Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000213A
01:11 Hi, friends, don't turn that dial.
01:14 We have an amazing story to follow. 01:18 In the next 29.5 minutes, 01:20 you're going to witness a miracle. 01:23 In our studio with me today is Dr. Lukens. 01:28 How are you? Thank you, sir. 01:29 I'm always happy to talk about these miracles. 01:32 Yeah, we're going to talk about Bonnie Coe 01:34 and what's happened in her life. 01:37 I can't wait to see her interview 01:41 and then come back with you, 01:43 and so let's break away for that interview, okay? 01:50 Welcome back, friends. Bonnie, how are you dear? 01:53 I'm fine, thank you. 01:54 Good. Good to see you. Thank you. 01:56 And I'm good to hear of all these amazing things 01:59 that are happening in your life. 02:02 I'd like our guests that are watching us right now 02:05 to hear your story, 02:07 and if you can just, kind of, breeze through it, 02:10 we don't have a lot of time. 02:12 I'll try to condense my story. 02:15 Okay. 02:17 In 2005, I became disabled 02:21 after taking a prescription anti-nausea medication, 02:27 disabled to the point 02:29 where I was bedbound for over four years 02:33 until I had brain surgery 02:36 because I had uncontrolled movements. 02:42 And they went away when I slept. 02:44 So when I had the brain surgery 02:47 and a deep brain stimulator placed, 02:51 it gave me my life back, 02:54 but I still had trouble walking, 02:57 and I still obviously have some trouble 03:01 with my speech. 03:04 But I could not coordinate the way I walked. 03:08 So when you got here, I noticed 03:10 you were kind of twitching a little bit on one side. 03:13 And what you're saying is 03:15 your left and right foot wanted to go together sometimes or... 03:19 Well, when we walk, 03:23 we automatically do it without thinking. 03:25 Right. The right leg goes... 03:28 The left leg goes out, the right arm at same time. 03:31 Right. And then vice versa. 03:34 I could not do that, 03:35 even practicing when I walked outside 03:40 which was not real often. 03:42 Right. 03:43 And here somehow 03:45 with all the walking that we've done, 03:50 it has happened pretty automatically 03:55 that I do that now. 03:57 You're walking like you used to walk. 04:00 I'm walking pretty normal. 04:01 Pretty normal. Yeah. 04:03 And your speech is pretty good too. I mean... 04:06 Well, hopefully is understandable. 04:09 Well, sure. 04:11 But it is different. Of course, you wouldn't know that. 04:13 No, I wouldn't know that. 04:16 I talked to you when you first arrived here. 04:18 Yes. But that was brief. 04:20 I didn't catch anything like that. 04:23 So now why do you think that this has happened? 04:28 How this healing, that's obviously come on you, 04:33 why do you think it's happened? 04:35 Well, I think 04:36 it's a combination of the exercise that we do 04:42 along with the food that we eat, 04:48 getting enough rest, pretty pampered here actually, 04:54 pretty spoiled. 04:56 What about the spiritual component? 04:59 The spiritual component, this is all about God. 05:04 My healing, at the beginning, 05:08 the surgery was directed by God, 05:12 and God brought me to NEWSTART. 05:15 And it is God who is healing me even further. 05:21 And to Him, I give all the glory, 05:26 all the honor and praise for it. 05:29 Amen, He's saying to you, 05:31 "Take up your mat and walk." 05:33 Right. And you're walking. 05:34 You're doing a good job. 05:36 How far are you walking each day now? 05:39 Well, some of the people here 05:43 that are attending would laugh, 05:46 but I'm up to over two miles a day. 05:49 That's nothing to laugh about. 05:52 You couldn't walk when you got here. 05:54 You said rarely you even got outside. 05:56 Rarely. Well, yeah, I didn't go on walks like now. 06:02 So now you're over two miles. 06:05 Over two miles. 06:06 Do you see three miles in the near future? 06:09 Well, I was working up to it. 06:11 Today, I got an extra quarter mile this morning, 06:16 and I will try this evening also. 06:18 Yes, good for you. Yeah. 06:20 You know, I see that there's hope in your eyes, 06:25 in your heart, 06:27 and that hope and focus is on Jesus. 06:30 And you know that He is the master healer, 06:33 a master metaphysician, if you will, 06:35 that He can heal us from another planet, 06:40 if you will, 06:42 and He is obviously working on you in such a way. 06:46 I'm so happy for you. 06:48 Yes, and one of the benefits, 06:51 and this is not why I came here, 06:54 but I've lost about 10 pounds. 06:57 Wow. 06:58 So like I said, that's not why I came, 07:01 I came for the other components, 07:03 other programs. 07:04 Yes. But I'm really happy about it. 07:07 Yes, of course. 07:09 How much weight do you want to lose yet? 07:12 Probably, you know, women are always unreasonable, 07:17 but I would say about 30 pounds. 07:19 Thirty pounds? Well, you could do it. 07:21 You'll do it. One day at a time. 07:23 That's it, one day at a time. 07:25 You know, it's an amazing thing 07:26 the way God created these bodies. 07:29 What's amazing to me is 07:30 all you got to do is give them the right foods, 07:34 it knows exactly where you should be. 07:37 Whether it's 125 or 135, it's going to balance, 07:43 your BMI is going to be where God intended it to be, 07:47 it may be on the low side, it may be on the high side, 07:50 but you're on your way, girl. 07:53 I think so. Yeah. 07:54 Thank you. 07:55 Good. You got a great smile by the way. 07:57 Thank you. 07:59 Did you get that from the surgery? 08:00 I don't think so. No. 08:04 No, they didn't throw that in. 08:07 Well, I'm looking forward 08:10 to hearing things in the future. 08:14 I would pray and hope that you would call us, 08:18 and stay in touch, and let us know of your progress. 08:22 Could you do that? 08:23 Well, I plan on. 08:27 Dr. Lukens is asking me to keep in touch. 08:30 Yes. 08:32 And he has given us a form to fill out 08:35 and send every month, and yes, I plan on that. 08:39 I want to thank you, dear, for taking your time. 08:43 And may God bless you in so many ways. 08:47 Thank you, Ron. 08:48 Yeah, keep up the good work. Thank you. 08:51 And thank you, friends, but don't go away, 08:53 Dr. Lukens is up next. 08:59 Every year in America, 09:00 there are over one million deaths 09:02 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 09:04 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 09:07 That's 6.5 747s crashing every day. 09:10 What's even worse is that the fix is easy. 09:14 It's your lifestyle. 09:15 Wouldn't it be nice 09:17 if you could actually add quality years to your life 09:18 rather than dying one organ at a time? 09:21 Obesity and diabetes are the cause 09:23 of over a million deaths per year. 09:26 Most diseases are reversible 09:28 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 09:31 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 09:34 Seriously now, they can be reversed 09:36 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 09:40 Call NEWSTART Today at 1-800-525-9192. 09:46 You will see dramatic changes 09:48 in the first few days at our program 09:50 and you will be on the road 09:51 to a better, more robust quality of life. 09:54 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 10:00 Welcome back, friends. 10:02 Dr. Lukens, good to see you again. 10:04 I'm very good. I'm excited about this. 10:06 I am really excited 10:07 because this is something I've never seen before, 10:10 but can you explain? 10:11 It happens so, so rarely. 10:12 Explain to our viewers, what's going on here. 10:15 Well, when a person has damage to a part of their brain, 10:19 there's more to the problem 10:22 than just whatever's going on in the neurons. 10:25 How did that damage occur? Do you know what happened? 10:28 Yes, she had a drug for nausea. Okay. 10:34 Compazine. 10:35 And I don't want people to just, 10:36 "I'm never going to take it", 10:38 but she had a very strange reaction to it. 10:42 And so what happened to her 10:45 is it did something in her brain 10:47 so that the left side of her body 10:51 just started going like this, 10:54 we call it tardive dyskinesia but hers was violent. 10:58 And so finally, she had to go to bed, 11:02 and she went from her normal weight down 11:06 to 110 pounds, 11:07 and all during the day she was doing this. 11:09 We call it tardive dyskinesia. 11:12 And so for four years, 11:14 she was like that. 11:16 And they finally just said, 11:17 "Well, we're going to stimulate that part of the brain 11:20 so it can't do that." 11:23 So now, you know, the muscles are all tight and everything 11:26 because they're trying to do that, 11:28 but the brain simulator 11:30 keeps it from going on to the dyskinesia, 11:34 which has given her a certain amount of life, 11:40 you know, back again. 11:41 She was just... 11:42 I don't know how she could stand it. 11:44 She's a nurse practitioner. 11:45 She had to stop doing what she's doing. 11:47 She's got a good sense of humor, 11:49 all these things are wonderful, 11:51 but she'd really like to get back to work again. 11:54 Yeah. Now here's the thing. 11:56 When she came in with that dyskinesia, 12:00 she wasn't able to... 12:01 You know, how when you walk, you swing your arm, 12:04 she couldn't swing her arm. 12:05 She couldn't walk very well. 12:07 And also, when she was trying to walk, 12:09 that leg was, you know... 12:11 And so it was a really strange gate that she had. 12:15 And after she had been on this for about five or six days, 12:20 she came in, and I was going to do the lecture, 12:25 and she said, "Dr. Lukens, I want you to watch me now." 12:29 And so she did a relatively normal walk and she said, 12:33 "Look at what I can do now." 12:35 Big smile, you see. 12:37 And, you know, she's the only one 12:40 that had a brain problem 12:43 that I've had so far with a medication, 12:46 and very, very, very rarely, fortunately that it happens. 12:50 So she's gone through an awful lot. 12:52 But besides that, she had diabetes. 12:56 She had diabetes? 12:58 Yeah. Well, okay, she came in with insulin for diabetes. 13:05 She came in with another medication 13:07 that whips the pancreas to make more and more insulin. 13:11 Oh, no. 13:12 And, you know, 13:14 those that are watching those medications, 13:16 they realize that they're not good for you. 13:18 So we got her off of that one first, 13:21 I mean, as well as getting her off the insulin. 13:24 And, you know, being a nurse practitioner 13:27 is, kind of, like, you know, and, "Doc, are you sure? 13:30 I could be dead, you know?" 13:32 And I said, "Well, here's what they're doing 13:34 in the big United Kingdom study." 13:36 And she says, "Oh, well, let's drop it." 13:41 And so now she's really, really happy, 13:43 she still got some struggles, but... 13:44 Sure. 13:46 We just did another treadmill test on her. 13:50 She was able to sort of eke out seven minutes. 13:55 Wow. And then this time she did 9.5. 13:58 Wow. Yeah. 13:59 That's incredible. 14:01 Yeah, and the thing is that, 14:03 you know, I think when she saw such rapid improvements, 14:07 she was hoping that, you know, 14:09 she was going to walk out totally well, 14:10 but she's agreed to stay in touch with us. 14:13 We'll keep following her progress, 14:16 and we'll see else the Lord will do 14:18 with the miracle path that she's on. 14:22 Has she put on any weight or lost any weight? 14:24 She's lost, yeah. 14:26 And so she's off these medications, 14:29 off the insulin, right? 14:31 And the other one was... 14:33 Generally, if you use enough of that, 14:36 you're going to have to use insulin 14:38 because it's going to... 14:40 They equipped, just in lay terms, 14:44 they keep whipping the pancreas to make more insulin 14:47 until they can't do it anymore. 14:49 Until it's doesn't beat to death. 14:51 Yeah. 14:52 So now we're going to follow up on her 14:57 and encourage her to stay. 14:59 Well, she looks like 15:00 she's going to stick with the program. 15:02 Oh, man, you know, 15:03 if you've gone through four years in bed 15:07 or you're jerking all day long and, you know, 15:10 you just don't have any life, it's... 15:14 She's going to stick to the program. 15:15 She's going to do something, yeah. 15:17 She's already so much better. 15:19 I hope she'll be able to get back to work 15:21 because she's got... You know, she's really bright. 15:24 Is there any other medications that she was on 15:29 that she's no longer taking? 15:31 Well, you know, 15:32 well, we take them off as we can, yeah. 15:35 Okay, like blood pressure meds and stuff? 15:38 Yeah, things like that. 15:39 Yeah. Well, that's awesome. 15:41 I'm glad that we were able to help. 15:43 I want to ask you this. 15:44 Do you feel that God, 15:49 His presence on this campus, 15:53 has a lot to do with this healing? 15:56 Well, let me say it this way, 15:58 whether you have a common cold or you have metastatic cancer, 16:01 God is the healer. Amen. 16:04 I'm glad you say that. 16:06 I already know the answer, 16:07 but I wanted to hear from a doctor. 16:09 Yeah. 16:10 Well, we've run out of time, 16:12 but I want to thank you so much for being here. 16:16 Thank you, doc. 16:17 I'm really excited about this, man. 16:19 I'm glad that we're doing this. 16:20 I am too. 16:21 Thank you, friends, but don't go away, 16:24 Pastor Snead is up next. 16:29 Welcome back, friends. 16:31 Pastor Snead. 16:32 How you doing? Good, brother. 16:34 I'm going to call you Damon. That's right. 16:35 That's your name, right? Yes, sir. 16:38 You know, I'm really excited for a lot of reasons. 16:43 Now the viewers don't know 16:44 what's happened here in the last 16 days. 16:48 But I promised them they're going to witness 16:51 a miracle in the next 29.5 minutes. 16:55 Can you speak about that for the next little bit? 16:58 Oh, sure, in regards to Miss... 17:00 Miss Bonnie. Miss Bonnie, yeah. 17:03 Miss Bonnie would definitely classify as a miracle, 17:06 especially when you see what she came here with. 17:08 If you noticed how she was walking, 17:11 you know, she had some physical impairments. 17:14 But that's not the miracle part 17:16 that I want to talk about the most. 17:18 I was hoping you're going to bring in another aspect. 17:22 Yeah, you know, and we had some great conversations, 17:26 and she comes with a broken life. 17:28 She has a real tragic story in her life. 17:31 A lot of the things that she's been through, 17:32 broken marriages, you know, abuse as a young lady, 17:37 had really suffered a lot of terrible things, 17:39 and the death of her husband. 17:40 And so she had come here 17:42 with a lot of emotional baggage, 17:44 and then she ends up taking a simple drug 17:47 that many, many people take 17:48 and it gives her this terrible 17:50 debilitating neurological issue. 17:53 Compazine. 17:55 Yeah, she can't walk. Right. 17:56 So she comes here figuring 17:58 that the one thing that she can do 17:59 is maybe just at the end of... Towards... 18:01 You know, she's not a spring chicken no more, 18:03 so the last thing that she can do 18:04 is maybe recoup her health 18:06 and have some kind of enjoyment of life. 18:08 But she gets here and thinking 18:10 that's all that it's going to be about, 18:12 but she gives just this tear-jerking testimony, 18:16 Sabbath afternoon. 18:17 She's one of the people that were re-baptized, 18:19 and she's telling everybody, she's just saying, 18:23 "I came here thinking that 18:25 all that I could get from life is just health, 18:27 but I came here realizing 18:28 God brought me here for a spiritual renewal. 18:32 God brought me here to recoup my relationship with Him." 18:36 Because what's happened to her is, 18:38 over the years, every tragedy, 18:40 every terrible thing that's happened 18:42 has driven her further and further away from God 18:44 and she didn't realize that 18:46 until she sat in those Fresh Start lectures 18:48 realizing that she has been so far away from God. 18:51 And she came into my office that second week 18:54 when we offered the appeal 18:56 to rededicate your life in baptism. 18:58 I did not expect to see her 18:59 because she's a quiet kind of person. 19:01 Right. 19:02 I had no clue that that was stirring in her heart. 19:04 And she sat in my office 19:06 and then she just broke out weeping, saying, 19:07 "Pastor, I need to be reconnected to God. 19:11 I want to get close to God." 19:13 And so she reminds me of the man 19:16 with the story of Jesus 19:18 that was let down through the roof, 19:19 and he can't move, and he's sitting there, 19:21 and everyone's waiting for Jesus to heal him, 19:23 and the first thing that Jesus says is, 19:24 "Your sins are forgiven." 19:26 Wow. 19:27 And she reminds me of that story 19:29 where she came thinking it was about health 19:31 but realized that 19:32 what she needed was that relationship, 19:33 that bond with Christ. 19:35 And then, of course, the rest of her story is to boot. 19:38 Yes. 19:39 Well, that's an amazing story, and yes, that is a miracle. 19:43 It's a double miracle to me, 19:46 you know, to see what you've just said, 19:50 how it transformed her attitude and her whole spiritual walk 19:55 and the physical walk to boot, 19:57 it's just like wow, that actually happened here. 20:02 And, you know, people continually tell me 20:06 they feel the presence of the Lord on our campus. 20:10 They feel it with our students. 20:12 They feel it with our staff, 20:14 of course, with you and the doctors. 20:17 I get so much... 20:20 attaboys, if you will, 20:22 from the doctors who are kind, and loving, and caring. 20:26 These doctors, these men, 20:28 this staff has a Christ-like character. 20:33 They may not be all the way there, 20:35 but I can tell you this, 20:37 that a lot of them are pretty darn close. 20:41 And I just praise God that He doesn't give up on us. 20:45 He keeps wooing us 20:47 and bringing us ever closer to Him. 20:49 Sure. There is something, what you just said, about this. 20:52 It's not just the doctors or the chaplain, the therapist, 20:58 the entire environment has an impact on their health. 21:02 I mean, when she comes here, she's got, you know, 21:04 one of these things in her body, 21:08 a pack that she has to charge up 21:10 to keep a part of her brain in sync, so to speak, 21:13 so that she can walk. 21:15 And so when she first came here, 21:17 you know, she was all just mechanical and robotic. 21:20 Yeah. 21:21 She told me this, 21:23 I had her in session this morning for counseling, 21:24 she... I mean, she is moving near normal. 21:28 Wow. 21:29 So there is this physical healing 21:30 that's also taking place 21:32 in conjunction with the spiritual. 21:35 Both things have happened. Amen, amen. 21:38 We're out of time, brother. I want to thank you so much. 21:41 God bless you and your work here at the NEWSTART program. 21:45 But, friends, don't go away, 21:47 we have an important message for you following this. 21:53 Every year in America, 21:55 there are over one million deaths 21:56 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 21:59 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 22:01 That's 6.5 747s crashing every day. 22:05 What's even worse is that the fix is easy. 22:08 It's your lifestyle. 22:10 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add 22:12 quality years to your life 22:13 rather than dying one organ at a time? 22:16 Obesity and diabetes are the cause 22:18 of over a million deaths per year. 22:20 Most diseases are reversible 22:22 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 22:25 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 22:29 Seriously now, they can be reversed 22:31 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 22:35 Call NEWSTART Today at 1-800-525-9192. 22:41 You will see dramatic changes 22:42 in the first few days at our program 22:44 and you will be on the road 22:46 to a better, more robust quality of life. 22:49 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 22:55 Hello, I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, this is NEWSTART Now, 22:59 and with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez. 23:02 And, Dr. Ramirez, 23:03 this study actually got a lot of interest 23:06 when it was presented by you in Las Vegas 23:10 at the Sexual Medicine Conference. 23:13 Since that time, it has been published 23:15 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. 23:18 We're actually going to be talking about two studies 23:20 that were published 23:22 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine 23:23 and produced a lot of questions 23:26 and a lot of interest because it turns out 23:29 this had not really been looked at. 23:31 We're studying sex 23:33 in all sorts of different ways these days 23:35 in the scientific literature, 23:37 but sex in the context of a marriage relationship 23:41 versus not in a marriage relationship 23:44 is something that had not really been looked at. 23:46 And so tell us a little bit 23:48 about where these subjects came from 23:51 and what we were actually analyzing. 23:54 This is a nice, big sample, 23:55 5,621 participants of the community version 24:00 of the depression and recovery program 24:03 from all over the world. 24:05 And what we were looking at is 24:08 what relationship does sexual relationships 24:11 outside of the context of marriage, 24:14 what effect does that have on depression 24:17 and emotional intelligence. 24:20 So, Dr. Ramirez, a lot of people, 24:22 they want to have sex outside of marriage 24:25 because they think it's going to increase their happiness. 24:29 They might even think 24:31 it's one of the treatments for depression. 24:32 You know, they're depressed, 24:34 and so let's have casual sex, let's have it often, 24:37 and let's have it outside of a marriage relationship 24:41 and thus improve their mental health. 24:45 Is that what the study showed 24:46 that it improved the mental health? 24:48 Not necessarily. In fact, we found the opposite. 24:50 Okay. 24:51 Those people involved in sexual relationships 24:53 outside of marriage, 24:55 they actually had the worst indexes 24:58 among mental health 24:59 when we were measuring depression 25:01 by a standardized tool that we use 25:03 the depression and anxiety assessment test. 25:06 Okay, so it's one of those classic examples 25:08 of maybe short-term gain but long-term problems. 25:12 And, of course, that's why people turn to alcohol, 25:15 you know, they think it's going to help them out short-term, 25:17 but it ends up causing a lot more problems long-term. 25:20 And so this group 25:22 that was having sex outside of marriage, 25:26 how did their levels of depression compare? 25:28 So they had a moderate higher on average, 25:35 but some of them had 25:36 that type of severe type of depression, 25:40 those that were involving the sexual relationships 25:42 and sort of marriage. 25:44 While those that were not, usually their levels were 25:46 more of a low moderate level, mild, and so forth. 25:51 Okay. 25:52 So it made a significant difference 25:54 in the severity of depression. 25:56 And what else did you notice? 25:57 Well, we found that there is hope. 26:00 Even those people that were involved 26:02 in sexual relationships outside of marriage, 26:05 as they came to the program, understood the negative effects 26:09 that these have in their mental health 26:11 and stop that behavior, they were among those 26:15 that improved the most in the program 26:17 and were able to come down to no level of depression. 26:21 Okay, so if, during the eight-week program, 26:24 they change that practice, 26:26 they actually improved the most. 26:28 That's right. 26:29 And their levels of depression and anxiety 26:31 were much more likely to go away. 26:33 So if you made mistakes and so forth, 26:35 well, there's hope, you know, 26:37 there's hope of change of behavior, 26:39 and secondary to that, 26:41 you will have an improvement in your mental health. 26:44 Okay, so not only their depression scores 26:46 and anxiety scores improved, 26:48 if they were not having sex outside of marriage, 26:50 but you also did a separate study 26:53 measuring what? 26:54 Emotional intelligence. 26:56 And those with sexual relationships 26:58 outside of the context of marriage 27:00 at the beginning had the worst emotional intelligence. 27:04 Yet those that were able to stop that behavior 27:08 by the end of the program 27:10 improved the most their emotional intelligence, 27:13 coming up to 109.2 on average. 27:17 The nice thing about this is this program 27:20 is actually available to anyone today. 27:24 They can do it in their own home, 27:26 they can do it in a community-based program, 27:28 or they could actually come to Weimar Institute 27:30 and do the residential program, so three options 27:34 for dramatically improving levels of depression, anxiety, 27:38 and emotional intelligence. 27:40 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, this is NEWSTART Now, 27:43 and join us again next week for another exciting study. 27:49 Well, friends, that's it for today. 27:51 But join us next week for another episode. 27:54 In the meantime, pick up the phone 27:56 and give us a call at 800-525-9192. 28:02 Mentioned the NEWSTART Now program 28:05 and receive the NEWSTART special. |
Revised 2018-08-09