Participants: Steven Grabiner
Series Code: OCIR
Program Code: OCIR000011
00:14 Australia is unique in many ways.
00:17 It's the only nation to comprise an entire continent 00:21 and an island at that. 00:24 Over 200 nations are represented in the 22 million inhabitants 00:29 that live in Australia. 00:31 Much of its wildlife, birds and flowers 00:35 are unique to this country. 00:38 Australia has much stunning beauty as well. 00:41 Ayers Rock, the Great Barrier Reef 00:44 and many of its beaches are well known. 00:47 Today, we'll be exploring two OCI Ministries 00:52 and we'll begin by a visit 00:54 to Kangaroo Valley in New South Wales. 01:09 Australians are historically known 01:12 for their independent spirit, 01:14 their deep sense of justice and fairness, 01:18 as well as a love for the outdoors. 01:21 Yet despite this traditionally active lifestyle, 01:25 many of them are affected by the same lifestyle diseases 01:29 that are so widely found in Western Society. 01:34 Coronary heart disease, cancer, depression, 01:37 and addictions are all on the rise. 01:40 Diabetes and obesity is increasingly becoming 01:45 a major health problem, 01:46 even outpacing their growth in the United States. 01:51 The program at Cedarvale Health and Lifestyle Retreat 01:55 is designed to combat the inroads of these diseases. 02:02 For over 20 years, the team at Cedarvale 02:05 has been introducing Australians to a new beginning. 02:09 Their aim is to give their guests better health 02:12 through a better lifestyle. 02:16 Cedarvale Health and Lifestyle Retreat 02:18 is a country retreat. We have 150 acres. 02:21 And a primary task here 02:23 is to offer a live-in lifestyle center. 02:27 So guests come from many areas, 02:29 particularly around Sydney and Canberra, 02:31 which is the main population areas in Australia. 02:35 And so we have this property here where they can come 02:37 and stay for 5, 12 and 19-day programs, 02:41 and we take care of them 02:42 and hopefully get their health back on track. 02:45 We're about one-and-a-half hour south from Sydney, 02:47 very convenient, but we're a million miles away 02:49 from all the stress of the city. 02:51 We're in corner of valley here called Kangaroo Valley 02:54 and we have 150 acres amongst the rainforest, 02:57 with lots of bush walking trails 02:59 and the guests really enjoy and seeing lots of wildlife. 03:02 They say it really is a very beautiful setting. 03:05 Some of the wildlife we have here, 03:07 would be of course kangaroos. 03:09 We have lots of wallabies, 03:11 we also have an amazing amount of bird life, 03:13 you know, people really enjoy that. 03:16 The capacity here at Cedarvale is for ten people. 03:19 We have six rooms, some double rooms and some single rooms, 03:23 and all the rooms have their own bathrooms. 03:27 Most of the health problems that our guests come with 03:30 would be stress, depression, obesity, 03:33 and also along with that 03:34 they have some of the associated conditions such as, 03:37 diabetes, high blood pressure, you know, heart disease. 03:40 Some of our big focus is on changing people's thoughts. 03:45 We see so much in the way of 03:47 people who have diets that are highly processed, 03:50 very high on meat. 03:52 They're low on things like fruits and vegetables 03:53 and whole grains 03:55 and that plays a key role in people's lifestyle 03:57 related diseases whether it's diabetes, 03:59 whether it's affecting their mental health. 04:03 Another key aspect to the- the care while they're here, 04:06 is really focusing on exercise aspects. 04:09 And fortunately, we have a beautiful rainforest here, 04:11 about six kilometers or so beautiful rainforest walks. 04:15 And it's the guests wanted a real privilege to get outside 04:17 and experience the fresh air and sunshine. 04:19 And by the end of the week, they're feeling very relaxed. 04:23 The walks have been lovely. 04:25 We've been down to the, you know, the waterfalls 04:28 and the little... well, it's like a village. 04:33 It's just the quietness. 04:35 But we did get a shock. 04:37 There's no TV. That was- 04:40 We didn't- hadn't thought about that. 04:41 And we had no use of our mobile phones. 04:46 And, you know, that was a bit, 04:47 it depends on us too, because I'm- 04:50 It's good to do without them, yeah. 04:52 Yeah. 04:54 Being a Health and Lifestyle Retreat, 04:57 people come here initially because they have health issues, 05:00 but often realize that, it's their lifestyle 05:03 that has helped to contribute to the health problems. 05:06 So while they are here, 05:07 everybody is able to have the opportunity 05:09 to develop a lifestyle program when they got home. 05:13 When they go home, 05:14 they can live what they've learnt here. 05:16 You know, continue to eat healthfully, 05:18 develop an exercise program, for example. 05:20 And so, it really is a lifestyle approach. 05:24 It is very important for the guests 05:27 to experience the wholesome lifestyle 05:30 in which nutrition plays one of the very important roles. 05:34 And as part of everything else, 05:37 it really creates a healthy environment for them 05:41 and they get to enjoy everything around, 05:44 and once they're feeling good from the inside out. 05:49 We'd like to take our guests on supervised walks. 05:51 We actually supervise two walks a day at least, 05:55 sometimes three. 05:58 And they need that supervision 05:59 because people often need a little prod 06:01 to just get moving. 06:02 As the group starts to mold together 06:06 as more of a family unit, 06:08 what one does they've all got to do, so that kind of helps. 06:12 Shortest length of stay for the guests here 06:15 would be five days, 06:16 but it is interesting that even within those five days, 06:20 we see huge improvements in the way they feel, 06:24 in the way they act toward each other 06:27 and each person comes with a different need, 06:29 with different baggage and you can tell 06:32 that there is something going on in their lives. 06:35 Not only physically in terms of their health, 06:37 but also mentally as well. 06:40 We see that the way we behave toward them the- 06:44 When they see how much we cared for them, 06:47 and how when we meet their physical needs. 06:50 They're so open to anything we share with them. 06:54 Before I came here, I was angry. 06:57 I was very stressed out. 07:00 Here I have found something I cannot- It must be the food, 07:04 the people, the live that I've been- 07:07 No television, no radios, no mobile which is lovely. 07:12 I feel young. 07:13 I feel like a two-year-old. I've come alive. 07:17 And I've lost weight. 07:20 Since I came here and I've been eating this food, 07:22 I feel much better. I'm at peace 07:25 and I want to get to know more about 07:27 the Seventh-day Adventists here. 07:30 They're all very happy, they are at peace. 07:34 And I said, "This is what I want 07:36 in my life now, you know." 07:40 Beautiful place, beautiful. Beautiful people. 07:42 We do a lot in terms of breaking down barriers. 07:46 People arrive here and they're sort of wondering about 07:48 what kind of people are these people who run this place. 07:50 But when they stay there, the barriers are breaking 07:52 and they're asking questions of us. 07:54 And they're feeling a lot more comfortable 07:56 with Seventh-day Adventists. 07:58 And that's one of our biggest goals 07:59 is to break down those barriers. 08:00 The people put up towards 08:02 not only Christianity, but also God. 08:06 In Australia here, we have a very secular society. 08:10 And so people are very reserved towards Christianity. 08:14 And we find through the health message, 08:15 through having our guests stay here, 08:17 nursing to their needs, relieving pain, helping them, 08:21 you know, with their lifestyle issues. 08:23 Hearts are opened up and they become very open 08:26 to hearing about the gospel 08:28 through the practical Christianity 08:30 that we're able to provide. 08:33 My goal for the guests here is to- I would really like them 08:37 to catch a vision of something better than they've come from. 08:42 So yes, it is about improving their health. 08:46 Yes, it is about unplugging from the social 08:52 and high technological world that we live in, 08:55 that just stresses people and hypes them up so much. 08:58 I like them to catch that sense of peace 09:02 that we try to create here. 09:04 And we want these people to know 09:06 that this is a special place. 09:08 And when they have the exit consults, 09:11 many times they don't even really know what it is. 09:15 And if you just gently say to them, you know, 09:18 is it the fact that staff get on so well together, 09:20 is it the fact that it doesn't matter how busy it is, 09:23 they still seem to be composed and at peace. 09:27 Could it be, you know, 09:29 that these people are really working with Jesus. 09:31 And they actually sense that. 09:33 It doesn't take very long. 09:35 I mean, you could create well people, 09:38 but we want to create more than that in people. 09:41 We want them to be well, sure, 09:42 but also to know that they've been in a place 09:45 that does model what Jesus gave us. 09:49 In addition to running the lifestyle program 09:52 which introduces their guests to better health, 09:56 Cedarvale also offers a training program. 09:59 The students that come have an opportunity to work 10:03 in every facet in the health retreat. 10:05 When they graduate, 10:07 they're able to take the skills they've learned 10:09 and apply them in a new setting wherever God may lead them. 10:14 We started a training program here at Cedarvale 10:17 about one year ago. 10:19 We really saw the need to train staff to do this kind of work, 10:24 not only for our own center, 10:25 but also could help establish other centers here in Australia. 10:28 The students here now in our traineeship program, 10:31 they learn massage, hydrotherapy, nutrition, 10:34 anatomy physiology. 10:36 They also learn how to work in the office. 10:38 And so we get a good, 10:40 you know, around the experience in all the areas 10:43 of the operation of a health center, 10:45 so when they go, they can actually start 10:47 a health center if they wanted to. 10:49 I'm doing a Health Ministry Traineeship here. 10:53 And it's really a general course. 10:56 It's like we get experience with massage, hydrotherapy, 11:00 doing cooking demonstrations, 11:02 helping out in the kitchen, helping out in the office. 11:05 So we're learning different skills in all those areas. 11:07 And same the simple basic health principles in action. 11:13 Cedarvale has been operating for I think 20 years now 11:16 and it's always a very solid and well-established 11:19 and highly reputable live-in health retreat. 11:22 And we have a really good team of experienced people. 11:27 And we need something like this in Australia. 11:29 We need a place to send our young people. 11:33 I try to create a team spirit where we work together, 11:38 but the first half of the training program 11:39 is learning the theory. 11:40 It's working in the kitchen, 11:42 in the housekeeping, and in the office. 11:44 It's shadowing myself in the actual 11:47 therapy with the guests, 11:48 then as we go into the second half of the program 11:52 by then coming and actually start doing 11:54 the treatments on the guests. 11:55 The focus of our program here is really to train up 11:58 a true medical missionary. 12:00 As I've grown up, my brothers had a lot of health problems 12:03 and through those experiences we've been, 12:07 I guess led to really such a spirit of prophecy 12:11 in the natural health messages. 12:13 And so because of that background, 12:15 it really gave me an interest and an appreciation 12:18 for the health message. 12:22 I've seen God work in powerful ways of healing in my heart. 12:26 And yes, just give me a passion for it. 12:30 And so that's- Well, that's primary reason 12:32 I wanted to come here. 12:33 Also, the fact that Mrs. White says that, 12:35 "Every one of us should be medical missionaries." 12:39 The health ministry work is largely a seed sowing work, 12:42 so you don't always see the fruit. 12:44 And well, sometimes that can be a little frustrating. 12:47 We've actually seen over the years 12:49 that that seed has borne fruit. 12:51 Some do attend our church, 12:54 and so that's really encouraging. 12:55 So we never know how the seed will grow. 12:58 And God calls us to be faithful to sow the seed 13:00 and leave the results to Him. 13:02 We do, try and facilitate follow-up and we prep them 13:06 and we see some good results. 13:09 The aim of Cedarvale staff is to help everyone they meet 13:14 find a new beginning. 13:16 In a moment, we'll be visiting another OCI Ministry 13:20 that is reaching out to a secular society 13:23 with the message of Jesus Christ. 13:35 When you think of missionaries, what do you picture? 13:38 For many people, the image of a doctor, 13:41 teacher or pastor in a remote country comes to mind. 13:44 But the truth is God needs people 13:46 with many different skills in His work, 13:48 both around the world and close to home. 13:51 At OCI, we're passionate about helping 13:54 to connect mission-minded people 13:56 with our network of more than 80 ministries. 13:59 Each project aims to share the gospel in practical ways 14:02 and they need skilled workers of all types, 14:05 mechanics, gardeners, cooks and designers, 14:08 just a name of few. 14:09 Of course, they also need teachers and doctors. 14:13 If you're interested in serving at an OCI Ministry, 14:16 visit our website for a list of current opportunities 14:19 or call our office. 14:21 We'd love to talk to you. 14:29 All over the world, people are suffering 14:32 from the variety of afflictions. 14:35 And while these pains and sorrows 14:37 are hidden in the cities of the first world, 14:40 they are nevertheless very real. 14:44 Lisbon, a capital of Portugal 14:46 with its over three million inhabitants is a prime example. 14:51 Join us as we explore the growing ministry at VitaSalus. 15:13 When we came to Portugal, 15:14 we had the idea of having a lifestyle center in a country. 15:17 You know, after spending a few years at Wildwood, 15:20 we also visited Herghelia and other institutions 15:23 and those with the models we have. 15:25 So when we came, we thought well, 15:28 that's what we're gonna do, develop a lifestyle center. 15:33 We didn't want to live in a city, 15:35 but that's what we ended up doing. 15:38 So we have this medical practice or medical consultation rooms 15:42 in downtown that is right in the middle of the city. 15:48 In Lisbon, we've started with consulting rooms 15:52 and we opened a section 15:55 where we were able to do some simple hypnotherapy, 15:58 and we've been able to study some close friendships 16:02 and it's been a blessing to be able to work with the people. 16:08 You know, Lisbon has just over three million people. 16:11 And there is another city in the north called Portugal 16:14 which has about two-and-a-half million people. 16:16 So just seeing these two cities, 16:17 you have close to six million people. 16:20 We need to be where the people are. 16:23 These are the children of God. 16:26 We all want healing. 16:29 We all want to be free from suffering. 16:32 Human suffering is universal. 16:34 I'm a general practitioner, you know, a family doctor, 16:37 but I would say that probably 40% of my patients 16:40 come to me because of depression. 16:43 We spend a lot of time with our patients. 16:45 First time consultations are usually two hours 16:48 that we sit aside, 16:50 and we don't necessarily always use it, 16:52 but many times we use more than that. 16:54 And I think people realize that they are really cared for 16:59 and that we are really trying to help them 17:02 and giving ourselves to them. 17:06 We also have a strong emphasis 17:08 on how lifestyles affect health and disease. 17:13 So we spend a lot of time with patients talking to them 17:16 about their nutrition, their exercise, 17:19 their stress level the rest. 17:22 I believe that it is through the love 17:25 that the Lord has given us and through us 17:31 and directly through the workings of the spirit. 17:34 Healing can start taking place. 17:36 A healing of the relationship with Him, 17:40 a healing of the relationships 17:42 that they have with other people 17:44 and many times the healing of the body as well. 17:48 As a doctor, I interest is always 17:50 to be able to help people. 17:52 As an Adventist doctor, our interest is even deeper 17:56 to be able to help him physically and spiritually. 17:59 And so to be here is always with the possibility 18:02 of being able to reach somebody for heaven. 18:05 And to be able to bring them closer to God and to help them 18:09 to know that God loves them and cares for them. 18:13 And of course, as we're working with the people 18:16 and they are blessed by our physical ministry, 18:20 they're also more open, and willing to be able to hear 18:23 what you have to say about God. 18:26 And I've never heard anybody that I've asked, 18:29 do you mind if I pray with you? 18:31 I've never heard anybody saying no I'd rather, you didn't. 18:34 They almost always say thank you, that's lovely. 18:38 You know, God is in all of these. 18:40 We don't have medical consultation. 18:42 You know, we go to biblical consultation or Bible say, 18:46 you know the whole consultation 18:48 should be based on God's principles 18:51 of love, of understanding, of respect. 18:54 That's the Bible study. 19:00 Medical missionary work has long been an affective means 19:03 of restoring health to individuals 19:05 as well as introducing them to Jesus Christ. 19:09 In the early 1900s, 19:12 Madison College started a lifestyle center. 19:15 This rural lifestyle center attracted attention 19:18 of people in the surrounding community. 19:20 Individuals from the community were so interested 19:24 in being treated in these natural ways 19:26 that they came and camped out on the porch 19:29 before construction was completed. 19:32 VitaSalus faces a similar situation. 19:35 Many eager individuals are longing to come 19:38 to this country lifestyle center 19:41 even before the facilities are finished. 19:47 We want to be and we need to be where the people are, 19:49 and this way we give consultations. 19:51 We are in Lisbon two days a week and we see patients there. 19:55 But we live here, so the other five days we spend here. 19:58 And many of our patients then come over 20:01 and they spend a week or two or three with us 20:04 to recover from there ill health. 20:06 At the moment we're starting with phase one 20:10 which is just to get some rooms ready for the patients. 20:15 We have not been able to advertise openly 20:18 because we officially are still in the process of building, 20:22 but people by word of mouth hear 20:25 that we are here and so people come here. 20:28 We don't have a room to do hydrotherapy, for example. 20:31 We use one of the consulting rooms. 20:32 We move the furniture out and we do it there. 20:35 And we tell them, "Look, this is the building site." 20:37 You know, some of the rooms are almost ready, 20:39 but they are not ready. 20:40 Says, but doctor it doesn't matter, 20:42 you know, I want to come. 20:43 So this is happening now, 20:45 but we need to have accommodation 20:47 as soon as possible. 20:48 We need to have facilities where we can treat the people. 20:51 We have been doing these types of programs in the hotel, 20:55 and I hope is that within a short period of time, 20:58 we will be able to open the doors locally. 21:01 We need the buildings ready so that we can stop renting 21:04 at the hotel and we can run them right here, 21:07 and onsides which I think 21:09 is gonna be a greater blessing for everyone. 21:11 God has been able to use us to help these people. 21:14 And it's just wonderful to be able to see 21:16 how these people even feel 21:18 that they are part of this family, 21:20 that we have here and come and help as volunteers. 21:25 I think probably most of them know that we are Adventists. 21:28 They probably don't know what Adventist is at this stage, 21:33 but they are embracing the value, 21:35 they feel that we are embracing them 21:37 and they are embracing us. 21:39 And it's wonderful to have this bridge. 21:42 Just recently, there was an opportunity 21:44 to teach at the local what they call the Senior University, 21:49 and the seniors of the community 21:50 come to theses classes every week 21:52 and they invited us to teach health and well-being. 21:55 I think of Enoch who lived up in the mountain 21:58 and he went down to the city 22:00 and he mingled with the people and he you brought a few up, 22:03 but he also helped the ones who stayed there. 22:07 The final product will be a lifestyle center 22:11 with about 50 beds, physical therapy center, 22:16 a school of health and evangelism 22:18 for about 10 to 15 students and a center of activity 22:23 in these communities and in the country. 22:26 A little over four years ago, 22:28 the buildings had no doors, no windows, 22:30 had been abandoned, they've been vandalized repeatedly 22:35 and look pretty much like a disaster. 22:38 Some people come here and say, 22:40 "Well, it's going so slowly, but if you look at the pictures 22:44 of how it was before, you can see- Okay, 22:48 something has really being done here." 22:50 As you can see, we've got doors, we've got windows, 22:52 we've got one building about 85% complete, 22:56 and we got the two houses done and we're on our way now. 22:59 To the third large building 23:01 where we're gonna have guest rooms 23:03 for patients and health guests. 23:06 We've got a dental practice, 23:07 and we never planned in having one, 23:10 but one day this friend of mine a dentist came to me and says, 23:15 "I'm willing to donate to the project, 23:17 all my dental equipment, if you have a place for me to work." 23:22 So if there's been a great blessing. 23:25 He is a very accomplished dentist and he said, 23:28 "This is the nicest dental consulting room he's ever had." 23:33 Building is expensive in this country. 23:35 It's very different from building 23:37 in a developing country. 23:39 We've had a lot of volunteer work here, 23:42 from Portugal and from overseas. 23:44 Maranatha Groups have come 23:46 and they've helped us tremendously. 23:50 Having the cash on hand to purchase materials 23:54 would open the door to get volunteer labor again 23:57 in the form of a Maranatha team 23:59 and that really gives a big push forward 24:01 to the building projects. 24:04 You know, we're going as God provides, 24:06 we've never stopped working. 24:08 God has always been so faithful in providing 24:10 money for the work to continue. 24:12 It hasn't gone fast, but it has gone. 24:18 We thankful that we don't have debts with the bank 24:21 or debts with any major institutions. 24:24 We also very thankful for many volunteers 24:27 who've come to help us because by doing that they decreased 24:30 the amount of money we need to spent on labor. 24:34 I've seen here in this property as well as in my life 24:38 that God can make wonders with very little things. 24:42 Six, seven years ago, 24:45 we started doing small health expo's in the community. 24:49 So they started to know us even before work started here 24:55 then when the project started about three, four years ago 24:58 that intensified many little health expo's, health clubs. 25:05 As in the market and we go there every month 25:08 and we do to the health expos 25:09 and we also do health expo for kids 25:12 in the schools nearby here. 25:14 We have this project when where we go to the village nearby 25:18 and helps old people with carrying wood for the winter. 25:23 We are pretty much doing what Jesus did. 25:27 Go, see what people need and try to help them. 25:31 Jesus lived to blessed others. 25:33 And so that's really what we like 25:35 to instill the joy of service 25:37 and the experience of how to do that 25:39 with the young people that are with us. 25:41 I just praise God and then give him, hallelujahs 25:46 because I'm here because of Him. 25:49 He chose me. He called me to be here. 25:53 Being hear in the school, 25:55 I can really understand what Ellen White says. 25:58 When she says that, "All the members of the church, 26:01 everybody in the church 26:02 should have medical missionary preparation." 26:05 It opened my eyes to the real needs of people in the world. 26:10 Just give sometime to the Lord, completely, 26:12 100% and life will change. 26:17 We have been privileged and greatly blessed 26:19 by having been invited by the local union 26:23 to start this ministry. 26:25 The first thing we did even before 26:27 we opened the consulting room 26:28 was helping the church was organized health expo's. 26:32 In fact, over 5,000 volunteers 26:33 from the church and participated. 26:36 And that's the church with 10,000 members. 26:39 We are here to serve people. 26:41 We're here to really work together with the church, 26:45 not a separate entities. 26:47 We're here really to work together. 26:50 This projects connection to OCI was started in its infancy, 26:55 in the concept of it and it was really through OCI 26:59 and its network of people and donors that we work with 27:04 that appreciates supporting ministries 27:06 that this ministry came about. 27:09 It's just been connected very strongly. 27:12 And OCI has pride in support, in nurture, 27:16 in every way to make this project a reality. 27:21 Whether it's their ministry in the city 27:23 or their country lifestyle center 27:26 or in the training of students, 27:28 VitaSalus uses a variety of practical means 27:32 to try to bring hope to those who have none. 27:36 I encourage you to consider what you can do 27:39 to help the expanding work of OCI around the world. 27:43 We deeply value your support. 27:46 Please, visit us at 27:50 To learn more about the worldwide work of OCI 27:55 and our member ministries, 27:56 such as VitaSalus here in Portugal. 28:00 To contact us, email 28:06 Or call us at 423.236.5600. 28:12 We would love to hear from you. 28:15 For OCI reports, this is Steven Grabiner. |
Revised 2014-12-17