Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000221A

00:01 ¤ ¤
01:12 Hi Friends and welcome to another edition of
01:15 NEWSTART Now. I'm your host Ron Giannoni. In our studio we
01:20 have an unusual visit today. We have a young lady who came in
01:25 support of her husband not knowing that she had some
01:30 problems herself. But let's take a look at when she first arrived
01:38 I'm here because of my weight and I'm a companion to my
01:42 husband who is not well, and anxiety. But the weight is a
01:48 problem and with the weight my blood pressure has increased
01:52 a little bit. So if I can improve my lifestyle and live a
01:57 longer life.
02:02 Welcome back friends. Cathy how are you dear?
02:05 I'm fine today.
02:06 Good. I know.
02:08 I thought I was fine last time I saw you.
02:11 You know I already let the cat out of the bag. You're here to
02:15 support your husband. So you decide to see the doctor while
02:19 your here. You do a blood draw and you find out what?
02:24 I found out that I had borderline diabetes. I had very
02:31 high sugar levels, my triglycerides were high
02:33 I had a urinary tract infection. Uh-huh. So I was in worse shape
02:39 than he was actually. Uh-huh. His cholesterol level was high
02:44 but that was about all.
02:45 That was about it?
02:46 Uh-huh. Yeah Of course I was worse off than him.
02:49 Isn't that something.
02:50 The doctor told me I needed some work to be done.
02:52 All right. Now your doctor is?
02:55 Dr. Gallant.
02:56 Dr. Gallant. Uh-huh. And so you saw Dr. Gallant before this
03:02 interview, right? Today.
03:04 That's correct. Uh-huh. Just was about 15 minutes ago.
03:07 OK, now what did he say about your numbers now?
03:10 They're incredible. My triglycerides went for 157 down
03:15 to 137, sugar level 109 down to 99. My cholesterol was 188 and
03:24 now it's 150. And my lousy LDL was 122, now it's down to 91.
03:33 Wow. Everything's down to normal
03:36 or below. Uh-huh. So I'm a lot healthier today.
03:40 Yeah and you told me before we started the program that you
03:44 lost something. What'd you lose?
03:47 I lost almost eight pounds.
03:48 And what did that do to your circumference?
03:51 It 2 inches around, completely around. I'm going to have to
03:56 have a safety pin to hold my skirt up for graduation tonight.
04:00 You know, it just amazes me when I see people come like yourself
04:07 to the NEWSTART program and they measure, because we do everyone,
04:14 and some people lose even more than that.
04:17 Yes they have.
04:18 We had a woman here many, many, many years ago; she lost four
04:24 dress sizes. Did not lose a pound, but lost four dress sizes
04:30 So she went (whistles) like that.
04:33 Boy that's amazing.
04:34 That is amazing.
04:36 Uh-huh. Give her several safety pins.
04:37 She didn't have anything that fit her.
04:40 So what do you think of this place? This place that's called
04:47 It's incredible. It does give you a new beginning in life.
04:50 Makes you more aware of your health and if you have a spouse
04:55 it gives you a longer life with your spouse and makes you a
04:57 better person, better wife.
04:59 Amen. So are you saying to our viewers then if they're
05:05 contemplating attending a NEWSTART program to bring their
05:09 spouse?
05:10 Absolutely. It's real educational. You can make meals
05:16 that are really tasty. You have a lot of time together. And the
05:22 spiritual, Damon Snead, he's wonderful. Actually we are
05:27 going to get baptized August the fourth up in Maine, my
05:31 husband and I. He's going to be rebaptized and I'm going to be
05:34 baptized. Really. Uh-huh.
05:36 Awesome. Now you were raised?
05:38 I was raised Mennonite.
05:40 Mennonite. I think you mentioned that before.
05:42 Yes, uh-huh, that's correct.
05:43 That's awesome. Congratulations.
05:46 Why thank you, thank you very much. Yeah, we're looking
05:48 forward to it.
05:50 So I'm going to be interviewing Damon a little while later as
05:53 part of this program.
05:55 Oh, good. You should give him credit for us being baptized
05:58 again. I certainly will. He gets a
06:00 lot of 'at a boys for doing that. You know actually he's baptized
06:05 more people here at Moses Rock I think than his three
06:09 predecessors.
06:11 Yeah he had offered to baptize us and we would have gone and
06:15 done it but we had already promised David's brother that he
06:18 could baptize us. Uh-huh.
06:20 Oh yes that would be special.
06:22 Uh-huh, yeah, yeah, that would be special. We could stay at his
06:23 place and he could baptize us up Maine.
06:25 So who's your favorite person? Besides me. No, of all the
06:33 people you've met here on staff?
06:35 Donna, Donna was really a friend to me.
06:38 Is she the sweetest person.
06:41 Yes, uh-huh she is. I had told her more about me in the first
06:44 massage that she had given me than I have told my best friend.
06:48 And just in that 45 minutes of the massage, I had told her more
06:53 about myself than I have told anybody.
06:55 You know Donna's a nurse? Yes, uh-huh, as well as a
06:59 massage therapist.
07:00 Yeah, she's does both jobs well.
07:01 And she loves it here and she is such a blessing to be a part of
07:08 the NEWSTART program. But thank you for mentioning Donna.
07:12 Yeah, Donna's wonderful and also Snead, Damon Snead. He was my
07:18 second favorite. He let us know that he wasn't perfect when he
07:22 got here either when he was baptized.
07:26 I don't think any of us were. Yeah. Well I know none of us are
07:29 Yeah, but he actually came out and told us, you know. That was
07:33 good. I knew that he was not saintly all the time.
07:39 Yes, he's a wonderful man. Yeah he is.
07:40 And so the cooking classes? Did you learn a lot?
07:44 Michelle, yeah, she's really energetic. Oh yeah, uh-huh,
07:48 she's terrific. Yeah, cooking class was wonderful and
07:52 everything was very tasty. And I can't wait to get home to
07:56 restock my kitchen with the supplies I need to make the
08:00 ice cream and the beans and a different way of making beans.
08:04 It was very valuable.
08:09 Well now that you've found out what you have and how are you
08:16 and your husband? Well I can talk to him about that but how
08:20 is he doing.
08:21 He's doing pretty good, he is. He's doing well himself but he
08:26 needs a lot of support and that's why he married me. Uh-huh
08:29 So he's doing very well and I'm going to go away after we get
08:33 home after two weeks. I'm going on a cruise to the Mexican
08:36 Riviera so I've got to be real careful. I'm going to call them
08:39 up because they do do vegan now if you tell them ahead of
08:43 time. So I'm going to package everything and put down one carb
08:46 like of a vege-burger so that way he'll know exactly how many
08:50 carbs he's eating, how many proteins he's eating so he can
08:53 just open up the freezer and pick out what he wants.
08:55 All right.
08:56 So I expect him to continue this when I'm gone because I'm going
08:59 to continue.
09:01 Cathy, I want to thank you for joining us.
09:03 Oh well think you for inviting me.
09:05 Yeah. May God bless you.
09:07 Oh why thank you.
09:08 And thank you friends. But don't go away because Dr. Gallant
09:12 will be up next.
09:13 ¤ ¤
09:49 Welcome back friends. Help me welcome Dr. Roger Gallant.
09:52 Ron good to be here.
09:53 You know as I have told you in the past, I know you're real
09:56 busy. In fact, after this program you got to go do a
10:01 lecture so we're going to make it real quick. But I want people
10:04 to know that they can visit you at Stallant Health
10:08 which is right
10:09 on campus here at Weimar. All they need to do is give you a
10:13 call at 540-637-4025. They can call, make an appointment, stop
10:26 in and see you. I know they're going to want to after this
10:28 interview.
10:30 Well, praise the Lord. We're happy to see them.
10:31 Now let's talk about Catherine for a moment. I don't recollect
10:38 that she knew a lot of the problems she had been...
10:43 Well she knew some of them but came here and found she had a
10:46 couple of others as well. You know, when I first met her she
10:50 said, I really don't have a lot of problems. I'm actually doing
10:55 pretty OK you know. And then we started talking and checking her
10:59 out and actually found that her blood sugar was a little bit
11:03 high, so she was a borderline diabetic. She was...
11:06 What do you mean by a little bit high. Could you give me a number
11:09 I don't like to give a lot of numbers but this one is one you
11:13 can give. So a blood sugar of 99 and below is considered
11:17 normal. OK? So a blood sugar from 100 to 125 is considered
11:24 borderline or prediabetic. Yeah. And hers fell in that range of
11:29 being prediabetic.
11:31 And she didn't know that.
11:32 She didn't know that. So we started treating her and her
11:36 sugars came down but it was slow to come down. So it's a good
11:40 thing she was here and that she was doing the whole program,
11:43 because it made a difference. But by the end of the program
11:46 her sugar was much better, you know.
11:49 Praise the Lord.
11:50 So praise the Lord is right.
11:51 Now the other condition, how does she fare in that?
11:54 She did well. She'd had some back pain issues and she'd had
12:00 some anxiety and by God's grace all of those things improved.
12:05 We also found that she had a urinary tract infection.
12:08 That is interesting.
12:10 And so we were able to get that cleared up. She didn't realize
12:12 that she had that as well either
12:14 Now how would you clear that up?
12:15 Well in her case we actually put her on antibiotics for a little
12:20 bit and then we gave her some herbal treatments to help
12:22 complete the process and everything worked nicely. Yeah.
12:28 So praise the Lord for that.
12:29 How much weight did she lose, do you know?
12:32 She lost, I don't remember off the top of my head. I'm sorry I
12:34 didn't review that before we got here, but I will tell you this.
12:38 She and her husband both left here feeling a lot better having
12:42 lost weight. They came all the way here from Maryland and they
12:48 are Weimar friendly and they were walking, they were eating
12:53 healthy, drinking lots of water, and by God's grace they were
12:57 doing better.
12:59 Praise God. Yeah. So what can you tell our guests that are
13:03 viewing this program right now that might help them live a
13:09 healthier life?
13:10 So what I would say to you is this: There are very simple
13:13 things that can have a profound impact on your life. First of
13:17 all you need to exercise. You need to walk for exercise.
13:22 Walk only, can't lift weights or...
13:25 I recommend walking as the main source of exercise. If people
13:29 want to lift weights as a way to have some weight bearing
13:34 exercise, I'm OK with that, but I don't want people lifting
13:38 heavy weights, I don't want people trying to get big and
13:41 bulky and muscular. But walking is the best exercise because it
13:46 uses all the organs of the body, it improves our circulation and
13:50 our circulation is so crucial to our health. You know, our
13:55 circulation has to get good blood to every cell in our body
14:00 in order for us to be healthy. And the way that we get good
14:03 blood is to eat good food. As we eat good food it improves
14:08 our blood and as we exercise it circulates that good blood to
14:12 every single cell in our body and then our bodies just start
14:15 to get better. They do what God intended for them to do in the
14:18 first place.
14:19 So you mentioned two important components. I'm thinking of a
14:24 third one. Can you read my mind?
14:28 The third one is they need to drink more water, because as you
14:31 drink more water it improves your circulation and like I just
14:35 said, you've got to circulate that good blood to every cell
14:38 if you want to be healthy. So you've got to do those things.
14:41 And then another crucial one that's really important.
14:44 The people are starting to miss more and more in our society
14:47 today is sleep. You've got to get good sleep and going to
14:50 to bed earlier and waking up earlier is better for us than
14:54 going to bed later and waking up later.
14:56 So when you eat good food, you mean buy corn-fed beef and
15:01 farm roasted chicken or whatever I don't even know anymore.
15:06 Yeah, I'm just kind of joking.
15:09 Yeah, I know. You're leading me to a certain answer.
15:10 We recommend a plant-based diet. A plant-based diet is what God
15:15 intended for our bodies to use to be healthy and when we eat a
15:20 plant-based diet, it puts our body in the right condition so
15:23 that it can heal and repair itself the way God intended
15:26 for it to do.
15:27 Amen, amen. I'm so glad to hear you say that because I got my
15:32 water right here, I've had a good lunch, all plant based.
15:37 Praise the Lord.
15:39 But I want to thank you because I know you're a busy guy and I
15:42 know you've got to go to a lecture right now. Yeah.
15:45 So God bless you brother.
15:46 You too.
15:47 I'll see you around. OK.
15:49 Now don't go away. We'll be right back.
15:54 Welcome back friends. Damon, how are you chaplain?
15:57 I'm doing well friend.
15:59 Would you like me to call you chaplain or pastor?
16:01 You can call me whatever. It doesn't matter.
16:03 Just don't call you late for supper.
16:05 That's right. Be there on time for lasagna.
16:09 We'll have that lasagna soon. You know we have an interesting
16:14 subject here. This lady, I understand, was ready to
16:20 high tail it. She was on overload. Too much information.
16:25 Didn't she want to leave? Can you talk to that?
16:29 Yeah. You know I saw the first Sunday when we gathered together
16:32 in a big circle. And she's new to the Adventist message,
16:37 she's newly married, she's come really wanting to support her
16:41 husband. Her health is a wreck. She's wanting to get healthy.
16:45 So like a lot of people, she hears about this lifestyle
16:47 program and I'm sure she's... She told me she's thinking
16:50 OK come here, Jacuzzi, hang out, eat and learn some stuff. So her
16:57 first night here when the doctors begin explaining the
17:01 regimen of this place, what we're going to put you into and
17:05 through
17:06 her eyes are getting this big. My second week with her, my
17:11 second counseling session she tells me the story. She said
17:14 after the first four days, I was ready to pack up and leave and
17:19 was telling my husband I can't do this. We've got to go. She
17:23 said you starve me down for three days, then they threw me
17:27 in this room and shocked me with heat and cold and there's no
17:31 time to sleep and all this information overload is coming.
17:35 She's about ready to check out on us.
17:38 I'm laughing because I came through the program in 2005 and
17:44 I can remember all that. I didn't know if I could do it either
17:47 but go ahead.
17:49 But here's what's great too is because when you get through
17:52 that first week, I know the second week... I always tell the
17:57 class. You're going to be a different group the second
18:00 Monday so let's just hang in there with one another. And sure
18:03 enough she makes it through that first week and she doesn't
18:07 realize... It's not so much that she's deciding to stay. Now that
18:11 second week is starting to work and she's having the capacity
18:14 to stay. She's feeling better. The mind is cleared up. She's
18:18 able to understand more and she's seeing the daylight at the
18:21 end of the tunnel and now she has some fortitude to stay.
18:25 She was wanting her coffee.
18:27 Oh yeah, she was going through all kind of withdrawals and all
18:31 kind of issues going on. That's a good point you bring up.
18:34 You're going through caffeine withdrawals, or maybe nicotine
18:37 withdrawals, sugar withdrawals, alcohol, all kind of stuff.
18:41 Beef. Yes. And they're crying out. They're going insane
18:46 a lot of them. But her testimony to me this week was I'm so
18:52 grateful I stayed. I'm so glad I've done this.
18:57 Oh man. Yeah. That says it all right there.
19:00 Oh sure, because she knows that the reality of her health and
19:04 her husband's health is at that point where they can make
19:07 changes now and do good or continue the road they're on and
19:13 it's a dismal future.
19:16 Exactly. Well she's here supporting him and so for her
19:21 to leave how in the world could he go home and share with his
19:26 wife or anybody with their spouse what they learned here
19:31 in 18 days. This is something I see in a lot of couples.
19:34 They're telling me man I wish my spouse was here, I wish my
19:37 husband, I wish my wife was here. A lot of them pony up that
19:41 little bit of extra because the reality is if you can get your
19:45 spouse to come as a companion it is going to help you in the
19:48 long run big time.
19:49 You know while we're on that subject if you need to be here
19:54 and you have a spouse that you want to bring, you call me
19:57 direct, I'll help you financially. That's a commitment
20:01 Yeah, because we do have that scholarship fund.
20:03 Right and a lot of them take advantage of that and when
20:07 the two see it together there's just no describing how these
20:10 couples will be sitting in my office and just bubbling with
20:14 how excited they are. The spiritual, yes, they see now
20:19 they got help from God, they see how conversion works even
20:23 with our physical side, even with our health. So it's this
20:26 total transformation. They're getting closer to God, they're
20:29 remedying their maybe even relational problems.
20:32 Their emotions. Sure one looks at the other and says I'm not
20:36 going to lose my husband or whatever the case may be.
20:39 This is true. So it's like this place is not just health, it's
20:43 emotions, it's relational, it affects our marriages, it
20:46 affects our health in such a total workover that people are
20:51 grateful to come through here and that money that they spend
20:53 you know for the price of a decent vacation maybe even a
20:57 cheap vacation, right, it's the greatest thing they could ever
21:01 do for themselves.
21:04 Amen. Thank you brother. Don't go away friends;
21:07 we'll be right back.
21:09 When you look at the health status of Americans today it's
21:12 alarming to see that 60 percent are either overweight or obese.
21:21 In addition, diseases such as type II diabetes, cancer and
21:25 heart disorders are the leading cause of so many complications
21:28 and deaths every year...
21:35 Could it have something to do with what we eat. After all
21:38 every one in four Americans visits a fast food restaurant
21:42 daily and with such easy access to quick fixes we tend to forget
21:46 the poor health values they actually offer. Maybe it's the
21:51 sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise that we've become so
21:55 accustomed to as a media- dependent world. Whatever the
21:58 cause of these diseases, a solution has arrived. The
22:05 NEWSTART Lifestyle Center offers an enriching program where
22:08 patients can get a healing of mind, body and soul. Located in
22:12 the outskirts of Sacramento, the NEWSTART Center is situated on
22:16 beautiful campus of Weimar Center of Health and Education
22:20 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around. With a whole
22:24 plant food eaten whole motto the NEWSTART Center promotes a
22:30 healthy plant-based diet with an emphasis on natural foods.
22:32 The NEWSTART staff are made up of California board certified
22:37 nurses, doctors, dietitians and therapists who work together to
22:41 assist each patient personally. The staff are dedicated to each
22:45 patient's success in the program and are always there to guide
22:48 advise and encourage. In addition to a healthy lifestyle,
22:52 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine.
22:56 You're both in sequence, that's good. All right.
22:59 As part of the balanced program there is much opportunity to get
23:02 in the fair share of physical activity from utilizing our
23:06 fitness center to taking a stroll around the peaceful
23:09 grounds of Weimar. It's amazing what a new start can do for you.
23:15 Welcome to Weimar Institute Research. Glad to have you here
23:19 today and Eddie, this is kind of an exciting study that we're
23:22 about ready to discuss because this is talking about causes of
23:27 depression that are not thought to be reversible. And you know
23:31 Weimar Institute does treat depression. We have had a great
23:37 track record of success in those with the severest forms of
23:40 depression and anxiety here. But we're reversing the underlying
23:45 causes. You know, lack of exercise can be one of the
23:47 causes and poor nutrition and of course the good news is we
23:51 can change our exercise patterns and we can change what we're
23:56 eating. But these are causes that are a little more austere.
23:59 What were we studying here?
24:02 Well we're studying here what happens to those people that
24:05 have poor blood flow to the brain secondary to a stroke or
24:11 because of heart failure or some other condition that doesn't
24:15 send enough blood flow to the brain. We're studying what
24:18 happens to those people that aren't in mental health.
24:21 OK. Well obviously if our circulation to our brain is
24:25 impaired you would think it might affect the mental health.
24:27 And did you find a correlation there?
24:30 We found a very clear correlationship. Those people
24:34 that have that reduced blood flow to the brain actually on
24:38 average had moderate depression. This is in a community setting
24:43 program that was organized.
24:45 So the average person with a history of stroke or heart
24:48 failure by definition almost they're going to have some
24:51 depression. So they're moderate major depression. That's a
24:56 significant mental illness. So how many patients were involved
25:02 in this?
25:03 This was a big sample-5621 participants from all over the
25:08 world.
25:10 OK. And those with stroke and heart attack were a
25:15 smaller percentage. Is that right?
25:16 That's right. It was about four percent of all that population
25:20 had this problem.
25:22 As the underlying cause, one of the underlying causes.
25:25 That's right. There's a researcher by the name of
25:26 Gravitz. He had tried to answer the question of the chicken and
25:30 the egg. Does the depression cause reduced blood flow to the
25:33 brain or does the reduced blood flow to the brain cause the
25:36 depression, and he proposes that reduced blood flow to the brain
25:40 will trigger a depression.
25:42 Yeah. So that's what comes first the reduced blood flow and then
25:45 the depression. So these people with moderate depression went
25:52 to an eight-week educational program. Tell us a little bit
25:56 about that program.
25:58 We apply the principles of NEWSTART plus some cognitive
26:02 behavioral therapy principles and they were doing the exercise
26:06 the plant-based diet and all these healthy behaviors we took
26:10 a measurement again after the eight weeks.
26:12 And what did we find out?
26:14 We found out that their improvement was remarkable.
26:17 Ninety percent of those participants were able to
26:21 improve dramatically their mental health to the point that
26:24 finished with none or just mild depression.
26:27 That's amazing because this goes against what the medical thought
26:33 is, because you can't reverse a stroke. A stroke is a dead
26:38 portion of the brain. You can't bring that back.
26:40 And when you have heart failure due to advanced coronary artery
26:44 disease and the heart's not able to pump this isn't something
26:46 that you can you know put a magic wand on or a medicine and
26:50 get it to pump well. So these are thought to be irreversible
26:54 causes of depression. And we actually found out the opposite.
26:58 Ninety percent. I mean, that's better than you get in people
27:01 without heart disease and stroke by putting them on a medicine.
27:06 Some of the most potent medicines for antidepression
27:10 won't produce anywhere close to a ninety percent improvement
27:13 rate.
27:14 And because of the importance of this study, it actually came
27:18 out in the Journal of Neurology which happens to be the top
27:22 journal on this field.
27:24 OK. So Neurology is the top of all of the neurology journals
27:28 and it was published in the Journal of Neurology as well it
27:32 be. This is groundbreaking research. Not only were you and
27:38 myself involved in this research but one of the health science
27:42 majors at Weimar as well.
27:45 But by the end of this program she was actually able to finish
27:49 with six of these studies under her belt.
27:53 Six studies! Wow! Many people don't even publish one peer
27:57 review study their entire career and this student out of Weimar
28:02 published six. So pay attention to what comes out of Weimar
28:06 Institute and thanks for joining us today for
28:09 Weimar Institute Research.
28:13 ¤ ¤


Revised 2018-11-01