Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000217A
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01:11 Hi friends. Welcome to NEWSTART Now. I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:16 I want to introduce you to Cathy Estes, all the way from Sunhill, 01:22 Oregon. Let's break away when she first arrived. 01:25 I would like to be stronger, physically stronger and my blood 01:36 sugar is creeping up and I do not want to be diabetic. I would 01:42 like to have my diet and my exercise program in my life so 01:52 that it will prevent or, yeah, preventative. Yes I have people 02:00 in my family who are diabetic. 02:06 Welcome back friends. Cathy how are you doing? 02:10 Much better. 02:11 I know. So I want the truth to come out always on this program 02:16 and the truth is you came here to support your husband. So you 02:22 came here; you were prediabetic. You were a little heavier than 02:28 you are today. How much weight did you lose, by the way? 02:31 Nine and a half pounds. 02:33 Nine and a half pounds. Yeah. OK good. Now you know to weigh 02:40 every morning at a special time during the morning. Every 02:43 morning if you want to check your weight. Yeah. How about the 02:46 diabetes? Are you still prediabetic? 02:49 No, my numbers, they're totally normal. 02:55 Great. Yeah. Now were you able to walk around the half mile 02:58 loop when you got here? Yes. And how are you doing now? 03:04 Well I have my energy, that's for sure. 03:06 More energy? 03:08 More energy. 03:09 Now how many miles are you walking per day? 03:11 A couple miles a day. 03:14 A couple miles. Yeah. Good. 03:17 Now what did you like most about the NEWSTART program? 03:21 I liked the whole balance aspect of it because we came, we were 03:30 able to eat delicious food that was healthy. We were able to 03:36 with some guidelines, we were able to do better on when we ate 03:44 how we ate, what we ate. It convinced me because I felt 03:50 better, my numbers came into the normal range. Then we had 03:56 cooking classes, so I saw how easy it was. You know, just have 04:01 to change ingredients and change what I do to be able to keep 04:08 this up. So it a very, very totalistic, whatever, program 04:15 because... It convinced me. My first meal I was satisfied. 04:20 I always have a good appetite and I did not get hungry before 04:25 the next meal. 04:26 I like the word you used, balance. That is a good word. 04:31 Now in the balancing I know you saw a doctor. Who was your 04:36 doctor? 04:37 Dr. Gallant. 04:39 Dr. Gallant. And how did he do for you? 04:41 Oh, he was very nice. Not only did we meet together certain 04:45 times for appointments but he and other members of the staff 04:49 ate with us. So when we had questions then we were just 04:53 conversing over our meal and we could ask about different things 04:58 that we weren't sure, because they give a lot of information. 05:01 It is like, it's overwhelming. 05:05 Wow, information overload. 05:06 But they repeat, they encourage so it was totally doable and it 05:14 was done in a very organized and nice way. And as we were going 05:18 through the program I kept thinking, wow, they really 05:22 thought this through because it was convincing just by my 05:29 experience; I was convinced. 05:31 Well they're great supporters for you. 05:34 Yeah, very good support and there's also a chaplain in the 05:42 program that gives very nice devotional meetings and he had 05:53 some insights from the Bible that I had never realized before 05:58 He's a special guy. 06:01 He is and God has brought him through a lot of things and he 06:07 really spoke and, and... 06:13 We're going to interview him next and see what he has to say 06:17 about you. It's all good I know. We don't reveal anything that 06:24 we shouldn't, but from the Christian perspective you know. 06:30 So you had worship every morning with him and you had one-on-one 06:38 consultation with him. 06:39 Right. And we had beautiful piano music. We had... 06:45 With Irwin? 06:46 With Irwin. It was wonderful. he gave such insight into the 06:51 people who wrote the songs and the history of the songs and 06:55 he's a wonderful pianist and it was very inspiring. 07:01 He is a concert pianist. Yes... He is very accomplished 07:05 for a young man. Yes. 07:07 How wonderful to have him come and start our morning. 07:12 Yes, yes. You know it really is wonderful that God has brought 07:16 so many people together who are servants of his and they display 07:25 such love that only could come from God's presence. And I see 07:32 that every day. I get to be there every day to witness that. 07:36 Yeah, lucky you. It seemed like a lot of the people weren't just 07:39 professors or weren't just teachers; they themselves have 07:44 been helped by this program and that's why they have such 07:48 passion and this is their ministry. This is what they do. 07:54 And I would be one of them. 07:56 Yes, you'd be one of them. Yes I remember when we talked on the 07:59 phone and you said I was a participant, I was a guest. 08:05 Yeah. Now what about the fast? You did the fast or did not? 08:09 I did. You did? I did a fast. 08:12 How was that? 08:14 Well you know I said sure I'll do a fast. I wanted to support 08:17 my husband. But that was a key part of why I got such good 08:24 results from my health issues. I've actually had digestive 08:32 problems for 30 years. 08:34 I remember you sharing that. 08:35 And the fast just reset my body and I have been on a very 08:44 restricted diet, restricted from the things I loved. 08:48 Cauliflower and broccoli are my favorite foods and I just... and 08:53 beans. And after the fast I thought well I might as well try 08:57 so I tried and totally tolerated totally enjoyed, yeah so, that 09:04 was a really important part for me even though I didn't know 09:08 that it was, that it would be. 09:11 I knew that it was because I shared it with you. Nonetheless 09:15 we're out of time. 09:16 That's fine, it has been great talking with you. 09:18 I want to thank you so much. God bless you and thank you 09:21 for your willingness. Friends don't go away. Pastor Snead is 09:26 up next. 09:31 ¤ ¤ 10:02 Welcome back friends. Damon how are you? 10:06 I'm doing well my friend. 10:07 Good. I want to get right to Catherine. We know that there's 10:15 a spiritual battle and you being the chaplain, you deal with that 10:21 with a lot of our guests. How is Catherine doing with regards to 10:27 that battle? 10:29 The spiritual battle? Well Catherine was one of these 10:31 ladies that came to us very excited about everything, and 10:36 excited with the program but equally excited she was with 10:40 the spiritual component of it. So that was something that I 10:44 heard time and time again. They come here looking for health but 10:47 then they find that we bring this whole spiritual attitude. 10:51 Not just random, namby, pamby things but it's a very specific 10:56 spirituality designed to help aid the healing of the body and 11:01 that was unexpected for the both of them, her and her husband. 11:05 They would come together. So over and over again in 11:09 conversation she was like I'm thrilled with all of this. So as 11:13 they were getting the physical healing, which was another story 11:16 she was very excited about that. Every morning too they were 11:20 there at that Fresh Start lecture, both of them, 11:22 like I didn't know that, I didn't get this, 11:23 I didn't understand that. As more and more was revealed 11:28 they started seeing the bigger picture and that's 11:30 really what I want to do is show people the bigger picture of 11:33 healing. It's not just health, but it's also the spirituality. 11:36 I'm glad you brought that in because our viewers are not 11:40 aware of this, to my knowledge anyway. But my wife brought to 11:44 my attention, we went to a graduation a few months ago and 11:50 everyone that came up to receive their diploma, they get to say a 11:56 few words, you're always there, you know this. Without exception 12:00 they all said well I thought I was coming to reverse my 12:05 diabetes, but I really needed to change my walk with the Lord. 12:11 And you know I'm so happy that you're here, that you're 12:15 monitoring these people and you're meeting with them. How 12:18 many meetings or sessions are you with each guest? 12:23 I have 13 lectures so I don't do anything on the weekends. 12:28 That's Monday through Friday so I got 13 shots 12:32 So you do one a day basically. 12:34 One a day at seven in the morning. It's a tough time slot 12:37 and you would think that human nature does not want to be up 12:41 at 7 o'clock. But time and time again I see them coming, they're 12:46 just there, they're there. 12:47 Well don't you have one-on-one with them also? 12:50 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I have the counseling too, which is another 12:54 big part of it. I have a counseling session with each one 12:57 of them once a week. 12:58 Oh so you do like three counseling sessions? 13:01 Yes. 13:02 Good to know. 13:03 So what I do with that is...and I would tell them opening night 13:06 that this can be whatever you want it to be. You can tell me 13:10 deep, dark secrets or we can just say how are you doing or 13:14 you can just bump things off of me and I get a full range but 13:18 this is where I really get to know the people. This is where 13:20 I really get to delve down and see what's going on with them. 13:23 That's actually the joyful part. It's the trying part, it's the 13:28 difficult part because sometimes we work their lives with 13:32 difficult material, but this is where I get to know them and 13:34 I get to hear their feedback on the whole program, yeah. 13:39 Praise God. So needless to say you're pleased with Catherine's 13:47 direction? 13:48 Catherine's direction? Yeah when she got here she was a bubbling 13:50 you know, filled full of joy, filled full of happiness. And 13:54 know she was also very excited about this wholeness. She's been 14:00 in the church her whole life. She's heard all about these 14:02 different 14:03 things that are good for you but to see them brought together on 14:06 the health side in a very particular manner designed to 14:11 bring wellness to the body, that was also something unexpected. 14:16 She's happy because her husband is a guy who's hurting, got a 14:20 lot of pain in his body, suffering a lot and so she was 14:25 was here as a companion but she too was also worried. What we 14:29 also appreciated about Miss Catherine is that she didn't let 14:34 herself get just completely down and out. She seen her numbers 14:38 were coming up, sugars were coming up, weight was coming 14:40 up and she said, you know, I got to stop this now. 14:43 You know she's a nurse. So she's got that nurse's hat on. Yeah 14:49 it's good to tie in the spiritual with her work. You 14:55 know, we're running out of time but I want to thank you for 14:58 coming in and taking your time. I know you're a busy man. God 15:01 bless you brother. Don't go away We'll be right back. 15:07 Welcome back friends. Dr. Roger Gallant. 15:11 Ron good to see you. 15:13 Good to see you. You know I want to get right into this Catherine 15:17 because several reasons. She's a nurse. 15:22 She's a nurse. 15:23 You're a doctor. I know nurses follow whatever the doctor tells 15:27 them, right? 15:29 Depends on the nurse. 15:32 OK. Well in this particular instance wasn't she very 15:36 cooperative? She was. She was. 15:37 She knew exactly what to do. 15:39 She came and she had some health challenges. You know, she had 15:46 had an injury and had a hard time walking and she would walk 15:51 in Dansko Clogs. And she'd use them for everything. A lot of 16:00 nurses wear them, health professionals, 16:02 cooks you know. It's unusual to see people walking in them but 16:08 she said it actually made her feet feel better. As she was 16:12 here and making lifestyle changes her aches and pains got 16:16 better and she was able to walk more. When she first came she 16:20 couldn't walk very far and by the time she left she was 16:23 walking three or more miles a day. 16:25 Well you know when we first interviewed her to attend the 16:29 program she said that's all she was dealing with, however, 16:34 didn't you find out some things that came up from the first 16:37 blood draw? 16:39 Yes so she knew that she had had some high cholesterol in the 16:43 past and it still was high, but she also had an abnormal blood 16:47 sugar. So what does that mean? 16:50 That means that she is leaning towards becoming a diabetic. 16:53 So what we did was we encouraged her to continue changing her 16:59 lifestyle and as she did that her numbers came down and her 17:03 cholesterol came down, her blood sugars came down and she lost a 17:08 little bit of weight and her health improved. She felt like 17:14 a different person. She also used to have a little bit of 17:18 indigestion, reflux-type symptoms before she came. After 17:21 being here with us that had gone away without any medicine. 17:25 That's amazing. 17:26 Praise the Lord. 17:28 You know as you call it God's plan, and I do too, but the way 17:31 you say it sounds really nice. You know here's a lady that 17:36 comes to us. She thinks she's going to just deal with her 17:38 walking. She finds out she's got several issues which are now 17:44 fine because of two weeks on a program that we teach. I mean, 17:49 I don't know of anything more powerful. If we did would we be 17:53 hanging it out? Sure absolutely. Absolutely. 17:58 But you know we show that the pills are not what fixes these 18:03 problems. It's getting on God's health plan. You now the nice 18:08 thing about God's health plan is it's available to everybody. 18:12 So you know sometimes you can't afford a medicine or a procedure 18:17 or to see a certain doctor, but God's plan is available to 18:21 everybody. You know I know there's a lot 18:24 of viewers who are watching this program that would just like to 18:28 drop in and see you and they can make an appointment with 18:31 you can't they. Absolutely. Let me give you his phone number. 18:35 It's 530-637-4025. Call up and make an appointment with Dr. 18:43 Gallant and he can help you too. Right? 18:47 Amen. Amen. Happy to see them. 18:50 You know one of the things I really enjoy doing when I work 18:52 in the clinic is introducing people to God's plan. 18:56 because it makes a difference. Now I'm starting to see more 19:00 patients come in to see me in the clinic who want to treat 19:05 disease but not be on a bunch of medicines. And they're 19:11 learning it by making some simple changes that can have 19:15 profound results. 19:18 Do you remember Tim I sent to you? Yes. 19:20 Tim can't thank me enough for introducing you. He says you 19:25 have taken such good care. He's learning things, he's finding 19:31 things out, had his blood drawn and he just keeps thanking me 19:37 every time I see him. 19:38 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord That's wonderful. 19:40 If you want to thank me make a donation to Weimar, I mean 19:44 NEWSTART. Excuse me. 19:46 There you go. Yeah praise the Lord. He's a good guy. 19:49 Yeah, so Catherine, she's on her way to better health. Yes. 19:57 Walking right now and she's got a whole different attitude about 19:59 Yeah and it's just dramatic to see the before and after 20:04 difference. It makes a big difference. She has done well 20:10 and I anticipate by God's grace she's going to continue to do 20:14 well. 20:15 And all the other nurses and doctors she'll influence when 20:17 she gets back and says you guys have got to try this and they'll 20:22 go oh you're nuts. I could take a little pill that would do the 20:25 same thing. 20:26 The pills have side effects. You've got to remember that. 20:29 God's plan has no, well it does have a side effect, but it's 20:34 better. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord 20:37 Last minute words for anyone watching? 20:40 Well I just want you to know that simple things like walking 20:46 more, drinking more water, being on a schedule and getting good 20:52 sleep, those simple things can have such a profound effect 20:54 on making you feel better and on helping you to change your 21:01 life, change your health. 21:02 Amen. We're out of time. Thanks Doc. We'll see you around. 21:07 Don't go away. We'll be right back. 21:09 Every year in America there are over one million deaths because 21:15 type II diabetes and chronic obesity, this includes 21:18 heart attacks and strokes. 21:22 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day. 21:24 The fix is easy. It's your lifestyle. Wouldn't it be nice 21:29 if you could actually add quality years to your life 21:31 rather than dying one organ at a time? Obesity and diabetes 21:35 are the cause of a million deaths per year. Most diseases 21:40 are reversible because most diseases are lifestyle diseases. 21:43 Especially type two diabetes and chronic obesity. Seriously 21:48 it can be reversed and the quality of your life can be 21:52 renewed. Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192. 21:59 You will see dramatic changes in the first few days of our 22:02 program and you will be on the road to a better, more robust 22:05 quality of life. The NEWSTART program is simple and effective. 22:10 Welcome to Weimar College update I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, president 22:17 of Weimar Institute whose vision is to heal a hurting world. 22:23 We also have a higher education center here. Dr. Ramirez who is 22:27 our head of Weimar Institute Research is with us today. 22:32 It's amazing what this little college has put together in 22:38 regards to the premier place to go for your under graduate 22:45 studies no matter what health care field you might be going 22:47 into or even if you're going into a field of religion or 22:52 business this would be a great place to come. But one of the 22:54 reasons is Weimar has risen to the top in regards to students 22:58 being able to solve real world complex problems and they can 23:02 have confidence because of the research being done and getting 23:06 published in peer review journals. Tell us Dr. Ramirez 23:10 about some of the research that's been going on here as 23:14 well as the student involvement and the conferences that they're 23:20 able to attend and also present at. What you've been doing. 23:24 So I've been doing some mathematics. I have been for 26 23:29 involved in different lifestyles sectors. And you get some 23:32 fantastic results that you see there. But the difference with 23:35 Weimar is that we're actually getting that data and we're 23:40 publishing that data in the scientific literature, which 23:43 goes out to the whole world, the scientific world, and shows 23:48 that what we are doing here actually has dramatic results. 23:53 This is a lot of work as it involves capturing data, it 23:58 involves writing and so forth and the blessing of 24:02 participating on the under graduate program is that you can 24:06 take the research methods class and you can be involved in that 24:10 program. And as I tell my students, doing research is like 24:16 learning how to swim. You can sit down in the classroom and 24:20 hear about the beautiful theory of swimming but the way you're 24:25 going to learn how to swim is to go in the water. So I tell them 24:28 go and jump in the water. I promise you won't drown. I'll 24:32 be there to hold you if I see that you're struggling. So from 24:38 the first day of that class students are analyzing data 24:43 they are writing papers and by the end of that undergraduate 24:50 course they have more published papers than the average medical 24:54 student. I have been contacted by medical students that are 25:00 interested in going into to _ and these type of 25:04 things. They are begging me do you have projects for me I would 25:07 like to be published. Because once you get into medical school 25:11 things are too busy. So the time to start publishing is at that 25:16 level of the undergraduate. 25:18 And they not only learn to do solid research but they also 25:23 learn about methods that they're not going to really learn about 25:26 intensely in medical school. In medical school you're going to 25:29 learn better in diagnosis and pathology and you're going to 25:33 learn about pharmaceuticals and surgical techniques. But you 25:37 don't really learn about nutritional approaches and 25:40 lifestyle approaches and natural remedies. And you have 25:43 this all in one package at a premedical institution, Weimar 25:50 Institute and be able to ground clinically with some of the best 25:55 doctors in the world in regards to some of the most severe 25:58 problems. 25:59 And you know the students have also the opportunity of 26:03 participating in prestige's conferences. For example, 26:05 Harvard University. We have taken students there to present 26:10 some of this research. Just last two weeks, I was with 26:14 students in a top conference from brain injury about learning 26:20 how to present that research to all these top scientists in the 26:25 field. And it was a blast that we were having there witnessing 26:30 to people and sharing all of the complete package that Weimar 26:35 has to solve the real world problems in a good way and in a 26:42 way that changes and transforms lives. 26:44 There are surgeons and neurologists who specialize in 26:49 brain injury were amazed at what can happen to the brain as a 26:53 result of some of these non pharmaceutical approaches that 26:57 are happening at Weimar. And they were asking what are your 27:03 core principles. Just amazing to see this sort of thing. 27:04 And these are people you wouldn't be able to rub 27:05 shoulders with really in any other setting unless you came 27:08 to Weimar and did research enough to be able to rub 27:11 shoulders with these type scientists of the world. 27:15 See that's opportunity of the students of this Weimar College 27:21 to be able to learn how to not only be a reflection of 27:26 knowledge but actually create knowledge. That's what you're 27:30 doing when you are publishing in the literature. 27:32 Don't just go to college. Come to Weimar College and learn how 27:37 to solve real world complex problems and publish and 27:41 interface with the top scientists in our world today. 27:46 Thank you very much for tuning into this segment of Weimar 27:51 College update. 27:54 ¤ ¤ |
Revised 2018-10-15