In the beginning, the earth was without form and void. 00:00:01.44\00:00:05.53 Then God said, "Let there be light." 00:00:07.27\00:00:10.93 And there was light. 00:00:10.94\00:00:12.67 And God divided the light from the darkness. 00:00:14.02\00:00:17.34 So the evening and the morning were the first day. 00:00:17.35\00:00:20.40 So the evening and the morning were the second day. 00:00:30.33\00:00:32.79 Then God said, "Let the waters 00:00:34.80\00:00:36.28 under the heavens be gathered 00:00:36.29\00:00:37.64 together into one place, and let the dry land appear. 00:00:37.65\00:00:41.40 Let the earth bring forth grass and herb 00:00:41.41\00:00:44.04 and the fruit tree that yields fruit 00:00:44.05\00:00:45.44 according to its kind. 00:00:45.45\00:00:47.38 So the evening and the morning were the third day. 00:00:47.39\00:00:49.98 Then God made two great lights. 00:00:51.99\00:00:53.69 He made the stars also, so the evening 00:00:53.70\00:00:56.06 and the morning were the fourth day. 00:00:56.07\00:00:57.85 Then God said, "Let the waters abound 00:00:59.84\00:01:01.82 with an abundance of living creatures, 00:01:01.83\00:01:03.46 and let birds fly above the earth across 00:01:03.47\00:01:06.38 the face of the firmament of the heavens." 00:01:06.39\00:01:08.66 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 00:01:10.37\00:01:12.87 Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth 00:01:15.41\00:01:17.24 living creature according to its kind, 00:01:17.25\00:01:19.61 cattle and creeping things and beast of the earth. 00:01:19.62\00:01:22.50 Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, 00:01:24.36\00:01:27.57 according to Our likeness. 00:01:27.58\00:01:29.38 So the evening and the morning were the sixth day." 00:01:29.39\00:01:32.24 And on the seventh day God ended His work 00:01:34.00\00:01:36.17 which He had done and He rested the seventh day 00:01:36.18\00:01:38.54 from all His work which He had done. 00:01:38.55\00:01:40.45 Then God blessed the seventh day 00:01:40.46\00:01:42.04 and sanctified it because in it He had rested 00:01:42.05\00:01:44.68 from all His work which God had created and made. 00:01:44.69\00:01:48.11 And indeed it was very good. 00:01:49.03\00:01:51.65 Well, it's a real pleasure to welcome you again 00:01:53.10\00:01:55.20 to our seminar, "Origins, The First Week of Time." 00:01:55.21\00:02:01.23 And this evening, we're gonna be taking up 00:02:01.24\00:02:05.26 a very fascinating, but every night of this seminar, 00:02:05.27\00:02:08.83 I think is my favorite. 00:02:08.84\00:02:10.49 And so I have a hard time trying to decide, 00:02:10.50\00:02:12.85 but tonight is a very important one. 00:02:12.86\00:02:15.25 And so as we begin this evening, let's begin with prayer. 00:02:15.26\00:02:19.16 Holy Father, we just thank you for the blessings of this day 00:02:20.86\00:02:24.25 and we ask that the same creative energy, 00:02:24.26\00:02:27.51 Your Holy Spirit, which was active 00:02:27.52\00:02:30.48 in that first week of creation will be active here tonight 00:02:30.49\00:02:34.25 and will create in our minds a fresh encounter 00:02:34.26\00:02:39.32 with Your own divinity because we ask 00:02:39.33\00:02:42.51 that You will bless a planting 00:02:42.52\00:02:44.83 of Your word tonight in our hearts. 00:02:44.84\00:02:47.95 We ask this in Your Holy Name, amen. 00:02:47.96\00:02:51.36 When God creates, He separates. 00:02:52.46\00:02:54.89 And we discover on day one, 00:02:56.59\00:02:59.59 He separated light from darkness. 00:02:59.60\00:03:02.94 On day two, He separated water from water. 00:03:02.95\00:03:06.41 And tonight we will discover 00:03:06.42\00:03:08.31 that He is going to be separating on this third day, 00:03:08.32\00:03:13.17 He's gonna separate land from water. 00:03:13.18\00:03:17.26 And then with that land for the first time 00:03:17.27\00:03:19.99 He's gonna take something He's already made 00:03:20.00\00:03:22.35 and made something else from it. 00:03:22.36\00:03:26.09 And when God creates, He separates. 00:03:26.10\00:03:30.62 And He is always in this separating business. 00:03:30.63\00:03:35.19 In fact, when sin came into our world, 00:03:35.20\00:03:38.72 it separated this world from its Creator. 00:03:38.73\00:03:41.88 And when sin comes in, it separates people from people. 00:03:43.09\00:03:46.99 And when the Creator comes in your life, 00:03:47.00\00:03:48.82 He wants to separate sin from your life. 00:03:48.83\00:03:50.93 Is that good news? And He will--He as Creator, 00:03:50.94\00:03:54.87 He is able to do all these things. 00:03:54.88\00:03:56.93 In fact, the whole Bible 00:03:56.94\00:03:58.74 from Genesis to Revelation is all about separating. 00:03:58.75\00:04:03.59 He has a "called out people." 00:04:03.60\00:04:06.97 And when the world with so full of sin in Noah's day, 00:04:06.98\00:04:11.24 He separated those who would follow Him 00:04:11.25\00:04:14.24 from those who would not. 00:04:14.25\00:04:15.90 And there was a remnant that survived the flood. 00:04:15.91\00:04:20.03 And after that, when God's people again got into sin, 00:04:20.04\00:04:23.27 He called His people out of Egypt. 00:04:23.28\00:04:26.95 And God is always doing 00:04:26.96\00:04:28.61 a separating business when He is creating. 00:04:28.62\00:04:31.86 And we're gonna discover that in more detail 00:04:31.87\00:04:35.20 as we continue with this week. 00:04:35.21\00:04:38.00 And so, "All the earth is the Lord's, 00:04:38.01\00:04:41.71 and He has set the world in order." 00:04:41.72\00:04:45.57 First Samuel 2 verse 8. 00:04:45.58\00:04:49.31 And you know that little world as we see it out there 00:04:49.32\00:04:51.73 from outer space as we take a look at it-- 00:04:51.74\00:04:54.23 What is passing through? 00:04:54.24\00:04:56.01 They look pretty carefully there. 00:04:56.02\00:04:58.80 The Bible says, "He hung the world on nothing." 00:04:58.81\00:05:02.49 And science comes along and says, "That's right." 00:05:02.50\00:05:05.64 And in Job, God asked Job the question. 00:05:05.65\00:05:10.35 "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" 00:05:10.36\00:05:16.29 Where were you? Well, we're gonna look at that 00:05:17.99\00:05:20.31 more carefully tomorrow night that passage. 00:05:20.32\00:05:24.02 And so when we think about the foundations of the earth, 00:05:24.03\00:05:27.28 so far we've discovered in this creation story 00:05:27.29\00:05:31.65 that there are at least three foundations. 00:05:31.66\00:05:36.32 Sound waves did the creating. 00:05:36.33\00:05:38.59 God spoke and that, when God speaks, that's not hard air. 00:05:38.60\00:05:43.42 That is a tremendous release of energy. 00:05:43.43\00:05:47.41 And then they created light. 00:05:47.42\00:05:49.55 And then last night we discovered 00:05:50.65\00:05:52.74 that He separated water from water. 00:05:52.75\00:05:56.56 And tonight we'll discover He will be continuing 00:05:56.57\00:05:59.68 in the separating business. 00:05:59.69\00:06:01.86 When God created light on day one, 00:06:04.54\00:06:06.17 I would like to suggest it is said 00:06:06.18\00:06:07.85 a great ball of water spinning. 00:06:07.86\00:06:09.67 It might have looked something 00:06:09.68\00:06:10.76 like this Hurricane Ike, 900 miles across. 00:06:10.77\00:06:14.86 It filled the whole Gulf of Mexico as it went in. 00:06:14.87\00:06:18.42 And with our technology today, you can see where the light 00:06:18.43\00:06:22.51 and the darkness divide on planet earth. 00:06:22.52\00:06:25.78 And as the light approaches, the earth takes shape 00:06:25.79\00:06:28.67 like clay passed beneath the seal. 00:06:28.68\00:06:31.51 It is robed in brilliant colors. 00:06:31.52\00:06:35.40 And so we read, if you have your Bibles, 00:06:35.41\00:06:38.58 I invite you to turn to Genesis, 00:06:38.59\00:06:41.06 the very first Chapter 00:06:41.07\00:06:42.52 and I hope in your homework assignment, 00:06:42.53\00:06:45.39 you're reading through Genesis one and two everyday, right? 00:06:45.40\00:06:50.17 All away through, so we get a good sweep of this. 00:06:50.18\00:06:54.59 And I'll be reading tonight from the New King James Version. 00:06:54.60\00:06:59.20 And we will begin reading tonight with verse 9. 00:06:59.21\00:07:04.43 "And then God said, "Let the waters under the heavens 00:07:05.86\00:07:09.59 be gathered together into one place, 00:07:09.60\00:07:12.73 and let dry land appear." And it was so." 00:07:12.74\00:07:18.00 I want you to notice that when God said that, 00:07:18.01\00:07:21.25 what came out of it was dry land, not swamp ooze. 00:07:21.26\00:07:25.43 It says, "It was dry land. 00:07:25.44\00:07:27.43 And He called dry land Earth, and the gathering together 00:07:27.44\00:07:31.18 of the waters He called Seas. 00:07:31.19\00:07:33.53 And God saw that it was good." And then God said, 00:07:33.54\00:07:38.00 "Let the earth bring forth grass, 00:07:38.01\00:07:41.21 the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree 00:07:41.22\00:07:44.47 that yields fruit according to its kind, 00:07:44.48\00:07:47.34 whose seed is in itself, on the earth," and it was so. 00:07:47.35\00:07:51.86 And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed 00:07:51.87\00:07:55.54 according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, 00:07:55.55\00:07:59.75 whose seed is in itself according to its kind. 00:07:59.76\00:08:03.59 And God saw that it was good. 00:08:03.60\00:08:07.74 So the evening and morning were the third day." 00:08:07.75\00:08:12.63 And so, water was the primal substance 00:08:12.64\00:08:16.86 that God used to create land. 00:08:16.87\00:08:20.88 And He separated land from that water. 00:08:20.89\00:08:24.81 We discovered the human infant 00:08:24.82\00:08:26.82 is created in a water-filled womb. 00:08:26.83\00:08:30.26 We discovered that the human body 00:08:30.27\00:08:32.24 actually operates in a 75% water base. 00:08:32.25\00:08:37.58 We find that water seems to be the very key 00:08:37.59\00:08:40.91 to life in so many, many ways. 00:08:40.92\00:08:44.74 And by the word of God the heavens were of old, 00:08:44.75\00:08:47.10 and the earth standing out of water and in the water, 00:08:47.11\00:08:49.39 by which the world that then existed perished, 00:08:49.40\00:08:52.54 being flooded with water, Second Peter 3:5 to 6. 00:08:52.55\00:08:57.63 And so we read in our scriptures tonight. 00:08:57.64\00:09:00.06 And God called the dry land Earth. Genesis 1, verse 10. 00:09:00.07\00:09:06.40 Now this dry land was not muck or swamp ooze. 00:09:07.79\00:09:12.66 This land was very different from the soil 00:09:12.67\00:09:15.32 that we see in our world today 00:09:15.33\00:09:18.88 because the flood in Noah's day reshaped 00:09:18.89\00:09:22.39 the whole earth as is recorded 00:09:22.40\00:09:24.41 in the seventh Chapter of Genesis. 00:09:24.42\00:09:27.83 The earth is like a sponge, 00:09:27.84\00:09:30.49 and the waters under the earth, Exodus 20 verse 4. 00:09:30.50\00:09:34.19 And we know that the water is 00:09:34.20\00:09:35.49 under the earth is called the aquifer. 00:09:35.50\00:09:39.65 And this aquifer is a unique thing. 00:09:39.66\00:09:45.00 And the Bible tells us in Genesis 2 verse 6, 00:09:45.01\00:09:48.00 "That a mist went up from the earth and watered 00:09:48.01\00:09:50.97 the whole face of the ground." 00:09:50.98\00:09:53.57 And we find some remnants of that aquifer 00:09:53.58\00:09:59.39 even in a world today, in the valley 00:09:59.40\00:10:01.93 that I grew up in Pine Mountain Valley, Georgia. 00:10:01.94\00:10:05.66 We discovered that the water that they drink in Georgia 00:10:05.67\00:10:10.64 actually came out of a spring that originated 00:10:10.65\00:10:14.42 in Pennsylvania, but it came out in the ground in Georgia. 00:10:14.43\00:10:19.06 And we know that these waters 00:10:19.07\00:10:21.18 and aquifers are most fascinating. 00:10:21.19\00:10:24.39 There is a spring in Hornsby, Northern Florida. 00:10:24.40\00:10:28.40 I think that is a remnant one. 00:10:28.41\00:10:29.83 It's underground water systems. 00:10:29.84\00:10:31.54 The spring pours forth 58 million gallons 00:10:31.55\00:10:35.55 of fresh water a day at 72 degrees. 00:10:35.56\00:10:40.06 And divers have gone there 00:10:40.07\00:10:42.36 and explored this underground stream 00:10:42.37\00:10:44.98 and gone eight miles back in underneath the ground. 00:10:44.99\00:10:49.04 And I think that's a remnant of that underground water system 00:10:49.05\00:10:52.90 that once worked on planet earth. 00:10:52.91\00:10:56.74 We discover--we could spend easily a whole nine hour seminar 00:10:56.75\00:11:01.98 just on the sea, its saltiness. It is 3 to 4 percent salt. 00:11:01.99\00:11:07.94 In the Mediterranean is eight to twelve percent salt, 00:11:07.95\00:11:12.26 where it's lowest is in the polar seas. 00:11:12.27\00:11:15.82 But the sea is not the same saltiness everywhere. 00:11:15.83\00:11:20.01 And there are streams in the sea. 00:11:20.02\00:11:23.02 And they flow the Gulf Stream moves north 00:11:23.03\00:11:27.08 starting at the Gulf 70 miles wide and 3,000 feet deep, 00:11:27.09\00:11:32.73 that's about 1,000 Mississippi Rivers, 00:11:32.74\00:11:35.72 all moving forward at 86 degrees. 00:11:35.73\00:11:40.03 And that Gulf Stream moves towards the north. 00:11:40.04\00:11:44.01 At the same time, the Great Polar Stream also moves 00:11:44.02\00:11:48.87 towards the south like one giant circle 00:11:48.88\00:11:52.75 of water going up and back. 00:11:52.76\00:11:55.31 One is warm and the other is cold. 00:11:55.32\00:11:58.37 We have the tides that sweep in and around our earth 00:11:58.38\00:12:01.71 every 24 hours twice, they go up or down. 00:12:01.72\00:12:05.47 At St. Maloes, it is 50 feet. 00:12:05.48\00:12:08.30 At the Bay of Fundy, it's 100 feet. 00:12:08.31\00:12:10.95 The Southern Ocean, it moves at a 1,000 miles an hour. 00:12:10.96\00:12:14.00 In Germany, it moves 50 miles an hour. 00:12:14.01\00:12:17.29 And so the ocean, God said, "Hitherto shalt thou come, 00:12:17.30\00:12:22.26 and no further, shall thy proud waves be stayed," Job 38:11. 00:12:22.27\00:12:28.12 The gathering together of the waters He called seas, 00:12:28.13\00:12:30.58 and the Bible says, "And God saw that it was what, good." 00:12:30.59\00:12:34.14 He called it good. 00:12:34.15\00:12:36.12 And today, three quarters of the earth surface is sea. 00:12:36.13\00:12:41.68 I would like to suggest that in the earth made new. 00:12:41.69\00:12:44.14 According to Revelation 21 verse 1, 00:12:44.15\00:12:46.63 there will be no longer the great giant seas 00:12:46.64\00:12:49.74 such as we see in our world today. 00:12:49.75\00:12:52.63 These oceans I believe came as a result of the flood 00:12:52.64\00:12:56.18 in Noah's day, and when that water ran off, 00:12:56.19\00:12:58.95 that's where it went was to the oceans 00:12:58.96\00:13:02.46 and the earth was reshaped. 00:13:02.47\00:13:04.69 The Bible promises a new heavens and a new earth, 00:13:04.70\00:13:07.24 and there will be no more giant seas such as we see today. 00:13:07.25\00:13:12.30 And so the scripture says in Job 12 verse 8, 00:13:12.31\00:13:15.84 "Speak to the earth and it will teach you." 00:13:15.85\00:13:18.59 And as we take a look at the earth 00:13:18.60\00:13:20.42 and the soil, 1/7th of the earth's surface is desert. 00:13:20.43\00:13:26.51 We also find that 1/7th of the earth's surface 00:13:26.52\00:13:31.09 land is frozen tundra, mountains, 00:13:31.10\00:13:34.19 or tropical rain forests. 00:13:34.20\00:13:36.78 It may come as sort of a shock to us to realize 00:13:36.79\00:13:40.13 that the real reality is one-fourth 00:13:40.14\00:13:43.31 of the earth's land surface is tillable farm land. 00:13:43.32\00:13:48.46 And just think of it, that one-four 00:13:48.47\00:13:51.29 is what feeds our hungry world. 00:13:51.30\00:13:55.48 Is what fed you your supper this evening, 00:13:55.49\00:13:58.82 and that what's feeds you everyday 00:13:58.83\00:14:01.38 is this one-four of the earth's land surface. 00:14:01.39\00:14:04.75 It has eight chemical elements, 47% is oxygen, 00:14:04.76\00:14:09.32 27% silicon, 8% aluminum, 00:14:09.33\00:14:13.51 5% iron, 11% calcium, magnesium, 00:14:13.52\00:14:17.20 potassium, sodium, and 7% is made up of 80 other 00:14:17.21\00:14:22.39 odd elements or rare elements, if you please. 00:14:22.40\00:14:27.13 It comes as we take a look at earth. 00:14:27.14\00:14:29.36 Sometimes, we think earth, well it's just dirty. 00:14:29.37\00:14:31.61 You just walk on it. 00:14:31.62\00:14:32.61 But the real truth is that nearly all the minerals 00:14:32.62\00:14:35.99 of this earth are in some form of a crystal. 00:14:36.00\00:14:40.45 And every one of those crystals 00:14:40.46\00:14:42.57 obey the law of their design. 00:14:42.58\00:14:45.05 Rubies always have the design of a ruby crystal. 00:14:45.06\00:14:49.22 Diamonds, the diamond crystal. 00:14:49.23\00:14:51.72 And what's amazing is nearly all of the precious minerals 00:14:51.73\00:14:55.89 are actually only so many modifications 00:14:55.90\00:14:59.81 of simply plain old clay. 00:14:59.82\00:15:03.29 Just a slight variation of the molecules 00:15:03.30\00:15:07.08 and we get nearly all the elements 00:15:07.09\00:15:09.61 that make up our world today. 00:15:09.62\00:15:12.04 And we read in the Bible and then God said, 00:15:12.05\00:15:15.86 "Let the earth bring forth grass, 00:15:17.34\00:15:20.11 the herb that yields seed, according to its kind, 00:15:20.12\00:15:24.83 whose seed is in itself on the earth." 00:15:24.84\00:15:28.16 And we will notice that it specifically 00:15:28.17\00:15:30.93 says the green herb. 00:15:30.94\00:15:33.72 And the green herb is a fascinating herb 00:15:33.73\00:15:37.75 because it is composed 00:15:37.76\00:15:40.16 of a little element called chlorophyll. 00:15:40.17\00:15:45.00 Say it with me, chlorophyll. 00:15:45.01\00:15:47.87 You may have never thought of it this way before, 00:15:47.88\00:15:50.14 but chlorophyll happens to be that living green 00:15:50.15\00:15:54.58 connecting link between the inorganic world 00:15:54.59\00:15:58.54 and the organic world. 00:15:58.55\00:16:00.48 And that connecting link is what makes 00:16:00.49\00:16:03.65 life possible on planet earth. 00:16:03.66\00:16:06.54 It is one of the foundations of life that the Creator 00:16:06.55\00:16:10.82 created on this third day. 00:16:10.83\00:16:14.39 And it may not come as a surprise to discover 00:16:14.40\00:16:18.53 that chlorophyll is actually 00:16:18.54\00:16:21.51 only one molecule different from human blood. 00:16:21.52\00:16:25.97 All you have to do is change one molecule of magnesium 00:16:25.98\00:16:29.86 for iron and the whole thing turns red. 00:16:29.87\00:16:33.21 And if I wish to get sick 00:16:33.22\00:16:35.65 and I wanted to help my body make good blood, 00:16:35.66\00:16:38.71 could you guess what food 00:16:38.72\00:16:40.27 I think we ought to be eating? It would be eat your greens. 00:16:40.28\00:16:45.67 And I don't have to ask you, 00:16:45.68\00:16:46.98 but in the North American diet today, 00:16:46.99\00:16:49.62 what element in our diet is largely missing? 00:16:49.63\00:16:52.67 And you're right, it's greens. 00:16:54.24\00:16:56.08 You can go to a restaurant and they'll serve you 00:16:56.09\00:16:58.85 a little salad, but to get real 00:16:58.86\00:17:01.44 and honest the goodness greens, 00:17:01.45\00:17:02.80 you got to look around to get it. 00:17:02.81\00:17:05.73 And so the Bible says, "According to its kind, 00:17:05.74\00:17:08.99 whose seed is in itself," Genesis 1 verse 11. 00:17:09.00\00:17:14.58 When we take a look at the wheat fields that grow, 00:17:14.59\00:17:21.30 those wheat fields are a living green. 00:17:21.31\00:17:25.97 And probably at least in North America, 00:17:25.98\00:17:28.90 the green that's probably most common is the wheat field. 00:17:28.91\00:17:34.22 And when you take a look at a wheat field very closely, 00:17:34.23\00:17:37.70 you begin to look at some pretty 00:17:37.71\00:17:40.07 incredible miracles and marvels. 00:17:40.08\00:17:44.66 And so as we think about those wheat fields, 00:17:44.67\00:17:46.88 it's--it's the most famous of the grass family is wheat. 00:17:46.89\00:17:52.54 Man has carefully cultivated and studied it for centuries. 00:17:52.55\00:17:56.77 And upon close investigation we discover, 00:17:56.78\00:17:59.61 it really isn't very simple for every one 00:17:59.62\00:18:02.28 of those kernels has the potential of reproducing 00:18:02.29\00:18:06.40 the entire plant from which it comes. 00:18:06.41\00:18:09.85 And only that, but it has flowers. 00:18:09.86\00:18:12.75 And when you look real carefully there you see 00:18:12.76\00:18:15.03 the male part of that flower on the wheat plant. 00:18:15.04\00:18:20.86 And that male part that is stamen 00:18:20.87\00:18:25.31 multiplies very rapidly. 00:18:25.32\00:18:27.26 There is the anther part. 00:18:27.27\00:18:29.15 But the female part of flower is almost never seen. 00:18:29.16\00:18:32.66 And the reason that it is almost never seen 00:18:32.67\00:18:35.54 is because that part of the flower 00:18:35.55\00:18:37.54 is only open for 15 minutes. 00:18:37.55\00:18:40.91 That once in a life time opening at just the right time 00:18:40.92\00:18:45.30 is what makes wheat plants multiply 00:18:45.31\00:18:48.73 and produce their crops. 00:18:48.74\00:18:51.53 It's only open for 15 minutes. 00:18:51.54\00:18:53.64 If it's not pollinated in that 15 minutes, it never will be, 00:18:53.65\00:18:58.07 and that is what creates the wheat harvest. 00:18:58.08\00:19:02.83 And so, you know, time are like seeds. 00:19:02.84\00:19:08.72 Time is potential. 00:19:10.06\00:19:12.64 A seed is not a harvest, it's a potential harvest 00:19:12.65\00:19:17.18 depending on what you do with it. 00:19:17.19\00:19:20.83 And our life is sort of like those wheat kernels. 00:19:20.84\00:19:26.57 We have--we live our life one moment at a time. 00:19:26.58\00:19:30.21 It's a form of grace that you didn't earn or deserve. 00:19:30.22\00:19:33.73 You can't hoard it or store it. 00:19:33.74\00:19:35.90 You must spend it at a steady rate of 24 hours everyday. 00:19:35.91\00:19:40.60 And once they're spent, they're spent. 00:19:40.61\00:19:43.68 And those flowers, they're open for 15 minutes, 00:19:43.69\00:19:46.31 that once in a lifetime happening 00:19:46.32\00:19:48.52 is what makes it possible for you to eat you toast 00:19:48.53\00:19:52.89 this morning, if it was made out of bread. 00:19:52.90\00:19:55.98 And time are like seeds and what we do 00:19:55.99\00:19:58.43 with those moments are incredibly important. 00:19:58.44\00:20:02.40 If you waste two hours each evening for 75 years 00:20:02.41\00:20:08.02 and you've wasted 54,750 hours of the time of your life. 00:20:08.03\00:20:15.56 That amount of time, two hours every night for 75 years 00:20:15.57\00:20:20.67 and you would have earned 00:20:20.71\00:20:22.68 the equivalent of 20 college degrees. 00:20:22.69\00:20:27.00 And so the question is, what are you doing 00:20:27.01\00:20:28.95 with those two hours of prime time every evening 00:20:28.96\00:20:32.99 which are about for many people? 00:20:33.00\00:20:35.24 The only two hours you really have much control over. 00:20:35.25\00:20:38.69 And some people are getting college degrees 00:20:38.70\00:20:40.93 in the boob tube. 00:20:40.94\00:20:42.36 They're getting college degrees with their lifetime. 00:20:42.37\00:20:44.92 There are lot of things. 00:20:44.93\00:20:46.00 But my question to you is simply this. 00:20:46.01\00:20:48.49 Worship the one who created the law of seeds. 00:20:50.41\00:20:55.81 And on this third day that yields its fruit 00:20:55.82\00:21:00.34 according to its kind, whose seed is in itself. 00:21:00.35\00:21:06.13 That great law that came into existence on this third day, 00:21:06.14\00:21:12.03 which is the foundation to life, 00:21:12.04\00:21:15.08 is the foundation of the redemption plan 00:21:15.09\00:21:17.98 that simply called genetics or say with me, 00:21:17.99\00:21:23.20 the law of the harvest. 00:21:23.21\00:21:25.96 We're familiar with it. 00:21:25.97\00:21:27.38 Let's look at it a little more carefully. 00:21:27.39\00:21:29.69 This law of the harvest. 00:21:29.70\00:21:32.64 In Deuteronomy 30 verse 19, 00:21:32.65\00:21:35.79 God said, "Today, I am giving you a choice 00:21:35.80\00:21:38.73 between life and death, between blessings cursings. 00:21:38.74\00:21:42.37 You choose life, by loving the Lord your God, by obeying Him, 00:21:42.38\00:21:47.53 and committing yourself firmly to Him. 00:21:47.54\00:21:50.31 This is the key to your life." 00:21:50.32\00:21:54.72 And when you plant the right seed, dear people, 00:21:54.73\00:21:57.22 you can see the end from the beginning 00:21:57.23\00:22:00.40 because if you're planting that seed, 00:22:00.41\00:22:02.43 you know what the harvest is going to be. 00:22:02.44\00:22:06.04 So in Galatians, the 6 Chapter verse 7, the Bible tells us 00:22:06.05\00:22:11.33 very clearly, "You reap what you sow." 00:22:11.34\00:22:15.31 Many people don't believe that. 00:22:15.32\00:22:16.48 And particularly the younger generation today, 00:22:16.49\00:22:18.34 they believe you can sow well those in your youth 00:22:18.35\00:22:20.96 and not reap them when you get older. 00:22:20.97\00:22:23.26 I got a surprise for you. 00:22:23.27\00:22:25.76 It doesn't work that way. 00:22:25.77\00:22:27.51 You sow wild oats, you reap wild oats. 00:22:27.52\00:22:29.99 But there is good news about this harvest. 00:22:30.00\00:22:32.19 So don't be deceived. 00:22:32.20\00:22:33.52 God specifically says, "Don't be fooled. 00:22:33.53\00:22:37.54 Don't let me kid you. 00:22:37.55\00:22:39.20 God is not mocked, for what we sow, we will reap." 00:22:39.21\00:22:44.09 And the Bible says, "If you sow to the flesh, you reap death. 00:22:44.10\00:22:47.55 If you sow to the spirit, you will reap life." 00:22:47.56\00:22:51.30 What I'm about to share with you is--is one of the most 00:22:52.48\00:22:55.93 fascinating stories that I have found 00:22:55.94\00:22:59.05 in the world of nature. 00:22:59.06\00:23:00.24 I think it is so fascinating 00:23:00.25\00:23:02.30 that it's gonna be our next book. 00:23:02.31\00:23:05.28 and that is what I call 00:23:05.29\00:23:07.49 "The Gospel According to Blackberries." 00:23:07.50\00:23:10.92 How many people like blackberries? 00:23:10.93\00:23:13.62 And you probably have eaten blackberries 00:23:13.63\00:23:17.73 and they are very good to the taste. 00:23:17.74\00:23:21.22 But how many have ever picked blackberries? 00:23:21.23\00:23:24.32 Is there a problem with blackberries? 00:23:26.76\00:23:28.62 Yeah, there is. 00:23:29.81\00:23:31.26 And those blackberries while as very delicious, 00:23:31.27\00:23:35.09 they can also pack a real wall called pain. 00:23:35.10\00:23:40.04 And so I want you to tell you a good news story tonight, 00:23:40.05\00:23:43.17 "The Gospel According to Blackberries." 00:23:43.18\00:23:45.14 And it works like this. 00:23:45.15\00:23:46.21 Luther Burbank was a plant musician. 00:23:46.22\00:23:49.25 And in 1880, on his 10-acre farm in Sebastopol, California, 00:23:49.26\00:23:55.12 he wanted to develop a thornless blackberry. 00:23:55.13\00:23:59.63 Can everybody say amen to that? 00:23:59.64\00:24:01.90 Yes, that's a very good idea, but the question is, 00:24:01.91\00:24:04.39 how you're gonna develop a thornless blackberry? 00:24:04.40\00:24:07.81 You know, just how would you go 00:24:07.82\00:24:09.94 about developing thornless blackberries? 00:24:09.95\00:24:13.12 Well, Luther Burbank was not a trained man 00:24:13.13\00:24:18.31 of educational universities. 00:24:18.32\00:24:20.64 He had a very simple science. 00:24:20.65\00:24:22.53 And he understood the law of genetics 00:24:22.54\00:24:26.22 that God created on this third day. 00:24:26.23\00:24:29.46 Say with me, after its kind. 00:24:29.47\00:24:33.29 Luther Burbank believed that if you plant the right seed, 00:24:33.30\00:24:36.36 you're gonna get the right harvest. 00:24:36.37\00:24:37.50 Now that's no brain or science, isn't it? 00:24:37.51\00:24:39.86 That's real simple. Anybody can understand that. 00:24:39.87\00:24:42.29 Kids can understand that. 00:24:42.30\00:24:43.84 And so he set out o develop a thornless blackberry, 00:24:43.85\00:24:49.48 but he had a problem. 00:24:49.49\00:24:50.77 According to Genesis 3, verse 17 and 18, the Bible says, 00:24:52.00\00:24:56.86 "Cursed is the ground for your sake, 00:24:56.87\00:24:59.06 and both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth" 00:24:59.07\00:25:03.73 And so when Luther Burbank decided 00:25:03.74\00:25:05.93 to take the thorns out of blackberries, 00:25:05.94\00:25:08.13 what was he really trying to decide to do? 00:25:08.14\00:25:10.68 Well, he was trying to decide to take 00:25:10.69\00:25:13.17 the curse of sin out of blackberries. 00:25:13.18\00:25:16.64 That's a redemption plan for blackberries, right? 00:25:16.65\00:25:19.94 I mean, I-- I'm not being facetious, 00:25:19.95\00:25:22.08 I'm trying to be very scientifically accurate. 00:25:22.09\00:25:24.82 That's true, isn't it? 00:25:24.83\00:25:25.97 He is going to take the curse of sin out of blackberries. 00:25:25.98\00:25:28.84 Now the question is, how're you gonna do it? 00:25:28.85\00:25:31.49 Those thorns, anybody has dealt with blackberries 00:25:32.68\00:25:35.11 in the wild know for well, those thorns are positively wicked. 00:25:35.12\00:25:41.58 And they can draw blood 00:25:41.59\00:25:43.39 and they're very difficult to deal with, 00:25:43.40\00:25:46.69 so how're you going to do it? 00:25:46.70\00:25:48.46 Well, Luther Burbank operated his science 00:25:48.47\00:25:52.31 on two simple principles. 00:25:52.32\00:25:55.02 And I'd like to suggest if you're thinking tonight 00:25:55.03\00:25:57.57 those two simple principles are the principles 00:25:57.58\00:26:02.41 of the redemption plan for mankind. 00:26:02.42\00:26:07.18 But it was also the redemption plan for blackberries 00:26:07.19\00:26:09.87 as we shall see in a moment. 00:26:09.88\00:26:12.91 Burbank followed two simple principles. 00:26:12.92\00:26:16.51 Principle number one, he cultivated the best. 00:26:16.52\00:26:20.26 And number two, he destroyed the rest. 00:26:20.27\00:26:24.27 It worked like this. 00:26:24.28\00:26:25.80 Luther Burbank looked around and he discovered 00:26:25.81\00:26:28.51 that there was a Wachusetts thornless blackberry. 00:26:28.52\00:26:32.04 It really wasn't thornless. 00:26:32.05\00:26:33.71 It just had less thorns than any other. 00:26:33.72\00:26:36.91 And so he would plant 1,500 seedlings 00:26:36.92\00:26:40.34 of the Wachusetts thornless in his blackberry farm 00:26:40.35\00:26:43.36 there in Sebastopol, California. 00:26:43.37\00:26:45.33 He looked them all over 00:26:45.34\00:26:47.62 and he looked them very carefully 00:26:47.63\00:26:50.08 and the ones with the least thorns, 00:26:50.09\00:26:55.01 he let them live, put a little yellow ribbon around them. 00:26:55.02\00:26:58.68 And then, he only had 10 acres 00:26:58.69\00:27:00.45 and so he destroyed all the rest. 00:27:00.46\00:27:03.05 And he took out all the rest of the blackberries 00:27:03.06\00:27:05.86 and kept only the ones with the least thorns. 00:27:05.87\00:27:10.06 What did he believe? If you plant the right seed, 00:27:10.07\00:27:13.07 you're gonna get the right harvest. 00:27:13.08\00:27:14.72 And so he planted 1,500 seedlings, 00:27:14.73\00:27:16.81 looked them all over, and then he worked, 00:27:16.82\00:27:19.73 cultivate the what? Best. 00:27:19.74\00:27:21.58 And he did what? He destroyed the rest. 00:27:21.59\00:27:24.67 And that's a Biblical principle by the way. 00:27:24.68\00:27:27.63 Reckon yourselves dead indeed to sin 00:27:27.64\00:27:30.64 and alive on through God's word. 00:27:30.65\00:27:33.40 And so that's what he did. 00:27:33.41\00:27:35.34 He cultivated the best and he destroyed the rest. 00:27:35.35\00:27:37.73 He planted 1,500 seedlings, looked them all over, 00:27:37.74\00:27:40.37 the one with least thorns, 00:27:40.38\00:27:41.42 he let that live and he destroyed all the rest. 00:27:41.43\00:27:44.33 And then, he took those seed children 00:27:44.34\00:27:46.14 and he planted them, 1,500 seedlings of them 00:27:46.15\00:27:49.79 and then he looked them all over 00:27:49.80\00:27:51.85 and the ones with the least he what? 00:27:51.86\00:27:54.07 Cultivated the best and he destroyed the rest. 00:27:54.08\00:27:58.41 And then he took those seed children, 00:27:58.42\00:28:00.99 now the third generation planted 1,500 seedlings of them 00:28:01.00\00:28:05.42 and looked them all over. 00:28:05.43\00:28:06.70 The ones with the least thorns, he let those live. 00:28:06.71\00:28:09.51 And then he destroyed or say it with me, 00:28:09.52\00:28:11.86 he cultivated the best and he destroyed the rest. 00:28:11.87\00:28:17.11 And that was his simple science. 00:28:17.12\00:28:21.26 And you know what happened? 00:28:21.27\00:28:23.77 When he planted the fourth generation 00:28:23.78\00:28:26.92 of seed children of those blackberries, 00:28:26.93\00:28:29.48 he got 1,500 seedlings, no thorns. 00:28:29.49\00:28:33.64 Ain't that awesome? 00:28:33.65\00:28:34.70 Now what does God's word say in the Ten Commandments? 00:28:34.71\00:28:37.94 That the curse of sin goes to what? 00:28:37.95\00:28:40.28 The third and fourth generation. 00:28:40.29\00:28:43.89 And Burbank proved that he could take the curse of sin 00:28:43.90\00:28:48.00 out of blackberries in four generations. 00:28:48.01\00:28:50.45 And I get excited when science comes on and says, 00:28:50.46\00:28:53.49 "You know what? This book's right." 00:28:53.50\00:28:56.05 This is absolute clear science 00:28:56.06\00:28:59.25 as was demonstrated in Burbank's 10-acre farm. 00:28:59.26\00:29:03.36 Now there was just one small problem. 00:29:03.37\00:29:06.39 Those bushes that were totally thornless had small nubby, 00:29:08.12\00:29:15.50 tasteless, insipid fruit on it. 00:29:15.51\00:29:19.32 Now what good are thornless blackberries with yucky fruit? 00:29:19.33\00:29:23.73 Are you with me? 00:29:23.74\00:29:25.06 But he got rid of the thorns, all right. 00:29:25.07\00:29:27.96 But now he's got yucky fruit. 00:29:27.97\00:29:30.21 Let me ask you a question. 00:29:30.22\00:29:31.66 Have you ever met a thornless Christian? 00:29:33.65\00:29:36.89 All right, somebody who said, "You know, 00:29:38.51\00:29:39.71 I--I don't smoke and I don't dance, 00:29:39.72\00:29:43.96 and I don't run around, and I don't do this, 00:29:43.97\00:29:45.78 and I don't do that." 00:29:45.79\00:29:47.59 But you'd hate to live next door to them. 00:29:47.60\00:29:51.08 Do you know what I mean? 00:29:51.09\00:29:52.30 Hear me very carefully. 00:29:52.31\00:29:53.40 Just because you don't drink, smoke, dance, 00:29:53.41\00:29:55.74 and run around, because you don't do bad things, 00:29:55.75\00:29:58.62 does that make you righteous? No, that's not righteousness. 00:29:58.63\00:30:03.18 That's just badness held in check. 00:30:03.19\00:30:05.31 And people who look at that, might think you're very, 00:30:05.32\00:30:08.12 very righteous and even fool yourself and them, 00:30:08.13\00:30:11.73 but that doesn't make you righteous 00:30:11.74\00:30:13.69 just because got rid of the thorns. 00:30:13.70\00:30:16.79 What God is looking for is fruits, fruits of the spirit. 00:30:16.80\00:30:22.65 And that's not what you don't do. 00:30:22.66\00:30:24.53 I've conducted lot of funerals 00:30:24.54\00:30:26.49 and I stood by the casket and I've looked in on that casket 00:30:26.50\00:30:29.78 and I'm yet to see a corpse, smoke, 00:30:29.79\00:30:32.18 drink, dance, or run around. 00:30:32.19\00:30:34.34 And just because you don't do bad things, 00:30:34.35\00:30:36.42 that doesn't make you really 00:30:36.43\00:30:37.96 any better than a corpse. Is that right? 00:30:37.97\00:30:42.92 Now, what did Burbank do? 00:30:42.93\00:30:46.12 He got rid of the thorns. He got yucky fruit. 00:30:46.13\00:30:48.34 Well, he understood just one simple science. 00:30:48.35\00:30:51.85 He looked around and he found some blackberries 00:30:51.86\00:30:53.97 that had luscious, delicious fruit, 00:30:53.98\00:30:56.27 and he crossbred those into his thornless blackberries, 00:30:56.28\00:30:59.97 and guess what? You're right, he got his thorns back. 00:30:59.98\00:31:04.23 He got rid of the thorns. 00:31:04.24\00:31:06.12 But now as he began to crossbreed flavor 00:31:06.13\00:31:09.69 back into those thornless blackberries, 00:31:09.70\00:31:12.49 he got the thorns back. Hear me carefully. 00:31:12.50\00:31:16.08 This man believed the law of genetics. 00:31:16.09\00:31:19.09 Don't be deceived. He wasn't deceived. 00:31:19.10\00:31:21.78 He labored on year after year after year after year 00:31:21.79\00:31:27.07 planting 1,500 seedlings, looking them all over. 00:31:27.08\00:31:29.76 What did he do? He cultivated the best 00:31:29.77\00:31:32.76 and he destroyed the rest. 00:31:32.77\00:31:35.67 And he did this year after year after year. 00:31:35.68\00:31:39.45 And this is what he discovered. 00:31:39.46\00:31:40.77 "Every alternate generation of seeds produced 00:31:40.78\00:31:43.95 only bushes with thorns. 00:31:43.96\00:31:45.99 A characteristic in a plant which has existed 00:31:46.00\00:31:48.42 for unknown generations is likely 00:31:48.43\00:31:50.54 to be more difficult to change." 00:31:50.55\00:31:52.69 And he discovered every other generation 00:31:52.70\00:31:55.09 that he planted was almost totally thorns, 00:31:55.10\00:31:57.99 but he did not give up. 00:31:58.00\00:32:00.63 The scripture says, "We're saved by hope." 00:32:00.64\00:32:02.62 And Burbank believed the law of genetics. Do you? 00:32:02.63\00:32:08.56 He did. He kept working on year after year 00:32:08.57\00:32:13.98 after year after year after year. 00:32:13.99\00:32:18.74 How long do you want me to say that? 00:32:18.75\00:32:20.94 I don't think you want me to say it as long as he did it. 00:32:20.95\00:32:24.49 This is an amazing story. A true story of science. 00:32:24.50\00:32:31.71 Burbank labored away year after year after year. 00:32:31.72\00:32:37.05 And finally, in the year 1911, hear me carefully, 00:32:37.06\00:32:42.53 30 years later after beginning 00:32:42.54\00:32:47.65 his experiments with blackberries, 00:32:47.66\00:32:50.72 Burbank had full luscious, 00:32:50.73\00:32:55.77 delicious berries growing 00:32:55.78\00:32:59.80 on totally thornless bushes. Amen? Amen. 00:32:59.81\00:33:04.39 He worked the law of genetics all the way back to Genesis 1, 00:33:05.44\00:33:08.70 I would like to suggest. 00:33:08.71\00:33:10.69 And he proved that you could do this. 00:33:10.70\00:33:13.14 But more than that, that law, I believe, 00:33:13.15\00:33:15.46 is such exciting good news for you and me 00:33:15.47\00:33:18.21 because here's the point. 00:33:18.22\00:33:19.61 The same law of genetics that is our curse under Adam, 00:33:19.62\00:33:24.18 that same law of genetics is our hope 00:33:24.19\00:33:27.91 when you plant the seed of the woman, 00:33:27.92\00:33:30.25 the seed of Abraham, the seed of David 00:33:30.26\00:33:32.69 that seed implanted into your heart will reproduce itself 00:33:32.70\00:33:37.97 in your heart of clay just as surely 00:33:37.98\00:33:41.00 and just as certainly, as did the law of curse 00:33:41.01\00:33:44.63 in the first Adam reproduced sin after its kind? 00:33:44.64\00:33:47.92 Are you with me? It's the same law, 00:33:47.93\00:33:50.44 but it's a different seed. 00:33:50.45\00:33:52.19 It's a seed of the woman, the seed of Abraham, 00:33:52.20\00:33:53.88 the seed of David. 00:33:53.89\00:33:55.03 That seed of righteousness from the seed catalog, 00:33:55.04\00:33:58.77 his word will reproduce itself surely 00:33:58.78\00:34:01.81 and accurately in your life of clay as in mine, 00:34:01.82\00:34:06.66 and the Creator who created that law of genetics 00:34:06.67\00:34:09.41 knows that that law is absolutely certain. 00:34:09.42\00:34:12.16 And if you're cultivating the right seed, 00:34:12.17\00:34:14.91 God can look at you today as a finished product 00:34:14.92\00:34:18.39 because all it needs is time. 00:34:18.40\00:34:20.72 And through the Creator of all time, time is meaningless. 00:34:20.73\00:34:24.39 And if you got the right seed 00:34:24.40\00:34:26.36 and you're cultivating the best 00:34:26.37\00:34:27.97 and you're destroying the rest, 00:34:27.98\00:34:29.60 God can look at you as a finished product 00:34:29.61\00:34:32.26 because the law of genetics is absolutely certain 00:34:32.27\00:34:37.34 because the Creator made it that way. 00:34:37.35\00:34:41.35 Is that good news? 00:34:42.39\00:34:43.71 Well, you know, I--I don't like preachers 00:34:43.72\00:34:46.60 that shout and--but this is such good news, dear people. 00:34:46.61\00:34:50.01 I have a hard time containing myself 00:34:50.02\00:34:52.51 because this is such good news. 00:34:52.52\00:34:55.11 The redemption plan was created 00:34:55.12\00:34:56.88 on day three in the law of genetics. 00:34:56.89\00:35:00.29 And God knows that. 00:35:00.30\00:35:01.50 And Galatians 6:7 and 8 says, 00:35:01.51\00:35:03.93 "Don't be deceived, God is not mocked 00:35:03.94\00:35:05.76 what a man sows, that he will also reap. 00:35:05.77\00:35:08.07 He that sows to the Spirit 00:35:08.08\00:35:09.87 will of the Spirit reap life everlasting, 00:35:09.88\00:35:12.10 and he that sows to the flesh 00:35:12.11\00:35:13.90 will of the flesh reap corruption." 00:35:13.91\00:35:15.51 Do we have a choice? 00:35:15.52\00:35:17.53 And the harvest is absolutely certain. 00:35:17.54\00:35:20.85 In fact, in Second Peter 1 verse 4, 00:35:20.86\00:35:24.24 I just want to read this to you 00:35:24.25\00:35:25.60 because this is God's word is His seed catalog, 00:35:25.61\00:35:32.11 if you please. You ever thought of it that way? 00:35:32.12\00:35:34.33 God has a promise for every problem on planet earth. 00:35:34.34\00:35:38.25 And if you will cultivate the seeds from this seed catalog, 00:35:38.26\00:35:42.65 the harvest is sure and this is what it says. 00:35:42.66\00:35:44.93 "By which are given unto us exceeding 00:35:44.94\00:35:46.85 great and precious promises, 00:35:46.86\00:35:48.50 that through these you may be a partaker 00:35:48.51\00:35:51.07 of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption 00:35:51.08\00:35:55.77 that is in the world through lust." 00:35:55.78\00:35:58.78 Look this great promise up. 00:35:58.79\00:36:00.92 It's the greatest single promise 00:36:00.93\00:36:02.91 in all of Holy Scripture that I know of Ephesians 3:15 to 21. 00:36:02.92\00:36:08.74 It is so awesome that you would almost think 00:36:08.75\00:36:11.87 it was blasphemous to read it. 00:36:11.88\00:36:14.94 Now this is the formula for power, E = MC2. 00:36:14.95\00:36:19.21 This is the formula for power or energy. 00:36:19.22\00:36:22.41 If matter were reduced to pure energy, 00:36:22.42\00:36:25.50 it would equal its weight times the speed of light squared. 00:36:25.51\00:36:30.00 The reverse is also equally true. 00:36:30.01\00:36:32.61 If you had enough energy, 00:36:32.62\00:36:34.38 you could create matter from energy itself. 00:36:34.39\00:36:37.63 And that's exactly what the Word of God says, 00:36:37.64\00:36:41.68 "By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, 00:36:41.69\00:36:44.00 and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth." 00:36:44.01\00:36:48.75 God created the law of genetics with what? Sound waves. 00:36:48.76\00:36:54.63 And those sound waves is His word. 00:36:54.64\00:36:58.20 In fact, they have gone on to study. 00:36:58.21\00:37:01.01 And they have studied the atom and the neutrons 00:37:01.02\00:37:04.89 and the protons and the electrons, 00:37:04.90\00:37:06.51 and they divided it on down to quirks 00:37:06.52\00:37:09.09 and then they think that the thing that keeps 00:37:09.10\00:37:11.12 those apart are actually sound waves. 00:37:11.13\00:37:14.25 Isn't that amazing? Now I want to give you 00:37:14.26\00:37:17.65 another formula for power. 00:37:17.66\00:37:19.17 This is so mind boggling. I want to read it to you. 00:37:19.18\00:37:21.87 I found it in an old book written 00:37:21.88\00:37:24.06 about 100 years ago by the title "Education." 00:37:24.07\00:37:28.03 And this is what it says. 00:37:28.04\00:37:30.69 You might want to jot this down on your notes 00:37:30.70\00:37:33.74 or somewhere and it's taken from page 126, 00:37:33.75\00:37:37.41 "The creative energy that called the worlds 00:37:37.42\00:37:40.18 into existence is in the Word of God." 00:37:40.19\00:37:44.70 Did you get that? 00:37:46.49\00:37:47.81 The same part of the created world is in this book. 00:37:47.82\00:37:51.13 "And this word imparts power. 00:37:51.14\00:37:54.70 It begets life. Every command is a promise." 00:37:54.71\00:37:59.02 God never commanded anything. 00:37:59.03\00:38:00.53 He didn't also supply the divine power with which to do it. 00:38:00.54\00:38:04.04 Isn't that a wonderful plan? 00:38:04.05\00:38:05.49 "And then accepted by the Will received 00:38:05.50\00:38:08.57 into the Soul that brings with it, 00:38:08.58\00:38:09.98 the life of the Infinite One. 00:38:09.99\00:38:11.96 That life of the Infinite One transforms the nature 00:38:11.97\00:38:15.29 and recreates in the soul the image of God." 00:38:15.30\00:38:19.23 Now there is a formula for power second to none. 00:38:19.24\00:38:24.22 And you have access to that in your Bible. 00:38:24.23\00:38:27.81 And God wants us to take access of it. 00:38:27.82\00:38:31.52 Notice it says, "That yields fruit according to its kind, 00:38:31.53\00:38:35.27 whose seed is in itself." 00:38:35.28\00:38:37.24 I'd like to suggest for you that God's word 00:38:37.25\00:38:40.42 is His seed according to the parable in Luke 8 verse 11, 00:38:40.43\00:38:45.05 when Christ gave that parable, 00:38:45.06\00:38:46.49 He said, "The seed is what? It's the word of God." 00:38:46.50\00:38:51.97 And it says, "He sold His seed." 00:38:51.98\00:38:55.13 But notice, Psalms 1 verse 2, 00:38:55.14\00:38:57.95 "But his delight is in the law of the Lord." 00:38:57.96\00:39:00.00 That word law there is Torah. 00:39:00.01\00:39:02.19 It means the first five books of the Bible. 00:39:02.20\00:39:04.69 "And in His law he meditates day and night. 00:39:04.70\00:39:10.44 And God's word is a seed catalog, 00:39:10.45\00:39:13.23 Your word have I hidden in my heart, 00:39:13.24\00:39:14.97 that I might not sin against You." 00:39:14.98\00:39:18.57 Have you hidden God's promises in your heart? 00:39:20.04\00:39:22.30 The promises of this book, 00:39:23.88\00:39:25.68 the same power that created this world is in this book. 00:39:25.69\00:39:29.97 And when you put those promises 00:39:29.98\00:39:31.85 into your mind by memorizing and meditating, 00:39:31.86\00:39:35.60 then you have the divine life that created this world 00:39:35.61\00:39:39.63 that becomes part of your life. Do we need that? 00:39:39.64\00:39:42.62 Now notice carefully the little handout that I gave you. 00:39:42.63\00:39:46.26 If you take that little handout, 00:39:46.27\00:39:48.07 I want you to just look at it with me. 00:39:48.08\00:39:50.70 I want you to take it home. 00:39:50.71\00:39:52.49 But don't just look at it. I want you to make use of it. 00:39:52.50\00:39:58.66 Seven steps to mind renewal 00:39:58.67\00:40:00.99 by the implanting of the Word of God. 00:40:01.00\00:40:03.57 And the first in harmony with the great law 00:40:03.58\00:40:07.73 that strength is acquired by effort, 00:40:07.74\00:40:09.84 the first step is to receive the word. 00:40:09.85\00:40:13.09 Hear it, see it or read it. 00:40:13.10\00:40:15.33 And then the second step is to memorize, 00:40:15.34\00:40:17.64 "Thy word have I hid in my heart 00:40:17.65\00:40:19.51 that I might not sin against thee." 00:40:19.52\00:40:21.15 The third step is to understand it intellectually. 00:40:21.16\00:40:24.71 Look it up in a lexicon. 00:40:24.72\00:40:26.47 Find the meaning of that word. 00:40:26.48\00:40:27.55 And then four, visualize it. Use your imagination. 00:40:27.56\00:40:31.66 Make it come to life. 00:40:31.67\00:40:33.09 And then number five, personalize it. 00:40:33.10\00:40:36.48 The Creator is talking to you personally. 00:40:36.49\00:40:39.74 God so loved Terry that if Terry would believe in Him, 00:40:39.75\00:40:44.94 Terry would not perish, 00:40:44.95\00:40:46.90 but Terry would have everlasting life. 00:40:46.91\00:40:49.50 God is speaking to you personally. 00:40:49.51\00:40:52.31 Let Him speak to you personally. Personalize it. 00:40:52.32\00:40:55.51 And then step six, believe it. 00:40:55.52\00:40:57.84 Dissolve your doubts into belief 00:40:57.85\00:41:00.02 by a decided act of surrender of the human will to the divine. 00:41:00.03\00:41:05.40 And then act and do it. Don't be double minded. 00:41:05.41\00:41:09.79 And if you will do that, God's seed catalog will transform 00:41:09.80\00:41:17.46 your life from the inside out. 00:41:17.47\00:41:21.15 And I want to draw a conclusion to our message this evening. 00:41:21.16\00:41:25.80 Psalms 1:1 to 3, David said in his Psalms, 00:41:25.81\00:41:30.00 "They shall be like a tree." What kind of a tree? 00:41:30.01\00:41:35.74 I want to draw a conclusion 00:41:35.75\00:41:37.07 to this message tonight on the chalkboard. 00:41:37.08\00:41:40.80 What was it like to be a tree planted 00:41:42.47\00:41:45.57 by the rivers of water? 00:41:45.58\00:41:48.82 When David said, 00:41:51.00\00:41:52.34 "Those who love my law." 00:41:55.00\00:41:57.07 And the word is Torah, the Hebrew Torah. 00:41:57.08\00:41:59.33 It means the five books of the-- first five books of the Bible. 00:41:59.34\00:42:03.35 It's the whole thing. Not just the Ten Commandment. 00:42:03.36\00:42:05.94 Those who love your law and meditate on it day and night, 00:42:05.95\00:42:10.92 they shall be like tree 00:42:10.93\00:42:13.63 planted by the... 00:42:15.94\00:42:18.80 water. 00:42:22.66\00:42:23.70 Now when it said water, 00:42:23.71\00:42:25.32 what kind of water was it really talking about? 00:42:25.33\00:42:30.91 Actually if you look it up in the Hebrew, 00:42:30.92\00:42:33.33 you will discover that what it was talking about 00:42:33.34\00:42:36.71 was irrigation ditches. 00:42:36.72\00:42:39.99 And he said, "There will be-- if you will meditate 00:42:45.47\00:42:48.58 on My word day and night, 00:42:48.59\00:42:50.34 you will be like a tree planted by an irrigation ditch." 00:42:52.09\00:42:56.49 And he said, "If you will meditate on it day and night." 00:42:59.61\00:43:03.10 And that means you memorize it 00:43:06.32\00:43:07.98 because at night when you memorize it, 00:43:07.99\00:43:09.74 you can cough it up and think about it. 00:43:09.75\00:43:12.18 And meditation is sort of like a cow chewing its cud. 00:43:12.19\00:43:17.04 It will eat something, grass or whatever. 00:43:18.88\00:43:23.95 And then it chews on it. 00:43:23.96\00:43:27.96 And then it will swallow and it'll bring up a new one. 00:43:30.66\00:43:32.99 And I discovered the Word of God as you memorize it 00:43:33.00\00:43:35.55 and meditate upon it, 00:43:35.56\00:43:36.94 it gets older and then you pick a new one. 00:43:40.52\00:43:46.11 And as you pick a new one, the life comes back to it again. 00:43:46.12\00:43:50.32 Now these rivers, 00:43:59.39\00:44:02.04 irrigation ditches. 00:44:05.01\00:44:07.37 They actually get their water 00:44:07.38\00:44:11.15 from the mountains. 00:44:14.19\00:44:15.45 And that water-- 00:44:19.07\00:44:20.35 and they begin to fill the streams with this water. 00:44:27.41\00:44:31.93 And wherever that water goes, 00:44:31.94\00:44:33.88 what do we see happening beside it? 00:44:36.81\00:44:38.77 Trees will begin to grow, 00:44:42.81\00:44:46.32 wherever the water is. 00:44:48.45\00:44:49.92 And those trees 00:44:58.40\00:44:59.95 grow by those rivers of water. 00:45:08.96\00:45:14.22 And David said, "If you'll meditate 00:45:20.24\00:45:22.02 on my word day and night, your leaf will not wither." 00:45:22.03\00:45:25.50 And whatever you do and it says, 00:45:33.15\00:45:37.11 "Not only that, but they will bring forth 00:45:37.12\00:45:39.98 their fruit in its season. 00:45:39.99\00:45:44.51 And we know all about planting and reaping of a harvest, 00:45:52.08\00:45:56.10 it doesn't all happen overnight, does it? 00:45:56.11\00:45:58.33 And the picture 00:46:40.91\00:46:42.12 begins to take shape. 00:46:46.23\00:46:47.86 And the tree 00:46:52.99\00:46:54.19 will not wither, 00:46:58.32\00:47:00.27 and whatever it does will prosper. 00:47:00.28\00:47:04.71 I was talking to a gentleman. 00:47:15.29\00:47:19.75 I went to make a hospital visit. 00:47:22.04\00:47:23.71 I went to visit him. 00:47:25.47\00:47:26.91 We'll call his name Bill. 00:47:26.92\00:47:28.37 That was not his name. 00:47:31.35\00:47:32.61 He said, preacher, I don't have good news. 00:47:34.93\00:47:36.66 The doctor says, I have cancer of the liver. 00:47:39.06\00:47:41.07 And he was depressed. 00:47:43.35\00:47:44.56 I sat on beside him and I began to share 00:47:45.22\00:47:49.33 from the seed catalog 00:47:49.34\00:47:54.16 of God's word, some promises. 00:47:54.17\00:47:56.92 And as I shared those promises with him, 00:47:56.93\00:47:59.42 in a few minutes, I shared First John 1:9, 00:48:02.81\00:48:05.57 "If we confess our sins, 00:48:05.58\00:48:06.97 he is faithful and just to forgive us, 00:48:06.98\00:48:08.82 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 00:48:08.83\00:48:10.90 Then I shared with him that promise, 00:48:10.91\00:48:13.39 that "He that hath the Son hath life." 00:48:13.40\00:48:15.76 I shared with him the promises of the seed catalog 00:48:15.77\00:48:18.53 and he began to accept those. 00:48:18.54\00:48:21.58 And I watched him change right before my very eyes. 00:48:21.59\00:48:27.00 And as he-- he only lived a week... 00:48:27.01\00:48:30.12 and I watched him change. 00:48:36.61\00:48:39.15 I was with him the night he died. 00:48:39.16\00:48:42.38 On the night he died, 00:48:42.39\00:48:44.20 he was laying there in his bed, 00:48:44.21\00:48:47.81 and he was just radiant. 00:48:47.82\00:48:48.99 I see people once in a while, 00:48:49.00\00:48:50.14 their face is just glowing. He was just glowing away. 00:48:50.15\00:48:52.69 And he was listening to a tape 00:48:52.70\00:48:53.90 that my wife had made 00:48:53.91\00:48:55.30 "When you walk through the valley." 00:48:55.31\00:48:56.34 And he had his eyes closed and he says, 00:48:56.35\00:48:58.07 "Wow." He says, "That's so beautiful." 00:48:58.08\00:49:01.67 Then he looked at me. 00:49:01.68\00:49:03.83 Because he accepted the seed, 00:49:03.84\00:49:05.29 he was a cattle breeder. 00:49:05.30\00:49:08.36 He understood the law of genetics. 00:49:08.37\00:49:10.79 And I said, when you have 00:49:10.80\00:49:11.80 the seed of God's word in your heart, 00:49:11.81\00:49:16.27 the seed of the woman, the seed of Abraham, 00:49:16.28\00:49:17.89 the seed of David that seed will reproduce itself 00:49:17.90\00:49:21.65 and you'll partake a divinity. 00:49:21.66\00:49:23.80 And on the resurrection morning, 00:49:23.81\00:49:26.17 unless God works a miracle, 00:49:26.18\00:49:27.40 you're gonna go into the grave, 00:49:27.41\00:49:28.81 but on the resurrection morning 00:49:28.82\00:49:30.15 that divine power will respond to the call of the life giver 00:49:30.16\00:49:35.71 and it will bring you out of the grave 00:49:35.72\00:49:37.23 just as surely as his ongoing 00:49:37.24\00:49:39.47 commands brings winter 00:49:39.48\00:49:40.90 wheat out of the ground in the spring. 00:49:40.91\00:49:44.41 And that man caught that vision. 00:49:44.42\00:49:47.33 And that night before he died, he said, preacher, 00:49:47.34\00:49:50.13 I am happier now 00:49:50.14\00:49:52.73 than I've ever been in any moment of my life. 00:49:52.74\00:49:56.47 And dear people, 00:49:56.48\00:49:57.63 if He's good enough for when you're dying, 00:49:57.64\00:49:59.89 don't you think we ought to try Him 00:49:59.90\00:50:01.12 when we're living. 00:50:01.13\00:50:02.35 And let the power of that seed catalog transform 00:50:02.36\00:50:06.10 your life from the inside out. 00:50:06.11\00:50:09.25 Well, you know, this picture develops away, 00:50:09.26\00:50:12.39 but then it seems like in all of us. 00:50:12.40\00:50:16.78 We can have a picture that's looking fine. 00:50:21.91\00:50:28.43 And then-- 00:50:28.44\00:50:29.43 somebody-- 00:50:34.76\00:50:35.76 throws a beer can 00:50:41.23\00:50:44.10 or it could be a drug problem, 00:50:49.64\00:50:54.12 whatever it might be, it can come in 00:50:54.13\00:50:58.09 and it appears to ruin the picture. 00:50:58.10\00:51:01.74 And it seems like there's no hope. 00:51:03.10\00:51:06.30 Stuart Hamblen was such a man. 00:51:06.31\00:51:08.67 And he was a songwriter. 00:51:14.00\00:51:16.15 And one night he went to visit John Wayne. 00:51:16.16\00:51:20.28 And as he went to visit John Wayne 00:51:20.29\00:51:21.81 that night and they were visiting. 00:51:21.82\00:51:25.39 And John Wayne said, 00:51:25.40\00:51:27.09 "Stuart, is it true that you used to be an alcoholic?" 00:51:27.10\00:51:30.76 And he said, "Yeah, it's true. 00:51:30.77\00:51:31.76 I used to be an alcoholic." 00:51:31.77\00:51:34.93 And he said, "Well, Stuart, just between you and me." 00:51:34.94\00:51:37.23 He said, "Don't you get a little 00:51:40.24\00:51:41.33 hankering for the stuff once in a while." 00:51:41.34\00:51:43.52 You know, just a little bit of a hanker. 00:51:43.53\00:51:45.69 And Stuart Hamblen said, 00:51:45.70\00:51:47.11 "No, John, it's no secret what God can do. 00:51:47.12\00:51:53.30 Not even a little tiny itsy-bitsy bit left." 00:51:53.31\00:51:59.40 And so they visited on that night, 00:51:59.41\00:52:01.37 and as they visited on that night, 00:52:01.38\00:52:03.23 as they were leaving quite late, 00:52:06.30\00:52:08.03 as they were leaving, 00:52:11.36\00:52:14.41 John Wayne said to Stuart, "Stuart." He said, 00:52:14.42\00:52:16.26 "You ought to write a song about that sometime." 00:52:16.27\00:52:19.14 He said, "A song about what?" 00:52:19.15\00:52:20.14 He said, "About what you said, 00:52:20.15\00:52:21.93 'Its No Secret What God Can Do.'" 00:52:21.94\00:52:27.13 And so Stuart said, "Well, maybe I will." 00:52:27.14\00:52:30.28 So he got home that night. 00:52:30.29\00:52:31.46 He told his wife to go on and go to bed. 00:52:34.11\00:52:37.73 And he sat-- he sat on at his desk 00:52:37.74\00:52:42.89 and he began to write. 00:52:42.90\00:52:43.89 The clock was chiming out midnight. 00:52:43.90\00:52:45.89 "The chimes of timing out the news. 00:52:45.90\00:52:48.41 Another day is through. Someone slipped and fell. 00:52:48.42\00:52:52.32 Or was that someone you?" 00:52:52.33\00:52:54.48 And he wrote. It seemed like all night. 00:52:54.49\00:52:57.91 And finally had it all done, words and music. 00:52:57.92\00:53:00.46 And as he walked down the hallway 00:53:00.47\00:53:03.01 to where his wife was sleeping, he thought, 00:53:03.02\00:53:06.97 he looked at the clock on the wall. 00:53:06.98\00:53:09.90 And it was 15 minutes after midnight. 00:53:09.91\00:53:14.15 Words and music in 15 minutes. 00:53:14.16\00:53:18.75 "Its No Secret What God Can Do." 00:53:18.76\00:53:23.10 And dear people, Abraham was called 00:53:23.11\00:53:25.17 "The Father of the Faithful." He was called 00:53:25.18\00:53:27.54 "The Father of the people of Israel. 00:53:27.55\00:53:30.94 And Judah, he was called "The Father of the people, 00:53:30.95\00:53:34.32 the great community of the Muslim faith. 00:53:34.33\00:53:36.89 He's called "The Father of the Faithful of the Christians." 00:53:36.90\00:53:40.66 But Abraham looked for a city 00:53:40.67\00:53:42.98 whose builder and maker was God. 00:53:42.99\00:53:47.25 And by faith, Abraham died. 00:53:47.26\00:53:50.83 He never saw that city 00:53:50.84\00:53:52.85 whose builder and maker was God. 00:53:52.86\00:53:55.73 But if you will plant the right seed, 00:53:55.74\00:53:57.99 you'll reap the right harvest. 00:53:58.00\00:54:00.37 And God's word is His seed catalog, 00:54:00.38\00:54:03.83 and He wants us to have that seed catalog. 00:54:03.84\00:54:08.85 They're gonna start making that part choice. 00:54:08.86\00:54:11.96 "Choose this day whom you will serve, 00:54:11.97\00:54:16.28 gods of this world or the Creator as Lord. 00:54:16.29\00:54:19.76 But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." 00:54:19.77\00:54:24.87 And as we close tonight, I want to pray. 00:54:28.83\00:54:30.88 I want you to take time with God's seed catalog 00:54:34.90\00:54:38.97 and allow the divinity power in this book 00:54:38.98\00:54:42.94 transform your life from the inside out. 00:54:42.95\00:54:46.62 Oh, God, help us to take the time of life 00:54:46.63\00:54:49.60 and get a college degree in Your Holy Word 00:54:52.34\00:54:56.43 that Your word-- 00:54:56.44\00:54:57.65 can transform our lives from the inside out 00:55:01.49\00:55:04.62 as we will partake of the seed of the woman, 00:55:04.63\00:55:08.66 the seed of Abraham, the seed of David, 00:55:08.67\00:55:11.43 and that seed will reproduce its life in our life today. 00:55:11.44\00:55:19.01 Dismiss us with that powers our prayer 00:55:19.02\00:55:21.02 because we ask it in Jesus name and all God's people said amen. 00:55:21.03\00:55:26.52 Worship Him 00:55:44.20\00:55:47.43 Worship Him, worship Him 00:55:52.69\00:55:58.03 Worship Him that made heaven 00:55:58.04\00:56:01.68 The heaven, the earth, the sea, 00:56:01.69\00:56:06.19 and the fountains of waters 00:56:06.20\00:56:11.97 Worship him that made 00:56:11.98\00:56:18.36 Worship him, 00:56:18.37\00:56:22.28 worship him 00:56:24.53\00:56:27.93 Fear God Fear God and give glory to him 00:56:33.05\00:56:39.37 Worship him that made 00:56:39.38\00:56:44.51 Fear God Fear God and give glory 00:56:44.52\00:56:49.13 Give glory to him Glory to him 00:56:49.14\00:56:55.87 The birds declare the glory of God 00:56:57.36\00:57:02.80 And the firmament showeth his handiwork 00:57:02.81\00:57:09.21 The earth is a void and a formless thereof 00:57:09.22\00:57:15.27 The earth is formed and regions fall 00:57:15.28\00:57:22.05 Worship Him 00:57:31.71\00:57:35.15 Worship Him, worship Him 00:57:40.73\00:57:46.29 Worship Him that made heaven 00:57:46.30\00:57:49.85 The heaven, the earth, the sea, 00:57:49.86\00:57:54.45 and the fountains of waters 00:57:54.46\00:57:59.98 Worship him that made 00:57:59.99\00:58:06.49 Worship Him, 00:58:06.50\00:58:12.75 Worship Him 00:58:12.76\00:58:16.47 Worship Him 00:58:22.36\00:58:26.96