Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000219A

00:01 ¤ ¤
01:09 Hi friends and welcome to another edition of
01:14 NEWSTART Now. I'm your host Ron Gianonni. We have another
01:20 amazing story, a miracle in my mind. I want you to take a look
01:25 at when Louise first arrived.
01:31 I'm at the height of my unhealthiness in life. Just
01:34 recently diagnosed with type II diabetes, high blood pressure
01:40 for the last 10 years, obesity for the last probably 10-12
01:47 years and high cholesterol, high triglycerides. My chemistry is
01:53 not anywhere near where it needs to be. And then the limitedness
01:59 of my life from what has occurred to my body through
02:03 my own doing. What I want to see when I leave, and I will be
02:08 honest, a priority would be to break a certain level of weight
02:14 that I had not been able to get into. So as a starting point, I
02:20 want to eradicate my type II diabetes and I don't want to
02:25 have to deal with blood pressure medication. Those are my three
02:29 really main things and if those are done I believe that the rest
02:33 is by how I do it, it's all going to fall in line and
02:37 the chemistry will align itself as well. Yeah.
02:39 Well welcome back friends. Help me welcome Louise. Hello Ron.
02:48 Hello. I can't wait to do this interview. We don't have a lot
02:52 of time, but let's talk about because our viewers just
02:57 watched the first interview and now this being the second,
03:01 tell us about all the success. Go one by one. How's the weight?
03:07 Let's start right there.
03:08 Fourteen and a half pounds.
03:09 Fourteen and a half pounds in 16 days. Yeah, Yeah.
03:14 You think that's a miracle?
03:15 I think that's amazing.
03:17 At least.
03:18 I don't think I lost that much in my whole last session with
03:22 my weight loss program. So I'm very excited, very pleased.
03:26 OK, blood pressure?
03:27 Blood pressure, all within normal ranges.
03:30 And you're not taking medication?
03:31 Off all of my blood pressure meds and my statin drug is gone.
03:36 Good. Statin. What a joke. Yes.
03:39 What was your blood pressure when you were on blood pressure
03:43 meds?
03:44 I can recall going into the doctor's, sitting down for blood
03:49 pressure and getting a reading of 180 something over a lower
03:54 number that was not good as well. So.
03:57 Ninety five or over.
03:58 Over a hundred. Oh yeah. Not good at all.
04:01 Now what is it now.
04:04 Um, well. Let's see. Last night I believe I went to bed with a
04:06 111/68.
04:10 Without the medication.
04:12 Without any medication.
04:15 Oh. Friends can you just see what's going on here? How about
04:20 the diabetes? You're still diabetic I bet.
04:23 My sugar levels are coming down within range. I am not on the...
04:28 I've been off of the medication for diabetes as of the fourth
04:33 day in.
04:35 Four days in you got off the medication?
04:37 Off the medication.
04:38 Your doctor is Dr. K?
04:39 Dr. K, yes.
04:41 How'd I guess?
04:42 I don't know, yeah.
04:44 So you're off the... what were you taking?
04:48 I was taking metformin 500 mg I believe, morning and night,
04:52 twice a day, yes.
04:54 A thousand a day.
04:55 Yes and then they added on just for fun, I think, the glipizide
04:59 because it wasn't coming within range. I was still eating an
05:03 animal fat and dairy and vegetable diet which, so I was
05:08 really going in circles.
05:10 So now your blood sugars are normal, your blood pressure is
05:14 normal, you've lost weight. What else can you tell us, tell
05:19 our viewers that you've learned here and what you're going to
05:24 take home.
05:25 First of all, I am overwhelmed with the type of program that
05:30 it was in that the classes that we took, the 24 formal classes
05:35 that we took on different subjects including the
05:38 metabolism and nutrition, how we got diabetes in the first
05:44 place, not how to treat it, but how we got it in the first place
05:47 This really opened up my eyes and the fellow patients that are
05:51 here. It was a wealth of information and I'll never look
05:53 at food the same way again. I will never look at food.
05:57 I have a whole new appreciation for the food that God created
06:02 in the natural forms of plant based nutrition. So that's
06:06 awesome. I think the biggest thing in getting on a more
06:15 little more spiritual. We were nourished spiritually with the
06:19 reverend here. It was wonderful. The praying constantly with the
06:24 doctors, in between with our nutritionist, our exercise
06:29 supervisor. All those things. But I think we had talked
06:35 earlier and I had mentioned something about that we had been
06:38 made in the image of God and I feel that being here at NEWSTART
06:43 has helped me align myself to the will and image of God now.
06:47 Amen, amen. When was the last time out there in the world you
06:51 went to see a doctor and he prayed with you? No. It never
06:56 happened huh? Better yet when's the last time they've been on
07:01 time usually. I used to go to a cardiologist in San Jose. I'd be
07:05 in the waiting room for an hour and a half and then I'd go in
07:08 and see him and he'd go well you know your blood pressure's
07:12 high. Yes, I'm a little ticked off right now. So you know
07:17 these doctors here they're a special breed of character. They
07:22 love people. They love what they're doing. They're here to
07:27 help us and obviously you've been well treated.
07:32 Well there's a sincerity in the time that they do spend with
07:36 you. The kindness is shared. And at first I was thinking what
07:41 sort of a training program have these guys been put through
07:45 because they're just really fantastic, you know. But you
07:49 know what, they're all different and they're all
07:51 unique but they are all just really tuned in to just sharing
07:56 God's love and his plan for you. And treating yourself the way
08:01 God laid it out for us to be treated, you know. To take
08:05 advantage of what he puts before us and just be healthier and
08:09 heal and what an amazing thing that is.
08:14 How fortunate to have Damon here and you know we just
08:18 interviewed Damon and he's so thrilled with the results in all
08:24 of our guests. Couple of people are just kind of not where they
08:31 want to be but they're still thrilled. I want to ask you
08:34 about Michelle Irwin. She is our teacher for the cooking classes.
08:40 What'd you think of some of those recipes she put together?
08:45 I'm excited to get home. So when I get home, we're going to my
08:48 daughter's for dinner. She cooks as you would have us cook.
08:54 Oh good. Oh yeah. And Friday morning she's picking me up and
08:57 we're going to the grocery store and that'll probably be after
09:00 I've emptied out my entire pantry and refrigerator.
09:04 And I feel really very excited about the menus that she placed
09:09 out before us that we had a hands on to be able to create.
09:15 Guys and girls at the tables. some of us not so experienced
09:19 some of us a little more but it all came together and we
09:23 realized we can do this, you know. The cook books based on
09:27 the menus from the cafeteria, what a great tool. I've already
09:31 read through and starred and made notes on certain ones
09:35 that I feel in control to be able to do. And given time, I
09:39 don't know I might give Michelle a run for her money.
09:42 But she's fantastic.
09:44 I want to thank you for coming here and being able to speak
09:47 with us.
09:48 Thank you so much.
09:50 And we'll be talking fairly soon Don't go away. Dr. Kuninobo is
09:54 is up next.
09:56 Welcome back friends. Dr. K how are you sir?
10:02 Great, how you doing Ron?
10:03 I'm doing good. First I want to thank you for coming here and
10:07 being on the set because I do know you're a busy guy. You know
10:11 I haven't met a doctor yet who isn't busy. We've got doctors
10:15 flying all over the world. Dr. Nedley, doctor this and that.
10:19 They fly to five different countries in six days.
10:23 Boy, I'm glad I'm not one of those. I'm right here.
10:27 You're flying from one building to another.
10:29 Well that's true.
10:31 So, you know, I want to get right into this subject of
10:37 weight loss. You know, I was pretty taken that she lost as
10:43 much weight and give us some history about women versus men
10:48 as far as weight loss. And I know that isn't the reason a lot
10:53 of people come here. They've taken all these medications, but
10:56 when they start losing weight and getting off medications at
11:00 the same time and tell us a little bit about that.
11:03 Well I think the weight is important for a lot of people.
11:05 In fact, I have many people who come here and that is one of
11:08 their first things they write down, I want to lose weight.
11:11 Yeah. And improve diabetes or high blood pressure, what have
11:14 you as in the case of Louise. But it's interesting that there
11:21 seems to be a little difference between the physiology of men
11:26 and women. For better or for worse, (why is that?) ladies
11:28 please don't shoot because I didn't create it this way, but
11:32 women do seem to have a harder time losing weight and we've had
11:36 you know some of the biggest losers here are usually men and
11:41 not usually women for some reason. And I know that most
11:48 women out there could
11:49 probably vouch for that, that they have a harder time.
11:50 Now she lost 14-1/2 pounds.
11:53 She actually was, yes, she did marvelously. I mean she was not
11:59 like most women who have just five pounds after working really
12:03 hard, seven maybe, maybe 10. Yeah, 14-1/2 pounds. She did
12:08 really, really well.
12:09 I guess. And we've seen women here much larger that hardly
12:14 lose any. Here she comes. She was really thrilled about this.
12:18 Yeah, but more important than the weight lost was body
12:22 composition, and we don't have numbers here on that but we
12:25 usually measure people too. I remember her numbers are pretty
12:27 astounding, how many inches she lost. I think it's an important
12:31 concept for viewers at home to work and to try and get
12:34 themselves better is body composition. And I think that
12:38 your relating to somebody that may be larger we've had in the
12:43 past who maybe didn't lost as much weight or any weight and
12:47 it can be very discouraging. But the health on the inside is
12:52 equally important to how things look on the outside. Amen. And
12:55 so for example I've thinking of one person in particular who had
13:00 trouble losing weight but we know that this person got
13:03 healthier because the inches got better. And that's really
13:06 important because muscle does weight more than fat. So if you
13:11 you come to your program or to a lifestyle change and you've
13:14 really let yourself go and there's not a lot of muscle
13:17 there because you've been very sedentary and when you start
13:19 working out and the muscle starts building, that weighs
13:21 more than the fat you're burning so you may not see the change
13:24 on the scale when you look at it in the morning but you are
13:27 going to start noticing it in your clothes.
13:28 That's what's amazing, just amazing. We have a story of a
13:34 lady who lost four dress sizes here; didn't lose any weight.
13:39 Correct. Yeah, Dr. Lukens loves to tell that story.
13:41 He loves to tell that story and she just went like this you know
13:44 But her weight didn't change at all?
13:46 No and I say the same thing about Louise. She lost 14-1/2
13:51 pounds but if we had weighed her the other method like in the
13:56 water, holding her breath it would have been a lot more
13:59 dramatic. And I myself, when I came through I lost 22 pounds
14:05 For a guy that was pretty good but many people will lose more
14:08 than that.
14:10 And I've lost a lot for my height as well.
14:11 You are, I mean you have?
14:13 I'm about 40 pounds lighter than when I was at my highest.
14:16 Really? Through the principles of the NEWSTART program.
14:19 Was it since you been here?
14:21 No, I started the principles before coming here.
14:24 OK. But God finished up after I arrived here a year and a
14:28 half ago. Yeah. Never felt better in my life.
14:33 Good, good job. By the way, before I forget, what about her
14:39 diabetes and high blood pressure What's going on with that?
14:42 OK, so her diabetes, vastly better. She came, if I remember
14:47 correctly, on two medications and we were able to take her off
14:51 of those medications and her blood sugar was looking good.
14:54 And her blood pressure-she was still having trouble controlling
14:59 her blood pressure on the medicine she was on. By the time
15:01 she left her blood pressure was normal without medication.
15:05 So if she continues on the path she'll do very, very well.
15:08 So we've got a few seconds left. What could you tell our viewers
15:13 right now that are on medication they're overweight they have
15:18 high blood pressure?
15:19 Definitely find a way to get to a lifestyle program like the
15:23 NEWSTART program.
15:24 Amen, and they're all over the country right?
15:26 There are programs all over the place. Of course we think
15:29 NEWSTART's pretty special.
15:30 Well we do.
15:32 Of course, but find help and get on a lifestyle program that
15:37 includes a whole food, plant based diet and preferably one
15:42 that has God as a component in it as well.
15:45 Amen. You know we do have a lot of fine lifestyle centers around
15:51 but and I refer people to these centers if they can't make it
15:56 here. Nonetheless I want to thank you. God bless you.
16:00 Your welcome. God bless you Ron.
16:02 And we'll see you around. Don't go away. We'll be right back.
16:07 Every year in America there are over one million deaths because
16:11 of type II diabetes and chronic obesity. This includes heart
16:14 attacks and strokes. That's six and a half 747s crashing
16:18 every day.
16:19 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy. It's your
16:23 lifestyle. Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add
16:26 quality years to your life rather than dying one organ at
16:29 a time? Obesity and diabetes are the cause of over a million
16:33 deaths per year. Most diseases are reversible because most
16:38 diseases are lifestyle diseases especially type II diabetes and
16:42 chronic obesity. Seriously now, it can be reversed and the
16:46 quality of your life can be renewed. Call NEWSTART today
16:50 at 1-800-525-9192. You will see dramatic changes in the first
16:57 few days of our program and you will be on the road to a
17:00 better more robust quality of life. The NEWSTART programs are
17:05 simple and effective.
17:08 Welcome back friends. Damon how are you?
17:11 I'm doing fine my friend.
17:13 You know, before we begin I've just got to let the viewers know
17:16 that this is NEWSTART Now and many people call me and they
17:22 go well why can't I do NEWSTART at home? All I need to know is
17:26 what to eat and what to do. I go well wait a minute. It's far
17:30 more involved and that's where you come in.
17:34 Right, right.
17:36 I have noticed since you've been here, if I may say, that our
17:40 attendance for morning worship is greater than it's ever been.
17:45 I want to get right back into Louise now and talk about her
17:51 experience here and how you've enjoyed her company.
17:55 Ah, yeah, Miss Louise, she's been great. She's one of these
17:58 ones that you want to get a hold of. The first counseling session
18:03 I had with her and the second one it kind of deepened, but she
18:06 told me, she said there's something here that I can't
18:10 quite get my mind around that's very spiritual. So she's
18:14 conveying this to me. So the second counseling session she's
18:18 like this is spiritual. She got the spiritual connections. She
18:23 is a very good Catholic woman the magodai, the image of
18:27 of God she was telling me I realize now that this health
18:30 message is mostly about restoring the lost image of God
18:34 in man. And I've never heard anyone tell me that in 17
18:39 months. So she's grasping the deeper concept of why we do
18:43 health here.
18:45 Praise God. That's wonderful. I'm sure you helped that along.
18:48 Oh yeah, she looked at me one day; this really touched my
18:54 heart, from a pastor's point of view we want this evangelism
18:59 to kind of come out of the health message and she was
19:03 looking on my wall and I have a picture of Jesus with the woman
19:06 at the well. And she looked at it and she was just sitting
19:09 there staring at it, she was looking contemplatively at it,
19:12 and she says you know what I see in that picture. She says I
19:15 see the Catholic church as that woman and I see Jesus as the
19:22 Adventist church reaching out to Catholics. And I just thought
19:27 that that was such a powerful statement because she perceived
19:31 it was that and that we are trying to help our brothers and
19:35 sisters of other faiths.
19:36 Oh, absolutely, yeah. I'm glad to hear you say that because
19:40 a lot of folks, again, when they call in I'm generally the guy
19:44 who answers the phone for the NEWSTART program. They tell me
19:49 well I'm Buddhist or I'm a Muslim or I'm Catholic or Jewish. I go
19:54 you know God doesn't care what religion you are. He's calling
19:59 all of us to come home. And so being here, even though we are
20:05 Seventh-day Adventist, I have never heard an unkind word about
20:11 our staff. In most cases, people say so this is somewhat like
20:18 heaven. You know.
20:19 Yeah, she had many kind words to say. You know, even about
20:25 the Adventist literature. Ellen White's writings on health. She
20:30 recognized that. She said that her feeling of Ellen White was
20:33 God sent someone to the world foreseeing in the future what
20:36 health would be like toward the end of time and she recognized
20:40 that this woman had a message, a gift from God, to proclaim
20:44 a message of health, to bring healing to a world when it was
20:47 needed the most. This is all coming from someone that is not
20:49 familiar with the Adventist message.
20:52 Isn't that amazing. So she's... sounds like the Holy Spirit's
20:57 in there somewhere.
20:58 She sees the love aspect of this health. The desire of a church
21:02 wanting to see people whole and stop dying and feel better and
21:07 then the spiritual component of it. She grasped that right off
21:10 the bat.
21:11 Oh wow. That's so good to here. Well she's such a lovely lady.
21:15 You know, you call her Miss Brown.
21:17 But being from Texas don't you call every...
21:21 Everybody's miss. I call my wife Miss Mary, yeah, Miss Mary.
21:26 Don't call me Miss Ron. I might take offense. Well
21:33 anything you might want to add about Miss Brown?
21:36 Miss Brown, Yeah. I would like to say she is a very wonderful
21:41 lady. She had this excitement and enthusiasm. She's going to
21:46 go home and work the program. You know she lost a lot of
21:48 weight here and you could tell in her face. I love... I took a
21:51 picture this afternoon. I said this is you when you got here.
21:53 I said this does not look like you now. I can see... and she
21:57 said I know. She said I can see my face. She goes, you know
22:00 for a while the only place I could look at my face that
22:03 wasn't overweight was my nose. She said but now I can see my
22:07 face coming back. And I thought well that's awful cute and
22:11 wonderful, you know.
22:12 We've run out of time. I want to thank you brother. We'll talk
22:15 again I know. Don't got away folks. We'll be right back.
22:20 Weimar Institute not only treats patients with significant
22:28 chronic diseases but also does research on thousands of
22:33 individuals. And this research is getting published in peer
22:37 review scientific publications. Now many people don't realize
22:42 that the NEWSTART program is also the home of Weimar College.
22:47 And Weimar College is a pre- medical institution, nursing
22:52 program, business program, theology, education; also music,
22:56 psychology is taught here. And this is a higher education
23:01 program that actually is above many bachelors programs because
23:08 for the type of research that is done and published by students
23:12 and professors here. One of our professors today who actually
23:16 heads our research department at Weimar College is Dr. Eddy
23:21 Ramirez. Dr. Eddy, glad to have you here today.
23:24 Thank you for the invitation.
23:26 All right. Well this was a study that was done by who, now who
23:30 was involved in research?
23:31 Students were involved in this study. There were actually two
23:35 students in this study. This was published in the Journal of
23:40 Biological Psychiatry. We're studying a little bit about
23:42 emotional intelligence.
23:44 OK, well emotional intelligence of your ability to manage your
23:49 emotions, to understand your emotions and the emotions of
23:53 others and respond to those emotions in a healthy way.
23:56 And we have found out, Dr. Ramirez, that emotional
24:00 intelligence has more to do with your future success and
24:04 happiness than other measurements. It's even more
24:07 important than your IQ. And of course these were people coming
24:12 because of depression. They had significant depression and
24:15 anxiety and how many people were involved in this study?
24:17 This was a big sample, 5621 people in the sample.
24:24 Wow! And was this all from North America or were there
24:26 other countries involved?
24:27 This is worldwide. Four continents were represented in
24:32 this sample.
24:33 OK and so at the beginning of the data analysis they were
24:38 coming to a program. This was an eight week program. So this
24:42 wasn't actually done at Weimar Institute but it was done in
24:46 those countries, a lot of different satellite sites; may
24:49 have been churches or health centers or mental health clinics
24:54 where this program would have been run. So they were coming
24:58 because of their need and depression and anxiety. It was
25:02 an educational program and this educational program included
25:06 what? What types of things might they have been experiencing?
25:08 So basically the NEWSTART principles plus a mental education
25:15 focus on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy.
25:20 OK. So you have NEWSTART plus cognitive behavioral therapy.
25:24 This gets into your thoughts, emotional intelligence is tied
25:27 to our thoughts because it's actually our thoughts that cause
25:30 our emotions and behavior. And that's actually good news
25:34 because we can change our thoughts into what's more
25:36 rational and true and then our emotions and behavior can also
25:40 improve. And so as a result of this... I mean, was this an
25:44 intense program where they were there all day for eight week?
25:47 Once a week for two hours for eight weeks
25:51 OK, so not a lot really, just once a week, two hours of
25:54 education and they would watch a little DVD and they would also
25:59 have a little group health coaching type session and so
26:03 about a total of 16 hours invested and what happened at
26:07 the end of the eight weeks?
26:09 As a result of that, by the end of that program their emotional
26:12 intelligence was above the average emotional intelligence
26:16 of the population.
26:17 They came in below average and they ended up above average.
26:21 In fact, I'm looking at the statistics here and 46 percent
26:26 were below average and at the end only 23 percent were below
26:30 average so over half of them went to above average that were
26:34 below and then there were 56 percent that were somewhat above
26:40 average and a total of 20 percent were in the top tier of
26:44 the nation now as a result of going through this program.
26:48 How much of a shift was there total?
26:51 The switch was about 30 percent, the ones that were able
26:57 to reach that very high level of EQ.
27:00 OK about 30 percent in the total emotional intelligence
27:04 scale went up by I think eight points. Is that right?
27:07 That's right, eight points on average.
27:09 Yeah, actually almost nine points and that's a whole
27:11 standard deviation. Significant improvement in their future
27:15 success and happiness just by going to this eight week program
27:19 Depression and anxiety recovery.
27:21 Thanks for joining us on NEWSTART Now and I hope you
27:26 also can improve your emotional intelligence.
27:30 Well friends, that's it for today but join us next week for
27:36 another episode. In the meantime pick up the phone and give us
27:40 a call at 1-800-525-9192. Mention the NEWSTART Now
27:48 program and receive the NEWSTART special.
27:54 ¤ ¤


Revised 2018-10-24