Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000223A

00:01 ¤ ¤
01:11 Hi folks and welcome to another edition of
01:14 NEWSTART Now. I'm your host Ron Giannoni. In our studios
01:19 with us today I've got a very unusual young man. I'd like you
01:23 to take a look at when he first arrived.
01:25 I'm dealing with... I have sleep apnea, I have asthma, I'm
01:33 dealing with congestive heart failure. I have breathing
01:36 problems. I have borderline diabetes. I'm morbidly obese.
01:42 I have problems with my circulations. I have a lot of
01:50 pains and aches all over, obviously because of the weight.
01:54 You know, when I leave this place I expect to, you know I
02:01 have a passion because I know that health is very important
02:05 and I am a literature evangelist and I believe your body is the
02:08 temple of God and I could never be able to tell anyone about
02:12 health if I'm in bad health and I'm morbidly obese. I'd be
02:16 looked as a joke. So I want to get back on track. I'm expecting
02:21 to lose an exorbitant amount of weight. I want to be a
02:27 vegetarian. I want to be the best as far as my health could
02:31 be and in the best shape. I want to start the road to full
02:35 recovery. My goal is to be 230 or 240 pounds and that's my goal
02:42 that by God's grace I believe that I'm going to do it within
02:46 a year's time and I just need something to help me to get that
02:50 weight off so I can start and I could be able to exercise and
02:53 do it.
02:57 Welcome back friends. Help me welcome Big Joe. Wow, Joe you
03:03 look great, man. You know, I know a lot of the viewers are
03:08 wondering Gee, I've seen this guy before; who is he, Big Joe?
03:12 Well I'm here to tell you that I saw Joe before he came to the
03:18 NEWSTART program on You Tube in an interview. And if you want to
03:24 go see that program it's on You Tube "Big Joe Trump." Type in
03:31 those words and you'll get to see Big Joe and he's here now.
03:35 So Joe, first thing I got to ask you, what was your heaviest
03:40 weight you ever weighed?
03:41 My maximum weight would have been about in December about
03:46 maybe three months ago. Basically I went to the doctor's
03:51 office and I got on the scale and I was about 495 pounds.
03:56 And how much are you today?
03:58 Today I am at 430 about 34 pounds.
04:06 So you've lost about 60 pounds in the last couple of months.
04:09 Yeah. Awesome. God is good.
04:12 Now since you've been here Joe you've lost weight I know,
04:15 what 30 pounds roughly?
04:17 I lost precisely 21 pounds from the time I came here.
04:23 Good. Now how about medications? Are you off medications.
04:28 Um, everything that I was on I'm totally off of it right now.
04:32 You're off of all medications?
04:33 I am not taking any meds.
04:35 But aren't you diabetic.
04:36 I was borderline.
04:39 But now you don't have to worry about it.
04:40 Basically everything, my blood pressure, I had a lot of things
04:45 that was going on with me at the time and I was on a lot of meds.
04:49 OK. And coming here I'm not taking anything right now and
04:55 everything is under control.
04:56 Now when you got here I know that we have a half-mile loop
05:00 and you couldn't walk that half-mile loop. Are you able
05:05 to do it now?
05:06 Definitely. And actually it's my custom being here now I actually
05:11 do at least four times a day and more. I've done a lot of
05:19 things that I was not able to do because I was not accustomed
05:22 to moving around so much and actually walking up. This is
05:27 pretty terrainy and hilly and I wasn't accustomed to that
05:32 especially in the city where I live.
05:36 Now something very unusual happened while you were here.
05:39 All of a sudden, and people who are watching us right now, a lot
05:44 of them do not realize the spiritual component of a
05:49 NEWSTART program, but it hit you in a big way and you were
05:54 rebaptized.
05:56 Yes I was. Yeah, and I'm so happy I've done that. You know,
06:01 I committed myself when I decided to come to this program
06:05 I knew that I needed to do a change in my diet. I knew that
06:09 my life depended on it. And I wanted to be very serious about
06:13 this because I've had a struggle with appetite and diet. A lot of
06:18 people do. But I wanted to make sure that I sealed my decision
06:23 with God and this was not going to be just me doing this on my
06:27 own in my own strength but me doing it with the power of God
06:31 in my life. So I made a commitment to him that I'm so
06:34 serious about this that I'm going to recommit myself to you
06:39 so that you can help me to do this because I know I wouldn't
06:43 have been able to do it all by myself.
06:45 He's been down here. Talk about water he gave. Man this is going
06:48 to be a resurrection all right.
06:50 Joe, yeah, because of your desire, yes, to enter into that
06:55 door we spoke of as death, and leave your old self behind and
06:59 be resurrected in power of the Holy Spirit, we now baptize you
07:03 in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
07:10 Cheering and applause and singing.
07:21 Amen. You know, no truer words have ever been spoken and I read
07:28 this morning in our Quarterly how Peter got out of the boat
07:34 and he was walking on water towards Jesus but then he took
07:38 his eyes off of Jesus and you know the rest. Of course.
07:42 But he sunk and he said Jesus help me and this is the life
07:47 that we live. We take our eyes off the Lord and we start to
07:51 sink, but then we cry out and he reaches out his hand and
07:55 lifts us out of despair and that's what you just said to me.
07:59 Right. Yeah. You can't do nothing without him.
08:03 OK. Now let me ask you a question: Aside from me, who's
08:08 your favorite person. No I didn't mean to say it that way.
08:12 What impressed you the most about our program.
08:16 Oh man, you have a really comprehensive program. The fact
08:20 that you're even out in the country and the mountain
08:23 scenery and
08:25 you take someone out of the city, because I'm accustomed to
08:27 the pollution, the smog and everything and out of the urban
08:32 area into a country scenery, a quiet, a beautiful mountainous
08:37 region. I'm drinking healthy you know, eating healthy food, water
08:44 I'm meeting people from all over the country that have different
08:48 ailments but we all have the same goals. I mean this
08:51 environment, this environment is so. I mean the rooms, the
08:55 beds are so comfortable, very rare that I find a bed that...
08:58 So you're pretty impressed about the whole thing.
09:01 Yes the whole inside of the lodge is very comfortable and
09:04 accommodating. The people, the workers are so friendly and
09:10 they're really loving and cooperative. You know everybody
09:14 is there to assist you.
09:18 What about your doctor? Was he accommodating?
09:20 Oh most definitely, definitely.
09:22 And that was Dr. Lukens?
09:24 Dr. Lukens, yeah he's my doctor.
09:26 Do you find him different than the doctors off campus.
09:31 Oh yes. Dr. Lukens and also Dr. Gallant these guys are really...
09:40 The doctors I've noticed here are very oriented in as far as
09:46 getting cured but in the holistic way and doing it by
09:52 eating healthier and eliminating the fats in our diet and things
09:56 of that nature which is very unusual. Whereas the other
10:00 doctors outside of this place more into pharmaceuticals and
10:05 just giving your drugs to try to... And it doesn't actually
10:08 take care of the problem it just takes care of the symptoms of
10:14 what's going on but it doesn't address the underlying issue
10:18 which the doctors here address the underlying and prevention
10:22 all together. And if we could prevent these we don't even have
10:26 to worry about dealing with these things.
10:29 Joe, I want to thank you for joining us here. We've run out
10:34 of time. God bless you brother. I'll be following up.
10:38 Well thank you.
10:39 Friends don't go away. Dr. Lukens will be up next.
10:47 Every year in America there are over one million deaths because
10:50 of type II diabetes and chronic obesity. This includes heart
10:53 attacks and strokes. That's six and a half 747s crashing
10:58 every day. What's even more amazing is that the fix is easy.
11:01 It's your lifestyle. Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually
11:05 add quality years to your life rather than dying one organ at
11:08 a time. Obesity and diabetes are the cause of over a million
11:12 deaths per year. Most diseases are reversible because most
11:16 diseases are lifestyle diseases, especially type II diabetes and
11:21 chronic obesity. Seriously now they can be reversed and the
11:25 quality of your life can be renewed. Call NEWSTART today
11:29 at 1-800-525-9192. You will see dramatic changes in the first
11:36 few days of our program and you'll be on the road to a
11:39 better more robust quality of life. The NEWSTART programs are
11:43 simple and effective.
11:48 Welcome back friends. Please help me welcome Dr. Lukens.
11:53 Ron good to see you.
11:54 It's always good to see you. I want to talk about Joe but
11:58 before we get in the subject of Big Joe, I want to talk about
12:03 Big Rick Lukens. No. Yeah. you've been here what, 28
12:07 years? Yeah 27. But who's counting. No. You know you've
12:14 just been such a great mentor to me in both health and my
12:21 spiritual path has changed. You know you come to my office and
12:27 pray together and I'm just grateful for that. I wanted our
12:31 viewers to know because an integral part of our program is
12:35 our spiritual connection with the Lord.
12:38 It has to be.
12:39 It has to be. Otherwise things just don't work. So Big Joe.
12:44 What a guy. Big. Man, yeah he's big. He picked me up and shook
12:51 me like a rag doll and then he did this with a couple of our
12:57 staff members, picked up two of them at the same time. This guy
13:01 is huge and strong for a guy with all these problems though.
13:04 You know, we got to get him in good shape. He is in better
13:09 shape today. Oh yeah, yeah. Than he was when he got here.
13:12 Wouldn't you say?
13:14 Well one of the things that was really bothering him is that his
13:17 legs were so swollen and so I took my thumb as we do and
13:24 pressed on the pretibial area of the shin and I got all the way
13:28 up to his knee and he still had more. Then we always talk about
13:37 this: when the heart gets strong it's able to pump through
13:40 the kidneys and I could see his eyes going like that because he
13:45 lost a lot of weight from one Monday to the next, you know.
13:49 Yes, but he must have gained more muscle at the same time.
13:53 Well he did. So after he lost the water than he didn't lose
13:57 as much because he was doing pretty good exercise. One time
14:01 I said Joe, look if you're going to talk to somebody get out on
14:07 the loop and walk and talk. He was still talking, pictures, you
14:13 picking people up. I said Joe come here and I took him by the
14:17 you know sort of and I said let's go walk. Because sometimes
14:22 you know his blood pressure would go way up. Oh Yeah.
14:25 You know our heart has to pump through all of our body.
14:28 We can't just say well today the right leg isn't going to get any
14:31 circulation. So that's the reason why he was failing but he
14:36 has a pretty healthy appetite if you want to say healthy. It's
14:43 beyond healthy.
14:44 Wow. Yeah, yeah. You know he wanted to go see Pastor Doug
14:49 Batchelor. Oh yeah, yeah, you took him down there.
14:51 And so I took him down there.
14:53 Did he pick him up and say hi.
14:56 Well he did pick him up but all he wanted to do is meet people.
14:59 So hello to everybody. He's just like this celebrity, you know.
15:05 He's quite an amazing guy and I've learned to love him.
15:10 But I've got to cut him short because he takes the show.
15:14 I mean. You saw the baptism which we showed our friends
15:18 here and he had everybody on top of the mountain. He wanted
15:21 everybody to take a picture with him with 100, 125 people there.
15:25 And everybody had to be there with Big Joe.
15:28 Yeah, yeah that's Joe. You know one of the things that I don't
15:32 know, he said that he is a literature evangelist but he
15:36 said they bring in these truck- loads of extra books, you know.
15:41 People are wanting everything on line now so books are not as...
15:47 because they used to. And then he helps people to learn how to
15:50 give the books out and to engage people. It isn't just
15:54 like, you know, like this. He talks to them a little bit and
15:57 finds out and then he canvassed one of our staff at... Yeah,
16:02 yeah, he even said what church you go to and what do you know
16:06 about the Bible and then he said, well I'm going to give you
16:08 this book, will you read it. And she said yeah, yeah, I'll
16:12 read it you know. So that's good you know. People...
16:16 He's a little intimidating though don't you think>
16:17 Well his size has something to do with it.
16:20 Towering over you know saying you will read this.
16:22 But see the thing is that people that are like that when
16:28 they can get a hold of this and actually do the whole plant foods
16:34 eaten whole, then they're just like some of pastors from other
16:40 churches that have come here. And the people are saying you've
16:45 got to tell me pastor, how did you do it, you know. Some of
16:48 the people are well known in the country and it's wonderful
16:53 because then when a person starts getting some victories
16:57 in their life in the area of health, then they say you know
17:01 Lord you can help me with my temper or my other addictions
17:08 or whatever and then that's a wonderful thing. That's why
17:11 we're here.
17:13 I think he's done remarkably well. You're his doctor. I know
17:17 he's had so many issues. You know he's taken so much
17:21 medication with all these different things but he tells
17:26 me that he's continuing on the path and he's going to be a
17:29 poster child for the NEWSTART program, and we need to follow
17:33 up on him.
17:35 Yeah we do. Did he say how much he's walking, because that's the
17:37 main thing for him.
17:39 He told me he's cut back but I said you got to walk. Yeah.
17:43 And we're out of time. See when you're having fun what happens.
17:46 Thank you so much.
17:49 Everybody pray for Big Joe.
17:52 Pray for Big Joe.
17:53 I say Joe because we don't want him to be big anymore.
17:56 No. He's going to be tall. But friends don't go away,
17:59 Pastor Snead is up next.
18:03 Welcome back friends. Help me welcome Pastor Snead.
18:08 How you doing.
18:10 I'm doing good Brother. You know I just found out today you have
18:12 some Italian blood in you.
18:14 Yes sir my...
18:15 I got to relate to you a little different. But I want our
18:18 viewers to know that you are our newest pastor and you've been
18:24 here since June of 2016. Yes sir And from my perspective you've
18:31 baptized more people in the last eight months than I think we did
18:35 in the previous eight years. So that tells me something.
18:39 The work you're doing is wonderful. I just want to
18:43 thank you. But's let's talk about Joe.
18:46 Big Joe. What do you see here. Help us to understand what we're
18:52 seeing in this man.
18:54 Well Big Joe, what I see in Big Joe is typical in a lot of
18:57 church members, a lot of Adventists that come through.
18:59 Big Joe was one of these guys that he came, he's been a part
19:03 of the church for a long time but about half way through the
19:07 program Big Joe began to have a spiritual revival. The health
19:12 starts working. By the second week things are starting to
19:16 change. I noticed the first week it was kind of rough for Big Joe
19:19 but by the second week he really began to pay attention and come
19:24 alive and it led to him being baptized, to a spiritual revival
19:29 for him.
19:31 That was amazing. There had to be 150 people at that baptism.
19:33 Yeah, it was a big one for a big one.
19:40 For a big one. I recall that you were trying to get him out of
19:43 the water there that took four people to get him out.
19:45 Yeah if Kurt Kruger wouldn't have been there it would have
19:47 been an interesting baptism. Because he came out of my arms
19:51 That was a handful I had. Yeah.
19:53 Such a blessing. You know, we know that you have a lot to do
19:57 with that Pastor and you know to me, I want to talk about you
20:02 just for a little bit. You are such a loving man and I think
20:08 I understand more after talking to you a few times, but our
20:12 guests who come through the program feel that love. They
20:16 feel your sincerity and I feel that Weimar and the NEWSTART
20:20 program is blessed to have you here. And I'm not trying to give
20:26 you a big head, you know that. But it's by God's grace that
20:32 you've been given this talent and to see you use it so wisely
20:37 is just awesome and I want to thank you.
20:39 I appreciate it.
20:41 Again, back to Joe, what else can we talk about with this
20:44 big teddy bear?
20:45 Big Joe. He is full of love and to me he demonstrates the kind
20:56 of people I love to see come through with that openness, that
21:00 genuineness, ready to listen, you know as the health begins
21:03 to work in his life he opens up spiritually and he blossomed
21:08 right there with us. What I love about Big Joe was his honesty.
21:13 He was almost toward the end when, you know towards the end
21:15 of the second week when we have that call for really rebaptism.
21:20 And you know, I've been here for nine months now. We've had 200
21:25 people come through NEWSTART. Of those 200 people 168 of them
21:29 have come to the Fresh Start program and of those 168 we've
21:33 had 27 of those people either baptized, rebaptized or
21:38 attending a local Seventh-day Adventist church or in serious
21:42 Bible studies. That's like a 16 percent revival in the church
21:48 and that's in an 18-day turn around. So could you imagine
21:53 Big Joes like that in every church everywhere in all of our
21:57 sister churches. I mean, this health message has a power in it
22:01 unlike anything else that I've ever seen. Of 13 years in the
22:05 ministry in the dry desert of doing whatever I can do it has
22:10 been a blessing to come here and see how health really works
22:14 together with the gospel with the spiritual to bring people
22:17 like Big Joe into these decisions and have a revived
22:20 life.
22:22 Amen. Thank you brother. God bless you. And friends thank
22:26 you too, but don't go away. Dr. Nedley is up next.
22:32 ¤ ¤
23:05 Welcome to Weimar Institute Research. And today we have
23:10 Dr. Ramirez, the head of our research at Weimar College who
23:14 teaches in our health science department research methods and
23:19 today we have another angle looking at some health
23:24 principles. Tell us about this particular angle, Dr. Ramirez.
23:28 Yeah, this one is dealing about regularity and it's interesting
23:33 because you know I've been through more than 60 countries
23:36 lecturing about these principles of NEWSTART and people come to
23:39 me and say you know this is the first time I hear that
23:42 regularity is important for my health.
23:44 Yeah. You know we know that circadian rhythms are important
23:49 and this is our daily cycle. And we also know light helps set the
23:57 circadian rhythms and if our circadian rhythms are doing well
24:00 we're going to be sleeping better. But this is also taking
24:05 a look at not only regularity regarding sleep but regularity
24:10 in another area.
24:12 Also in your meals. Eating your meals at the same time every
24:18 day including the weekends.
24:19 So if you have regularity in eating it actually can improve
24:25 your health.
24:27 That's right.
24:29 Now what area of health were you looking at?
24:30 We were focusing here on mental health. What effect does regular
24:35 eating and sleeping have on your depression.
24:40 You know, I went to a GI conference a little over a year
24:43 ago where they talked about even our bowel has a circadian rhythm
24:48 and it does much better if we have that rhythm aligned and on
24:54 a regular basis.
24:55 And we have the solution to the blue Monday that many people
25:01 suffer from worldwide.
25:05 Yeah, the blue Monday because they get off on their sleep
25:09 and they get off on their meals.
25:10 That's right.
25:12 So how many people were you looking at?
25:13 So this is a big sample, 5,621 participants that did an eight
25:22 week community education program
25:24 OK. And that community education program was the depression
25:28 anxiety recovery program and by going to that program, they
25:34 take a test at the beginning to see where they're at and
25:38 assess them. And what did we find out in that first test?
25:41 What we found out is that those people that don't have
25:44 regularity tend to have higher levels of depression, 15 points
25:50 on average, compared to those that have that regularity; the
25:55 mental health is much better.
25:57 OK. So regularity in both things (in both things) sleeping and
26:02 eating will actually help your depression and anxiety
26:06 significantly or not make it as severe if you have it.
26:09 And we also found out that those that are not regular
26:13 about 30 percent of them, they don't sleep good, they have bad
26:18 sleep.
26:20 OK. So it will also affect your sleep. Now what happened during
26:24 the eight weeks then?
26:26 So during the eight weeks they were educated on these NEWSTART
26:30 principles that are so important but also on that
26:33 regularity because our brain doesn't work when there's
26:37 disaster in our lives.
26:39 OK. So were some of them convinced enough to change
26:42 their lifestyle? I know the program isn't just about
26:45 regularity. There's a lot of other things like cognitive
26:48 behavioral therapy and nutrition but did some people actually
26:52 change their lifestyle habits.
26:54 By the end of the program 12 percent of those nonregulars
26:59 decided to become regular and it was reflected in their scores.
27:03 OK. So if they did become regular, what happened?
27:06 If they became regular it was reflected in lower depression
27:11 levels, some of them non depression levels and also
27:14 their sleep quality. Only eight percent by the end of the
27:21 program had bad sleep. So from 30 percent that didn't have
27:27 regularity, those that are regular by the end, eight
27:30 percent only had bad sleep.
27:32 So just becoming regular in the time you're going to bed, the
27:35 time you're getting up and regular in meals can turn you
27:39 from a bad sleeper into a good sleeper. That's correct. That's
27:43 a dramatic improvement. The vast majority of those who did that
27:48 improved just by doing that. That's right. And as a result
27:52 of improving their circadian rhythms of their sleep patterns
27:55 and their meals their depression and anxiety recovery scores
28:00 became far better as well. I would like to encourage you to
28:04 to be regular in your sleeping and eating habits. It can pay
28:09 rich dividends in better sleep and better mood. Thank you for
28:15 watching Weimar Institute Research.


Revised 2018-11-05