Participants: Terry McComb
Series Code: OR
Program Code: OR000002
00:01 In the beginning, the earth was without form and void.
00:07 Then God said, "Let there be light" 00:11 and there was light 00:14 and God divided the light from the darkness. 00:17 So the evening and the morning were the first day. 00:34 So the evening and the morning were the second day. 00:41 Then God said, "Let the waters under the heavens 00:43 be gathered together into one place, 00:46 and let the dry land appear. 00:52 Let the earth bring forth grass and herb 00:57 and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind. 01:02 So the evening and the morning were the third day. 01:08 Then God made two great lights. 01:11 He made the stars also. 01:13 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day. 01:21 Then God said, "Let the waters abound 01:23 with an abundance of living creatures 01:29 and let birds fly above the earth 01:32 across the face of the firmament of the heavens. 01:38 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 01:45 Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures 01:48 according to its kind, cattle, and creeping things, 01:53 and beast of the earth. 02:04 Then God said, "Let us make man 02:06 in our image according to our lightness." 02:10 So the evening and morning were the sixth day. 02:16 And on the seventh day God ended His work 02:18 which he had done. 02:19 And he rested the seventh day from all His work 02:21 which he had done. 02:22 Then God blessed the seventh day, 02:23 and sanctified it, 02:25 because in it He had rested from all his work 02:27 which God had created and made. 02:31 And indeed it was very good. 02:36 Well, it's a real pleasure to welcome each of you 02:38 back to our program tonight, 02:41 "Origins, the First Week of Time." 02:44 As we begin this evening, let's ask God's blessing. 02:49 Eternal Father, bless us now 02:51 as we open Your word both spoken and written. 02:54 And we earnestly invite the Holy Spirit 02:57 that was so active in creation to be present here tonight 03:01 to create in our hearts and in our minds 03:05 a spiritual understanding of this subject. 03:09 Teach us now Lord well, 03:10 we listen as our prayer in Jesus name, amen. 03:15 We noticed last night that God said and when God said, 03:22 there was a Seven-fold manifestation of light 03:26 that came into existence. 03:29 And when that light came into existence 03:31 that evening on that first evening 03:35 and the scripture, 03:37 we'll look at that a little more. 03:38 Later you'll notice in order to get light, 03:42 you have to have some kind of a reflector, 03:46 because there is light pass 03:48 between that projector and that screen. 03:50 But you do not see any of that light 03:52 until it hits a reflector. 03:55 Then you notice like those words Seven-fold light, 03:59 it reflects that light. 04:01 But what's on the other side? 04:03 The shadow, the darkness. 04:06 And we notice on day one God did the separating. 04:13 And day four we notice, He would change up, 04:15 but that's day four as we talk about 04:18 what did God create to take over the work of doing 04:21 the separating of the light from darkness. 04:25 We notice also according to the scriptures says, 04:27 the evening and the morning was day one. 04:32 And that the dark part came first and then the light. 04:37 We discover that the dark part of the day 04:39 is in many respects absolutely 04:42 as important as is the light part. 04:44 All though we don't normally think so, 04:46 because we sleep through the dark part 04:48 or we should sleep through the dark part. 04:50 We discover in a plant world on day three 04:52 which is tomorrow night. 04:54 And on that, in the dark part of the night, 04:57 that's when the plants produce the food, 04:59 not in the daytime, but in the night 05:02 and the dark part when it is breathing in oxygen 05:06 instead of carbon dioxide, very interesting. 05:09 We said we need to prepare for this seminar 05:11 and that is we want to do little introspection 05:14 searching our own hearts and we want to have 05:16 the proper atmosphere. 05:19 And we're looking at atmosphere tonight. 05:22 We wanted to do introspection, examine your self. 05:25 Many people have their pride for, 05:27 because they believe they are open-minded. 05:30 But there are three ways of approaching truth. 05:33 You can approach from a skeptic, they doubt everything, 05:37 or the believer, they believe everything, 05:40 or the inquirer, they are searching 05:43 in order to get from a skeptic to a believer. 05:47 And then the proper atmosphere 05:50 because tonight we're gonna look at some things 05:52 that may challenge what you have previously believed. 05:56 And the proper attitude is first of all humility, 06:00 what can I learn. 06:01 And then honesty, 06:04 honestly look at the evidence and then with calmness. 06:08 And then with respect for the other person's viewpoint, 06:13 even though it may not be the one 06:15 that you have held in the past 06:17 or maybe in the process of changing 06:19 as an inquirer to a believer 06:22 and moving from a skeptic to a believer. 06:27 And so if you have your Bibles, 06:30 I invite you to turn to Genesis Chapter 1 06:37 and we're going to begin reading, 06:39 and I'll be reading tonight from the New King James version. 06:46 Genesis Chapter 1 and we'll begin reading with verse 6. 06:52 "And then God said, Let there be 06:55 a firmament in the midst of the waters, 06:58 and let it divide the waters from the waters. 07:04 And thus God made the firmament, 07:06 and divided the waters which were under the firmament 07:10 from the waters which were above the firmament 07:13 and it was so. 07:16 And God called the firmament Heaven. 07:19 So the evening and the morning was the second day. 07:25 We discover when one approaches a home, 07:29 and I visit lots of homes. 07:31 And you walk into that home. 07:33 You're not there very long. 07:35 And you are quite aware that a home has an atmosphere, 07:38 you notice that. 07:40 And some homes feel very warm in inviting 07:43 and some homes they are sort of cool and repulsive. 07:46 Did you notice that? You walk into home 07:48 and you just feel very much at home there, 07:50 or you may not feel quiet so. 07:52 Have you noticed that? 07:53 That's an invisible atmosphere around every home 07:57 and every home has it. 07:58 And we're gonna discover in our study tonight 08:01 that in those 20 brief words, 08:05 God created a foundational part of life 08:10 called atmosphere. 08:12 And so you notice, have you ever 08:15 try to separate water from water? 08:17 You know, you take a bucket 08:18 and you put your hands in there and say okay, 08:21 water you go over here and water-- 08:22 Did you ever try that? 08:24 It's harder than you think. 08:26 And what it sounds like God didn't do very much on day two. 08:29 We're about to discover 08:30 He actually did a great deal. 08:33 And so we discover when it says He separated the waters 08:37 from under the heavens from the waters 08:39 which were above the heavens, 08:42 we discover in the world of science. 08:45 In Capital Times April 18, 1998 they reported, 08:49 "European scientists, using a ultra-cold orbiting telescope, 08:53 have discovered unimaginable volumes of water 08:57 in the space between the stars." 09:01 There is water out there. 09:03 We used to think there wasn't any, 09:04 but now they know it's everywhere. 09:07 "Continuing the discovery of vast oceans of water vapor-- 09:12 the mass of which in the Milky Way galaxy alone 09:15 would equal that of tens of thousands of suns." 09:18 This was taken from the European Space Agency's 09:21 infrared space observatory. 09:24 Paul Murdin, British National Space Center said, 09:27 "I think our imaginations failed to describe 09:31 the variety of places 09:32 and the variety of conditions under which we found it, water. 09:38 And so on this day two, 09:40 God is separating the waters that are above the earth 09:46 from the waters that are under the earth. 09:49 I like to suggest if you're thinking 09:50 that on day one when God said, 09:52 "Let there be light." 09:55 I believe that on day one, 09:57 God created perhaps a large spinning 10:01 mass of water to reflect the light. 10:06 And it says evening passed and morning came, day one. 10:10 Something was majoring off that first rotation 10:15 of a 24 hour cycle when God said, "Let there be light." 10:20 But on day two, God is now separating 10:24 the waters under the earth 10:28 from the waters that are above the earth 10:32 and He created a space which we call firmament. 10:37 And the Hebrew word for that is Rekiah, 10:39 and it means a space. 10:41 And he called that space, the heavens. 10:45 Now we notice when there is no atmosphere, 10:49 what color is the sky? 10:53 It's like on the moon, 10:56 there is no color there at all, it's black. 10:58 Wouldn't it be fun to look up into the heaven 10:59 and see a black sky? 11:01 Creator had a wonderful idea 11:03 when He created the atmosphere on day two. 11:07 And so, out there in outer space its cold, its deadly 11:13 and the radiation of electro magnetic spectrum 11:16 would make life uninhabitable on planet earth 11:20 if it was not for the protective shield of the atmosphere. 11:27 Now the question is, when God created 11:30 the first atmosphere, what was it like? 11:35 We know in Genesis 2 verse 6, it said, 11:38 "There was no rain in that first atmosphere. 11:42 A mist went up from the earth and watered 11:46 the face of the whole ground." 11:49 And so when that mist went up 11:51 and watered the face of the whole ground, 11:54 what was that first atmosphere really like? 11:58 Well, we're not sure. 12:00 A lot of people have speculated 12:02 we know one thing it's vastly different 12:04 than what it is like today. 12:06 And Henry Morris, Dr. Henry Morris says, 12:11 he believes that there was a water canopy above the earth. 12:16 That's what the Bible says, 12:17 He separated the waters above from the waters below. 12:20 And he made a space in between that we call firmament. 12:24 And so that water vapor, 12:26 we believe had the ability to transform 12:30 incoming solar radiation to retain and disperse it. 12:34 So that it would be like a green house, 12:36 just, just a nice even temperature of the whole earth. 12:40 And according to fossil record, 12:42 we know the earth was once 12:44 very different from what it is now, 12:46 because we find fossilized tropical plants 12:49 at both the North and South Pole. 12:51 So at one time they were very different 12:54 than the way we find them today 12:57 with nearly uniform temperatures 12:59 all over the whole earth at that time. 13:02 The great air mass movements 13:03 such as we see today were not taking place then. 13:07 And thirdly with no global air circulation taking place, 13:13 there was no rain. 13:15 And no rain was falling 13:17 except possibly over the direct bodies of water. 13:20 And fourthly with no air circulation going on, 13:24 there was no turbulence of dust particles. 13:26 Ladies have you ever thought 13:27 what it would be like to try to live without dust? 13:30 But it's very likely there was no dust 13:33 in that first atmosphere. 13:35 And so with that uniform temperature, 13:38 it'd be very comfortable and at night 13:41 there would be just like a dew or fog 13:43 that would come up and water the earth 13:46 and that combination of warm temperatures 13:49 would mean there would lush vegetation 13:51 all over the whole planet. 13:53 Now wouldn't that be something to see. 13:56 And it would also be 13:58 this water vapor would filter out the incoming radiations 14:02 of the gamma rays and cosmic rays 14:07 and the UV rays which seem to do 14:10 a lot of damage on our planet. 14:14 That would also increase the atmosphere pressure 14:16 if we had all that water up there in space. 14:20 And they estimate 14:21 according to fossil record of the dinosaurs 14:25 based on the shape of their lungs 14:26 and how big they are for their size of the body 14:29 that there have to be at least two atmospheric pressures 14:32 more than what there is now 14:35 at least in the days of the dinosaurs, 14:37 because the young, their lungs are so small 14:40 without increase atmospheric pressure, 14:42 they would not be able to breathe very well. 14:45 And we know from modern bio medical research 14:48 hyperbaric pressures seem to increase healing 14:52 and do a wonderful thing with healing. 14:56 And so, also later when God destroyed this world 15:02 with a flood, that water came from somewhere 15:06 and very likely from that water vapor 15:09 that was up above. 15:12 And so what was it really like then? 15:15 This is an estimate of what it must have been like 15:18 on that first atmosphere 15:21 that God created on the second day. 15:23 We know one thing it was vastly different 15:26 than the one we see today. 15:28 But let's take a look at the atmosphere 15:31 and we can see what it is like. 15:37 And so the first level down here, 15:40 next to the ground is what we call the troposphere. 15:43 It's about six miles in thickness. 15:47 And this is where all the storms rage and blow. 15:49 And that's what we had today with some storms 15:53 coming along about ten miles in height. 15:56 And then the next level up 15:58 is what we call the stratosphere, 16:01 that goes up about 6 to 30 miles. 16:05 This is where the Jets travel. 16:08 And that's what we flew on coming over here. 16:11 And I thought about that as I looked out the window, 16:13 wall, I'm up here at the stratospheric level. 16:17 And at the stratospheric level, 16:20 pilots have seen the Nile goose migrating 16:24 at that kind of a height they catch the tailwind I guess. 16:29 And that's about the only thing that moves up there 16:31 are some certain type of geese have been seen by pilots 16:36 flying up there at the stratospheric level. 16:40 And then the next level is what we call the mesosphere. 16:45 Its 30 to 50 miles in height up there it's very cold. 16:51 And those on the chart on the left there 16:53 judging by the blue, that's where it gets very cold. 16:57 And then on the sun side it gets very, very hot, 17:00 and then of course at night 17:01 when the sun is not shining, it also gets extremely cold. 17:05 And then the next layer up is the ionosphere. 17:09 It goes on up to the outer edges 17:11 and then a thousand miles up 17:13 we have Van Allen radiation belts, 17:16 which we think produce the Aurora Borealis, 17:21 the northern lights as they come circling in. 17:25 Now that atmosphere is about 300 miles in thickness 17:29 and that sounds pretty thick. 17:31 But real reality is that if I had an apple 17:34 and held it here, that apple skin is just about 17:38 proportionate to the thickness of our atmosphere. 17:42 And when we realize that our atmosphere 17:44 only one percent of it is where life could exist. 17:49 All the other 99 percent of it, the air is too thin, 17:53 too cold, too hot to ever sustain any kind of life. 17:57 And so the atmosphere actually is quite thin 18:00 that maintains life here on planet earth. 18:04 The chemical composition of our atmosphere, 18:08 from outer space clouds cover half of our world 18:13 at any one time and this is the most visible part 18:17 of our earth as seen from outer space. 18:21 The bottom layer is called the homosphere. 18:24 "Homo" means all of one kind. 18:27 Homosphere it means all of the lower area of air 18:34 about 50 miles up is made up of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen 18:41 and about one percent or less of argon. 18:46 And that makes up a pretty much 18:48 a uniform part of the air up for about 50 miles up 18:54 it's all this same kind of a chemical composition. 18:59 However, the second part is called the Hetrosphere. 19:03 And what that means it is varied 19:06 and it varies very greatly. 19:10 Single atoms of oxygen are found in 50 to 600 miles up 19:16 in the atmosphere just one atom of oxygen. 19:22 And then helium and hydrogen make up and beyond 19:25 the 600 to 1500 miles up 19:29 and then from 1500 miles up and beyond 19:33 to the other limits it is simply hydrogen, 19:37 which is the simplest element with one electron 19:42 and one neutron making up all the rest of the atmosphere 19:48 as it goes further up right on out to the outer edge. 19:53 Now, you only think about our clouds 19:55 we take our clouds quiet for granted. 19:59 They move along at about the ten mile area. 20:03 Below here some are little high we have the Stratus, 20:06 that's the one's that are most visible today. 20:09 They are the ones that bring the rain. 20:12 And then we have the Cumulus, means piled up. 20:15 And we have the Cumulonimbus, these are the ones 20:19 when you see the anvil head shape like that, 20:21 that usually telling you 20:23 there is a thunder storm on the way. 20:25 And then we have the Nimbostratus 20:27 and then we have the Stratocumulus 20:29 and then the Altostratus and then the Altocumulus. 20:34 And then we have the Cirrostratus 20:37 and then there's Cirrocumulus 20:39 and finally the Cirrus way up at the high levels 20:44 and they are as high as cloud goes. 20:46 What we don't realize is that these clouds are formed 20:50 at certain levels same as we were, 20:53 I was watching the clouds this morning. 20:55 The ones that were really low 20:57 next to they're the Stratus ones, 20:59 they were moving along at a tremendous speed. 21:02 But the clouds above them are not moving hardly at all, 21:05 when you're flying on a plane you can see 21:07 at these clouds all formed very directly at certain levels. 21:12 And often the plane is flying between the levels of clouds 21:15 and they are fun to look down upon. 21:20 Well, what makes a cloud anyway? How do we get clouds? 21:25 Up in the atmosphere we have oxygen 21:29 that is negatively charged by two hydrogen positively charged 21:35 and we call that what? 21:37 H2O, water. 21:41 And these molecules of water 21:43 that are in the clouds are so small, 21:46 that you could put a million of them into one drop of water. 21:51 They are very, very small these molecules of water. 21:55 And this appears to be the only primal substance 21:59 that God was using other than sound waves to create everything 22:03 that we see in our world today. 22:06 And they are all over in those clouds. 22:10 The Bible ask the question 22:12 "He binds up the water in His thick clouds, 22:16 yet the clouds are not broken under it." Job 26:8. 22:21 And, "Do you know how the clouds are balanced, 22:24 these wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge?" 22:30 Job 37, verse 16. 22:33 And so these clouds are created by water. 22:40 And we're going to trace that water in a moment 22:42 and they're blowing around by the winds. 22:45 And these are called, some are called the trade winds 22:48 and they operate on a very regular basis. 22:52 And you can follow their tracks, they go. 22:55 And hot air goes up and cold air goes down. 22:59 And you can see the hot air is going up 23:01 and then it arches over as it gets colder. 23:03 And then it goes back down again 23:05 and that creates the wind patterns 23:07 that we see in our world today. 23:11 Well, what about water? 23:13 The truth is God is not creating any new water today. 23:18 God recycles the water that He separated or created 23:23 on that original second day. 23:26 And sometimes in modern world today we ask the question, 23:30 how many times can you wash water 23:32 before water ceases to wash. 23:35 You ever thought about it? 23:36 I understand in the city of St. Louis, 23:39 by the time of water gets to St. Louis 23:43 it's been used 45 times before St. Louis gets to use it. 23:48 And so how many times can you wash water 23:50 before water ceases to wash? Good question. 23:54 It's called the universal solvent. 23:56 It will dissolve almost anything. 23:58 And when you drink a glass of water, 24:00 you're actually drinking about one molecule of glass, 24:05 that has been dissolved in the length of time 24:08 that the water was sitting in that glass. 24:12 And when we drink water out of plastic containers, 24:16 you're getting a bit of those molecules 24:18 and sometimes when it sits there for a while 24:20 you can really taste the plastic. 24:22 Have you noticed that? 24:23 It's a universal solvent, it's a great cleaning agent. 24:26 I like to take you on a little journey tonight. 24:28 The journey of the cycle of love of water. 24:34 And so when snow falls in the fall of the year. 24:39 And it turns our world white again. 24:42 It begins what I call "the cycle of water." 24:46 Water is one of those crucial factors 24:48 for the formation of life for both man, animal and plant. 24:53 And it illustrates God's principle of love, 24:57 "freely we receive and freely give." 25:00 Water occurs in one of four forms, 25:03 it is either as a vapor as seen in clowns, 25:05 over solid, as seen in snow or ice 25:08 or maybe a liquid or it can be an invisible gas, 25:12 sulfur is famous for that. 25:14 Have you ever heard of humidity, some call humidinity. 25:19 White people would live in a Turkish bath 25:21 I'm not sure. 25:22 You can't see it but you sure can feel it. 25:24 And the question is how does snow happen to fall on earth? 25:29 What journey does it take in the mighty ocean 25:32 which is covering about 70% 25:34 or 325 million square miles of earth 25:37 97% of the water on planet earth is the great salt sea 25:43 and that's where snow begins its journey. 25:47 And the scripture tells us, "That God has set a boundary 25:50 for the ocean 25:53 "When He prepared the heavens, I was there, 25:55 when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, 25:57 When He established the clouds above, 25:59 when He stationed the fountains of the deep, 26:02 so that the waters could not transgress His command, 26:05 He marked out the foundations of the earth. 26:08 As the tides come and go, the water journey begins 26:12 and will later return. 26:15 And the vast oceans, the scriptures tell us, 26:19 "God thunders with a mighty voice, 26:24 and He does great things which we cannot comprehend. 26:27 And He says to the snow, 26:29 "Be on earth and likewise to the gentle rain, 26:31 and the heavy rains of His strength." 26:34 Job 37:5 and 6. 26:38 And to fulfill this command 26:40 God has set up the water in a giant distiller. 26:45 And above the oceans, clouds begin to form. 26:49 Following the laws of thermodynamics, 26:53 heat raises that invisible vapor 26:56 that you can't see, the gases. 26:59 And when they reach a certain height, they will condense 27:02 and then the winds will whisk 27:04 these clouds of vapor inland towards the mountain. 27:08 And high in those clouds a snow crystal is born. 27:14 It is so small, these droplets 27:16 that form about a million of them 27:19 it would take to make a single rain drop. 27:22 And these droplets will condense 27:24 around a single molecule of dust 27:28 or a bit of pollution. 27:32 And thus a snow crystal is born of unique individuality 27:38 and it has just six sides. 27:41 How many sides? 27:43 Not five, not seven, six, consistently six. 27:48 And that's interesting, how do you get a consistent six 27:51 in a world that supposedly random chance for accident 27:56 as the Roonian theory would have us to believe. 27:59 Glaciers form at the top of mountains 28:02 where more snow falls than melts. 28:06 I never reach a pack of ice pack of 28:08 about a thousand feet or more. 28:10 And some 46,000 million square miles of stratosphere 28:14 lies under a constant blanket of snow. 28:18 And in fact snow covers approximately 28:20 half of the land's surface of the planet, 28:23 at least temporarily and about 10% of the ocean's surface. 28:29 Most of the permanent snow lies at the North and South Pole. 28:34 And three quarters of the earth's fresh water 28:37 is located there. 28:40 And in these vast glaciers, it is stored particularly 28:43 the waste lands of the Antarctic. 28:48 But in the spring time, snow begins to melt. 28:53 And it will go in to other wavelets, water joining water 28:58 as it steadily begins to move back 29:02 from where it began its journey as it heads towards the sea. 29:09 Sometimes it's grid in streams, 29:10 sometimes it stops in a pond or lake. 29:15 And then the mist rises 29:16 and this is where the creatures 29:18 created on day five were formed. 29:22 Fish, and we love them and like them. 29:26 Some of that water will evaporate 29:28 and go back in the heavens, will condense again 29:30 and fall in the form of thunderstorm. 29:34 But most of it continues its rush towards the sea, 29:38 ever moving and sometime plunging over waterfalls 29:44 like the giant Niagara 29:46 as it is always moving plunging on relentlessly moving. 29:51 Water that does not move stagnates 29:54 and becomes sort of dead. 29:56 And dead ponds as we say, 30:00 where they stagnate are not fun to swim in. 30:03 They are not fun to be around 30:05 in order to carry its life it must keep moving. 30:09 And finally, we all have discovered the cooling, 30:14 refreshing part of water. 30:17 The human body is three quarters water 30:20 and you need about half your body weight 30:22 in ounces of water per day to be fully hydrated. 30:26 And we loose about a quarter of that per day 30:28 in sweat, urine and feces. 30:31 And many are walking around in a state of dehydration 30:35 and don't even know it. 30:37 And once you begin to really hydrate your body, 30:39 it will take three months to restore 30:42 that hydration back to its full level. 30:46 And according to Batmanghelidj, hope I said that right, 30:50 who wrote the book, "Your Body's many Cries for Water." 30:54 He says we need about a half a tea spoon of salt 30:57 for every ten glasses of water that you drink, 31:00 because salt is what tells your body 31:03 how to utilize that water. 31:06 And finally as it reaches towards the sea, 31:09 it looks rather chocolate 31:10 because it is carrying huge amounts of water 31:14 as it moves towards the sea and finally it returns back again. 31:19 As Ecclesiastes 1:7, "All rivers run into the sea, 31:24 yet the sea is not full, to the place 31:27 from which the rivers come, there they return again." 31:32 And this giant circle 31:36 and three quarters of the earth's surface 31:39 is covered with water. 31:42 We're not running out of water, 31:44 we might be running out of good water or useable water. 31:49 Just don't forget, out of all the water on planet earth 31:55 not very much of it is actually drinkable 31:59 and so we have a message of water. 32:02 And on day two God said, " A bowl of water 32:07 for sure spinning and He separated the waters 32:10 above from the waters below. 32:13 And that water invites us to worship Him 32:16 who made the, heaven, the earth, 32:19 the sea and the springs of water. 32:22 And all of water is at one time 32:25 or another part of the snow cycle. 32:29 And that's why my wife and I wrote this book, 32:31 "The Gospel According to the Snowflakes." 32:34 You can't believe how much wisdom 32:36 God put in one snowflake, 32:39 but there are six sides to that pattern of divine design. 32:44 Now, atmosphere is real, 32:50 as someone said its real air you breathe 32:53 and that really is true. 32:55 And so the question is, 32:57 what was it that God did not do on day two 33:03 that He did on all the other days of creation. 33:08 And have your Bible, I just like you 33:10 to take a look again back to Genesis, 33:14 Chapter 1 and verse 6. 33:17 Twenty brief words describes 33:20 what God made on day two. 33:23 But you notice there is one thing 33:25 God did not say on day two 33:28 that He said on all the other days. 33:36 That's correct. 33:37 And that was the answer to our question tonight. 33:40 God did not call day two good. 33:44 And that might raise a little question in our mind. 33:46 Why didn't God call day two good? 33:49 Now, on day six, He did look at the whole creation, 33:53 and He said, "Behold it was very good 33:56 and that would include what He made on day two. 33:59 But on day two He did not call it very good. 34:01 And I'd like to suggest for the answer to that 34:04 is found over there in Second Peter, the third Chapter. 34:11 Second Peter 3 describes a condition of our days 34:17 in which we live here and verse 3 34:21 is where we want to take it up says, 34:23 "Knowing this first, that scoffers 34:24 will come in the last days, 34:26 walking according to their own lusts, 34:27 saying, "Where is the promise of his coming? 34:31 For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue 34:33 as they were from the beginning of creation". 34:36 That' s called the theory of uniformity 34:38 of which evolution is based. 34:40 And that's the idea that everything continues today 34:43 pretty much like it was in the past. 34:47 But then in verse 5 it says, 34:49 "For this they willfully forget" they willfully forget. 34:53 What is that they willfully forget? 34:56 And some one had suggested 34:58 that an atheist cannot find God in nature 35:03 for the same reason that a thief can find a policeman. 35:07 The issue of the evolution creation debate 35:10 is not about better science, 35:13 it's about eliminating morality from the classroom. 35:17 And we need to keep that clear in our mind, 35:19 that the whole theory of evolution today is designed 35:23 to keep morality out of education. 35:26 They do not want a God 35:28 that they have to give an answer to. 35:31 But we go on, "For this they willfully forget 35:33 that by the word of God the heavens were of old, 35:36 and the earth standing out of water and in water." 35:40 Does that sound like day two? 35:42 By which the world that then existed perished, 35:46 being overflowed with water. 35:49 I like to suggest on day two 35:50 when God created this atmosphere 35:53 looking ahead with his foreknowledge, 35:55 He build in to the creation system away to deal with 36:00 the sin problem should it arrives. 36:03 And on day two He created just that water. 36:07 And the Bible says, "And the world that then existed 36:11 perished being flooded by water." 36:13 Notice verse 7. "But the heavens and the earth, 36:15 which are now are preserved by the same word." 36:19 What word? The word that created the atmosphere on day two. 36:23 "The heavens and the earth, 36:24 which are now are preserved by the same word 36:27 are reserved for fire under the day of judgment 36:30 and perdition of ungodly men." 36:33 And then we drop on down there, 36:36 and it says in verse 10 there, 36:38 "The day of the Lord will come as a thief, 36:40 which the heavens will pass away with a great noise." 36:42 And they what? 36:43 "The elements will melt with fervent heat 36:45 both the earth and the works 36:47 that are in it will be burned up." 36:49 And then it says, "Since we dissolved 36:50 what manner or persons ought you to be." 36:53 And then it says verse 12 there, 36:57 "Hastening the day of God, because of which 36:58 the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, 37:01 and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 37:05 I like to suggest on day two God created with water. 37:09 The capacity to deal with the sin question, 37:13 should it rise on planet earth. 37:16 And God didn't call that good. 37:20 Also you notice the heavens would be on fire, 37:22 that same word is reserved. 37:24 And that's a clearest description to people of hell. 37:27 Hell is not burning now, but it's reserved for fire. 37:31 And all you got to do those of you who are welders, 37:34 all you got to do is separate hydrogen 37:37 from oxygen and what do you have. 37:41 You have an alquiler, that will burn anything. 37:47 And so God did not call that very good. 37:53 And let's move on. What about your personal atmosphere? 37:58 Do you have an atmosphere around you? 38:00 I like to suggest, that we all have an atmosphere 38:04 and it is very real. 38:07 And let's just think about that for a moment. 38:09 What kind of a person do you want to be? 38:12 I like to suggest that every child of Adam 38:15 is born sort of like this. 38:18 Did you ever met someone that was know it all. 38:21 In school, you run into him. 38:23 I have granddaughter one time 38:26 and I was trying to teach her something about earth. 38:29 She said, "Oh, grandpa, I know that". 38:30 And you know kids get into this 38:33 at a pretty young level, don't they? 38:35 And some of us never outgrow it. 38:38 And so there is a know it all. 38:39 And then there is a person who is never sorry. 38:42 Thick skin, they're never sorry for anything. 38:45 And then there is a person that wants everything. 38:47 Jerry take a trip down on to covetous alley. 38:50 You know what covetous alley, that's a shopping trip. 38:53 Covetous alley has shopping, 38:56 what we call Simpson's series catalogues and so forth. 39:00 These are covetous catalogues to make you 39:03 discontent with what you got. 39:05 And then you met the person 39:07 that sort of has little philosophy. 39:08 And that is do as little as possible 39:10 and get paid as much as possible, 39:12 work little as possible. 39:14 And they have no ambition to work. 39:16 Somebody said people look for work 39:18 until they find it and then they quit looking. 39:22 And then they are people who are very unforgiving. 39:25 Every wrong done to them is a major crisis. 39:29 And they are totally unforgiving. 39:32 And then there is dishonesty, 39:35 it seems like that's in a very air 39:37 we breathe in our world today, 39:38 and they are contentious people. 39:41 And when you're around them, 39:42 you don't have to be there very long 39:43 and there is a fight that will soon start. 39:45 Do you ever been run into that kind of person? 39:47 Where they just seem like they are just contentious. 39:49 And then there is a conformer. 39:52 The conformers, they stand for nothing and fall for everything. 39:57 Do you met a kind of person 39:58 that has these kind of atmospheres 40:00 that occurs we would all look in the mirror, would we? 40:03 We're quite familiar. What about this atmosphere? 40:09 It's created by our attitude. 40:12 I like to suggest there is another option. 40:16 You can be born again. Is that good news? 40:19 Good news, you can be born again. 40:21 We have to stay the way we were born 40:23 because of the curse of sin that's been passed 40:26 on to all the children of Adam, we all started out that way. 40:29 But the Bible offers us an option, 40:32 we can be born again. 40:34 And He creates an attitude of a learner, 40:37 they are fun to be around. 40:38 They can experience sorrow, 40:40 they can weep with those who weep and they claim nothing. 40:44 They recognize themselves as a steward. 40:48 They don't own anything, 40:49 they are just a manager of the resources 40:51 that God has given them. 40:53 They have a hunger and ambition for something better. 40:56 There is this hunger and thirst, they're very motivated, 41:00 they are very forgiving. 41:02 They can forgive you when you wrong them, 41:05 because they've been forgiven. 41:07 And they are honestly pure from inside out. 41:10 You can trust their word. 41:12 And they have the harmony of a clear conscience. 41:15 Void of offence to either God or man. 41:18 And they have the convictions that they can stand for. 41:22 And their constant inner motivation 41:24 is love and joy and peace. 41:30 I like that kind of person. 41:32 You know what they are fun to live next door to. 41:36 In fact, the honest truth is, 41:37 by the way young people say young people are tonight 41:40 don't miss Saturday morning at 11'O clock. 41:43 We're gonna talk about the wonder of marriage. 41:45 Some people wonder where it went. 41:47 We're gonna talk about that. 41:49 And these qualities that we just looked at here, 41:52 and by the way did you recognize 41:54 what they are? Those are attitudes. 41:57 And in Matthew 5 it talks about the beatitudes 42:02 or attitudes of being that the creator 42:06 wants to create in your heart and from the inside out, 42:10 we become a new creation. 42:12 Are you excited about that? 42:14 That's what God wants to gives us. 42:16 As there are six sides to a snow crystal. 42:19 I'd like to suggest there are six sides 42:21 to all human relationships, 42:24 not seven, not five consistently six. 42:29 And these six sides are wrap up 42:34 every right that human beings have. 42:38 And in relationships, there are four levels 42:41 the acquaintance level, the casual friendship level 42:45 or the close friendship level or the intimate level. 42:49 And when you get through the level 42:50 of marriage that's intimate. 42:53 And so we have these four different 42:55 levels of relationships with people 42:59 and they all have six sides. 43:01 And as you notice there, 43:03 the first right is a right to respect, 43:05 life was passed on to you via your parents from God 43:10 and you've the right to respect 43:12 because you're one of his children, 43:14 not grandchildren, children of God. 43:18 And the parents have the right to honor. 43:20 You have the right for that life to continue. 43:22 No one has the right to take it from you. 43:24 And you have the right to procreate 43:26 that life one man with one woman, 43:28 you've to make that real clear in today's world. 43:31 And then you've the right to ownership. 43:34 And therefore no one will steal from you. 43:36 And you've the right to truth 43:38 therefore no one should lie to you 43:40 and you've the right to be content. 43:42 I'd like to suggest within those six sides 43:45 every freedom is known to man 43:48 and you can become everything 43:50 that God ever created you to be. 43:52 And when you have a self denying law 43:54 that stays within those six sides 43:56 you're fun to live next door too. 43:59 You're fun to live with. 44:00 Now the question is how does the Creator create 44:04 a new atmosphere in your world? 44:07 How is He going to do that? 44:09 And so, He creates it this way. 44:12 And if you have your Bibles 44:13 in Daniel the 6 Chapter, verse 10. 44:16 We discover what was it that made Daniel, 44:19 the great man that he became. 44:22 And the first thing we noticed 44:24 as we take a look in Daniel the 6 Chapter 44:27 and at the time this event was taking place. 44:31 Daniel was an old man in his 80's we estimate. 44:36 We notice there are six steps 44:39 that we want to take in forming 44:42 a new created atmosphere and it works this way. 44:46 Number one, you need a place. 44:49 Prayer has been called the breath of the soul. 44:53 Prayer is what creates that atmosphere around you 44:57 and so you need a place and Daniel had a place. 45:00 And when he was in Babylon, 45:01 he went home and he went to a special place 45:05 in the upper room in his home. 45:07 He went to special place through the windows 45:09 that were open towards Jerusalem. 45:11 Do you have a place where you talk with the Creator? 45:16 Daniel had a place. Then you need a place. 45:19 And the Bible suggest that it ought to be a quite place 45:23 where you can talk to God, and God to talk to you. 45:26 Number two and it says, he knelt down, 45:29 he was talking to the Creator of the universe. 45:33 What attitude you gonna have when you're talking 45:35 with the Creator of the universe. I'm all yours. 45:39 I want to hear what it is He's going to say to me. 45:43 And then there was a time. 45:47 The great community of the Muslim faith five times a day. 45:52 They have a set time where they talk to God. 45:57 Five times a day "Allah" in their Arabic for God. 46:01 Five times a day they talk to Him at dawn, 46:03 in morning, noon, afternoon, evening 46:06 and then again at night, five times a day. 46:09 And my dear friend I appeal to you, 46:11 do you have a time where you meet with God 46:13 a specific time you've set. 46:15 You gonna meet where the Creator of the universe 46:17 and you're gonna talk to Him. 46:19 He's gonna talk to you and number four, 46:21 and he prayed out loud. 46:24 At the sound of fervent prayer, 46:26 Satan's whole host trembles. 46:29 How many of you ever had your mind wondering 46:30 when you're praying? 46:31 Do you ever had that happened? 46:33 Do you ever fall asleep praying? 46:34 I can't think it really go sleep and go to sleep praying. 46:37 That's a good way to go to sleep. 46:40 But let me challenge you, 46:43 talk to God out loud in your prayer clause. 46:47 And say just all right I don't want to do that 46:49 because I'm afraid the devil might hear me, 46:51 well, I hope he does. 46:54 And I hope he knows who I'm talking to 46:57 is a source of all power and wisdom. 46:59 Are you with me? We need that fervent prayer, 47:05 Satan's host trembles. 47:08 And we need to make him treble morning, noon. 47:11 And David said, morning, noon and night. 47:13 He talked with God and he prayed out loud 47:17 and when you're praying out loud, 47:19 it will add a dynamic to your prayer life. 47:22 As you talk to God out loud, 47:26 you can speak God's promises into existence 47:31 talking to the creator who can create them 47:34 on planet earth even in your heart. 47:38 And step five was and it says, he gave thanks. 47:43 Prayer is not just asking God, 47:45 it's giving Him thanks for all the blessings 47:48 that He has already given you. 47:51 In Romans 1, it says neither do they give God thanks. 47:57 And they became too thorough in their thoughts 47:59 and their foolish hearts were darkened. 48:02 Prayer should be primarily thanks 48:06 for what God has already given. 48:08 And step six was it says as was a habit since early days. 48:14 This six step is a powerful way that God wants to change 48:20 your atmosphere from the inside out. 48:24 And he would do of the world's most powerful prayer is, 48:28 "Thy will be done on earth as in heaven." 48:32 That's part what we call "the Lord's prayer" 48:35 as it's found there in Matthew 6:10 48:37 and the absolute most powerful prayer is when we pray, 48:41 "Not my will, but Your Will be done." 48:44 That's a prayer that never goes unanswered. 48:48 But it is extremely difficult to pray that. 48:51 "The soul that is thus refreshed will be surrounded 48:55 with an atmosphere of light and peace. 48:57 And the life will breath out of fragrance 48:59 that will reveal a divine power 49:01 that will reach men's hearts." 49:04 And from the inside out as we pray, 49:07 God will transform your world. 49:11 We can have heaven's atmosphere now, 49:14 even in these sin polluted world, 49:16 even though it's tainted and corrupted around us. 49:19 We don't have to breathe its miasma, 49:21 but we can live in a pure air of heaven 49:23 and we can close every door to impure imaginings 49:27 and unholy thoughts" by how? 49:29 "Lifting the soul into the presence of God 49:33 through sincere prayer." 49:36 And we can have that atmosphere now. 49:38 Those whose hearts are opened to receive 49:41 the support and blessing of God can walk 49:43 in a holier atmosphere than that of earth 49:46 and have constant communion with heaven. 49:49 And in an emergency you can send 49:52 a prayer heaven word that our thoughts 49:55 can turn is naturally to Him. 49:58 God wants to create in your heart in life 50:02 those six sides of love 50:04 and build a relationship with the living God. 50:08 And with the living God coming 50:10 into your heart and life through prayer. 50:14 Then his life divine love can flow out of your life 50:21 to those who are around you 50:24 and that light will make you all over new from the inside out. 50:31 Let's draw a conclusion through this message. 50:42 Prayer, prayer is the attitude. 50:51 As we looked at it, prayer has been called 50:56 the breath of the soul. 51:07 And it's our privilege 51:13 to partake 51:15 of the very life of God 51:22 through prayer. 51:36 And like Daniel of old, 51:44 we can be in touch 51:53 with the Creator. 52:02 And in prayer we can lift 52:17 our thoughts from the problems that plague our world. 52:33 And as we do, 52:50 our humanity is brought in touch with His divinity. 53:06 And as we open our will to the divine will, 53:12 that divine will 53:19 if we can have the other lights 53:25 through that simple act of lifting 53:29 our hearts and minds heavenward. 53:39 We can bring our weak will in touch 53:43 with that omnipotent will. 53:47 And as we do that 53:50 the Creator's will is more than willing 53:55 to cling to our heart and life. 53:58 And he wants to surround our world 54:04 with His selfless divine a God pay love. 54:11 And as we pray, as we ask Him 54:14 into our heart of hearts amidst this busy dying planet. 54:21 We can be brought in touch for the life of Him, 54:26 whom to know his life eternal 54:30 and that life will recreate in your heart 54:35 a self denying love and that self denying love 54:40 that atmosphere of heaven that a godly love 54:43 can flow out of your world and can be brought in touch 54:47 with those who live next door to you 54:50 and that's self denying love will stay 54:54 within the limits of it's six sides. 55:00 Is that your prayer tonight? 55:05 Let us pray. 55:07 Eternal Father, that's our prayer tonight 55:11 from the heart we would open it 55:14 to your divine will come in as Creator 55:18 and create in our heart of hearts, 55:22 a love that we laid on six sides. 55:27 Just way the created to be laid with your own godly love. 55:33 His message with that power 55:34 and with that love as our prayer tonight, 55:38 because we ask it in your holy name, amen. 55:43 Worship Him 55:52 Worship Him 55:55 Worship Him Worship Him 55:58 That made heaven, and earth, 56:01 And the sea, and the fountains of waters. 56:11 Worship Him that made 56:17 Worship Him 56:24 Worship Him 56:32 Fear God, and give glory to Him 56:38 Worship Him that made 56:43 Fear God, and give glory to Him 56:56 The heavens declare the glory of God 57:02 And the firmament showeth his handiwork 57:08 The earth is a void and the formless thereof 57:31 Worship Him 57:40 Worship Him Worship Him 57:45 Worship Him 57:46 That made heaven, and earth, 57:50 And the sea, and the fountains of waters. 57:59 Worship Him that made 58:05 Worship Him 58:12 Worship Him 58:21 Worship Him |
Revised 2014-12-17