Participants: Terry McComb
Series Code: OR
Program Code: OR000008
00:01 In the beginning,
00:03 the earth was without form and void. 00:07 Then God said, "Let there be light." 00:11 And there was light. 00:14 And God divided the light from the darkness. 00:17 So the evening and the morning were the first day. 00:34 So the evening and the morning were the second day. 00:41 Then God said, "Let the waters under the heavens 00:44 be gathered together into one place 00:46 and let the dry land appear. 00:52 Let the earth bring forth grass and herb 00:57 and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind." 01:02 So the evening and the morning were the third day. 01:08 Then God made two great lights. 01:11 He made the stars also. 01:13 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day. 01:21 Then God said, "Let the waters abound 01:23 with an abundance of living creatures. 01:29 And let birds fly above the earth 01:32 across the face of the firmament of the heavens." 01:38 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 01:45 Then God said, "Let the earth bring 01:47 forth living creatures according to its kind, 01:52 cattle and creeping things and beast of the earth." 02:04 Then God said, "Let us make man 02:06 in our image according to our likeness." 02:10 So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. 02:16 And on the seventh day, 02:17 God ended His work which He had done 02:19 and He rested the seventh day 02:20 from all His work which He had done. 02:22 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, 02:25 because in it He had rested from all His work 02:27 which God had created and made. 02:31 And indeed it was very good. 02:36 Again it's a real pleasure to welcome 02:38 each of you back again to the final evening 02:43 of this creation week seminar, 02:45 Origins, The First Week in Time. 02:48 Holy Father, we thank you for the freedom 02:51 that has allowed us to study the very first week in time. 02:55 And now as we come to this last day, 02:58 we again invite the same Holy Spirit active in creation 03:02 to create in our minds, in our hearts tonight 03:08 the spiritual understanding of this subject. 03:12 So speak your word into existence tonight 03:15 into our hearts as our prayer 03:17 because we ask it in Jesus holy name, amen." 03:22 I thought you might be interested 03:23 in this picture in the Century magazine, 03:28 May of 1891 and what you're looking at is visible sound. 03:35 As we have discovered this week, 03:38 when God speaks that's not hot air, 03:41 that's creative energy 03:43 and sound waves created most of the world 03:48 as we've looked at it this week. 03:51 But these pictures 03:52 were made by--they put a elastic membrane 03:56 over a mouth piece 03:59 and then they sang with powder, 04:02 damp powder or damp sand on that membrane 04:06 and as they would sing, these images vibrated into existence 04:12 just from the result of singing 04:16 into this elastic membrane vibrating the powder and dust 04:21 and so these are literally visible sound. 04:25 Just another interesting way of looking at sound waves. 04:30 This evening I would like to 04:33 walk you through the Creation Story. 04:37 Just want to review in our minds tonight 04:40 what we've been looking at each night this week. 04:45 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 04:49 And earth was without form and void, 04:52 and darkness was upon the face of the deep. 04:56 And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 05:01 And Then God said, "Let there be light" 05:05 and there was light. 05:07 And God saw the light, that it was good. 05:10 And God divided the light from darkness. 05:14 And God called the light day, 05:16 and the darkness He called night. 05:20 So the evening and the morning was the first day. 05:25 And then God said, 05:27 "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, 05:29 and let it divide the waters from the waters." 05:32 And thus God made the firmament, 05:36 and divided the waters which were under the firmament 05:40 from the waters which were above the firmament. 05:43 And it was so. 05:46 And God called the firmament Heaven. 05:48 So the evening and the morning was the second day. 05:55 And then God said, "Let the waters 05:58 under the heavens be gathered together 06:01 into one place and let dry land appear" 06:06 and it was so. 06:08 And God called the dry land Earth, 06:11 and the gathering together waters, He called seas. 06:15 And God saw that it was good. 06:18 And then God said, 06:20 "Let the earth bring forth grass 06:23 and the herb that yields seed," 06:26 "and fruit trees that yields fruit 06:28 according to its kind, 06:30 whose seed is in itself, on the earth"; 06:33 and it was so. 06:36 And the earth brought forth grass, 06:38 and the herb that yields seed according to its kind, 06:42 and the tree that yields fruit according to its kind 06:45 whose seed is in itself. 06:47 And God saw that it was good. 06:51 So the evening and the morning was the third day. 06:56 And then God said, "Let there be lights 06:58 in the firmament of the heavens 07:01 to divide the day from night 07:04 and let them be for signs and for seasons, 07:08 and for days and years, 07:10 and let them be for lights in the heavens 07:13 to give light on the earth." and it was so. 07:18 Then God made two great lights, 07:21 the greater light to rule the day, 07:23 and the lesser light to rule the night. 07:26 And He made the stars also. 07:29 And He set them in the firmament of the heavens 07:32 to give light on the earth, 07:34 and to rule over the day and over the night, 07:37 and to divide the light from the darkness. 07:39 And God saw that it was good. 07:41 And so the evening and the morning was the fourth day. 07:47 And then God said, "Let the waters abound 07:51 with an abundance of living creatures 07:55 and let birds fly above the firmament 07:58 across the face of the heavens." 08:01 And so God created great sea creatures 08:04 and every living thing that moves in the waters, 08:07 which abounded according to its kind, 08:10 and every winged bird according to its kind. 08:14 And God saw that it was good. 08:17 And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, 08:22 and fill the waters in the seas, 08:24 and let the birds multiply in the earth." 08:27 And so the evening and the morning was the fifth day. 08:31 And then God said, "Let the earth bring forth 08:35 living creature according to its kind, 08:39 cattle and creeping things, and beasts of the earth, 08:43 each according to its own kind" and it was so. 08:46 And God made the cattle according to its kind, 08:50 and the beast according to its kind, 08:53 and everything that creeps and crawls on the earth, 08:55 according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 09:00 And then God said, "Let us make man in our image 09:05 according to our likeness, 09:07 let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, 09:09 and over the birds of the air, 09:10 and over the cattle, and over the earth, 09:12 and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." 09:15 And so God created man in His own image, 09:19 and He created them male and female. 09:21 And God blessed them, 09:22 and said, "Be fruitful and multiply, 09:26 fill the earth and subdue it, 09:28 and have dominion over the fish of the sea, 09:30 and over the birds of the air, 09:31 and over every living thing that moves on the earth." 09:34 And it was so. 09:37 And God said, "See, I have given you every herb 09:41 that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, 09:44 and every tree whose fruit yields seed, 09:47 to you it shall be for food. 09:50 And to every beast of the earth, 09:52 and to every bird of the air, 09:53 and to everything that creeps 09:55 in and on the earth that has life, 09:57 I have given every green herb for food" and it was so. 10:01 And God saw everything that He had made, 10:03 and indeed it was very good. 10:06 And the evening and the morning was the sixth day. 10:10 Thus the heavens and the earth, 10:12 and all the host of them, were finished. 10:17 And on the seventh day 10:19 God ended His work which He had done, 10:22 and He rested on the seventh day 10:24 from all His work which He had done. 10:27 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, 10:31 because in it He rested from all His work 10:34 which He had created and made. 10:37 This is the history of the heavens and earth 10:39 when they were created, in the day that the Lord God 10:43 made the heavens and the earth. 10:47 Worship Him. 10:50 "Worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea 10:54 and the fountains of water." 10:56 Worship Him. 11:00 In those brief words we have the story 11:04 of what God created in the first week of time 11:09 and this evening we come to the seventh day. 11:12 And on the seventh day 11:14 God created a sanctuary in time. 11:19 On the seventh day, God had one more thing to create 11:24 and the creation story 11:25 was not completed in six days, but seven. 11:29 And on the seventh day 11:31 God created time, 24 hours of it. 11:37 It was God's concluding creations. 11:41 They have no substance. They are key to health. 11:45 A key to joy. A key to life's relationships. 11:52 Time, simply time, 24 hours of it. 11:59 And thus the heavens and the earth, 12:02 and all the host of them, were finished, we read. 12:05 And on the seventh day 12:06 God ended His work which He had done, 12:10 and He rested on the seventh day 12:14 from all His work which He had done. 12:16 Then we noticed three things He did on this day. 12:20 One, He rested, number Two, He blessed the seventh day. 12:26 And then God sanctified the seventh day. 12:31 And He gives a reason, 12:32 because in it the seventh day, 12:35 God rested from all His work 12:38 which God had created and made. 12:42 As He created that seventh day in time. 12:46 I would like you to go with me in our imagination. 12:50 Let's go back to the end 12:54 of a perfect week in a perfect world. 12:58 And a world in which there was no sin, 13:00 no suffering, no death, 13:02 perfect people in a perfect world 13:05 and we note that the dark part of the day 13:09 came first as it had throughout the entire week. 13:12 The sun is setting behind majestic mountains 13:15 crowned with towering giant trees, 13:17 200 feet tall or more. 13:19 The skies are blazed with light 13:21 and undim by any pollutions 13:24 and there's a hush as the shadows lengthen 13:27 and stars and undim glory begin to shine and glow. 13:32 And in the distance a love bird coos 13:36 above the insect bird orchestra, 13:38 evening lullaby and nearby a waterfall splashes out 13:42 its melody of love. 13:43 Two swans glide by in that sea of glass, 13:46 rippling its dazzling spectrum 13:48 reflected from the atmosphere above. 13:52 Two giant tigers left crystal clear water 13:55 while nearby two elephants swing their tongues in harmony 14:00 with the pulsating symphony of life. 14:05 And they heard the sound of the Lord God 14:08 walking in the garden in the cool of the day, Genesis 3:8. 14:13 And God draws near 14:15 to commune with his children in that first vesper hour. 14:21 It was an experience like parents 14:24 when they hold their children 14:27 that have just been born for the very first time. 14:31 And that moment is overwhelming, 14:34 so thrilling, joy, engulfs the three 14:39 as they mingle in this emotion 14:41 and a sense of all in sacred reverence 14:45 toward the life giver and in this communing of love, 14:49 the three are cloth in shimmering glorious light. 14:56 O Lord my God, You are very great, 14:58 You are clothed with honor and majesty, 15:01 who cover Yourself with light as with a garment. 15:04 God's children made in His image 15:07 after His likeness were clothed 15:09 with shimmer garment of light. 15:12 And this is why they could be naked and not be ashamed 15:15 because they were clothed with that same shimmering light. 15:18 And research shows us today 15:21 that in the presence of certain light 15:24 skin also shines. 15:26 Moses, when he was in the presence of God 15:29 and as he came away from that presence of God, 15:31 his face shown with the light so bright 15:34 that Israel asked him to put on a veil. 15:37 And Adam and Eve in the presence of the Creator, 15:41 they also radiated this beautiful glorious light. 15:47 And this very essence of this relationship 15:51 as they dwell there together 15:52 in that first evening vesper hour, 15:56 it was love, worship, 15:59 was this constant flow of benevolent affection 16:03 flowing between them and when fixed upon an object 16:06 truly worthy up on this flow was not impeded 16:09 then conflicting and contracting influence 16:12 it was itself a source of happiness inexhaustible. 16:17 The love desires the good or honor 16:19 of its object not is own. 16:23 Over the past six evenings and mornings 16:27 God had poured Himself out and made His word visible 16:33 in the creation of another brand new world. 16:39 God saw everything that He had made, 16:41 and indeed it was very good. 16:46 And so how does the Creator finish a world of perfection 16:52 and He finished it with perfect rest. 16:57 And what does perfect rest look like, 17:00 this seven day rhythm that is found 17:04 the world over on every corner and visible to every nation. 17:11 As we take a look back in time, 17:14 we discover that the oldest thing known to man 17:17 on planet earth is, what do you think? 17:21 It's language. 17:23 And in 1886, William Mead Jones 17:28 did a very careful study of all the ancient languages 17:34 and he discovered 17:36 that the vast bulk of those ancient languages, 17:41 when you look at the last column, 17:43 the seventh day in nearly every language, 17:46 kinder, tribe, tongue and people 17:48 convey some kind of a meaning of the word 'To rest'. 17:52 Anybody speaks Spanish here tonight? 17:55 Sabado, what does it mean? 17:59 It means rest. 18:01 And they found in these languages, 18:04 then these different cultures, 18:06 they all got their meaning right back there 18:11 from attire of Babylon out. 18:13 Seventh day meaning rest 18:17 and probably the time honored phrase 18:21 that society knows today is, have you ever heard it? 18:26 Thank God it's Friday. Anybody ever heard that? 18:31 And there's something about 18:34 when you get to the end of that sixth day. 18:38 There's one thing in common, people want rest. 18:44 Dr. Singley tells how in South America, 18:50 there is a John Mud bird 18:52 and this John Mud bird 18:53 works on his nest everyday of the week. 18:55 It keeps adding more mud to it, 18:57 that's how it gets its name, John Mud bird, 18:59 but on the seventh day doesn't work on his nest. 19:02 He also tells that there's a honey bee in South America. 19:06 That honey bee is like other honey bees, 19:08 it works continuously and steadily 19:11 but amazingly on the seventh day 19:14 this particular type of honey bee does not work, 19:18 it stays in the hive. 19:20 And another interesting feature 19:22 of that particular honey bee is it has no stinger 19:26 and there we need to get all the bees converted. 19:29 In Washington, Republic Washington, 19:31 there is a lady with the legal name horse women 19:35 and when she bottomed out in L.A. 19:38 she moved to Republic Washington 19:40 and she decided that she was gonna move out into nature. 19:45 She discovered the joys and the beauties of nature. 19:48 And as she moved out and I've spoke with this lady, 19:51 she told me that when she was out there 19:54 and somebody gave her New Testament, 19:55 she began to read it 19:58 and then she discovered the world parties every weekend 20:02 and she says, I am gonna part with the world 20:05 and spend it with God. 20:07 And she began every Friday evening, 20:10 she began to spend that time with the Creator 20:13 and she said this. 20:14 She discovered that those creatures of the forest 20:19 are less active every seventh day 20:22 than they are on the other days of the week. 20:24 Isn't that amazing? 20:26 And I don't know if that's true, 20:27 just the Republic Washington, 20:28 God's worked just a special miracle for her 20:32 but she became acquainted 20:34 with God's rest day as she studied nature. 20:39 Now in Exodus 31 verse 17, 20:41 it says, "God rested and was refreshed." 20:46 And that word refreshed is a Hebrew word nephesh. 20:50 And it has the idea like a cool breeze. 20:52 I like to suggest that the Creator rested on this day 20:56 with completion not from exhaustion. 21:00 In Mark 2 verse 27, we discover, 21:04 "Man is to rest in harmony with his biorhythms" 21:09 and we're gonna take a look at biorhythms 21:11 in just a little bit more. 21:12 And then we also discovered Exodus 20 versus 10 to 11, 21:16 "Animals also were commanded to rest." 21:19 And we also discovered in Leviticus 25 versus 1 to 4, 21:24 that the land also was to rest. 21:29 And so we learned this week as we took a look 21:33 at what God created on the sixth day 21:36 and the biorhythms are ticked off 21:38 as part of the D.N.A. system 21:44 in the center of every cell and somewhere in that D.N.A. 21:49 there is a clock keeper called biorhythms. 21:54 Doctor Halberg of the Chronobiology Laboratories 21:58 in University of Minnessota is a pioneer in biorhythms 22:02 and he's been studying these 22:04 and amass some very interesting studies 22:08 when it comes to biorhythms, the circadian rhythm cycles 22:13 that are ticked off in the cell of your bodies. 22:18 I'm gonna look at several different case studies 22:20 that shows that there is, what they call, 22:24 Circaseptan Cycles, what that means is seven-day rhythms. 22:31 Using powerful computer methods, scientists analyzed 22:35 the patterns produced in steroid hormones 22:38 collected from the urine of a healthy man 22:40 over a 15 year period. 22:43 By chemically analyzing his ketosteriod output, 22:46 they learned that the excretion of these hormones 22:49 followed a seven-day rhythm. 22:53 Case study number two, 22:54 A man's heart rate was monitored for months 22:57 while he stayed in a cave. 23:00 And when the data was analyzed, 23:02 his heart rate clearly showed a seven-day rhythm, 23:06 beating more slowly every seventh day. 23:11 Case study number three, these scientist studied 23:14 70 younger men with wisdom teeth pulled. 23:18 Seven days after surgery, their faces were more swollen. 23:22 Seven days later another wave of swelling. 23:26 And it showed a seven- day rhythm 23:28 for swelling after surgery. 23:30 And what they discovered that the immune system of the body 23:34 and when there's a heart transplant or liver transplant 23:38 or these transplants they've learned 23:40 that there's a seven-day rhythm 23:42 that follows after that surgery 23:44 and something about rest and recovery 23:47 that seems to be written into that seven-day cycle. 23:51 Fourth case study, Rejection of transplanted kidneys 23:56 occur seven days after that surgery. 23:59 If overcomes, there will be another crisis, 24:01 so there is something about immune system 24:03 that operates with a seven-day or Circaseptan Cycles. 24:09 These scientists, demonstrated a seven-day cycle 24:14 in corticosterated-binding globulin C.B.G. activity 24:20 in human milk of mothers. 24:22 And this is a substance 24:24 that builds the immune system in the child 24:28 and it also follows a seven-day rhythm. 24:32 And case study number six, 24:34 they've discovered in the kind of biological research, 24:38 dogs, monkeys, rats and other organisms, including plants, 24:43 have demonstrated seven-day cycles. 24:47 It's most difficult to document 24:49 a seven day cycle in human beings, 24:53 because any kind of a stressor like watching a late show, 24:57 or eating between meals 24:59 can take the biorhythms into a chaotic course, 25:03 that takes weeks return back to their normal rhythm. 25:08 And so their research has shown 25:10 that this is clearly demonstrated 25:14 that the Creator wrote in the D.N.A. 25:18 of plants and animals a seven-day rhythm 25:23 that God intended His creatures to enjoy. 25:28 Case study number seven, 25:30 the giant salt mines in Austria 25:33 were once worked by donkeys seven days a week 25:36 and they discovered that these donkeys 25:39 did their best output when they worked them six days 25:45 and let them rest every seventh day. 25:48 Then these donkeys could put out in a steady way 25:52 when they had a day off from work. 25:55 In Exodus 20, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 26:00 Six days you shall labour, and do all your work, 26:04 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. 26:08 And in it you shall not do no work, 26:10 you, nor your son, nor your cattle, 26:13 nor your stranger that is within your gates." 26:15 This law appears to be written 26:17 on these Austrian donkey D.N.A. 26:21 by the finger of the Creator Himself. 26:24 It's also interesting to notice 26:26 Potato bug eggs hatch in seven days. 26:29 Canary eggs hatch in 14 days. 26:33 Barn yard hens hatch in 21 days 26:37 and duck eggs and goose hatch in 28 days 26:40 and a mallard duck in 35 days 26:43 and parrot and ostrich eggs 26:45 hatch in 42 days, all divisible by seven. 26:50 And so it appears somewhere in that D.N.A. 26:54 somewhere in those billions of steps 26:59 there is a clock keeper 27:01 and German researchers call it a zeitgeber, a timekeeper. 27:07 They are circadian rhythms 24 hours cycle rhythms 27:11 and when a person stays up all night 27:13 or works too long 27:15 then we discover the next day how do you feel. 27:18 And when these little clocks 27:20 get all out of sync with each other 27:22 the result is you feel the difference. 27:25 According to the fourth commandment 27:28 the zeitgeber is the Creator himself. 27:32 And so let's just notice 27:34 how the Creator puts it in Exodus 20, 27:37 This is the fourth commandment, 27:40 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 27:44 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 27:47 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. 27:51 In it you shall do not work, 27:52 you, nor your son, nor your daughter, 27:55 nor your male servant, nor your female servant, 27:58 nor your cattle, nor your stranger 27:59 that is within your gates." 28:01 And this is the only commandment 28:03 for which God gave a reason for why He gave it. 28:07 For or because in six days 28:09 the Lord made the heavens and the earth, 28:12 the sea and all that in them is, 28:15 and rested the seventh day. 28:18 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. 28:24 In His fourth commandment 28:26 which is sort of a concluding one 28:28 and how we relate to our Creator 28:31 and we noticed the Creator here 28:33 is directly referring us back to what? 28:36 The seventh day of the original first week of time. 28:42 And God created a time to rest. 28:46 We also noticed 28:48 that not only did God command mankind to rest, 28:51 but God also commanded the land to rest. 28:55 In Hugh Macmillan's book "The Sabbath of the Fields" 28:59 he did a study and this is way he puts it. 29:05 He said, Palestine needed this periodical rest, 29:08 he knows the land is particularly composed 29:11 of disintegrated limestone and is very loose 29:13 and light in texture. 29:15 It part some of the influence of that airy climate 29:18 very easily with its phosphates 29:20 and other materials. He continues, 29:22 the construction of the land was had to be well, 29:25 by excessive and continual production 29:28 as is the body of and a mind of man 29:32 by prolonged incessant toil. 29:34 Hence the Sabbath rest was as much needed by the land 29:38 as by those who cultivated it. 29:41 And God gave a double polders every sixth year, 29:46 so there would be a sufficient to tie them 29:48 over the seventh year 29:49 when no agriculture pursuits ought to be followed 29:53 and the land was to be allowed to rest. 29:56 Unfortunately ancient Israel did not follow 30:01 the Creator's voice to give the land its rest 30:05 and so the warning that Moses gave in Leviticus 26:33, 30:09 "And I will scatter you among the heathen, 30:11 and I will draw a sword after you, 30:14 and your land shall be desolate, 30:15 and your cities waste and then your land 30:18 will enjoy her Sabbaths as long as it lies desolate, 30:23 and ye be in your enemies' land, 30:25 then shall the land rest and enjoy her Sabbath." 30:29 And so the Creator intended 30:31 that even the land should rest. 30:34 And you know, does that still apply today, 30:36 you know is that still a valuable thing. 30:40 And I would like to just share 30:42 this very brief short testimony. 30:45 I've been preaching for 21 years nonstop 30:50 and I decided that I needed to take a Sabbatical rest. 30:55 And so we had an auction and sold off 31:01 most of the stuff that we had accumulated 31:03 which was quite a large amount when we move there, 31:06 took the biggest moving van plus two station 31:10 wagons plus two trailers to move it there, 31:12 but when we had this auction 31:14 and got rid of all those stuff 31:16 we moved away in a green truck. 31:17 And we went to the wilderness of Montana, 31:20 just outside of Glacier Park there 31:23 and we lived there for seven years 31:25 and probably reason I took that sabbatical was because 31:30 my children had got into spiritual difficulty, 31:34 and I believe the words of Paul were true. 31:37 If you can't manage your own household, 31:39 how do you gonna manage the house of God. 31:41 And I thought, you know what, 31:43 my kid servants are gonna out preach mine 31:46 and so I took a sabbatical leave 31:48 and I took the counsel that God gave here 31:51 and I found this that when we took that break 31:57 and you say, well, how you gonna live, 31:58 well that's an interesting story 32:00 and my testimony is this for the next seven years 32:03 we lived on $3,000 a year earned income 32:09 and the other amazing thing was while we're living 32:11 on that limited amount of income, 32:15 we also build a house, 32:18 I never borrowed any money at it. 32:20 And during those years I saw God work 32:24 miracle after miracle after miracle 32:27 as we were building that house 32:28 and learning out there in the wilderness 32:32 on a sabbatical leave some things 32:34 that they didn't teach in the seminar. 32:37 And the one thing we did learn was to trust the Creator 32:41 and as we look back over that experience 32:45 we consider that, that was probably the smartest 32:48 and wisest thing that we ever did 32:51 when we decided to give our ministry a rest, 32:55 like God commanded the land to rest in Leviticus 25:4. 33:01 We also discover that 33:03 God created a 40 year circaseptan cycle. 33:08 Exodus 16 tells the story of a super natural 33:12 daily rhythm called manna. 33:16 When the layer of the dew lifted, 33:18 on the surface of the wilderness, 33:20 there was a small round substance, 33:21 as fine as frost on the ground 33:24 like a white coriander seed, 33:25 the taste of it was like wafers made with honey. 33:30 I want you to think about what God instigated 33:33 when He created that experience. 33:36 For six days, they had to get up before dawn 33:41 because the manna would melt in the heat of the sun 33:47 and the only way you can get it was to get up 33:50 before the sun came up and they got down 33:52 on their hands and their knees 33:54 and they carefully gathered up 33:55 four quarts per person per tent or per family. 34:00 On the six day, twice as much manna fell. 34:05 And they were told to keep that manna over, 34:08 for on the seventh day no manna would fall 34:11 and it would not spoil. 34:13 God specifically told them, gather the manna 34:16 but don't keep any of it over on any of those six days 34:19 if they kept it over it would breed worms 34:22 and it would stink. 34:24 But on the sixth day God said, 34:27 gather twice as much manna because on the seventh day 34:32 there will be no manna, tomorrow is a Sabbath rest, 34:35 a holy Sabbath to the Lord. Exodus 16:24. 34:41 And on the seventh day no manna fell. 34:46 And it also carried a death penalty 34:48 if they were found working on that day. 34:52 God felt it was important that people take a rest. 34:55 Now think with me now, isn't God a meanie you know, 34:59 take the day off, don't work, take a rest. 35:04 I want to have fellowship with you one on one on that 35:11 seventh day unlike I don't have on any other day. 35:16 And I would like to suggest that, that death penalty 35:21 may still be there even thou we don't recognize it 35:26 as such, because your day begins the night before right. 35:32 When it begins the night before, 35:34 how well you sleep during the dark part 35:36 of the day of this rest business? 35:41 We determine how well the light part 35:44 of the day will go. 35:45 For example they discovered circadian rhythms, 35:49 these are 24 hour cycles and they discovered that 35:54 when you do not sleep and eat regularly 35:58 these little circadian rhythms 36:00 get out of sync with each other, 36:02 some of these one hundred trillion 36:04 cells of your body don't like 36:07 this erratic kind of lifestyle 36:10 and you will feel the difference. 36:12 For example Doctor Janet Harker 36:14 of Cambridge University did a study on cockroaches 36:17 and she discovered that you could transplant 36:20 the thalamus which control the circadian rhythms 36:23 of the cockroach and she could take a cockroach 36:26 and fly to California and get a three hours out of sync 36:30 from where it came from and she could take the thalamus 36:33 and transplant that to the one on the different time zone 36:37 and they would recycle their clocks to match it 36:42 and she repeatedly did this and then she also discovered 36:46 that when you take cockroaches and you get them, 36:50 I think it was 12 hours out of sync 36:54 with the original donor, it would kill him. 36:59 The stress the internal stress 37:01 was so great of trying to recycle 37:03 those clocks out of sync with each other 37:06 that they would develop 37:07 malignant tumors and would die. 37:10 And could it be that the circadian rhythms 37:14 that are ticked off in the human body 37:17 set there by the Creator that may be the reason 37:22 cancer cannot seem to be found is because 37:24 cancers are cells that become rebellious 37:27 and no longer follow the rest rhythm pattern 37:31 which is normal for body cells to take care of. 37:36 I can't prove that, but it would suggest 37:39 that there might a link there and jet pilots were 37:42 the first ones to discover the circadian rhythms. 37:46 Because as they went through the time zones 37:48 and if anybody has ever done that you will know 37:51 if that when you are out of sync 37:52 you are out of sync and every cell in your body 37:55 will tell you about it. 37:56 They did study in mice. 37:58 Mice are normally a nocturnal animal 38:02 and they would take these mice 38:03 and they would give them 38:04 a dose of x-ray in the night time, 38:11 and it would make them sick but they would get over it, 38:14 but the identical dose of x-ray given in the day time 38:18 would kill them every single time. 38:21 The only thing that made the difference 38:22 was when they gave the x-ray to the mice. 38:26 They also discovered with food poisoning, 38:28 basgalible siliceous they can give that to the mice, 38:31 it they gave it to them at night 38:33 it would make them sick, but they can get over it 38:35 but the same identical dose of basgalible siliceous 38:39 given in the day time, 38:41 it would kill them every single time. 38:43 And only thing that made the difference 38:45 was when it was being given. 38:48 And so we can see that this business of rest 38:53 was written by the Creator's finger on every nerve 38:58 and cell of your body there is those rhythms 39:02 and He created then to be rested 39:05 on a circaseptan cycle, 39:08 but that's not all that the Creator did. 39:12 On that seventh day He created rest, 39:17 but more than that he also blessed that day 39:23 that 24 hour period it comes from a Hebrew word 39:26 'to kneel in thanks' and 'to be in gratitude', 39:30 it's a blessed time in His world of nature. 39:36 Let me ask you a question, 39:37 When God blesses something, 39:40 does it make it any different? 39:42 When we ask God's blessing on the food, 39:46 does that make that food different after its blessed? 39:50 I believe it does. 39:51 And when parents ask for God's blessing on his children, 39:55 does that make it different? Yes, it does. 39:58 And when God blesses time, 40:04 does it make it difference? Indeed it does. 40:08 And He is calling people from these busy rat race world, 40:12 He's calling them to experience this blessing 40:17 that He created in that space of time 40:22 and He want us to listen to nature speak to your heart. 40:28 And I hope you caught that as we gone through this week 40:32 the things that God made tell us about the maker. 40:35 If we will be still long enough 40:38 to look and carefully listen. 40:40 I would like to suggest that 40:42 if you will go out into nature 40:44 and there you can look and listen to what He has made. 40:51 If you will go out there with a pencil 40:54 and try to draw what you see, 40:56 and you say, well I am no artist. 40:59 Well believe that when we were created 41:05 in the Creator's image after His likeness 41:07 He created every person to be creative. 41:10 And you are never fulfill until you are being creative, 41:13 whether it's in the kitchen or whether its making clothes 41:16 or whether its in your work, 41:18 God created us to be creative in our work 41:21 and I would just want to share with you 41:23 a just a little statement here taken from a book 41:28 entitle "Taming tension" by W. Phillip Keller. 41:33 And I like to just read you one little short paragraph, 41:37 "In ones effort to draw or paint, 41:41 one soon discovers his entire tension is caught up 41:44 in the task for many people 41:46 this is the first time in life 41:48 they really began to look at things and suddenly light 41:50 and shadow on stone 41:52 and leaf or building takes on special significance. 41:56 The shape of the cloud sparkle over the sea, 41:58 the details of the fence 41:59 or the form of the flower acquire great interest. 42:04 And it is if all of a sudden a misty veil 42:06 is being drawn back across ones vision 42:09 and instead of a blurb above the world 42:10 it is not alive and vibrate. 42:13 Each part of it pulsates with light 42:15 and color and new fascination." 42:19 And I just encourage you to take that time 42:22 for a family to be together 42:25 in God's outer doors classroom 42:26 and experience the blessing that God put into that time 42:31 and enjoy the smell, enjoy the taste 42:36 and use all the senses to perceive 42:39 and take in all the blessing that the Creator has created 42:44 on that day, but that's not all. 42:47 It goes on and it says, God sanctified that day. 42:53 It's a Hebrew word 'qadash', 42:54 it's the verb to be clean or to be holy 42:58 and I think the people who understand what that word 43:01 sanctified really means is the Bird sanctuaries. 43:06 They are set up, they put fences around them, 43:10 you can't go in there and hurt the birds in anyway, 43:12 its sanctified if you please, it's a sanctuary, 43:16 it set aside, it has a fence around it 43:18 and t says don't go there 43:21 with the purpose of hurting birds. 43:24 In the same way God on that seventh day 43:28 put a fence around it and He said its holy, 43:31 its holy time, it set aside. 43:34 I want to have a relationship 43:37 with you and so children spell love, 43:41 you know how they spell it, 'T-I-M-E'. 43:46 They don't want your toys, they don't want your money 43:49 what they really want is a relationship with you 43:53 and the parent Creator Jesus Christ wants to have 43:59 that kind of relationship with you 44:01 in that space of time. 44:03 In his work of recreation, 44:05 He rested in the tomb, we find in His word. 44:10 He rested from the work of recreation 44:13 and during the hours of that Sabbath 44:15 as He rested in the tomb, 44:18 in the great work of redemption He rested 44:22 and then He came forth from the tomb to do His work. 44:27 Paul warns in Hebrews 3 versus 18 and 19, 44:32 "And to whom did He swear 44:34 that they would not enter his rest, 44:36 but to those who did not obey? 44:38 So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief." 44:45 God created a day, 24 hours with the purpose 44:50 of special one on one fellowship with Him, 44:53 he calls it My Holy day. 44:59 And we need that time. 45:01 There remains therefore a rest, 45:05 the word is sabatismos in the Greek, 45:07 for the people of God. 45:08 For he who has entered His rest has himself 45:11 also ceased from his works as God did from His, 45:16 Hebrews 4:9 and 10. 45:19 And I'd like to suggest that, that Sabbath is a sign, 45:25 "On the seventh day God rested and was refreshed." 45:31 And we need to choose 45:33 to take advantage of what He created. 45:37 I just like to point it out Seventh-day Adventist 45:39 didn't create the seventh day, 45:42 that's the Creator's work but Seventh-day Adventist 45:45 have discovered there is a blessing on that day 45:49 and once you get used to it, you cant live without it, 45:53 it's the best day of the week. 45:56 And so I would like to just draw this week 45:59 to a conclusion tonight by inviting you 46:02 to make a choice. 46:04 Who are you going to serve? 46:09 The Creator or the created. 46:13 Chose Him whom to know is life eternal. 46:19 And I want to draw a conclusion to this message, 46:22 Jesus on his sermon on the mount. 46:27 He talked about life. 46:29 And sooner or later, I am gonna draw this picture 46:31 the way the devil presents it 46:34 and then I want to, 46:37 with the light of faith 46:38 I want you to see this picture 46:40 the way it really is. 46:42 And so Jesus said, broad as the gate 46:46 and wide is the way that leads to destruction 46:50 and many there be that go there in 46:54 but straight is the gate and narrow is the way 46:58 that leads to light and few there be that find it, 47:04 because it's a choice and today we find our world 47:15 living in great giant metropolises, cities 47:21 and we have to decide 47:26 were am I going to live. 47:33 And we come to this crossroad in our life 47:36 and sooner or later everybody comes to a crossroad 47:43 and we have to decide 47:45 what are we going to do with the Creator and His word? 47:54 And we take a look at the sign and 48:04 we ask ourselves 48:06 who is going where 48:12 and the broad way, we take a look there 48:15 and we take a look and we see 48:21 there are- the whole world 48:27 of entertainment is here 48:37 and they invite us go here, 48:41 join us and on this broad way, 48:47 there is room for you 48:49 because there are no restrictions, 48:52 you can believe anything you want to believe 48:55 and its all right. 48:57 No one will ever ask you or judge you. 49:04 It's the theory of pluralism at its best 49:09 and these people and we look and see 49:11 well who's going there and we can see 49:14 that there's just all kinds of people 49:17 and then there is entertainment, 49:26 there is dancing, there is music, 49:30 there is every imaginable, 49:34 if it feels good do it, if it taste good, eat it 49:38 and we take a look and we can just see 49:40 that it just seems like the whole world is on board 49:44 as it travels 49:51 and we like to join where there are people. 49:57 We look up at the sign 50:03 and we say, well what does it say? 50:05 And the broad way says its fun. 50:15 Do what pleases you 50:19 and if it taste good, do it, eat it. 50:24 That's just the wonderful way to live 50:28 and so we think about that 50:32 and every way sounds good 50:35 and so we look at this crowd 50:36 and narrow is the way he said. 50:38 And so we take a look of what is the other option, 50:43 what other choice do we have 50:46 and so we look over there and Jesus said, 50:49 straight is the gate and narrow is the way 50:53 that leads the light 50:55 and few there be that find it. 50:59 And so we look over here and Jesus said, 51:04 if anyone will come after me let him deny himself, 51:07 take up his cross and follow me 51:11 and if you're tired of going no where 51:15 try the cross road. 51:21 And when the Creator creates He separates. 51:23 We've noticed that in the creation story 51:27 as we took a look at the creation week, 51:31 we discovered on day one, 51:32 he separated light from darkness. 51:37 On day two He separated water from water. 51:42 On day three He separated land from water. 51:49 And God in his wonderful plan of redemption 51:53 He wants to separate people from sin 51:56 and selfishness and degradation, 52:01 and so we take a look at that 52:05 and the devil paints his picture, 52:09 follow the cross, self denial, 52:14 why would you want to do that? 52:16 Then the devil says, is you do that, 52:19 that would be dull, 52:22 it won't be something 52:31 that you won't want to do. 52:39 And so we wonder that question, 52:48 which way will you go? 52:51 Jesus invites us to follow him the Creator. 52:55 He invited us to be recreated, 52:59 come out from the moment and be separate, 53:01 said the Lord and chose not 53:05 the on going thing if we can have the other lights off. 53:09 But as we try to make this decision 53:12 with the faith of Abraham, the faith of Isaac and Jacob 53:16 and the other great people of the Bible 53:23 and we stand here, looking at the crossroad, 53:25 we're trying to decide which way am I going to go? 53:31 And we're thinking about which way to go, 53:35 God says, I declare the end from the beginning 53:39 and you people when you can see 53:40 the end from the beginning than it helps you to know 53:44 which way you're going to go 53:46 and Jesus said, broad is the gate 53:49 and wide is the way that leads to destruction 53:53 and many there be that go there in 53:56 but straight is the gate and narrow is the way 54:00 they leads to light and few there be to find it 54:03 with the eye of faith 54:07 then the light of the Holy Spirit. 54:10 Lets see this picture, the way it really is 54:15 and them I am gonna ask you to make the decision tonight 54:19 to follow the Creator 54:23 and follow Him 54:27 and when we see the picture the way it really is, 54:32 that is not hard to make a decision 54:36 and as I close this series, I would like to invite you 54:40 if God is speaking to you 54:42 would you be willing to be separated, 54:46 to come out and if God is calling you, 54:51 wont you separate from the brad way 54:57 and take the narrow way. 54:59 Follow Him whom to know is life eternal 55:02 as many as received him 55:03 and he gave the power to become the son's of God. 55:11 If you've made the decision 55:12 to follow Jesus Christ as Messiah 55:16 and want more information 55:18 please go to, 55:21 there you can select three amazing facts 55:24 Bible study guides to discover 55:27 how to become part of the true people of the book 55:30 who keep the commandments of God by the faith of Jesus. 55:34 If you're Muslim you can go to 55:38 for studies with the Quran. |
Revised 2014-12-17