Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000240A
01:13 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:15 of NEWSTART Now. 01:16 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni. 01:18 In our studio with me, 01:20 we have a young man, his name is Chuck. 01:23 I want you to take a look at him 01:25 when he first arrived 01:26 and look at him now. 01:31 Mainly, I want to get better health, 01:32 and I want to lose weight. 01:34 Haven't been successful in doing that on my own, 01:37 so I'm hoping to lose 15 pounds while I'm here, 01:42 and then I want to continue down to about, 01:45 I'd say 185, you say 170, 01:48 170 would be great. 01:51 Well, I'd love to get off medications. 01:54 I've always been on medication, not always, 01:57 1973, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, 02:01 and I've been on medication since then. 02:04 But last year, and only two or three, 02:08 last year, I got pneumonia, 02:12 got sepsis when I was in the hospital, 02:15 had a reaction to the antibiotic 02:17 and lost my balance, 02:20 couldn't walk for a long time, 02:23 and put on the weight, 02:25 especially my stomach, can't get rid of it. 02:28 Everything I've tried doesn't work, 02:30 my stomach is just pressure all the time. 02:34 I think it's from some of the medications, 02:35 I take seven now. 02:37 And if you can get me off 02:39 of three or four, that'd be great. 02:43 I love being better. 02:49 Welcome back, friends. 02:50 Help me welcome Chuck Spafford 02:53 all the way from Redding, California. 02:56 Yep. 02:57 Yeah, it's a good thing 02:58 you're not up there with the fires. 03:00 I was. You were though. 03:01 I was... We were evacuated. 03:03 I know. 03:05 But that's all under control now. 03:07 That's gone, but no paradise. 03:09 Paradise is gone. 03:11 It's terrible. 03:12 Yeah, terrible, 9,000. Yeah. Absolutely terrible. 03:16 Well, let's talk about you, Chuck. 03:17 Okay. 03:19 You know, when you got here, 03:22 I could see a little maybe wishful thinking 03:26 but you weren't quite sure. 03:29 What do you think now? Where are you at? 03:33 You know, it's hard to put it in words. 03:37 Even go back and tell my friends, 03:40 it's going to be difficult 03:41 'cause it's a whole environment. 03:43 It's the people involved 03:46 that you come in contact with every day, 03:48 all have the same mindset. 03:50 They're here to serve. 03:52 And that... 03:57 I've got a great cardiologist, 04:00 great internist, 04:01 been back to Mayo three times. 04:04 And they've done all the tests 04:07 and this is what I needed. 04:10 This is taking care of my... 04:12 I believe this will take care of my problem. 04:14 You had a pain in your stomach, some pressures. 04:17 I have pressure in my stomach, severe pressure, 04:20 and it was 24 hours a day. 04:22 And how about now? 04:24 None. None. 04:25 Now after week here, 04:27 released a little bit, went down, 04:30 and yeah, I feel totally comfortable. 04:33 Stomach's now down where I want it, 04:35 that one like yours, Ron, it is. 04:37 That's fine. I am happy with that. 04:39 You got a lot of ways to go, not much. 04:41 I am going to stay with it. Yeah, that's the key. 04:43 I'm going to stay with it. 04:45 Praise God. Yeah. 04:47 And so the program has met your expectation? 04:53 And more. And more. 04:54 And more, yeah. 04:58 I couldn't be more, 05:00 I've got mixed feelings. 05:03 I want to get home, 05:05 don't want to leave. 05:08 You know, I felt that way 13 years ago, 05:10 and they can't get rid of me. 05:13 Well, that's good. That's good. 05:15 You know, since you brought it up, 05:18 people call me and say they had this ailment 05:21 or that ailment. 05:23 Some things I've never heard of like, 05:26 "My stomach hurts, will this help my stomach?" 05:29 I don't know if it will help your stomach, 05:31 but I'll tell you, 05:32 I've seen things like you where you've gotten here, 05:36 you've been all these fine doctors 05:39 and they're all note up on everything, 05:42 and you come here and you get well. 05:46 How is it that you got well here? 05:49 What had this program contributed 05:54 or what do you attribute to this wellness? 06:00 Not only me, 06:01 it's the people that I've been associated with 06:04 since I've been here, all the attendees. 06:07 There has been some real miracles. 06:09 Yes. 06:11 Now with me, up until a year and a half ago, 06:14 I was in what I'd consider perfect health 06:17 except blood pressure problems, 06:19 small blood pressure. 06:21 But I got pneumonia last April. 06:26 And then when I was in the hospital, 06:28 I got septic or sepsis, 06:31 and they gave me antibiotics, several antibiotics, 06:34 and I had a reaction to one of them, 06:38 and I couldn't walk for a while. 06:41 In fact, they say that some people 06:43 that have that reaction never walked. 06:45 You had over several months, I understand. 06:47 Yes. 06:48 So it's been a long process. 06:50 I've been doing a lot of therapy, balance therapy, 06:53 and that's when my stomach gave me a problem. 06:57 And... 07:00 so I think what this program has done for me, 07:03 I think it is the way I'm meeting 07:07 why I'm here, which I have to continue. 07:10 It feels so good. 07:12 It doesn't seem reasonable that I'd go back. 07:15 No. It doesn't seem reasonable. 07:17 Now I know there's going to be pulls when I get out, 07:20 when I get out. 07:23 You're not a prisoner. I know. 07:25 When I get out of the home... 07:27 But when I get home, it's going to be a struggle, 07:32 especially Thanksgiving, 07:33 we got 37 people for dinner 07:37 and everybody wants it. 07:40 They don't want to change this Thanksgiving. 07:42 So they want the same, and it will be. 07:45 But I really feel confident that I can do it. 07:49 Yes. And not a doubt in my mind. 07:51 Yes. 07:52 That's the first step. 07:54 When you know 100% of you're just going to do it 07:58 and stick to it, 08:00 I mean, I eat with family, they have turkey. 08:01 And yeah, it looks good, it smells good, 08:04 but, you know, I don't need it. 08:06 Why would I want to do? 08:09 Why would I want to live like I used to live 08:11 with that sore stomach or that enlarged body 08:15 and extra hundred pounds and heart palpitations? 08:18 See the way I came in, Ron, the way I'm going out of here, 08:22 I don't want it to be that way again. 08:24 Yeah. 08:25 I never want to be that way again. 08:27 Amen. I mean, I'm sleeping better... 08:33 Blood pressure is down to low, 08:38 all my readings are great. 08:40 It's just been a great experience, 08:43 and if I can do it here in 18 days, 08:46 I think I'll be like you when I come back in six months. 08:49 That's right, you will. I visit. Yeah. 08:52 You'll be there in six months, I'm telling you. 08:55 Well, I'm going to come back 08:56 when you have the dinners once a month. 09:00 Yeah. 09:01 For the few months, I'm going to come back 09:03 even though it's three hours down, 09:04 I'm going to come back for that day. 09:08 You know what would be good? What? 09:10 If you come back during our program, 09:12 during the year 09:14 and let me interview you up on the stage 09:17 in front of a 100 or 200 people... 09:22 I would do that, sure. 09:24 That's a health seminar. You'll get an email about it. 09:26 Okay. Yeah. 09:28 Yeah, that'll be great. 09:29 Yeah, that'd be fun. 09:31 If I can do anything to support this... 09:33 Yeah. I'd be glad to do it. 09:35 Great program. 09:36 Well, your testimony 09:38 and the fact that you're here now 09:40 is going to be a tremendous benefit. 09:42 We're going to broadcast this all over the world. 09:44 People will see this, 09:46 and I want to take the time to thank you 09:47 'cause we're out of time. 09:49 Chuck, God bless you, brother. 09:50 I got you. Thank you, and God bless you. 09:52 We will see you again. 09:53 But, friends, don't go away, Dr. Lukens is up next. 10:00 Every year in America, 10:02 there are over one million deaths 10:03 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 10:06 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 10:09 That's six and a half 747s 10:10 crushing every day. 10:12 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. 10:15 It's your lifestyle. 10:17 Wouldn't it be nice 10:18 if you could actually add quality years to your life 10:20 rather than dying one organ at a time? 10:23 Obesity and diabetes 10:25 are the cause of over a million deaths per year. 10:27 Most diseases are reversible 10:30 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 10:32 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 10:36 Seriously now, they can be reversed 10:38 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 10:42 Call NEWSTART Today 10:43 at 1-800-525-9192. 10:48 You will see dramatic changes 10:49 in the first few days at our program, 10:52 and you will be on the road 10:53 to a better more robust quality of life. 10:56 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 11:02 Welcome back, friends, help me welcome Dr. Lukens. 11:06 Thank you. Thank you. It's good to see you. 11:08 Thank you for bringing all these nice people in. 11:11 Well, thank you for taking care of these nice people. 11:14 This is a great group. 11:16 It is. We had a wonderful time. 11:18 Yeah, they're a great group, 11:21 and it's reflected 11:23 in the good results they've gotten. 11:25 Yeah, yeah, there are tremendous results. 11:28 And I want to talk about Chuck now 11:30 because Chuck... 11:32 You know, his wife and he came down to visit me, 11:35 prior to them signing up to the program 11:38 'cause they live about two hours away from us, 11:42 and he just seemed like a happy good looking guy 11:45 and his wife was kind of... 11:48 She didn't necessarily have much to say, 11:51 although she came with him. 11:53 Yeah, that's wonderful. 11:55 Isn't that a bit of blessing for him? 11:56 Oh, yeah, she's the heart of that home. 12:00 She's on board now, huh. 12:02 You know, the thing that's interesting, 12:05 the reason why he's here 12:07 is his daughter was here four years ago, 12:11 and she had the gastric bypass surgery, 12:16 and he said that she was in and out of the hospital, 12:20 trying to get her salts right, 12:22 trying to get all the things that she lose 12:26 when all that stuff goes roaring through. 12:29 And after... 12:30 And I didn't know that this would happen, 12:32 but after she went through the program, 12:35 this is four years ago, 12:36 she came to see your folks here 12:38 and that's why they came is because of her. 12:42 She looks great, 12:44 and she hasn't been back to the hospital. 12:46 I mean, 12:47 that's a whole life changer, isn't it? 12:48 That is. 12:50 So anyway, now Charles or Chuck, 12:54 he saw what happened with his daughter 12:55 and he was hoping that 12:57 something like that could happen with him. 12:59 And another thing is that, you know, as you get older, 13:05 you get this intra abdominal fat 13:07 and he probably had some in his liver as well. 13:10 We call that the metabolic syndrome, 13:13 and that's a really big thing 13:16 because, even our high school kids 13:19 are getting it now. 13:20 Do you think that where some of the pain was coming from, 13:22 the liver... 13:24 No, it's just hard to tell, 13:26 but yeah, of course, you know... 13:29 But the thing was is that 13:31 he also had problems with rhythm in his heart. 13:36 And one of the things 13:39 that really, really bothered him 13:42 is that he couldn't do anything because he has something 13:47 Dr. Crane would say it was primary aldosteronism, 13:52 and that means that if you have that... 13:56 I mean, if you have a low potassium, 13:58 you have that until you prove otherwise and, 14:01 you know, he was such a good researcher and everything. 14:04 But so he has these potassium pills that he takes 14:08 and he has to take sodium pills. 14:10 But he was really interesting. 14:12 He still takes... 14:13 He still takes some of the pills 14:15 for his potassium. 14:17 But anyway, 14:21 his potassium has been stable. 14:24 Now the other thing was is that he just 14:27 really, really tanked up on the water, 14:29 and he's looking forward to a certain level procedure 14:33 that they do on men so he can, 14:36 you know, not have to take medicine for that. 14:39 But he was so hydrated that I said, 14:43 I looked at the specific gravity on, 14:45 and I said, 14:47 "Did you fill your urine cup over at the sink?" 14:51 His wife has a good sense of humor. 14:53 She chuckled and suffered. Yeah, right. 14:56 But anyway, 14:58 he is so excited about this because he said, 15:00 "I just haven't felt so good and so, you know, energetic." 15:06 And he was afraid that 15:10 he was diabetic or pre-diabetic 15:12 and he wouldn't turn me loose on that one so. 15:15 Well, he's not on anything for diabetes 15:19 but we did a hemoglobin A1c on him 15:22 and up to like 5.6 around there 15:28 and his was 5.4. 15:29 So I said, just expunge that, 15:32 you don't have type 2 diabetes, 15:36 and he was happy about that. 15:38 But, you know, 15:40 this is the kind of patients that keeps here, you know. 15:44 They get so exuberant and so happy and healthy, 15:47 and then, I'm glad that Dan's going to help us 15:50 so we can follow him up. 15:51 Absolutely. 15:53 You know, I think he's even changed his viewpoint 15:56 on Christians in general. 15:59 Yeah. 16:00 'Cause he had a little bit of resistance there. 16:02 Well, you know, he told me that 16:04 while we were walking away from the cafeteria, 16:07 and he told me, he said, 16:08 you know, when I was in my later teens, 16:12 he said, "I was reading a book called The Desire of Ages." 16:17 And he said, "I read it avidly." 16:19 And he said, "Now that I've been here again, 16:22 and I'm seeing what you folks were saying," 16:24 he said, "I'm going to start reading that book." 16:28 He said, "It is such a blessing." 16:31 Wow! 16:32 That is a blessing. 16:33 Yeah, to us, to him, and to Jesus. 16:36 Amen. 16:38 Well, we're just about out of time, 16:39 any last comment you'd like to make to our guests? 16:44 Yeah. 16:45 Well, when he gets out there, 16:47 he's going to bring some more people in. 16:48 Amen. 16:50 I like that idea. Yeah. 16:51 We're going to have to grow, expand I should say. 16:55 Doc, thank you very much for your time... 16:57 Yeah. And for coming. 16:59 It's so wonderful to see these people do better 17:02 and some of them get well. 17:03 Amen. 17:05 And, friends, thank you for watching. 17:07 But don't go away 17:08 'cause Pastor Damon Snead is up next. 17:16 Welcome back, friends, help me welcome Pastor Snead. 17:19 How are you? I'm doing well, friend. 17:21 Good to see you. 17:23 You know, I want to talk about Chuck. 17:25 Oh yeah, yeah. 17:27 You know, he came down from Redding, 17:28 California to visit us. 17:31 And he, of course brought his wife with him 17:33 and, you know, he was just all smiling 17:36 and bubbly, and I go, 17:38 "Why is this guy want to come here?" 17:40 Well, he said, "Well, for sure I want to lose some weight 17:43 and, you know, and other things." 17:46 But I think something more than that has happened. 17:49 I see some shield is just kind of melting away. 17:54 You know, felt more resistant 17:56 to this whole Christianity aspect, 18:00 this love that we share so openly 18:03 with everyone who's there. 18:05 But what about you? 18:06 Does any of that resonate with you? 18:09 Oh yeah. I mean, this is a great guy. 18:11 I actually really like him, you know. 18:14 He's of a different denomination, 18:16 that's great because we have a good mix here usually. 18:19 Yes. 18:20 And, you know, in the beginning, 18:23 he told me this too 18:26 when he first met me, he said, 18:27 "You know, when I first met you, 18:28 I thought I don't know about this guy." 18:34 You know, because pastors and preachers can come off 18:38 usually in negative light sometimes 18:40 in all denominations, struggle with this 18:42 and, you know, he began to share a story 18:44 and he had some really negative experiences 18:46 in the beginning of his Christian life, 18:48 you know, just typical stuff, 18:51 pastors with bad habits or ideas, 18:55 evangelistic... 18:57 You know, just, I mean, 18:59 a lot of people struggle with this, 19:01 and so that can taint your religious experience 19:04 and cause you to be looking, always looking 19:06 and trying to find something different. 19:09 Well, you know, we're seeing that 19:10 with all face, I mean, 19:13 throughout Christianity 19:14 and Muslims and Buddhists, you know. 19:17 But particularly in the limelight, 19:19 there's the Christian, 19:20 the Catholic Church, the Methodist Church, 19:23 this church and that church 19:25 and, you know, this just people are people, 19:28 people are sinful by nature. 19:29 Yeah, you got to realize that 19:33 that when we come to church, people are sinful. 19:38 Jesus said it, right? 19:39 I've not come to call the righteous 19:41 but the sick. 19:43 That's right. 19:44 And so when we go to church 19:46 and a lot of people forget this, 19:48 they go to church 19:49 and their focus is on other people 19:51 and then before you know it, 19:53 you're disgruntled with Christianity. 19:54 You know, I don't want to be like them, but that's, 19:57 you know, we're all there together 19:58 for a reason. 20:00 If our eyes are on Christ, 20:01 then it changes the dynamics 20:03 of my relationship with others, and I realize, 20:06 "Oh, he's messed up as bad as I am." 20:08 So he's... 20:10 You know, I used to be one of those guys 20:12 that look around in the pews, they go, 20:14 "Oh, what is he doing here? 20:16 What is that one doing here?" 20:17 Someone said to me one day, 20:19 "Ron, don't you realize 20:21 the churches are hospitals for sinners?" 20:25 That's right. I'm like, "Wow!" 20:28 It changed my whole viewpoint about going to church. 20:33 And now I look at all those others, I go, 20:36 "I'm one of them." 20:37 Dear, we're all the same. 20:39 And this is the good thing about Fresh Start, 20:40 Fresh Start is a hospital too. 20:42 They come here for the health program 20:43 because they're sick. 20:45 Well, look, you come to Fresh Start, 20:47 you're going to find out we're all sick. 20:48 Amen. 20:50 You know, and that's the beauty of it. 20:51 People start looking at each other 20:54 but they start realizing 20:55 we're all got these problems 20:57 and what the NEWSTART lecture does, 20:58 a Fresh Start lecture does 21:00 is I'm presenting 21:01 the spiritual message of healing. 21:03 This is how we're all going to be healed. 21:06 Amen. 21:07 And it was great to see him really, 21:11 you know, I don't know, 21:12 to what level he's opened up 21:14 to the Adventist understanding of the gospel, 21:17 but I present it as the gospel. 21:21 We're not trying to make people Adventists 21:23 when we come in there, 21:24 our goal is to present them to Christ. 21:27 Amen. 21:28 Get them to the throne room, get them into better contact 21:31 with the Holy Spirit, 21:33 and then let God work on people 21:35 and bring them to wherever they want to do. 21:37 And I think that he appreciated that, 21:39 I mean, I'm assuming, 21:40 but I think it would be safe to say 21:42 that he appreciated that aspect. 21:45 I think it's well received because we've had more baptisms 21:49 since you've been here for the last couple of years, 21:52 and the previous 15 or 20 years, 21:54 and I think that people are coming here 21:57 and being blessed physically and spiritually. 22:01 And I want to thank you and thank God 22:04 that He's given you this message 22:07 that you give so freely. 22:08 And anyway, 22:10 we're running out of time, how it goes. 22:12 How did that happen? Thank you, Pastor. 22:15 God bless you. 22:16 Friends, don't go away 22:17 'cause Dr. Nedley and Dr. Ramirez 22:20 are up next. 22:25 Welcome to NEWSTART Now. 22:27 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, 22:28 and with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez, 22:31 one of the researching physicians 22:33 here at Weimar Institute 22:35 who also teaches 22:36 the research methods and design class 22:39 at the Weimar Institute college, 22:41 which is an exciting place for pre-med 22:43 and health career type of searching students. 22:48 But today, 22:50 we are actually going to discuss a study 22:52 that has been accepted for publication 22:54 in the journal atherosclerosis thrombosis 22:57 and vascular biology. 23:00 And many of our studies that we produce here at Weimar 23:03 is looking at thousands of patients 23:06 or at least hundreds of patients. 23:08 Sometimes, we'll take a look at like 23:10 just the pediatric group and look at, 23:13 you know, 11 child cases that came through with obesity. 23:18 But today, 23:19 I just like to focus in on a study 23:23 that was published for one patient. 23:26 Now why is the journal allowing one patient? 23:29 Here's the thing. 23:30 Every one of our studies is actually real people. 23:34 This isn't data, 23:35 when we're dealing hundreds and tens 23:37 and thousands of patients, those are all real lives, 23:41 and sometimes, it's good to just focus in one patient 23:45 and what they came with here to NEWSTART. 23:49 And this guy was a sick guy. 23:51 Tell us a little bit about him. 23:52 He had what we call the metabolic syndrome. 23:55 He had diabetes, he had hypertension, 23:58 his lipids were not very good, 24:01 and even though 24:03 he was taking three medications, 24:05 he was out of control. 24:07 Blood pressure were 150 over 78 24:10 when he came first here to the NEWSTART, 24:13 he was taking three medications 24:15 and still his glucose was not under control, 24:18 his blood pressure was not under control. 24:21 Now ideally, 24:22 your systolic blood pressure should be less than 115, 24:27 and so he was 150 despite three different. 24:31 That's right, two medications for the blood pressure. 24:33 Yeah. 24:34 Okay, so use two medicines for blood pressure 24:36 and one was medicine for diabetes. 24:39 How much did this gentleman weigh? 24:42 When he came here, 24:43 he was weighing 381 pounds. 24:49 And just in 18 days, 24:51 he was able to lose 16 pounds. 24:54 And one of the first things 24:55 that changed was his blood pressure. 24:57 He end up with a blood pressure of 116 over 72, 25:02 we have to actually decrease 25:03 some of the medication he was taking. 25:05 Okay, so now he's getting close to that ideal 116. 25:08 And that's very good coming down from 150, 25:12 and you're actually reducing the medicines 25:17 at the same time, 25:18 otherwise, it really would have gotten too low. 25:20 So this was in August when he came. 25:24 After he finished, he didn't say, "Oh I finished. 25:26 I'm going to go back to my old lifestyle." 25:27 No, he made a commitment 25:29 to change his life so permanently. 25:32 So in August, he comes, 25:33 by the time that he continues interacting 25:36 with his head physician, 25:37 by May, the next year, 25:40 his physician had to suspend all medication. 25:42 He no longer needed that medication. 25:44 Wow! So now he's off all medicines. 25:47 And what is he weighing about this time? 25:49 270 pounds. 25:51 Okay, so he's lost 100 pounds. 25:55 That's amazing. 25:57 And that's without the complications 25:59 of this gastric bypass surgery. 26:00 That's right. 26:01 A lot of people are going for gastric bypass, 26:03 and I can tell you, 26:05 if you would find out 26:06 the complications of this surgery, 26:08 vitamin deficiencies, all sorts of things, 26:11 the skin changes that take place, 26:13 all of the lifestyle changes, 26:15 you're going to be forced to do, 26:17 you're much better coming to NEWSTART. 26:19 Not only is it far less expensive 26:21 but it's a much healthier way to go. 26:24 And then by July... 26:25 That happened in May, by July, we do a lab test, 26:28 everything perfectly normal, cholesterols, 26:30 and most encouraging hemoglobin A1c of 5.5. 26:36 He was no longer considered a diabetic, 26:39 he actually had stopped his diabetes completely. 26:42 Wow. 26:43 So he reversed the diabetes 26:45 so he didn't even have to be called a diabetic. 26:47 No longer having high blood pressure. 26:50 And what is his weight around this time then? 26:51 So I don't have the weight by then 26:55 but by August, I do have his final weight. 27:00 So we started in August 2003. 27:02 By January 2005, he had lost 141 pounds. 27:07 141 pounds. 27:10 So a totally new person. 27:12 Now energetic, now able to sleep 27:16 because of the excess weight 27:19 he was having issues with sleep apnea 27:21 and these type of things. 27:22 Those things reverse as a result 27:25 of this intensive lifestyle intervention. 27:28 A normal, healthy, good looking individual, 27:32 now disease free 27:34 as a result of coming to NEWSTART 27:36 who was 380 pounds 27:38 and way out of control at first. 27:40 Well, Eddie, it's exciting. 27:42 I know why the journal accepted this for publication 27:44 because this can also be someone you know 27:48 or maybe yourself. 27:49 And I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, and this is NEWSTART Now. 27:52 Join us again next week. |
Revised 2019-11-07