OCI Reports

Living Springs Overseas Missions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steven Grabiner


Series Code: OCIR

Program Code: OCIR000004

00:07 Every nation, society and culture
00:10 struggles with inequality
00:12 and disparity in social standing.
00:15 But love is a powerful motivator
00:18 to overcome these divisions.
00:21 Today, we will be visiting an OCI Ministry
00:24 that is motivated by love
00:27 to restore harmony to a fractured society.
00:45 Among other things, the Taj Mahal is a testimony
00:49 to the restorative power of love.
00:52 In the 1600s Shah Jahan
00:55 first met his future bride Mumtaj Mahal.
00:59 He lived in the palace,
01:01 she sold goods in the marketplace.
01:04 But even as teenagers, it was as often said,
01:08 love at first sight.
01:10 She became his favorite wife
01:12 even accompanying him on military campaigns.
01:16 When she died in childbirth, the Shah was grief-stricken.
01:21 As a testament to his love for his wife,
01:23 he had the Taj Mahal constructed.
01:26 But more than that, the Shah envisioned
01:29 the Taj as a place of asylum.
01:31 He wrote that, "If the guilty should seek asylum here
01:35 that they would be as one pardoned,
01:38 freed from the guilt of their sin."
01:41 Truly in this world there is only one tomb
01:45 from which flows forgiveness of sin
01:48 and it is an empty tomb, the tomb of Jesus Christ.
02:03 India is a nation with a rich cultural history
02:06 and a very ethnically diverse population.
02:09 Unfortunately, for many years
02:12 the cast system has borne sway in Indian society
02:16 with the Brahmin caste at the pinnacle,
02:18 and the untouchables at the bottom.
02:22 These untouchables where often considered
02:24 disposables by the wider society.
02:28 But this is not unique to the nation of India.
02:32 Nations all around the world segregate
02:35 their population according to wealth,
02:38 social status or power.
02:41 Fortunately, there have been
02:42 many women throughout history
02:45 who have endeavored
02:46 to overthrow these structures and minister to everyone.
02:51 Mother Teresa stands out
02:53 as an iconic figure in India's histories.
02:57 At the age of 18 she was convicted
02:59 with the desire to give her life
03:01 to reach the lowest of the low, the poorest of the poor.
03:09 Living Springs Overseas Missions
03:12 is an OCI ministry
03:14 that has the same spirit of compassion
03:16 to reach out to the poorest of the poor.
03:19 Their aim is to minister to the most vulnerable
03:22 members of the Indian society,
03:25 children who are often neglected,
03:27 abused or cast off by their families.
03:31 Lois and I have been working here in India
03:34 for a little more than 20 years.
03:37 But we first came to India 38 years ago
03:40 and established a couple of orphanages
03:44 and then a couple of Bible seminaries
03:47 where we're training young men and women
03:50 and then we established a midwifery training school here
03:54 for training village midwives.
03:57 One of the things that we've seen
03:59 all along in our work here
04:01 are so many children that have no education,
04:06 many that have no home and even if they have a home,
04:09 even if they have parents, many are drunken parents
04:13 and the children are greatly abused,
04:16 especially the girls are greatly abused.
04:20 Kidnapping is very prominent here
04:22 so as soon they're- they reach their puberty
04:26 they will be married off or they are kidnapped.
04:30 So we had a real burden
04:32 to take some of these children in
04:34 and try to help them and give them an education
04:38 and help them to find Jesus in their life.
04:41 We started off with just a few children
04:46 but it didn't take long
04:47 till everyday they were coming to the door
04:50 bringing orphan children, semi orphaned children
04:53 and some children that have parents
04:55 but have no way to really care for their children.
04:59 So we started taking the children in
05:02 and we have now somewhere around 150 and more children
05:06 and we have total care about them.
05:08 We have to supply their food,
05:10 their clothes everything they have,
05:13 we have to supply for them.
05:15 They have no support from anyone.
05:17 It's a big expense.
05:18 And there's a lot of teachers and a lot of salaries to pay
05:21 and the cloths and the education,
05:23 the books and everything else
05:24 that runs up to a lot of money.
05:26 Our work would be impossible without the donations.
05:29 It would be absolutely impossible.
05:32 And so we've been able to save
05:33 a lot of children in a lot of lives
05:35 with the donations that have come to us
05:37 and we appreciate it so much.
05:40 Uncle Bill, he is such a great man.
05:43 He has struggled very hard to gather
05:48 some money to buy this land
05:49 and provide a school here
05:51 so we can come here and learn about God
05:55 and give us some good education.
05:57 And I hope I can be like Uncle Bill one day
06:03 and help God.
06:06 When I came here I got love from him
06:10 because after my father died
06:14 nobody loved me like him.
06:17 I hug him and he's like my daddy, you know.
06:24 Many of our children have experienced severe traumas.
06:28 I- when I first came there were two boys here
06:31 whose father had been killed by a tiger.
06:34 I think more traumatic
06:36 are parents they have been murdered.
06:40 We have one or two girls they came to us
06:43 almost straight from a brothel at about the age of 13.
06:49 I would say sexual abuse is very, very common
06:52 not spoken about much though.
06:54 The children don't talk about it
06:56 but you can see evidence of it.
07:00 Jesus is the great healer
07:03 and I believe that introducing these hurt children to Him
07:07 will help to heal their wounds.
07:09 I also believe that providing them with
07:12 something that they can do to be a benefit to their society
07:16 and make a better place for their children
07:20 will help them feel better and heal.
07:25 I think that our vocational program is good for that.
07:28 Our girls are learning to sew and to bake
07:31 and do many things.
07:35 The children from the time they are seven years old
07:38 or younger they are learning to wash their own clothes,
07:41 make their own bed, care for their own things
07:45 and older children help the younger ones.
07:48 Everybody just works together as a team.
07:50 Every morning they work together
07:51 to keep the campus clean, it's like a family.
07:55 My friends are like my brothers, sisters.
07:58 This is like my family.
08:00 This has been the greatest joy in my life
08:02 is having all of these children.
08:05 Many of them growing up right with us,
08:08 they're like our own sons and daughters
08:10 they act like our own sons and daughters.
08:12 They love us like they were or own sons and daughters
08:15 and we love them
08:17 as if they were our own sons and daughters.
08:19 I just don't understand why there aren't
08:21 so many more people out
08:22 doing the same thing that we're doing.
08:24 It's the greatest joy in the world.
08:27 It's been really amazing to see
08:29 how much the children have changed.
08:32 They just grown up so much
08:34 and many of my girls are making plans for marriage,
08:38 whishing to be married.
08:40 They start feeling that pressure
08:42 very early actually probably 15, 13.
08:48 So their whole outlook on life is different
08:53 but I see that many of them
08:55 have developed a sense of self-worth
08:57 and they are excited about it.
09:00 Eunice is very special.
09:04 The family was very poor, the father was a hopeless drunk
09:09 her mother was Christian
09:11 but the father sold her to a Muslim family down south.
09:15 We were quite disturbed to say the least.
09:19 We sent the president of our school Springs of Love.
09:22 He contacted the lady who was the go between.
09:25 He spoke and said we want this girl back.
09:27 She was very upset.
09:29 She said you have to pay a redemption price
09:31 is what they call it a redemption price
09:33 and what it cost for getting her back
09:36 with going there and paying to get her back was about $150
09:41 which was more than more than well worth it.
09:44 We were Christian but my father was drinking alcohol
09:49 and so I don't know much
09:51 but I used to go to church
09:52 but not knowing so much about God.
09:55 So after I come here only I came to know about God.
09:59 The value of a child in India depends,
10:02 one thing on their gender,
10:04 of course, the boys are a lot more valued than girls are.
10:08 Some families really love their children
10:12 and really care for them, they mean everything to them.
10:15 In India, if you don't have children
10:18 you're really looked down on as a family.
10:21 There are many children that are from very poor families
10:25 that really have nothing.
10:27 Of course, in the cities they're on the streets
10:30 out in the villages they're in the fields working.
10:34 Children are treated as slaves some of them.
10:38 And the little girls are really abused very badly.
10:43 And so we have had a great desire
10:46 to take these little children
10:48 and put them in a safe environment
10:51 where they can get an education
10:52 and training to do all types of useful labor
10:57 and trade so that they are able to-
10:59 they're able to make a go over in the world.
11:02 When I came here, I was so happy,
11:05 so I was praying, "Lord, please help me
11:08 that if can pass 10th standard whatever You'll say I'll do."
11:13 So I finish my 10th standard God gave me more than that.
11:16 Because I said only the 10th standard
11:18 but now I am doing 12 also.
11:20 And I did midwifery and seminary also.
11:22 So God gave me more than what I want.
11:26 Many girls are trained in tailoring
11:28 and boys are trained in mechanics,
11:31 welding and electrical work.
11:34 There are so many educated people
11:36 in this country but with no job
11:38 but if you are trained in location arts
11:42 they can survive on their selves
11:43 when they leave this place.
11:46 The most educational systems
11:48 you take children out of villages,
11:50 you put them in a school in dormitories.
11:53 The only thing they do is study, study, study, study
11:58 but they never really learned to support themselves with work.
12:02 So when they finish their education
12:04 they can't go back to their village and work
12:07 because they don't know how to harvest rice,
12:09 they don't know how to plant, they don't know how to farm
12:12 and they don't have any desire for it anymore.
12:15 So I've been very much against all about
12:19 and I have really desired
12:20 for our children to learn to work
12:23 and make a living in a village setting
12:26 and if they choose to go to a city
12:29 then they can still go.
12:31 If they choose whatever they choose
12:32 but they have in their mind the practical skills
12:36 of being able to support themselves with their hands.
12:39 We have given each child a garden
12:44 they have sense of ownership, they feel good about it
12:47 when they can care for their own garden.
12:50 And we see them out early in the morning
12:52 and especially in the evening attending their plants
12:56 and sometimes we buy the food from them
13:00 and serve it in the cafeteria.
13:02 You know, the other kids in different groups
13:04 and their group makes the money together.
13:07 You know, it teaches them about business.
13:11 It'll teach them the value of work.
13:15 They grow their own vegetables
13:16 and they sell them in our cafeteria.
13:19 We buy them and they use the money for offering
13:22 or for buying their own personal needs.
13:26 You know we've had our children now for many years,
13:30 since about 1995 we've started our first orphanage.
13:34 And many times I refer to them as my diamonds.
13:39 We have a whole building full of diamonds,
13:42 of male and female diamonds,
13:45 of boys and girls.
13:47 You know, it's such a joy to work with these children,
13:50 such a joy to just be a part of this program.
13:57 Living Springs ministers to children
13:59 that are otherwise unwanted,
14:02 endeavoring to show them the love of Christ
14:04 in practical and tangible ways.
14:08 In a moment, we'll see what this ministry is doing
14:11 to help children even before they are born.
14:16 We share this globe with about seven billion people,
14:20 that's a lot of people and standing here
14:23 in this busy city it's easy to feel small and insignificant.
14:28 After all, I'm only one person
14:30 what different can I make?
14:32 But the fact is each of us can make a difference.
14:36 God is calling us to turn our lives
14:39 and our skills over to Him.
14:42 Around the world, the individual workers
14:44 at OCI Ministries are letting God use them
14:48 to bring hope and healing one person at a time.
14:52 You can make a difference too.
14:55 When you connect to OCI,
14:57 you connect to more than 80 ministries worldwide.
15:02 If you're interested in getting involved
15:05 in the global ministry of OCI,
15:07 visit our website or call our office,
15:10 we would love to talk to you.
15:16 Every five minutes, a woman dies in childbirth
15:19 in the country of India.
15:21 This is frequently due to poor prenatal care
15:25 or the unsanitary conditions in which the birth occurs.
15:30 Almost 80 percent of all childbirths
15:33 take place in a local village,
15:35 frequently among unhygienic conditions.
15:39 To help remedy this situation,
15:41 Living Springs is training a small army of midwives
15:46 whose focus is to help these women
15:48 deliver strong and healthy babies.
15:54 Our midwifery program actually started here on-
15:57 at our Bible seminary on the same property
15:59 with the Bible seminary.
16:02 My wife Lois started that program
16:05 and we didn't have much space but there we-
16:09 everybody crowded up a little tighter
16:11 and we took in the girls
16:13 and started a midwifery program
16:15 and that has grown to where now
16:18 we've graduated 73 girls as midwives.
16:22 And they're out in villages, in hospitals,
16:26 many of them have gone back to their own villages
16:28 and they're delivering babies, caring for mothers,
16:31 working with people in their own villages.
16:35 I had been a midwife for decades
16:38 and I always wanted to do a training program
16:41 because I see a need in America
16:44 as well as here for the training of young women.
16:48 We were here, and they asked me
16:50 if I could help with an auxiliary
16:52 nurses training program
16:54 and this just sounded too big for me
16:56 because I'm really not a nurse so to speak.
17:00 I'm a medical missionary who specializes in midwifery.
17:04 And so then they said well,
17:06 could you just teach midwifery and my heart just jumped
17:10 and I said, wow that would be a wonderful opportunity.
17:14 And we really didn't know if it would be acceptable.
17:18 We didn't know how it would fit this,
17:20 this culture but it has just proven
17:22 to be a wonderful blessing to me,
17:25 to our students and to the women.
17:27 They really do want natural childbirth.
17:31 When I was small, that time only I was thinking
17:34 that my goal was to become doctor.
17:37 The first time I did delivery,
17:38 first time I was afraid after that I was-
17:43 I did nicely, I did 80 deliveries, 80 births I did.
17:49 God has helped me so much.
17:52 I was afraid but He gave me courage to do this work.
17:56 By His grace, I am able to do this work.
18:03 We tried a place our graduates in areas
18:06 where they can observe natural childbirth
18:09 and there are some hospitals
18:11 where this is offered and our midwives are working
18:15 in those hospitals promoting the natural childbirth theme.
18:19 This little clinic was started six years ago,
18:22 there was an old church that was falling in
18:25 and they had moved the congregation to a new church
18:28 and they were thinking, well, what should we do with this
18:30 and immediately as I looked inside the church,
18:33 I said this would make a wonderful place
18:35 for birthing center.
18:36 And it's just actually a church sanctuary small
18:41 but divided into two sections
18:43 and then utility room in the back.
18:45 We'd try to provide in the clinic
18:48 things for intervention or for the safety of the mother
18:52 or the baby, such things as oxygen,
18:56 medicines for hemorrhage if that should happen.
19:00 The other thing is we have hot water and heat,
19:03 which many homes don't have out here in the country.
19:08 We have a generator if we need lights at night
19:11 and we do have an ambulance
19:15 that we can transport a mother if she needs help.
19:18 That's really one of the biggest problems
19:21 out in the village is getting transportation
19:25 if you have an urgent situation.
19:28 The general practice in the village
19:31 for having a homebirth,
19:34 it was carried on by the village Di, DICOM
19:38 we call it the work of the Di.
19:41 And they have many wonderful customs
19:43 but then there are other customs
19:45 that are definitely detrimental.
19:48 It's a widespread custom in this area
19:51 to starve the baby out,
19:54 so they cut down on the rice
19:56 and you can eat other little things
19:58 but they really don't want that baby to get big,
20:02 plus they don't understand
20:03 the brain is developing at a tremendous rate,
20:07 you know, its just one of the worst things
20:09 that they could do.
20:11 They believe if you eat pumpkin,
20:15 you said if you eat pumpkin, you get joint pain,
20:18 you get body pain and when you become old,
20:22 you won't be able to, you know, work.
20:25 You know they believe that, you know.
20:28 We see so many children
20:30 who's having night blindness
20:32 because they don't eat yellow vegetables.
20:36 We started our work over here in 2006
20:41 and after the baby out delivered we cut the cord.
20:47 And mothers and relatives and village Di's,
20:50 they don't allow us to cut the cord before, you know.
20:55 And their belief is that if you cut the cord
20:58 the placenta will go up in your chest
21:02 and the patient is going to die.
21:04 That's what they believe.
21:06 And since we are working with them,
21:10 we teach them ahead to the mother
21:12 before they deliver,
21:13 you know, this is what procedure
21:15 we are going to do and you all think that this is,
21:18 you are believing, it's- no, it's superstition
21:21 you are thinking about.
21:23 The midwifery has impacted
21:26 the lives in a very positive way.
21:30 So in the community our reputation
21:32 is for saving lives
21:35 and for caring about mothers.
21:40 Sometimes our midwives are out
21:42 by five or six in the morning
21:43 if they have mothers who are pregnant
21:46 and they can't check them any other time,
21:48 they'll get up and go out to the village
21:50 and people notice these things.
21:55 We just had a graduation.
21:56 There were 600 people who came
21:59 and I would say at least a third of them
22:02 were mothers with babies
22:04 and they were just beaming to see
22:05 these young women progressing in life.
22:09 And our statistics and that which we've done
22:12 has been so transparently good,
22:16 everyone is like, yup,
22:18 your girls are saving lives and helping people.
22:24 We teach our children as they get older
22:27 how to help other people
22:28 of a medical missionary type work
22:32 and many of our children say
22:34 when we finish high school,
22:36 we want to go to the Bible seminary
22:39 and we want to do medical missionary work.
22:42 We have, you know, three phases in the spiritual,
22:45 in the scholastic academics and also in vocational.
22:50 We want them to be able to support themselves financially.
22:53 As Paul was a tentmaker and supported himself
22:55 and was able to give the gospel,
22:57 that's our main thrust
22:59 and we want everyone to have that ability.
23:02 Now some people were going to full time conference work
23:06 and we were happy for that.
23:08 We want them to still have that trade
23:10 if they can fall back on and then we know
23:13 that they're gonna be some people that
23:14 well not really do much of all the spiritual
23:17 but at least they're not gonna be begging for a hand out,
23:21 they know how to take care of themselves.
23:23 And we believe later on, they're gonna say hey,
23:26 you know what I got there when I was a child,
23:28 that was when I was happiest and I want to get that back.
23:33 Most of them were quite poor
23:36 and they probably would go on to college
23:38 if they were able but they're not able.
23:41 They have no possibility of doing that
23:44 and we've taken in these young men and women
23:47 and we're trying to give them
23:49 a very practical training for one
23:52 so that they can do welding
23:56 and tailoring and all types of practical skills
24:00 as well as we give them
24:02 a good medical missionary training program
24:05 where they learn hydrotherapy, massage, nutrition.
24:10 We teach them of course the Bible
24:12 and the writings of Ellen White.
24:14 We get our young people out visiting homes
24:17 and they've done tremendous amount of good
24:21 just even in our local village, in our local area.
24:24 We're just beginning to get some better picking up
24:27 on setting up their own practical skill program
24:30 to be self-supporting missionaries.
24:33 We also are gonna do teaching as a trade
24:38 and our hope in that is that
24:40 some of the students were going to village
24:43 where they can start their own school
24:46 and we want to teach the Christian principles,
24:48 you know Christian education
24:50 which is to restore them to the image of God.
24:55 I had the privilege of being a part
24:58 along with a few men that started OCI
25:02 and being a part of a family like OCI
25:05 helps the church at large
25:07 to understand that our supporting ministry
25:10 of the church is a legitimate ministry
25:14 that we're trying to work with the church
25:16 as a team to accomplish God's work,
25:20 the mission for the Church.
25:22 You know the work is going to be finished
25:25 by lay people not by the church workers,
25:28 that I truly believe it.
25:32 We have a very close relationship
25:34 with the Seventh-day Adventist Southern Asia division
25:37 and with all of the local sections and union.
25:41 We work very closely with our church,
25:43 with our leadership and always have.
25:46 I know Bill Dull from the time
25:48 that I came to know him.
25:51 I feel that he is really an apostle to India.
25:57 His life has really touched
25:59 the heart of our people and his ministry.
26:03 He's humble and mingling
26:05 with all classes of people freely.
26:10 He's a true missionary to India
26:13 and we know that God has blessed him
26:15 and he has been an instrument
26:17 in hand of God to reach out to the,
26:20 we don't know how many, but I believe that
26:23 reaching to the millions of people in India.
26:26 And I believe that this is the kind of work
26:29 that is going to finish the work in India.
26:32 I truly believe it.
26:34 Our leaders are really behind us
26:36 and they're doing everything they can to help us.
26:39 We have several people that we have found
26:41 to be very dedicated supportive men
26:45 that are part of our board and part of our leadership
26:49 for our direction of our program.
26:52 So we're very happy for that
26:53 and we're thankful to be able to work with the church.
26:57 Through their ministry to the poor,
26:59 Living Springs Overseas Missions
27:02 is ministering to Jesus Christ
27:04 in a very real way
27:06 through their orphanage school
27:08 which helps children
27:10 who have been castoff by their families,
27:12 to the midwifery program
27:14 which is helping to bring healthy babies into this world.
27:18 And then their Bible seminary program
27:20 which is training young men and women
27:22 to carry the vision of service for Christ
27:26 throughout the country of India.
27:28 Would you consider assisting this heartfelt ministry
27:32 that is ministering to the poor of India
27:35 in real and concrete ways?
27:39 Please visit us at outpostcenters.org
27:42 to learn more about the growing worldwide work of OCI,
27:46 and our member ministries
27:47 such as Living Springs Overseas Missions,
27:51 to contact us, email info@outpostcenters.org
27:56 or please call us at 423-236-5600.
28:02 We would love to hear from you.
28:06 We deeply value your support.
28:09 I encourage you to consider what you can do
28:11 to help the expanding work of OCI around the world.
28:17 For OCI reports, this is Steven Grabiner.


Revised 2014-12-17