In the beginning, 00:00:01.76\00:00:04.05 the earth was without form and void. 00:00:04.06\00:00:07.82 Then God said, "Let there be light" 00:00:07.83\00:00:11.71 and there was light. 00:00:11.72\00:00:14.57 And God divided the light from the darkness. 00:00:14.58\00:00:17.37 So the evening and the morning were the first day. 00:00:17.38\00:00:20.46 So the evening and the morning were the second day. 00:00:34.42\00:00:36.81 Then God said, "Let the waters under the heavens 00:00:41.61\00:00:43.98 be gathered together into one place, 00:00:43.99\00:00:46.16 and let the dry land appear. 00:00:46.17\00:00:48.04 Let the Earth bring forth grass and herb 00:00:52.85\00:00:55.25 and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind. 00:00:57.72\00:01:00.52 So the evening and the morning were the third day. 00:01:02.82\00:01:05.57 Then God made two great lights. 00:01:08.94\00:01:11.54 He made the stars also. 00:01:11.55\00:01:12.95 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day. 00:01:12.96\00:01:16.33 Then God said, "Let the waters abound 00:01:21.50\00:01:23.28 within abundance of living creatures 00:01:23.29\00:01:25.26 and let birds fly above the Earth 00:01:29.97\00:01:32.40 across the face of the firmament of the heavens. 00:01:32.41\00:01:35.10 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 00:01:38.55\00:01:41.20 Then God said, "Let the Earth bring forth 00:01:45.46\00:01:47.39 living creatures according to its kind, 00:01:47.40\00:01:52.32 cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the Earth. 00:01:52.33\00:01:55.30 Then God said, "Let us make man 00:02:04.79\00:02:06.59 in our image according to our likeness." 00:02:06.60\00:02:10.52 So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. 00:02:10.53\00:02:13.74 And on the seventh day, God ended his work, 00:02:15.97\00:02:18.41 which he had done, and he rested 00:02:18.42\00:02:20.06 the seventh day from all his work which he had done. 00:02:20.07\00:02:22.64 Then God blessed the seventh day, 00:02:22.65\00:02:24.14 and sanctified it because in it, He had rested 00:02:24.15\00:02:26.94 from all His work which God had created and made. 00:02:26.95\00:02:31.26 And indeed it was very good. 00:02:31.27\00:02:35.83 Tonight we invite the Holy Spirit 00:02:35.84\00:02:39.02 that caused creation to take place 00:02:39.03\00:02:42.89 to meet with us tonight and give us a heart 00:02:42.90\00:02:44.95 understanding of this subject and help me 00:02:44.96\00:02:48.75 to make it simple, clear but absolutely accurate and true. 00:02:48.76\00:02:55.26 So teach us tonight as our prayer in Jesus name, amen. 00:02:55.27\00:03:00.32 We've been walking our way through 00:03:00.33\00:03:01.57 the first chapter of Genesis. 00:03:01.58\00:03:04.36 And we discovered in the first chapter of Genesis, 00:03:04.37\00:03:08.89 in Genesis 1 verse 4 and God said, 00:03:10.37\00:03:13.91 "Let there be light" and there was light. 00:03:13.92\00:03:18.95 But this evening we take up day number four. 00:03:20.23\00:03:27.14 We notice in Genesis 1 verse 4 God divided 00:03:27.15\00:03:31.50 the light from darkness. 00:03:31.51\00:03:34.18 Daniel 2:22 says, "God knows what's in the darkness." 00:03:34.19\00:03:37.85 Astronomers do not know. 00:03:37.86\00:03:39.88 They just know there's an awful lot of energy out there. 00:03:39.89\00:03:43.02 And astronomers believe that more of the universe 00:03:43.03\00:03:45.53 is invisible than what's visible 00:03:45.54\00:03:47.93 because of the energy coming out of the darkness. 00:03:47.94\00:03:52.03 But on day four, beginning with verse 14, 00:03:52.04\00:03:56.99 we read these words and then God said, 00:03:57.00\00:04:01.25 "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens 00:04:01.26\00:04:05.46 to divide the day from the night and let them be 00:04:05.47\00:04:09.70 for signs and seasons, and for days and years. 00:04:09.71\00:04:14.61 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens 00:04:14.62\00:04:18.65 to give light on the Earth," and it was so. 00:04:18.66\00:04:23.32 And then God made two great lights, 00:04:23.33\00:04:27.23 the greater light to rule the day, 00:04:27.24\00:04:30.47 and the lesser light to rule the night. 00:04:30.48\00:04:33.05 He made the stars also. 00:04:33.06\00:04:36.00 God set them in the firmament of the heavens 00:04:36.01\00:04:38.85 to give light on the Earth, and to rule 00:04:38.86\00:04:41.87 over the day and over the night, 00:04:41.88\00:04:44.13 and to divide the light from the darkness. 00:04:44.14\00:04:47.80 And God saw that it was good. 00:04:47.81\00:04:51.25 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day." 00:04:51.26\00:04:57.10 On this day we discovered that the Creator 00:04:57.11\00:04:59.08 now creates something to take over the work 00:04:59.09\00:05:02.11 that He'd been doing for the past three days. 00:05:02.12\00:05:04.93 If you please God's personal presence 00:05:04.94\00:05:07.60 was a special grow light, if you please, 00:05:07.61\00:05:10.51 that was working on day one, two, and three, 00:05:10.52\00:05:14.21 but now on day four, the Creator creates 00:05:14.22\00:05:18.03 something else to take over the work of dividing 00:05:18.04\00:05:21.69 the day from the night. 00:05:21.70\00:05:24.87 And so Genesis 1 verse 17, "And God set them 00:05:24.88\00:05:27.86 in the firmament of the heavens," 00:05:27.87\00:05:30.77 to do the following things. 00:05:30.78\00:05:32.96 Number one, to give light on the Earth. 00:05:32.97\00:05:37.11 Number two, to rule over the day and over the night. 00:05:37.12\00:05:43.27 And number three, to divide the light from darkness. 00:05:43.28\00:05:48.19 Here we see the Creator has created something, 00:05:48.20\00:05:51.43 which is now taking over the work 00:05:51.44\00:05:53.74 of separating the light from darkness. 00:05:53.75\00:05:57.90 And Genesis 1 verse 16, "Then God made two great lights, 00:05:57.91\00:06:03.91 the greater light to rule the day 00:06:03.92\00:06:07.59 and the lesser light to rule the night." 00:06:07.60\00:06:12.73 We've noticed that when you run the light of the Sun 00:06:12.74\00:06:16.57 through the prism, we can see three colors. 00:06:16.58\00:06:21.52 Sir Isaac Newton was the first one to demonstrate this, 00:06:21.53\00:06:25.70 three primary colors red, green, and blue. 00:06:25.71\00:06:30.59 And we discovered on day one, as we took a look that 00:06:30.60\00:06:33.71 there is more of light that is invisible than is visible. 00:06:33.72\00:06:38.88 In fact, the electromagnetic spectrum of light 00:06:38.89\00:06:42.30 would make a measurement that might reach 00:06:42.31\00:06:45.04 from here to the moon and the part that we see 00:06:45.05\00:06:47.54 on that light spectrum would be about 00:06:47.55\00:06:50.59 a couple inches on that scale. 00:06:50.60\00:06:52.76 So you know when the Bible says you're blind, 00:06:52.77\00:06:54.84 you don't know it, that's actually a physical reality 00:06:54.85\00:06:58.00 we really don't see very much. 00:06:58.01\00:07:01.67 But astronomers as they look into the Heavens, 00:07:01.68\00:07:04.96 they have learnt to utilize the total 00:07:04.97\00:07:08.23 electromagnetic spectrum and there are at least 00:07:08.24\00:07:11.20 six different kinds of telescopes that look up 00:07:11.21\00:07:14.60 into the Heavens and we have learned a great deal 00:07:14.61\00:07:17.72 about the heavens because we're using special telescopes 00:07:17.73\00:07:21.70 that measure the invisible light that we cannot see. 00:07:21.71\00:07:25.94 And God made the greater light to rule the day. 00:07:27.70\00:07:31.58 And this is the Sun as seen with the hydrogen filter 00:07:33.06\00:07:35.91 and you can notice there as you look at the outer edge 00:07:35.92\00:07:39.68 you can see it looks like lighter flames 00:07:39.69\00:07:43.23 leaping out into space. 00:07:43.24\00:07:45.26 Again the filter, 00:07:45.27\00:07:49.33 Sunspots are one of the most remarkable 00:07:49.34\00:07:53.62 features that we see when we look at the Sun. 00:07:53.63\00:07:56.89 And the one that measures the Sunspots perhaps 00:07:58.34\00:08:01.81 better than any other science has discovered 00:08:01.82\00:08:04.35 is the giant solar collectors 00:08:04.36\00:08:07.13 that are on planet Earth called trees. 00:08:07.14\00:08:09.77 And they've studied the tree rings and they've discovered 00:08:09.78\00:08:12.92 that there is a direct relationship between 00:08:12.93\00:08:15.88 Sunspot movement and the size of the rings on the tree. 00:08:15.89\00:08:21.09 And you can take a look at the rings on a tree 00:08:21.10\00:08:24.17 and pretty well chart the activity 00:08:24.18\00:08:27.70 of the Sunspots based on its size. 00:08:27.71\00:08:32.21 Now Sunspots, they still don't know what they are exactly. 00:08:32.22\00:08:35.38 But we know that the solar flares, that's the flames 00:08:35.39\00:08:41.18 that are leaping out into outer space from the Sun 00:08:41.19\00:08:44.67 reach out 400,000 miles out into outer space. 00:08:44.68\00:08:50.25 When you have the diamond ring eclipse, 00:08:50.26\00:08:52.98 you can see the solar flares, the red part leaping up out 00:08:52.99\00:08:57.82 into the heavens becomes visible when 00:08:57.83\00:09:00.59 something blocks out the other lighter part. 00:09:00.60\00:09:03.87 And these flames reach out 400,000 miles into space 00:09:03.88\00:09:08.81 and the heat is tremendous. 00:09:08.82\00:09:11.61 The heat--one pinhead of material 00:09:11.62\00:09:16.66 heated to the temperature of the Sun and placed 00:09:16.67\00:09:20.04 100 miles away from where we're seated here tonight, 00:09:20.05\00:09:23.68 the heat would be so intense that it would kill you. 00:09:23.69\00:09:26.53 A 100 miles away, one pinhead size of material 00:09:26.54\00:09:30.63 heated to the temperature of the Sun. 00:09:30.64\00:09:33.25 The Sun is incredibly hot. 00:09:33.26\00:09:36.59 And it is so hot 93 million miles away from planet Earth, 00:09:36.60\00:09:41.46 it takes eight minutes for a ray to come 00:09:41.47\00:09:45.53 from the Sun to Earth covering that distance. 00:09:45.54\00:09:48.14 And yet, when it gets here, it's still warm. 00:09:48.15\00:09:50.81 As we all know if you've laid on a beach for very long, 00:09:50.82\00:09:54.17 it sure can be very hot and can do 00:09:54.18\00:09:56.84 quite a bit of damage to our skin. 00:09:56.85\00:10:01.83 So in Genesis 1 verse 16, "God made the two great lights, 00:10:01.84\00:10:05.28 the greater light to rule the day 00:10:05.29\00:10:07.00 and the lesser light to rule the night." 00:10:07.01\00:10:10.83 And then we find these words, and "He made the stars also." 00:10:10.84\00:10:17.61 You know, in our seminar, you remember I said, 00:10:17.62\00:10:20.23 we wanna maintain the attitude of humility 00:10:20.24\00:10:22.97 and try to carefully look at the scriptures 00:10:22.98\00:10:25.54 and not judge too quickly because some things 00:10:25.55\00:10:28.22 I'm about to say in the next few minutes may challenge 00:10:28.23\00:10:31.32 what you've previously believed. 00:10:31.33\00:10:33.38 So stay with me very carefully. 00:10:33.39\00:10:36.12 What were the stars that He made also? 00:10:36.13\00:10:39.91 Some have honestly believed that God created 00:10:39.92\00:10:43.21 the entire universe on the fourth day. 00:10:43.22\00:10:45.98 I would like you to notice the words of scripture 00:10:45.99\00:10:48.55 very carefully, does not say that He made all the stars. 00:10:48.56\00:10:53.37 It's just simply a parenthesis phrase, He made the stars. 00:10:53.38\00:10:58.27 Also, it does not say how many 00:10:58.28\00:11:00.34 and it does not say which ones. 00:11:00.35\00:11:03.09 And I think we ought to be very careful 00:11:03.10\00:11:04.96 to rightly divide the word of God because we-- 00:11:04.97\00:11:08.23 if we interpret it incorrectly, 00:11:08.24\00:11:12.05 we can do great damage to both understanding of science 00:11:12.06\00:11:16.45 as well as understanding what did God really say. 00:11:16.46\00:11:18.75 And then a man who is about to lose his faith in the Bible 00:11:18.76\00:11:22.01 and then the Church because he thought the Bible 00:11:22.02\00:11:24.56 and the Church taught that all the universe 00:11:24.57\00:11:28.24 came into existence on the fourth day. 00:11:28.25\00:11:30.31 I do not believe that that's what the Bible teaches 00:11:30.32\00:11:33.54 and that's not what the Church teaches. 00:11:33.55\00:11:35.73 So let's look at some scripture that can kindly 00:11:35.74\00:11:38.20 help us to understand that on this fourth day 00:11:38.21\00:11:41.14 God did not create all the stars on the fourth day. 00:11:41.15\00:11:45.93 In fact, the Bible speaks very fluently in at least 00:11:45.94\00:11:48.60 five different places before the foundations of the Earth 00:11:48.61\00:11:51.72 certain things were happening in the universe. 00:11:51.73\00:11:55.51 So let's notice first of all Job, the 38th Chapter. 00:11:55.52\00:11:59.22 And let's just take a look at what is this scripture 00:11:59.23\00:12:03.29 telling us God is talking with Job out of a whirlwind. 00:12:03.30\00:12:08.35 And God asked a question there in verse 4, 00:12:08.36\00:12:11.18 "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth? 00:12:11.19\00:12:15.49 Tell Me, if you have understanding. 00:12:15.50\00:12:18.59 Who determined its measurements? 00:12:18.60\00:12:20.47 Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? 00:12:20.48\00:12:24.50 To what were its foundations fastened? 00:12:24.51\00:12:27.92 Or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars 00:12:27.93\00:12:32.36 sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? 00:12:32.37\00:12:38.43 Now we notice this scripture very carefully it says here, 00:12:38.44\00:12:41.85 "When He laid the cornerstone, 00:12:41.86\00:12:43.56 when the morning stars sang together." 00:12:43.57\00:12:47.17 As you read this carefully, that's not speaking 00:12:47.18\00:12:49.44 figuratively in any part of this chapter. 00:12:49.45\00:12:52.50 It's speaking very literally. 00:12:52.51\00:12:53.79 And we know that the stars as they move 00:12:53.80\00:12:56.22 through the space, give off sound. 00:12:56.23\00:12:59.10 They can be measured with the radio telescopes 00:12:59.11\00:13:02.33 and I would like to suggest that when the morning stars 00:13:02.34\00:13:05.83 sang together, there were stars already in place. 00:13:05.84\00:13:09.87 And not only that, but notice also and all the sons, 00:13:09.88\00:13:13.50 plural, of God shouted for joy. 00:13:13.51\00:13:17.07 So the question is who were these sons of God, plural, 00:13:17.08\00:13:22.49 that were shouting for joy when God created this Earth? 00:13:22.50\00:13:26.50 So if you go back to the very first chapter of Job, 00:13:26.51\00:13:30.30 we get a picture there 00:13:30.31\00:13:31.91 and we'll start with verse 6 and 7. 00:13:31.92\00:13:34.88 "There was a day when the sons, plural, of God 00:13:34.89\00:13:38.15 came to present themselves before the Lord, 00:13:38.16\00:13:40.82 and Satan also came among them. 00:13:40.83\00:13:43.57 And the Lord said to Satan, "And where do you come from?" 00:13:43.58\00:13:46.75 So Satan answered the Lord and said, 00:13:46.76\00:13:48.77 "From going to and fro on the Earth, 00:13:48.78\00:13:51.38 and from walking back and forth on it. 00:13:51.39\00:13:53.85 And then the Lord said to Satan, 00:13:53.86\00:13:55.68 "Have you considered My servant Job, 00:13:55.69\00:13:57.65 that there is none like him, blameless and upright, 00:13:57.66\00:14:00.75 and one who fears God?" 00:14:00.76\00:14:02.05 And so here we have sons of God appearing before God, 00:14:02.06\00:14:06.87 and God asked Satan specifically the question, 00:14:06.88\00:14:10.19 "And where do you come from?" 00:14:10.20\00:14:11.76 And his answer was, 00:14:11.77\00:14:14.09 "From walking to and fro on planet Earth. 00:14:14.10\00:14:18.45 Now we get a little clue who were these sons of God 00:14:18.46\00:14:21.80 that gathered together and Satan came along with them 00:14:21.81\00:14:24.43 and he came from planet Earth. 00:14:24.44\00:14:25.88 And I'd like to suggest he came from planet Earth 00:14:25.89\00:14:28.32 because he claimed to represent planet Earth because 00:14:28.33\00:14:32.13 when Adam fell into sin, Satan took over 00:14:32.14\00:14:35.98 the ruler ship from Adam of this Earth. 00:14:35.99\00:14:39.87 And he came to represent planet Earth 00:14:39.88\00:14:42.60 in the Heavenly counsel that was taking place there. 00:14:42.61\00:14:46.36 But we get a clue to the answer of who these 00:14:46.37\00:14:48.89 sons of God were if you will go to Luke the 3rd Chapter, 00:14:48.90\00:14:53.24 Luke the 3rd Chapter verse 38. 00:14:53.25\00:14:57.11 And it's giving the genealogy of Jesus Christ 00:14:57.12\00:15:01.50 and it traces Him from Joseph all the way back to Adam. 00:15:01.51\00:15:08.08 And we notice in verse 38, 00:15:08.09\00:15:09.83 "The son of Enos, the son of Seth, 00:15:09.84\00:15:12.94 the son of Adam, the son, singular, of God." 00:15:12.95\00:15:19.01 And so we find Adam was called a son, 00:15:19.02\00:15:22.79 singular, of God. 00:15:22.80\00:15:24.31 And he represented planet Earth originally before sin 00:15:24.32\00:15:28.26 but when he fell by sin, 00:15:28.27\00:15:30.61 Satan took over that leadership, 00:15:30.62\00:15:32.71 and I would like to suggest for you 00:15:32.72\00:15:34.48 thinking that tonight that the sons of God, plural, 00:15:34.49\00:15:38.33 that were meeting with God there, 00:15:38.34\00:15:40.23 the sons of God that were shouting for joy 00:15:40.24\00:15:43.06 when God laid the foundations of this Earth 00:15:43.07\00:15:45.55 were actually the heads of other inhabited planets 00:15:45.56\00:15:48.76 in the universe, and the universe was 00:15:48.77\00:15:51.77 quite well in place when God created on this fourth day 00:15:51.78\00:15:56.23 the Sun and, I believe, 00:15:56.24\00:15:58.48 He also created the other planets 00:15:58.49\00:16:02.20 and perhaps some other stars as well on this fourth day. 00:16:02.21\00:16:06.14 But we will get more into that 00:16:06.15\00:16:07.63 little bit later as we go on in the program this evening. 00:16:07.64\00:16:11.26 So the scripture says that, 00:16:11.27\00:16:12.94 "He created the lesser light to rule the night." 00:16:12.95\00:16:15.64 And that was the moon. 00:16:15.65\00:16:17.29 And we take a look at the moon and we ask ourselves, 00:16:17.30\00:16:19.35 what caused these lunar craters? 00:16:19.36\00:16:22.03 Well, we believe that they were created by impacts 00:16:22.04\00:16:25.26 of other space material that crashed into it. 00:16:25.27\00:16:29.62 And there is an estimated 200,000 craters 00:16:29.63\00:16:32.81 larger than 1 kilometer on the moon. 00:16:32.82\00:16:35.70 And so we can see that the moon has been taking 00:16:35.71\00:16:38.17 quite a few hits and I'm glad 00:16:38.18\00:16:40.76 it's taking the hits and not planet Earth, aren't you? 00:16:40.77\00:16:44.45 I'm glad that it could be there 00:16:44.46\00:16:45.75 and there a permanent record 00:16:45.76\00:16:47.20 of past collisions with meteors. 00:16:47.21\00:16:50.24 And so we can ask ourselves the question, 00:16:50.25\00:16:53.64 "What is the purpose of the moon 00:16:53.65\00:16:56.02 when it rules the night?" 00:16:56.03\00:16:58.77 Well, we could spend a whole evening on just the moon. 00:16:58.78\00:17:02.78 One thing we can note about the moon, 00:17:02.79\00:17:05.51 it rises 50 minutes later every night, 00:17:05.52\00:17:09.04 have you noticed that? 00:17:09.05\00:17:10.36 It's actually comes up almost an hour later every evening. 00:17:10.37\00:17:15.15 Number two we notice the moon marks 00:17:15.16\00:17:17.81 the signs of the seasons. 00:17:17.82\00:17:20.61 And we know farmers know about the harvest moon 00:17:20.62\00:17:23.13 and spring moon 00:17:23.14\00:17:25.05 and they give it different names 00:17:25.06\00:17:27.47 because that is how many farmers do their planting. 00:17:27.48\00:17:32.69 And it also ticks off one month of time, 00:17:32.70\00:17:37.92 a lunar month we call it. 00:17:37.93\00:17:40.04 It produces the pull of the tides of the sea 00:17:40.05\00:17:44.63 or has a marked influence on it. 00:17:44.64\00:17:47.12 We also note that it has a very profound affect 00:17:47.13\00:17:52.11 upon plants, and animals, 00:17:52.12\00:17:54.90 and fish depending on where that moon is, 00:17:54.91\00:17:58.45 and at what phase it is. 00:17:58.46\00:18:00.73 And we could spend quite a bit more time on just the moon. 00:18:00.74\00:18:04.97 But this evening, let's just notice 00:18:04.98\00:18:08.02 we know a great deal about the moon 00:18:08.03\00:18:10.58 and our knowledge has increased 00:18:10.59\00:18:13.22 greatly in my dad's lifetime and dad is 97. 00:18:13.23\00:18:17.65 Man has gone from old Darwin, the oak burner, 00:18:17.66\00:18:21.17 to the moon and back in my dad's lifetime. 00:18:21.18\00:18:24.73 And so knowledge has been greatly increased 00:18:24.74\00:18:28.03 as the Bible prophecy predicted it would. 00:18:28.04\00:18:30.89 In the last days, Daniel predicted knowledge 00:18:30.90\00:18:34.79 would be increased. 00:18:34.80\00:18:36.29 And so according to science, man has walked on the moon. 00:18:36.30\00:18:43.04 And what do you think was the first hurdle 00:18:43.05\00:18:46.85 that mankind faced when they were going to try to put 00:18:46.86\00:18:50.46 a man on the moon? 00:18:50.47\00:18:52.04 What was the first thing that had to be overcome? 00:18:52.05\00:18:54.13 If we couldn't overcome this, 00:18:54.14\00:18:55.81 there would not be the slightest chance 00:18:55.82\00:18:58.14 that you could ever put a man on the moon. 00:18:58.15\00:19:00.99 A man who worked on the moon project told me this. 00:19:01.00\00:19:07.54 "It was clocks." 00:19:07.55\00:19:09.90 Because that the time they set about 00:19:09.91\00:19:11.79 to put a man on the moon, 00:19:11.80\00:19:13.17 there was no clock on Earth accurate enough 00:19:13.18\00:19:16.68 to be in harmony with the universe. 00:19:16.69\00:19:19.43 And that's where the atomic clock 00:19:19.44\00:19:21.15 came into existence. 00:19:21.16\00:19:22.68 Because they had to have a clock that was so precise, 00:19:22.69\00:19:26.37 otherwise there would be not the finished chance 00:19:26.38\00:19:28.94 of landing a man on the moon. 00:19:28.95\00:19:30.79 Because when you are shooting at a moving target 00:19:30.80\00:19:33.48 and you are a moving target, 00:19:33.49\00:19:35.61 you have got to be absolutely precisely dead-on 00:19:35.62\00:19:40.54 or you're gonna miss that target 00:19:40.55\00:19:42.49 by--as we would say a million miles. 00:19:42.50\00:19:46.39 Now Job tells us, 00:19:46.40\00:19:49.16 "And you hang the Earth upon nothing." 00:19:49.17\00:19:53.69 That's quite an accurate scientific statement 00:19:53.70\00:19:56.81 in this aged book called the Bible. 00:19:56.82\00:20:00.62 And it wasn't until the space program 00:20:00.63\00:20:04.13 that we actually could see with physical eyes 00:20:04.14\00:20:07.32 that the Earth did indeed hang upon nothing 00:20:07.33\00:20:10.70 at least nothing that you could see. 00:20:10.71\00:20:13.43 And if you get anything out of this message tonight, 00:20:13.44\00:20:17.32 what I'm about to put on the screen 00:20:17.33\00:20:19.94 is the primary thought 00:20:19.95\00:20:21.89 that I want you to grasp in your mind 00:20:21.90\00:20:24.38 as we take a look at the heavens. 00:20:24.39\00:20:27.48 Because of the need for better clocks, 00:20:27.49\00:20:31.69 if the universe tells us anything, 00:20:31.70\00:20:35.12 it demonstrates Law and Order. 00:20:35.13\00:20:40.26 Everywhere you look in the stellar universe, 00:20:40.27\00:20:44.09 you see very precise order. 00:20:44.10\00:20:48.22 And you see obedience to law. 00:20:48.23\00:20:52.00 In fact, that obedience is a very precise obedience. 00:20:52.01\00:20:56.85 It is so precise that is-- you can go to an observatory 00:20:56.86\00:21:01.00 and you can tell the person in-charge of that telescope, 00:21:01.01\00:21:04.07 I would like to look at planet Saturn. 00:21:04.08\00:21:06.48 And he would look and he'd say, 00:21:06.49\00:21:07.69 yes it is-- he would look at his clock 00:21:07.70\00:21:09.86 and he'd look at the calendar and he would say, 00:21:09.87\00:21:11.43 "Yes, it's visible right now in the heavens." 00:21:11.44\00:21:15.30 He would punch in some calculations, 00:21:15.31\00:21:17.58 set the dials on the telescope, 00:21:17.59\00:21:19.57 swing it into place and you would take a look 00:21:19.58\00:21:22.12 in the eyepiece and there is Saturn dead-on. 00:21:22.13\00:21:25.78 And the only way you can do that 00:21:25.79\00:21:28.23 is that those planets are neither early nor late. 00:21:28.24\00:21:32.70 They are precisely in the exact spot 00:21:32.71\00:21:37.55 that the Creator set them to be in. 00:21:37.56\00:21:41.18 And when you take a look at the planets, 00:21:41.19\00:21:46.01 what we know is that they had all be there 00:21:46.02\00:21:49.29 at the same time they did not evolve. 00:21:49.30\00:21:51.75 They had to all be in the heavens at the same time 00:21:51.76\00:21:55.54 or the planets would not stay in their proper order 00:21:55.55\00:21:59.57 because each one influences the other to be on its target. 00:21:59.58\00:22:03.79 And if they weren't all there, 00:22:03.80\00:22:05.63 the whole thing would not function as it does. 00:22:05.64\00:22:10.09 And so notice this statement, 00:22:10.10\00:22:11.73 "Rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, 00:22:11.74\00:22:15.73 which reveals an intelligence of such superiority 00:22:15.74\00:22:20.38 that when compared with it, 00:22:20.39\00:22:21.84 all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings 00:22:21.85\00:22:26.07 is utterly insignificant reflection." 00:22:26.08\00:22:29.53 You know, who said that. 00:22:29.54\00:22:32.03 That was Albert Einstein. 00:22:32.04\00:22:34.39 That was his view of the universe 00:22:34.40\00:22:37.93 and that's what he said about it. 00:22:37.94\00:22:39.66 That the harmony of what kind of law, 00:22:39.67\00:22:42.33 natural law, laws that are emplaced 00:22:42.34\00:22:45.18 that man did not create, had nothing to do with. 00:22:45.19\00:22:47.73 Sir Isaac Newton when he discovered 00:22:47.74\00:22:49.49 the law of gravity and he was voted by associated press 00:22:49.50\00:22:53.46 as the most influential man in the last 1,000 years. 00:22:53.47\00:22:56.77 And he said because I give it a term, 00:22:56.78\00:23:00.47 gravity, does not mean that 00:23:00.48\00:23:02.16 I understand anything about it at all. 00:23:02.17\00:23:05.77 He just came up with some formulas 00:23:05.78\00:23:08.51 that all the world of physics still uses to this day. 00:23:08.52\00:23:14.62 And while they charted him as the most influential man, 00:23:14.63\00:23:17.85 never forget he was a Christian. 00:23:17.86\00:23:20.73 And spent more time with the Bible 00:23:20.74\00:23:22.80 than he did in the science lab 00:23:22.81\00:23:24.58 but the world remembers him for his science 00:23:24.59\00:23:27.76 not his study of this book. 00:23:27.77\00:23:29.84 But he did write a book about revelation 00:23:29.85\00:23:32.35 and you can read it, do a Google search. 00:23:32.36\00:23:34.78 And you can find it and read it 00:23:34.79\00:23:36.31 and it's worth reading, very thought provoking. 00:23:36.32\00:23:40.06 So all planets relate to the Sun 00:23:40.07\00:23:42.46 and to each other in a way of the cross. 00:23:42.47\00:23:47.31 The cross is the greatest single demonstration 00:23:47.32\00:23:49.92 of self denying love that human beings can ever ponder 00:23:49.93\00:23:54.08 and these planets all obey in a way of self denial. 00:23:54.09\00:23:59.04 Hear me carefully. I didn't say they think. 00:23:59.05\00:24:01.60 I said they function in an action of self denial 00:24:01.61\00:24:05.30 and that they stay in their orbit. 00:24:05.31\00:24:07.32 They don't get over into somebody else's. 00:24:07.33\00:24:09.45 They stay exactly in that precise orbit 00:24:09.46\00:24:12.27 and obey the laws of their being in a self denying way. 00:24:12.28\00:24:17.36 They don't become creative 00:24:17.37\00:24:18.85 and decide I'm gonna find a new way to do this. 00:24:18.86\00:24:21.64 They are on target precisely. 00:24:21.65\00:24:24.98 Herschel, one of the greatest astronomers said, 00:24:24.99\00:24:28.26 "All human discoveries seem to be made 00:24:28.27\00:24:30.68 only for the purpose of confirming 00:24:30.69\00:24:33.00 more strongly the truths that come from on high 00:24:33.01\00:24:36.65 and are contained in the sacred writings." 00:24:36.66\00:24:40.03 That's one of the greatest astronomers 00:24:40.04\00:24:41.91 and that's what he thinks about this book 00:24:41.92\00:24:44.44 as we look into the heavens. 00:24:44.45\00:24:46.73 And so as we look into the heavens tonight, 00:24:46.74\00:24:49.10 I'd like to take you on a very fast quick short trip 00:24:49.11\00:24:54.06 and this is an artist conception 00:24:54.07\00:24:56.04 that Sun is on the far left 00:24:56.05\00:24:59.05 and then they are drawn somewhat to scale 00:24:59.06\00:25:02.01 and we will walk our way 00:25:02.02\00:25:03.99 through all of the nine planets 00:25:04.00\00:25:07.23 that circle our Sun. 00:25:07.24\00:25:08.41 The first one is Mercury 00:25:08.42\00:25:10.60 and its 36 million miles from the Sun. 00:25:10.61\00:25:13.66 The temperature is 370 degrees Celsius 00:25:13.67\00:25:16.09 that would melt lead, by the way. 00:25:16.10\00:25:17.99 And during the long night, it is way below freezing. 00:25:18.00\00:25:22.32 It travels the fastest at over 100,000 miles 00:25:22.33\00:25:26.09 an hour around the Sun. 00:25:26.10\00:25:28.80 And is the smallest, only 3,100 miles in diameter. 00:25:28.81\00:25:33.24 The Venus is seen clearly in the evening or morning. 00:25:33.25\00:25:36.83 It lies 67 million miles from the Sun 00:25:36.84\00:25:40.53 and is Earth's closest planet and it spins backwards. 00:25:40.54\00:25:46.90 According to the theory of evolution 00:25:46.91\00:25:48.55 and the law of angular momentum, 00:25:48.56\00:25:50.49 if there was an explosion like a big bang 00:25:50.50\00:25:53.11 everything would spin off in the same direction. 00:25:53.12\00:25:56.25 But that's not what we see in the universe. 00:25:56.26\00:25:58.52 At this point, Venus is spinning 00:25:58.53\00:26:01.50 in the exact opposite direction 00:26:01.51\00:26:03.39 as are two other planets in our solar system. 00:26:03.40\00:26:08.87 And its diameter is very similar to the Earth 00:26:08.88\00:26:10.84 7,700 miles and it is 67.2 million miles 00:26:10.85\00:26:16.93 from the Sun, and has an atmosphere 00:26:16.94\00:26:19.43 and the daytime temperature is about 60 degree Celsius. 00:26:19.44\00:26:23.68 At night, it's a -25 Celsius. 00:26:23.69\00:26:27.01 Then we come to our dear planet Earth. 00:26:27.02\00:26:29.74 Its 93 million miles from the Sun 00:26:29.75\00:26:32.06 and is tilted to 23 and half degrees from vertical. 00:26:32.07\00:26:35.96 It spins at 1,000 miles an hour at the equator. 00:26:35.97\00:26:39.62 It takes 365 days to circle the Sun, 00:26:39.63\00:26:43.13 traveling at 66,600 miles an hour. 00:26:43.14\00:26:47.27 I like to think of my birthday that way. 00:26:47.28\00:26:50.45 Just think since I was born, 00:26:50.46\00:26:53.22 the Sun has only made 69 cycles around the Sun. 00:26:53.23\00:26:58.97 So it doesn't sound so bad when you say it that way. 00:26:58.98\00:27:01.85 And then Mars the great red planet, 00:27:01.86\00:27:05.81 141 million miles from the Sun, 00:27:05.82\00:27:07.94 about half the size of the Earth 00:27:07.95\00:27:09.84 at 4,200 miles in diameter. 00:27:09.85\00:27:12.58 It spins at 15 miles per second. 00:27:12.59\00:27:15.28 Its daytime temperature is 25 Celsius, 00:27:15.29\00:27:18.43 night time a -40 Celsius. 00:27:18.44\00:27:21.14 We have taken pictures of Mars from the Viking Lander. 00:27:21.15\00:27:26.24 Notice carefully as we walk through these planets, 00:27:26.25\00:27:30.04 are they different from each other? 00:27:30.05\00:27:32.52 They are markedly different. 00:27:32.53\00:27:34.05 This is not some kind of an explosion of pieces 00:27:34.06\00:27:37.18 flying out into space somewhere. 00:27:37.19\00:27:39.40 No, each one is unique and very, very different 00:27:39.41\00:27:42.41 from any of the others. The largest is Jupiter. 00:27:42.42\00:27:46.45 It is the largest planet 00:27:46.46\00:27:47.88 located 483 million miles from the Sun. 00:27:47.89\00:27:51.50 It spins the fastest at 8.1 miles a second, 00:27:51.51\00:27:55.17 turns around in less than 10 hours. 00:27:55.18\00:27:57.84 And it sends out strong radio waves 00:27:57.85\00:28:00.92 at 22 million cycles per second. 00:28:00.93\00:28:04.16 Its total mass is two and a half times 00:28:04.17\00:28:06.37 greater than all the rest of the planets put together. 00:28:06.38\00:28:10.51 And it is one of the neatest things 00:28:10.52\00:28:12.19 to look at in the heavens. 00:28:12.20\00:28:13.29 I have a six-inch telescope 00:28:13.30\00:28:15.71 and I just love to look at Jupiter 00:28:15.72\00:28:18.04 with its four moons that are so clearly visible 00:28:18.05\00:28:22.49 with even small telescopes. 00:28:22.50\00:28:24.82 It actually has 16 moons, some orbit in one direction, 00:28:24.83\00:28:29.53 and some in another. 00:28:29.54\00:28:30.93 There is one of them and there is the other 00:28:30.94\00:28:33.81 and they move in different directions. 00:28:33.82\00:28:37.43 Saturn located at 886.2 million miles from the Sun. 00:28:37.44\00:28:45.36 It is 75,100 miles in diameter. 00:28:47.79\00:28:54.14 And it takes 29 00:28:54.15\00:28:55.26 and a half years to circle the Sun. 00:28:55.27\00:28:57.28 And Saturn has 17 moons. 00:28:57.29\00:28:59.72 All orbit in the same direction, except for Phoebe, 00:28:59.73\00:29:04.36 and it goes in the opposite direction. 00:29:04.37\00:29:07.14 Someone said, just enough to make the big bang theory 00:29:07.15\00:29:09.88 really look not too intelligent. 00:29:09.89\00:29:13.36 We could say a lot about the big bang theory. 00:29:13.37\00:29:16.34 The big bang theory as it was originally put forth, 00:29:16.35\00:29:18.73 was put forth by a creationist. 00:29:18.74\00:29:21.51 Because he believed that all the heavens 00:29:21.52\00:29:23.66 had to be in place at a reasonably 00:29:23.67\00:29:26.28 soon period of time, 00:29:26.29\00:29:28.71 but evolutionists picked up on that 00:29:28.72\00:29:30.39 and they tried to make it into some kind of an explosion. 00:29:30.40\00:29:34.16 But the big bang theory is already exploded 00:29:34.17\00:29:37.46 and all the astronomers know it's really a very sick theory 00:29:37.47\00:29:41.16 and it does not match observable science. 00:29:41.17\00:29:44.33 Saturn with over 17 moons hastening on in space. 00:29:44.34\00:29:48.71 We come to Uranus. 00:29:48.72\00:29:50.38 It is located at one billion 783 million miles 00:29:50.39\00:29:55.83 from the Sun. Notice the distance. 00:29:55.84\00:29:58.48 And it orbits the Sun in 84 years 00:29:58.49\00:30:01.66 and it moves at 14 miles per second. 00:30:01.67\00:30:05.27 And it spins on its axis every 10 and a half hours 00:30:05.28\00:30:10.29 at 4.2 miles per second. 00:30:10.30\00:30:12.98 And notice this one also is spinning 00:30:12.99\00:30:15.33 in the opposite direction to the others. 00:30:15.34\00:30:18.93 And it also has five moons. 00:30:18.94\00:30:21.66 And then we have Neptune 00:30:21.67\00:30:23.47 located to 2,794 million miles from the Sun. 00:30:23.48\00:30:29.34 It has the diameter of 30,770 miles, 00:30:29.35\00:30:32.45 takes 165 years to circle the Sun 00:30:32.46\00:30:36.26 at 10,800 miles per hour. 00:30:36.27\00:30:40.87 It also has two moons, 00:30:40.88\00:30:43.76 Triton, which orbits east to west, 00:30:43.77\00:30:45.99 and Nereid, which orbits west to east, 00:30:46.00\00:30:48.80 they going in two opposite directions altogether. 00:30:48.81\00:30:52.57 And then we come to the one 00:30:52.58\00:30:55.13 that used to think was the farthest one out 00:30:55.14\00:30:57.95 and that is Pluto. 00:30:57.96\00:31:01.21 Its 3.7 billion miles from the Sun. 00:31:01.22\00:31:06.30 Think of it. That's a long way. 00:31:06.31\00:31:09.45 And if you got on board a Concorde jet 00:31:09.46\00:31:13.99 and traveled at 1,500 miles an hour. 00:31:14.00\00:31:16.96 It would take 300 years 00:31:16.97\00:31:18.53 just to get to Pluto at those speeds. 00:31:18.54\00:31:22.70 It orbits the Sun in 248 years. 00:31:22.71\00:31:25.26 It has one satellite and its satellite 00:31:25.27\00:31:27.76 is half the size of itself. 00:31:27.77\00:31:31.62 And it also rotates backwards. 00:31:31.63\00:31:36.46 This particular picture is a composite picture 00:31:36.47\00:31:40.09 taken in the early morning light of about 5 00:31:40.10\00:31:43.72 of the planets all lined up together, 00:31:43.73\00:31:46.43 that picture will not be seen again for another, 00:31:46.44\00:31:49.70 I think they estimate about 2 million years. 00:31:49.71\00:31:52.56 Next time that lines up, 00:31:52.57\00:31:53.84 I hope it's a new heavens 00:31:53.85\00:31:55.03 and a new Earth, don't you? 00:31:55.04\00:31:57.27 And so here we have them-- 00:31:57.28\00:32:00.46 they have now found another 1,000 icy Pluto 00:32:00.47\00:32:04.32 like objects beyond Neptune's orbit. 00:32:04.33\00:32:07.75 And they are collectively called Kuiper's Belt. 00:32:07.76\00:32:11.66 And as you may have heard they have demoted Pluto 00:32:11.67\00:32:15.90 and don't call it a real planet, 00:32:15.91\00:32:17.38 but that's still under discussion 00:32:17.39\00:32:19.33 and probably they will call it a planet again. 00:32:19.34\00:32:22.76 But the other planet, Eris, 00:32:22.77\00:32:24.94 that we know of out there 00:32:24.95\00:32:26.46 is actually bigger than Pluto. 00:32:26.47\00:32:28.41 And so, let's try to get a little idea 00:32:28.42\00:32:30.42 of how big really are we on planet Earth. 00:32:30.43\00:32:33.92 And so we just compare ourselves 00:32:33.93\00:32:36.03 there size wise that's Earth, 00:32:36.04\00:32:38.53 and Venus, and Mars, and Mercury, and Pluto. 00:32:38.54\00:32:41.39 And you can tell from that picture 00:32:41.40\00:32:42.98 Earth is the biggest one there. 00:32:42.99\00:32:44.64 We're big stuff, right? 00:32:44.65\00:32:46.72 Well, now when you compare to the other planets, 00:32:46.73\00:32:50.67 Jupiter, and Saturn, and Uranus, and Neptune, 00:32:50.68\00:32:53.95 and you notice where Earth is. 00:32:53.96\00:32:56.43 It's been demoted quite a bit size wise 00:32:56.44\00:33:00.39 as we compare and Pluto is hardly noticeable. 00:33:00.40\00:33:03.90 But now hang on to your seats and try to grasp 00:33:03.91\00:33:06.26 what we're now about to look at. 00:33:06.27\00:33:10.61 This is our Sun and this is the planets 00:33:10.62\00:33:13.76 compared to it Jupiter 00:33:13.77\00:33:15.71 and the other planets there 00:33:15.72\00:33:19.07 and notice where Earth is. 00:33:19.08\00:33:21.15 It's just a little tiny speck down there 00:33:21.16\00:33:24.89 when you compare it to the Sun. 00:33:24.90\00:33:26.20 You could put a million Earths in our Sun 00:33:26.21\00:33:29.40 and still be comfortable in space. 00:33:29.41\00:33:32.50 But now this next picture, look very carefully 00:33:32.51\00:33:35.81 and see if you can find where the Earth really is? 00:33:35.82\00:33:41.86 That's our Sun where the arrow 00:33:41.87\00:33:43.88 is pointing to and that's Sirius, 00:33:43.89\00:33:46.18 another star, and Pollux and Arcturus. 00:33:46.19\00:33:48.59 These are other Suns. 00:33:48.60\00:33:50.29 And so you can see our Sun that we think is so big, 00:33:50.30\00:33:54.09 is actually really very small when you compare it 00:33:54.10\00:33:59.01 to some of the other Suns 00:33:59.02\00:34:01.11 that we know of in our neighborhood 00:34:01.12\00:34:03.46 circling around our part-- our corner of the galaxy 00:34:03.47\00:34:08.96 if you please call the Milky Way. 00:34:08.97\00:34:10.85 But now hold on to your seats 00:34:10.86\00:34:12.13 and look really carefully at this next picture 00:34:12.14\00:34:14.76 and see if you can even find our Sun. 00:34:14.77\00:34:18.71 And you probably can't see it. 00:34:18.72\00:34:21.99 But it's actually one pixel in size 00:34:22.00\00:34:25.01 and where do you think planet Earth 00:34:25.02\00:34:26.38 is compared to that? 00:34:26.39\00:34:28.88 And you can see 00:34:28.89\00:34:29.89 there are other stars infinitely bigger. 00:34:29.90\00:34:33.34 And so when David asked the question, 00:34:33.35\00:34:35.09 what is man, that thou art mindful of him? 00:34:35.10\00:34:37.78 He may--he didn't know what we just looked at. 00:34:37.79\00:34:40.87 But when you look at it that way, 00:34:40.88\00:34:43.98 how do you feel? 00:34:43.99\00:34:45.77 Kind of, maybe, insignificant. 00:34:45.78\00:34:48.47 Our Earth is rather insignificant 00:34:48.48\00:34:50.60 or our Sun is insignificant. 00:34:50.61\00:34:52.78 But when we go into the heavens, 00:34:52.79\00:34:55.50 and Job 9:9 says, 00:34:55.51\00:35:00.69 Lord you have created the Pleiades, 00:35:00.70\00:35:05.25 and the Bear, and the other constellations. 00:35:05.26\00:35:07.59 Notice carefully that God 00:35:07.60\00:35:09.09 specifically warned ancient Israel 00:35:09.10\00:35:11.78 when he said, "Do not worship the stars." 00:35:11.79\00:35:16.49 Many people have worshiped the stars in the past. 00:35:16.50\00:35:19.44 The heathen have worshipped the stars 00:35:19.45\00:35:21.55 and people today are worshiping the stars. 00:35:21.56\00:35:25.43 Notice carefully astronomy and astrology, 00:35:25.44\00:35:28.40 astrology is not astronomy. 00:35:28.41\00:35:31.78 Astrology is a system of belief. 00:35:31.79\00:35:36.74 This happens to be the Eastern zodiac. 00:35:36.75\00:35:39.60 This is the one on this side. 00:35:39.61\00:35:41.05 This is an imaginary belt in the heavens 00:35:41.06\00:35:44.72 and they have given names to these 00:35:44.73\00:35:47.36 and you've heard of the horoscopes. 00:35:47.37\00:35:49.66 Many people live by those horoscopes 00:35:49.67\00:35:52.46 that are published in newspapers and so forth. 00:35:52.47\00:35:56.06 But what most people don't realize 00:35:56.07\00:35:57.75 those horoscopes are set 00:35:57.76\00:35:59.88 by the Babylonian charts long, 00:35:59.89\00:36:03.44 long ago and they are hopelessly out of sync 00:36:03.45\00:36:06.43 with where the heavens are today 00:36:06.44\00:36:08.94 and so when they tell you, 00:36:08.95\00:36:10.20 you were born under such and such a sign 00:36:10.21\00:36:12.32 and that means such and such and so forth, 00:36:12.33\00:36:15.00 actually, that is not true at all 00:36:15.01\00:36:18.47 with observable science today. 00:36:18.48\00:36:20.93 Because the charts they're using date way back 00:36:20.94\00:36:23.49 to the days of the Babylonian pagans 00:36:23.50\00:36:25.84 when they worshipped the Sun. 00:36:25.85\00:36:28.20 And--but we can look into the heavens 00:36:28.21\00:36:30.58 and there are the constellations 00:36:30.59\00:36:32.51 and we don't have time to go into the constellations. 00:36:32.52\00:36:35.97 But we're--many are aware of Orion. 00:36:35.98\00:36:39.06 By the way, I do, do a seminar 9 hours' worth 00:36:39.07\00:36:42.61 on the heavens and we are just flying 00:36:42.62\00:36:44.91 through the heavens tonight. 00:36:44.92\00:36:46.16 This is surely getting a little bird's eye view. 00:36:46.17\00:36:48.06 We spent a whole night just on constellations. 00:36:48.07\00:36:51.21 And then there is Lyra 00:36:51.22\00:36:53.15 what I want you to notice is this. 00:36:53.16\00:36:56.57 These stars are predictive. 00:36:56.58\00:36:58.85 You can predict where they are 00:36:58.86\00:37:00.96 because they're obedient to law. 00:37:00.97\00:37:03.31 But here's the part I want you 00:37:03.32\00:37:04.57 to really fasten in your mind. 00:37:04.58\00:37:07.02 The greatest proof that this world 00:37:07.03\00:37:09.63 and universe did not evolve is predictive prophecy. 00:37:09.64\00:37:16.26 Because you could not possibly predict 00:37:16.27\00:37:18.35 the future if everything was random, 00:37:18.36\00:37:21.33 chance, and accidental that would be impossible. 00:37:21.34\00:37:24.62 And yet the Bible predicts 00:37:24.63\00:37:27.33 "Present your case," says the Lord. 00:37:27.34\00:37:28.94 "Let them bring forth and show us what will happen 00:37:28.95\00:37:32.12 and declare to us things to come. 00:37:32.13\00:37:34.40 Show us the things that are to come hereafter. 00:37:34.41\00:37:36.85 And we will know whether you are God or not. 00:37:36.86\00:37:39.86 God is saying, I predict the end from the beginning. 00:37:39.87\00:37:43.46 I can tell you what the future is 00:37:43.47\00:37:45.85 and so with predictive prophecy, 00:37:45.86\00:37:48.30 there are many. Jeremiah 51:36 and 37, 00:37:48.31\00:37:53.45 It predicted the city of "Babylon shall become 00:37:53.46\00:37:59.16 a heap and without an inhabitant." 00:37:59.17\00:38:02.23 And it predicted that it would never ever be rebuilt. 00:38:02.24\00:38:06.00 And that prediction was made in 595 BC. 00:38:06.01\00:38:10.38 That prediction was made and today you can go 00:38:10.39\00:38:15.74 and it's located where Babylon was, 00:38:15.75\00:38:18.38 is 50 miles south of Baghdad, 00:38:18.39\00:38:20.50 it's flat, it's hot, it's deserted and it's dusty. 00:38:20.51\00:38:25.29 That's just one of the predictions 00:38:25.30\00:38:27.38 that was predicted and today we can look at it 00:38:27.39\00:38:30.41 and it was fulfilled. 00:38:30.42\00:38:32.62 But there are other predictions. 00:38:32.63\00:38:35.20 Scholars tell us that there are 600 predictions 00:38:35.21\00:38:39.74 in the Old and the New Testaments of the scripture. 00:38:39.75\00:38:44.26 600 predictions that you can test out 00:38:44.27\00:38:46.92 and see whether that's really true or not 00:38:46.93\00:38:49.73 and we know from examining it, it is true. 00:38:49.74\00:38:52.57 There are 300 of these predictions 00:38:52.58\00:38:55.33 that all relate to one individual, Jesus Christ. 00:38:55.34\00:39:00.27 24 of those predictions were fulfilled in one weekend 00:39:00.28\00:39:03.93 and some of those predictions were made 00:39:03.94\00:39:05.92 a 1,000 years before He was born 00:39:05.93\00:39:10.44 but the longest time prophecy in this book 00:39:10.45\00:39:14.47 is found in the Book of Daniel, 00:39:14.48\00:39:17.40 the ancient Book of Daniels. 00:39:17.41\00:39:20.59 Also we--I've discovered in scripture 00:39:20.60\00:39:24.42 that he has fixed the day 00:39:24.43\00:39:25.90 on which He would judge the whole Earth. 00:39:25.91\00:39:29.16 And Bible prophecy tells us 00:39:29.17\00:39:31.95 that we are nearing that time. 00:39:31.96\00:39:33.79 Is that important to know? 00:39:33.80\00:39:35.19 The Bible says, "This world's gonna 00:39:35.20\00:39:37.05 come to an end." It's not gonna go on forever. 00:39:37.06\00:39:39.05 And it's not gonna burn out. 00:39:39.06\00:39:40.53 We don't have time to go into that prophecy 00:39:40.54\00:39:42.25 but if you go to 00:39:42.26\00:39:45.11 and check out that website 00:39:45.12\00:39:47.04 and ask for their Bible study on prophecies 00:39:47.05\00:39:50.18 you can study that out for yourself 00:39:50.19\00:39:53.34 and you will find it most fascinating. 00:39:53.35\00:39:56.27 "The stars of the heavens are all under law, 00:39:56.28\00:39:58.48 each influencing the other to do the will of God, 00:39:58.49\00:40:01.41 yielding their common obedience to the law 00:40:01.42\00:40:04.36 that controls their action." 00:40:04.37\00:40:06.62 And in the heavens, if we could just take time 00:40:06.63\00:40:08.95 to go out there and look, 00:40:08.96\00:40:10.23 we would see such beauty. 00:40:10.24\00:40:12.80 And I believe that the stars that He made also. 00:40:12.81\00:40:16.71 Now the pictures we're about to look at 00:40:16.72\00:40:18.84 may make your head spin, 00:40:18.85\00:40:20.70 so sit right up straight and carefully notice 00:40:20.71\00:40:24.62 because we're gonna walk through this very quickly. 00:40:24.63\00:40:27.24 The Earth is spinning at the equator 00:40:27.25\00:40:29.18 at 1,000 miles an hour every 24 hours 00:40:29.19\00:40:32.19 it rotates once on its axis. 00:40:32.20\00:40:35.14 Notice carefully our Sun 00:40:35.15\00:40:36.89 and all the planets are circling the Sun 00:40:36.90\00:40:39.38 and Earth is circling the Sun. 00:40:39.39\00:40:41.55 And it is traveling 66,600 miles an hour 00:40:41.56\00:40:46.12 and at that speed it takes it one year 00:40:46.13\00:40:48.45 to make one circle around the Sun. 00:40:48.46\00:40:50.97 They all are circling that Sun 00:40:50.98\00:40:53.68 and then we find our Sun 00:40:53.69\00:40:55.46 also is part of the Milky Way galaxy system 00:40:55.47\00:41:00.56 and with its 10 or more planets 00:41:00.57\00:41:05.72 all circling each other. 00:41:05.73\00:41:07.35 They are also circling our Milky Way galaxy 00:41:07.36\00:41:12.00 at 500,000 miles an hour 00:41:12.01\00:41:15.50 and they estimate that at that speed 00:41:15.51\00:41:17.98 it would take about 2 million years 00:41:17.99\00:41:20.99 for our Sun to make one circuit 00:41:21.00\00:41:23.52 around that Milky Way galaxy. 00:41:23.53\00:41:25.91 That Milky Way galaxy, if planet Sun 00:41:25.92\00:41:29.62 and its moons were all created 00:41:29.63\00:41:32.61 on this fourth day, 00:41:32.62\00:41:34.33 they'd be new comers to the block, 00:41:34.34\00:41:36.16 I think, just new kids. 00:41:36.17\00:41:39.10 Or it is conceivable that God could have welcomed-- 00:41:39.11\00:41:42.48 created the entire Milky Way system 00:41:42.49\00:41:45.58 on that fourth day if he did so. 00:41:45.59\00:41:49.24 Our Milky Way galaxy with its 100 billion Suns 00:41:49.25\00:41:53.20 is moving through space 00:41:53.21\00:41:54.48 at 1.1 million miles an hour. 00:41:54.49\00:41:59.81 Isaiah asked the question lift up your eyes 00:41:59.82\00:42:04.14 and see who has created these things, 00:42:04.15\00:42:06.30 who brings out their host by number, 00:42:06.31\00:42:08.45 He calls them all by name, 00:42:08.46\00:42:11.35 and by the greatness of His might 00:42:11.36\00:42:12.96 and the strength of His power, 00:42:12.97\00:42:14.39 and not one is missing. 00:42:14.40\00:42:16.39 But these galaxies are also circling each other. 00:42:16.40\00:42:19.52 Latest estimate saw that they are all moving 00:42:19.53\00:42:21.92 through space at 3 billion miles an hour 00:42:21.93\00:42:25.73 and some of the latest research suggests 00:42:25.74\00:42:27.75 that they're all headed in the same direction. 00:42:27.76\00:42:30.29 And, dear people, that's purpose. 00:42:30.30\00:42:32.60 They're going somewhere and at a high rate of speed. 00:42:32.61\00:42:37.72 Notice as we take a look at that solar system, 00:42:37.73\00:42:40.57 it looks like something what does it look like? 00:42:40.58\00:42:43.96 It looks like an atom. 00:42:43.97\00:42:47.49 There are many galaxies. They did not evolve. 00:42:47.50\00:42:50.49 Wherever they looked, they are complete. 00:42:50.50\00:42:53.33 They are as common as blades of grass in a field. 00:42:53.34\00:42:56.15 And they found 1,000 new ones 00:42:56.16\00:42:58.27 when they looked in the empty space 00:42:58.28\00:43:00.32 in the area of the Big Dipper. 00:43:00.33\00:43:03.22 So where are we located in these galaxies. 00:43:03.23\00:43:06.56 If you look carefully, our Sun is located there 00:43:06.57\00:43:10.11 and this is the Sagittarius Arm of our Milky Way galaxy 00:43:10.12\00:43:14.72 and this is the Perseus Arm. 00:43:14.73\00:43:16.84 And our Sun is located in the space 00:43:16.85\00:43:20.58 between those two called the Orion belt. 00:43:20.59\00:43:24.48 And that's where we're located, 00:43:24.49\00:43:25.91 when you look to the south, 00:43:25.92\00:43:27.55 you're looking towards the center 00:43:27.56\00:43:29.32 of our Milky Way galaxy system. 00:43:29.33\00:43:32.46 Our bodies are sort of like a walking universe. 00:43:32.47\00:43:35.28 Don't miss Saturday morning 00:43:35.29\00:43:37.28 when we take up the subject 00:43:37.29\00:43:38.85 the most amazing thing in all creation is the human body. 00:43:38.86\00:43:43.66 But those who are wise will shine 00:43:43.67\00:43:45.20 like the brightness of the firmament, 00:43:45.21\00:43:47.32 and those who turn many to righteousness 00:43:47.33\00:43:49.02 like the stars forever. 00:43:49.03\00:43:52.81 It's like a ship that's lost in a storm. 00:43:52.82\00:43:55.36 He doesn't know where he was at. 00:43:55.37\00:43:56.55 This was years ago, the sailing ships. 00:43:56.56\00:43:58.87 But then, there was a break in that storm 00:43:58.88\00:44:01.18 and then he can see the stars. 00:44:01.19\00:44:02.89 So he takes out his instrument 00:44:02.90\00:44:04.28 and he begins to check out that measurement 00:44:04.29\00:44:07.18 and as he looks at it pretty soon 00:44:07.19\00:44:10.32 as he keeps checking out the stars, 00:44:10.33\00:44:12.85 he can discover where he is at. 00:44:12.86\00:44:16.11 And he can get his bearings. 00:44:16.12\00:44:18.52 And I'd like to suggest that 00:44:18.53\00:44:22.00 God has written His law in your heart. 00:44:22.01\00:44:26.44 And we get confused in our world today 00:44:26.45\00:44:29.07 but if we will keep that law, it becomes a shelter to us 00:44:29.08\00:44:32.91 and protection and it will help us to know 00:44:32.92\00:44:36.41 where we are. 00:44:36.42\00:44:39.09 And if you lay those words up in your heart 00:44:39.10\00:44:40.96 and in your soul, and bind them 00:44:40.97\00:44:42.30 as a sign in your hand, they will be as frontlets 00:44:42.31\00:44:45.66 between your eyes and you would teach them 00:44:45.67\00:44:48.41 to your children. 00:44:48.42\00:44:49.98 And they would become a shelter 00:44:49.99\00:44:52.02 and a protection to you. 00:44:52.03\00:44:55.17 And tonight I want to draw a conclusion to this message. 00:44:55.18\00:44:57.93 But as I draw a conclusion to this picture tonight, 00:44:59.32\00:45:02.58 I'm going to ask my wife to share her testimony. 00:45:02.59\00:45:05.86 It's a story of what happened to her. 00:45:05.87\00:45:08.90 And I'll finish that story. So do two things at once. 00:45:08.91\00:45:13.51 You can watch the picture and listen as Jean shares 00:45:13.52\00:45:17.37 an experience we had when we met a storm 00:45:17.38\00:45:20.61 that was bigger than we are. 00:45:20.62\00:45:23.05 It's incredible how God can care for just one 00:45:36.66\00:45:41.32 seemingly insignificant person in the universe 00:45:41.33\00:45:43.82 in such a big universe. 00:45:43.83\00:45:47.83 But I had an experience several years ago, 00:45:47.84\00:45:51.97 where my life was spared. 00:45:51.98\00:45:54.56 I had been sick all night long 00:45:54.57\00:45:57.64 and the next morning my husband was going to preach. 00:45:57.65\00:46:01.66 And I had a prickly sensation 00:46:01.67\00:46:06.84 that was coming in my feet 00:46:06.85\00:46:08.67 and I'd had a history of allergies. 00:46:08.68\00:46:11.79 And I had taken some supplements 00:46:11.80\00:46:14.92 and I thought maybe this was the problem I was having, 00:46:14.93\00:46:19.27 a reaction to supplements, supplements I'd taken. 00:46:19.28\00:46:24.16 And this prickly sensation 00:46:24.17\00:46:26.59 was traveling very quickly up my legs. 00:46:26.60\00:46:30.47 And I thought, you know, 00:46:30.48\00:46:33.41 I don't think that Terry should leave 00:46:33.42\00:46:35.68 to go to church and preach this morning 00:46:35.69\00:46:39.14 with me like this. 00:46:39.15\00:46:40.18 Because I think I'm having an allergic reaction. 00:46:40.19\00:46:43.94 So, by the time they got ready to go to church 00:46:43.95\00:46:52.54 I could not walk 00:46:52.55\00:46:54.77 and breathing was getting very, very difficult 00:46:54.78\00:46:58.44 and we had one hour before we could be at the hospital. 00:46:58.45\00:47:04.93 And we had to travel up a very bad lodging mountain road. 00:47:04.94\00:47:11.29 Anyway, I soon was having psychedelic colors 00:47:11.30\00:47:16.16 coming before my eyes and my breathing 00:47:16.17\00:47:21.20 was just getting cut off. 00:47:21.21\00:47:24.30 And I just knew that we would make it. 00:47:24.31\00:47:29.49 So before I went unconscious, 00:47:29.50\00:47:35.64 I saw a picture in my mind that gave me such peace. 00:47:35.65\00:47:46.05 It was a picture of a boat in the terrible storm. 00:47:46.06\00:47:52.51 And the waves were coming over the boat, 00:47:52.52\00:47:56.31 but there was one at the wheel 00:47:56.32\00:47:59.44 who was guiding the boat through the storm. 00:47:59.45\00:48:05.19 And it gave me such peace. 00:48:05.20\00:48:07.97 So I just felt like I could go to sleep. 00:48:17.82\00:48:21.92 And I didn't need to worry. 00:48:21.93\00:48:24.14 Because Jesus would be there to take care of my family 00:48:24.15\00:48:29.47 and so I just relaxed and went to sleep, 00:48:29.48\00:48:33.93 I thought for good, but God saw fit 00:48:33.94\00:48:39.18 to spare my life those few years ago. 00:48:39.19\00:48:43.60 And...I praise the Lord for that experience. 00:48:43.61\00:48:50.01 And my experience was 00:48:50.02\00:48:52.36 I was to preach on Psalm 61 that day. 00:48:52.37\00:48:56.86 And I didn't get to preach it, I got to leave it. 00:48:56.87\00:49:00.88 It says when your heart is overwhelmed, 00:49:00.89\00:49:03.44 lead you to the rock that's higher than I-- 00:49:03.45\00:49:05.72 if we can have the other lights out. 00:49:05.73\00:49:08.01 When your heart is overwhelmed 00:49:11.05\00:49:14.05 and I thought my wife was dying 00:49:14.06\00:49:15.52 and we rushed for the hospital. 00:49:15.53\00:49:18.94 My testimony was there was perfect peace in my heart. 00:49:22.03\00:49:29.48 Because I wasn't relying on the doctors. 00:49:29.49\00:49:31.22 They didn't know what to do. 00:49:31.23\00:49:32.94 And when they got her there, 00:49:35.24\00:49:36.99 they wanted to know what drugs was she taking. 00:49:37.00\00:49:38.84 She didn't take any drugs. 00:49:38.85\00:49:40.63 They experimented around and tried to figure it out 00:49:44.15\00:49:46.53 and finally Jean, she rallied a little bit and she said, 00:49:46.54\00:49:54.62 "Doctor, I'm having an allergy reaction, 00:49:54.63\00:49:57.47 give me some Benadryl." 00:50:00.91\00:50:04.79 And she began to come around. 00:50:04.80\00:50:10.13 What I want you to notice is this, 00:50:10.14\00:50:13.41 that no matter how bad the storm gets, 00:50:13.42\00:50:18.48 God does not vacate the throne because you're in trouble. 00:50:18.49\00:50:25.71 And if you will rely on Him, when your heart is overwhelmed 00:50:25.72\00:50:31.23 lead me to the rock that's higher than I. 00:50:31.24\00:50:36.18 Those doctors couldn't give Jean any drugs 00:50:36.19\00:50:40.08 because she is allergic to everything. 00:50:40.09\00:50:43.20 And they didn't know what to do. 00:50:43.21\00:50:46.58 And she was had a body core temperature 00:50:46.59\00:50:48.84 of a drowning person. 00:50:48.85\00:50:50.57 But gradually she began to rally a little bit 00:50:54.57\00:51:00.41 and when they finally gave her that shot of Benadryl, 00:51:00.42\00:51:03.53 she popped out of that storm. 00:51:03.54\00:51:07.60 And my question to you is this. 00:51:07.61\00:51:10.62 You must know those promises. 00:51:17.29\00:51:20.84 They'll be an anchor to you. 00:51:20.85\00:51:24.00 And when the night gets dark 00:51:24.01\00:51:25.56 and you can't see where you're going, 00:51:25.57\00:51:27.61 His promises are sure and certain 00:51:27.62\00:51:30.57 and you can count on them 00:51:30.58\00:51:32.77 and they will take you through. 00:51:32.78\00:51:35.87 And you can count on it 00:51:35.88\00:51:37.66 as surely as you can count on the Bible's prophecies. 00:51:37.67\00:51:41.23 They are sure. They are certain. 00:51:41.24\00:51:44.21 They are like a compass. 00:51:44.22\00:51:45.99 They are an anchor point to you 00:51:46.00\00:51:47.17 that no matter how bad the night gets, 00:51:47.18\00:51:50.66 the one who created the stars is still in place 00:51:50.67\00:51:54.93 and is on target and you can follow Him. 00:51:54.94\00:51:59.05 And you can anchor on these exceedingly sure 00:51:59.06\00:52:02.38 and precious promises and they will hold you true. 00:52:02.39\00:52:06.89 Eternal Father, that's our prayer tonight. 00:52:08.81\00:52:13.64 We wanna build it on something that's sure and solid 00:52:13.65\00:52:18.74 as are those stars in their place. 00:52:18.75\00:52:22.64 We can count on it and the same God 00:52:22.65\00:52:25.47 who hung them there knows where we are 00:52:25.48\00:52:28.97 and can guide us through no matter 00:52:28.98\00:52:31.16 what storm it is, we might face. 00:52:31.17\00:52:34.64 Dismiss us with his keeping power as I pray 00:52:34.65\00:52:37.79 because we ask it in His holy name, amen. 00:52:37.80\00:52:42.68 Worship Him 00:52:56.20\00:53:04.65 Worship Him worship Him 00:53:04.66\00:53:09.92 Worship Him that made heaven 00:53:09.93\00:53:13.48 The heaven the earth, the sea 00:53:13.49\00:53:17.97 and the fountains of waters Worship him that made 00:53:17.98\00:53:30.29 Worship Him Worship Him 00:53:30.30\00:53:40.69 Fear God Fear God and give glory to him 00:53:44.61\00:53:51.18 Worship him that made 00:53:51.19\00:53:56.17 Fear God Fear God and give glory 00:53:56.18\00:54:01.17 Give glory to him Glory to him 00:54:01.18\00:54:08.96 The birds declare the glory of God 00:54:08.97\00:54:14.64 And the firmament showeth his handiwork 00:54:14.65\00:54:20.91 The earth is a form and a formless thereof 00:54:20.92\00:54:27.20 The earth is formed ofregions fall back there 00:54:27.21\00:54:33.21 Worship Him 00:54:43.67\00:54:47.94 Worship Him, worship Him Worship Him that made heaven 00:54:52.45\00:55:01.66 The heaven the Earth, the sea 00:55:01.67\00:55:06.08 and the fountains of waters Worship him that made 00:55:06.09\00:55:18.32 Worship Him 00:55:18.33\00:55:24.81 Worship Him 00:55:24.82\00:55:28.97 Worship Him 00:55:34.42\00:55:41.61