Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000229A

01:11 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:14 of NEWSTART Now.
01:15 I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:18 In our studio, I have a lovely young lady,
01:20 but before I introduce her,
01:22 let's take a look at when she first arrived.
01:28 I came here because I have the opportunity to do so.
01:31 I fought with my weight since I was two years old.
01:34 I don't think I was fighting so much then,
01:36 but I was fighting for food.
01:38 So I've always wanted to come here,
01:40 my husband wanted to come here,
01:41 but it cost quite a bit.
01:44 And my husband passed a little over three years ago.
01:49 I had the time, I had the means,
01:53 and I thought, "I'm going to go to Weimar,
01:55 and it's just for me."
01:57 I want to learn to eat healthy.
02:01 I believe my body is the temple
02:02 for the Holy Spirit.
02:04 And I really want it to be ready for Him.
02:09 That's my main goal is to prepare myself
02:11 for heaven, for eternity.
02:16 Welcome back, friends. In our studio...
02:19 Miss Ingalls. Thank you.
02:22 How are you doing, Kay? I'm doing wonderfully.
02:24 Thank you. Yes, you look better.
02:26 I thought I looked pretty good last time.
02:28 Well, you were okay. Okay.
02:31 No pun intended. Right. Gotcha.
02:35 So tell me you've gotten off of couple medications
02:40 that you were taking.
02:41 Yes. Which ones are they?
02:42 One for diabetes, metformin
02:45 and the other one was a statin for my cholesterol.
02:48 Oh!
02:49 Yeah, you got to get off the statin, it's just poison.
02:51 Yeah, I got right off of them.
02:52 By the way, the metformin,
02:56 how many times a day were you taking it?
02:57 Just once. Okay.
02:59 Five hundred milligrams?
03:00 I think, it was, yeah. Yeah.
03:01 And your glucose reading in the morning then was what?
03:07 One hundred and twenty to one hundred and thirty.
03:09 And now that you're off the medication, what is it?
03:10 Right around 100.
03:12 Right around 100? Yeah.
03:13 Isn't that interesting?
03:15 Yes, and they say they've reversed my diabetes
03:16 and I said, "How do you know you've reversed it?"
03:19 And they're looking at my numbers,
03:20 they're consistently low.
03:22 Right, that definitely... I mean it's...
03:25 But it's kind of like an alcoholic
03:26 that doesn't drink.
03:28 Oh, in other words, I better not go back
03:30 to any more chocolate.
03:31 That's right. Stay away from the chocolate.
03:33 Once every six months, maybe a treat.
03:35 No. No. Zero. Abstinence. Total abstinence.
03:38 Really? I hope so with God's help.
03:40 I do the chocolate once in a while.
03:41 I can do all things through Christ's strength
03:43 and support.
03:45 Amen. That's my motto now.
03:46 That's a good segue into the next question.
03:50 How was your morning worship
03:53 with Pastor Damon?
03:54 Oh, loved it. Loved it.
03:56 And I enjoyed all the baptisms last Sabbath afternoon,
03:59 that was a joy also.
04:00 Isn't that amazing? It was.
04:02 Nine people baptized. Or rebaptized.
04:05 Some of them were rebaptized, but they were baptized, yes.
04:08 A friend of mine from the church said,
04:10 "Can I come to the morning worship?"
04:12 I said, "Sure."
04:14 Maybe you've met him, Ron Smith.
04:16 Yes, yes. He was baptized.
04:18 He was baptized. And he was joyous.
04:20 He was just like, "Thank you, brother, for calling me.
04:24 Thank you, brother." Yeah, he's a wonderful man.
04:26 Were you there at Sabbath? No.
04:28 I had house guest from Arizona.
04:32 The lady and the gentleman used to work here,
04:35 Richard and Ronda Smith.
04:37 Ronda was the NEWSTART Director
04:39 and Rich was the Exercise Therapist.
04:41 Okay.
04:42 Anyway, I had that company in town
04:43 and I didn't want to leave them.
04:45 We were by your place,
04:47 I think, when we went to the gold mine the other day.
04:49 I think they said... Oh, yeah.
04:50 Yeah. They said, "Ron lives here."
04:52 That's an interesting road you live in.
04:53 Oh, yeah.
04:55 This area is full of those ravines, and gaps,
04:58 and all these things they call them.
04:59 Yeah. It's called Gladycon.
05:01 Oh, Gladycon.
05:03 Yeah, that 174th highway
05:05 you took over to the gold mines.
05:06 Yes. Yes. Yeah. Let's get back to you though.
05:10 You said you've lost some weight.
05:11 I did.
05:13 But last time you weighed was last week
05:15 and lost how many pounds?
05:16 Seven, seven point four or something. Yeah.
05:20 You know, we had a lady here many years ago
05:22 that didn't lose one pound, but lost four dress sizes.
05:26 Wow. She went like this.
05:30 And so are you doing like this too?
05:32 I don't think so. No, you don't think so?
05:34 You can hug me and see, but I don't think so.
05:38 A little difference in my clothing maybe,
05:40 but, you know, I didn't put it on overnight, Ron,
05:42 and I don't expect to take it off overnight.
05:44 It's not about the weight. Not about the weight.
05:46 What's it about? It's about me.
05:50 It's about feeling better.
05:51 I mean, my blood pressure is never been high,
05:53 but it's never been lower than since I've been here.
05:56 What's your blood pressure now?
05:57 It was 110\62 or something this morning.
06:02 I have very good readings.
06:03 Now what do you tribute that to?
06:05 I think that must be genetics. I don't think...
06:08 It's always been low.
06:10 Oh, always? Always. Yeah.
06:11 I have never been on blood pressure medicine.
06:13 Oh, okay. There must be. Yeah. So it stays low.
06:17 It's my sugar readings that are low.
06:20 So you're going to stay off the sugars?
06:21 Oh, yes. I'm going to... What about potluck?
06:25 Well, I'm not going to do. Well, that's not true.
06:28 Well, I get back to Sabbath,
06:30 the church that I grow up in and I went to church school,
06:33 they're having a rededication, Randolph, New York church.
06:38 And so I have been looking forward to it for months,
06:41 and that's this coming Sabbath.
06:43 I'm only going to be home a day,
06:44 but I have a very dear friend, Nadine Osborne.
06:48 She said, "If you send me a recipe
06:51 and let me know what you can eat,
06:52 I'll cook for you."
06:53 Oh, right. Now isn't that a blessing?
06:55 That is a blessing.
06:56 So we did easy Mexican beans
06:58 the other day in the cooking class,
06:59 so I send her that recipe
07:01 and she's going to fix that for me.
07:02 Great.
07:04 Now what are you going to do when you get home?
07:05 Sleep.
07:08 I know you're going to sleep.
07:10 But what you're going to do when you're wake?
07:11 I will pet my dog. Touch your dog. Okay.
07:13 I haven't seen him in quite a while.
07:15 And love my dog.
07:17 And I've already started working on my meal plan.
07:20 Of course, I have to go grocery shopping.
07:22 I looked at what they gave me, you know, my choices,
07:25 and I have some of that in the house.
07:27 Do you like rice, beans, oatmeal?
07:30 I better. Nuts?
07:32 That's all I could eat.
07:33 Stock up. Yes. Yes.
07:34 Make some fresh beans.
07:36 And my granddaughter's there
07:37 and she's going to go get fresh fruit before I get home.
07:38 That's the one thing you can't have in the cupboard
07:40 is the fresh fruit.
07:42 Right.
07:43 So she's willing to go shopping for me.
07:45 So I'm blessed with good friends, good family,
07:47 probably Friday, I'll go to the grocery store.
07:49 Oh, I understand, you're not only blessed,
07:51 but highly favored.
07:52 Oh, probably. I like that.
07:56 Who is your favorite person aside from me?
07:58 You mean here at NEWSTART? Yes, here.
08:00 Oh, I love them all.
08:02 We've all become one big family.
08:03 We were sitting there last night saying,
08:05 "Two weeks ago, today,
08:07 we didn't even know each other."
08:08 Isn't that amazing?
08:09 We got a wonderful staff of people.
08:11 Oh, yes, yes.
08:12 Each person that I come in contact with,
08:15 they're all just so dedicated to their work and to serving.
08:20 Yes, Dana, is a blessing. But they all are.
08:23 I mean, I shouldn't even mention one
08:25 because all those nurses are wonderful.
08:27 No, it's okay, you mentioned one.
08:29 I did. I did, Dana. I won't tell anybody.
08:31 We'll just tell the world, but we won't tell them.
08:32 Yeah.
08:34 But I found just each one of those nurses...
08:36 And the blessing here is like before they do anything,
08:41 they take your hand and they start with prayer.
08:43 Yeah.
08:44 I had blood work this morning and I'm not an easy draw,
08:47 and we had a prayer first, you know, and things go better.
08:52 Who did the draw?
08:53 Two girls. Two girls.
08:56 One to hold you down? No.
08:57 One of them tried in my hand
08:59 and then her sister got it in my arm, you know?
09:03 There's a gentleman there, I can't think, Sal.
09:06 Sal. He's the guy.
09:07 He's the guy, but he was so backed up this morning.
09:09 He hits you once and that's it.
09:11 We're out of time, Kay. So fast. Thank you, dear.
09:15 I hope you can edit that. God bless you.
09:18 We don't edit here. We only talk about it.
09:20 Thank you. Thank you.
09:22 Don't go away.
09:23 And don't you go away because Dr. Kay is up next.
09:29 Every year in America,
09:31 there are over one million deaths
09:32 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
09:35 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
09:38 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day.
09:41 What's even worse is that the fix is easy.
09:44 It's your lifestyle.
09:46 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add
09:48 quality years to your life
09:49 rather than dying one organ at a time?
09:52 Obesity and diabetes are the cause
09:54 of over a million deaths per year.
09:56 Most diseases are reversible
09:58 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
10:01 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
10:05 Seriously now, they can be reversed
10:07 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
10:11 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
10:17 You will see dramatic changes
10:18 in the first few days at our program
10:20 and you will be on the road
10:22 to a better more robust quality of life.
10:25 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
10:33 Welcome back, friends.
10:34 Today, in studio, we have with us Dr. Kuninobo
10:37 or affectionately known as Dr. Kay. Dr. Kay.
10:42 Damon. Welcome.
10:43 Thank you, Sir.
10:46 We're going to talk about Kay for a little bit.
10:49 Oh, okay.?
10:50 And she had some challenges coming here,
10:52 she had lost her husband, she had gotten out of shape,
10:56 she had gotten into a pretty poor condition
10:59 physically,
11:00 but she came here and you saw something in her
11:03 that was very unique to her healing.
11:05 What was that?
11:07 Well, from the very first day we met,
11:09 we have what's called orientation,
11:10 we walk into the room and I hear this voice say,
11:14 "Hey, there's a Dr. Kay. I'm Kay.
11:17 We're going to get along great."
11:18 You know, she had this
11:19 just this positive attitude about her,
11:21 which was wonderful.
11:23 And, you know, despite life had been tough on her,
11:29 I would say difficulty with her back,
11:32 mobility issues, diabetes, losing her husband,
11:36 and she said always struggling with weight
11:38 since she was young.
11:41 Nothing ever seemed to ever bother her or get her down.
11:44 She was always up and ready to go.
11:47 And that attitude was really important.
11:50 Yeah, she was a very upbeat person.
11:52 She was on a walker for some time here.
11:55 But she was always there, active with everything,
11:58 all the trails, all the walking at the mine,
12:01 she was always doing what she could do
12:03 the best that she could.
12:06 And did it have a payoff for her?
12:07 Oh, it absolutely had a payoff for her. Absolutely.
12:11 You know, many people when they come here,
12:12 want to see results.
12:15 But they think it's going to happen
12:16 by magic or something, I don't know.
12:18 But she put the work in,
12:20 and yes, she actually saw wonderful results.
12:22 She had lost almost 10 pounds.
12:24 It was great to see.
12:26 And that's not always easy
12:27 when you're, you know, a smaller person.
12:31 Short too. Yeah.
12:32 Yes, I mean she was a shorter person.
12:35 And seems also like the older we are,
12:37 the more difficult to have losing weight sometimes,
12:39 and ladies have a harder time than men.
12:41 So she had some of these big strikes against you,
12:44 so to speak,
12:46 where sometimes, weight loss is more modest
12:47 and it's easy to get down.
12:49 And the fact that she couldn't walk
12:51 the same way everybody else could,
12:54 you know, many people are out,
12:55 you know, as soon as the gun went off,
12:57 they're out hiking, doing things,
13:00 and she was with the walker, just doing what she could.
13:03 And, you know, I think that's a really important lesson
13:05 because there are many of our viewers
13:06 I'm sure who...
13:08 You know, life has not been great,
13:10 things happen.
13:11 And we, sometimes,
13:13 have a lot of excuses of why not.
13:17 You know, but she looked for excuses to do,
13:24 "Why not do it? I can do it. Doesn't matter?"
13:26 You know, the other why not, "Why not do it?
13:29 I can do it. I can do anything.
13:31 You know, what I can do, I'm going to do."
13:32 And that real positive attitude makes a difference.
13:35 Yeah, there's a lot of studies that have been done
13:37 on how a positive attitude can affect you
13:41 'cause you're right, there's a lot of guests
13:43 that do come here and when they hear,
13:46 you know, Dr. Gallant tells them
13:47 right off the bat, "Your new medicine
13:48 is going to be walking, and diet,
13:52 and drinking, and getting outside."
13:55 When they hear all this activity
13:57 and interaction,
13:58 taking a responsibility for their own health,
14:00 it discourages some people, and they're like,
14:03 "I don't know if I signed up for this."
14:04 But whereas, people like Kay, and you're right,
14:08 comes severely handicapped to what most people would be.
14:11 She's got all these issues, but she does her best,
14:13 she's got a great attitude,
14:15 and she leaves here in good shape,
14:16 somewhat, you know?
14:18 And she's got a long road to go,
14:19 she knows that,
14:20 but she is definitely on the road.
14:23 And so did her numbers change? Did she... Her diabetes...
14:27 Her diabetes numbers are improved.
14:29 Yeah, absolutely.
14:30 All her weight, diabetes, everything did so much better.
14:33 And there's one other aspect that's really important
14:35 and that was not just a positive attitude by itself,
14:39 but an attitude of positivity and trust in God, you know?
14:44 And that relationship and walk with God that she had,
14:48 I know it was a source of strength for her
14:50 and I'm sure a lot of where that positivity came from.
14:52 Oh, sure because I had a Fresh Start lecture,
14:54 you know, and she was one of those there
14:56 with her Bible open, taking notes,
14:59 and she always was writing step along with me.
15:03 And that's why we do what we do here.
15:05 We bring the spiritual in with the health
15:07 for a reason and a purpose.
15:09 It does create a positive attitude,
15:12 but it's also the help that they're going to need.
15:14 I mean all the tools for spiritual recovery
15:16 are the same tools that you're going to need
15:18 to help you with health.
15:19 And people like Kay can greatly benefit from it.
15:22 And, you know, a better health, a better outlook,
15:26 a better activity, it would help you
15:28 also with people they get in her situation
15:30 or losing a spouse.
15:32 It gives her a positive outlet to not get caught
15:35 into depression and things like that.
15:37 Yeah. Exactly. Yes, so what would...
15:40 You know, parting words about Kay?
15:42 What would stand out to you the most about her
15:44 that you could encourage other people with it,
15:46 in a similar situation?
15:48 No matter what and you've been dealt,
15:52 there's always another one, somebody that's worse,
15:54 but that didn't help you feel better.
15:56 But no matter where you are,
15:58 God can pick you up and bring you along
16:00 and give you the courage, strength, and the attitude
16:03 to do well regardless.
16:04 Right.
16:06 So the NEWSTART can help anybody, anytime, anywhere.
16:08 These principles combined with God working in your life.
16:12 They're magical. They're powerful tools.
16:15 And, you know, someone like that,
16:17 that comes here, that's hurting,
16:18 that's painful to see them leave
16:22 in a different state of mind is such a blessing.
16:25 Amen.
16:26 Well, Dr. Kay, we're out of time.
16:27 But thank you so much for your ministry here.
16:29 Oh, you're most welcome.
16:30 It always good to talk with you, Damon.
16:33 Friends, don't go away. We'll be right back.
16:39 Welcome back, friends. Help me welcome Pastor Snead.
16:42 Hey, friend. Thanks.
16:44 Yeah.
16:45 I want to explain to our guests who are watching now
16:49 that you were here interviewing doctors
16:52 and now you're there, next time,
16:55 maybe you can be the doctor, and I'll be the pastor.
16:59 Yeah, I don't think so.
17:01 That was an odd experience to be over there.
17:04 I even caught myself sounding a little bit like you.
17:09 Well, that's not a bad thing, I hope.
17:11 Anyway, thank you for being here
17:13 and I want to talk about Kay real quick
17:15 because Kay said some things to me
17:19 that are pretty profound.
17:21 I mean, knowing that her body
17:23 is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
17:26 It was so good to hear or say that.
17:28 But she was skating over some issues that she has
17:33 and focusing all about weight.
17:36 Now weight comes in a lot of different forms,
17:39 both spiritually and physically.
17:41 That's right.
17:42 And so what do you have to say
17:45 about her learning here at the NEWSTART program
17:51 about her spiritual wellbeing?
17:54 Well, I think, with Kay is they're so many others.
17:57 That last statement that she makes is loaded,
18:01 it's a big idea that...
18:05 Yes, God...
18:06 And I think, primarily we got to keep focus on the gospel
18:09 that is her...
18:10 'cause she said, "I want to be in heaven."
18:12 And that's why we take the time when people come here
18:16 is to go through the gospel step by step by step
18:20 so that you know that your feet are grounded
18:23 solidly in Christ and you know
18:26 that you can have that assurance of faith,
18:28 you have assurance of salvation.
18:30 And she said, she's of 72,
18:33 I don't know how much longer we'll be here,
18:34 I don't know how much longer this world's going to be here,
18:37 and so that was on her mind and very important.
18:40 And so we take the time at NEWSTART
18:42 to make sure people have that assurance of salvation.
18:45 But she also recognized the importance of the physical
18:48 that God also wants while we're here on this earth
18:52 to have the bodies as fit as possible,
18:54 that's part of our requirements,
18:55 part of the things that God expects from us.
18:57 She said something rather interesting
18:59 that we talked about briefly,
19:01 and that is her husband passed three years ago.
19:05 And you made a comment.
19:06 Isn't it interesting that we see ladies or even men
19:10 who come through the program
19:12 after their significant other has passed
19:16 only to learn that what the lifestyle they were leading
19:20 led to that death?
19:22 That's right. Can you elaborate on that one?
19:24 Oh, I've been here 2 years now
19:26 and at least 700 people have come through.
19:29 And I know scores and scores of women,
19:32 and women technically outlive men.
19:36 But I have seen it over and over.
19:38 Women come when their husbands' been dead a year, two years,
19:40 six months, you know, three years, whatever.
19:43 It's the same story over, and over, and over.
19:45 And now they're coming to do something about their health.
19:48 And they realize how important it would have been
19:51 for their husband five years ago
19:54 if they would have came together,
19:57 the husband, more than likely,
19:58 would have made all these reversals
20:01 and still be alive.
20:02 They could be doing a program together.
20:04 So if I could say one thing to men,
20:06 don't take your women outlive you.
20:08 Right.
20:09 You know, come to the program before they do
20:11 because especially the older that men get,
20:14 the more important it is, the more likely you will die
20:17 before your spouse, your wife.
20:19 And so this place has the power and potential to reverse that.
20:23 And, you know, Kay is just an example of that.
20:26 Dr. Ing used to say,
20:27 "You know, if you come to the NEWSTART program,
20:30 chances are you'll live another 10, 15, 20 years.
20:34 And if your own Social Security only...
20:37 This is the example he gave.
20:39 "And let's say you getting
20:41 $10,000 a year on Social Security,
20:42 which is a low number, and you live another 10 years,
20:47 that's $100,000.
20:50 And 20 years would be $200,000.
20:54 So to pay $4,000, $5,000
20:56 for a session is nothing, right?"
20:59 That's the example he gave.
21:00 Nonetheless, I like what you say
21:02 about husband and wife coming together.
21:05 I think that would be huge
21:07 if we get spouse here together.
21:09 That's right.
21:10 They'd benefit each other,
21:12 they both know what they're doing,
21:14 and they will get to live longer together.
21:16 Amen. I mean, right.
21:17 You want to be with your loved ones
21:18 as much as you can.
21:20 And they can both go to heaven together
21:24 rather than...
21:25 That's right. They'll get the spirit.
21:27 They'll make sure they both got it.
21:28 Amen.
21:30 I want to thank you for two things.
21:32 Thank you for filling in for me earlier.
21:35 And thank you for your time. God bless you, brother.
21:38 I'll see you around. Don't go away.
21:40 We have an important message to follow.
22:18 Welcome to Weimar Institute Research.
22:21 Weimar Institute is committed to not only improving
22:25 patients' clinically who come here,
22:28 but actually documenting the results
22:31 and doing studies that can help
22:33 educate the world
22:35 on how it can be a better place,
22:37 and how we can utilize information
22:41 in healing our hurting world.
22:43 One of the ways in which the world hurts, Dr. Ramirez,
22:47 who by the way is our Director of Weimar Institute Research
22:51 and teaches our pre-med students
22:53 and nursing students at the college
22:55 and research methods.
22:57 One of the ways in which the world hurts
23:00 is chest pain.
23:03 We call it angina.
23:04 Tell us a little bit about what angina is.
23:06 Yeah.
23:08 Angina is when the arteries of the heart
23:11 have been so closed through atherosclerosis
23:16 that the heart doesn't get enough oxygen
23:19 and starts complaining
23:20 anytime you do some sort of exercise,
23:23 even small amounts of exercise
23:25 can trigger a pain in the heart.
23:28 These people are in big trouble
23:30 because heart attack is just next door to them.
23:33 Okay.
23:35 So angina or chest pressure, often, it really isn't a pain.
23:40 I've had many patients say, "Well, it's not really a pain,
23:43 it's a pressure.
23:45 You know, it feels like maybe an elephant
23:47 is sitting on my chest."
23:49 And it can radiate up into the neck,
23:51 and into the jaw,
23:52 and it can go into the left arm.
23:54 And sometimes, you can get nauseated with it.
23:57 You can get short of breath, you can break out into a sweat.
24:01 And when you quit exercising, it goes away
24:04 'cause the heart's able to pick back up again
24:06 and it's not having to work so hard
24:08 for those constricted arteries.
24:11 Well, many people with that symptom
24:13 come to Weimar Institute
24:15 to go through the NEWSTART program.
24:17 And sad to say, Dr. Ramirez,
24:19 we've had many patients come here
24:21 because they're out of options,
24:23 they've had all the bypasses they can have,
24:25 they have no veins left in their legs to bypass,
24:29 and their heart surgeon says,
24:32 "There is nothing more that we can do for you.
24:34 And maybe you need to go to Weimar Institute now."
24:37 That might have been nice to know about that
24:39 before you went through
24:40 all of those heart bypass surgeries
24:42 and the complications of those surgeries
24:44 because the good news about atherosclerosis
24:47 is it can be reversed without surgery.
24:51 And it can actually be reversed
24:53 through diet and lifestyle factors
24:54 of what we teach people
24:57 and actually put into practice here at Weimar Institute.
25:00 So tell us what group was studied
25:03 in this particular study.
25:05 So we focused on those patients that had angina.
25:08 From 2,080 patients, if we go and look at that database,
25:15 we find that 133 of them had angina as a diagnosis,
25:21 why they came to the NEWSTART program.
25:24 Okay.
25:25 So yeah, it's amazing, over 2,000 people
25:28 have gone through the 18-day program
25:30 at the time or during the years
25:31 that you analyzed on this section.
25:33 Eleven years of data. Eleven years of data.
25:36 And 133 of them were here because of their chest pain.
25:41 That's right. And they were out of options.
25:43 That's right.
25:44 So what we're trying to see,
25:45 what happens to those risk factors
25:48 that can give us a prognosis, an idea of what's going
25:52 to come to them at the long-term.
25:54 So we were measuring important things
25:56 like cholesterol, and bad cholesterol, and HDL
26:02 to see what change does the program will cause
26:05 on this particular subgroup of patients.
26:08 Okay.
26:09 And so what did we find out at the end of 18 days?
26:11 So we found out that on average,
26:13 the total cholesterol on average was 218
26:16 which is high,
26:18 too high for somebody with angina.
26:20 Those people by the end of the 18-day program,
26:25 their cholesterol had dropped 28 points
26:27 and there was a significant change
26:29 as a result of those 2 values.
26:32 So even if they had advanced heart disease,
26:35 their cholesterol still improved dramatically
26:38 as a result of coming to the 18-day program.
26:41 To start that process that we were just talking about
26:44 of atherosclerosis reversal,
26:46 as you start doing these changes long-term,
26:50 patients also started reporting that the amount of chest pain
26:54 or chest pressure started to the decrease
26:56 as a result of the blood flow
26:58 started to come into their heart.
27:00 Now if someone wants to learn more about this study,
27:02 where was it published?
27:04 And this was published
27:05 in an American Heart Association Journal
27:08 called Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis,
27:10 and Vascular Biology.
27:12 Also, LDL cholesterol,
27:14 you know, came down 21 points,
27:17 which is the bad cholesterol,
27:19 the one that is really triggering
27:20 that atherosclerosis,
27:23 and the HDL, the good cholesterol,
27:26 it stayed the same, which is good news.
27:28 Okay, well, I would encourage anyone with chest pain,
27:33 don't wait until you're out of options,
27:36 come to NEWSTART Now.
27:39 And thanks for joining us at Weimar Institute Research.
27:46 Well, friends, that's it for today.
27:48 But join us next week for another episode.
27:51 In the meantime, pick up the phone
27:53 and give us a call at 1-800-525-9192.
27:59 Mention the NEWSTART Now program
28:02 and receive the NEWSTART Special.


Revised 2018-10-18