Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000211A

01:12 Hi, friends, and welcome
01:14 to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
01:17 I want you to help me welcome Michael Howard.
01:20 Now, here's what's unique about Michael.
01:22 Most people come here to lose weight,
01:25 Michael's comes here, he wants to gain weight.
01:27 And of course, he did.
01:30 Massive amounts of pounds.
01:32 But you're going to hear that in just a minute.
01:34 Let's take a look at when he first arrived.
01:39 I'm here for lot of stomach problems
01:42 that I've been having.
01:45 Back when I was about 25 years old,
01:49 everything just started to go wrong, and I was eating,
01:55 you know, not very good my whole life.
01:57 And then, recently I tried to make the changes
02:00 to get a better diet.
02:02 It just hasn't been going too well.
02:05 I couldn't really figure out why.
02:08 I was just slowly deteriorating,
02:09 not being able to absorb the food that I was eating,
02:12 and, you know, losing weight and those kinds of things.
02:16 I think stress was a big thing for me,
02:20 especially just not having God for most of my life, you know,
02:24 I was very stressed out,
02:25 and just can't handle the things
02:27 that I wouldn't know.
02:29 Really, a dependence on God in all things,
02:33 more than just help, you know,
02:34 just everything from the mental to the spiritual,
02:40 especially when it comes to exercise,
02:42 I'm definitely have not been good about that.
02:48 Welcome back, friends.
02:49 Help me welcome Michael. How are you, brother?
02:52 Feeling good.
02:53 You know, I just said you've gained
02:56 massive amounts of poundage.
02:58 How much weight did you can gain?
03:00 It's about two pounds. About two pounds.
03:01 Well, I get little carried away when I think of poundage,
03:06 but, you know, that is significant
03:09 because you had been struggling with weight loss, and you're...
03:13 How much do you weigh totally?
03:15 When I first came, I was struggling
03:17 between 100-102 pounds or so.
03:21 Now I weigh about 105-106.
03:24 Whiles, you may have gained more than that.
03:27 It's possible, yeah.
03:28 But, you know, we talked about this briefly
03:30 before the interview started
03:33 that that's probably muscle mass.
03:36 And tell us how you did on your treadmill,
03:39 the first one and the second one.
03:41 Well, the first one, I definitely struggled.
03:43 I never got passed the walking speed.
03:46 But the second time around, I was actually running,
03:49 and I did about three and a half more minutes
03:52 on the treadmill.
03:53 That's significant. Yeah.
03:55 So you're getting stronger,
03:57 your heart's getting stronger.
03:58 Yes.
04:00 How about your attitude?
04:02 A lot more positive.
04:05 Yeah.
04:07 You see that there's some hope.
04:09 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
04:12 And so how is that...
04:13 How has your attitude changed from...
04:16 Were you a little depressed when you got here?
04:18 Yeah, you know, I was struggling
04:20 with different problems, diseases, health,
04:22 all these kinds of things.
04:24 You know, it puts you in a depressive mood, you know,
04:26 you think there's no way out, but, you know,
04:29 even if I'm still struggling now
04:31 with the health problems,
04:33 I mean I'm so much more positive about it, you know,
04:36 just knowing that, you know, God can make a way.
04:39 Amen, amen.
04:41 You know, you just answered a lot of what cures us
04:44 when we come here.
04:46 It's having the right attitude,
04:48 you know, an attitude of...
04:51 Coin a phrase, gratitude,
04:53 and thanking God for what we have.
04:56 But if we keep beating ourselves up,
04:58 "Oh, I'm dying. I'm this, I'm that."
05:00 Well, okay, the body will accommodate to it.
05:04 But I like the change.
05:06 I like that you've gained weight.
05:08 Now who is your doctor during this event?
05:10 Dr. Kuninobo.
05:12 Kuninobo, okay.
05:14 And was he a big help?
05:17 Oh, yeah.
05:19 Yeah... He's so friendly and kind, you know,
05:22 it just really helps in that certain setting,
05:24 you know, when he's trying to tell you medical things.
05:28 Friendly and kind, which I see that's kind of unique,
05:33 not that the doctors I go to haven't been,
05:36 but some could be, you know, a little testy.
05:39 But that's because they're busy men.
05:41 That's true. Yes.
05:43 But our doctors here on campus really, really love
05:46 what they're doing, and take it extra.
05:49 They go the extra mile with our guests.
05:52 Yeah.
05:54 And what do you think of the food here?
05:55 Oh, it's amazing.
05:57 Amazing. Amazing.
05:58 How so?
05:59 The flavors are just, you know,
06:01 beyond anything I've ever had before.
06:03 And, you know, a lot of people are scared of vegan food,
06:06 but the way they do is just...
06:08 Yeah, it's amazing. And they're nice.
06:11 How about the cooking class?
06:12 Did you learn something there?
06:14 Yes, very helpful.
06:15 Especially, you know, taking what I've learned home,
06:18 you know, I need to be able to make it myself.
06:21 And Michelle was the cooking instructor,
06:23 and she did a phenomenal job of teaching us, you know,
06:27 practical tips, and just how to, you know,
06:30 make use of the things that we have.
06:34 What's your favored herb?
06:36 Probably, turmeric.
06:38 Turmeric? Yeah.
06:39 That's good, good that that's your favorite,
06:41 that's going to help in a lot of ways.
06:44 So what did you like most about the program?
06:47 The staff.
06:48 And in which way?
06:50 What did the stuff do that you appreciated?
06:53 Well, I mean they had such an emphasis on prayer
06:57 and, you know, the higher power,
06:59 our Creator that is able to heal, you know.
07:02 They know that God is working through them,
07:04 and that's very powerful.
07:06 Yeah.
07:08 You know, some of the graduations
07:09 I've been to lately,
07:12 the people who came here to do this,
07:14 that or the other generally testify that their...
07:19 They've increased their walk with the Lord.
07:21 And they thought they were coming here
07:23 to reverse diabetes or gain weight,
07:26 when in fact, they came here
07:28 to get better connected with God.
07:32 And, you know,
07:33 there is a spiritual component of our program
07:36 that our viewers don't necessarily know.
07:40 But I'm glad you brought that up
07:42 because God's presence is on this campus.
07:48 And so, I'm very grateful for that too
07:52 'cause that's what I think took me through it.
07:55 Yeah.
07:56 Now, do you feel like
07:59 your morning worships
08:03 were unique in any way?
08:07 Yeah, 'cause it's not very often
08:09 that I wake up to music,
08:11 you know, worship through music and hearing a sermon.
08:14 So that's very beneficial for me,
08:17 and, you know, I didn't know what to expect
08:19 coming to this program, but, you know,
08:22 it surprised me at every corner,
08:24 and I actually rededicated my life to Christ,
08:26 and following Him.
08:29 What did you think of Pastor Snead?
08:32 Oh, he's amazing.
08:33 You can tell he has the passion for God.
08:36 Oh, yeah.
08:38 And when he gets up there,
08:39 you can tell that God is speaking through him,
08:41 and using his words to reach people.
08:44 Now I think maybe he might be next after you
08:47 or maybe we're going to interview
08:49 Dr. Kuninobo first.
08:51 I'm not certain about that.
08:54 But nonetheless, we'll be interviewing them,
08:56 and he'll be speaking about, you know, the guests,
09:00 and what benefits they have
09:02 by having morning worship etcetera.
09:06 So when you get home, how's that going to be,
09:09 how are you going to handle things?
09:12 Well, I do have a plan, especially for waking up,
09:16 you know, praising God through music,
09:18 and the Word, and just staying connected to Him
09:22 because that's the most important part.
09:23 And then, of course,
09:25 learning how to cook for myself a lot better,
09:27 and doing the exercise and following through with him.
09:31 Good.
09:32 You keep up the good work, and we'll be in touch with you.
09:35 I know the doctors will, probably Damon.
09:39 So thank you, brother. Yes, thank you.
09:41 God bless you and keep it up.
09:43 But, friends, thank you, but don't go away
09:46 because we have an interview with Dr. Kuninobo.
09:52 Welcome back, friends, Dr. Kuninobo.
09:55 How are you?
09:57 Can I call you Andrew or doctor?
09:59 I like Andrew too.
10:00 Andrew, okay. Yeah, that's fine.
10:02 You know, I want to talk about Michael.
10:05 I want to get right to the subject here
10:06 because when Michael first got here,
10:10 I was little concerned
10:12 because, you know, he didn't talk much,
10:14 he seemed to be really down
10:16 and he acted like he had no hope,
10:20 and all, he was just going to try
10:23 this to see if it worked.
10:25 From a professional perspective,
10:28 is that what you saw
10:29 or tell me something about that?
10:32 You know, I saw pretty much the same thing that you did.
10:35 From a professional standpoint, I would see that,
10:38 yeah, there was definitely depression there,
10:40 and hopelessness, and a lot of anxiety.
10:43 Yeah.
10:45 As we talked, there was a lot of stress in his life,
10:46 a lot of it dealing with his medical problems.
10:49 He was a young guy,
10:51 and he had so many things not going well.
10:54 At a young age, it can be discouraging and difficult.
10:57 Especially for a young guy, and why more young people
11:03 don't attend our program or programs like ours
11:07 is beyond me, but he had the wherewithal to say,
11:10 "Hey, I need help. I'm going to go get some help."
11:13 But then I noticed during our second interview,
11:16 he was like more awake, more aware.
11:19 He even mentioned, he says,
11:20 "Yeah, Dr. Kuninobo was very so kind and gentle,"
11:25 which I get that from everybody.
11:27 Don't take that too personally.
11:29 Yeah, I won't. You are a nice guy.
11:31 Very simple.
11:34 So he's telling us about his doctor and his stay here,
11:38 and how you've given him some hope,
11:40 and he can walk now,
11:42 and his attitude is changing,
11:45 how is this all possible?
11:47 Well, first of all, it wasn't me.
11:48 Right.
11:50 You know, it's a group, and it's a team effort.
11:51 We have everybody, nurses,
11:56 chaplain, nutritionists, the doctors, all the staff.
12:00 And as you know we pray a lot for the patients.
12:04 Yeah.
12:05 And it really is God that touches people's lives
12:08 when they come here.
12:09 And it's the work on the heart...
12:14 I'm so glad to hear you say that.
12:16 That makes a difference.
12:17 And I don't know how many times I hear people come here
12:20 thinking, I've got this medical problem
12:22 and this medical problem, but after a week or so
12:25 here they realize
12:27 that even though they came for physical healing,
12:29 what they really needed was spiritual healing.
12:33 I hear that at graduation.
12:35 My wife had been to a graduation
12:38 for a couple of years,
12:39 and then she came to one a couple of months ago,
12:42 and she says, "Ron, it was amazing.
12:44 Nobody talked about
12:46 how they got better with their study, you know,
12:48 they talked about the spiritual healing."
12:51 And that's so wonderful to hear you say that because...
12:54 Well, that's the most important element.
12:56 Oh, exactly.
12:57 You know, the viewers they're watching right now
13:00 from all over the world are looking for a place
13:03 they could go that maybe has a real strong component
13:09 of Christ like character, you know.
13:12 And we know that God is here on this campus.
13:15 His hand is over this campus,
13:18 and I've seen it time and time again.
13:20 And it's good to hear you say that.
13:22 Well, it certainly touched me the first staff meeting
13:25 that I attended after arriving here,
13:28 15 months, 16 months ago.
13:30 And I've been in staff meetings,
13:32 three years with various medical institutions,
13:35 programs, onward,
13:38 but to have the number of people
13:41 praying got the individuals praying over the patients,
13:46 I was overwhelmed quite frankly with emotion.
13:48 I mean, it was a very touching moment for me.
13:50 It brought tears to my eyes just to see and work
13:53 with other doctors and nurses,
13:57 who had such a strong desire for the patients to be healed,
14:03 not just physically, but socially,
14:08 mentally, but most importantly, spiritually.
14:12 Yeah. Yeah.
14:13 That's just so wonderful.
14:15 I had no idea that would happen to me.
14:19 But when I came through, that's exactly what happened.
14:23 Then I start studying the Bible
14:25 right after I graduated from the NEWSTART program.
14:28 And three months later, I was baptized.
14:30 Oh, Praise the Lord.
14:31 So, yeah, I was like being real then.
14:35 I was being wooed by the Lord.
14:38 And I was so thankful that He didn't give up on me,
14:41 and I see that with our patients here,
14:44 our guests, as we refer to them,
14:47 that God didn't give up on them.
14:49 They're here, they've been drawn
14:50 and wooed to attend...
14:53 Many of them think it's because of their diabetes
14:56 or their depression, but as Michael has explained,
15:01 also that spiritual aspect, where you've seen God's love
15:05 through his doctor.
15:08 Come on, that's powerful.
15:10 And, you know, Michael did well.
15:11 Yes.
15:13 I think that...
15:16 I don't remember the exact numbers,
15:17 but, you know, he was so fatigued
15:19 and he was so down,
15:21 but his energy level was up, he was walking a lot more,
15:23 he was actually gaining some weight,
15:25 but who exercises more and gains weight, right?
15:29 Usually people exercise and lose weight, right?
15:32 He was gaining weight, you know.
15:35 Still going to be a process for Michael, no doubt,
15:38 and I think he would probably be the first to tell you
15:40 that he's come along.
15:44 You know, I think about Michael and I think about again
15:48 touching on the fact that he was young.
15:50 You know, I just, oh, I just so wished
15:52 that more young people
15:55 would take advantage of the opportunity
15:57 they have to get control of their health
16:01 when they are young
16:03 rather than waiting till they've lost it
16:05 and then trying to catch up.
16:08 And so many people wait until they're sick,
16:10 in their 40s, and their 50s,
16:11 and their 60s before they come.
16:13 Would be wonderful if we had a whole group
16:16 of just young people.
16:17 Yes, and I'm going to pray for that tonight.
16:19 Yes.
16:20 Okay, Doctor, thank you so much.
16:22 Friends, thank you, don't go away,
16:24 Pastor Snead will be right up.
17:02 Welcome back, friends, and welcome, Damon Snead.
17:05 Thank you, friend. Pastor, how are you?
17:07 I'm doing well.
17:09 How is everyone treating you?
17:10 We never asked how you are.
17:12 We're always talking about everybody else.
17:14 Rode hard and put up wet.
17:16 That's a good old Texas English.
17:19 I know you ride those horses.
17:20 I used to, yeah. You used to.
17:22 I stay away from them now.
17:23 A thousand pounds of orneryness.
17:25 I try to stay on the stuff little more stable nowadays.
17:29 Well, now we get to deal with the human orneryness.
17:32 Oh, yeah.
17:34 Well, you know, what I see about folks that come
17:36 to the NEWSTART program
17:39 is they may come here a little ornery
17:41 but they leave with a softened heart.
17:44 This is true.
17:45 God just takes away this hardened heart,
17:48 somehow, some way, and I know you are part of the reason
17:53 because of...
17:55 Tell us about how you start the day with our guests?
17:59 Well, I start the day with the spiritual.
18:02 Actually, Irwin starts the piano music,
18:05 he gets their hearts soften up to spiritual juices flowing,
18:08 and then we have prayer.
18:09 Then we go straight into lectures.
18:11 But it is spiritual.
18:13 The idea is to warm the heart, to get them close to God,
18:16 as close as they can be to learn something they didn't,
18:19 and have those practices be used in their daily life here
18:23 'cause they're going to need him, you know, here.
18:25 And they're really going to need them
18:26 when they go home,
18:28 and that's our idea of the morning
18:29 at Fresh Start is just to begin through
18:31 what I call the will of faith.
18:32 But I know of us, from the outside
18:35 we're looking in, so to speak.
18:37 There are certain individuals that really get that,
18:40 and they take what it is that you're teaching them
18:44 and they run with it like Michael.
18:46 Michael says, you know,
18:48 "I want to know where God wants me?
18:50 I know I have a ministry, I'm not sure what it is,
18:53 but help me to understand this."
18:55 And I go, "Man, you're right on track."
18:58 You're right there 'cause you're asking
19:00 God will tell you, he'll open those doors
19:03 and heal you to boot.
19:05 But tell me more about that with him?
19:07 Well, Michael would be our Paul.
19:09 The thorn in the flesh guy.
19:11 Now, in a week, we kind of progress there.
19:14 When he first came here, he's got something
19:16 that's hard to diagnose, that's not real sure,
19:19 but he was wanting to be healed,
19:21 so that he could serve.
19:23 That was his main goal, thank God.
19:25 I've got to be healed,
19:26 so that I can find my place with God.
19:28 But unfortunately, he's got one of these things
19:30 that are difficult...
19:31 Again, NEWSTART comes through because he leaves here
19:34 with either a pound or half a pound heavier,
19:36 which is big for this guy because he's never, you know,
19:39 he's very thin, he can't gain weight,
19:42 so he was very positive
19:43 about this weight gain that he had.
19:45 But then we came away at the end
19:47 realizing that he has one of these chronic disorders.
19:51 So we left with the idea that we can serve God any way.
19:55 We can serve God even when we have things
19:58 that are not readily healable,
20:00 where we still got this process of healing to go.
20:03 And he came to this place where towards the end he said,
20:05 you know, "I want to serve God now even if I'm sick."
20:11 And he understood the will of faith
20:14 means that by faith not only am I saved,
20:17 and by faith not only am I transformed,
20:19 but by faith I'll live.
20:20 So even if it's with problems, by faith I'm going to trust God
20:24 and step out, and, of course, that's what he's going home
20:27 in his mind to do.
20:29 Now do you find this to be true for all our guests
20:32 that they all have this attitude of change
20:36 and standing out on faith or what about the rest?
20:40 No, what I find in the...
20:43 The guests that do the least, they leave here
20:47 with the least amount of good or results.
20:50 They're the ones that don't do that.
20:52 And I'm saying this as God as my witness.
20:55 I have seen it now for 14-15 sessions.
20:58 And the ones halfway through the program
20:59 they do not work in the program,
21:01 they don't come to the Fresh Start lectures.
21:03 I can tell you at the end of the program,
21:04 they're going to be the ones that are struggling the most.
21:07 The ones that grasp
21:08 the spiritual concept of God's help,
21:10 God being with him, and they really put the effort
21:13 into the eight principles of the health,
21:15 they're the ones that leave with flying colors
21:17 with the great stories,
21:18 and it is a systematic measurable thing every session.
21:22 You know, when I do my lecture on the first Saturday
21:25 that they're here, I say,
21:27 "You know, folks, the reason why I was successful?
21:30 I came to every single lecture.
21:32 I sat right up front, I took notes,
21:35 I did everything I was told to do,
21:38 and God healed me.
21:40 And so I would advise you to get on the bandwagon here
21:45 and let God heal you."
21:47 You know, some people are just the way they are.
21:49 Some people are very weak, and I've have learned that too.
21:52 For a few guests that have been here,
21:54 I've learned how weak the human nature is.
21:56 And my heart goes out to them,
21:58 and I know that they're trying to...
21:59 They will come back, some of them
22:01 about two or three times,
22:02 and they're trying, and they're trying,
22:04 and God bless them,
22:05 we just got to keep praying for them,
22:07 and hope that they'll grab on to that idea of faith.
22:10 But you do as you say,
22:11 you got to have some skin in the game.
22:13 God wants you to take that step forward towards Him.
22:16 We have run out of time, brother.
22:18 Well, thank you so much. God bless you.
22:21 And God bless you too, friends.
22:22 Don't go away, stay tuned for the next segment.
22:29 Welcome to NEWSTART Now.
22:31 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, president of Weimar Institute.
22:33 And with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez,
22:35 one of our researchers, and physicians,
22:38 and teachers of research here at Weimar College.
22:42 And in fact,
22:43 the study we're going to be talking to you about today,
22:46 we had help from one of our college students,
22:49 Katie and Tina, who actually has been very instrumental,
22:54 and actually helping out with the depression
22:56 and anxiety recovery program on campus.
23:00 But in this particular study, we were looking at a factor
23:04 called emotional intelligence.
23:07 And, you know, Dr. Ramirez,
23:09 I was just seeing in Forbes magazine,
23:11 they recommend that you hire for emotional intelligence
23:14 even more so than general intelligence
23:17 that this has much more to do with your future success,
23:20 and happiness, and your ability to stay employed,
23:23 and to reach higher levels of employment.
23:26 And so, Dr. Ramirez,
23:28 this study is coming out in biological psychiatry.
23:33 And the interesting thing is
23:36 what we've put into our body,
23:37 what we do with our body
23:39 actually has to do with our brain chemistry,
23:41 and it can change the biology in the brain itself.
23:45 And that's what this study showed,
23:47 and why it was published in biological psychiatry.
23:50 So tell us a little bit about the study group itself.
23:56 Who was studied in this emotional intelligence data?
23:59 We have a very nice sample group
24:01 of 5,611 participants
24:05 that did the community
24:08 based depression recovery program
24:11 in literally around the world.
24:13 Okay, so these subjects
24:16 were not Weimar Institute per se,
24:18 but they were coming to learn Weimar type of principles.
24:23 And they were particularly coming
24:25 because they had depression, is that right?
24:28 Yes, three quarters of them had depression,
24:30 one quarter of them didn't have,
24:32 but wanted to improve their mental health.
24:34 Okay.
24:35 So most of them came with significant depression,
24:38 and this is a mental health education program
24:41 they're coming to.
24:44 How many educational sessions are there?
24:46 That's right. They have...
24:48 It is an eight week program.
24:50 So they had that eight sessions,
24:52 and one program in particular, we focus in helping them
24:56 understand this concept, and how to improve it,
25:00 but not only that was important,
25:04 but we had to put the foundations
25:06 before we talk about EQ and this type of concepts,
25:09 we had to change their diet,
25:10 we had to put them to do exercise
25:12 and so forth to prepare the environment for them
25:15 to understand these concepts.
25:17 Well, that's quite interesting.
25:19 And so, we do first some changes
25:22 in what were they putting into their body,
25:24 what they're doing with their body
25:25 that helps change the biology,
25:27 and then we get into teaching them
25:29 about how they're thinking.
25:31 And how we think can actually
25:34 change our brain chemistry as well.
25:36 And so, emotional intelligence, can you tell us what it is?
25:40 It's that ability for you to interact with others
25:44 and to motivate yourself.
25:46 There's five things
25:47 that emotional intelligence measures
25:49 and that is, knowing your emotions,
25:51 managing your emotions, recognizing emotions in others,
25:54 managing relationships in others,
25:56 and motivating yourself to reach those goals.
26:00 Okay, so you can see
26:01 why it's very important to happiness
26:03 because relationship is connected to our happiness
26:07 and healthy relationships are.
26:09 And so what did we find out?
26:10 What was the average emotional intelligence
26:12 for those that came into the program?
26:14 So on average, they had 100
26:17 which is the normal average around the world.
26:20 Okay.
26:21 So even though they were depressed,
26:23 their EQ was on average,
26:24 right at the average point at 100.
26:28 And what was able to happen
26:30 during the course of that just one program,
26:32 once a week for eight weeks.
26:34 That's right.
26:35 At the end, they had on average an EQ of 108.9.
26:41 Okay, so they went up nine points.
26:44 That's like an entire standard deviation.
26:47 That's very significant.
26:49 And that's the average.
26:50 There are some that actually went beyond the 120 barrier,
26:56 so that puts them in the very top levels
26:59 of emotional intelligence.
27:01 Wow, and that means they not only left the program
27:04 depression free and anxiety free
27:06 as many do that leave that program,
27:09 but they're now set up for levels of success
27:12 that are far better than people
27:13 who have never had depression and anxiety.
27:15 Yeah, those people
27:16 that usually in a groups setting,
27:18 they're causing sparks all over them,
27:21 those people have actually
27:22 a very low emotional intelligence.
27:24 They can have
27:25 low emotional intelligence and high IQ.
27:28 And this one helps you to get that balance, you know,
27:31 improve that IQ and EQ
27:33 as you participate in the program.
27:35 For NEWSTART Now, I'm Dr. Neil Nedley.
27:38 Join us again next week for another exciting study.
27:44 Well, friends, that's it for today,
27:46 but join us next week for another episode.
27:49 In the meantime, pick up the phone
27:50 and give us a call at 800-525-9192.
27:56 Mention the NEWSTART Now program,
27:59 and receive the NEWSTART's special.


Revised 2018-07-30