Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000227A

01:11 Hey friends, welcome to a new edition to Newstart Now.
01:15 I'm your host Damon Snead, standing in for Ron Giononni
01:19 and we have in our studio today Miss Beverly Haffner.
01:22 Let's take a look at her life before Newstart.
01:26 I am here because I love this place,
01:34 I worked here for four years, I've been to an 18 day program
01:38 and I like what happens when I am here.
01:42 I want to lose weight...more weight and I want to get off
01:48 medications. I am not on a lot but want back to where I was
01:52 none. I'd like to get off of the medications if I can.
01:56 I do, I take Timolol for my eyes, but that's another doctor
02:00 and another problem.
02:02 So, um, but that's all I'm on and I'd like to get off of the
02:08 blood pressure and so forth, I don't want to have to take
02:11 medication, if I can avoid it.
02:47 Welcome back friends.
02:48 Miss Beverly, welcome to the program. Thank you.
02:52 How are you doing?
02:53 I'm doing very well, thank you.
02:55 I had a good report.
02:57 So tell us a little bit about your experience here
03:00 at Newstart. This time. Yes ma'am.
03:04 Oh yeah because you were here before.
03:05 I worked here for four years and then I came back for the
03:08 eighteen day program four or five years ago.
03:11 And so now you are back again. Back again.
03:13 So what's been something that stood out to you this time
03:17 that's really been a blessing to you?
03:19 I see a lot of changes, I feel that it's beautifully run,
03:26 everything runs smoothly, they have it well planned.
03:29 And the speeches that we hear, the meetings have been very
03:35 inspirational,yours was especially inspirational
03:39 and fulfilled my dream of being re-baptized, for which I am very
03:44 excited about.
03:46 Yeah, now you bring that out in the beginning here
03:49 about your re-baptism that you had.
03:52 Can you tell us a little bit about that,
03:54 what brought you to that decision or...
03:55 Well, I had been thinking about it for six or eight months
04:00 and thinking about it at home of course,
04:03 and trying to figure out what I wanted to do and so forth.
04:08 But when I decided to come here, I thought it would be fun
04:12 to be baptized in Moses' rock.
04:15 Just to something exciting about that.
04:18 And I have to bring someone with me because of my eyesight
04:23 and I can't see to do things, so they make me bring a
04:25 companion and I thought, who can I take?
04:30 I want to take someone who also needs something from Weimar
04:34 so they could get some good out of it too.
04:36 And I heard a friend across the room at her table during lunch-
04:43 time, and I heard her say the word Weimar.
04:48 I don't know what she said before or after,
04:51 what the sentence was, I just heard the word.
04:54 And since it was in my head, it popped out.
04:58 And after lunch, I saw her outside in the hall and I said,
05:02 did you say you wanted to go to Weimar?
05:03 She said well, I think I need to. I said you are going.
05:09 And that's Miss Daisy. That's Miss Daisy.
05:12 We'll be talking to her later. Yeah and I just immediately
05:15 thank God because that was Him talking.
05:18 That's right, providential speaking, this is who
05:21 He wanted to come now... It's interesting you know...
05:23 Cause she doesn't remember saying Weimar at the table
05:25 either. -That's right.
05:27 Now how was the experience here with the food for you,
05:32 was that a good experience?
05:34 It's been delicious and you know the things I don't like,
05:39 It's alright, I don't like everything at home either.
05:41 Alright. [Laughter] And part of it is you just
05:44 have to change your taste buds and so...
05:47 Now what kind of medical changes did you...did you experience
05:50 any positives, or any medicines that you may have been of off?
05:54 Well, they are trying to get me off blood pressure medicine
05:57 and I think he's going to make it because it's going down
05:59 and...- So you had good gains in that then.
06:02 Yeah, everything has gone down, the sugar, the blood
06:06 pressure and the weight, so the weight hasn't gone much,
06:11 but they told me last night that I'd lost 3" in my waist
06:15 so that was worth... Well that's a big deal.
06:17 So you see everything moving down, the weight's down,
06:21 the high blood pressure is going down, the blood sugars
06:24 have dropped. This is what this program does.
06:26 That's what I came for.
06:27 Yeah and to boot, you got the spiritual side as well.
06:30 - Exactly. So tell us a little bit about your doctor,
06:32 Dr. Kuninobu...I guess... Dr. K-Yeah, we call him Dr. K.
06:38 He tells you, just say Dr. K. So what was your experience
06:41 with him. Oh, he's been very good, he's kept up with it and
06:45 ordered what I need so he can tell how I am going and
06:48 I just had an appointment with him and he said everything
06:50 is going the right direction and so he's happy.
06:53 Yeah. So. Yeah, so he's a good man too, he's another praying
06:58 doctor. You don't see too many of those in the world today.
07:01 No, you don't.
07:03 So now your overall experience you would say it was wonderful,
07:09 great... I've been very happy. Very very nice.
07:13 And Daisy has been a magnificent companion.
07:17 Well, you all two have been the grandmothers of the program.
07:21 We're the oldest ones here.
07:22 Yeah. I can't call her mom though because she is only
07:25 six months older than I am. Right, she's almost at your age?
07:28 She's at 87? She will be next month and I'll be 87 in
07:32 January. Yeah, that says a lot, at that advanced age with
07:37 many more years to come, that you could come here in your
07:41 late 80's, both of you 'all and both experience a rejuvenation
07:47 of spiritual and health.
07:49 Well she didn't think she could have anything done,
07:52 she was just going to be my "COMPANION"
07:55 but we worked it out so that she has and I am so thrilled
08:00 cause she needs help too.
08:02 She has some problems, physical problems that need to be
08:06 taken care of and I didn't want to bring her here and
08:08 take her home sick, so...
08:10 So now, how did you do with exercise out here, how was that
08:13 for you? Well the walking was wonderful, I walk a lot
08:17 at home, so that was no problem and the water,
08:20 I drink lots of water at home so that was no problem.
08:24 It's the up and down the hills, like at the baptismal
08:31 and when we went to the mine and the breakfast...
08:34 You know it's hard in some areas because I can't see
08:37 where I'm stepping and that's...
08:38 But you did well physically though.
08:40 Physically I am all right... The very first day I tried
08:44 to do the morning exercises, the stretchercises
08:48 and one of them is to put your leg back and I did the
08:54 prosthetic side where my prosthetic hip is and
08:58 that was a no-no, I shouldn't have and so my hip has been
09:02 hurting the whole time. But I did it to myself
09:05 and it will get better.
09:07 So...So, yeah...So how did you find the various parts
09:12 of the program, the various directors and therapists
09:15 working together. Was did you feel about all of that?
09:18 It's incredible. I just feel that God has led in every area
09:22 of this place because I thought it was great when I was here
09:25 and it just seems to get better each time I come.
09:28 Yeah, this is a great group that is here. Yes.
09:30 A great praying group...Yes, everyone works together well,
09:33 everything runs smoothly, the food is good and even the
09:38 way they serve that and get it through and get it out and I've
09:42 been very impressed.
09:43 Very well, so what is going to be the thing you take away
09:47 from here from the health perspective and from the
09:51 spiritual perspective, what will be the one things that you are
09:53 going to remember most about both aspects?
09:56 Well health wise they helped me get to a place where I can
10:01 improve. Because the eyes are not going to improve
10:07 and I know that, that's no problem.
10:09 I'm living with it and have for some time, but the other part,
10:15 the physical, the exercise and all, I'll just keep doing
10:19 what I've been doing and it should be getting better.
10:23 The spiritual part has been very very good,
10:27 I appreciated every...your programs in the morning and
10:32 the part of the baptism and everything and having
10:35 Daisy do it with me, was just beyond belief.
10:39 Yeah, you' all two have been a real blessing for the whole
10:44 program. She's precious.
10:45 Both of you.
10:47 So now going home, what are your plans,
10:50 what are your thoughts?
10:51 I'm already in my head thinking how I am going to change my room
10:56 get rid of...I've been there for 12 and 1/2 years
10:58 and when I came, I had two weeks to plan, get rid of stuff
11:05 and get here, and I didn't get rid of enough stuff.
11:10 The earthquake took care of some of it, but the rest of it
11:16 I am trying to get rid of and see what I can give to Dorcas
11:18 and so forth and pare down, that's what I'm trying to do.
11:23 I think that has worked well, I mean I am planning on it
11:27 working well. Yes yes.
11:29 And we have worship every morning where I am
11:33 and the church is across the street from where I live
11:36 so spiritually we are well fed and I appreciate that.
11:42 So you going to keep on doing what is good?
11:44 Oh yes. I hope to do better.
11:46 And do better and get rid of what's no good?
11:50 That's what I like about this program, they teach you
11:53 not just here but they are caring for you when you go home.
11:55 They want you to be successful so they give you
11:58 that information going back home, ok let's do this,
12:02 let's keep doing this and I think that you are
12:04 in a good place. I appreciate that so much
12:07 because just having it here and going home with nothing
12:11 kind of did that the last time and so...
12:14 Well listen Beverly, we are almost out of time,
12:17 we appreciate you so much. Thank you, I appreciate you too.
12:22 Friends don't go away, we will be right back with Dr. Kuninobu.
13:30 Welcome back friends.
13:32 Today in the studio we have with us Dr. Kuninobu
13:35 Welcome my friend, how are you doing?
13:38 I am doing well Damon, thank you.
13:39 So today we are going to be talking about Miss Beverly.
13:43 Oh yes.
13:44 Yeah, and she has a very interesting story she tells
13:47 about coming here and I think that story reflects something
13:52 that's very important, especially to women of her age,
13:57 how important it might be and so what was your impression
14:02 about Miss Beverly?
14:03 I met Miss Beverly, well let's talk about that story...
14:07 Well, I think the point with her is as she shared in the
14:12 interview, so there's no secret that she's 87,
14:15 she turned 87 I think while she was here,
14:17 if I am not mistaken. So by anyone's stretch,
14:21 they wouldn't call that still young.
14:22 Nearly nine decades.
14:25 Nearly nine decades, right.
14:26 And she doesn't look it, she doesn't act like it,
14:30 even though she has many challenges, legally blind,
14:34 she uses a walker and has difficulty there...
14:37 But at any age, what I think is important is that she recognize
14:42 that she could do something to help her health to be better.
14:46 She knew that even though she was 87, she could use the
14:50 Newstart principals and get healthier and then beyond that,
14:54 she also knew that she was going to need help
14:57 because of her sight, but she didn't want to just have
14:59 anybody help her, she wanted somebody who Newstart would help
15:01 them. So she used the principle of bringing in a friend
15:06 who needed help.
15:08 I don't know if she shared that in the interview...
15:11 Yes, she shared about how God... She just started praying
15:15 and then someone out of the clear says Weimar.
15:20 Um hum. And she knew right then.
15:21 And it's been such a blessing and she's repeated over and over,
15:24 God arranged this so that my friend could come with me
15:27 because she really needed to be blessed by this as well.
15:30 Yes, so companionship is a big thing and the right companion...
15:35 because those two have been like grandmothers to the program,
15:37 they have been a blessing to everyone...
15:40 Just such sweet ladies really really sweet ladies.
15:42 Yes, so you know, what can you gather from...I mean,
15:47 why would an 86 year old and a 87 year old lady come to
15:51 Newstart? To re-boot their life when most people would think
15:56 okay, at 87 you lived pretty much all your life,
15:59 why come to places like that? You see so many people in
16:02 elderly care homes that are just wasting away,
16:06 but here are two women that come and they are just getting
16:09 ready to take off. How important is that?
16:11 I think they would probably be the first to say that they
16:13 recognize that they have a life to live to glorify God.
16:20 Um hum. You know I think that they would probably say
16:23 that and so knowing that there is anything that they can do
16:29 to represent Him better, why not.
16:34 And she came wanting to be able to exercise better,
16:39 to walk better, she wanted to lose some weight,
16:42 she had been told she had pre-diabetes and she wanted
16:45 to get that blood sugar to back off a bit.
16:48 And that's a point that we should probably bring out
16:51 regardless of age...there are many viewers out there I'm sure
16:54 who have been told they are pre-diabetic,
16:56 or maybe their parents have diabetes and a lot of people
17:00 out there hear that and think oh well, here it comes.
17:04 It's genetic, if I can't help... I can't do anything about it...
17:07 Which is not true, you know they...she knew that,
17:11 She knew that she could keep it at bay,
17:13 if she could just keep it at bay...she took her sugar,
17:16 which was on the edge of pre- diabetes when she did her
17:19 blood work at the beginning of the program.
17:21 And it has backed it off almost down to low normal,
17:26 not just normal but into low normal so she's actually done
17:30 very well with that.
17:31 And I think there are viewers that need to know that.
17:32 You don't have to succumb to the genetics that you've been given.
17:39 This is true. Called epi-genetics, our diet,
17:42 our lifestyle can affect that tremendously.
17:45 in other words, the genes may load the gun, but it's our
17:48 lifestyle that pulls the trigger.
17:49 Right! And she knew that and that's why she came here
17:52 and she's done very well.
17:54 Yeah and at 87 if you can change at 87 years old,
17:57 then there is no reason why any of us can't come to a place-
18:02 The adage of "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"
18:04 isn't true. Is not true, we've learned this
18:08 from these two ladies, Miss Beverly. That's right!
18:11 That you can re-learn to do things and even at that age,
18:15 you know. Oh, they're set in their ways, you hear that
18:17 all the time, they're never going to change
18:19 well, that's not true if you want more life and
18:22 abundant life. There is no reason why you can't apply these
18:26 principles and I know that her sugar's come down,
18:28 her blood pressure came down, she was very happy about
18:32 losing three inches off of her waist.
18:34 Yeah and she lost very well.
18:36 She's done very very well.
18:38 She's much more mobile, she's moving around a little bit more,
18:43 so yeah.
18:44 So how do you see older people like this benefiting?
18:53 Being able to come here, like her, what would be
18:57 appeal to people her age?
19:00 Good appeal to people her age.
19:03 It really doesn't matter how old we are,
19:08 the same God created that body and the machinery can improve.
19:14 The same, no matter what age you are.
19:17 No matter what age.
19:18 You know, there's a...I love the phrase that says more of us
19:23 rust out than wear out.
19:24 Because we don't do enough and there really is no limit
19:29 and they've done studies on this and even in nursing home
19:32 patients who aren't able to even get out of bed,
19:33 if they put them on an exercise programs,
19:35 they can do things more for themselves than they were able
19:38 to before the exercise program.
19:39 So there is no limit to the age in which we can improve
19:43 our fitness level.
19:45 So if you have elderly parents, if you have someone you are
19:49 dealing with grandparents, this is a great place to bring them
19:54 to get them going again. I would never have dreamed
19:57 that my grandmother, you know she became really infirmed...
20:01 I wish I would have known something like this,
20:02 it's not that expensive compared to what they can gain from that,
20:07 to get off medicines, to be able to have a more fruitful
20:12 life, more mobile life at her age.
20:14 Because she could easily vege out with her sight and just
20:17 give up but she hasn't done that. She hasn't done that.
20:20 No, so I think that's a great impetus for anybody
20:23 to come here.
20:25 Especially their age, it's a wonderful thing...
20:27 So what else struck you about her?
20:28 Maybe even from her prayer, right, her prayer life
20:32 and at that age still actively asking God to...Whew!
20:36 And she's still praying about asking Him to lead her,
20:39 she's not just stuck where she is, she's looking for to improve
20:42 where even she lives, she has been talking about moving
20:45 and finding...she's really excited, she found a place
20:48 that has a Vegan Chef in an Assisted Living place.
20:54 Isn't that something?
20:55 And so those places, we've talked about this other guests,
20:59 those places can be death traps for the diet for the
21:02 elderly people. So she's going back and who knows what kind of
21:05 changes can come in people's lives.
21:06 She's been very proactive about her diet. Um hm.
21:09 Yeah, she was a very blessing even talking to her,
21:15 she'd just tear up and cry, just so thankful that she came here.
21:19 And she's helped me to look at some of these older people
21:22 coming to these programs in a different way.
21:24 I now know, from her personal witness, she has taught me
21:28 that anyone at any age... So some of these people
21:32 that come, I'm like man, you can get out there,
21:33 you can do what she did.
21:35 She can probably tell you, it wasn't just a physical blessing
21:38 that she got her. Oh yes!
21:40 The spiritual blessing that she received.
21:43 Yeah, because she was one who really delved down deep into
21:48 the gospel.
21:50 Dr. K., unfortunately we are almost out of time.
21:52 It goes so fast. God bless. Blessing.
21:56 Don't go away friends, we will be right back.
22:01 Welcome to Weimar Institute Research.
22:04 Glad you're with us here today and today Dr. Eddie Ramirez
22:08 the head of our research department at Weimar College
22:12 who publishes about as much research or more than
22:16 the typical Harvard professor is with us here today
22:20 and Dr. Ramirez, who did you do this research with?
22:25 Yes, we are looking at the participants of the
22:28 Newstart program, there's a particular sub-group of patients
22:32 that worries us as doctors.
22:34 And that is after females go through their menopause
22:39 sometimes things are fine and suddenly they go through
22:42 menopause and things to out of whack
22:45 and we are focusing on that particular group of people.
22:49 The female hormones actually protect them some from chronic
22:52 diseases like heart disease and stroke and it actually
22:58 raises their HDL cholesterol, their good cholesterol some.
23:02 And for years we thought that just being a male was a risk
23:07 for factor for heart disease.
23:08 But then when we started taking a look at post-menopausal
23:11 women, we find out that their heart disease is just as bad as
23:15 males. In fact within ten years of going through menopause,
23:18 the rates are identical again and so we're concerned
23:22 about this post-menopausal period.
23:24 Now for years, doctors though the solution is to keep
23:30 these hormones around, so they would give them
23:32 more hormones as they are going through menopause
23:35 to help prevent the heart diseases and strokes,
23:38 but actually the women's health initiative showed that it
23:41 actually increase their risk of stroke and heart attack more.
23:45 Cause these female hormones if they are used exogenously,
23:48 meaning that we are swallowing them or we're using them as a
23:52 patch or something like that, for the typical American,
23:54 actually thickens their blood.
23:56 So they are even more likely to experience thrombosis
23:59 heart attack, stroke, even venous thrombosis and those
24:03 sorts of things and so doctors quit prescribing those drugs
24:06 or those hormones carte blanche.
24:09 But it's still a dangerous period non-the-less
24:13 and what did you particularly study?
24:16 So we are focusing on risk factors, we are focusing on
24:20 their weight, we are focusing on their cholesterol levels
24:24 and their bad cholesterol, their LDL.
24:27 What happens when they participate of the
24:30 Newstart program? Ok!
24:32 So they are coming to Newstart, their post-menopausal,
24:37 they have high cholesterol, they're overweight,
24:40 their bad cholesterol particularly is elevated,
24:44 and what happened here in 19 days?
24:47 So as a result of this intervention,
24:51 their weight came down, they lost an average of six pounds.
24:55 Now people say oh, that's not a lot, well what happened
24:59 is that the objective is to help the person lose weight
25:03 little by little and keep that weight off.
25:06 Those type of crash diets in which the people loses a lot of
25:10 weight, usually they have to yo-yo effect which actually
25:13 end up being worse in the long term. Exactly!
25:16 So this was a very healthy weight loss, about two pounds
25:19 a week for the three weeks, a little more than two pounds
25:22 if they lost six pounds.
25:23 And that actually is a very good healthy way to lose weight,
25:26 two pounds a week on a healthy plant based diet.
25:30 And what else did you find out?
25:32 So, we were also checking their cholesterol,
25:35 their cholesterol at the beginning of the program
25:38 was 222 on average and by the end of the Newstart intervention
25:45 they have come down to 195, which is a good progress.
25:50 As they continue home, eating the food that they learned
25:54 and applying those principles, that cholesterol will keep
25:57 coming down and down and down.
25:58 Yeah, the blood is actually drawn in about two weeks
26:01 afterwards so we know it would be even more in a three and
26:05 four week period but that's a dramatic drop.
26:07 So 222 or so and down to 195, plus they lost weight
26:14 and what happened to their bad cholesterol?
26:16 And also their bad cholesterol went down from 136 at the
26:22 beginning of the program to 117 by the end of the program.
26:27 Okay, well that's a dramatic difference,
26:28 we know that in LDL above 130 is a heart attack and a stroke
26:32 waiting to happen and to be really protected,
26:36 we want our LDL's down to less than 90 or even ideally
26:40 70 if we are trying if we are trying to reverse something
26:42 but they got down out of that dangerous range in just 19 days
26:47 and of course it was still dropping.
26:49 So if you have a family or yourself or beyond that
26:54 menopause time, this may be one of the best investments
26:59 you can do to come to the Newstart program to
27:01 improve those health risk factors.
27:04 Don't get on the hormones, come to Newstart
27:07 and you will do far better than hormones.
27:10 Thank you for tuning in to Weimar Institute Research.


Revised 2018-08-23