3ABN On the Road

Standing Firm In The End Of Time

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Richard O`Ffill


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000558

01:01 It is always a thrill when men of God
01:05 come together with a purpose of deepening that commitment
01:11 to their heavenly father,
01:13 and to the wonderful responsibility
01:18 and task that He has given.
01:19 I was just saying in the last seminar that though
01:24 as a minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,
01:28 I can be the pastor of all of you,
01:32 that there are something
01:34 that I can never be the pastor of and that is of your home.
01:39 You are the pastor of your family, understand that.
01:44 And you might say but then I am just--I do not preach.
01:49 Who said you had to know.
01:51 It's a responsibility, pastor means shepherd.
01:55 And God has called on man
01:58 to be the spiritual leaders in their homes.
02:02 You've been called to be that and God would never
02:04 asked you to be what He wouldn't enable you to be.
02:08 By the way we live in the last days,
02:11 have you noticed that? Amen.
02:13 Some people have wondered
02:14 what it was gonna be like to live in the last days
02:17 and they've said to me, pastor,
02:19 what it's gonna be like to live in the last days?
02:22 I said, like this.
02:28 I never thought though that God,
02:32 the creator, Lord Jesus Christ would during that week
02:38 will create the heavens and the earth,
02:42 and then on the-- at the last part of the week,
02:46 He would leave two institutions,
02:49 one would be in relationship to Him
02:53 and that would be what? The Sabbath.
02:56 And the other would be in our relationship to each other
02:59 and what would that be? Marriage.
03:02 I would never have thought, that though it was easy,
03:08 relatively easy for the devil to get at the Sabbath
03:12 that he would save until the very last.
03:16 And attract on this the most sacred of all human relationship
03:21 and that would me marriage itself.
03:23 I would never have thought that that day would happen.
03:27 The attack now is on our homes and fellows,
03:30 you know, you have insurance on your car,
03:35 you got insurance on your house, you got health insurance,
03:39 you got your savings with the--
03:42 whatever it is, the bank insurance,
03:44 but listen brothers, it's time
03:47 that we did something to insure our family
03:53 and we're talking about our hope.
03:56 Everything seems to be collapsing,
03:58 everywhere the culture in which we live.
04:03 It used to be that you could be the black sheep of the family
04:06 and the rest of the society would hold you up.
04:09 But nowadays we're taking the hits
04:12 and we're taking them direct.
04:13 It's time for us not to draw a line in the sand.
04:17 It's time for us to put it down in concrete
04:21 that we will protect out homes against all of these attacks.
04:26 We must do this brother.
04:28 It's incredible how the devil has gotten in amongst us
04:32 and what he's trying to do. And it's up to you,
04:35 I can't do it, but you've got to do it.
04:38 And I appreciate what Jim said, as we go back to our homes,
04:42 let's go back with men who renewed their commitments
04:46 and we will at all cost, we will protect our homes.
04:51 You know getting ready for coming of Jesus
04:55 must have something to do with the family,
04:59 because it says in the last book of the Old Testament,
05:03 the last chapter in the last book of Malachi,
05:06 that just before the great and awful day of the Lord
05:10 that God would send a message and that message would do what?
05:16 It will turn the what?
05:18 Hearts of the fathers to the children
05:20 and the children to the fathers.
05:22 And we could add the husbands to the wives
05:26 and the wives to the husbands.
05:29 Brothers, getting ready for the coming of the Jesus
05:32 is got to be something we do at home.
05:37 But yet, it's incredible,
05:39 as I was sharing in my seminar today
05:41 that it's like the devil has put a steel band around our homes.
05:47 It's as if the gospel works every place.
05:50 It's supposed to work every place, but at home.
05:55 If I were to say after this session tonight,
05:59 we're going to invite those who have a burden for the loss.
06:03 In fact tonight we're going to be praying
06:05 for Osama Bin Laden. And for his family
06:08 and we're gonna pray for the Muslims.
06:11 And we're gonna pray that the Lord
06:12 will work amongst them and bring them to Jesus
06:15 and we invite you to stay.
06:17 And you would feel so good about that.
06:18 You say, oh thank you Brother O'Ffill,
06:20 I think we ought to do that.
06:22 And then I can say shall we include
06:26 your wife in that list?
06:32 Not my wife, not her.
06:35 In fact I just called my lawyer this week about her.
06:40 As if it's incredible to me that when Jesus says,
06:44 love you enemies, that's any enemy, but who?
06:47 Judah, that's any enemy but your brother.
06:52 That's any enemy but your wife.
06:53 You're supposed to forgive everybody, seventy times seventy
06:56 as long as it's not the little lady.
06:59 You're supposed to do good to those
07:01 who abuse you and despitefully use you
07:03 as long as it's not somebody at home.
07:09 You see I get carried away. When you get white hair,
07:11 you get carried away very easily.
07:14 Some of you guys ought to dye you hair white,
07:16 because I've found this
07:17 that when you get white hair you get smarter.
07:20 As a young man on the front door there with dark brown hair,
07:22 have you thought of dying your hair.
07:26 Don't wait till you get to be my age
07:28 to get smart, get smart early.
07:29 Save yourself from trouble.
07:34 Listen brothers, if the gospel of Jesus Christ
07:41 doesn't work at home, it doesn't work notably.
07:47 If you can't be like Jesus at home then don't bother.
07:52 Yeah, the hardest place in the world
07:55 but--am I among friends? You don't mind me talking,
08:00 you know, I'm from what's left to Florida.
08:04 I mean you can expect the guy that's been through
08:05 all these hurricanes to be kind of hysterical against you.
08:09 Man, if you were sitting there hunkered down for 36 hours
08:12 where the wind trying to blow you away,
08:14 you know, you express yourself wouldn't you?
08:18 Hardest place in the world to be a Christian is at home.
08:25 But we've got to get it there,
08:27 because if we can't get it there we ain't Christian notably.
08:31 You know, I've been thinking about this,
08:34 you sure you don't want to dye your hair?
08:36 Don't wait as long as I waited to start thinking big thoughts.
08:40 You know, I want to tell you this,
08:42 if you men aren't thinking these days,
08:44 if you're not thinking for yourself
08:47 somebody else is thinking for you, you know that?
08:50 You don't want that to happen.
08:52 We got to start thinking of what's going on these days,
08:55 because whatever it is, it doing our homes in,
08:58 that's what it's doing.
09:00 But I want to tell you that those who are ready
09:02 for the coming of Jesus are not just people who believe,
09:06 they--it's not what you believeth who you are?
09:11 This is what I've been giving a lot of thinking lately
09:14 to the matter of the fruit of the spirit,
09:19 because you see, if we're gonna spend all of our days
09:22 trying to keep from telling dirty jokes,
09:24 you know, you can wake up and say,
09:25 I'm gonna see if I can go all day
09:27 without telling dirty jokes.
09:30 Reminds me of a story, you must have heard it
09:32 that it happened--that didn't happen over in India.
09:35 A charlatan came in the town and he told the villagers
09:41 that he had a special formula that he would use to turn
09:45 little pebbles into gold. You heard that story?
09:48 And so he got in the middle of town
09:50 and he put the pot out there and he got the brew
09:55 and he put the little stones in there
09:57 and he mixed up the brew and he said the magic words.
10:00 Then he reaches his hands down in there
10:02 and he pulled out these little pieces of gold.
10:05 The people that stood back and said, wow.
10:07 The richest man in town said,
10:09 I want that. He said to the charlatan,
10:12 how much you charge for that? It's not for sale.
10:15 Oh, come on man, I'll pay you a good price.
10:17 I say it's not for sale. And so they start to bid it up.
10:19 Finally, it was a big pile of money.
10:21 And so the old, you know, the magician
10:23 or the charlatan, whoever he was.
10:24 He gives the guy this formula
10:26 as to how to turn stones into gold
10:29 and the guy gives him the money.
10:30 And he gives that he said, man I am gonna be rich man.
10:34 And so the magician, he turns, he starts to walk away
10:37 and he turns he said, oh by the way,
10:40 I forgot to write something down.
10:42 If when you stirring that up,
10:43 if you think of a little red monkey it won't work.
10:54 And that's what the Christian life--listen, listen brothers,
10:57 the Christian life got to be more than just trying,
10:59 you know, not to think of a little red monkey.
11:03 Being a man of God, over in Galatians 5,
11:06 it talks about what the fruit of the spirit is like.
11:10 Fruit of the spirit, it says, "its love, and joy, and peace,
11:13 and longsuffering, and gentleness, and goodness,
11:15 and faith, and meekness, and self control."
11:19 And the first one is love.
11:21 You know I've heard people say,
11:24 you know, all our pastor does
11:26 is he talks about love all the time.
11:29 You know, if that's the bad thing,
11:30 I want to tell you, if your pastor talks about love
11:33 all the time that's the best thing you could have,
11:36 but most of the pastors who were talking about love
11:38 aren't talking about love at all.
11:41 Because the scripture says in 1 Corinthians 13,
11:44 what love is and it says love is longsuffering,
11:48 its kind, it doesn't envy, it's not proud,
11:52 it doesn't do crazy things, it's not selfish,
11:55 it doesn't have a temper
11:57 and it doesn't think evil of people.
11:59 I want to tell you, if your preacher is preaching
12:00 that you are on the right track.
12:04 Because that's what it is to be a man of God
12:07 is to be a man of love that has those qualities
12:10 to be full of the spirit.
12:11 I am convinced that probably the time has come for us
12:16 to not only be addressing the sin issues in our life,
12:19 but I was saying to some of the men,
12:21 those of you who, you know who--
12:23 what do you call, you fix the site.
12:26 You prepare the site for the building.
12:27 That overcoming sin in you life is to prepare the site
12:30 for the Holy Spirit to dwell. We've got to go on
12:34 and once and as we get victory over sin in our lives,
12:38 then come in right into that prepared site
12:40 is the infilling of the Holy Ghost.
12:43 And I want to tell you that when we get full of the Holy Spirit
12:47 with the fruit of the spirit and with true love,
12:50 it will be impossible to break up your home.
12:53 Impossible to break up. You can't get a divorce.
12:56 You just wouldn't be able to pull it off,
12:59 because we'll be longsuffering, impatient, and Kind.
13:02 You know I'm learning some things.
13:04 I think I want to talk to you, I don't know, get to know you.
13:07 If you get you hair changed,
13:08 get a gray though I think we can talk man to man.
13:12 You know, I've been-- where's he from?
13:14 He's from Florida. Are you from Florida?
13:16 I know I was talking with a friend.
13:18 Anyway, you know I am learning some stuff.
13:21 When you get grey hair you get smart.
13:24 I've been learning some stuff.
13:25 I'd some big crises in my life lately.
13:29 About the time that was going on,
13:30 my mother-in-law was dying.
13:32 I was kind of dying emotionally,
13:34 you know, I was going through some real trouble.
13:37 My wife's mother was dying
13:39 and I was kind of watching myself,
13:41 and you know, I learned something fellows.
13:43 Let me share this with you.
13:44 I learned that when people are going through trouble
13:46 before you can encourage them, you've got to comfort them.
13:52 If you come home and your wife is crying or something
13:55 don't tell her not to cry, comfort her.
14:01 I'm learning that. And I'm still doing my warm-up,
14:04 why do I do this today?
14:06 I come with a sermon here and the sermon just set now.
14:09 I am doing my warm-up,
14:10 I do that all the time, I can't help it.
14:12 Anyway the sermon is coming on just a minute.
14:15 But anyway I learned this fellows,
14:19 learn this from your uncle.
14:22 Don't wait till you get white hair to learn this.
14:27 And that is if your wife comes home and she--
14:31 or you come home and she say's,
14:32 wipe that stupid look off your face ugly
14:35 and go change your dirty tie.
14:42 I want to tell you what she just said.
14:46 Goes away, if you don't say anything.
14:51 Those of you who are into computers,
14:52 remember it's what you say to your wife
14:57 when she says something to you that hit "save as".
15:02 It's what you say in response
15:05 to someone who puts you down
15:07 that will be the hook from which it had.
15:12 If someone in your family said something to you
15:14 that really arouse you up, what's the smart man do?
15:20 The scripture said it all along a soft answer does what?
15:25 Turns away wrath. The reason we're getting in trouble
15:28 in our marriages fellows is because we're--
15:31 you know, I've said so many times
15:33 we're not getting an F in graduate work
15:36 of the Christian life, we're getting F in pre-kinder.
15:40 If we just do, just what the scripture says
15:43 we be in much less trouble than we are in.
15:47 Let's just get smart, go dye you hair and get smart.
15:51 Yeah. Remember I don't know if you're married or not.
15:54 I hope you are, yeah.
15:57 You know, being married is a wonderful experience.
16:00 You married a right girl,
16:02 you did a good thing, it's a nice gift.
16:05 And by the way you might say Pastor O'Ffill, I wish I had.
16:11 And you're from Florida, aren't you Pastor O'Ffill? Yeah.
16:14 Well, doesn't Florida have a lemon law? Yeah.
16:17 What's that lemon law? Well, lemon law says,
16:19 you buy a bad car you can take it back after
16:21 you know, if it's really a lemon.
16:23 Pastor O'Ffill, I think I married a lemon.
16:26 I think I need to take her back. I need a new wife.
16:31 You know what I say to man when they say that to me?
16:34 I say you want a new wife son?
16:37 Ask Jesus to give you a new heart,
16:39 and you're getting new wife. See I'll tell you this
16:41 if you men can go back from this convention today
16:45 with the renewed commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
16:49 If you can go back and invite the fruit of the spirit
16:52 and true love into your life, you gonna get go back there
16:55 and your wife is gonna say
16:56 what's going on up there at academy.
17:00 What's happen to my husband
17:01 because she'll have a new husband
17:02 and when she get's a new husband you get a new wife out there.
17:05 What do you think about that? Yeah.
17:07 Anyway, I am about to ready to start my sermon.
17:12 You know when you go to a big convention like this
17:16 and you go to these seminars all day,
17:18 you hear all this information-- you get information overload,
17:22 you know, I noticed even some fellows,
17:24 when they go to the seminars they're writing like crazy
17:26 because I know they're just trying to impress me.
17:30 Because I know I've done that before
17:32 when I go to seminars, I write like crazy.
17:34 I get at home, I can't read it, have you done that?
17:36 You can't make heads or tails out of it,
17:38 you don't know which way to hold it up.
17:40 But you've impressed by taking notes like crazy.
17:43 But you get information overload,
17:45 you don't even know, you know, so much.
17:48 By the way have you ever heard a really good sermon
17:52 that really gets you excited?
17:54 And you go home and you tell your friends
17:56 who weren't there, you say, you know,
17:58 on Sabbath I think I had the best sermon
18:00 I ever heard in all my life.
18:03 And the person says, I didn't say it was life changing.
18:06 You should have been there, it was marvelous.
18:07 You can just feel the spirit, you should have been there.
18:10 Person say's what was it about?
18:21 I don't remember.
18:24 You've ever done that?
18:26 You know what I thought I do?
18:28 You know what I thought I do here?
18:30 This is been information overload today boy.
18:33 All these seminars and all this preaching,
18:36 wow, man, this is-- I thought I close this thing
18:40 by giving them a sermon that's got just three points,
18:43 just three miserable points.
18:45 Now, if you can't count to three fellows,
18:47 take out piece of paper.
18:52 Because I am gonna tell you what I am gonna do,
18:54 I am gonna give you these sermon with these three points there.
18:58 And it's gonna be about what are we gonna do
19:00 to stand firm in the last days.
19:02 How can--what can we do for our families,
19:04 to protect our families?
19:05 It's gonna have just three point.
19:07 And if I meet you out there at supper at some place,
19:09 I am gonna say, what was point number two?
19:13 If you can't tell me, I am gonna go--
19:15 I am gonna roll my eye.
19:18 And if your buddy standing by you
19:20 and you say point number two
19:21 then I am gonna turn to your buddy and say,
19:23 what was the last point? Can we do that?
19:27 Or we agree to that? So I am gonna tell you.
19:29 Many times when I preach this sermon
19:31 I call it the Christian home in 21st century.
19:34 What's the Christian home of the 21st century like?
19:37 I am gonna tell you one way,
19:39 one thing is like and that is the Christian home
19:42 of the 21st century is a place of prayer.
19:47 You say, I knew that. That's not big,
19:50 that's not new news, that's old news.
19:53 And it is old news, you knew that when you came
19:56 that our home should be places of prayer.
19:58 Fellows, I am here to tell you that most of our homes
20:01 aren't places of prayer.
20:03 And that's one of the problems we have.
20:05 And if you can't just coming here this weekend,
20:08 if you can go home and you can say,
20:09 Dick, I'm gonna do that, man.
20:11 I'm gonna make my home a place of prayer
20:13 then it would have been worth the trip.
20:16 Now are the Christian home of the 21st century,
20:18 you gonna stand firm, you gonna pray at least
20:21 three occasions in your home.
20:23 The first one would be your private devotion.
20:27 Private devotion means, that it's just you,
20:30 it's just you and Jesus.
20:32 Fellows, I don't know what problems the women
20:35 have in their lives and of course
20:36 I've read about the women in the Bible,
20:38 it has a kind of some hard stuff to say about them,
20:40 you know, what I mean?
20:41 But I know what problems we men have in our lives.
20:46 You know, you've, heard about the war.
20:48 Have you ever heard this expression "paint the target",
20:50 have you heard that one? Paint the target.
20:52 You know, they'll put those whatever it is those beams
20:55 or whatever it is, you know, on the target
20:57 and they send up a rocket to blow it out of the air.
21:00 Listen, fellows, what if you and I
21:03 were just get on our knees in the morning,
21:05 the first thing in the morning
21:07 and give your heart to Jesus then during the day
21:11 we would know when we're being in painted by the devil.
21:15 Because when you are attempted by the devil during the day
21:18 if you have to stop and say,
21:20 "I don't know what I'm-- it too late."
21:24 You've already had it.
21:26 When you get on your knees in the morning.
21:28 Now my mamma taught me to pray at the end of the day.
21:31 I'm thankful for that.
21:33 But the prayer at the end of day is the loser's prayer, Florida.
21:38 The damage is done, man.
21:42 You know, what I mean there, oh, Jesus, what I do man,
21:45 I messed up again. Help me.
21:48 You know, most of us know,
21:51 we know how to call 911 in the Christian life.
21:53 We know how to call A.A.A. what most of us don't need
21:57 or don't know yet as men is the text now unto him
22:00 who is able to keep you from falling.
22:03 And that's why you get it on
22:04 when you start the day with Jesus.
22:07 Because then during the day you know who you are.
22:09 You don't have to say "who am I" the Bible tells us who we are.
22:12 Now are we the sons of God. Does not yet appear
22:16 what we will be but we're gonna be like Him.
22:18 Start this, fellows, if there's anybody here today,
22:21 I hope everybody here in Michigan
22:23 starts the day with prayer.
22:24 But if you don't have the custom
22:27 of getting on your knees in the morning, fellow,
22:29 and giving your heart to Jesus do it tomorrow morning
22:32 make it the first time and see what it does to your life.
22:37 Another time we need to pray in our homes is family worship.
22:42 There is a bunch of pastors here today
22:44 if I was the pastor of a church I wouldn't rest,
22:47 I would make this one of my objectives
22:49 that every family in the church have family worship.
22:54 Now I recognize that we all know this truth,
22:57 but I also think sometimes that there are husbands
23:00 that don't know what family worship looks like.
23:04 It isn't preach time.
23:07 I personally I made the mistake,
23:09 I gave family worship to my wife,
23:11 I was there all the time,
23:12 you know, reading to the little kids
23:15 out to the goo, goo, the little hey honey.
23:16 Come and let's do to ring and ring and all,
23:19 I'll said, oh wow, man,
23:21 I'm sleeping and everything else.
23:23 And I'm ashamed of that, looking back on it now
23:26 when I think of my four little children,
23:27 my wife was doing the worship I was sitting there sleeping.
23:30 She should had me do the welcome
23:32 any announcements and take up the offering.
23:38 At least I've been in on, you know, what I mean.
23:41 And you don't just have to have a little preach.
23:45 I remember I was at a family worship one time
23:48 and it was a sweetest thing you ever saw,
23:50 they had a couple of boys in the family worship
23:52 that night was each one would turn to the next
23:55 and they would say, enough for worship tonight.
23:57 You turn to the person next to you and you tell
24:00 what you like about them.
24:03 You know what sibling usually do?
24:05 They probably turned to each other, want to say,
24:06 what they hate about each other.
24:08 That was sweet, I like that.
24:09 Now you got to be careful with family worship too,
24:12 because you can set the wrong mood.
24:14 You can say listen, junior, sit still and shut up,
24:17 can't you talk, don't you know we're talking to Jesus?
24:20 You want me to slap your face?
24:32 We do that.
24:34 You got to be careful about that.
24:37 I want to tell you, if you don't have family worship,
24:39 you don't know what it looks like,
24:41 I think even in the ABC's books on that.
24:43 Go find out how to do that.
24:44 You find out how to repair your car, don't you?
24:48 You keep your car up, don't you, fellow?
24:50 You keep your computer booted up right, don't you?
24:53 Don't let the devil take your marriage out.
24:57 Don't let him take your family away from.
25:00 Another thing about prayer in the home,
25:02 so we pray--the home is a place of prayer is when?
25:08 Private devotion. When else does we pray?
25:11 It has the family worship. Another time,
25:13 you know, I am a minister,
25:15 I've been a ministers all these years.
25:17 And you know, we ministers are paid to pray,
25:20 did you know that. Ring. Hello. Yes.
25:25 Oh, I'm sorry about that.
25:27 Yes, pastor, would you come over and pray with us.
25:29 Yes, ma'am, I'll be right over.
25:33 We get paid to do that. Ring. Hello.
25:36 In the hospital. Yes, ma'am, ah-ah, go over.
25:39 Yeah, I'll do that. Yes, ma'am, bye, bye.
25:41 That's what we're paid to do that.
25:43 I recognize one day fellows,
25:46 that I was praying with anybody and everybody.
25:49 In fact I was in a place where you said to me.
25:52 Dick, see that tree over there, that plastic tree?
25:54 Yeah. Go over there and pray with that thing.
26:01 I was praying with anybody everybody,
26:03 anything and everything, but there was one person
26:06 I wasn't praying with, guess who? My wife.
26:11 Now, you know, for some funny reason.
26:13 Now, those of us who are here today,
26:15 we're powerful looking men, aren't we?
26:16 You noticed this, when you're going in the marriage
26:19 just look at us there, we're a mean bunch,
26:21 but it's really fragile. We men are very fragile
26:26 in two areas of our lives, and one is spiritual.
26:31 And many of us, fellows, have subcontracted
26:35 the spiritual parts of our families too are what?
26:40 Which mean, that if I want to talk to you
26:43 about the computer, I talk with you.
26:47 If I want to talk about the ball game, I talk with you.
26:51 If I want to talk about the truck, I talk with you.
26:55 But if I want to talk about Jesus,
26:56 I got to talk with little lady, because she got the contract.
27:01 That ought not to be-- listen fellow,
27:03 God has called you to be the spiritual leader
27:06 of your home, don't forget that. And I want you to go home,
27:10 I want to plea with you to go home
27:12 and become the spiritual leader of your home.
27:13 You'll able to say, well, pastor, I feel I can't do that,
27:16 so sue me for breach of contract.
27:18 I got to contract her. Go home and just tear it up.
27:22 Just say I'm going to be the spiritual leader,
27:24 honey, in the home from here on now.
27:26 She'll say, thank you Jesus. That's what she will say.
27:28 But anyway I decided,
27:30 I was praying with anybody and everybody in my life
27:33 except my wife, out loud I mean,
27:37 we were praying before we ate, we were praying in the car,
27:40 we were praying in family worship.
27:41 But just she and I alone we weren't praying,
27:44 I decided that I gonna do that.
27:46 And I want to tell you what a blessing it's been,
27:48 it's not romantic, it's not sexy, but its bonding.
27:52 You know, when you're praying with your wife
27:54 just the two of you and you're praying out loud,
27:56 it's such a blessing. Those of you who do it,
27:59 I'm sure you'll agree with me.
28:02 And so for years now her on her side of the bed and me on mine
28:05 we pray out loud. What a blessing it is.
28:09 And I want to tell you something, I learned this.
28:14 It's impossible to be plotting to divorce your wife
28:16 and be praying with her at the same time,
28:18 you can't pull it off, man.
28:20 Can't do it, because families do what?
28:24 Pray together, they stay together.
28:26 And you know, I'll never forget what one woman said to me.
28:29 She said, after I suggested this one time.
28:31 She said, my husband and I went home
28:34 and we prayed together for the first time.
28:36 You should have heard what he said.
28:38 I have so much respect for him now.
28:43 I don't know about you fellow,
28:45 but I crave it long for the respect of my wife.
28:51 We got to earn that,
28:52 by being the spiritual leader of our home.
28:56 Okay, the home is a place of what?
28:58 Prayer. And when does he pray?
29:02 Private devotions, then when does he pray?
29:05 Family worship, and then when does he pray?
29:08 He prays with his spouse.
29:10 Am I among friends, I feel like when I'm in Michigan,
29:13 I'm among friends, but I got to hear it from you,
29:15 am I among friends. Yes.
29:17 Because this part I'm about to say next.
29:19 I think Danny, gonna introduced us this morning.
29:24 Fellows, we got to do something about the television.
29:30 Television is watched by the average Christian,
29:34 is the opposite of everything you are asking Jesus
29:37 to do in your life, it's the opposite.
29:43 We are by watching this stuff that we're watching,
29:47 we're celebrating the very things for which Jesus died.
29:53 If the scripture is telling us the truth
29:56 that by beholding we become changed,
29:58 we can think what we want and we're going to become,
30:01 and our minds are gonna be the minds of devils.
30:05 To watch simulated sin and now please forgive me
30:08 for saying this, now that the homosexual thing
30:11 has come about and we're laughing at this,
30:14 this is going to burn our brains out.
30:18 This is gonna cauterize our consciences to the point
30:20 where we're not going to know right from wrong.
30:26 By the way in scripture, in scripture,
30:29 the scripture uses leprosy, you know, as the symbol of sin.
30:33 I used to travel in Africa.
30:35 I've seen these people with leprosy.
30:37 You know, leprosy does.
30:39 You know, have you seen these pictures
30:40 with the lepers with no fingers.
30:42 Hey, when you get lepers and your fingers don't fall off.
30:46 When you get leprosy you can move your fingers,
30:49 but you just can't feel anything
30:51 which means you slam your hand
30:52 in the car door and you don't say ouch.
30:55 Its there all crushed and bleeding and somebody says,
30:58 lets get you to the doctor. They'll say never mind,
31:00 I don't know, I didn't hurt myself.
31:04 And that's what's happening to us.
31:07 We are watching things that are taking away
31:10 our ability to discern right from wrong
31:13 and its going to destroy us, fellow.
31:15 Do something about the television.
31:19 Just do something.
31:22 You might say, Pastor O'Fill.
31:26 You know, I feel like you do.
31:29 But my wife, she says, she gets the spiritual blessing
31:33 from watching the soap opera.
31:40 I don't know what to do.
31:41 And I say, make a deal with her just negotiate,
31:47 do a little give and take. What you mean?
31:52 Just say honey, sweetheart, you're telling me
31:55 you get a spiritual blessing from watching the soap operas.
31:59 Why don't we do this,
32:00 we'll have a television for five years
32:03 and then we'll be without one for five years.
32:05 How am I doing?
32:08 And she'll say, I like that.
32:11 Then you say, we've already had your five years.
32:25 So if we're going to stand firm,
32:28 our homes are got to be places of what?
32:33 When does he pray?
32:36 And then? And finally?
32:40 And then the homes, you got to do something about what?
32:43 Just do something, whatever you're doing,
32:45 you say Pastor O'Fill you say, I got to get rid of my T.V.
32:47 I didn't say that. I just say,
32:48 whatever you're doing, I want to tell you
32:50 if this day has been a blessing to you
32:53 and you don't live far from here,
32:54 you go home tonight it will wipe it out,
32:56 I'll tell you that, it'll wipe it out.
33:02 Anyway, this-- it's crazy, you know,
33:07 if your house gets overrun with rats.
33:10 You do something about it.
33:13 Our homes more than overwhelm with rats with the stuff
33:15 we're letting in, its worst than rats, its worst than rats.
33:22 The stuff we're watching you'd have to call us
33:24 peeping toms and pure voyeurism, bad stuff.
33:28 No place in the life of sons and daughters of God, no place.
33:34 Anyway, the third thing. Am I still among friend?
33:38 By the way if you get good anatomy,
33:41 it'll take you while to get organize.
33:44 And I think I can be out of town by the time you get yourselves.
33:48 Anyway, the last point has a text with it.
33:54 In Ephesians 4:32.
33:57 Now the others had text with them too.
34:00 I could have buried you with text.
34:03 I'm not telling you why you don't know.
34:06 I'm just saying come on, fellows, get with it.
34:10 Anyway, this Ephesians 4:32 the first part it simple says.
34:15 Let me turn over here and try to find it.
34:21 It says, "And be ye kind"
34:24 what's the rest of it? "one to another."
34:27 I'm gonna ask you a question.
34:30 Why is it that we are so kind
34:35 to people we don't know from Adam
34:39 and we are so mean to the people we love?
34:46 Not only are we mean to the people we love,
34:50 we call it names, you idiot, you stupid or something,
34:53 you dummy, you lazy.
34:56 Let me ask you a question, fellows.
34:57 How long would you last onto job?
35:04 If you talk to your boss like you talk to your wife,
35:11 how long would you last?
35:14 Our homes are supposed to be heaven on earth.
35:19 Yet I've heard a guy say,
35:20 "I'd rather be at any place than at home."
35:25 Why would our homes belike,
35:29 if we were just kind to each other.
35:33 I heard a person say one time a guy said,
35:36 he was at the office.
35:38 He said, I can't wait to get home at night,
35:40 I get so tired of being kind all day.
35:50 What would our homes belike
35:53 if we were just kind, just kind.
35:57 You know, I'm talking about my white hair.
36:00 I think I was born with white hair.
36:03 You look at me, you think I'm old, don't you?
36:05 I got white hair, when I was in my 30s,
36:09 my dad was in his 30s.
36:11 In fact my wife's worse, because her dad was 28.
36:15 We are race of white haired people.
36:20 But when I started getting grey, when I was in my 30s,
36:26 I thought I'm not gonna let this happen to me,
36:28 I'm gonna dye my hair. So I dyed my hair
36:33 until I saw what men who dyed their hair look like.
36:41 You know, the women could dye their hair they look just fine.
36:44 The man who dyes his hair is green, blue,
36:47 orange and everything else, you know, what I mean?
36:49 I thought I'm not gonna do that no more.
36:53 So once where I was going to Africa for a long trip,
36:56 I thought here go nothing,
36:58 I got back and I had a white hair.
37:00 They thought man what happened to him in Africa,
37:02 man, it must have been pretty bad.
37:08 So, but anyway,
37:14 you get white hair, you get smart.
37:18 And when I say what I'm about to say next
37:21 I think God, fellows, I got to be a parent again
37:28 and that when I was in my 50s.
37:32 We had a little girl come and stay with us for five years
37:36 who was my granddaughter Andrea.
37:39 We kept her from the time she was two
37:43 until the time she was seven.
37:47 Some of you men who know what I'm talking
37:49 about will know that whenever you hear
37:52 that a grandparent has raised a grandchild,
37:55 you know, there is a sad story at someplace.
37:58 But I'm thankful, I'm thankful
38:00 that in spite of the sadness of the story,
38:04 that God allowed me to be a daddy again.
38:08 You know, I have wedding, I have four children of our own.
38:12 We got eight grandchildren, but you know,
38:14 when I was young, younger,
38:18 when I was young in my 30s and 20s,
38:23 I went to Pakistan on a ship with three children
38:26 when I was 26, in the middle of the winter.
38:31 Try that out. And you'll wimp,
38:33 you won't be able to do that.
38:35 Take some time.
38:38 Anyway I think when I was young,
38:42 I was trying to be in charge, you know,
38:46 you try to be the head of the home
38:47 and when you want to be in charge of your home
38:50 you got to be tough.
38:52 And you can't really be tough unless you're little bit mean.
38:57 And you got to show that you're tough and in charge
38:59 and you know, when my kids would come to me
39:01 and say, daddy, can I, I just say no.
39:06 You don't have to hear what they're asking, you just say no,
39:08 because what you're telling them is, I'm in charge.
39:13 And then they'd say, but daddy--I said, I said no.
39:17 But, daddy, I said, I want to.
39:19 I said, no. But, daddy!
39:23 Okay, you go head and do it.
39:31 You know, I'm gonna exaggerate this little bit, okay.
39:35 I'm so glad that Jesus let me be a daddy again.
39:41 Now I know what you're thinking, you're thinking that's the way
39:43 you grandpas are, when the grandchildren.
39:45 No, not for five years fellow, come on now,
39:48 maybe for Christmas and birthday,
39:51 you know but not for five years.
39:53 But, you know, what I did with Andrea?
39:56 Andrea would come to me and she'd say, grandpa can I.
39:59 And the first thing I do is listen to her.
40:01 Not bad, huh.
40:04 What's that, honey?
40:07 And if what she was asking me was reasonable.
40:12 I'd say yes, why not.
40:13 And, you know, what I discovered.
40:18 I discovered that you can be nice and still be in charge.
40:24 You can say yes, and still be the head at the home.
40:29 I discovered that, I discovered you could be nice.
40:34 And you know, now I didn't
40:36 always say yes to Andrea.
40:38 Sometimes I'd say, no honey.
40:42 You know, what she'd do,
40:44 she just turn around and walk away.
40:48 That really surprised me, because I wanted,
40:50 you know, a temper tantrum or something,
40:52 you know, what I mean, a little scream and a little holler,
40:54 and I wanted to say, what's wrong with you,
40:57 aren't you gonna scream or anything?
41:00 But you see, I realized that that one of the reasons
41:03 why our kids carry on so much is because
41:06 they don't how it's going to end up until they're screaming.
41:11 You hear what I am saying.
41:15 Anyway I remember when she used to come to me
41:19 once in a while and she'd say, grandpa,
41:22 help me make my bed.
41:25 Now back when I was, like you oh, I hope you're not like me.
41:31 But back when I was young like you.
41:34 And one of my children would say, help me make my bed,
41:37 I probably say, what you're lazy or something,
41:40 you get in there and make your bed.
41:45 But you get smart see, you get kind after a while.
41:50 You know, I was talking with a guy one day
41:52 and he said if I had my life to live over again,
41:55 I think I'd want to be more kind.
41:59 Anyway I realize that when you're only this big,
42:03 the bed comes up to here on you. Am I wrong?
42:09 Come on now, it comes up to here on you.
42:12 And so I could see, you know, sometimes, sometimes
42:15 I don't know if you ever make the bed at home.
42:18 You're gonna say, no I'm a He-Man, man.
42:21 I don't make my bed I leave it messy all day.
42:25 Give me a break.
42:26 You know, there are some things you can't control in your life,
42:28 but you can make your bed.
42:35 You'll say, but my wife makes the bed.
42:36 Well, another thing, fellows.
42:38 If your wife is having to go out and help you
42:40 make a living, you know, what the deal
42:43 we have in our house, last one out of the bed makes it.
42:47 And you think that's about right,
42:49 if you expect your wife to go out
42:50 and make the money and bring it home,
42:52 and you're not helping around the house,
42:53 you're gonna have trouble.
42:54 I just tell you that.
42:56 Anyway sometimes when you make a bed it's easy to make.
43:03 You just go.
43:08 Other times now it's all over the floor,
43:12 and we're talking about some major work.
43:15 What if you only this big,
43:18 don't put her down, don't call her names.
43:21 She needs help.
43:23 Take her by the hand be nice, go help her make the bed.
43:30 And when she'd say to me, grandpa help me clean my room.
43:34 You know, I'm cleaning my garage now, my garage
43:37 has been so messy lately, I don't know where to start.
43:42 Do you ever had something that messy.
43:43 Listen what if you're only that big?
43:46 Just take her by the hand and help her clean the room.
43:49 Listen, fellows, what would our homes belike
43:53 if we were just kind.
43:55 You know, I was talking with a guy the other day,
43:57 we were talking about this and he said, you know,
43:59 you know, its so funny the way we are at the office,
44:01 we're so polite, you go into the Xerox room
44:04 and somebody's already in there to Xerox it
44:07 and the person says, oh, excuse me.
44:09 And You say, oh, no that's okay.
44:13 Take your time, I'll wait.
44:16 Oh, no I don't worry,
44:17 and again after that you go home.
44:20 And your wife's in the kitchen working around
44:22 and you want something from under the sink,
44:23 you just got to go get out my way.
44:29 Why are we that way fellows?
44:31 What would our home would be like
44:35 if we were just kind.
44:42 You might say, Pastor O'Ffill, you're right.
44:47 But it's too late for me, man.
44:50 I've been mean too long.
44:53 I don't say, God can get over it.
44:57 I think I might have to go back to school,
44:59 take a course in how to be kind.
45:03 And the tuition is real high these days.
45:05 I have to get a student alone.
45:08 Have to quit my job
45:09 and then I wouldn't be able to support my family.
45:13 I don't think there is any hope for me.
45:14 I think I'm gonna have to stay mean.
45:18 And I said, no, there is hope for you.
45:20 I don't know how many hundred of us there are here,
45:23 this afternoon, but there are lots.
45:26 But I know, that everyone of you here know how to be kind.
45:29 You know how to be kind.
45:31 You say, how do you, what do you mean man,
45:32 I don't even know you man?
45:34 You'll tell me, I know how to be kind?
45:36 You don't know me for matter?
45:37 Oh! Well, I don't need to know more about you.
45:40 I know, you know how to be kind
45:42 because I've been talking to you for nearly an hour
45:45 and you've been kind to me. Yeah.
45:49 I've been saying this awful things to you.
45:52 And you've sitting there, ah ha-ha ha-ha ha-ha,
45:54 yeah, yeah, yeah yeah!
45:59 You know how to be kind.
46:01 Come on, just go home
46:06 and be as kind to your family
46:09 as you were to me and to the brothers today.
46:13 Just be kind like that.
46:16 You know, I used to live in South America.
46:21 I speak Spanish,
46:25 and they said we gonna speak Spanish in heaven.
46:29 I don't mind I got a good start, I get a head start.
46:32 I will be all right.
46:34 But one thing I want to know though is--
46:37 if it's true we're gonna speak Spanish in heaven.
46:40 Then how come when the angel talk with Mrs. Witty
46:43 always spoke in English.
46:49 But however it works out all right with me.
46:51 It's all right with me.
46:53 But down there in South America, they have a custom.
46:58 You know when we get into car and we are gonna take a trip,
47:02 we will say a prayer.
47:04 Don't you do that? We do that.
47:08 But you know what?
47:10 They get in the car and they say a prayer
47:11 when they are even going to the super market.
47:15 May be it's the way they drive for all I know.
47:20 But you know, what I want to do?
47:22 Is I want to challenge you, this is for Monday.
47:27 Listen to me now, when you are coming back
47:31 from work on Monday.
47:33 Oh no! even go, because, no, no, well, let's do it tonight.
47:37 Let's do it tonight.
47:39 You gotta be going home to the wife.
47:42 When you pull up your car in front of the house,
47:48 and you turn off the key,
47:52 before you get out of the car I want to invite you,
47:57 to bow your head and say a prayer.
48:03 And what would that prayer be?
48:06 God help me to be kind.
48:15 You can do that.
48:17 Now it's not going to be easy at first,
48:19 because we've been mean so long.
48:21 Why--you know we love these people,
48:23 we love our family and kids,
48:25 But why do we treat them in this way which means
48:27 its kind of a knee jerk its just like,
48:29 I'm at the office I'm nice I'm at home, I'm mean.
48:32 What it means when we come home,
48:33 we gonna have to work it at a while
48:36 till we are sweet at home
48:37 and I want to tell you when you sweet to those you love,
48:40 you got some sweet going there. Don't you think so?
48:43 We can do that brother.
48:45 And so the Christian home, that's gonna stand firm,
48:50 while the devil has taken everything aparts,
48:53 its gonna be doing at least three things.
48:56 Its gonna be a place of what? Prayer.
48:59 When is he gonna pray?
49:02 Private devotions, fellows if you don't do that,
49:04 listen to me, do that,
49:07 do that, just get down your knees,
49:09 give your heart to Jesus.
49:10 Tell him you are his boy, you want to be his son today
49:13 in whom you are well please.
49:17 We're gonna pray in the morning
49:18 and when else we're gonna pray?
49:20 We gonna have family worship,
49:22 you don't know how to do that? Find out.
49:24 You got problem, you have computer, you find out.
49:28 Let's find out.
49:29 Our families are more important than anything we got.
49:33 You don't know how to have family worship, find out.
49:37 And then, when is the other time we're gonna pray.
49:40 Now, that will be a little tricky
49:42 if you've never done that before.
49:43 A man did that he said, I'm praying
49:45 with my wife for the first time.
49:47 It was a little difficult for me.
49:48 Of course man, I mean you know you've learnt--
49:51 you know, riding a motorcycle for the first time is not easy.
49:55 You know, you gonna control break yourself.
49:58 And so but you can do that, you get a little practice.
50:01 You just gonna find it will do something to your marriage.
50:03 It will do something to your marriage.
50:05 Family is there what?
50:07 Pray together, stay together.
50:09 And then what else do we do in our home?
50:12 Do something about the T.V.
50:14 I'm serious about this.
50:16 And don't ask your kids what to do.
50:20 So junior, I was listening to preacher
50:23 and I want to ask your permission here to--
50:29 oh! Have mercy.
50:30 But don't scream at them and holler at him,
50:32 and by the way understand to that you don't ever want to
50:35 pull some out of your life
50:37 unless you put something else in, you understand that?
50:39 Because you pull this out and you leave that hole empty.
50:42 Then you got trouble with that hole.
50:45 You gonna take this out put this in.
50:46 Do you understand me? We do some about television.
50:49 Whatever it is just--whatever you've been doing don't do that.
50:53 And what was the last one?
50:56 Be kind. Come on fellows, be kind.
51:02 What did I tell you anything you didn't know?
51:05 You knew that, didn't you?
51:07 We are now not all alone.
51:09 But you can get your--can you get your hands around that?
51:12 Did you write that down?
51:13 Son, did you write that down?
51:15 I didn't see you writing, how do you tell me
51:16 you wrote it down, I didn't see you writing?
51:18 Oh, you had it already written.
51:19 Alright now, excuse me I'm sorry.
51:22 You got to write it down.
51:23 Hey that guys said-- next to him ask him.
51:26 Did you write it down?
51:27 Okay, I just wanna make sure he is not pilling my leg.
51:30 Ok, take this home fellows and put it into work.
51:33 And the other things you heard during the day,
51:35 its time that we stick up for family.
51:41 At the end of the day no one is ever going to say,
51:46 I wish I would've spent more time at the office.
51:49 At the end of the day all you had was your family.
51:53 Don't throw it away.
51:55 They say Pastor O'Ffill, you talk to me too late man.
51:58 I'm on the third marriage and there is no hope for me,
52:02 no wherever you are at, there's hope for you.
52:04 Jesus will take you where ever you are at.
52:07 And we can't live our lives over again fellows.
52:09 You say I made a thousand mistakes,
52:10 Jesus will forgive those mistakes.
52:12 You know the mistake is not in making the mistake,
52:14 the mistake is keep on making it.
52:17 So, you may have made all kind of mistakes,
52:19 you might have come here to this convention
52:21 making all kinds of mistakes.
52:23 Hey, that was too bad, but if you go home
52:25 and you keep making them, you are dumb.
52:27 You know it's--forgive me
52:29 for saying it, you got to be an idiot.
52:30 I mean I get worse still.
52:33 To make a mistake, and to err is human
52:35 not to admit is dumb.
52:38 So let's go back out of here.
52:40 Let's go back out of here with the resolve
52:42 that by God's grace.
52:45 You expect me to be perfect pastor?
52:46 No, I didn't say that.
52:49 Either when you shoot baskets what do you do?
52:50 Just go, where is the basket man?
52:54 No, come on at least aim for the basket.
53:01 Aim for the baskets, see what happen.
53:04 I'm not perfect, but there is nothing wrong
53:06 with what should I was.
53:08 I want a perfect job, a perfect house,
53:10 a perfect car, perfect wife, perfect kids.
53:12 What's wrong with wanting to do the perfect will of God?
53:15 Let's go home fellows.
53:17 Let's go home.
53:18 Forgetting those things which are behind,
53:20 but remembering them, but looking forward
53:23 to those things which are ahead of us,
53:25 we press on toward the mark of the high calling of God
53:30 in Christ Jesus.
53:33 We represent a lot of homes,
53:35 I've come to conclusion Pastor Gatamore,
53:39 that the Michigan Conference is nothing more or less
53:44 than the homes represented here.
53:46 That they talk about the church
53:48 and the problems with the church,
53:49 the church can never be more than his families.
53:52 And if the church is going to have revival and renewal
53:55 and reformation, it's gonna be because we have revival
53:58 and renewal and reformation in our homes.
54:00 Getting ready for the coming of Jesus.
54:03 It's something that happens at home.
54:05 Before the great and awful day of the Lord I will sin,
54:09 Elijah with the message that turns the hearts
54:13 of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers.
54:16 If you'd like for me to pray for your home,
54:18 I want you to stand.
54:24 Heavenly Father,
54:28 oh daddy of Saul, you who instituted the family.
54:33 Lord do something for us here before the devil takes it away.
54:38 Hear us, we are as men standing
54:40 before You representing all these home.
54:43 You said that when the devil would come in like a flood
54:46 that you would raise up a standard against him.
54:48 Oh God! Do something for our home.
54:54 We know that in order to do that you got to do something
54:56 in our hearts and so for the heart of every man
54:59 who's standing here now, we pray that you'll convict us of sin,
55:04 sweep us and clean us but not just that.
55:08 Oh Jesus, fill us with the fruit of the spirit,
55:12 strengthen us to stand firm we pray
55:16 in these last days through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17