Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000232A

01:09 ¤ ¤
01:11 Hi friends and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
01:14 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni. In our studio today I have a
01:18 young lady all the way from Augusta, Georgia and I'd like
01:22 you to take a look before I give you her name, take a look at
01:27 when she first arrived at our NEWSTART program.
01:37 I am here because I have cancer, I'm diabetic, hypertensive and
01:40 my bones and muscles hurt. Blood pressure medicine, diabetic
01:43 medicine. I got off of the cancer medicine that was making
01:47 me sicker and hopefully when I leave here I won't have to have
01:52 any medicine and I can just run on out of here.
01:54 Welcome back friends. Help me welcome Janice into our studio.
02:02 Thank you.
02:03 Janice you have an amazing story here and although we just broke
02:09 away and saw your first interview, tell us in your own
02:13 words now why you came here. Has anything changed?
02:16 Well I came here because of my breast cancer, the diabetes and
02:21 having problems with my liver and my doctors were about to put
02:26 me on insulin where I would have to shoot myself and I just
02:31 didn't want to do that and I knew that I needed help. And I
02:35 wanted something that would benefit me but not cause me
02:38 other side effects.
02:40 You also had a high blood pressure, right?
02:43 Yes, well the highest my blood pressure's ever been was 236/110
02:48 Something like that.
02:50 Yeah, that's high. And what is is now?
02:52 Well now they run between 104/66 to about 117/68
03:00 something like that.
03:01 So you've got that under control Now what about the diabetes?
03:06 Well my diabetes, when I came here, I was running in the late
03:10 200s to 300s and now this morning without medicine or
03:15 anything it's 122.
03:16 Praise God! So and you've lost some weight.
03:22 I believe so.
03:24 You've lost inches I know. You told me that earlier.
03:28 Definitely.
03:29 Great. Now you're staying for a second session. Yes. That's
03:35 marvelous. And you're staying because?
03:38 This has been the best decision that I've made in my life
03:42 besides I've given my heart to Jesus and I know that if I stay
03:47 longer that I can get right at the levels I want being
03:51 confident that I can continue it
03:52 So did the program meet your expectations?
03:56 Beyond.
03:57 It went beyond?
03:59 It went beyond, yes. I never knew that you can use water
04:03 treatments to fight cancer and I was able to participate in the
04:09 fever reduction and they would just give me a fever and keep
04:13 it for 20 minutes and then cool my body and let me rest and take
04:18 my blood pressure, no, they took my pulse and my temperature
04:23 every five minutes. And I've been going to that treatment
04:27 and I know that those white blood cells are doing what
04:30 they're supposed to do because I feel real strong. I have a lot
04:33 of energy now. When I came I didn't have much energy at all.
04:36 Those fever treatments can be intense. Yes. And what
04:40 you're talking about they submerge you in hot water about
04:44 103, 104 degrees, yes, they raise your body core temperature
04:48 because cancers cannot live in heat and it builds the immune
04:55 system. So you're doing both. Yes. Well I'd say that it's wise
05:01 of you to stay for a second session just to put the icing
05:06 on the cake, so to speak, or the carrot on the lettuce.
05:13 Yes, the beans on the plate.
05:15 Well you're doing great. So when you get home is there
05:20 anything you have planned for your family, your community or
05:24 your church?
05:25 Well first of all as far as my home is concerned I live by
05:28 myself but my God Dad I already asked him to go in
05:31 my cabinet and take out all the chips and the cookies and the
05:35 other stuff that I do not need. Just take it all out and he can
05:38 give it away or whatever so that when I go back home I'll
05:42 be going grocery shopping for the healthy foods and fill the
05:45 cabinet with the healthy foods. Then as far as my church is
05:49 concerned I will become a part of the health team there and
05:53 they're waiting for me to share my experience here because I've
05:57 been talking to them and showing them pictures and they can see
06:00 the difference.
06:02 All right. Now what was your favorite part of this program?
06:05 Well all of it. The spiritual component has been excellent
06:13 and I even got rebaptized and it was because there was more I
06:19 needed to do for God and I want to be stronger and more
06:22 dedicated to his service. Then I've made so many
06:26 wonderful new friends here. And my doctors, I never had a doctor
06:31 that hugged you, doctors that are out there on the ball field
06:34 playing with you and laughing with you and it's just been so
06:39 much love and so much of God everywhere in the whole program.
06:42 It's been the best experience.
06:45 That's so good to hear. I kind of knew that you would say that
06:48 although I never talked to you about it, but a lot of people
06:53 who have come through the program, they say during
06:57 graduation, you know I thought I came here for diabetes but I
07:01 really came here to increase and have a better walk with Jesus
07:05 and it's good to hear you say that. Pastor Damon, we're going
07:10 to interview also. He's a wonderful pastor. Yes. He's
07:16 baptized many people who come through the program.
07:19 Can I just tell you this: This morning I had a blessing because
07:23 I had made my decision to stay but I forgot to notify the
07:29 airport. So today, just this morning, I called. I explained
07:34 my situation and I have a non changeable ticket but the lady
07:37 said, is this a hospital that you're at. I said no it's not
07:41 a hospital. It's a health institute that teaches you how
07:44 to cure cancer and diabetes and other things the natural way.
07:49 She said, really. I said, yes ma'am and I said I'm doing so
07:53 much better and I just want to stay a little longer. I said I
07:56 think it would be better. She said hold on. She put me on hold
07:59 Then she came back on the phone and she said young lady we're
08:03 not going to charge you the $200 She said, so now I need to find
08:06 you need to find you another flight. She said the flight cost
08:09 may be different and higher. But then when she came back on the
08:13 phone she said you know God is blessing you. I've found you a
08:17 flight on American Airlines on September the 20th and you're
08:21 going to get a refund because the flight's cheaper. Amen.
08:24 So I'm just letting you know that I'm doing what God wants
08:27 me to do right now because he's opening all the doors
08:28 for me.
08:30 Praise God. We've run out of time. I want to thank you Janice
08:34 You're welcome.
08:35 But we'll see you in a couple weeks in the next session.
08:37 Don't go away friends because Dr. K will be right with us.
08:45 Help me welcome Dr. Andrew Kuninobo.
08:48 Hi, how you doing?
08:49 I'm doing good.
08:51 Good. It's good to see you.
08:52 It's always good to see you but I haven't seen you in quite a
08:54 while.
08:55 Does seem kind of like it's been a while doesn't it?
08:56 Yeah, well I was away for a few days and then, anyway,
09:02 our jobs take us in different directions.
09:03 That's right, it does.
09:04 I'd like to talk about this young lady. You know, as you've
09:09 just seen her interview she's off her diabetes medications
09:13 is our understanding and cut back on her blood pressure.
09:22 She's staying another session.
09:23 Yes she is.
09:25 Was that by your recommendation?
09:26 Well partly, yes. She had so many different things going on
09:31 the diabetes, high blood pressure, weight, arthritis,
09:34 and then recent diagnosis of cancer on top of it all.
09:37 So that's a lot to be dealing with and probably most important
09:44 development of all though is that she has pretty significant
09:49 past in terms of emotional trauma and that has affected her
09:54 for many, many, many years. And you know she asked me if she
10:01 should stay and I said I thought it would be a good idea, but she
10:04 was the one that was thinking of it. She felt like it would
10:06 really help her.
10:07 Well don't we have someone coming here next week that
10:10 she might hook up with?
10:13 Yeah, actually we do, the academy has a speaker coming
10:16 and the speaker who's coming is going to be talking about some
10:19 of the very things that she's had challenges with in the past.
10:23 And God has brought her a long way with the healing in that
10:27 area of her life. But there's still room for some more healing
10:31 there and because that's kind of this gentleman's area of
10:34 specialty, I just kind of see God working things out.
10:37 You know, timing is everything. And God has impeccable timing.
10:41 Ha, I wish I'd have said that. We could name this show God Has
10:47 Impeccable Timing.
10:49 Well we actually could. Not just for Janice, but for every
10:57 session we have we're just impressed by the way God works
11:00 on people at the time that they need it and brings them to
11:05 NEWSTART when it's needed the most. We've had people that have
11:08 been delayed in coming and then came right at the right time
11:11 because they met up with people that were instrumental in what
11:16 they needed. For example, there was one session that we had, of
11:19 all things, I think people from, what country was it the
11:26 language they spoke, from the middle east, I've forgotten. Now
11:28 was it Egyptian maybe or something. I've forgotten.
11:32 Ethiopia maybe.
11:34 Maybe I don't know if was Ethiopia, but anyway whoever it
11:35 was it was about a year ago. It was amazing how God brought
11:39 a couple and another couple, totally didn't know each other,
11:44 at the same time and they both needed to be here at the same
11:47 because they spoke the same language.
11:50 Yeah, I remember that.
11:51 They made a tie of friendship and especially the one couple
11:54 really needed the ones that were more bilingual to be here at
11:58 that time. You know, it wasn't something that we have commonly
12:03 like Spanish or Portuguese or something like that. It was
12:06 middle eastern. I don't know if it was Farsi. It was quite
12:09 amazing that that happened that was, but it happens at every
12:12 session that God puts these groups together and so I know
12:18 there are probably some viewers that have had road blocks
12:20 sometimes come up. Trust God that there are reasons for why
12:23 things happen in the timing that it does happen.
12:26 His timing seems to be a little different than ours.
12:29 Oh yes it is.
12:30 And most better.
12:32 Yeah speaking of when it comes to health and the other side of
12:36 that some people get blessings so rapidly and immediately.
12:40 You know they come here 20 years on a medication and in two weeks
12:43 they're off the medication and their numbers are perfect.
12:46 Then we have other people who come here and they do everything
12:54 and just tiny little changes you know are taking place.
12:58 Isn't that something?
12:59 And God knows who needs a miracle at the time it happens
13:05 but he also knows those that he is working with something else
13:10 in their life. In fact that just happened to one of our guests
13:13 this time. They said, this is my second time here. The first time
13:18 God gave me a miracle. Completely took away all
13:20 cravings for cigarettes the first day I was here. I never
13:22 smoked since. I've never smoked since. And she said but this
13:26 time I can see that he's working on my character because
13:30 he's trying to teach me patience and perseverance. Wow! And she
13:36 said you know it's a different blessing but it's a blessing
13:38 nonetheless. And she recognized that the second day she was
13:41 here. So God's timing is different from ours. Yes.
13:46 There's an old book that was written when I was growing up
13:50 that said Lord give me patience but hurry up about it.
13:52 Do it now will you.
13:58 But when it comes to our health the great physician knows what's
14:02 best for us and his timing is impeccable.
14:04 I know that you doctors, both yourself, Dr. Gallant and
14:10 Dr. Lukens pray with our guests. Is this typical in the medical
14:18 profession?
14:19 Well it wasn't typical in most of the medical world I "grew"
14:22 up in that I practiced in for most of my life and yes in my
14:27 early days in school it wasn't very typical, but the longer
14:34 I've been in practice the more I realize that the great
14:37 physician is needed in the exam room and at the decision making
14:43 process and most of all in the patient's life more than
14:46 anything else.
14:48 That's what happened to me when I came here. My doctor prayed
14:51 with me and prayed with me and that's what drew me to Christ.
14:55 But I want to thank you. We've run out of time, but thank you
14:59 so much.
15:01 My pleasure Ron.
15:02 God bless you.
15:04 Hope to see you soon.
15:05 But friends don't go away because Pastor Damon's up next.
15:10 When you look at the health status of American's today it's
15:13 alarming to see that 60 percent are either overweight or obese.
15:22 In addition, diseases such as type II diabetes, cancer and
15:26 heart disorders are the leading cause of so many complications
15:30 and deaths every year.
15:35 Could it have something to do with what we eat. After all
15:39 every one in four Americans visits a fast food restaurant
15:42 daily and with such easy access to quick fixes we tend to forget
15:47 the poor health values those foods actually offer. Maybe it's
15:51 the sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise that we've become
15:55 so accustomed to as a media dependent world. Whatever the
15:59 cause of these diseases a solution has arrived.
16:04 The NEWSTART Lifestyle Center offers an enriching program
16:08 where patients can get a healing of mind, body and soul.
16:11 Located in the outskirts of Sacramento, the NEWSTART Center
16:15 is situated on the beautiful campus of Weimar Center of
16:18 Health and Education with scenic walking and hiking trails all
16:23 around. With the whole plant foods eaten whole motto the
16:27 NEWSTART Center promotes a healthy plant-based diet with
16:31 an emphasis on natural foods. The NEWSTART staff are made up
16:35 of California board certified nurses, doctors, dietitians and
16:40 therapists who work together to assist each patient
16:44 personally. The staff are dedicated to each patient's
16:46 success in the program and are always there to guide, advise
16:50 and encourage. In addition to a healthy lifestyle NEWSTART also
16:54 promotes a healthy exercise routine. You're both in
16:57 sequence. That's good. All right. As part of a balanced
17:00 program there is much opportunity to get in a fair
17:03 share of physical activities from utilizing our fitness
17:07 center to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds of
17:11 Weimar. It's amazing what a new start can do for you.
17:16 Welcome back friends. Help me welcome Pastor Snead.
17:20 Good to see you brother.
17:21 Thank you friend.
17:23 You know I'm excited talking about this young lady because
17:27 she's excited and that excites me when I see someone come
17:31 through the program that's pretty beaten up and it seemed
17:36 apparent to me that she was flogged majorly throughout her
17:41 life. Now she's got a different attitude to the degree that
17:51 she's staying for another session. That's a smart decision
17:55 She's been healed I know in many ways but what I'd like to talk
18:00 to you
18:01 about Damon is the spiritual healing that she's experiencing.
18:07 Yeah, now she fooled me at first because she's so bubbly
18:11 and joking and full of laughter. She's just a wild card. And I
18:16 never would have guessed that she was harboring a lot of pain
18:21 from childhood and if you've listened to her story she wrote
18:26 that book The Sun Still Shines Through Broken Panes or
18:30 broken glass or something like that. And she's got a traumatic
18:35 life story, but she comes here and she's all happy. You know,
18:41 going through the wheel of faith going through each one of those
18:43 and when I get to the one on forgiveness and confession, you
18:47 know, to be free, to be dead to self, she lit up on that one,
18:54 you know, emotionally. And on that sermon I will invite people
19:02 to be rededicated if that's what they would like to do and be
19:05 rebaptized as part of, you know, this is part of how we're healed
19:07 is to let go of the past. And that was something that she
19:11 needed to go through. She needed to let go of all of that baggage
19:17 those feelings of unworthiness, abandonment. And as she did that
19:23 you could see her life immediately begins to
19:27 change. You know, attitude, like you said. She's got this whole
19:30 new attitude about life and, of course, the health plays into
19:35 that. You know, the eating good, the feeling better, the getting
19:38 the sleep and getting away from all the stimulants. But the
19:41 spiritual is what took over with her and you could really see a
19:46 different attitude.
19:47 Yeah, that really came out in our interview. Not so much the
19:52 first one but the second one we just did. She's one that I could
20:00 see taking this program and taking it back home and being
20:06 an angel to many, many people and a shepherd, if you will.
20:10 Yeah, and the fact that she wants to come back is pretty
20:15 interesting and she said something to me that stuck in
20:18 my head about this is that it's all new and she's got this
20:23 newness of life now, this new direction. She's letting go of
20:25 the past. She's got a new spiritual outlook, a new
20:29 emotional outlook, a new health outlook but it's all fragile.
20:32 It's like it's new and that's why she's going to pay again and
20:36 come again because she now wants to just ground herself in it.
20:41 She doesn't want to lose it, it means that much to her.
20:43 That's a wise choice.
20:45 And she told me that. She said you know it's another X amount
20:49 of dollars and another chunk of time of my life but what is that
20:53 in comparison to your well being your eternal life, your health.
20:57 What's three weeks and another couple of grand. What does that
21:00 matter really when the results and the payoff are so tremendous
21:05 for the rest of your life. You know she still a relatively
21:09 young woman.
21:11 Yeah relatively she is young especially to me. Well she's
21:18 doing great and I know she's going to continue doing good and
21:23 I know that you and Dr. Andrew are working with her. She's
21:29 going to come the rest of the way that she needs, she needs.
21:34 I don't think, I don't know what she needs but God does and he's
21:38 bringing her back and he's planted that seed in her heart
21:42 and she does loves everybody here, which I think is not
21:47 unusual but good to hear especially from someone who
21:51 wants to return. Because she's never experienced the kind of
21:55 love that is shared, not only with staff here but with other
22:01 guests.
22:02 Sure and we talked about it in our break for a second. That's
22:05 like par for the course at Weimar. A lot of people have
22:08 told you that, that they feel this love and that love is a
22:12 healing. It lets you open up. It let's you share. That's an added
22:17 atmosphere out here that people don't expect to have.
22:20 Amen. We've run out of time brother. Good to see you.
22:24 Thanks for coming in. I know you're busy. But friends don't
22:29 go away, we've got an important message following this.
22:36 ¤ ¤
23:07 Welcome to Weimar Institute Research. We're very glad you've
23:11 joined us today and I am with Dr. Eddie Ramirez, our director
23:17 of Weimar Institute Research as well as the professor in our
23:21 college that teaches research method. And this is a study
23:27 where again our students were involved in analyzing the data
23:31 of thousands of individuals and going through with a fine
23:37 tooth comb certain aspects that we're looking for in certain
23:40 groups. And this is actually a study that comes from those
23:45 who went through the NEWSTART program. And so Dr. Ramirez
23:49 tell us about this group.
23:51 Yes, This particular sub group of those patients the arteries
23:58 to the brain start to get plugged in. There's less blood
24:02 flow and those people are at really high risk for things like
24:05 stroke. That we call carotid stenosis when that closure of
24:10 those arteries happens. Many people who have this don't even
24:13 realize it; not until an ultra sound or some other study goes
24:17 and texts that there is closure of those arteries.
24:22 Yeah, often they don't find out until the end result happens and
24:26 that's the stroke. And I see that so often in my hospital
24:31 medicine days. I still do some hospital medicine two or three
24:35 days a week and in ICU and just about every time I'm there I'm
24:40 treating stoke victims who thought they were healthy.
24:44 Maybe they thought they have a little blood pressure problem
24:46 or cholesterol problem but they had no idea stroke was in the
24:50 works and it was because of this atherosclerosis that had
24:54 developed.
24:56 In fact, here in America, we call it an area of America the
24:59 stroke belt because there is a big incidence of stroke in that
25:04 particular area which happens to be close to the south in
25:07 America. Due to their lifestyle that they have there they have
25:11 very high risk of ending up with stroke, which, as you know, is
25:15 something that really drops the life of the person, not able to
25:19 speak, not able to walk and these type of problems.
25:21 Yeah, many of them end up in nursing homes. They go from
25:24 being a healthy individual who was an active member of society
25:28 and family to now being a cripple in a nursing home or
25:35 needing to be taken care of, if they're not in a nursing home,
25:38 at home on an intense basis. And so for anyone viewing this
25:45 whatever you can do to reduce your risk of stroke is well
25:49 worth it. Today we're going to find out something that we can
25:53 do, that we can all practically do, to reduce our risk of this
25:57 devastating disease. So we actually took a look at the
26:03 group that had carotid stenosis. This is a significant blockage
26:09 in their carotids and I know for years we have analyzed people's
26:15 carotid arteries when they come into our program and we can see
26:18 the evidence of this atherosclerosis.
26:21 First of all, why might that atherosclerosis be there even
26:26 before they enter the program Dr. Ramirez.
26:27 So due to their behavior, wrong type of diet, wrong management
26:31 of stress, not enough exercise, that stimulates the
26:35 atherosclerosis and the artery starts to close and that
26:40 decreases dramatically the blood flow especially to the brain in
26:45 this particular study we were focusing on that. But the good
26:48 news that we have today is that this is a reversible condition.
26:53 Nice. And what happened as a result of the 18 days here?
26:57 So what were seeing were some of the risk factors. So the
27:01 weight went down for five pounds difference by the end of the 18
27:07 day program which is good. You know they're starting to lose
27:09 weight. That decreases the inflammation and other important
27:13 factors for atherosclerosis. Their total cholesterol went down
27:18 more than 20 points on average which is very good also the fact
27:23 that we didn't increase the statins that's not the reason
27:26 why but because of the change of the diet and the exercise and
27:29 so forth. And especially the bad cholesterol which is one of the
27:35 villains that caused the problem in the first place, we can see
27:39 that there was a 20-point drop in that bad cholesterol which is
27:44 really good news for somebody with this condition.
27:46 So coming to NEWSTART not only reduces your risk of heart
27:52 attack but can help your fitness level and asthma and those sorts
27:55 of things, but it can also reduce your risk of stroke or
27:59 help those with carotid stenosis to actually have better
28:02 circulation to their brain.
28:03 So don't wait. If you know somebody with this condition
28:07 this is the place to be.
28:09 Send them to NEWSTART Now and thank you for tuning in to
28:14 Weimar Institute Research.
28:16 ¤ ¤


Revised 2018-11-13