Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000235A

00:44 Hi friends and welcome to another edition of Newstart Now.
00:48 I am your host Ron Giannoni.
00:50 In our studios we have a lovely young lady by name of
00:54 Donjulie Aranha, and I hope that I pronounced that right.
01:01 Let's take a look at when she first arrived.
01:03 That's a great question. I really wanted a change
01:06 in my life. I have been at different jobs that tend to be
01:10 very stressful and with that stress, I tend to eat...
01:13 I'm typically on a vegetarian diet most of the time,
01:17 but even with that, I was gaining weight,
01:20 not sleeping very well and just not being able to function
01:23 like I used to, so I really wanted a change.
01:27 I'd like to see myself loose weight, get on a good
01:30 sleep schedule. I'd like to see my stress level decrease
01:34 and learn how to handle stress.
01:37 Welcome back friends.
01:39 Help me welcome back Donjulie. That's an unusual first name.
01:43 It is. Donjulie, it's hyphenated right?
01:47 No, actually it's one word. One word?
01:49 Um hum. It's my parents name put together.
01:51 Oh right, Don and Julie. Yes. Ah, I should have figured that.
01:55 It was my dad's idea so. I'm sure glad they didn't call
01:58 me MarchApril, because that would...No I'm...
02:02 Yeah, some of those don't work. My dad's name was Amariko.
02:08 Oh, okay. And my mother Rosemary, so Amariko
02:11 would have fit in there. Rosemary wouldn't fit in there.
02:15 Tell us about you though, how are you doing?
02:19 I'm doing great, I'm doing really great.
02:21 What's changed?
02:22 I think a lot of things have changed.
02:24 My attitude has changed, I feel so much, I guess lighter
02:28 in a sense. Not just because I lost a little bit of weight.
02:31 But also...How much weight did you lose?
02:33 Just five pounds. Well that... But still...Just...
02:38 I was aiming for 50, so... Fifty/55 so...
02:41 That's all right. That's a start right?
02:44 It is, it is, exactly. All good paths start with a first step.
02:47 Exactly. The first five pounds.
02:50 Exactly, so I know it's going to keep going down,
02:52 especially as I continue to follow what I have learned here.
02:56 So. But it's been really great, I feel as though I am a lot
02:59 less stressed and I'm learning better how to manage my stress.
03:03 How to cut back on work and how to say no, how to have
03:06 those boundaries that you need to have.
03:08 But also and probably most importantly, how to have
03:10 the trust in God more and really give those concerns and worries
03:14 over to Him.
03:16 My wife, we picked you up the other day...You did.
03:19 My wife had this to say about you, she says now there is
03:25 an act of faith. Ahh. Cause your moving on to an
03:30 area that isn't quite put together, but you are trusting
03:35 in the Lord that when you get to Florida,
03:38 because you are going there right? Correct.
03:40 Everything is going to work out just fine.
03:43 Yes, absolutely. That's a huge leap of faith.
03:46 It is. So you got her attention. It is and I think God has
03:53 throughout my life has encouraged me to take those
03:55 leaps of faith. Even with Florida, I didn't actually
03:58 have a job yet when I had already started to tell people
04:00 I was moving to Florida.
04:03 But I trusted and I really felt like God wanted me to go
04:06 there and so I just said, okay, that's where God wants me to go,
04:09 I had to say it and I know He will lead me there.
04:12 The same with coming here, it's amazing how He did that.
04:14 Amen. Amen. how did you like your experience here at
04:19 The Newstart Program?
04:20 I really enjoyed it, like I said, not just because
04:24 I lost a little weight, but the food was actually
04:26 not that bad. I enjoyed some of it for sure, and I realize
04:31 that some things I can definitely tweak
04:33 here and there because I love to cook and I love to add things
04:35 so I am looking forward to really trying out a lot of
04:38 the vegan dishes. Whole food or whole plant food based foods,
04:43 so I'm going to be looking forward to that.
04:46 Then also the team here is just really amazing.
04:50 Everyone was very kind, considerate, thoughtful.
04:52 I always felt as though I could go to someone for help
04:55 like needing a ride from the rental, car company.
04:59 So there's always...and everyone so nice, willing to help me
05:03 wherever needed and just the friendships that I feel as I've
05:06 formed here. It's been really rewarding.
05:08 They are priceless. They are.
05:10 Priceless! Yeah! I feel as though they will last through
05:13 eternity. So what was your favorite part of the program?
05:16 Favorite! The exercise.
05:21 The exercise? Yeah. Not the massage?
05:24 Oh, the hydrotherapy was really good.
05:27 Now that you said that.
05:30 I'm going to have to rethink this.
05:32 Yeah, the gals there are just pretty well educated in their
05:38 therapy, huh. They are and I've never
05:40 experienced that with the heat, the shower,
05:43 you do hot first for three minutes and then cold
05:47 for thirty seconds. At first I really kind of enjoyed it
05:52 in the shower, and then they did the submersion where
05:54 I had to go in the tub and do it. That was like just oh.
05:58 But it feels so wonderful when you are done
06:01 and you really feel as though you are just so relaxed.
06:03 All you want to do is go to your bed and sleep.
06:05 I'm like I wish I could have this all the time.
06:09 Isn't it amazing. It is, it really is.
06:12 I do hydrotherapy when they need help with the men.
06:17 Oh. It's amazing when I see people go through that they say
06:22 they'd never do, but yet they love it the most.
06:24 Right, right. It's the deep hot and cold. Yeah.
06:27 It's amazing, it really is. I'm like I have to do this
06:30 when I get home. Yeah. Absolutely.
06:32 So has anything changed with regards to your walk with
06:38 the Lord? Yes. I definitely feel more as though I am
06:42 willing to give things over to Him.
06:44 Um, I think before I was holding on to a lot of things
06:47 trying to figure out things my way and not really fully
06:50 releasing it to Him and being in this environment
06:52 with so many people that I feel as though they really have a
06:55 relationship with God has been really helpful for me to better
06:58 understand how I can let go of my burdens
07:00 and really give it to Him, rather than kind of partially
07:04 give it to him and kind of hold on to some of it.
07:06 Yeah, I know that trick.
07:08 So, what about when you get to Florida now?
07:13 How are you going to deal with this new lifestyle?
07:17 If you learn how to eat in the restaurants and how to prepare
07:22 foods for yourself. Absolutely and I know I didn't
07:26 previously say this before, because I wanted to keep it
07:29 kind of on the down low but I'm actually a dietician.
07:31 So a lot of this information I actually do know and have
07:36 practiced it in the past and then just kind of went away
07:39 from it all so now this is like in a sense a restart for me.
07:43 I'm coming back re-learning, getting the recipes,
07:47 understanding better why, because even though I am a
07:51 dietician, the why piece sometimes isn't always
07:53 fully explained in school. So really understanding why
07:55 these things are beneficial to make these changes
07:58 and just seeing my lab levels... See them go down, my cholesterol
08:02 went down and my triglycerides went down, so just seeing all
08:06 of those changes. So it's actually going to be really
08:09 be rewarding because I am going to be doing a lot of
08:12 experimentation, cause I like that and be able to share the
08:14 knowledge that I have with others.
08:16 So not all dieticians are created the same.
08:20 Yeah, I've told that to guests before and they go,
08:24 well, I saw my dietician, she says I got to have 5 meals
08:28 a day, this much meat...and I go ohh, stop.
08:32 Anyway Donjulie, I want to thank you for taking your time,
08:36 and I wish you well, we'll be praying for your journey
08:40 to Florida and God bless you.
08:42 Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.
08:44 Thank you friends but don't go away, Dr. Galant is up next.
08:51 Every year in America there are over 1 million deaths
08:54 because of Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Obesity.
08:57 This include Heart Attacks and Strokes.
08:59 That's 61/2747's crashing every day.
09:03 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy
09:06 It's your lifestyle.
09:07 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add quality years
09:10 to your life rather than dying one organ at a time?
09:14 Obesity and Diabetes are the cause of over
09:16 a million deaths per year.
09:18 Most diseases are reversible because most diseases are
09:22 lifestyle diseases, especially Type 2 Diabetes and
09:25 Chronic Obesity. Seriously now, they can be reversed
09:29 and the quality of your life can be renewed
09:32 Call Newstart today at 1-800-525-9192
09:38 You'll see dramatic changes in the first few days
09:41 of our program and you will be on the road to a better
09:44 more robust quality of life.
09:46 The Newstart programs are simple and effective.
09:52 Help me welcome Dr. Roger Gallant.
09:55 Hi Ron, good to see you. Good to see you doctor.
09:58 You know, I have a special interest in Donjulie
10:01 because when she got here, she was having car troubles...
10:05 Yes. Being an old car guy, I tuned right in.
10:09 Sure. Sure. That's great... And help her along the way.
10:12 Yeah. But in doing so, I've gotten to know her just perhaps
10:16 a little bit more than I have some of the other guests.
10:18 And of course we interviewed her, how is she doing?
10:22 She's doing well. She's doing well.
10:24 You know what I appreciate about her is she's always happy
10:29 always laughing, smiling, she's a very jovial person.
10:33 Yeah. I really appreciate that about her.
10:36 I didn't know if that was nervous laughter or...
10:39 Well maybe there is some but I appreciate that she's
10:43 she's always looking at the positive you know.
10:46 Yeah. So. Yeah, but she's a wonderful person,
10:50 she's from the Bahamas and is here working as a
10:55 school psychologist and getting ready to move to Florida
10:58 which is going to be a big move for her but sounds like it's
11:02 going to be a good move.
11:04 Yeah, she likes, I think she likes that hotter weather.
11:09 A little more sultry. Yeah.
11:11 Yeah, that's right. That's the way it is down in Florida.
11:13 Yeah, it will be warm.
11:15 Now you were from that neck of the woods down...
11:18 I was born in Jamaica. Jamaica maan. Yep!
11:21 It's hot and sultry there. It's hot and humid in Jamaica.
11:26 Yeah it is, not as hot as Florida but it's still hot.
11:28 Yeah, so. I've never been there.
11:31 Well you should go, it's beautiful.
11:33 You'd like it. Really. I might do that one day.
11:36 I can take you on a trip, make you a deal you can't refuse.
11:40 Laughter! You should be a car salesman.
11:44 In your spare time. I've learned from the best.
11:46 Laughter. Oh my goodness.
11:49 So was Donjulie on any medication?
11:53 She came here, she had... No, she was not.
12:00 She was not, I don't think she was.
12:01 But here's the thing, she is... Her body is changing and she is
12:07 getting healthy. One of these bright people
12:10 that says, I'm to catch this before it starts. Right!
12:13 Right. So how is her body changing?
12:17 So she's losing weight, her blood sugar looks good,
12:22 her cholesterol is improving, everything is getting better,
12:26 it just takes time and I keep encouraging her,
12:30 you got to take your medicine. What medicine is that?
12:33 Walking. You just got to walk, walk, walk.
12:36 As she does more of that, things get better, her body gets...
12:41 Now how long does that take? If someone is serious
12:43 and they really want to get strong and healthy.
12:46 How long would it take, a reasonable amount of time?
12:50 Well, I think it depends on where they're starting,
12:53 point is. How sick they are when they come.
12:55 In two and a half weeks, 18 days you can see significant
13:03 improvements. Oh boy. You can see patients who
13:06 dropped cholesterol, dropped weight, dropped blood pressure,
13:11 dropped blood sugars in just 18 days.
13:14 But you've got to put the time in, you've got to do the work,
13:17 you've got to take the medicine. You got to walk.
13:19 These are all indicators that you more than likely
13:23 will not have an event.
13:25 Right. Right. Right. Isn't that what we really want?
13:28 Yeah! Whether it happens or not even if we did,
13:31 we'd be healthier. Right, right, we'd want to put our bodies
13:35 in the best condition so that we can be healthy.
13:37 Well optimally, how long does it take to be
13:40 in really good shape?
13:42 I think from what you are saying, really good shape,
13:46 optimal health, I think it takes more than just 18 days.
13:50 That's why we send patients home to continue the process
13:53 things that we started here, continue the habits we've
13:56 started here. I think it's a matter of months, now how many
13:59 months depends on how much they are working and where they
14:02 started from. Yeah. You know when I changed my
14:05 lifestyle 12 years ago, I would say in about 3 to 4 months
14:09 I was in good health.
14:11 Wow! I didn't have any bad health, I wasn't on medicines
14:15 or anything, but my health was deteriorating and
14:17 after following this lifestyle for 3 or 4 months,
14:21 I was significantly different, I lost weight, felt better,
14:25 had more energy, slept better at night which is a key one
14:29 because so many people have a difficulty sleeping
14:31 and I think my mind was sharper, it was clearer.
14:35 How do you know when you are deteriorating as you put it?
14:39 Well, I had...we were building a house and I stepped on a nail
14:44 which I had to go to my work place, the Emergency Department
14:48 and get a tetanus shot and they take your vital signs
14:51 and my blood pressure was starting to creep up.
14:54 My weight, I had gained probably 10 or 15 pounds over the last
14:59 several years, so I knew that my health was slowly
15:02 deteriorating but I wasn't focused on it,
15:04 I wasn't paying attention to it, I was just sort of trying to
15:08 keep doing what I am doing and hope for the best you know.
15:11 Once I started making changes I could see the difference
15:14 and feel the difference.
15:16 Awesome! So then Donjulie' s right on course.
15:21 She's going to be fine. I think she's doing well,
15:23 I think she's going to be fine I think by God's grace as she
15:27 continues this, she's going to have a testimony to share.
15:29 That will be great, we will have to get her back here.
15:31 Exactly. And do another interview. Exactly.
15:33 Doctor we've just about run out of time and I want to take the
15:38 time to thank you because I know you're a very busy man,
15:42 you've got a lot of stuff on your plate and thank you
15:47 for taking this time.
15:48 Thanks Ron, thank you for the invitation.
15:49 God bless. God bless you too.
15:51 Friends don't go away because Pastor Snead is up next.
15:57 Help me welcome Pr. Damon Snead. Good to see you brother.
16:02 Hey, you too friend.
16:03 I guess that we're going to talk about a young lady
16:07 I've grown rather fond of I should say and Donjulie is an
16:13 interesting person that comes from somewhere down in the
16:19 islands. Bahamas. Bahamas.
16:23 That's been in California for awhile and stayed...she moves
16:29 around a little bit here and there and she's on her way to
16:31 Florida. Um hum. But my wife and I picked her up from
16:36 when she rented a car recently and we had conversation while
16:42 before we dropped her off and after we dropped her off
16:45 my wife said to me, wow! she's stepping out on faith.
16:50 I want you to talk to us about that, the faith that this woman
16:57 is exhibiting by pulling up stakes and moving out.
17:03 Well, yeah, the Bible says without faith, it's impossible
17:08 to please God. By faith Abraham led out to a place he didn't
17:12 know where he was going.
17:13 It's like the central component to the gospel.
17:15 By faith we receive His righteousness,
17:20 by faith we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit,
17:23 by faith we believe in healing the light in the mind,
17:25 quicken the conscience and help us.
17:27 For someone coming to this health program,
17:30 it is a faith thing. Now we have to engage faith in the fact
17:35 that we have to actively participate in what the
17:38 Holy Spirit is leading us to do but it is by faith that
17:41 we trust in God's power to help us and her just turning 40,
17:47 she's that generation that's a lost faith.
17:51 In the Adventist Church and in all churches, that age group
17:56 between the late teens, the 20's through 40's,
17:59 they've completely abdicated church and here's a lady that's
18:05 come and is teaching us that it is not over with.
18:08 There are people of her age group that do have faith,
18:11 that do believe that God's got answers.
18:12 Yeah. And she's trusting that God is going to pave the way
18:16 and she's also got other issues that's got to happen or
18:20 she's really going to be in trouble.
18:22 Being from Nassau, she's got to have her Green Card and
18:25 work visas and the right j... I was like whew!
18:28 Ohh man, you really are stepping into the waters you know
18:32 by faith. Yeah. So it's... but it's what you need
18:37 to make this program work as well, not just in her
18:40 personal life but she needs faith here to get past some of
18:44 her health issues that she is already starting to experience.
18:47 Yeah. Well I think she is going to be fine, actually.
18:50 I've grown fond of her for a few reasons
18:54 because when she was coming up here her car overheated
18:57 and wouldn't climb the hill, she thought the transmission
19:01 was going out and so I got my mechanic to check her car out...
19:06 It needed some work, thermostat's and some new plugs
19:11 and maybe a tranny flush because she didn't want that to happen
19:16 crossing the desert in Nevada or Arizona or whatever
19:22 so we... in fact he's completed the car work today and is
19:29 going to deliver the car to her so...
19:31 Yeah, she had mentioned that, I'm glad...and I was also glad..
19:36 You can always ask them what is the spiritual take away?
19:39 The health take away...what's your spiritual take away?
19:41 Hers was abiding in Christ, do the lecture Abiding in Christ,
19:46 Steps to Christ chapters 9, 10, and 11.
19:49 She told me that she realized that, especially in her
19:52 generation that's so attached to electronics in this
19:55 digital world that this program is going to work for her,
20:00 she needs to have a continual relationship with Christ
20:05 through Bible study through prayer if this is going to work
20:08 long term for her. She needs to stay rooted in the scriptures
20:13 and then scriptures birth to us things to pray about
20:16 ideas and that is how you will stay connected to the advances
20:21 that you've made in health is by being rooted in the gospel.
20:25 It was refreshing to hear her say that. Yeah.
20:28 A 40 year old that yeah, I must have time with God and
20:32 time in prayer. Well she's a pretty bright girl.
20:35 Yes she is, she surely is. Yeah she's sharp.
20:37 She's got a lot of talents. Um hum, those chapters are next
20:43 what we're going to be studying together.
20:45 That's right, were going to head right into that.
20:47 That's right. Working the life, privilege of prayer...
20:50 Amen. Amen. We still on for Friday right?
20:54 That's right. Alright, good.
20:56 Well we're out of time talking about our own personal...
20:59 Thank you so much though Damon. Alrighty.
21:02 God bless you brother.
21:03 Friends don't go away, we have a message for you following this.
21:09 When we look at the health status of Americans today,
21:12 it's alarming to see that 60% are either overweight or obese.
21:21 In addition diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, Cancer
21:25 and Heart Disorders are the leading cause of so many
21:28 complications and deaths every year.
21:30 Could it have something to do with what we eat?
21:36 After all, every 1 in 4 Americans visits a
21:40 Fast Food Restaurant daily and with such easy access to
21:44 Quick Fix Foods, we tend to forget the poor health value
21:47 those foods actually offer.
21:49 Maybe it's the sedentary life- style and lack of exercise
21:53 that we've become so accustomed to as a media dependent world...
21:57 Whatever the cause of these diseases, a solution has arrived.
22:04 The Newstart Lifestyle Center offers an enriching program
22:07 where patients can get a healing of mind, body and soul
22:11 located in the outskirts of Sacramento, the Newstart Center
22:15 is situated on the beautiful campus of
22:17 Weimar Center of Health and Education with scenic walking
22:21 and hiking trails all around.
22:22 With a whole plant foods eaten whole motto, the Newstart Center
22:28 promotes a healthy plant based diet with an emphasis on
22:31 natural foods.
22:32 The Newstart staff are made up of California Board Certified
22:36 nurses, doctors, dieticians and therapists who work together
22:41 to assist each patient personally.
22:43 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success in the program
22:47 and are always there to guide, advise and encourage.
22:50 In addition to a healthy life- style, Newstart also promotes
22:54 a healthy exercise routine.
22:56 You're both sequence, that's good. Alright.
22:59 As part of the balance program, there is much opportunity
23:02 to get in a fair share of physical activity from
23:05 utilizing our Fitness Center to taking a stroll around the
23:08 peaceful grounds of Weimar.
23:10 It's amazing what a New Start can do for you.
23:13 No audio!
23:20 This is kind of an exciting study that we are about
23:22 ready to discuss because this is talking about causes of
23:27 depression that are not thought to be reversible.
23:30 You know Weimar does treat depression and we have had
23:36 a great track record of success in those with the severest forms
23:40 of depression and anxiety here.
23:42 But we are reversing the underlying causes,
23:45 lack of exercise can be one of the causes, and poor nutrition..
23:50 Of course the good news is we can change our exercise patterns
23:53 and we can change what we are eating.
23:55 But these are causes that are a little more austere...
23:59 What were we studying here?
24:01 We are studying here what happens to those people that have
24:06 poor blood flow to the brain, secondary to stroke or because
24:12 of heart failure or some other condition that doesn't send
24:15 enough blood flow to the brain.
24:17 We're studying what happens to those people
24:19 regarding mental health.
24:21 Okay. Well obviously if our circulation to our brain
24:25 is impaired, you would think it might affect the mental health.
24:27 Did you find a corelation there?
24:30 I found a very clear co- relationship, those people
24:34 that have that reduced blood flow to the brain
24:36 actually on average had moderate depression...
24:40 This is in a community setting program that was organized...
24:45 So the average person with a history of stroke or
24:48 heart failure by definition almost, they're going to have
24:51 some depression. So they are moderate, major depression
24:55 that's a significant mental illness.
24:58 So how many patients were involved in this?
25:02 This was a big sample 5,621 participants from all over
25:08 the world. Okay. And those with stroke and
25:11 heart attack that were a smaller percentage, is that right?
25:16 That's right, that was about 4% of all that population
25:19 that had this problem.
25:21 As the underlying cause... one of the underlying causes...
25:24 That's right. There is a researcher by the name of
25:26 Dravets, he tried to answer the question of the chicken
25:29 and the egg. Does the depression cause, reduce blood flow to the
25:33 brain or does it reduce blood flow to the brain cause
25:36 depression. He proposes that things that reduce blood flow
25:39 to the brain will trigger a depression.
25:41 Yes, so that is what comes first. Reduced blood flow
25:44 and then the depression. So these people with moderate
25:50 depression went to an eight week educational program,
25:55 tell us a little bit about that.
25:57 We applied the principles of Newstart plus some cognitive
26:01 behavioral therapy principles and as they were doing the
26:05 exercise, switching to the plant based diet,
26:07 and all of these healthy behaviors, we took a measurement
26:10 again after the eight weeks. What did we find out?
26:14 We found out that their improvement was remarkable.
26:17 Ninety percent of those participants were able to
26:20 improve dramatically their mental health to the point
26:23 that they finished with none or just mild depression.
26:27 That's amazing because this goes against what the medical
26:32 thought is because you can't reverse a stroke.
26:36 A stroke is a dead portion of the brain, you can't bring
26:39 that back and when you have heart failure due to advanced
26:42 coronary artery disease and the heart is not able to pump...
26:45 This isn't something you can put a magic wand on
26:48 or a medicine and get it to pump well.
26:50 So these are thought to be irreversible causes of
26:54 depression and we actually found out the opposite...
26:58 Ninety percent, I mean that's better than you get in people
27:01 without heart disease and stroke by putting them on a medicine.
27:05 Some of the most potent medicines for anti-depression
27:09 won't produce anywhere close to a 90 % improvement rate.
27:13 And because of the importance of this study, it actually
27:18 came out in the Journal of Neurology which happens to be
27:20 the top journal on this field. Okay. So Neurology is the top
27:26 of all of the neurology journals and it was published in
27:29 The Journal of Neurology as well should it be. This is a ground
27:32 breaking, this is ground breaking research.
27:35 Not only were you and myself involved in this research
27:39 but one of the health science majors at Weimar as well.
27:44 That by the end of her program, she was able to finish with six
27:49 of these studies under her belt.
27:52 Six studies, wow, many people don't even publish one
27:56 peer review study their entire career and this student
28:00 out of Weimar published six. So pay attention to what
28:04 comes out of Weimar Institute and thanks for joining us today
28:08 for Weimar Institute Research.


Revised 2019-02-27