Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000226A

01:11 Hey friends, welcome to another edition of NEWSTART NOW.
01:16 I'm your host Damon Snead filling in for Ron Gianonni
01:19 and we have in our studio today guest Miss Daisy Vaughn.
01:24 But first, let's go to her life before Newstart.
01:31 I'm here as a companion for Beverly Hoffner, she's a friend
01:36 of mine from Youngfield and we live at a Retirement Center
01:44 there and she asked me to be her companion as she has a problem
01:50 but I also have some issues myself health wise.
01:56 The issues are my voice, it's very difficult sometime
02:01 to be understood and low energy, not knowing how to really relax.
02:12 I would like to feel good again, to be able to do a few more
02:18 things that I haven't been able to do recently
02:22 and that is to walk further than I have been for many years,
02:29 and just to be energized to work for the Lord.
02:35 Welcome back friends.
02:39 Miss Daisy, how are you doing?
02:43 Doing great. Doing great.
02:45 Well tell me, what's your experience been like here?
02:49 Was it a good experience for you?
02:51 Well, this has been a really great experience for me,
02:55 I really didn't expect for me to come but I was so thankful
03:00 to be invited, to be a companion for a lady that lives
03:05 in the same facility that I live, Beverly.
03:08 And she surprised me one day by asking me to come
03:12 and I said Praise the Lord, thank you.
03:15 We talked a little bit about Miss Beverly,
03:17 she was actually praying she said. Yes.
03:20 And all of a sudden she hears the name Weimar across the
03:23 room and so she knows that God wanted you here,
03:27 and we know that because you have been such a blessing
03:30 to this entire group.
03:31 You' all two have been like the grandmothers of the group
03:35 and we really really appreciate ya'all.
03:37 You've made a lot of friends too, a lot of people told me.
03:40 I have and it's been a wonderful experience
03:44 and we are hoping to continue it as we return to our home.
03:48 But the amazing part of this was the night before
03:53 Beverly called me, my daughter in Oregon had called me
03:57 and said, mom, I think we should try to go to Weimar together.
04:01 And I so oh, that would be just wonderful,
04:04 I always wanted to go.
04:06 And so she did check and said well,
04:09 we won't be able to make it this time
04:11 because of the expense.
04:12 But the very next morning Bev called me and asked me
04:17 to go with her and so I said God must want me to go there.
04:21 Yes ma'am.
04:22 Now as far as exercise and things go,
04:27 how was that for you? I know there is a lot of challenging
04:29 courses and there can be hills and stuff,
04:32 how did you do with your exercise here?
04:33 Well, I didn't do as well as I should have,
04:36 I do enjoy walking at times but I was a little lazy today.
04:44 [Laughter]
04:46 I think everybody has a day or two of laziness but
04:49 the doctor's will get you, or your coaches
04:52 will surely get you. That's for sure.
04:54 But I did do some walking.
04:56 I did a lot of walking... in the halls is a long hall.
04:59 At the Weimar it's large and so a lot of times I just walked
05:06 inside, up and down the halls and I figured I was getting
05:10 a little exercise there. Yes ma'am.
05:12 But I hope to do better when I get home.
05:15 Now what kind of changes did you experience here in your
05:18 health or did you notice any- thing or any numbers that...
05:21 Well yes, I came I had a cough which I had been experiencing
05:27 for since November of last year and I've had...
05:32 The doctor treated me for Bronchitis
05:37 and that helped a lot.
05:39 And then I was given chest fomentation. Oh yes.
05:46 And that really helped, whereas, I am coughing very little now.
05:51 Now how did you like those fomentations?
05:53 Now did you do the...what kind of hydro did you do?
05:55 Was it the pads or... It was the pads.
05:57 Hot and then the ice cold.
06:00 I know, I could hear ya'all squealing sometimes
06:03 when I go by there when they put the cold on you.
06:05 But it helps tremendously doesn't it? It helps.
06:08 It helped a lot and I am not coughing nearly as much.
06:12 Right. Very good.
06:14 So any other changes in your health that you noticed?
06:19 Well, I'm enjoying the food.
06:23 Oh, let's begin the food now.
06:25 Now that's usually something we like to talk about.
06:28 So what was your favorite dish?
06:30 You know, I really enjoyed most of them but I enjoyed the...
06:35 there was a saucy red bean... Oh yeah, with the...
06:40 The polenta. That was just wonderful.
06:43 If my stomach could have held more,
06:45 I would have gone back for more.
06:47 Yeah, that's one of my favorites.
06:49 That was very good and I like the Tofu omelet.
06:53 Yeah! That was good.
06:55 Um hum. Well breakfast is my favorite meal.
06:58 And breakfast with the doctor, was that a good experience?
07:00 Oh, yes it was. That's the best usually.
07:02 That was really good.
07:04 Yeah, you usually can't beat that.
07:06 So tell me now, who's your doctor?
07:08 Dr. Gallant. How was your experience with Dr. G?
07:11 Oh I loved him. I wished he was in Napa.
07:15 Oh yeah, ya'all can't have him.
07:17 It was a very good experience with him.
07:21 Yeah, he's knowledgeable, he's a very spiritual man.
07:23 Yes he is. And I bet...I'm not sure
07:25 but I bet he prayed a little with you.
07:27 Oh, mercy yes. Twice, in the same time.
07:34 Um hum, it was really a good experience with him.
07:37 Right. So would you say the program met your expectations?
07:40 It most certainly did and I'd love to come again.
07:42 Right. So what would be a big take away from the health
07:46 point of view, the health side of this?
07:47 To follow the instructions that you've learned.
07:52 How to eat healthy and the exercise would be a
07:59 great benefit if you can implement it into your
08:03 everyday life.
08:04 Yes, it's very important. Very important.
08:07 We were talking to Peter earlier and when he came,
08:10 he could barely move and it hurt to get him going at first.
08:13 A lot of guests experience that they hurt, it's painful
08:16 they're not used to moving, but all of a sudden, they start
08:18 getting fluid and they are feeling better
08:20 and then the more exercise, the better it is for them.
08:24 It is better, the more you walk, the stronger you get.
08:27 So, I was just telling the doctor, I feel weak and tired.
08:30 He says if I get back to walking like I should,
08:34 I'll get stronger.
08:35 Now you had another experience here that was a surprise.
08:40 I mean, you're, I think you are the oldest person here
08:44 on our guests are 87.
08:45 Yes, I'll be 87 this month.
08:48 And now you were re-baptized this session,
08:50 Yes I will. Before I came I had made the decision
08:59 to re-dedicate my life but I kept putting it off
09:04 and then when I came and you made the invitation,
09:09 that made it just perfect for me to make the decision
09:14 and to go through with it.
09:16 And the Lord told me, He did it, you need to be re-dedicated
09:20 and so that's what I did and I felt very happy,
09:25 very... I can't explain it.
09:29 Well that's why we bring the spiritual and the health
09:34 together here is because we know that yes, we want to make
09:37 sure you understand your relationship with Christ
09:39 and the solid foundation you must be standing on.
09:42 But in a secondary way, those same principles that you learn
09:46 spiritually are going to be the tools that help you to keep
09:50 this health thing going because it is difficult
09:53 when you go home. Oh, it will be, I know it will be.
09:56 And so you need that confidence that help that we talked about
10:00 dying to self, die to the old ways and we want a newness
10:04 and we need the spirit to battle between the spirit
10:07 and the flesh, we need that spirit to be whispering
10:10 in our ears. Well, the way you presented it was just
10:15 a wonderful experience for me.
10:17 I mean, you know when you read about these things,
10:20 but the way you went into depth, that is what got me.
10:25 Yeah, I got to admit that it was a bit of surprise.
10:28 You know, we have a lot of elderly people come through
10:32 the program but... Well, I had...It's been over
10:35 50 years from when I was baptized.
10:37 Yeah, a lot of life has happened in 50 years.
10:40 Yes ma'am.
10:42 So now going back home, what's got to be something that
10:46 you really are looking forward to implementing that you learned
10:50 here from your doctors and your nutritionists?
10:54 Well for one thing, to be more careful in making choices
10:58 in what I eat and to be more persistent in my exercising,
11:04 especially digestive exercise right after eating.
11:07 You know. Yeah. Getting that walk in.
11:10 So you learned a lot from Miss. Eileen our dietician?
11:13 I did. Was she good? Yes she is.
11:15 Yeah she know what she is talking about.
11:16 She does.
11:18 She goes around and she helps you to learn the por...
11:20 and that's big, the portions isn't it.
11:22 You don't really think about those portions.
11:24 Well I know you don't cause in the dining room
11:28 I was used to the lady that was serving us,
11:31 but then when I got to serving it myself, I began to make
11:35 a little bit more extra scoops.
11:37 Right, right.
11:39 Yeah, Miss Helena is good helping us and so it's a great team here
11:44 and I'm glad that you've had a great experience
11:47 and I am glad that you were here, that we got to meet you
11:49 and that you can go home and maybe inspire other people
11:53 from that community to come out and visit us and be a part..
11:56 Well Miss Daisy unfortunately we are out of time,
11:59 it's been a real blessing to be a part of your life.
12:03 Thank you so much and God bless.
12:04 I'm lookin forward to getting that CD from you. Yes ma'am.
12:08 Don't go away friends, we will be right back with Dr. Gallant.
12:48 Welcome back friends, we have with us today Dr. Gallant.
12:51 Dr. Gallant. Good to see you. How are you doing?
12:54 Very well, thank you.
12:55 So we are going to talk a little bit about Miss Daisy.
12:58 Yes. Um, 87 years old... Doesn't look like it by the way.
13:03 No she doesn't. She gets around really well, she was like a
13:06 grandma out here. We all looked at her like a grandma.
13:09 she was very quiet at first when they came, very active,
13:13 very gregarious, everyone loved her...
13:15 But she had some health issues earlier in life
13:19 and you would think someone at 87 would be like well,
13:23 my life is nearing its end, why come to Newstart at 87
13:28 years old?
13:29 Yeah, you know, she doesn't look at life that way,
13:32 she looks that she still has some life to live
13:36 and she had a friend who was coming and she said
13:38 I should go too and so she came and it's been a blessing.
13:42 You know, Daisy had a history of tuberculosis and that impacts
13:50 your life. But then she also had cancer and she survived
13:58 lung cancer. They actually took out a lobe of her lung
14:02 and she's done well since then so praise the Lord for that.
14:06 So how do you see someone that's come through a disease
14:11 like that, but a place like this being a preventive measure?
14:15 Well, you know cancer is one of those diseases that is truly a
14:19 lifestyle disease.
14:21 The way we live, the choices we make, what we eat and drink,
14:25 what we breathe and what we expose our bodies to
14:29 impacts our risk of cancer significantly
14:34 and if our immune system is not in optimal shape,
14:38 then we are at greater risk of getting cancer.
14:41 Our immune system is what protects us.
14:43 You know we you go and get a sunburn for example,
14:46 we all can develop a cancerous cell, a cell that changes.
14:51 But our immune system, typically if it's in optimal health
14:55 can take care of that.
14:56 It's when our immune system is not functioning optimally
15:00 or we are shifting the balance towards making it easier
15:04 for cancer to grow that we start to develop things like cancer.
15:08 And so being in a program like this, where you're learning
15:13 to be balanced, you're learning to have good nutrition
15:17 that will support your normal cells and will not give
15:22 what cancer cells need to grow.
15:24 When you're getting exercise, when you are improving your
15:28 circulation so you can get your immune system to every part
15:31 of your body to fight off any- thing that could be a problem.
15:35 When you are on a plant based diet, a plant based diet is
15:40 crucial for fighting cancer because animal protein
15:45 shifts our balance towards being more acidic which makes us
15:49 more prone to cancer and animal protein actually can
15:52 impact how well our immune system is fighting off cancer.
15:57 So even if you are young, in perfect health,
16:02 you need to stay that way.
16:05 Yeah!
16:06 Cause things can change overnight.
16:07 Absolutely.
16:09 And one of the best ways to stay that way is to
16:11 change your lifestyle, to do things differently.
16:14 So an 87 year old woman who is in now, in good health
16:19 somewhat, she can benefit, she could easily live another years.
16:24 By the grace of God, absolutely, absolutely.
16:27 So, yeah, I was excited to see her improve,
16:32 I was excited to see that she kind of felt sick
16:37 for a little while but is feeling better now
16:39 and I just praise God that she was able to come
16:44 and for her as well, the spiritual component of health
16:50 plays an integral role in how she's doing today.
16:53 Well yeah, she was a surprise to me, she was actually
16:57 the first one that came and said pastor,
16:58 I want to be re-baptized. Praise the Lord.
17:02 And so you see, it's always this way of rejuvenation and
17:06 health and a rejuvenation of the spiritual,
17:09 she's leaving here with this really great attitude
17:12 and she's got a whole... who knows how much life she
17:16 has ahead of her.
17:17 But she's benefited...she's taken it serious and it's
17:20 interesting, a lot of people that you see at her age
17:22 just seem to kind of give up, but she's not, she's coming here
17:26 to a place and she's getting a re-boot and she's got no
17:29 intention on slowing down.
17:30 Right, right. And I just encourage her to continue doing
17:33 these things that we have started,
17:35 these habits that we've made here.
17:37 I encourage her to continue those at home because
17:39 that is going to be important for her to be healthy and
17:44 to be able to share.
17:47 Because I think that's going to be an integral part of her
17:50 health continuing, is taking what she has learned
17:53 and what she has re-learned and sharing that with others.
17:56 When people see the change in her life,
17:58 they're going to know that something has happened
18:01 by the grace of God.
18:03 Yeah because she's going back to a retirement community.
18:05 That's right. And she's got a lot of friends
18:07 and they're going to see something different.
18:10 Yes. She's going to be able to share and inspire
18:14 other people to take a similar route. Absolutely, absolutely.
18:20 So as far as someone her age, what would you say is a big
18:26 challenge she will face though going back home?
18:29 Well I think because she lives in a structured environment
18:36 she's going to have to be a little more creative to continue
18:41 eating a plant based diet be- cause food is prepared for her.
18:45 Oh, that's right. That's right. So she's going to have to
18:47 sort of look at ways to make sure that she's getting
18:51 what she needs.
18:53 She is going to have I think a little more of a challenge
18:56 with trying to get her regular exercise maybe.
19:05 But I think she...We've talked about some of this,
19:09 I think she's got good plans of ways to make these principles
19:14 work in the environment in which she is in.
19:16 Yeah and I think that is going to be key for her and Ms. Beverly
19:21 as well. Yeah. The friend that she came up here with is...
19:24 I think a lot of people face that going home, you've got to..
19:28 They are all telling me this too... The exit surveys,
19:32 they're we got to go home, we got to do what we've learned
19:36 here. If we want to stay healthy, if we want to continue
19:39 to do what's right. I think that this lady's got a...
19:47 I think she's got a great future ahead of her as far as
19:50 her health, her life, her vitality. Yes.
19:52 If she just keeps doing the things that she is doing.
19:54 So what do you think about some of these issues that
20:02 elderly people get in... Something that even with
20:05 my own mother, she's only 70, she's nowhere near that age
20:08 but she's been diagnosed with bones crumbling so...
20:13 I noticed Ms. Daisy, she was a little concerned about falling..
20:17 Sure. Sure. So what is the cause of that with elderly people?
20:21 Is it just being old or?
20:22 Well as we age, our bodies change. I think we can prevent
20:26 some of these things that are considered the normal things
20:31 that everybody should expect as they get old.
20:33 Simple things to help your bones for example is you want
20:38 to make sure you are getting good calcium in your diet.
20:41 I say in your diet, not in your supplement because our body
20:45 uses calcium in our diet a lot better than it does if we get it
20:48 from a supplement.
20:50 So you get calcium in your diet from green leafy vegetables,
20:53 you also get some calcium from almonds, but one of the
20:57 key things is Sesame Seeds.
20:59 Now Sesame Seeds are so small we don't break them open
21:02 very well just by chewing them.
21:03 So I recommend you grind them up is like a coffee grinder
21:06 or something like that and sprinkle that on your food
21:09 and then you want to have a little bit of weight bearing
21:11 exercise. So if you have a back pack,
21:15 you can put a couple cans of beans or something in there
21:17 and walk with that, it's weight bearing on your core
21:20 and that helps to strengthen your body. Just a simple thing
21:23 you can do to help prevent some of these things like
21:26 osteoporosis and osteopenia.
21:28 Very good. Well Dr. Gallant, we are out of time
21:30 but thank you so much friend once again.
21:32 Thank you Pr. Snead, good to see you.
21:34 Don't go away, we'll be right back.
21:41 Every year in America there are over 1 million deaths
21:44 because of Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Obesity.
21:46 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
21:49 That's six and a half 747's crushing every day.
21:52 What's even more surprising is the fix is easy.
21:56 It's your lifestyle. Wouldn't it be nice if you could
21:59 actually add quality years to your life rather than dying
22:02 one organ at a time?
22:03 Obesity and diabetes are the cause of over a million deaths
22:07 per year. Most diseases are reversible
22:10 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, especially
22:14 Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Obesity.
22:16 Seriously now, they can be reversed and the quality
22:19 of your life can be renewed.
22:29 You will see dramatic changes in the first few days of our
22:31 program and you will be on the road to a better more robust
22:35 quality of life.
22:41 Welcome to Weimar Institute Research.
22:44 Today we have a study that was actually designed and
22:49 carried out by Dr. Ramirez himself,
22:52 the director of Weimar Institute Research and also
22:57 very involved in the Weimar College and teaching research.
23:00 Dr. Ramirez, a lot of the studies you are analyzing data
23:05 from multiple countries, but this is actually a group that
23:11 you yourself were involved in.
23:13 Tell us a little bit about this group.
23:14 That's right. As soon as we are able to get a hold of
23:17 this data and help publish this paper, the focus of this
23:22 study was what happens when you get the Newstart principles
23:26 and you teach them in a community setting?
23:29 Okay. Now Newstart is well known to have its
23:32 Residential Lifestyle Program and we have published a lot
23:36 in regards to the improvement in lipids and many other
23:39 health parameters by spending 19 days with us here at
23:43 Newstart. But this is taking a look at intensive community
23:48 program where they are not having to live here.
23:50 That's right. So did you feed them like we do here
23:53 in Newstart? Nope, not necessarily,
23:55 I just went, this was a Sunday Church, a non-denominational
23:57 church. The pastor invited me to go to his church...
24:00 There were many health issues in that church and he said
24:03 could you help us improve our health?
24:05 So the pastor himself as a result of this program
24:09 became a full plant based person and the participants
24:15 of this study were enthusiastic, it was a senior population,
24:19 most of them. I remember one of them,
24:22 he came and talked to me and said look,
24:25 my wife brought me to this two week program...
24:27 Forget it, I am not going to change my diet.
24:30 At the end of the two weeks he came to apologize.
24:33 I'm sorry that I told you that, we decided to switch our diet
24:37 to a vegan diet, we went to the shelter and gave away
24:39 all of our fridge food and we are going to start a new...
24:41 with the new diet. So it created a long term change.
24:45 Wow! Amazing! So someone who was very resistant to change
24:49 as a result of true education... actually totally change
24:54 what they were putting into their mouths in ways that they
24:57 thought that they never would.
24:58 The reason why they were so enthusiastic is that a the
25:03 beginning of the program we took blood samples
25:06 and their cholesterol was way above what should be normal.
25:10 It had a 234 points that cholesterol, the guideline says
25:17 200 but the ideal should be 150 but still that's way above
25:22 those two guidelines.
25:24 It's interesting, years ago I remember Dr. Scharffenberg
25:28 talking to a group of pastors who asked him a question.
25:31 How can we get people more interested in issues of
25:35 salvation? He says, I will tell you take their blood,
25:38 find out what their cholesterol is, give them the result
25:42 and they will cry out, what must I do to be saved?
25:45 That's exactly what happened.
25:48 They cried out, what must I do to be saved?
25:51 And were you able to save them?
25:53 Well, even their LDL, very worrisome 147...
25:57 That's very high. LDL very high.
26:00 Some of them taking statins, even with statins they had
26:03 this type of high levels of cholesterol and fat cholesterol.
26:07 After those two week change, I spoke to them three times
26:13 before the next blood sample and by the end of that two weeks
26:19 their cholesterol had gone down to 177, so it went down beyond
26:27 that 200 and their bad cholesterol, the LDL cholesterol
26:31 went down to 122.
26:34 So those are dramatic differences from 224 to 177
26:40 in just two weeks with an educational program
26:43 and their LDL's plummeting from a very high 147
26:48 where that's stroke, heart attack rate down to 122
26:52 in just two weeks and who knows what it would have been
26:54 at six weeks I had you measure it.
26:56 As a result of this, actually this had a community wide
27:01 implication. I went and talked to the businessmen and told them
27:04 I need for you to bring healthy food because it was not
27:06 to many options. He didn't believe me,
27:08 he brought two or three things- bam, people bought these things,
27:11 people got upset with him...
27:13 Hey the doctor said you are going to have these things,
27:14 He now knew that this was serious so he starts stocking
27:18 up his store with healthy products so that people could
27:21 continue with this healthy lifestyle long term.
27:24 It's consumerism that drives the commercial aspect,
27:28 not the other way around. And so they learned that.
27:32 Now our students at Weimar Institute actually took a look
27:36 at the results and compiled them along with yourself
27:39 and was this published then? Yes, this was actually published
27:42 in an American Heart Association Journal called
27:46 Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Journal.
27:50 Wow! Amazing the difference with just health education
27:55 provided by Dr. Eddie Ramirez Director of Research
28:00 at Weimar Institute.
28:01 Thank you for joining us at Weimar Institute Research.


Revised 2018-10-22