OCI Reports

Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steven Grabiner


Series Code: OCIR

Program Code: OCIR000003

00:14 All over the world, dedicated men and women
00:17 members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:19 are using their talents and abilities
00:22 to spread the gospel to their friends and neighbors.
00:25 In many places, these individuals
00:28 have joined together to start self supporting institutions
00:33 using lifestyle education, publishing work
00:37 and training centers as a vehicle
00:39 for furthering God's work.
00:42 Join us today on OCI Reports
00:45 as we visit one of the pioneering
00:48 self supporting institutions,
00:50 Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital.
01:09 Self supporting ministries derive their guidance
01:13 and inspiration from the Bible
01:15 and more specifically from the writings of Ellen White.
01:19 These principles were given a practical demonstration
01:23 in the early 1900s.
01:26 In 1904, two of Adventism's premier educators
01:32 E.A. Sutherland and Percy T. Megan
01:35 were looking in Tennessee to start a new ministry.
01:40 In 1904 in God's providence, they were led to a farm
01:45 on the outskirts of the city of Nashville.
01:48 There they began Madison School,
01:51 the first self supporting institution.
01:54 In later years Ellen White would write,
01:57 "That there should be many schools
01:59 after the Madison Order."
02:02 In the 1940s Neil Martin, Dr. George McClure
02:07 and Pastor W.D. Frazee decided to follow Ellen White's counsel.
02:14 In counsel with the presidents
02:16 of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference
02:18 and the Southern Union,
02:19 it was decided that a self supporting ministry
02:22 should be started this time outside the city of Chattanooga.
02:28 In 1942, just a few weeks after the bombing of Pearl Harbor,
02:33 Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital was born.
02:38 Over the years, Wildwood's vision
02:40 and outreach has continued to grow.
02:43 Countless people have been blessed by the lifestyle center
02:46 and numerous students have been trained.
02:49 Many of these students have gone out
02:51 to pioneer new self supporting works in different places.
02:55 Throughout North America to Japan,
02:58 South America and Africa are many self supporting projects
03:03 that have ties that bring them back to Wildwood.
03:07 In the nearly 1980s Warren Wilson,
03:10 then the president of Wildwood
03:12 saw the need for an organization that would help nurture
03:16 these new self supporting ministries.
03:19 It was in this way that OCI was created.
03:23 Today the vision of Wildwood is still strong.
03:27 Wildwood continues to be a vibrant and thriving ministry.
03:34 This year is Wildwood's 70th anniversary
03:38 and it started as a small organization as it were
03:42 under the leadership of Elder Frazee.
03:46 The very first group of people who came to Wildwood
03:49 on January 1st, 1942, were 8 to 10 individuals
03:55 who were known as the Frazee Evangelistic Company.
03:58 The motivation for starting Wildwood
04:01 was born out of a city evangelistic group
04:05 that wanted to train other teens to continue the work
04:09 of gospel medical evangelism in the cities of the world.
04:14 By spring they had an educational program begun.
04:18 And before the summer was over the Frazee's themselves
04:22 moved into a tent and they began receiving
04:25 people that they could help and assist here
04:28 even before they had the sanitarium built.
04:31 Wildwood was built on prayer and faith and miracles
04:37 and there are untold stories of prayer and faith
04:41 and miracles that enabled each of the buildings
04:44 to take place at Wildwood, especially the main ones,
04:47 the first sanitarium building, Pascal Hall building.
04:53 What they call the new sanitarium building
04:55 which is now an old building.
04:59 Our hospital was opened here in the 70s
05:02 which is of course now is an older building
05:04 and through the years it's slowly grown.
05:08 We have just over a hundred staff working
05:12 here on our campus in our different departments.
05:15 The longevity of Wildwood
05:17 has given it a fairly solid foundation.
05:20 The principles it stands for have stood the test of time.
05:24 And it's a privilege for me to serve
05:27 in a ministry of this type of nature.
05:30 I fully expect God to keep performing those miracles
05:33 in order to keep training until medical missionary work
05:38 covers the earth like the waters cover the sea.
05:43 Our reason for existence and our mission
05:46 is to tell others about Christ and leading souls to Him,
05:50 in unique ways of ministering to people's health needs,
05:55 the emotional needs and then meeting their spiritual needs
05:58 and sharing Christ with them.
06:03 One of the things we are best known for
06:05 is our lifestyle center and hospital
06:09 with our outpatient clinic.
06:11 The clinic that we have here is a day patient clinic.
06:14 People come from all over local areas
06:17 and sometimes 2-3 hours away to come and see our doctors.
06:21 And we find that we are able to see sometimes
06:25 10 to 15 people on a day.
06:29 That's a 13 bed hospital, a very small hospital
06:31 but one of the things that makes this hospital and facility
06:35 very unique compared to other lifestyle programs
06:38 is the fact that we have a licensed hospital.
06:40 And so sometimes when we have patients
06:43 come to our lifestyle program
06:45 and the condition is a little bit more severe
06:47 than we'd like to handle in a lifestyle program,
06:50 we're able to transfer them to the hospital
06:52 for a little bit more urgent care.
06:55 I have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis
07:00 and I know that biblically nothing is impossible with God.
07:07 And there are promises in the Bible
07:08 that He will heal all our diseases
07:12 and sometimes it may not happen overnight.
07:16 But I believe in what they do here at Wildwood
07:19 with simple remedies, with water treatments,
07:23 I have been getting physical therapy,
07:26 I have the encouragement of all the staff here,
07:30 the biblical promises and I feel encouraged
07:34 because there is hope
07:37 and it's a journey of walking with the Lord.
07:41 And just being healthy, you know,
07:43 getting outside getting the fresh air.
07:46 This place is so beautiful
07:49 and I feel like it's a little heaven on earth...
07:55 and it's wonderful.
08:00 The program that we offer here being an 11 or 25 day option,
08:04 offers them some wonderful natural remedies
08:08 that will help them to get off medications.
08:11 And if they have cancer, they may not always need to do
08:14 chemotherapy or radiation
08:16 and they can have natural treatments.
08:18 Diabetics can learn how to reverse their diabetes
08:22 and people will learn how to reverse their condition
08:25 in natural ways.
08:27 I've had depression for years.
08:29 And then a little bit of high blood pressure
08:31 and as you can see, I am a little bit overweight.
08:35 So those were my main complaints.
08:36 Plus, I had bad habits, smoking, drinking,
08:40 I had a lot of stuff to clean up.
08:43 And it's been great since I have been here.
08:45 I haven't had a cigarette.
08:46 Gave my cigarettes right over
08:48 to my counselor.
08:50 I haven't had a craving.
08:52 My blood pressure phenomenally is as low as it's ever been
08:56 before I had high blood pressure, you know.
08:58 Well, it's a lifestyle change that we teach people.
09:02 We'll give them hydrotherapy daily.
09:04 We'll offer them massages every second day.
09:07 We also offer cooking classes during the 11 or 25 days.
09:11 Hands on cooking instruction or otherwise demonstrations.
09:15 The types of food that we serve
09:17 in the diet kitchen is vegan based.
09:19 We believe that a plant based diet is beneficial
09:23 in reversing health conditions
09:24 along with other types of natural treatments.
09:28 Sunshine and daily exercise, drinking enough water
09:32 and not eating in between meals and things like that
09:34 are very, very important to reversal
09:36 of different poor health conditions.
09:40 We offer counseling,
09:41 we've got a chaplain and a professional counselor.
09:45 We have lifestyle coaches that take care of them.
09:47 We've got lectures every day.
09:50 It's very important that they know the background
09:52 as to lifestyle change.
09:54 We also offer doctor's consultations
09:57 during the program.
09:58 Blood work at the beginning and end of the program.
10:01 Our doctors also prescribe herbs
10:03 which is very important for the natural healing.
10:06 And above all, trust in God,
10:08 because without God we cannot heal our bodies.
10:13 I think that health message is one of the most effective ways
10:17 to reach people that are not open to just receiving Christ.
10:23 And so, if you look at Christ and how He did it,
10:25 He healed the people.
10:26 He met them where they were, He helped their needs.
10:29 And so the health message
10:31 is the hand that opens the door to the people's heart.
10:34 And then we'll make the way for Christ to come in.
10:39 We are really blessed that we've been able to
10:41 do some renovations at this point in time
10:43 due to some very generous donations
10:46 that we've recently received.
10:48 We've recently remodeled our diet kitchen,
10:50 it was in great need of repair and remodeling.
10:53 And we've also been able to do some renovations
10:56 to our rooms that don't all have their own showers.
10:59 So we're in the process of doing full bathrooms
11:02 to our lifestyle and hospital rooms.
11:06 One of the most exciting new developments
11:08 with our health work is that we have a new Vice President
11:11 for Medical Affairs, Dr. Zeno Charles-Marcel.
11:15 He comes in with a lot of energy and experience
11:19 and, you know, to have him here
11:21 is really an amazing blessing for Wildwood.
11:24 The other aspect that we have on our campus
11:26 is the Journal of Health and Healing.
11:28 It's a magazine that has met a real need for people out there
11:34 that are looking for answers to the current dilemmas in health.
11:39 Right now we are looking for an editor
11:43 that can keep the scientific standard
11:46 that our journal has met through the years.
11:49 If there are physicians that are willing to get involved
11:52 with us on this project, it would be a real benefit
11:57 as we send these journals out and distribute them.
12:01 Devising ways of not only reaching the community
12:05 but also generating income
12:08 is part of the vision of self supporting work.
12:12 In a moment we'll explore some of the avenues
12:15 that Wildwood is using to attain this goal.
12:20 Pain, suffering and hopelessness are everywhere we look.
12:25 As Christians we know that the ultimate answer is Jesus.
12:28 We are called to bring people to Him
12:31 as well as to share His love in practical ways.
12:34 Can you imagine the difference it would make
12:36 if every church member did all that we can to share our hope?
12:41 That's what OCI is all about.
12:43 Lay people using their skills to reach their communities
12:47 and bring change, whether through lifestyle centers
12:50 or schools, restaurants or clinics,
12:54 the methods are diverse but the goal is the same.
12:57 To bring hope and healing to our dying world.
13:00 In order for this work to continue, prayer,
13:03 workers and funding are all necessary.
13:06 When you support OCI, you support the work
13:09 of more than 80 ministries around the world.
13:13 For more information about how you can become involved,
13:16 please contact us anytime.
13:20 Restaurants and health food stores have long been
13:24 part of a broader ministry
13:26 within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
13:29 Wildwood's country store which is located on the campus
13:34 gives the workers an opportunity to meet and mingle
13:38 with the surrounding community,
13:40 While their vegetarian restaurant
13:42 located in Chattanooga gives them an evangelistic outreach
13:47 into that nearby city.
13:50 Wildwood is not just interested in foreign missions.
13:53 We try to stay very involved in our community.
13:56 We're just outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee
13:57 just about 10 miles and so we regularly have our students
14:01 doing health expos and door to door work.
14:03 Every week we have colporteurs going out
14:05 to work in Chattanooga.
14:08 Wildwood's had a restaurant for 30-40 years
14:12 in downtown Chattanooga.
14:14 We have recently reopened under a new name
14:17 and new management as Greenthumb Vegetarian Kitchen.
14:21 We want to bring in all kinds of people into the restaurant
14:24 and serve them good food with a cheerful spirit,
14:27 so they can learn who Seventh-day Adventists are
14:29 and learn what Wildwood is.
14:31 Our restaurant is city mission
14:34 where our local community can come to our restaurant
14:38 and enjoy good wholesome meals.
14:40 And then also having the opportunity to give them
14:43 literature or sharing directly with them
14:45 what Christ has done for us in our lives.
14:49 That's kind of a cycle to meet people downtown,
14:51 invite them to the restaurant,
14:53 then they learn about the lifestyle center
14:55 and our different health seminars and so forth.
14:57 We can follow up and have cooking classes downtown.
15:01 And we're right down in a tourist area,
15:03 right up from the Tennessee Aquarium.
15:06 So there is a lot of traffic down there.
15:08 It's in a real busy area and we want to be visible,
15:11 we don't want to hide behind the trees.
15:13 You know, we want people to see and learn
15:15 and hear about Wildwood.
15:17 And so we are excited about this new, this new project.
15:20 One of the most successful ways that Wildwood
15:22 has been able to sustain itself
15:24 is through our natural food store.
15:26 This ministry of Wildwood has sustained it
15:28 for the last 20 years.
15:30 We do over a million dollars worth of business
15:32 there per year.
15:34 We meet a lot of people, people come in
15:36 and buy truckloads of food from us.
15:38 It helps sustain us and it gets us in contact
15:41 with hundreds of people from this area.
15:44 Attached to the natural food store is a bookstore
15:47 where people can come in and get all sorts of literature
15:49 on healthful living, natural remedies
15:51 and spiritual topics and so that's definitely good outreach.
15:55 And also we have an herb store that does quite well.
15:58 By inviting people to our doors to supply products to them,
16:02 we have opportunity to share Christ
16:06 in the marketplace with them.
16:08 One idea that we have
16:10 is rebuilding our natural food store.
16:12 Right now it's a little bit inside the campus
16:15 but has grown better than we imagined.
16:17 And we have property right on
16:18 a major highway with a lot of traffic.
16:20 So with the store out front, we'll even be able to reach,
16:24 you know, a lot more people.
16:26 When the hearts of individuals are touched by God's grace
16:29 and they realize the precious salvation
16:31 that's been purchased for them,
16:34 the Holy Spirit creates in the heart
16:36 a desire to communicate that tremendous love with others.
16:41 Wildwood's college of health evangelism is designed
16:45 to equip individuals of all ages to be better prepared
16:49 to communicate the gospel to everyone they meet.
16:54 We see young people as an integral part of our ministry.
16:58 The reason why we started our management courses,
17:01 we noticed a real need in our own ministry
17:04 as well as in other ministries for young people
17:06 to be efficient managers
17:09 and leaders of this type of organization.
17:12 In self supporting work we strive to sustain
17:15 our projects through our business enterprises
17:17 and health ministries and so forth.
17:20 But that takes some business sense.
17:22 We are focusing training in our advance course
17:25 on how to start projects and how to start businesses.
17:28 Not just for the sake of business,
17:29 for the sake of ministry.
17:31 And we have dozens of graduates right now
17:33 that are in the field working
17:34 in missionary centers around the world.
17:36 Our young people are tomorrow's leaders
17:39 and we need to be mentoring them
17:41 and giving them opportunities.
17:43 And I think this is what's going to create
17:46 the sustainability for this work to go forward.
17:50 We have about 70 between 70 and 80 students on campus
17:54 that we train in the different tracks.
17:56 Trying to develop and train professional missionaries
18:00 that can go out and start new ministries,
18:04 lifestyle centers, city missions, schools.
18:06 To develop the work that we are called to finish.
18:11 We have a six months training program
18:13 where we train people how to do health evangelism
18:16 and combine the medical missionary,
18:19 the right hand of the gospel with the gospel ministry
18:24 to be able to effectively reach the people
18:26 with hydrotherapy and massage and with health expos
18:29 and cooking schools to really meet
18:31 the needs of the people in the communities.
18:33 And then eventually be able to lead them on
18:36 to a comprehensive understanding of the gospel.
18:38 And then we have a two year program
18:40 for lifestyle counselor consultant where they learn
18:43 how to work in a lifestyle center.
18:45 They can work in any of our lifestyle centers,
18:48 you know, worldwide.
18:49 And then we have a ministry management program
18:51 which is very new, where missionaries
18:54 are being trained in a professional way
18:57 of running ministries, of doing business
18:59 of learning how to sustain themselves,
19:02 so that they can work the cities
19:04 the way we are called to work them.
19:05 And then the longest program,
19:06 which is the Lifestyle Center Management is three years,
19:10 where they learn how to work in the lifestyle center
19:12 and do all the medical courses in a natural way
19:16 and then at the same time be able to learn
19:18 how to actually run a lifestyle center, you know.
19:22 So those are the main tracks that we have so far.
19:25 I took the six months course
19:27 because they gave you an opportunity
19:28 to be in apprenticeship in lifestyle,
19:31 that's the only avenue that they had here at Wildwood
19:34 and so that's how I got into lifestyle counseling.
19:37 The counselor actually becomes one with the guest.
19:40 You know, trying to help them understand why they're here
19:42 and what God is doing for them being here.
19:45 We give them hydro treatments, we give them massage.
19:48 We even give them a Bible study if they want.
19:50 We take walks with them. We teach them how to cook.
19:55 We actually give them a full overall
19:57 lifestyle change in 11 days or more here.
20:00 So it's a powerful moment
20:03 that you have to be able to help someone see
20:06 all that you have learned in Christ
20:07 and impart it on to them.
20:09 So hopefully they can make those changes in their life.
20:11 I mean, the Lord has been blessing
20:13 and especially with the General Conference,
20:15 you know, pushing also medical missionary work
20:17 and all these things.
20:18 We had over 250 applications just last year and,
20:22 you know, we can only accept about 70-80 people on campus.
20:26 And so because of that,
20:27 we felt the burden to actually develop
20:29 a online training program,
20:31 so that people from off campus
20:33 can still take the exact same medical missionary training.
20:37 They have the real in-class feel and setting,
20:41 the way the questions are being asked
20:43 and the lecturer is answering questions
20:45 as well as, you know, just not course material.
20:48 We're working on improving those all the time,
20:51 so that we have more people that can go out
20:54 and meet peoples' needs and bring others to Christ.
20:59 We've gotten already hundred some students
21:02 being able to take this from all over the world,
21:03 so that's a tremendous blessing.
21:05 This is in essence what we do.
21:07 Training missionaries in whatever line
21:09 that they are called to do,
21:10 and to start their own ministries to minister
21:13 to the people wherever they are and they come from.
21:17 You can't learn everything in the classroom.
21:19 You know, to sit and listen to the theory of it,
21:22 you know, is one thing,
21:23 but to actually get your hands in
21:25 and getting active doing something,
21:28 the learning is much more effective and efficient.
21:31 All the students have to go through different departments
21:33 to get work experience,
21:34 especially in our advanced program.
21:36 They get apprenticed in different areas
21:38 and they can choose what areas they are most interested in.
21:41 We view our farm as an important part
21:44 of our education for our students.
21:48 Our farm also supplies
21:49 produce to some of our local restaurants.
21:53 And we provide produce to our own kitchens.
21:57 In addition to the farm agriculture,
21:59 practical skills, construction, there's lots of construction
22:03 always to do around here and maintenance,
22:05 so these young guys get a lot of experience in that
22:07 and then when we go to a project,
22:09 there's always a lot of need
22:10 and the more you can do yourself,
22:11 you know, the more it helps the project.
22:14 Well, we always have needs of committed people
22:18 who are willing to be part of this work.
22:21 We also have, of course, a big campus.
22:24 And there is always the expense of renovation.
22:30 We have a great need at this point
22:32 with our enlarged student body of dining facilities.
22:37 Our cafeteria is small.
22:40 We're feeding some 80 people in a very small space.
22:45 And that's going to need a new building.
22:49 We also are looking to expand our store
22:52 and create a store where all of our stores
22:56 can be in the same building.
22:58 And then, of course, we also need
23:01 financial assistance to be able to
23:04 build a building of that nature.
23:07 So these are some of the needs that we have right now.
23:12 I believe in Wildwood and what it stands for,
23:16 because I grew in my Christian experience here.
23:21 From the time I got here to now, I saw God's work in me.
23:26 I saw He is changing me from a skeptic to a believer.
23:32 Here is where I learned to trust fully
23:36 and to see God's work in everybody's life,
23:39 especially in mine.
23:41 If somebody is wanting to go the right path,
23:46 Wildwood will give you all the chance
23:48 if you want to go the right path.
23:52 I praise God for institutions like this.
23:55 Wildwood was a door that opened up for me
23:58 to be able to come, I lost 60 pounds.
24:01 I learned that I had health issues
24:02 that the world couldn't tell me what it was.
24:05 And being here changing my life, my pains are gone.
24:10 You know, I can sleep better and my depression is gone.
24:13 God utilizes environment to be able to help me see
24:16 that there are so many ways you can help.
24:19 So if it's not just being on the farm which-
24:20 I worked on the farm and learning how He grows things
24:24 and how we can have faith that He can grow you in Him
24:28 like He grew our plants.
24:29 It's something different when you come to an environment
24:33 and you have to depend on Jesus.
24:35 And I appreciate having a store that says, you know what,
24:38 we're not going to sell what the world sells.
24:40 We're going to sell things for the betterment of the body.
24:42 We have an education department.
24:44 We are not going to teach the way the world teaches.
24:45 We're going to utilize the word of God along with science,
24:49 and know that this is God's way of teaching.
24:51 We have a lifestyle center that says,
24:53 we're not going to start medications first.
24:54 We're going to start with hydrotherapy,
24:56 we're going to start with massage,
24:57 we're going to talk to you and let you know you're cared for.
25:00 It makes a huge difference to know that
25:02 someone is listening to you
25:03 and not just trying to quick move you out
25:05 for another person to come in.
25:07 It's a place of self sacrifice.
25:09 It's a place that leads the foundation that
25:12 you can die to self and be more like Christ.
25:15 And the more you see that, the more you become that,
25:18 the more you're prepared through the Holy Spirit for His coming.
25:22 I mean, imagine if all of us would be working
25:24 fulltime for the gospel like the pastors do.
25:28 You know, in some area and it doesn't have to be pastor
25:31 or a Bible worker, that's what we traditionally know
25:33 or may be a doctor.
25:35 But there's so many others, you know, God is calling
25:38 businessmen and architects and engineers
25:40 and whatever your talent is, using those talents,
25:44 building, you know, churches, building our schools,
25:47 building sanitariums, building whatever,
25:50 you know, city missions, restaurants, you name it, right.
25:52 I mean, all of these things and all of these jobs
25:55 are actually part of God's comprehensive
25:59 calling to all of us to gear all of our energies
26:03 into finishing this work.
26:04 And that is really- that's my greatest burden.
26:07 And I love the ministry.
26:08 I love what we are doing as a church, you know, as a whole.
26:11 And I believe that that is what we're called to do,
26:13 is to work together and to unify all of our energies
26:18 to be able to reach the cities and reach the people,
26:21 because they don't have all these beautiful truths
26:24 that change our lives and that really help us, you know.
26:26 And gain eternal life, you know, that's really
26:28 the greatest of all objectives that we can have for our lives.
26:33 I believe as the vision and the mission of Wildwood
26:36 and what we do here is this beautiful quote
26:41 that really puts it into a nutshell
26:43 from Ministry of Healing where it says,
26:46 "True education is missionary training."
26:48 Every son and daughter of God
26:51 is called to be a missionary.
26:54 For over 70 years, Wildwood has been a consistent example
26:58 of the principles of self supporting work.
27:01 Through their healing arts and their educational program,
27:06 the influence of Wildwood extends
27:08 far beyond the borders of this campus.
27:12 Wildwood has endeavored to be a school
27:15 patterned after the Madison Order.
27:18 Additionally, they have encouraged many others
27:22 to follow that same example.
27:25 Today there is a need for individuals
27:27 who will hear God's call
27:29 to commit themselves to working in a self supporting way.
27:34 We solicit your prayers for the ministry of Wildwood
27:38 and ask that you might consider
27:40 how God is calling you
27:42 to be involved in the expanding ministry
27:45 of self supporting work.
27:50 Here at OCI, we value your support.
27:54 Please visit us at outpostcenters.org
27:57 to learn more about the worldwide work of OCI
28:01 and our member ministries such as Wildwood
28:04 Lifestyle Center and Hospital.
28:08 To contact us, email info@outpostcenters.org.
28:14 Or please feel free to call us at 423-236-5600.
28:22 We would love to hear from you.
28:25 For OCI Reports, this is Steven Grabiner.


Revised 2014-12-17