism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mark Finley


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000618

01:00 How great Thou art
01:11 How great Thou art
01:23 O Lord, my God,
01:30 When I in awesome wonder
01:36 Consider all the worlds
01:42 Thy Hands have made
01:47 I see the stars,
01:54 I hear the rolling thunder
02:01 Thy power throughout
02:05 The universe displayed
02:13 Then sings my soul
02:19 My Savior God, to Thee
02:25 How great Thou art
02:31 How great Thou art
02:37 Then sings my soul
02:43 My Savior God, to Thee
02:49 How great Thou art
02:55 How great Thou art
03:07 And when I think
03:14 That God His Son not sparing
03:21 Sent Him to die,
03:25 I scarce can take it in
03:33 That on the Cross
03:39 My burden gladly bearing
03:46 He bled and died
03:51 To take away my sin
04:07 When Christ shall come
04:12 With shout of acclamation
04:16 And take us home
04:18 What joy shall fill my heart
04:24 Then I shall bow
04:30 With humble adoration
04:39 And then proclaim, my God
04:45 How great Thou art
04:51 Then sings my soul
04:56 My Savior God, to Thee
05:03 How great Thou art
05:10 How great Thou art
05:16 Then sings my soul
05:21 My Savior God, to Thee
05:28 How great Thou art
05:35 How great Thou art
05:41 How great Thou art
05:46 How great Thou art
05:58 How great Thou art
06:17 Good morning and happy Sabbath.
06:19 Do you have your Bible this morning?
06:21 There's a prophecy tucked away in the last chapter
06:25 of the last book of the Old Testament
06:28 that I'd like to draw your attention to,
06:30 it's found in Malachi 4:5.
06:35 Malachi 4:5.
06:40 The Bible says, in an amazing prophecy
06:43 that is often overlooked that specifically speaks
06:46 of the last days of earth's history.
06:49 Malachi 4:5 says,
06:51 "Behold, I will send you Elijah, the prophet,
06:55 before the great and dreadful day of the Lord."
06:59 Behold, I will send you, Elijah, the prophet.
07:05 What does that mean?
07:07 Will there be a reincarnation of Elijah,
07:10 before the return of Jesus in our world?
07:13 Evidently not.
07:15 Because when Jesus commented on this prophecy
07:17 in Matthew Chapter 11,
07:19 He talked about John the Baptist.
07:21 And John the Baptist called to men and women
07:24 to get ready for the first coming of Jesus
07:26 as a reenactment of the Elijah message.
07:30 Jesus send John as a messenger to prepare the way
07:34 for the first coming of Christ
07:35 is a fulfillment of that prophecy.
07:38 But evidently, the prophecy is much more than John,
07:41 because it speaks more about the second coming of Christ
07:44 than the first coming of Christ.
07:46 So this is not a literal Elijah returning.
07:50 This prophecy speaks of men and women and youth
07:53 who proclaim God's last day message of obedience,
07:57 leading men and women back to loyalty to Christ,
07:59 and keeping God's commandments,
08:01 just before the coming of Jesus.
08:03 Just as Elijah challenged King Ahab,
08:06 and called men and women
08:08 from worshiping the prophets of Baal.
08:09 God will have today,
08:12 young people who stand firm for Him,
08:15 who are loyally committed to Him,
08:18 who give their all to Him
08:20 and make a commitment
08:21 to share His love with the world.
08:23 The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,
08:25 along with ASI, has launched what has now come to be known
08:30 as the Elijah Project.
08:32 The desire is to mobilize tens of thousands
08:35 of young people around the world.
08:37 African young people to preach in Africa.
08:39 South American young people to preach in South America,
08:42 Indian young people to preach in India.
08:45 Young people from North America to preach here.
08:48 When we launched the Elijah Project
08:50 at ASI last year,
08:52 you'll recall that a good portion of the offering,
08:55 some $500,000 was given from ASI
08:59 to that Elijah Project.
09:01 Youth preaching, youth between 15 and 30
09:04 preaching around the world.
09:05 Young people younger have now gotten involved.
09:08 Young people 11 and 12 are preaching,
09:10 some as young as eight, I've heard a preaching.
09:13 They're using the DVD materials,
09:15 New Beginnings.
09:17 They're using the materials
09:18 produced by Carolina Conference,
09:21 ShareHim Global Evangelism with Elder Falkenberg.
09:24 Whatever materials they're using,
09:25 some are using picture rolls.
09:27 Some are using materials, simple sermon materials,
09:32 but these young people are preaching.
09:35 We at the General Conference went back
09:37 to the world divisions.
09:39 We went to the division presidents.
09:41 We encouraged them to involve their young people
09:44 in evangelism.
09:46 They set a goal to involve 600,000 young people
09:52 in evangelism, 600,000.
09:55 We set a goal for young people
09:57 to have 10,000 evangelistic meetings.
09:59 Currently, there are 20,000 evangelistic meetings
10:04 that either have been done or scheduled by young people.
10:07 These figures are staggering.
10:09 I used to think this was ASI, but at Sabbath morning
10:12 they must have went to bed late
10:13 because they were a little dead on that one.
10:15 Did you grasp it?
10:16 The figures go by us, 600,000 young people
10:21 between 15 and 30
10:23 committed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
10:27 Twenty thousand evangelistic meetings,
10:29 we're just getting reports in.
10:30 When I left the General Conference,
10:32 I received a report from East Africa Division.
10:35 In East Africa,
10:36 we've already had 7,000 young people
10:39 involved in evangelistic meetings.
10:41 They've baptized 12,000 in East Africa.
10:45 Got another report, 600 meetings
10:47 held in South America by young people.
10:50 They've scheduled 7,000, but they just started
10:54 at 600 evangelistic meetings by young people,
10:56 these 600 meetings, they've baptized over 5,000.
11:00 Preliminary reports with just 20% of the meetings held
11:05 are 22,000 baptized so far.
11:09 These are young people, 11, 12, 13 years old,
11:12 15 years old preaching the gospel.
11:14 Let me introduce you
11:16 to some of these young people today.
11:18 Michael Catarama.
11:19 Michael, come and join me.
11:21 Michael, you had an amazing experience.
11:25 Your family was scheduled to go to Africa
11:27 with a Global Evangelism ShareHim program
11:30 with Pastor Falkenberg,
11:31 and I understand, Michael, that as your family was going,
11:36 you weren't planning to preach, is that correct?
11:38 No, I wasn't.
11:40 But one of the speakers we had a death in the family
11:42 and wasn't able to go.
11:44 So my parents were looking very frantically
11:46 for somebody to speak.
11:47 During Saturday evening worship,
11:49 my parents were praying.
11:50 And my mom was impressed that I would have to speak.
11:54 So she told me right after prayer
11:55 that I'm going to have to speak.
11:57 Your mom was impressed that you have to speak
11:59 after family worship?
12:01 Yeah.
12:02 I wish a lot of other moms would be impressed
12:04 that some of these folk would have to preach,
12:06 but that's another topic.
12:07 Now, Michael, when your mom said,
12:10 "Michael, I'm impressed that you should preach."
12:12 What did you say? "Mom, I'm not quite impressed.
12:15 I don't feel I should." How did you feel?
12:17 I said, "Sure."
12:18 You said sure? Yeah.
12:20 That you were going to preach?
12:21 Yeah.
12:23 Now, how much experience had you had in preaching before?
12:29 None. Zero.
12:30 You had never preached one sermon before?
12:32 Never.
12:34 When you went to Africa, and you arrived,
12:39 and the ASI team,
12:41 because this was a group of ASI leaders going to Africa,
12:44 to Kenya to preach.
12:46 When the ASI team announced that you would preach,
12:48 how did the pastors and conference president feel?
12:50 Were they pretty happy?
12:52 They said, "Praise the Lord,
12:53 God has anointed a young person."
12:54 No, they weren't too happy about it
12:56 and they also told me not to tell my age to anybody.
12:59 And that children weren't supposed to be seen
13:02 but not heard.
13:03 How can you be seen but not heard if you preach?
13:05 Exactly. That's kind of difficult.
13:07 Now, so you came to your site to preach?
13:10 Did you feel nervous? No.
13:12 You did not feel nervous?
13:13 Not at all.
13:15 Did you practice your sermons?
13:16 Yes, I did.
13:17 About three or four times a day.
13:19 And you had a manuscript with the sermons on it
13:21 that you could go over?
13:22 And did you have some graphics?
13:24 Yeah, I had graphics provided by Global Evangelism.
13:26 Okay, so you had the graphics, you had the sermon,
13:28 and you came to preach.
13:31 How many people are at your site
13:33 the first night?
13:34 The first night there are 450 people,
13:36 but they were cancelled.
13:38 The church pastors had cancelled the meetings
13:40 because they thought nobody was going to speak.
13:43 So they cancelled the meetings, but they,
13:46 kind of the villagers heard the word
13:48 and they began to gather and they're like 450 people.
13:52 Did you preach inside a church or outside
13:55 or where did you preach?
13:56 No, I was in a covered pulpit.
13:58 A covered pulpit, but I mean, what about the people,
14:00 where were they sitting?
14:01 They were sitting outside on the grass.
14:02 Outside on the grass.
14:04 So the first night, 450 people, how many the second night?
14:07 The second night there are about,
14:08 I'd say about a thousand.
14:10 A thousand.
14:11 Then how many people came eventually to the meetings?
14:13 My highest was about 5,000 people.
14:16 You went from 450 to 5,000 people.
14:19 Yeah.
14:21 Did you have any scary experiences
14:22 during the meetings?
14:23 Yes, there was one drunk guy.
14:25 He was the son of an elder, a deacon.
14:27 He came up and he was trying to tell me his theory.
14:29 Luckily, my dad kind of pulled him away.
14:31 Okay. Your dad escorted him off the platform.
14:33 Any other experiences?
14:35 There was another one
14:36 where there's another drunk guy,
14:37 he beat a lady into a coma right behind my pulpit
14:40 while I was preaching.
14:41 You're preaching
14:42 and he's beating a lady behind your pulpit?
14:44 Yes.
14:45 So you had to have that sense that the Holy Spirit
14:47 was being poured out upon you as you were preaching.
14:49 How did you feel when you were preaching?
14:52 Did you sense that God was doing something special
14:56 through your meetings?
14:57 Yes, I did.
14:59 I could tell that many people were coming to Jesus Christ
15:00 during the appeals.
15:02 When you made appeals
15:03 did you actually make some calls?
15:05 What kind of calls did you make?
15:06 I made some altar calls for them to come up,
15:08 and I also made some hand raising calls
15:10 and stand up calls.
15:12 And when you made your calls,
15:13 did anybody respond to those calls?
15:15 Yes, a lot of people responded for the baptism call
15:18 on every Saturday.
15:20 About 490 people came up.
15:22 Four hundred and ninety people came up to the call
15:26 that you were making, to come to Jesus.
15:29 You know, Isaiah 8:16 says,
15:33 "That the children in Israel will be signs and wonders
15:38 to this generation,
15:39 that the Holy Spirit will anoint them."
15:42 We have a short video clip of Michael
15:44 that I'd like you to see Michael preaching in Africa.
15:47 I'd like you to see the crowds.
15:49 And we have a video clip of his baptism.
15:51 This is a modern day wonder of fulfillment of Malachi 4:6
15:58 and a fulfillment of Isaiah 8:16,
16:01 that God will take common young men
16:04 and young women, boys and girls.
16:06 There'll be signs and wonders in this generation.
16:09 Let's look at the video clip at the screens right now.
16:12 So first accept you are a sinner.
16:18 Secondly, believe that Jesus had died for you.
16:26 Three, confess our sins to Jesus.
16:36 John 1:9 says,
16:40 "If we confess our sins...
16:49 Just to forgive us of our sins...
16:56 And to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
17:12 There are many lines it says.
18:24 Did you notice Michael?
18:26 Nobody told him to do it.
18:27 But after he preached at the baptism,
18:31 when four, when, how many people were baptized?
18:34 About 491.
18:35 I mean, 291.
18:36 Two hundred ninety one were baptized.
18:39 Nobody told him,
18:40 but the Holy Spirit prompted him.
18:42 He went up to the baptismal pool.
18:44 And as each person was baptized,
18:46 he was there shaking their hand as the preacher
18:48 greeting them as they came up out of the water.
18:51 True preacher for Christ,
18:53 young man that God has raised up.
18:56 Now, Michael, what difference did this meeting make
19:02 in your own personal life?
19:03 This brought me a lot closer to God
19:05 and I learned a lot of truths about God
19:07 that I didn't know before.
19:08 And it brought me a lot closer to my family too.
19:10 When you get involved in evangelism,
19:13 it does something in your life.
19:15 You know, when you see Michael here,
19:18 he as a common ordinary 12 year old,
19:23 13 year old now, right?
19:25 When you preach how old were you though?
19:26 I was 12. You were 12 years old.
19:29 When you see Michael here, but when you hear him preach,
19:32 and he gets behind the pulpit, there is an unusual power.
19:36 The Holy Spirit anointed him.
19:38 Thank you so much, Michael.
19:40 I know the Lord is going to continue to bless you
19:42 as you reach out for Jesus and as you give your life
19:44 to Him continually.
19:46 He has something special for you.
19:47 Thank you so much.
19:54 Doreen Schmidt, one of our ASI officers.
19:56 Doreen, what is ASI doing to make it possible
20:01 for more young people in North America
20:02 to get involved right here in North America?
20:05 Well, Mark, we were so excited about our youth in ASI,
20:10 that what ASI decided to do was provide funding
20:13 for youth evangelism.
20:16 And what that means exactly is that
20:18 we have funding set aside
20:20 for any school or church that has youth
20:24 that wants to hold an evangelistic series.
20:27 The three criteria for this,
20:28 it must be held in North America.
20:31 They need to use the DVD New Beginnings as the program
20:35 and the speakers must be youth.
20:39 This is funding that's available to any church
20:42 or school.
20:43 And the idea behind it is that you get your conference
20:47 to pitch in a third, your local church a third,
20:50 and ASI will fund up to a third of the expenses
20:53 for the evangelistic series.
20:54 Why make the investment?
20:57 You know, our youth are our future.
20:58 We've heard that all our life and what we're finding
21:02 is not only are we able to reach the communities
21:05 in which the youth are going to,
21:07 but it's changing them.
21:09 You know, I've spoken to Michael,
21:11 he actually took my place in Africa
21:13 because I had a death in the family.
21:15 And one thing he told me is he said,
21:17 "Doreen, it changed my life.
21:19 It changed my heart.
21:21 It rooted me deeper in the Bible
21:23 and in the truth in the Bible,
21:25 and that's why we're doing this.
21:27 Doreen, how do you see this impacting the lives
21:30 of these youth in their future?
21:32 Obviously, Michael at 12 years old
21:34 preaches the gospel,
21:36 and it makes an impact on his life today,
21:38 but if time tarries and lasts,
21:41 how do you see these experiences in his youth
21:46 affecting him at 25, or 21, or 30?
21:51 Ultimately, the goal is, Mark, that we implant in these youth.
21:56 Not all will be preachers, probably some will
21:59 as a result of their experience in evangelism as a youth.
22:03 But what we want to do is implant in their hearts
22:06 and in their minds that regardless of what they do,
22:09 what profession and what line of work
22:11 that they do,
22:12 they can always be an evangelist.
22:15 They can always pick up the Word of God
22:17 and share it with someone else.
22:18 And we want that to permeate through the rest of their life.
22:22 Thank you so much.
22:23 When you see young people getting actively involved
22:26 in evangelism for Jesus,
22:28 these young people are preaching
22:30 in the Elijah Project,
22:31 we have set aside enormous resources.
22:35 ASI set aside $500,000 for the Elijah Project
22:38 around the world.
22:39 The General Conference match that with 500,000,
22:41 about 300,000 of donations came in.
22:44 So 1.3 million was set aside
22:46 by the General Conference and ASI.
22:48 Divisions began to match that.
22:50 We have now sent out over 10,000 DVDs
22:54 for youth evangelists.
22:55 We've sent out 5,000 picture rolls.
22:58 Many divisions have their own programs
23:00 and that is in addition
23:02 to what Doreen has just mentioned,
23:04 where ASI has a matching fund
23:06 for the North American Division.
23:08 Any young people that get involved in evangelism
23:11 or that use the DVDs, ASI sets aside one third.
23:15 So the church today is doing everything it knows how
23:20 to actively involve young people.
23:22 Many of these young people are being involved here
23:24 in the United States.
23:26 Some of them are being involved overseas.
23:29 Justin and Christina McNeilus.
23:31 Justin, Christina, you know, some have called me Justin
23:35 the father of satellite evangelism,
23:37 probably because I held the first satellite
23:39 meet back in 1995.
23:40 You may be the grandfather of youth evangelism,
23:43 you know, I've been interviewing you now
23:45 for about four or five years on youth evangelism.
23:47 Every year you holding a new series, and so,
23:49 you've held, how many series have you held now?
23:51 I've actually held four different series.
23:53 Four?
23:54 How old were you when you held your first series?
23:56 My first series I think, I was just about to turn 18.
23:58 I was a senior in academy.
24:00 You did it one better than Justin though.
24:02 How old were you, Christina, when you had your first series?
24:04 I was 15, about to be 16.
24:06 Fifteen, so one little younger than your brother.
24:09 Where have you held series now, Christina?
24:11 I've held a series in Michigan at Central Michigan University,
24:15 Albuquerque, New Mexico and Cambodia.
24:17 And, Justin, where were your series?
24:19 The first one was in Asheville, North Carolina.
24:21 And then I went to Columbus, Ohio,
24:24 and then I was with her in Cincinnati.
24:26 And then since then we went to Cambodia
24:28 and we preached a series overseas.
24:30 When did you hold your Cambodia series?
24:32 Just over Christmas,
24:33 our family decided we wanted something
24:36 a little more fulfilling for Christmas.
24:37 Instead of giving gifts to each other,
24:39 we decided we'd go on a family mission trip.
24:42 And we went into Cambodia
24:43 and we just preached a series there.
24:45 Christina, when many of us think of Cambodia,
24:48 we think of the killing fields.
24:50 Describe Cambodia a little bit for us?
24:52 What was it like during that killing field time?
24:55 Give us a little background to that,
24:57 and what's it like today?
24:59 Well, Cambodia is actually in Southeast Asia,
25:02 it's between Thailand and Vietnam.
25:03 A lot of people don't know where it is.
25:05 And like you said before there,
25:07 they think of the killing fields.
25:09 Now Cambodia had a lot of devastation to it.
25:11 Pol Pot was a leader there.
25:13 And basically he wanted to kill anybody
25:15 who was educated.
25:16 So if you wore glasses
25:18 or you had a pen in your pocket,
25:19 you were killed.
25:21 In fact, my translator, both our translator,
25:22 Pastor Lynn, his father,
25:24 he was telling me was killed because he had a chair
25:27 in his house.
25:28 So that's just the devastation that they went through.
25:30 And, but right now, Cambodians are happy
25:33 and they're smiling
25:35 and they're definitely ready for the Lord.
25:36 What is the Seventh-day Adventist Church like
25:38 in Cambodia today, Justin?
25:40 Well, it's interesting because just three years ago,
25:43 I think there was only 200 members in Phnom Penh
25:46 where we went to preach, 200 members
25:47 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
25:49 and today through what ASI has done
25:51 in different supporting ministries inside Cambodia.
25:54 There's actually 3,000
25:56 or probably more than that by now
25:58 members inside of Cambodia.
26:00 Amen.
26:02 Christina, Global Mission pioneers
26:05 play quite a major role
26:07 in the growth of the church in Cambodia.
26:11 Tell us a little bit about these Global Mission pioneers
26:13 what are...
26:14 Who are they and tell us a little bit about
26:16 the preparation for your evangelistic series?
26:18 Well, earlier before
26:20 this evangelistic series happened,
26:21 my father went over and he did the DVD way program
26:25 and he did the training for them.
26:27 And so each of these Global Mission pioneers,
26:29 they received a DVD and a computer
26:32 so that way they could go into,
26:34 you know, individual homes
26:35 and give one on one Bible studies
26:37 or give group Bible studies.
26:38 So it was really exciting
26:40 because these Global Mission pioneers,
26:41 they are on fire for the Lord.
26:43 And they were giving three sets of Bible studies a day,
26:46 and it was just amazing.
26:47 It was so exciting.
26:49 Also, we met a man there
26:51 who he was a Global Mission pioneer
26:53 and he was giving Bible studies.
26:54 And one day he left to go out into the village
26:58 and when he came back, his house was burned down.
27:01 And he was just devastated.
27:03 And he was praying to the Lord, you know why, why me?
27:04 Why does this have to happen?
27:06 And there he was walking through the rubble
27:08 and just ashes.
27:09 And he kind of picked up this kind of board
27:12 that had been burned away.
27:13 And he saw the computer there and it was not touched.
27:16 It was completely in contact,
27:17 and the DVD desk was inside of it.
27:20 And it was amazing to see that
27:21 the Lord will work through situations
27:23 so that way His will be done.
27:26 These Global Mission pioneers are residents
27:30 or inhabitants of that country.
27:32 So they're Cambodians who the church employs
27:36 to do evangelism.
27:37 Many of them do great sacrifice.
27:39 I remember a story
27:40 where one of our Global Mission pioneers
27:43 was asked by one of our church leaders,
27:46 is there anything we can do to help you?
27:49 And he was little embarrassed, didn't want to say much
27:51 and kind of hung his head and then he lifted up his eyes
27:53 and he said, "Well, you know, my partner and I
27:56 only have one pair of shoes between us.
28:00 So we make a decision that day who's going to wear the shoes,
28:03 and the decision is based on who has to walk the furthest.
28:06 We have to work in a village about 8 or 10 miles from here.
28:09 If my partner is going to that village
28:11 to give Bible studies today,
28:12 because the road is rough and rocky,
28:14 he wears the shoes.
28:15 If I am going to that village, I wear the shoes."
28:18 Great, great sacrifice among these Global Mission pioneers.
28:22 But back to Cambodia, Justin,
28:24 tell us about your evangelistic meetings,
28:26 where were they held?
28:27 Well, we actually held them
28:29 in the capital city of Phnom Penh.
28:30 And it's interesting
28:32 because you can drive through the streets
28:33 and you can see all these temples
28:35 and it's very much a Buddhism country.
28:38 And so we went right into Phnom Penh,
28:41 we got buses, we bus these people in
28:44 from different places.
28:45 And we held it in a stadium that filled up to...
28:48 One night I remember there was 4,000 people
28:51 in the stadium that came out to hear the message of God.
28:54 What is the religious background,
28:56 Christina, of many of the people
28:58 in Phnom Penh?
29:00 They're Buddhists and there is some Hindus.
29:02 Buddhists and Hindus.
29:03 Now as these folk came to your meetings,
29:06 did you feel any disconnect?
29:09 Because here you come from North America,
29:12 you come from a Christian background,
29:14 but you have an audience that is significantly Buddhist,
29:17 does the message of Christ transcend culture?
29:20 Does it reach out and touch these people?
29:23 How did you feel?
29:24 Were they connecting with your preaching?
29:26 I think they really did, because that's one thing
29:28 I think God taught me the most when I was over there.
29:31 We have such a powerful message of Seventh-day Adventist
29:34 because I can remember preaching about the Sabbath
29:37 and I've preached only in United States
29:39 before this and so, prior to preaching this
29:41 I was thinking to myself, you know what?
29:43 This is going to be a hard message,
29:44 so I was praying before
29:46 and, you know, when you preach about this in the States,
29:48 people they see it as a hassle.
29:49 What I had to give up a whole day just for God.
29:52 And so, I remember, I got to the stadium
29:54 and I was nervous and I got to preach
29:56 about the Sabbath
29:58 and, you know, what are they going to think about this?
30:00 And I remember, I got through the sermon
30:02 and the Lord blessed me, and I went out to the back
30:05 and I tried to greet some of the people
30:07 and say goodbye to them.
30:08 And I would watch these people who have only known Buddhism,
30:11 who have never known a true God that loves them.
30:14 And I watched them after preaching about the Sabbath,
30:16 they would walk out and there was tears
30:19 streaming down their eyes.
30:20 And I just could not believe it,
30:21 I was confused.
30:23 I thought, maybe it was something I said,
30:25 or I had offended them in some way.
30:27 So I got my translator and I asked him,
30:29 I said, "You know what?
30:30 What is wrong with these people?
30:32 Why are they coming out with tears in their eyes?"
30:33 And he said, "It's just so simple,
30:35 you don't understand.
30:36 They've never had someone that loved them so much,
30:39 that they want to take one day out
30:40 to just spend with them."
30:42 And I could not believe how powerful
30:45 and sometimes in the States we just get caught up
30:47 with our day to day lives,
30:49 and we just need to remember that
30:50 we have a powerful message,
30:51 and anyone can preach it
30:53 and we can be witnesses for God.
30:56 God works not through our ability,
31:00 but through our availability.
31:01 He certainly uses our ability,
31:03 but if we make ourselves available to God.
31:06 Christina, what kind of challenges
31:07 did you face in that series?
31:09 Well, there is a little challenge
31:12 that both Justin and I face, we got sick.
31:14 You got sick?
31:15 And what took place?
31:18 I mean, you had to preach, you were sick.
31:20 Yes.
31:21 Well, it was amazing how even though we got sick,
31:23 you know, God worked out.
31:25 Obviously, the devil does not want,
31:26 you know, God's work going out.
31:28 But the nights that I got sick,
31:29 it was Justin's nights to preach,
31:31 and the nights that Justin got sick,
31:33 it was his night to preach.
31:35 And so it just was really amazing
31:36 to see how God worked it out.
31:38 And also I can remember Justin,
31:40 he hadn't eaten anything for two days.
31:42 And that night, it was just,
31:43 you could just see God's power in him
31:45 because he got up and he preached,
31:47 and he was walking all over the stage,
31:49 and he had this energy and enthusiasm
31:50 that was spilling into the congregation.
31:52 And he had nothing in his stomach.
31:54 It was just amazing to see God's power.
31:56 So that you were team preaching,
31:59 and most of the time when you were sick,
32:02 it was Justin's turn to preach.
32:04 When he was sick, it was your turn to preach.
32:06 The moral of that story is preach,
32:07 you don't get sick.
32:09 That's the moral of that story.
32:12 Justin, you know, you and Christina though
32:15 are kind of unusual young people,
32:17 you're pretty outgoing and pretty,
32:20 you know, you like being up front
32:22 and you enjoy it.
32:23 And Christina, she likes talking here and there,
32:25 you know and so forth.
32:29 Describe for me, do you ever get nervous before you speak?
32:33 I don't think I've ever been able to get up front
32:36 and not be nervous in the...
32:38 I despise getting up front to be honest.
32:41 But I know that God has led me to speak
32:43 and I know that how is God...
32:46 Sometimes you set up to do these evangelistic series,
32:48 you know, and we went as a family
32:50 because we were going to help Cambodia,
32:51 and we went there and many people were baptized
32:54 and many people found God, but I'm telling you what?
32:56 The one thing that sticks out that that does the most
33:00 is what it does to Christina and I
33:01 when we stand up front,
33:03 because we can go in and I can be throwing up
33:05 before I get up front,
33:07 and I can throw up as soon as I get up front.
33:09 But I'm telling you what?
33:10 When God speaks through me up, up front, it is not natural.
33:13 It's not something that's in me.
33:15 I'm an extremely shy person, my sister is the outgoing one.
33:18 All through life, I just let her do the talking,
33:20 and I listen.
33:21 But somehow when I get up front,
33:22 God is able to speak through me.
33:24 And I'm telling you, I'm no different
33:25 than any person sitting out here
33:27 or any person listening on TV
33:29 because God wants to speak through
33:31 each and every one of us here.
33:34 Christina, you and Justin respond differently to anxiety.
33:38 And I think it's helpful for people to know
33:40 that when you walk on the platform,
33:43 you too feel somewhat, Justin feels anxious at times,
33:47 and sometimes you've actually thrown up
33:48 before you went out to preach.
33:50 Many times.
33:51 How do you respond when you get nervous?
33:52 I get really scared and I actually cry sometimes
33:55 before I go out
33:57 'cause I don't want to do the same thing.
33:58 God, why do you have me out here?
34:00 And then I'm so nervous,
34:01 and I don't want to come out here.
34:03 But then once like Justin said, once you get out there,
34:05 it's just so amazing and so inspiring just to see
34:08 how he can speak through me.
34:10 I know that it's something that I can say,
34:12 I know, it's nothing that I can do,
34:13 but it's how God speaks to me.
34:15 It's just such an awesome experience that we can,
34:17 all can have and do.
34:19 What do you think some people don't get involved?
34:21 I mean, they want to,
34:22 here we have a whole group of ASI, folk.
34:24 And if I asked for raising of hands,
34:26 which I won't, and I said,
34:28 "Have you ever been involved in a Bible study ministry,
34:31 small group ministry," but if I went beyond that,
34:33 and said, "Have you ever held a lay evangelistic meeting?"
34:36 Probably there would be a few hands held up,
34:39 maybe in an ASI group like this.
34:41 Maybe 95% of these folk have already held
34:43 an evangelistic meeting before
34:45 but maybe there would be 3 or 4% that have not.
34:49 What do you think people don't get actually involved?
34:52 And what can they do about that?
34:55 I think it's just taking the initial step.
34:57 Sometimes you...
34:59 It's not human to want to get up
35:01 in front of people
35:02 because we're worried about
35:03 what people will think about us.
35:05 We're worried, especially as young people
35:06 about our image and what it can do to us
35:08 being up front.
35:10 But God calls us to be more than just Christians
35:12 who come to church each Sabbath.
35:14 Amen?
35:15 God calls us to tell others about our religion.
35:18 And it is true, I can assume that,
35:20 that maybe not everyone out there is born
35:24 and God has designed you to speak up front.
35:26 Maybe it is that you're a leader of small groups,
35:28 or maybe it is, but God has called us
35:31 and God wants us to take that step
35:33 and do more for Christianity and do more for God
35:36 because, friends, I'm telling you what?
35:38 It's time to go home. Amen?
35:39 And it's time that we tell everyone
35:42 on this earth about Jesus,
35:43 so we can have the next ASI Convention
35:46 in heaven.
35:47 And then, Christina, when you were preaching,
35:49 there were some flying creatures
35:51 and they were not angels
35:53 that tried to interrupt the meeting occasionally.
35:55 What were they? They were bats.
35:57 We had a little bat nest, I guess you could say
36:00 right above the podium,
36:01 so it's directly above here if this was in Cambodia.
36:04 And it's quite interesting, because they would,
36:05 you know, swoop down and then go up
36:07 and then, you know, fly all around.
36:09 And it was interesting definitely.
36:11 There's always some little interesting point
36:13 in evangelism.
36:14 Christina, what difference,
36:15 you know, you've preached to North American audiences,
36:18 what difference was the audience in Cambodia?
36:21 Well, I guess the culture there is a carry on a conversation
36:24 while you're speaking while the speaker speaking.
36:26 You know, here everyone should be quiet.
36:29 And now I got to say you being a good audience.
36:31 But while over there, it was quite noisy.
36:34 And so it was, it kind of difficult for me
36:37 to keep my thoughts
36:38 there and, you know, we have bats flying above
36:41 and it was, it was very distracting for me.
36:44 But it was so amazing because when we made the altar call,
36:48 and we invited the people to come forward,
36:50 they, we had, you know,
36:52 over hundreds and hundreds of people that came forward.
36:54 And that Sabbath, it was so exciting
36:56 because the first Sabbath that we were there,
36:57 I mean, the second Sabbath, says
36:59 the second Sabbath that we were there,
37:00 we got to see 850 people that were baptized.
37:03 Eight hundred and fifty baptized.
37:06 I mean, that is a miracle because, Justin,
37:08 you were saying just a few years before
37:10 how many Adventists were then?
37:12 Only 200 in Phnom Penh.
37:13 Only 200 and 850 baptized?
37:17 How do you feel that day of the baptism?
37:20 What kind of impressions do you have
37:22 when 850 people are baptized?
37:25 There's just nothing that that you could ever say
37:27 that describes that to know that,
37:29 that God has chose me as a young person
37:33 and has taken me from a shy person.
37:35 I was thinking about this last night
37:36 as I was listening to the ASI Youth for Jesus,
37:39 they got up and they gave their testimony
37:41 and I thought about my first time in Florida
37:43 where I was just a shy young person.
37:45 And those young people last night have no idea
37:48 what God is going to do through them.
37:49 And I just like to thank ASI for giving me that opportunity
37:52 and so many young people there that opportunity,
37:55 because you get to there
37:56 and you preach in this Buddhism place,
37:58 and you go to the stadium and you think why God?
38:01 Why have you chosen me?
38:03 You know, I have nothing to offer,
38:04 but God speaks through you.
38:06 And then you see what God has done.
38:08 And you see these people who you're going to one day
38:10 see again in heaven,
38:12 and we just have no idea what these meetings will do,
38:15 what ASI Youth for Jesus are going to do,
38:17 because there's gonna be so many more people in heaven
38:20 because of what the young people
38:21 have done in the church.
38:23 Christina, what difference has being involved
38:26 in evangelism made in your life personally?
38:29 I can honestly say
38:30 it's been a life changing experience for me,
38:33 I know that I will never be the same person again.
38:36 And it's just, it's such an exciting factor to see
38:39 how God can work through me and use me as a tool for Him.
38:42 And He's willing to work
38:43 through each and every one of you today.
38:45 Justin, Christina, thank you so much.
38:47 What a testimony.
38:49 What a testimony.
38:54 Christina's words echo in my own heart
38:56 when she said this for me
39:00 has been a life changing experience.
39:03 You know in the Bible,
39:05 in 1 Corinthians, the 12th Chapter,
39:08 and if you have your Bible, I invite you to take it.
39:12 And turn to 1 Corinthians Chapter 12.
39:15 In 1 Corinthians Chapter 12,
39:17 the Apostle Paul uses the illustration of the church
39:23 as being the body of Christ.
39:26 And in 1 Corinthians 12:11,
39:31 after describing the varied spiritual gifts
39:36 that God gives to members in the church.
39:40 In 1 Corinthians 12:11, it says,
39:44 "But one and the same spirit works all these things,
39:49 distributing to each one, that is each church member,
39:54 individually, as He wills.
39:57 Every Christian receives gifts
40:01 from God to witness."
40:04 God may not lead every one of us
40:06 onto the public platform to preach.
40:10 But I think God wants to lead a lot more of us
40:13 onto the public platform that are currently preaching.
40:16 Would you say amen to that?
40:18 God has something to do with every person.
40:21 But look, the Bible says, "God gives the spirit
40:24 to everyone individually as He wills."
40:27 That means God leads some people
40:29 to organize small groups and give Bible studies.
40:32 He leads some people to give out literature.
40:34 He leads some people to be involved
40:37 in public preaching.
40:40 He leads some people to share a loaf of bread,
40:45 a bowl of soup with their neighbor
40:46 and to pray with them.
40:48 He leads some into prayer ministries.
40:49 The question for you and for me today
40:54 is what gift has God given you
40:59 and what will you do different when you go home
41:02 from ASI Convention
41:04 that you were not doing before you came?
41:07 How will you use the gifts?
41:09 How will you use the abilities?
41:11 How will you use the imparted
41:15 gifts of the spirit in your own life
41:17 in the marketplace?
41:19 Do you sense that God is leading you
41:21 to do something more than you've yet done?
41:23 Not merely by giving your money.
41:27 If ASI becomes nearly a funding organization,
41:32 it has missed its soul.
41:35 It's missed its vision.
41:37 It's lost the sense of its identity.
41:40 The main role of ASI is to inspire members
41:46 to be actively involved in their marketplace
41:50 for Jesus Christ.
41:51 Let's seize the torch of ASI.
41:56 Let's listen to the voices of Michael, of Christina,
42:01 of Justin,
42:02 of 600,000 other young people around the world,
42:07 thousands of lay people that are preaching.
42:10 And let's say Jesus, I too want to be more involved
42:15 in sharing Your love than I have been.
42:18 So that Jesus will come very, very soon.
42:24 Amen.
42:27 Would you stand and sing with me tonight,
42:30 Spirit of the Living God,
42:33 fall a-fresh on me.
42:45 Spirit of the Living God
42:52 Fall a-fresh on me!
42:59 Spirit of the Living God
43:07 Fall a-fresh on me!
43:14 Break me, melt me
43:21 Mold me, fill me!
43:28 Spirit of the Living God
43:37 Fall a-fresh on me!
43:41 Once again.
43:44 Spirit of the Living God
43:52 Fall a-fresh on me!
43:59 Spirit of the Living God
44:07 Fall a-fresh on me!
44:14 Break me, melt me
44:22 Mold me, and fill me!
44:29 Spirit of the Living God
44:38 Fall a-fresh on me!
44:46 Let's pray together.
44:48 Father in heaven, we pray for Your spirits.
44:52 Send us Your spirit tonight.
44:55 Lord, do break us, melt us,
44:59 mold us into Your image
45:01 and fill us with Your loving character,
45:04 we pray in Jesus' name.
45:07 Amen.


Revised 2020-04-14