Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000216A
00:02 Hi friends and welcome to NEWSTART Now. I'm your host
01:16 Ron Gianonni. In the studio with today we have a lovely young 01:21 lady by name of Robin Brown all the way from Idaho. Let's take a 01:27 look at when she first arrived. I wanted to come to Weimar for a 01:33 time. I've had trouble; I'd lose weight and then gain it back and 01:39 lose it and gain it back. I have always want to be a witness to 01:46 honor God. So when I heard that it was a possibility of coming here 01:53 I was just absolutely thrilled. The reason I'm coming, the list 02:00 is long, but I need to reverse a disease which is called NASH, 02:07 which is non alcoholic steatohepatitis. It's just 02:14 metabolic disease that your liver is fatty liver and it goes 02:19 into cirrhosis if you're not careful. So that and I want 02:24 to lose weight. I have 10 grand children and I want to be vital 02:31 and vibrant with them. I have other conditions such as rosacea 02:37 and varicose veins. That's why I'm here and I just want to 02:43 honor God. 02:47 Welcome back friends. Hi Robin. Hi Ron. 02:50 Thank you for being here. We appreciate your willingness just 02:54 to open up to the world. Tell us a little bit about yourself. 02:58 We know what you were looking for when you arrived because we 03:04 just witnessed that. However, has the program met up to your 03:09 expectations? 03:10 Well when I came here I had very high expectations and I realize 03:15 that's part of my personality, and they were probably too high. 03:21 But everything that needed to be received I have received here 03:27 and I have enjoyed every moment. I have loved it. In fact, a hate 03:33 to leave. We had a group meeting one day and someone called out 03:38 how many of you want to go home? And no hands went up because 03:45 we've gained so much camaraderie here and love that it's been 03:51 very special. 03:53 So let me ask you a question now We know one of the reasons you 03:58 came here was to lose weight. Sometimes people are discouraged 04:02 because they don't lose enough weight. But let me tell you what 04:07 happens here when we lose weight We gain muscle at the same time 04:12 because now we're using our body in ways that we haven't for 04:17 years. We're walking the half mile loop. We're walking, 04:22 several people eight, 10 miles in a day. So you may lose 20 04:27 pounds of excess weight, or fat, but gain 10 pounds of muscle at 04:34 the same time so do not be discouraged because maybe you 04:40 didn't lose all the weight you wanted to. So how much weight 04:45 have you lost? 04:47 Well I lost 10 pounds. I was kind of aiming toward 20 but 04:51 when the doctor, we talked about my knees; I have like bone 04:56 on bone in some places on both of them. He said take it easy. 05:01 don't push too hard. We don't want any injuries. 05:04 Who's you doctor? 05:06 Dr. Lukens. 05:07 Dr. Lukens, oh good, good. 05:08 I really appreciated his caution because I tend to push hard. So 05:11 I appreciated that. 05:15 Well you know because this is a life style, you will eventually 05:20 lose that 20 and 30 and 40 and whatever number it is that you 05:25 want to get to. Because you've taught your body a new way of 05:30 life. 05:32 That's right. 05:33 And the rest is... 05:35 I think I've finally come to a decision that life isn't a 05:38 marathon, it's a walk. And it's a walk with Jesus beside you. 05:42 Amen. And so I've lost the same 50 pounds a number of times, 05:47 and then gained a little more each time afterward. So I want 05:52 this to be a lifestyle this time, you know, and I have learned 05:56 that here. 05:57 Good. Now what about blood pressure? How's your blood 06:00 pressure? 06:02 Well, I have a stubborn blood pressure. It's gone down a 06:04 little bit. But I'm not discouraged. I'm not on any 06:10 medication and it'll come down as I lose weight. 06:13 Good. Any other things that you'd like to share? 06:17 Yes I came with neuropathy and a lot of pins and needles in my 06:24 feet and pain. Walking was painful and I lost my balance a 06:32 lot. That's, I'd say, 90 per cent better. 06:36 Wow! That is wonderful. 06:40 And I've regained my balance and I don't feel so old. 06:45 (Laughs) Yeah I can relate. 06:47 So what did you like the most about your 17 days here. 06:56 The Christ-like staff. It's just amazing. I mean every person I 07:04 met here was so loving and so Christ-like. You just felt like 07:11 family almost immediately. And with all of us that came here 07:18 all in need, they just ministered to us beautifully. 07:23 I'm going to hate to say goodbye. 07:27 Did you have one-on-one with our chaplain? 07:32 Yes I did, yes I did. What I appreciated the very most about 07:37 him was that he was so honest, so very dead honest about the 07:42 struggles he had had and it helped us all to be able to 07:46 relate to the struggles we have and that our victory is in 07:49 Christ. 07:51 Amen, amen. He's a wonderful guy. I have Bible study with him 07:54 on Friday mornings and I can hardly wait because every week 07:58 I learn so much. 08:00 Yeah, he's very deep. 08:02 Very, very deep. So how did you relate to the food. Was there a 08:08 big change in food. No there wasn't a big change for me but 08:14 one thing was more beans than I've been eating before and I 08:21 I was never hungry. We had two meals a day here and I was never 08:27 hungry. It was very satisfying. 08:29 Because you were eating the right foods. 08:30 Yeah, eating the right foods. 08:31 OK. Did you attend the cooking classes? 08:34 Yes, and I loved them. Yes. 08:37 Isn't Michelle wonderful. 08:39 Oh Michelle is wonderful. She has so much energy. 08:41 I know. You know she came through the program. Did she 08:46 show you? Yes. She came through and she lost a lot of weight. 08:50 Ah, it's wonderful. Yeah she's beautiful. 08:53 She's a beautiful girl, yes she definitely is. So we're going to 08:58 miss you here. 08:59 I'm going to miss everyone here too. I wish I could just package 09:02 everybody up and take them home with me. 09:03 Lot of people say they want to take Michelle home, you know, a 09:09 chef, have someone cooking their meals. But you know we will be 09:14 in touch and you please keep in touch with us. 09:18 I want to thank you for taking the time and being with us and 09:25 being willing to share. And God bless you. We'll be in touch. 09:32 Friends don't go away. But before we cut I want to thank 09:37 each of you who have sent us e- mail and letters and donations 09:43 We really appreciate that. That helps us stay on the air. Don't 09:48 go away because Damon Snead, Pastor Damon Snead, 09:52 is up next. 09:55 Every year in America there are over one million deaths because 09:58 of type diabetes and chronic obesity. This includes heart 10:02 attacks and strokes. That's six and a half 747s crashing 10:05 every day. What's even more surprising is that the fix is 10:09 easy. It's your life style. Wouldn't it be nice if you could 10:13 actually add quality years to your life rather than dying one 10:16 organ at a time. Obesity and diabetes are the cause of over 10:20 a million deaths per year. Most diseases are reversible, because 10:24 most diseases are life-style diseases, especially type II 10:28 and chronic obesity. Seriously now, they can be reversed and 10:33 the quality of your life can be renewed. Call NEWSTART today at 10:38 1-800-525-9192. You will see dramatic changes in the first 10:43 few days at our program and you'll be on the road to a 10:47 better, more robust quality of life. The NEWSTART programs are 10:52 simple and effective. 10:56 Welcome back friends. Pastor Damon, good to see you brother. 11:00 Thank you friend. 11:02 Now I want to talk about Robin. Now here's a woman that when she 11:08 first got here, she comes across to me somewhat humble. I don't 11:14 know how she was with you. It seems as though she had some 11:21 serious issues that she shared. How she do on your one-on-one? 11:26 Well she is humble and she is very, I hate to use the word 11:32 pious, for lack of a better term She's a very spiritual, loving, 11:36 kind woman. Yeah. That came across really clear, she's very 11:41 dedicated to serving God, but as we spent time together, you 11:46 know, I learned some terrible childhood traumas she's got some 11:51 PTSD, a lot of stress and anxiety which is typical with 11:56 someone like this. She told me she said my eating, my health 12:01 and lifestyle is stress related. It was spiritually related. 12:06 It was not being able to synthesize those things of 12:10 childhood that had manifested themselves later in adulthood 12:14 which causes all the terrible lifestyle choices that brought 12:18 her to this position that she's in. 12:20 So the eating, is that like comforting food. 12:23 Yeah, a lot of people do that. I do that. If I get stressed out 12:28 that is, used to be, anyway one of my go to's. Stress, anxiety, 12:32 depression, discouragement; food is a comfort. And if you've got 12:37 things in the past that you can't get a hold of that can be 12:41 a perpetual thing that you don't even realize what's behind 12:45 what's driving that issue, is something that only God can take 12:49 care of. Especially when you get to that age where she is, 12:53 the people, the situations, are so far in the past you really 12:57 can't rectify them anymore but by spiritual means. 13:00 Well as I see her going through the program, as we've talked in 13:07 last couple of weeks, she seems to be dealing with whatever 13:12 issues, and I know a lot of them are private, you don't need to 13:17 reveal. I understand though that she's doing well. 13:22 Yeah. You know one thing that she told me in our counseling 13:26 session, there were two things. She wants to be a servant to God 13:30 and she wants to be a good grandmother. She wants to be 13:33 there for her family. So she knows she's making this step 13:38 really not just for herself but for God and for family. She 13:43 wants to be around to be vibrant she wants to be relative and 13:47 that is such a great decision that you can do, a selfless 13:51 decision, because when you check out of this world early for 13:54 lifestyle issues, your selfish, because you hurt people all 13:56 around you. So to come here and go through this program and make 14:02 these changes for people that you love is just a selfless, 14:05 wonderful thing that you could do. 14:07 We ought to follow up on her. 14:08 Yeah, yeah. 14:10 and keep after her. I know that everyone needs encouragement 14:15 and maybe a reconnection with the NEWSTART program. We to her 14:21 represent NEWSTART although it's not about you and I but we are 14:26 representatives, so it would to give her a plug now and then. 14:31 So were you satisfied with the outcomes with her? 14:38 Yes, because she primarily got the spiritual side of it. If you 14:42 get that the health will follow. If you know God can help me if 14:47 I surrender. If I keep getting back up on my feet when I mess 14:51 up, and turn back to God and say God forgive me for that but help 14:56 he's not going to fail you. If you get that combined with some 15:00 good old human effort you're going to make it and she will, 15:04 she's going to do good. 15:06 Amen, amen. It's good to hear you say that because I feel that 15:10 You know when I'm down and out, about an hour ago I was in the 15:15 very same situation. All I did was pray and immediately I 15:19 started to feel better. 15:22 That's the only way. You can hang onto it and drag you down 15:25 or you can say God you know I didn't mean that, let me ask and 15:28 he will help you. 15:29 Yeah, I wanted to buy a chocolate bar, but there was 15:31 nowhere to find one. One with peanuts. I love chocolate. Oh 15:37 my goodness. Well Damon, you know, I know you're a busy guy 15:42 and you take your time to come over here and visit with us and 15:46 being through these interviews and I want to thank you. God 15:51 bless you brother. Friends don't go away. We'll be right 15:56 Welcome back friends. Dr. Lukens 16:02 Glad you are here. Glad to see you. 16:08 After all these years to see so many people have miracles done. 16:14 That's why I'm still here. 16:19 How many years has it been? Twenty-eight? 16:21 Yeah. 16:22 Wow! Congratulations! With regards to Robin I've got to say 16:28 this. A lot of times people come here. They don't do as well as 16:34 maybe someone who's here with them and yet they don't do as 16:39 well as the next guy. So we have varying degrees of success. 16:45 Would it be fair to say that if people came here and learned 16:51 what we do, learned the program and stuck with it, they're going 16:57 get healthier? Is that a fair statement? 16:59 That's a perfect statement. 17:02 OK, well it doesn't get any better than perfect. 17:07 You know, the thing is that people see these interviews, 17:11 New start Now and in their mind somebody says well I saw one 17:19 where a person lost 30 pounds in 18 days. I'd like the 20 17:26 pounds that I gained over the holidays, I'd like those to fade 17:31 away so I'm going to go to NEWSTART. I have to keep telling 17:35 people because... This was a four week program just before I 17:41 came and one lady lost four dress sizes in the 26 days and 17:46 her weight was exactly the same. I had to talk to her like a 17:51 Dutch uncle because she said I'm bummed out, you know. 17:57 Well why? And she says because my friends are going to ask me 18:01 how much weight did you lose and I'll have to... I would have 18:07 told her just take your dress and say who do I look. Then 18:11 other people I think most we've ever seen a cholesterol drop 18:18 was somebody that had severe high cholesterol like 1250. Wow! 18:22 And his mother sent him here and he was joking around the whole 18:27 time and not really with the program. But at the end of the 18:32 program because of the way his liver was reacting and so forth 18:37 his cholesterol went down to the high 300s. Wow! And I'm 18:43 thinking why would a person ever do anything different even if 18:47 they just thought it was crazy. Now with Robin, she came here 18:50 because they told her that she had heart disease, she had 18:56 diabetes, but neither one of those really fit into the 19:01 scenario. She did have the high cholesterol. We took her off the 19:07 Statin. I wanted her off the Statin so that she could find 19:11 out what is my cholesterol really because the Statins were 19:15 lower the cholesterol but they don't increase your life 19:18 expectancy or you're the way you get around and so forth. So it's 19:24 all a matter of lifestyle and I'm so happy that the Bible is 19:28 filled with what we call the eight natural remedies, one of 19:33 them is supernatural. People just get that. And then I have 19:39 to tell the women too, I try to tell them at the beginning and 19:45 middle or something in the session. Dr. Crane, when he was 19:49 doing research here, four women out of 10 women, their 19:54 cholesterol will stay the same. It'll go up while they're here. 19:59 Wow! And if you tell them that after they see their cholesterol 20:04 has gone up they'll say hey they're just shining me on, but 20:08 it's true. Actually that's not a lie but it's very close. It's 20:13 37 percent, but that's very close to four out of 10, so 20:18 that's easy to do. So the thing is in journaling to fill out the 20:27 NEWSTART calendar and we see people one of the first one's 20:31 that I saw when I was here, he was supposed to be dead in six 20:36 months and he got another 14 years. 20:40 Fourteen years! Yeah. Well we see over and over again people 20:43 that are dying and they wait to the last minute and come 20:48 here. But with Robin, now we didn't see a lot of evidence of 20:53 much change with her and this is the kind of individual that 20:58 I'm talking about that sticks to the program and all of a sudden 21:03 it just starts peeling off. She starts getting stronger and 21:07 change happens. 21:09 Yeah. In fact, people that are really overweight, they may be 21:14 totally on the program, and we've seen this, for six months 21:19 or 12 months and their cholesterol stays the same 21:21 they're on the strictest, strictest and then suddenly when 21:28 they've lost the weight and they're stabilized, their 21:34 cholesterol's down. Some of the people that have lived here had 21:38 heart disease and they more recently done angiograms on them 21:42 arteries are completely clear. 21:45 Oh that's wonderful. You know I don't know where the time goes 21:48 but we're running out of time. But I did want to take a moment 21:52 and just thank you because I know you're a busy man. And God 21:56 bless you. 21:57 And I'm glad you're doing well. 21:58 Yes, thank you. Don't go away friends. We'll be right back. 22:01 ¤ ¤ 22:37 Welcome to Weimar College Update. Many people are not aware that 22:43 Weimar has a full higher education institution that is 22:49 getting a lot of recognition around the world. Weimar has a 22:53 premed program where you have the highest chance of getting 22:57 into a U.S. medical school and publishing in the peer review 23:00 literature. We also have a nursing program that is a 23:05 nursing program that's far beyond the just the regular 23:10 nursing program where you also have training in the spiritual 23:15 part and how to take people from health to him as well as 23:19 training in the natural remedies including nutrition and other 23:24 types of natural remedies. We also have a theology pastoral 23:28 program where the pastor comes out as a head of a medical 23:32 missionary program or a church that's going to emphasize 23:37 medical missionary work. We also have a business program that 23:42 particularly emphasizes health care administration and a 23:47 Bachelors of Business that can also have a leadership track. 23:51 But one of the new things at Weimar Institute is a program 23:56 that's going to combine several things. One of our professors 24:01 who has been teaching here this semester and doing a great job 24:05 particularly in the psychology side of things is Dr. Melissa 24:10 Dalsich Garcia. Dr. Melissa we're really glad to have you 24:14 here today. 24:16 Thank you, I'm glad to be here. 24:17 Well tell us first of all what you're doing at Weimar Institute 24:19 now and where the plans are going with it. 24:22 Well I teach the psychology classes, which is my area, 24:26 that's what my PhD is in. My goal is to prepare these 24:30 students for a career to really approach mental health with a 24:35 Christian perspective to help win that battle against the evil 24:39 that is out there in the world. So we're trying to get some of 24:44 the core psychology classes in such a very Christian and 24:48 Biblical way that these professionals, these young 24:52 people go out as professionals to fight the Lord's battles. 24:56 Mental illness is at an all time high in our society today and 24:59 one of the reasons is because spirituality is at an all time 25:03 low. Yes. We're actually finding out solid Biblical principles can 25:08 actually help mental health and Dr. Melissa I know you 25:11 incorporate those principles along with the research behind 25:14 it in your courses, things that you don't really get very easily 25:19 any other place besides Weimar Institute. 25:23 So tell us a little bit about this new developing program. 25:27 Well this new program is liberal arts emphasis. We're trying to 25:33 create a degree that will give some flexibility and prepare 25:37 students for graduate programs so they can go on and be 25:42 successful, again, from a very Biblical perspective. So it is 25:47 an emphasis in core areas and you can choose either a 25:50 psychology emphasis which will prepare you to go on to get a 25:54 master's degree in counseling and get licensed to practice therapy 25:58 You can choose a Christian education emphasis which will 26:02 prepare them for a career in SDA education with preparation 26:07 to go on to get state licensure if they so choose. And they can 26:10 also take a music concentration. Once again, it's going to 26:14 prepare them for graduate programs in music. 26:18 Music can be one of the therapeutic principles that can 26:21 help balance the mind. 26:22 Indeed it can and one of the professors here, Wenda Nasie, 26:26 is very excited about the potential for combining some 26:30 of these concentrations as well. 26:34 OK, so an emphasis in psychology education and music. Could you 26:39 potentially emphasize all three of those if you were so inclined 26:45 You could. The degree is designed to be somewhat flexible 26:50 so you're going to possibly declare both a major and a 26:54 minor, or to majors at the very least. The rest would be filled 26:57 up with electives. So you could also tailor it if you very 27:02 theology and want to do a counseling degree and have that 27:06 nice background solid foundation You can take extra religion 27:09 classes or the same thing if you want to focus on education in 27:12 religion, this would be part of the electives. The concentration 27:16 though you feasibly could two at least of those major 27:20 concentrations and combine education and psychology which 27:23 would be a very good practice for those wanting to be school 27:27 psychologists as well. So music and education, those would go 27:30 hand in hand if somebody wants to teach at the elementary level 27:34 for music and music and psychology go together as well. 27:39 Well this sounds very exciting and I'm glad Weimar Institute 27:43 is expanding in these lines. Contact us at Weimar College if 27:47 you're interested in this new approach or this new degree 27:51 program or any of our other degree programs at Weimar 27:55 College. Thank you for joining us at Weimar College update. 27:58 ¤ ¤ |
Revised 2018-10-10