Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000209A

01:13 Hi, friends, and welcome to another edition
01:15 of NEWSTART Now I'm your host Ron Giannoni.
01:20 In our studio, with me today,
01:22 all the way from Puerto Rico is Billy Culp.
01:29 And Billy came as a translator.
01:32 And get this, he comes as a translator,
01:36 we'll need to find out that he needs it
01:38 as much as the guy he's translating for.
01:41 So take a look at when he first arrived.
01:45 Yeah, I'm here, at first, I was coming as translator
01:50 for a pastor that was going through tough health problems.
01:55 And then Mr. John Campbell asked me
01:59 if I needed some help also, so I'm here also for my health.
02:03 I have rheumatoid arthritis with gout before my arthritis,
02:09 and almost all my joints are deformed
02:12 and also I have a kidney renal failure,
02:15 47 percent of working.
02:19 Well, I have help from God, by His grace,
02:23 to improve my health, better eating,
02:26 and be able to do exercise also.
02:32 Welcome back, friends. Help me welcome...
02:34 How are you, Billy?
02:36 How are you, Ron? I'm doing fine.
02:38 I'm doing great too.
02:39 It's so good to talk to you. Thank you.
02:42 And see your smiling face. Yes.
02:45 You've been positive since day one.
02:48 Yes, I had a good NEWSTART.
02:51 Yeah, now you got even a better start.
02:54 Yeah.
02:56 But, you know, I want to talk to you about
02:57 what's happened with you.
02:59 How are your hands doing?
03:01 When you came here, you couldn't walk too well.
03:04 Tell me about what's going on?
03:06 Yes.
03:08 As you know, I came here as a translator,
03:10 Spanish translator for my companion Pastor Rafael Reyes.
03:14 Yes.
03:15 And Brother John Campbell asked me
03:18 if I needed also help, support.
03:22 And I said, "Yes. I need it."
03:25 So Brother Campbell...
03:27 John, thank you if you're watching.
03:29 And I know you're going to see this someday.
03:31 Thank you and God bless you.
03:32 He was having Pastor Rafael come here.
03:37 Yeah.
03:38 So John calls me and says, "he doesn't speak any English
03:43 or very, very little he understands."
03:45 I said, "Well, we need a translator."
03:47 He asked if we could provide that.
03:49 I said, no.
03:51 And then he contacted you. Yes.
03:53 And that's where he contacted me also.
03:56 And so he brought me here also for the program.
04:00 Yes. Yes.
04:02 And so we see you, we understand
04:05 that you need the program
04:07 as much if not more than Rafael.
04:11 Yes. Right?
04:13 Yes I had been going through arthritis problem,
04:16 gout problems.
04:17 Arthritis. Yeah, anemia.
04:19 What's happening with the gout now?
04:20 Well, first of all, since day two,
04:24 my headache was going,
04:26 I've been having headaches every day for several months.
04:29 Really? And that's a blessing.
04:32 Was that from medications? Yeah, probably. Yeah.
04:36 And also, I couldn't walk a mile
04:41 because I get tired
04:43 and my feet hurt and everything.
04:45 Now I'm walking 11 miles a day.
04:49 And what happened to the gout?
04:50 It's little better. No pain.
04:52 I have no pain right now. No pain.
04:54 So no gout? No gout.
04:56 Wow. What about the arthritis?
04:58 Arthritis is a lot better.
05:01 My hands are very flexible.
05:04 They have more strength, and I can grab things better.
05:09 You can hold that Bible in your hand now.
05:11 Yeah, Bible and my cup also,
05:15 my bottle of water, drinking five bottles a day.
05:21 Wow. Yeah.
05:23 How is the walking?
05:24 And you're walking 11 miles.
05:27 How is it that you got to that 11 miles?
05:31 Just started daily, slow by slow,
05:34 started 3, 4, 6, 8, and now 11.
05:40 Oh, praise God.
05:41 And just in a week, I can walk 11 miles.
05:44 Wow.
05:46 And how about the food? How did you like the comida?
05:49 Yeah, it's very good.
05:50 Comida is very good. Very good.
05:52 Yeah, all the nutrition like the Bible says in Genesis 1:29,
05:58 all of the food is there.
06:00 All the nutrition, protein, carbohydrate, the fats,
06:04 everything is in the grains, and the beans,
06:09 and the vegetables and the fruits,
06:11 everything's there.
06:12 It's all right there. All right there.
06:14 People call me and say, "Well, what about the protein?"
06:16 I go, "Well, open up your encyclopedia
06:19 if you have one and look at an elephant
06:21 and tell me what they eat."
06:24 Yeah, and a camel. They eat grass.
06:25 And a camel, all right.
06:27 And a bull. Yeah.
06:29 Billy, would you do me a favor? Yeah.
06:31 Would you say, in your native tongue
06:33 to some of our Spanish viewers, just keep it brief
06:38 'cause we don't have a lot of time.
06:40 Tell them that if they have a problem
06:43 they can come here,
06:45 and maybe you'll even come as a translator.
06:47 Yeah, anywhere, I'm at your service.
06:48 Please do.
07:39 Well said.
07:41 I couldn't have done that.
07:43 You couldn't? Because I don't speak Spanish.
07:44 Oh, okay, that's right, that's right.
07:47 But, you know, when you get home,
07:50 now people are going to want to know
07:52 about this health message,
07:54 they're going to see the changes in you,
07:57 what are you going to do?
07:59 Well, I'm going to tell my congregation
08:03 about this better life now,
08:07 this lifestyle and health food
08:10 and NEWSTART exercising, NEWSTART and everything.
08:15 So you're going to create a sermon?
08:17 Yes. I'm preparing myself for that.
08:19 Awesome, awesome. Yeah.
08:21 Now what about where you live.
08:22 You know, do you gonna have to throw out certain foods?
08:26 Yeah, yeah.
08:28 Would you give them away or throw them out?
08:30 No, I'll throw them out.
08:31 Good. Like someone I know did.
08:35 You're referring to your brother Ron.
08:37 Yes, I am.
08:38 I know 'cause that's what we did.
08:40 Yeah.
08:41 We learned so much about the foods
08:42 that we're eating then that we couldn't give them away
08:46 because we looked at them as poisons.
08:48 Yes, yes.
08:50 Okay, so who's your doctor, by the way, I didn't ask you.
08:53 Here? Yeah.
08:54 Dr. Gallant. Dr. Gallant.
08:56 Yeah, very grateful for him.
08:58 Yes, he's helped you great deal.
09:00 Yeah.
09:02 And Philip, the therapist, everyone, the nurses,
09:05 everyone, they're excellent Christians
09:08 and they pray for you all the time.
09:10 Isn't that marvelous?
09:11 Yes, it is. This is a great place.
09:13 It's a little piece of heaven in earth.
09:16 Yes.
09:17 Well, Billy, I want to thank you again
09:19 coming all the way from Puerto Rico
09:22 and being so willing to come here
09:23 to help your brother Rafael.
09:26 And thank you for being on our program.
09:27 Thank you, Ron. I'm expecting greater things.
09:30 Yes, yes.
09:31 And thank you, friends. Praise the lord.
09:33 Don't go away 'cause Dr. Gallant is up next.
10:13 Welcome back, friends. Dr. Gallant.
10:16 Ron, good to see you.
10:17 It's always good to see you. And it's good to be seen.
10:19 Amen, amen.
10:21 I want to just get right into the Billy story.
10:24 Yes. You know, he called...
10:26 Actually, he didn't call, a friend called
10:28 and said he had these pastors
10:30 that needed to come here from Puerto Rico
10:33 but he had won then, but he didn't speak English.
10:38 Right. So he got Billy to interpret.
10:43 What happened is that Billy needed more attention
10:47 than the guy he was here for.
10:49 That's right, that's right.
10:50 You know, tell me what you saw.
10:52 Billy came to us, initially, to be the translator,
10:55 but then he talked to his sponsor
10:58 and said, "Hey, you know, I've got some issues too."
11:00 And I come to find out he does.
11:02 He came and he told me he has four types of arthritis,
11:07 and it's bad arthritis.
11:09 He has gout that has deformed his hands and his feet,
11:14 he has these nodules that are, what we call,
11:17 TOFI on his digits,
11:20 and it just looks very uncomfortable.
11:23 And when he came here, he was having a lot of pain.
11:26 He couldn't walk, as I recall.
11:28 Could barely walk.
11:29 Barely, I mean, he could walk, but barely.
11:31 Yeah, barely. Everything was uncomfortable.
11:34 Big knot on his knee.
11:35 Knot on his knees, and he had them on his feet
11:37 and his ankles, and just very uncomfortable.
11:42 He started changing his lifestyle.
11:44 We put him on a fast for three days.
11:48 He started to detox.
11:51 We did hydrotherapy to help him and massage to help him.
11:57 Billy told me, within a week, that his pain was gone.
12:01 Oh, my Lord.
12:03 By the time he left here,
12:05 he was averaging 17,000 steps a day.
12:09 How many miles is that? Six?
12:11 Well, on average, that's over five,
12:13 maybe six or seven, just depends.
12:15 Wow. Yeah.
12:17 Now you said he began to change his lifestyle.
12:23 Can you elaborate?
12:25 What does that mean, change lifestyle?
12:27 Do I go get a different job or what?
12:30 Well, here at NEWSTART, we teach them
12:33 what we think is God's health plan,
12:36 and we use the acronym NEWSTART to represent the new lifestyle.
12:40 So the N stands for nutrition, the E stands for exercise,
12:46 the W stands for water, the S stands for sunlight,
12:50 the T stands for temperance or balance,
12:54 the A stands for air,
12:56 the R is for rest, which is so important
12:59 because that's when our bodies heal and repair,
13:01 and the last T is trust in God,
13:04 having a personal relationship with God.
13:06 When you start to apply all of those things,
13:09 it changes your life, hence a new lifestyle.
13:12 And so we see that people start to change,
13:17 they come here and we...
13:18 The two things that are the most obvious
13:20 that start right away is we ask them
13:22 to walk for exercise
13:24 and we ask them to drink more water.
13:27 But don't you think...
13:28 I mean, I don't know how old Billy is.
13:30 He's 50 something maybe,
13:31 and he's had this arthritis hands,
13:33 they're all deformed, and in seven days,
13:37 the pain's gone?
13:38 Is this...
13:40 I mean, can I call this a miracle?
13:42 Absolutely, absolutely.
13:44 God is still in the healing business
13:46 and still does miracles.
13:48 And, you know, by the time he left here,
13:51 he just said he felt so great.
13:54 I would see him walking all the time,
13:57 getting lots of steps, which is so important.
14:01 But Billy also came here with a burden on his heart,
14:07 and that burden started to ease up
14:10 because of some things that were going on in his family.
14:13 And that also contributes to your healing.
14:16 And God also provides not only physical healing
14:19 but also spiritual and emotional healing as well.
14:22 Amen. You know, he's going to...
14:27 I think he's going back to Puerto Rico
14:30 and then to Minnesota.
14:31 That's right.
14:32 And worked up here in the States.
14:35 Has he been in touch?
14:36 I've tried to reach him,
14:38 and because of all that's happened
14:40 with the weather and so on,
14:41 I haven't had a chance to be able
14:42 to get through to him.
14:44 Yeah, so aside from the arthritis
14:48 and these nodules and all these things,
14:51 what else has he experienced that you know of?
14:54 Well, when he came here, he didn't know this,
14:57 but his blood sugar was little elevated.
15:00 And so he was heading down the road towards diabetes.
15:04 And being here, increasing his exercise,
15:06 eating differently, doing things differently,
15:09 his blood sugars came down.
15:12 So is it fair to say
15:13 that anyone who's watching right now
15:15 who has diabetes type 2, I'm gonna say,
15:19 can reverse this diabetes?
15:22 I believe by the grace of God that that is possible.
15:25 We've seen it over and over again.
15:27 Yes, yes. And I would be one of those.
15:29 Well, you know, diabetes is a lifestyle disease.
15:32 Yes.
15:33 Two things impact diabetes significantly.
15:36 One of them is fat on your body
15:39 and the second one is fat in your diet.
15:41 Mm-hm.
15:42 People become type 2 diabetics as they get older and bigger,
15:46 you know, and so you've got to change
15:48 the fat in your diet
15:49 and exercise to change the fat on your body
15:52 and your diabetes will improve.
15:55 I once heard one of our doctors,
15:57 maybe it was you, had said
15:59 the fat you eat is the fat you wear.
16:02 Well, it wasn't me, but that's very true.
16:04 Yeah, absolutely.
16:05 We've run out of time.
16:07 I want to thank you, Dr. Gallant.
16:08 I know you're a busy man.
16:10 Well, good to see you, Ron. Good to be here.
16:11 Yeah, and thank you, friends, but don't go away
16:14 'cause Damon Snead, our pastor, is up next.
16:21 Every year in America,
16:22 there are over one million deaths
16:24 because of type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
16:26 This includes heart attacks and strokes.
16:29 That's six and a half 747s crashing every day.
16:32 What's even more surprising is that the fix is easy.
16:36 It's your lifestyle.
16:37 Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually add
16:39 quality years to your life
16:41 rather than dying one organ at a time?
16:44 Obesity and diabetes are the cause
16:45 of over a million deaths per year.
16:48 Most diseases are reversible
16:50 because most diseases are lifestyle diseases,
16:53 especially type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity.
16:56 Seriously now, they can be reversed
16:58 and the quality of your life can be renewed.
17:02 Call NEWSTART today at 1-800-525-9192.
17:08 You will see dramatic changes
17:10 in the first few days of our program
17:12 and you'll be on the road to a better,
17:13 more robust quality of life.
17:16 The NEWSTART programs are simple and effective.
17:22 Welcome back, friends.
17:24 Pastor Snead, how are you, brother?
17:26 I'm doing well, friend.
17:28 You look good as usual. Thank you very much.
17:31 So what about Billy?
17:33 Here he is, you're a pastor, he's a pastor,
17:38 he's translating for a pastor,
17:41 I mean, how does this work when you're...
17:44 Do you feel different when you're talking another
17:48 man of cloth as they say?
17:50 Oh, yeah, every time I get a pastor come through,
17:53 my first thoughts are...
17:54 'Cause my idea is to mix the spiritual and the health,
17:58 my first thoughts are,
17:59 "I ain't going to able to tell this guy anything,
18:01 I mean, he probably knows more than I do."
18:03 So I always have that fear, and so it's not just one guy,
18:06 it's two pastors.
18:07 Yeah.
18:09 But I had a pleasant surprise from Billy.
18:12 You know, he was a very...
18:14 as you would expect, he was very spiritual here,
18:17 he went around praying for people,
18:19 and he had that wonderful story of providence
18:21 of how he needed to be here.
18:23 But a pastor, you know,
18:25 they don't make a whole lot of money,
18:27 and so he couldn't really get here
18:28 but he knew he needed to be here,
18:30 and through this door of his friend
18:32 that he came translating,
18:33 it's a wonderful story of providence,
18:35 how God brought him here to be part of this program
18:39 and the things that he learned here
18:40 was pretty profound.
18:43 So even pastors can learn. Oh, sure.
18:47 And again, like I said, when I got here,
18:49 I was worried about him for two reasons,
18:50 number one, because he is a pastor,
18:52 and number two,
18:54 because he had this debilitating,
18:55 crippling, deforming arthritis.
18:58 And my first thoughts were how in the world
19:01 is this health program going to help him?
19:04 And two, what am I going to be able to give him?
19:06 But his story, at the end, at graduation, was wonderful.
19:10 He talked about how even though his hands are deformed,
19:14 how he can move them.
19:15 He held up a book, he was holding a set of books
19:18 saying, "I couldn't do this before I got here."
19:20 And when he got here, his feet were so deformed
19:22 and messed up, he couldn't hardly walk.
19:24 And he was walking 11 miles now.
19:26 And so he got the health benefits,
19:29 but then it was his tie to the spiritual
19:31 that surprised me.
19:32 He said, "It was the fresh start lectures
19:35 that re-geared my mind towards what God can do."
19:39 And he attributed his healing
19:41 was not only from the natural things
19:43 that we taught him but also from learning
19:45 to re-devote his life to God every morning.
19:47 And so he learned to wake up in the morning,
19:49 devote his life to God, and he believed
19:51 those two things combined was the reason
19:53 why he was able to walk, get around,
19:55 and feel much better.
19:57 Amen.
19:58 He's such a wonderful guy, you know.
20:01 I know you didn't see his interview,
20:03 but it was amazing what he had to share.
20:06 And we asked him to share in his native tongue
20:09 to those viewers who were watching
20:11 and he gave us a little plug.
20:13 But nonetheless, I'm happy to hear
20:16 of his response to...
20:19 And how well you two communicated.
20:22 Actually, the three of you.
20:24 Was there anything that you would do different
20:27 for pastors than other people who are not pastors?
20:31 Sure, thinking back, and I've had several...
20:35 I mean, actually, almost every other session
20:38 we have pastors come through.
20:40 And for me, I would like to really
20:43 set a special time aside for the pastors
20:45 and really tell them, "You know,
20:46 I'm not trying to teach you
20:48 some elementary thing that you don't know,
20:50 but here are the things that I've learned myself,
20:52 here are the things that I didn't know,
20:54 and being a pastor for 15 years that I've learned."
20:57 And to set aside a special time with them
20:59 and say, "Hey,
21:00 we're going to learn something together,
21:01 because like Billy said, and his friend Louise
21:05 who said, 'When I go back home,
21:07 I'm going to tell other pastors,
21:09 I'm going to tell my church members.'"
21:11 And that fire that he had is what pastors should get.
21:14 Coming here isn't about because you just didn't know,
21:17 but it's about learning something
21:18 that you can take back to your congregations
21:20 and be a blessing to others, to other pastors.
21:24 And then he was so fired him, he can't wait to get back home.
21:27 And to spread this idea that,
21:29 "Hey, if they can help this, all this arthritis,
21:32 and of course, his friend lost weight
21:33 and he's feeling much better,
21:35 and if God can help a pastor, he can help anybody."
21:40 That's true, but, you know, I asked him,
21:42 I said, "Now you're going to go back
21:44 and teach this what you've learned?"
21:45 "Oh, yeah, I'm working on my first sermon.
21:48 The health message and how to evolved into..."
21:53 And of course, the spiritual aspects of it,
21:56 you know, he's all in.
21:58 I'm telling you, he's going to be an angel
22:01 for the NEWSTART program as you are.
22:05 And I thank you for the first day
22:08 you came on campus, and when we first met,
22:11 you came up and introduced yourself.
22:13 And I asked someone, "Who is that guy?"
22:15 They told me, and they go, "Right on, he's a good guy."
22:18 We've run out of time. I want to thank you.
22:22 Thank you, Damon. God bless you.
22:23 You too, my friend. We'll talk soon.
22:25 All right. And don't go away.
22:26 Stay tuned for the next segment.
22:32 Welcome to NEWSTART Now.
22:33 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, president of Weimar Institute,
22:37 and with me today is Dr. Eddie Ramirez,
22:40 one of our physicians and researchers
22:42 who is well published in the scientific literature
22:45 and really travels all over the world
22:48 presenting studies about Weimar and NEWSTART
22:51 anywhere from Harvard to China to many places
22:56 where there are scientists gathered together
22:59 for him to present the exciting things
23:01 that are happening here at NEWSTART.
23:04 Today, we're gonna be talking about the silent killer.
23:08 Dr Ramirez, what is the silent killer?
23:10 The silent killer is called high blood pressure.
23:14 Many people have issues with high blood pressure,
23:18 and they don't even realize it,
23:19 and this has very negative effects on the body.
23:23 The internal organs
23:25 cannot withstand that excess blood pressure,
23:28 and the person, many times, end up with severe problems
23:31 like heart failure
23:33 as a result of that long-term high blood pressure
23:36 for long periods of time.
23:38 Yes, and of course,
23:39 it also increases the risk of stroke dramatically,
23:42 both hemorrhagic stroke and bleeding stroke.
23:45 And let me say, although high blood pressure
23:49 can affect your kidneys and all sorts of things,
23:51 and the worst thing it can do is affect your brain
23:54 because that's who we are.
23:55 And so this is why it's very important,
23:57 even if you don't have a stroke,
23:59 if your blood pressure stays elevated,
24:01 you're gonna start losing your memory a lot quicker,
24:04 age-related cognitive decline.
24:06 Half of the patients, they are on dialysis
24:08 in a dialysis center are there
24:10 because their blood pressure was not controlled earlier.
24:13 So find out what your blood pressure is,
24:16 if it's above 115/80,
24:20 you're a candidate to coming to NEWSTART
24:23 just for blood pressure alone.
24:25 How many patients were studied in this particularly study
24:28 that was published in the journal Atherosclerosis,
24:32 Thrombosis, And Vascular Biology?
24:35 One thousand one hundred and ninety-six.
24:38 Okay, so this is no small group,
24:40 and that's why it's being accepted for publication
24:43 because this program works for blood pressure.
24:46 And what did we find out
24:48 in these well over 1,000 patients
24:50 who were on the verge of silently killing themselves
24:53 before they came here?
24:54 Well, on average,
24:56 what we would like for you to have
24:57 is a blood pressure, a systolic number
25:00 of 115 or under that.
25:02 On average, these patients had 132,
25:06 way too high.
25:08 And we took the blood pressure many times
25:11 throughout the programs so we could monitor.
25:13 We need to watch out, and many times,
25:16 we actually decrease or eliminate your medication
25:18 as you come to the program
25:20 because if we keep you
25:22 with the same amount of medication,
25:23 you may go way too low and you actually can pass out
25:26 or have some nasty side effect.
25:29 So look at the progression,
25:31 at time one, by the end of the first week,
25:34 they had an average blood pressure of 125,
25:38 very good number.
25:39 Okay, they've gone down about 13, well about 7.
25:42 It was 132? 132.
25:44 Okay, so they've gone down seven points in a week.
25:46 Then at time two, 121. Okay, another four points.
25:51 And by the end, 121 again.
25:55 So that was a very good improvement
25:58 in just 18 days.
26:00 See, the blood pressure medication
26:02 that many times you're taking
26:05 doesn't lower your blood pressure by many points,
26:08 you know, this is much more efficient than that.
26:11 A lot of times, these antihypertensives
26:13 that can be pretty costly
26:14 are going to lower it about five or six points.
26:16 That's right.
26:17 And if they lower four, they think that's great.
26:20 And so this is a program that lowers it by well over 10,
26:26 and it will continue to come down
26:28 gradually after that.
26:30 And so, in fact, as we do follow-up programs,
26:33 we realize this is a diet and a lifestyle
26:37 that you can be on for life, and so your chance...
26:41 What is the chance of being able to be
26:43 medication free
26:45 and have your blood pressure controlled
26:47 if you have high blood pressure?
26:49 Do we have that?
26:50 I don't have that number in particular here,
26:54 but we do know that most of the people
26:57 that keep on the program,
26:59 they need to continue working with their physician
27:01 because, very soon,
27:03 either they will decrease your medication
27:05 or you no longer will have a need for medication.
27:09 Also, another number that we were measuring
27:12 was diastolic, the other number.
27:16 On average, they started with a diastolic of 76,
27:20 it came down, first week, to 72,
27:23 to the second week to 70,
27:25 and by the end of program to 69.
27:29 Weimar continues to save lives,
27:31 sometimes just by controlling blood pressure
27:34 through lifestyle.
27:36 Thank you for watching NEWSTART Now.
27:38 I'm Dr. Neil Nedley, and join us again next week
27:41 for another new exciting study.
27:46 Well, friends, that's it for today.
27:47 But join us next week for another episode.
27:51 In the meantime, pick up the phone
27:52 and give us a call at 1-800-525-9192.
27:58 Mention the NEWSTART Now program
28:01 and receive the NEWSTART Special.


Revised 2018-07-23