Participants: Terry McComb
Series Code: OR
Program Code: OR000001
00:01 In the beginning, the earth was without form and void.
00:07 Then God said, "Let there be light" 00:11 and there was light and God divided 00:14 the light from the darkness. 00:17 So the evening and the morning were the first day. 00:30 So the evening and the morning were the second day. 00:34 Then God said, "Let the waters under the heaven's 00:37 be gathered together unto one place, 00:39 and let the dry land appear. 00:41 Let the earth bring forth grass and herb 00:44 and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind. 00:47 So the evening and the morning were the third day. 00:52 Then God made two great lights. 00:53 He made the stars also. 00:55 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day. 01:00 Then God said, "Let the waters abound within abundance 01:02 of living creatures and let birds fly above the earth 01:06 across the face of the firmament of heavens. 01:10 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 01:15 Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth 01:17 living creature according to its kind, cattle, 01:20 and creeping things, and beast of the earth. 01:24 Then God said, "Let us make man 01:26 in our image according to our lightness." 01:29 So the evening and morning were the sixth day. 01:34 And on the seventh day God ended his work 01:36 which he had done. And he rested the seventh day 01:38 from all his work which he had done. 01:40 Then God blessed the seventh day, 01:42 and sanctified it because in it he had rested 01:44 from all his work which God had created and made. 01:49 And indeed it was very good. 01:54 How does one prepared to study the subject of Origins 01:58 because this we're all aware that's a controversial subject 02:02 and we do not all seeing 02:04 on the same page and the first thing 02:06 I want suggest we've to do night 02:07 is a do little introspection 02:10 and then we want to have the proper atmosphere 02:14 as we take a look at this subject tonight. 02:17 So, what do you mean introspection? 02:20 What we mean is to examine yourself? 02:24 Do you believe truth because you believe it 02:27 or you believe because it is truth? Which is it? 02:33 And you say well that's where we want to do a little bit 02:37 of self examination because as we come to any study 02:42 of any subject we bring with it a bag of information 02:49 that we've collected over the years. 02:51 And in some that will be true and some of them 02:53 will not be true and we bring that to our subject. 02:56 Sometimes we can have the pride 02:58 of being open-minded, I'm very open-minded. 03:01 We all think we're but the real truth 03:03 is that when we come to study controversial topics 03:07 sometimes where not as open-minded 03:09 as we like the think we are. 03:11 And as we approach to subject we were usually approach it 03:15 from three different prospective. From an inquire. 03:20 Inquire has this open-mind and I'm not sure 03:22 whether it's sure or not but they're looking for it. 03:25 And then they believer, he just believes even though 03:28 the evidence may not really be there and then the skeptic, 03:32 he doubts everything. 03:34 And he doubts it even after he hears the facts, 03:37 he's still of a doubting mind. 03:39 And so I hope this evening we can be in the inquiring mode. 03:45 And hopefully before this evening as through 03:48 we will have move to the believing mode. 03:51 And hopefully the skeptics 03:53 will had all their doubts removed 03:56 and we will be in the inquiring and believing mode. 04:01 Now as we take of our controversial subject 04:03 we also want to have the proper atmosphere 04:07 because we get into areas where people disagree 04:10 is just possible that we can generate more heat than light. 04:15 And that's not the intern of this seminar 04:17 and so I hope first of all 04:20 we will have the atmosphere of humility. 04:23 What can I learn? 04:25 And we want to have an honest heart, 04:27 by an honest heart we want to look at it in such a way 04:31 that we're open to change. 04:36 And all of us think we're opened to change 04:38 but we're not begin to question some of things 04:41 you thought you may not be as open to change 04:44 as you might think you are and then of course, calmness. 04:48 Calmness is we look at controversial subjects 04:51 and then we want to have respect. 04:54 Respect does not mean that I agree with you 04:56 but respect does mean that I honor you with the right 04:59 to think differently than I do. 05:02 Is that fair enough and if we can have this atmosphere 05:06 of humility, honesty and calmness and respect. 05:12 For those who may differ from my opinion or your opinion, 05:17 we still respect them for the right to believe 05:22 differently than I do. 05:24 We give them that same freedom 05:26 that we want for ourselves, is that fair enough? 05:29 All right so, with that atmosphere in mind 05:31 let's just move into our subject. 05:34 Charles Darwin wrote his book "The Origin of Species" 05:38 and the Supremacy of the Races is the second title 05:42 that usually not quoted but that's second title 05:45 and we might talk more about that another time 05:47 and it was published in 1859. 05:50 He founded his ideas of what he believe 05:55 when he took a trip on the ship Beagle from 1831-1836 06:02 and that was when he formulated his ideas 06:05 that later republished in the book 06:07 called the Origin of the Species. 06:09 In the first five chapters he describes variety of animals 06:13 and plants and then in the next 6 to 9 chapters 06:18 he explore problems with evolutionary theory 06:21 and then in chapter 10 to 13 he discuss fossils 06:25 and geographic variations remember this was written back 06:29 in the mid part of the 1800s. 06:33 And then he offer classification 06:37 of the different parts of the organs 06:40 and arguments for evolution. 06:43 Now he did all this in his book 06:44 and I read his last chapter? 06:46 In the last chapter he admits 06:48 that the most serious objections to his theory, 06:51 he did not discuss in his book which I thought was quite 06:55 an admission that he realized 06:57 there were more serious objections to his theory 07:00 than what he even discussed in his book. 07:04 Evolutionary concepts did not begin with Darwin. 07:07 There are very common in Europe in the 18th century 07:11 and we notice there that they go back even to 500 BC 07:15 and these ideas have better round for quite a while. 07:22 Thomas Huxley was perhaps a greatest defender 07:25 of evolutionists, particularly of Darwin, 07:29 but amazing thing is the Mister Huxley 07:31 himself was never a believer in the theories 07:35 he protected for his biographer put it this way. 07:38 "Although no one strove so nobly, and against such odds 07:42 in it's defense from unfair attack, 07:44 and although no one ever fought the battle of science 07:47 with more complete success, Huxley was at no time 07:51 a convinced believer in the theory he protected," 07:55 so said his biographer. 07:58 Well, that's interested why would you want protect 08:00 the theory that you don't even believe it. 08:03 He must have been may be an attorney 08:06 and just like to argue "I don't know." 08:08 But interesting that Huxley was not a believer 08:13 in the theory he protected. 08:16 On October 23, 1996 Pope John Paul II, in a formal statement 08:22 sent to the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Science, 08:25 announced that evolution was a scientific theory 08:28 acceptable to the Church. 08:31 And he was just reiterating 08:33 the official position of his church. 08:36 And sadly but it is to, nearly 08:40 "All mainline protestant churches 08:42 today teach some form of Theistic evolution today". 08:47 And theistic evolution simply says that God created 08:50 this well but he took millions of years to do that and God 08:55 used evolution to do his creation but that's contrary 09:00 that the simple word of God, it says, that he created 09:03 it in seven literal 24-hour days 09:06 and that's what we're going to be looking at this week 09:09 from the biblical prospective. 09:11 Theistic evolution is bad science 09:15 and it is also bad theology because according 09:19 to that theory then death came into existence 09:23 before sin and God then would be using death 09:28 to create that sabotage is the whole plan of redemption. 09:33 So the question is where did this idea 09:37 of evolution really begin? 09:39 Where did it start? 09:42 And I would like to suggest that it is the core 09:45 of the lie of the serpent to Eve in the Garden of Eden 09:49 in Genesis 3 verse 4 and 5 the serpent simply said, 09:55 "You shall be as God's knowing good and evil." 10:01 And that exalted mankind to the level with the God 10:05 so that man became his own final authority 10:11 and Darwin's theory of evolution 10:14 is really thinly disguised absolute atheism 10:18 because it is contrary to the word of God. 10:22 W.L. Wilmhurst in his book The Meaning of Masonry 10:25 put's it this way, "This - evolution of man into superman 10:30 was always the purpose of the ancient mysteries occultism. 10:35 Man, who has sprung from the earth 10:37 and his developed through the lower kingdoms of nature, 10:39 to his present rational state, has yet to complete 10:42 his evolution by becoming a God-like 10:45 being and unifying his conscience 10:47 with the Omniscience." 10:49 And so we find in the Occult Digest, it said, 10:54 "We must establish in theological minds 10:56 the theory of evolution. 10:58 The doctrine of reincarnation. 11:00 Our work with the modern scientist 11:01 is of vital importance." 11:04 Many of not equated the idea 11:07 of evolution being thinly disguised actual spiritism. 11:13 And repeating the lie that the serpent established with Eve. 11:19 So when we come to The Study of Origins. 11:23 When we come to the study we're not studying science. 11:29 We're studying history because it is impossible 11:33 to study origins in the scientific definition 11:37 and science to means to study by observation 11:43 and by those observations it can be tested 11:46 has to whether it is true or false 11:47 and you can repeat the test 11:49 and of course, origins took place 11:50 a long time ago and that impossible. 11:53 You cannot study origins in that strictest 11:56 scientific definition because it took place a long time ago. 12:00 And it cannot be repeated today. 12:04 And so we're actually studying history, ancient history. 12:08 Creationists have a BIAS. 12:10 And they take a look at a Fact of Nature 12:13 and they draw a conclusion. 12:16 Evolutionists likewise have a BIAS 12:18 and they look at a Fact of Nature 12:21 and a conclusion is drawn. 12:24 And I would like to quote 12:25 from a former evolutionists Colin Patterson, 12:30 Senior Paleontologist at the British Museum 12:33 of Natural History. He said, 12:35 "I have been working on this stuff fossils 12:38 for more than 20 years and there was not one thing 12:41 that I knew about it, Evolution. 12:44 He said, it's quite a shock to learn 12:46 that one can be misled for so long." 12:49 Because what he discovered was as he carefully 12:52 looked into that subject there was no real observable facts 12:58 as such about the fossils that he had been looking 13:01 at and so he was speaking to the biologist 13:08 at the America Museum of Natural History, 13:11 the Field Museum of Natural History, 13:12 the members of the Evolutionary Morphology 13:15 Seminar at the University of Chicago 13:17 and he asked the same question, 13:19 what do you know for sure that's an actual fact 13:24 about evolution? Observable facts 13:27 and all he got was silence. 13:29 Now this was at a meeting were they were top evolutionists 13:32 and all he got was silence and finally way 13:35 in the black of the room there was voice that said, 13:38 I do know one thing it all not be taught in high school. 13:43 But it is taught in high school. 13:45 It's taught in the high school here and is taught in schools 13:49 our campuses throughout this nation 13:52 and virtually around the world. 13:55 And so up tonight, I'm addressing 13:59 the Jewish community, the Moslem community 14:02 and the Christian community 14:04 all three of these great communities of faith, 14:07 all hold as the foundation pillar 14:10 of their believed system 14:12 that Genesis 1 is like it is written. 14:16 And we're gonna take a look at Genesis 1 14:18 this week and walk our way through it. 14:20 This is a common ground believe. 14:23 Held that Genesis 1 reveals, 14:26 how life was created on this earth? 14:28 And all three of these great communities of faith 14:31 have been severely challenged 14:33 by Darwinian Theory of evolution 14:37 and we want to take a look what does a Bible 14:40 really have to say. 14:42 What is the word of God had to say, 14:44 and so let us unitedly confront our dying planet 14:48 with the great Truth. 14:50 That God created this world in six literal 24-hour days, 14:55 and he is calling upon the nations and then heavens 14:59 of this earth to worship Him who made heaven and earth. 15:04 As though if you have a Bible 15:05 in your pew there you might just like to turn to Genesis, 15:10 Chapter 1 and I'm going to using in this seminar 15:14 the New King James Version but it reads very similar 15:19 to the King James Version and so if you have your Bible 15:22 let's turn to Genesis the very first chapter 15:27 and we're gonna begin reading with the very first verse. 15:34 The Bible says, "In the beginning God 15:37 created the heavens." 15:38 Plural. "And the earth. 15:42 And the earth was without form, and void; 15:45 and darkness was upon the face of the deep. 15:50 And the Spirit of God was hovering 15:52 over the face of the waters." 15:54 And tomorrow night we're gonna talk about 15:56 waters in more detail. 15:59 And as far as we can tell from the word of God, 16:02 there is only one substance that God 16:05 used in creation in that were simply water. 16:10 And darkness was upon the face of the deep. 16:13 Earth without form and void, how do you picture 16:17 visually without form of void was nothing was there. 16:22 If you please on the darkness was on the face of the deep. 16:26 And the spirit of God hovered 16:27 and now we notice we come 16:29 to verse 3, and then God said, 16:37 "Let there be light." And there was light. 16:41 Genesis 1 verse 3. 16:44 We notice in the scripture that it says, 16:48 God said or the word spoke. 16:52 I would like to suggest for your thinking tonight 16:55 that everything that we know of our can observe 16:57 in this world pretty much was created by sound waves. 17:02 God said, God spoke, and it was sound waves 17:07 that actually was the power when God said, 17:12 in Psalms 33:6-9 it simply says, 17:16 "God spoke and it was done; 17:18 He commanded and it stood fast." 17:20 And may come as a surprise to us to realize 17:23 when science has taken things down to other smallest point 17:27 where we're looking at the Adam or the atomic principles 17:31 there of the nucleus and electrons circling it. 17:35 And then they took it down one more analysis 17:36 more in a quark quirks very small part 17:39 and some science is beginning to check that out 17:43 and they think that the things that keeps the electrons 17:46 away from the nucleus is sound waves, 17:49 isn't that amazing. 17:50 And that's exactly what we read in God's word. 17:55 All creation is created by sound waves. 17:58 Sinister in the Quran we find "Your Guardian Lord is Allah, 18:03 Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, 18:06 and is firmly established on the throne (of authority). 18:11 He draweth the night as a veil over the day, 18:14 each seeking the other in rapid succession." 18:18 It's upon the Quran we also find that God 18:20 created this world very quickly evening 18:23 and the morning following a day pattern. 18:27 And also find in the New Testament 18:31 in John 1 verse 1 it says, "In the beginning was the Word, 18:36 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 18:40 And that power that did the creating was those sound waves 18:46 they're brought into existence 18:48 and I'd like to suggest for your thinking tonight 18:51 that the same power that created 18:53 this world is in this book. 18:56 And every command is a promise accepted 18:59 by the will received into the soul it brings 19:03 with it the life with the infinite one 19:05 and it can recreate in the human nature 19:08 the very divine nature of God himself. 19:12 Isn't that good news? 19:13 There's our world need to know that night. 19:16 Now for our understanding tonight, 19:19 I like you to understand the first of all 19:21 when we come to this subject of light. 19:25 We have to understand that light is energy. 19:29 And the scientific community had a model 19:34 that looks something like this and way works is like this. 19:39 Light is traveling through the space 19:41 on 186000 miles per second. 19:45 Now as it passes through space, 19:48 science believes that it is electro going this way 19:52 and magnetic going this way to different electromagnetic 19:57 powers moving to space called the electromagnetic spectrum. 20:03 And I would like to suggest for our thinking tonight 20:07 that on day 1 when God said, "Let there be light." 20:12 What God did was he brought his own personal self 20:17 to that part of the heavens and manifested himself there. 20:22 We know that the light that was created on day one 20:25 was not the sun because that was created on day four 20:28 don't miss day four because we're gonna look 20:31 at the heavens in a fascinating way. 20:35 We read in the Bible that God is cloth with light 20:39 according to Psalms 104:2. 20:43 And God also says, "I form the light and I create darkness. 20:50 I, the Lord, do all these things." 20:52 And so God is not depended on any other 20:55 preexisting material 20:57 other than himself as the source of light. 21:01 And so in 1st John 1 verse 5 21:06 we read the words, "God is light." 21:10 By that verse, we're not saying pantheistically 21:13 that God is light, that he is the source 21:16 of all energy if you please. 21:19 And so light is energy. We read in 1 Timothy 6:16, 21:26 "Who only has immortality, dwelling in the light 21:30 which no man can approach unto, whom no man has seen, 21:34 nor can see, to whom be honor and power everlasting." 21:39 Amen. 1 Timothy 6:16, So God is light. 21:44 God is the source of light. He is the source of all energy 21:47 if you please and so on this day one, God brought his light 21:53 into focus on this particular part of the universe. 22:00 And the scripture simply says God divided the light 22:05 from the darkness in Genesis 1 verse 4 22:09 and Daniel 2 verse 22 says, 22:11 "He knows what is in the darkness." 22:14 And we don't and we know that in the role of astronomy 22:20 for example, astronomers believe there is more 22:23 in this universe that is invisible than what's visible. 22:27 And the reason they say that, 22:29 is because in the darkness of outer space, 22:31 there is this tremendous amount of energy 22:34 flowing through this darkness from something. 22:37 They don't know what? 22:38 I believe it's simply flowing forth 22:41 from the very throne of God himself. 22:45 And so up tonight, I see we have some young people 22:49 with us here tonight. 22:50 How many of you have ever been afraid of the dark? 22:54 Raise your hand, we won't ask for how many 22:56 are still afraid of the dark today. 22:58 I hope you're really listening 23:00 to what I'm about to share with you because if you catch 23:03 what we are talking about you'll never have to be afraid 23:07 of the darkness again. 23:09 By faith we understand that the worlds 23:11 were framed by the word of God. 23:13 So the things which are seen were not made 23:16 from that which is visible. 23:18 Hebrews 11 verse 3 tells us. 23:21 And what that's simply saying is by faith 23:24 we understand that what came into existence 23:27 came into existence because God created out of nothing. 23:31 He was not intended to any preexisting material. 23:35 And David said, "Indeed, the darkness 23:37 shall not hide from You, but the night shines 23:40 as the day and the darkness and light 23:42 are both alike to You." Psalms 139 verse 12. 23:47 And so for you who're afraid of dark 23:50 I just want you to understand that the pictures 23:52 you about to see should forever 23:55 remove your fear of darkness. 23:58 When we think about the electromagnetic spectrum 24:02 this is an illustration that show's 24:05 that the electromagnetic spectrum 24:07 is a spectrum of energies that would be a measurement 24:11 that would reach from here to the moon and apart 24:13 that you and I actually see this visible light. 24:16 We're about 2'' inches on that scale 24:19 and so there is much more to the energy of light 24:23 that we can't see then what we really do see. 24:26 And so at the bottom end of the spectrum wave, 24:28 radio waves they've never found the longest radio wave 24:32 they are in miles of length. 24:35 All moving through space at a 186000 miles per second. 24:39 Moving at the speed of light a huge big radio waves 24:43 and then we move up to scale to infrared 24:46 and then we get to the visible light 24:49 and then it moves over into what science calls 24:52 pellets or bullets it gives so short and so tiny, 24:56 it's like the UV light which is what I use in my pictures 25:02 and then there is x-ray very penetrating 25:05 and then finally gamma ray or cosmic rays. 25:08 And these are moving through space 25:10 at a very high rate of speed. 25:12 Mariner 2 detected solar winds 25:16 blowing the electromagnetic particles towards the earth 25:18 at speeds of 650,000 to 1,800,000 miles per hour. 25:25 This energy is moving to the space. 25:28 Now what we're going to do as gonna take a look 25:32 at radio waves infrared visible light, 25:35 UV light and X-ray and Gamma rays. 25:38 And we're gonna take a look at those tonight 25:41 at one part of the heavens 25:43 right there in the center you see galaxies. 25:45 And we're gonna take a look at the galaxy looking southward. 25:49 If you look into the heavens towards 25:51 the south you look to the center of that galaxy 25:54 don't miss Wednesday night. 25:56 We're gonna going to that in lot more detail but, 26:00 we're gonna look at that same part of heavens 26:02 but we're gonna look at it through 26:04 the different radio waves 26:08 or electromagnetic spectrum waves. 26:11 We're gonna look at that part of the heavens 26:13 and you'll see that it is indeed visible 26:16 and if we could see like God 26:18 sees who sees the total electromagnetic spectrum 26:22 then we could see that the night 26:26 cannot hide anything from God. 26:29 That's the visible sky and we're looking at the center 26:34 towards the center of Milky Way galaxy. 26:38 Try to follow me carefully 26:39 because this is just a little bit... 26:42 So I hope you can stay with me. 26:44 We're looking at the visible sky 26:46 as we would see with the naked eye. 26:48 Okay, now the next picture we're gonna look at 26:52 is the identical same part of the heavens 26:54 only we're gonna look at with radio waves. 26:57 And you will see with radio wave that the radial sky 27:02 of the long six miles are longer in length 27:06 and the move intensity from the red being the most intense 27:11 and dark blue being the least intense 27:16 and you can see as we look to the center 27:18 of the Milky Way galaxy 27:20 you'll see there're that is tremendous energies 27:23 flowing out of the center of our Milky Way galaxy, 27:28 is that visible? 27:30 The machines can measure but our naked eye 27:32 cannot and the machine says radio wave is lit up 27:36 and it looks like that. 27:38 Now if we take a look at the infrared sky 27:42 that's the way it looks with infrared. 27:45 An infrared is heat waves that the we can pick up 27:49 and that's the way it would look that way is that visible? 27:54 That's visible with machinery we can look at it 27:57 but the human naked eye cannot see this, 28:00 but machines do. 28:02 And then the X-ray sky and this is the same part 28:06 of the heavens with the X-ray sky, 28:08 is that visible? It is by machinery. 28:11 And this is very penetrating and powerful 28:14 the same scale is in place. 28:16 And then we move into Gamma and Cosmic rays. 28:20 And again you can see is that visible. 28:23 The machinery can see it but the naked eye cannot. 28:27 And so we go back to the words of the Psalms. 28:31 "Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from you, 28:33 but the night shines as the day; 28:35 the darkness and light are both alike to thee." 28:40 Here's a good news, you can't do anything but what God 28:45 doesn't see it, is that a good news? 28:48 And you can never in darkness so dark that God 28:51 doesn't know where you are and he can see you 28:54 and you're protected because he knows, 28:56 where you are? Is that good news? 28:58 And so that become 29:00 what I called the Armour of light, Hagar. 29:05 When she was playing with her son, Ishmael. 29:09 She cried out when God answered her prayer. 29:15 "Thou, God, seest me." Is that a good news. 29:22 "Thou, God seest, me." 29:24 He knows all about you, even the Bible 29:28 tells us even the hairs of head all numbered. 29:31 He knows that and to do that he has to keep running a comb 29:34 because I'm finding every time 29:36 I come here it seems like it gets to be more 29:38 of this than less of that, 29:40 you know, what I'm talking about? 29:41 And so he keeps a running account visible light. 29:47 He is made up of three primary colors red, green and blue. 29:52 This is the light spectrum 29:55 and I wish you could see this pictures 29:56 the way it was like I took it. 29:57 It looks some of like its got light in it. 29:59 Because it just radiates all it's beautiful energy 30:02 when it comes through a prism. 30:05 And these make up the visible light that we see. 30:10 And what I'm suggesting is that a day one God 30:14 brought his light to focus on that part of the universe 30:18 and quite likely that light includes 30:21 all of the electromagnetic spectrum brought there. 30:26 Now the Bible says, "Thy Word is a lamp 30:31 and thy Word is a lamp unto my feet 30:33 and a light unto my path." 30:34 Psalm 119. How can this word be a light? 30:39 And it says, "I love Thy Law! 30:41 It is my meditation all the day." 30:44 "You through Your commandments 30:46 make me wiser than my enemies. 30:48 They are ever with me because Satan 30:50 is the one who claims to rule this world. 30:53 I have more understand than all my teachers 30:56 for Your testimonies are my meditation." 31:00 And so when think of the electromagnetic spectrum 31:05 we're thinking of the power and energy that God 31:09 has and in his word. 31:12 And it is invisible but my mediation on that word 31:16 it can becomes visible through the inner man, is that clear? 31:20 The invisible becomes visible as we meditate on his Word. 31:25 Let me ask you question? 31:27 When the Word speaks and when Moses 31:30 saw the invisible God, on the top of mount Sinai, 31:35 when God give his holy Law. 31:39 What did Moses see? 31:42 I mean what you see when you see the invisible God. 31:45 What we don't have to guess because in Exodus 34, 31:48 verse 6 it tells us exactly, what it was that he saw? 31:53 What he saw was God's glory. 31:57 And that glory was seven character qualities. 32:03 He saw the God was merciful, gracious, longsuffering, 32:09 abounding in goodness, abounding in truth, 32:14 forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin. 32:18 And God was also justice. 32:22 And that was what Moses saw as he saw the invisible God 32:29 on that mountain. 32:31 And Romans 20 says, "since the creation of the world. 32:34 His invisible attributes are clearly understood 32:37 by the things that are made, even light that created 32:42 as it were on that first day. 32:45 So to see the invisible God. 32:49 I would like to suggest by way of an illustration 32:53 hear me carefully, I'm saying that God 32:56 is actually light 32:58 but I'm using the electromagnetic spectrum 33:01 as an illustration those character qualities 33:05 in the electromagnetic spectrum I believe illustrate 33:09 those seven characteristics of God. 33:12 Let's walk our way through that. 33:14 The radio waves they're very long in length 33:17 and during World War 2 the allied forces 33:20 used radio waves six miles in length 33:23 they used the fence as the antenna and short wave, 33:27 FM and T.V. and radio microwave 33:30 all of these are part of the radio waves. 33:33 Now I would like to suggest that illustrates 33:35 the very first character quality that Moses 33:38 saw on the Mount and that is God is merciful. 33:44 Rachamim is the Hebrew word that was used for merciful. 33:48 Coveys the idea that God has deep feeling and sympathy 33:55 for you his children, it's like the womb 33:58 he in encloses us like radio waves they encompass 34:03 the whole earth nothing is left out radio wave. 34:05 It sweeps in everywhere and his mercy like his available 34:10 to every child of Adam on planet earth, 34:14 is that good news? 34:16 And that mercy is his character quality 34:19 and that conveys the idea in the Hebrew, 34:22 he bows in courtesy to us and treat us like an equal. 34:27 That's all most blasphemous 34:28 to think of that way but God 34:30 looks that us as the sons and daughter's of Adam. 34:37 He considers us and treats us 34:40 like we were and equal to Him. 34:43 And he treats all that same way is that good news. 34:47 No matter what race you are, what color you are? 34:50 God's mercy is available to every single one 34:54 of the children of Adam, is that a good news? 34:57 Do we need to know, that God is merciful 35:00 and that's his first quality that Moses 35:03 saw there on the mountain. 35:05 And then we look down the electromagnetic spectrum 35:08 we come to infrared there 1 mm in length 35:12 and this produces heat and every heat source 35:16 you put your handover toaster you can't see anything 35:19 coming out put your hand there, 35:21 your jerked away really quick because it's a heat wave 35:24 that are the infrared that do the heating. 35:29 The second character quality that Moses 35:31 saw on the mountain was gracious. 35:33 It's a Hebrew word knaw noan 35:37 and it means to bow to an inferior in courtesy 35:40 he bows towards even though we are inferior 35:44 He treats us graciously. 35:48 Do you like to be treated graciously 35:51 and he gives this gracious quality of his own character 35:57 and that way it warms others with His love. 36:02 Sometimes we don't love for somebody 36:04 but he does and if we make ourselves a channel 36:07 for his life and power to flow through us 36:10 we have his warmth to pass on to others 36:13 in this cold world of sin. 36:15 Do we need that character quality of his graciousness? 36:20 And then visible light, it's 700 nanometer, 36:24 6 colors measured by photon that's the part of light 36:28 that we can see that is visible. 36:31 And that illustrate the character quality 36:34 that God is longsuffering it's a Hebrew word "Ark" 36:38 it means patience day after day 36:40 have you ever thought how long God 36:42 has born with his simple world. 36:44 We believe according to geologist study 36:48 about 6000 years God has been longsuffering with this world. 36:53 Let me ask you question your family deny 36:56 does it need patience and your children ever need patience. 37:01 Did parents ever need the character quality of patience 37:04 when dealing with their children. 37:07 I have four sons in our family 37:10 and I know all about this patience business. 37:12 There're to be patience with me and I had learn 37:15 to be patience with them. 37:17 What about our neighbors, 37:18 do you ever had neighbor that needed patience? 37:24 Or the neighbors needed to be patience with you. 37:27 What about the workplace, see your boss? 37:29 Does he ever need patience in dealing with you? 37:33 What about you in dealing with him? 37:35 What about work maids in the workplace, 37:38 do they need patience? And do we need patience? 37:42 This character quality of God is so necessary. 37:46 That UV light, UV light is 400 nanometers in length, 37:50 this is what creates sunburn 37:53 as also where we also create vitamin D, 37:56 do we need those? 37:58 Not the sunburn we do need the vitamin D 38:01 if you get it in the right amount that's the Hebrew word 38:05 "Takeed" it means to bow again to unequal. 38:08 He treats us on a equal basis and he treats us 38:12 all the same the world over, no matter what race you are, 38:17 or color, he has the same love and compassion 38:21 as one of his children. 38:23 Notice carefully that God can create goodness 38:27 and he does not reflect badness. 38:29 Do we need that quality because sometime 38:32 we dealing with people they can teach you very unkindly 38:35 and if you're simply reflecting 38:37 there are in loneliness back 38:39 to them that becomes a problem does not? 38:41 We have to have the creator to create his goodness 38:45 in our hearts in order to pass that on to others. 38:48 X-ray they're penetrating it can be dangerous 38:52 but it also can be beneficial because it seats 38:55 beneath the service but it is stopped 38:57 only by bone and doctors use x-ray 39:01 and that means to be abounding in truth. 39:05 Hebrew word "Amat" 39:06 and it gives a certain stability truth 39:10 you can count on and yet penetrates error. 39:14 In a world of deception do we need truth 39:18 and that's the character quality of God is truth. 39:20 Gamma rays sun nuclear very penetrating 39:24 and then God is the one who forgives iniquity 39:28 and sin that we need forgiveness. 39:31 Does this world need forgiveness tonight 39:33 what about your family ever has to forgive one 39:35 another at your house? 39:38 We need his forgiveness to see the invisible God 39:42 these qualities or so crucially important 39:46 as we think of them. 39:48 His last quality is justice. 39:50 There's our world need justice, 39:53 are we glad to know that there is a God 39:56 who is also a God of justice? 39:59 Have you ever been wrong, 40:00 deeply wrong and longed for justice. 40:05 Scripture tells us one day justice 40:08 will be established but Habakkuk 2 verse 4 40:13 in the Old Testament tells us the justice live by faith." 40:16 And then in this world we need his faith 40:19 and so as we work our way through this light that God 40:25 demonstrated for us. 40:28 That was what Moses saw on the mountain top 40:31 was the character of God. 40:34 And the Bible says, "Forever Your word 40:36 is settled (stands firm) in heaven. 40:39 Your faithfulness endures to all generations; 40:42 you established the earth, 40:43 and it abides and it (stands sure). 40:46 They continue this day according to your ordinances, 40:51 for all are your servants these (invisible laws)." 40:54 According to Psalms 119, they are all God servants. 40:58 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven 41:01 and that are on earth, visible and invisible. 41:03 And in Him all things consists. Colossians 1:16 41:09 Is there true light in a false slide in this world today. 41:13 Philippians 4:8 suggest 41:15 that we need a put on the armour of light 41:17 that will filter out darkness and the first questions 41:20 and I would like you to reply that to the media 41:23 that coming to your home, the music, the T.V. 41:27 well that pass the test of truth. 41:31 Is it noble, is it just, is it pure, is it lovely, 41:38 is it of a good report, is there any virtue in it. 41:43 is anything praiseworthy? 41:44 The Bible tells us to meditate on these things. 41:50 And so we need to put on this armor of light. 41:55 Do our homes need this kind of protection? 41:57 I just wish that flash on every T.V. screen 42:00 when it's turned on and if your mom passed that test 42:03 you won't let it in your house fathers and mothers 42:08 and children you won't let it into your mind. 42:10 So we need this armor of light 42:12 that Romans 13 talks about, to awaken out of sleep, 42:15 to cast off the works of darkness, 42:18 put on the armor of light, 42:19 to walk properly as in the day 42:22 and make no provision for the flesh." 42:25 And young people my testimony is simply this that. 42:32 when I was 9 ½ years old I committed 42:35 my life to the Lord. 42:38 I began to seek Him in this word at 9 ½ 42:42 and I never went back on that decision. 42:45 And my testimony is this 42:47 when you have on the armour of light, 42:49 when you washing your mind 42:51 with this book with this powerful light 42:54 coming into your life. 42:56 When that's happening you're protected 42:59 but armor of light. And my testimony is this. 43:03 Never once at all my high school year and college 43:08 and graduate school that ever have to say no to cigarettes. 43:14 I was never offered one. 43:17 Why not, when you have on the armour of light and God 43:21 is walking with you in that light you are protected 43:24 you don't have to say no, the light says no for you. 43:26 I didn't have say no to booze or alcohol. 43:29 No one has ever offered me alcohol 43:33 why not because when you're walking with God 43:36 in the light of his Word and you're walking 43:38 with those who walk in that word you're protected. 43:42 And in the schools I went to 43:44 I never had to girlie magazines 43:47 no one ever offered one, why not? 43:50 Because when you're walking in God's light and his word 43:53 you're protected with this armor of light. 43:56 And when you've that on and you're walking confidently 43:59 and boldly in the light of this Word you're protected. 44:02 Dear young people you need the protection 44:06 of the armor of light. 44:10 "Thou, God, seest me." 44:14 And we need to know that he seest us even in the darkness. 44:19 Who has shown in our hearts 44:21 to give light of the knowledge of the glory of God 44:24 all seven of those qualities of God. 44:28 "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, 44:31 that the excellence of the power 44:32 may be of God and not of us." 44:35 Therefore, we do not lose heart. 44:42 Even though our outward man is perishing, 44:44 yet the inward man is being renewed 44:46 day by day by his word. 44:51 And for the things of this world 44:53 that we see that are visible are temporary, 44:56 but the things that are not seen, they are eternal." 45:02 And so I want draw a conclusion 45:05 to this message tonight. 45:16 What would it have been like on that day 45:18 when the creator--created this world? 45:29 And as He created this world-- 45:36 --he spoke and it was done. 45:39 He commanded and it's stood fast. 45:54 And matter came into existence by His sound waves. 46:16 And I'd like to suggest that God 46:19 is setting for His portrait 46:22 in each one of our lives. 46:30 And He also is adding color to our lives 46:35 and sometimes we don't understand 46:38 what His color is all about. 46:42 Because sometimes, in our lives, He puts in 46:49 colors that we don't understand 47:03 and sometimes He puts other marks 47:07 that we don't understand. 47:20 He is setting for His portrait 47:22 and He wants us to expose 47:24 our minds through the light of His word. 47:37 And we get impatience with God, 47:39 sometimes it seems like He is just not adding the colors 47:44 fasten up but if we're patience with Him. 47:53 Some of the marks that didn't make sense as we wait, 47:58 they do make sense, 48:00 and they begin to add meaning to our lives. 48:15 But then there comes times in our life but we have darkness 48:23 and there are dark times 48:27 when we don't understand what's going on. 48:32 And there are boulders and rocks 48:36 of difficulty that come in and we don't understand; Lord, 48:42 are you still there? 48:44 Do you know what's happening in my world? 48:46 And I don't know what you're facing 48:48 in your personal life but I know one thing 48:53 "Thou God seest to me". 48:58 He knows the darkness that you are facing. 49:00 He knows the problems that you are coping with. 49:07 And these hardest part 49:15 times when doubts move in, 49:19 and despair comes to us, and we just wonder; 49:29 Lord, do you know what it is that I am facing, 49:35 what I'm going through. 49:39 And as the picture begins to unfold, 49:44 we get tired of waiting on God's patience. 49:49 Have we get all them impatience, 49:51 when we say, you know, Lord, I'm going to take the chalk 49:55 of life into my hands and I'm going to start living 49:58 the way I want to live and fool you with your word, 50:01 fool you with your laws, even the invisible one. 50:04 And we take the chalk in our hands and we say, 50:08 I'm going to run my life the way 50:11 I want to and so we begin to put some marks 50:16 on the picture and before you know it, all of a sudden 50:22 these marks coming and conflicts come into our life 50:26 and pain and difficulty and lost, and we say, 50:30 Oh, no, I messed up the picture, 50:33 there is no hope for me. 50:36 I've gone too far. 50:38 I've wrecked the picture, it's no use. 50:41 My's will go kill myself and self-destruction 50:47 is the number one killer of youth today 50:50 because they think they came for nothing, 50:53 and they don't know about the creator God. 50:55 They think, they came for nothing 50:56 and the future holds nothing so, fool you with it. 50:59 But the great God in Heaven is inviting us in this series, 51:05 this week to put ourselves back on His easle. 51:11 And let Him finish the picture 51:13 that He had in my when He gave you life 51:16 in your mother's womb. 51:19 And if you'll put yourself back on God's easle 51:23 and you'll take the light of His word 51:29 and put yourself back on His easle 51:33 then He can take these mistakes in your life 51:36 and He can turn them into a meaningful testimony 51:43 of His mercy, of His graciousness 51:46 of all those character qualities 51:50 that Moses saw on the mountain. 51:54 And he'll begin to take those marks that we put, 52:01 and He can transform them and make them 52:05 into a meaningful part of the picture 52:12 that He wants to produce in your life and no matter, 52:16 how badly you have messed up the creator 52:21 wants you in the light of His word 52:25 He wants to change your picture. 52:38 And by faith, we must see this picture 52:42 the way it will finally end. 52:48 And the creator 52:54 can take all our mistakes. 53:01 And if we'll bring that to Him and put ourselves back 53:05 on a easle and believe that "Thou, God, seest me," 53:11 you can trust Him for He is able to do exceedingly, 53:19 abundantly more than we can think or ask 53:24 and so with the light of faith. 53:32 We want to see this picture 53:34 the way it really is in if we can 53:36 put out these other lights. 53:38 We'll by faith take the invisible light, 53:42 and we'll see the way this picture really is 53:47 when we see it from the creator's point of view. 53:52 And by faith, 53:56 we'll discover that the creator 54:01 is fully capable of taking your mistakes and turning 54:06 it into a testimony of His amazing grace, His mercy, 54:13 and His power. And I want to appeal to you tonight; 54:17 give Him all the broken pieces and let Him create 54:24 to create in your life a new heart. |
Revised 2014-12-17