Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000214A
01:11 Hi, friends, and welcome to NEWSTART Now.
01:13 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:16 In our studio, with me, we have a young man, 01:19 Danny Velez, all the way from Washington. 01:23 And I want to take a look at when he first arrived. 01:26 So let's break away right now. 01:32 Well, I'm here because I've been having 01:34 some issues with my lungs for about three months. 01:38 And it's putting a lot of pressure 01:42 and causing pain from time to time 01:45 and making it hard for me 01:48 to breathe and to speak. 01:54 We've been to about six doctors, 01:59 and they don't even know 02:03 the cause of, you know, what I have or... 02:08 And they haven't done much to help me. 02:12 And so I am very hopeful that the NEWSTART program 02:19 will be the answer for me. 02:24 Welcome back, friends. 02:26 Hi, Danny. Hi. 02:27 Thanks for taking your time, I know you're in a hurry. 02:30 You got to catch a plane. Yes, we do. 02:32 So Let's do this real quick. Okay. 02:34 You came here, 02:35 and we just saw your first interview, 02:38 and you were dealing with what? 02:40 What were you dealing with? 02:41 Well, I had inflammation in my lungs, 02:44 and while I was here, 02:46 I got a call from my cardiologist 02:49 and told me that I have pericarditis, 02:51 which is inflammation of the lining of the heart. 02:54 So I had a lot of inflammation and pain. 02:57 Yes. Yeah. Okay. 02:59 And how are you doing now? 03:02 I am a lot better. 03:05 I'm not cured yet. Yes. 03:08 But I'm on the road to progress, yeah. 03:10 Did you get a CRP Test, Daniel? 03:12 I did, yeah. 03:14 And did it indicate high inflammation? 03:17 The normal was 0-3. Right. 03:20 And mine was a 126 when I got here. 03:23 Wow. 03:24 And I just found out that as of Monday, 03:28 mine is down to 12. 03:30 Yeah. Amen, bother, amen. 03:32 So it's on the right path now. 03:35 The Lord needs you. Amen. 03:36 He needs to use you. Yeah. 03:38 And that's obvious. 03:40 And I need Him. 03:41 I know you do, for sure. 03:43 Well, He doesn't really need us, 03:45 but He uses us, doesn't He? 03:46 Exactly. Yes. 03:48 So you know what to do when you get home 03:51 and to continue these hot and cold treatments and such? 03:57 Yes. 03:58 That was, to me, the key, obviously the diet 04:02 and the exercise are part of the whole package, 04:06 but the hydrotherapy, 04:08 the hot and cold treatments were the things 04:11 that really affected my lungs the most. 04:13 Yes, indeed. 04:15 So aside from that, what did you like 04:18 the most about the program? 04:21 Well, you know, the people. 04:26 It was a really good group of staff 04:30 and also the group that we had 04:32 was just a neat group to be around with, 04:35 and to talk with, and to hear their stories, 04:37 and to see how God was leading in their lives. 04:41 It was refreshing. Amen. 04:43 Yeah. 04:44 It's almost like you get 04:47 physical benefit from being here 04:49 but also a spiritual benefit. 04:50 Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. 04:54 I think it's important for our viewers 04:57 to know that because a lot of people think 05:00 what we do here is strictly lifestyle, 05:03 we come and we eat and we walk. 05:05 It's more than that as you just mentioned. 05:08 Yeah. 05:09 So did you do a fast by the way? 05:11 I did. 05:12 How was that? 05:16 You don't want to say? I'm glad I did it once. 05:18 You did only once. 05:20 You don't want to do it again? 05:22 Not today. Not today. 05:24 Yeah. Okay. 05:26 But, you know, it was good. 05:27 My lungs felt really good during the fast, 05:29 and I think that part of that had to do with my body 05:33 not having to deal with food 05:36 and was able to focus on trying to deal with that inflammation 05:41 that was taking place. 05:42 Absolutely, because your energy was taken away from digestion 05:48 and to dealing with the inflammation. 05:51 Yeah. Yeah. 05:52 Now you know about curcumin and turmeric? 05:55 Yes, I do. 05:56 You do? You shared that with me. 05:58 Oh, good. Oh, good. 05:59 I'm glad I did. Yeah. 06:01 That's really, really powerful. 06:02 And I am taking it. Oh, good. 06:04 Yeah. Excellent. 06:05 We had some at the market here? 06:08 They didn't have it. 06:09 They did not have it when I came. 06:11 Oh, okay. 06:12 And so someone went to town for me and picked it up. 06:15 Oh, good. Yeah. Excellent. 06:16 Yeah. Excellent. 06:18 Yeah. Okay. 06:20 So you're going to stick with the lifestyle 06:23 that you've learned here, correct? 06:26 I have to. 06:27 Right on. Yeah. 06:28 And you learned how to cook from Michelle, 06:31 what did you think of Michelle? 06:33 Well, she's got a lot of energy. 06:34 She's got a lot of energy. 06:37 Everybody says that about Michelle. 06:38 Yeah. She's pretty dynamic. 06:40 But I think she's also very passionate... 06:45 Yes. About why she's doing it... 06:47 And about us and wanting us to be successful. 06:52 That was really neat. Yeah. 06:54 I find that as a common denominator 06:57 with the entire staff. 06:59 With our nurses, our doctors, even the lady 07:04 that cleans the rooms, Dorothy. 07:06 Yes. 07:08 The students, everybody is part of this whole... 07:14 And Damon, God bless Damon. Yeah. 07:17 He's such a wonderful guy. 07:19 Did you had some nice one-on-one with him? 07:22 We had only one session together. 07:23 Only one? Yeah. 07:25 Oh, that's terrible. 07:26 Our schedules, you know, didn't match. 07:27 Okay. 07:29 But it was good and, you know, it's really neat 07:33 when you're out there walking 07:35 and you see the staff doing it together, 07:38 you know, as a team. 07:39 Yes. 07:41 It's not like they're, you know, 07:42 cracking the whip and telling you to do things 07:45 that they don't do themselves. 07:46 That's right. 07:48 You know, we're all practicing the same principles together. 07:50 That's right. Yeah. 07:52 That's good. Yeah. 07:53 And your water consumption, has that increased? 07:56 Yes. Good. 07:58 When I was talking to Beth on the phone 08:01 before coming here, 08:03 she asked me, "Do you drink a lot of water?" 08:05 I said, "Yes." 08:07 And I got here and I realized I don't or I didn't. 08:13 What I thought was a lot was just before breakfast here. 08:18 My wife keeps telling me, "Have you drank enough water?" 08:21 "Oh, yeah." 08:22 I never drink enough water, even after I learn. 08:26 It's difficult for me sometimes. 08:29 It is. But I have to push myself. 08:31 You have to put it on your schedule. 08:32 That's right. Yeah. 08:34 And just keep doing it all day. 08:35 Just keep doing it, yeah. 08:37 So, Danny, will you be going back to work 08:39 when you get back home? 08:40 Yes. 08:42 And what do you do for a living? 08:43 I'm a pastor. You're a pastor. 08:45 Of course, I knew that. 08:47 But I wanted our guests 08:48 or people watching to know that. 08:51 So we get pastors here 08:52 from all over the country. 08:53 In fact, we had two pastors 08:57 from Puerto Rico two sessions ago. 09:00 Oh. Yeah. 09:01 Yeah, I'm from Puerto Rico originally, yeah. 09:05 I thought so. Yeah. 09:06 And these were wonderful men as you are. 09:09 And I appreciate you, Danny, 09:11 and I feel a special connection with you. 09:15 And I think it's that place inside of you 09:18 that is very familiar to me. 09:20 I want to thank you for opening up your life 09:24 and your testimony 09:26 and sharing it with everyone viewing. 09:28 And God bless you, brother. Thank you. 09:30 We'll stay in touch, okay? 09:32 Yeah, it's been my pleasure, and I can't thank God enough 09:37 to be able to have this experience 09:38 and to go through the program 09:41 and receive the healing already. 09:44 And I know He's got a lot more to do. 09:47 And, friends, thank you, but don't go away 09:50 because Pastor Snead is up next. 09:55 Welcome back, friends. 09:57 Pastor Damon, how are you brother? 09:59 I'm doing well. Good to see you. 10:02 You know, I was thinking 10:05 if I were a pastor or a chaplain 10:09 and I was going to be meeting 10:15 with another pastor or chaplain 10:17 that's come to this program, what do you do? 10:20 I mean, you know, 10:22 are they kind of like on guard or was he... 10:27 Well, Danny is a pretty nice guy. 10:29 Daniel wasn't but many are. 10:35 Some like to play little games, huh? 10:38 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But this guy is pretty... 10:41 Tell us a little bit about Danny. 10:43 We know he had a breathing problem 10:45 and we know that he's doing better, 10:50 but what about his spiritual walk? 10:52 I mean pastors have... 10:57 They have problems, don't they? 10:58 Don't you? 11:01 I got a load of them. All pastors do. 11:04 You can't be in this business, and not... 11:07 And not suffer. 11:09 In a lot of ways, 11:10 your health is one of the first things to go. 11:13 You're so busy taking care of other people all the time. 11:16 And a lot of my pastor friends know this, 11:19 you're out working, 11:20 working, working, working for God, 11:22 and all of a sudden you wake up one day 11:23 and you got problems, you got issues. 11:26 And even Danny, when he was here, 11:29 you know, he sick, he's got some issues, 11:31 but he was still pastoring, 11:33 he was still helping those people. 11:35 You know, I don't always click 11:37 with every single person there, and that group of people 11:40 that I really wasn't able to get in with, 11:44 he was there ministering, befriending, working with. 11:48 That's his instincts, right? 11:49 Yeah, that's right, that's right. 11:51 And so my heart goes out to these guys 11:53 when they start to break down and they start to get sick 11:55 because I understand what that's like. 11:58 Well, apparently, his meetings with you went very well 12:02 because I see a change in him. 12:05 Not that, you know, 12:07 I saw anything terribly bad to begin with, 12:10 but I saw a man that needed help. 12:13 And, of course, 12:16 you taking care of the spiritual component, 12:18 our doctors taking care of the medical side, 12:22 and our nurses may be a little physical, 12:25 the whole program. 12:27 Sure, and then nurses, don't let them fool you, 12:29 they're working spiritual too. 12:31 And the therapists, they're working, 12:33 we're all working kind of both sides 12:36 but with our specialty on one side. 12:38 Right. Yeah. 12:39 And with Danny, you know, 12:41 it is tough being a pastor losing your health. 12:44 Boy. 12:46 If you can't breathe from the pulpit, 12:48 it's difficult to preach. 12:50 And if your health gets out of shape 12:51 and hospital stays, 12:52 it gets difficult to minister to others 12:55 when you yourself are getting sick. 12:58 And one thing I was really glad to see him and other pastors 13:00 that's come this way is that they recognize this 13:04 and they know that if they're going to stay busy 13:07 working for the Lord, 13:08 they've got to get that health under control. 13:10 You got to get that lung capacity back, 13:12 you've got to get that vibrancy back, 13:13 and you got to have a good mental outlook. 13:16 You get sick, you just lose, you get discouraged. 13:19 And so he was here and gaining that back, 13:22 I mean feeling better, 13:24 you could see him as he's progressing 13:25 towards the end, 13:27 he's smiling, he's working, 13:28 he's doing what pastors do when they get healthy. 13:31 But they got to stay healthy and get healthy. 13:34 And you taught him how to do that, right? 13:36 Well, the doctors had a big part with that. 13:38 He had a great spiritual outlook already. 13:40 Yeah, I kind of thought so. 13:43 And I appreciate that and recognize that in guys, 13:46 you know, so the time that I've spent 13:47 with him has really just helping him to... 13:50 any other ways that I can as a pastor, 13:53 you know, I know the pressures 13:55 that them guys are under 13:56 and they can reveal things and share things that, 13:58 you know, we don't want to talk about, 14:00 but that's really about all I could do for him 14:04 is just be a friend to him, a fellow pastor. 14:07 But to see him, those numbers coming down, 14:10 and knowing that his 14:11 inflammation levels are shrinking, 14:13 which means his lung capacity is coming back 14:15 and he'll be back in step doing God's work in time. 14:20 You know, I can relate 14:21 to how the health can deteriorate 14:25 when you're on the job 14:27 because when I first got on the job here, 14:32 I let my health kind of go down 14:33 a little bit and I started noticing it, 14:36 so I had to make some changes 14:38 and get my priorities straight again. 14:41 Not that I ever left the program 14:43 but I stopped walking as much as I should be. 14:47 You know, I don't know where the time goes, 14:49 but we're running out of time. 14:51 Thank you so much, pastor. God bless you. 14:54 Don't go away, we'll be right back. 14:59 Every year in America, 15:00 there are over one million deaths 15:02 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 15:05 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 15:07 That's 6.5 747s crashing every day. 15:11 What's even worse is that the fix is easy. 15:14 It's your lifestyle. 15:16 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add 15:18 quality years to your life 15:19 rather than dying one organ at a time? 15:21 Obesity and diabetes 15:23 are the cause of over a million deaths per year. 15:26 Most diseases are reversible 15:28 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 15:31 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 15:35 Seriously now, they can be reversed 15:37 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 15:40 Call NEWSTART Today at 1-800-525-9192. 15:47 You will see dramatic changes 15:48 in the first few days at our program 15:50 and you will be on the road 15:51 to a better, more robust quality of life. 15:54 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 16:00 Welcome back, friends, 16:01 help me welcome Dr. Roger Gallant. 16:03 Ron, good to see you. 16:05 It's good to see you too, doc, 16:06 especially I know you're such busy guy. 16:09 Unfortunately, I am. You know... 16:10 I'm going to let the viewers know 16:12 that you're involved with a clinic on campus here 16:15 called Stallant Health, right? 16:18 That's correct. That's correct. 16:19 And people could come and see you if they wish. 16:21 Right? Absolutely. 16:23 So after this interview, 16:24 you're going to get a lot of phone calls. 16:25 Praise the Lord. 16:27 Because I'm going to give you the number right now, 16:29 it's 530-637-4025. 16:34 If you want to make a personal visit 16:37 with Dr. Gallant, give him a call, 16:41 make an appointment, stop and say hello. 16:43 I just had somebody call me today 16:45 who is coming to see me on Sunday. 16:46 On Sunday? 16:48 You work Sundays? I work Sundays. 16:49 I didn't know doctors work Sundays. 16:52 Hey, we've got to try to get 16:53 the patients here when we can. 16:57 Oh, you know, this is a good thing. 16:59 Amen. Yeah. 17:01 So I want to just lead you into Danny 17:05 because I kind of think... 17:08 I really, really like this guy. 17:10 He's a great guy. He's a great guy, 17:12 he's real lovable, he's very kind, very generous, 17:16 and I've seen some things happen, 17:19 but I don't know anything about this kind of illness 17:22 because it's rare, I've never seen it before. 17:25 And of course... 17:26 Let me tell you, first of all, let me just say this... 17:29 Danny is a pastor. Yes. 17:32 And I have a burden for pastors 17:35 because I have seen so many pastors 17:38 who are in ill health, 17:42 and if the shepherd is sick, 17:45 he can't attend to the flock. 17:47 Amen. 17:48 And I believe that the enemy 17:50 tries to keep the shepherd sick 17:53 so the flock flounders a little bit. 17:56 You know, I couldn't agree more. 17:57 I see that. 17:59 Yeah, so, you know, traveling all over the world, 18:02 I've seen pastors 18:03 who have these health challenges 18:05 and just are not as well as they should be. 18:08 Do you think it's because they're so busy monitoring 18:12 and herding the flock 18:14 that they forget their own health? 18:16 Is that the deal or... 18:18 I think it's more than that. 18:19 That may be the case in some situations, 18:21 but I think as well that they're under attack, 18:25 you know, and so it's just hard, but... 18:28 Well, when they become weakened though, 18:31 because of their overindulgence... 18:33 So they may create an opportunity for an attack, 18:38 you know, if they're... 18:40 We can do it to ourselves too as physicians. 18:43 Oh, yeah, I've seen you guys do... 18:45 Yeah. So we got to be careful. 18:46 But Pastor Danny, a great guy, 18:49 he came to us with pericarditis, 18:52 which is an inflammation of the sack around the heart. 18:57 Oh, the pericardium. Yeah, exactly and... 19:00 Gee, I knew something about it. 19:02 And his doctor was recommending 19:06 that he go on some anti-inflammatory medicines 19:09 and do some things that he was reluctant to do, 19:12 which I understand. 19:14 And so he came to me. 19:15 Now I've got to be honest, 19:18 we don't see a lot of pericarditis 19:20 as you just said. 19:21 And I personally have not treated one 19:25 at NEWSTART before. 19:27 I know the way to treat it from the world's perspective. 19:31 As an ER doc? 19:33 As an ER doctor or as an allopathic doctor. 19:36 But not from a natural remedies perspective. 19:42 So how'd you deal with that? 19:43 So here's the catch, 19:45 here's the caveat of this whole thing. 19:49 We treated him using God's plan 19:53 just like we treat everybody else. 19:55 Amen. Amen. 19:57 Praise the Lord. 19:59 I'm telling you, people ask me, they'll call in and say, 20:02 "Well, do you guys do this and do you guys do that?" 20:05 I said, "Look, 20:07 I never even heard of what's going on with you, 20:09 but I can tell you this, 20:10 I've never seen anybody come here not get better." 20:13 Well, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 20:15 Amen. 20:16 So we had him change his lifestyle 20:22 and we had him incorporate 20:25 some herbs and different things to help with inflammation. 20:29 And at the end of the program, 20:32 his inflammation marker 20:35 dropped by 90%. 20:38 Wow. 20:40 From a 126 to 12. 20:43 Almost down to normal. 20:45 Almost to normal, yeah. 20:46 Wow. 20:47 And it was amazing. And that's in 16 days? 20:51 Yeah, 18 days, yeah. 20:53 Oh, my goodness, isn't that something? 20:55 But the blood tests you write are drawn in two weeks apart, 20:58 14 days. 20:59 But, you know, initially, 21:01 we said we're going to do this and do this, 21:04 and we're going to try this, and we're going to see 21:05 how the Lord works through this. 21:08 And initially, he wasn't sure 21:09 that things were getting better. 21:12 But in the middle of the week, the next week, I was like, 21:15 "How are you doing?" 21:17 "Oh, I feel so much better, 21:19 my shortness of breath is improved, 21:21 I can walk, I'm not having these aches and pains, 21:24 I'm feeling better, I'm not having chest pain." 21:27 Oh, praise God. Praise the Lord. 21:30 You know, that's the beauty of God's plan. 21:32 We have patients, as you say, 21:33 who come with many different ailments. 21:35 And by God's grace, 21:38 He is able to use His simple natural remedies 21:41 to bring them health and healing. 21:44 I love those words. 21:47 You know, we're almost out of time. 21:49 And I want to thank you again, I do, 21:51 I kind of joked a little bit, but I know you're busy. 21:54 You don't have much time today? 21:56 No. 21:57 So I want to thank you for coming. 21:59 Good to see you, Ron. And God bless you. 22:00 God bless you too. 22:02 Don't go away, we'll be right back. 22:40 Welcome to Weimar College update. 22:43 Glad you joined us today. 22:45 And there is a lot happening at Weimar College. 22:47 It's a true higher education institution, 22:50 a lot of people aren't aware 22:52 that we offer a four-year degree 22:54 with fully transferable credits to major universities. 22:59 We have the highest rate of acceptance 23:01 into US medical schools, 23:02 highest rates of publishing in the peer review literature 23:06 for our pre-med program, we have a nursing program 23:09 that is above the typical RN program 23:14 with tremendous job offers 23:17 for those that come out of our nursing program. 23:19 And we also have a program 23:22 that emphasizes education and music, 23:24 psychology, a business program 23:27 as well for healthcare administration. 23:30 And so you want to check out 23:31 Weimar Institute if you are in... 23:33 Weimar College if you're interested, 23:35 if you know of anyone 23:37 who wants to get a top-level education 23:39 because Weimar Institute 23:41 and a third-party analysis of all universities was shown 23:44 to be the number one 23:46 and students being able to solve 23:49 real-world complex problems. 23:51 But today, I have Don Mackintosh 23:55 who is the head of the Religion Department. 23:57 We not only have all these health things at Weimar, 24:00 and of course Weimar's vision is healing a hurting world. 24:04 But we also have a religion program 24:06 and a theology program. 24:08 Tell us about that. 24:09 Well, yes. Thanks for having me. 24:12 We have a religion program 24:14 which focuses more on the practical side of things, 24:16 they take essentially the same classes as theology, 24:20 the difference would be, 24:21 in the religion program, we have a semester called 24:24 "the health program", and so a part of that program 24:26 was that we learned how to do practical things in churches, 24:30 maybe running a community-based depression recovery program, 24:34 running various cooking schools. 24:35 Actually everybody that graduates 24:36 from that program learns at least 25 recipes themselves, 24:40 they learn how to be health coaches 24:42 that can help, stop, and reverse, 24:43 better yet prevent the common killers in America, 24:47 and you teach that class, principles in health. 24:50 So things like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, 24:54 and then, of course, 24:55 all the things dealing with mental health 24:57 and not only what the problem is 24:58 but what the solution is based on lifestyle approaches, 25:02 and it's good for pastors, 25:03 we're told, to know anatomy and physiology, 25:06 we learn a little bit of that 25:07 as well in the religion program. 25:09 So the religion program, 25:12 again, like the theology program, 25:15 but it deliberately rotates students 25:18 through things like the NEWSTART Program, 25:20 a 19-day lifestyle program, 25:22 and through the depression recovery program, 25:24 a 10-day lifestyle program 25:26 that's held five times a year on the campus. 25:28 And so our religion students, 25:30 when they reach their junior and senior year especially, 25:33 they rotate through these different things 25:34 and they see how the Bible is practically applied 25:38 in people's lives. 25:40 That's the religion program. 25:42 Well, great. Now that's pretty unique. 25:44 I don't know of any other place in North America 25:47 where you can get a religion program 25:49 with that type of emphasis in not only healing the soul 25:53 but involved in healing of the body and the mind. 25:56 Oh, exactly, and I think the other unique thing is that, 25:59 you know, we have basically three circles 26:02 if I'm drawing it on the board and one is NEWSTART, 26:06 one is depression recovery, and one is our local clinic. 26:09 So we not only go around the world 26:10 with the NEWSTART Program 26:12 and the depression recovery program 26:13 but also across the street with the clinic 26:15 and our students in theology 26:17 and religion rotate through those 26:19 and they see how to apply that. 26:21 But in the center of those three circles is the church. 26:24 And we're told that 26:26 those that are training for the medical missionary work 26:30 can't really do that effectively 26:31 if they're not working with a local church, 26:32 and that's the reason we started a local church here 26:35 that's kind of a lab sewing both the theological side, 26:40 we might say orthodoxy along with orthopraxy. 26:43 So not just knowing 26:45 what orthodox doctrine is based on the scriptures 26:47 but how it's put into practice. 26:49 And that's especially on profile 26:51 in the religion program. 26:52 Now many people that go through the religion program, 26:55 we now have a number of them that are taking double majors 26:57 in nursing so they can be not only a pastor but a nurse, 27:00 or like I like to say a purse. So they can pay their own bills 27:04 while they may be planting a church. 27:06 They don't have to necessarily be 27:07 basing their career on tithe going forward 27:09 because we know that we're not going to be 27:11 able to buy or sell, but the last minister 27:13 standing will either be in jail ministries 27:17 or medical ministry outside, 27:19 and I believe that's going to be 27:20 right up to the end of time. 27:22 And so, you know, of course, we don't want the church 27:26 to not be able to pay ministers, 27:28 but the reality is that we've come to that time 27:32 when we need to be able to feed ourselves 27:34 and there's a high demand for healthcare and taking care 27:38 of people's medical and health needs. 27:41 Well, I'm excited about what you're doing 27:42 with the religion and the theology programs 27:45 at Weimar Institute, 27:46 and it's also not only introducing them to health 27:49 but how to take people from health to him, 27:52 and it's one of the reasons 27:53 why Weimar has the highest baptisms 27:56 and conversion rate really of any community per capita 28:01 right now in North America. 28:04 And so if you want to spread the good news, 28:09 find out about Weimar College religion and theology programs. |
Revised 2018-08-09