Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000236A

01:12 Hi friends and welcome to another edition of
01:15 Newstart Now. I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:18 We have a gentleman here... I'm going to let him tell you
01:21 where he's from, but his name is Jaques.
01:24 Let's take a look when Jacques first arrived.
01:30 I'm on five medications, one for my blood vessels,
01:38 the big blood vessels, one for my heart, and I have also one
01:45 my blood and that is for to make it thinner, blood thinner.
01:50 Another one for my kidney, and one to keep all of these
02:00 medications in control and I want to get off
02:05 all these medications.
02:10 Welcome back friend, help me welcome Jacques.
02:12 How are you brother? Thank you. I am good.
02:15 Now you're going to tell us where you are from.
02:17 I am at the moment from the island St. Eustatius,
02:21 that's where I live. Originally I am from Sudan,
02:25 I lived a few years, well a lot of years in Holland
02:30 and now I moved to the island of St. Eustatius.
02:34 Okay now we just, we know what conditions you are dealing with
02:40 when you got here, congestive heart failure, perhaps a little
02:46 of kidney situation. You are on several medications,
02:50 we know that. Are you off all your medications now?
02:55 No, not yet. And so how are you doing so far in the program?
03:04 Well, I'm doing very very well for what I think about my
03:10 expectations. I'm off my kidney medication and with my
03:21 heart medication and my blood vessels it's...I'm like
03:25 let's say 30%, so 60%, 70% is off.
03:30 Good, that's good. Now you understand you got to
03:34 walk, right? Yep! There's a lot of walking involved.
03:37 A lot of walking involved. Have you lost any weight
03:39 while you were here?
03:41 I lost some weight in the beginning, I gained some
03:44 weight afterwards, but I'm under the weight that I
03:48 came in with.
03:50 Now Jacques, were you one of the ones, one of the guests
03:54 that was out eating the persimmons?
03:55 Um! You don't have to answer that.
04:00 Okay. You just did.
04:05 Yes. You know we had some guests here, they're on a fast
04:09 and they're eating eight or ten persimmons a day.
04:12 Well that's a lot. No, you can't do that.
04:14 No, no, not while you are fasting. No, no, no.
04:17 So, how did you adjust to the food here? Did you find that
04:23 difficult to adjust to?
04:25 No, not really. Well, I'm accustomed, kind of when I was
04:32 younger, I used to kind of experiment with vegetarian
04:36 food so I didn't have such a hard time of adjusting...
04:41 As a matter of fact, I was surprised in the different
04:47 variations of the dishes that they have here.
04:54 Um hum, now your doctor is Dr. Lukens or Gallant?
04:59 Dr. Lukens. Dr. Lukens. And was he different than your
05:04 doctors back in the islands?
05:06 Yes, of course. Doctors back at the islands, they...
05:10 You are diagnosed of sickness and they make sure you get
05:17 the right medicine and that's it. For the rest, there's no
05:22 coming off, you can't start talking about coming off a
05:25 medication. If you talk about coming off one medication,
05:29 they will ask you ok, well then, what shall we do in the place of
05:34 the one you are coming off?
05:36 So, they're not lifestyle doctors? No, they are not
05:40 lifestyle doctors. Do you find the doctors here are just
05:44 different, period?
05:46 Yeah, the different period. They're different because...
05:48 what they do, they don't only talk about your condition,
05:56 they also explain how you come off the condition.
06:02 They explain the different nutrition and the values of
06:07 nutrition. The different... the different things to eat
06:13 that would get you where you want to be.
06:16 So, did the program meet your expectations?
06:21 Yes, it met my expectations. I know I am not there yet
06:26 but I feel that I am on the right track, I have a lot of
06:30 doctors there that I know this is good, this is good,
06:33 but now I have a line to walk to know that if I walk this line
06:37 I'm really going to get off my medications.
06:40 That's right, that's right.
06:42 And better yet, you're going to get healthier and healthier
06:45 and healthier. Yeah. It happened to me as well Jacques,
06:49 as I told you before the interview.
06:51 So you're on the right track, your wife is with you, right?
06:56 Yes. Which is the good thing because how are you going to
06:59 go back home and explain what you learned?
07:02 Yeah, that would be very difficult. Very very difficult.
07:04 I mean after all these years, it's hard for me to explain,
07:08 but my wife came with me as well. Okay.
07:10 So you are a lucky man. Yes, definitely.
07:14 The cooking classes, were they of a benefit to you?
07:20 Yes, definitely. You know there's something about
07:24 reading it from the paper or seeing somebody doing it,
07:29 somebody explaining it. They always tell you their own
07:33 secrets that normally is not in the book or on paper,
07:38 so that was very beneficial. I can see myself going through
07:44 the process of doing certain things
07:45 and Knowing how to do it.
07:47 Yes. Especially with things like and help tools
07:53 like a food processor and which one...
07:56 Yeah, they are very important to know.
07:59 Right! Um, before I ask you your favorite part of the
08:04 program, how did you enjoy your massages?
08:07 Oh, massages were great.
08:11 How many did you receive while you were here?
08:13 Ah, eight. Eight? Yeah, three every week and two
08:18 the last week. That's wonderful.
08:21 Yeah. Did that help you? Were you struggling with
08:24 your legs and your hips when you started walking?
08:28 Yeah, well not really...well after a while you get something
08:36 feel some volunteer coming up, you feel some
08:40 kind feel something in your hip.
08:42 But, like I said, I used to walk in the mountains
08:47 and so I can adjust very very quick.
08:52 You're used to it. Yeah. One last question,
08:54 we're running out of time.
08:56 Ok. What was your favorite part of the program?
08:58 My favorite part...I think the lectures that kind of...
09:08 how you say it? Something that you know already, but they
09:15 promote what you know. Amen! Amen!
09:21 Jacques, I want to thank you brother. God be with you.
09:24 Thank you. We will doing some follow up.
09:26 Yes! Thank you friends but don't go away,
09:28 because Dr. Lukens is up next.
10:07 Welcome back friends, help me welcome Dr. Lukens.
10:11 Very nice, very nice to be here. Good to see you.
10:14 I know you are a busy guy like the rest of these doctors.
10:18 You guys are taking on guests eight, nine and ten at a time.
10:22 Let me tell you how bad it is here. We have to go on a picnic
10:27 with our guests. That's pretty bad, that must...
10:31 It's wonderful, they love it, they say they never had a chance
10:34 to really sit down and chat or walk and chat with their
10:38 doctor. Well, yeah but you guys do that and you are one on one
10:42 with them on five different occasions,
10:44 I know that for a fact. Yeah.
10:46 At least that is what I tell them before they get here.
10:48 I hope you are doing that. Yeah.
10:51 Incidentally, the first one is an hour long visit than the other
10:55 four half hour visits.
10:57 Yeah. And we do a treadmill and a lot of other testing.
11:03 We do lab work and we can find out what's going on and
11:10 some of the time, some of the time it's like a miracle,
11:15 we just had another one this session where the guy's
11:18 triglycerides were around a thousand and they came down
11:22 to 200. Wow! Yeah well I mean he never...
11:27 Oh, I haven't seen that in 30 years.
11:30 Well, I've never heard of it either obviously but...
11:32 What about Jacques? Now this is a guy that we are talking about
11:36 here and he seems to be doing okay, his attitude is
11:39 really good, he seems like he is going through some changes,
11:43 what say you?
11:45 He's 60 years old and he's from the Caribbean
11:50 but he's worked for years in Holland as well.
11:55 He has an interesting history because when he was
12:00 10 years old, he came down with a kidney disease
12:03 and my ancient past, they used to call that
12:08 Lipoid Nephrosis. I don't hear that term so much,
12:12 because I'm not a Pediatrician.
12:14 But he said from being a well kid and it just comes on like
12:19 that and hopefully you get older and it goes away,
12:23 but he said that his legs swell so much that the skin in his
12:29 ankles was hanging over his shoes.
12:31 Wow! So he was really... It was really wonderful
12:37 and he didn't tell me what all they did, but he got over that
12:42 and then he was going along pretty good and his...
12:46 I see this almost never. But the atrium...most people have
12:53 never heard atrial fibrillation where the top is just quivering
12:57 and that can be really expensive to try to get that ironed out.
13:02 Well, his is a flutter so it's going like this instead of
13:05 like this and he was so tired, he just couldn't function
13:13 and there's something called the injection fraction
13:16 and every time your heart beats, 45 to 60% of the left ventricle
13:23 is supposed to squeeze out and go into your circulation.
13:28 Well, his was down to 14. Umm! And that was really tough.
13:34 He's been on some medication for it and he has gotten better,
13:37 he's been able to do some exercising and so forth but
13:41 he just wants to get off of it- some of the time it makes him
13:45 feel tired and I said well, if you get off of it,
13:50 and your doctor's not happy about it because you
13:54 go into an arrhythmia, that could be tens of thousands
13:58 of dollars to have to catheterize your heart and do things
14:01 like that to get that to go away.
14:04 So we got it...he came and he decided man,
14:09 I came here to get off of all my medicine,
14:12 so I had to talk to him like a Dutch Uncle...and anyway...
14:16 I said look you have done so well here, he's walked up to
14:20 seven miles and a... Per day you're saying.
14:25 Yeah, his average is five but he's walked up to seven miles.
14:30 Um hum. And he feels great, he lost a little bit of weight
14:34 but his numbers are good and his kidneys are better than
14:41 normal actually.
14:43 Wow! So, he's happy, but I guess we tell people
14:50 come to Weimar and we'll get you off your medications
14:54 but sometimes you have to be judicious and he understands
14:59 that and everything. But I think that probably they can
15:04 put another halter on him and when it doesn't show the
15:09 arrhythmia any more and then he can do it again in a couple of
15:11 months, I think his doctor will let him go off his meds.
15:15 Well for the most part people that come here do get off their
15:19 medications. I know that happened to me and
15:21 several people since I've been here, I've watched these
15:25 miracles happen as I call them. So but once in awhile
15:29 it's just not happening and I know that you doctors know
15:35 best and so you don't take him off these medications.
15:38 Not right away but he cut his in half all the way around by...
15:42 On his own and he said what do you think of that and I
15:46 said, well, it's been enough days and I'm not going to
15:49 jack him back up but I'm not responsible.
15:53 All right. We've run out of time.
15:55 I want to thank you for taking your time and God bless you
16:00 and God bless your work. Very good.
16:02 Good to see you again. I'm glad he came.
16:04 Yeah me too. Thank you friends and don't go away
16:07 because Pr. Damon is up next.
16:14 Welcome back friends. Pr. Snead, speaking of friends.
16:20 How are you? I'm doing great brother.
16:22 Good to see you. Thank you.
16:24 I want to talk about Jacques.
16:26 Is that how you pronounce his name? Jacques, yes.
16:28 Jacques. That's an unusual name isn't it?
16:32 For us over here. Yeah. Over here yeah.
16:34 But none-the-less, I know that in some ways Jacques
16:39 is struggling and I know it has a lot to do with his
16:44 physical self, with his heart and some other things he's
16:48 dealing with but none-the-less, how is he coming
16:52 along spiritually?
16:53 I think that spiritually- he came here on a spiritual high.
16:59 I listen to him and he tells me that's great, that's a
17:03 wonderful sermon, but he's already at a fevered pitch.
17:07 He's there in other words. Yes.
17:10 I contributed little to him. Really.
17:13 I think it's his condition that brought him to that place.
17:19 He's had a rough childhood, raised by a grandparent,
17:23 mother died at a very young age from a heart condition later.
17:28 He didn't understand why his mother died so young
17:31 until he found out that he had that same kind of condition
17:33 where his heart is enlarging and then thins and then can
17:36 explode.
17:39 How did he get this spiritual attitude?
17:42 This conviction that is... where did that come from?
17:46 Something that he told me in one of our interviews that
17:49 that just profoundly impacted me personally because
17:54 I though this is a great thought.
17:55 Now I don't want to be in his physical condition,
17:57 who would want to have a heart that is thinning and thinning
18:00 and thinning that it could explode and you have to be on
18:02 medicines and...But he told me when he realized
18:06 when they told him what he had and his mother had died of...
18:09 He realized right then, that he has to live a very different
18:12 kind of life than the average person.
18:14 He cannot afford to go weeks, days, months without connecting
18:20 with God because literally at any moment his life could end.
18:24 So that has driven him into this consciousness that
18:29 I've got to be right with God and of course he's working on
18:31 his health, that's why he's here, he's doing all he can
18:33 in that way, but he knows, I've got to keep my spirituality
18:36 at optimum at all times, I can't afford to ever let up.
18:41 So he's blessed. Yes, that's strange
18:45 I don't know if I want that kind of blessing.
18:47 But I do, but I don't, but that's the beauty of it.
18:53 It was such a spiritual lesson for me to think,
18:56 man, that's how we all need to be at all times.
18:59 Amen! When you think about it, look, what do we have here
19:02 70, 80, 90, years. What do we have when we leave here?
19:06 We have eternity, when you compare 90 years with eternity,
19:12 this is nothing. That's right.
19:15 That's what I meant by he's blessed because he's really
19:20 is getting it. This could be his last breath that he is
19:23 taking right at this moment.
19:25 He's not distracted with the things that we're
19:27 distracted with. Maybe not us but others.
19:31 Me myself at times...He's just not in to the things
19:33 that distract us because he's constantly being reminded
19:36 every time he wakes up...
19:37 Every time he hears his own heartbeat, he's thinking...
19:42 Is this it? Is this the big one?
19:44 That's disturbing to me and yet, I wish I could live that way
19:48 constantly. Every time I hear my heart I'm thinking
19:51 well is today my last day, is tomorrow my last day.
19:54 You know, you look at the newspapers today, good men,
19:57 Christian people are dying all the time, all around us
20:00 and so there's nothing to say that tomorrow's not mine.
20:05 That's right. There's nothing to say that.
20:08 So I should have the same attitude that Jacques does.
20:11 I mean, I was really impressed with him.
20:15 From my perspective, you do and what you shared with us
20:21 at church last night on your "Wheel of Faith" presentation,
20:25 I see the only thing that Paul got wrong...
20:31 I'm not saying that Paul is wrong, but if you were to
20:34 re-write it, he might say, I die moment by moment
20:38 rather than I die daily. Oh yes.
20:41 Because isn't it a moment by moment that we need to
20:44 surrender and give our heart to the Lord?
20:46 We can't trust ourselves as far as we can throw ourselves.
20:49 By moment by moment, you are right because I could
20:51 walk out of here, spiritually doing so great,
20:53 everyone loves me and then run into someone in the hallway
20:56 and then just have a moment.
20:57 That's right. Forget what I'm doing a get upset or...
21:00 literally moment by moment is how we...heartbeat by heartbeat
21:04 like our brother.
21:07 Man, it's so good to talk to you like this.
21:09 We're running out of time. I want to thank you brother.
21:12 All righty my friend. God bless you and your ministry.
21:14 Don't go away, Dr. Nedley and Dr. Ramerez are up next.
21:23 Every year in America there are over 1 million deaths because of
21:26 Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Obesity.
21:28 This includes Heart Attacks and Strokes.
21:30 That's six and a half 747's crashing every day.
21:34 What's even more surprising is that The Fix Is Easy.
21:37 It's Your Lifestyle.
21:39 Wouldn't be nice if you could actually add quality years
21:42 to your life rather than dying an organ at a time?
21:45 Obesity and Diabetes are the cause of over a million deaths
21:48 per year.
21:50 Most diseases are reversible because most diseases are
21:53 Lifestyle Diseases.
21:54 Especially Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Obesity.
21:58 Seriously now, they can be reversed and the quality
22:01 of your life can be renewed.
22:10 You will see dramatic in the first few days of our program
22:14 and you will be on the road to a better, more robust quality
22:17 of life. The Newstart Programs are Simple and Effective.
22:23 Welcome to Weimar Institute Research.
22:26 Today we have Dr. Ramirez, the head of our research at
22:31 Weimar College who teaches in our health science department,
22:34 research methods and today we have another angle at looking at
22:41 some health principles and tell us about this particular angle
22:46 Dr. Rameriz.
22:47 Yeah, this one is dealing about regularity and it's interesting
22:51 because I've been to more than 60 countries lecturing about
22:54 these principles of Newstart and people come to me and say,
22:58 you know this is the first time I hear that regularity is
23:01 important for my health.
23:02 Yes, we have a...we know that circadian rhythms are important
23:08 and this is our daily cycle.
23:12 We also know that light helps set the circadian rhythms
23:16 and if our circadian rhythms are doing well,
23:18 we're going to be sleeping better.
23:22 But this is also taking a look not only at regularity regarding
23:26 sleep, but regularity in another area.
23:29 Also in your meals, eating your meals at the same time
23:36 every day, including the weekends.
23:37 Ok, so if you have regularity in eating, it actually can improve
23:44 your health.
23:45 That's right. Now what area of health are you
23:48 looking at?
23:49 We were focusing here, on mental health.
23:52 What effect does regular eating and sleeping have on your
23:57 depression?
23:58 I went to a GI conference a little over a year ago
24:02 where they talked about even our bowel has a circadian rhythm.
24:06 Um hum. It does much better if we have that rhythm
24:10 aligned and on a regular basis.
24:13 We have the solution to the Blue Monday that many people
24:18 suffer from worldwide.
24:21 Yeah, the Blue Monday because they get off in their sleep
24:26 and they get off in their meals. That's right.
24:29 So how many people were you looking at?
24:31 So this is a big sample 5,621 participants that did an eight
24:39 week Community Education Week program.
24:42 Okay, and that Community Education Program was the
24:46 depression and anxiety recovery program. Um hum.
24:49 And by going to that program, they take a test
24:53 at the beginning to see where they are at and assess them.
24:57 What did we find out in that first test?
24:59 What we found out is that those people that don't have
25:03 regularity, tend to have higher levels of depression.
25:07 Fifteen points on average compared to those that
25:11 have that regularity that their mental health is much better.
25:15 Okay, so regularity in both things then.
25:19 Both things. Sleeping and eating will
25:21 actually help your depression and anxieties significantly,
25:25 or not make it as severe if you have it.
25:27 We also found out that those that are not regular
25:31 are about 30% of them, they don't sleep good,
25:36 they have bad sleep.
25:38 Okay, so it will also affect your sleep.
25:40 Now what happened during the eight weeks then?
25:43 So through the eight weeks, they were educated on this
25:47 Newstart principles that are so important,
25:50 but also on that regularity because our brain doesn't
25:54 work when there is disaster in our lives.
25:57 So were some of them convinced enough to change
26:00 their lifestyle? I know the program isn't just about
26:03 regularity, there's a lot of other things like...
26:05 That's right. Lots of Behavioral therapy and nutrition,
26:07 but did some people actually change their lifestyle habits?
26:12 By the end of the program, 12% of those non-regulars
26:17 decided to become regulars and it was reflected
26:20 in their scores. Okay, so if they did become
26:23 regular, what happened?
26:24 If they became regular, it was reflected on lower depression
26:29 levels, some of them non- depression level
26:32 and also their sleep quality. Only 15%, no only 8%
26:38 by the end of the program had bad sleep.
26:42 So from 30% that didn't have regularity,
26:46 those that are regular by the end 8% only had bad sleep.
26:50 So just becoming regular in the time you are going to bed,
26:53 the time you are getting up, and regular in meals
26:56 can turn you from a bad sleeper into a good sleeper.
27:01 That's correct. That's a dramatic improvement.
27:03 The vast majority of those who did that improved
27:06 just by doing that.
27:08 That's right. As a result of improving their circadian rhythm
27:12 of their sleep patterns and their meals,
27:14 their depression and anxiety recovery scores became
27:18 far better as well.
27:20 I would like to encourage you to be regular in your sleeping
27:25 and eating habits. It can pay rich dividends in better sleep
27:30 and better mood.
27:31 Thank you for watching Weimar Institute Research.
27:39 Well friends that's it for today, but join us next week
27:43 for another episode.
27:45 In the meantime pick up the phone and give us a call at:
27:52 Mention the Newstart Now program and receive
27:56 the Newstart Special.


Revised 2018-12-19