OCI Reports

Matteson Mission School & VIDA Intl.

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steven Grabiner


Series Code: OCIR

Program Code: OCIR000002

00:17 Although OCI members are located in many different countries
00:21 and engage with a variety of cultures
00:24 they share the same purpose.
00:27 Today, will be visiting two dynamic ministries
00:32 both run by teams of enthusiastic young people
00:35 that are committed to training others
00:38 to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
00:41 Join us as we visit these vibrant ministries.
01:00 From its very beginning a missionary spirit
01:03 has been the driving force
01:05 in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
01:07 From its very inception
01:09 young people have been the heart
01:11 and soul of this worldwide movement.
01:15 In the late 1800s that spirit drove missionaries
01:19 from the United States around the world.
01:22 In 1878, John G Matteson pioneered
01:27 the work of Adventism in Scandinavia.
01:31 Today at Matteson Mission School
01:34 that original spirit that prompted
01:37 early Adventists pioneers to give themselves
01:40 for the sharing the gospel lives on.
01:43 Their aim is to infuse their students with the vision
01:48 of bringing the gospel to the world in this generation.
01:52 Matteson started in 1986 like formally you could say,
01:59 it was already in the, in the thought
02:00 of Gunner Gustoffson the founder for over 20 years before that
02:04 and he realized that the work is not gonna be done
02:08 if we just continue as we are.
02:11 And you see it over and over again
02:13 the young people use their talents
02:15 that God has given them He will give them more.
02:19 And as I look back on 25 years
02:22 actual experience with this project
02:25 I can clearly say that it was God
02:28 that establishes this school.
02:31 The purpose of Matteson Mission School is to train young people
02:36 and instill in them a wish to become missionaries,
02:41 to become full-time engaged for the Lord.
02:43 Matteson is a training school.
02:47 We train missionaries for life
02:49 and we want that our graduates
02:50 would become resources for existing ministries
02:53 or instrumental in starting new ones,
02:55 preparing for Christ's second coming.
02:59 We usually take 12 students
03:01 this year we have had so many applicants that we took in 13.
03:05 You get to know each other very well in this process
03:09 and in doing so you also get to know God very well.
03:13 It's a family like atmosphere, pretty soon they feel that,
03:18 that they're part of a family.
03:19 It's not just a school
03:21 and there's the closeness between teachers and students
03:25 and we eat together, have worship together,
03:29 do outreach and work together,
03:31 also they take turns cooking the meals
03:33 and preparing that.
03:35 So very much functions like a family
03:38 which makes the environment safe in a way,
03:41 to be honest with themselves and with each other.
03:46 Then of course the Word of God is the center of all
03:49 we do as the guide and as a help.
03:52 The greatest change in the students
03:54 throughout the year that I can see is
03:57 how they when they come they think they have a lot
04:01 to offer to God with their talent
04:03 and all that they have acquired throughout the years
04:06 and then getting to know God closer and closer
04:08 they realize who they actually are
04:10 and how they are more a hindrance in God's work
04:14 if they don't give up self
04:16 and to be able to observe that is so rewarding.
04:20 What has kept me here for a number of years is the fact
04:24 that I see the difference it makes in young people's life.
04:28 It made a difference in my own life
04:29 when I came here as student first many years ago
04:32 and I've see similar change happen
04:36 in young people throughout the years
04:39 and that's worth much more than money,
04:40 much more than any career to that God actually
04:46 can do something for young people
04:48 and become real to them.
04:52 I came to Matteson
04:53 because I realized in this last year,
04:58 when I was a student missionary in Africa
05:00 that I need more training to reach people
05:03 and to tell them about God.
05:09 It is like a little family in Matteson,
05:11 we only 12 students
05:13 plus the student leaders are around 20 people
05:17 and praying together and singing together
05:19 and studying the Bible together it's just so nice.
05:23 When I was in Africa, I didn't have this
05:26 because I was the only student missionary
05:29 and it was a good experience
05:30 but it is also very nice to exchange thoughts
05:34 and to talk about God with other people in your age
05:38 and not only being alone all the time
05:41 The aspect that makes Matteson so unique
05:44 is basically the holistic approach.
05:47 You know, it's called the Bible school
05:49 and when you're thinking about schools
05:51 you think about having lectures.
05:52 Sitting there the teachers in front of you
05:55 explaining that things may be writing something on the board
05:58 but this is a school where you use all of the talents
06:02 that God has given you.
06:04 Everything that we learn if it's in Bible,
06:06 evangelism, leadership or agriculture
06:09 there should be practical assignments
06:10 where the students can put in practice what they learn.
06:13 We also have a just practical part
06:16 where the students work for the foundation for 10 hours
06:19 where they use their hands
06:20 and through this experience do character building,
06:24 being together with students and staff.
06:27 This year we harvest a lot of onions,
06:30 normally we have also pumpkins,
06:32 we have potatoes, we have tomatoes.
06:35 So when you work with plants
06:36 you learn take care of things,
06:38 you learn patience, endurance
06:40 and all these wonderful character traits
06:43 and that's what we focus on also at the school
06:47 Yeah, this is a wonderful balance,
06:49 it gives you more energy for the theoretical hours
06:52 for the classes for the lectures
06:55 and at the same time practical work trains your mind.
06:59 We have a compost plant which is the tiny industry,
07:03 its part of the practical work for the student.
07:07 What we basically do we get some branches
07:10 and we chop them in small pieces
07:11 and they stay there for a while,
07:13 they start to ferment.
07:14 Yeah, in one or two years it's finished
07:18 and then we also we shift it ourselves
07:20 and then we pack it in bags.
07:22 And then the springtime we go
07:23 and deliver to people and sell it.
07:26 And that's it's a little bit a way
07:28 of how we get money to school
07:31 to help the institution.
07:32 It's also we reach out to the community.
07:35 That's also the concept of the school
07:37 here to try to reach out in every aspect.
07:40 For example we have now-
07:41 last week we had a Thanksgiving feast
07:43 so we are inviting a lot of people from the community
07:46 and then just sharing about how great God is actually to us
07:50 and how grateful we can be.
07:52 Being a student at Matteson is a blessing.
07:56 You are in nature and you see how things grow
07:59 and you learn so many things from a small plant
08:03 and you see God's hand working in nature
08:06 and you have time to reflect on the classes,
08:09 you have time to pray,
08:10 you have time to think about yourself,
08:12 your character and what you can change with God's help.
08:16 Yeah, I really enjoy it.
08:19 What motivates the team at Matteson
08:22 is the vision of training young people
08:24 to share the gospel with the world in this generation.
08:29 The theoretical education is put to a practical use
08:33 in a variety of evangelistic opportunities.
08:37 Evangelism is an important part on the program
08:40 and the students are involved with outreach in various ways.
08:45 We try to have a holistic outreach program
08:48 where throughout the year
08:49 we have a whole evangelistic cycle
08:52 that we go through with the students,
08:54 we go and ask for money for ADRA
08:56 and then we started doing surveys
08:58 and inviting people for Health Expo,
09:00 actually a survey designed
09:01 to invite people to the Health Expo
09:03 and we've seen great results with that.
09:06 People are actually interested, in the Health Expo's
09:11 they get to their blood pressure measured them
09:14 and their cholesterol check
09:15 and they get the step test done
09:18 to check how their physical condition
09:20 and they get to learn about natural health keys.
09:24 At the Health Expo we invite them to cooking courses
09:28 or Christian fellowship groups
09:30 and then of course evangelistic campaigns
09:32 that we also do and towards the end of the year
09:35 we also have the massage classes
09:37 where the students to learn how to massage
09:39 and we've seen wonderful results in that
09:41 because that prejudice is broken down
09:44 when you actually getting contact to touch people
09:47 and that has been a great blessing
09:50 to the students as well.
09:52 The outreach activities at Matteson
09:54 they motivate me to get out of the comfort zone.
09:57 Very often these encounters
09:58 with people are very inconvenient.
10:01 You don't know what to say,
10:02 you're struggling with finding the right words
10:04 and we share that in the evening with the other students
10:08 and this strengthens my faith.
10:12 I had desire to use some more time with God,
10:16 get my training.
10:18 So I went in the Matteson Mission School last year.
10:21 Now I'm a Bible worker here in Arvika.
10:24 Arvika is a place in Sweden it's not far from the border.
10:28 We actually were in Norway
10:29 and we go over to border to Arvika
10:32 and do mission work there
10:34 and we've done that over six years now
10:38 to establish a little church group,
10:40 a church plant there
10:42 because there was no Adventists in that, in that city.
10:45 The work here in Arvika is closely connected
10:48 to Matteson Mission School.
10:50 They try to come here once a month
10:54 and they preach and have Sabbath school.
10:57 And this week we have a special week
10:59 where they here for five days doing Health Expo's
11:02 and I think its definitely very good for the students
11:05 to come to a real mission field
11:08 and meeting real people
11:09 so it's very practical training.
11:12 You know, Scandinavia is not an easy place to work
11:14 but we've just seen the first baptism
11:16 now of our first Arvika church member you could say.
11:21 It's just wonderful to see how people also do take the decision
11:25 and become members of the church.
11:29 It's a privilege to see even though
11:30 it takes a lot of work and a lot of time.
11:33 It's a worth the effort.
11:36 Just to be in that kind of environment
11:38 at the Matteson Mission School for one year
11:40 was a big help to get ready to do something like this.
11:44 It's really a special kind of fellowship
11:46 you get being with other people
11:48 who really encourage you in your walk
11:51 and just doing all kinds outreach
11:54 you get more used to focusing your life into mission work.
11:59 Missionary spirit that motivated John G Matteson
12:03 and other early Adventist pioneers continues
12:07 to live in the hearts of young people today.
12:10 Matteson Mission School is a testimony
12:13 to the enduring power of the spirit of sacrifice.
12:17 In a moment we will visit another OCI Ministry
12:20 in which the missionary spirit continues to thrive.
12:32 When you think of missionary what do you picture?
12:35 For many people the image of a doctor teacher
12:38 or pastor in a remote country comes to mind.
12:41 But the truth is God needs people
12:43 with many different skills in His work
12:45 both around the world and close to home.
12:49 At OCI, we're passionate about helping
12:51 to connect mission minded people
12:53 with our network of more than 80 ministries.
12:56 Each project aims to share the Gospel in practical ways
12:59 and they need skilled workers of all types.
13:02 Mechanics, gardeners, cooks
13:04 and designers just to name a few
13:06 and of course they also need teachers and doctors.
13:10 If you're interested in serving in an OCI Ministry
13:13 visit our website for a list of current opportunities
13:16 or call our office we'd love to talk to you.
13:26 The energy and vitality of youth
13:29 is both inspiring and contagious.
13:33 There's a certain enthusiasm and dynamism
13:36 that helps young people to attempt the impossible
13:40 and then turn that into a reality.
13:43 That's very evident at the next OCI Ministry
13:46 we will be visiting.
13:47 VIDA International located
13:50 in the central mountainous region a Honduras is doing
13:54 what they can do to bring new life to the local community.
13:59 Not being a Seventh-day Adventist,
14:01 I ended up attending an Adventist academy
14:04 Laurelbrook Academy in Dayton,
14:05 Tennessee and there by taking part in the program
14:11 I was introduced to all of the Adventist doctrines
14:15 and eventually I accepted the Adventist faith
14:17 and decided to get baptized there at Laurelbrook Academy.
14:21 I ended up going to a Bible school
14:24 in Norway called the European Bible School
14:26 and there I felt that the Lord
14:29 was giving me all the tools that I needed to be able
14:31 to start something over here Honduras.
14:34 We started with Central American Bible School as our initial
14:37 program there wasn't any Adventist presence here before,
14:40 and like El Suyatal there's many other villages around
14:43 and so we have a permanent evangelism department
14:46 and they go out and they do Bible work
14:48 in the village of El Suyatal
14:50 and they also spread out into other communities
14:53 and to church training
14:54 so that these churches then have the tools to be able
14:57 to reach the communities that surround them.
15:00 The primary goal of the school
15:02 is to hasten the second coming up our Lord
15:05 by providing the world with well equipped
15:09 men and women of God,
15:10 who are able to lead
15:12 and then of course on top about
15:14 we are looking to send our missionaries
15:16 to Spanish speaking places.
15:19 Emir is from a nearby village actually
15:23 and now he's here and loving it.
15:30 To be honest the decision to come to VIDA was difficult
15:34 because I didn't know
15:35 what I was supposed to do with my life.
15:39 But I saw something different
15:41 and unique in the staff,
15:43 something that I lacked.
15:47 It's the Central American Bible School in for the first time
15:50 we really are seeing a more broad range
15:53 of nationalities in our student body
15:54 we are very grateful for it.
15:58 Haleigh's family has been a supporter
16:00 of what we're doing here for a long time
16:03 and her coming to this school
16:05 seems to be just the right place
16:06 for her at this time in her life.
16:08 When I was first come here I didn't wanted to come.
16:10 I was like I already told God
16:12 that I would go if He provided the money
16:14 and He provided the money so I came.
16:16 And I didn't really have a relationship
16:19 with Christ now that I'm here
16:21 and I know its the best decision
16:24 because God really have something to show me this year
16:26 and he has allowed me to start a new relationship with Him.
16:31 I was 19 years old, when I started the ministry
16:33 and it was actually very challenging at the beginning
16:36 and so it's really beautiful to see that
16:40 that other young people also have the same vision.
16:42 Young people that are professionals
16:44 and that have many talents
16:46 and they decide to leave all their dreams and desires
16:48 and make this a part of their dream,
16:50 together we're people that have the experience
16:52 and are willing to counsel with us and guide us.
16:56 VIDA means life and so the main purpose
17:00 of what we're trying to do is exactly
17:01 that not just life on this earth
17:04 which is one of the things by satisfying needs
17:06 and at the same time life also refers to the eternal life.
17:11 In English VIDA stands
17:13 for "Integrated Vision for Help and Assistance"
17:16 and so our name tries to embody
17:19 that concept of reaching out in many different ways
17:22 to include many different people.
17:25 It was only five years ago
17:27 where the Adventist church started here in our community
17:30 then the European Bible School came
17:31 and did and evangelistic campaign.
17:34 Pastors where there from all the churches
17:36 Catholic and Evangelical
17:38 and everybody with anxious to get to know
17:40 who the Adventist church was?
17:41 So that was really an exciting moment for evangelism
17:45 for the beginning of evangelism in this community.
17:48 El Suyatal is a little town here
17:50 it's just about a kilometer outside of our project
17:53 and it's a farming town.
17:55 Mostly people you see getting up early
17:58 in the morning to head to their properties,
17:59 work on there beans or their corn or their coffee
18:02 and that's what they do
18:03 or they- that what they live of off.
18:05 Come back in the afternoon
18:07 and enjoy time with their families.
18:09 It's just very much a close-knit community.
18:12 So you just walk into the village
18:14 and you knock on somebody's door,
18:16 you don't even have to knock on somebody's door
18:17 people just greet you
18:18 and welcome you into their home
18:20 and in 10 minutes of knowing you
18:22 they can tell you their whole life story
18:25 and so it is a perfect setting to be able
18:27 to help him them to reach out.
18:29 Our town has Major needs mostly
18:32 in the area of health and education
18:35 and just learning the basic health and hygiene care
18:38 that we all need as human beings.
18:41 We have a dentist that comes every year
18:44 and we have some local Honduran dentist that come,
18:47 the community response very nicely to that.
18:50 So one of our first Bible contacts
18:53 that we had in the community
18:54 where Reina and Alexander Vanegas,
18:57 recently they got married
18:58 and they're making study plans to be baptized
19:02 after being involved here since the beginning.
19:09 Attending church was difficult at first.
19:13 I felt like an orphan
19:15 because I was the only one going
19:20 but when my wife joined the church, I rejoiced
19:23 because we could finally praise God as a family.
19:30 Their son Oscar is now at Laurelbrook Academy
19:34 and so for the whole village
19:35 it was a powerful testimony
19:36 that a young person here with no economic resources
19:41 somehow by a connection
19:43 to God has all of a sudden completely new horizons.
19:48 Through my experience here
19:49 I've learnt that really there's nothing in me
19:51 or in anybody that is ultimate leader.
19:54 The reason why they can be success,
19:56 it has made me trust everyday morning in God.
20:00 You know, He expects the first touch the water
20:02 before He actually parts the sea
20:03 and its a beautiful experience
20:04 to see how in a month to month basis
20:07 He sustains this ministry not just
20:09 with the resources necessary
20:10 but also with the people
20:12 and the energy and the vision
20:14 the constant vision to continue moving forward
20:16 there's nothing else out
20:18 there that interest me more than that having
20:20 that type of relationship with God.
20:23 Honduras is one of the poorest nations
20:25 in the western hemisphere
20:27 almost 60% of the population lives in poverty.
20:31 In such a setting education is very important
20:34 and even though primary school education is free
20:39 an obligatory according to the constitution
20:42 the reality is very different.
20:44 Of those children that enter primary school
20:48 only about 40% complete the grades
20:52 of that only another 30%
20:54 or so move on to secondary school.
20:57 Ultimately only 8% go to the university level.
21:03 Education is increasingly more important
21:05 for the nation of Honduras.
21:08 The opportunities for tourism,
21:10 trade with the United States increases this demand
21:14 not only is there an increasing demand for education
21:18 but a bilingual education
21:20 is becoming more valuable day by day.
21:24 To try to meet that need even in this rural area
21:27 VIDA International has started a bilingual primary school.
21:36 One thing we realized in this community
21:38 is that education is crucial
21:40 and evangelism is extremely effective
21:44 when we're able to work with children.
21:46 So when one of the things that we are really paying about
21:48 was the possibility of starting
21:50 a bilingual elementary school here in our town
21:52 for the kids from our community
21:55 and now the school is growing
21:57 and it really is having a major impact in the community.
22:00 We see, family members coming to church
22:03 because they see what's going on in their children's lives.
22:06 Manuela came to us from Switzerland
22:09 as a short term volunteers
22:11 and in meeting her we realized
22:13 that she was a wonderful person
22:15 to start in elementary school
22:17 so she committed to staying long-term
22:19 to get this project started
22:20 to really work with the children.
22:23 And now we have 29 students
22:25 we have two grades 15 children in kindergarten
22:29 and 14 children first-grade.
22:33 Last year we started
22:34 with three children in kindergarten.
22:37 Eventually reach also into high school
22:39 so that then we would have
22:40 the complete layers of education,
22:42 you know from elementary all the way to the Bible school
22:45 and that we have a new generation
22:47 of young people that would be-
22:50 that would have the vision to do the same thing
22:52 you know to start other institutions
22:54 and to bring people to Christ.
22:56 And other thing that is very important for us is,
22:59 is the more practical aspect of life.
23:02 We do cooking classes with the children every week
23:05 and they just love it, they really love it.
23:08 We have a gardens part
23:10 where we plant lettuce and radish and beans.
23:15 Another aspect is health.
23:17 We believe children should learn early how their body works
23:20 and what they can do to keep their bodies healthy.
23:26 The land that was donated
23:27 we set on about 300 guava trees
23:30 and we also have a tamarind plantation with 1,600 trees.
23:35 We're trying to create a strong industry base
23:38 in agriculture to use some of the things
23:40 that the Lord has already given through these plantations,
23:43 to be able to support
23:44 and sustain all that programs in the ministry
23:47 and at the same time help the community by giving jobs,
23:49 you know, providing employment
23:51 and also training people that they could also do the same.
23:54 Recently we got donated some bakery equipment
23:58 and since we have these fruit trees,
24:01 we process these fruits and we make concentrate
24:04 and that is actually the main thing that we do.
24:07 And now that we have the bakery equipment
24:09 we're trying to unite both of them
24:10 and start baking bread
24:12 and selling out to the community
24:13 and into El Suyatal.
24:15 And there are many people even within the Adventist churches
24:17 that are really interested in receiving wholesome bread.
24:22 There are three aims to mission work, right,
24:25 there's the mission the objective,
24:27 there is manpower and there is money
24:30 and I think that manpower is the thing
24:32 that is actually the greatest need.
24:34 There's just a wide array of needs
24:36 that could be met by just about anybody.
24:39 VIDA would not be what it is today
24:41 if we were not for mission trips
24:43 that come every year.
24:44 All the buildings that you see have
24:46 somehow been touched by a group of people
24:48 that have made a sacrifice to contribute
24:51 to what God is doing here.
24:53 Right now we have with us Laurelbrook Academy
24:55 and they're here to build the elementary school
24:58 that started just two years ago.
25:00 And together with Laurelbrook also the European Bible School
25:03 and institutions like ESA not only do they do construction
25:07 but sometimes also they do outreach
25:09 and the cycle just keeps
25:10 on repeating itself again and again.
25:13 Being an OCI member has been a landmark for us
25:17 because we've realized that we're not alone,
25:20 you know, that there's this whole network of other people
25:22 that have very similar struggles,
25:25 have very similar challenges
25:27 and not have to reinvent the wheel
25:29 and get advice from people
25:31 who have done things that work.
25:32 It has been a great blessing
25:34 and great opportunities and how to,
25:37 to also share with these other organizations,
25:39 share ideas and even join up together
25:41 to accomplish other objectives is really a beautiful thing
25:46 and has definitely been a landmark for VIDA.
25:50 There are numerous ways to be involved with VIDA.
25:53 There are many people in this community
25:54 who still have yet to get to know who Jesus is
25:57 and prayers go a long way.
25:59 A couple weeks ago
26:01 I was in the mountain just right here,
26:04 I was praying to the Lord to really telling me
26:07 why He brought me here.
26:09 And as I was in the mountain,
26:12 I was looking at the town
26:13 and the town was bright because all of the lights,
26:16 it was early in the morning
26:19 and God really impressed in my mind
26:22 that this town here it needs to be a light
26:26 for the other towns around here.
26:28 So we are concentrating a lot in helping the people
26:31 that are already in church, the members,
26:33 plus the work that we do through the students,
26:36 we're gonna enlighten this whole village.
26:40 I think that in the Christian experience,
26:42 God gives the opportunity to serve as a blessing
26:47 and to serve in this capacity
26:50 which I believe is the same way that Christ served,
26:53 to be able to walk in the footsteps
26:55 of the Master like that is one of the most fulfilling steps
26:58 I've ever taken in my Christian experience.
27:01 There many people out there that don't know Christ,
27:05 you know, and they have so many needs
27:07 and so the main objective of the ministry
27:09 is to somehow satisfy some of these needs
27:12 that these people might have
27:14 that they might see that there's a God out there
27:15 that cares for them
27:17 and that they might eventually come to Christ,
27:19 and also be themselves motivated to bring
27:22 that which they have received through others.
27:27 Jesus said that He came to bring life
27:31 and to bring it more abundantly
27:33 from the youngest children to those in adult years.
27:37 The team at VIDA is dedicated to communicating Christ's life
27:42 and love to those with whom we come in contact.
27:46 Their vision is to spread the message of Christ grace,
27:50 through Honduras and the surrounding countries,
27:54 you can be a part of this Bible ministry through your prayers,
27:59 your financial support
28:00 or through coming on a mission trip,
28:03 you can contribute to the impact that VIDA is making.
28:07 To find out more about this ministry
28:09 and the other OCI projects around the world,
28:12 visit us at outpostcenters.org,
28:17 or send an email to info@outpostcenters.org.
28:23 For OCI, this is Steven Grabiner.


Revised 2014-12-17