OCI Reports

Oklahoma Academy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steven Grabiner


Series Code: OCIR

Program Code: OCIR000010

00:16 Oklahoma is place with its own unique beauty.
00:19 The stretching farms and the fields full of grain
00:22 are restful to the eye.
00:24 And yet beneath this pastoral scene
00:27 is a strong independence of thought and action
00:32 that motivates those who live here.
00:35 Join us as we visit an OCI ministry
00:39 that combines this independence of thought
00:43 with the desire to serve.
01:01 Originally part of the Louisiana Purchase
01:05 this state has a unique history.
01:08 In 1889 was the first land rush.
01:12 The idea was to entice settlers
01:14 to come and move into the territory.
01:17 These would be settlers were
01:19 lined up on a particular boundary
01:21 and when a cannon fired
01:23 they were to make a mad dash to claim their part of the land.
01:28 Some of the more enterprising ones came earlier
01:33 and staked out their own claim
01:35 thus giving rise to the expression
01:37 of the Oklahoma Sooner's
01:40 and idea that still express the independence of thought
01:43 that characterizes the inhabitants of the state today.
01:49 Oklahoma Academy is training their young people
01:53 to enter into the harvest fields of Jesus Christ.
02:00 Oklahoma Academy's mission is taken from Matthew 9: 37, 38
02:08 where Jesus is talking to His disciples
02:10 and He says, pray ye the Lord of the harvest,
02:13 that He was send forth laborers into His harvest.
02:18 And so Oklahoma Academy is designed specifically
02:22 to train young people to be laborers for God.
02:26 For me I enjoy how there is so many different options
02:29 that you can take during the year,
02:30 such as this year I'm taking a French,
02:33 French II and I'm also talking calculus in math
02:36 and so it's really- it's really interesting
02:38 to have other options
02:39 such as in health we learned
02:41 a lot about different foods and different things
02:44 and how they are able to help you
02:46 and how they are able to
02:48 affect your body in negative ways as well
02:49 and just things that you will be able to use later on in life.
02:55 Here at Oklahoma Academy we're not a really large school,
02:58 we actually are designed to be relatively small
03:02 because we want to work more closely with the students.
03:07 During the school year we have the opportunity
03:09 to meet with the students on a more personal level.
03:14 We get a chance to invite them into our homes.
03:17 So we get two-two, three some times even four
03:21 students coming to our homes on Friday evenings
03:24 instead of going to a regularly schedule vespers,
03:28 we have them into our home is far
03:30 both the meal and for a home vespers.
03:33 The students love that,
03:34 they get an opportunity to feel like
03:38 it's not their home but they get to go to a home
03:41 and they feel more like home here at Oklahoma Academy
03:43 because of it, because it they stay with the same family
03:46 all throughout the whole year.
03:48 It's important, it's vitally important
03:50 to-to be able to have some time
03:53 where you just relax or where you're just having fun together.
03:59 You know, every Saturday night we have wreck
04:01 and usually play game called dare base which is really fun.
04:04 We also do camp outs, we love to be out in nature,
04:08 taking time to relax and spend time together as a family.
04:14 In education one of the most important things for us
04:18 is for the students to- to learn about God.
04:21 God is provided us with a couple of different ways to do that.
04:26 One is through His word but the other is
04:28 and what we call the second book of nature,
04:31 where the trees and the birds and the flowers
04:36 all of them tell us of the love of God
04:39 and what He is like, and who He is.
04:41 So it's important for us to have our school in the country
04:46 where we can experience that second book
04:49 and that closeness to God
04:52 that can't be experienced anywhere else.
04:55 Our focus here at Oklahoma Academy really is
04:59 on the students developing a relationship with the Lord
05:04 that they really love Jesus and out of that love of Jesus
05:09 they want to share Him.
05:10 One of those training programs that we started this year
05:13 is a Bible work training program
05:15 where they are being trained and in deeper Bible study
05:19 and then in how to go door to door
05:21 and get Bible study interest,
05:24 how to follow that up with Bible studies
05:27 and then following that up also with evangelism.
05:31 Often times people feel that the pastor should-
05:35 should be the one doing all the work.
05:37 He should be doing the Bible studies, he should be doing,
05:40 you know, everything to- to bring people in
05:42 but we actually believe that Jesus calls each one of us
05:47 as a believer in Christ to work for Him.
05:50 Jesus said, go ye therefore in the world
05:53 and preach the gospel.
05:54 And He wasn't just saying that to pastors,
05:58 He was saying that to His disciples
06:01 and so as lay people it's so important
06:05 that we work together with the church
06:08 to spread the news that Jesus is coming again soon.
06:11 The need for a Bible program is not just for older members
06:15 but young people need to know like I said,
06:18 why they believe, what they believe?
06:20 Well, first of all we start off by basically
06:23 being grounded in our doctrine to be look at versus
06:26 that you know, supports and also the versus that may
06:28 seem questionable and we learn how to answer
06:30 difficult questions if you might have.
06:32 During a school year we have a counseling program
06:34 that encompasses anywhere from five to ten students.
06:37 They go out three times a week and when they go out
06:41 they get an opportunity to knock on doors.
06:44 They're learning how to do a survey at a door
06:47 than to transfer that in- in home Bible study.
06:50 They're learning how to invite them to a meeting
06:54 and transfer them to a local church.
06:57 Knowing that they could be a bridge or they conduit
06:59 for the individual to get connected with the church.
07:02 This year we've really focused on just the-
07:05 the area around the campus and it's really neat,
07:07 you can tell hem how we just went up the road
07:09 and you can make connection with them.
07:10 So yeah, just close by this year probably next year,
07:13 we will be going a little bit further
07:15 and also I believe that they'll be
07:17 the Bible studies that we've had this year
07:19 we carry on next year with the next class.
07:21 They are frontline missionaries right here at Oklahoma Academy
07:24 and give us an opportunity to go out and reach for community.
07:28 After the year is over we're supposed to get a certificate
07:31 that says that we're able to be hired by a church
07:34 and for Bible work.
07:35 That the vision really is to make sure that it's a way
07:39 that students continue to occupy themselves, you know,
07:42 have them interested in wanting to
07:45 be a part of the spreading the gospel.
07:48 The evangelistic series we basically
07:50 worked up to that throughout the year
07:52 so it's really neat to see that going around among the people
07:54 that know that the Holy Spirit was here.
07:57 And in the evenings we all take turns doing health presentations
08:00 and also we have a role to play greeting the people as they come
08:03 and so it's really important to be there
08:05 to bring them in make them feel up home.
08:07 They're really excited especially when they see
08:10 their contacts come through the door.
08:12 And they're being transferred to be workers for the harvest
08:15 that you could actually see
08:16 that taking place right before their eyes,
08:18 you know, that-that's one the joys about it.
08:21 One of the very important aspects of Oklahoma Academy
08:24 is-is our music program.
08:26 We're told that music can reach people for Christ
08:30 when other things cannot.
08:32 And so that the purpose and the thrust
08:35 and the whole goal of our program
08:38 is to be mission oriented in the music that we do.
08:42 We have a very good choir and chorale,
08:44 we have a string ensemble, we have a bell choir
08:47 and we all work together to make those kind of programs
08:52 that will reach people for Jesus.
08:54 I'm involved in bell choir
08:56 and I'm also involved in choir and chorale
08:59 and we started a men's quartet here
09:01 which I'm also a part as well.
09:04 Usually during the year we'll go to churches
09:07 around the state of Oklahoma
09:09 but there is also a big trip that we do
09:11 at the around the end of the year
09:12 that we'll either go out of the country
09:15 or state to state singing at different churches.
09:20 Well, this year I got the opportunity to be in choral
09:24 which is basically like the select choir group.
09:27 I just love you know, the songs that we sing.
09:31 Everywhere we go people want CDs of that particular program.
09:38 We were given this recording equipment
09:40 donated from a friend of the school
09:43 and so we're planning on being able to make CDs every year
09:47 of all the programs that we have.
09:49 We usually I have three programs a year
09:51 and so we're planning on making CDs for each of those programs
09:55 and so that when we go out to those sites,
09:56 we can be able to hand out the CDs to different people
09:59 and bless them and send God's music to their homes that way.
10:04 It's important for anyone entering into mission service
10:08 to have some basic and essential life skills.
10:12 It's a foundation principal of OCI Academies
10:17 to instill in their students a love for work.
10:22 A strong work ethic is important
10:26 for those who will be laboring for Jesus Christ.
10:29 Oklahoma Academy accomplishes this goal in a variety of ways
10:35 but two of their programs,
10:37 are uniquely designed with the missionary in mind.
10:41 They are massage therapy class and the mission
10:45 aviation programs are focused on preparing young people
10:49 for a broader sphere of service.
10:56 Here at Oklahoma Academy we have a work program
10:58 that focuses on the skills similar to
11:02 the skills that they would have to do out in the mission field.
11:06 The students have the opportunity to
11:08 go to either the massage program
11:10 or flight program and it counts as their work
11:14 because we feel that it's an important skill
11:16 that they are learning especially
11:18 if they were looking to go to the mission field.
11:21 Ever since I was three and four
11:25 I was very fascinated with aviation.
11:27 And you know it's just been kind of lifelong hobby.
11:32 And then as I got older and realized there is
11:35 a great need for mission aviation.
11:37 You know, I can do something that I enjoy doing
11:39 and still be serving God which is something that we almost do.
11:44 Here at the school we have 1300 feet grass airstrip
11:47 and then also here in Oklahoma we have winds.
11:50 So it gives you excellent training
11:52 for cross wind techniques, gusty techniques,
11:57 so you know they give you a very solid flying skill.
12:01 In the flight program and the direction of the
12:03 flight program we are looking to be able to
12:07 have a well rounded experience for the flight students
12:10 so that when they leave they have some experience
12:13 in Bible work through the Bible work training program.
12:16 They have some experience in medical things
12:18 possibly through the massage therapy program
12:21 so that when they go out it's not just flying that they know
12:25 and they can put the whole package together.
12:27 I really like it that you work at the school
12:30 because at normal schools you don't get an opportunity
12:32 to learn vocational skills.
12:33 But here they have lots of different things.
12:36 I work in the cafeteria and I actually learned
12:39 most of my cooking skills in the cafeteria
12:41 and I go in there and I cook everyday
12:44 and that's really fun.
12:46 We also like our students to help out on the farms
12:50 so that they get the feeling of working with the soil,
12:52 they get the feeling of picking some strawberries
12:55 or even pulling weeds, you know,
12:56 it's all part of working on the farm.
12:59 Having practical skills of building and mechanics
13:03 and cooking and of those things practically speaking
13:07 a person who is involved in mission work ends up doing.
13:10 It's kind of my first time working outside from the city
13:15 but being here on the work program has really changed
13:19 kind of my perception of things and it's really been
13:23 helping my spiritual life coming closer to God.
13:27 We really want them to understand
13:30 that God wants them to be the best they can be
13:33 and when they are the best they can be in the work area
13:37 they are doing His will in away that no one else can do.
13:43 To this day I can't really explain
13:45 expect for the fact that God led me here.
13:47 My sophomore year the English teacher was asking us,
13:51 if any of us wanted to be involved in the massage program.
13:55 So I thought it will be pretty cool to like be able to expend
13:58 my scope of knowledge and how to give massages,
14:00 how to do it the right way I guess.
14:03 I think coming here has really helped me see
14:06 what God really wants me to do.
14:08 He wants each one of us to serve Him, you know,
14:11 with our whole heart and since I've been here
14:13 I've been able to realize that
14:14 my purpose in life is not for myself
14:16 it's to bless others and to worship God
14:18 and to serve God with my entire being.
14:22 Oklahoma Academy is a self supporting school.
14:27 The finances that we used to run the school
14:30 come directly from our industries,
14:33 tuition from the students
14:34 and any donations that we receive.
14:37 We are in the process of developing a publishing ministry
14:42 in which we have several products.
14:44 The Spanish study Bible, the English study Bible
14:47 and another one that we-that we just put out
14:50 is a little book called "Outside the Gate" for children.
14:53 Portions of each of these books as we sell them the Bibles
14:58 and the "Outside the Gate" will go to worthy student fund.
15:04 Another aspect that we have it helps us connect
15:06 with our community is a health food store.
15:09 And we have people from all over the community,
15:12 that come in and we offer cooking schools
15:15 and health lectures, different specials,
15:19 we sell different products that we make
15:21 through the country store, like bread from the cafeteria.
15:24 There is more lot of people in the community
15:26 that come in for our bread.
15:29 Another thing that we do is sell our produce
15:32 from the farm in the country store and more and more
15:35 people are looking for fresh produce,
15:38 that comes straight from the garden.
15:41 In addition to providing a quality
15:43 and a practical education Oklahoma Academy
15:48 endeavors to insure that all of the students
15:51 get an opportunity to share their faith.
15:54 In a moment we'll explore a creative method
15:58 or accomplishing that aim.
16:02 Pain, suffering and hopelessness
16:05 are every where we look.
16:07 As Christians, we know that the ultimate answer is Jesus.
16:10 We are called to bring people to Him
16:12 as well to share His love in practical ways.
16:16 Can you imagine that difference it would make
16:18 if every church member did all that we can
16:21 to share our hope?
16:23 That's what OCI is all about, lay people using their skills
16:28 to reach their communities and bring change.
16:30 Whether through lifestyle centers or schools,
16:33 restaurants or clinics the methods are diverse
16:37 but the goal is the same, to bring hope and healing
16:40 to our dying world.
16:42 In order for this work to continue
16:44 prayer, workers and funding are all necessary.
16:48 When you support OCI you support the work
16:51 of more than 80 ministries around the world.
16:55 For more information about how you become involved,
16:58 please contact us anytime.
17:03 In order to communicate important truths
17:06 related to the plan of salvation
17:08 God interested ancient Israel with the visual representation.
17:14 The sanctuary service originally given to Moses
17:18 outlined the plan of salvation.
17:22 Oklahoma Academy uses a replica
17:25 of that ancient sanctuary service to communicate important
17:29 gospel truths to today's modern audience.
17:34 Often times I know for in my own experience
17:36 I thought it was boring to study about the sanctuary.
17:40 And here at Oklahoma Academy we have a special emphasis
17:44 on the sanctuary that actually has brought the sanctuary
17:47 to life for myself and it brings the sanctuary to life
17:51 for other people.
17:53 About ten years ago Oklahoma Academy
17:56 decided to make its focus mission.
18:00 So not only do they get a academic background
18:03 and they get they opportunity to be prepared to go to college
18:06 but we really wanted all of our students to mission focused.
18:09 We wanted all of our students to have that as
18:12 one of their goals in their lives is to reach out to others.
18:16 And so Messiah's Mansion is especially
18:20 important in that goal and is a tool and a vehicle
18:24 that we're using in order to accomplish that
18:27 and its a very effective one because the students
18:30 are constantly reminded of their purpose of why they're there
18:33 throughout they are to help people
18:35 and to reach them with-with truth.
18:38 And the sanctuary truth is present truth
18:40 that everyone needs to hear.
18:42 And so the students are really having
18:45 an opportunity to be on the frontline
18:47 of sharing this truth in a mission aspect
18:50 through Messiah's Mansion.
18:52 From the very beginning it gave students the opportunity,
18:55 you know, to be able to study it a class
18:58 and then go out and give tours.
19:00 You know, so in 2003 when I came to Oklahoma Academy
19:03 I was able to go to you know, one of the first exhibits
19:06 that I traveled to which was at my dads church.
19:09 And so I was able to as a freshman give tours of it then
19:13 but you know of course then I when I went on to college and
19:15 I did some other things.
19:17 About four years ago I came back, you know,
19:20 I still here and something that's very exciting to me-
19:23 you know, its not just for the people
19:24 it changes the students lives as they give the tour
19:27 I've seen it time and time again.
19:29 I think I really love the connection
19:31 with the people of that come for the tours.
19:34 I love seeing God work in such a personal up close way.
19:39 You know, as you go to the tours and
19:41 some times you don't want to do it,
19:43 some times you feel discouraged but no matter what
19:45 you always see God working in a powerful way
19:47 and there is always so many testimonies that you hear.
19:50 It always makes you feel so close and connected to God
19:52 that you're working with Him you know up in the frontline.
19:57 Oh, well this is my sixth exhibit
20:00 and I've been doing it since my freshman year.
20:02 Normally freshman don't go on sanctuary trips,
20:05 it's only the sophomore through seniors.
20:07 But that year the junior class as a whole didn't want to go
20:10 so they made it available to those who wanted to go
20:13 and I ended up signing up and I have to admit though
20:17 on the way there its like, why did I sign up for this?
20:20 I hate talking in front of people,
20:22 I'm very shy but once I started learning the tour and realized
20:26 how important it really is and how amazing it really was.
20:29 I got so excited I learned the whole tour in less than a week
20:32 and I have been a full tour guide ever since.
20:36 For each Messiah's Mansion exhibit
20:38 we have a combination of things that happen.
20:41 We always have the sponsor churches
20:44 come up with at least a half of the cost
20:47 and they always provide allocation.
20:49 This location here in Loveland, Colorado
20:52 we're right next a major highway
20:55 and that is allowing us to have a lot of exposure
20:59 and we really had a great turnout so far.
21:02 Messiah's Mansion is the title of the organization
21:06 and under that- that name we have
21:08 three different full scale models.
21:10 And so it's a traveling ministry just like you know,
21:14 Moses tabernacle traveling and about every two weeks
21:18 we're at a new location you know,
21:20 we've been to over a 100 location so far.
21:22 We start with the premise that most people
21:25 don't have an understanding of,
21:27 you know a heavenly sanctuary and as
21:30 many even though they are Christians don't have
21:31 a firm biblical background.
21:33 And so we start out in the first tent
21:35 introducing them to the idea of a heavenly sanctuary.
21:38 Messiah's Mansion is a free exhibit so people that come
21:42 will get a free tour and they're able to hear that
21:45 end time message present truth for our time
21:47 for the sanctuary message.
21:48 It's really exciting to share that with people because,
21:50 lot of people connect with that.
21:52 In every station of the tour
21:54 really beginning from the courtyard
21:56 will move through you know what are the priests do,
21:58 the facts the furniture, the people and the service.
22:02 But then you know the second layer is
22:05 how did all of this point to Jesus?
22:08 So from the courtyard you move to holy place
22:12 and you see the priestly duties in there again
22:15 followed by Christ's work in the heavenly sanctuary
22:18 and this is where for most Christians
22:20 it's a new idea for them, you know,
22:22 Christ in the heavenly sanctuary.
22:23 They know about Him as the Lamb of God,
22:25 but now they're seeing Him you know and His ministry
22:27 in heaven in the holy place.
22:28 And you know then of course you move around
22:31 to the most holy place where you know we see Christ work today.
22:35 And you'll see prophecies that are pointing to Jesus,
22:39 move into the most holy place and you know a lot of people
22:41 for them, you know, they come out I never knew this.
22:43 I didn't even know that was in the Bible.
22:45 I say its a eye opening experience
22:47 for the lot of people.
22:50 The most holy place that's the-that's the place
22:52 where I see God working the most, you know,
22:54 I've seen people struggle,
22:56 I've seen them battle in their hearts,
22:57 you know, on their face as they are just listening
22:59 and some times you can tell they don't want to accept
23:01 but that's where I just keep praying
23:03 because I know-I know that's the message for today.
23:07 The students are going constantly
23:09 in and out of prayer chant
23:10 we have a prayer chant at each sanctuary
23:13 and the students go in before their tours,
23:15 they're going after their tours.
23:16 Satan is constantly attacking Messiah's Mansion
23:20 from every angle because he does not
23:22 want this work to get through.
23:24 There's people praying for us all throughout the tour,
23:26 we pray throughout the tour
23:27 and I think it's that constant prayer
23:29 that you know keeps us in a good spirit.
23:32 Because Satan does attack, you know,
23:33 he is not happy with us doing this.
23:35 And it really matures the students and they mature
23:39 in the right direction towards God
23:42 and towards their experience with Him.
23:44 From all throughout time you know there's been-
23:48 there's been important messages you know,
23:50 Noah's message was important you know,
23:52 John the Baptist's message
23:53 that Jesus was there was important.
23:56 But today, you know, the message that's important
23:58 is that Jesus is finishing the work in heaven
24:00 and you know that, it's a time for you know us
24:04 give our whole hearts to Him like never before
24:06 so that He can do the work not just in heaven
24:09 but in our own parts.
24:10 When people go through this,
24:13 they can't remember everything we cover
24:14 but what they do remember is they liked it, it was good
24:17 and so they have a positive association with this.
24:19 And one of our main goals is to be able to
24:23 link up some of the locals churches
24:25 with you know these people who are signing up
24:27 for more studies, so that they can continue to study
24:30 and see it from the Bible as a slower pace for themselves.
24:35 People are coming to the sanctuary
24:36 to learn about the sanctuary message
24:39 and this is something that is unique to our church.
24:42 And if our church does not understand this message
24:46 then you know who is going be sharing it with the world,
24:48 this is one of the best kept secrets in the Bible.
24:53 And you know lot of people can get confused about it,
24:55 they need someone to actually show them
24:57 what are the symbolism is in sanctuary
24:59 and it's so cool to see how everything
25:01 in the Bible fits perfectly into the sanctuary message.
25:05 And we as a church need to be studying this message
25:08 and we need to be able to present it
25:10 to those around us who, you know,
25:13 are not in the church or are new in our church
25:16 and so because it's every important doctrine that we hold.
25:20 I was giving a tour to a school group that came
25:23 through as a bunch of, you know, teenagers you know,
25:26 my peers and I am very they extroverted
25:29 so I feed off the energy that in my tour
25:32 and I wasn't getting that much response
25:34 and I was feeling very, very discouraged.
25:36 I was just praying I said God, you know,
25:37 I need encouragement and then as I left the most holy station,
25:41 the most holy place station in the tour
25:44 I had an older lady come up to me
25:46 and she had tears in her eyes.
25:48 And she was just saying you have blessed me so much
25:50 and I was just praising God because it reminded her
25:53 about how much Jesus was important in her life
25:56 and it reminder her that.
25:57 We don't have time to waste on this earth
25:59 because Jesus coming soon.
26:00 And I was able to go into the last station
26:02 just praising God that He gave me that encouragement
26:05 that even though I wasn't getting the response that
26:07 that's not what mattered it mattered that
26:09 God was still using me to-to touch even one person's heart
26:12 and I was able to talk with her after the tour
26:14 and we're both in tears and just praising God about
26:17 how much He was able to work through that tour.
26:20 You know, there is people who come through
26:22 who haven't been the church in years
26:24 and may be have never been the church,
26:26 and wouldn't go to church.
26:28 But in the setting like this you know,
26:30 they come through and you know,
26:32 their hearts are touched and they go away and you know
26:35 some of them say, you know, what church do you go to?
26:37 I want to go to your church.
26:39 You know, atheists come through, you know,
26:42 who didn't have, you know, anything to do with Christians.
26:45 And an experience comes to my mind you know,
26:48 a couple of years ago an atheist came through
26:51 and you know at the end of it he let me know through the tour
26:56 that he could not stand Christians.
26:59 You know, some of them are hypocritical
27:01 but some of them are just unreasonable
27:04 but as we went trough the tour
27:06 at the end of it he invited me to come to his house
27:08 and have dinner with him because he said,
27:09 we need to talk more about these things.
27:11 You know, it provides an opportunity where people can,
27:15 you know, see what Jesus is doing today
27:17 in a setting that you know they will feel comfortable
27:20 and you know people need to understand
27:22 not only Jesus died or what He's doing today
27:25 and I think it's very relevant for every single human being
27:29 alive on planet earth today.
27:36 Oklahoma Academy instills in its students
27:40 both the ability to think for themselves
27:43 as well as a commitment to mission service.
27:46 Perhaps, you know of the student
27:48 that would benefit from a program like this.
27:52 To learn more about the worldwide work of OCI
27:56 and its member ministries visit us on the web
27:59 at outpostcenters.org.
28:03 We would love to hear from you,
28:04 you can send an email to info@outpostcenter.org
28:10 or call us at 423.236.5600.
28:17 For OCI Repots this is Steven Grabiner.


Revised 2014-12-17