Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000228A

00:40 Hi, friends.
00:41 Welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
00:44 I am your host Ron Giannoni.
00:47 Before I introduce our guest,
00:49 I like to take a look at when he first arrived.
00:55 Well, we came here four years ago
00:58 and had a great experience.
01:04 Didn't lose a lot of weight which I thought I would,
01:07 but that was my own fault.
01:09 But we learned such great truths
01:11 about nutrition, cooking,
01:15 what to eat, what not to eat,
01:17 and we stuck with that program
01:18 when we got home for a couple of years,
01:21 at least, may be three.
01:23 But the last year or so, I kind of fell off the wagon.
01:27 And I know it's called NEWSTART
01:29 but I am looking at it as a restart
01:32 because I spent the last eight months
01:35 in the high Arctic
01:37 where fresh fruits and vegetables
01:38 are hard to come by,
01:40 and couldn't go for walks like I like to do partly
01:45 because of the darkness and the bears
01:47 and wolves and foxes that were out.
01:51 So that's my excuse for gaining 30 pounds or more.
01:55 And before I came out of the Arctic this year,
01:58 my wife called me and said,
02:00 "I want to go back to NEWSTART."
02:02 And I said, "Great idea. Let's go."
02:04 The spiritual aspect is very important as well.
02:09 Every morning at seven,
02:10 we have a session in here with the chaplain,
02:14 and I forget the chaplain's name,
02:17 I just met him, he is very good.
02:21 At the end of a session, when...
02:31 I look at my wife...
02:35 Sorry.
02:37 And she has tears
02:47 due to the message that we hear in the morning.
02:52 That in itself is worth every penny.
03:02 Welcome back, friends.
03:03 Grant Scott.
03:05 Now I've been playing with that name for a while
03:07 because I could say Scott Grant or Grant Scott,
03:10 and I know you'd answer to either but...
03:12 Yes.
03:14 You know, when you first arrived,
03:19 you came with your wife who we have not interviewed.
03:25 But nonetheless, you came to assist her, right?
03:28 Yes.
03:29 And...
03:31 But you've had some remarkable changes.
03:35 Can we talk about that?
03:39 Well, I have lost 13 pounds. Wow.
03:43 That's a remarkable change.
03:45 Where did you leave it by the way?
03:47 Pardon me. Where did you leave it?
03:49 I am just kidding.
03:51 But you ever wondered where that weight goes?
03:53 Just where is it? It's gone.
03:54 Out on a trail somewhere. Right.
03:56 Go ahead. You lost 13 pounds.
03:58 Well, and you mentioned trails,
04:00 walking trails certainly helped.
04:03 It's a combination of proper diet, exercise, rest,
04:08 drinking water, lots of water.
04:10 Yeah.
04:12 And I think that's how I lost the weight.
04:15 And of course, the challenge now is to keep up that regimen
04:17 when I go home.
04:18 So 13 pounds in 16 days? Yes.
04:22 That's almost a pound a day.
04:25 What gave that a kick start was
04:27 we had a three day fast,
04:30 and I've never been on a fast before.
04:36 I'd say it's easy because I never felt hungry.
04:39 I mean, we drank water and made a little concoction,
04:43 they called parfait, which had no taste
04:47 but that kept us going.
04:50 Right. Right.
04:51 And the other big change is
04:56 eating only two meals a day,
04:58 breakfast at eight in the morning,
04:59 and lunch at two in the afternoon,
05:01 and that's it.
05:03 And even when I wake up the next morning,
05:06 I'm not hungry.
05:08 And I thought I would be.
05:10 I thought I'd be going down the road
05:12 on my own truck looking for snacks.
05:16 It's just an amazing program,
05:19 and I think, I mentioned before when we spoke,
05:22 you know, the cost is high,
05:24 especially for Canadians with Canadian dollar being low,
05:27 but that cost is well worth it, aside from all that,
05:32 just for the Fresh Start discussions
05:35 with the chaplain in the morning.
05:37 How was the Fresh Start for you?
05:39 Did that grab you at all?
05:41 It really grabbed my wife and I.
05:44 My wife has got three years of Bible school
05:47 behind her years ago,
05:48 and we've been going to church for years
05:51 and studying the Bible, reading the Bible.
05:54 But listening to Damon Snead, the chaplain,
05:58 it was like hearing the Bible for the first time.
06:02 And
06:12 his sermons,
06:14 his teachings grabbed us so much.
06:18 We were both rebaptized
06:22 last Sabbath here.
06:26 And so there is an aspect of this program
06:30 that few people know about
06:32 and that's the spiritual component.
06:35 And folks, you are watching it now.
06:38 This is typical what happens here.
06:42 People are just taken back by this love that's shared
06:47 and the sermons certainly are important,
06:51 and Damon has a message that is just incredible.
06:56 And you are a different man.
06:59 Very much. Yeah.
07:02 When we first arrived,
07:04 we were here for four years or a little bit more.
07:05 When we first arrived on this program,
07:08 we looked at all the other folks
07:12 and I said to my wife,
07:14 "I don't know if we'll fit in with this group."
07:16 It looked kind of strange.
07:18 But we grew to know and love everyone.
07:22 They're probably saying the same thing about you.
07:24 Exactly. Yeah.
07:26 It's a very close-knit group.
07:28 Isn't that amazing how that all
07:29 just kind of melts together?
07:32 Well, when the Lord's in it, anything is possible.
07:36 Yeah.
07:37 Everything is possible. Yeah.
07:39 I'm so glad you brought that up
07:41 because it needs to be said over the airways
07:45 to people who want to come here,
07:48 they don't know that there's a spiritual component,
07:51 and you certainly has brought that out.
07:54 So were you on any medications when you got here?
07:56 No.
07:58 None? None.
07:59 So did you see the doctor?
08:01 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
08:02 We had regular visits with Dr. Gallant.
08:06 I haven't been on medication for years.
08:09 And has he given a clean bill of health?
08:11 Well, no.
08:12 No?
08:14 My blood test showed that
08:16 I was close to this disease and close to that disease,
08:20 but didn't have them.
08:22 So it was a wakeup call for me
08:23 to stick with the proper diet and exercise
08:27 to make sure I don't fall into those diseases.
08:30 So now that you've come through the program,
08:32 those are not gonna happen.
08:34 Not at all. Not at all.
08:36 Now you are good to go.
08:38 And I can guess what they are
08:40 but nonetheless, it doesn't matter.
08:42 I know by being here,
08:44 if you were pre this or pre that, that's gone
08:48 because we've seen so many people with diabetes,
08:51 and even cancers,
08:53 and people who were
08:56 on this kind of machine and that machine,
08:59 where they needed to breathe, they'll get dialysis,
09:02 get them off these machines
09:04 just because change in the lifestyle.
09:07 That's right.
09:08 And of course, wherever the Lord is present,
09:12 all things are possible, anything is possible.
09:16 Dr. Gallant...
09:17 I have a CPAP machine.
09:19 And Dr. Gallant said if I stick to this program
09:22 and the weight continues to come off,
09:24 the CPAP will also come off.
09:28 That's right. I've seen it.
09:30 Right here. With my own eyes.
09:33 Well, I'm very, very happy for you,
09:34 and I just praise the Lord that
09:38 you are who you are and what you are
09:41 and you are here with your wife, supporting her,
09:44 and the two of you were baptized,
09:46 I think that's incredible.
09:48 But we are running out of time. Okay.
09:52 But I wanna thank you for coming here
09:55 and expressing your deepest emotions.
09:58 Thank you. And God bless you, brother.
10:00 Bless you too.
10:01 I'll see you again. Yes.
10:02 Don't go away, friends, 'cause Dr. Gallant is up next.
10:40 Welcome back, friends.
10:42 We have today with us Dr. Gallant.
10:44 Dr. Gallant.
10:46 Good to see you, Pastor Snead.
10:47 How are you doing? Doing well.
10:49 We're gonna be talking a little bit about Grant.
10:50 Yes.
10:52 And he had some troubles.
10:53 He was here before, left,
10:56 and then got in a situation with his work,
10:58 gained a lot of weight, a lot of bad food,
11:01 and got in a pretty bad situation.
11:03 So what can you tell us about Grant?
11:05 Well, Grant is a great guy.
11:06 He is from the Great White North,
11:08 you know?
11:10 I grew up half of my childhood in Canada,
11:11 so I'm somewhat partial to people from Canada.
11:16 But Grant is a great guy.
11:19 He said it himself that, you know,
11:22 he came because he had fallen off the wagon.
11:26 And so he was having weight gain,
11:29 he was having some issues with his blood pressure,
11:31 and he had sleep apnea.
11:34 And coming here,
11:38 he started to get back on track,
11:40 and you could just see it in his eyes,
11:42 his eyes changed, you know,
11:44 and he is doing a lot better.
11:47 At the end of the program, he really had lost weight,
11:51 and he was feeling better, he could exercise more,
11:55 he also was starting to sleep better at night,
11:58 the sleep apnea was not as much of a problem.
12:01 So praise the Lord for that.
12:03 Yeah, so losing the weight had a big factor
12:06 and getting exercise.
12:07 I know his job
12:08 where he was working a way up, you know,
12:10 was keeping him from being mobile, isn't it?
12:13 And can that be a problem
12:16 with people not being able to sleep well?
12:18 Absolutely. Absolutely.
12:19 There is a lot of evidence that shows that
12:21 if you get regular exercise during the day,
12:24 not right before you go to bed,
12:26 it helps you to sleep better at night.
12:28 Your body gets tired physically,
12:31 but you also have changes
12:32 in the chemicals, the hormones in your body,
12:35 and that helps you to sleep better at night.
12:38 His poor sleeping actually had an impact on his wife.
12:42 It kept his wife awake at night.
12:44 Oh, very good point. Yeah.
12:46 And so when he started sleeping better,
12:48 she was very happy
12:49 because she could sleep better as well.
12:51 Oh, yeah, so you see, that affects all kind of stuff.
12:53 Yeah, absolutely.
12:54 Now something about where he worked,
12:56 the part of the world where he worked,
12:57 was there an issue with daylight and sunlight
13:00 and stuff like that?
13:01 Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely.
13:03 So he was in the Arctic, the very far north.
13:05 And they don't have
13:07 the same daylight and nighttime as we do.
13:11 In parts of the winter, there is very little daylight.
13:16 And then in parts of that area during the summer,
13:19 there is an abundance of daylight
13:21 where they only have a little bit of darkness.
13:23 And the light affects our sleep patterns.
13:27 It affects our melatonin and our serotonin.
13:31 Melatonin is more of a nighttime hormone,
13:33 and serotonin is more of a daytime hormone.
13:36 And when you are not getting
13:38 the right light at the right time,
13:40 it makes it hard to be healthy.
13:42 And so that affected his sleep.
13:45 And then being up there where it's so cold
13:47 and there is all kinds of wildlife,
13:49 he couldn't exercise and walk like
13:52 he needed to and should have.
13:54 And so that impacted his health
13:56 and impacted his weight gain as well.
13:58 Yeah, so it sounded like
13:59 he had a lot of things going on.
14:01 No exercise, poor nutrition,
14:05 the light problems, and so he gets here,
14:08 and all of these things,
14:10 he starts learning to do all over again.
14:11 He is getting the right amount of sunlight
14:13 but at the right time.
14:14 Amen.
14:16 He is getting the nutrition, he is getting the exercise,
14:19 and then a few other things.
14:21 Right.
14:22 So his body just starts going back
14:23 to its normal position what it should be.
14:26 Yeah, exactly.
14:28 And he did...
14:30 You know, he started to make these simple changes
14:32 and he started to see results fairly quickly,
14:35 which is a blessing.
14:37 And so I am just thankful that
14:41 he had a good experience while he was here,
14:44 and you also played a role in his healing.
14:50 Yeah, that's the spiritual component of it.
14:51 That's right.
14:53 Because spiritual is so important
14:55 with the physical healing.
14:57 And I believe that the spiritual component
15:00 is the part that keeps people on track
15:03 when they leave here.
15:04 Right, and that's a big thing with him
15:06 because he's going back to work.
15:08 I'm hoping he doesn't go back to work.
15:10 Was he thinking of retiring? He was thinking about it.
15:12 I'm hoping he doesn't go back to work 'cause being up there,
15:15 being away for months at a time,
15:18 not being with his wife,
15:21 all of that, I don't think is ideal.
15:23 No, it's not ideal.
15:24 You know, but a lot of men and even women
15:28 have this problem
15:29 where work is the driving force,
15:32 it throws everything else out of whack.
15:34 So what would you suggest to people
15:36 whose work is really interfering in their life
15:39 in so many levels like this?
15:42 NEWSTART has two Ts.
15:44 The first T actually stands for temperance.
15:47 So temperance means
15:48 we have to have a level of balance.
15:52 And I'm guilty of this at times myself.
15:56 We can overwork and put aside some of these principles
16:00 that are so important for our health.`
16:02 And then when we do that,
16:04 we reap the consequences of our choices.
16:07 And so it's really important to try to maintain balance.
16:09 And I suggested to him that
16:11 if he did have to go back to work,
16:13 because he says he's retired two or three times already,
16:16 but if he does have to go back to work,
16:18 maybe try to find ways
16:20 to incorporate these principles into what he's doing,
16:23 so it's not as harmful, not as dangerous,
16:26 and maybe take his wife with him
16:28 and so they can be supportive for each other
16:31 at the same time.
16:33 Yeah, because food can become our friend,
16:34 our comfort really quick.
16:36 Absolutely.
16:37 No spouse, no wife,
16:38 all these other miserable things going on.
16:40 And you can default to that so quickly.
16:42 Well, he put on 30 pounds.
16:43 Yeah. Yeah.
16:45 So you know, and that's not good.
16:47 So yeah, I think it's important
16:50 that he maintain balance at whatever he's doing,
16:52 whether it's just being at home
16:54 or he has to go back up north.
16:56 He said there was gonna be a break
16:58 before there would be an opportunity for him
17:01 to go back up north.
17:02 So I think that's good
17:04 that he can kind of reestablish the principles,
17:05 both of them will have them in their household,
17:08 and I think that's important.
17:10 But, you know, he needs to be careful
17:13 if he's going back up there for work.
17:15 Dr. Gallant, we are out of time.
17:16 We appreciate you so much. God bless, friend.
17:18 God bless you too, pastor. And it's good to talk to you.
17:21 Don't go away, friends. We'll be right back.
17:26 Welcome back, friends.
17:27 Help me welcome the real Pastor Snead.
17:33 We keep changing chairs here. Yeah.
17:36 You know? Well, I'm over here now.
17:37 I know you're over there.
17:39 I think that's a tougher chair to be in.
17:41 Maybe so.
17:42 'Cause all I got to do is ask questions.
17:44 But we don't wanna confuse anybody watching,
17:47 you were actually over here. That's right.
17:49 Now you're over there. Now I am over here.
17:51 So now you're a pastor.
17:52 That's right. Okay.
17:54 Let's talk about this gentleman.
17:56 We know that
17:58 he'd been up north, way up north.
18:02 What happened?
18:03 I mean, basically, how did he end up here?
18:05 Well, he's in a pretty good shape of a guy, right?
18:08 He's an older guy but was in good shape.
18:11 But years and years of working up north,
18:15 you get up there and...
18:16 Those are the kind of places
18:18 that you take advantage of the time
18:19 'cause there's nothing going on up there,
18:21 so you just work, work, work,
18:23 shift work, many, many hours,
18:24 and what happened was he just overworked himself,
18:28 and that overworking, that intemperance in working
18:31 which is one of the NEWSTART principles,
18:32 temperance, goes for work.
18:35 And he's in one of these typical situations
18:37 where men just work themselves to death,
18:40 and that bled over into all kind of areas of his life.
18:43 Spiritually, physically, mentally,
18:48 we're talking about all of this, right?
18:49 Right, that's one of his testimonies.
18:51 Right.
18:53 The first thing that he recognized was his weight,
18:55 so the physical aspect.
18:56 He has put on some pounds. And this is the thing.
18:58 Just because you're working and, you know,
19:00 we come home from work, we're tired,
19:02 we've been up all day long,
19:03 but that doesn't necessarily mean
19:05 you're getting the kind of physical activity you need,
19:07 and that's what we've seen with him.
19:08 His weight begins to bulge in,
19:11 he's up there overworking,
19:12 so food becomes comforting friend,
19:14 and so he just, it spirals out of control with him,
19:17 and that's what happened.
19:18 That's how he came back here,
19:20 overweight, burned out mentally,
19:22 and then also spiritually,
19:23 he found himself in spiritually bad condition
19:27 as he was physically.
19:29 And how is it that you were able to...
19:32 What do you do exactly
19:34 that helps these folks turn around,
19:36 you know, like him, specifically?
19:39 Well, with these guys and anyone in this situation,
19:42 I always tell them my first night
19:44 that the principles you're gonna learn for health
19:47 are going to stick better if you understand
19:50 the spiritual aspects of things.
19:52 And I just simply am taking people through a good revival,
19:58 understanding the gospel,
20:00 which would include not only the power of God to save us
20:03 eternally into His kingdom but
20:05 that transformative power of God that comes as a gift,
20:08 as a promise of the Holy Spirit.
20:10 And that's what people need
20:11 because of the weakness of our flesh,
20:13 our nature's falling,
20:15 it's just natural proclivity of ours when we burn out,
20:18 tired, stressed from overwork,
20:20 it's just a natural desire to go to food and to eat
20:23 and not exercise and just lay around
20:25 and watch TV and to make ourselves feel better.
20:27 And so we need the power of God to come into our mind
20:31 and snap us out of that, so to speak.
20:33 And so when he gets here, he realizes that.
20:36 Yeah, his health is getting better,
20:37 he's doing the eight NEWSTART principles,
20:40 and his weight's coming down, the numbers are dropping,
20:42 but then he realizes that
20:44 the spiritual is the main issue with him.
20:47 He needed to be reconnected to God
20:50 in the way to help him with his physical problems.
20:53 So you've given him hope,
20:56 where when he got here, he was at the end of the rope,
20:59 so to speak, thinking he was dying, literally,
21:04 maybe he didn't know spiritually.
21:06 But he could tell through physical ailments
21:09 that he was not doing good.
21:11 Would that be pretty much... Yeah, sure.
21:14 And he realized that
21:15 the physical was but a shadow of the spiritual,
21:17 and he was one of the ones who was rebaptized.
21:20 Right.
21:21 And really felt this connection with God,
21:24 and had this hope, I like the word.
21:26 I always start off with hope.
21:27 He had this hope that he's got to go back
21:31 'cause he was going back to work again,
21:33 he was thinking about retiring, but he's going back in.
21:36 But now he can go back realizing that
21:39 he doesn't have to do things the way he's done.
21:41 He can take these principles, implement them,
21:43 and even in an extreme condition of work
21:45 like his kind of work,
21:48 he can still keep the physical in its right perspective,
21:53 but he'll do it now through spiritual,
21:56 through relying on God to help him.
21:58 And relying on God's power,
22:00 you know, we talk about the battle
22:01 between the flesh and the spirit,
22:03 you know, towards the end of our time together,
22:05 and how God can come in
22:07 and override the flesh's desire,
22:09 the spirit can say, "Hey, put that down,"
22:11 or "Hey, get up and go walk," or "Hey..."
22:14 You know, and he realized the importance of that,
22:16 and I think he's gonna benefit greatly from it.
22:18 I know. That's great.
22:20 You know, we're just about out of time.
22:21 But I wanted to thank you for two things.
22:24 For being here for this interview,
22:26 and for taking my place for the previous one.
22:29 Friends, don't go away.
22:31 We got something to show you.
22:35 Welcome to Weimar Institute Research.
22:38 Glad you've joined us today.
22:40 And with me is the Director of Weimar Institute Research,
22:44 and also teaching research methods at the college,
22:47 Dr. Eddie Ramirez.
22:49 And this is a nice study
22:51 where we collaborate with some international researchers.
22:55 And this particular analysis actually helps us to realize
23:02 that tobacco is a little more dangerous than
23:04 we thought of for the mind.
23:06 That's right.
23:08 We've known that tobacco is not good for the arteries,
23:10 it's not good for the lungs, it's not good for the liver,
23:14 and kidneys even for that matter,
23:16 but it really hasn't been looked at
23:18 in regards to that much related to mental health.
23:23 But first of all, Dr. Ramirez,
23:28 tell us about this study and who was studied.
23:32 That's right.
23:33 We were seeing
23:35 what relationship does tobacco use have on depression,
23:41 and what happens after the people participate
23:44 of an eight-week mental education program,
23:48 what happens to their level of tobacco usage,
23:50 and what happens to their level of mental health.
23:54 Okay.
23:55 So they're coming to
23:57 a depression and anxiety recovery program
24:00 which is just once a week for eight weeks,
24:02 a mental health program,
24:03 and they're taking a little assessment
24:07 at the beginning.
24:08 And one of the things that we're assessing
24:10 is their tobacco usage.
24:12 That's right.
24:14 And so what did we find out?
24:15 How many of them were using tobacco,
24:18 and what did it do to their mental health?
24:20 That's right.
24:22 We found out that from 5,621 people,
24:28 456 were using tobacco products.
24:32 Okay.
24:34 And did we compare them
24:36 with the ones who were not using tobacco products?
24:38 That's right.
24:39 We compared them against those
24:41 that were not using tobacco products.
24:43 If you were using tobacco products,
24:44 your depression was 16 points,
24:47 almost to the severe type of depression
24:50 compared to those that were not using the tobacco products,
24:53 on average, at the beginning, it was of 12.
24:56 So there was a big difference in their mental health.
24:59 Significant worsening really of depression.
25:03 And anxiety also. And anxiety also.
25:05 So you measured anxiety as well.
25:07 So it's interesting because many times
25:09 the smoker uses it to deal with their anxiety,
25:13 yet, if they're using tobacco,
25:16 their anxiety is actually moderate levels
25:19 while those that are not using the tobacco
25:22 at the beginning had mild levels of anxiety.
25:25 It's one of these classic things
25:26 where the people think
25:28 what's helping them is actually hurting them
25:31 because it seems to help them short-term,
25:33 but they don't recognize
25:35 what it's doing long-term to their brain chemistry.
25:37 And so many people smoke tobacco
25:40 in order to feel calm and relaxed,
25:43 but in reality,
25:44 they are actually getting rid of some brain chemicals
25:47 that can help them feel calm and relaxed.
25:50 And as a result, their anxiety levels go up long-term
25:55 as well as their depression levels.
25:57 So during the course of the eight weeks,
25:59 what happened?
26:01 So we have focused on helping them,
26:04 giving tools so they can overcome addictions.
26:08 And even though this is not a smoking succession program,
26:11 we actually got rates similar to
26:14 a smoking succession program.
26:17 By the end of the program,
26:19 from those 556 people that were using it, by the end,
26:25 98 had decided to stop using the tobacco products.
26:29 Okay, so significant amount.
26:31 And you're right, that's actually equal or above
26:34 a program that would just be utilized
26:36 to help them quit smoking.
26:39 But by giving them mental health program,
26:42 not only were the rates the same
26:44 as going to one of those programs of quitting smoking,
26:47 but their depression and anxiety improved.
26:49 Is that right? That's right.
26:51 By the end of the program, their depression level,
26:54 if you were able to quit smoking,
26:56 was on the border between non and mild,
26:59 while if you continue using the smoke product,
27:02 you did get some benefits from the program,
27:04 but your depression is gonna be at the mild level.
27:06 Okay, so significant improvement
27:08 if they quit smoking,
27:10 and they quit that addiction during the program.
27:12 Lot of people think,
27:13 "Hey, their anxiety level's gonna get worse.
27:15 I am coming to help my anxiety, I don't need to quit smoking."
27:18 But those who did quit smoking,
27:20 experienced significant improvement
27:23 in their depression and anxiety.
27:24 And anxiety levels, it went from six.
27:28 If you quit smoking, it went down to five
27:31 which is non-depression.
27:33 And if you continue using the tobacco products,
27:35 it's gonna be on six which is a mild anxiety.
27:38 Now was this published?
27:39 This was published in
27:41 Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetic journal.
27:46 Okay.
27:47 And one of the students from Weimar was our...
27:51 One of them, you know, processing data
27:53 and writing things up and so forth.
27:55 Great.
27:56 And so we appreciate what you are teaching the world
28:00 through this data analysis, Dr. Ramirez,
28:03 as real lives have changed for the better.
28:06 And we thank you for tuning in.
28:07 And join us next time for Weimar Institute Research.


Revised 2018-10-18