Origins: The First Week in Time

The Sixth Day, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Terry McComb


Series Code: OR

Program Code: OR000007

00:01 In the beginning,
00:04 the earth was without form and void.
00:08 Then God said, "Let there be light."
00:11 And there was light.
00:14 And God divided the light from the darkness.
00:17 So the evening and the morning were the first day.
00:34 So the evening and the morning were the second day.
00:41 Then God said, "Let the waters under the heavens
00:44 be gathered together into one place
00:46 and let the dry land appear.
00:53 Let the earth bring forth grass and herb
00:57 and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind."
01:02 So the evening and the morning were the third day.
01:09 Then God made two great lights.
01:11 He made the stars also.
01:13 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
01:21 Then God said, "Let the waters abound
01:23 with an abundance of living creatures.
01:29 And let birds fly above the earth
01:32 across the face of the firmament of the heavens."
01:38 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
01:45 Then God said, "Let the earth bring
01:47 forth living creatures according to its kind,
01:52 cattle and creeping things and beast of the earth."
02:04 Then God said, "Let us make
02:06 man in our image according to our likeness."
02:10 So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
02:16 And on the seventh day, God ended His work
02:18 which He had done and He rested the seventh day
02:21 from all His work which He had done.
02:22 Then God blessed the seventh day
02:24 and sanctified it, because in it
02:26 He had rested from all His work
02:28 which God had created and made.
02:31 And indeed it was very good.
02:36 As we continue with our study of the sixth day.
02:44 God still was not finished with His creation.
02:47 And let us just pause for an added word of prayer.
02:51 Holy Father, we ask that you'll bless
02:54 the opening of Your word
02:55 and the planning of it in our hearts.
02:58 And that you will add your own divine energy to it,
03:02 that we can have a heart understanding
03:05 of this most important subject.
03:08 In Jesus holy name we pray, amen.
03:12 In Genesis the first chapter and in verse 26 and 27,
03:18 we read these words, "And then God said,
03:21 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness,
03:26 and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
03:29 and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle,
03:30 and over all the earth and everything creeping
03:34 and that creeps on the earth."
03:36 And verse 27, "And so God created man in His own image,
03:41 the image of God He created him,
03:44 male and female He created them."
03:48 And then verse 28, "And then God blessed them,
03:51 and said, be fruitful and multiply,
03:55 fill the earth and subdue it."
03:59 And so God commanded them.
04:01 He formed them of the dust of the ground
04:03 made in His Own image actually His own likeness.
04:08 And so when God created man in His own image,
04:11 He created them with a spirit.
04:14 He created man with a mind and He created man with a body.
04:19 And He created them in His own likeness.
04:22 Now we noticed God also said in Genesis 2:18,
04:27 He said, "It is not good that man should be alone,
04:31 I will make him a helper comparable to him."
04:35 And so we noticed in this creation story,
04:38 some people get confused
04:39 because they read the second chapter
04:41 and they think it's all kind of logical.
04:43 It's not kind of logical.
04:45 The Hebrew mind in the way,
04:46 he wrote it down it gives a bird's eye picture first
04:49 and then it goes back and it adds a details later.
04:53 And God is adding the details here in this second chapter.
04:56 After He made these animals and He brought them to Adam.
05:01 And Adam looked at them there was none like him,
05:03 but he noticed they all had a make.
05:07 He didn't have one.
05:08 And so what did God created next?
05:11 In Genesis 2:21, we want to notice,
05:19 "What did God do differently?
05:21 This was different than anything else
05:24 that God had made in all the creation story this far."
05:29 Genesis 2, beginning with verse 21,
05:32 "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam,
05:37 and he slept, and He took one of his ribs,
05:41 and closed up the flesh in its place.
05:44 And then the rib which the Lord God had taken
05:47 from man He made into woman,
05:50 and He brought her to the man."
05:52 And Adam said, 'This is now bone of my bones
05:56 and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called Woman,
06:00 because she was taken out of Man.
06:04 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother
06:09 shall be joined to his wife,
06:11 and they shall become one flesh.'
06:15 And they were both naked, the man and his wife,
06:18 and they were not ashamed."
06:22 I'm gonna explain that last verse tonight.
06:24 So don't miss tonight.
06:26 We're gonna talk about that in more detail.
06:31 And so notice that here God took a creature
06:36 that He had already created
06:38 and He'd already breathe the breath of life into.
06:42 And now from that person,
06:44 He takes a rib out of his side closes it up and from that rib,
06:50 He now forms another creation, woman.
06:56 And it was the final act in God's creation.
06:59 She was part of him.
07:02 And the Bible simply states for that reason,
07:07 a man shall leave his father and mother,
07:10 shall cleave to his wife, and they should become one.
07:15 And we notice, He took the rib and He made it into woman.
07:19 And Adam said, "She is bone of my bones.
07:22 Therefore man shall leave his father and mother
07:25 and be joined to his wife
07:26 and they shall become one flesh."
07:28 Let's take a careful look at what God is doing here.
07:33 Notice this scripture says,
07:35 "In His image He created a male and female."
07:40 I want you to notice that God did not create Adam and Steve.
07:44 And He did not create Eve and Genevieve.
07:49 Let's get a real straight that Creator
07:51 created male and female, He created them.
07:56 And God blessed them.
07:58 And he said, "Be fruitful and multiply."
08:03 It was God's intension that this crowning act
08:08 of His creation of man and woman in His own image,
08:12 they would be co-creators with Him.
08:17 We have to understand
08:18 that life is not something that man creates.
08:22 Although we are doing some pretty incredible things
08:24 in laboratories in genetic modifications,
08:27 please notice carefully, they're still using life.
08:32 When Darwin wrote his book
08:33 "The Origin of Species" in his book
08:37 in one of his closing chapters,
08:39 He said, "God breathe life into one cell."
08:44 That's what it says.
08:45 And Darwin never explains origin.
08:48 He starts with life, because he thought well,
08:50 life just a simple thing.
08:52 Well, as we've already noted this morning, it's not simple.
08:56 In fact every cell is more complex in New York City.
08:59 It is so complex and there are 75 to 100 trillion of those
09:04 that makes up the human body
09:07 and that is one of the demonstrations
09:10 that Darwin did not understand.
09:13 And he does not treat the subject of origins.
09:17 In his book per say he talks about life evolving
09:21 after life is already there.
09:24 Somebody has jokingly said that the engineers got to go
09:27 and they said, "God, we don't think it's such a big deal
09:29 that You made man and woman we can do that."
09:33 And God said, "Alright, well, go ahead."
09:34 And so the scientists got together
09:36 and they start scraping the dirt together.
09:38 And God said, "Now, make your own dirt."
09:43 You see man in His great wisdom,
09:47 he thinks he's doing such great awesome things,
09:50 but they're working with God's dirt.
09:53 You know, they didn't make this dirt.
09:54 And they are utilizing what he had.
09:59 And so God said, "Fill the earth and subdue it."
10:04 I remember it was spring morning at the campus
10:08 of Southern University, and I was there.
10:12 And I was dating this girl,
10:13 and I was sure she was going to be my wife.
10:18 She did not end up being my wife personally.
10:21 God had another plan.
10:23 But she asked me the question, Terry, what is love?
10:26 And I said, well it's a--well it's...
10:32 You know I was a theology student in my third year and,
10:37 you know, you should know a lot of these questions.
10:39 And my girlfriend asked me this question, what is love?
10:42 And I said, well it's a--well it's a...
10:47 And I couldn't define it.
10:49 And so I thought well, I go to the weekly prayer speaker.
10:53 They were having weekly prayer at that time.
10:54 And I gonna asked him, so I asked him the question.
10:56 I said, Sir, what is love? And he said, Hmm.
10:59 He said, that's a very good question.
11:00 Well, I knew that and so we talked a while.
11:06 We went around the mulberry bush about three times.
11:08 I went outside and I did know anymore than when I went in.
11:10 And I thought wow, what is love?
11:14 And I began to search the answer to that question.
11:17 I'm gonna give you the answer
11:18 that I've found that made a need in my life.
11:21 It's found in a very old book.
11:24 I found it in the Musty Archives of the Seminary Building.
11:28 It was the book by the title
11:29 "The Christian Doctrine of Sanctification" by F.B. Marsh.
11:33 And he was describing the relationship
11:36 that Adam had with Eve and God before sin.
11:43 And it goes like this,
11:46 "The constant flow of benevolent affection
11:50 is the most delightful of all human sensations.
11:53 And when fixed upon an object truly worthy of it
11:57 and this flowing is not impeded
11:58 or held back by any conflicting emotions
12:01 or counteracting influence,
12:03 it is itself a source of happiness inexhaustible.
12:07 Love desires the good or honor of its object, not its own."
12:14 that's an incredible definition.
12:17 What he's saying is simply this.
12:20 In order to have love,
12:21 you must have a beloved an object outside itself.
12:28 And when love is focused on that object not itself
12:33 and that object is truly worthy of it
12:35 and this flowing is not impeded
12:37 or held back they in a conflicting
12:39 or counteracting influence.
12:43 This is itself a source of happiness inexhaustible,
12:46 because love is always concerned
12:48 about its object not itself.
12:53 My wife and I had an argument going on at our marriage
12:56 for the last 44 years and it's simply this.
13:01 Who loves who the most?
13:04 Did you ever try to out love, love?
13:06 You know, it's a fun thing to try to do
13:08 that because the more you give, the more it comes back.
13:11 I say, well, I love my wife and I might give her $10.
13:15 So I give her $10. And then she fix my favorite meal.
13:21 And this just goes on and on and on.
13:24 You just can't out give love.
13:27 And then she takes the $10 and go and buys me a shirt.
13:30 Well that was before inflation.
13:31 And so the more you give then it comes back.
13:34 And the more you give and it's just absolutely unending.
13:38 God created man in His own image, in His own likeness.
13:42 And He created them for a relationship of love
13:45 and God intended that you and I have an infinite capacity
13:52 to receive love and to give love.
13:56 That was the way He made man
13:58 in His own image, in His own likeness.
14:03 That was God's idea.
14:06 And that was what His plan was for the human race.
14:10 There're four proofs that we were created in God's image
14:15 and they all have to do with the marriage relationship.
14:18 Let's walk our way through those.
14:20 And so you answer these questions in your own mind.
14:22 I've asked these questions, they're four of them.
14:25 I've asked them of all kinds of audiences.
14:28 Number one, would you be willing to enter
14:31 into a lifetime relationship with a member
14:33 of the opposite sex if it was on the condition
14:36 that they could have other lovers?
14:40 No, don't think so. Okay, question two.
14:43 Would you be willing to enter to the relationship
14:45 with a member of the opposite sex
14:47 it was on the condition that they can have a red corvette
14:50 and spend 80 percent of their time waxing it,
14:52 polishing it, and driving it,
14:54 but you wouldn't be allowed to?
14:56 Would you like to be married to that kind of person?
15:00 Number three, would you be willing to enter
15:03 into a relationship with a member of the opposite sex
15:06 if he was on the condition
15:08 that the relationship is only at night?
15:11 They do not want anyone to ever know
15:14 that they have any connection with you.
15:17 Would you be willing?
15:19 And then number four,
15:22 would you be willing to enter into a relationship
15:25 with a member of the opposite sex it was on a condition
15:27 that they never have to keep a time-frame commitment
15:30 and it would be perfectly all right?
15:32 Do you agree, we're gonna meet for lunch at noon on Wednesday,
15:35 you've to show up and it's perfectly okay
15:37 and there's no question asked?
15:39 Would you be willing to change that relationship?
15:43 And they say, no, those are limbering questions.
15:46 Well, notice very carefully those four questions,
15:50 because they're the first four of our relationship
15:55 with God in the Ten Commandments.
15:57 Have no other Gods before me.
15:59 Don't make any graven images.
16:01 Don't take My name in vain.
16:03 And give Me the day that I said was Mine.
16:06 Listen to me carefully.
16:07 God is not willing to enter into a relationship
16:12 that you and I are not willing to enter into.
16:15 And to me, that's one of the strongest proofs
16:18 that we were created in His image after His likeness,
16:22 because we are not willing set up for our relationship
16:25 that He is not willing to set up for. Is that clear now?
16:30 Our God wants to write that law to dear people in your heart.
16:36 And the first part of our love as you got to receive it,
16:40 because you can't give if you don't have.
16:42 And the first act of that love is to receive God's love
16:46 and then you have a love with which to impart.
16:49 Now we notice He created man with a spiritual nature,
16:52 a mental nature, and a physical body.
16:55 Created in His image after His likeness.
16:58 After 6,000 years of sin, the spiritual power is blunted,
17:03 the image and likeness is almost
17:06 gone as it was from Adam.
17:09 And God is love and at the cross,
17:13 He demonstrated unselfish love
17:16 that He was willing to die for the creature.
17:20 And if you receive that love,
17:22 then you get back the kind of love
17:25 that is the only kind of love that will make
17:28 the marriage relationship work the way
17:31 that creator created it.
17:33 We notice in the human relationship side,
17:36 I'd like to snowflake. Love is not unlimited.
17:40 It has six boundaries of love.
17:44 That's respect, life, procreate life,
17:48 ownership, truth, and contentment."
17:52 And it works like this. Love has six sides,
17:56 six boundaries, six limits, and the kind of love
18:00 that God created will stay within those six sides
18:03 and those six sides are fragile.
18:06 Each one is kept in place by the neighbor next door to you
18:10 and as long as they have a self denying love
18:13 that will stay within the limits of those six sides
18:18 you find they live next door to.
18:20 Even trying to live with.
18:22 But lawlessness and sin respects no boundary.
18:27 And it will go pass that boundary and will invade
18:30 other people's space whether they like it or not.
18:34 Now we notice nature, gives a lot of attention to buds,
18:39 and flowers, and plants.
18:43 I wanna talk about the role of women.
18:45 Satan hates women, because you see
18:50 in Genesis 3:15, he said,
18:52 "I will put enmity between thy seed and Her seed,
18:54 you will bruise his head and he will bruise your heel."
18:58 In that setting, Satan recognized
19:01 as he studied the prophecy
19:02 that one day there would come a Redeemer
19:05 who would set the world free.
19:07 So he waged war on men.
19:10 But, there was a moment
19:15 that the seed of the woman,
19:18 the child of Mary, Emanuel
19:23 came into this world.
19:27 And I had one scientist tell me one time,
19:29 he thought that God created Eve
19:31 with one egg without a nucleus.
19:34 It could never be fertilized.
19:35 That was passed on from generation to generation
19:38 and finally when it came to Mary,
19:42 God created a nucleus and that one egg,
19:46 23 chromosomes from father.
19:49 And God's word says,
19:51 "He will be called the Son of God."
19:54 Emanuel was capable through woman
19:58 and through no other way.
19:59 I'm sorry guys, no matter how hard you try
20:02 and no matter how good you are,
20:03 there's just one thing you cannot do,
20:05 you cannot create a baby. It can't be done.
20:10 Only a woman, the crowning act of God's creation is capable
20:18 of performing that service for the human race.
20:23 And I'd like to just suggest
20:25 you ladies in this dying planet,
20:27 Satan has done everything in his power
20:30 to degrade the role of womanhood.
20:34 And drag it down be anything in this world
20:36 but don't be a mother, be anything but that.
20:40 And I'd like to suggest
20:42 Satan knows that the mother is the one,
20:47 is the architect of that next generation.
20:50 And if she's not doing her job, who will?
20:54 And Satan has come up
20:55 with a lot of alternative plans and none of them work.
21:00 There's only one person
21:01 who can really take that child of her womb,
21:04 and nurtured and cultivated it,
21:06 that same that got their love.
21:09 But let's just notice the role of woman.
21:13 "The distinctive duties of women are more sacred
21:17 and more holy, than those of men.
21:20 The king on his throne
21:21 has no higher work than has the mother."
21:26 The who? The king on his throne
21:27 has no higher work than has a mother.
21:31 "An angel could not ask for a higher mission,
21:34 than for doing the work that she is doing service for God.
21:40 No other work can equal hers in importance.
21:46 It is hers, with the help of God,
21:49 to develop in the human soul the likeness of the divine.
21:56 Next to God, the mother's power for good
22:00 is the strongest known on earth."
22:05 Is that clear to all? And you know,
22:10 I don't think people really believe
22:11 that it's the one occupation in this world
22:16 for which there's the least systematic education given.
22:22 And it's almost like if you had a good mother
22:24 where you learn from your mother
22:25 and you became a mother.
22:26 But if you had a bad mother, an irresponsible mother,
22:32 where you gonna learn this?
22:33 You know, how're you gonna fulfill this role,
22:37 this divine role where
22:40 we co-create with God that next generation.
22:46 That's not the only role.
22:48 What about our Father in Heaven?
22:52 In 1960, 90 percent of the Black children
22:55 grew up without a dad.
22:56 Are you aware of that?
22:58 No dad, where have all the men gone?
23:01 I wanna speak to the men for a minute.
23:02 Today only 20 or 30 percent
23:04 live in a home with their father.
23:05 Are you aware of that? Where have the men gone?
23:09 There are 1,484 references
23:11 to "Father" or "Fathers" in the word of God.
23:13 Thirty four times it talks about the "Fatherless"
23:17 and God says I'll be a father to the fatherless.
23:20 When we pray about your father which is in heaven.
23:24 Do you have a father in heaven?
23:28 And Jesus spoke about His Father.
23:30 They have the title of "Father"
23:32 gentlemen is an incredible title.
23:37 And it carries with it infinite responsibility.
23:40 Well, you know, when we relate to each other
23:43 fathers and mothers in our homes
23:45 that complete message how important are words.
23:49 If you notice this chart right here,
23:51 only 7 percent of the messages ever communicated with words.
23:56 The tone of the voice 38 percent
23:59 of the communication is with the voice.
24:03 Mary, Mary, Mary.
24:07 Yeah, we can say so much by what?
24:10 The tone of your voice. It says so much.
24:14 And then there is the nonverbal communication.
24:17 You know, and so forth
24:21 and I'd like to suggest to you people
24:23 when we are sharing love, we want to get across
24:26 the whole message and it functions in the home.
24:30 The role of father on earth.
24:33 There's the Fifth Commandment blessing.
24:36 There's holy sexuality.
24:39 The role of father and mother and God, it produces children.
24:44 Now as I said holy sexuality.
24:46 Some people didn't know they were such a thing.
24:49 Yeah, God created it.
24:50 It was not an afterthought. It was God's idea.
24:54 And He created men and women to be uniquely different,
24:59 not alike, on purpose not an afterthought, not a mistake
25:04 but specifically created for that particular role.
25:08 And fathers, if you read Ephesians 5:25 very carefully,
25:14 I find nowhere in the Bible where the Bible says,
25:16 "Wives that they love their husband."
25:18 Did you know that? It's not there.
25:21 But there is a commandment for men to love their wives.
25:26 But here's the point, gentlemen,
25:27 if you love your wife and she receives that love,
25:30 guess what she can give back?
25:32 The same kind of love that you gave her.
25:35 And if you are not giving it
25:37 and she is not getting it, guess what?
25:41 The flow isn't going to happen the way God created it to be.
25:46 There're seven basic needs of a woman.
25:49 And gentlemen, now one of those seven,
25:53 a man would think of.
25:56 And I have a handout on that.
25:58 And if you're watching this on DVD,
26:00 if you'll contact me, I'll send you a copy of it.
26:03 But gentleman, those needs
26:05 are so basic that when they were--
26:08 the secretaries were taping this up and it was developed
26:11 because they interviewed 4,000 women
26:13 and only when they all agreed
26:15 that it was a real need that they commit.
26:17 And the secretaries were taping,
26:19 and they said, "Wow, who got this up?
26:21 Oh, really knew a lot about woman."
26:24 The major point of Malachi 4, 5, and 6
26:26 is God wants to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children
26:30 and the children to their fathers.
26:31 Notice very carefully the text does not say,
26:34 He wants to turn the hearts
26:35 of the fathers and mothers to the children.
26:38 Now why you think He left out mothers?
26:41 Any mother in here can tell me the answer to that?
26:43 Listen, when you carry that child for nine months.
26:46 There is a bond and there is a connection
26:49 between that mother and that child that gentleman
26:52 you'll never know, and you'll never understand.
26:57 But only when she is loving and caring for,
27:00 can she fulfill that role? And so the role of father,
27:07 the family used to take the fathers name.
27:09 That's changing quite
27:11 dramatically in this world today.
27:14 He used to be the head of that household.
27:16 And in the Bible and all the genealogies,
27:18 it traces it through the father
27:21 and he used to be the law-maker.
27:24 And you're right to do that gentleman
27:25 is because you know the needs of everybody
27:28 under that jurisdiction and he used to be the priest
27:32 of that household, not the pastor.
27:35 He used to be the spiritual leader for that home.
27:38 And so let's take a look at Authority.
27:41 "Is one who gives protection and direction
27:44 to those whom God has called him to serve
27:46 within the limits of his responsibility.
27:50 All legitimate authority is derived from God's authority
27:53 and to oppose that authority is ultimately to oppose God."
27:59 So keep that in mind. God created authority
28:05 and He is authority and He created us
28:07 in His own image and His own likeness.
28:10 And only right to authority is that you know
28:12 how to meet the needs of those under that authority.
28:15 And every authority is only a bigger servant
28:17 unless we first learn to be a servant,
28:19 there is no way you can possibly
28:21 be in legitimate authority.
28:24 Well, you know, when a couple comes to get married.
28:28 By the law of genetics, you'll influence 680 people
28:34 if each one had four children
28:38 and those four children had four children and so forth 680.
28:43 And so this business of marriage, someone says,
28:45 well, it's nobody's business but mine.
28:47 Think again, no it's everybody's business,
28:50 because you will affect by the law of genetics
28:54 way more than just each other.
28:57 Look into my great-grandmother at 103,
29:02 that's five generations passing through there.
29:05 Does each generation affects the next generation?
29:09 Yes, they do, by the law of genetics most profound way.
29:14 Well, you know, young people, they wanna Fly United.
29:21 And let's just suppose we go to the airport,
29:24 and we gonna fly united,
29:25 we just can't wait to fly united.
29:27 We're gonna fly united,
29:28 we go to the counter there to pick up our ticket
29:31 and then we see the sign on the air and it says,
29:35 only one out of every one hundred flights
29:38 ever reaches its destination.
29:41 Would you be interested in flight?
29:44 But you still don't know how we're gonna fly,
29:45 you know, we're gonna fly united.
29:47 So we go to, we're just right about in
29:48 and we know there is another sign it says,
29:50 half of all our planes crashed.
29:53 Would you still wanna fly?
29:55 Hear me carefully you that's your chances statically
30:02 of flying united for a lifetime together.
30:08 That's the chances statistically.
30:12 God had a plan and Satan dynamited
30:14 that plan in everyway he could. He's still dynamiting.
30:19 And let's just take a look at the way
30:24 marriages are arranged in today's world.
30:28 The modern marriage arrangement
30:30 breaks every rule of God's law.
30:34 First of all I wanna marry who I please
30:37 and God is never consulted, He's second to the lover.
30:42 That spouse become so important I can't pray,
30:44 all I can do is see your face.
30:46 You know, it's just the most dominating thing
30:49 and we worship them. We take their name in vain
30:52 what God has joined together.
30:54 Let no man put asunder,
30:55 we take the name and we forget it.
30:58 And they cannot enter His rest
31:00 because they are all wrapped up in him or her,
31:02 that's all they can think about.
31:05 And then when we think about it on a human level,
31:07 young people fall in their marriages
31:09 and they choose their spouse whom they wanna marry
31:12 and they come in all starry night one night
31:14 and they announce to father and mother saying,
31:16 we're getting married, you wanna pay for the wedding.
31:19 But the parents were never consulted.
31:22 The killing, the murder,
31:23 the suicide all over jilted lovers.
31:26 The adultery, the fornication,
31:28 sex with no commitment is the theme of every pop song,
31:32 is the theme of nearly every movie.
31:33 Satan is dynamiting what God put the stealing of affection.
31:38 They're lying and they're playing with hearts.
31:40 They're coveting of a neighbor's girlfriend
31:42 or wife, and it goes on and on.
31:46 It's not the way it's happening in our world today.
31:48 And to the youth in my audience
31:49 I would say to you, if you're gonna have a home
31:52 like God created it to be,
31:54 then you're gonna have to do something
31:55 dramatically different in the society around you.
32:02 Just notice the leap in the U.S. divorce rate.
32:06 In 1900, it was around 15 percent
32:09 and then we notice as the years went by it gradually increased.
32:15 Between 1970 and 1975 it took a big jump.
32:20 And now, you know, statistically
32:22 if you plan to see there is a length of time
32:27 when there is a gap between you sow the seed
32:31 and you reap the harvest.
32:33 And so my question to you
32:35 is what happened 20 years earlier in 1970
32:42 that could have produced that dramatic jump in divorce?
32:47 What happened 20 years earlier?
32:50 That's a generation 20 years earlier.
32:52 What happened to make that huge jump in the divorce rates
32:56 if we were to statistically just sit and think
32:59 for a moment, what happened?
33:02 All right, rock 'n' roll came in.
33:04 That was a new kind of music it came in
33:07 and it was exploiting its name itself was an immoral name
33:12 and it came in to the scene,
33:16 but there're something else that happened.
33:19 T.V, yes and I remember
33:23 and I'm now right old I don't think,
33:26 but I remember the first T.V. show very clearly.
33:28 I remember how far my grandpa
33:30 had to drive to go to where we watched it.
33:33 I remember everything we watched that night.
33:35 And it has made a profound affect on the marriage role.
33:42 Devastating result, two things,
33:43 music and the TV and the movies,
33:47 they have all added their contribution.
33:52 Love, it's not the way God created to be.
33:56 There's something to be exploited and misused.
34:00 I want you to notice how the relationships are forming
34:04 in our world today in the society level.
34:08 And so here we have a normal boy meets a normal girl.
34:12 And they are not born again.
34:16 And their physical bodies you notice is as strong as dynamic.
34:21 And when they meet what's the first part that meets?
34:25 They meet on a physical level.
34:27 They're kissing and hugging and the physical aspects
34:31 are all a major part of that relationship,
34:34 but you'll notice in the center part mind wise
34:38 and spirit wise there's no connection.
34:40 I don't know whether they serve the same God.
34:42 They don't know whether they like onions or not.
34:45 They don't know-- well, you know,
34:46 there's so much they don't know,
34:48 all they know is the meeting on the physical level first.
34:52 And they think wow, this is so fantastic
34:55 there is just a piece of cake.
34:56 But all the rest is totally unknown.
34:59 But notice the spiritual round.
35:01 Born again guy meets a born again girl.
35:06 And they begin to form a relationship.
35:08 Now where do they meet first?
35:11 First they meet on the spiritual level.
35:14 If you're looking for a spiritual spouse to people
35:17 you won't find them in a bar.
35:19 You'll find them in a church.
35:21 You will find them in a synagogue.
35:23 You'll find them in a mosque.
35:24 You'll find them in some place
35:26 where God is adored and worshiped.
35:29 And so that's where you go looking.
35:31 They meet on the spiritual round first and then they meet
35:34 on the mental round of relationships.
35:38 They become best friends.
35:41 And notice they still haven't met on the physical over yet.
35:45 And as that relationship deepens and builds,
35:48 they will come on a wedding day,
35:51 then they become unitedly one. That's God's idea.
35:56 Developing a friendship. As my brother said,
36:00 while his marriage is just being best friends.
36:04 And you know what is? It's being best friend.
36:07 But you know what if you're not best friends,
36:10 it's not best friends and the way you become
36:12 best friend as you build a relationship of friendship.
36:16 Be alert to the people around you, have a cheerful,
36:18 friendly countenance and smile.
36:20 Learn and remember the name. Greet them by name.
36:22 Ask them appropriate questions. Be a good listener.
36:26 And remind yourself of the initial interest
36:29 that God has for that person.
36:31 And then as you have a casual friendship,
36:34 discover their strong points.
36:36 Learn about their hopes and desire
36:38 they have for their life.
36:39 Develop and ask appropriate specific questions.
36:42 Show an interest and concern
36:44 if they share a problem with you.
36:46 Be honest about yourself
36:48 and acknowledge your faults to them
36:50 when appropriate and reflect interest.
36:53 Talk about God to them.
36:55 And then you have the close friendship.
36:58 See potential in their life.
37:00 Discover and discuss specific goals.
37:03 Assume personal responsibility for their development.
37:07 Discern conflicts that would hinder
37:09 the development of these goals.
37:11 Be creative in designing projects
37:13 that would help reach those goals.
37:15 Learn how to build interest for these projects.
37:18 And be alert to scripture which will encourage and guide them.
37:22 And then intimate friendships.
37:25 And we don't have too many intimate friends.
37:29 Learn to give comfort in time of trial.
37:33 Assume personal responsibility for their reputation.
37:37 Be sensitive to traits and attitudes
37:39 which need improvement both in yourself and them.
37:42 Learn to discover basic causes of character deficiencies.
37:45 Build interest for correction of these deficiencies.
37:49 Be able to talk about your faults.
37:52 And share scriptures for key solutions to those fault,
37:56 and a commitment to faithfulness,
37:58 loyalty, and availability.
38:02 Qualities to look for. Make a list.
38:05 You know, I made a list. I was in high school
38:08 and a weekly prayer speaker said,
38:10 "Be inquest for the best and settle for nothing less."
38:13 And that's my appeal
38:14 to the young people here this morning.
38:16 God has a plan for you.
38:19 He has a spouse in mind for you
38:20 and it's not just anybody.
38:25 So make a list, do they love the Lord
38:28 and are they His disciple.
38:29 Listen if they don't love the Lord,
38:31 they will not have a self-denying love
38:34 that you will be worthy of.
38:36 Step two, are they cheerful?
38:40 Beware of the person who says,
38:41 "Oh, I can't live without and you're the only one
38:44 who can make me in happy in all world."
38:46 Listen, a wedding vow never made a non-happy person happy.
38:52 Get it real straight if they're not already happy without you,
38:55 you're not gonna make them that happy.
38:57 They got to have that happiness already there
39:01 and then that adds to your happiness but there is--
39:04 if they're miserable
39:05 and just can't commit that they are unhappy.
39:07 Girls, I don't care how attractive,
39:09 your marrying him is gonna change him
39:12 to become cheerful and happy,
39:14 if he's not first already happy.
39:16 Are they thankful? Are they grateful?
39:19 Are they discontented and grumpy and growly?
39:22 Marriage doesn't change that attitude.
39:26 Are they thankful for their father and mother?
39:28 Are they a creative hard worker?
39:32 You know, two people can live cheaper than one.
39:36 That's not true. They cannot live cheaper than one
39:41 and now they don't stay one for very long.
39:45 And that leads us to the next point.
39:47 Do they love children? Do they like to be around children?
39:53 Marriage is all about children.
39:55 Marriage is all about passing
39:56 onto that next generation of life
39:59 that was passed onto you.
40:00 And if they don't love children,
40:02 how're we gonna make a good spouse?
40:04 Discerning God's choice for a life partner,
40:08 Only date and marry a growing Christian.
40:10 I don't find anything in the Bible
40:11 that talks about missionary dating.
40:13 In fact, God specifically said,
40:15 "Do not marry the unbelievers."
40:19 And that was a great prohibition
40:21 that Israel failed to keep much to herself.
40:25 Relate dating and marriage to God's purpose in my life.
40:29 You know if God's calling you to be a concert pianist,
40:33 but then would you really want to marry a rancher
40:35 in the middle of Texas somewhere.
40:36 You got to think about purposes,
40:38 do they go together? Are they compatible?
40:42 "Do not defraud the one I date."
40:45 Don't build a fire you can't fulfill.
40:48 "Both of us must be in harmony at home."
40:52 If our parents don't approve with that relationship,
40:55 it probably won't be a safe one
40:57 and wait for God's timing and marriage.
41:00 "And I will yield my right to date and marry to God."
41:04 And a result will be, "God will bring
41:06 that person into my life at the right time."
41:11 Is God concerned about who we marry,
41:14 and this is idea. He established it.
41:18 His holy law is all about relationships
41:22 from beginning to end and He wants to create that law
41:25 in our heart of hearts through His seed catalog
41:30 that our homes can be all that God created them to be.
41:36 Nature put so much attention to the buds
41:40 that grow on that next generation.
41:44 And God will have us do the same.
41:48 I can't close this discussion without just saying one thing,
41:53 what about damaged or broken relationships?
41:57 Jesus talked about that in Matthew 19:3,
42:02 as He talked about it, He made it real clear
42:06 to the religious leaders of His day
42:08 when they asked Him that question
42:12 and Jesus said in verse 4, "Have you not read
42:17 that He who made them in the beginning made them
42:19 male and female for this reason
42:21 they shall leave their father and mother,
42:22 be joined to his wife, and they shall be one flesh.
42:25 So they are no longer two but one flesh.
42:27 Therefore what God has joined together
42:29 let not man separate."
42:30 Because they asked Him a question about divorce.
42:32 Is it lawful for a man to get divorce?
42:36 And notice when those 23 chromosomes join together,
42:40 they become one in such a way
42:42 that no divorce court can ever separate it, ever.
42:46 That's a oneness that only God could create.
42:51 But He hates divorce. And they said,
42:54 "Why did Moses command
42:55 to give her a certificate of divorce and put her away?"
42:58 Notice His answer, "Moses,
43:00 because of the hardness of your hearts,
43:02 permitted you to divorce your wives,
43:05 but from the beginning it was not so."
43:09 That was not God's plan.
43:12 And so then He says, "Whoever divorces his wife,
43:14 except for sexual immorality, marries another,
43:16 commits adultery, and whoever marries her
43:19 who is divorced commits adultery.
43:21 And His disciples said, wow,
43:22 that's why it is to better not to marry."
43:25 Jesus made it real clear.
43:28 He hates divorce, but it happens.
43:33 And with the sound of my voice
43:34 and those who are watching this on T.V, flee to the cross
43:38 and find the love that can forgive its enemies.
43:43 Rejected love is no pain like it.
43:47 Jesus knows all about it.
43:49 But He was rejected and was all alone.
43:54 And in First John 1:9, He wants to give that love back.
43:57 He wants us to have it.
44:00 And focus on the family that's its phone number.
44:04 If you're in a pain of a divorce,
44:06 they have a lot of help for you and its available to you.
44:11 And I would encourage you to find a godly
44:14 counselor to help you to work through the pain and suffering.
44:18 God is in the restoration business.
44:21 And He wants to restore back
44:23 all the years of the locus of Eden.
44:27 His prayer is "That they may be one even is real one."
44:31 And I wanna draw a conclusion to this message today.
44:38 Its God's planet they may be one.
44:40 His name was Emmanuel.
44:42 He came to unite the human race.
44:45 His word is truth. And His glory was the cross
44:49 because at the cross you see a love
44:51 that couldn't stop loving. It just never quit loving.
44:56 And He wants to restore that love back into the human heart
45:01 so that God and man and woman
45:07 can enter into that original relationship
45:10 when He created man in His own image, in His own likeness.
45:15 But that could be the relationship and at the cross,
45:22 that love was discovered to be infinite, unlimited.
45:28 And when we open our hearts to that love in,
45:32 then we have that love to share with the one
45:36 that God might bring into our life.
45:38 I want to draw a conclusion to this message.
45:52 Jesus, when He gave His famous sermon on the Mount,
45:59 drew a conclusion to that sermon in the seventh chapter.
46:04 It was His last story to summarize
46:08 the sermon on the Mount.
46:12 And He said there were two men
46:19 who build a house,
46:22 and to the young people here today,
46:30 you're seeking to build a home.
46:38 What kind of home will it be?
46:42 And how will you build it?
46:45 The world has many plans.
46:50 And even house building.
46:55 The question is, are you gonna build it
46:59 like the Creator had in mind
47:04 or are you gonna try to follow
47:05 the dying decayed society around us?
47:09 People walking and they sparks with their candle.
47:14 And Jesus said, "The wise man
47:16 build his house on a rock, a foundation."
47:24 And so as we build on that...
47:34 rock. I build a house in Montana on a mountain top.
47:40 I'm here to tell you
47:42 when you build a house on a mountain top,
47:44 that's different than building it in town.
47:49 It's a lot more difficult. And...
47:57 as you build on a mountain top,
48:10 it's more work...
48:12 to take the building materials up there.
48:19 The children know about this story of Jesus.
48:26 I decided that I wanted to build my house
48:31 on the solid promises of God's word.
48:43 There's another choice, by the way, up on the mountains
48:47 where I build in Montana,
48:52 the trees look like that most of the time.
48:58 It was in the Snow Belt and the snow would...
49:04 come...
49:15 and it lasted and it lasted and it lasted.
49:18 But when I built that house,
49:21 our first house there in Montana,
49:26 we never saw the ground again two weeks after it was built.
49:29 It was just to show I had no insulation nothing,
49:33 no windows, just partly kind of windows,
49:35 we never saw the snow again for the next--
49:37 I mean we never the ground again for next four months.
49:40 That was an interesting experience.
49:42 Well, there was another man, Jesus described him
49:46 and Jesus said that every home
49:48 is gonna have to have three tests,
49:52 the test of rain, the test of wind,
49:56 and the test of flood.
49:58 And the married people within this auditorium
49:59 always know that your marriage
50:01 will pass all those three tests.
50:04 But the foolish man, he build his house differently.
50:10 I ask you the question,
50:14 what made the difference
50:16 between the wise man and the foolish?
50:19 And you'll say, wow, the wise man, he built it on a rock
50:23 and the foolish man built it on the sand.
50:26 No solid foundation. I'll tell why?
50:31 What made the difference?
50:32 We often miss the point of the story.
50:37 Jesus put it this way.
50:40 All those who hear my words
50:45 and do them are like the wise man
50:49 who built his house upon a rock.
50:53 For those who hear my words and don't do them,
50:59 they are like the foolish man
51:01 who built his house on the sand.
51:04 And so my question to you is this,
51:09 young people,
51:11 are you gonna build your home on the solid,
51:17 unchanging,
51:20 eternal...
51:23 principles of the word of the living God,
51:28 or are you gonna build your home on hormones
51:33 and feelings like the dying decayed society around us?
51:40 Or if you would take this book
51:42 and make it the pattern
51:48 upon which you're going to build your relationships
51:53 and harmony with this holy law of love.
52:02 And as we see this picture of the way it really ends
52:09 you will be building your life on the solid,
52:13 unchanging principles of the life of Emanuel.
52:20 And that unselfish love will make your home stand
52:26 when the winds blow, the winds of strife,
52:30 when the rains of tears come,
52:32 when the flood of difficulty challenges
52:35 the foundation upon which you built it,
52:40 then your home will stand.
52:44 And I wanna challenge the youth here today.
52:47 How you're gonna built?
52:51 I decided I was gonna build my home
52:55 on the principles of this book.
52:58 I had a friend who had a girl in every port,
53:01 he bragged about it.
53:04 As you practice, you'll perform.
53:09 When he got married
53:12 he never could keep his kisses at home he never had.
53:18 And he went through three divorces
53:19 the last time I counted
53:23 because he built his home
53:25 on the shifting plan of feelings and hormones.
53:30 But I decided that I would build my home differently.
53:35 I believe that kisses were sacred and holy
53:37 and belonged only on just one person.
53:41 That was the person that I was gonna love for a lifetime.
53:46 The first girl I kissed, I thought would be my wife.
53:49 The second girl I kissed is my wife.
53:53 We've had 44 years of fantastic hugging and kissing.
53:56 I wouldn't trade places as my buddy for anything.
54:02 Will you build your home on a solid, unchanging,
54:08 immovable, unchangeable word of the living God
54:13 and allow Him to put those principles in your heart
54:19 and love those best who love Christ most.
54:26 Could we pray?
54:28 Eternal Father, we thank You for the privilege
54:31 of being co-creators and having a relationship called love.
54:38 And there's this dying world Lord
54:40 you want our homes to be like a light in a dark place,
54:46 demonstrating a guppy, a guppy love
54:52 such a prayer today.
54:54 I like to raise your hand and say by God's grace
54:57 young people particularly even others
55:00 build your home on the promises of God's word.
55:04 If that's your prayer, you just wanna raise your hand and say,
55:06 yes and if you're marrying you want to recommit to that,
55:09 God will help thou.
55:12 Thank you, Father,
55:14 for making that possible in this dying world
55:19 because we ask you in Jesus holy name, amen.
55:43 Worship Him
55:51 Worship Him, worship Him
55:56 Worship Him that made heaven
56:00 The heaven, the earth, the sea, and the fountains of waters
56:10 Worship him that made
56:17 Worship him, worship him
56:31 Fear God Fear God and give glory to him
56:38 Worship him that made
56:43 Fear God Fear God and give glory
56:48 Give glory to him Glory to him
56:55 The birds declare the glory of God
57:01 And the firmament showeth his handiwork
57:08 The earth is a void and a formless thereof
57:14 The earth is formed of land and regions fall
57:30 Worship Him
57:39 Worship Him, worship Him
57:45 Worship Him that made heaven
57:48 The heaven, the earth, the sea, and the fountains of waters
57:58 Worship him that made
58:05 Worship Him, Worship Him
58:21 Worship Him


Revised 2014-12-17