Participants: Terry McComb
Series Code: OR
Program Code: OR000005
00:01 In the beginning
00:03 the earth was without form and void. 00:07 Then God said, "Let there be light." 00:11 And there was light. 00:14 And God divided the light from the darkness. 00:17 So the evening and the morning were the first day. 00:30 So the evening and the morning were the second day. 00:35 Then God said, "Let the waters under the heaven 00:37 be gathered together into one place, 00:39 and let the dry land appear, 00:41 let the earth bring forth grass, and herb, 00:44 and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind." 00:47 So, the evening and the morning were the third day. 00:52 Then God made two great lights; 00:54 he made the stars also. 00:55 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day. 01:00 Then God said, "Let the waters abound 01:02 within abundance of living creatures, 01:03 and let birds fly above the earth 01:06 across the face of the firmament of the heavens." 01:10 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 01:15 Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creature 01:18 according to its kind, cattle, and creeping things, 01:21 and beast of the earth." 01:24 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, 01:28 according to our likeness". 01:29 So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. 01:34 And on the seventh day God ended 01:36 His work which He had done; 01:37 and He rested the seventh day 01:39 from all His work which He had done. 01:40 Then God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, 01:43 because in it He had rested from all His work 01:46 which God had created and made. 01:49 And indeed it was very good. 01:53 As we begin this evening let's begin with prayer. 01:57 Holy Father, we're just thank you for the privileged 02:01 to take a walk through your original week of time. 02:05 And we earnestly invite the same Holy Spirit 02:08 that was active in that creative week. 02:11 To create in our hearts and minds 02:12 tonight refreshing counter with your own divinity 02:16 through Your word. 02:18 Teach us now as our prayer in Jesus name, amen. 02:23 We've been walking our through the creation story. 02:27 We discovered on day one, 02:30 that God separated light from darkness. 02:34 And day two, He separated water from water. 02:39 On day three, He separated land 02:42 from water and created plants on the land. 02:46 Now tonight, you have your Bibles, 02:48 let's turn to Genesis, the very first Chapter. 02:51 "So the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 02:55 And then God said, "Let the waters abound 02:59 within abundance of living creatures," 03:02 with living creatures. 03:04 The Hebrew word there is for souls, living souls. 03:07 There is actually a grater variety 03:10 among the fish creatures, than among all other land 03:16 and water vertebrates put together 21,000 species 03:22 are cold blooded. 03:24 And there are two basic types, 95% have a bone skeleton, 03:27 rest have cartilage type structure 03:33 instead of bone as such. 03:36 And the scripture says, 03:37 and God created great sea creatures. 03:40 The word for creatures there is the Hebrew word, 03:43 leviathan, and every living thing that moves, 03:47 with which the waters abounded, 03:48 according to their kind, 03:50 and God saw that it was good. 03:54 We discovered the word leviathan 03:56 is actually mentioned in David, Isaiah, and Job. 04:01 And if we read Job's account there in the 40th Chapter, 04:06 leviathan we strongly suspect was probably a dinosaur. 04:12 It's a creature that we've never seen in these times. 04:16 And God said, "He made it." 04:18 and we have to take His word for that. 04:21 As we take a look at the fish that God 04:24 created on this fifth day. 04:28 We want to notice some interesting features 04:30 about water itself, color underwater is phenomenal. 04:36 And the reason it is phenomenal 04:37 is because it should not be there! 04:40 Because Red disappears at 10 feet in the water, 04:46 and then Orange disappears at 15 feet. 04:49 And Yellow disappears at 30 feet 04:52 and Blue at 60 feet fades away 04:56 into utter darkness. 04:59 And so the question we ask ourselves 05:00 when we look into the ocean and we use our strobe lights 05:05 and we use artificial lights and we can go down 60 feet 05:09 or more where its just total blackness, 05:12 and this is not because of our eyes, 05:14 this has to do with the physics of water itself. 05:18 And what it does to the color, it's just taken out. 05:22 And so the question 05:23 is why there is so much awesome 05:26 color 60 feet or deeper. 05:31 When as far as we can tell nobody ever sees it, 05:36 except the Creator. 05:39 And for that I just gather the fact that God 05:42 is a love of the beautiful whether you can see it or not. 05:46 And God loves hidden beauty 05:49 and He puts it that way. 05:52 And I think there is a lesson for us spiritually, 05:56 God loves the inside of your character 05:59 where nobody else can see it, 06:00 and He wants to make it beautiful 06:02 with His own seven character qualities 06:06 from the inside out. 06:08 And so we wanna take a look tonight 06:10 and take a little journey down into the water 06:13 and go down 60 feet or deeper, 06:16 the pictures that were going to see 06:18 most of those were taken by Bruce and Anita Bassett. 06:22 He was an atheist and his wife 06:24 was a backslidden Baptist I believe. 06:28 And when they got married 06:30 and they began to do underwater exploration. 06:33 They love to do scuba diving and take pictures 06:37 and the more did that and a more they studied it. 06:41 The more they were awed by what they saw. 06:45 And their testimony was this. 06:47 After spending untold hours beneath 06:51 the surface of the sea, as they beheld 06:56 the glory of the Creator 06:57 of what He created on this fifth day, 07:00 they call it God's hidden beauty of the fifth day 07:03 as they studied that. 07:06 They became a believer and he went from an atheist 07:10 to a believer just because of what he saw a God's 07:14 handy work created there on the fifth day. 07:17 And God bless them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, 07:22 and fill the waters in the sea, Genesis 1 verse 22. 07:27 Here we discover 07:28 in the creations story God now creates creatures. 07:33 With the capacity to reproduce after their own kind 07:39 and they had the capacity to move, they had life, 07:42 unlike the plants, they still followed the same law 07:47 of genetics, and they now had the power to reproducing. 07:53 God specifically said to them, 07:55 "Be fruitful and multiply 07:58 and multiply indeed they did. 08:01 And so here we're looking at one of the sea crabs. 08:05 Notice that in the ocean we find many creatures 08:09 relate to each other and I don't know you can figure 08:13 this out or not but that's barnacles 08:15 up on the top that have taken up residence 08:17 there with the sea crab. 08:20 This is a Nudibranch, 08:23 the Nudibranch is there about 2000 species of these 08:26 and they live in warmer tropical waters 08:30 and what makes them unique they call Nudibranches, 08:32 because you can see the filly apparatus 08:36 at the back of this creature and that its gills. 08:41 And the gills round the outside of this creature 08:45 and that were it takes in water. 08:48 We also discover when you go down underneath 08:50 the waters and you go deep below 60 feet, 08:53 you can't go as far as 6 miles deep into the ocean. 08:59 And at these deeper levels there are many fish 09:03 that carry their own light with them. 09:05 For what makes it truly remarkable is that the lights 09:09 that they carry with them at this total anky darkness areas 09:13 is they have little pockets and then those pockets 09:16 they have bacteria and those bacteria emit light. 09:22 And these pockets are translucent 09:24 and so the fish can pull up the shade 09:27 and turn the light on of the bacteria 09:30 or they can put the shade down and turn the light off, 09:32 now is that an amazing harmonious relationship 09:37 between bacteria and fish. 09:39 And they carry around these bacteria 09:42 in their back pockets so to speak, 09:44 and as they swim around the bacteria gets extra food, 09:48 because it comes in as they swim along 09:51 and so it works out a very handy 09:53 arrangement for both of them. 09:54 Is another one of the sea creatures, 09:55 many of these sea creatures look almost like a plant, 09:59 but they actually are not. 10:01 This is a Sea Anemome and then we have another Nudibranch, 10:05 again notice that the gills on the outside. 10:08 This is another Nudibranch 10:10 laying a ribbon of eggs 10:12 and you can see the yellow ribbon there. 10:15 And these are Sea Snails. 10:18 Notice again the beautiful color 10:20 and then we have another Nudibranch. 10:23 We're gonna look at quite of them 10:24 because each one is unique and different, 10:27 different color, different styles 10:30 and they do different things. 10:32 The fish that holds the world's record for a capacity 10:36 to hold its own breathe, it neither eat, 10:40 nor drink nor as far as we can tell 10:43 even breathe is called the lungfish. 10:47 It lives in Africa and it lives in the streams 10:51 there and then those streams 10:53 they go dry during the dry season. 10:56 And this lungfish will roll itself up in a mud ball 11:01 and it will get as hard as a rock and the sun shines 11:04 on it and then it stays in that condition 11:09 for weeks and months. 11:11 And finally when the rain return 11:14 the mud softens and they swim, 11:16 the fish will quickly swim out lay their eggs 11:20 and then the dry season comes again. 11:23 And they will go roll themselves 11:25 back up in a mud ball. 11:27 And here's the thing that so astonishing this lungfish. 11:32 They've actually tested this out. 11:35 It can go for seven years 11:39 without any water. 11:41 And when they put it back in the water, 11:45 it literally resurrects and comes back to life 11:48 and begins to breathe and swim and lays its eggs 11:51 and goes back right on with his lifestyle. 11:53 Think of it, seven years without breathing or eating, 11:56 it's in some kind of state of hibernation. 11:59 Nudibranch another one, Kirby tells that there was a fish 12:05 that had a ring in its gills and a castle moat 12:09 over in Europe and this fish swim around 12:12 there and they actually timed it 12:17 as it were 267 years 12:21 that fish lived in the moat of that castle 12:24 with the ring in its gills. 12:27 Fish can live very long lengths of time. 12:31 And then we have our starfish, 12:34 and they are unique creature. 12:35 And then we have the Frog Fish of Indonesia. 12:39 Its about the size of our house cat 12:42 and what makes this fish unique, 12:44 its almost as though the Creator had a sense of humor, 12:47 because I don't know you can see it up, 12:49 but there is a tongue sticking out of that mouth 12:51 and that tongue it can curl 12:54 it around and looks like worm almost like anglerfish, 12:58 a needle flip that tongue around and another fish 13:01 will come along and think it's a worm and go for it 13:04 and they end up for lunch because they gobbled it up. 13:08 This particular fish also can change 13:11 its color incredibly fast. 13:13 This is true of many of the creatures 13:16 that live in the sea. 13:17 They can change their colors 13:18 just almost within a few seconds. 13:21 Another picture of a starfish 13:24 many-many different kinds of starfish 13:27 and many different sizes, all the way from big to little. 13:31 This is s the Cuttlefish; 13:33 this one is about half inch in size, 13:36 it's a cousin to the octopus or the squid. 13:40 And you can see the tentacles there underneath its body. 13:44 It can swim with his using its legs like fins 13:49 or it can also use jet propulsion. 13:53 And that was where mankind learned about jets 13:56 was from the squid and from its cousin, the octopus. 14:01 And the octopus also has a very unique way 14:04 of getting way from its enemies, 14:06 it can shootout black ink 14:08 and under the cover of that blank ink 14:10 it can escape and get away. 14:12 This is the Leaf Scorpion Fish 14:16 and it is toxic on its fins. 14:21 There are many creatures in the sea 14:23 that have its own system of poison of different kinds, 14:28 this one is in its fins up along at the top. 14:30 Another picture of our starfish. 14:37 And this is a seahorse, 14:39 and they are rather unique little creature. 14:41 The Seahorse were makes them rather unique. 14:45 Daddy's do a lot of the baby sitting as it were, 14:48 because when the enemies come along 14:51 he just open his mouth and all the babies swim right 14:53 and he keep them inside his mouth 14:55 and that the enemy is gone 14:56 and he let's them all back out again. 14:58 This is the Pygmy Seahorse. 15:00 I'm not sure if you can see it 15:01 or not many of the creatures of the sea, 15:04 rely on coloration for their protection from the enemies. 15:10 There you can see it, if you didn't see it 15:12 before just a little tiny guy as he blends 15:16 in there with his background. 15:18 Well again and we think about the beautiful colors. 15:22 That we see in the under water world. 15:25 This one the Queen Angelfish. 15:28 Now ladies, you got to admit 15:30 and when it comes to dress 15:32 it would be pretty hard to beat that, don't you think. 15:34 There is just such a greater variety 15:36 among fish that among all on the land and water 15:40 vertebrates put together. 15:41 In Mathew 6 verse 25 and 29, 15:46 it asks the question, why do you worry about your life, 15:51 above what you're going to going wear for clothing. 15:55 And when we take a look at the beautiful variety 15:58 that we see in the world of fish, 16:01 then we can know that we don't really 16:05 have to worry about our clothing, 16:06 but our heavenly Father, 16:08 who loves beauty is going to look after us, 16:11 just as surely as He looks after this fish. 16:15 Now what would you suppose 16:17 this fish's name might be, you're right. 16:22 Its call the Four-eyed Butterfly Fish. 16:25 Which one is the true eye, 16:27 after they're close but it's at the front end here. 16:30 We think about the fish and we think about 16:32 the tremendous strength 16:35 that is found among fish. 16:38 We can be almost overwhelmed. 16:41 Paul Harvey told about a Manta Ray Fish 16:46 that was off the coast of Florida and a fisherman 16:50 hooked down to that fish. 16:52 It began to pull his ship out to sea. 16:56 And he couldn't stopped it and so then he radio 17:00 for a coast guard and they sent out a cutter 17:03 and they hooked on to it and its still was pulling both 17:08 the boat and cutter out to sea, 17:10 and they sent out a second cutter, 17:12 and finally they were able to get it stopped. 17:18 It weighed 800 pounds 18 feet long wingspan 17:23 and they measured it and it towed 17:27 those first two boats for an hour and half out to sea 17:31 before the second boat 17:33 could get there and bring it to a stop. 17:36 Its just astonishing the strength 17:39 and the power that the Creator has put 17:43 into His creatures of the sea. 17:47 This one is called the Fang Blenny 17:52 and again when we think about 17:54 coloration how's that for color. 17:55 And If you put black light on that when it would glow 17:58 just like some of our UV light gets down in there 18:02 and it my personal opinion well we do not know 18:06 why that color is there. 18:08 I suspect that someday scientist may discover. 18:12 That fish have some capacity to pick up color 18:17 beyond what we know of as visible light 18:21 and may be part of the electromagnetic spectrum 18:24 that nobody is ever checked out yet. 18:26 But I think we gonna find out that coloring 18:30 is not there by accident. 18:31 And when they change colors 18:33 they blend into their environment and their enemies 18:36 can't see them when they do that. 18:39 And these are what we call the Crinoids, or Feather Stars. 18:45 And Crinoids are fun to look at in the fossils record. 18:48 We find lots of Crinoids. 18:51 I found one on a mountain top in Tennessee 18:54 and it was about this bigger out. 18:56 Now how do you find sea life like Crinoids 19:00 on a mountain top in Tennessee miles and miles 19:03 from the ocean unless you believe the biblical account 19:07 of Genesis 7 that there was flood in the days of Noah 19:12 that encompass the entire world 19:14 and they were buried there. 19:16 Can you see the Squat Lobster in this picture? 19:21 It's almost always found among 19:25 the acrid eye of the Crinoids, 19:29 that's him right there in case you missed him. 19:32 And you can see why he would stay there, 19:34 because that is the perfect place to hide from his enemies 19:38 and they're always are found together. 19:42 And this is the Sea Urchin Shrimp. 19:44 It lives permanently amongst 19:47 the highly toxic spines of the Sea Urchin. 19:51 It cuts off a few of those poison spines 19:54 and there it stays and it's quite protected 19:57 in this very dangerous hostile environment, 20:01 but it lives there amongst the spines 20:03 that's where it please when it gets into trouble. 20:07 And that reminds me of a little spiritual application. 20:10 Let me ask a question, are we living in a dangerous world? 20:14 Yes, we are. 20:15 And is there an enemy in this world? 20:17 Yes, there is. 20:19 And we learned about the other night, 20:20 but I'll just remind us, 20:23 how do we know light from darkness. 20:27 On day one we talked about 20:28 putting on the armour of light. 20:31 Philippians 4:8 is the text and if you put that on 20:35 you can filter out the harmful effects 20:38 of TV and videos and computers games, 20:42 and books and all the other media's that the devil tries 20:46 to put his lies to our attention, 20:50 and so we learn a lesson from this Sea Urchin. 20:53 He lives in a dangerous place, 20:55 but he learns how to live there safely 20:58 and we have to do the same. 21:00 This is the Emperor Shrimp of Tonga and it is almost always 21:06 found along with the Sea Cucumbers. 21:09 They have a relationship together. 21:14 And Anemone Shrimp, this is in bubble coral. 21:18 And this unusual form of hard coral 21:22 is filled with water like grapes and is often inhabited 21:27 by whole flock of different types of shrimp 21:30 and notice the transparent body. 21:33 You can even see the eggs 21:35 right through the body of this shrimp. 21:39 This next little fellow, 21:43 what do you think his name might be, 21:46 it's a False Clown Anemone Fish, 21:50 and he is a unique creature? 21:53 And he also lives among these poisonous spines, 21:57 but he is immune to stinging power has no effect on him, 22:01 but he goes there because his enemies 22:03 can't go there after him. 22:05 And so he has learnt to make use of its protection. 22:09 We find in the world of underwater 22:13 so many-many fascinating stories. 22:17 And one I would like to share 22:18 with you has to do with the porpoise. 22:22 Porpoise are unique creature, they're actually a mammal, 22:27 but I believe God created them on the fifth day. 22:30 And they are so unique they guide themselves with sonar, 22:35 the military has even learnt to make use of them 22:39 because they can be taught many things. 22:42 They are very smart but here is what I thought 22:45 was so astonishing a swimmer was off. 22:49 I think it was the coast of Australia and he was swimming 22:52 there when a shark 22:56 came toward him. 22:59 Well, but about the same time the shark saw him 23:03 and started toward him, a whole school of porpoise 23:09 came and they surrounded him and they just nurtured 23:14 this swimmer all the way back to shore 23:18 or close enough to shore where the shark would not come. 23:22 And the meantime those porpoises 23:24 they just kept circling the swimmer 23:27 and wouldn't let the shark get any closer, in fact 23:30 they took off after the shark and chased it away. 23:35 Is that amazing? 23:37 Why would a porpoise, take out a shark to protect 23:42 a human being, not even of its own species. 23:45 And I just believe that the Creator God in heaven 23:48 has put into the hearts and minds 23:49 of this little creature a love for people. 23:53 And as we take a look at this picture. 23:54 This is a Anita Bassett looking in through a hole 23:57 of Truk Lagoon World War II and this was the graveyard. 24:03 But it has become a resurrection place, 24:06 because the sea creatures have moved in with all their color 24:10 and beauty and they changed it from a place of death 24:14 to a hope of a resurrection. 24:18 And so the word "fish" is used 32 times 24:21 in the King James Version. 24:23 These fish can teach us so many, many lessons 24:26 and that's exactly what the scripture says 24:29 "Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you 24:31 and the fish of the sea will explain to you. 24:34 Who among all these does not know 24:36 that the hand of the Lord hath done this, 24:39 in whose hand is the life of every living thing, 24:42 and the breath of all mankind? 24:45 It asks the question. 24:46 Who doesn't know that? 24:47 And so we have spoken ever so briefly with fish. 24:52 And I'd just want to share 24:57 one last thought enclosing 24:59 about fish before we move on, because God 25:01 wasn't done on day five, there is more yet to come. 25:05 But well the remarkable features of fish 25:09 is their way of migrating. 25:12 And where I live in British Columbia, Canada, 25:14 on all the streams there are big signs it says, salmon run. 25:18 And I just wanna share with you 25:21 the story of the salmon run. 25:23 They are born way up in the mountains 25:27 and they are in fresh water. 25:29 They go down to the sea and when they get to the sea, 25:33 these salmon which are freshwater fish, 25:36 born in freshwater, they go into the ocean 25:39 and they will stay there for four years 25:40 or more and then they will come back. 25:45 And they go back to the place where they were born 25:49 to lay their eggs and to reproduce. 25:53 And in of the Moody films. 25:56 I watched it there because here was 26:00 a very interesting story of the coho salmon? 26:03 As it came back and it came in, 26:05 this took place December 2, 1964. 26:09 And this coho salmon was hatched in a hatchery. 26:14 Mankind has learned how to help the salmon reproduce 26:16 reproduce and this was hatched in a man made hatchery. 26:21 Well this salmon came up to where the water 26:27 was coming out of the hatchery 26:29 but he didn't go in there. 26:31 He swam along beside and then as it swam 26:34 along beside highway 101. 26:36 It then went underneath a covert that goes underneath 26:41 the highway 101, swam underneath the covert, 26:44 came up on the other side and this is where the water 26:46 goes into the fish hatchery. 26:49 And this large salmon 26:52 then went through a smaller pipe 26:55 about this big and it swam in underneath that, 26:59 got inside the fish hatchery. 27:02 And when the man that took take care 27:04 of the fish hatchery came into the hatchery, 27:06 here is this big male salmon swimming 27:09 around in the fish hatchery. 27:11 But the screen was knocked off and it was a pipe 27:15 that came up about I would say four feet 27:18 and it knock the top of the pipe 27:22 jumped into the place where he was born and he wondered 27:26 if there were anymore salmon that it followed suit 27:29 and he lifted up the boards underneath 27:31 the underground pathway where the fish coming 27:35 there was 72 salmon in there. 27:37 But they have not been able to get through 27:39 where this one had got through 27:40 and there they were all piled up trying to go back 27:44 to the place of their birth. 27:47 Now why they do that? 27:49 You know why they do this? 27:51 Well, and how do they do that and they have learned 27:54 that the salmon can smell the water 27:58 from where they were born. 27:59 Water has different smells and they have found 28:03 the sense of smell is so sensitive, 28:06 they're one part to a billion, 28:08 that's equivalent of a teaspoon 28:11 to a 11 Olympics swimming pools. 28:14 And they can smell the teaspoon 28:16 and that's how they figure, 28:18 they find their way back to the place of their birth. 28:21 But I suspect that the reason they go back to the place 28:27 of their birth, Do you think that in God's' plan 28:32 because of sin, God has setup a way, 28:37 He wants to remind us, that we too need to go back 28:41 to the place of our birth. 28:44 And we need to be born again spiritually. 28:47 And there is a heart's desire, 28:48 I think of discontent and nearly every person a desire 28:52 to go back to be reborn 28:54 to have wholeness resorted 28:59 back to them, the way the Creator 29:01 made them originally. 29:05 Well, God was not done on day five. 29:08 What else did He create on this fifth day? 29:12 God now fills the space with heavens with birds. 29:17 Notice carefully as we review what's been going on? 29:22 God separated light from the darkness on day one. 29:27 And on day two, He separated water from the water. 29:32 And then, He separated water from land, 29:37 and then He also put in the plants. 29:40 He first created a place in space 29:45 and when He had that space created, 29:48 then He filled that space. 29:51 And then He put the sun and moon 29:54 as we looked at yesterday into the space of the heavens. 29:58 And then tonight we're discovering He filled 30:01 the space of the heavens with birds, 30:04 and the water with fish. 30:07 And tomorrow night we will discover, 30:09 He also put animals and man. 30:16 And so let's take a look at birds, and God said, 30:20 "Let birds fly above the earth across 30:22 the face of the firmament of the heavens 30:25 Genesis 1 verse 20. 30:29 And God created every winged bird according to its kind, 30:32 and God saw that it was good. 30:39 And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, 30:42 and let birds multiply on the earth." 30:44 And so the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 30:50 When God created these birds, we notice that God 30:54 does something different with birds and out of the ground 30:58 the Lord God formed every beast of the field 31:02 and every bird of the air. 31:04 Here we discover that the Creator 31:06 now in Genesis 2 verse 19, 31:09 it tells us how He made the birds, 31:11 this isn't just made with sound waves now. 31:14 God is now forming the birds out of the dust of the ground, 31:19 so He takes this earth that has been created 31:22 and now He forms birds from it. 31:27 Jeremiah 8 verse 7 tells us this. 31:32 In Palestine they watch for the return of the stork, 31:37 similar to this one and they come up, 31:41 it's a sure sign of spring 31:42 and they're the largest of the migrating birds. 31:48 "The stork in the heavens knoweth her appointed time; 31:51 and the turtledove, and the crane and the swallow observe 31:54 the time of their coming. 31:55 But My people know not the judgment of the Lord." 31:59 Jeremiah 8 verse 7. 32:03 Birds know their time, they know when to return 32:05 and when to come back. 32:07 But God threw out the challenge, 32:08 but My people do not know the time of God's judgments. 32:13 And there is a reaping, and then there is a sowing, 32:16 and then there is a harvest, and there is a judgment. 32:20 Birds fulfill God's purpose 32:23 and they make long migrations. 32:26 And land they're are guided through trackless 32:28 space by the hand of infinite, but still don't know 32:32 how these birds actually navigate the way they do. 32:36 And of course our famous bird 32:40 from Canada, the Canada goose, 32:44 they fly 70 percent more efficient 32:47 when they're in formation 32:48 than when they're flying by themselves. 32:51 And there were these birds 32:54 they were flying at their migrating time. 32:57 And as they were going the hunters were blazing away 33:00 and one male goose was hit. 33:03 He landed, he was wounded, he couldn't fly, 33:08 but he hid in the bulrushes, the hunters couldn't find him. 33:11 After they had left, he went over to the barnyard 33:15 and when he went over to the barnyard. 33:17 He took up a relationship 33:20 there with the tame geese 33:23 that were there in the barnyard. 33:25 And this tame goose, they took up a relationship 33:30 and as you may know geese made for life. 33:34 I presume there was a flock of little goslings, 33:38 they were half wild and half tame. 33:40 The farmer wondered what's going to happen 33:42 when the next time the wild geese come by. 33:45 Well, he didn't have to long to wait, 33:47 next time you get here, he's mere hawking in the air. 33:49 And the geese were going by and this goose 33:52 got a wild glint in his eye, and boom he took to the air. 33:57 And as you know they're made for life. 34:00 But this tame goose was broken hearted. 34:03 Her mate was gone. 34:05 But now get this three days 34:08 later that goose came back. 34:13 Took up residence and never again attempted to leave. 34:18 But that's not all the story. 34:21 Time went on, there was another hunting season, 34:23 the hunters are blazing away 34:24 and they killed the tame goose. 34:26 I think they were aiming at the wild, 34:28 but they killed the tame one and so the farmer 34:32 took this tame goose and of course 34:34 now this time voyager was the name of the wild goose 34:40 that the farmer gave it, it was broken heart. 34:43 And it was there as the farmer buried this tame goose 34:46 in the back behind the barn there. 34:49 At this time, you could hear the wild honking 34:51 going by and this time the goose looked heavenward 34:54 and then he circled and then he took off. 34:57 But here is a question that I wanna ask you. 35:00 Where do you think 35:03 that goose found the loyalty 35:07 and the self denial to stay with the tame goose? 35:11 I'd like to suggest that's the principle of cross. 35:15 And the Creator has put it even in the heart of a bird. 35:20 If He can put it in the heart of the bird, 35:21 you're thinking put it in the hearts of people, 35:24 I think He can. 35:25 And so this-- there is another story, 35:29 there are so many stories we could tell about geese, 35:31 some day I wanna do may be a whole book just on geese, 35:35 there is so many fascinating stories. 35:37 There was a flock of tame geese 35:39 and the wild geese flew in and these flock of tame geese 35:43 on the farm, they saw this wild geese flying around. 35:46 And when those wild geese took off, 35:49 these tame geese begin to take flying lessons. 35:53 I tell you now, and they worked and worked 35:55 till these tame geese actually learned 35:58 how to fly and they said, it was really kind of scary 36:01 at this farm because you could be doing a work 36:03 and all of a sudden you hear this noise and here comes 36:06 this whole herd of flying tame geese 36:10 just over here your head. 36:11 And they come in for a landing not quite 36:13 as graceful as their wild cousins, 36:15 but tame geese can actually fly like their cousins. 36:20 Well, in Corinthian 15:39 it says, all flesh 36:26 is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh 36:30 for men there is another kind of flesh of beasts, 36:33 and there is another for fish, 36:35 and there is another for birds. 36:37 And so we don't know and we think of our Bible 36:40 says being a science book 36:44 and yet there is knowledge there forth. 36:46 The Western Tanager is another one of the song birds. 36:51 There's about 8,600 species of this particular type. 36:56 Each bird has its ministry. 36:59 About half of the songs birds about 4,000 of them sing. 37:04 Have you ever thought about why birds sing? 37:09 Have you ever noticed how tranquilizing 37:11 it is to the system 37:13 to listen to the birds sing? 37:17 Then a song of Song of Solomon 2 verse 12 says, 37:19 "The flowers appear on the earth; and the time of singing 37:23 of the bird has come, and the voice of turtledove 37:26 is heard in our land." 37:29 What time of year is that? 37:31 That's the spring time. 37:32 And the birds are really is singing away 37:34 at this time of the year. 37:37 And well most of the people are not aware 37:38 that there is what we call the early morning bird chorus. 37:42 How many have ever heard it. 37:43 It takes place one hour before dawn. 37:47 I mean that's early its dark, its like night. 37:51 And the robins wake up the whole crew, 37:53 Tillie tweet, Tillie tweet, Tillie tweet, they sing away 37:55 and then pretty soon another bird would join in 37:58 and another bird would join in and barges 38:00 have long puzzle over the early morning birds chorus, 38:04 because its an hour before dawn and they sing that way 38:07 and they sing at that time of the day and away 38:10 and they don't sing any other time of the day. 38:12 They just--it's not a territorial call, 38:14 its not mating call. 38:15 They just sing and sing away and of course 38:17 I'm a preacher and you can just guess, 38:19 I think they're having morning worship, that's what I think. 38:22 But surprise, surprise, 38:27 they are may be having morning 38:29 worship, but they are doing more than that. 38:32 Science has found out Dan Carlson's 38:37 has done very careful research on this. 38:39 And he developed a plant program called Sonic Bloom 38:43 and what they have learned is this. 38:46 When the birds are signing at 5,000 hertz frequency 38:49 and the early morning birds chorus, 38:52 it actually open the breathing pores of the leaves. 38:56 And the leaves open up and Dan Carlson's Sonic Bloom program 39:00 as you play that frequency causes the pores to open up 39:04 and he says, you can feed the plants 39:06 through their leaves easier than you can through their 39:09 roots and he has planted program, 39:11 you can find out on the internet if you're interested, 39:15 its call Dan Carlson, and its called Sonic Bloom. 39:19 And but here is the interesting point to me. 39:22 When those birds are singing away 39:23 there an hour before dawn, they are playing right 39:27 on a tree house if you please. 39:29 Opening up the breathing pores, 39:30 so the tree can drink in the dew of the night. 39:33 Now isn't that a handy arrangement. 39:36 It just happens to work out that way. 39:38 Well, others are roof sighted Towhee. 39:40 And there is the Quail or Bobwhite creation illustrated 39:45 had a story in there that a neighbor friend 39:47 of mine recorded how one Bobwhite's mate 39:51 was killed and the male took over 39:53 caring for the little flock of birds 39:56 and then the neighboring flock of Quail. 40:01 The one mate was killed then the other one 40:03 was killed and this father took over 40:05 that bunch of baby birds to and he had 20 little birds 40:08 all going along after him looking after them, 40:11 and isn't that incredible. 40:13 That it would give that kind of care 40:16 even to the neighbor's all little birds. 40:19 And then there is the yellow headed-black bird, 40:22 beautiful creatures. 40:25 And then we have the humming bird. 40:28 And you know, they're sort of flying helicopter 40:30 as it were, their wing beats 35 times a second 40:34 and but they do more than are humming, or helicopters. 40:38 They can be flying this way and it can turn 40:40 to 45 degree corner just like that. 40:43 And I don't know if anything that can do 40:44 that going full speed, they go this way in that way, 40:46 and they're just amazing to watch 40:50 the humming birds skill at flying. 40:53 A man was hearing rack at outside his window 40:56 and he looked and there were the humming birds. 40:59 But they were frantic, a garter snake 41:01 that was coming up this bush. 41:04 And they were dive bombing the garter snake, 41:07 but the garter snake didn't pay them any attention 41:09 that were too little to give him any trouble 41:11 and finally in desperation the one went sat on the nest 41:15 and the other one flew off. 41:17 And this while I was just watching this saw 41:19 why did he fly off? 41:21 I didn't have long to wait, 41:22 pretty soon here came the humming bird 41:25 and it was leading a robin. 41:27 And as soon as the obin saw the garter snake 41:30 it immediately attack the garter snake 41:32 and the garter snake made a hasty retreat out 41:35 of the bush, because a robin can kill the garter snake. 41:39 But here is the point. 41:41 I wonder if we're smart as the humming bird. 41:44 That when we take on an enemy that's too big for us, 41:46 do we have another sense to go get somebody 41:48 bigger to take on the enemy. 41:50 And we are contending with an enemy in this world too. 41:53 And we need to find someone bigger than you 41:56 and I to contend with him. 41:58 Well, there's a famous Killdeer and it will risk 42:01 its life in order to protect its young and probably 42:05 all of us have contended with them at one time or another. 42:09 And they lay their eggs in the ground. 42:10 Eggs size, shape, and color, there is a whole science 42:13 to that and they have their nest, but its interesting 42:18 that when Christ came to this earth, 42:20 He had no place to go home like the birds do. 42:25 And then the peacock, this is now wild peacock 42:29 and feathers are an absolute wonder to study 42:32 study and they are aeronautical wonder 42:35 of engineering skill! 42:37 It's one of the lightest things 42:40 known to me and for its strength. 42:42 And a bird can have up to 25,000 feathers in the swan 42:47 with 12 nerve ending per wing tip feather. 42:50 So he can just guide that with just the slightest touch 42:53 of its finger as it work. 42:55 And talk about color, how is for color. 42:59 You know, ladies and we think about trying 43:02 to find an attractive dress. 43:05 You will never outdo the birds. 43:08 And yet all the feathers of an owl 43:12 will weigh one and half ounces. 43:15 And they can fly so silently. 43:18 I remember I was taking on one time 43:20 and he flew in beside me and I've never heard him at all. 43:23 And there is a road runner become quite famous. 43:25 Then there's the Tern. 43:28 How is this for a hairdo? 43:30 You got to admit, you got to go to beauty parlor 43:32 long time to find something like that. 43:34 And then gentleman if you gonna go to church. 43:37 Could you have better dress than this? 43:40 Birds usually mate for the time 43:44 and which they have their young 43:46 and of course some birds mate for life. 43:51 And there go bunting, 43:53 turkeys what about the song birds. 43:58 Behold the fowl of the air, 43:59 they toll not, neither do they spin 44:01 nor gather into barns, 44:02 yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. 44:04 Are you not much greater than they? 44:07 Do we really need to worry about our food? 44:09 And you know, this day horticultural society 44:12 of Kansas George A. Blair States, 44:14 "Kansas has 256 million birds, 44:20 and every year these birds eat enough insects to fill 44:25 480 trains of 50 boxcars each, 44:29 with 24, 000 pounds per car." 44:33 That is the birds of Kansas will eat 576 million pounds 44:38 I insect every season. 44:41 Let me tell you, do the birds serve us? 44:44 Yes, they do. 44:46 And there is the flicker. 45:02 And then there is the eagle. 45:04 And think about the birds 45:09 and so let's draw conclusion to this message tonight. 45:37 In God's wonder world of nature, 45:40 there are many things that 45:43 often attract our attention. 45:48 And as we go out into that 45:52 beauty of nature, 45:57 there are things that attract our attention 46:01 saying please study me next. 46:13 And as we 46:22 take a look 46:25 at the beautiful mountains 46:28 in the distance and anybody who has ever done 46:32 any mountain climbing know that, 46:35 they also have their own 46:38 variety of beauty. 46:46 And in those mountains we find birds of all kinds 46:52 that invite us to look at them. 47:36 The trees, there are all kinds of trees 47:39 and they are at their beauty. 49:22 And as we think about the beauties of water, 50:15 there is a relationship, 51:26 and we find as we look into the world of nature. 51:29 There is this symbiotic relationship 51:34 and at the water falls you can see salmon 51:40 as they would jump 10 foot water falls. 52:18 And eagles often build their nest high up in a tree. 52:29 And what a thrill it is to watch 52:32 the eagle as it spread its wings. 53:03 And the question is, the Bible speaks of the eagle 53:12 and it says, they that 53:18 wait on the Lord will be like the eagle. 53:33 Have you ever thought about how the eagle is able to fly? 53:45 If you can have the lights out. 54:04 And the eagle, 54:12 as it goes to fly. 54:21 How does it fly? 54:23 The Bible says, "They that wait up on the Lord 54:25 we will renew their strength. 54:28 And they will mount up with wings like an eagle 54:33 and they that are weary can be refreshed, 54:37 and gain their strength." 54:40 And how does an eagle fly? 54:43 The eagle does not fly by its own effort or strength. 54:49 The eagle will put out his wings 54:54 and as he puts out its wings, 54:58 he puts it upon a law that it can't even see, 55:03 the law of thermodynamics. 55:05 And relying on that law with the swings out spread, 55:10 that law will lift the eagle to any height 55:13 it needs to go just by relying 55:16 totally on an invisible law outside it self. 55:22 And the Bible invites us to wait upon the Lord 55:27 to put our strength on a divine 55:29 power outside ourselves. 55:32 And if we will, that divine power 55:35 can restore back the years 55:37 the locust have eaten, that power can lift you up 55:40 and take you to any height that you need to go 55:44 and my appeal to you tonight is why not put your wait 55:48 fully on God's Holy law, His Ten Commandments 55:53 and allow His spirit to create that law in your heart 55:57 of hearts and that divine power working 56:00 on the inside will recreate you 56:03 to become a total new person. 56:09 So speak to the birds, speak to the fish, 56:11 they would tell you who among all these does not know 56:14 that the hand of the Lord have done this. 56:19 Could we just bow our heads for prayer? 56:24 Holy Father as surely as you breathe life 56:29 into this creatures the fish and the birds, 56:34 as surely as You've given them life on this fifth day 56:38 and began to feel your world with creatures 56:41 that could live and move and have their being and function. 56:47 Under water that you put into them and so Lord 56:52 we wanna the learn the lesson of the eagle 56:55 to wait on the Lord and He will renewed our strength 57:00 like the eagle as we rely on a divine power 57:04 totally outside our self. 57:06 And if we do lift such a prayer of tonight, 57:11 let him do it from the inside our a new creation 57:17 thank you now in Jesus name. Amen. |
Revised 2014-12-17