3ABN On the Road

Remember How It Was

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000580S

01:01 Good evening and welcome to Focus on Revival.
01:04 We're coming to you from Thompsonville, Illinois,
01:07 the 3ABN Worship Center,
01:09 which is also the home of our Thompsonville
01:12 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:13 And we're so glad that you could join us tonight.
01:16 This is the beginning of a three part series,
01:19 Pastor John Lomacang will be our speaker.
01:22 And we have a wonderful message
01:24 from the Lord for this evening.
01:27 So now what I would like to do
01:29 is introduce to you our associate pastor,
01:33 Pastor John Stanton and his wife Rochelle,
01:36 who will be leading us in the scripture and prayer.
01:43 Good evening. Good evening.
01:45 I'd like to invite you to turn in your Bibles
01:47 to the Book of Hosea 2:6-7.
01:52 It's Hosea 2:6-7.
01:57 It says, "Therefore, behold,
01:59 I will hedge up your way with thorns,
02:02 and wall her in,
02:03 so that she cannot find her paths.
02:06 She will chase her lovers,
02:07 but not overtake them, yes, she will seek them,
02:11 but not find them.
02:12 Then she will say,
02:14 'I will go and return to my first husband,
02:16 for then it was better for me than now.'"
02:19 John, lead us into prayer.
02:21 Would you bow your heads with me?
02:24 Father in heaven, Lord,
02:25 we are so grateful this evening,
02:28 to be confident that Your presence is with us.
02:31 And we invite Your Holy Spirit to move mightily through us
02:34 to open our hearts to receiving
02:36 Your Word and the blessing that You have for us today.
02:40 We ask that You will indwell
02:41 our Pastor Lomacang here this evening
02:44 as he breaks forth the Word,
02:46 that You will give him power and strength to speak
02:48 mightily in Your behalf as You speak to Your people.
02:52 Lord, we thank You and we love you
02:54 in Jesus' name, amen.
02:56 Amen.
02:58 You know, this is a time for revival and reformation.
03:02 The Bible says in Hosea 10:12,
03:05 "To sow for yourselves seeds of righteousness,
03:08 break up your fallow ground,
03:10 your uncultivated ground,
03:11 and seek the Lord until He comes
03:15 and rains righteousness on you."
03:17 And tonight, we have Pastor John Stanton.
03:20 He is our senior pastor here at the Thompsonville
03:23 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
03:25 And he is a wonderful speaker.
03:28 You all are, I'm sure
03:29 very familiar with Pastor Stanton.
03:32 He hosts House...
03:33 Pastor Lomacang, did I say that?
03:36 Pastor Lomacang hosts the House Calls program,
03:41 he also hosts The Today program and he's a wonderful singer.
03:46 And he will be the next voice that you hear right after
03:50 this special song by Denise Barclay
03:53 called "Take Me Back."
04:14 Now I don't love you
04:16 Like I used to
04:21 When nothing came between My God and me
04:29 And somehow it seems
04:31 I've lessened my dependence
04:37 And wonder why it is my soul Can't find peace
04:43 But I'm ready to learn
04:47 How to faithfully love you
04:53 With my heart, My soul and my mind
05:02 Take me back
05:06 Take me back To
05:11 O Lord The time I fell in love
05:31 Now I don't serve you Like I used to
05:38 'Cause I'm too busy serving me
05:47 And I don't take the time With you I need to
05:53 And wonder why it is my soul Can't find peace
05:59 But I'm ready to learn
06:03 How to faithfully serve you
06:08 With my heart, My soul and my time
06:17 Take me back
06:21 Take me back To
06:26 O Lord The time I fell in love
06:35 O Lord And love
06:43 O Lord I didn't love
06:49 Now I don't love you
06:57 Like I used to
07:01 When nothing came between My God and me
07:07 But I'm ready to learn
07:11 how to faithfully love you
07:17 With my heart, My soul and my mind
07:26 O take me back
07:30 Take me back to
07:35 O Lord the time I felt in love
07:49 The time I fell in love
07:57 Amen.
08:02 Can we say amen again? Amen.
08:04 Thank you so much Denise, for reminding us that
08:08 we're living in a time
08:11 where the Lord wants to take us back.
08:14 You know, as I thought about this message tonight,
08:17 I think about the many
08:19 who are joining us via satellite,
08:22 maybe in their homes, maybe in their church.
08:26 And they can think of a name of someone that
08:28 used to worship with them,
08:31 used to sing with them, used to attend their church
08:34 and became a part of their church family.
08:36 But today, maybe their name is not even mentioned.
08:40 Maybe their face has been forgotten.
08:44 Maybe their names have been crossed off
08:46 of the churches books.
08:48 But we're living in a day and age
08:49 where God's love for us is so great that,
08:52 Brethren, the Lord wants to pursue us
08:54 and take us back home.
08:56 What do you say?
08:58 As I looked at the Word of God,
08:59 I couldn't find a God so vengeful that
09:01 He would throw us away and forget us.
09:05 I don't find a God that says,
09:07 I will never have anything more to do with you.
09:11 But I find people that have walked away from God,
09:13 people that have disappointed God.
09:15 But I still see a God
09:17 whose love is beyond our comprehension.
09:19 And He has promised that I will contend with those
09:22 who contend with me, and I will save their children.
09:27 I know in my own fellowship raised in New York
09:28 and in California pastoring,
09:31 there are people whose names came to my mind
09:33 as I was preparing the sermon.
09:35 And I had eyes filled with tears thinking that
09:39 while we're comfortable in the house of the Lord,
09:43 there's someone that Jesus is pursuing,
09:45 and he wants to bring them back home.
09:48 I try to find a narrative in Scripture
09:49 to communicate that message
09:51 and I found one of the most profound striking accounts
09:54 of the relentless love of God for His children.
10:00 If you have your Bibles with you tonight,
10:01 if you have your Bibles at home,
10:03 in your church,
10:04 open to the Book of Hosea right after the Book of Daniel.
10:08 And we're going to see how God is revealing a love
10:11 that is humanly incomprehensible.
10:14 We cannot imagine a love that will not let us go.
10:18 But this story had given me hope,
10:20 because tonight, I'm praying for family members
10:23 that I know are not in the truth.
10:25 I'm praying for a sister that walked away
10:27 from the truth many years ago.
10:30 I'm praying for a brother
10:31 that I'm hoping will accept the truth.
10:33 I'm thinking of those
10:35 that worship with us that honestly
10:37 I can say, I don't know where their addresses are.
10:39 I've forgotten their faces and sometimes even their names.
10:43 But tonight we serve a God that has not forgotten
10:47 the face of anyone that He shed His blood for.
10:49 What do you say?
10:51 And in the story of Hosea,
10:53 Hosea takes the place of God Almighty
10:56 in this narrative and he introduces a character
11:00 into the scene that we never hear about
11:02 after the Book of Hosea.
11:03 We never hear about her before the Book of Hosea.
11:06 But God uses this actual story to illustrate
11:11 how powerful His love for us really is.
11:14 Now, God's love is not conditional.
11:17 God doesn't love us because we are lovely.
11:20 God loves us because God is love.
11:24 I picture young man one evening sitting down,
11:27 a godly young man, a righteous young man.
11:31 And in my mind, I think of Hosea,
11:33 the prophet of God as a young man
11:36 who's thinking about the necessities of life
11:38 preparing to serve the Lord.
11:40 But like any pastor joining the ministry,
11:44 he's thinking that he needs a wife
11:46 to complete the picture.
11:48 And he's sitting down going through the list of names
11:51 he's seen sister so and so
11:53 attend his church as a young intern.
11:56 He remembered graduating from Andrews University,
11:58 or Oakwood College, or one of the schools out there
12:01 and he thinks about that young lady
12:03 that he had an opportunity to get to meet.
12:05 And he thinks,
12:06 is she the candidate to be my wife.
12:09 He's going through his righteous black book,
12:11 if it were that.
12:15 And he's saying, in order for me
12:16 to be a successful pastor,
12:18 I've got to have a supportive wife
12:21 to stand by my side.
12:22 For the Bible does say, friends,
12:24 it is not good that man should be alone.
12:27 And I believe that applies to pastors.
12:30 While he is reading, and going through
12:34 the list of possible candidates for a wife,
12:36 the Lord breaks into Hosea's moment.
12:39 And we go to Hosea 1:2 to see how God breaks in.
12:44 Hosea 1:2,
12:45 "The Lord breaks into his moment of contemplation,"
12:48 and he's thinking about how wonderful it would be
12:51 to have a wife by my side, and the Bible says,
12:56 "When the Lord began to speak to Hosea,
12:58 the Lord said to Hosea, 'Go.'"
13:03 Now, if that's all that the Lord said,
13:06 then this would be the story
13:07 like any other story in the Bible,
13:09 where you can find 1487 other references
13:13 where God says go.
13:16 But when you read the story,
13:18 you'll discover a couple of things about Hosea.
13:20 Hosea is an obedient young man to the Word of God.
13:23 And I wish that God's people would simply move
13:28 and go when God says go,
13:30 in spite of whether or not we know
13:32 where God is sending us.
13:33 It's always good to trust God and when God says go,
13:36 what should we do?
13:37 We should go.
13:38 Hosea is the kind of young man
13:40 and evidence in Scripture points out
13:41 that Hosea did not hesitate before we go to verse, right,
13:45 remainder of verse 2 and then verse 3.
13:47 The Bible says, "Go take yourself
13:51 a wife of harlotry, and children of harlotry,
13:57 for the land has committed great harlotry
14:01 by departing from the Lord."
14:04 Now verse 2 and 3
14:06 could be summarized simply this way,
14:07 is the Lord said to Hosea, "Go," and in verse 3,
14:11 "And Hosea went."
14:13 The Lord said, "Go," and Hosea did what?
14:16 He went. He didn't hesitate.
14:18 Now, Brethren, when you hear what God asked Hosea to do.
14:23 This is what amazes me about the story.
14:25 Now, God sometimes asks us to do things that
14:28 just don't make any sense.
14:29 Now, if you could say amen to that.
14:31 I mean, sometimes God comes up
14:33 with some things that you got to even question
14:35 whether or not that really is the voice of God
14:38 giving you that kind of instruction.
14:42 I mean, sometime God just does not make sense.
14:44 God does not have to harmonize with ordinary logic,
14:47 because God is a God of faith.
14:49 He does not see as we see.
14:52 Man looks at the outward appearance,
14:53 God looks at the heart.
14:55 God sees the end from the beginning.
14:58 He sees us through our trials.
15:00 We see ourselves in our trials.
15:02 And so when God says, "Go,"
15:04 I think we do well
15:06 to follow the instruction of God.
15:08 But when I read this story,
15:12 this is one of those rare accounts
15:14 that do not seem to harmonize
15:16 with the righteousness of God.
15:19 Follow me carefully.
15:21 Because what God told Hosea to do,
15:24 I don't think any marriage counselor,
15:26 any pastor would tell and in turn to do.
15:30 God said, "Go take a wife,
15:33 that is a wife of harlotry."
15:37 In other words, Hosea,
15:38 go get a woman that's going to be
15:40 a risk to have around.
15:43 Go get a woman that knows what it's like
15:45 to not be satisfied by one man.
15:49 Go get a woman whose eyes are going to be
15:51 wandering before you marry her
15:53 and wandering after you marry her.
15:57 Go get a woman whose heart is not gonna be totally yours.
16:01 You need to marry a woman
16:03 that will be unfaithful to you, Hosea.
16:08 That does not harmonize with God's righteousness
16:12 and God's people said.
16:14 Now, some Bible commentators have a problem with the story.
16:18 Some suggest that this was a vision
16:20 that God had given to Hosea.
16:22 Now, Brethren, this is not the kind of vision
16:24 that anybody wants of a wife that's going to be a harlot,
16:26 what do you say?
16:27 Husband said amen.
16:30 When you think about this,
16:31 some commentators had to justify
16:33 what God is about to do here,
16:35 this has to be a vision, this cannot be something
16:37 God is really asking Hosea to do.
16:42 The second group of individuals having a problem
16:44 with the story is commentators that say,
16:46 this has to be a parable, because a righteous God
16:49 will never tell a prophet to marry a woman
16:53 that's going to be unfaithful to him.
16:56 I mean, God wouldn't do that. I mean, God loves...
16:59 God loves people that are faithful.
17:02 God loves there to be
17:04 one wife and one husband.
17:08 But when you read the story,
17:11 you discover that this is a literal account
17:13 of an event that happened in Hosea's life.
17:15 Because Hosea and Gomer's ancestry is mentioned,
17:19 their past is mentioned,
17:21 the names of their children are mentioned.
17:24 Gomer's parent is mentioned, either mother or father.
17:27 The name is so unusual
17:29 that Bible writers have not concluded that
17:31 the name mentioned is Gomer's father nor mother.
17:34 And you're turning with me now to Hosea 1:3.
17:37 The Lord comes up with a name that is not on Hosea's list.
17:43 This is not the woman that
17:44 Hosea was thinking about marrying, the Bible says.
17:47 So he went, the Lord comes and gives him name
17:50 and Hosea being obedient, the Bible says so he went
17:53 and he took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim
17:57 and she conceived and bore him a son.
18:02 The first son was named Jezreel,
18:04 you find that in verse 4, which simply means God sows.
18:08 Now, Brethren, what would you do
18:10 if before you got married,
18:11 you knew that your wife is going to mess up?
18:16 You're quiet.
18:18 I mean, would you send the cake back?
18:20 If your wife said to you, as soon as we get married
18:23 not long after we have our first child,
18:25 I'm going to begin to mess around on you.
18:28 Would you still go through with a marriage?
18:31 I see Larry shaking his head. Somebody is responding.
18:33 I mean, if you knew beforehand,
18:35 that this marriage was not going to last,
18:39 would you go through with all the planning,
18:42 all the decorations.
18:44 Hosea, the Bible says,
18:46 he went and he took a wife named Gomer.
18:48 And then the Bible says,
18:50 she conceived and bore him a son.
18:54 The marriage got off to a good start.
18:56 But a wise man said in Ecclesiastes 7:8,
19:00 "The end of a thing is better than the beginning."
19:04 In other words, what he means is, in the end,
19:06 you're going to see that God worked it all out.
19:09 But in the beginning
19:11 it's not going to look like that.
19:12 Have you ever been in the situation
19:14 where it did not look like God was going to work it out?
19:16 But when God finally worked it out,
19:18 you saw that God knew what God was doing all along.
19:21 Can you say amen?
19:23 The end of a thing is better often than the beginning.
19:26 How is God going to get me to pay that bill?
19:28 The end is better than the beginning.
19:30 How is God going to pull me through the tough times?
19:32 The end is often better than beginning.
19:34 When sickness comes, we don't see the end.
19:37 But God is saying, when you trust Him, friends,
19:39 the end is better than the beginning.
19:42 I say amen for trusting God, what do you say?
19:45 But the Bible goes on to say in verse 6,
19:48 and she conceived again, Hosea 1:6,
19:51 and bore a daughter.
19:54 And God said to him, that is to Hosea,
19:56 call her name Lo-Ruhamah,
19:59 for I will no longer have mercy on the house of Israel,
20:03 but I will utterly take them away.
20:06 The marriage begins to take a turn at the second child.
20:09 First one, God sows a good relationship.
20:12 And I must say that when Hosea said I do,
20:15 and Gomer said I do, and they had their first child.
20:18 Hosea must have said to himself,
20:20 God knew exactly what he was doing.
20:23 She's a lovely woman. We've got a lovely son.
20:28 And so, Lord, from now on, I'm not going to distrust you.
20:31 I'm going to move when you say move,
20:33 I'm going to do what you say do
20:34 because Lord after all, I mean,
20:36 I would not have picked Gomer.
20:38 But it seems that it got off to a good start.
20:40 Thank you, Lord, for suggesting her name.
20:43 I think you know what you're doing.
20:46 Second child is born, Lo-Ruhamah,
20:48 which means no mercy in this house.
20:52 Now, Brethren, you don't need to be technological,
20:54 you don't need to be theological.
20:56 You know, you don't need to have a degree in psychology
20:58 to realize that things began to go downhill pretty fast,
21:01 because the mercy between
21:03 a husband and wife began to wean.
21:06 And God gave them the name of the child
21:10 to verify that Hosea from now on this marriage
21:14 is going downhill.
21:16 But it didn't stop there. It did not stop there.
21:19 I would wish it stopped there.
21:21 Now, there's something else.
21:24 When I look at this text, it says,
21:26 I will no longer have mercy.
21:28 Brethren, have you ever heard of God as a God without mercy?
21:33 David the Psalmist says, His mercy endures for how long?
21:36 Forever and forever.
21:39 So when God says that He will no longer have mercy,
21:42 it does not seem to match a God where the Bible says,
21:48 "The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting
21:50 on those who fear Him and His righteousness
21:53 to the children's children.
21:55 God is a merciful God." Psalms 103:17-18.
22:01 It doesn't seem to match that God is going to
22:03 take His mercy back at a time
22:06 when His man needs it more than ever before.
22:10 When your marriage begins to go downhill,
22:13 when relationships in church begin to go downhill,
22:15 what we all need is God's mercy.
22:17 What do you say?
22:18 But, Brethren, it didn't stop there.
22:22 Verse 8, when it seems it could not get any worse,
22:26 the narrative continued, verse 8,
22:30 "Now when she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah,
22:33 she conceived and born a son.
22:36 Then God said, call his name Lo-Ammi,
22:40 for you are not my people
22:42 and I am not your God."
22:46 Now, Brethren, it doesn't say how long it was,
22:48 but if the natural biological cycle
22:50 has anything to do with this,
22:52 I would say it took about three years
22:53 for that marriage to go from ideal to terrible.
22:58 From Hosea saying, I do to saying I wish I didn't.
23:03 From them loving each other and remembering
23:05 how sweet the cake was to wishing
23:07 they had never ever ate any wedding cake together.
23:11 Sorry for the grammar there,
23:14 eaten any wedding cake together.
23:18 The marriage went downhill from mercy,
23:21 God sowing to no mercy,
23:23 God backing out to not my people.
23:27 Now, I don't know if you caught that or not.
23:28 But in the story,
23:30 the Bible does not include words for no reason.
23:33 If you remember in verse 3 that we just read a moment ago,
23:37 the Bible suggest
23:39 that the only time in the relationship
23:41 that the children had anything to do
23:44 with Hosea was the first child.
23:48 The second two were not Hosea's child.
23:51 Look again to verse 3. Follow me carefully.
23:54 Hosea 1:3, the Bible says, "So he went and took Gomer,
23:59 the daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived,"
24:02 and what does it say?
24:03 "And bore," what? "Him a son."
24:07 The next two it doesn't say that
24:09 she bore him a son.
24:10 It says she conceived.
24:14 It doesn't say that she had that child
24:16 as a result of a relationship with Hosea.
24:19 It said, she conceived.
24:21 In other words, those children came
24:25 from the seed of somebody else.
24:27 It did not come from Hosea seed.
24:31 She conceived.
24:33 But those were not his children.
24:35 Just in case you're doubting me,
24:37 go with me to Hosea 2:4,
24:39 just in case there's some doubt in your mind.
24:40 I got to clear this up. Are you there with me?
24:43 Here we are. Hosea 2:4.
24:47 The Bible makes it very clear that these children
24:50 Lo-Ruhamah Lo-Ammi were not Hosea's children.
24:54 And you know what amazes me
24:56 about this is God told him before they got married
24:59 that this was going to happen.
25:02 Now, Brethren, you may not know
25:03 where's Pastor John going with this sermon
25:06 about Hosea and Gomer, and Lo-Ruhamah,
25:08 and Jezreel, and Lo-Ammi.
25:10 This is an illustration in Scripture about
25:14 how God feels about His wayward children.
25:18 You see, Brethren,
25:19 when our relationship with God starts out,
25:21 we're all excited.
25:23 But those of us that have made bad choices
25:25 after giving our lives to Christ,
25:27 the wonderful thing about this story is that
25:28 although God does not identify with our seed,
25:32 although God does not identify with our relationships,
25:35 although God does not identify with our sin,
25:37 God always identifies with us.
25:46 The Bible says in Hosea 2:4,
25:49 "I will not have mercy on her children,
25:52 for they are the children of," what?
25:54 "Harlotry."
25:56 It's one thing to say that we're married to Christ.
25:59 Are you hearing me?
26:00 It's one thing to say we're married to Christ,
26:02 it's something altogether different
26:05 when the offspring reveals that
26:07 somebody has been sleeping with the enemy.
26:13 Let me make it very clear.
26:18 Lo-Ruhamah and Lo-Ammi were not Hosea's babies.
26:23 Lack of love in the church is not God's child.
26:29 Backbiting and gossip is not God's child.
26:33 Unfaithfulness to our vows of baptism
26:37 and marriage is not God's child.
26:41 Provocative dress and worldly music
26:43 in the church is not God's child.
26:48 Violation of God's Sabbath is not God's child.
26:53 Robbing God in tithe and offering, Brethren,
26:55 is not God's child.
26:59 Disrespecting God's leadership is not God's child.
27:04 And the list goes on and say it with me,
27:07 and on and on and on.
27:11 There are those that say, and I've heard it before.
27:15 But their works reveal that
27:17 there's a different relationship all together.
27:19 They are those that sing to the glory of God,
27:21 but they don't live to the glory of God.
27:24 There's those that say that I believe that time is short,
27:27 but their works deny the fact that they honestly believe that
27:30 we're living in the end of time.
27:35 It's one thing to say, I love the Lord,
27:36 is something altogether different to live
27:40 as though I am trusting in and relying on,
27:44 and I'm falling in love with the Lord.
27:46 In the church today,
27:48 the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
27:49 and I would say this is probably true
27:51 in a lot of other Christian denominations
27:52 is we are living in the day
27:53 and age where religion has taken on a new flavor
27:55 all together.
27:56 It's about the music.
27:58 It's about how good we can feel
28:00 when we come to church.
28:02 But the Bible prophets are saying that
28:04 we're living in a time
28:06 where sound doctrine is unpopular,
28:10 and Christian things have become
28:13 the popular direction the church is going.
28:15 Let's have Christian music, but not Christian living.
28:19 Let's have Christian clubs and Christian socials.
28:23 But what God is looking for
28:25 is not outward appearances of Christianity,
28:29 God is looking for a place to reside inside the hearts
28:33 of those claiming to be sons and daughters of God.
28:35 What do you say?
28:37 There are those that sing,
28:39 but their lives do not reveal that they are waiting,
28:41 watching and in a position of holiness and righteousness.
28:46 What if God were to come tomorrow?
28:48 Don't raise your hands,
28:50 but how many of us would be ready?
28:55 Well, I've got good news for you.
28:58 And you said amen.
29:01 Because if I only had bad news for you,
29:03 you really wouldn't want to hear the rest of the sermon.
29:06 But I've got good news for you
29:07 because in spite of our condition,
29:09 in spite of the prevailing condition in the church,
29:12 in spite of those who profess to know God,
29:15 and don't live like they know God, Brethren,
29:17 God still has a plan to save His people.
29:23 I mean, God is not caught off guard by the things
29:27 that exist in the church
29:28 as though something strange is occurring.
29:31 Somebody once said to me,
29:32 look at the condition of the church,
29:34 can you imagine what the church has become?
29:38 And I say, Brethren, you sound as though this is a surprise.
29:42 This is something that God doesn't know about.
29:44 But in His Word, the Lord says that
29:46 they will not come unless
29:48 there comes a falling away first.
29:50 So if the falling away has started, praise the Lord,
29:53 the Day of the Lord is not far away.
29:55 What do you say?
29:56 If there's unrighteousness in the church, the Lord said,
29:58 it's going to be that way before I come.
30:00 Praise God that it's happening.
30:03 But not that it is happening,
30:04 I'm praising God that it is the precursor
30:07 to the coming of the Lord.
30:08 He says, as it was in the days of Noah,
30:10 so shall it be in the days
30:11 of the coming of the Son of man.
30:13 You know that we're living in the last days
30:15 when the church is beginning to ordain same sex marriages.
30:20 They say in some countries, you can't talk about that.
30:21 Well, I'm sorry, I'm not in a country like that.
30:23 Praise the Lord. We can talk about it here.
30:26 There's some places where preachers have said,
30:27 "Well, you know,
30:29 as long as they love each other."
30:30 Brethren, God is love,
30:32 and that kind of love is not godly.
30:38 They're those that say, "Well, they're not harming anybody."
30:40 Well, it's not about harming anybody,
30:41 the devil makes it appear
30:43 as though nobody's being harmed.
30:44 But what we fail to realize is when men and women
30:46 are joined together, it completes the image of God
30:49 and the human race.
30:50 And although they do not harm anybody by their activity
30:52 in their own private homes,
30:54 they are marring the image of God
30:56 and the human race,
30:57 and God wants to be seen in man.
31:01 God never intended man with man and woman with women
31:04 to be a reflection of who He is.
31:06 The Bible says, "God gave the maleness
31:09 and the femaleness of His divinity
31:13 to man and woman."
31:14 And when they joined together,
31:16 they complete the image of God on the human race.
31:18 The two things that God ordained in the Garden of Eden
31:21 had been the two targets of Satan's attack
31:24 ever since the entrance of sin,
31:26 the Sabbath and the marriage.
31:30 But nowadays, Satan has taken on a new role.
31:33 Because Satan now attacks the church where it breeds.
31:37 Satan has come in and has given new meaning
31:39 to what we call religious music.
31:44 And we're more comfortable with the religious music
31:48 than we all with living righteously.
31:53 Now the Bible, I want to say this,
31:54 somebody may write me an email, that's okay.
31:56 I don't mind, send it to my email address.
31:58 I won't give it to you.
31:59 You'll have to find out what it is.
32:03 But the Bible supports the lifting of hands.
32:07 But the Bible does not support
32:08 the lifting of hands in lieu of living righteously.
32:14 The Bible supports the proper use
32:16 of any kind of musical instrument.
32:19 But the Bible does not support
32:21 the use of musical instruments in place of living righteously.
32:29 There are those that say,
32:30 "Well, either we have good music,
32:34 or we have good sermons."
32:36 Now, I believe that we could have both.
32:38 What do you say?
32:39 Down here in Thompsonville we need to have both up.
32:41 And we praise the Lord, we do have both of them.
32:43 But there are those that are preaching that says,
32:45 "Now in order for our church services to be effective,
32:47 the people that are coming in seeker sensitive services,
32:50 let's tone down the message and crank up the music."
32:55 That's not God's child.
32:57 Because when you have to choose between
32:59 message and music,
33:00 the message is the direction of salvation,
33:03 because there was a whole lot of music
33:05 played on the plain of Dura in Babylon
33:08 that had nothing to do with righteousness.
33:12 Nowadays, somebody says,
33:15 "Well, now look at all the people
33:16 coming to church.
33:18 We obviously are doing the right thing."
33:19 But, Brethren, I discovered that
33:22 the numbers of those on the outside of the ark
33:23 were more than those on the inside of the ark.
33:26 So numbers is never an indication that
33:28 what you're doing is right.
33:32 Somebody said, "Look at all the people coming in."
33:34 Well, now, let's go down to the local stadium.
33:36 We don't have one in Thompsonville,
33:38 the local one is probably out there in St. Louis.
33:40 If you go to the local stadium
33:41 and there's a rock concert going on,
33:43 and there's 60,000 people, it doesn't mean that
33:45 the numbers now make the activity righteous.
33:53 Men shall be lovers of themselves,
33:57 boasters, proud, blasphemers,
34:01 disobedient to parents,
34:02 unthankful, unholy without natural affection,
34:05 truce breakers, incontinent,
34:07 despises of those that are good,
34:10 heady, high minded,
34:12 lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.
34:15 And here's the end part, having a form of godliness.
34:20 Gomer had enough godliness to get Hosea to marry her.
34:27 Now, what I'm so excited about is that
34:30 Gomer's unrighteousness
34:33 was not a shock to God.
34:37 Let me go a step farther.
34:40 When we live out of harmony with God's revealed will,
34:44 it's not a shock to God.
34:46 Because God sees our life as it is unfolding.
34:51 Matter of fact, God sees our track before we walk it.
34:55 God sees our future before we get to it,
34:57 and God can tell by the patterns of our lives
35:00 where we're going to be when we get there.
35:04 God sees us before we get there.
35:06 And he can say, based on what you're doing,
35:08 based on how you're dressing,
35:10 based on where you're going,
35:11 based on what you're listening to,
35:13 based on the things influencing your life,
35:15 I can tell exactly where you're going to be
35:17 in two years.
35:19 So when God told Hosea to marry Gomer, He didn't say,
35:22 "Now, I wonder what's going to happen."
35:24 God knew that Gomer was going to mess up and it got so bad,
35:29 Brethren, it got so bad that Gomer walked away
35:32 from the marriage
35:34 and pursued a life of decline.
35:39 That's a nice way of saying, pursuing a harlot life.
35:45 Bible says in Hosea 2:13.
35:49 Hosea 2:13, describing the direction that she took.
35:54 Hosea 2:13, The Lord says,
35:58 "I will punish her for the days of the Baals
36:03 to which she burned incense."
36:06 Now, you got to catch this,
36:07 this is not so much about adornment.
36:09 You got to catch the words and I'll go back on it.
36:13 She decked herself with what?
36:16 Her earrings and what?
36:19 And jewelry, and went after what?
36:22 Her lovers, but she forgot me, says the Lord.
36:27 Now follow this carefully.
36:31 You've heard me talk about adornment before
36:33 and don't get too nervous.
36:38 But what's happening on the inside
36:40 is always reflected on the outside.
36:48 Those that apostatize more,
36:50 those that are walking away from the truth,
36:52 tend to put on more things after they walk away
36:55 than they had on before they accepted the truth.
36:59 That's when it comes to adornment.
37:01 Those who accept the truth and then walk away from it
37:04 tend to wear less after they walk away
37:09 from the truth than they were before they accepted the truth.
37:14 Those who are alcoholics before they accepted the truth.
37:18 After accepting the truth, if they walk away,
37:20 they tend to go head over heels back into
37:22 what they did,
37:23 but 10 times worse than they did before.
37:27 And the Bible makes it clear that
37:29 when our lives are swept and put in order,
37:31 but if our lives are empty of the Spirit of God,
37:34 Satan goes out and bring seven more demons in
37:38 and does more harm after than he was able to do
37:41 before we came to a knowledge
37:43 of the truth of God's Word.
37:48 My favorite author, Ellen White says
37:49 in Our High Calling, page 172.
37:52 She says...
37:53 This gave me encouragement by the way.
37:55 You know, it sounds like I'm preaching hard and I am,
37:57 praise God for that.
37:59 But let me just give you some encouragement here
38:00 because a lot of people look at the church and say,
38:02 "You know what?
38:03 All the junk that I see
38:05 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
38:07 causes me concern.
38:08 Therefore I need to leave and start my own movement."
38:13 Brethren, if the ship
38:15 which is larger than a rowboat is shaking,
38:18 how is the rowboat going to handle
38:20 the rough waters of time?
38:26 Some people forget that the Lord has guaranteed that
38:30 His church, the place of salvation,
38:33 the Bible says, although it may look like
38:36 it's in trouble,
38:38 the gates of hell shall not prevail against,
38:41 come on now, the church.
38:44 So don't get caught off guard by how it looks,
38:46 because God is still at the helm of this ship.
38:49 And God is going to carry it through.
38:51 Listen to what she says in Our High Calling, page 172.
38:55 "The Church of Christ enfeebled
38:58 and defective though it may appear
39:02 is the one object on earth
39:04 on which He bestows in a special sense
39:08 His love and regard.
39:10 The church is the theater of His grace,
39:14 in which He delights to make experiments
39:17 of mercy on human hearts."
39:21 In other words, God says, it may look bad,
39:23 but there's a whole lot of mercy left in the church
39:25 because God is still in charge of His people.
39:31 I think about the story of Hosea and by now...
39:38 it got really bad.
39:41 Gomer left the house.
39:43 Gomer went back downtown to the life that
39:46 she was accustomed to before.
39:48 But, Brethren, what encourages me is that
39:50 when we take somebody's name off of the church books,
39:53 I want to say this again,
39:55 when we take somebody's name off
39:57 the church books,
39:58 God puts that person's name on His books.
40:02 Now don't misunderstand what I'm saying,
40:04 I'm not talking about the book of righteousness.
40:06 But when we forget their name, God never forgets their name.
40:11 When somebody even walks away, and decides to run from God,
40:16 I have news for you,
40:17 God can run after you faster than you
40:19 can run away from God.
40:22 Because Gomer's out there now living the life
40:25 that she decides to choose, and there are a lot of folk
40:27 that used to be a part of the church
40:29 that are living a life
40:30 that is a shame to the sight of God.
40:33 But, Brethren, the encouragement is this,
40:35 God want you to be saved more than you want to be lost.
40:38 And when Hosea
40:41 thought about the goodness of God,
40:42 I know Hosea had to remember
40:43 what Jeremiah the prophet said in Jeremiah 31:3, he says,
40:47 "The Lord appeared to me of old saying,
40:48 'Yes, I have loved you with,"
40:50 what kind of love, church, say it with me?
40:52 "An everlasting love,
40:54 therefore, with loving kindness,
40:58 I have drawn thee.'"
41:01 While she's out there living her own life,
41:04 Hosea is now left to the task
41:07 of raising the children by himself.
41:11 He's got to go to church on Sabbath morning now
41:13 and make excuses.
41:15 What happened to your wife Gomer, Hosea?
41:17 Well, you know, she's not feeling well this weekend.
41:21 And Hosea knows that
41:23 when he woke up to go to church,
41:24 she woke up to go downtown.
41:28 "What happened to your wife, Hosea?"
41:29 "Well, she's spending some time with her mother
41:33 this weekend."
41:35 Failing to tell the truth that her life is getting more
41:40 and more critical by the moment.
41:43 Hosea is now left to raise the children by himself.
41:46 And then there are days he sits down
41:48 when she comes home late way after the midnight hour,
41:52 and he wants to ask her where she was,
41:54 but how she's dressed makes it obvious
41:57 to where she was.
42:02 And with tears in his voice, he gets out a good night,
42:06 good to see you home.
42:08 And she passes him by unnoticed and goes to her room
42:11 to get her rest to do the same thing the next day.
42:16 But I like how the story brings out about God,
42:20 because there's a relentlessness about God.
42:23 Hosea sees, and he becomes restless.
42:25 And one day he makes up his mind,
42:27 Pastor Murray, that he wants his wife back.
42:30 Brethren, no matter how long you've been out there,
42:32 God has made up His mind that He wants you back
42:35 where you belong.
42:37 God is not satisfied with the 99
42:40 and there's one out there.
42:42 God is not saying,
42:43 "I've got enough folk in the church
42:45 that just don't want to live right.
42:46 Let me leave those out
42:47 who are not living right out there."
42:49 God wants to go after them,
42:50 because He's not willing that any should perish.
42:53 One day Hosea gets up enough courage
42:56 and I can almost see it in my mind.
42:58 I like to think and I like to imagine things,
43:00 and I put a contemporary spin on this.
43:02 I think of Hosea getting up in the morning
43:05 and getting into his car
43:08 after the kids are off to school,
43:11 and he calls in that day and says to his boss,
43:13 "I'm not coming in today.
43:18 I won't be in tomorrow either." "What's wrong Hosea?"
43:21 "Well, I'm not feeling too well."
43:22 And Hosea, his love for his wife is so great.
43:26 Hosea goes downtown
43:30 to his wife's district,
43:34 a woman of harlotry
43:38 and he sits on an adjacent corner
43:42 and he watches her walk the streets.
43:46 He watches her living in her unfaithfulness.
43:50 You know, Brethren, we can be unfaithful,
43:52 but everyday God's longing for us
43:54 is going to bring the Lord down
43:55 to our corner looking for us, watching us, waiting for us,
43:59 waiting for an opportunity to break in
44:02 and interrupt our direction.
44:04 Hosea sits there.
44:06 And I can see the longing in his eyes
44:07 for the one that he loved with all of his heart.
44:12 One day comes and she notices the car
44:14 and begins to make her trek toward the car and Hosea says,
44:16 "I've gotta leave."
44:18 I go and I go home, and the next day he comes,
44:20 Brother, and he invites a cab driver
44:22 to take him downtown that day.
44:25 He wants to remain incognito, inconspicuous,
44:28 and he sits there longing for his wife
44:31 to come back home, longing for that love
44:34 to be back in the house where it used to be.
44:40 But he doesn't interrupt her.
44:42 He just continues praying for her.
44:44 One day though he gets the courage.
44:45 And the Bible says,
44:47 he decides to interrupt her direction.
44:50 As you read with me in Hosea 2:6-7.
44:54 He gets to the place where he says not even her sin
44:57 and rebellion can keep me away from her.
45:01 And the Bible says, God steps in
45:03 and he says this about Gomer.
45:06 "Therefore, behold, I will hedge up your way
45:09 with thorns,
45:10 and wall her in so that she cannot find her paths."
45:14 Can you say amen?
45:16 "She will chase her lovers but not overtake them.
45:19 Yes, she will seek them, but not find them.
45:23 Then she will say, I will go and return to my first husband.
45:28 For then it was better for me than now."
45:31 Can somebody say amen?
45:33 She sees him one day, and one day
45:35 Hosea gets the courage to get out of the car
45:38 and walk over to where his wife is.
45:39 He stands there, and he begins to reminisce with her.
45:42 Go with me in the Bible to see this reminiscing.
45:44 He begins to reminisce
45:46 with her about the good old days.
45:47 You know, Brethren,
45:48 when you think about how good God is,
45:50 God's good old days
45:51 are better than our good old days.
45:54 The best in our sin can never compare
45:58 to the worst of our experiences in following the Lord.
46:03 I would rather have a tough time as a Christian
46:05 and be saved than have an easy time
46:08 as a sinner and be lost.
46:13 And the devil sometimes makes the place that
46:15 God wants us to be, appear to be the place
46:17 that God does not want us to be.
46:19 And we get so frustrated by our own self righteousness,
46:22 that we says, I can't be among hypocrites like that.
46:25 Let me tell you some, Brethren,
46:26 I'd rather live with hypocrites,
46:28 and finally be saved in the end
46:30 than walk away from hypocrites and be lost all together.
46:38 Hosea 2:16,
46:44 "And it shall be in that day, says the Lord,
46:48 that You will call me," What, Brethren?
46:51 "My husband and no longer call me," what?
46:54 "My master, for I will take from her mouth
46:58 the names of the Baals, and they shall be remembered
47:02 by their name no more."
47:06 Look at verse 23,
47:08 "Then I will show her for Myself in the earth,
47:12 and I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy.
47:17 Then I will say to those who are not My people,"
47:20 say it with me, church.
47:21 "You are My people.
47:24 And they shall say, 'You are my God.'"
47:27 Tonight, there's somebody out there that has been out
47:31 there for a long time, the names and the faces
47:34 are too numerous to even mention.
47:38 You can think of names right now,
47:40 I think about the people.
47:41 There's that young lady that used to sing in the choir,
47:45 but a bad choice got her put out of the choir.
47:47 And eventually she left the church.
47:50 She's probably watching tonight thinking about the hardship
47:54 of walking away from God,
47:55 thinking about how tough it is to make her way back.
47:58 God, Sister, God's got you on his book
48:01 and God's love for you is not going to cease
48:04 until He finds a way to bring you back home
48:05 and make you whole.
48:07 What do you say?
48:08 There's that man that used to be
48:09 a deacon in his church.
48:12 Now, his name is not even mentioned,
48:15 let alone what he used to do for the church.
48:18 There's that pastor tonight
48:20 that may be watching from his home,
48:21 that used to be a great preacher.
48:23 But now he spends his days in silent regret,
48:27 because of one momentary lapse
48:30 of correct decision making.
48:33 There is that pathfinder leader,
48:36 husband wife team
48:37 that was one of the best pathfinder leaders
48:39 that some church could ever have.
48:41 But now today, it is said in their congregation,
48:44 whatever happened to them,
48:46 oh, they're even off the path now.
48:51 There's that young lady that had a baby out of wedlock.
48:55 And the church did all they could
48:57 to get rid of her because they said,
48:58 she's not good for the young men around here.
49:04 There's that young man that had the kind of music
49:07 that just upset the members.
49:08 And they went to the pastor and said,
49:10 "We got to stop him from singing
49:11 that kind of music."
49:13 But now he sings in the clubs, because he says,
49:16 "They love him more in the clubs
49:19 than they love his music."
49:23 Brethren, we're living in the last days,
49:24 our love for those who are out there
49:26 has to be greater than our love for ourselves.
49:30 And tonight, as we listen to this song,
49:34 I can't help it to think there's somebody tonight
49:36 thinking about what God has in store for them.
49:39 Brother and sister, discouraged about
49:42 the flaws in your character.
49:44 Feeling that temptation
49:45 is greater than your ability to resist it.
49:48 I want you tonight to listen to this song
49:49 because God wants to make you whole all over again.
49:55 And as Denise sings this song, I'm praying that you will hear
49:58 the voice of God calling you back
50:00 at this late hour.
50:02 Realizing that you are to remember
50:05 how it was and come back
50:07 and respond to the pleading of a God
50:09 whose love for you has never grown cold.
50:13 Listen to this message, "Make Me Whole Again."
50:37 I'm alone, dear Lord
50:41 Alone in my heart
50:45 No one hear but me
50:49 With my hands Stretched out to thee
50:53 Please forgive my past
50:57 Give me faith that will last
51:02 I still believe I found
51:05 But one more time hear my call
51:11 Hear my call
51:15 Make me whole again
51:20 Take control again
51:24 It's your wayward child
51:26 Return with lessons learned
51:32 Touch my soul again
51:36 Welcome me home again
51:42 I'm finally back where I belong
51:47 Make me whole again
52:01 I don't know why I strayed
52:06 Years ago my own way
52:09 I'm not good when we cry
52:14 Just makes pieces of my heart
52:17 All the blatant sins I've been
52:22 Bring me back to you again
52:26 You've seen me through all
52:30 One more time hear my call
52:34 Make me whole again
52:39 Take control again
52:43 It's your wayward child
52:45 Return with lessons learned
52:49 Oh, lessons learned
52:51 Touch my soul again
52:54 Welcome me home again
53:01 I'm finally back where I belong
53:05 Make me whole again
53:13 See, there are so many things
53:16 That I regret
53:20 But don't give up on me
53:24 Don't give up on me yet
53:30 No not again believes
53:34 Make me whole again
53:39 Take control again
53:43 It's your wayward child
53:45 Return with lessons learned
53:49 Lessons learned
53:51 Touch my soul again
53:54 Welcome me home again
53:59 Oh, yes, I'm finally back
54:03 Where I belong Oh, Lord, yes
54:09 I've finally found my way home
54:14 Make me whole again
54:27 Oh, Lord, make me whole again
54:37 Amen.
54:39 Friends, tonight while the sands of time
54:43 are winding down,
54:46 the Lord is winding up to make one great push to gain
54:49 His kids, to go back and get His sons and daughters.
54:53 Tonight, all heaven is concerned about
54:55 those who have walked away.
54:57 It may have been one year or two years
54:59 or 10 or 15 or 25 years, but God is concerned about
55:04 you my daughter, you my son, you my pastor,
55:09 you, former deacon, former deaconess, choir leader.
55:13 Somebody may have hurt you in something they said.
55:17 But tonight, Lord's heart is longing,
55:19 beating, pulsating to have you back home again.
55:25 And I know you've heard God speaking to you many times.
55:27 But as the sands of time are winding down,
55:30 the opportunities are becoming less
55:32 and less as the days draw near for the coming of our Lord.
55:37 And tonight, we want to join in praying
55:38 with all the angels of heaven.
55:41 Tonight we want to join our hearts
55:45 with the call of heaven,
55:48 that when Jesus comes back,
55:50 that wayward child would have returned home.
55:55 Tonight, there's somebody here sitting thinking about somebody
55:57 that they've known that's not in the church today.
56:01 Somebody that has strayed away that needs to be back
56:04 in a relationship with Christ.
56:06 Remember how it was.
56:08 Gomer said it best,
56:10 "I'm going to return to my husband,
56:13 the husband, man, Jesus Christ.
56:16 For friends, it was better with me then
56:19 than it is now.
56:21 If there's somebody you want to pray about tonight,
56:23 that's not in the church, I want you to stand with me.
56:25 If you can agree with us at home,
56:27 just bow your heads where you are,
56:28 we're going to pray tonight ask God to continue
56:30 contending that when time winds up,
56:34 they'll be walking through the gates
56:36 into the New Jerusalem.
56:37 Father God in heaven, tonight our hearts
56:39 are bleeding with yours as we think that
56:42 we don't have the luxury of playing church,
56:44 but we are praying tonight
56:46 that somebody will hear the voice of God
56:47 before it is ever too late.
56:49 Tonight, Lord, work on that heart
56:51 of that young man, that young woman,
56:52 that person that has filled with gifts and talents
56:54 that the devil has abused and used.
56:57 Lord, go out and make them whole again.
56:59 Welcome them back home and remind them
57:02 no more of their sin, but show them
57:05 what kind of a Savior you are.
57:06 Forgive them and welcome them back.
57:08 And, Father, may we make it a place
57:10 with a lustful desire to come back and we pray this,
57:13 that your name may be glorified in Jesus name, we pray.
57:17 Amen.


Revised 2020-01-16