Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000230A

01:11 Hi, friends,
01:13 and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
01:15 I'm your host, Ron Giannoni.
01:17 In our studio we have a lovely lady
01:20 that I want to introduce you to,
01:22 but before I do,
01:24 I want you to watch a clip when she first arrived.
01:29 I came here last year because I have bladder cancer.
01:35 I was diagnosed with bladder cancer.
01:38 And I was told that a place like this
01:43 I could do natural treatments and get some relief.
01:47 And there were other things that I didn't know about
01:52 that I could get
01:53 that I found out afterward.
01:55 So anything else I got after that,
01:58 it was just a sugar on the top as you say.
02:02 I mean, this time I came back to do the fever treatments
02:07 again as opposed to doing the other treatments
02:12 for the cancer
02:13 because this type of cancer recurs very quickly.
02:17 And so is this kind of like
02:19 to add insurance and to also to take a breaking
02:24 and build on what I have learned the first time.
02:31 Every year in America,
02:33 there are over one million deaths
02:34 because of Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
02:37 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
02:39 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day.
02:43 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
02:46 It's your lifestyle.
02:48 Wouldn't it be nice
02:49 if you could actually add quality years to your life
02:51 rather than dying one organ at a time?
02:54 Obesity and diabetes
02:55 are the cause of over million deaths per year.
02:58 Most diseases are reversible
03:00 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
03:03 especially Type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
03:06 Seriously now, they can be reversed
03:09 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
03:12 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
03:19 You will see dramatic changes
03:20 in the first few days of our program
03:22 and you'll be on the road
03:23 to a better more robust quality of life.
03:26 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
03:33 Welcome back, friends, help me
03:35 welcome Ronda Badell all the way from...
03:39 Maryland. Maryland, that isn't far.
03:42 That's on the other side of the continent.
03:44 That's right.
03:45 I want to get right in and ask you this
03:48 because we talked about it before the program began.
03:51 You were here in September of 2017, right?
03:54 That's correct. Okay.
03:56 And in September, 2017,
03:59 what's happened since then, real quick?
04:02 Well, I started walking, and walking,
04:06 and using the program,
04:08 and I've lost 50 pounds.
04:09 Fifty pounds? Fifty pounds.
04:11 Praise God.
04:12 And now up to present day,
04:16 you came here about 17 days ago,
04:18 have you continually lose weight in the session?
04:21 Yes, I have lost a few pounds.
04:23 Okay, good.
04:24 I'm not trying to, but I've lost a few.
04:28 So you came here to assist your husband?
04:33 That's correct. That's correct, right?
04:34 That's correct.
04:36 And so, but then you found out
04:38 that you really needed some treatment?
04:40 That's right. Right.
04:41 Let's talk about that?
04:43 Okay.
04:45 A few days before we were going to come here,
04:49 I found out I had bladder cancer.
04:51 And so we had to postpone...
04:53 Now, a few days, you mean, like a week or...?
04:56 Yes, a week before we were supposed to come in August.
05:00 You wanted to come here
05:01 rather than go for the treatments they get in.
05:03 No, we...
05:04 A week before we were going to come
05:06 when I found out,
05:07 and so we had to postpone, I had surgery in Maryland.
05:12 And then we came 10 days after the surgery.
05:16 Oh, I see, so you postponed the first session.
05:20 And you decided not to come here right away,
05:22 you had to do the surgery,
05:24 then you came during this last session?
05:27 That's right. In September.
05:29 Okay, I'm with it.
05:30 All right, so what's happened now?
05:33 How do you feel? I feel really good now.
05:36 I feel great.
05:38 Ever since following the program
05:40 through the months
05:41 and coming here for follow up treatment.
05:47 I feel great.
05:48 Is anything different in the staff
05:52 or the program
05:55 between September of last year and today?
05:59 Yes, there are some changes.
06:01 But, you know, when you come to a program like this,
06:04 you can't learn everything.
06:06 No, you can't.
06:07 There's so much, and I guess
06:09 I was focused on helping my husband back in September.
06:12 I wasn't focused on me totally.
06:16 And so I'm learning a lot of stuff
06:20 that I hadn't really absorbed I guess before.
06:24 Now this time you received fever treatments?
06:28 That's correct.
06:30 Quickly tell us, what is a fever treatment?
06:32 Well, they put you in a tub of water.
06:35 Hot water, right? Hot water, 109, 110 degrees.
06:40 And you maintain a temperature of about 103
06:44 for at least 20 minutes.
06:46 Do you know why?
06:47 It's to build your immune system,
06:49 to boost immune system
06:50 because the treatments I receive for bladder cancer
06:55 are to boost your immune system.
06:57 And guess what else that does?
06:59 Cancers cannot live in heat.
07:03 So you're raising the body's core temperature
07:06 to 103 for 20-25 minutes.
07:09 And then it not only builds the immune system, it kills,
07:13 it gives the fighter cells a chance to get in there
07:16 and start shooting those cancers cells.
07:19 Yeah, that's awesome.
07:20 How many treatments did you get?
07:22 I've had four so far.
07:23 And I have two more to go.
07:25 Two more, so you had a total of six.
07:28 Two more before I leave. Yes. Great.
07:30 I was hoping that they will give you.
07:32 Yeah. At least that to a week.
07:35 So what was your favorite part of the program?
07:38 You know, my favorite part of the program is
07:43 learning about the different foods.
07:49 It's hard to say what's the most favorite,
07:51 but learning
07:52 the different foods and the walking.
07:55 How far you're walking?
07:56 I'm walking five miles plus a day.
07:59 Wow.
08:00 When you originally got here, you couldn't walk at all.
08:03 I couldn't walk more than a mile if that.
08:06 If that, right.
08:08 Yes, I could not.
08:10 Bad back, bad legs, other issues.
08:15 How's your back holding up?
08:17 You had some back issues?
08:19 Yeah, I still have back issues.
08:21 We did a series of treatments last week that really helped.
08:25 And so I feel a lot better today.
08:29 And they've also given me some tools
08:31 that hopefully I can use
08:33 when I get home to help my back.
08:36 And does the program met your expectations?
08:41 Oh, yes.
08:42 By far.
08:44 Good. Good.
08:45 By far.
08:46 And so you enjoyed the hydro.
08:48 What about, I want to ask you about Pastor Damon,
08:52 his morning worship?
08:54 What do you think of that?
08:56 He has some tremendous topics and sermons
09:01 bring you down to the basics of your Christian experience
09:05 and how it intertwines with your health.
09:10 It's impossible to break them apart.
09:14 Good health, the Lord wants us to have good health.
09:19 But we have to follow what He wants us to do.
09:23 Yeah.
09:24 You realize
09:26 you weren't one of the nine people baptized?
09:28 No.
09:30 Got nine people baptized on Sabbath.
09:32 Yes. That's right. That's got to be a record.
09:34 Yeah. That's awesome.
09:37 So what do you take it from here on?
09:39 Now, what you're going to do when you get home?
09:42 I have people
09:44 since I've been here the first time.
09:47 I have people who are waiting for me
09:50 to give them more information
09:52 and to help them with their diet,
09:55 and help them with
09:56 some of the things that they're doing.
09:58 So I kind of like to share what I've learned,
10:02 I can't keep it to myself.
10:03 Amen.
10:05 I was supposed to write that. No. No.
10:06 But I can't because...
10:08 Well, I'd like you to stay in touch with me
10:13 and hopefully encourage you.
10:16 Not that you need a whole lot of encouragement,
10:18 you sound just ready to go. Yes.
10:21 But I want to thank you
10:22 for taking your time for this interview,
10:25 and welcome you,
10:27 and say good bye at the same time.
10:29 So thanks again. Okay. Okay.
10:32 Friends, don't go away, Pastor Damon will be up next.
11:10 Welcome back, friends.
11:11 Today, we have in studio, Dr. Kuninobo.
11:16 Dr. Kay, welcome.
11:18 Thank you so much, Damon. It's good to be here.
11:19 And we're going to be talking about Ronda.
11:24 Now, she's a story of someone that,
11:26 that this happens often,
11:28 someone that's in great shape,
11:30 they're really doing well in life,
11:32 they've got everything, all their ducks in a row,
11:34 they're in health, they're running around in life,
11:36 and then everything goes haywire,
11:39 and then things begin to compound
11:42 and compound,
11:43 and before you know it,
11:45 you're in really a life threatening situation.
11:47 Can you tell us a little bit about her today?
11:49 Sure.
11:50 You know, Ronda was an athlete in high school.
11:53 She was either running cross-country or track,
11:55 I'm not sure if I can remember which one,
11:57 but she was in shape, athletic, you know, picture of health.
12:05 Got married, was raising a family.
12:07 I think she actually first went,
12:09 before raising a family went to Africa as a missionary
12:11 if I'm not mistaken along the way
12:13 where I think she may have even met her husband.
12:16 But, so giving person,
12:18 you know, to others working overseas.
12:24 But then comes back, family, things start happening,
12:29 starts to gain weight, starts to have back problems,
12:33 have some chronic pain
12:35 develop and really significant pain.
12:38 I mean difficulty moving etcetera.
12:42 And then all of a sudden, boom, the big C comes along,
12:46 you know, diagnosed with cancer.
12:51 And, you know, there's a lot of people
12:55 who would look at their life
12:57 and so it's, you know, not fair.
12:59 Just give up even at that time.
13:01 Yeah, it's not fair, you know.
13:02 I used to be this, now I'm this, this and this.
13:06 And now I have this.
13:09 And I'm sure our viewers
13:11 can fill in the blanks for themselves
13:13 on what those things are.
13:16 Yeah, she's at a time in life where you're not young,
13:19 but you're not terribly old.
13:21 And so this was a very pivotal point for her.
13:24 Yeah, she was at prime of life really.
13:26 Prime of life.
13:28 Those middle years
13:29 when you should be able to be enjoying,
13:31 seeing your kids, you know, getting into their,
13:34 finishing their school,
13:36 they're getting into their careers,
13:37 starting to enjoy,
13:39 you know, maybe looking for to being a grandparent,
13:41 all of those things.
13:42 Well, you know, she's been here twice, right?
13:45 Was it twice? Yes.
13:46 So when she came back,
13:48 it was noticeable by the end of the second session
13:51 what is it that she did that in your opinion
13:54 that was one of the great things
13:55 that she could do for her health?
13:57 She decided not to let the circumstances dictate
14:01 how she was going to react to it all.
14:03 And she has been proactive and say,
14:04 "Look, I know that I can do something
14:07 to help my situation."
14:08 And she did, she lost how much weight?
14:10 Well, since she first came last fall,
14:13 and at the time of
14:15 when she came back the second time
14:16 which was in the spring, late spring,
14:18 she had lost 50 pounds. Yeah.
14:20 And I didn't recognize her by the time it was over.
14:23 So she's a great example of someone
14:26 who's going to take control back.
14:29 She just followed the NEWSTART principles.
14:31 That's it.
14:32 She just took it to heart
14:33 when to make the dietary changes,
14:36 I'm going to start exercising again.
14:38 Even though I hurt, I'm going to work through that.
14:41 She drank water
14:43 and the pain started progressively getting better.
14:45 And she still has painful days,
14:47 I mean there are times that she does,
14:49 but she keeps working through it all.
14:51 And it's interesting that
14:55 as she continued to put herself forward,
14:58 God blessed her
15:00 with another blessing of healing.
15:03 First it was the weight loss and the improvement of pain,
15:06 so she could function better.
15:08 But He also blessed her with, in the area of cancer,
15:11 they have not been able to find traces of cancer.
15:15 And so we're still praying, of course,
15:17 but she's been through
15:18 two sessions with her oncologist,
15:21 haven't found cancer.
15:22 And even the other patients have said,
15:25 "Doctor so and so said,
15:26 you didn't need any more treatments."
15:28 She said, "Yeah, he can't find the cancer."
15:30 And I guess so he's a guy
15:32 that would normally be on the err
15:33 on the side of caution in treat, treat, treat,
15:35 but he said,
15:36 "I don't see a reason to continue doing this.
15:37 You're doing so well."
15:39 And then God has opened up other things for her
15:41 and she started learning to play the guitar
15:45 which I know is near and dear to both of our hearts,
15:47 we both love acoustic guitar.
15:50 And what happened with that was that she was invited
15:54 to start doing things for her church.
15:57 First it was, you know, play special music
15:58 and they found out about her story,
16:01 saw her improving,
16:03 and God opened up a way for her to share and help people.
16:07 And she said, people have come up to her
16:09 that she hardly even knows
16:11 and say, to tell her,
16:12 what inspiration she has been to them.
16:15 So that's important
16:17 because when God does something in our lives,
16:19 it's not just a blessing for us,
16:22 it can be a tremendous blessing for somebody else.
16:24 And she's living a life
16:26 that is giving honor and glory to her God.
16:29 Right.
16:30 And that's putting it back on her.
16:32 So she has put her body in the best possible situation.
16:36 That's what I think of her.
16:37 She's placed herself in the best situation
16:39 to fight anything that comes along,
16:41 any disease by going through the NEWSTART principles,
16:44 she's lost weight, she's lessen her pain,
16:48 and then that's allowed her to do more and more physically
16:51 and the numbers have dropped down.
16:53 She's a great testimony.
16:55 And by the grace of God...
16:56 Yes, that's right.
16:57 Quit cancer too. That's right. That's right.
16:59 And cancer is gone, so hallelujah.
17:02 Praise the Lord.
17:03 Dr. Kay, unfortunately, we're out of time.
17:05 But I appreciate you so much.
17:06 God bless your ministry.
17:08 Thank you so much, Damon. It's always a pleasure.
17:10 Don't go away, friends, we'll be right back.
17:15 Welcome back, friends, help me welcome, Pastor Snead.
17:18 Thank you.
17:20 Yeah, let me first just clear up
17:21 what's going on here.
17:23 You were sitting here interviewing the doctors.
17:27 Yeah, was a very strange feeling.
17:28 I would rather be here than over there.
17:32 Well, yeah, I'd rather be here than over there.
17:34 Because I don't know if I could answer these questions.
17:36 And I don't mean to put you on the spot.
17:39 However, with regards to Ronda,
17:43 and by the way thank you for filling in for me.
17:46 With regards to Ronda, she had been here before,
17:51 she's done a great job in losing weight,
17:55 her attitude seems really good, she's a cancer survivor.
18:02 Why did she come back?
18:03 Yeah, I was really surprised to see her.
18:07 Normally, when people come back,
18:09 you take one look at them,
18:10 you know, "Okay, I know why they're coming back."
18:13 You know, they've got off of the wagon in their life.
18:17 They'll tell you that.
18:18 But when I saw her,
18:19 not only was I surprised to see her
18:21 because she did so well when she left the first time
18:24 that I didn't recognize her.
18:26 The second time she came back I was...
18:30 She had done more than when she had left,
18:32 completely shrunk up, lost tons of weight,
18:34 I didn't even recognize her facial features,
18:36 she had lost so much weight.
18:37 And I'm thinking, why is she coming back?
18:41 What you're doing here?
18:43 You don't need me here.
18:44 No, but she tells us later
18:46 that she felt that she wanted to go deeper with it.
18:50 She wanted to really grasp those principles
18:53 and really dedicate her life
18:56 to the very minute details of it.
18:59 Yeah, she wanted to stay connected I think
19:01 because a lot of people get in their mind
19:04 that this is the source, the NEWSTART.
19:07 They don't really remember that God is the source.
19:10 But they feel that this is the source
19:12 they're going to go back,
19:14 plug in to the source, recharge their batteries.
19:17 Her batteries were full on.
19:19 She was doing great.
19:21 She had been in the past, she is currently.
19:24 But, you know, she has a testimony
19:27 that I just think it's wonderful,
19:29 especially now adding the spiritual component.
19:33 Sure, and I think that
19:35 what I learned from her and it was a great insight.
19:41 Is that just because you've learned something.
19:44 And this is a mistake a lot of people make at NEWSTART.
19:47 Just because you learn it and you get the ideas down,
19:52 and you go home.
19:54 It's got to become part of who you are.
19:56 Truly you've got to embrace it a lifestyle change
20:00 and with the spiritual,
20:02 that what I got from her is the same with the spiritual.
20:05 You can't just grasp the principles of the gospel,
20:08 say, okay I got, you know, step one, step two, step three,
20:11 step four, step five, step six.
20:13 I get that, I understand that.
20:15 It's really got to become part of who you are.
20:17 You really got to embrace the gospel message
20:20 of what Christ has done for us, what He wants to do in us,
20:24 what He wants to do out of us.
20:25 You know, all of those principles revealed
20:27 in that little book, Steps to Christ.
20:30 And she's a great example
20:32 of someone on the physical and spiritual side
20:35 that gets that concept.
20:36 You've really got to live this stuff.
20:38 And if I got to come back here to reboot
20:41 and get deeper down into it,
20:43 so that I can continue to live it out,
20:45 well, that's what everyone needs to do,
20:47 spiritually and physically.
20:49 Amen.
20:50 I'm telling you,
20:52 you know, having been on the program now myself,
20:56 13 years this month by the way
20:59 is when I came through as a guest.
21:02 And if you don't stick to it, you're going to lose it.
21:06 And, you know, there's a time where I backslid so to speak.
21:11 But it wasn't on the diet,
21:13 it wasn't on the food,
21:14 it wasn't on the spiritual, it's on the physical.
21:17 And if you forget that,
21:20 a lot of bad things can happen, you know.
21:24 Go ahead. No, I was done.
21:26 I'm just asking you now,
21:29 what is most critical for you as far as a pastor?
21:33 Well, for me as a pastor
21:34 that what you said is actually golden.
21:37 When you look at the eight principles of health,
21:40 and you look it and I do,
21:42 coincidently I do eight major concepts of the gospel.
21:46 You can't get lack some in one area
21:48 because they're all interconnected,
21:50 they all affect one another.
21:51 You can't say, "Well, I'm doing good in seven
21:52 and then the eighth one I'm going to let go
21:54 which in your case was the physical exercise."
21:57 And it got you.
21:58 And for me as a pastor, I'll tell to people,
22:00 look you can understand it all, but you can't let,
22:02 say repentance go,
22:04 you can't forget about conviction,
22:05 you can't forget about down to self.
22:07 It's always going to be all of it in our mind.
22:10 And NEWSTART guests learn
22:12 that the hard way about the health principles
22:15 and I'm here to help them say,
22:17 "It's the same thing spiritually,
22:18 you cannot let a piece of it go,
22:20 we got to do daily focus on these things."
22:24 Amen.
22:25 Our time is out, Brother.
22:26 Thank you, Damon, again. All right.
22:28 Don't go away.
22:29 We got something for you following this.
22:34 Welcome to Weimar Institute Research.
22:37 Glad you're with us today for another exciting analysis.
22:42 Studies that get published
22:44 in the Peer Review Scientific Literature,
22:46 they're that important.
22:48 And Weimar Institute
22:50 is cranking out a lot of research these days.
22:53 And one of the reasons is because of Dr. Eddy Ramirez
22:56 who is the head of Weimar Institute Research
22:59 and teaches research methods at the college.
23:02 And we're actually analyzing going back in our database
23:06 and analyzing those
23:08 who have gone through the NEWSTART program.
23:11 And you took some students and some others
23:13 and you systematically went through 11 years of patience.
23:19 And this particular study is quite interesting.
23:24 First of all, let's just talk about where it got published,
23:27 and then we can talk about the study.
23:29 In a journal from the American Heart Association
23:32 by the name of Atherosclerosis Thrombosis
23:34 and Vascular Biology.
23:36 Okay.
23:37 And so the American Heart Association
23:39 is very interested in what's happening at Weimar.
23:42 And they published this study.
23:44 And how many patients had gone through the program
23:49 in those 11 years.
23:50 So we had about 2,030 patients
23:53 that had gone through the program.
23:56 And 82 of them had the data that we were interested in.
24:01 Okay.
24:02 So we were looking at a select group
24:04 of those over 2,000 individuals who went through the program.
24:07 By the way 2,000 is a nice study group.
24:11 You know, a lot of pharmaceuticals
24:13 get released on less than a 1,000 patients
24:15 that take them.
24:17 And so this is a large study group.
24:20 And what niche where you're looking at here?
24:22 So we were focusing on those patients
24:25 that have what is called angina.
24:27 They have pain, they have pressure
24:29 when they're doing exercise or physical activity.
24:33 Okay.
24:34 And that means
24:35 they have significant coronary artery disease
24:38 because they've got these plugged arteries
24:41 that are not able to supply the blood
24:44 when their heart needs to work.
24:46 And as a result they get into chest pressure,
24:49 and it might radiate into the neck or the left arm,
24:52 and you might get short of breath,
24:53 or break out into a sweat, or get nauseated over it.
24:57 And so they're advanced.
24:59 And often many of these patients
25:01 come to Weimar because they're out of options.
25:04 They should have come to us a long beforehand,
25:06 then they wouldn't have needed to get
25:08 all of these other surgical and other procedures
25:11 that they're no longer able to get
25:12 'cause their veins are gone or whatever.
25:15 But you also took a look at something else,
25:18 not just angina patients, but what was this group?
25:23 We were focusing on what happens
25:27 with their utilization of oxygen.
25:30 So this group was a very nice diverse group,
25:33 20% of them were African-Americans
25:36 and 20% were actually Hispanic.
25:39 So nice, different ethnic, racially diverse study.
25:44 Which makes the study even more powerful.
25:47 And so, what did we find out?
25:49 What happened during the 18 days
25:50 to these patients who were so challenged?
25:52 So what we do here in the NEWSTART program,
25:55 we test the heart,
25:56 we put them in what is called a stress test
25:59 in which they need to do exercise,
26:01 while at the same time we're monitoring their heart
26:03 and we can see exactly actually
26:05 which areas of their heart are more troublesome.
26:08 And that test that they do before and after the program
26:13 tells us an important number by the name of METS.
26:18 It tells us how good the body is at utilizing their oxygen.
26:23 And the higher the METS, the better your prognosis.
26:27 The higher your years that you're going to live
26:30 and so forth.
26:31 Okay, well, a lot of people think your METS can't go up
26:33 if you have coronary artery disease.
26:36 But you actually show the opposite,
26:37 even though you have coronary artery disease,
26:40 if you come to NEWSTART that is,
26:42 your exercise capacity and fitness level
26:44 can even improve with atherosclerosis.
26:48 Tell us how much it improved?
26:50 Among females at a baseline that they started from 6.1,
26:53 by the end it went up to 7.2 which is very good.
26:57 And among males the improvement was even more dramatical.
27:00 In the beginning then average of 7.5
27:03 and by the end that was an 8.9
27:08 by the end of those 18 days.
27:10 That's exciting.
27:12 Not only did their arteries open up better
27:16 because of result of their cholesterol getting better,
27:19 and LDL, and those types of things.
27:22 But their exercise capacity improved.
27:24 That means those blood vessels
27:25 were supplying more circulation to the heart
27:30 and improving their exercise capacity.
27:32 Decreasing the risk of that,
27:35 and decreasing the risk of heart attack
27:37 in the near future.
27:39 Well, I would encourage you, don't wait,
27:42 come to NEWSTART Now.
27:44 It will benefit you in more ways
27:46 than you can imagine.
27:48 And stay tuned for next week's
27:51 Weimar Institute Research segment.
27:57 Well, friends, that's it for today.
27:59 But join us next week for another episode.
28:02 In the meantime, pick up the phone
28:04 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
28:09 Mention the NEWSTART Now program
28:12 and receive the NEWSTART special.


Revised 2018-10-18