OCI Reports

LIGHT (Lay Institute for Global Health Training)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steven Grabiner


Series Code: OCIR

Program Code: OCIR000013

00:16 In the early 1900s Ellen White had a vision
00:19 of the council meeting.
00:21 One in authority stood before the meeting
00:24 and presented a map to the participants.
00:28 On that map were small jets of light.
00:31 Each stream of light represented in individual
00:34 who responded to the gospel.
00:37 Soon the entire map was lightened
00:40 with these beams of light.
00:42 Today, we'll be visiting in OCI ministry
00:45 that is endeavoring to make that vision a reality.
01:05 As Ellen White continued to watch the vision,
01:07 she gazed upon that map lightened up.
01:11 Unfortunately, that map was soon replaced
01:14 with one covered in darkness.
01:17 The darkness represented individuals
01:19 who refuse to reflect the light
01:21 that had shown up on them.
01:23 The Lay Institute of Global Health Training
01:27 or LIGHT for short was born with the vision
01:30 to train medical missionaries around the world.
01:33 These missionaries would carry the light
01:35 given to them to others.
01:37 In this way they would share
01:39 the message of God's love with a darkened world.
01:45 Back in the year 2003, 2004,
01:49 when I was serving as a vice president at OCI,
01:52 I got a call from a friend from Germany
01:55 who had been very active in Central Asia
02:00 supporting gospel workers.
02:03 And he said, you know,
02:04 because there only using the gospel approach,
02:07 they are having trouble getting good studies.
02:10 And we need to do medical missionary work.
02:14 Having used medical missionary work
02:15 in many different countries that surely as God said
02:18 it would work in all countries
02:20 it would work in a moderately Muslim country as well.
02:24 So I went to some of the leaders in ASI,
02:27 I said, we'd like to put together a team
02:29 we would like to put together some funds.
02:31 And some of these brothers thought about it
02:33 and they said why just do Central Asia,
02:36 why don't we try a pilot project
02:38 in several different kinds of countries,
02:40 maybe an African country,
02:41 maybe a Western European country
02:44 and a modernly Muslim country.
02:48 And so sure enough they came through with some funding
02:51 and we put together a pilot project
02:53 and when the six months was over
02:56 it was exciting to see the change it developed
03:00 in the student body that was there.
03:01 And that it was making a significant difference
03:04 in the ability of their workers to reach their population.
03:09 There's a huge need in the world
03:10 for lay training and medical missionary work.
03:14 Ellen White calls for every church member
03:16 to take hold of medical missionary work
03:17 but as I've travel around I notice a lot of lay members
03:20 don't really understand what medical missionary work is.
03:23 So we offer the four week intensive
03:26 we call the essentials of health evangelism.
03:28 And it's a full month commitment we do classes all day
03:32 but we get the church members active in outreach,
03:35 while we're working with them.
03:36 So we're both doing theory training,
03:37 we're also doing hands-on training
03:39 teaching them how to go into the community
03:41 and do health expo's, door-to-door work,
03:45 cooking classes and teach them
03:46 that evangelism is really a cycle.
03:48 It should be going on continually,
03:51 building contacts, relationships with people
03:53 and that the health message is really the-
03:55 that the best way to reach people.
03:58 Now we'd like to see that Seventh-day Adventist
03:59 are known as people that live healthy
04:02 and have a really great message to share
04:03 about how to live better and prevent disease
04:05 and even reverse some diseases.
04:07 The local church can be a powerful tool
04:10 in the hands of God
04:11 to effectively reach any community.
04:13 When you incorporate practical healthy evangelism
04:16 the church becomes a live and dynamic
04:18 and it just integrates
04:20 with all the other departments in the church
04:22 and makes it a powerful place to be.
04:26 Our primary emphasis is
04:29 in developing new training programs.
04:32 In Asia, in Africa,
04:34 in South America, Central America
04:36 we're working to develop a permanent training schools
04:40 that- that could be used to provide medical missionaries
04:43 to work in their country and in other countries.
04:46 And so we help to establish these schools.
04:51 It's a very hard when you're trying
04:52 to start a school to develop your own curriculum.
04:55 And so we have a team of health professionals
04:57 and experienced missions that refine research
05:02 keep our material up-to-date.
05:03 We have our core curriculum for our essentials course
05:06 which is our shorter program and then we also have
05:09 curriculum for our longer six-month course.
05:12 We work with lay groups, we work with churches, unions.
05:16 If anybody wants to start a lay training school,
05:18 medical missionary work where they're just to help,
05:21 they can use our material
05:22 and we don't charge anything for it.
05:24 We also translate our material in local languages.
05:28 Another thing that we do to help establish projects
05:31 is by recruiting missionary teachers to come and help.
05:34 We have a network, a growing network
05:35 of medical missionary teachers around the world
05:37 that speak multiple languages.
05:40 We do what we can but we don't run
05:42 and we don't control and we don't-
05:43 we're not on their board, we're just only there to assist.
05:48 In this kind of work, you can get so wrapped up
05:49 and so busy that it's hard to find time
05:52 to develop your project.
05:53 So we are- we are in the midst right now
05:55 of developing advanced training programs.
05:58 We have an excellent one year advanced course
06:00 that we're, that we're developing.
06:02 We also have floor plans for helping projects
06:05 develop lifestyle centers.
06:06 Business plans for developing restaurants.
06:09 Agriculture plans for developing the farm project.
06:12 We really believe that our school should follow
06:14 lucrative education that the students
06:17 not only have a theoretical training
06:18 but also a practical training.
06:20 And so we emphasize a half work,
06:23 half study day with the students.
06:25 So we have different plans and models
06:27 that institutions can use to develop their industry
06:30 and get their students involved and engaged in practical work.
06:33 What makes LIGHT unique is that it works
06:37 not only to train individuals
06:38 but it also gives them an opportunity
06:41 to network with other like-minded people
06:43 from all around the world
06:44 who have received the same type of training,
06:46 the same type of background,
06:48 who are doing the same type of work.
06:49 LIGHT is more than just training,
06:51 it's actually a network,
06:53 a body of like-minded individuals
06:54 focusing on the same direction, same goals.
06:58 We have graduated over 6,000 lay members
07:02 in the last five years
07:03 and this network of graduates
07:05 stay in touch with us
07:06 and when an institution is in need
07:09 through this network we're able to hopefully fill those needs,
07:12 staff needs, missionary needs.
07:14 In some other instance we're kind of a medical missionary
07:16 crediting body that we look at curriculum and say,
07:19 well, yeah this is definitely close enough to
07:21 what we are teaching in our school.
07:24 So somebody knows what to expect
07:26 when they get a LIGHT training
07:27 because all of our affiliate schools
07:28 have a certain level of congruency.
07:30 A graduate student from Nigeria
07:33 could link up with a graduate student
07:34 from South Africa and Zambia
07:36 and those three could come together
07:38 and work to establish a new school in Tanzania.
07:41 They'll all be on a same page
07:43 because they've all been taking the same training.
07:45 It works like that in Asia too.
07:46 So graduates from the Philippines
07:47 and graduates from Indonesia
07:49 are working together to start a school in Cambodia.
07:52 And so we realize how important our curriculum is.
07:54 So we get feedback from all of our schools
07:55 we're constantly trying to improve it,
07:57 revise it and make it the best that it can be
08:00 because we want it to be,
08:01 you know, a blessing to everybody.
08:04 I have been so blessed since I have been traveling around
08:09 the Caribbean, Central South America
08:12 to see the hunger that people have
08:14 for preventive medicine and to put into their lives
08:19 a simple principles given to us in the Bible
08:21 and the Spirit of Prophecy
08:23 that opens the doors for spreading
08:25 and planting the seeds of the gospel.
08:27 I've seen so many cases
08:28 where individuals received healing.
08:32 People's lives were changed physical
08:35 and then they gave their lives to Lord as a result.
08:39 LIGHT is also working in the United States.
08:42 Really we want to see an expansion
08:45 of medical missionary work here too
08:47 'cause this the health message
08:48 not only works in the third world
08:50 it works very much in the first world as well.
08:52 You know, North America stills is a pretty big mission field.
08:56 It's thought to be one the most religious countries in the world
08:59 yet church attendance is just plummeting
09:02 when you look at the Gallup polls,
09:04 pew forum you find that people aren't really
09:07 going to church or saying that
09:09 they're involved with religious organizations any longer.
09:13 And so the idea is we need to do something
09:16 to reach out to the people
09:17 who are interested in spiritual things
09:20 that they may say
09:21 we're just being spiritual but not religious.
09:24 I could think of no better way than health evangelism.
09:26 You meeting felt means and going over to unfelt means
09:30 in a very seamless manner the way Jesus did it.
09:34 Church training in the United States
09:35 I think is so important
09:36 and it's so easy in the US to get complacent,
09:40 get wrapped up in our jobs, wrapped up in earning money
09:44 and developing our lives.
09:45 And yeah, helping on church a little bit
09:47 but not in any real significant way
09:50 but we want to inspire church members
09:52 that they can even at their jobs make connections,
09:54 have it always in their minds that that they are soul winners.
09:58 We've had churches take responsibility
09:59 for project and raise money for it.
10:02 It gives a revival.
10:03 When we get involved in foreign missions
10:04 it also helps revive our churches at home.
10:07 Some of the OCI projects that we worked with
10:09 are in Amazon, in Brazil,
10:11 in Norway, in Africa.
10:14 One of that, that really comes to mind is
10:15 VIDA international in Honduras.
10:18 In 2007 two young guys came into our office
10:22 and said we want to start a project in Honduras.
10:24 And is there any way you can help us?
10:26 And so this is right when LIGHT was taking off
10:29 as a right, I think we can.
10:31 And so we came to Honduras
10:32 we did a one month school with them
10:34 and we had our material translated into Spanish
10:37 and they used it and the school grew
10:40 and we help find a couple missionaries
10:41 to go on and help teach at their school.
10:43 And it's just amazing to see how God has blessed our project
10:46 and in such a short time the project grew and developed.
10:49 There are many people out there that don't know Christ.
10:53 And so the main objective of the ministry is to
10:57 somehow satisfy some of these needs
11:00 that these people might have,
11:01 that they might see that there's a God out there
11:03 that cares for them
11:04 and that they might eventually come to Christ.
11:08 And also be motivated
11:10 to bring that which they have received to others.
11:16 The primary goal of the school
11:18 is to hasten the second coming of our Lord,
11:22 by providing the world, men and women of God
11:25 who are able to lead in medical missionary work.
11:30 Another example is in Brazil,
11:32 Brad Mills with the Amazon Lifesavers project
11:35 and he's been sending lay workers
11:37 out to reach these people,
11:39 people that live way back in the jungle,
11:41 they're some of them don't even speak Portuguese.
11:44 Through talking with him I realized and he also agreed
11:47 that his Bible workers didn't have much training.
11:49 So we sent two graduates down
11:52 who conducted a one month school with Brad
11:54 and started to stir some interest
11:56 and he could see the vision of it.
11:57 One of the biggest needs that we have seen
12:00 in the interior of the Amazon is more Bible workers,
12:03 more trained people that would come in
12:06 and be able to use the health message,
12:08 education, training and really teach to people basic doctrines
12:12 and study of the Bible.
12:15 In January we actually did our first one month lay course
12:18 we had some LIGHT leaders come down
12:21 and we were able to take 10 of the jungle people
12:24 that we had worked with that we had done medical work
12:27 and evangelism in their communities
12:28 and that of one month LIGHT course and it was so exciting.
12:31 And that we had such a success that we're actually
12:34 wanting to implement a full time LIGHT course
12:37 training jungle people
12:39 who are working with our local union office
12:41 of getting all the details ironed out right now.
12:43 We hope the beginning of this coming year
12:45 to start a full-time LIGHT course so we can be training,
12:49 river people bring them in, put them to a training
12:51 and then have a back out in their own villages
12:54 or to go to a new village and start doing
12:56 medical mission pioneer work in the jungle.
12:59 They've got graduates now
13:01 that are getting a more solid training
13:02 and now instead of just going out
13:04 and trying to share few Bible studies,
13:06 they're coming into these villages offering health work,
13:09 health education and once that relationship has developed
13:12 there will be church planting
13:14 and further in the work in that area.
13:16 So it's really exciting to see this that we're growing,
13:20 you know, it's almost like a wheel within a wheel
13:21 that you see somebody from Norway
13:23 linking up through us somehow
13:25 and going off to Honduras or Dominic Republic
13:26 or somewhere else.
13:29 Currently, LIGHT is holding training programs
13:32 in over 25 countries around the globe.
13:36 Their aim is to see these short one or six month courses
13:41 blossom into full-time ministry.
13:44 In a moment we'll visit one of these new ministries
13:47 active in the Philippines.
13:58 When you think of missionaries,
13:59 what do you picture?
14:00 For many people the image of a doctor, teacher or pastor
14:05 in a remote country comes to mind.
14:07 But the truth is God needs people
14:09 with many different skills in His work
14:11 both around the world and close to home.
14:14 At OCI, we're passionate about helping to connect
14:17 mission minded people with our network
14:19 with more than 80 ministries.
14:21 Each project aims to share the gospel in practical ways
14:25 and they need skilled workers of all types,
14:27 mechanics, gardeners, cooks and designers,
14:30 just to name a few
14:32 of course, they also need teachers and doctors.
14:35 If you're interested in serving at an OCI ministry
14:38 visit our website for a list of current opportunities
14:42 or call our office, we'd love to talk to you.
14:52 Better Way Foundation is a LIGHT school
14:54 located in the northern part of the Island of the Luzon.
14:58 It is currently home to 50 students,
15:01 all of them eager to catch and reflect
15:05 light that comes from God's Word.
15:08 We run two six-month sessions every year
15:11 which starts in January to June and then July to December.
15:15 And students from all over
15:16 normally coming from our one month schools come.
15:20 These one month trainings are more about filtering process
15:23 where students already learned the basics
15:26 of medical missionary work
15:28 and when they get here for the six months
15:30 they get refined
15:31 so their character is being molded in this place.
15:35 We live here pretty primitive,
15:37 we live in huts and in an environment
15:40 where we do not have electricity.
15:44 When we first arrived here the campus is really
15:48 just like a forest and jungle.
15:50 And I grew up in the city, there's no electricity,
15:54 water is a really hard during those times.
15:58 And there were several months when we were staying in tents
16:03 and now we're still here,
16:05 we're still here serving the Lord.
16:07 Here in our place we have work education program
16:12 where our students go out in the field every morning
16:17 we teach agriculture here, cooking and also construction.
16:21 And it becomes balanced because in the afternoon
16:24 they sit in the classes and we teach them
16:27 what it is to become a medical missionary.
16:31 They learn the practical things in life,
16:33 they learn farming and not only the mere farming
16:37 but they are learning humility,
16:40 especially the students who came from comfortable life.
16:44 We have three kinds of students, one that is paying,
16:47 they pay for the program.
16:49 One is step out of faith students
16:51 and one is working students.
16:53 Our working students are the one that keep
16:55 the agricultural program going
16:58 and that's where we get the additional income.
17:01 The step out of faith student
17:03 is when they don't have any money
17:05 but they do come because they believe
17:07 they come because they're called by God.
17:10 And they're here and their faith is truly tested.
17:15 And that we try to find sponsors for them.
17:18 Somehow the Lord provides,
17:20 the Lord takes care of all their needs.
17:24 Right now I had too many struggles in my family
17:26 because they are questioning me why I am here.
17:30 Why not go and work to earn your own money,
17:33 my father told me that- that money
17:35 that I am looking for it's the peace.
17:39 I went here saying, Lord, I may not have everything
17:45 but just use me.
17:48 Usually in the morning and in the evening
17:50 we have our worship and I thank God
17:54 for giving me the privilege to do opening prayer,
17:59 to lead a song service and hear some messages.
18:06 In the ministry of healing which tried for...
18:09 to those who surrendered their lives through His guidance
18:13 and through His service,
18:14 we will never be put in a position
18:17 where God does not make provision,
18:19 that's the promise of God
18:20 that I'm really holding on right now
18:24 that though there are many struggles that I'm facing
18:27 everyday in my teaching
18:30 He will be there wherever I go.
18:36 We're nearing at the end time already
18:39 and He's coming very soon
18:41 and I can't wait to see Him, face to face.
18:47 And while they're equipping us-
18:49 well, God is equipping us, teaching us a lot of things.
18:52 I believe that God is preparing us for a greater work.
18:56 And I'm so excited to see many people
19:00 going back to Christ.
19:03 I pray that it's not just me, it's not my classmates here
19:08 in this training but I pray that before God comes
19:14 everybody will be involved in this end time movement.
19:18 It is in this place that I can hear God so revealing.
19:22 He's really talking to me in the books that I read,
19:24 from the Bible, from the books of Mrs. Ellen White.
19:29 And about the staff I really love the way
19:32 they treat the students.
19:34 I really feel at home in here,
19:36 it's like a one big family.
19:40 When students graduate from this place,
19:43 we want them to keep working for the Lord.
19:46 And these different ministries that we have
19:50 they go there and relieve the ones that are there.
19:54 Also some of the students are acquired by ASI.
19:57 Also some of the students are local churches
19:59 as Bible workers
20:01 and this is where they truly grow.
20:05 'Cause I believe there's only two things,
20:06 we can take to heaven our character and souls.
20:12 By them going out and really tasting and seeing
20:17 how good God is that develops character.
20:23 As we know we need to be self-supporting
20:25 that is biblical and we have a few income-generating ventures
20:31 here in our on our campus,
20:33 one of them obviously is agriculture.
20:35 We also have vermi worms where we do organic gardening
20:39 and we sell by casting of the worms as fertilizer,
20:44 also have mushroom farming.
20:47 We're averaging now about six to seven kilos a day
20:50 and we plan to be 50 kilos per day
20:53 when we sell to the outside.
20:56 We also have bakery, so we have four
20:58 currently running at this point
21:00 in different parts of the Philippines.
21:02 Down the hill we have a bakery and in the morning
21:07 they are selling this into the community.
21:10 And the community loves this bread so much because
21:14 first it's healthy,
21:15 the same price with the other breads
21:17 and second the missionaries who are selling these breads
21:20 are very kind, friendly.
21:23 They introduce themselves as medical missionaries
21:26 and at the same time they are offering a prayers
21:29 to those families who are in need,
21:31 who needs encouragement.
21:33 If our medical missionaries will be able to see
21:35 some individuals who are sick in the family,
21:38 then in the afternoon they went back to that family.
21:41 They treat them with simple remedies
21:44 and somehow that paved the way in order
21:47 they will get the confidence of the family
21:51 and then later on they could start
21:53 a Bible study with the family.
21:55 Aside from the bakery we also have a Jeepney ministry.
21:59 It started from one
22:01 and then the Lord gave us second Jeepney,
22:03 then we now have three Jeepney's and we call them
22:06 the Three Angels Message Jeepney.
22:10 You know, Spirit of Prophecy says you need the way
22:12 to go to the city.
22:13 So we pick up passengers, it becomes a ministry.
22:18 They get on our jeeps and they get a track
22:20 and also they get- they get to listen to Godly music.
22:24 Every time that they give their fare, I told them,
22:26 wait a minute, now I have something for you.
22:29 Not only pamphlets but I also distribute
22:32 Great Controversy books,
22:33 Steps to Christ book once a day.
22:36 So it's a beautiful ministry, now we have equipped
22:41 our Jeepney with really just music.
22:44 So it's very different because the moment
22:46 that they enter into the Jeepney,
22:48 sometimes we've been hearing worldly songs
22:51 but this Jeepney is a very different,
22:53 a very unique ministry.
22:55 The Holy Spirit is working
22:57 even in the lives of our passengers.
23:00 Our relationship with the church is very good.
23:03 We have the full support of our mission president,
23:07 our union president, our district pastors
23:09 because we work with them.
23:13 We run a 24-week program, 12 weeks they're with us,
23:17 we train them how to do health talks, how to preach,
23:22 how to do Sabbath School.
23:23 And after 12 weeks during the weekends
23:26 we do deploy them to different churches
23:29 because of our pastors having 17 or 20 churches,
23:32 the work of the pastors get easier
23:35 because now we're helping.
23:38 We encourage the churches to have a vesper service.
23:41 We encourage the students
23:43 to be in-charge of Sabbath school,
23:46 divine service, AY programs
23:48 and in the afternoons they do visitations, massages,
23:52 hydrotherapy and Sundays
23:54 we encourage them to do cooking school,
23:56 so the whole church is involved.
23:59 Every weekend they go and have service in the church,
24:03 help in evangelistic crusades.
24:07 And we are really convinced that the health message
24:12 which is being taught here is the right hand
24:17 of the gospel message.
24:19 I was asked to conduct an evangelistic crusade
24:23 in one of the town's up north
24:26 and I asked who will be preparing the ground.
24:29 And when they told me
24:30 that it is the better way foundation in the LIGHT,
24:34 I was so happy because I know that God will be using them.
24:39 And truly God used them in breaking the prejudice
24:43 in the people and praise the Lord
24:45 during the crusade if there was a reaping for two weeks crusade
24:49 we have more than 70 souls
24:51 that we've brought to the foot of the cross.
24:54 This morning we had ground breaking.
24:56 And that has been a dream fulfilled for us
25:00 because we've had this vision of a lifestyle center.
25:03 Here we can integrate what we have learned
25:06 and put it where people will come.
25:09 It will be a monument of how God can transform
25:14 a place like this into a place
25:18 where His name will be glorified.
25:21 This is our prayer and this is our hope.
25:25 Jesus can come the soonest,
25:27 that this is the reason why we're here.
25:31 The people that encompass
25:34 this organization are godly men and women.
25:38 They are the ones that help moving the work
25:40 because I believe humble people is needed in the end time.
25:45 You know, if it wasn't for the core
25:47 beginning relationship with the OCI,
25:49 LIGHT would not have had such an opportunity
25:51 to grow and develop.
25:53 LIGHT is working with so many OCI institutions.
25:56 When the OCI institutions that have
25:58 medical missionary training courses
25:59 really united together with this LIGHT project
26:02 this is when it really helped to expand the work.
26:05 And now when we work to develop a new project,
26:08 let's say for example in Philippines you know,
26:10 we want to see these projects become OCI ministries.
26:13 So LIGHT is getting in the front line
26:15 it's trying to break new ground,
26:16 starting small or short training courses,
26:18 build it to a six-month course,
26:20 try to develop a team that can set up their own
26:24 nonprofit organization that will work with the
26:26 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
26:27 And then once they are established and
26:30 after about three years of LIGHT's involvement
26:31 we like to see that they're standing on their own two feet.
26:34 We encourage them then to become OCI members
26:36 and then that way they can see even a broader picture
26:38 that there's hundred ministries in the world
26:40 that are also engaging this similar kind of work and
26:43 so we fellowship together at OCI retreats.
26:45 And usually at the OCI retreats we have some little
26:47 LIGHT sub-groups meeting here and there and it's excellent.
26:50 And I'm looking for the one in Africa
26:52 because all of our LIGHT schools are gonna be
26:54 coming into the OCI retreat there
26:56 and we're gonna be networking and planning
26:58 and see who else we could work with.
27:00 So it's very helpful what OCI provides.
27:07 From the Philippines to Honduras,
27:09 from United States to Africa,
27:11 the team of LIGHT is pursuing their vision
27:14 of training medical missionaries worldwide.
27:18 Their reason for existence is to equip the chosen
27:23 to respond to God's call.
27:25 You can be a part of fulfilling the vision
27:28 of surrounding this dark world with jets of light.
27:32 If you're interested you could host a LIGHT school
27:36 or take part in one of their training programs
27:40 or make a contribution to their various needs.
27:43 If you would like to support the expanding work of OCI
27:47 and our ministries around the world,
27:49 please visit us at outpostcenters.org
27:53 or call us at 423-236-5600.
28:01 You can also find us on Facebook at OCI connects.
28:18 For OCI reports this is Steven Grabiner.


Revised 2014-12-17