Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000210A
01:12 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:15 of NEWSTART Now. 01:16 I'm your host Ron Giannoni. 01:19 And we have a special interview this morning with Mary Garcia 01:24 from North Highlands, 01:26 here a local in Sacramento area. 01:29 She's come here fighting cancer, 01:33 and I'd like you to take a look at 01:34 when she first arrived. 01:39 I'm here because I have cancer. 01:41 And I've had an operation, 01:43 and they want to do another operation. 01:45 And I would like to find out what I'm doing wrong 01:49 to be able to correct that 01:50 and possibly avoid the second operation. 01:53 So I know that 01:55 there's something I'm doing right, 01:56 but there's still something missing. 01:59 And I guess the Lord has led me up to this point, 02:02 and He's going to get me through it. 02:04 The doctors when I came out of the first operation 02:07 were surprised. 02:09 They said, "You don't even look like 02:11 you've had an operation." 02:12 That was just right after my operation. 02:15 And when I woke up and they said, 02:18 "You don't look like you had an operation." 02:20 The nurses said the same thing, friends said the same thing, 02:23 people in church said the same thing. 02:26 I would like to see my cancer reversed. 02:30 Welcome back, friends. Mary, how are you, dear? 02:34 I'm well. 02:35 Good to see you. Good to see you too. 02:37 Yeah, and it's good to talk to you 02:39 about what's going on here. 02:41 You know, when you first arrived, 02:43 we did an interview and you were sharing with us 02:46 about your situation with cancer 02:48 and the surgery that's a couple weeks out. 02:52 But tell us why would you choose 02:56 to come to a lifestyle center before a surgery? 03:00 Well, I previously had a surgery 03:03 on another cancer tumor, 03:06 and before I did, I had started on my own 03:09 what I had read trying to build up my immune system. 03:12 But in this, and this is my second surgery, 03:15 I feel that I needed it even more 03:17 because the other one was in June 03:20 and that wasn't that far away. 03:22 And so I needed to really get built up 03:24 and get my strength going 03:26 so that when I do come into recovery again, 03:28 it will be fast and like it was the first time. 03:31 But, you know, the surgeries do take their toll. 03:35 Yes. 03:36 So it's a necessary this time. 03:38 And you're going to be better equipped now. 03:40 Yes, I am. 03:41 Because you've learned about some new tools, 03:45 if you will, 03:47 on how to strengthen the immune system, 03:50 how to build it up, 03:52 and so your fighter cells, if you will, 03:56 can easily fight the cancer. 03:59 Correct. Right? 04:00 Yes. 04:02 And what are some of the things you learned? 04:03 Oh, there are so many things. 04:05 The diet, the exercise, 04:07 it's all good. 04:09 One of the things... 04:10 I love beans and that's what is on this diet. 04:13 And I'm going to keep on eating my beans. 04:15 Love beans. 04:16 I'm glad they're not taking them out. 04:19 They wouldn't because you're from Hispanic background? 04:21 Oh, no. Oh, no, no not all. 04:23 Well, Italian and I love beans too. 04:25 So I don't know what that has to do with it. 04:27 Nonetheless, what about the hydro? 04:30 The hydro cold? 04:32 I had the fever baths. 04:34 Oh, you did? Yes, I had eight. 04:36 Better, yeah. 04:37 Today will be my eighth fever bath. 04:39 Explain to our viewers what is a fever treatment 04:44 and what it accomplishes. 04:47 The fever bath is to cause 04:49 my white blood cells to come out, 04:52 they're my firefighters, and they'll come out 04:54 and start attacking the cancer. 04:56 And so that's the purpose of taking this type of bath. 05:00 And in this bath, it's a big tub. 05:02 To me, it was like a horse trough. 05:05 It looked like a horse trough. Yes, it does. 05:08 And you get submerged in hot water at 110 degrees. 05:12 And your temperature is slowly brought up 05:15 between 102 and 103. 05:17 And it is kept there for about 20 minutes, 05:20 and then you're slowly taken back down. 05:21 So the whole process 05:23 is about 45 minutes to an hour long. 05:28 And they're putting ice packs on your head 05:30 because your brain is very, can be damaged by the heat. 05:34 Right. 05:35 So it keeps your brain cool, so you don't get 05:38 any damage to your brain. 05:39 And the rest of you is submerged in the hot water 05:42 and they keep putting hot packs, 05:45 cool packs with ice on your head. 05:47 And they keep blotting your face 05:48 'cause you're always sweating. 05:50 Yes. 05:51 And my technician, her name is April, 05:56 she was very nice, 05:58 we were joking around all the time. 05:59 She's the best. Yes. 06:01 So we enjoyed each other's company. 06:03 You know, we may call you up if we need an extra therapist 06:07 for fever treatments. 06:08 Okay. 06:10 Now I've done them as well for our guest. 06:13 You just described it so accurately, 06:17 and where the blessing for me 06:19 comes is you know these things, 06:21 and you've shown or told our viewers. 06:24 There are people out there 06:25 who know nothing about fighter cells 06:28 that can fight cancers and how to build the immune system 06:32 through fever treatments. 06:34 So this isn't the only place you can get a fever treatment, 06:37 but if you're wise, you come here and get them. 06:41 I'm going to return. 06:42 Yes, I know you are. 06:44 And I'm going to have to make an appointment for that 06:46 and come back. 06:47 And I'm also planning on coming to the alumni meals. 06:50 Oh, awesome. 06:52 That's now like the second week of the session I believe. 06:56 Yes. 06:57 Wednesday. 06:59 We'll look forward to it. 07:00 You're going to have a lot to share with us. 07:02 You have such a wonderful smile. 07:04 How come you're always happy? 07:05 Oh, it's the Lord. 07:08 That has nothing to do with me, 07:09 it's all Him. 07:12 Another good answer. 07:14 So your overall experience, how was that? 07:17 Very good. I liked it here. 07:19 It's just beautiful. 07:20 I love the country. 07:22 Being able to walk out here in the country, in the woods, 07:25 and it's just gorgeous here. 07:27 The sunsets, the dawn of the morning, 07:29 it's just beautiful. 07:31 So you get lots of pure fresh air here. 07:34 Yes. 07:36 What about our chaplain? 07:37 What did you think of his services here? 07:39 Oh, those were good. I liked it. 07:41 I always enjoyed the fresh start services 07:43 that he directed in the morning. 07:45 They were very good. 07:47 And Irwin also did beautiful music 07:48 in the morning for us too. 07:50 Yes. 07:51 So music and the Word of the Lord 07:52 being opened up to us really is a good way to start the day. 07:55 It's an awesome way. I'd like to continue that. 07:59 Now when you get home, 08:01 what will you continue? 08:02 I mean, I know you're going to continue your lifestyle, 08:05 what about these other treatments, 08:06 will you do those on your own? 08:08 When I get home, I'm going to continue 08:11 with doing my devotional, 08:12 my lesson in the morning as I was before. 08:15 I will continue to do exercise. 08:18 And as for the treatments, I will attempt to do some of it 08:22 because you actually need another person 08:24 to help you in that, 08:25 when you do the fever treatment. 08:27 I'm glad you said that. 08:28 You do. You actually need it. 08:29 It's recommended. Yes. 08:31 I will do with my best at home. 08:32 I will take hot bath and stay in the tub for a while, 08:36 and then rinse off with cold water 08:39 as cold comes out of the faucet. 08:41 Yes. 08:42 And right now, it's not coming out too cold, 08:43 but this winter it will be. 08:46 Now will you continue seeing Dr. Kay on an occasional basis? 08:51 Maybe I will. 08:52 I think, I might when I come 08:55 for the alumni thing 08:59 or when I come for a treatment, 09:00 I will make it a point to see him. 09:01 Okay, good. Thank you, dear. 09:03 Oh, thank you. And God bless you. 09:05 It was a pleasure. 09:06 Stay with it. Yes. 09:08 And God bless you too and your program. 09:10 Friends, thank you too, but don't go away. 09:13 Dr. Connie Noble is up next. 09:18 Welcome back, friends. 09:20 Help me welcome Dr. Connie Noble. 09:21 How you doing? 09:23 I'm doing great. Good to see you. 09:24 Oh, it's good to be here with you. 09:25 You know, 09:27 we had a moment just before program began. 09:30 And talking about this lady's attitude, 09:34 it just increases my faith 09:39 because she is so vivacious, so loving, so caring, 09:45 so sure, and positive. 09:48 And she's got all these cancers to deal with 09:52 and surgery, and she's like, 09:53 Oh, well, I'm just going to get stronger 09:55 and increase my faith in the Lord, 09:58 everything's going to be fine. 10:00 But tell... 10:01 Didn't you see that too? 10:03 Oh, absolutely. Isn't that amazing? 10:05 I'd be really, really paranoid about this time. 10:09 Oh, yeah, most people 10:10 when you've just been given a diagnosis of 10:14 not one but two cancers, significant, 10:18 you know, most people fall apart 10:20 or they just, yeah, the stress and anxiety, 10:23 the worry takes over, but not for Mary. 10:28 Is there something that you can say 10:29 to our guests that are watching 10:32 that might give them some encouragement, 10:34 some faith, just to know that it doesn't have to end? 10:41 Yeah, 10:44 I think that the lesson I learned from Mary, 10:46 when I think about her is so many people 10:49 do focus on the problem when they have a diagnosis. 10:54 And they let bad emotions, 10:57 things that have been hurting them, 11:00 just, oops, here's another thing 11:01 or here's another thing and just is a downward spiral, 11:05 but Mary was instead, 11:06 "Well, I've got to deal with this, 11:08 and just put everything in God and move forward. 11:11 A good example, the mind body connection, 11:13 I don't want to underplay it all 11:15 the faith in God 'cause that is the most important aspect. 11:17 Yeah. 11:18 But, I think, people do also forget 11:19 that the mind body connection is very profound, 11:22 the way God has made us. 11:24 And we do have a choice we're going to focus on, 11:25 the positive or the negative. 11:28 There's a study that was done on how people responded 11:31 to immunizations once full shot, how it was, 11:35 the study was on measuring antibody response. 11:38 And they had two groups of people. 11:40 In one group, for seven minutes 11:42 before the shot, they asked them to think about 11:44 a pleasant happy experience in their life, 11:46 the other group was supposed 11:48 to think about something negative 11:49 and bad that had happened to them. 11:51 For seven minutes before the shot 11:52 and then they just came, and said 11:54 "Okay, time for your shot." 11:55 They didn't tell them 11:56 why they told them to think about it or anything, 11:58 and people went on their way after the shot. 11:59 They brought them back six months later, 12:00 checked their antibody levels. 12:03 And there was a huge difference between the antibodies 12:05 that was in those who had thought about happy things 12:08 before that shot compared to those 12:11 that had thought about something tragic in their life 12:14 that they were still bitter about. 12:17 And so their emotional state 12:19 at that time had a profound influence 12:22 on the immune response. 12:27 That's some real powerful information 12:29 that kind of leads me back to the Bible were, 12:34 I think, it was Christ says, "What you focus on you become." 12:38 And I really believe that. 12:41 And what I just heard you say, 12:42 "If you're focusing on the negative, 12:44 your body's going to start producing negative stuff." 12:48 Whatever that is, I'm not a doctor 12:49 so I don't know. 12:51 But I know, when I'm feeling good, 12:53 when I'm feeling positive, 12:58 that energy that's flowing through me, 13:01 the love of God, Christ Himself is just keeping me alive. 13:07 You know, many people have trouble with peace. 13:09 Yeah. And contentment. 13:12 But what does Isaiah 26 tell us, 13:14 "Thou who have keep him in perfect peace 13:17 whose mind is stayed on thee 13:18 because he trusted in thee." 13:20 Amen, amen. 13:21 "Trust in the Lord. 13:23 Jehova, for in Him is everlasting peace, right, 13:26 and strength." 13:27 And here's a lady who's exemplifying that. 13:30 She's at peace. 13:33 And, you know, I'm just wondering, 13:35 man, I think, I fell short, I mean, real short 13:39 because I only seem to be at peace 13:41 when everything is going right. 13:43 But I don't know that everything 13:45 is going right for her, 13:46 at least not from my perspective. 13:48 From her perspective, 13:51 I think, it's just fine. 13:53 And you just nailed it. 13:55 Thank you for sharing that. You're welcome. 13:57 So how about our guest viewers, 14:00 now can you look in that camera and tell them 14:03 what they might think about doing. 14:07 You know, I know that many of you challenge 14:10 or face huge challenges in your life, 14:12 and God wants to bring you through those. 14:17 We're not all born positive. 14:20 Ron, I was not born 14:22 with rose-colored glasses on my vision. 14:25 I was tend to be more of a pessimist 14:27 and I learned over time. 14:30 When you rely on God, you talk faith, 14:34 you spend time with the Lord each and every day, 14:37 and you put your full trust in Him. 14:38 He will bring you through. 14:40 He'll bring us all through, and He truly can give us peace 14:43 even in the midst of a very trying moment, 14:47 like being told you have cancer. 14:49 So for you, Ron, for our viewers, 14:52 that is what I would really like everyone to go home 14:55 with and myself included. 14:56 That's life, things happen, 14:58 but God is always going to bring us through. 15:00 Some of you say amen. 15:02 I mean, that was powerful. 15:04 We could have done a sermon on that. 15:07 But thank you, doctor. 15:09 It's really encouraging to here a doctor speak like you do, 15:14 and I'm so grateful that you're here 15:16 and I know Mary is too. 15:18 Praise the Lord. Thank you. 15:20 Good to see you again. Good to see you too. 15:21 And thank you, friends. 15:23 Don't go away, Pastor Snead is up next. 15:31 Every year in America 15:33 there are over one million deaths 15:34 because of type two diabetes and chronic obesity. 15:37 This includes heart attacks and strokes. 15:39 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day. 15:43 What's even worse is that the fix is easy. 15:46 It's your lifestyle. 15:48 Wouldn't it be nice 15:49 if you could actually add quality years to your life 15:51 rather than dying one organ at a time? 15:54 Obesity and diabetes are the cause 15:56 of over a million deaths per year. 15:58 Most diseases are reversible 16:00 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases, 16:03 especially type two diabetes and chronic obesity. 16:07 Seriously, now they can be reversed 16:09 and the quality of your life can be renewed. 16:12 Call NEWSTART Today at 1-800-525-9192. 16:19 You will see dramatic changes 16:20 in the first few days at our program, 16:22 and you will be on the road 16:24 to a better more robust quality of life. 16:26 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective. 16:32 Welcome back, friends. 16:34 Help me welcome Damon Snead, Pastor Snead. 16:38 How you doing, friend? I'm doing good, man. 16:40 You know, I want to talk to about Mary, 16:44 but there's not a lot to say. 16:47 I mean, you've mentioned 16:48 that before the interview started, 16:50 there really is not a lot to say. 16:51 This woman is so special. 16:55 You know, I know God has a plan for her. 16:57 She's got such a good attitude. 17:00 She is just a blessing to speak to. 17:03 She's very short in her answers which is fine, 17:06 but how are you able to assist the Marys of this world 17:10 where they come in like they don't need any help. 17:14 Yeah, well, she came in, and immediately, 17:18 you know that she's a good woman. 17:19 Actually, she's the perfect church member. 17:22 She's never going to cause trouble. 17:24 She's never going to speak bad about anybody, 17:26 no gossiping. 17:28 I don't care how terrible you preach, 17:29 she's going to find something good 17:32 in positive out of all that. 17:34 So it was a bit challenging 17:36 to really help her and assist her. 17:40 And it took some time to get through there 17:42 and find out what her fears were 17:44 and what things that she was worried about 17:46 and things she was concerned about, 17:47 but she surprised me 17:49 because she's like, "Well, God's got this covered, 17:50 you know. 17:52 It's all about faith." 17:53 She believed. Isn't that amazing? 17:55 The faith out of that little woman. 17:58 But she did. 18:00 Towards the end, 18:01 I found something that she said 18:02 that was something I haven't heard before 18:04 about this health message, 18:06 the reason why she found the spiritual important. 18:09 Of course, typically, she believes that the spiritual 18:12 has to go with the health side. 18:13 She knows that it's God that does the ultimate healing. 18:16 But she said something to me 18:17 and, you know, I asked her, I said, 18:19 "What's your takeaway with bringing the spiritual, 18:22 bringing God into the health message?" 18:24 And I was expecting the same typical answer, 18:26 "Well, God heals. 18:27 He'll give me power, He'll give me strength, 18:29 He'll help me to overcome." 18:30 Those are the answers 18:31 that we normally hear that God will help my will, 18:34 but with her, it was this and she said, 18:37 "I want God to be guiding my doctor's hand. 18:41 I want to be connected with God 18:42 because I want Him 18:44 to be working with these doctors 18:46 that are dealing with me." 18:48 And she even talked about the doctors here, 18:50 as good as they are, they can miss something. 18:52 And, you know, 18:54 she's going to have surgery when she leaves here. 18:56 And one of her concerns was this that, 18:58 "I really want the doctors 19:00 to be guiding those surgeons hands. 19:02 I want the God to be their eyes to help them see." 19:06 So from her point of view, it was more of having God work 19:10 through her health professions, 19:12 and I've never heard that before. 19:13 Wow. 19:14 You know, we pray that prayer a lot 19:16 that God will guide our surgeons 19:18 and He's the master surgeon and metaphysician 19:22 and a lot of things that Jesus has been called. 19:25 But to hear say these words, wow, I just go, 19:31 what more could you have ask for. 19:33 Right. 19:34 And she's got a great attitude about it. 19:37 And by the way, September 11... 19:40 Yeah, it's coming soon. 19:41 So it will be, it's right around the corner, 19:43 a couple weeks out. 19:45 And I want to have a group of us join in prayer 19:49 not just for Mary but for Billy, for Jeffrey, 19:53 for all the people that come through our program 19:56 'cause there are so many in need. 19:58 But I got to tell you this. 20:00 When I'm sitting back and I watch graduation, 20:04 and I see the people of all these diseases, 20:07 and they all make their testimony 20:09 evolving around God and they're being rebaptized 20:15 and their faith been reinstalled. 20:20 This tells me, "Damon has done it again." 20:24 You know... 20:26 But, you know, something else that comes out of this too. 20:27 When you see the God is, you know, they're rededicating 20:32 their lives to God. 20:33 But if you also notice 20:35 how close they become to one another, 20:36 which is one of the signs of the Gospel, 20:38 "Your love for one another." 20:40 Amen. 20:41 And they all, they're lifting one another up. 20:43 There talking about their own healing, 20:45 but then you can look at... 20:46 As they look at their fellow classmates 20:49 and they make comments like, I just pray that God 20:51 heal sister so and so, I pray 20:52 that the God's with you, brother, 20:54 and they have this heart for one another. 20:56 So it's like not just a personal healing, 20:59 but you can truly see the Spirit of God 21:02 working not just in their personal lives 21:04 but in the group at large. 21:06 Amen. Amen. 21:08 I love that. 21:09 Oh, we've run out of time. 21:11 That's the fastest five minutes I've ever seen. 21:13 I want to thank you, Damon. 21:15 We will see you around campus. 21:16 And thank you. Don't go away. 21:18 Stay tuned for the next segment. 21:21 When we look at the health status 21:22 of Americans today, 21:24 it's alarming to see that 60% are either overweight or obese. 21:34 In addition, diseases such as type two diabetes, cancer, 21:37 and heart disorders are the leading cause 21:39 of so many complications and deaths every year. 21:46 Could it have something to do with what we eat? 21:49 After all, every one in four Americans 21:52 visit a fast food restaurant daily. 21:54 And with such easy access to quick-fix foods, 21:57 we tend to forget the poor health value 21:59 those foods actually offer. 22:02 Maybe it's the sedentary lifestyle 22:04 and lack of exercise that we've become so accustomed 22:07 to as a media-dependent world. 22:10 Whatever the cause of these diseases, 22:12 a solution has arrived. 22:16 The NEWSTART lifestyle center offers an enriching program 22:19 where patients can get a healing 22:21 of mind, body, and soul. 22:23 Located on the outskirts of Sacramento, 22:26 the NEWSTART center 22:27 is situated on the beautiful campus 22:29 of Weimar Center of Health Education 22:32 with scenic walking and hiking trails all around. 22:35 With a whole plant foods eaten whole motto, 22:39 the NEWSTART center promotes a healthy plant-based diet 22:42 with an emphasis on natural foods. 22:44 The NEWSTART staff are made up of 22:46 California board-certified nurses, doctors, dieticians, 22:51 and therapists who work together 22:53 to assist each patient personally. 22:55 The staff are dedicated to each patient's success 22:58 in the program, and are always there to guide, 23:01 advice, and encourage. 23:03 In addition to a healthy lifestyle, 23:05 NEWSTART also promotes a healthy exercise routine. 23:08 You're both in sequence, that's good. 23:10 All right. 23:11 As part of the balance program, there is much opportunity 23:14 to get in the fair share of physical activity 23:16 from utilizing our fitness center 23:19 to taking a stroll around the peaceful grounds of Weimar. 23:22 It's amazing what a new start can do for you. 23:27 Welcome to NEWSTART Now. 23:29 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, President of Weimar Institute. 23:32 And with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez, 23:34 one of our researchers and physicians here 23:36 at NEWSTART who also teaches at Weimar College. 23:41 Actually, we've been teaming up together 23:42 to do quite a number of studies, 23:45 looking at NEWSTART, and a lot of other things 23:47 that happened here at Weimar, 23:48 in depression and anxiety recovery as well. 23:51 But today, we're going to take a look at a subgroup 23:54 of patients that this scientific journal 23:57 was very interested in. 23:59 It's a subgroup called Post-Menopausal Women. 24:03 And of course, a lot of women when they're younger 24:06 look forward to the days 24:07 when they won't have to go through that monthly cycle, 24:10 and they won't have to worry about that bleeding. 24:13 But unfortunately, when they are ready to go 24:17 through that cycle and afterwards, 24:19 they tend to get 24:20 pretty unhealthy here in America. 24:23 Their cholesterols go up, their waistlines go up, 24:26 and even though they're not having periods, 24:28 they're on healthy, 24:30 and they're at the risk of a lot of problems, 24:32 like heart disease and stroke and breast cancer 24:35 and all sorts of other issues. 24:37 And so how many post-menopausal women 24:41 were looked at in this study? 24:42 We had 793 ladies that have gone through 24:47 this 14 years of data that we have 24:50 on this NEWSTAR program. 24:51 Okay, 24:53 so this was 14 years of data. 24:54 Of course, there's a lot more people 24:57 would have gone through the program on this, 24:59 but we didn't have 25:00 that past data available for us. 25:03 So this is the more recent, 25:05 14 years, brand new modern women, 25:09 many of them or most of them have, 25:11 of course, they're still around. 25:12 In fact, if you came to NEWSTART, 25:14 I would imagine pretty much all of them 25:15 are still around as long as they're carrying through 25:19 what they've learned here 25:20 which most do. 25:21 And so tell us a little bit about what happened 25:24 to these almost 800 women. 25:25 Yep. 25:27 Well, something we see in medical consultation, 25:29 as they pass through that changed, 25:31 their numbers in cholesterol 25:32 and so forth start going in the wrong direction. 25:36 For example, on the LDL cholesterol, 25:39 a very good cholesterol that correlates 25:42 to heart disease and stroke and very negative events, 25:46 they were able to lower it 25:48 very nicely from 135 on average, 25:51 by the end 117 their average. 25:55 Okay, and that's not using any medicine, Doc. 25:57 That is actually without any medication 26:00 to lower cholesterol. 26:01 Just a few days of lifestyle changes. 26:04 It's amazing what can happen 26:06 from years of beating your body up 26:09 through a poor diet and exercise, 26:11 what can happen when you come to Weimar, 26:13 in just a matter of a few days, 26:15 how quickly the body starts to heal itself. 26:18 And specially, in this particular age group, 26:21 that's the time that people start taking medications. 26:25 And when a physician starts seeing these numbers, 26:27 he gets worried 26:29 and adding and adding and adding more medications 26:31 that have side effects and so forth. 26:33 So the beauty of this is that these ladies 26:35 were able to improve those numbers 26:39 and at the same time decrease 26:41 in some of the medications and feeling great. 26:44 Other number that improved very nicely 26:46 was their mean cholesterol from... 26:49 At 221, it came down to 195, 26:54 and a mode of 175. 26:56 Most of the ladies had that 175 number. 26:59 Okay. 27:01 So that's significant. 27:02 That's about 50, sometimes, 27:04 50 number drop in milligrams per deciliter 27:08 just in a few days by coming to a NEWSTART. 27:11 Also, their weight improved. 27:13 Their weight improved. 27:14 On average, they were losing four pounds which is very good. 27:18 We don't want that huge drop in weight 27:21 because you going to gain it back 27:23 as you start losing weight little by little. 27:25 And you continue that, 27:27 these numbers, the other numbers 27:29 will actually continue to improve 27:31 as you improve that weight. 27:33 So if you know any post menopausal woman 27:36 who needs an additional boost in their health 27:39 and needs to lower their risk factors for death, 27:42 dying, stroke, and heart attack, 27:45 I want to encourage you to call us 27:47 here at Weimar Institute, 27:49 so you can be part of the positive studies 27:51 that continue to come forward in the medical literature. 27:55 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, and this is NEWSTART Now. 27:59 Join us again next week, 28:00 and you'll hear about another exciting study 28:02 that was recently published. |
Revised 2018-07-23