Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000212A
01:10 Friends, don't turn that dial, we have an amazing story
01:16 to follow in the next 29 and 1\2 minutes. 01:19 You're going to witness a miracle. 01:22 In our studio with me today is Dr. Lukens. 01:27 How are you, doc? Thank you, sir. 01:28 I'm always happy to talk about this miracle. 01:30 I can't wait to see her interview 01:34 and then come back with you. 01:38 So let's breakaway for that interview, okay? 01:43 Welcome back, friends. 01:44 Rosie, how are you, dear? 01:46 I'm good. Good. 01:47 Good. 01:48 Let's get right into your story here. 01:51 Okay. When I first came here, I wasn't happy. 01:56 Why weren't you happy? 01:57 because, I mean, I tried to lose weight, 02:01 it didn't work. 02:03 Why do you think that's so? 02:05 Because I wouldn't eat a proper diet. 02:08 Okay. 02:09 And so you were depressed? 02:12 Well, kind of, not really. 02:14 But kind of? Just kind of sad. 02:15 That's depressing to me. 02:17 Yeah. 02:19 Yeah, they said I didn't have much color in my face, 02:22 I wasn't happy, you know. 02:24 Well, you got color now. 02:25 But everybody said, you know, 02:28 "Since you've been here for a week," 02:31 they say that, "you're looking happy, 02:34 you've got color in your face, and you just look overjoyed." 02:38 Yeah. 02:39 I said, "Well, I am for the most part 02:42 but I have this crazy cough," 02:44 and that kept me kind of druggy, a little bit, 02:49 kind of tired and stuff. 02:53 So I didn't want to get out and do anything. 02:55 Yes. 02:56 But now that it's gotten a little better, 02:59 I'm able to get out and walk two miles 03:03 almost every day. 03:05 Good job. 03:06 And it just helped my leg altogether, 03:11 it doesn't hurt no more, hardly. 03:13 And what about your insulin resistance? 03:16 And I've been on insulin for 32 years. 03:20 Thirty two years. 03:21 And when I got here, 03:24 Dr. Lukens took me completely off of my insulin, 03:28 completely out my metformin, and off on my lipitor 03:33 which is my high cholesterol pill. 03:37 And he's very proud. 03:39 He says my pancreas is making more insulin than normal. 03:45 And my blood sugars are slowly coming down, 03:49 but they're not down to the normal range yet. 03:52 He said it might take another three to six months. 03:55 Now did your doctor at home tell you 03:57 you'd be on insulin all your life? 03:59 Mm-Hm. 04:01 How did he break that news to you? 04:05 Well, she didn't actually tell me 04:07 that I was going to be on insulin the rest of my life, 04:10 she told me I was going to be on metformin 04:13 for the rest of my life. 04:14 So you'd be diabetic for the rest of your life? 04:16 Yeah. I see. 04:17 And so now that I'm off of my insulin, 04:20 off of the metformin, I'm feeling a whole lot better 04:24 'cause the insulin, you know, 04:26 I've been insulin dependent for 32 years. 04:28 Wow! 04:30 And it's just a miracle that I'm off of it. 04:34 Wow. Praise god. 04:36 So I'm very, very happy. 04:38 Is that expensive? 04:40 Yes, it's one of the most expensive prescriptions I have. 04:44 Really? 04:46 What other prescriptions you have? 04:48 Oh, I have the metformin 04:50 And I had teranol. 04:54 I got two... 04:55 I'm on a water pill lasix 04:57 for edema and a potassium pill. 05:03 And I'm on two different pills for my restless leg 05:09 that I have at night especially, and that's it. 05:13 Yeah. That's it. 05:15 Well, do you see that staying on this program 05:18 that you've learned in the last 16 days, 05:22 you may be able to get rid of those two? 05:24 Yes. 05:26 Yeah. Yes. Good. 05:27 How do you weight? How are you doing your weight? 05:29 I've lost 13 pounds total. 05:32 And my goal that i told my husband 05:35 that I'm going to lose was 10-15 pounds. 05:38 Well, you're right there. 05:39 I got two more to go to my goal. 05:41 And you got a couple more days. 05:45 You loosed about two pounds a day. 05:47 Yep. 05:48 So you can expect to lose another two pounds. 05:51 Yeah, I hope. 05:53 Good job. Good job. 05:54 Yeah, hope to lose more. 05:56 So what did you like most about our program here? 06:01 It was just the caring of the nurses, 06:04 caring of the doctors, 06:07 and just the people that I'm here with, 06:10 they all cared. 06:12 They all care. 06:13 Have you ever been around a group of doctors 06:16 or nurses that cared so much? 06:20 No. No, neither was I. 06:23 Not till I came here. 06:24 How you liked the food? 06:26 Oh, it took me a while to get used to it. 06:29 But now I enjoy it now. 06:33 Did Michele teach you some good things? 06:35 Oh, yes, she did. 06:36 Isn't she a delight? 06:38 Yes. Yeah. 06:39 She taught us how to make 06:41 banana-Strawberry ice cream today 06:44 with just a fruit. 06:46 With just a fruit. 06:47 And it was good. 06:48 She freezes it and put it through the champion. 06:50 She took it out of the freezer 06:52 and put it in the vitamix blender 06:58 and, you know, it took a little time 07:00 to break up the fruit because they were frozen solid. 07:04 Yes. 07:06 It was really good. 07:07 Everything we did so far has been good. 07:10 Good. Everything. 07:13 Now what about the hydro and the massage? 07:16 Oh, I enjoy those. 07:18 Who was your therapist? 07:21 I can never pronounce her name, 07:24 Nishong, something like that. 07:27 Yeah. Yeah, Nishong. Yep. 07:29 Oh, good. Yep. 07:31 I told myself yesterday, 07:33 I said, "I like to have another massage please. 07:36 My shoulder is hurting again." 07:39 Well, I get one tomorrow, so that's okay. 07:43 So when you get home, what are you going to do? 07:48 Continue on the diet, continue on walking, 07:51 continue everything I've done here at home. 07:54 What about your husband? How's he? 07:56 Is he going to be out walking with you? 07:58 He will be on the weekends 08:02 because he works away from the house a lot, 08:04 so he eats on the run. 08:06 Okay. 08:07 So it will be, you know, hard for him 08:09 to do it during the week, but on weekends, he says, 08:11 "Well, I'll eat whatever you cook 08:13 because everything in the house 08:15 is going to be what you can eat." 08:17 Amen. 08:19 So he's supposed to have everything 08:21 out of the refrigerator and freezer 08:23 that I'm not supposed to have, and cupboards. 08:26 Good job. 08:27 So he agreed to do that for me, 08:29 so I wouldn't have to do it when I get home. 08:31 I go, "Whoa! That was really good." 08:34 I want to thank you for taking your time 08:36 and being willing to come here. 08:38 God bless you, dear. 08:39 God bless you too. 08:41 And we will be in touch. 08:42 Don't go away, friends, 'cause Dr. Lukens is up next. 08:48 Welcome back, friends. 08:50 Dr. Lukens, it's so good to see you. 08:52 Yeah, very, very good. 08:54 You know, I'm really excited about this interview today 08:58 because we're going to talk about another miracle. 09:01 And so what I want to get from you 09:04 if you would please, from a doctor's perspective, 09:08 tell us about what has happened here, 09:10 why is this so unique? 09:13 Well, it really isn't that unique, 09:16 but it's unique to what usually is told to the patients 09:21 because this is a delightful lady, 09:25 but she is overweight, a lot. 09:29 And when she went in to see the doctor, 09:31 he told her, he said, "You're going to be on insulin 09:34 for the rest of your life 09:35 because you're not making insulin anymore." 09:38 And, you know, I didn't know what all she had done 09:42 and, you know, they said what they understand. 09:45 And so I thought, "Well, maybe she isn't." 09:48 But she was on just under 400 units of insulin. 09:53 And, of course, we talk about this. 09:56 When they come in, 09:57 they get some food for a day and a half, 10:00 and then we put them on a fast. 10:02 Even if she were a type 1, 10:03 we would take her off of her insulin 10:05 because you just have to. 10:08 And in type 1s, they freak out when we say that, 10:10 but we watch them very closely. 10:13 So she came in and her blood sugars range, 10:16 she said between 250 and 550, 10:20 and that's on the insulin. 10:23 And it's really hard to chase it, 10:25 you also can't lose weight on that because, 10:28 you know, your blood sugars are all over the place. 10:30 So when she came in, it's kind of like, 10:32 "So we're going to fast? This is no food fast?" 10:36 "Yeah, that's it." 10:37 And her blood sugars went down to, 10:39 like 120-140 10:43 during that time. 10:45 So now here is the kicker on this one, 10:49 as she went off the fast, 10:51 she had developed a urinary tract infection, 10:54 and upper respiratory infection, 10:57 and she was coughing during the night, 10:59 so she wasn't sleeping well. 11:00 And all of those stressors 11:03 shot her sugar back up to 450 and 550. 11:08 Well, you know, she was concerned, 11:09 "Shouldn't I be taking some insulin?" 11:11 I said, "Well, let's see what happens." 11:13 So we've got a special test, it's called c-Peptide. 11:16 And she was making twice the amount of insulin 11:21 that we normally see. 11:23 And so I thought, "Okay, insulin is not the problem. 11:26 So let's have her continue to do this." 11:28 And slowly, slowly she's come down. 11:30 And from our experience, we can see that the people, 11:35 as the adipose tissue comes off, 11:37 as the fat comes off, 11:39 especially as they're exercising, 11:41 it doesn't take very much or any insulin 11:45 to get the sugar into the muscles. 11:47 And so now she's, you know, she's beaming, she's smiling 11:51 because those things are gone 11:53 and her blood sugar is coming down now, 11:55 and she's happy, and she's off of almost all the medications. 12:00 And then to be told that she'd be on the, 12:02 you know, those fingers and the injections, 12:04 and she was doing five injections a day. 12:09 And it's just an entirely different life now. 12:13 Let me add a point here. 12:15 A lot of you diabetics out there 12:18 know what doctor is talking about. 12:21 There are other viewers that don't know. 12:24 And let me just describe it this way, 12:26 we are watching a miracle happen, 12:28 a woman that's been told she's not making any insulin, 12:33 we're finding out she's putting out twice 12:35 as much as she needs, 12:37 she gets off the insulin and other drugs, 12:40 medications that she's taking, and she's doing well, right? 12:43 Yes. 12:45 She's thrilled because she keeps talking 12:47 to her husband and he's delighted as well. 12:50 He's just happy as a clown. 12:51 Yeah because, you know, he loves her character. 12:53 Or i should say her character. 12:55 But, you know, I mean, 12:57 this is something that impacts the whole family. 13:01 Amen. Amen. 13:04 And when she's having trouble, whether her blood sugars 13:06 are too low or too high or whatever, 13:09 and, you know, they love each other to pieces, 13:13 but sometimes, there is a lot of pieces. 13:16 Yeah, lot of stress. Yeah. 13:18 So what's her prognosis? 13:21 What does she do from here now? 13:23 She's going to stick with the program I'm sure. 13:25 Okay, 13:27 well, we need to make sure that she does that. 13:28 We've had other people 13:30 that are in a similar situation. 13:32 And if somebody out there wants to know, 13:35 you go to TED Talks, and look at Neil Barnard, 13:39 N-E-I-L B-A-R-N-A-R-D. 13:44 And he will tell you that type 2 diabetics, 13:47 from a big government funded study, 13:50 type 2 diabetics 13:52 don't have to be diabetic anymore. 13:54 And that came up in 2012, 13:57 and it's the most wonderful thing, 13:59 I just keep showing it to people wherever I go. 14:01 Well, I keep showing people your interviews 14:04 because I placed a value here, right here, 14:08 because you've taught me in the last 12 years, 14:12 seeing hundreds of people reversing their diabetes 14:15 over and over and over again. 14:17 It's nice that Neil Barnard is doing that 14:21 because he has a huge following. 14:23 But, you know, we will too. 14:25 The thing is that people probably, 14:28 you know, there's people that say this 14:30 and there's people who say that and you think, 14:31 "What are they talking about?" 14:33 But when somebody has a government study 14:36 and can make those, it's very, very incredible. 14:39 More credible, more credible. Yeah. 14:41 Then the other doctors say, "Well, you know..." 14:43 And then Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 14:47 "Oh, not so much". 14:49 But it's there, 14:51 and if you want to get off of most of your medications 14:55 and eventually, probably, all of them, 14:57 as you stay on this program, 14:59 you will be wonderfully surprised. 15:02 She's not the only one in this session, 15:04 we've got four others. 15:05 Yes. We've run out of time. 15:08 But I want to thank you, doctor. 15:10 Yeah, well, thanks for doing this. 15:12 Oh, yeah, well, thank you for being here. 15:14 And thank you, friends, but don't go away 15:18 Pastor Snead is up next. 15:24 Every year in America, 15:25 there are over one million deaths 15:27 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 15:30 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 15:32 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day. 15:36 What's even worse is that the fix is easy. 15:39 It's your lifestyle. 15:41 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add 15:43 quality years to your life 15:44 rather than dying one organ at a time? 15:47 Obesity and diabetes are the cause 15:49 of over a million deaths per year. 15:51 Most diseases are reversible 15:53 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 15:56 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity. 16:00 Seriously, now they can be reversed 16:02 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 16:05 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192. 16:12 You will see dramatic changes 16:13 in the first few days at our program, 16:15 and you will be on the road 16:17 to a better more robust quality of life. 16:19 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 16:26 Welcome back, friends. 16:28 Pastor Snead, good to see you, my brother. 16:30 Thank you. How you doing? 16:32 I'm doing great, and I know you're doing great 16:34 because you had four baptisms out of this group. 16:38 Yes, sir. 16:39 You know, doesn't that just make you excited? 16:42 What Don Mackintosh says, "It's our payment." 16:44 "It's our payment." That's how we really get paid. 16:47 And these graduations which is tomorrow night, 16:51 I love to attend the graduations. 16:53 Yes, sir. 16:54 But let's talk about Miss Rosie. 16:56 Sure. Sure. Okay. 16:58 And you described her, before we got on the program, 17:02 as being, you know, kind of quiet, 17:04 a little withdrawn, a little depressed, 17:07 little of this, little of that, what happened? 17:10 Well, I misjudged her at first. I thought... 17:13 When I first see, I'm always evaluating 17:16 everybody who's going, I think it's going to be work, 17:17 and when I saw her, she was a moper, 17:20 very quiet, very withdrawn. 17:22 Later, I got to realize 17:24 that she was battling some depression 17:26 and feeling really terrible. 17:28 And so, you know, everyone got that sense from her, 17:30 we were just kind of worried about her 17:31 and how she was going to do the program, 17:33 she didn't seem to be participating 17:35 with a lot of people. 17:36 And, of course, by the second week, 17:39 everyone's talking about Rosie. 17:41 Everybody's talking about... 17:42 Yes, I mean I saw it probably the Tuesday, 17:47 the second week, the Tuesday there. 17:48 I was walking down the hallway, and I looked at her, 17:51 and I was like, I said, 17:52 "Miss Rosie, you look different." 17:54 She was smiling, she had this grin on her face, 17:57 and happy, and talking, and engaging, 18:00 and you have to know that 18:02 that's got everything to do with the health aspect 18:05 of this thing. 18:06 Something's happening in her heart, 18:08 in her mind. 18:09 But surely you know by now, and I know you know this, 18:13 the most people coming here are depressed. 18:16 And, you know, I was one of them. 18:19 I was depressed when I got here. 18:21 But who wouldn't be with all the sicknesses, 18:23 I don't know if I'm dying or what's going to go on. 18:28 And a lot of these people here are at the end of their rope. 18:32 They don't know if they're going to die 18:33 of a heart attack or stroke, they don't know 18:36 if they ever going to be well again. 18:38 And then they come here 18:40 and all of a sudden they find hope 18:42 through our pastor, through our doctor, 18:45 our nurses, the food, the cooking classes, 18:49 all these contribute to the whole 18:53 and help make person or all persons whole again. 18:57 Sure. Sure. Well, you know, I talked to her this morning, 19:01 she was spending nearly a thousand dollars a month 19:05 on medicine for 32 years. 19:09 She got type 2 diabetes when she was pregnant. 19:12 The doctor said, "You're done. 19:13 It's going to be for the rest of your life." 19:16 That is a lot of money over a lot of years. 19:19 So, friends, had she caught this years ago, 19:23 she could have saved $360,000, 19:29 and like you said, that's a house in California. 19:31 That's a house in California. Or three in Texas. 19:34 Yeah, unless you're in Austin. 19:38 And so they feel when they get here, 19:40 they're like, "Well, maybe it'll work, 19:41 maybe it won't." 19:43 And, you know, they are depressed. 19:44 Well, yeah. 19:47 You know, part of her happiness, 19:48 you know... 19:50 She was telling me this morning, she says, 19:51 "I'm off all but just a few minor meds." 19:54 So she says, "I've got nearly a thousand dollars a month 19:57 to spend on what we want to, so this is happy... 20:01 I need a thousand dollars a month." 20:03 But yeah, part of the joy is being free from that burden 20:08 of medicines, and drugs, and things like that. 20:12 You know, you bring to mind, 20:14 I remember, about the third of the way 20:16 or maybe it was halfway through the program, 20:18 when I came here, I was doing some figuring. 20:21 I said to my wife, I said, "Honey, 20:23 do you realize by becoming vegan, 20:25 and stopping alcohol, 20:28 and the other things we're doing, 20:29 eating out so often, 20:31 we're going to save about $2,500 dollars a month." 20:35 And I realized, when you look back, 20:37 people who drink alcohol, easily spend a $1,000 a month, 20:42 and with dinners out at a $100, $200 a dinner, 20:46 you know, anyway that was then. 20:48 Of course, my life is different now, 20:50 after 12 years especially. 20:53 So would you say that 20:58 we have a huge change in this situation? 21:04 Oh, well, with Rosie, 21:06 as what I have been seeing again 21:08 for nearly a year and a half now, 21:10 the health, getting the health better, 21:13 she, of course, is very spiritually aware now. 21:15 She's very excited 21:17 about her relationship with God again. 21:19 She's actually, you know, she was non-Adventist 21:21 but she said, "I'm studying now." 21:24 I gave her a set of Bible studies this morning, 21:26 she wants to continue studying the things that we learned. 21:29 One of the things she told me this morning was 21:31 she had no clue 21:33 that the will of faith worked that way. 21:34 She said, "I've been raised in church my whole life." 21:36 She goes, "I've never seen all these things 21:38 put together that way." 21:39 And she's excited about learning a little more. 21:42 So I gave her something 21:43 to kind of continue her education. 21:46 Amen. We're out of time, pastor. 21:48 Thank you so much, Damon. Oh, yeah. 21:50 And thank you, friends. 21:51 Don't go away, we have a tip for you following this. 22:30 Welcome to NEWSTART Now. 22:32 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, President of Weimar Institute. 22:35 And with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez, 22:37 one of our physicians, 22:39 as well as one of our researchers, 22:41 and very active in teaching at the college, 22:44 research methods, and advanced research methods. 22:47 In fact, if you know any students who want to excel 22:50 and be very successful throughout their careers, 22:53 Weimar Institute is the place to send them 22:56 'cause they'll learn how to do this research 22:58 on nutrition and lifestyle right here, 23:00 and it's by publishing in the scientific literature 23:03 that you're able to change the world. 23:05 And this study is exciting 23:07 'cause it just came out a couple of days ago, 23:09 Dr. Ramirez. That's right. 23:11 So this is hot off of the press, 23:13 and this was published in the American Journal 23:15 of Lifestyle Medicine, 23:17 the November- December issue of 2016. 23:21 And this is a study looking at what now? 23:25 What we are focusing here 23:27 is the heart of the depression recovery program. 23:32 Okay. 23:33 As a physician, you learn that a good physician 23:37 learns the causes of the problem 23:40 because if not, you waste your time 23:42 just dealing with symptoms. 23:44 But if you're able to put your finger 23:46 where the problem lies, then there is hope 23:50 and that's what this paper is all about, 23:52 about hope for the depressed and the person with anxiety. 23:55 That's important because depression doesn't have 23:58 the same cause in every individual. 24:01 There are some people that can be severely depressed 24:03 for one set of reasons 24:04 and another group of people who can be depressed 24:07 for a whole different group of reasons. 24:09 And so there's many factors 24:11 that can affect brain chemistry. 24:14 What are some of those factors that can affect brain chemistry 24:17 the study looked at? That's right. 24:19 In this study, 24:21 there are 10 hits or causes of depression. 24:26 And from those 10, 24:29 2 you cannot change, the rest of the 8, 24:32 they are potentially reversible. 24:35 The two that you cannot change are the genetic 24:37 and the developmental, the way you grew up 24:39 and the genes that you received from your family. 24:41 Yeah, if you're already an adult, 24:44 and of course, 24:45 we can't go back and have you be born again, 24:47 so to speak as far as the genetic part. 24:50 And of course, 24:51 we can't have you go through childhood again. 24:54 And so those two things tend to be fixed. 24:56 But everything else, we actually can change 24:59 in the biology of the brain and that's exciting. 25:04 What did this study actually show as far as causes? 25:09 How many...? 25:11 I think this study showed 25:12 that depression is not just one cause. 25:14 That's right. 25:16 In fact, you can have bad genes, 25:17 you could've been raised in a very dysfunctional home, 25:20 but you don't have to have depression 25:23 if you don't have other causes. 25:24 And that's the beauty of this study that... 25:26 They are in prints 25:27 that you can actually access for free. 25:29 When we published this, 25:31 we paid more than $3,000 dollars 25:33 to make it open, anybody can access this paper 25:36 if you Google the words Nedley and hypothesis. 25:39 The first hits on your Google are this study. 25:43 And what we're showing is that 25:45 in order for you to have depression, 25:46 you need to have four or more of these factors 25:51 active in your life. 25:53 Okay, so four or more 25:55 and then you're going to have depression, 25:56 and that means all of us can succumb to depression. 25:59 If we have four different categories of causes, 26:02 you're going to end up with depression, or anxiety, 26:04 or some other mental illness. 26:07 And the good news is these changes, these hits, 26:11 or risk factors can be reversed. 26:13 And if we take it down to two or less, 26:16 then the depression and anxiety goes away. 26:18 That's right. 26:19 And that's the beautiful thing about this 26:21 that the person can use these causes 26:24 as a motivator for them and a goal to change 26:28 and to improve their mental health. 26:30 Now one of the ways 26:31 you as a listener can access this 26:33 or someone else you know and love, 26:35 just look at depression anxiety assessment test, 26:39 the DAT Test. 26:40 You can look that up, and you can actually find out 26:42 the causes that might be operative 26:44 in your loved one or you. 26:46 And then there can be a little subscription there 26:48 or prescription as regards to what you can do differently 26:52 to get rid of this depression and anxiety. 26:55 So this produces a lot of hope. 26:57 Yes, and many people have been helped, 26:59 more than 6000 people around the literal globe 27:03 have been helped with this principles. 27:05 You know, interestingly, 27:07 the average medicine for depression 27:08 that's released on the market has less than 1000 patients 27:11 that have taken that medicine. 27:13 This is a program that's far more tried 27:15 and true than medication, 27:18 and it actually works far better than medication. 27:21 And we have published more than 20 papers 27:23 related to that topic. 27:25 If you keep watching this program, 27:27 you will learn more about those studies 27:29 that we have published. 27:31 Thank you for watching NEWSTART Now. 27:33 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley. 27:34 Join us again next week for another exciting study. 27:40 Well, friends, that's it for today. 27:41 But join us next week for another episode. 27:45 In the meantime, pick up the phone 27:46 and give us a call at 1-800-525-9192. 27:52 Mention the NEWSTART Now program 27:55 and receive the NEWSTART's special. |
Revised 2018-07-30